Gene/Janine free porn video

How Gene came to be Janine, a Shemale TS, and the
life that has followed.
Gene began life as a boy. He discovered his feminine side and is now a
Transsexual, a Shemale, Janine. This is his
early life and how he grew to know his/her true self, an oversexed female with
a bent for the joys of oral sex, with male and female partners.
My name is Gene, I'm also Janine. A lifelong C/D and transvestite, TS(Tranny).
Nowadays the term "tranny" is mostly used
when referring to a Shemale, or transsexual, In the
past it meant a TV (Transvestite)., or C/D (Cross
dresser). With all the changes and advances being made it now really refers to any male dressing or living as a female, with or
without the surgery or drugs used to help in the illusion of a male as a
female. It also refers to a female to male change. This story deals with
It used to be in becoming a transsexual, you had implants to give you breasts,
took hormones and supplements to enhance softness of skin, suppressed
hair growth on face and body. It also resulted in the
shrinking of the male genitals and a decided depression of libido. With
the advances available today a guy with the financial ability to pay, we can
have "Shemales" who are
hung like a moose, with unbounded randy proclivities. Many are so
gorgeous and undetectable as males, (until they drop their undies)
that many do not just pass, they are pursued as the hot,sexy girls they desire to be.
But I digress.
I am one of the latter. I have undergone surgery and have great
implants... I measure a 34DD.
I am/was the youngest of 5 boys. My father always wanted a daughter from
the get go. After 5 failures to produce one he gave up. He came
close with me. My features were always fair and on the fem side.
Growing up I heard it often remarked among relatives, (female), that with legs
like that he "should" have been a girl. I wasn't a sissy but I wasn't
exactly a Gov. "Arnold" either. My first interest has always been
girl stuff. Clothes, silky smooth and sensuous undies, stockings and sexy, strappy high heels.
I discovered the thrill of nylon stockings on my legs one day while my parents
and siblings were gone for the day for some unremembered reason. I wasn't
really looking for anything to stoke my adolescent hormones,
but I was poking about in my mothers, "intimates"
drawer and slipped on a pair of stockings. The reaction was immediate and
thrilling. I found a garter belt amongst the sexy lingerie and
instinctively knew how to use it and fasten the garter straps. Since I
was slim and kind of on the small side, my feet slid into a pair of her heels
easily and I paraded around looking at the sexy legs on that doll in the
One thing that has always amuses me is the fuss made by everybody about
"learning" to walk in high heels. I put on a pair of my mothers
and walked about. I never had any tendencies to stumble or "fall
over" that you hear about. Proof I suppose that I was really
"meant" to be a girl.
It took but a few minutes to find a sexy pair of panties, a bra, (stuffed with
Kleenex) and a lacy peignoir and I was a looking at the sexiest girl I had ever
seen. You can guess what my next actions were. Needless to say I
pulled the crotch of the panties aside and took care of business. Actually two or three times in the next hour.
I was eight years old and had discovered the "real" me.
From that moment I took advantage of every opportunity to 'inspect" my mothers lingerie drawer. My dad had passed away when I
was 10 and all my older bothers were in college or had their own places.
It was just my mom and "me". She worked during the day or sometimes
evenings so I had oodles of opportunity to luxuriate in nylons n lace.
I did quite a bit of buying "birthday" presents for "mommie". In no time at all I had bras, panties, nighties, long silky stockings, garter belts, all sorts of
lacy lingerie and several pairs of the sexiest high heels you can
imagine. I even purchased a pair of foam falsies through the mail, so I
had tits. Two things were missing though, hair, and make-up. I knew from
zip about such a thing as a wig, and make-up wasn't even imagined. I had
my clothes and a highly active imagination.
I bought an inexpensive, tightly closing overnight case and kept it well
secreted in the overhead of the storage shed behind our house. This was where
"Janine" as I called my other self lived.
Thus I grew into my teens and beyond. I had the normal interest in the
opposite sex and had girlfriends and experimented with the usual sex, enjoying
it immensely. It was the sex of so called "normal" people. It
wasn't until I left school and ventured into the licentious world of working
folks, that I learned of the wonders of oral
sex. Maybe it was the places I worked, but regular ole fashioned screwin' was not the activity of preference Cocksucking was
safer, (no preggy problems), and a proficient
cocksucker can do things no pussy can compete with. Unfortunately for me
I didn't know any gals who had learned this, and I was too damned introverted
to broach the subject that's for sure. So,
it was as much fucking as my current female companion would dispense and good
old Mary hand and her 5 daughters who took care of me at least once a day while
sneaking girlie mags into the bathroom and beating
it, for a long , long time.
I had been an airplane nut since long before I discovered Janine. My dad
had been fascinated by them and not a week went by that he did not take us to
the airport.
I wanted in on flying. Naturally I wanted to be a pilot, you know that
usually self important dick head up front. I wound up where I am today, a
Flight Attendant. You'd be amazed at the opportunities that arise for a TS.
Through all of this I never left my fem side and weekends and evenings I
dressed up at home in Janine's now extensive wardrobe. I never even
considered venturing out. At that time C/D's and TV's were looked upon as
weirdo queers and subject not just to ridicule but arrest and worse.
Then something happened that changed my entire outlook on life. I had
moved to the west coast and lived close enough to Hollywood to do a lot of
shopping there. I discovered a store which
catered to C/D's, and the fetish crowd. There were things I had only
dreamed of in my fantasies. I had over the years discovered I was very
inclined to the exotic world of fetish. Possibly my preoccupation with
wearing sexy women's clothes may have had something to do with it
huh? Hellllloooooo!
In any case, I was rummaging through the
wondrous selection of clothing one day and as I was paying for my
purchases I saw a business card taped to the back of the register.
"TV/CD group" meets second Saturday
at: and it gave an address and a fone number if
interested. Was I ever. I called the
number that day and was treated like a real human being and learned there were
"a LOT" of like minded people such as me.
Talk to any CD/TV and they will all tell you a few absolutes: 1.
YOU, are the only one in the world; 2. you have sworn off at least a
dozen times because it is twisted and weird to do it; and 3. have thrown
away numerous wardrobes vowing to never do it again. Yeah right, and Bill
didn't have sex with that "woman".
I had by now purchased a wig and made an uninformed male attempt at
make-up. In any case I did my best at the time.
When the day of the meeting arrived I drove to the neighborhood and changed, I
made up in a small pickup camper I had, and walked to the house where the get together was held. A large woman/man
answered the door and welcomed me into the group. They were mostly all amateurs
like me, but some were very good at it and one gal was a post-op TS. They
were ALL friendly and accepting, naturally.
One of the girls was in her 60's and easily passed as a mature woman. We
took to each other immediately and we are sisters to this day. She was
originally from Glasgow and her name was Heather. I could listen to her
Scottish burr all day. A sweet wee lass she is.
After attending the get togethers for a few months,
Heather invited me to go with some of the girls to a club which catered to the
TV crowd. I was nervous as a virgin in a whore house about it since I had
never dreamt of venturing out in public, and still had the feeling I would be
ridiculed and heavens knows what else. Probably kidnapped and shipped to some
far eastern bordello as a something or other, since by now I figured myself a
cute little number. Surrre!
The place was the famous "Queen Mary" club in nearby Studio
I could not believe I was going "public" in such a place. I was
sure something terrible would happen and I would wind up who knows where.
As we stood waiting for our drinks my knees were knocking so badly I'm sure
they could be heard in Burbank I could not stand still. That night opened
my eyes to the fact that I was not only "NOT" the only one but there
were a LOT of us.
After that I didn't miss a Saturday nite and was soon
going 3-4-5 nites a week. I met so many
beautiful and dazzling girls, many of whom have become lifelong friends. Friends who don't put on airs or put you down. In other words, "real people'. They aren't trying to
fool anyone, they are being "themselves". Their REAL selves. I got more help and tips on becoming a
girl than money would ever buy.
The clientele at the Queen is not just TV's/CD's To
the contrary. a good many were men who wished either
that they were in my shoes and dressed as a fem., or, many others were
looking for sex. Surprise! surprise !! Wow! were they ever!!!!
If you are not familiar with this club it caters to the CD/TV/TS
community. The main feature is a show room where there is an elaborate
floor show featuring beautiful scantily clad girls in nite
club routines. The difference of course being the girls
are boys. The most gorgeous, sexy girls you have ever seen.
In back of the show room is a bar, The Lion's Den. This is where we
transgender folk and their admirers gathered.
For some reason a couple of the show girls took a fancy to me and took me under
wing and in just a few short weeks I had blossomed and was a stunning red head.
Don't DO that, do THIS. My god girl what are you thinking with THAT!
You're a GIRL, not a BOY!!!
My great legs and the fact I played to them with micro minis,and stiletto heels, and my then new boobs, (see
below), quickly made me pretty damn popular. I found I was a killer
dancer. All the people who worked there treated me so great it was an
unbelievable boost to my ego. The one barkeep in particular was a sweetheart
and a couple years later we took a vacation together. Ummmmm
yummm! Don't wake me yet!
It was while I was enjoying my new life as a comfortable TV that through
discussions with my new friends, TV/CD/TS's that I made a difficult decision. I
began the process of becoming a TS., but not go all
the way. I would have the implants to get the breasts I had always wanted
but keep the penis I loved to play with and have sucked.
Enter Janine, Shemale. It isn't easy hiding a pair of
34DD's but where there's a will there's a way. Supervision doesn't know and the
only way they would find out is if the company Dr. revealed it after a regular
physical, but when the examining Dr. loves playing with my jugs, and getting
the blowjob of the century it's no problem.
It didn't take long before the offers and pick up lines deluged me.
I had always been straight, I 'spose. Girls did
the sucking of cocks. It eventually dawned on me the "I" was a
girl. The more I thought of it the more I started realizing I had been
sexually aroused by the male endowments in erotic mags
as much as by the females. The more I thought of it the hornier I became
thinking about it. I continue to look at all the sexy ladies and enjoy
intercourse with a woman. I also love eating a box lunch at the
"Y" to. But I go ga,ga
over a hot hard penis. I just love to suck cock and guzzle the
I do not enjoy and want to have nothing to do
with anal sex. It just a'int
my bag. If anyone enjoys it, go to it. Just don't even hint
at it with me. Guess I'm bi-sexual. No that doesn't mean I gotta buy it!
I have no wish, by my aversion to anal sex, of offending any gay persons.
I have bus loads of gay friends and they have no problem with my views on the
Like people say, "whatever floats ur boat."
After the club closed a few of us usually went for coffee and a snack. I
had been approached many times by guys wanting to take me "home" but
had always begged off. I realized one nite that I was the only one going for
"coffee" that didn't have an escort. So, I
decided it was time for Janine to become part of the group. A cute young guy
chatting me up seemed a nice enough fellow and I had talked with him several
times before but had always declined his invitation. This time I told him
the girls were going for coffee after closing and he was welcome to come
As we sat in the booth he quickly set about running his hands over my mostly
exposed legs, rubbing between my legs, and sneaking a feel or two of my boobs
The conversation worked around to pretty personnel sex stuff. He wanted to take
me home. I decided to take the plunge but there was no way I was
going to put myself at the disadvantage of going
to his place. I was driving that camper though. I offered to let
him go with me into it and we could see what
developed. I made it very clear however that I was interested in oral sex
only. To my delight he said that was all he indulged in too. Thank
you TS genie!!
After finishing our coffee and snack in quick time we went to the parking lot
and got in the camper.
In a flash I was lying back on the cushions, my back against the wardrobe, my
thong discarded and legs wide. My throbbing 9 inches were buried in his
throat and he was sucking my nuts up through the head of my cock. Lord o'
mighty what a cocksucker. I would have cum in no time but he had other
ideas and he used every trick in his large bag of cocksucking
tricks. He played me like a violin for a good 30 minutes until I could be
denied no longer and unloaded what must have been a quart of hot steamy cum
down his gullet.
He slid his fist, slimy with my pre-cum up and down the shaft while licking and
nibbling on the head. He took the knob in his lips and sucked so gently I
thought my brain would explode. Then he slowly sucked the entire length
of my cock into his mouth and throat, all the while licking. When he had
all of it in his throat he flexed the muscles and massaged the knob. I
thought my nuts would burst. He slowly and
carefully raised his head and as I slid from his face he jacked his fist on the
shaft. A few minutes of deepthroating me and he popped it from his mouth and while running his
fist up and down the shaft sucked my balls into his mouth. God I was gonna die. He went back to sucking my tool down his
throat and kept me on the verge of spewing my load like it seemed
forever. I finally could take no more and told him to get ready for a
huge load. If he didn't want to swallow, just grab a towel off the seat
and catch it in that. He shook his head and buried his face in my
belly. I lifted by ass from the seat and pumped a monster load of cum
into his gullet as he guzzled cum, his throat muscles squeezing the entire
length of my spasming member. My first guy date
blow-job, and I had found a master cocksucker.
We kissed and I sucked and lapped up the goo that had escaped his suctioning
mouth eating my own cum. Man alive it was even better than when I masturbated
lying curled on my back on the bed and shot my load into my face...
We took a few minutes to clean up a bit and I then helped him get rid of his
pants. He wore no undershsorts and his
gorgeous, throbbing cock, fairly drooling pre-cum jerked up in my face. I
took the head in my mouth and licked it clean, then pressed him back on the
Now it was "MY" turn.
To Be Continued>>>>>>>>>>>>
How Gene came to be Janine, a Shemale TS, and the
life that has followed.
Gene began life as a boy. He discovered his feminine side and is now a
Transsexual, a Shemale, Janine. This is his
early life and how he grew to know his/her true self, an oversexed female with
a bent for the joys of oral sex, with male and female partners.
My name is Gene, I'm also Janine. A lifelong C/D and transvestite, TS(Tranny).
Nowadays the term "tranny" is mostly used
when referring to a Shemale, or transsexual, In the
past it meant a TV (Transvestite)., or C/D (Cross
dresser). With all the changes and advances being made it now really refers to any male dressing or living as a female, with or
without the surgery or drugs used to help in the illusion of a male as a
female. It also refers to a female to male change. This story deals with
It used to be in becoming a transsexual, you had implants to give you breasts,
took hormones and supplements to enhance softness of skin, suppressed
hair growth on face and body. It also resulted in the
shrinking of the male genitals and a decided depression of libido. With
the advances available today a guy with the financial ability to pay, we can
have "Shemales" who are
hung like a moose, with unbounded randy proclivities. Many are so
gorgeous and undetectable as males, (until they drop their undies)
that many do not just pass, they are pursued as the hot,sexy girls they desire to be.
But I digress.
I am one of the latter. I have undergone surgery and have great
implants... I measure a 34DD.
I am/was the youngest of 5 boys. My father always wanted a daughter from
the get go. After 5 failures to produce one he gave up. He came
close with me. My features were always fair and on the fem side.
Growing up I heard it often remarked among relatives, (female), that with legs
like that he "should" have been a girl. I wasn't a sissy but I wasn't
exactly a Gov. "Arnold" either. My first interest has always been
girl stuff. Clothes, silky smooth and sensuous undies, stockings and sexy, strappy high heels.
I discovered the thrill of nylon stockings on my legs one day while my parents
and siblings were gone for the day for some unremembered reason. I wasn't
really looking for anything to stoke my adolescent hormones,
but I was poking about in my mothers, "intimates"
drawer and slipped on a pair of stockings. The reaction was immediate and
thrilling. I found a garter belt amongst the sexy lingerie and
instinctively knew how to use it and fasten the garter straps. Since I
was slim and kind of on the small side, my feet slid into a pair of her heels
easily and I paraded around looking at the sexy legs on that doll in the
One thing that has always amuses me is the fuss made by everybody about
"learning" to walk in high heels. I put on a pair of my mothers
and walked about. I never had any tendencies to stumble or "fall
over" that you hear about. Proof I suppose that I was really
"meant" to be a girl.
It took but a few minutes to find a sexy pair of panties, a bra, (stuffed with
Kleenex) and a lacy peignoir and I was a looking at the sexiest girl I had ever
seen. You can guess what my next actions were. Needless to say I
pulled the crotch of the panties aside and took care of business. Actually two or three times in the next hour.
I was eight years old and had discovered the "real" me.
From that moment I took advantage of every opportunity to 'inspect" my mothers lingerie drawer. My dad had passed away when I
was 10 and all my older bothers were in college or had their own places.
It was just my mom and "me". She worked during the day or sometimes
evenings so I had oodles of opportunity to luxuriate in nylons n lace.
I did quite a bit of buying "birthday" presents for "mommie". In no time at all I had bras, panties, nighties, long silky stockings, garter belts, all sorts of
lacy lingerie and several pairs of the sexiest high heels you can
imagine. I even purchased a pair of foam falsies through the mail, so I
had tits. Two things were missing though, hair, and make-up. I knew from
zip about such a thing as a wig, and make-up wasn't even imagined. I had
my clothes and a highly active imagination.
I bought an inexpensive, tightly closing overnight case and kept it well
secreted in the overhead of the storage shed behind our house. This was where
"Janine" as I called my other self lived.
Thus I grew into my teens and beyond. I had the normal interest in the
opposite sex and had girlfriends and experimented with the usual sex, enjoying
it immensely. It was the sex of so called "normal" people. It
wasn't until I left school and ventured into the licentious world of working
folks, that I learned of the wonders of oral
sex. Maybe it was the places I worked, but regular ole fashioned screwin' was not the activity of preference Cocksucking was
safer, (no preggy problems), and a proficient
cocksucker can do things no pussy can compete with. Unfortunately for me
I didn't know any gals who had learned this, and I was too damned introverted
to broach the subject that's for sure. So,
it was as much fucking as my current female companion would dispense and good
old Mary hand and her 5 daughters who took care of me at least once a day while
sneaking girlie mags into the bathroom and beating
it, for a long , long time.
I had been an airplane nut since long before I discovered Janine. My dad
had been fascinated by them and not a week went by that he did not take us to
the airport.
I wanted in on flying. Naturally I wanted to be a pilot, you know that
usually self important dick head up front. I wound up where I am today, a
Flight Attendant. You'd be amazed at the opportunities that arise for a TS.
Through all of this I never left my fem side and weekends and evenings I
dressed up at home in Janine's now extensive wardrobe. I never even
considered venturing out. At that time C/D's and TV's were looked upon as
weirdo queers and subject not just to ridicule but arrest and worse.
Then something happened that changed my entire outlook on life. I had
moved to the west coast and lived close enough to Hollywood to do a lot of
shopping there. I discovered a store which
catered to C/D's, and the fetish crowd. There were things I had only
dreamed of in my fantasies. I had over the years discovered I was very
inclined to the exotic world of fetish. Possibly my preoccupation with
wearing sexy women's clothes may have had something to do with it
huh? Hellllloooooo!
In any case, I was rummaging through the
wondrous selection of clothing one day and as I was paying for my
purchases I saw a business card taped to the back of the register.
"TV/CD group" meets second Saturday
at: and it gave an address and a fone number if
interested. Was I ever. I called the
number that day and was treated like a real human being and learned there were
"a LOT" of like minded people such as me.
Talk to any CD/TV and they will all tell you a few absolutes: 1.
YOU, are the only one in the world; 2. you have sworn off at least a
dozen times because it is twisted and weird to do it; and 3. have thrown
away numerous wardrobes vowing to never do it again. Yeah right, and Bill
didn't have sex with that "woman".
I had by now purchased a wig and made an uninformed male attempt at
make-up. In any case I did my best at the time.
When the day of the meeting arrived I drove to the neighborhood and changed, I
made up in a small pickup camper I had, and walked to the house where the get together was held. A large woman/man
answered the door and welcomed me into the group. They were mostly all amateurs
like me, but some were very good at it and one gal was a post-op TS. They
were ALL friendly and accepting, naturally.
One of the girls was in her 60's and easily passed as a mature woman. We
took to each other immediately and we are sisters to this day. She was
originally from Glasgow and her name was Heather. I could listen to her
Scottish burr all day. A sweet wee lass she is.
After attending the get togethers for a few months,
Heather invited me to go with some of the girls to a club which catered to the
TV crowd. I was nervous as a virgin in a whore house about it since I had
never dreamt of venturing out in public, and still had the feeling I would be
ridiculed and heavens knows what else. Probably kidnapped and shipped to some
far eastern bordello as a something or other, since by now I figured myself a
cute little number. Surrre!
The place was the famous "Queen Mary" club in nearby Studio
I could not believe I was going "public" in such a place. I was
sure something terrible would happen and I would wind up who knows where.
As we stood waiting for our drinks my knees were knocking so badly I'm sure
they could be heard in Burbank I could not stand still. That night opened
my eyes to the fact that I was not only "NOT" the only one but there
were a LOT of us.
After that I didn't miss a Saturday nite and was soon
going 3-4-5 nites a week. I met so many
beautiful and dazzling girls, many of whom have become lifelong friends. Friends who don't put on airs or put you down. In other words, "real people'. They aren't trying to
fool anyone, they are being "themselves". Their REAL selves. I got more help and tips on becoming a
girl than money would ever buy.
The clientele at the Queen is not just TV's/CD's To
the contrary. a good many were men who wished either
that they were in my shoes and dressed as a fem., or, many others were
looking for sex. Surprise! surprise !! Wow! were they ever!!!!
If you are not familiar with this club it caters to the CD/TV/TS
community. The main feature is a show room where there is an elaborate
floor show featuring beautiful scantily clad girls in nite
club routines. The difference of course being the girls
are boys. The most gorgeous, sexy girls you have ever seen.
In back of the show room is a bar, The Lion's Den. This is where we
transgender folk and their admirers gathered.
For some reason a couple of the show girls took a fancy to me and took me under
wing and in just a few short weeks I had blossomed and was a stunning red head.
Don't DO that, do THIS. My god girl what are you thinking with THAT!
You're a GIRL, not a BOY!!!
My great legs and the fact I played to them with micro minis,and stiletto heels, and my then new boobs, (see
below), quickly made me pretty damn popular. I found I was a killer
dancer. All the people who worked there treated me so great it was an
unbelievable boost to my ego. The one barkeep in particular was a sweetheart
and a couple years later we took a vacation together. Ummmmm
yummm! Don't wake me yet!
It was while I was enjoying my new life as a comfortable TV that through
discussions with my new friends, TV/CD/TS's that I made a difficult decision. I
began the process of becoming a TS., but not go all
the way. I would have the implants to get the breasts I had always wanted
but keep the penis I loved to play with and have sucked.
Enter Janine, Shemale. It isn't easy hiding a pair of
34DD's but where there's a will there's a way. Supervision doesn't know and the
only way they would find out is if the company Dr. revealed it after a regular
physical, but when the examining Dr. loves playing with my jugs, and getting
the blowjob of the century it's no problem.
It didn't take long before the offers and pick up lines deluged me.
I had always been straight, I 'spose. Girls did
the sucking of cocks. It eventually dawned on me the "I" was a
girl. The more I thought of it the more I started realizing I had been
sexually aroused by the male endowments in erotic mags
as much as by the females. The more I thought of it the hornier I became
thinking about it. I continue to look at all the sexy ladies and enjoy
intercourse with a woman. I also love eating a box lunch at the
"Y" to. But I go ga,ga
over a hot hard penis. I just love to suck cock and guzzle the
I do not enjoy and want to have nothing to do
with anal sex. It just a'int
my bag. If anyone enjoys it, go to it. Just don't even hint
at it with me. Guess I'm bi-sexual. No that doesn't mean I gotta buy it!
I have no wish, by my aversion to anal sex, of offending any gay persons.
I have bus loads of gay friends and they have no problem with my views on the
Like people say, "whatever floats ur boat."
After the club closed a few of us usually went for coffee and a snack. I
had been approached many times by guys wanting to take me "home" but
had always begged off. I realized one nite that I was the only one going for
"coffee" that didn't have an escort. So, I
decided it was time for Janine to become part of the group. A cute young guy
chatting me up seemed a nice enough fellow and I had talked with him several
times before but had always declined his invitation. This time I told him
the girls were going for coffee after closing and he was welcome to come
As we sat in the booth he quickly set about running his hands over my mostly
exposed legs, rubbing between my legs, and sneaking a feel or two of my boobs
The conversation worked around to pretty personnel sex stuff. He wanted to take
me home. I decided to take the plunge but there was no way I was
going to put myself at the disadvantage of going
to his place. I was driving that camper though. I offered to let
him go with me into it and we could see what
developed. I made it very clear however that I was interested in oral sex
only. To my delight he said that was all he indulged in too. Thank
you TS genie!!
After finishing our coffee and snack in quick time we went to the parking lot
and got in the camper.
In a flash I was lying back on the cushions, my back against the wardrobe, my
thong discarded and legs wide. My throbbing 9 inches were buried in his
throat and he was sucking my nuts up through the head of my cock. Lord o'
mighty what a cocksucker. I would have cum in no time but he had other
ideas and he used every trick in his large bag of cocksucking
tricks. He played me like a violin for a good 30 minutes until I could be
denied no longer and unloaded what must have been a quart of hot steamy cum
down his gullet.
He slid his fist, slimy with my pre-cum up and down the shaft while licking and
nibbling on the head. He took the knob in his lips and sucked so gently I
thought my brain would explode. Then he slowly sucked the entire length
of my cock into his mouth and throat, all the while licking. When he had
all of it in his throat he flexed the muscles and massaged the knob. I
thought my nuts would burst. He slowly and
carefully raised his head and as I slid from his face he jacked his fist on the
shaft. A few minutes of deepthroating me and he popped it from his mouth and while running his
fist up and down the shaft sucked my balls into his mouth. God I was gonna die. He went back to sucking my tool down his
throat and kept me on the verge of spewing my load like it seemed
forever. I finally could take no more and told him to get ready for a
huge load. If he didn't want to swallow, just grab a towel off the seat
and catch it in that. He shook his head and buried his face in my
belly. I lifted by ass from the seat and pumped a monster load of cum
into his gullet as he guzzled cum, his throat muscles squeezing the entire
length of my spasming member. My first guy date
blow-job, and I had found a master cocksucker.
We kissed and I sucked and lapped up the goo that had escaped his suctioning
mouth eating my own cum. Man alive it was even better than when I masturbated
lying curled on my back on the bed and shot my load into my face...
We took a few minutes to clean up a bit and I then helped him get rid of his
pants. He wore no undershsorts and his
gorgeous, throbbing cock, fairly drooling pre-cum jerked up in my face. I
took the head in my mouth and licked it clean, then pressed him back on the
Now it was "MY" turn.
To Be Continued>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Same as Gene/Janine Videos

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BlacksOnBlondes Aidra Fox Second Appearance
Aidra landed herself a pretty sweet job. She’s the personal assistant to a handsome business man, Isiah. Pretty quick, things got real personal between them. So personal, that he started sharing her with his top employees. After a successful takeover…the boss felt that his top employee, Scotty, needed to be thanked for his role in the merger. So instead of a raise or a new parking spot…he thought a 3-way with his hot new assistant, Aidra, would be a great way to show...
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Cuffed Ch 02
Unexpected ‘I told you, the date was fine,’ I huffed as I picked apart my lunch. I met Lara between classes per her request—I regretted that decision. She wanted details from Friday night, and I would have rather had my fingernails pulled out, one by one, with rusty pliers. I didn’t want to relive that flop of a date or the mediocre sex that followed, even more so, I did not want to end up slipping and providing information about the off-duty cop. After my Holden-induced orgasm Friday...

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Home Education II
Introduction: Family love Home Education CHAPTER II The week was full of work in the house and in the barn. Dad had gone to work early so we only saw him for dinner. The time at home with mom was wonderful: always beautiful and fresh and of excellent good humor, ready for a rogue comment or a kiss at any time. That really was the most wonderful thing for me: I could kiss her at any time, in any way. She was always ready. Working time in the house was not of major importance, although I cannot...

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I Dream of Tweenie The Queen of the Sluts AwakensChapter 9
It was a very scary and rude awakening. A hand clamped over her mouth, preventing her from screaming out loud. Her room was dark and she couldn't see what was going on. She could hear a voice in her ear, but her panic kept her from hearing who or what it was. In the darkness Olivia couldn't even be sure she was even in her own room. A flash of images ran through her mind and she imagined something out of a movie where she'd been abducted by mysterious strangers. "Olivia, stop struggling....

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Submissive Sister
It was a particularly lazy Friday evening for Myron. He could pretty much do whatever since his parents were out of town and his sister was out partying until who-knows-when.Myron was snacking and watching TV when he suddenly noticed his phone's battery was low. Recalling he had lent his charger to his sister the night before he headed to her room.Myron's younger sister, Dorianna, was eleven months younger than him. They were still pretty close, though.Opening her door, his charger was nowhere...
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Charlotte Has a Gun
I write this story about my Aunt Charlotte with mixed emotions. In a certain sense, I guess it would be honest to tell you that I have always harbored some feelings for my Aunt Charlotte that were not of a familial nature. It seems like a long time ago but for some of us oldsters with hearts still ticking, the danger and excitement of a global war was the height of non-boredom. Charlotte, in retrospect, was probably the most beautiful and sexy woman I have ever met in my entire life and she...

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After the FallChapter 6
When he’d marked off thirty days on his calendar on the kitchen wall, they walked back to Devonsville, and went to the store. They used most of the last of their cash to buy some butter and cooking oil that they really needed, and another dozen fertile eggs. He thought at some point maybe he should get a rooster for fresh blood. They saved enough for one last dinner at the diner. Clipper had some ideas about going up the mountain a ways and panning for gold in the creeks and rivers that...

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Bar Stool Orgasm
As I walked to the restroom from the bar I stopped and looked back at my wife. The dim light of the surroundings provided the perfect ambience. She had never looked more beautiful. Not only was she beautiful, but so damn sexy as well. If she had not been my wife I would have surely tried my best to get her in my bed. She was wearing her short brown skirt that she knew drove me wild. Even at her age she still had incredible legs and I loved seeing them in short skirts and heels. Her muscular...
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Just Married Ladki Ko Romantically Choda
Hii Friends.. This is my 2nd story muje kafi mails mile or kuch logo ko meri phli stry baht achi lagi or kuch ko psnd nai ayi.. Anyway ye story ek bhabhi k sath sex ki h jo muje shadi k time me mili thi. Please send your feedbacks to Mera naam Kapil(name changed) me student hu or height 6ft h.. Average looking guy hu. Ye stry 2months purni h jab muje 1st may ko muje apni cusn ki shadi me jana tha toh mumma ne mujse kaha tu ghar aa ja fir hum log shadi me chalge. Hum logo ko Jaipur jana tha...

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A Glimpse Through the Mist of TimeChapter 10
On my way back I stopped near the old house. I had no reason just a whim to stand where my great--grandfather had perhaps stood. As I wandered I inadvertently kicked one of the granite setts which had come loose from its seating. I looked for more and found many more, some set in place but most laying haphazardly here and there. An idea came to my mind and I sought the area where the courtyard gave way to the drive up from the main gate. I was right. The drive and its route were indicated by...

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Fire Smolders Within
Thousands of times a week my eyes fall on the picture I have of you on my wall. You are such a precious person to me. Your beauty is far more than skin deep. Each time I activate my cell phone, your smiling face greets me and I feel better, no matter what problems I may be facing.I close my eyes and can visualize you naked. Your body excites me like no other. You have fulfilled my wishes for happiness and I long for you to again quench the fire of my lust that rages within my soul.Fire smolders...
Love Stories
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Hard Dreamer
I woke up with my dick standing at attention! This happened for several days in a row. I was puzzled, what the hell was I dreaming about that aroused me so much. It was driving me crazy truthfully. I mean, it was like I was a teen all over again. So I told my girlfriend at the time what was happening. She simply smiled and said, "try to remember, you sleep so hard so it may be tough" (Very whisper like provocative voice).... Something about that look on her face lead me to believe she knew...

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Purple HeartChapter 6 Healing
The great lamps that illuminated the torus were dimming as the two made their way back to the hospital, casting much of the station into shadow as the few personnel who were still scurrying about began to head home. Kaisha towered over Moralez, walking beside him with slow, loping strides so as not to outpace him on her long legs. The day had left him feeling pretty confident. There was a gun on his hip, his fingers were steady, and his gait was natural. His prosthetics were synced perfectly...

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The Boys Story Chapter 12
I lay very still feeling his fingers moving around inside my arse and he started slowly moving his hand back and forward hand fucking my love tube. "You are my Good Boy" he said to me again and I knew that he would want to hand fuck me more times in the future. Chapter 12. We lay together for quite some time each enjoying the feelings we were having and both beginning to feel tired. We had started our sexual activities at about 7pm the night before and it was now 5.30am so we each turned over...

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Allysons First Time Part Four
My friends Amy and Travis had asked me to go camping with them for New Years. I had never gone camping on a holiday, but was excited as I didn’t have any other plans. I really enjoy my friend and her husband, they're a lot of fun. I knew we would have a wonderful time. Although, sometimes I do feel like a third wheel. A few times in the past, I have gone with them on camping trips, and when they think that I’m asleep, they'll have sex together. I sit there hearing them make love together. It’s...
Group Sex
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DNA Chapter 4
Jim wandered into the kitchen, "Finished?" he asked. "Yep, this should stop you, Julie and Paul, passing this on to anyone, if you have any more 'accidents'. How are Julie and Paul?" "Julie is handling it quite well, but Paul, I don't know. He is very withdrawn. Perhaps you should talk to him." "Tonight, today I have to prepare and test this." She gestured at the screen. "Julie needs to get some more clothes, You live near the institute, don't you." "Yeah, you drop...

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Full ComplianceChapter 4
Six hours later... “Well, well, the prodigal wife returns!” I teased Karin as I helped her and our daughters get their considerable luggage inside the flat. “Honey ... you will not regret this ... I promise you! I swear to you, thank you very much!” Karin told me with steamy kisses ... only to notice a different taste to my lips, “whose ... ass am I tasting?” “Emilia Clarke’s. Pretty sweet, don’t you think?” I pointed to Emilia, who was busily making some vegetarian curry for us all ......

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Part 44 Queen of the Highway
Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 44: Queen of the Highway “I can hardly believe this” I said. “I know it’s so weird.” Holly said. We both stood in the living room, blue gowns hanging down to the floor. “How did all this time pass” I said “It seems like high school was a year ago.” I stared at Holly in her gown. I was amazed at how she looked. I was just amazed at her, what she was, what she meant to me, and I to her, and how she would feel in a few hours. I imagined her face...

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Meri chaht kewal Tony
Hello reader how are you . I am Avi from Gwalior (m.p.) I’m the reader this story site. Itell u my true story. Mein apni b.ed. Ki study puri kar chuka tha.aur mein abh age kaam mein jane ki choch raha tha. Lakin humara ghar college se bahut door padthe tha . So mein apne chacha ke ghar rehne laga boh college ke nagdik tha . Mere uncle ka ladka hain jo bahar giya huya ha. Mein subah college jata aur sham 5 o,clock vapis aa jata. Mere uncle ke neighbour mein ek family rent per tehri hui thi .that...

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Lady Rosalynne
The large wooden door closed behind her, leaving Rosalynne alone for the first time that she could remember since arriving here at Lord Vaughan’s castle. She sat on the stool, still warm from the bath that she had been given by two of the maidens, dressed in a gauzy ivory gown. Her hair was still wound in an intricate braid from the ceremony, but she noticed that the steam from the bath had caused some tendrils to fall loose, hanging in chestnut waves around her face. She looked away from the...
Straight Sex
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Falling into slavery Chapter 3
Introduction: If you do not like stories about gay, interracial, incest, or young sex, please move on. If you do like those topics, please enjoy. I do appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Sarina sent me back to my room with the taste of my own cum in my mouth and my discarded robe and under ware in hand. The night was amazing and exhausting at the same time. My wife was snoring when I entered our room. I let out a sigh of relief knowing she didnt discover my nights perverse activities. I slept...

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Poor Derek
Melissa Campbell looked thoughtful as she replaced the phone on its cradle. It was the hospital calling with the news. Forty eight hours her husband, Derek, had been lying comatose in intensive care after the car crash, but it looked like he was going to pull through. The doctor wanted to see her as soon as possible for a "little chat" as he put it. A couple of hours later, Melissa was sitting in Dr Marlow's office. It was her first visit ... there'd been no point coming while Derek was...

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EuroGirlsOnGirls Blondie Fesser Julia De Lucia Lesbian Therapist With Healing Hands
Girl on girl action with voluptuous vixens Blondie Fesser and Julia de Lucia was always going to be a winning combination, and this Euro Girls on Girls scene doesn’t disappoint. Join Blondie as the hot therapist and Julia as the patient who is in need of some more ‘hands on’ work than normal. Her buxom shrink is only too happy to oblige with a home visit, soon stripping off to reveal sexy lingerie and stockings that show off her massive mammaries to perfection. As she fondles...
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Lady Libertine Ch 02 The Ghostwriter
‘You just have to think of something, Jeanette,’ pleaded Angie. She lifted the glass of chardonnay to her lips, which signaled that it was my turn to reply. I studied the deep crimson cabernet as I swirled it, inhaled its scent, took a sip, and watched the light rainbow film cascaded down from the rim of my glass. The action always seemed to hone my thoughts as if looking into a gazing ball. Such reflection often reveals the sum total of a situation in an instant. Best friends since first...

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EbonyThe Evil Within
Note : This story is completely fictional! “Desiring ebony” Mind Games I knew that I had to find a way to get Ebony’s attention, I had to find a way to show her my dick again, but It had to be away to do this without her knowing that I was doing this shit on purpose. All I knew is that I wanted her to see this dick again and some how want more, maybe even want to fuck me. So one day while I was in between jobs I had nothing to do, so I decided to run a cable line into her room. Now her bedroom...
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My Caring Daughter 8211 Part I
Hello people, i am a 58 year old man. i am married for 32 years and have 2 sons and daughter, both of my sons are married and happily settled with their wives. i live with my wife and daughter, my little angel is 24 years old and has allways been close to me. Me and my wife are not intimate for years now, as she grew older she completely lost intrest in Sex. Being a man what can i say it only increased my apetite, it increased to the extent where in i ended up having sex with my own...
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Got My Cousins Wife Pregnant Part 2
Phani’s family was very happy that Lahiri was pregnant.When she was 3 months pregnant, her family members went to a relative’s marriage for 10 days including Phani. She pretended as if she was not feeling well (fortunately she didn’t suffer from morning sickness). They asked me to stay with her just in case she needs anything. I agreed to stay in their home. She cooked nice meals for me and kept looking at me with a sense of gratitude. After a day, I asked her why she is looking at me...
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My Niece and Her FriendsChapter 6
As I drove home, I took a few sniffs of Emma’s virginal white cotton panties that she’d stuffed in my pocket. Her sweet young scent traveled with me as I breathed deep with my nose pressed against the damp gusset of the white fabric. Fuck, she smelled good. I kept thinking about young Sharon coming to England with us and the possibility of sinking my cock into that round plump body of hers while hefting those heavy young tits. Although Emma gotten me off twice in the evening, I found I was...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 82 BacktoBack Stanley Cup Champions
May 27, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Here’s a key to the house,” I said. “And your personal alarm code. Dinner is usually at 6:15pm.” “Thank you,” Michelle said. “You’re welcome. You’re OK with me going to the office now? Abbie and the kids are here.” “Yes. I’m going to class tomorrow.” “You’re sure? I still think you should call home.” “No,” she said firmly. “OK. That’s the last time I’ll ask you to do that. Is there anything else you need?” “Just my stuff. But I’ll have my old roommate...

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My Christmas Carol Chapter 1
The Christmas holiday was fast approaching and I had just come back from a job in Chicago to Springfield, Illinois, my hometown. I work as a diesel mechanic for a trucking company and one of our trucks had broken down. I was sent out to get it running again. Because I had been out of town for several days on this job, my neighbor Carol was helping me with some chores I had neglected."I really appreciate your doing my laundry, Carol. With my mom at work so much these days, it's hard for her to...
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Cathys Overnight pt 2
The three of us got ready for bed and when we were finished, Ann told Cathy that she and I slept in the nude and if Cathy wanted, she could too or sleep in whatever she had. Cathy agreed and we headed for bed. Cathy took the left outside, Ann the middle and me on the right side of our king size bed. I leaned over Ann and as Cathy rose up and leaned towards me, we kissed and when we were done, Cathy turned down and she and Ann kissed a nice long passionate kiss. I kissed Ann when she finished...

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Old Fred and the Coed
Old Fred and the CoedOld Fred really wasn’t that old, but most of the younger neighbors called him that anyway. At 64 years of age, he was still in pretty fair shape. He walked several miles every day and kept active with yard work and helping others in the neighborhood. He stood 6 foot tall, had salt and pepper hair and only weighed 175 pounds. Fred would often show off for the school k**s by doing a hand stand and then chasing them before dropping back to his feet. Fred’s wife had died a...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 49
Laurie was quieter after Daddy left, working with me finding homes for all of her dolls and stuffed animals. She asked if it was OK to put her Raggy Ann next to mine and we did a little shuffling so the two would fit on the same shelf. I was surprised at the number of them as well as how well taken care of they were. Vivian had talked about being homeless and living out of her car and I had no idea how long things had been that way. I'd assumed for most of Laurie's life, but there were too...

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Kumar Apartment Pt 16 Shradha Ki Mehmaan Nawaazi
Sabko mera bahut bahut thanks meri story ko padhne ke liye. Also thanks for mail replies. Mujhe aur bhi khushi hogi aur protsahan bhi agar mujhe zyada se zyada mail aaye to. Kisi ko bhi aisa lage ki woh Kumar apartment ke episodes main apne vichar ya kahani dalna chahe to mujhe aur bhi khushi hogi. I am really glad to know that you all are waiting for the next part of Kumar apartment. Aaj ka episode part 14 ka agla hissa hai. Jisme Amit Shradha se apartment wapas aane ke raste milta hai aur fir...

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A curious housewife
*** This is not a true story. Just something made up by a bored housewife. Its my first story so go easy on me. You know how curious I have been lately. You also knew how scared I am to do anything about it. I guess thats why you took matters into your own hands. I am everything a good mommy and housewife should be. Let me tell u alittle about myself. Im a 26 yearold curvy redhead. A real red head by the way. IM a 34 c cup slim wasit and a big butt. Even after having our son i still get...
Group Sex
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Closed Encounter
Closed Encounter Copyright Don Abdul ©2008 Darnell had discovered the adult bookstore quite accidentally a week ago, inside he’d seen a couple of erotic story books he’d been trying to find for ages. Since he wasn’t carrying nearly enough cash on that visit, he planned to return later to buy them. He had planned to close early and go to the bookstore for those books, but right after lunch break, things got very busy. He didn’t get to leave the office until 8.00 p.m. that night. As he stepped...

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The Inheritance
I remember meeting him only a few times in my life and that was when I was only nine or ten years old. Uncle Ted seemed like a pretty decent guy with a good sense of humour and I got along with him as well as a ten year old kid gets along with an adult he only sees occasionally, but I remember my mother and father always cutting him down after he had left. They talked about him as being a misfit, someone who was always just a little strange. Just the same I found him to be okay. Perhaps I...
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BFFs Lily Adams Jenna Foxx Nina Skye Easter Egg Cunt
The best time of the year at the Bunny mansion is Easter. All of the girls dress up in their cutest and most playful bunny outfits and search for colored eggs with Hughe. This year Lily Adams, Jenna Foxx, and Nina Skye were his girls and they were the most fun he has picked to date! The girl who got the most eggs was allowed to suck Hughes cock first. They were all even on the egg count except for Lily, who had the last one hiding in her pussy! Extra points to her for sure, but girls get...
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I am Michael, in my late twenties, 72 inches tall, 168 pounds, a toned, fit body and genetically lucky to possess a large, thick cock - ten inches when erect. I live in Sydney, Australia and used to moonlight as a gigolo or male escort. That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual...

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The Aftermath of a Good Spanking at Middlesex High
It was Monday morning and Bob Perkins, the dean at Middlesex High, was happy to return to work. He had a very busy weekend. Bonnie draining him Friday night, and the girlfriend, sensing something was taking his mind off her, putting him to work all day Saturday and part ways into Sunday. He was the one walking with the strange gait now, but when duty calls… Bonnie, the strict principal of Middlesex High, had been turned on watching the dean spank her very sexy secretary, Julie. Julie, panties...

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JulesJordan Mackenzie Moss Interracial Tag Team With Mackenzie Moss
Mackenzie Moss gets a DOUBLE dose of BBC from Jax & Isiah. Giddy young slut Mackenzie is ready and waiting for multiple cocks to satisfy her horny holes. She’s wearing a pink lace lingerie set with sexy stockings and a choker with her name on it as she teases the camera with her tight pussy. Jules hooks a leash to her collar and walks her on all fours to the office where he blindfolds her as she waits for her BBC surprise. Jax & Isiah show up and get right to exploring her pale white...
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FITZChapter 15 After the Fall
Having driven several miles north, the explosion and the old plantation crumbling sounded like thunder rumbling in the distance. Once the large house had become rubble, a cloud rising from it of dirt and smoke, Angela triggered small explosives to obliterate the cameras. The feed had been sent to Billy and Molly and Anthony who collaborated in editing it into the climax of the documentary/manifesto soon to be released to the world. Angela sighed and relaxed, her work finally completed. Her...

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The Glen Book OneChapter 21
So it came as a total surprise when Erin walked up next to Emory with a raw red nimbus of power surrounding her. Even Mordrant dropped his final warding in astonishment. "Well, what do we do now?" Erin asked as sheets of energy sparkled on the surface of her wards. "I mean, do we just leave, or is there a particular reason that we are hanging around here? I know I'm a bit new at this whole magic thing, but I have played Dungeons & Dragons before, ya' know?" It was Roland who broke...

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DNA IIChapter 19
It seemed to Paul to take forever from the instant Quince fired to the moment that the bullet slammed into him. Paul could remember being surprised at the force of the impact. He had slumped to the floor, feeling his blood staining his blouse. He was surprised that there was no pain. That means the damage is very bad, thought a corner of his mind. He had no time to ponder it further as the world rushed away, leaving only darkness. Paul had brief snatches of awareness in the ambulance, and...

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Say CheeseChapter 6
After staring at myself in the mirror for a few long minutes and wishing I wasn’t alone in my room I took my shredded pajamas off and started to reach into my drawer for some pajamas I can actually wear. As I reached into my dresser drawer I saw movement out of the corner of my eye and glanced over at my door. A panicky feeling rushed through me when I saw that it wasn’t closed all the way. Had someone peeked in and seen me in my shredded pajamas? It couldn’t have been Tyler! He would have...

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Betsy CarterChapter 9
Chuck wandered over to the security center and office building construction site, searching for Gary. The building was still a long ways from finished, but he could imagine what it would look like when it would be completed. The foundation was in place, the framing was complete, and some of the exterior walls had been added. Chuck found Gary inspecting the building. Gary was checking to make sure that nothing that didn’t belong had been added to the walls. There were folks who would be...

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Celibate Sexuality
[ For Robert, and for all those young white males, who are choosing to deliberately forgo any, and all, reproductive sexuality for the advancement of racial parity! ]I'm 23 years old. I'm healthy and fit. I think I'm reasonably good looking. I've never had an actual girlfriend before (except for a particularly strong 'crush' I once had, that I never acknowledged).But recently that's changed. I now have a girlfriend! She works at a place I go to frequently to have lunch, and she and I seemed to...

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GirlsWay April O8217Neil Jade Baker SistersInLust
April O’Neil sits down on the couch with Jade Baker. Thanks again for this, she really appreciates April and her husband letting her stay there, Jade says. Oh, of course, Jade is her husband’s sister after all, and they’ll always be there for her when she needs them, April says kindly. Even so, she HATES to be an inconvenience, Jade says apologetically. Nonsense, she could NEVER be an inconvenience, April says. She’s very sweet, Jade says, smiling appreciatively at...
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Double GlazingChapter 9
These days were longer than ever before, hands on the clock seemingly welded to the spot rarely moving. The long hours adding up to weeks that seemed without end. It came as a shock when one Sunday Eve gaily announced that on the following Thursday, Mr. Gaunt would apply for the Absolute. We were together at my dad's house. I had been clearing the place of his personal effects, and Eve came to help. She was happy as the apparent long wait was over. I turned to her. "I thought it was...

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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 56 On the Bridge
The passage only went a few meters past the trio of doors before abruptly making a left turn. The passage straightened out again with single doors appearing on both walls. Beyond that I could see another sharp turn to the left. “Two doors?” Miki asked. I walked up to the doors and looked. The one to my left had a placard reading “Captain Mark Parker” centered at about eye level. I pointed to it. “I think this one leads to my quarters.” “Ohh, let’s look at that first!” Miki said. “I want to...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 17
Tom asked Bones if he knew where he could get a cleaning rod for his handgun and his rifle. “I will fetch y’all one Mr. Tom.” “Bones call me Tom, that’s what I go by, I’m not a mister to you.” “Yass’suh Mr. Tom,” Bones said and left the barn. Tom shook his head and walked back to the porch of the bunkhouse. He was sitting there looking his two guns over when Sally Mae came around the corner carrying a gun cleaning rod and some oiled patches. “Here is your cleaning tools Injun Tom. Mind...

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Spitting Contest
Silvina walked down the sidewalk toward Paula's apartment. Her ashen white skin glowed amid the crowd of golden people of Buenos Aires. Her brown hair blew in the strong wind of the Zonda that had brought in hot dry air from the interior of Argentina. She rubbed the sweat from the brutal South American summer heat from her brown eyes as she entered the cool, refreshing lobby of Paula's apartment house. Paula looked down at Robert, lying on his back, naked, and bound with strong packaging...

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8 Other Peoples Hearts Ch 07
Oliver threw himself into his work. It was easier to deal with his new life if he was in constant motion. He also saw his psychiatrist and went back on anti-depressants. He wasn’t anywhere near happy, but he was coping. He stayed with Tyler, Maya and Madeline for a few weeks. When he felt like a burden he tried to return to the conversation he’d had with his mom the first time he’d struggled with depression and anxiety when he was in college. She’d had the same problem through her whole life....

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El Paso Jackstraw
EL PASO, 2007 It was one of those crystal-clear desert days in mid-spring, not a cloud to be seen in any direction as far as the eye could see. And I could see an awfully long way, seeing as how I was cruising at 30,000 feet in the sleek LearJet that my company uses for business trips. I was on my way, as I often am, from Houston to Los Angeles to meet with our main vendor on some new lines. My family owns a successful drilling company based in Houston, and I'm head of the division that's...

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the boy was now a man pt 1
A fictional story of a boys fantasyAs a youg lad growing up in a major female house,2 sisters Candy 20 and sophie 18, I was always curious about the female body and often researched this on the net (watching porn really) I learnt that by looking at women clothed it wasnt much fun but by seing them partly clothed or naked, thats where the fun begins, I did some home study on this observing my sisters undress, fuck and materbate some call it perving I wold rather like to think it was observation,...

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This began simple enough but turned into a total fucked up mess with me in the middle and center of attention. Having been married a long time it's easy to become very definitive in your lifestyle. For years my wife would always bug me about tasting my own cum or dining on a cream pie. Weather she blew me and fed it to me or eat her out after I came in her pussy didn't make any difference to her, she just wanted to see me eat my cum. With a very emphatic "SORRY I don't go there" statement I...

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PrisonerChapter 3
The next days were like rudderless ships. He went to work and did what was needed, but there was no passion, no interest. The comments on his peeling nose and burnt ear-rims died down and everything seemed back to normal – ah well, except for him, of course. He knew he'd been changed and he didn't think he'd ever change back. On the morning of one more day promising drudge and misery, he sat at his kitchen counter – thinking. He should have been at the office for at least two hours by...

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Where was this headed 2
“Stand up” said Maddie. I was so shocked at seeing my wife being licked by Maddie’s dog Thumper I stood up without thinking. Maddie undid my pants and pulled them down and then my underpants. “Oh Stella, you didn’t lie” squealed Maddie as she grabbed hold of my 7” rock hard cock. “Sit down darling” she said. Again I did as she said. Pulling off her skirt she climbed on top of me. My cock slid into her already soaked pussy as her breasts wrapped around my face. “God, it has been so long since I...