Sisters In Slavery Prequel Chapter 04 The Two Mistresses' Story free porn video

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Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of nonconsensual sex including rape, slavery, incest, and bestiality. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the people who read or write this style of story. This is meant for those looking to take some enjoyment out this tale and not for those looking to recreate the circumstances of the story. For those that fall into the first category please enjoy yourselves



I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that all of the established female characters will not be appearing in this part of the story.



Part 04

Joanna finds her place within the household



Joanna always felt uneasy coming home from school during breaks. Mostly due to how she felt about her father and how much differently she was treated then her siblings. Especially Kelly how come her father treated that bitch so much better than his own daughter. It wasn't just her treatment that bothered Joanna her mother's treatment also played a part in how uncomfortable she found her home. Joanna never understood why her mother put up with being treated like she was nothing but a slave all of these years.



Seeing the house come into sight Joanna let out a sigh knowing she wasn't really wasn't ready to deal with her household yet. Can't be helped she said to herself as the driver pulled up to the front of the house. As she unfastened her seatbelt Joanna was bit surprised that the driver got out to open her door. Usually they just popped the trunk and hauled ass the moment Joanna closed the trunk after she unloaded her own bags. Yet besides being a woman this driver acted like she was delivering an actual person and not a package. As her door was opened for her Joanna was surprised to see both her parents come out to greet her.



Even more surprising was the fact her mother wasn't wearing her uniform. Her mother had pretty much lived in maid uniforms for all of Joanna's life. Working pretty much twenty four hours a day three hundred sixty five days a year without ever taking a day off. Leaving Joanna to realize she had never seen her mother in a regular dress. As surprising as this was there was something that Joanna needed to do before she asked the questions that were bouncing around in her head.



Rushing to hug her mother Joanna pushed her issues to the side for the moment. Feeling her mother's arms rapping tightly around her Joanna let herself get lost in the embrace. She had to entire holiday season to brude over her problems she needed to see her mother then and there. Still it was only temporary and then Joanna was looking upon the source of all of her issues. Even with her mother holding her from behind the way she was Joanna had to fight the urge to actually tell her father what she felt about him.



Instead she told it was good to see him again and hoped he had been well. There was still an extremely small tone of disgust in her voice as she said it but she had gotten good at suppressing her true feelings towards him. His response was something she thought would never come out of his mouth. Not him welcoming her home but he actually referred to her as his daughter. She was always her mother's daughter and not his.



Which was the complete opposite of how her mother had refer to her brother Robert. But both Joanna and Robert knew that was the difference between the two of them. Robert was always considered her father's son and his responsibility to raise. While Joanna was her mother's daughter and Joanna was always her mother's responsibility to care for. Leaving them both envious of Jonathan's situation until at least Camila came to live there and actually made their other parental issues seam insignificant.



Throwing aside how they all saw that as a betrayal of their mother's loyalty to their father. They saw the difference in how Camilla treated Kelly and how their step sister behaved towards everyone around her. It was plainly viable that Camila turned Kelly into a younger version of herself. Their hatred of that bitch and her daughter made all three of the siblings look at themselves and their parents with a different perspective. Leaving them wondering on a few rare occasions if this wasn't that bad of an arrangement after all.



Joanna pushed her thoughts aside as she watched the driver unload her bags and be dismissed by her father. As she glanced at the car leaving Joanna saw two more coming up the road. Curious at who was coming Joanna looked closer at the cars. The first was a dark grey two seater BMW convertible roadster that Joanna just fell in love with the moment she saw it. As it got closer Joanna saw Robert was driving with a beautiful brunette in the passenger seat.



The second was a silver Land Rover that she couldn't tell who was driving. However Joanna could see there was equally beautiful blonde girl sitting in the passenger seat. Now once it came to a stop behind the roadster Robert was driving Joanna quickly saw that Jonathan was behind the steering wheel. As her brothers got out and moved around the the passenger sides of their respective vehicles Joanna looked closer at the girls and realized they looked familiar.



Based on the way both brothers acted towards them it was easy to see these were their girlfriends. Yet Joanna couldn't remember when she had met them both before. As beautiful as they were Joanna hoped they weren't like those bitches that Kelly ran around with. Though Joanna didn't think that was likely. Since as much as Joanna disliked Kelly's friends her brothers despised them even more due to being around them more often.



Joanna saw matching school uniforms each girl had on and realized the went to the same school as her brothers. Each had a purple plaid skirt and matching vest with their school's patch over their left breast over a white blouse. Which was bit different than the blue plaid skirt, white blouse, and dark gray blazer Joanna had on. They did wear the same long black socks like Joanna. Only Joanna's socks were slightly shorter coming midway up her lower legs and theirs came up to their knees.



Yet it was easy to see their were some modifications made to the uniforms as well. Joanna doubted the high heels each girl had on were part of the standard uniform. Along with the skirts being definitely shorter than she had seen on any of her bothers female friends before. They each also had tight sleeveless blouses that showed off a lot of cleavage. The vests were also tighter and looked tailored to perfectly conform to the contours of their bodies.



Which neither off the girls had reason to be ashamed of they were both fantastic looking. Brunette was the smaller of the two with a slender build. Wearing stylish glasses and keeping her jet black hair up in a ponytail. The blonde was slightly taller than Joanna with a curvier figure. Though she let her hair flow freely over her shoulders.



As they both walking up holding her brothers' arms Joanna saw something else about these girls. They didn't carry themselves like other girls as beautiful as them Joanna had been around. Kelly, her friends, and a few girls at Joanna's school all had the same attitude displayed in the way they moved and even looked at others. These two had none of that I'm better looking than you attitude. This made Joanna believe the smiles on their faces as they looked at her were about being happy to be around her and not some condescending look based on how much better looking they were.



There was a final part of their outfits that struck Joanna as strange. Each girl wore what looked like a thin gold choker like collar around their throats. More so Joanna realized that her mother had a similar choker around her neck. Which Joanna figured she had overlooked until then due to her surprise about the dress. Yet now Joanna was wondering what the significance was.



Not that her mother wearing a collar wasn't shocking. She had always worn a lace covered collar as part of her maid's uniform for all of Joanna's life. Joanna had just never had a reason to consider it was anything but part of the uniform. At least until seeing these two girls were wearing what looked like collars almost identical to her mother had on made Joanna curious. This made Joanna now wondered about the significance and she would ask her mother about it later.



Joanna had to hug her brothers at that moment as they welcomed her home. Before Joanna was getting shocked by being told who the two girls were and now knew why they looked familiar. Joanna had hung out with some of her brothers' friends and had always liked them all. Especially the girls in the group that always saw Joanna as her brothers' sister and not the daughter of the maid like Kelly and her friends. Yet as close as they were to these girls Joanna never thought they would end up dating her brothers let alone living with them.



Yet this was what Joanna heard from Chelsea and Jenny after finding herself pulled into warm hugs by both of the two. Joanna then apologized about not being able to recognize them given how amazing they looked. This praise had both them preening under the attention. While at the same time still acting modest by telling Joanna that she was just as pretty as they were. Joanna honestly responded they needed not try and flatter her she had accepted long ago that she wasn't beautiful.



This quickly had everyone disagreeing with Joanna including her father. Who shocked Joanna by saying she was very beautiful young woman and should never think of herself as otherwise. He then told her thinking of herself as less than the beautiful person she is was an insult not only to herself but everyone that cared for her. Her mother was especially upset with her about her view of how she looked. Going as far as threatening to take Joanna over her knee and spank her if she ever said something like that again.



He even suggested that both Chelsea and Jenny should help Joanna to see this about herself. For they were once in a similar place not that long ago and they could help Joanna the way they had been helped. Going as far as having them take her shopping and to the salon with them the next day.



That was how Joanna ended up being dragged store to store by the two of them. She had to admit she was shocked by how good she looked after the trip to the hair and nail salon. Though some of the outfits they were picking out were way too revealing for Joanna's tastes. With every skirt and dress so short it left Joanna blushing as she tried them on. Let alone insisting she wear one of the outfits out of the store saying the plain clothes she had come in with was totally unappropriate for the new her.



Joanna also learned that both Chelsea and Jenny had no issue with showing off their bodies. Both were wearing extremely short skirts that barley covered their asses. Along with crop-tops that showed tons of cleavage and left their stomachs and the small of their backs completely exposed. Based on how thin the fabric was it was obvious neither was wearing a bra. Following them up the escalator Joanna also learned they weren't wearing panties either.



How brazen the two were was shocking to Joanna but her brothers seamed unaffected by it. They just followed behind the three girls trying ignore the antics of their girlfriends while carrying armloads of bags. Especially when they started discussions with Joanna and she leaned how open they were about their sex lives. And that was before they dragged a struggling Joanna to both Victoria's Secret and Fredrick's of Hollywood.



The contents of the bags that came out of those two stores had Joanna blushing so bad she felt like she would glow in the dark. Especially when she was dragged into the changing rooms and not only made to try everything on but model it for the two. It wasn't just bras and panties but other types sexy lingerie. Joanna did draw the line when they started looking at teddys for her. However Joanna couldn't say much when each of the two got a couple for themselves and insisted she get several baby doll nighties.



Though Joanna wasn't certain about it but she suspected both of them weren't just sexually involved with her brothers but each other as well. Granted Joanna already knew that Jenny's mother Elizabeth was not only sexually involved with her father but also Joanna's own mother. She also wasn't certain but thought the two had propositioned her several times while either her or them were trying on lingerie. The irony was the thought of them propositioning her excited Joanna but also left her with even more doubts about her own sexuality.



She had the normal wants and urge's to do things with guys. However going to an all girls boarding school Joanna found herself looking at several of her classmates the same way. So as she masturbated lately it would be one of two scenarios. One was making love to her favorite movie star. Then other times it was the girl in the bunk above hers in the dormitory she was fantasizing about.



The thought of her school combined with the next shop they went also brought to mind the bombshell Joanna's father dropped on her the night before. This was she would be transferring to the same school as her brothers and living at home full time. This meant she now needed new school uniforms and there was only one place that she could get them in the mail. Only now Joanna was a bit concerned about having those two involved with her ***********ing her school clothes. As provocative as outfits as they were already ***********ing for Joanna left her afraid she would get a paddling her first day for being dressed inappropriately.



Thankfully Robert took charge there and other than letting the two girls talk Joanna into a vest like theirs she was spared the riskier aspects of their wardrobe choices. Although the skirt Joanna ended up with still felt drastically shorter than the ones from her old school uniforms. Still it was lot longer than the skirt she wore into the store. Though as with her other new clothes Joanna had a hard time believing how good she looked them.



"I see your finally believing what we all have known for a long time now Joanna." Robert said from the beach he was sitting on as he watched Joanna looking at herself in the mirror. "I'm believing it but I still don't get why all of a sudden it matters to everyone if I'm happy. Not that I ever thought you, Jonathan, or mother didn't care about me but father suddenly changing is what has me wondering what's going on." Joanna responded.



"Part of it was was the incident with Kelly. But when Jonathan and me buried the hatchet with him we made it clear how poorly we felt you've been treated." Robert told her. Joanna looked at her brother in gratitude. However the mention of her step sister brought to mind questions she had. Being as this was the first time they had been alone Joanna had to ask him.



"About Kelly? Was that whole story about her drug problem getting her expelled from school really true?"



Robert let out a sigh and responded. "The drug problem lead to her cheating and that's what actually got her expelled. It just wasn't until the expulsion that we all learned of her drug use and our father had enough of her bullshit." Robert saw Joanna wasn't exactly believing this story. However they had told it enough times that he had gotten good at it. He then got a sad look on his face as he continued speaking.



"Her becoming a maid was actually more mother's idea then any of ours. Our father just wanted to to throw her out with just the clothes on her back. I felt a little sorry for her and suggested rehab and at least helping her find a job so she didn't end up dead in a gutter somewhere. Then when she came back clean it was mother that was the one that talked us in to letting her stay if she became maid. With nothing left Kelly agreed and has been changing for the better ever since then."



Strangely there was some truth to this lie. They did actually get Kelly to beg to be trained as a pleasure maid. Though it was after a fairly intense torture session. Then telling her only other choice was to be sold to the same people her mother had been sold to. It also didn't hurt Kelly being shown the video of her mother being put in that pen then being immediately mercilessly raped for the next several hours.



Though Robert wasn't going to tell Joanna this even if she was successful with what was planned for her. Only him, his mother, father, and Kelly knew what truely happened to Camila. Everyone else in the household really didn't need to know that Camila was really enslaved and made the sex toy to a pack of dogs. Infact she was still getting fucked by dogs to that very day. Only by then she not only was fucked by dogs but also believed herself to be one.



Robert really wanted to change the subject off of Kelly and to other matters when he started talking again "Let's not discuss Kelly any more. You wouldn't believe how many times I have had to tell that story to everyone at school. So tell me what you think of Chelsea and Jenny? Are they good enough for your big bothers?" Robert saw Joanna blush a little when he asked what she thought about the two girls. Before she let out sigh and responded.



"Well when I first saw them I had concerns they were going to be stuck up. But they had been very nice to me so far and I kinda like them. Now I'm not sure about wearing a lot of these clothes they picked out for me especially the lingerie. I'm also a little curious as to how close those two are to each other they seamed just a little too friendly with each other in the changing rooms."



Robert saw the way Joanna blushed during the last part and wondered what those two had been up to. He hoped they hadn't done something to offend Joanna. "Please tell me those two didn't try and come on to you. Not that me or anyone else in the house would have a problem if you were interested but we sort of asked those two to keep their bisexual sides under control until we were sure it wouldn't be an issue with you."



Joanna looked at her brother in surprise and he responded that yes the two were each other's lovers as well as those of both him and Jonathan. He told Chelsea was already bisexual before they got got together. While Jenny hadn't tried it until after moving in and talking with Chelsea and their mother some about it. Neither Robert or Jonathan had an issue with the two being together that way. Especially since they usually got to watch the two go at it and most of the time joined in.



Robert had to smile when Joanna looked at him surprised. He simply shrugged and said. "The male fantasy of being with two girls at once was definitely a big part of why they were alright about it. But they mostly liked seeing how happy it made the two girls to be able to share themselves with each other." Though it was actually the fact he said that both him and Jonathan both would get involved in a orgy of sorts with the two girls and she had to ask him about that.



"It's not that I have an issue with any of this. But when you said that you and Jonathan would join in with the girls while watching them make love to each other. Does that mean that you and Jonathan are also sleeping with each other or just the two girls."



Robert had no issue with men being bisexual or gay but he was quick to put an end to any such assertion either he or Jonathan was. He did admit that they both have been with each of the girls during sex. He also told the two girls had also been sexually involved with every one in the house with the exception of Jenny not having slept with her mother of course. Though he also admitted that it wasn't just the two girls that were that sexually open to sharing themselves but every woman in the house. With the exception of their mother being with the two brothers but she had been with all of the women.



Joanna looked shocked by this revelation about her mother. She knew about Elizabeth and was fine with it once she saw that was why her mother looked happier than before. But knowing that her her mother was also involved with all the other women in the house was shocker. But there was another revelation in her brother's statement regarding Kelly she wanted to be sure of. "When you said every woman in the house does that include Kelly is sleeping with everyone including you?" Joanna asked Robert.



"Joanna you will probably see her coming out of either mine, Jonathan's, or even our father's rooms in the morning sooner or later. So yes we all do have sex with Kelly. She has the same needs as everyone else but hardly ever gets out of the house so Kelly needed an outlet. Kelly is especially active with and loyal to our mother. It was our mother that helped Kelly to most during her recovery and they developed a strong bond because of it." Robert told a shocked Joanna.



He was a bit worried he was telling her to much information. However Robert also knew that Joanna was going to be told most of this that night as it was. So he was hoping to get a lot of this out of the way now so she had chance to process it before the truely shocking revelations came out. That and he wanted to feel her out some to see how receptive she would be to what their father would be offering her. Otherwise it would make what they were trying to do meaningless.



Both Robert and his father were seriously hoping to avoid that and had called in quite a few markers to make this possible. Unfortunately it now rested on Joanna's shoulders and they both had concerns regarding that. Mostly these were regarding how isolated Joanna had been kept from the rest of the family. Robert now knew the reason for this. But now it created major problems with the plans.



" I know this is a lot for you to take in right now given how much things have already changed for you. But I hope you can understand that everyone is happy with the way things are now and we are hoping that you can find a way to be happy as well." Robert told Joanna as he focused on the moment. "Well it is definitely a lot to think about and I still think there's some other stuff like those collars all the women are wearing that your not telling me about. Still I'm thankful that you are not trying to hide this stuff from me." Joanna told him.



Joanna mentioning the collars was a bit worry-some to Robert but also afforded him an opportunity. He told her she was right and even his father was wanting to tell her everything. In his case it was just a matter of waiting for the right opportunity once he felt Joanna was ready to hear the truth. They all agreed she was more than ready just the right opportunity hadn't presented itself yet. They hoped to talk to her that night about it all.



However if Joanna felt she needed more time to think about everything she now knew than they were willing to give it to her. Robert was willing to tell her himself but had promised both of their parents to let them explain this stuff to her. He said their mother especially wanted to be a part of this and Robert wasn't going to deny her request. Looking around the fitting room Robert told Joanna that technically they shouldn't be having that sort of conversation there anyway. Getting up from the bench Robert reminded they should be getting out of there.



As Robert gave her some privacy Joanna quickly went about changing out of her new school uniform. While she was just in her bra and panties Joanna couldn't resist the urge to look at herself in the mirrors like that. Especially now she was wearing such sexy bra and panties now. Joanna could definitely see the difference between the way she looked that very morning compared to then. Joanna couldn't help feeling major boost to her self confidence as she redressed in her new outfit and walked confidently from the fitting room with her new uniform over her shoulder.



As rejoined her bothers she saw that there was a woman talking to both Chelsea and Jenny. Joanna quickly realized they were somehow in trouble with this woman based on the way both of them had their heads lowered and kept responding with very few words. These were either "Yes Ma'am" or "We are sorry Ma'am" and "It won't happen again Ma'am". Given the brazen behavior of the two earlier and what she now knew about them they could have done anything from flashing the woman to trying to seduce her. Looking from this scene to Robert with a curious expression on her face made him call out to the woman.



"Principal Blackthorn I think there is someone you need to meet."



Joanna suddenly became very nervous as she heard that. After both Chelsea and Jenny told her "Yes Ma'am" one final time Joanna watched as her new principal turned to face her. Something about the way her eyes quickly traveled up and down Joanna's body made her trimble slightly. However the stern expression on her face soon disappeared and she smiled at Joanna making her relax some. Still Joanna was still on edge as Principal Blackthorn spoke to her.



"You must be Joanna it's nice to get to meet you finally. Please don't feel intimidated by that little scene you just saw. I was just making sure I was not going to have those two in my office for having their skirts too short again."



Joanna couldn't help but respond about the same way the others were. "Yes Ma'am" and "No Ma'am" were the only words Joanna was capable of saying in the presence of this woman. However both Robert and Jonathan were finding the whole encounter amusing before they took pity on Joanna. "You can relax Joanna Principal Blackthorn isn't going to bite your head off. In fact you will find she is genuinely cares for all her students even if a few tend to push boundaries from time to time."



Robert shot both Chelsea and Jenny a hard look when said that final part and Joanna wondered if this was related to the conversation they just had. Joanna allowed herself to relax some and looked closer at Principal Blackthorn and saw she was very beautiful woman. Yet regardless of how beautiful she was Principal Blackthorn had such a commanding presence that intimidated everyone around her. Or at least the three girls Robert and Jonathan seamed completely at ease around her. Leaving Joanna to wonder if how many of the other students felt as intimidated by her as Joanna was.



As Principal Blackthorn left the store Joanna hoped she wouldn't be having many run ins with her. More so something told Joanna that she never wanted to be around Principal Blackthorn while she was angry with Joanna. If Principal Blackthorn was anything like Headmistress Cole who wouldn't hesitate to take a paddle to Joanna's ass if she did the slightest thing wrong. Principal Blackthorn probably enjoyed it as much as Joanna's former Headmistress had as well. Joanna suspected her ass would be so sore that she wouldn't be able to to sit down for a week.



Joanna sat looking at herself in the mirror and regardless of how fantastic she looked couldn't manage to bring a smile to her face. After the encounter with Principal Blackthorn while they were getting her uniform Joanna had managed to settle herself down and open back up some. Being able to somewhat enjoy spending time with her brothers and the girls. Joanna was even able to now get some amusement out of the brazen behavior of the two girls. Frequently finding herself giggling about the reaction several guys had to the two girls.



However Joanna noticed that her brothers were also different than she remembered them being. Robert in particular was now totally sure of himself and seamed to have a more commanding presence. He also seamed to garner more respect from those around him. He also seamed to intimidate some people in the mall. This even included a couple of Kelly's old friends that they had the misfortune of crossing paths with.



Jonathan was taking another load of bags out to the Land Rover and the two girls were sitting on a bench resting some. Joanna had pulled Robert a little ways away to try and talk to him privately when they saw the bitches giving Chelsea and Jenny a hard time. Robert excused himself from Joanna and quietly walked up behind the bitches. Joanna never heard what they were saying to Chelsea and Jenny or the few words Robert said. But the bitches suddenly started acting the way Chelsea and Jenny had around Principal Blackthorn. Joanna did hear them apologize before they left in hurry watching Robert over their shoulders.



Strangely something about that made Robert decide to start rapping up the shopping trip. They made stop by a shoe store where Joanna ended up with ***********ion of high heeled shoes. Then they had to go back to one of the department stores to find Joanna a fancy dinner dress Robert said she was going to need that night. Lastly Robert insisted that they go back to the lingerie shop when he found out they didn't get Joanna any stockings. Only then did they pile in the vehicles and head home.



Once home it took everyone to carry all of the stuff up to Joanna's room. Strangely enough Joanna had her mother's help sorting through all the bags. But it got a little embarrassing when her mother started pulling out the lingerie and telling Joanna how sexy she must look in it. That aside it was actually nice getting to spend this time with her mother like that. Her mother did make Joanna try on her new school uniform and show her how it looked on her.



She also had to promise to let her mother see how she looked in all of the other outfits the next day. Elizabeth was covering the kitchen for her but apparently the meal that night was going to be very important and she didn't want to be away from the kitchen much longer. She did go through all of Joanna's new clothing and pick out specific items that Joanna was to wear to dinner. From the fancy dress Robert picked out for her to even undergarments and stockings. Finally which pair of high heels Joanna was to wear.



Joanna's mother was adamant that Joanna was to wear everything that was laid out for her. Even summoning Kelly and giving her instructions to see that Joanna was properly prepared for dinner. When Joanna tried to protest her mother flatly told her to let Kelly handle this so she looked her best for their guests that night. Joanna then received the shock that sent shivers down her spine. Not only would her mother and Kelly be severely punished if Joanna's appearance wasn't satisfactorily but she was told who one of the guests was going to be.



Her feelings about being in the presence of Principal Blackthorn again was one of the reasons that Joanna now couldn't bring a smile to her face. Joanna had never thought she would be around Principal Blackthorn again this soon. But there was also the threat of her mother being punished that was a big factor. Her mother seamed very desperate to avoid whatever sort of punishment that had been threatened. Then there was what Kelly did to prepare her that was another factor in why Joanna now felt like bursting into tears.



Joanna felt violated by what had happened after her mother left. Kelly had taken Joanna in the bathroom then had her strip completely naked. Kelly then proceeded to wash every inch of Joanna's body. This included her pussy and giving her an enema. More so Kelly also shaved all of Joanna's pubic hair off. Once Joanna was completely hairless below her neck Kelly washed her again. Before drying her off and leading her back to the bedroom.



Joanna had hoped that she would be getting dressed at that point but Kelly lead her to the makeup station and had her sit down in front of the mirror. Joanna asked to at least be able to put on a bra and panties. However Kelly said it was a rule nothing could go on their bodies until they were looking their best. Joanna sat naked while Kelly went about preparing her hair not stopping until it looked perfect. Kelly then showed the same dedication to perfection when it came to applying Joanna's makeup.



Only once both were perfect did Kelly have Joanna stand and had her wait in front of the full length mirror on the closet door. Joanna could only stand there looking at her naked body as Kelly went to the bed and started retrieving articles of clothing. First was a dark purple stockings. Once that was on Joanna's body Kelly got the high heels that had been laid out for her to wear. Joanna was thankful when Kelly picked up the dark purple panties.



However before Kelly would put them on her Joanna was instructed to examine herself to see how she looked. Joanna had never worn stockings and high heels before let alone seen herself looking that sexy and told Kelly such. Kelly responded that she should look even sexier once she got through each stage of the dressing process. Joanna was curious what Kelly was talking about when she said dressing process. However before Joanna got the chance to ask Kelly starting explaining it to her.



Her father and Robert both had ordered that whenever Joanna was to get dressed for the time being Kelly or one of the other girls were to do it and in a specific order. First would be exact bathing, hair, and makeup process Joanna went through. Next Joanna would be taken to the mirror she was currently in front of. There Joanna's shoes and socks to be put on before giving Joanna a moment afterwards to examine herself. Next was undergarments again with a moment to examine herself once they were in place.



Joanna became a little worried when Kelly told her the part about there being occasions where she wouldn't be allowed to wear underwear. This would allow them to skip that step and move on to the outerwaer of Joanna's clothing. Shirts and blouses would always go on her body first. This would also include the vest of her school uniform. After looking at how she looked they would move to Joanna's skirts.



Joanna then was told about the rule that she wasn't allowed to wear pants or shorts in the house. With the exception of the mandatory morning exercise session. That Joanna would be taking part in from that moment on to get rid of the little bit of baby fat on her body. This was also the only time Joanna was allowed to wear shoes that weren't high heels outside of her room. With this final rule explained and Joanna now dressed dressed Joanna was instructed to examine herself in the mirror until someone returned to escort her down to dinner.



Joanna hoped this would be her mother or at least hopefully Robert and she could ask what the hell was going on. It never occurred to Joanna not to stop looking at herself in the mirror. After what happened in the bathroom Joanna should be curled up in bed crying her eyes out yet she just stood there admiring herself. Though regardless of how good she now looked there seamed a shadow hanging over her. Which was a shame given how nice the dress was and how she looked in it.



The dark purple fabric started at Joanna's neck with a thin colly wrapping around her lower neck. Before spreading out to cover her breasts then going completely around her mid drift a little ways below her breasts and leaving her upper back exposed. Unfortunately this also required her to go braless leaving her nipples visible through the thin fabric. The dress wasn't ridiculously short coming to an end mid thigh just covering the tops of Joanna's stockings. Still it was shorter than Joanna was used to leaving her wanting to tug it down more.



Joanna didn't know how long she stood like looking at herself in the mirror before someone knocked on the door. Before Joanna could say anything the door opened and both Chelsea and Jenny entered the room. They both had their hair up in ponytails and matching black dresses that were similar to Joanna's. Only theirs had section of the chest open allowing their cleavage to be visible and they were a lot shorter. They both timidly approached Joanna with looks of concern on their faces. When they got to where Joanna was they lowered their heads and started giving Joanna instructions.



Dinner was now done, Joanna her father, Robert, Principal Blackthorn, and their other guest had gone into her father's office for a discussion. Joanna had picked up that not only was Robert uneasy around this man but so was her father and Principal Blackthorn. This made Joanna totally believe what the other girls had said about this man. Now she was in his presence Joanna had to focus on the instructions she had been given always call him Sir and be respectful at all times. Even if he talks about doing bad things to her and the other women there.



Now strangely he had just looked briefly at Joanna then turned to her father and telling him what her father wanted was unorthodox but he would do it. He then gave some sort of contract to her father to read. It was then passed first to Robert then to Principal Blackthorn. Once they had both read it it was placed in front of Joanna and she was told where to sign it. Joanna was tempted to just sign the contract however something told her to read it first leaving her shocked by what was said.



It was a agreement that she would be protected from involuntary enslavement by all members of something called The Organization. However Joanna had to follow all the rules and laws of this Organization at all times. More so if Joanna were to violate any law or rule this protection could be removed and she would be immediately enslaved and sold at auction. Joanna was to refuse to sign until she saw something that gave her no choice. Letting out a sigh Joanna's signature was soon on the contract.



As Robert and then Principal Blackthorn signed as Joanna's sponsors or overseers Joanna thought about the section that had made her decision for her. The section of the contract stated that Joanna was to be enslaved at midnight that very night unless she had that protection. It didn't say a reason other than the contract would remove the existing enslavement order against Joanna. Joanna already had hundreds of questions when she entered the room. Now Joanna believed it had jumped to several million as this official of this Organization signed the contract and placed a silver bracelet around Joanna's right wrist.



As her father got up from his seat Joanna was told to never take the bracelet off or it would be considered as her forfeiting her protections against enslavement. He then addressed Robert and Principal Blackthorn and told them he expected good things from Joanna once she was trained. Though strangely he referred to Robert as Master Robert Sanders and Principal Blackthorn as Mistress Heather Blackthorn. Joanna's questions about these titles were soon pushed aside with the other questions when her father opened a secret door and walked through it. He was soon joined by Principal or rather Mistress Blackthorn making Joanna very concerned.



Joanna's concern only grew when they were joined by all the other women in the house. Only by then everyone of them were now naked. With the exception of the high heels and collars being the only thing covering any skin on any of them including Joanna's mother. Joanna also saw another thing they had in common in the form of the tattoos on their hairless pubic mounds. Each one had a tattoo of a barcode with a number beneath it and Kelly and Joanna's mother's tattoos also said Pleasure Maid above the barcode.



Now while Joanna looked at her naked mother with the most concern. However Joanna's mother was looking at Joanna with a mixture of pride and relief. Especially when her eyes traveled to the bracelet on Joanna's wrist and large smile appeared on her face. This smile never would leave her face even when their guest asked if he could sample the household sex slaves. Granted Robert then gesturing to Chelsea and Kelly and telling him those two were the only ones that were technically his property and he could give permission to touch had Joanna really wanting to know what was going on more than ever.



Joanna got a bit of a answer when the guest mentioned that Joanna's mother most be a hell of a good slave for her owner to give her the gift of her daughter's freedom and he would like to see for himself how skilled she was. Robert responded that she is very skilled sex slave but the gift wasn't about her skill at giving pleasure. Joanna's freedom was a reward for years of faithful and unquestioning dedication to his father. Unfortunately this couldn't be demonstrated to him unless their father sold her to him and he was probably better of trying one of the others that night. Robert then told him that Chelsea and Kelly were also very skilled sex slaves and he would get great enjoyment out of using either of their bodies that night.



Joanna was shocked to hear Robert not only referring to their mother but both Chelsea and Kelly as sex slaves. Then hearing that her mother had been a slave for years if not all of Joanna's life. Then there was the confusion about what they were saying about Joanna's freedom. Answers to so many questions that Joanna had both recently and for a years now were suddenly becoming clear to her. Still there were a ton of questions that Joanna wanted to ask not only of her father but especially of her mother and brother.



Hours later Joanna was being held by both Robert and Mistress Blackthorn as she tried to catch her breath. She should have been horrified by loosing her virginity to her own brother. Yet the sex had been so good that Joanna had nothing really to complain about. Especially when both Robert and Mistress Blackthorn had taken turns eating her out so well that Joanna spent most of an hour screaming in ecstasy. This left Joanna more than ready when Robert climbed in top of her and lined up his cock with her pussy.



The pain of when his cock was trust into her pussy was the only part Joanna didn't like. Still both Robert and Mistress Blackthorn just comforted Joanna until the pain had started to pass. Robert then moved his cock slowly within Joanna's pussy until she was experiencing so much pleasure she thought it wasn't possible. Soon Joanna was crying out in orgasm yet again as Robert filled his condom full of cum. As Joanna came down from her climax she now at least partially understood how the other women didn't seam to care they were sex slaves.



Well at least those that belonged to her family. The two twin sisters that Mistress Blackthorn had given to Master Donaldson didn't seam that happy having a new owner. But Joanna suspected they weren't willing sex slaves like most of her family's. Kelly tried to explain some of how things worked within The Organization to Joanna while she dressed her in the babydoll nightie. This included how different things were for Joanna then any of her other siblings. Along with how Chelsea, Jenny, and Elizabeth became sex slaves.



Now Joanna had found out just before that she technically wasn't completely free yet. Joanna still had to obey all of Robert's and Mistress Blackthorn's orders as they trained her to be a Mistress herself. This included giving the two of them unlimited access to her body at all times. This was why Joanna was now laying in the bed of her own brother after getting fucked by him. More so as Mistress Blackthorn began to reposition herself Joanna knew that she would now be eating out her first pussy.



Joanna actually was looking forward to this now that she wasn't as intimidated by Mistress Blackthorn. Mistress Blackthorn was a very beautiful woman and Joanna was honored that she would be Joanna's first female lover. Especially they way she gently guided Joanna through the process of pleasuring another woman with her tongue. Joanna rather enjoyed doing this for Mistress Blackthorn and had a hard time stopping once Mistress Blackthorn flooded Joanna's face with her juices. Though once Mistress Blackthorn lifted her pussy off of Joanna's face she really had no choice.



Robert and Mistress Blackthorn then snuggled up to each side of Joanna as they petted and teased her body some more. Particularly they took turns playing with Joanna's clit until she had at least two more orgasms. Joanna was more than ready for what was next as they had her role on to her stomach. Next she lifted her ass into the air as Mistress Blackthorn started lubing up her ass hole. Just the sensation of the fingers working their way into Joanna's ass hole told her that this had the possibility of being as pleasurable as the others said anal sex was for them.



Joanna's first time turned out similar to the way most of the others described their first ass fuckings. It hurt at first but once she got used to having a cock up her ass hole Joanna loved every minute of it. Joanna now knew her fears were unfounded about the amount of anal sex she was going to be required to have. Joanna was now looking forward to her her morning ass fucking before school in Mistress Blackthorn's office. Now Joanna would be just as eager to bend over Mistress Blackthorn's desk as Chelsea and Jenny were.



Two months later Joanna had completed her initial training and was now getting fitted for her dominatrix outfit. The training had been rather intense with Joanna spending most of that time undergoing slave training. She had been kept collared and leashed the entire time. Spending many of her nights sleeping either on the concrete floor of a cell in the dungeon or locked up in the small cage in Master Robert's closet. Most nights this was after she either spent her day being strung up and whipped or getting randomly fucked by all of the men in the house for hours on end.



Now the slave training was done Joanna would now be the one holding the whips. She was especially looking forward to the lessons on how to tie up a slave. Having found watching both Chelsea and Kelly struggling while hog-tied extremely arousing. Joanna even found herself masturbating while watching videos of herself tied up on more than one occasion. The hottest of these bondage sessions was when the Masters had tied up all of the women in the house including not only the slaves but Joanna, Mistress Blackthorn, and their friend Tammy also known as Mistress Tabitha.



Afterwards the men took turns fucking each of the slaves. While Joanna's tongue and ass hole was put to work pleasuring the two Mistresses. For several hours the two would have Joanna lick one to several orgasms while the other one sodomized her with a strap on dildo. Leaving Joanna's ass hole gapping and her face and hair soaked in pussy juices. That was also the end of Joanna's time being treated as a slave. That night before the Mistresses snuggled up to each side of an exhausted Joanna in bed her collar was removed and she was told her Mistress training would start the next day.



Joanna was a bit curious what the first lesson was but never expected that it would be the fitting sessions for her new dominatrix outfit. Joanna found the corset rather uncomfortable with it making it hard to breathe at times. While she loved the way the high heeled leather boots seamed to mold themselves to her legs. Having grown her fingernails out Joanna's gloves were the same style as Mistress Blackthorn's leaving her fingers exposed. Only while Mistress Blackthorn's dominatrix outfit was made out of deer hide and Mistress Tabitha's was shinny red leather Joanna's was a dark blue with purple accents.



Also like both of the others' dominatrix outfits Joanna's breasts and pussy were left exposed. With the corset starting just beneath her breasts and ending several inches above her pubic mound. This left her totally available to be serviced by a slave girls. Also it wasn't uncommon for lower ranking Mistresses to be put to work servicing the other guests alongside the slaves at some gatherings. So it was always easier to keep their pussies and breasts exposed.



The final piece of Joanna's outfit was the gold and silver pendent hanging in the cleavage of her breasts. It had the symbol for The Organization a small silver coin embedded in a ring of gold with the bust Helen of Troy on the front. (There was something else on the backside of the coin that was hidden unless it was worn by a slave in her collar or ID tag.) This is the same emblem that appears on the lapel pins and pendents all members wore. However this one had a thin silver ring around the outer border of the gold portion signifying Joanna was a Mistress protege. Now should she successfully complete her training she would be given a ring like all Masters and Mistresses wore.



Now should she became a Mistress Joanna would be given a different pendent to wear as well. Where it was reversed with a gold coin within a silver border. Identical to the lapel pins her father and brothers wore in public instead of their rings. Though they still kept them on them at all times should they be required to exert their authority over lower ranking members. Which was what the incident in the mall with Kelly's former friends Jennifer and Ashley was about.



Both of them were actually low ranking members with basically only having protection against enslavement as their only benefit. Still they ranked above two slaves like Chelsea and Jenny and decided to lord this status over them. Now them doing this wasn't against any rules or laws of The Organization as long as they just mocked the two slave girls' inferiority to them. However they were in a public place and had mentioned both Chelsea's and Jenny's slave status where it could've been heard by outsiders braking The Organization's code of silence. This had been why they were so afraid of Master Robert when he came up behind them that way after slipping on his ring.



With Master Robert's superior status his word was all it would take to have both bitches face disciplinary measures including enslavement. A fact that he reminded them of as he whispered in their ears. "That he heard them brake the code of silence and if he wanted they would be in chains before the day was out. So they better get out of his sight before he decided to make the necessary reports." However the two bitches didn't know was Master Robert's act of charity by not having them punished wasn't a mercy directed towards them.



Master Robert wanted nothing more than to see those two bitches collared and taken to the auction block. He even believed they would bring a high price and probably pay for his college expenses. Unfortunately he wasn't in a position to act on it. With all the favors they called in to get the strings pulled to secure Joanna's freedom he decided not act on this. He did call both of their fathers and notify them of their daughters' offense



From what Joanna knew the fathers were the daughters' sponsors and were the ones responsible for them obeying all The Organization's rules. This also meant that the fathers could be punished alongside the daughters if Master Robert reported the incident. However there were occasions where offenses could be kept quiet just the offenders sponsors had to administer an appropriate punishment. Master Robert agreed to let the fathers handle the situation if they punished their daughters in a way he felt was appropriate. This was to receive a flogging and spend three nights sleeping naked in slave cages kept in each their father's bedroom closets.



Though to everyone's surprise they had four unexpected visitors come over to the house several days later. It was both fathers dragging both of the bitches behind them naked as the day they were born. Apparently when the fathers were giving the bitches a lecture on how bad they had screwed up when one of them decided to open her big mouth and pissed both of the fathers off. On the spot they decided the bitches required a harsher punishment then the one Master Robert wanted. More so since Master Robert was the one who brought the bitches bad behavior to the fathers' attention they wanted to hear any ideas he had for appropriate punishments.



While the two bitches knelt naked in the office countless ideas were passed around. As a naked Joanna knelt in the back of the room at Mistress Blackthorn's feet she almost felt sorry for the two. Technically only one of them the other bitch just looked at the collar around Joanna's neck and gave her a smug smile of superiority. This reminded Joanna so much of the way she remembered Kelly that any pity Joanna felt for her immediately disappeared. While the other one was genuinely terrified about the situation and the ideas being passed around.



This girl Ashley had also been crying the whole time. Though this went from a few tears when she was lead into the house to weeping uncontrollably as the more severe suggestions were mentioned. Joanna wasn't the only one to notice this reaction. Her bitch of a friend Jennifer actually called her a crybaby at one point but it was Mistress Blackthorn that seamed the most interested in what she saw from her. Mistress Blackthorn licked her lips and started talking in great detail about the required punishments for the two offenders and how they should be sent to that small Dolcett cannibal group within The Organization.



Mistress Blackthorn then went into detail about how this group would literally roast women both free and slaves alive. While they preferred a different method they weren't opposed to using large ovens and boiling cauldrons to cook their victims alive either. In fact based on some things she heard a woman actually survived longer in a oven then their preferred method of spit-roasting a woman over a fire. Especially considering that the woman was first impelled by the spit before going over the fire.



Mistress Blackthorn then described watching videos of this being done. The spit is inserted in one of the woman's lower orifices. Sometimes her pussy but most commonly the rod goes up her ass. The spit is then carefully worked through her body until finally it comes out her mouth. Then her limbs are quickly secured and a shorter skewer is inserted into the other lower orifice to allow her body to be able rotated over the fire. Their proficiency at this insured the woman was still alive when they placed her over the flames and they get the spectacle of watching her suffer while being cooked alive.



This proved the braking point for Ashley and she started pleading for mercy. Even going as far as offering to be willingly surrender herself for enslavement if they would promise not to do this to her. The fathers were shocked to hear this but Joanna saw Master Robert give Mistress Blackthorn a knowing smile. Master Robert has realized that Mistress Blackthorn had marked this bitch as a replacement for the two slaves she had given up to secure Joanna's freedom and was now working her over to get a collar around her neck. Mistress Blackthorn was quick to tell her.



"Ashley no one believes you are actually being sincere and are just trying to avoid a punishment by making a promise you have no intention of keeping. If you truly didn't want to end up served on a platter with a apple shoved in your mouth you would have seen the Jennifer for what she was and had nothing to do with her. Now Ashley your only option was to be roasted unless you somehow convinced me to take you as my personal slave."



Joanna watched as Ashley wept while holding the bracelet on her right wrist. Slowly her fingers wrapped around the silver chain holding the freedom Marker on her wrist. Before anyone could say or do anything Ashley pulled the chain as hard as she could. While one would think that the chain would have broken first it was actually the tag between the ends of the chain that gave out first. Seaming to break in half around the Organizational symbol and leaving the small coin dropping to the floor followed shortly by the rest of the bracelet.



Ashley was crying hysterically as she pleaded for Mistress Blackthorn to take Ashley as her slave. Mistress Blackthorn responded that Ashley still didn't grasp what a privilege she was receiving but she would except Ashley as a slave. Mistress Blackthorn then instructed Ashley to crawl to her and kiss her boots to show her appreciation for giving her the privilege of being Mistress Blackthorn's slave. As Ashley slowly started crawling towards Mistress Blackthorn Joanna heard Jennifer quietly calling her friend an idiot that deserves to be a Prairie Nigger's slave.



Joanna wasn't the only one that heard this but her and Ashley were the only ones that reacted. Ashley let out a few loud sobs at the cruel words coming from someone she thought was her friend. Joanna had "What a worthless bitch" slip past her lips before she could stop herself. Joanna heard the clearing of Mistress Blackthorn's throat and looked up to find her looking down on her in disapproval. Joanna was quick to apologize to the woman that was literally holding her leash. Before being reminded that Joanna had no right to speak and garnered being called the Prairie Nigger's other worthless slave by Jennifer.



Joanna wanted to rip that tongue out of Jennifer's vile mouth but held herself in check knowing that the bitch wasn't worth the punishment. Well it probably would be worth the whipping but this way Joanna would have an even greater satisfaction in the end. Joanna instead used this encounter as the motivation she needed to get through the harsh lessons that followed. She did get the satisfaction of having not only her pussy eaten out by Jennifer but getting a rim job as part of the bitch's punishment. That and getting to watch the bitch pathetically start pleading for mercy after first strike from Mistress Blackthorn's whip.



Joanna's training went fairly quickly after that and she was soon helping Mistress Blackthorn train Ashley after her collaring ceremony. Not that Ashley was that hard of a slave for Mistress Blackthorn to train. In fact becoming a slave was actually an improvement to Ashley's personality much like it had done for Kelly before her. Joanna even got to help place the ID tag complete with the coin from Ashley's freedom Marker on to the piercing in the hood of Ashley's clit. This was when Joanna finally got a good look at the other side of the coin.



As before the normally visible side had a bust of Helen of Troy. Just it was a depiction of her before the defenses were breached. She was clothed in form fitting gown and had an look of arrogance on her face. However the opposite was a depiction of her after the fall of Troy and her capture by the Greaks. She was now naked and wearing a collar but most importantly her face now showed the fear of being enslaved and at the mercy of her new masters.



It was also when Joanna realized that all the slaves in the household carried this emblem on or attached to their bodies somewhere. Kelly had a tag almost identical to Ashley's just above her pussy. While Chelsea and Jenny had their tags attached to belly button piercings. While Joanna's mother and Elizabeth's had the coins mounted on the front of all of the collars they wore both publicly and privately. Since neither of them had any piercings other than their ears the only other option was a pendent and those weren't allowed to be worn by slaves.



Unfortunately Joanna would also have a few more run-ins with that bitch Jennifer. Which was hard to avoid when they had several of the same classes. It didn't help that Mistress Blackthorn had allowed Ashley to continue going to school and required her to be with one of four people at all times at school. These people were Joanna, Chelsea, Jenny, and Mistress Tabitha and most commonly it was all four of them since they all had the exact same class schedule.



Though Chelsea and Jenny tended to spend the lunch hour with their owners. This left Joanna and Mistress Tabitha to look after Ashley for her owner. This also provided several opportunities for that bitch Jennifer

Same as Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 04 The two Mistresses' story Videos

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Seven part one

I've decided instead of one final chapter I'll do it in multiple parts. - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about...

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Jenns Hunger 7 A Prequel to Hard Time Sex

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 26 The Northern Steps

Dreams. There were always dreams. He had just awakened to find Rebecca draped across him, having not stirred from where they ended their lovemaking the night before. His dream had been so real and so familiar in the afterglow. He was married. His wife and, in her womb, their daughter were the world to him and he would guard and protect them for eternity. But the dream had revealed something. Eternity might be a very long time. He looks out at his dream world through watery eyes. An empty...

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Two new pretty things for Mistresses Expensive red shoes a slavegirl

Two new pretty things for Mistresses . Expensive red shoes & a slavegirl.   I finished off my makeup in the mirror, by applying a final touch of lip gloss & just the tiniest extra hint of mascara to the tips my lashes. I had spent over 2 hours in the process, in? the bath & waxing my body all over & especially intimately. Painting my toenails & primping myself. I slipped out of my lace baby doll nightie. & pulled on my most expensive sheer silk pantie & bra set. A matching garter belt for my...

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BiochemistryThe Prequel

Biochemistry:The Prequel by J R D Samuel Nevada had a secret. A secret so hidden even he didn't know about it. But that's getting ahead of the story. Sam had just finished the last of his finals in his Law classes and with only one year left before he could take his BAR had decided to celebrate by bar hopping that night. Dressed in his best "cruisin'" clothes he had gone from bar to bar, looking for a woman to take home and fuck. Usually, he didn't have a problem with it,...

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Simons Story A Prequel to the Club

This story is a little slow getting started but I hope that you all enjoy it none the less. It's the longest story that I've written to date. If anyone wishes to archive this story, please let me know. This story has adult material. If you are under 18 or offended by such, read no further. Simon's Story: A Prequel to the Club By Morpheus "Yo Simon," I heard a loud voice calling, wincing at the sound of my name. God how I hated my name. Simon Victor Halloway, though...

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Dressed for Disaster The Prequel

Dressed for Disaster: The Prequel (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Pat Summers put his suitcases on the bed, and made a quick survey of his room. He noted with approval the full-length mirror on the back of the closet door, and he poked his head into the bathroom to inspect the bathtub and vanity. Not overly luxurious, but they would do. First things first. He opened his computer case and turned on his laptop computer, plugging the modem cord into the data port on the desk telephone....

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A New Dawn the Prequel

The characters in this story are all over eighteen and the age of consent, sex if it happens is consensual. UK English is the rule: if the spellings Mum, arse or colour annoy you, don’t go any further, for the rest of you enjoy. This prequel is a small thank you to kjohns2001, who wrote that a back story setting out Harry’s downfall would help the timeline and narratives for later events, this has been echoed by others. So with your permission here it is and I hope you agree the guy was a...

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The unforgettable girl at the party prequel

While there I meet some old ass guys, who were her dad and uncles, they started talking about some boring ass stuff and I was ready to fall asleep. My eyes opened up as soon as I nice looking woman that sort of looked like my sister in law. She was average height with shoulder length brown wavy hair. She was taking some plates and cups from the cupboard. I went over to her and asked her if she needed some help. She just looked at me for a while and said "oh sorry, yes can you please take...

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Prequel to Cuckolds Warning

I've been writing XXX stories that have been posted on the Internet for many years, and of the dozens I've written, "Cuckold's Warning," which I posted here a few weeks ago, has received more reader comments than any other. One of the most-common questions I get from readers who have enjoyed that particular story usually goes something like, "Just how real is this story?"Well, as I've told those folks, "Cuckold's Warning" has a factual basis. The first two chapters are based closely on what...

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Ashok And My Innocent Mom 8211 Prequel 1

Hello friends! This is Sajaan Shridharan again with an exciting episode of Revathi and Ashok, the prequel to my story ‘Ashok Fucks Again’ and many more on ISS. Before Ashok started fucking my Mom – Revathi in front of me, they were romantically involved many times. I was always a silent spectator of their sensual romance. This episode is an incident during the Vishu Pooja we always used to do every year. My father had not yet moved to Dubai. Ashok was his very good friend and often used to...

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James Bond Lingerie is Forever A Prequel

With thanks to Jayne Dell I'd like to thank Jayne for providing the inspiration for this story, having liaised with her to avoid any possible conflicts with current and future instalment, I am pleased to add this to the James Bond myth! Any comments, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or leave feedback for me. All characters, events and premises are the work of fiction, any resemblance to people, known or unknown is entirely accidental, (although if they do exist,...

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Xenthia Prequel

Xenthia The Prequel By Sadie Chan This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real persons or events is purely coincidental. Please leave a review - this is my first TG work and I looking for help. If you want to get in contact with me please feel free - my e-mail address is [email protected] I stared at my computer screen trying to fathom whether what I was reading could really be true. Sometimes I could be too open-minded and na?ve and I was wondering as I read the g...

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A MYTHing witch a MYTH prequel

M.Y.T.H.-ing Witch (A M.Y.T.H. prequel) I can say it, I messed up. But it wasn't all my fault. I trusted the wrong person. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Sabrina, and I'm a witch. Nope, don't have a broomstick. Although I guess I could, if I really wanted to make one. Witches are actually a subset of the race known as the Magi. There are three main subsets - Witches, Warlocks, and Wizards. Before you ask, no, not all witches are girls, and not all Warlocks...

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Stephanies Slavery

Stephanie's Slavery Synopsis After complaining that her boss was a slave driver, Stephanie is forced to really become his slave.Stephanie's Slavery by obohoboWarning The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC  Spank Rom If you are underage or offended by such material or, if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or...

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Slavery in our Time

Slavery in our TimePart 1 – Her Strange FascinationLaura walked down the aisle gazing at all the merchandise around her. Since she was a child, Laura had always been fascinated with the selection of slaves at the department store.  Highclass was a superior department store and the quality of the slaves was high. Highclass offered a wide selection of quality slaves from domestics and nannies to gardeners and chefs. Slaves varied in price due to a number of factors such as age, health,...

3 years ago
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Legalised Slavery

Tracey looked out of the air plane window and wondered what awaited her on the ground below.They were approaching the imaginatively named Zonga International Airport, in the capital city of Zonga in the country of Zonga. Why choose different names when one will do thought Tracey wryly.Not that many people had heard of Zonga up until two years ago, with good reason, it was a backward little country on the eastern side of Africa with one capital city which was also it's only port, and not much...

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Return to slavery

Return to slavery by Rowena Return to slavery by Rowena  Rachel sat in her beautifully appointed office ,dressed elegantly in the latest and most tasteful fashion a white silk blouse buttoned to the neck, a smart black skirt to just below the knee, her long blond hair piled high on her head, so very different to the slutty clothes she wore when she was a slavegirl so long ago. She sighed contentedly. She was now a successful and rich business woman. She enjoyed her power and wealth....

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My First Christmas in Slavery

My first Christmas in Slavery My first Christmas in Slavery A short story for the festive season  It was my first Christmas as a slave girl. I was looking forward to the special day because I was hoping my master might have something special planned to celebrate my first Christmas of slavery to him. Only last Christmas I was a young innocent 15 year old girl, enjoying normal life as a teenager. Now I had recently passed my 16th birthday and I was a permanent slave girl to a dominant...

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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 2 The debates

David lay naked on top of the bed his mind churning over the events of earlier in the day. Lying with his eyes closed and a plastic masturbator humming and gently gnawing on his prick and allowing his thoughts free reign he asked himself, "I wonder if Polly is right? She's a perceptive kid even if she isn't too bright in other ways. We all laugh at her spelling and the way she writes but she's good at what she does and seems to understand people better than I do. I couldn't even...

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Sisters in Slavery

Chapter One The capture of twin sisters and beginning of their training as sex slaves. Megan thought back to how this had happened and wondered if there was anything she could of done to have prevented this. Granted when something bad happens to anyone that's the first thing that goes through their minds. Still she had to wonder if she could of prevented what that woman did to them. Megan and her twin sister Molly lives hadn't been perfect but to have this happen was...

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Sybil A Story About Interracial Slavery

This is a story about a young and very naive white girl's travels through submissive interracial sex and slavery. After reading about these terrible events in history her guilt has become an obsession to right the terrible wrongs that many young black girls had to endure as a slave over 150 years ago! She eventually sees herself as a white slave girl to black abusive slave owners, quite the reverse of what actually happened. Sybil was a most interesting young woman she had grown up in...

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Divorced into slavery

DIVORCED INTO SLAVERY By Ivorygirl Carla could find no comfortable position in the dark, dank cell in which she’d found herself alone, her hands cuffed behind her back and bound to her cuffed feet and both attached to a chain imbedded middle ways up in the wall. At the moment, the best she could do with her curled legs beneath her was to remain on her knees on the small cot that put her up just high enough and lean sideways against the wall. The chain she was hooked to didn’t allow for much...

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The Harsh New World prequel to chapter 1

Introduction: these are a few times leading up to my first chapter of this story. Its rather long, so I separated the three encounters with thier own titles. <,Daniel and Pearls First Amorous Entwine>, Daniel! Lunch. Pearl shouted at her brother as she ran to catch up to him as he followed the pair of draft horses that were pulling the plow across the field. She had just finished giving her other brothers theirs and wanted to share time with her eldest, her favorite brother. Daniel slowed...

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Island Royale Institutional White Slavery in the New Millennium REPOST

This is a repost of the story I recently submitted, edited as necessary because of the limitations of the XNXX website format which confuses graphics, inexplicably substitutes a question mark for quotation marks at times, and does not permit footnotes. It is hoped therefore that this reposting will provide more clarity. I have also reposted the story as one entire novella because it is hoped the sprinkling of negative comments I have received results from the previous inability of the...

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Secrets of Slavery

Well now that the whole ordeal is over, I can finally tell my story. It’s been 6 long years and countless horny men and women since it all started. I have been a secret sex slave, secret to my husband, friends, and family all because of one horny encounter that turned into years of sex slavery.Let me back up to when it all started. I (Cindy) was 27 married to my wonderful husband (Dave) and living in an upper class neighborhood outside of Chicago. My husband and I had a few swinging encounters...

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Demihuman Slavery

In the not-so-far future, a part of the world has embraced slavery. Slaves are almost entirely removed from the jurisdiction of the state, as it is the duty of the master to discipline their slaves and keep them in check. Only, when a slave proves to be dangerous to the public (as with killing or injuring a free human), they will be put down for good. However, most slaves aren’t humans. Instead, the scientists of this country have used advanced genetics to create a multitude of humanoid...

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My Shemale Girlfriend 8 My Mistresses

Sorry i haven't been writing stories, I've been a full time slave of multiple mistresses the past year. if you read any of my other stories, you'd know my beautiful girlfriend/mistress Christy, who is my main mistress, Brittany, her friend from Denmark, is my secondary mistress and has moved in with us. My third mistress is Jennifer. Jennifer is usually only my mistress when one them are gone, but still often there. Often, all three of my mistresses are present to use me as they please. They...

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

Introduction: Batwoman returning back to Hollys loft from patrol beliving trhe woman is asleep is in for a rude awakening. It had been a long night and an even longer patrol, and Kate was drained. Slipping into the window quietly to find her Holly fast asleep, Batwoman moved quietly for the chair and started to get undressed. Removing the belt with practiced ease, she then took off the cape before she removed the gloves and boots…, only then placing her hands on the dresser and lowering her...

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Arab Masters and Mistresses

Arab Masters  and  MistressesBy  Sonya  EsperantoE-mail:  [email protected]’s  Note:The  story is set in 2028AD.   But the background of this story is that somewhere in 2016,  the United States elected a very staunch Islamophobic  right-wing Christian Republican figure to become its President,  while  Russia, the  vast  European  countries,  India  and  even  China had elected equally staunch anti-Islamic leaders to solve what was perceived in their time period to be the...

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The Sissy Diaries My Two Mistresses

Dear Diary, Things were going so good for me. I got promoted at work, even though I know most people there don't like me because I'm quiet and reclusive. It's just that I can't get too close to anyone there and risk exposing that I'm a closeted crossdressing sissy. Still, I do my work and go home to my apartment and escape into my sissy world. Still, I decided that with my promotion and my increase in salary, I could afford a better apartment in a better neighborhood and that's where...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 8

Ben was summoned to Stone Eagle’s tepee shortly after the wagon train had settled in for their stay. Blossom went with him, ceremonially carrying the long gun, powder, and ammunition that Ben intended to give to Stone Eagle, wrapped up in one of the heavy trading post blankets. The walk to the tepee was uneventful. There were a lot of curious onlookers scattered about the village, many of whom stopped and stared when Ben was led past them, but none of them said anything to Ben and none...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 6

It turned out that Sid, the man in the trading post that Ben had hit on the head, was dead. Ben learned this on reaching the trading post and almost tripping over the body. Ben had walked up the trail from the flat in the company of Idaho Bill. The two had chatted about what needed to be done, now that the bullets had stopped flying about, and reasonable people had time to think. They’d come back up to the trading post to fetch a couple of shovels, and to speak with Big Ed about what he...

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The Harsh New World prequel to chapter 1

"Daniel! Lunch." Pearl shouted at her brother as she ran to catch up to him as he followed the pair of draft horses that were pulling the plow across the field. She had just finished giving her other brothers theirs and wanted to share time with her eldest, her favorite brother. Daniel slowed the horses and smiled down at his little sister, pulling off his hat to wipe his brow covered in a grime of sweat and the dry dust the horses were kicking up at him. It had been a year...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 5

Ben immediately ordered everyone to reload their weapons and to mount up. He asked Missus Taylor if she could ride, and to his relief she could. Ben quickly caught up the horse that the man had been riding who’d slid off the back of it, after he’d made it rear up, and brought it to the woman so she had a mount. Ten minutes later Ben, Cecily, and Dove, as Missus Taylor told Ben and Cecily to call her, were on the horses and riding back towards the fork in the trail, moving at a steady...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 2

The woman proved to be non-responsive. Ben called out to her a couple of times, first identifying who he was, and then reassuring her that he meant her and her family no harm. It hadn’t help. The woman seemed to be oblivious to his presence. All she seemed capable of doing was to lie curled up in a ball in the dirt of the trail, next to the body of the man that had stripped her naked, and who’d threatened to slit her throat, and sob loudly. Ben felt frustrated. He thought back to the...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 4

The trek to the hidden valley and the homestead that lay there gave Ben time to reflect on what he wanted to do, and what he needed to do. It also gave Blossom time to convince him to rethink his plans. Ben had resisted Blossom’s suggestions at first. His only thought was that there was a woman out there somewhere that needed his help and he needed to go after her. After all, that was why he’d been sent back in time. He was here to pay his dues to society by helping people. He’d already...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 20 Into the Night

When Wesley awoke in the predawn light, he found the air as clear as on those days when they did not go to the city. He felt incredibly refreshed and invigorated. He helped make breakfast and drank of his freshly steeped coffee. He had become accustomed to the Greek method of simply putting the finely ground coffee in the little briki and heating it until the foam formed on top, just before the liquid boiled. He would then pour this into his small cup and sip at it until they were ready to...

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