Sisters In Slavery Prequel Chapter 02 A Teenaged Slave Girl Learns Her True Place free porn video

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I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that all of the established female characters will not be appearing in this part of the story.



Part 02

Chelsea discovers her true self.



Robert was happy to be finally getting out of school for the day. He had been struggling to stay awake for the last two periods. Actually passing out for a few minutes during one of his history teachers lectures. Strangely him staying up late the night before to fuck the hell out of Kelly wasn't to blame for that incident. His teacher's lectures were so boring that several of his other classmates passed out also. Thankfully the day was finally done and he could get ready for his date with Chelsea.



Once he arrived home Robert saw his brother was out with his friends for a change and saw the opportunity for a little fun with Kelly. Entering his room Robert grabbed one of the two hand bells from the drawer of his desk. After walking to his door way Robert starting ringing the bell. By the time he had replaced the bell in the drawer he could hear the clicking of Kelly's high hills rushing down the hallway. Robert couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face as Kelly rushed into the room and knelt at his feet.



As he closed and locked his door Robert couldn't help examining how she looked in her maid uniform. The skin tight top perfectly confirmed to the counters of her upper body while Kelly's cleavage was on full display. If not for the frilly apron incorporated into the outfit Robert would be able to see Kelly's pierced nipples through the tight fabric barely covering her breasts. However thanks to the extremely short skirt her bare pussy and ass we're easy to see when she bent over even slightly. This also allowed Kelly's well sculpted legs and feet encased in fishnet stockings and five inch stiletto high-heels to be fully visible at all times.



Now Kelly's blonde hair was tied in her required ponytail right behind her frilly lace head band. However the last bit of the outfit was probably the hardest to explain to outsiders. This was the metal collar and cuffs Kelly wore around her neck, wrists, and ankles. To keep from having to answer these questions they had been covered in matching white lace frills to those in her head band, edges of her apron, and the bottom of the skirt. As much as Robert enjoyed admiring Kelly in this outfit he had other things to do that night and gave her his orders.



" Slave remove your uniform and go draw me a bath. Once it is ready kneel beside the tub and call to inform me it is ready."



Kelly quickly responded with "Master Robert this slave understands your instructions for it and will have everything ready for it's owner's bath at once". Kelly then was stripping out of her uniform and rushing into the bathroom as fast as she could. Once Robert heard the water running he walked into his closet to grab the clothing he wanted for that night. He chose to go with a suit due to him meeting Chelsea's mother that night and wanted to make a good impression. He had just laid his ***********ion on the bed when he heard Kelly call out "Master Robert this slave has your bath prepared."



As Robert entered the bathroom he saw Kelly kneeling just as he instructed. He also saw she had anticipated what tasks he wanted her to preform for him and had soap and a sponge waiting next to the bathtub. After having Kelly undress him Robert slowly lowered himself into the water. As he relaxed in the warm water he instructed Kelly to gather up his dirty clothes and set them by his bedroom door. She was to then quickly return and start washing him.



Robert always enjoyed being washed by Kelly this way. She was always quite thorough cleaning every inch of his body. Her scalp massages as she washed his hair were especially useful for relieving his pent-up stress. After she had him completely clean Kelly would then slowly wipe him down with a towel and carefully brush his hair.



Once his hair was done Kelly provided Robert with the required after bath blow job. This was something Kelly was exceptionally skilled at and was used frequently this way by both Robert and his father. Only once she had swallowed the last of Robert's cum and thoroughly licked his cock and balls clean was Kelly able to preform the final task. She obediently followed Robert back to his bedroom and dressed him in the clothing he'd ***********ed. Only after Kelly had Robert's tie on straight was she allowed to redress herself and told to take the dirty laundry with her as she left the room.



As Kelly was passing out the door Robert saw her shoot him a fearful glance over her shoulder. She did that every time he started to examine himself in the mirror after her dressing him. However she had been doing such fantastic job that it was becoming harder to find a reason to punish her for anything. She even saw that Robert had forgotten The Organization's lapel pin and placed it on his suit jacket. After a final check he had everything Robert decided it was time to go.



As he passed through the kitchen Robert saw the two slaves preparing dinner and decided Kelly deserved a reward. After informing the two that he would not be home for dinner he gave them orders for the night. Once released for the night by his father Kelly would spend the night in his mother's bed. They both were then allowed to lick each other to as many orgasms as they wanted. However they were both still expected to wake up and start their duties on time the next day.



With that taken care of Robert head towards the garage and his new car. As much as he didn't really care about having access to his trust fund it didn't stop him from spending some of his money. First thing he bought was a brand new BMW Roadster. Then at his father's urging Robert purchased fancier clothing to wear at special events his father was taking him to. Granted Robert still preferred his usual attire of jeans and a t-shirts that made up his normal wardrobe.



Though he had since added a leather jacket he found he just had to have. Along with a few purchases that he made for his mother and Kelly. Some were a few outfits to dress them in while they serviced him or each other for his entertainment. Along with some sex toy's that he kept in the trunk at the back of his closet. When of course neither of the slaves were having them used on them.



His favorite were the sexy schoolgirl and teacher outfits he got them. Robert loved watching his mother dressed as a teacher as she disciplined Kelly in her schoolgirl outfit. Robert especially liked watching Kelly dressed that way on her knees desperately eating out his mother. All the while trying to avoid getting a ass fucking with the strap on he bought for his mother. Robert had to push those images from his mind as he started his car and hit the button on the garage door opener.



Pulling into the driveway Robert dropped the top on the car before going through the gate. After a quick trip down their private road and he was headed towards the freeway. Once off the on ramp Robert began passing slower traffic as he watched for his exit. It was then a quick hop to the gated community Chelsea lived in. Before he knew it he was parking in Chelsea's driveway behind her mother's car.



Walking up to the door Robert took a moment to admire Chelsea's house. It was quite a nice though somewhat too generic for Robert's tastes two story house. Within an fairly upscale suburban neighborhood full of perfectly trimmed lawns and flower beds. Still Robert didn't personally like the proximity of all of the houses to each other. This neighborhood would never afford the privacy required for his family's lifestyle.



As he rung the door bell Robert was expecting Chelsea's mother to answer the door. However he was surprised to see a man open the door and began examining Robert from head to toe. Though the man's eyes seamed to linger a bit longer than necessary on Robert's lapel pin. Robert had almost thought he got the wrong house. As least until the man asked if Robert was Chelsea's date.



Robert took this moment to introduce himself to the man and confirm he was Chelsea's date. As the man looked Robert over again Robert took a moment to return the favor. Since he was dressed casually in slacks and sweater Robert guessed he was very likely a white collar worker. His hair style and fare complexion told Robert he spent a majority of his time in doors. Still Robert wondered why Chelsea hadn't mentioned him before.



Thankfully the man soon introduced himself as Harold Anderson. He then told Robert he was dating Chelsea's mother. Once Robert shook Mr Anderson's hand he was invited inside where Robert finally got to meet Chelsea's mother Diane. As he was shown to the living room. Robert took a moment to admire Diane. Even at first glance Robert could see Chelsea wasn't the only attractive woman in this house.



Still the difference between the two was telling. Chelsea was a petite brunette with the figure to match. Diane looked like the stereotypical California blonde. Even while dressed in a blouse and slacks Robert could tell Diane had a nice figure. With large full breasts and curves in all the right places.



About the only thing the two had in common were the glasses they wore. Both required a bit of assistance to see properly. Though Chelsea did prefer wear a more stylish design then the set her mother had on at the moment. Still they gave Diane the same intellectual look that Robert found so attractive in Chelsea.



As they waited for Chelsea to finish getting ready the two asked Robert to tell them about himself, his family and his plans for tonight. Robert knew better than to mention his mother and step sister's status but told a lot about his home life. After taking bit about his hobbies and some volunteer work he recently did. Robert told them about his college plans and working part time at his father's office. Robert then told them the restaurant he was talking Chelsea to and the play his father had given him tickets for before bringing Chelsea home once the play was over with.



Now the mention of working in his father's office made them bring up Chelsea telling them about the stock he owned in their company. Which got Robert told of Harold also being Diane's business partner and them wondering what he felt about their company. Robert confirmed that he had been doing a little stock trading for a few years. He also mentioned that buying the stock was a bit of a favor to Chelsea but Robert saw good potential from their company. Robert also told them he saw their company's current problems were the result of disgruntled employees making false claims.



Any further conversation ended when they saw Chelsea coming down the stairs. The black dress she had on wrapped around her neck while leaving most of her back, arms, and shoulders bare. While at the same time keeping her breasts completely covered but seamed the perfectly confirm and perfectly mold itself to the counters of her body. Before finally ending midway between her knees and thighs. Further enhancing Chelsea's figure were the matching black stockings covering her lean legs perfectly contoured by the three inch black high heels she wore.



Further enhancing her beauty Chelsea chose to wear her contact lenses so her entire face was now visible. Her makeup was done to perfection. Just enough to enhance the features of her already beautiful face but not distract from it. As a final touch Chelsea had her normally shoulder blade length black hair pinned up on the back of her head with few lose wisps serving to frame her face. Seeing Chelsea looking like this had practically rendered Robert speechless.



But the expression on his face wasn't lost on Chelsea as rushed over to him. Once she got to him Chelsea kissed Robert on the cheek before telling him thank you for such a wonderful compliment. The look of confusion on his face had Chelsea clarifying the look on his face was the compliment she was referring to. While at this same time he could hear both Harold and Diane laughing about his reaction.



While Robert had to laugh a little bit himself about the humor in the situation. He was a soon surprised once again by Chelsea grabbing her purse then a overnight bag and leading Robert outside. Before Robert even had chance to ask what was going on he heard both Harold and Diane tell Chelsea to have fun and they would see her Sunday evening. It was finally once they got to his car that Robert was able to ask Chelsea what was going on. As he helped her into the passenger seat Chelsea gave him his answer.



"Well first we're going out to dinner like you told me you'd arranged. Then we will go see the play you have the tickets for. Finally your going to take me back to your house and we're going to spend this weekend fucking like bunny rabbits."



Still shocked by Chelsea's forwardness Robert could only shrug his shoulders before placing her overnight bag in the trunk. Still as he climbed in behind the steering wheel Robert had to ask Chelsea if she was sure this was what she wanted. Her response of hell yes and telling him she had wanted to get him inside her panties for a while now. Giving all the encouragement Robert needed. Backing out of the driveway Robert wasn't going to pass up the chance at getting Chelsea into his bed he just needed to warn the others about their house guest once they got to the restaurant.



The way Chelsea was pressing herself against him had Robert wishing the valet would hurry and bring his car. All throughout dinner and the play Chelsea had been whispering about things she would do once they got to his house or even on the way home. From sucking his cock during the drive to even taking it up her ass. But what really had him both confused and worked up was the suggestion she made the moment the valet left to get his car. That was her seducing Kelly so they could put on a lesbian show for him.



Robert never would've believed Chelsea was even into those sort of things. Let alone considering being with Kelly. Hell the two of them never even got along before even once getting in a fight at school. So Chelsea had just be teasing him some to get him worked up. Not that he minded the mental picture he had of the two of them together.



As he finally saw the valet approaching in his car Robert was grateful. Chelsea's teasing whispers already had his cock hard as a rock. But now her fingers kept gliding over his crotch every chance they got. He needed to get her home soon or he was going end up to cuming in his pants. A few final whispers as the car pulled up had Robert considering a use for the souvenir Chelsea slipped into his pocket just as the play ended.



As he tipped the valet Robert's fingers brushed against Chelsea's panties. Helping Chelsea into her seat Robert still didn't believe she actually removed them during the play like that. Let alone flashing her bare crotch at him like that. Still he figured what was good for the goose was good for the gander. So as he helped her fasten her seatbelt Robert gave Chelsea's breast and ass a firm squeeze.



Now before Robert had chance to close Chelsea's door she took her teasing up another notch. By saying if he kept that up she was going to spread herself out over his hood right there and let Robert fuck her in front of everyone. She hadn't been that quite so there were now several people looking at them strangely. This attention had both of them blushing. Yet while he was a bit embarrassed Robert wasn't upset with Chelsea.



Still he needed to do something about her teasing before she did more than embarrass them some. So Robert decided to give Chelsea a literal taste of her own medicine. Looking to see if anyone was looking Robert slipped her damp panties from his pocket. When he saw the coast was clear he bent over and whispered the following in her ear. "That was a very naughty thing that came from your mouth. Thankfully I've got my own naughty way to keep anymore naughtness from coming out of that mouth of yours."



Just as Chelsea was about to respond his hand covered her mouth and slipped her panties between her lips crotch first. He then gave her cheek a quick kiss while at the same time squeezed her right breast. Moving quickly before she could do anything but squirm in her seat Robert closed her door and rushed around to the other side of the car. He quickly jumped into his seat and before Robert even had buckled up he was driving away. As he finally got his seatbelt fastened Robert glaced over at Chelsea to see if he had pushed things to far but was shocked by what he saw.



Chelsea still had the panties in her mouth muffling the moans she was giving off. Glancing down to her chest Chelsea had pulled the top of her dress to the side and was fondling her exposed right breast. But when he looked at Chelsea's crotch Robert saw the true reason she was moaning. She had pulled her dress up and Chelsea had two fingers buried in her pussy while her thumb was frantically rubbing her clit. Robert couldn't believe that Chelsea would be masturbating so publicly like that.



It was almost like Chelsea had suddenly had lost all of her sexual inhibitions and turned into a brazen slut. Robert knew he should be looking away but his eyes refused to obey the command being given to them by his brain. Until the sudden sound of a horn honking forced Robert's attention away from the sight in the passenger seat just in time to swerve the car out of oncoming traffic. Calming the panic he felt over the close call Robert glanced back over at Chelsea and saw she was so engrossed in masturbating she never even noticed they almost got killed. Giving Chelsea a final glance he gave her a warning.


"If you cause me to get in wreck or get us pulled over I will have no choice but to put you over my knee and give you a spanking."



Even though Chelsea hadn't noticed the near head on collision they almost had she did hear what Robert told her. The thought of being spanked by him was the final push she needed to set of a massive orgasm. Even as she screamed around the panties in her mouth. Chelsea's body began to shake violently as it strained against her seatbelt. Until the sensation finally overwhelmed her and she lost consciousness.



Robert had to pull over as Chelsea was going through the throws of her climax. Seeing her go limp worried Robert at first until he saw Chelsea was breathing normally. Before getting the car moving again Robert reached over to reposition Chelsea's dress so her breast and pussy were covered. Then just before releasing the brake Robert pulled the panties from Chelsea's mouth. Several minutes later Robert heard the sounds of Chelsea coming around.



He suddenly squeak he heard from the passenger seat told Robert Chelsea was awake. He gave her a quick glance to make sure she was alright and found her watching him with an intense look of passion on her face. Based on the way Chelsea was staring at his crotch. Robert knew he would be lucky if they made to his room before she raped him. Robert decided steps needed taken to speed up the process or Chelsea was likely to hurt him to get what she wanted.



As he pulled into his private road his seatbelt came off and he began to loosen his tie. By the time they were through the gate his tie was off and his shirt was partially unbuttoned. Backing into the garage was especially challenging due to Chelsea having unbuckled herself and stretching over to kiss him on the lips. Still Robert got the car parked somewhat straight in the garage before becoming lost in her embrace. It felt like monumental struggle to separate long enough to get out of the car.



Somehow that managed to separate long enough to gather their things and get out of the car. Now they hadn't fully gotten out of the garage before their lips were locked together and their hands were roaming all over their bodies. Trying to move though the house like this was a bit awkward but they quickly developed routine. They would make out frantically for five to ten minutes then when they had to come up to breathe they would move further into the house. They eventually got a little bit of of help from Robert's father and he some how did it without throwing a bucket of water on them or at least that's how would jokingly describe the incident later on.



They were almost through the din before Chelsea pinned Robert to the nearest wall and their lips started going at it. Robert's right arm was wrapped around Chelsea's back holding her against him. Both of Chelsea's hands had firm grip on Robert's ass pulling his body even tighter against hers. Though it looked like she more interested in the way his crotch was pressed against her. It was when Robert's left hand glided up Chelsea's leg on its way to her ass lifting her dress and exposing her ass in the process they heard Robert's father address them.



"If the two of you are going to continue in the open like that you should consider selling tickets."



Suddenly realizing they weren't alone they separated long enough to see who was there with them. Looking around they suddenly saw Robert's father sitting in a chair with a book in his lap. While Robert suspected his father may have been upset with them for such a public spectacle they were putting on. He couldn't tell based on his how he was currently reacting to how amusing he had found their reaction to him being there. Before they even had chance to apologize for disturbing him he addressed them again.



"We'll talk later why don't you two get to your room upstairs before the young lady tries to rape you son."



Chelsea was blushing the whole time Robert's father was talking to them. Yet as soon as he finished she started giggling a little as she grabbed ahold of Robert's arm and starting leading him towards the stairs. As embarrassed as he was by that encounter Robert was also grateful. Not just because he didn't know how they would've got up the stairs without getting hurt while making making out like that. But also due to fact as much as Robert had been enjoying himself earlier he was looking forward to what would happen once they got to his room more.



As soon as they got through his bedroom door Chelsea told Robert to to close and lock the door. As Robert turn to do that Chelsea started heading towards the bed while doing something with her dress where it wrapped around her neck. As Robert turned back around he watched as the dress just seamed the slide down Chelsea's body and pool around her feet. As her dress hit the floor Chelsea stepped out of the the ring of fabric surrounding her and struck a pose for Robert. Robert couldn't help but to take a moment to admire the sight before him.



Chelsea stood with her right leg crossed slightly in front of the other while leaving her pubic mound and the well trimmed thin strip of black pubic hair l still visible. Her waist was twisted slightly because of the positioning of her legs allowing part of Chelsea's ass cheek to be visible but at the same time seaming to enhance the curvature of her hips and waist. Chelsea's back was arched back slightly thrusting her breasts forward. Finally her arms were raised up with her hands positioned on the back her head.



Seeing Robert's appreciation for what he saw Chelsea flashed him smile before removing the clips holding her hair up. Even as her black hair was still flowing down Chelsea started climbing into his bed. As Robert began frantically taking his own clothes off Chelsea laid on her back with her arms behind her head and spread her legs slightly. As soon as Robert was naked he was climbing into bed on top of Chelsea and they began to passionately kiss each other. As Chelsea grabbed his cock then started to position it against her pussy Robert had to stop her and told her the following.



"No you don't my naughty little nymphomaniac we will be getting to that soon enough but we are going to be having a different kind of fun first."



After giving her a very intense kiss on the lips Robert began planting small kisses all the way down Chelsea's neck. Slowly Robert started working his way down Chelsea's body planting kisses as he explored every inch of her body. All the while running his hands gently over her sides. Robert seamed especially interested in the point where Chelsea's neck transitioned to her shoulders. A small part of this was out of curiosity about how it would look with a collar there.



But most of his interest was out of the fact this was the first time he got to explore this portion of a woman's body without a collar in the way. Robert would love to have Chelsea as his slave being certain she would look outstanding in a maid's uniform alongside Kelly. But Robert had personal reasons for being reluctant to go through with that idea. He decided to let go of the idea for the moment and focus on the next area of Chelsea's body he wanted to explore. Slowly he inched closer and closer to his destination until her breasts were finally in front of his face.



Reaching Chelsea's breasts Robert focused his attention on her nipples. Chelsea's breasts we're at best a b-cup that had barely flattened on her chest as laid on her back. Yet the most interesting feature of Chelsea's breasts were her long pointed nipples that seamed in constant state of erection. Robert quickly learned they were also extremely sensitive and was very gentle as he played with them with his tongue and sucked on them.



All the while he was playing with Chelsea's nipples he was paying attention to how aroused she was getting. Within the short time he had been sucking on her nipples Chelsea had almost reached the point of orgasm and Robert had to shift his attentions to other parts of her body. After giving each breast a final kiss Robert started working his way down Chelsea's stomach. Here he spent a lot of extra time he hadn't been planning on to allow Chelsea's arousal to calm down some. He was wanting the draw this out a lot longer by working his way down one leg and back up the other before getting to his final destination of her pussy.



However the closer he got to Chelsea's pussy Robert could see she was becomingly more and more impatient about being denied release. If circumstances were different he would have continued his little teasing game but the look of desperation on Chelsea's face couldn't be ignored any longer. So rather than eating her out like he had planned to originally he moved back on top of her. A sigh of relief escaped Chelsea's lips as she realized was finally going to give her what she wanted.



Still as much as he wanted to immediately proceed Robert knew he still had something else to do first. As Robert kissed Chelsea on her lips he reached over to his nightstand. After feeling around for a bit Robert finally got the drawer open and began searching for what he needed. Thankfully he didn't keep much in that drawer so finding the box of condoms didn't take that long. However Robert knew he was going to be able to open the condom's wrapper and kiss Chelsea at the same time.



Robert braking the kiss to focus on opening the package allowed Chelsea to see what he was doing. Her hand wrapping around the one of Robert's holding the condom stopped his attempts to open the package and made him look at her. As Chelsea shook her head no and gave Robert a pleading look made him let go of the condom. Before he had a chance to reconsider Chelsea pulled Robert's head back to hers and gave him a passionate kiss. Once again Robert felt one of Chelsea's hands wrap around his cock.



Only this time he wasn't going to stop her as she lined his cock up with her pussy. Slowly Robert inched the head of his cock inside of Chelsea's tight little pussy. Once he had the head of his cock inside of Chelsea's pussy he broke the kiss to look her in the eyes. As they stared intensely into each other's eyes Robert felt Chelsea's hands grab a hold of his ass. Slowly she pulled him deeper within her until finally they felt their pubic hair brushed against each other



With out braking the gaze he was sharing with Chelsea Robert began to slowly began thrusting his cock in and out of Chelsea's pussy. Despite Chelsea's fingernails digging into his ass in attempt to get him to increase his pace Robert was still was maintaining the slow rhythm to his thrusting. Robert had spent the last several hours being teased by Chelsea and now he was returning the favor. He could see how close she was getting to climax and Robert was keeping the slow pace to hold her right on the edge.



Chelsea was on the verge of begging Robert after he gave her several hard thrusts that nearly pushed her over the edge. Only to move to deny her release by immediately returning to his slower rhythm of his thrusting. Her desperation wasn't quite to the level Robert wanted before he was willing to give in. She had the right expression of pleading on her face and her shallow moans and grown deeper the closer she got to release. Two more hard thrusts to get her teetering on the edge again before going back to the slower rhythm again.



She was just so close to release Chelsea couldn't handle it any longer. She was at the point of promising Robert anything he wanted even knowing the consequences it would hold for her. Even though Robert didn't realize it Chelsea knew exactly what he had become recently and the world he was now a part of. Neither did Robert realize that Chelsea had her own involvement in this world. Yet while they both knew the meaning of the lapel pin Robert had been wearing he hadn't noticed the small gold bracelet on Chelsea's right wrist.



This was a marker of the "Freedom Bribe" that had been paid to The Organization on her behalf. Only now her freedom was teetering on the same edge as her release. Chelsea was so desperate for the release Robert kept denying her. After several more hard thrusts and back to that infuriating slow rhythm she was was regretting going through with this plan of hers. She had asked Robert out and planned this weekend as a test to see what kind of "Master" he was and see if her suspicions about his designs for owning her were true.



Everything she had done had been about testing Robert from the dress to her excessive teasing. Unfortunately she had found she enjoyed letting her inhibitions go and had taken things to far. Now she was conflicted about what she wanted between the intense orgasm in the car brought on by the thought of him spanking her to how much Chelsea was actually enjoying the way Robert was currently tormenting her. Now she wasn't sure if she actually wanted to become one of Robert's slaves now. Him showing her his dominant side when helping her into the car was such a turn on for Chelsea



The way he had shoved that damp cloth in her mouth and then groped her breast still aroused her to no end. Then realizing that it was actually her own panties in her mouth and the dampness was her pussy juices she was tasting drove Chelsea wild with desire. It was no wonder that she had to masturbate so badly yet she couldn't cum until there was the threat of the spanking and then it happened. Chelsea had never cum that hard before and now realized may never experience it again unless she is wearing Robert's collar. Now here she was even more desperately wild with desire and her only hope for relief was to do the unthinkable as she gave in and started pleading.



"Please Robert let me cum I'll do anything you want just please let me cum."



Chelsea looked just so desperate as she said that Robert couldn't hold back any more. As he began thrusting both faster and harder than he had before bent down giving her the most passionate kiss he could. This was exactly what Chelsea was so desperate for what she needed so badly. The sensation she would give anything including her own freedom to experience. Chelsea was on the very edge of climax when Robert broke the kiss and whispered the following in to her ear.



"Cum for me my naughty little nymphomaniac."



With a few hard thrusts Robert finally drove Chelsea past the edge he'd been holding her at for god only knew how long. A combination of being kept on the edge of release for so long and the thought of Chelsea being a sex slave servicing her "Master" made this orgasm even more intense than the one in the car. Blackness was already appearing on the edges of her vision at the onset. Then there was the way her body contorted feeling like she was being bent in half backwards. Then there was the ear splitting scream that came from her lips being the last thing Chelsea remembered before she lost consciousness.



Seeing Chelsea pass out again seriously worried Robert. Making him wonder if he had managed to trigger some medical condition of hers she hadn't told him about. Especially when he went to check her pulse and saw the bracelet she'd been wearing for the last several months. Thinking it was one of those medical alert bracelets Robert knew he had to know what it said. As he held her unconscious body against him Robert moved Chelsea's wrist so he could read what was on the tag and was shocked by what he saw.



Looking back at Chelsea's face in confusion Robert was at least relieved to see Chelsea was coming around. Knowing that she may be at least alright Robert breathed a sigh of relief. But this feeling was still being overshadowed by all the questions Robert now had regarding the bracelet. As Robert's attention returned to the bracelet and he read what it said again. Out of the corner of his eye Robert could Chelsea was watching him examine her bracelet with a panicked expression on her her face and had to ask her.



"Would you care explaining when you were going to tell me about this Chelsea?"



Robert saw that Chelsea was now even more afraid and rightfully assumed it was him she was afraid of. Pulling her tighter against him Robert just held her as she started crying hysterically. Robert's only experiences with women had been with with slaves and didn't know how he was to deal with this situation. The only thing he could think of was just keep holding her against him until she calmed down enough for them to talk about it. He was about to tell her it was alright and she could tell him about it when she was ready when Chelsea shocked him with the plea that came out of her mouth.



"Please Robert don't enslave me. I know it's your right after what I said. But please don't make me be your sex slave. I'll do anything else you want from me but please not that."



Robert was even more confused then before if what the bracelet meant what he thought it did then he couldn't touch Chelsea that way. Unless she herself was consenting to enslavement or had been found in violation of The Organization's rules and laws. Then he thought about what she could have said that could be grounds for him being able to enslave her and remembered her words while they were making love. His father's lessons suddenly came back to him and Robert had to be honest with Chelsea.



"Chelsea I won't lie to you and say I'm not wanting to hold you to your promise. Nor will I deny that I have not wanted you as my slave for a while now. But I will be honest with you that there is circumstances you may or may not know about that it where it is probably be best if I did do what you are asking me not to do. But I'll make you deal I won't make decisions until we had talked about all of this and some other things. In the meantime we will carry on as we planned starting with me sleeping with you in my arms tonight."



Getting out of bed Robert quickly went and shut off the lights. He was actually surprised to find Chelsea still there when he got back to his bed. He had almost expected her to lock herself in the restroom but instead he saw her just laying there waiting for him. Though as he took her into his arms he could feel her trembling in fear and began stroking her hair to help calm her down some. Robert didn't know how long he held Chelsea like that before she finally fell asleep but only once she did Robert finally drift off himself.



Though it didn't feel like he had been asleep very long when he felt Chelsea moving within his arms. Slowly coming around he became aware she was trying to get free of his grasp and momentarily tightened his hold on her to let her know he was awake. When he did that Chelsea froze up and started trembling again. Leading Robert to tell her he would let go of her if she wanted but he still wanted her to stay with him for the rest of the weekend but was shocked by her reply.



"Master I'm willing to except whatever fate you decide for me and will stay as you asked but I wasn't trying to run away from you Master. I just need to use the restroom and will be back as soon as I'm done."



Releasing his hold on her Robert watched as Chelsea scurried to towards his bathroom in a hurry. Though she did stop long enough to grab her purse along the way. He was a bit surprised she didn't close the door but he figured that could be out of habit for he rarely closed that door himself. Though he was a bit surprised to see her come back out wearing her glasses until he remembered she had probably needed to remove her contacts. Still he had to remind her she didn't have a problem with him seeing her naked earlier so there should be no need to be covering her pussy and breasts now.



Chelsea immediately apologized and again referring to him as "Master" which was confusing to Robert. Still after taking off her glasses and setting them on his nightstand she got back into the bed and returned to almost the exact same position against him she had been before. Chelsea didn't even tremble any when Robert wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tighter against him this time. He was about to tell her to relax and go to sleep when he decided to ask her about why she was now calling him "Master" now when he hasn't said if he was going to make her be his slave yet.



Robert had to kick himself for forgetting that rule when Chelsea told him the reason she had to. Granted she said if he did decide to enslave her then it was best to get into the habit early. But the true reason was according to the laws of The Organization she was now required to address him by his title now they both knew each other's stations. He told not to call him that around his brother since he wasn't part of The Organization yet. Then before telling her to get some sleep Robert said he would prefer to talk to his father before she addressed him by his title to avoid any confusion.



Even though he didn't get his usual amount of sleep either of the nights before Robert woke up early and surprisingly well rested. Something about having Chelsea's body pressed against him made the quality of that little bit of sleep feel better than the quantity he usually got by himself. It made him wonder why he had never tried it before. Sure he would occasionally let Kelly sleep in his room after fucking her all night but he had always made her sleep on the floor afterwards. With Chelsea it just seamed natural to have her with him and was just another reason to go through with her enslavement in his opinion.



Being reminded of his potentially new slave Robert decided it was time to get her up as well. He had a lot planned for her today and felt they should be getting an early start. Granted looking at Chelsea sleeping so peacefully against him Robert felt a little guilty about disturbing her. Chelsea had such a serene expression on her face like a great weight had been lifted from her. Having a theory about what that was Robert decided that he would be treating her the way he had during their love making and not when she was a potential slave as his softly shook her shoulder and spoke just as softly.



It's time to get up my naughty little nymphomaniac. There's a lot for us to do today and we need out this bed to do it."



Watching Chelsea wake up was just as good as watching her sleep in Robert's opinion. Though he was quick to notice that Chelsea seamed to had forgotten the drama that had happened just before they gone to sleep. She peacefully reached over and kissed him on the lips before telling him good morning and using his name. Though when Robert looked at her with a raised eye brow before giving her a questioning glance Chelsea was quick to apologize and beg for forgiveness being sure to use his title and not his name. Robert calm tone of voice seamed to calm her down some but still not fully.



"Relax my naughty little nymphomaniac you are probably getting a spanking Sunday night but not for that. Now let's get up and take a shower. I've got a few things planned for us and I think we both want to be clean for them."



When Chelsea started to ask him what he was talking about he quickly silenced her by placing a finger against her lips and shaking her head no. Gently taking Chelsea's hand he helped her out of the bed and lead her to the bathroom. Chelsea didn't know what to think when Robert soon had the shower going and had lead her inside with him. Then to her surprise Robert proceeded to gently wash Chelsea's body from head to toe. He even refused to let her wash him after finished with her and just quickly went about getting himself clean.



After first drying her off and then himself Robert allowed her privacy to use the restroom as he left her alone for the first time. Though once he had heard the toilet flush Robert was back wearing a long bathrobe and carrying a second one for Chelsea to wear. He even helped her put it before having her sit in a chair he'd placed in front of the mirror in his room. It was then that he had to apologize for leaving her overnight bag in the car and saying he was going to have to make other arrangements. Robert then picked up the phone and and began dialing Chelsea couldn't hear what was said on the other end but she did hear Robert.



"I want Kelly here as fast as possible with hair brush and a makeup kit."



Before long Chelsea heard the clicking of high heels approaching and a knock on the door. Robert signaled for Chelsea to stay where she was and be quite as he went to answer the door. Chelsea was extremely nervous as Robert showed Kelly in and they saw each other for the first time. After giving Kelly orders to do Chelsea's hair and makeup Robert went around gathering up their clothing off the floor. Robert then waited for Kelly to finish before asking Chelsea if she had packed a swimsuit.



When Chelsea shook her head no Robert gave Kelly some more orders. First she was to go get Chelsea's bag from his car. Next he wanted Kelly to go through her old bikinis and find one that would fit Chelsea and Robert would like. After telling Kelly he wanted both the bag and the bikini laid out on his bed by the time breakfast was over he gave her his car keys. As Kelly quickly scurried away giving Chelsea a peak at her bare ass under the short skirt of the maid's uniform in the process Robert took Chelsea's hand and lead her out of the room.



As they headed downstairs Robert gave Chelsea some instructions as well. Chelsea was to act normally when around his family and not do anything or say anything about her current situation. However she would address his father as "Sir" during breakfast and use Robert's name at all times with one exception. That was after breakfast when the two of them and his father would be going to his father's office to discuss Chelsea's situation. After that conversation he would give Chelsea further instructions once they had decided her fate.



A hour later Chelsea was starting to finally relax some but was still a bit on edge. Robert could see her occasionally look at her wrist and run her fingers over where her bracelet had been. As Robert sat with her beside the pool he saw Chelsea had grown more accustomed to his constant presence around her. Yet that would be required until she had been properly collared and marked. Granted Sunday night Chelsea would be receiving a temporary collar as she gets welcomed to her new home but until she got her slave markings she wasn't allowed anywhere without Robert with her.



Robert actually thought she handled the whole situation quite well. She was a bit surprised by what they told her about Mistress Mei Yomagato. Chelsea already had another "Mistress" out to enslave her but finding out one with that kind of resources was after her made her more accepting of Robert's decision. Now Robert was also surprised by a few things Chelsea had told him about her mother and The Organization. Yet really shouldn't have been to be truthful.



Now Chelsea did have a hard time presenting herself naked before Robert and his father once they had decided her fate. Especially when they took turns examining every inch of Chelsea's body. Making it even more humiliating was the fact they probed all of her orifices and she wasn't allowed to do anything but cry during the entire process. Having their fingers shoved up her ass hole was the worst part for Chelsea but she needed to experience it sooner rather than later. Thankfully Robert's mother and Kelly were able to comfort her afterwards and that went a long way to calming her down.



Now Chelsea was definitely frightened when Robert had her put the bathrobe back on and lead her up to his room. Especially when Robert locked the door behind them and told her to take the robe back off. As Chelsea stood naked in front of her owner waiting to be raped Robert just seamed to ignore her and look at the two bikinis that Kelly had laid out. Though he did hold each one up to her body as he tried to decide which he like better. As if further trying to ignore her Robert went through both Chelsea's overnight bag and purse.



He first gathered up all of her packey personal hygiene products and her birth control pills into a pile. Robert then told her to put them in his bathroom and take her pill while she was at it. Next Robert started looking at Chelsea's clothes. As she headed towards the bathroom Chelsea could see Robert shaking his head as looked at the blouses and pants she had packed. Neither did he seam happy about the bras and panties in the bag.



When she got back he ordered her kneel in front of him as Robert explained Chelsea's new dress code. She was forbidden to wear any form of pants or shorts any more. Chelsea would only have dresses and skirts allowed on her body from then on and they were to be as short as possible. Bras and panties were to be type he approved of and would only be worn with his express permission. She was allowed to wear a bikini if she was by the pool but the lining was to be removed and Robert had to approve of it first



Chelsea's favorite sneakers were added to the pile of forbidden clothing next. As he told her she was only allowed to have her feet in high heels. Now there was an exception allowed for exercise clothing. Chelsea was allowed to wear tight spandex or Sophie shorts and running shoes when she exercised and she would be doing regular exercise. Chelsea's school uniforms were also included with this exception. Though Chelsea was still was expected to wear high heels with them and her skirts would be altered to be as short as possible.



Since Robert knew she probably had few clothes that complied with her new dress code. Chelsea would borrow a few outfits from Kelly's old wardrobe to wear around the house. Robert would also take Chelsea shopping next week and they would find her things to wear he approved of. With the clothing issue handled it was time deal with Chelsea's glasses that Robert wasn't that fond of. During her shopping spree they would be choosing a new set that Robert felt looked better on Chelsea.



The final issue to be addressed was Chelsea's grooming habits. For the time being Kelly would be in charge of taking care of Chelsea's hair, makeup, and fingernails each day. At least until Chelsea could handle this duty to Robert's expectations. Chelsea would also be taken to a nail salon and a hair stylist on a regular basis. This way Chelsea was able to ensure she always looked her best for Robert at all times.



Lastly her legs and pussy were to be kept bald at all times. When she received her slave markings they would take more permanent steps to ensure this. But until then she was to shave every day. Now Robert was going to let Chelsea keep her landing strip for the rest of the day. However first thing the next day it would be gone and not allowed back.



With his rules laid out Robert handed Chelsea the bikini he had chosen and told her to get dressed. As he went to put his swim trunks on he also told her wear the high heels she had on the night before. Granted it didn't take Robert long to pull up his trunks. But he was still disappointed to see Chelsea was still naked starring at the tiny bikini she was holding. Up set with Chelsea's hesitation Robert more forcibly repeated his order.



"Slave put the bikini and high heels on now!"



Chelsea quickly had the bikini in place and was standing in front of Robert as he inspected her work. The bottom was a small black triangle that barely covered her pubic mound with the back being a thong that seamed to disappear into her ass crack. The top wasn't much better being two small black triangles that covered her nipples and a small portion of the surrounding breasts but left the rest uncovered. Still it wasn't quite right for Robert's tastes so he repositioned the strings for the bottom so they went more over the top of Chelsea's hips instead of the sides as she had it. As Chelsea stood there still terrified by Robert's outburst he grabbed Kelly's bell, a couple of towels, and a bottle of sunblock before leading Chelsea out to the pool.



An hour later Chelsea had calmed down considerably from the way she had been when they first came out. To help with this Robert had avoided calling Chelsea slave again. Instead choosing to call Chelsea his new pet name for her "his naughty little nymphomaniac." He also treated more like his girlfriend then his property. However Chelsea still knew he was the one in charge and not her.



He even had her suntanning topless now. Chelsea also didn't trimble the last time he applied more sunblock to her body. Now she was still a little uneasy about being that way when Kelly brought their drinks out to them at first. At least until Robert ordered Kelly to lift up her skirt and expose herself. When Chelsea saw that Kelly didn't hesitate and was barely bothered by them being able to see her pussy. Chelsea's issues about her own breasts being exposed seamed to disappear.



Though that was just with Kelly that Chelsea was able to except seeing her topless or in that bikini all together. Jonathan almost ruined Robert's plan to help Chelsea adjust to her new life without resorting to the whip. Robert had actually gotten Chelsea talking to him almost like they had before. She was actually asking questions about how much being slave had changed Kelly when they heard the clicking of Kelly's high heels approaching. To Chelsea's horror Kelly told them that Jonathan had called to inform them he was bringing some friends home to hangout by the pool.



Chelsea immediately started pleading to be able to go inside and hide in Robert's room. But it was actually Kelly that proved the key to calming Chelsea down and getting her to stay out there. When Robert pointed out that Kelly isn't allowed to hide herself and her situation is a lot more embarrassing then the bikini Chelsea was wearing. As a final means of support Robert personally tied Chelsea's top back in place and suggested they make a little game out this like she had last night. As he had Chelsea lay back as Robert explained his plan and gave Kelly an order to quickly get one of her old hats and Chelsea some sunglasses.



Now it should be pointed out that it wasn't till they went down to breakfast that Robert knew Jonathan wasn't home. He had actually spent the night at a friend's house and had no idea Chelsea was even there. Now once Kelly returned with one of the hats she used to wear to the beach all the time and a pair of her old sunglasses Robert ordered her not mention that Chelsea was there and pass the order on to his mother. Robert then had Chelsea put on the sunglasses and laid the hat over her face. Then as Robert laid back on his own deck chair next to Chelsea's he told her just be quiet and listen to them all talk about the little hottie sunbathing by the pool.



Robert and Chelsea had a hard time keeping from laughing when they all came out and saw her laying there. The way they came to a sudden stop with their mouths hanging open was just hilarious. Especially since everyone of them had been around Chelsea constantly at school and obviously couldn't recognize it was her that they were looking at. Even the three girls in the group were at a loss for who "that hot chick hanging out with Robert"(Their exact words) was. Even more funny was the way they were too intimidated by Chelsea's beauty to come that close to them.



They just yelled hello to Robert and kept their distance from the two of them. As they swam in pool or sat in the other loungers talking unknown to them Robert and Chelsea were listening in on the conversation. Especially when they saw the two of them were the focus of the discussion their friends were having. The best part was they were so distracted by who this "hot chick hanging out with Robert" was they actually seamed uninterested in Kelly's scantly outfit or the fact it was even Kelly waiting on them.



Finally Robert had to have some fun with them all and called for them to come over for a bit. First he asked how everyone was doing since he'd been to busy lately to hang out much. He then asked why Chelsea wasn't with them. It was rather funny when they said they called her house and she wasn't home while the whole time they had their eyes glued to Chelsea's body. But the best part was Chelsea lifting up her hat and saying "Chelsea would probably turn up sooner or later."



While all of their friends jaws all hit the ground Robert and Chelsea burst into laughter. Once their friends regained the ability to close their mouths and Robert and Chelsea had stopped laughing at their reaction all the questions started. Followed by disbelief about the answers they were getting. They were shocked to hear the two of them were first dating and then sleeping together now. Then they were even more shocked to learn Chelsea was moving in with Robert and they were going to be living together.



Though Robert had to hide his own disbelief about what was being said since it was Chelsea and not him that was saying it. Chelsea had actually come up with a cover story for her living with him that would cover most of the questions people would be asking. On top of that she was keeping the truth secret like she was supposed to. Still he was nervous when the other girls insisted on pulling her aside for a little girls only chat session. Though he soon was swamped with questions from the guys about Chelsea's bikini and some other personal questions that he refused to answer.



Though Robert was really concerned about the girls squealing "Oh my God! He really did that to you!" However the looks he was getting wasn't the ones he would have expected if Chelsea had told them about their true relationship like Robert was fearing. This were looks of longing and not the hateful expressions he would have expected. Then there was the way Jenny kept looking at Robert's crotch and licking her lips that had him even more concerned about what was being said over there. Especially whatever that was prompting all the giggling and laughter from the girls but strangely several were also looking at Chelsea in shock.



Robert wouldn't have long to wait for his answer about what the girls found so funny. When Chelsea and the other girls walked back to the guys Robert immediately noticed Chelsea was walking with more of a sexy sway to her hips and the same playful expression she had during her teasing last night. Robert had figured that Chelsea was in the playful mood again and braced himself for whatever she was planning. Now when Chelsea immediately grabbed Robert planted a passionate kiss on his lips he was somewhat expecting it. Though this wasn't that shocking especially compared to what Chelsea did once she stopped speaking to the group.



"Guys Robert and I are going to go back to working on our tans. But please don't feel so intimidated by this that you won't come over to chat with us from time to time."



Robert had a hard time hiding his confusion and why they would be intimidated. They had adjusted to seeing the new Chelsea and besides being a little too focused on her breasts and ass they were fine with it now. Plus the guys had noticed her bikini didn't have a liner and it wasn't just her nipples that were visible through it. This made the guys to want to hang around her now so they could keep getting peaks in. However the exhibitionist desires Robert had woken in Chelsea had designs for more exposure then even Robert was prepared for.



Robert was definitely surprised when Chelsea reached behind her and untied her top and let it fall to the ground.Yet Robert's surprise turned to flat out disbelief the same as every one else when the bottom of Chelsea's bikini joined the top sitting on the ground at her feet. While everyone was was still frozen in shock Chelsea took Robert's hand and starting leading them back to their loungers completely unconcerned about her nudity or the bikini resting on the ground behind them. Of course she gave them another shock with the seductive tone of voice she used when she asked Robert to rub lotion on her so she didn't get sunburned.



Robert actually got a kick out of straddling Chelsea's body as rubbed the lotion on to her back. Robert definitely appreciated the envious looks he got when he applied lotion to Chelsea's ass and legs. Yet the best had be when Chelsea rolled on to her back and had Robert put lotion on that side of her body. She then placed the sunglasses and hat back in place like they were when everyone got there and appeared to take a nap. As before their friends seamed to give the two of them their space but they did seam to hangout a little closer than before.



Robert also saw some of other girls flirting and trying to act a little sexier around the guys probably in response to Chelsea's actions. Mostly it was the girls putting more sway into their hips as they walked. Or spending extra time putting sunblock on then they normally would. Plus as they laid around they would pose themselves a bit more sexier then before. Though with the exception of Tammy coming over to sunbathe topless next to the two of them it remained just innocent teasing.



Strangely enough it was Tammy joining them topless that actually seamed to make Chelsea self conscious about her looks again. Tammy was best endowed among the girls within their group of friends and had a bit of a reputation for sleeping around. Granted it wasn't a reputation as full blown slut that screwed every guy she could but she did admit to sleeping with quite a few guys. So Chelsea got nervous and a little bit jealous when she thought that Tammy was trying to get Robert's attention. Still Chelsea had weapon Tammy didn't everyone now knew she was sleeping with Robert and she didn't need to hide if they wanted to go fuck now.



Chelsea stood up slowly and while everyone watched moved towards Robert. Before any had chance to guess what was happening Chelsea sat herself across his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. Looking him in the eyes as seductively as possible Chelsea proceeded to passionately kiss Robert on the lips. As Chelsea

Same as Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 02 A teenaged slave girl learns her true place Videos

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Seven part one

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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 8 Runaway slave

"Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! She's here; she can look after her precious son. I can't take any more of this." Throwing a few items into a bag, she went to David, "I'll pick you up in the morning if you wish to go into work SIR. I'll bring the car back then if you don't. Good night SIR." "No Steph, don't go..." Stephanie could hear him calling to her as she closed the door. Her phone rang a few minutes after she'd entered her old flat. It now seemed a cold and uninviting place but at...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P8

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P7

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P6

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Sybil A Story About Interracial Slavery Chapter Two

Chapter Two Sybil's next few days at college were a whirlwind of new things, people surroundings and college life. In her black African history class one of the first things that the female professor required was for her to write a believable story as to how it felt to be a shackled young slave girl in the 1850s. The fact that she was the only white female attending this college and a young, and very naive one at that , only added to her most interesting problems as the days...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P5

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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A New Dawn the Prequel

The characters in this story are all over eighteen and the age of consent, sex if it happens is consensual. UK English is the rule: if the spellings Mum, arse or colour annoy you, don’t go any further, for the rest of you enjoy. This prequel is a small thank you to kjohns2001, who wrote that a back story setting out Harry’s downfall would help the timeline and narratives for later events, this has been echoed by others. So with your permission here it is and I hope you agree the guy was a...

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Prequel to Cuckolds Warning

I've been writing XXX stories that have been posted on the Internet for many years, and of the dozens I've written, "Cuckold's Warning," which I posted here a few weeks ago, has received more reader comments than any other. One of the most-common questions I get from readers who have enjoyed that particular story usually goes something like, "Just how real is this story?"Well, as I've told those folks, "Cuckold's Warning" has a factual basis. The first two chapters are based closely on what...

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Ashok And My Innocent Mom 8211 Prequel 1

Hello friends! This is Sajaan Shridharan again with an exciting episode of Revathi and Ashok, the prequel to my story ‘Ashok Fucks Again’ and many more on ISS. Before Ashok started fucking my Mom – Revathi in front of me, they were romantically involved many times. I was always a silent spectator of their sensual romance. This episode is an incident during the Vishu Pooja we always used to do every year. My father had not yet moved to Dubai. Ashok was his very good friend and often used to...

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BiochemistryThe Prequel

Biochemistry:The Prequel by J R D Samuel Nevada had a secret. A secret so hidden even he didn't know about it. But that's getting ahead of the story. Sam had just finished the last of his finals in his Law classes and with only one year left before he could take his BAR had decided to celebrate by bar hopping that night. Dressed in his best "cruisin'" clothes he had gone from bar to bar, looking for a woman to take home and fuck. Usually, he didn't have a problem with it,...

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Simons Story A Prequel to the Club

This story is a little slow getting started but I hope that you all enjoy it none the less. It's the longest story that I've written to date. If anyone wishes to archive this story, please let me know. This story has adult material. If you are under 18 or offended by such, read no further. Simon's Story: A Prequel to the Club By Morpheus "Yo Simon," I heard a loud voice calling, wincing at the sound of my name. God how I hated my name. Simon Victor Halloway, though...

5 years ago
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Dressed for Disaster The Prequel

Dressed for Disaster: The Prequel (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Pat Summers put his suitcases on the bed, and made a quick survey of his room. He noted with approval the full-length mirror on the back of the closet door, and he poked his head into the bathroom to inspect the bathtub and vanity. Not overly luxurious, but they would do. First things first. He opened his computer case and turned on his laptop computer, plugging the modem cord into the data port on the desk telephone....

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James Bond Lingerie is Forever A Prequel

With thanks to Jayne Dell I'd like to thank Jayne for providing the inspiration for this story, having liaised with her to avoid any possible conflicts with current and future instalment, I am pleased to add this to the James Bond myth! Any comments, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or leave feedback for me. All characters, events and premises are the work of fiction, any resemblance to people, known or unknown is entirely accidental, (although if they do exist,...

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Xenthia Prequel

Xenthia The Prequel By Sadie Chan This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real persons or events is purely coincidental. Please leave a review - this is my first TG work and I looking for help. If you want to get in contact with me please feel free - my e-mail address is [email protected] I stared at my computer screen trying to fathom whether what I was reading could really be true. Sometimes I could be too open-minded and na?ve and I was wondering as I read the g...

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A MYTHing witch a MYTH prequel

M.Y.T.H.-ing Witch (A M.Y.T.H. prequel) I can say it, I messed up. But it wasn't all my fault. I trusted the wrong person. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Sabrina, and I'm a witch. Nope, don't have a broomstick. Although I guess I could, if I really wanted to make one. Witches are actually a subset of the race known as the Magi. There are three main subsets - Witches, Warlocks, and Wizards. Before you ask, no, not all witches are girls, and not all Warlocks...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P4

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: 3:...

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Stephanies Slavery

Stephanie's Slavery Synopsis After complaining that her boss was a slave driver, Stephanie is forced to really become his slave.Stephanie's Slavery by obohoboWarning The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC  Spank Rom If you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...

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Slavery in our Time

Slavery in our TimePart 1 – Her Strange FascinationLaura walked down the aisle gazing at all the merchandise around her. Since she was a child, Laura had always been fascinated with the selection of slaves at the department store.  Highclass was a superior department store and the quality of the slaves was high. Highclass offered a wide selection of quality slaves from domestics and nannies to gardeners and chefs. Slaves varied in price due to a number of factors such as age, health,...

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Legalised Slavery

Tracey looked out of the air plane window and wondered what awaited her on the ground below.They were approaching the imaginatively named Zonga International Airport, in the capital city of Zonga in the country of Zonga. Why choose different names when one will do thought Tracey wryly.Not that many people had heard of Zonga up until two years ago, with good reason, it was a backward little country on the eastern side of Africa with one capital city which was also it's only port, and not much...

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Return to slavery

Return to slavery by Rowena Return to slavery by Rowena  Rachel sat in her beautifully appointed office ,dressed elegantly in the latest and most tasteful fashion a white silk blouse buttoned to the neck, a smart black skirt to just below the knee, her long blond hair piled high on her head, so very different to the slutty clothes she wore when she was a slavegirl so long ago. She sighed contentedly. She was now a successful and rich business woman. She enjoyed her power and wealth....

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My First Christmas in Slavery

My first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season  It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...

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TGirl Kim Becomes a Slave for the Weekend P3

::Xhamster doesn’t allow for all the things that took place that weekend to shared…but what can be, is shared below in Kim’s account of her slave weekend. The pictures are also not all of Kim but a representation of what occurred that weekend.:::::Part 1: 2: woke up early the next morning, the sun was shining brightly...

4 years ago
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Brothers Teenage SexSlave

BROTHER'S TEENAGE SEX-SLAVE – Part Four This story contains graphic images of torture, humiliation and sexual perversion.Readers who can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality should readno further. If you would like to contact the author, you may do so at [email protected] ----------- Cerberus Naked, young Molly Grant bends over the heavy workbench; the tender tipsof her small breasts trapped in the hard steel jaws of a large vise; her handsnailed to the table's rough wooden...

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Sisters in Slavery

Chapter One The capture of twin sisters and beginning of their training as sex slaves. Megan thought back to how this had happened and wondered if there was anything she could of done to have prevented this. Granted when something bad happens to anyone that's the first thing that goes through their minds. Still she had to wonder if she could of prevented what that woman did to them. Megan and her twin sister Molly lives hadn't been perfect but to have this happen was...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 2 The debates

David lay naked on top of the bed his mind churning over the events of earlier in the day. Lying with his eyes closed and a plastic masturbator humming and gently gnawing on his prick and allowing his thoughts free reign he asked himself, "I wonder if Polly is right? She's a perceptive kid even if she isn't too bright in other ways. We all laugh at her spelling and the way she writes but she's good at what she does and seems to understand people better than I do. I couldn't even...

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Sybil A Story About Interracial Slavery

This is a story about a young and very naive white girl's travels through submissive interracial sex and slavery. After reading about these terrible events in history her guilt has become an obsession to right the terrible wrongs that many young black girls had to endure as a slave over 150 years ago! She eventually sees herself as a white slave girl to black abusive slave owners, quite the reverse of what actually happened. Sybil was a most interesting young woman she had grown up in...

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Divorced into slavery

DIVORCED INTO SLAVERY By Ivorygirl Carla could find no comfortable position in the dark, dank cell in which she’d found herself alone, her hands cuffed behind her back and bound to her cuffed feet and both attached to a chain imbedded middle ways up in the wall. At the moment, the best she could do with her curled legs beneath her was to remain on her knees on the small cot that put her up just high enough and lean sideways against the wall. The chain she was hooked to didn’t allow for much...

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The Harsh New World prequel to chapter 1

Introduction: these are a few times leading up to my first chapter of this story. Its rather long, so I separated the three encounters with thier own titles. <,Daniel and Pearls First Amorous Entwine>, Daniel! Lunch. Pearl shouted at her brother as she ran to catch up to him as he followed the pair of draft horses that were pulling the plow across the field. She had just finished giving her other brothers theirs and wanted to share time with her eldest, her favorite brother. Daniel slowed...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

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Island Royale Institutional White Slavery in the New Millennium REPOST

This is a repost of the story I recently submitted, edited as necessary because of the limitations of the XNXX website format which confuses graphics, inexplicably substitutes a question mark for quotation marks at times, and does not permit footnotes. It is hoped therefore that this reposting will provide more clarity. I have also reposted the story as one entire novella because it is hoped the sprinkling of negative comments I have received results from the previous inability of the...

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Secrets of Slavery

Well now that the whole ordeal is over, I can finally tell my story. It’s been 6 long years and countless horny men and women since it all started. I have been a secret sex slave, secret to my husband, friends, and family all because of one horny encounter that turned into years of sex slavery.Let me back up to when it all started. I (Cindy) was 27 married to my wonderful husband (Dave) and living in an upper class neighborhood outside of Chicago. My husband and I had a few swinging encounters...

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Demihuman Slavery

In the not-so-far future, a part of the world has embraced slavery. Slaves are almost entirely removed from the jurisdiction of the state, as it is the duty of the master to discipline their slaves and keep them in check. Only, when a slave proves to be dangerous to the public (as with killing or injuring a free human), they will be put down for good. However, most slaves aren’t humans. Instead, the scientists of this country have used advanced genetics to create a multitude of humanoid...

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The Slave Girl Chapter 5

Chapter 5Corey found it pleasanter to march in daylight instead of stumble in the dark. She looked often at her shackled wrist, or fingered the metal on her throat in incredulity that, by them, her whole existence was dictated and changed. Against the iron links education and intelligence served naught. The padlock mocked them all. When, twice a day, it was unlocked at chore time she dared not disobey but returned to it as to a stern and waiting authority. Each night two girls were chosen to...

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