The Journey ( A Prequel If You Will) free porn video

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Gushing with compliments about how sexy Honi looked when she was being fucked by Turbo, Chloe was beside herself with the excitement of possibly doing something like that. She finally blurted out, “I want to do that with a dog too. Can you teach me? Tell me how you started! You look so experienced! I’m ever so envious!”

Honi had mentally recalled how she first met the Hostess, and her husband, who Honi now called Master. She hadn't shared any of that with Chloe, feeling it was irrelevant to what the girl was asking. Still floating in her post orgasmic bliss, Honi thought that perhaps her Master could explain more clearly how her early training had come about. Consequently, she smiled and said, “Chloe, can you wait until the other guests depart, so we can have a private word with my Master? I'm sure we can offer you a ride home afterwards.”

“I'd love to meet him,” the dewy eyed girl exclaimed, bouncing with the contained enthusiasm that only the young can generate.

Later, Honi led Chloe into the house, and soon they were comfortably seated informally in the living room, along with Honi's Master, and his wife, the Hostess.

“Master, Chloe here is aroused by the thought of doing what she saw me do tonight. She has no experience with dogs, and asked me how I got started. I thought that you could explain it better than I could.”

The man she addressed had such a commanding presence that all three females were fully focused on him, awaiting his words. He reveled in their attention, and therefore waited a full minute before responding. “Honi, my pet, you underestimate your abilities. I'm sure that you're capable of giving a full, accurate description of how that came about. I will say this to you, Chloe. Soon after Honi met me, she freely offered her submission to me, and became part of us. We think of ourselves as a 'family' in this house, living together, and caring for each other. Honi, go ahead and tell Chloe about your early training. If I think I need to add anything to your description, I will.”

“Yes, Master.” Honi felt more capable of doing so now, since the mind blowing sensations that she always experienced with Turbo had abated somewhat. Still, she was searching for a proper starting point to her story. Spinning in a state of futile ratiocination, she was rescued by her Master.

Rising to his feet, he gently said, “Honi, my girl. Stand up and face me. We'll let your body memory help you get started. Many's the training day that started with you facing me.”

“Thank you, Master,” Honi whispered with gratitude. Tall for a girl, at 5'6", Honi now stood looking up at him. Chloe regarded this tableau closely. Honi was slim and willowy, with big 34D cupped breasts. Her eyes were a tranquil spring meadow green, and her dusty blonde hair hung down to her waist. Chloe didn't know that normally Honi tied it back in a pony tail, or when at work had it drawn back in a coil or bun. When Honi had brought Chloe into his presence, she'd followed her normal habit of letting it hang loose, and had combed it out with her fingers when she entered the room.

Chloe now gazed at the man in front of Honi. The man she called Master towered above her, since he was at least 6'3" and well built, without a hint of a belly or any softness. Like her, his hair was a dusty blonde and his eyes were green and compelling. This pose apparently worked in triggering Honi's body memory, because the woman began speaking her tale in an almost trance-like voice.

“When I began my new life with Master, his first action was to move me from the cramped apartment above the veterinary clinic that I managed and to move me into a lovely 'apartment' in a separate wing of this sumptuous home overlooking the lake.”

Honi smiled. “His second action was to contact four candidates to be my assistant at the clinic. The interviews with all four candidates were brief, and my choice was a recently widowed woman who had shared a practice with her deceased husband but had no head for business. This caused their once thriving surgery to balance on the brink of bankruptcy. The woman in question, Cynthia, might not have business acumen, but she has compassion for animals and sound surgery skills. I added her to my staff and she now resides in the tiny apartment above the clinic. A plump, dark haired woman in her early forties, with a no nonsense attitude, Cynthia seems as dedicated as I am where animal husbandry is concerned and shows skill and commitment.”

Turning briefly to look at Chloe, she stated, “I'm giving you that level of detail to illustrate something. Master continually demonstrates his concerns for my welfare. Having an assistant like that put less strain on me and my body, and also allowed me to have more stamina and more availability for my training with him.” She looked back at her Master, grinning happily as the memories came into focus.

“I was chauffeured to and from work daily in a sleek limousine, or if I chose, I had the choice of one of the many cars in this luxurious home's multiple car garage. Now, let me tell you about that special day. I'd returned from work after a busy day. Our chauffeur, Jean-Claude, a taciturn Frenchman, didn't seem to mind driving me around and except for a few choice Gallic curses at other less skilled motorists, my trips to and from work were often in peaceful silence.”

Honi again glanced at Chloe, pleased to see she had the woman's rapt attention. “After that long, but satisfying day at work, I took a warm, refreshing shower. Reinvigorated, I stepped out, toweled off, and put on a silky semi-sheer sundress.”

Chloe interrupted gently. “Just a sundress? Nothing else?”

Honi chuckled. “Nothing else. At Master's request, I no longer wore bras or panties. None of his women do, not even his wife, the Hostess here – unless we're going out in public, and even then, we rarely do. After a few weeks I'd begun to enjoy the feeling, in fact, when I now have to wear them, they feel foreign and restricting. Oh yes. I should also mention that perfumes or scented deodorants weren't allowed either – except for very special occasions when we'd be attending some grand event or other. Our generous Master showers us with gifts and expensive scents, but we don't wear them except when it's specifically appropriate. You might be able to guess the reason why. Dogs hate the scent of soaps, colognes, and perfumes, preferring the scent of clean skin.” On impulse, Honi took hold of her Master's hand and raised it to her lips, silently thanking him for his care and generosity.

Returning to her story, Honi said, “I'd dressed to make myself a gift to my Master, knowing that he'd soon unwrap his gift. I was just in time putting on my dress. He'd heard the cessation of the shower, and gauged my movements well. He stepped through the inter-connecting door, leaned down and kissed me thoroughly, sensually sliding his tongue into my mouth, where it was received with joy. This was accompanied by his hands traveling over the material of my sundress, instantly arousing me.” Honi shivered delicately with the tingles caused by the sheer memory of that moment. “He was compelling, as always. He murmured, 'Today's the day, Honi... Are you ready?' into my ear.”

Feeling Chloe needed a further explanation, she turned to her. “You must understand that by this point I'd spent a few months with Master, and trusted him completely. Not only that, he'd given me so much pleasure and care that I wanted most of all to please him, in any manner he chose. So I felt I was ready for this next step. I followed him meekly through the main house to the training room in the adjacent wing.”

Honi put her hand to her breast. “I wish you could've felt how my heart was thumping here under where my hand is now, Chloe. Perhaps you'll experience it. I knew what I was about to do.”

The Hostess and her Master both smiled, still hearing Honi's excitement in her voice. Retelling the story was turning her on so much that her scent was perfuming the room, competing with the musky, inky scent of Turbo's cum, still gently oozing from her pussy, placed there by her earlier performance for the guests.

“When we reached the room, I tried not to let my body shake as my Master lifted the sundress from my body, thereby unwrapping his present. I took it from his hands and placed it on a convenient wall hook. I now stood naked. His wife the Hostess, Helen and Steph were lazing on the wooden benches, chatting and giggling. All three women were naked, and boldly unashamed, confident in their own beauty, sexuality and sensuality. Turbo, a recent patient at my vet clinic for his teeth cleaning, lay at Hostess's feet. His intelligent brown eyes followed me as I entered.”

Honi took a deep breath, since the memory of that moment seemed to be robbing her of air, as it had at that moment. “My Master spoke succinct words to remind them that I'd asked for privacy for this training session, and told them to respect my wishes. I watched the Hostess rise languidly to her feet, followed by Steph and Helen. The women smiled at Master and me and voiced their acquiescence. The Hostess gave me an especially brilliant smile, and with no malice in her voice, just a genuine warmth, told me to enjoy myself.”

Chloe stood up and walked closer to Honi, either subconsciously wanting to offer support, or just making certain not to miss a word about what happened next.

Honi continued, “After we were alone in the room with Turbo, I leaned forward, bending down to pet the furry sheath covering his penis. I'd touched a dog's penis before, professionally, in my practice – but this was different. That huge black dog turned his head, looking at me curiously. He was used to me touching him, after all I was his vet, his doctor. But the way I was handling him now was unusual. Not only was I naked, but he instinctively sensed my trepidation, bordering on fear. I'd never shown him fear before. Even I could tell that I was exuding a peculiar scent – my body knew what it wanted – it was just my brain, my mind, that was in the way. The scent that I was giving off dogs don't associate with humans, let alone a vet. It was a scent that caused his cock to swell. It was a physiological reaction – the scent receptors in his brain told him that some bitch needed to be fucked! This sweet loving human woman was giving off very contradictory scents and signals to him. Poor Turbo. Very confused.” Honi grinned at Chloe.

“Remember, Chloe. Before I'd met this family, I'd never known if it was true, or just an urban legend about women having sex with dogs. I'd always wondered what could make anyone so horny that she'd let a dog fuck her. But over the months, I'd had ample opportunity to observe women like Helen, Steph, the Hostess, and others doing just that. I was shocked and surprised at how exciting it was to watch their expressions as they did it, especially when the dog's knot expanded inside them, which seemed to trigger a rapid-fire sequence of orgasms. My curiosity had been building and building.”

Honi paused and stroked the redhead's hair softly. “Even then, I was not fully committed to the action. I looked up at Master and whispered something like, 'You really want me to do this, Master?' while watching his eyes. I saw him nod his head, and speak gently but firmly, 'Find your own way. Explore and experiment for me, Honi' – encouragement that I needed to hear.”

She locked eyes with Chloe. “Understand. I was being given permission to do something that I'd always considered abuse and perversion. Hesitating briefly, I slowly sank down, almost squatting beside the large black and tan Rottweiler. I pulled my knees back to my chest and scooted forward. Turbo's cock was drooping down at that point, with about three inches exposed, but flaccid.”

Master and his wife exchanged a glance. It seemed Honi was determined to give every detail of that experience, as best she could recall, to the enraptured red-haired listener.

“I reached down and gently but firmly gripped him behind his knot. Behind that knot there are some super-sensitive bones, almost vein-like in their structure. I began to manipulate them with my fingers. Turbo didn't snap at me or even growl. Instead he started to hump my hand mildly. But I knew giving Turbo a hand job wasn't what my Master had in mind. I looked up at the handsome man who was my everything now. I'd given him my will, and I wanted, no needed, to do this to please him, and to please myself. He'd agreed to my one request, that no one but he watch – no audience but him – for my first time with a dog.”

Honi stopped and swallowed, as her cheeks colored with embarrassment. “I once overheard Helen and Stephanie laughing and making derisive comments about some other woman who'd failed in her attempt with a dog. They'd politely waited until that woman had left, not saying those things to her face. But it was obvious that they, who were well versed in the art of canine sex, found it hilarious that any woman would botch it up so horribly. I didn't want that sort of humiliation if something went wrong with my attempt.”

The Hostess' expression signaled that she doubted that the two women in question would've acted that way toward their good friend and family member, Honi. But she remained silent.

Honi told Chloe, “That's why there were only the two of us in the room. Master had granted my request, but had added a twist of his own. I had to figure out how to do it on my own with no help from him, his wife, or my two new friends and family members.”

Swallowing nervously as she recalled the next part, Honi said, “I knew I was dithering. The 'should I or shouldn't I, must I or mustn't I' dilemma in my head was causing a delay that was tormenting both me and Turbo. Finally, I bowed my head in partial acceptance, and lowered myself onto the wooden floor of the training room. I spread my knees and lowered my shoulders, pressing my tits against the floor, as I'd seen the other girls do as they were being mated to the dogs. I retained my grip, still holding and teasing the tiny receptive bones behind Turbo's growing knot as I slithered down further.”

The Hostess noticed that Chloe was now hyperventilating, transfixed by the scene being painted so clearly by Honi's narration. It appeared to her that the young redhead would be a good candidate for training. Perhaps by Honi, herself.

The veterinarian was also breathing faster as she continued, “My one hand under my belly still gripping his growing cock, I lifted my ass into the air as Turbo reared, his hips began to thrust wildly, in the typical canine manner. I know that at that point I was still passive, letting my receptive body meet his hardening cock.”

Her Master briefly interrupted, to help develop the image, “Honi couldn't see it, but Turbo's cock was now a very bright red, flooded with hot blood.”

“Oh yes, Chloe. And that blood made it warm to my touch. It was poised at the entrance to my cunt, poking into the soft globes of my ass as he blindly thrust, bucked and reared. His front paws gripped my slender ribs, and he began to pant – his breath coming in terse gasps with each wild thrust. His rear paws were tramping painfully on my widespread calves, with that rigid cock of his spraying a mist of precum, as it slammed up along the cleft between my ass cheeks and along the base of my spine.”

Honi again paused, and looked deeply into Chloe's eyes. “I want you fully aware of my state of mind. At this point, I actually hesitated and thought about what I was doing. I'd be crossing the point of no return. If I did this, there was no way I could undo it. 'Belonging to my Master is one thing,' I thought to myself. My internal warring dialogue said things like, 'But this is taboo, illegal, in most of our states' and 'Yet lots of girls use vibrators or a dildo – so how does their sliding a battery operated toy inside of them differ so much from what I was intent on doing?' and 'Instead of a machine, I'll be using a flesh and blood cock, which is more natural' and 'Turbo's not being forced to do this' – these all skittered through my mind. One all embracing consideration was that my Master would be proud of me. And that thought made me dripping wet in anticipation.”

Her Master smiled at her as he heard this, his eyes glowing with love and appreciation.

“I hesitated for perhaps a millisecond longer, and then made up my mind. Turbo's hard cock was still sliding soggily along the cleft of my ass, and poking the soft globes of my ass like a stick. I guided the throbbing, wildly thrusting cock towards the humid gateway to my soul. The finality of our joining was incredibly euphoric. I managed to gasp out 'Oh Master!' as Turbo's cock slotted into my waiting cunt.”

If Chloe's eyes had looked huge before, they now seemed almost as large as salad plates. The young redhead's breasts were bobbing up and down rapidly with her panting. At that moment it was almost as if she was joined to Turbo, rather than Honi.

Honi continued, “My body responded to this invasion. Involuntarily, I sucked in my belly, causing my inner muscles to coil almost snakelike around the slick shaft as it jack hammered into me! It was warm, very warm – far warmer than anything I'd ever ever felt inside me before! As the walls of my cunt gripped it, the dog's cock seemed to grow even hotter. And oh how I enjoyed the softness of his bare belly bouncing against my skin and the warmth and softness of his fur on my back!”

Without thinking about it, Honi cupped her sex with her hand as she continued her narrative. “Turbo started humping me with more than just his hindquarters. I lost my grip on his knot and felt it slapping noisily against my swollen pussy lips. It was mashing my clit with every wild thrust, and each bump sent a jolt of pleasure through me! I closed my eyes, and without feeling a trace of embarrassment, started wantonly humping my ass up against him, matching his wild thrusts.”

The hand cupping Honi's sex started rubbing as she said, “I pushed back against him as hard as I could and felt just an instant of pain as my cunt stretched to accommodate the full size and length of that swollen cock of his. As my cunt welcomed that fist sized, white-hot knot for the very first time, it forced any trapped air wetly from me, causing the eruption of an obscene series of pussy farts. When that amazing cock slotted home, it pressed the softening tip of his molten hard cock far deeper than man or buzzing 'toy' had ever penetrated.” Honi shuddered as she said this, and Chloe also shuddered, hearing it.

“As soon as Turbo was completely in, he stopped thrusting and stood motionless. His cock began to erupt. Chloe, I could feel every steamy gush!” Both women were unconsciously rubbing themselves, caught up in the story.

“By this point, I thought I'd felt the full size of Turbo's knot. I was wrong. It continued to swell until it was the size of a man's fist or larger. From inside me, it pressed up against my swollen clit, making it protrude and bulge. Instinctively, I reached down between my legs and began to stroke that jutting swollen rod of my flesh. Turbo stood rampant above me while he continued to ejaculate in time to his beating heart and contracting balls. There was so much semen that even the bulk of his knot couldn't keep it all in me. I could feel it leaking out around the swollen lips of my labia. I was getting closer and closer to cumming and my mind reeled! All I could think about was how my cunt was contracting intuitively, and how wonderful I felt while my cunt was being filled with dog cock!”

Chloe was moaning softly, rubbing herself a little faster. Suddenly, Honi's body gave a small jerk, and Chloe also jerked in reflex. The reason for this became clear when Honi said, “His massive 10" cock jerked inside me and he shifted stance, lifting himself a little higher. His belly was almost curving over the swell of my ass and forcing his hard cock and throbbing knot even deeper inside me. His spasms were slower and less intense now, but the accumulating cum was forcing its way into my womb. I was making a keening noise deep in my throat when another huge shudder from Turbo pushed me over the edge!” Chloe started cumming.

Ignoring Chloe's spasms, Honi choked out, “I shimmied my rear up and down as the orgasm made any logical thinking impossible! My ecstasy was total – I no longer cared that I was coupled with a dog, or that I was in what most people would imagine to be the most demeaning position a woman could find herself or be seen in. I let out a whimper, that became a howling, shuddering moan, like a bitch in heat! My life had changed forever! I truly doubt if anything will ever come close to the intensity of that orgasm!” Honi started cumming as she stated this, and Chloe wrapped one arm around her, holding her as she shook. Master and wife watched the two women, pleased.

When Honi finally caught her breath, she gave Chloe a sweet kiss, and continued, “Finally the spasms began to subside, and my breathing slowly returned to normal, as my wildly beating heart slowed to something resembling normalcy. After what had to be at least ten minutes, Turbo's cock deflated enough for him to free himself from me. He began an almost reverse humping, until with a soft 'plop' sound, he managed to pull free. To be honest, my bliss immediately diminished, feeling that disconnection, but the afterglow remained.”

Chloe nodded her understanding.

“A rush of dog cum gushed out of me and ran in rivulets down my thighs onto the wooden floor. Turbo moved slowly, his back arching, almost looking apologetic for fucking me. His flaccid cock drooped down, still pink and shining with our combined juices. He started to lick my leaking swollen cunt. This was something no man had ever done to me before, licking at his cum as it oozed from my pussy. But Turbo was showing his bitch his gratitude, and to me, it felt wonderful. I reached down and patted him lovingly, as he continued to use his tongue on my cunt and inner thighs. Then he laid himself down on the floor and began to lick his cock and balls.”

Honi smiled at the three people in the room. “That was how I got started.”

Chloe looked at the Hostess and her husband. With the pleading expression on her face, she begged, “Please. When can I get started?”


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James Bond Lingerie is Forever A Prequel

With thanks to Jayne Dell I'd like to thank Jayne for providing the inspiration for this story, having liaised with her to avoid any possible conflicts with current and future instalment, I am pleased to add this to the James Bond myth! Any comments, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or leave feedback for me. All characters, events and premises are the work of fiction, any resemblance to people, known or unknown is entirely accidental, (although if they do exist,...

2 years ago
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Xenthia Prequel

Xenthia The Prequel By Sadie Chan This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to any real persons or events is purely coincidental. Please leave a review - this is my first TG work and I looking for help. If you want to get in contact with me please feel free - my e-mail address is [email protected] I stared at my computer screen trying to fathom whether what I was reading could really be true. Sometimes I could be too open-minded and na?ve and I was wondering as I read the g...

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A MYTHing witch a MYTH prequel

M.Y.T.H.-ing Witch (A M.Y.T.H. prequel) I can say it, I messed up. But it wasn't all my fault. I trusted the wrong person. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Sabrina, and I'm a witch. Nope, don't have a broomstick. Although I guess I could, if I really wanted to make one. Witches are actually a subset of the race known as the Magi. There are three main subsets - Witches, Warlocks, and Wizards. Before you ask, no, not all witches are girls, and not all Warlocks...

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Mother and Son The Prequel

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. After an overwhelming response from my first two stories, especially Mother and Son which has attracted over 350,000 readers; I have decided to open up and reveal my first incestuous experience. Reflecting back over the years, there is no doubt that what happened between my brother and I planted the seeds for the present day. I would like to share these...

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The Cove Prequel

Jackie was also wealthy; what some people call a trust-fund baby. Four years ago, on her eighteenth birthday, she had been given access to her inheritance. Even she didn’t know how much money she had—that’s what she had accountants for. Her parents had been killed in a private plane crash when she was fourteen, and she was an only child. Jackie maintained her grades while grieving for her lost parents. She applied and was accepted at the University of Hawaii, and so she purchased a large...

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The Anonymous Pics Prequel

As I left the house, Stefan was waiting in the car. He looked sort of normal. Strangely, it was the most normal I have seen him look lately.“I have some whiskey at home. We could maybe watch a movie or something?” he said.I was silent, still in shock from what I witnessed just a few minutes before. Stefan was backing out from our driveway, and I felt panic reaching record levels as the car moved away from the house. The front door was closed, and I knew what was going on behind it.‘Would the...

2 years ago
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The Harsh New World prequel to chapter 1

"Daniel! Lunch." Pearl shouted at her brother as she ran to catch up to him as he followed the pair of draft horses that were pulling the plow across the field. She had just finished giving her other brothers theirs and wanted to share time with her eldest, her favorite brother. Daniel slowed the horses and smiled down at his little sister, pulling off his hat to wipe his brow covered in a grime of sweat and the dry dust the horses were kicking up at him. It had been a year...

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The Harsh New World prequel to chapter 1

Introduction: these are a few times leading up to my first chapter of this story. Its rather long, so I separated the three encounters with thier own titles. <,Daniel and Pearls First Amorous Entwine>, Daniel! Lunch. Pearl shouted at her brother as she ran to catch up to him as he followed the pair of draft horses that were pulling the plow across the field. She had just finished giving her other brothers theirs and wanted to share time with her eldest, her favorite brother. Daniel slowed...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 20 Into the Night

When Wesley awoke in the predawn light, he found the air as clear as on those days when they did not go to the city. He felt incredibly refreshed and invigorated. He helped make breakfast and drank of his freshly steeped coffee. He had become accustomed to the Greek method of simply putting the finely ground coffee in the little briki and heating it until the foam formed on top, just before the liquid boiled. He would then pour this into his small cup and sip at it until they were ready to...

4 years ago
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The Loyalty Gene Prequel

Institute of Molecular Genetics, Moscow, Russia Nikolai Vavilov D.Sc., Nobel laureate for “Advancements in Genetic Editing,” paced the hallway before the elevators. Further down the hall, a glass-paneled door led into the soundproofed conference room. The email which summoned him there specified he was to meet a prospective patron. An elevator dinged, and the head of the facility stepped through the opening doors. Nicolai closed the distance and spoke in an angry voice. “Administrator Popov, I...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 13 Beware the Night

During the following days, the story haunted Wesley. He questioned Pol more in depth about the story, the promised deliverer, the origins. He wrote songs and poems about the goddess, some of which he included in his weekly letters to Rebecca. She became his own goddess. The crew continued to meet each day at the central rostrum to strategize their work. A profusion of writing decorated the rostrum and this, Wesley was assigned to copy and begin translating. There was also writing on the base...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 3 City of the Gods

In the before-dawn blush of the next day, Doc sat on the ground with the family. They formed a loosely drawn circle around the well in the center of the courtyard. He had agreed to participate in the ritual without further thought after Andrew explained it. It was not unlike those Doc had participated in over the years in countless cultures, including at the stone circle in Northern England. Silently, they watched the old man in the center as he moved about the circle inscribing it with his...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 14 The Cup

Rebecca awoke alert and refreshed. She’d had uncommonly restful nights for the past two weeks, possibly related to the exhaustion she experienced, first through her research and second through the instruction she had been receiving from Mrs. Weed. The sun cracked through the fog that seemed present every morning in this part of Edinburgh, and streamed through her window. The amount of energy she felt this morning crackled up and down her spine. The gift she had received from the woman...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 25 Dance with the Devil

A soft step on the gravel near Rebecca began to rouse her out of her sleep. She leaned back against the strong hand that lifted her hair to caress her neck. “Ah, Wes, you’re back,” she sighed. His lips irresistibly pressed against hers and she was locked in the embrace before she was fully awake. She opened her lips to accept the invitation of his tongue and their kiss rose in passion. How odd for Wesley to make such an open demonstration in the courtyard. He took her so much by surprise...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 12 Initiation

Do I have the courage? “What must I do?” she whispered. Old Mrs. Weed patted her hand gently. “There are no observers,” she said. “If you would watch, you must join. If you would join, you must come as the goddess entered through the gates of death.” Rebecca caught her breath, torn between her own religious morality and the desire to know. To participate in a surviving witch cult, however, might be more than she wanted to know. She took a deep breath and tried to let it relax her. “You...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 22 Goddess Accepted

Rebecca! The voice echoed around her from every direction, but the darkness would not release her as she followed. This was insane. The camp should be right here. It wasn’t here. She was lost. She should sit down right where she was and wait for rescue. Every child knew that. But someone kept calling her name just over there. If she could only call out in answer, help would come. But her throat was too dry, her lungs ached, and her heart pounded. She could not answer. So she kept...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 2 The Metora

The staff in his hand was still alive, though it had never again burst into flames. Doc felt it vibrate with each step through the canyons of the Metéora, the fire of the Mediterranean sun beating on his back. He’d been back every summer since the war. Though the staff had never again called fire, Doc had found other uses for it and felt it resonate with the land around him. The goat track that locals called a road was as dusty as the foothills had been. A preternatural awareness of his...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 21 Goddess Revealed

Wesley watched from his hiding place as the argument came to an end with Pol leading a reluctant Doc and Margaret away from the rostrum into the West where they seemed to disappear into the sun. Had they realized he was missing earlier, he would never have been able to remain hidden in this small world. But Pol’s plea to Doc and Margaret was so insistent, and their memory of the warning against the night so clear, that they disappeared along the Aquarius Avenue with a pang of...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 17 Compulsion

There were not enough tears that could be shed for the pain that laced Rebecca’s palm and right arm. Mrs. Weed still held her head in gentle hands, but Rebecca was oblivious to the sterile surroundings of the hospital. At least the salve the nurse applied had begun to numb the pain. “And how did you manage a burn like this?” asked the nurse. “I grabbed a hot ... pan from the stove,” answered Rebecca at last. “Now what do you suppose they make potholders for?” chided the nurse. “I imagine...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 16 Violent Gifts

Even with the shock and daring of The Blade, Rebecca considered her first gathering with the full circle on Lughnasad to have been a high point of her life. There were more celebrations, dancing, and even couples slipping into the shadows of the huge stones to make love. After the circle had dispersed, Rebecca and Mrs. Weed made their way back to the Bed and Breakfast in Keswick. Breakfast Sunday morning was a typical English affair with boiled sausages, beans, soft boiled eggs, and dry...

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The Grinning Man The Prequel

Year: 43AD. Location: Scotland. "The demon is coming! The demon is coming!" A roman legionnaire screamed springing from the bushes with his gladius swinging widely. The beast fell from the tree tops tackling him to the ground as he screamed in horror. The monsters mouth widened as its head twisted and lunged down biting into the back of his neck. The mans body seized in terror, his fingers and toes spread forth. The creature twisted his head again with a quick deadly snap. The man went...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 23 Down from the Mountain

Doc and Margaret ran up the avenue toward the rostrum. Pol moved more cautiously forward at a distance. Rebecca stood to meet them and began pulling her clothes on. Wesley blushed and scrambled into his own tattered clothing. “Rebecca!” said Margaret. “How did you ever... ?” “Wesley, are you all right?” Doc overlapped in the excitement. “Did you see them?” Wesley ignored the questions, he was so caught up in the experience. “The pillars arrived just before the sunrise. Did you see them...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 19 Chasing a Dream

Rebecca Hart Allen, world traveler. She stepped off the plane to the glare of the afternoon sun, much warmer here than in Edinburgh. She shifted beneath the woolen sweater she wore over her plaid pleated skirt. Mrs. Weed had taken her shopping for tartans, a favorite souvenir of Americans who imagined they had some Scottish blood in their veins. Perhaps Rebecca did have Scottish ancestors. They had found a Hart tartan, though it was classified as Clan Urquhart. Nonetheless, Mrs. Weed sewed...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 11 To Become a Witch

Dearest Husband Wesley, I hope you can read this. I’m on a bus. Such beautiful country here in the north. So unlike London. But then, we really didn’t see much of London since we stayed in our hotel room. I’m sorry the time of the month was such that I was likely not fertile on our honeymoon. I doubt there is a child yet in my womb. But, oh, my dear, I long to have you in me again. I want to bear your child. My adjustment to life in Edinburgh has been chaotic. I was thrust immediately into...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 15 Facing the Devil

“I am happy that you chose to join me on this little jaunt, Brother John,” said Brother El. “I go by Wesley. No one has called me John in many years.” “Precisely why I chose to name you Brother John. Should anyone hear your name spoken, they will not relate it to the American explorers in the village. Are you doing all right?” Wesley glanced down at the sheer cliff beside him and the narrow stairs cut into it. For a moment, he considered that he might have been better being hauled up the...

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The Assistant Prequel

Well, I got the job. I am now the assistant of TV actor Matt Steiner, star of the popular series The Single Life. I’m assuming the agency feels I can handle the incredibly mind-wobbling responsibility of this job: make him coffee, pick up his dry-cleaning, and, more importantly, pay his bills and run his errands. You can envy me now, girls! This is by no means my dream job. I was hoping to become a journalist. I want my career to be based on the entertainment industry, but instead of doing...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 4 Finding Our Boy

The desert sun beat down as Doc climbs one dune after another—dunes that were in different places hours ago. That was before the sandstorm buried him and his fellow archaeologists in the Sinai. He has to get help. Any relief from the burning heat. More miles of desert to cross. In his Greenwich home, Doc snapped back to reality, staring at a carved wood panel in his library that replayed the event. Each of the eleven panels in the room showed a different expedition. His eye wandered back to...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 9 Marriage

Not everything went as smoothly as anticipated. Indiana required a blood test before a license would be issued and there was a three-day waiting period after they had a license. Rebecca broke out in tears when the county clerk refused to issue a license. “We leave on our cruise on Saturday!” she protested. “Have the ship’s captain marry you then,” the sympathetic clerk said. “You really should have thought about this before you decided to honeymoon.” A visit to the travel agent Rebecca had...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 24 Death Awaits

Pol met Rebecca and Wesley at the gate when they returned from their walk late in the afternoon. Even after the exertions of their open air lovemaking, they had continued on up between the two highest of Metéora’s monasteries and then followed the road back past yet another. Tourists had begun to arrive for the weekend in Kalambaka to tour the open monasteries on Saturday or attend Divine Liturgy on Sunday. “Have you been waiting for us, Pol?” Wesley asked. The boy nodded and...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 5 Hoosier Connection

Doc and Margaret boarded a train to Chicago with Milton’s notes safely tucked between them. The Chicago tickets, purchased by William the day before their departure, would postpone anyone following them at least a day. If they were lucky, it would send someone ahead of them to Chicago. When they arrived in Fort Wayne, Indiana, they got off the train. Wesley Allen was waiting to pick them up. The meeting was warm and cordial. The three-hour trip from Fort Wayne to Wesley’s home in...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 27 Behind the Veil

Rebecca recognized all the players as she emerged from the fog. She screamed for Wesley as he dove into the river but her words were ripped away by the wind. Rebecca ran hard for the tree with Marcos slipping on the rocks behind her as the rain increased. They vaulted the near-side stream onto what was now an island in the midst of which the old olive stood unmoving. At the river bank, they could see nothing but rushing water; then, far downstream, Pol’s head and hand emerged. Rebecca ran...

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The Making of a Sissy Boy Slut The Prequel

So this last time I was over there at about 7pm and they said they would definitely be back by 11pm and to help myself to whatever I fancied. Taking them at their word, within 5 minutes of their leaving, I was upstairs in their bedroom having a good rummage through Susan's underwear drawer. I always liked to pick out a pair of silky pink, black or red panties, depending on my mood, and rub those panties all over my hard little cock whilst imagining I was forcing it between those luscious...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 7 The Blade

It wasn’t often that Rebecca could free herself early enough in the day to surprise Wesley with dinner. Lately, though, with Wesley spending his afternoons in the library, she had found time to indulge her culinary whims before he got home. This afternoon, the first time this week, she had stopped at the city market and purchased a rack of ribs, smiling at her own extravagance. When Wesley got home he would be greeted by the smell of barbecue sauce. They would still have a good bit of the...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 26 The Northern Steps

Dreams. There were always dreams. He had just awakened to find Rebecca draped across him, having not stirred from where they ended their lovemaking the night before. His dream had been so real and so familiar in the afterglow. He was married. His wife and, in her womb, their daughter were the world to him and he would guard and protect them for eternity. But the dream had revealed something. Eternity might be a very long time. He looks out at his dream world through watery eyes. An empty...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 8 Coupling

“Professor Allen! Professor Allen! What happened here?” He had never heard Miss Miller’s voice so loud. They were in the library, after all. Didn’t she know? But the hands that touched him were larger than frail Miss Miller’s. And the voice that spoke next had the deep resonance of a campus security guard. “Professor. Wake up. Take it easy. Stay still. Where are you hurt?” Wesley groaned. Hurt? Suddenly, everything hurt. Head, arm, face, back. He wagged his head left and right and...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 18 Invasion

Getting out of Scotland and to the Metéora proved more complicated than anticipated. Rebecca spent most of Thursday at the embassy retrieving her updated passport with her new name. She ran to the university and explained to Dr. Reston that she would be pursuing a lead in Central Greece where a form of goddess worship was still practiced at the very foot of the Orthodox monasteries. And that while based in the Greek pantheon, it appeared that a single goddess was the object of reverence. This...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 6 Forging a Bond

They arrived at The Seville promptly at 8:00, a little late to dine in Indiana, but about right for Doc and Margaret. Doc began the story of what had brought them to Wesley. He was careful to downplay the supernatural elements of the City of the Gods, though Rebecca seemed quickly to comprehend that aspect. They explained that Professor Wilton had disappeared after making the initial discovery and that Wesley’s key was a page from Wilton’s notes. “We’ve been here interviewing you for one...

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The Props Master Prequel Behind the Ivory VeilChapter 28 New Life

“It’s remarkable, William. It captures so much.” Margaret, Doc, and William stood in the doorway of the study looking at the panel over the fireplace. William had finished the installation late the previous night and had kept the door locked all morning as he polished and cleaned the room. At last, he was ready to unveil the wood relief. Doc and Margaret accepted filled champagne glasses, ready to toast the artist’s most recent work. Looking at it, however, the champagne was forgotten as the...

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The Threesome Prequel

This is the story about the experience leading up to my first threesome. I don't know how the threesome fantasy started for me, but the desire to watch my now ex-girlfriend, Kristen, get fucked was all I could think about. The thought of watching her, in pure lust, pleasure herself with another cock was exhilarating . Luckily for me, Kristen had plenty of sexual energy and once she got horny enough was interested in basically anything. At the time we were both 17. Kristen was 5'4, 120 lbs with...

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