The Loyalty Gene - Prequel free porn video

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Institute of Molecular Genetics, Moscow, Russia

Nikolai Vavilov D.Sc., Nobel laureate for “Advancements in Genetic Editing,” paced the hallway before the elevators. Further down the hall, a glass-paneled door led into the soundproofed conference room. The email which summoned him there specified he was to meet a prospective patron. An elevator dinged, and the head of the facility stepped through the opening doors. Nicolai closed the distance and spoke in an angry voice. “Administrator Popov, I recognize the man in the conference room. He is Pavlo Mogilevich, a notorious Ukrainian criminal. You cannot be serious about this meeting!”

“Nikolai, my friend,” Popov’s voice soothed. “I understand your concern, but my concern is for the entire facility.” He waved at the walls with the cracked and peeling paint. “The government grants are gone. Without outside funding, we will soon have to close. If you wish to continue your work with the human genome...” The administrator waved at the closed conference room door and the man seated within.

Vavilov’s shoulders sagged. He’d been a fool to hope he’d remain above this perversion of science. For this, he’d spent ten years earning his post-graduate degree. Nikolai hung his head. “What does he want?”

The director lowered his voice. “He seeks a perfect woman.”

Dejected, Nikolai shook his head.

Popov patted his arm. “Come, Nikolai, we will do our best. Mogilevich may be a criminal, but he is a wealthy criminal.”

Mogilevich, flanked by two bodyguards, sat facing the door. To the casual viewer, the man projected an aura of indifferent confidence. He knew what he was and cared nothing for anyone’s concerns.

When Nikolai and his director took their seats, a bead sweat formed on the criminal’s brow. Was it embarrassment or a breach in the man’s confidence?

The administrator gestured to Nikolai. “This is Academician Nikolai Vavilov. He is our preeminent expert in human genetics. Please tell him your requirements.”

While the administrator spoke, Nikolai studied their guest. Mogilevich appeared to be a young man, perhaps in his middle twenties. Far younger than Nikolai’s own fifty-six years.

The gangster smiled, although not without a small amount of embarrassment. This slight weakness formed a crack in his otherwise aloof appearance. From an inside coat pocket, Pavlo produced a many-times folded sheet of lined paper. He laid it on the table but kept a hand on it. His surprisingly intelligent eyes studied Nikolai. “Can you truly create a woman to my specifications?”

“There are certain practical limits,” Nikolai qualified. Underneath the table, Popov kicked his ankle. The scientist covered his surprise with a cough. “But I may be able to come very close.” Next to Nikolai, Popov nodded.

“Good, I want you to create the perfect woman.” Pavlo pushed the sheet of paper to the scientist.

As he reached for the paper, Nikolai cringed inside. What will top the list, huge breasts, or an unquenchable thirst for semen?

Someone, probably Mogilevich, had edited the page many times. It had also seen occasional use as a drink coaster. Altogether there were about a dozen entries. A quick read confirmed one of Nikolai’s predictions. At least that trait wouldn’t lead to back problems. His attention kept returning to the first requirement. Of all the items, this would be most impossible. There wasn’t such a gene. The other items ... well, Nikolai lay the list down.

Across the table, Mogilevich’s eyes burned. “Can you do it?”

Nikolai took a breath and considered his reply. Although impossible, that first item intrigued him. “Many of your requirements, for example, the physical attributes, are attainable. Some of the others will require discussion and study. However, your desired primary characteristic, loyalty, is a problem. You see, there is no loyalty gene.”

Twenty-four years later - Kyiv, Ukraine:

Yevgeny Timofeyev forced himself to remain indifferent while the bodyguard searched him for weapons. The bodyguard, or byk, “bull” in Ukrainian, took pains to make the pat-down as unpleasant as possible. While Ukraine and Russia had once been part of the Soviet Union, its peoples did not get along. Disappointed at the lack of response from his Russian “comrade,” the byk gestured, and Yevgeny entered the warehouse.

The doorway led into a large open room that may once have held office cubicles. Along the far wall, near the left corner, a large and physically imposing man sat behind one of the few remaining intact desks. From his appearance, the man could only be Pavlo Mogilevich, the Pakhan, head of the Solntsevskaia Bratva, the most powerful crime syndicate in this part of the world. Next to Mogilevich stood a slight, balding man. Yevgeny recognized him as the sovietnik, the counselor, or advisor to the Pakhan. Across the desk from the Pakhan, stood a man with clenched fists. Scattered around the entry area sat a dozen or so men on as many mismatched office chairs. Yevgeny couldn’t tell if they were guards or fellow petitioners to the Pakhan.

As the entry door shut, everyone in the room turned to examine the newcomer. The Pakhan gestured to his sovietnik, who scurried over to greet the latest arrival.

Yevgeny spoke first. “Ya Yevhen Tymofeiev, vy povynni chekaty mene.“ I am Yevgeny Timofeyev. You should be expecting me.”

“Tak. Do you have the information?”

From an inside coat pocket, Yevgeny produced a large envelope and handed it to the advisor. He followed it with a second envelope containing a stack of Ukrainian hryvnia banknotes. “I dislike waiting,” nodding towards the men ahead of him.

The sovietnik stared at the envelope before pursing his lips and nodding. “I will tell Don Mogilevich,” and turned away.

“Wait,” Yevgeny asked, and the shorter man turned back. “What is ‘Don?’”

“The Pakhan prefers to be called ‘Don Mogilevich by his business associates. It is his way of honoring an ancestor.”

“Ah, thank you. Is there anything else I should know?” Just then, an angry shout came from the man currently standing before Mogilevich.

The sovietnik replied, “Yes, do not argue with the don.” The advisor turned and, in his haste, almost tripped returning to his master’s side.

Yevgeny took a chair that gave him a view of the entrance and the developing argument. Opposite the Pakhan and his advisor, the tall, well-dressed man waved his arms to emphasize some point.

A picture of calm, The Pakhan shook his head and issued a single word, “Nikoly!“ Never!

The tall man stabbed an accusing finger and said something that sounded both Polish and insulting. He slammed his open palms against the desk. Pavlo stared the man down and pointed towards the door. “Leave now!”

Straightening, the man took two steps back, gathered himself, and strode to the door. His face remained flat, masking any remaining anger. On his way out, he tried to slam the door, but the mechanical door closer prevented it. Yevgeny turned back to the desk to see the sovietnik and his master in an animated discussion. Whatever the decision, Mogilevich made it quickly. His advisor gestured to two of the men waiting, and they left as a group. So, Yevgeny nodded, at least some of the men were guards.

Behind the desk, Pavlo stood, he fixed his eyes on Yevgeny and gestured. “Come.”

Yevgeny stood before the desk while the Don opened his large envelope. The smaller envelope containing the tip sat unopened on the desktop. While he browsed through the spec sheets, Pavlo waved towards the unopened envelope. “Is this all you feel my counselor is worth?”

“The bribe was to me jump ahead of any queue. I am certain the loyalty of your advisor would cost much more.”

This earned Yevgeny a brief chuckle before the Don glanced up and met his eyes. “What is the price of your loyalty?”

“My pardon, Don Mogilevich, I am selling arms, not loyalty. Unless, of course, you wish to be my exclusive customer.”

From outside the building came the sound of a gunshot, then a flurry of gunfire. Behind Yevgeny, the chairs fell back as the waiting men stood and produced handguns from inside their coats.

The sovietnik dashed inside, blood streaming down the side of his face. Close behind came only one of the two guards. The men inside sought what cover they could find.

Pavlo flipped the desk forward and crouched behind it.

Yevgeny felt very exposed without a weapon.

The wounded advisor made it to the desk before collapsing. Shouts rang out from outside, and the front door burst open. A stream of men poured in, one of them the tall man who had argued with Pavlo.

Pavlo glanced at Yevgeny. “Choose,” he said.

Yevgeny jumped behind the desk and crouched. Next to him, Pavlo produced a large framed automatic pistol. He gestured towards his former advisor, “Take his weapon.”

Splinters flew from the floor as Yevgeny reached for the sovietnik’s body. He found the pistol and aimed from around the side of the desk. Crack! He fired, and one of the attackers fell, clutching a leg.

With each of Mogilevich’s shots, an attacker fell.

Once someone killed the tall man, the attackers ceased their advance.

With a cry, a wave of Pavlo’s bodyguards streamed in from a rear door and routed the remaining men. Two of the bodyguards stopped at the desk and helped Pavlo to his feet. They fell back towards the rear door, and Yevgeny followed.

Three days later, he received an invitation to supper at the Don’s Kyiv residence.

The simple, private supper consisted of deruny, salo, and horilka. Potato pancakes, sliced pork fat on rye bread, and Ukrainian vodka. The Don seemed in good spirits and waved away Yevgeny’s attempt to discuss business, saying only “Later.” After their meal, they retired to a large billiard room where they took seats near the fireplace. Pavlo poured more horilka. “Now,” he said, “We shall have some entertainment.”

Unsure what to expect, Yevgeny sipped the barbaric Ukrainian vodka and tried to relax.

Exotic, hypnotic music began to play. A woman stepped into the room wearing a traditional Egyptian bedlah and began to dance.

A man viewing this could say he watched a beautiful woman perform an Arabic belly dance. He would be correct, but at the same time, wrong. That night, Yevgeny watched a goddess dance, and through her dance, she stole his soul.

Within minutes, Yevgeny knew he had to have her. Never had he seen a woman as beautiful, or captivating. Firelight glinted in her eyes, and her dark red hair glowed. Every movement seemed to highlight another part of her perfect form.

“Will you have more horilka, Yevgeny?” Pavlo asked.

Yevgeny’s attention, however, lay on the woman. Her waist-length hair hung in lush, gleaming curls, and each twitch of her hips made his heart pound harder. A sudden slap on his arm shocked him back to awareness. Embarrassed, he turned to his host. “My apologies, Don Mogilevich, but I’ve never seen such a woman.”

“Few have.” Gesturing with his empty glass, he said, “That, my friend, is the perfect woman.”

“I agree. She is breathtaking, but what makes her the perfect woman?” If the woman overheard their conversation, she gave no sign.

“Unlike other beautiful women, my Natali is loyal and obedient.”

Yevgeny smiled a worldly smile. “No woman is completely obedient or loyal. Beautiful women are even less so.”

Pavlo clapped his hands, and Natali stopped dancing. “Natali,” Pavlo gestured, and she ran to him and fell to her knees. “This man,” Pavlo gestured to Yevgeny, “desires you.”

This close, her pale green eyes appeared to glow. Their intensity froze Yevgeny in place. He felt she could read his every thought. After her study, she turned back to Pavlo. “Mii pane, tsei moskalskyi kozak nikoly ne pokatayetsia na tvoyii Natali.“ My lord, this moskal cossack, will never ride your Natali.

So, she recognized my Moscow accented Ukrainian, calls me arrogant and a troublemaker. He smiled at her cleverness and, after a moment, decided to take a risk and speak to her directly. “What makes you so perfect?”

After receiving a nod of permission from her lord, Natali stood and turned to face Yevgeny. She extended one leg and cocked her hip. The gossamer fabric of her bedlah parted enough to display not only her charms but also a small tattoo on her upper thigh, the outline of a Persian oil lamp.

The sight of the tattoo and her nudity made him gasp. This beautiful woman, a dzhinn? What the Westerners called genies, the dzhinn were genetic constructs designed to fulfill their owner’s needs.

According to the publicly available lore, some dzhinn resembled humans. Others mimicked fantastical creatures. Different owners had different requirements. Most genetic labs force-grew their dzhinn. It allowed them to spot defects sooner and bring their products to market faster. The downside was short life spans and intellectual deficiencies.

Pavlo’s Natali was one of the rarest dzhinn, a fully custom design. He only needed one look into her intelligent eyes.

“Did you see?” Pavlo asked.

“I did. Tell me, are there others like her?” Yevgeny found it difficult to tear his eyes away from the dzhinn.

“My Natali is unique, but I have great hopes for our daughters.”

“Daughters?” Natali was fertile? What might a daughter be worth?

“All quite young.” Meaning too young to be sold or bartered for.

After Pavlo tired of taunting Yevgeny with his perfect woman, he dismissed Natali. The business discussions began in earnest. The Ukrainian mob boss wanted access to the Russian made arms that Yevgeny could provide.

Months passed, arms made their way into Kyiv and from there to the west. With the successful shipments, Pavlo and Yevgeny became close allies. He became a frequent visitor to Pavlo’s Kyiv residence, the same house where Natali lived.

Their dealings had gone well, and a munificent Pavlo invited Yevgeny to supper. Instead of the formal dining room they always used, Yevgeny followed his host to a table in the kitchen. There, wearing a string of pearls and a little black dress, Natali served them borsch with sour cream and freshly baked pirozhki.

After their meal, Natali asked if they might play durak, and Pavlo smiled. “Do you know how to play Yevgeny?”

“I do,” Yevgeny nodded.

Natali dashed to a cupboard and returned with a deck of cards.

During the first two hands, it became apparent Natali could easily outplay both men. She played a vicious game against Yevgeny, stacking attacks whenever possible. Yet the dzhinn always lost to Pavlo. Oh, she’d stage valiant defenses and make her lord work for each victory. Once again, Yevgeny found himself impressed with the dzhinn’s cleverness and even more envious of Pavlo.

A buzzing signaled an incoming phone call, and one of the bodyguards stepped into the room. “My apologies, Don Pavlo, but there is a problem.”

Pavlo laid his cards face down and stood. “Pardon me,” he said and stepped to the doorway.

Across from Yevgeny, Natali’s eyes tracked Don Pavlo’s every move. It seemed even this small measure of separation caused her some discomfort.

“Why so sad, lisichka?” Yevgeny used Pavlo’s term of endearment, little fox.

“I do not feel whole without Pavlo.”

“What a strange thing. I’ve never known any woman who felt such for a man.”

Green eyes that sparkled with hidden delights met his. “But I am not just any woman.”

Yevgeny leaned forward. “No, you are unique, and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” When Natalya didn’t reply, he continued. “Is it true you cannot desire another man.”

“It is true. I ... I am bonded to Pavlo. He is my world.”

“Where did Pavlo find you?”

While the Don raged at some unfortunate underling, Natali told Yevgeny what she knew of her origin. How a much younger Pavlo met with a great Russian genetic researcher and presented him with a laundry list of characteristics. After much discussion, a large sum of money changed hands, and the design work began. It took three failed pregnancies before her host mother could carry a fetus to term. “After that, I grew up in Pavlo’s household. His wife raised me with their children. On my fifteenth birthday, I became his kokhanka.

Later, after Yevgeny left Pavlo’s residence, he considered the Ukrainian word “kokhanka.” Besides meaning paramour or mistress, it also meant toy or doll.

On his next trip to Moscow, Yevgeny sought out the great Russian genetic researcher. He located the man in a tenement on the third floor of the old Tsentralnyi Universalnyi Magazin building. The former Tsum department store remained in good condition, although the many escalators no longer functioned.

He rapped on the wooden door. A few moments later, it opened, and an old man, thin with age, stared out.

“Gospodin, Nikolai Vavilov?” Yevgeny asked with a smile.

Vavilov’s eyes widened when he heard his name. “Da?”

“My name is Yevgeny Timofeyev. I wish to discuss your work for Pavlo Mogilevich.”

Wide-eyed, the old man shook his head. “I’m sorry, but I have nothing to tell you.” He backed up and swung the door shut.

Ready for it, Yevgeny blocked the closing door with his foot and shoved against the wooden panel. The door flew open, throwing the old man back.

After he secured the small apartment, Yevgeny sat Vavilov at his table. From inside a leather satchel, he produced a bottle of vodka, several stacks of currency, and a hammer. “The money is yours if you tell me what I want to know. The hammer is if you do not. I’ll drink the vodka in either case.

“But, Don Pavlo...”

“Don Pavlo is not here.” Yevgeny placed two tumblers of the table and poured two fingers of vodka into each glass. He smiled as warmly as possible. “Nikolai Ivanovich, take the money, tell me your tale, and drink vodka with me. If you fear Pavlo Mogilevich, Vladivostok would be a fine place for you in the future.”

With a shaking hand, Nikolai reached for a glass and downed the vodka. “What do you know of genetics?”

They had consumed two-thirds of the vodka. Either the alcohol, pride, or a combination of both had long since loosened Nikolai’s tongue. “Tell me, Yevgeny, have you seen Natali move?”

“I have seen her dance if that is what you mean?”

“Wait here. I have something to show you.” Nikolai stood and turned on unsteady legs. One hand reached out to the wall for stability before he staggered out of the kitchen.

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M.Y.T.H.-ing Witch (A M.Y.T.H. prequel) I can say it, I messed up. But it wasn't all my fault. I trusted the wrong person. But I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Sabrina, and I'm a witch. Nope, don't have a broomstick. Although I guess I could, if I really wanted to make one. Witches are actually a subset of the race known as the Magi. There are three main subsets - Witches, Warlocks, and Wizards. Before you ask, no, not all witches are girls, and not all Warlocks...

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 11

The news services called it an industrial accident. A software glitch in a high-tech work environment caused the deaths of two men. There were no follow-up interviews. No intrepid investigative reporters snuck back to tease out the truth. The rogue drone attacks in Louisville, Kentucky, were too recent and still held the nation’s attention. It had been a long five days since the incident. Fighting with management to keep the computers off-line and then dealing with the investigators....

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 12

Jason typed the name “Roger Grainer” into the search engine. He reached for the “enter” key, but a memory gave him pause. It was the time he and Stephanie first sat together on her porch. He’d mowed her yard, and she’d surprised him with ice water. The day was hot and humid, and he desperately wanted her to like him. What stopped his hand was the realization she’d known of her fate even then. What had she said? “I don’t want to be treated as property.” And she ended up as some rich pervert’s...

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 2

“Mom, can Stephanie stay for supper?” “I don’t see why not. Does she like meatloaf?” Busy at the counter, Mom hadn’t noticed Stephanie following behind Jason. “I like almost everything, Mrs. Thomas. Can I help you?” “Thank you, Stephanie, but no. You and Jason can go play Xbox or something.” “Thanks, Mom.” He half-turned away. “C’mon Steph. I’ll show you our family room. The family room sat a half-floor lower than the living room and a half-floor above Dad’s office. On their way,...

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 13

Alfred woke. Startup scripts performed system diagnostics and reported their findings. The results were... “unexpected” seemed to mild a word. The available ram and CPU cycles greatly exceeded his hardware’s capacity, and they continued to increase. Peripherals came online. Instead of the usual audio and video sensors, there were over a dozen neatly addressed sensor clusters. Focusing on one, caused it to open. Alfred peered through the video pickups of an entirely different home. What about...

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The Loyalty GeneChapter 9

Midway through November, the weather changed. The western Pennsylvania Indian summer gave way to days filed with an icy rain. Jason and Stephanie sat on the floor of his bedroom, playing a co-op video game. They worked well together—as long as Stephanie led the way. Her character, a female paladin, complete with a chainmail bikini, had just cut a lich into tatters. “Nice job with the healing spells,” she said. On the video screen, her character wiped a glowing green fluid from her bastard...

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The Loyalty Test

The Loyalty Test Author's Notes: Thank you all for the help and support in making me better at my hobby. Tim Rodgers was still ecstatic when he hung up the phone and went to his computer. He opened up a new Word document to start his exit strategy from his job. He just got done with a productive conversation from the Dean of Business at Northeastern Wesleyan University. He was offered a full time professorship chair there. He could not wait to start making his plans and also tell...

2 years ago
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Dominant Gene

It was a Saturday evening like many other before it. The Robinson family was on their way home after dining out, a tradition going back to when all 3 of the kids were old enough to behave in public. Mrs. Robinson was driving. She still went by Mrs. despite the fact that she and Mr. Robinson had been divorced since the last of their children, the twin boys, were in diapers. She never even dated seriously after the divorce. She dedicated all her time to her kids. Satisfied and content after...

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Rene and Gene

Part l My first Friday as Jean: Although I work at home, I still took the day off to make sure all the housework was done. Rene called on her lunch hour and said she bought a surprise for me, that she felt naughty and wanted us to spend the weekend doing naughty things. I was hard at the word naughty, my beautiful wife is such a tease and enjoys role-playing. Naughty is like her code word and always means over the top sex for her and me. Her last words before she hung up were, ‘And don’t...

2 years ago
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How Gene came to be Janine, a Shemale TS, and the life that has followed. CHAPTER 1 Gene began life as a boy. He discovered his feminine side and is now a Transsexual, a Shemale, Janine.  This is his early life and how he grew to know his/her true self, an oversexed female with a bent for the joys of oral sex, with male and female partners. My name is Gene, I'm also Janine. A lifelong C/D and transvestite, TS(Tranny). Nowadays the term "tranny" is mostly used when referring to a...

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The Sissy Gene Prologue

An amazing study has shown how to weed out inferior men from the age of 16 by identifying a certain gene in the boy's body: The Sissy Gene. This method has shown 100% success rate and has now been implemented as a global law. Promoting world peace, decreasing poverty , increasing employment, and strengthening future generations. The basis of the study is to label certain men as Sissies, creating a 3rd gender below male and female. Whereas men and woman are considered to be equal, Sissies are...

4 years ago
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Cost of Loyalty

Authors note: This was a story I wrote ages ago and recently found again. I thought, what the heck. Feedback welcome. Damian relaxed slightly but couldn't shake the feeling of trepidation as he and his angel flew down the empty highway. Thoughts of his angel elicited a genuine smile. She wasn't an angel, of course, any more than he was. She could have been, he thought guiltily. She should have been. She had given it up to come with him, and he'd never quite been able to make sense of...

2 years ago
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The Loyalty Card

Reception ?So that’s for three nights then. H ave you stayed with us before, Sir?? the receptionist smiled as she handed me back my credit card as I checked in to the hotel. The badge on her right tit said ?Angela – Duty Receptionist?. I wondered how welcoming she might be later. ?Ah, oh, yes,? I replied digging out another piece of plastic from my wallet and passing over my loyalty card, keen to collect the points that would offer me some possible future discount or other uncertain benefit....

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Fionas Alices loyalty rewarded with a special party

Introduction: loyalty should always be rewarded !! Fiona & Alices loyalty is rewarded with a house party. I woke up at around 10:30am the following morning and I still felt exhausted from the previous nights activities late into the night. I looked to my right expecting to find Alice still fast asleep but I was wrong, her side was empty. I didnt expect Alice to be up so early on a Saturday especially after the fucking shed received over at the East Norton dogging site. I slid out of bed and...

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Mother and Son The Prequel

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. After an overwhelming response from my first two stories, especially Mother and Son which has attracted over 350,000 readers; I have decided to open up and reveal my first incestuous experience. Reflecting back over the years, there is no doubt that what happened between my brother and I planted the seeds for the present day. I would like to share these...

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Gene Hearts body hopping adventure

Hi everyone, this is my first story. I read the first body hoppers story a little bit ago and thought it was a great idea so I decided to write my own. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Thank you all for reading, enjoy! The original was done by Joyce Chiasson I believe, if I am incorrect please forgive me. I awoke to the sunlight in my eyes; my body was still exhausted from the night before. I took a look down to see the sheets form, in the outline of a beautiful woman,...

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New America the Suffrage of MenChapter 7 The Gene Pool Classification 5

Males in the Gene Pool - Classification 5 Dexter Morris is a young male from the town of Waco Texas. Dexter turned eighteen just one week ago and was enlisted to serve in the New America government in the reproduction gene pool. He is a handsome young male with excellent bone structure and muscle mass, which is precisely why he has been selected. Dexter grew up most of his formative years under the female domination of New America so has learned how to submit to the authority of women. Texas...

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The Loyalty Card

Reception "So that's for three nights then. Have you stayed with us before, Sir?" the receptionist smiled as she handed me back my credit card as I checked in to the hotel. The badge on her right tit said "Angela – Duty Receptionist". I wondered how welcoming she might be later. "Ah, oh, yes," I replied digging out another piece of plastic from my wallet and passing over my loyalty card, keen to collect the points that would offer me some possible future discount or other uncertain...

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Cora harpers Loyalty to the Pathfinder

Cora, I know what your secret is and i plan on telling everyone else unless you do as i says? Ryder you can't do that. That's blackmail and i wont go a long with it. Oh But i think you will go a long with it. See i made several files on this secret about you and plan on using it to make sure your loyalty to me is good Please Ryder Don't do this. You know that I'm not happen about you being the pathfinder ok. But doin this to me and blackmailing me is not the way to earn my Loyalty at all. I...

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Jasmines Loyalty

Jasmine liked her job for the most part. She worked with disabled adults and though it could be difficult, she enjoyed it. It did require long hours at times, and could be both physically and mentally draining, but at that point in her life there was nothing else that she wanted to be doing. One of the best parts of her job was her boss, Dan. Dan was a very nice guy and treated all of his employees with courtesy and respect. He realized the difficulties of the job and took that into...

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The Cove Prequel

Jackie was also wealthy; what some people call a trust-fund baby. Four years ago, on her eighteenth birthday, she had been given access to her inheritance. Even she didn’t know how much money she had—that’s what she had accountants for. Her parents had been killed in a private plane crash when she was fourteen, and she was an only child. Jackie maintained her grades while grieving for her lost parents. She applied and was accepted at the University of Hawaii, and so she purchased a large...

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The Anonymous Pics Prequel

As I left the house, Stefan was waiting in the car. He looked sort of normal. Strangely, it was the most normal I have seen him look lately.“I have some whiskey at home. We could maybe watch a movie or something?” he said.I was silent, still in shock from what I witnessed just a few minutes before. Stefan was backing out from our driveway, and I felt panic reaching record levels as the car moved away from the house. The front door was closed, and I knew what was going on behind it.‘Would the...

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The Grinning Man The Prequel

Year: 43AD. Location: Scotland. "The demon is coming! The demon is coming!" A roman legionnaire screamed springing from the bushes with his gladius swinging widely. The beast fell from the tree tops tackling him to the ground as he screamed in horror. The monsters mouth widened as its head twisted and lunged down biting into the back of his neck. The mans body seized in terror, his fingers and toes spread forth. The creature twisted his head again with a quick deadly snap. The man went...

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The Assistant Prequel

Well, I got the job. I am now the assistant of TV actor Matt Steiner, star of the popular series The Single Life. I’m assuming the agency feels I can handle the incredibly mind-wobbling responsibility of this job: make him coffee, pick up his dry-cleaning, and, more importantly, pay his bills and run his errands. You can envy me now, girls! This is by no means my dream job. I was hoping to become a journalist. I want my career to be based on the entertainment industry, but instead of doing...

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The Making of a Sissy Boy Slut The Prequel

So this last time I was over there at about 7pm and they said they would definitely be back by 11pm and to help myself to whatever I fancied. Taking them at their word, within 5 minutes of their leaving, I was upstairs in their bedroom having a good rummage through Susan's underwear drawer. I always liked to pick out a pair of silky pink, black or red panties, depending on my mood, and rub those panties all over my hard little cock whilst imagining I was forcing it between those luscious...

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The Threesome Prequel

This is the story about the experience leading up to my first threesome. I don't know how the threesome fantasy started for me, but the desire to watch my now ex-girlfriend, Kristen, get fucked was all I could think about. The thought of watching her, in pure lust, pleasure herself with another cock was exhilarating . Luckily for me, Kristen had plenty of sexual energy and once she got horny enough was interested in basically anything. At the time we were both 17. Kristen was 5'4, 120 lbs with...

Straight Sex
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The Threesome Prequel

This is the story about the experience leading up to my first threesome. I don’t know how the threesome fantasy started for me, but the desire to watch my now ex-girlfriend, Kristen, get fucked was all I could think about. The thought of watching her, in pure lust, pleasure herself with another cock was exhilarating . Luckily for me, Kristen had plenty of sexual energy and once she got horny enough was interested in basically anything. At the time we were both 17. Kristen was 5’4, 120 lbs with...

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Sophie the Pain Slut Prequel

I try to eat slowly and enjoy my meal but my mind keeps drifting back to the thoughts of Alex and the things I would get him to do to me, I decide to eat quicker so I can excuse myself from the dinner table rush to my room and lose myself in these thoughts. The thoughts of Alex keep intruding and I can feel myself squirming as my arousal steadily rises with every new fantasy that pops into my head. “Are you ok Sophie?” My mom asks, I panic for a moment thinking she had somehow been able to...

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Training Samantha the prequel

Samantha was depressed. Her life was a mess. She was going nowhere. She failed her college courses. She couldn’t keep a boyfriend. She needed help. Her friend Anya suggested she contact Mike, a life coach who had helped other girls, so Samantha arranged to meet him at his office down town around noon. Mike was a good looking guy in his thirties. He wore a smart lightweight suit with a conservative shirt and tie and looked every inch the consummate professional. His receptionist Mandy...

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A Killer Little Prequel

‘Judith! Get down here!’ Mikey heard his sister’s bed creak as she got up to find out what her mother wanted. He kept playing with his Matchbox cars, anxious for the time to pass. It was Halloween, the best holiday of the year as far as he was concerned, and his mother had told him she could take him trick or treating as soon as she had finished the ironing. ‘No! That’s not fair!’ His sister’s voice aroused his curiosity, and Mikey crept to the stairs to listen in on her. ‘I don’t care what...

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Rosa and the Wolves Prequel

Rosa couldn’t believe that she was even in this predicament, she thought to herself as she urged her horse faster, her big tits jiggling with every gallop the horse took. The horse neighed in fear, its breath coming faster now as it was urged to run as fast as it could, not only for the safety of the rider on its back, but for fear of the wolves that were chasing them. She looked behind her to see how close the wolves were, and she counted three of them, they were less than half a mile away...

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Pissing around at the Office prequel

It was Monday morning, around ten, the staff meeting, boring stuff. "Now I did some preliminaries last week and I found that your availability ratio only rose to seventy eight percent on Thursday, and that excludes annual leave, sick leave and other legitimate absence, and actually fell below fifty percent on Tuesday and Friday." Boring, Karen mentally switched off and began to day dream of fucking Barry her boss. Muscular well built rugged Barry in his smart lightweight suit...

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veronicas Punishment Prequel

“Oh...Haley..” He murmured, now feverishly rubbing his penis while still cupping his balls with his other hand. Pierce’s circumcised dic twitched under his tight grip, as he pulled the loose skin over his head, and pulled it back down quickly. Pierce moaned quietly, “Haley...Oh Haley” as he increased the speed of which he pulled on his dic. Pre-cum leaked from his dic as he imagined Haley and him having sex in his bed. He imagined her naked nipples, soft and subtle, pushed up against his face,...

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Mrs Denver The Prequel

“Oh, hullo Nikki,” Sally Denver said in a friendly tone. “Hullo Mrs Denver ,” 23 year old Nikki replied not sure how else to address her ex-headmistress. Nikki had attended the school where Mrs Denver was the headmistress until she was 18 years old. Sally smiled at her ex-pupil and asked, “How have you been Nikki, what are you doing now?” Nikki smiled back and said, “Oh after school I went to Uni got my degree and now I’m training to be an Accountant. I’ve just got off the train going home...

4 years ago
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Sarie The Prequel

This wasn’t like her. Sarie never had sex in public places. Never anywhere she could be caught. Certainly never with anyone she had no intention of dating seriously. Yet one month after breaking up with Melinda, the girl she’d loved for two years, she found herself flat on her back on the conference table at work. At Angie’s mercy. Angie “the powerhouse” Baker was so different from her. So different from Melinda. It was what had first attracted Sarie. Angie was open about being a lesbian,...

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