Simon's Story: A Prequel To The Club free porn video

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This story is a little slow getting started but I hope that you all enjoy it none the less. It's the longest story that I've written to date. If anyone wishes to archive this story, please let me know. This story has adult material. If you are under 18 or offended by such, read no further. Simon's Story: A Prequel to the Club By Morpheus "Yo Simon," I heard a loud voice calling, wincing at the sound of my name. God how I hated my name. Simon Victor Halloway, though often referred to as Simple Simon or Simon the pie man, much to my disgust. I couldn't help but wondering why my folks had ever saddled me with a name like that to begin with. Turning around, I saw the person who'd been calling me, running towards me through the school hallway. He was 16 years old, more than just a little overweight and had his acne splotched face smothered by an unruly mop of brown hair. Edwin Marshall wasn't in a much better position than me namewise, perhaps even worse. That just might be the reason that we'd been best friends for most of our lives. "Heya Ed," I greeted him when he got closer, using the nickname that I knew he preferred, though I was about the only one who ever used it. "What's up?" Ed grinned at me. "Not much. I'm just glad the weekend's here." "Don't remind me," I grumbled, definitely feeling less than enthusiastic about the four day weekend which was just about to start. Frowning sympathetically Ed asked, "Your dad's still serious about that?" I nodded, sighing as I did so. "I'm afraid so. We're off to go camping and be one big happy family," I added as much sarcasm as I could to it, which wasn't at all difficult considering how I felt. "Bummer," Ed told me. Nodding agreement I frowned and stared off, dreading my weekend. My dad had decided to try making us act like a family for a change, which was what I knew it would just be. An act. He was probably trying to appease his guilt or something, which he did about every six months Or after about every major affair of his. Dad was always out having an affair with one woman or another, usually ignoring me and mom. But then again, mom certainly wasn't much better. She just stayed at home, drowning her sorrows in a bottle and nagging either me or dad every time she even bothered to say something. I never could figure out if it had been her drinking and nagging that had made dad start having his affairs or if it was the affairs that had started her drinking. Either way, I guessed it was another one of those 'chicken or the egg' situations. Needless to say, I was NOT looking forward to spending any more time than necessary with my folks, especially not camping. I shuddered at the very thought. "Going to sleep on Elm Street would probably be more fun," I muttered to myself, thinking that spending time with my folks was going to be anything but a vacation. "Well," Ed told me, "I'm really sorry to hear that, but I hope you can at least keep from going psycho or something." I chuckled, slapping Ed on the back. "Who knows," I told him with a grin, "maybe I'll find some way to have fun with my folks. Like slipping vinegar into my mom's vodka again." Ed and I both laughed, remembering my mom's reaction the last time that I'd done that. "Well, I've gotta go," Ed told me, starting towards his bus, "see ya later." "Later," I echoed, starting towards my own bus, dreading my return home. It was times like this that I actually wished the school day was longer. At least at school I had all the other kids around to talk to and didn't have to put up with my folks bull shit. Shaking my head, I climbed onto the bus and braced myself for the torments to come. ---------- I groaned to myself as I climbed out of the car and looked at the cabin that was to be my home for the next several days. But still, at least it was better than being locked in the car with mom and dad. The long drive up there had been a living hell. And at least now I'd have the chance to slip off among some of the trees that surrounded the cabin, as flea infested a rat hole as it was. "Well Simon..." my dad asked cheerfully. "What do you think? Frowning I tore my eyes off of the cabin that dad had borrowed from some friend and stared at him. He was grinning almost stupidly, obviously thinking that this little family gathering was going to make up for everything bad. I snorted in disgust, having long since given up on those hopes. "Does it at least have cable?" I asked grumpily, not at all happy at having been dragged along. Mom quickly interjected, "It's lovely." I swore that I could hear a slight slur to her speech, even if I hadn't seen her drinking anything during the drive up. After a moment, dad said, "All right Simon, I'm going to take a look around. I want you to take all of our bags inside." Then with that, dad started walking off, leaving me and mom standing by the car. Mom didn't even glance at me before going into the cabin on her own. "Just great," I grumbled to myself, picking up my bags and starting towards the cabin, "another weekend in hell." The rest of the night was even worse than the ride up. The cabin was drafty, the running water was cold and I had to listen to my mom nag my dad for hours, at least until she got herself too drunk to talk, while he insulted her the whole time. I just stepped outside, standing on the porch and listening to the noises from the forest, wishing to God that I was back home. At least there my parents didn't usually stay in one room long enough to yell at each other too much. First thing in the morning, I walked out of the room I'd stayed in, yawning slightly but having slept much better than I'd expected. Whatever friend of dad's had lent him the cabin definitely kept the beds at least in good shape. It was almost as soft as back him. The only real downside was how cold it was in the morning since no one had bothered starting the fire. And of course the fact that my folks were in the cabin as well. When I went into the main room, I saw my mom laying on the couch where she'd passed out and there was no sign of my dad. I figured that he was probably still sleeping in, which was just fine with me. I wasn't really in any mood to face him right now, or his hypocritical speeches about how we were a family and should do family things together After I'd eaten a quick bowl of the cereal that we'd brought along, I went outside and took a look around the cabin. It wasn't actually quite as bad as my first impression, but still, I'd much rather have been back home where I at least had cable TV. This place didn't even have one at all, which was a real bummer. For a couple hours I just hung around the cabin, trying to ignore my folks as they both got up and started to move about, even pretending that they were a happily married couple. I just felt sick from it. "Common Simon," my dad finally suggested cheerfully, "let's go fishing and get a few big ones." My only response was to shake my head and mutter, "Joy," but I went along with him anyway down towards the lake, hoping that maybe I'd have some fun after all. I certainly wasn't expecting it though, especially since I'd never been a real big fan of fishing. "You'll love it," dad insisted when we got to the edge of the lake. I nodded, unconvinced but deciding to humor him for the moment. The fishing trip was a big bust. After less than an hour, dad had started to flirt with a pretty girl who'd come by from another cabin. I smiled at her faintly myself but looked at dad in disgust. He hadn't even tried pretending that he wasn't interested. Instead he just grinned. "No harm in window shopping." I snorted, knowing that he really meant "No harm in trying them on for size." But eventually we both left the lake, neither of us having caught a thing. "What a waste of time," I muttered, noticing that dad's good mood had vanished just as quickly as the fish. He was grumbling to himself the whole way back to the cabin, and after a few short words with mom, he turned and left again. Back to look for that woman he'd been flirting with I guessed. "I don't know why I ever married that good for nothing bastard," mom told me, pouring herself a glass of scotch. "And you....." She sneered slightly as she took a sip. "Whatever," I exclaimed, suddenly turning and storming out of the cabin. I wasn't in any mood to hear about all my faults, especially not from her. As soon as I was outside the cabin, I yelled back, "I'll be back later. I'm going for a walk." Then with that, I grabbed my back pack from the door where I'd left after getting back from fishing and started towards the hiking trails that I'd seen earlier. I didn't know where I was going, but I was sure as hell going to get away from the cabin and my folks for as long as I could. I hiked along the trails for several hours, surprising myself in that I was actually having a good time. Walking along the trail and being all alone in the trees made me feel relaxed, more so than I'd been in a long time. Without really thinking about it, I just continued walking, enjoying the fresh air and most of all...being away from my folks. Eventually I changed directions, deciding to follow some of the lesser used trails, heading towards one mountain that looked interesting. I figured that I could find my way back easily enough so didn't worry about it when I left the main trails. I was having so much fun that I didn't even notice how quickly the time passed. After awhile, when I got closer to the mountain that I had been heading towards, I was surprised to notice that the trees had thinned out dramatically. There was a huge spot where all the trees were gone, almost as if they'd been clear cut a long time ago, though a lot of underbrush remain and some smaller trees. Not at all like the bigger ones in the rest of the forest. "There was probably a fire," I muttered to myself, glancing around and guessing that if there was, it had to have been a long time ago. Probably a couple decades too by the amount of underbrush and the smaller trees. Shrugging I decided that it wasn't worth wondering about so continued to the huge rock wall that was on the edge of the clearing. The cliff had looked so impressive from a distance that I'd been almost drawn to get a better look at it up close. And better yet, there hadn't been any trails so I figured that not many people actually saw it like I was. When I got to the base of the cliff, I let out a loud whistle at how high it seemed, then stopped suddenly when a glint of light caught my eye. Curious I turned and started towards it, seeing that it was coming from further down along the cliff. At first I wasn't sure exactly what it was, but as I got closer, I saw several chunks of metal shredded and scattered around, mostly covered up with brush and dirt from having sat there for a long time, but enough was still in the open for the sun to reflect off of it at the right angle. "A plane crash," I gasped, realizing that was exactly what this had to be. I looked around, going further down and finding that the metal was getting thicker. When I turned and looked back towards where I'd come from, I noticed a pattern. The whole clear cut area had a deep trench down the middle of it, going back all the way and it seemed to end just a short distance ahead of me. "Wow," I whispered, wondering if anybody else had ever found the place wreck. However as I went a little further, I noticed something embedded into the wall of the cliff. Hell, it was so embedded that rocks and dirt covered almost all of it, obviously having come down during the crash. The plane, I realized in amazement. I could barely see any of it under the large pile of dirt and rock. Still feeling extremely curious, I started to move close to the wreckage, nervously realizing as I did so that I might even find some long dead bodies. The thought spooked me but excited me at the same time. It was more adventure than I'd ever seen before in my life and doubted I ever would again. And as I got closer and closer, as well as more nervous, I saw that a there was a shiny section of metal that wasn't covered by the dirt and rock, as well as a gaping hole where the side had been torn wide open from the crash. When I got to the edge of the gaping hole, I let out an, "Oh shit," wondering for the first time if maybe this hadn't been an airplane. It didn't look like any airplane that I'd ever seen before in my life, and the metal that I saw looked...odd. I wasn't sure why, but it was a slightly bluish silver, which wasn't quite like what I would have expected, especially since I suddenly realized, that there wasn't a speck of rust on any of it. None of the exposed metal that I'd seen had been rusted in the slightest. Dirty and buried yes, but With that I let out another, "Oh shit," then nervously stepped inside. The room in front of me was at a slope and I had to be extremely careful as I slowly started making my way further in, and somewhat down. The whole floor was covered with dust, dirt and debris, also with bits of fur and stuff that made me think that a few animals must have found there way inside at one time or another. I only hoped that there weren't any at that moment, especially any bears. I shuddered at the thought of suddenly running across a bear or wolf. "That's that last thing that I need," I muttered, stopping where I was and digging through my back pack for my flashlight. Once it was on and giving me enough light to see by, I felt a lot better and more confident, but also even more surprised. "Wow," I whispered again in amazement, glancing around and not recognizing most of what I saw. "This ain't no plane." The sides were at an odd angle and there were several different things that I assumed to be computers, but I couldn't tell for sure because they looked like they were half made out of bone or something and half made out of the same silvery blue metal that I'd already seen. I gulped, fighting the urge to get out and run, but instead I started going further inside, through a round door in the back and into yet another room. When I got to the next room, I gulped, seeing some sort of light up ahead of me. I looked around, even turning my flashlight off to make sure, but the yellowish glow was still there in the back. Hesitantly I started going towards it, finding that I had to go through one more round shaped door, where I found myself in yet a third room. The yellowish light was coming the far corner. From a glowing sphere that looked sort of like a crystal ball. It was sitting on some sort of column and seemed to be partially clamped down. My eyes widened at the way the sphere was glowing, realizing that I'd just found something that was more than just a little strange. "Oh shit," I whispered again, moving closer to it and seeing something more. There were two bumps on the floor just on the other side of it, both piled up against the sloped wall. However as weirded out as I already was, when I got close enough to make out what the bumps were, I was a thousand times worse. "Ohmygod," I gasped out in a rush, jumping backwards, my heart racing faster than it had ever done in my life. "Aliens. I've found some freakin aliens." I gulped staring at the skeletons which had obviously not come from any human. I might have thought that they'd come from some sort of monkey if it hadn't been for the large and elongated shapes of the skulls, not to mention the fact that they both had two sets of arms coming from the each shoulder. "Aliens." For several minutes I just stood where I was, staring at the skeletons in disbelief. Thoughts of amazement and confusion filled my mind, as well as thoughts about how I was rich. Or at least how I'd be rich once I showed these things to the newspapers. But then I realized something else. My folks would probably get the money, not me. And worse, the government would probably take the whole thing away. I gulped, glancing around, nervous of being discovered. Fortunately though I was still alone. Alone with two dead aliens and the freakiest glowing ball that I'd ever set eyes on. Finally I decided that I could probably keep the flying saucer I'd found hidden. All I'd need was something to prove that I was telling the truth. Grabbing one of the bones from the aliens came to mind, but I quickly discounted that, instead looking at the sphere. That would do it, I figured. "Here goes nothing," I muttered as I nervously reached out to touch the sphere. The hair on my arms stood straight up, and then, as soon as I touched it, I felt shock run through my body, making every hair on my body stand out. But at the same time, it didn't hurt. It just felt pretty damn weird. "All right," I told myself, "it's not going to hurt you." Then as an afterthought, I added, "Unless it's radioactive." I didn't like that thought so ignored it, focusing instead on trying to get the sphere off of the column. After holding onto the sphere for several minutes, feeling kind of warm and tingly while I did so, I managed to get it loose from the clamps that was holding it in. The sphere popped loose into my hands and I stood there, holding it out triumphantly, proud of my own success. I was grinning to myself and didn't even notice it at first. The strange yellowish light that started to pour out from the column. "Oh God," I muttered nervously. "What did I do?" Standing where I was with the sphere clutched firmly in my hands, I stared at the light and the glowing yellow mist that came out of the column, filling the room I was in. I was too terrified to move, positive that at any minute something was going to blow up and kill me or that I'd be poisoned. However neither happened. The room just continued to fill with the mist for another minute, while the column continued to glow. My whole body felt tingly and warm, making me even more afraid that I was going to suddenly keel over dead. God, I felt strange. After a couple minutes, the mist faded away and the column stopped glowing. I stared at it still, using the light from both my flashlight and the sphere. Nothing had happened to me, but that didn't change the fact that I hadn't been able to move once that had started up. And it hadn't been because of my incredible curiosity either. I'd been terrified. Too terrified to move. I patted myself, seeing that nothing harmful seemed to have happened, but that didn't really make me feel any better. "Just great," I told myself, gulping and then putting the sphere into my back pack. I noticed absently that while it was still glowing, it wasn't nearly as strong as before. Maybe that stuff from the column had been powering it or something. I didn't know, but I did know that it would make great proof of what I'd found, when I was ready to show it to someone that was. With that I took a deep breath, then hurried out of the wreckage, letting out a sigh of relief once I was back into the fresh air. I gave it one more nervous glance, then looked up at the sun, realizing that I'd spent a lot more time away than I'd planned. And then I started hurrying back to the cabin as quickly as I could. When I'd returned to the cabin, the sun had just set and as soon as I stepped inside my mom immediately demanded, "Where the hell were you?" I winced, knowing from the smell on her breath that she was already drunk. "Well?" "I was just out back building a tree house," I told her in my most innocent voice. "You told me that there'd be no problem, don't you remember?" Mom looked confused at that and I just smiled to myself and went to get myself something to eat. Sometimes I thought to myself with some amusement, having a drunk mom could be fun. However while I was eating, it didn't take me long to notice that dad wasn't back yet either. I frowned at that, not in the least surprised. "Several more days of hell," I muttered, patting my back pack protectively and knowing that I was going to have to keep my discovery well hidden for now. But still I grinned to myself, barely able wait to show Ed. -------------------- After my weekend in hell was over, I was more than happy to finally get back to school. Being back in the classroom and with all my friends was definitely preferable to spending time with my folks. Even with all the tests and teachers, I'd rather be at school than home. Shortly after second period, I finally got together with Ed. "Man," I told him in an excited whisper, "you won't believe what happened to me." Ed chuckled. "I take it that things went a little better than you expected. What happened, did you get laid?" I grinned at that. "I wish." Then I frowned. "My dad got laid though. But my mom didn't." Ed groaned at that. "Most of the weekend was about what I expected. It sucked big time." "So..." Ed asked. "I did have one thing happen, that you wouldn't believe. I can't tell you here," I told him quietly. "I've got something that I've really gotta show you after school. I mean, you won't believe it otherwise." Ed looked at me oddly. "You're serious?" I nodded. "Now you've got me curious." With that Ed and I grinned at each other, both of us knowing that we'd meet together at his house to talk about what had happened. I couldn't wait to let someone in on what had happened to me. The rest of the school day went by pretty quickly. And pretty much just like normal. Shelly Elbrook, the cheerleader that I'd had a crush on, completely ignored me. John McCormick threatened to push me through a wall if I looked at him again, and Mrs. Hendrickson, my English teacher, ordered me into detention just because I disrupted her class a little with a few comments. It's not like it was really my fault. She was the one who'd set herself up by saying things before thinking them through. I couldn't resist. Especially after she made a comment about us paying as much attention as a buncha statues. I mean, how could I resist comparing her to Medusa? After school had finally ended for the day, not to mention my detention as well, I returned home, dodged around my folks and grabbed my back pack, with the sphere still in it, then rushing off to Ed's house. I grinned to myself the whole way, barely able to contain my excitement as I thought about telling him. When I got to Ed's house, his mom let me in and I rushed up to his room. "Hey Eddie boy..." I called out when I burst in, grinning broadly, "Howya doin?" Ed sat up from his bed and grinned. "So man, what was so important?" I held up my back pack, patting it proudly. "Simon says, sit down." Ed looked at me oddly, but sat back down on his bed. "You're gonna need to be sitting for this." "What's going on?" Ed asked, beginning to sound annoyed. "Well..." I said slowly, still grinning, "I went out hiking and...." As I told Ed the story, his eyes widened a little, though he looked a little more incredulous than surprised. Obviously he thought I was joking, which didn't surprise me too much since I have been known to play a joke every now and then. "You don't expect me to buy that, do you?" he asked me. Sighing I said, "I guess this is what happens from crying wolf." Then I unzipped my back pack, making a show of doing it slowly. "Of course that's why I brought proof." Then with that, I pulled the glowing yellow sphere from outside of my pack, feeling all the hairs on my arm standing up slightly while touching it. "I found this on the UFO." Ed just stared at it for a moment, his eyes wide with amazement. "I don't believe it," he said quietly. "Maybe it's some sort of night- light. Battery and a light bulb." "No openings or seams," I pointed out, slowly rotating the ball around so that he could see. "Chemical then," He muttered. "Like some of those fish." I shrugged at that. "I ain't got a clue how it glows or why. I only know where I found it and that it's definitely weird. I mean," I shuddered slightly, "you shoulda seen that place. Those skeletons..." Still not looking completely convinced, but coming closer to it, Ed hesitantly asked, "Can I hold it?" "Sure," I told him, handing it over. However as soon as Ed's fingers touched the sphere, I felt the static shock hit me and then I was suddenly unbelievably dizzy. Everything suddenly went blurry and weird, leaving me more than a little confused. Then just as suddenly, everything cleared up and I found myself looking at a tall thin kid with dark brown hair instead of Ed. "What the hell?" I asked, yanking my hand back away from the glowing sphere and staring at the guy across from me in shock. Then I recognized him. It was me. The same face I saw every time I looked in the mirror. "Ohmygod," I gasped out in a rush, looking down at myself and seeing that I was shorter than before and a lot heavier built. I was inside Ed's body. My own face took on a look of confusion and dropped the sphere onto the floor. "Holy shit!" I heard my voice exclaim. "I'm....I'm...." "You're me," I gasped. "And I'm you." I stared at Ed in complete surprise, then looked down at the sphere which was laying on the floor. "I can't believe it." "Well...." Ed said weakly, "I believe. I definitely believe." I stood up, wincing at how heavy I felt compared to normal. Then I slowly patted myself down, still trying to make some sense of it. Ed was doing the same with my body, patting it down as if to try proving that it was indeed real. " did this happen?" Ed asked, his eyes wide as he stared at me. for a moment I thought that I could see traces of panic in them. I shrugged at that. "How the hell should I know? I just found the damn thing." Then my eyes went back to the sphere. I stared at it for a few moments, trying to stay calm and think about it. Then I realized, "Nothing happened until we both touched it. Maybe if we both touch it again....." "Worth a try," Ed agreed. But even though we'd both agreed, it took us a couple moments before we bent over to touch the sphere again. I took a deep breath, then grabbed hold if it with no effect. Ed on the other hand hesitated for a second, then after giving me a nervous look, he touched it as well. Almost immediately I felt a static shock, as well as a wave of dizziness and confusion. When it had all passed, I found myself once more looking into Ed's face. "It worked," I said, half surprised. Then as I stared at the glowing sphere, I slowly started to grin. "It works." Ed gave me a weak smile and I just laughed. "It works!" "Cool," was all that Ed said, still looking as if he was trying to make some sense of it all. I just stared at the sphere with a grin on my face, deciding that I could probably have some real fun with that thing. Chuckling wickedly, I thought that if it would keep working that way, then I could have some real fun indeed. The next day at school, I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the night before with the sphere. I was burning with curiosity, not only to know if it would work again but with people other than Ed as well as what it would be like to be someone else. And not just for two minutes either. When school had finished for the day, I told Ed, "Do you wanna come on over to my house for awhile. My dad's gonna be working late..." I sneered slightly at that. "I wanted to try that sphere out again." "I don't know," Ed told me nervously. "I mean, what if we get stuck?" I shrugged, refusing to worry about it. "Relax," I told him. "We won't." Ed didn't seem particularly convinced of that, but he agreed to come over anyway. A couple hours later, Ed and I were in my bedroom, huddled over the sphere. I grinned as I stared at it, rubbing my hands together absently and thinking about just what I had on my hands. Screw telling people about it, I thought to myself. Why would I want to take the chance of someone stealing the thing from me, especially now that I knew what it could do. I only had to prove to myself that it still worked. "I don't know about this," Ed muttered, repeating the words that he'd told me earlier. "Are you sure that it will even work again?" Shaking my head, I assured him, "Sure it will. It has to." Then I grinned and put my hand onto the sphere, inviting Ed to do the same. He hesitated for a moment, then reached out to touch it. As soon as his fingers touched the sphere, I felt the zap and a moment later we'd swapped bodies again. "Cool," I said, standing up and gently patting my stomach, trying to get used to the extra bulk that I'd suddenly gained. Ed patted his as well, obviously noting what it was like to suddenly lose the extra bulk. "Cool," he echoed. "You know..." Ed said, looking down on me slightly and grinning, "I think I like being tall." "Well..." I mumbled, patting my stomach. "No offense, but I don't think that I really like the spare tire." Ed just shrugged at that. "So, are we going to change back now?" "No way," I grinned back. "I wanna see if we can stay like this for a little longer or if it wears off or something." Ed looked a little unsure of that, but he reluctantly nodded agreement. For the next couple hours, Ed and I just stayed in my room, bullshitting and playing my Nintendo 64. It was kind of strange, I mean sitting next to him and seeing myself. Definitely weird. Even weirder when my mom came in and told me, "You'll have to be leaving in awhile Edwin." I smirked slightly at that and then Ed and I started laughing when my mom had left. When it was finally time for Ed to go home, he said, "I guess we'd better change back now." I looked over at Ed and then the sphere, thinking about it as I did so. "But this is kinda cool," I told him, feeling a little reluctant. Then I suggested "Why don't we stay as each other for the night? We can trade back tomorrow." "I don't know," Ed said reluctantly, but I could tell from the look on his face, or was that mine, that he was definitely thinking about it. It took me less than a minute to finish talking him into it. "Well," I told him with a grin, "I guess I'll see you in school tomorrow.....Simon." Ed laughed at that. "Later...Edwin." Then with that, we both chuckled and I left my room, going past my mom who was sitting on the couch sipping something from a bottle while dad watched the news on TV and ignored her, and me as I walked past. When I got to Ed's house, his mom greeted me with a cheerful, "Hi Edwin. How was your day?" I stared at her for a moment, then smiled faintly. "Pretty good," I told her. "A little strange though." She looked at me oddly for a moment, then asked what I meant. "Oh, nothing much," I grinned. "I just don't feel much like myself at the moment." And with that I chuckled and hurried up to Ed's room, even pausing long enough for a quick "Hello" to Ed's dad. I felt pretty odd when I got ready for bed. I mean, I was a couple inches shorter than normal and probably 25 pounds heavier as well. Having to wear Ed's underwear wasn't my idea of something fun to do either, but at least I didn't use his tooth brush, preferring instead to not even bother brushing my teeth. When I woke up the next morning, I rolled over and slapped the alarm, feeling rather confused at the same time. For one, I definitely felt wrong. I opened my eyes groggily and looked around, immediately recognizing that I wasn't in my own room, but it took me several seconds before I remembered what had happened. "Oh man," I groaned to myself, finding it a little harder than usual to wake all the way up. I kept wanting to crawl back into bed. I'd never had such a hard time in the morning. "Man," I mumbled, grabbing my new gut in my hands, "this is not fun." Then shaking my head, I went about taking a shower, figuring that Ed wouldn't be happy if I showed up to school stinky. When I went into the dining room, I was half shocked to see Ed's mom wide awake, sipping at a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. My mom never woke up before noon if she could help it. Ed's mom looked up at me and smiled, actually looking pleased to see me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, as if I was where I didn't belong. "Good morning sweetheart," she greeted me, getting up and going to the kitchen cupboard. A minute later, she was back with a bowl and a box of cereal. "Did you sleep well?" "Fine," I told her, smiling in spite of myself. It was strange to actually have a mother worrying about me, even if she was someone else's. For some reason, having Ed's mom around and talking cheerfully while I ate and then went about getting ready for school put me into a good mood. It was quite a difference from my own mornings and I decided that I liked it. But sadly, I thought about my own folks and knew that my own family would never be like Ed's. At least he actually had a real family. When it was about time to go, I returned to Ed's room to pick up his books. Without really thinking about it, I reached under his bed and grabbed the book bag that was underneath there. Once I had that in hand, I started back out the room, stopping suddenly as I glanced down at the book bag and wondered how I'd known where to find it. "That's weird," I muttered, shrugging it off and then leaving for school. "Later mom," I called out to Ed's mom when I went past. "Have a good day in school sweetheart," she called back as I went out the door. Once I got to school and sitting in my first period, or actually Ed's first period, I noticed something else. Ed had been taking a math class that was a little more advanced than mine, but much to my surprise, I was actually able to follow along with the lessons. And I didn't know anything about math. After the teacher, Mr. Bellmont, passed out the results of the test that had been taken the day before, I looked at Ed's results and was startled to see that he got an A. Since he was usually a B and C student like myself, I guessed that he'd probably be pretty proud of it. "Good job Edwin," one girl sitting next to me said cheerfully, bent over and looking at my paper. I looked at the girl for a moment, never really having seen her before except in passing through the halls, but I suddenly knew that her name was Ashley Morris. Ashley brushed a hand through her frazzled reddish hair and I smiled weakly, just as suddenly also knowing that Ed had a major crush on her. I could remember sitting in my room and staring at her picture, which was extremely odd since not only did I not have a picture of her, but I'd never met her. Then it dawned on me. That was Ed's memory. "Thanks," I answered quietly, feeling my heart beating a little faster in her presence and thinking, 'Oh shit.' Somehow I actually felt attracted to her. As if I was the one with the crush on her. Ashley grinned back and then we both returned our attention to the teacher. Or at least I pretended to return my attention to him. I was actually too busy thinking about what the latest discovery. The next time I saw Ed in the halls, I almost didn't recognize him, not being quite used to looking for myself. I rushed over to him and asked, "What's up?" "Not much," Ed answered, grinning slightly. "But it is kinda weird. But kinda neat at the same time." "Definitely," I agreed wholeheartedly. "But I've noticed something else that's kinda weird." I paused for a moment, wondering how to say it. "Well, I've been remembering things that never happened to me. Some of your memories and stuff." Ed's eyes widened at that. "Not much, and only if I really concentrate on it," I told him, "But I've also recognized people that you know but I never met. You know, knowing their names and stuff." "Common..." Ed said uncomfortably. "You're kidding, right." I shook my head. "Nope." Then I told him about what happened with Ashley. Once I was finished, Ed whispered, "Jesus..." "Have you had anything like that happen to you?" I asked him. He shook his head, then after a moments thought, admitted that there might have been something a little like that during one of the classes though he wasn't sure. "And I don't really remember anything that you did either," he told me, concentrating hard to see if he could. After a moment, he shook his head. "I think I've got a little bit, but it's really weak." Closing my own eyes and concentrating, I found it relatively easy to pull up a few of Ed's memories, though I did have to focus on exactly what I wanted. "I wonder why I can do it then." Ed shrugged, admitting that he didn't have a clue either. "Well," I glanced down at the watch on my wrist, "I guess we'd better get to class. We can talk about this again later." "All right," Ed agreed quickly. Then after a quick "Seeya" from each of us, we started for our next classes. During the rest of the school day, I continued to know things and people that I shouldn't. Things that Ed did. It was strange, but at the same time very exciting. It even got easier and easier for me to pretend to be Ed and once or twice I even caught myself thinking of HIM as Simon. However when I asked him about the memory thing again later, he told me that though he was able to pick up a lot of things that he didn't really know, especially about who people were, he still wasn't able to get any actual memories. After school, I talked with Ed for a few more minutes then climbed onto his bus for a ride back to his house. And the same time I was already planning on going back to my own house a short while afterwards so that we could switch back. I smiled faintly at the idea, still hardly able to believe that I'd spent the last day as my best friend. It seemed so... impossible. When I got back to Ed's house, I was wasn't even surprised to find that the dinner table was already set and ready to go. I'd instinctively known that it would be, gained not only from my longtime friendship with Ed but from his memories as well. "How was school dear?" Ed's mom greeted me cheerfully, making me smile and immediately feel better. "Pretty good," I answered, sitting down and sniffing deeply as she started setting the food on the table. "Boy this looks good." I smiled even more, feeling a lot hungrier than I normally was. Then Ed's dad walked into the room, looking a little tired from his day at work but still in a bit of a good mood. "Looks good honey," he told Ed's mom, giving her a kiss before sitting down himself. I just sighed, wishing that my own family could behave like that sometimes. I was beginning to envy Ed his family. Dinner was over before I knew it, and after helping clean up a little, I rushed out to go back to my own house. When I got there, Ed didn't seem to be nearly as happy as I was about dinner, but that wasn't any real surprise considering my mom's cooking talents. And not long after that, we were both back in our own bodies and thinking about our experience. -------------------- Over the next several days, Ed and I didn't use the sphere anymore, but neither of us could stop thinking about it, especially me. I'd pull the sphere out and set it on the foot of my bed, staring it for hours. Rubbing it for hours. I couldn't get it out of my mind. What I could do with it. Who I might be able to become. Slowly I started to burn with an even greater curiosity about what it would be like to become someone else. Someone who wasn't my best friend and so much like me. Sure, I wouldn't mind trading with Ed again, but I wanted to see what it was like to be someone completely different. Like one of those jocks who ran around the school and got all the girls. Hell, I even wondered once or twice what it might be like to be one of those girls. Ed and I were talking about the sphere one day before school and I finally brought up the subject. "I think that we should tell someone else about the sphere." I paused, frowning as I did so. I didn't like the idea of telling anyone else about it. Of sharing my discovery of the flying saucer and the body swapping ball. It went against every paranoid fantasy that I had, but curiosity was beginning to pull on me. "We should get someone else swap with too." For a moment after I'd suggested this, Ed looked thoughtful, then he finally answered. "I was thinking the same thing." He looked embarrassed at this, then continued. "Being you is all right, but what's the point of having the sphere if we can't use it. I mean, I wanna become popular." Ed stared at me, surprising me with the intensity of his gaze. At the almost hungry look in his eyes. "Do you have any suggestions?" I asked hesitantly. "Someone we can trust?" "Well...." Ed said slowly. "I've had a couple people in mind but I really don't think that most of them would be much fun." I looked at Ed and nodded understandingly. In other words, they'd be guys just like us. The guys that didn't quite fit into any of the cliques. The guys who were the average students that actually made up the main population of the school but might as well have been invisible. "And..." Ed paused, frowning and looking extremely embarrassed, "There is one that's a little different. That might be interesting." I stared at Ed impatiently. "Well?" I demanded. "Who? And can we get him to even try it?" Ed continued to look embarrassed for a moment and then coughed. "Actually, I think it shouldn't be too difficult to talk her into trying it." It took me a moment to realize what Ed had said. "HER?" Shaking his head, Ed forced a weak smile. "Yeah, but I think I can convince her, and...." He frowned for a moment. "I thought it might be interesting to be a girl. OfcourseI'dratherbeajock," he spurted out in a rush. "Who?" I demanded again, really wondering if this was a good idea. Taking a deep breath, Ed spurted out, "Nancy Clark." "Nancy Clark," I repeated. "You're kidding." I frowned. Nancy Clark was probably the smartest kid in the entire school, and probably more so than some of the teachers, but she was also nicknamed Queen of the Nerds. However she did have one other thing in her favor. She and Ed were friends, though nowhere near as close as I was with him. Ed nodded. "I'm in fifth period with her so I can ask her to come over to my house then." He paused for a moment. "Maybe she'll have some ideas about how we can get some others to try it with." I nodded agreement, then Ed and I went our separate ways. -------------------- After school, I immediately left home and started for Ed's house, my back pack firmly clenched in my hand, filled with my most priceless treasure. The sphere. The whole way over to Ed's house I couldn't stop wondering if we were making a mistake. As soon as I got to Ed's house, I said a quick hello to his mom and then went to his room, freezing as soon as I opened the door and saw that he wasn't alone. There was a thin girl with shoulder length dark brown straight hair. She wore a thick pair of glasses and had a somewhat pasty reflection, not to mention a flat chest. It was Nancy Clark, Queen of the Nerds. "Um...hi," I said, stepping inside and closing the door behind me. Nancy looked up and stared at me thoughtfully and then looked at Ed. "So, what's going on?" She looked back at me. "Edwin said that there was some sort of phenomenon that he needed my opinion on." The tone of her voice was sort of curious but impatient as well. I snorted, taking my time as I pulled my back pack off and moved closer to her and Ed. "You didn't tell her?" I asked him. He looked embarrassed and then shook his head. "Well?" she demanded, probably wondering if this was some sort of prank. I guess that wasn't too surprising considering my reputation as a class clown. "You invited her," I told Ed, though I also slowly started unzipping my back pack. "You start." "Simon found something...." Then Ed paused, turning and looking at me. "It'll probably be easier to show her." "Guess you're right," I admitted, pulling the sphere out of my pack. Nancy's eyes were immediately locked on it. "This," I said proudly, "is the phenomenon that Ed mentioned." I careful set the sphere down on the edge of the bed in front of Nancy and making sure that she didn't touch while I still was. Nancy picked up the sphere and studied it with an intense look of curiosity. "Interesting. What is it?" "It was your idea," I reminded Ed. He nodded and then reached out and touched the sphere while Nancy was still holding it. The blank looks that appeared on Nancy's and Ed's faces were almost amusing to watch, and then Ed's face looked confused instead. I looked at Nancy, really Ed in her body and smirked. "So, what's it like?" I asked. Ed frowned and patted at his chest with an odd look on his face that I couldn't tell if it was curiosity or disgust. "Kind of weird," he admitted. Then I looked at Nancy, who was staring at herself and Ed in shock. "This is impossible," she exclaimed, obviously nervous but trying to remain rational. "Nope," I told her with a grin. "You and Ed swapped bodies." She looked at me with a bit of fear in her eyes and I quickly added, "But you can swap back without any problems. We just wanted to prove to you that this was real and if we told you first, you woulda thought we were crazy." Nancy seemed to think about that for a moment, then she nodded. "I see your point." She frowned, still looking a little uncomfortable. "What is this thing?" I smiled at that. "I found it." I didn't bother telling her where, deciding that she didn't need to know that. I mean, I couldn't help but thinking that if she knew that it came from a freaking UFO, then she might go and try to find the damn thing. I wasn't about to let anyone know where it was at yet. That was my secret. Ed looked at me for a moment, then nodded faintly, apparently realizing what I was up to. "Sorry to catch you like that," Ed told Nancy, looking just a little uncomfortable. She nodded back faintly, then asked, "So why are you showing me this? Why did you do this with me?" I took a deep breath, then told Nancy about how Ed and I had discovered its powers as well as had spend a day as each other. Then I blushed badly, admitting, "And we wanted to see what it was like to be other people. You were the only one that we thought we could get over to try it who might be the least bit interesting." "So you're perverts," she sneered. "Actually," I told her, beginning to feel a little offended, "I rather would have had a football player or something, but we aren't exactly friends with any. It's not like we really had a lot of choice." Nancy didn't say anything more about that though she did ask a few more questions about what we knew of it. I still didn't bother telling her anything about where I'd found it and neither did Ed. Then finally Nancy smiled. "I do have to admit," she said slowly, "this is interesting. I've always been curious about what it would be like to be male." "Pervert," I said with a grin. She grinned back so I knew that we were all right. For nearly an hour we just stayed in the room talking, none of us suggesting that they trade back just yet. It was obvious from Nancy's reactions that she was beginning to get curious as well. Then finally she nervously suggested to Ed, "Why don't we stay like this for a day. Just like you and Simon did?" With very little hesitation, Ed agreed, looking almost relieved as he did so and making me wonder if he had been about to suggest the same thing. We talked for a little while longer before I picked up the sphere and slipped it back into my pack, grinning at my friends and then leaving with Ed coming right behind me. It felt rather odd thinking of the skinny girl as Ed, but of course I guessed that it had to be even stranger for him. Then Ed and I said goodbye and I went back to my house while he went to Nancy's, wherever that was. -------------------- The next day at school, I saw Nancy several times, both looking and acting like Ed. At first I just avoided her, but since Ed and I sat next to each other in one of our classes I couldn't avoid her any longer. "So..." I finally asked quietly. "What do you think?" Nancy grinned, giving me the same crooked grin that Ed always did. "It's pretty cool man." I frowned at that slightly, thinking that she definitely sounded more like Ed than she did Nancy. "I mean, whenever I really think about it, I know things that I shouldn't. Like I've got HIS memories." "You too," I muttered to myself. "Interesting." "Yep," she nodded. "Pretty weird too. I mean, I feel like you really are my best friend. As if I'd known you all my life." She frowned at that, looking thoughtful. "It's kind of confusing and scary, but pretty neat." I stared at her for a moment, remembering my own time as Ed. Then beginning to grin, I asked, "And what about Ashley?" Nancy suddenly blushed brightly, looking extremely embarrassed. My eyes widened at the sight and I started to chuckle. "What about Ashley?" she asked, pretending as if she had no interest, but I could see that it was obviously otherwise. Some of Ed's emotions had obviously carried over to her, just like they had to me. "Must be strange for you," I told her. She just continued to blush, nodding agreement but not saying anything more about it. For the rest of that class and every other time I saw Nancy at school, I just pretended that she really was Ed. Surprisingly it was easier than I would have thought. But then again, she was acting like Ed, not like the brainiac nerd girl that she usually was. However the real surprise for me was when I finally ran into Ed towards the end of the day. When I saw him in the hallway between classes, looking for all the world like the Queen of the Nerds, I just had to go talk to him. "So..." I asked him, repeating the question that I'd asked Nancy herself earlier. "What's it like?" He gave me an almost arrogant look which surprised me, then answered. "Unusual to say the least." Then he smiled faintly before continuing, "I've been able to keep up perfectly well in all of my classes in spite of the fact that most of them are more advanced than any that I'd taken before." Ed looked smug as he finished, "Even calculus wasn't much of a challenge." "All right," I said slowly, not sure that I liked the way Ed was acting. Then his expression suddenly changed and he grinned a lot more like the Ed that I knew. "It's pretty weird man," Ed told me with a grin. "I mean, I've even got her memories, just like how you told me. And it's sort of like I've got this Nancy mask inside of me. I just slip it on and poof, I'm her." Ed and I talked for a few more minutes before I rushed to my final class, actually feeling a little envious of him. I mean, I didn't want to be a girl or anything, much less a nerdette, but still, he was getting to experience something completely new. I knew that I'd be able to get my turn and that helped a little, but at the moment I still felt a little jealous. -------------------- After school, we all met at Ed's house again. We sat in his bedroom, staring at each other for awhile before I finally unzipped my back pack and pulled the sphere back out. I was a little amused at the light that seemed to flash in Ed and Nancy's eyes. "Here we go," I told them, setting the sphere down and carefully pulling my hand back. Nancy and Ed both touched the sphere and a moment later she patted at herself and let out a sigh. "That was definitely interesting, but I'm kind of glad to be me again." "I know what you mean," Ed said with a grin. Then with that, Ed and Nancy both started talking about what they'd done as each other, though they quickly found out that they didn't have to bother. They could each 'remember' on their own, just like they could in each other's bodies. I guess that would certainly help them to keep track of what they were supposed to have done earlier. About an hour after they'd changed back to normal, Nancy admitted, "I...I'd like to try that again sometime." Then she had an almost dreamy look on her face which I wouldn't have expected. "But I'd like to be someone else. I've always wondered what it would be like to be.... popular." She started blushing, looking embarrassed. "To be pretty for a change. Maybe even a cheerleader." "I know what you mean," I agreed quietly. "I've always wanted to be popular too. I think just about everyone does," Then smiling slightly, I added, "At least with this sphere there might actually be a chance of getting to see what it's like." Ed added tiredly, "If we could find someone popular who'd be willing to trade with us that is." "Who said that they had to be willing?" Nancy asked with an almost evil grin. "No," I told her firmly, glaring at Ed as well. "We can't go around stealing peoples bodies. Besides..." I smiled weakly, "I don't want a lot of people to find out about the sphere. I want to keep it a secret. Just a few of us." The others nodded agreement then Ed chuckled, "So, we're a secret club now, huh?" "I guess," I chuckled back. Nancy just shook her head, then she started to look thoughtful. "Actually..." she mused aloud, "I think I know where we can get another person to try this with." Then she actually began to grin. "Someone that just might be interesting." "Who?" Ed and I both asked at once. Still grinning, Nancy said, "I tutor Sam Jordan twice a week." We both stared at her with our mouths open. Sam was the star football player and one of the most popular guys in school. Nancy nodded at our expressions. "Yes. I can talk to him tomorrow night. Since he might be difficult to convince, the best course of action may be somewhat similar to what you did with me." After we'd all agreed to at least try it, Nancy and I both started getting our things together, about to leave and go home. I went over and picked the sphere back up, feeling a little disappointment that I still didn't get to try it again and it was my sphere. But then Nancy surprised me by putting a hand on my shoulder and looking at the sphere with an almost questioning look in her eyes. I nodded, holding it out while Nancy touched it. I immediately felt the static shock and the confused dizziness. When it cleared up, I was staring up into my own face. "Wow," I muttered to myself, stepping back and looking down at myself, seeing the slight swellings of Nancy's small breasts. It was everything I could do just to keep myself from grabbing my new tits or my crotch. "I'm so....tall," Nancy whispered. Grinning I glanced down at the cheap looking watch on my wrist and then back at Ed and Nancy. I felt rather short, even having to look up a little to see Ed. And the thick glasses resting on my nose weren't all that normal for me either, but then again not much about me was at the moment. I could scarcely believe that I'd actually turned into a girl, even if it was only Nancy. "We'll have to change back before your tutoring session with Sam," I pointed out. Nancy nodded back. "Well then," I said, nodding faintly to Nancy and then Ed, "I suppose that I'd better be going." Then with that, I picked up Nancy's jacket and started for home. After leaving Ed's house, I concentrated on Nancy's memories. I felt them in the back of my mind, just waiting for me to use them, just like with Ed.. It wasn't quite as easy as using my own memories, but then I remembered what Ed had told me about having a 'Nancy mask' inside of him. Now I had that mask. "Cool," I muttered to myself, mentally slipping that mask on. I immediately felt a difference though I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was. But with a shrug, I started walking towards where I instinctively knew Nancy's house to be. The walk seemed to take a lot longer than I would have expected, but then again I did have shorter legs. And at the same time, while walking I felt....nervous. Unsure. It was like I half expected someone to jump out from behind nearly every tree, though fortunately nothing happened. When I was in Nancy's house and safe in her bedroom, I finally let out a sigh of relief, then sat down in the chair by her desk. For several minutes I just sat there, then I noticed the school books piled up on it. Without really thinking about it, I reached for the first book and started on the homework assignment, surprised that I not only knew what it was but how to do it as well. I could barely do algebra normally but there I was, going through and actually doing calculus problems. After I was finished with all the homework, which was amazingly easy, I finally took a break. Standing away from the desk, I stared at it, hardly able to believe that I'd gotten so caught up in doing homework. Shaking my head, I decided to check out what had really been making me curious earlier. Even if it didn't seem to be doing so anymore. "The mask," I said aloud, realizing that I'd still had Nancy's memories and personality loaded on top of my mind. With that I pulled the mental mask away and suddenly felt different again. My whole perspective of everything had changed back to normal, or at least mostly so. "Holy shit," I muttered. That was a LOT different from when I was Ed. Sighing I turned away from the desk and made sure that the door was locked and then began to undress. I felt real embarrassed as I started taking off all of Nancy's clothes, but then I reminded myself that she was probably doing the same thing with my body. That didn't really make me feel any better. I was still invading her privacy in a way that I'd never imagined that it could be invaded. But that didn't stop me from continuing. Once I was entirely naked, I stared at myself in the small mirror that I'd found on Nancy's dresser. Her figure wasn't much better without the clothes on. Hell, I figured that I might as well still have been a boy. My tits were so small that they could barely be qualified as being such and I didn't have many other curves to compensate either. Nancy was definitely not a looker, so I wasn't quite as excited as I would have imagined being. I wasn't even able to get too excited about the change between my legs. I shrugged at that, feeling a little disappointed. Sure, it was interesting being Nancy and different, but it wasn't really all that exciting. Since my curiosity had been satisfied for the moment and I still wanted to see what she was really like, I slipped the 'Nancy mask' back on and went about her normal routine for the night. -------------------- The next morning at school was more than just a little strange. I felt an odd mixture of self-consciousness and smugness as I walked through the halls. It was immediately obvious that most of the students seemed to either ignore me or treated me as if I was some kind of social leper. I was used to being ignored, but now people, especially girls, were cruel and vicious. I just stuck my nose up, reminding myself that they were just jealous of my intelligence. That most of them weren't going to have any kind of future, but I was. Then I caught myself, realizing that these weren't my opinions, they were Nancy's. "Fascinating," I muttered to myself once I realized just how thoroughly I'd allowed Nancy's personality to cover my own. I could bring my own to the surface easily, but I didn't, not wanting to do anything that might make people suspect. For most of the school day I continued acting just like Nancy, finding that it was relatively easy. I found that I resented the jocks and popular students even more than usual, while at the same time feeling more comfortable around the 'nerds'. Hell, they all treated me with respect, which made me smile to myself and feel smug. It was no wonder that Nancy was called Queen of the Nerds. When I got to the class that Nancy shared with Ed, I talked to him for a minute before class. "This is definitely an interesting experience," I told him. "And I don't think I'd even mind doing it again sometime. But I am very eager to experience even other peoples lives." That much was more than just a little true. Throughout the day I'd learned a lot more about Nancy and the rest of the nerds and geeks than I'd ever imagined that I could. They weren't all Star Trek freaks or anything, and in spite of how everyone viewed them, I decided that I liked them. Or at least most of them. I wasn't sure how much of that was my like and how much was Nancy's, but I didn't question it too closely. What mattered was that I'd seen things from a whole different perspective and was hungry for more. A lot more. Then, just before the last class of the day, I ran into the real Nancy in the hall way. We stepped out of the main hall and stood where we could talk without really being heard. Nancy smiled at me, then asked, "So, what's it like? How do you like being a girl?" "It's....interesting," I admitted. "Definitely interesting." She nodded at that, then hesitantly asked, "Are you using my memories and stuff like Ed did?" Once I told her that I was, she frowned. "But I can't really use any of yours," she told me, sounding almost like she was whining, which I hated hearing from my body. "I mean, I can handle people and stuff, but I just can't get all the same kind of stuff that I could with Ed. He mentioned earlier that he had the same problem. Do you know why?" I stared at Nancy for a moment, still wearing my 'Nancy mask' so using her knowledge as I considered the situation. "Possibly a natural partial immunity," I admitted with a frown. "Or it could possibly be caused by a more extreme exposure to the sphere than you two had." "Oh," she mumbled, looking a little disappointed. However as I looked at her, another possibility dawned on me. I shuddered slightly when I remembered all that strange mist and light that had come out of the column. Maybe that had something to do with it? But still, I didn't mention that to her. "Have you been handling everything all right?" I asked her, then dropping the 'Nancy mask', I asked, "I mean, you haven't wished that we didn't do this, have you?" "Oh no," Nancy shook her head. "It's definitely interesting." She grinned at that. "I just can't wait until we get a few more people into Then we can have a little more variety." I nodded back, deciding that I liked that idea. Not the other people knowing about my secret, but the variety part. After we'd said goodbye, I went off to Nancy's last class for the day, following her routine until I eventually ended up back at Ed's house. Nancy hadn't shown up yet in my body, so it was just me and Ed, which made me feel just a tiny bit uncomfortable. Ed grinned at me. "Pretty cool, huh?" "Yep," I agreed, glancing down at my watch. "So, where is she?" For a moment Ed just frowned, then he admitted. "She got detention for being a smart ass in class." Ed laughed at that for a minute, then continued. "She was trying hard to be just like you, so she insulted the teacher and got you a couple days detention." I groaned at that, shaking my head. "But don't worry," Ed assured me with a grin, "She'll be here soon." Ed's prediction proved to be accurate since less than fifteen minutes later, Nancy had arrived and in my body. She grinned at me then pulled the sphere out of my back pack. A minute later, we were both back in our correct bodies. The first thing that I did was pat my crotch, verifying that it was indeed still there. Almost immediately afterwards though, Nancy apologized. "Sorry, but I really must return home for when Sam shows up. Why don't you two come along and we can introduce him to the sphere there?" Nancy smiled smugly, looking especially intense when she'd said the word 'introduce'. Ed and I looked at each other for a moment and then agreed. -------------------- When Sam showed up at Nancy's house for his t

Same as Simon's Story: A Prequel to the Club Videos

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Jenns Hunger Part 2 A Prequel to Hard Time Sex

This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an okay from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for...

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Jenns Hunger 4 A Prequel to Hard Time Sex

This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an OK from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for...

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This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an okay from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for her to be...

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Jenns Hunger 6 A Prequel to Hard Time Sex

This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an okay from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for her to be...

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Jenns Hunger 7 A Prequel to Hard Time Sex

This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an okay from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope that my interest in perversely exciting characters and situations has not gone too far for...

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Jenn's Hunger 8: A Prequel To Hard Time Sex Copyright by Marcia St. Denis and Jennifer Stewart. This story is a prequel to an earlier story called Hard Time Sex and was begun soon after we finished our earlier collaboration. Unfortunately, it has been more than a year since I have been able to reach Jennifer to get an okay from her to publish this final version of the story. Since I have not heard back from her, I am sending it in for your enjoyment just as I finished it. I only hope...

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BiochemistryThe Prequel

Biochemistry:The Prequel by J R D Samuel Nevada had a secret. A secret so hidden even he didn't know about it. But that's getting ahead of the story. Sam had just finished the last of his finals in his Law classes and with only one year left before he could take his BAR had decided to celebrate by bar hopping that night. Dressed in his best "cruisin'" clothes he had gone from bar to bar, looking for a woman to take home and fuck. Usually, he didn't have a problem with it,...

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Dressed for Disaster The Prequel

Dressed for Disaster: The Prequel (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Pat Summers put his suitcases on the bed, and made a quick survey of his room. He noted with approval the full-length mirror on the back of the closet door, and he poked his head into the bathroom to inspect the bathtub and vanity. Not overly luxurious, but they would do. First things first. He opened his computer case and turned on his laptop computer, plugging the modem cord into the data port on the desk telephone....

3 years ago
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A New Dawn the Prequel

The characters in this story are all over eighteen and the age of consent, sex if it happens is consensual. UK English is the rule: if the spellings Mum, arse or colour annoy you, don’t go any further, for the rest of you enjoy. This prequel is a small thank you to kjohns2001, who wrote that a back story setting out Harry’s downfall would help the timeline and narratives for later events, this has been echoed by others. So with your permission here it is and I hope you agree the guy was a...

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The unforgettable girl at the party prequel

While there I meet some old ass guys, who were her dad and uncles, they started talking about some boring ass stuff and I was ready to fall asleep. My eyes opened up as soon as I nice looking woman that sort of looked like my sister in law. She was average height with shoulder length brown wavy hair. She was taking some plates and cups from the cupboard. I went over to her and asked her if she needed some help. She just looked at me for a while and said "oh sorry, yes can you please take...

2 years ago
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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 03 Jonathan joins fold

- - Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age. Also this story features themes of rape, slavery, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories or are one of those individuals that can’t distinguish the difference between fantasy and reality STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the...

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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 02 A teenaged slave girl learns her true place

- - I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that all of the established female characters will not be appearing in this part of the story. - - Part...

4 years ago
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Sisters in Slavery prequel chapter 01 A Masters ascension

- - I must note before the story starts this is a prequel to Sisters in Slavery that tells the story of the owner of the Sisters Master Robert Sanders coming of age and becoming a master within The Organization leading up to how the Brothel was started. As such there will be some new characters introduced that may or may not be in future chapters of the main story. This also means that none of the established female characters will be appearing in this part of the story. - - Also those...

3 years ago
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Prequel to Cuckolds Warning

I've been writing XXX stories that have been posted on the Internet for many years, and of the dozens I've written, "Cuckold's Warning," which I posted here a few weeks ago, has received more reader comments than any other. One of the most-common questions I get from readers who have enjoyed that particular story usually goes something like, "Just how real is this story?"Well, as I've told those folks, "Cuckold's Warning" has a factual basis. The first two chapters are based closely on what...

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Ashok And My Innocent Mom 8211 Prequel 1

Hello friends! This is Sajaan Shridharan again with an exciting episode of Revathi and Ashok, the prequel to my story ‘Ashok Fucks Again’ and many more on ISS. Before Ashok started fucking my Mom – Revathi in front of me, they were romantically involved many times. I was always a silent spectator of their sensual romance. This episode is an incident during the Vishu Pooja we always used to do every year. My father had not yet moved to Dubai. Ashok was his very good friend and often used to...

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James Bond Lingerie is Forever A Prequel

With thanks to Jayne Dell I'd like to thank Jayne for providing the inspiration for this story, having liaised with her to avoid any possible conflicts with current and future instalment, I am pleased to add this to the James Bond myth! Any comments, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or leave feedback for me. All characters, events and premises are the work of fiction, any resemblance to people, known or unknown is entirely accidental, (although if they do exist,...

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Xenthia Prequel

Xenthia The Prequel By Sadie Chan This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real persons or events is purely coincidental. Please leave a review - this is my first TG work and I looking for help. If you want to get in contact with me please feel free - my e-mail address is [email protected] I stared at my computer screen trying to fathom whether what I was reading could really be true. Sometimes I could be too open-minded and na?ve and I was wondering as I read the g...

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A MYTHing witch a MYTH prequel

M.Y.T.H.-ing Witch (A M.Y.T.H. prequel) I can say it, I messed up. But it wasn't all my fault. I trusted the wrong person. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Sabrina, and I'm a witch. Nope, don't have a broomstick. Although I guess I could, if I really wanted to make one. Witches are actually a subset of the race known as the Magi. There are three main subsets - Witches, Warlocks, and Wizards. Before you ask, no, not all witches are girls, and not all Warlocks...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 26 The Northern Steps

Dreams. There were always dreams. He had just awakened to find Rebecca draped across him, having not stirred from where they ended their lovemaking the night before. His dream had been so real and so familiar in the afterglow. He was married. His wife and, in her womb, their daughter were the world to him and he would guard and protect them for eternity. But the dream had revealed something. Eternity might be a very long time. He looks out at his dream world through watery eyes. An empty...

4 years ago
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The Black brotherhood Club

(Note, translated from the German, original blog by tanjamami.)Again and again I had heard and read about how great Black men were in bed and that a white woman who has had a black, will never want a white man anymore. I could not quite imagine this. I felt as if I was alone in the big city eager to find out where to find a black man, with whom I can go to bed. I was eager to learn - the only thing missing was the man.One day I met a pitch-black African at a party. I had been invited by the...

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A Night at the Theatre

Written by AlinaX and Sandy Monroe One Friday morning, mid-November, I was surprised to receive a call from Ben. With his new job in the City, I never usually heard from him during the day, and rarely saw him except at the weekends. “Hi Ali,” he said, sounding very anxious. “Are you free to talk?” I looked around, intrigued, a little worried, but there was no one in earshot. “Yes. What’s up?” He was silent for a few seconds, which only made me more nervous. “You remember the other night?”...

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Simons wish

Nick had stayed in touch with some of them but was looking forward to seeing one of the guys in particular. Simon. He was gay and the rest of the group knew it and accepted it. Nick was popular with the girls and always seemed to be with somebody. Simon fancied him like crazy but knew he was straight so just got on with him as friend. Un be known to Simon, Nick was curious. He had watched plenty of lesbian and heterosexual porn movies. Watching the girls give blowjobs had made him...

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The Grandmothers Club

The Grandmother’s Club Where do I begin? Well my parents were childhood sweethearts. They lived right next door to one another the whole time that they were growing up. To this very day my two grandmothers live side by side in separate houses. They are both widowed and they have combined their backyards into one big yard. Mom and Dad said that their mothers had gone to a lawyer and entered into a partnership, which gave them almost the same rights as being a married couple. Mom and...

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Mother and Son The Prequel

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. After an overwhelming response from my first two stories, especially Mother and Son which has attracted over 350,000 readers; I have decided to open up and reveal my first incestuous experience. Reflecting back over the years, there is no doubt that what happened between my brother and I planted the seeds for the present day. I would like to share these...

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Father Moss

“What we did last night…” the boy ventured, compulsively thinking of sex as he watched his older temptress ease the cork out of a bottle of Merlot, “it…it wasn’t the first time for me.”Elisabeth turned and looked at him, eyebrow raised. “Is that so?”The boy nodded quickly, averting her gaze. She poured a glass for herself and one for him. “Anyone I know?” she inquired with a hint of playful suspicion as she handed his drink over, sure to let him get a good look down the front of her dressing...

First Time
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The Devils Pact Sidestory Miss Blythe Is Hot for Her Students

edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

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The Cove Prequel

Jackie was also wealthy; what some people call a trust-fund baby. Four years ago, on her eighteenth birthday, she had been given access to her inheritance. Even she didn’t know how much money she had—that’s what she had accountants for. Her parents had been killed in a private plane crash when she was fourteen, and she was an only child. Jackie maintained her grades while grieving for her lost parents. She applied and was accepted at the University of Hawaii, and so she purchased a large...

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Mrs Denver The Prequel Continues

23 year old Nikki Pearson had eagerly agreed to meet up with her ex-Headmistress to be disciplined in her Study. It was educational for her ex-Headmistress, Mrs Sally Denver , who had been shocked to be told by Nikki how when at school she had been naughty on purpose so that she was disciplined more than any other student, by far. The agreement was that Nikki would allow Mrs Denver to be much more severe than she was with the students to test just how thorough she could be when disciplining...

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Mrs Denver The Prequel

“Oh, hullo Nikki,” Sally Denver said in a friendly tone. “Hullo Mrs Denver ,” 23 year old Nikki replied not sure how else to address her ex-headmistress. Nikki had attended the school where Mrs Denver was the headmistress until she was 18 years old. Sally smiled at her ex-pupil and asked, “How have you been Nikki, what are you doing now?” Nikki smiled back and said, “Oh after school I went to Uni got my degree and now I’m training to be an Accountant. I’ve just got off the train going home...

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Naked Day Prequel 2 The Honeymoon

They asked all the usual questions, expressed all the usual concerns. Nicole called from California to do the older sister thing, "It's not just because you found someone to have sex with you?" "No Nicole, I was getting laid before I met Cindy." "Hmm. Not just to get away from Mom and Dad? I know all about that." "No, they're ok, though they are stressing me about all this." "Are you sure she's the right one?" "Sis, she's more than I could have hoped for. Beautiful, fun,...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 8

Ben was summoned to Stone Eagle’s tepee shortly after the wagon train had settled in for their stay. Blossom went with him, ceremonially carrying the long gun, powder, and ammunition that Ben intended to give to Stone Eagle, wrapped up in one of the heavy trading post blankets. The walk to the tepee was uneventful. There were a lot of curious onlookers scattered about the village, many of whom stopped and stared when Ben was led past them, but none of them said anything to Ben and none...

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The Anonymous Pics Prequel

As I left the house, Stefan was waiting in the car. He looked sort of normal. Strangely, it was the most normal I have seen him look lately.“I have some whiskey at home. We could maybe watch a movie or something?” he said.I was silent, still in shock from what I witnessed just a few minutes before. Stefan was backing out from our driveway, and I felt panic reaching record levels as the car moved away from the house. The front door was closed, and I knew what was going on behind it.‘Would the...

2 years ago
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Community Service the PrequelChapter 6

It turned out that Sid, the man in the trading post that Ben had hit on the head, was dead. Ben learned this on reaching the trading post and almost tripping over the body. Ben had walked up the trail from the flat in the company of Idaho Bill. The two had chatted about what needed to be done, now that the bullets had stopped flying about, and reasonable people had time to think. They’d come back up to the trading post to fetch a couple of shovels, and to speak with Big Ed about what he...

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The Harsh New World prequel to chapter 1

Introduction: these are a few times leading up to my first chapter of this story. Its rather long, so I separated the three encounters with thier own titles. <,Daniel and Pearls First Amorous Entwine>, Daniel! Lunch. Pearl shouted at her brother as she ran to catch up to him as he followed the pair of draft horses that were pulling the plow across the field. She had just finished giving her other brothers theirs and wanted to share time with her eldest, her favorite brother. Daniel slowed...

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The Harsh New World prequel to chapter 1

"Daniel! Lunch." Pearl shouted at her brother as she ran to catch up to him as he followed the pair of draft horses that were pulling the plow across the field. She had just finished giving her other brothers theirs and wanted to share time with her eldest, her favorite brother. Daniel slowed the horses and smiled down at his little sister, pulling off his hat to wipe his brow covered in a grime of sweat and the dry dust the horses were kicking up at him. It had been a year...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 5

Ben immediately ordered everyone to reload their weapons and to mount up. He asked Missus Taylor if she could ride, and to his relief she could. Ben quickly caught up the horse that the man had been riding who’d slid off the back of it, after he’d made it rear up, and brought it to the woman so she had a mount. Ten minutes later Ben, Cecily, and Dove, as Missus Taylor told Ben and Cecily to call her, were on the horses and riding back towards the fork in the trail, moving at a steady...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 2

The woman proved to be non-responsive. Ben called out to her a couple of times, first identifying who he was, and then reassuring her that he meant her and her family no harm. It hadn’t help. The woman seemed to be oblivious to his presence. All she seemed capable of doing was to lie curled up in a ball in the dirt of the trail, next to the body of the man that had stripped her naked, and who’d threatened to slit her throat, and sob loudly. Ben felt frustrated. He thought back to the...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 4

The trek to the hidden valley and the homestead that lay there gave Ben time to reflect on what he wanted to do, and what he needed to do. It also gave Blossom time to convince him to rethink his plans. Ben had resisted Blossom’s suggestions at first. His only thought was that there was a woman out there somewhere that needed his help and he needed to go after her. After all, that was why he’d been sent back in time. He was here to pay his dues to society by helping people. He’d already...

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Sarie The Prequel

This wasn’t like her. Sarie never had sex in public places. Never anywhere she could be caught. Certainly never with anyone she had no intention of dating seriously. Yet one month after breaking up with Melinda, the girl she’d loved for two years, she found herself flat on her back on the conference table at work. At Angie’s mercy. Angie “the powerhouse” Baker was so different from her. So different from Melinda. It was what had first attracted Sarie. Angie was open about being a lesbian,...

Office Sex
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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 20 Into the Night

When Wesley awoke in the predawn light, he found the air as clear as on those days when they did not go to the city. He felt incredibly refreshed and invigorated. He helped make breakfast and drank of his freshly steeped coffee. He had become accustomed to the Greek method of simply putting the finely ground coffee in the little briki and heating it until the foam formed on top, just before the liquid boiled. He would then pour this into his small cup and sip at it until they were ready to...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 7

Ben woke the next morning to the urgings of Dove. The woman had risen early to tend the fire that had been built the night before down on the flat, and to put a pot of water to boil. She seemed pleasantly happy, and she smiled broadly at Ben, once they made eye contact. “Get up, Marshal Ben,” the woman said. “There’s work to be done, as you know. I was told this morning by Half-Moon that Big Ed wants to speak to you.” “Do you know what about?” Ben enquired out of curiosity as he wiped the...

4 years ago
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The Loyalty Gene Prequel

Institute of Molecular Genetics, Moscow, Russia Nikolai Vavilov D.Sc., Nobel laureate for “Advancements in Genetic Editing,” paced the hallway before the elevators. Further down the hall, a glass-paneled door led into the soundproofed conference room. The email which summoned him there specified he was to meet a prospective patron. An elevator dinged, and the head of the facility stepped through the opening doors. Nicolai closed the distance and spoke in an angry voice. “Administrator Popov, I...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 3

Ben sat upon the rise and waited, watching in the growing light of the new day for his prey to step out into the open, and into his line of fire. He didn’t have long to wait. Ben had gone hunting just as Blossom had ordered him the night before. Much to his chagrin the old woman had roused him from his slumber well before sunrise, insisting he should get up. Ben had grumbled about it, not wanting to crawl out from under the warmth of his blankets, but the old woman had been very persistent....

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 13 Beware the Night

During the following days, the story haunted Wesley. He questioned Pol more in depth about the story, the promised deliverer, the origins. He wrote songs and poems about the goddess, some of which he included in his weekly letters to Rebecca. She became his own goddess. The crew continued to meet each day at the central rostrum to strategize their work. A profusion of writing decorated the rostrum and this, Wesley was assigned to copy and begin translating. There was also writing on the base...

1 year ago
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Naked Day The Prequel

"Just WHAT are you writing about today Tim?" "Mmm" "Mmm, indeed. By the look of the hardon in your swim trunks, it BETTER be about me." I opened an eye and looked over at Cindy. Now in her 50s, she still excited me. "Of course it's you. It's always you." She sat on the edge of the lounger, her hand soon moving slowly over my hard cock. "So tell me. What escapades have caused this reaction?" She now reached into my shorts, gripping my cock more firmly. "Uh, I um, was...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 3 City of the Gods

In the before-dawn blush of the next day, Doc sat on the ground with the family. They formed a loosely drawn circle around the well in the center of the courtyard. He had agreed to participate in the ritual without further thought after Andrew explained it. It was not unlike those Doc had participated in over the years in countless cultures, including at the stone circle in Northern England. Silently, they watched the old man in the center as he moved about the circle inscribing it with his...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 25 Dance with the Devil

A soft step on the gravel near Rebecca began to rouse her out of her sleep. She leaned back against the strong hand that lifted her hair to caress her neck. “Ah, Wes, you’re back,” she sighed. His lips irresistibly pressed against hers and she was locked in the embrace before she was fully awake. She opened her lips to accept the invitation of his tongue and their kiss rose in passion. How odd for Wesley to make such an open demonstration in the courtyard. He took her so much by surprise...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 14 The Cup

Rebecca awoke alert and refreshed. She’d had uncommonly restful nights for the past two weeks, possibly related to the exhaustion she experienced, first through her research and second through the instruction she had been receiving from Mrs. Weed. The sun cracked through the fog that seemed present every morning in this part of Edinburgh, and streamed through her window. The amount of energy she felt this morning crackled up and down her spine. The gift she had received from the woman...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 22 Goddess Accepted

Rebecca! The voice echoed around her from every direction, but the darkness would not release her as she followed. This was insane. The camp should be right here. It wasn’t here. She was lost. She should sit down right where she was and wait for rescue. Every child knew that. But someone kept calling her name just over there. If she could only call out in answer, help would come. But her throat was too dry, her lungs ached, and her heart pounded. She could not answer. So she kept...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 12 Initiation

Do I have the courage? “What must I do?” she whispered. Old Mrs. Weed patted her hand gently. “There are no observers,” she said. “If you would watch, you must join. If you would join, you must come as the goddess entered through the gates of death.” Rebecca caught her breath, torn between her own religious morality and the desire to know. To participate in a surviving witch cult, however, might be more than she wanted to know. She took a deep breath and tried to let it relax her. “You...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 2 The Metora

The staff in his hand was still alive, though it had never again burst into flames. Doc felt it vibrate with each step through the canyons of the Metéora, the fire of the Mediterranean sun beating on his back. He’d been back every summer since the war. Though the staff had never again called fire, Doc had found other uses for it and felt it resonate with the land around him. The goat track that locals called a road was as dusty as the foothills had been. A preternatural awareness of his...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 21 Goddess Revealed

Wesley watched from his hiding place as the argument came to an end with Pol leading a reluctant Doc and Margaret away from the rostrum into the West where they seemed to disappear into the sun. Had they realized he was missing earlier, he would never have been able to remain hidden in this small world. But Pol’s plea to Doc and Margaret was so insistent, and their memory of the warning against the night so clear, that they disappeared along the Aquarius Avenue with a pang of...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 17 Compulsion

There were not enough tears that could be shed for the pain that laced Rebecca’s palm and right arm. Mrs. Weed still held her head in gentle hands, but Rebecca was oblivious to the sterile surroundings of the hospital. At least the salve the nurse applied had begun to numb the pain. “And how did you manage a burn like this?” asked the nurse. “I grabbed a hot ... pan from the stove,” answered Rebecca at last. “Now what do you suppose they make potholders for?” chided the nurse. “I imagine...

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The Grinning Man The Prequel

Year: 43AD. Location: Scotland. "The demon is coming! The demon is coming!" A roman legionnaire screamed springing from the bushes with his gladius swinging widely. The beast fell from the tree tops tackling him to the ground as he screamed in horror. The monsters mouth widened as its head twisted and lunged down biting into the back of his neck. The mans body seized in terror, his fingers and toes spread forth. The creature twisted his head again with a quick deadly snap. The man went...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 16 Violent Gifts

Even with the shock and daring of The Blade, Rebecca considered her first gathering with the full circle on Lughnasad to have been a high point of her life. There were more celebrations, dancing, and even couples slipping into the shadows of the huge stones to make love. After the circle had dispersed, Rebecca and Mrs. Weed made their way back to the Bed and Breakfast in Keswick. Breakfast Sunday morning was a typical English affair with boiled sausages, beans, soft boiled eggs, and dry...

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Journey of a Pain Slut The Prequel Her First Whipping

Bear with me, 'coz this is the very first time I have tried writing something like this down, especially on a web site like this, but I did promise! So (deep breath – here goes), last week I was pretty busy at uni, but, with the encouragement of my new friends here, I decided to take the plunge and talk to my BF about my interests. Tuesday night. Down the pub and after a long hard day. Me doing work back at my room on the first paper of term, him in the labs or wherever working on his...

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The Journey a prequel if you will

Gushing with compliments about how sexy Honi looked when she was being fucked by Turbo, Chloe was beside herself with the excitement of possibly doing something like that. She finally blurted out, “I want to do that with a dog too. Can you teach me? Tell me how you started! You look so experienced! I’m ever so envious!” Honi had mentally recalled how she first met the Hostess, and her husband, who Honi now called Master. She hadn't shared any of that with Chloe, feeling it was irrelevant...

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