Purple HeartChapter 6: Healing free porn video

The great lamps that illuminated the torus were dimming as the two made their way back to the hospital, casting much of the station into shadow as the few personnel who were still scurrying about began to head home. Kaisha towered over Moralez, walking beside him with slow, loping strides so as not to outpace him on her long legs. The day had left him feeling pretty confident. There was a gun on his hip, his fingers were steady, and his gait was natural. His prosthetics were synced perfectly with his brain.
He wasn’t calm, however. His mind was roiling, and his heart was racing as he tried to figure out how to tell Kaisha how he felt about her. She probably knew, Raz had a big mouth. But if Stanley was right, then she was waiting for a confession. The opportunity was perfect. It was late in the day, and the low light was simulating dusk. The torus was never empty, but most of the station’s population were heading home to sleep, thinning out the crowds to give them a modicum of privacy. But what to say? How to say it? Would she appreciate a direct approach or did she expect something more poetic from a human? Maybe he was overthinking it and he should just up and out with it.
“You look distracted, Lieutenant. Is something wrong?”
“You can call me Moralez you know, most people do.”
“Okay, Moralez.”
Hearing her say his name made his heart skip, and his fingers began to twitch a little. Damn, did positive emotions overload their sensors too? They passed a bench, and Moralez gestured to it.
“Let’s take a break for a minute.”
Kaisha nodded affirmatively, taking a seat beside him on the bench, a little awkwardly due to her size. Her long, fuzzy tail rested beside her like a fluffy snake. They waited in silence, the cool breeze ruffling the massive alien’s downy fur where it protruded from her white coat. Moralez tried to compose himself, tried to formulate some sentence in his mind that might win her over, but he had never done anything like this before. He had joined the UNN at sixteen, and any encounters with the opposite sex had been sordid ordeals in spaceport brothels. The military life didn’t allow much time for romance or courting. His arm trembled involuntarily as he stressed over it.
“Something is bothering you. You can tell me, you know,” Kaisha said in a soothing tone. She expected another admission of great shame or guilt no doubt, but he didn’t want to be that person, not for her and not for anyone. His days of lamenting and worrying were over. He would take charge of his life from this moment forward, leave the past in his wake to forge a new path, and he wanted Kaisha at his side.
He clenched his fist, willing the tremors to stop, and turned to the alien. He looked up into her sapphire-blue eyes, reflective in the low light. He faltered, but was suddenly flushed with courage, feeling the moment slipping away as she gazed down at him and batted her eyelashes. It was now or never.
“I think I’ve fallen in love with you, Kaisha.”
Her eyes widened, her hand coming to rest over her bosom. He continued, it was too late to stop now, and he had to hope that this was the kind of confession that she expected from him.
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, whenever I’m in that hospital bed, I’m just watching the clock until you come back to me and I can see you again. You care about me, when we’re together, I feel like you’re the only person who really understands what I’m going through. I guess, when we’re done with this, and I’m all patched up ... I don’t want our relationship to have to end.”
Her surprised expression turned sly, and she scooted closer to him, draping a long arm over his shoulder and leaning closer to him. His breath caught in his throat as she pressed her lips against his, smooth and soft. Her long, textured tongue left her mouth to tease him with a gentle, provocative kiss. His mind fogged, her deft, subtle embrace sending pleasant chills down his spine. He tasted her saliva, and the perfumed scent of her fur invaded his senses as she loomed over him. Her tongue coiled around his, warm and slippery, and he felt her claws press into his back through his clothing as she held him close to her. She released him from her grasp finally, leaving him gasping and trembling, this time it had nothing to do with his prosthetics. Nobody had ever kissed him like that before. It was passionate, loving, yet somehow modest and demure. Her metallic taste lingered as she drew back, her pink lips curled into a smile.
“We’re not going back to the hospital tonight.”
His face flushed as she took his hand in hers. His artificial nerves told him that her palm was warm and silky, sensing the pressure of her large fingers. She pulled him to his feet, leading him away towards the residential quarter.
It was night by the time they arrived. Kaisha tapped a combination of numbers into a keypad beside one of the many doors that lined the long row of structures, and it opened with a whoosh of air, allowing them entry into her private residence. This was where civilian personnel and officers lived, luxurious by military standards. There wasn’t the space to stack apartments in great skyscrapers as they did back on Earth, and so the living quarters were lined up like row houses on either side of the torus. They were built from the same off-white material as the station itself, albeit with more decorations and homely touches than what he had seen in the military quarter.
She tugged him over the threshold and into what could have passed for a moderately spacious city apartment on the homeworld. It was open-plan, with the kitchen and living area sharing one common space, the bedroom and bathroom sectioned off behind their own doors.
This apartment had obviously been modified to house a Borealan, the furniture was all too large for him, the tables and chairs looked like something from a forced perspective movie set. As she released his hand and strode into the living space, he began to notice the many decorations and personal effects that were prominently displayed. It was a practical museum of human culture. Archaic books lined her shelves—physical artifacts made from bound sheets of paper. There were printed pictures and posters adorning her walls, some depicted landscapes of Earth, others were reproductions of old movie posters. All manner of objects littered every available surface. He walked around, examining the relics and curiosities. He stopped at a chest-high desk and admired a scale model of a jump carrier, faithfully recreated down to the shuttle recesses in its armored hull. Beside it was a stuffed Siberian tiger, a child’s toy made from soft fabric.
She seemed to be waiting for his response as he roamed throughout the room. He found a toy of an ancient road car, a doll of a human with a flannel dress and red, woolen hair. There was another model, this one an aircraft from the propeller era of flight. She had a globe of the Earth and one of Mars, their continents outlined and their cities lit with little blinking LEDs. There were framed pictures, printed photographs that showed a snowy landscape with wooden huts dotted about the scene.
“What is all this?” he asked. It was a little weird, but he made sure that the tone of his voice didn’t betray that to the beaming Borealan. She was clearly proud of her collection.
“I am a fan of human culture,” she replied, her long tail flicking back and forth behind her. “I was born on Borealis in the Polar Territory, but I’ve spent so many years on Earth. I’ve learned about your culture and history, your customs, consumed your media and entertainment. Earth became my adopted home, and I wanted to learn everything that there was to know about it.”
She walked over to a high shelf, pulling out some kind of glossy, square sleeve from a row of similar objects. She slid a shiny, black disk out of the sleeve and walked over to some kind of electronic device, placing it gently on a peg where it began to rotate. She might be a fan of human culture, but Moralez had never seen anything like this before, it might as well be an alien artifact to him. As the disk spun, he heard sound emanate from the device. It was poppy, somewhat distorted, and classical music filled the room.
“What is that?” Moralez asked, trying to identify the track. It was nothing he had ever heard before.
She walked over and handed him the sleeve. It had artwork on the front, a stylized picture of an Egyptian Pharaoh with the text Ash Ra Tempel. He didn’t recognize it, nor did he understand the title.
“Nineteen seventy-one,” Kaisha commented. “That’s the year it was recorded. You humans document everything, it’s fascinating. I can buy reproductions of records released over six hundred years ago, made from high-resolution images of the originals. Of course, it would be easier to buy digital copies. I could store every song your species has ever written on one data chip, but what would be the point? This is how the artists intended them to be heard.”
She returned to her shelf, retrieving another record and bringing it back to him. She pulled the black disk from its protective cover and showed it to him, the circular grooves in its surface reflecting the light from the lamp that was embedded in her ceiling.
“This is analog technology, Borealans never developed anything like it. See the grooves? They’re designed to be read by a needle, which a machine interprets as sound waves. I have a laser reader, but the concept is much the same.”
The odd music echoed through the room as she led him over to a display cabinet. Kaisha must have bought all of this with her own wages and had it shipped to the station, as no military branch would authorize any of this, or foot the bill for that matter. This was clearly years of investment, she was certainly dedicated.
“The Equatorials like their action movies, but I like romance better.” She opened the tempered glass doors of the cabinet, slightly smoked to conceal what was inside, and revealed a wide monitor. “I store my movies digitally, standard definition looks terrible at modern resolutions. I could show you some of my favorites if you like, when we have the time.”
Moralez nodded. It was certainly an unusual hobby, but her passion was endearing. She looked like a kitten, her eyes wide and excited at the prospect of sharing her interests with him, he would have to be some kind of heartless monster to refuse her requests.
“Do you want anything to eat or drink?” she asked. “I have food, no sweet beverages, unless you like raises the hair. I could make you a sandwich, I think I have some coffee somewhere. I don’t get many visitors.”
She sounded almost nervous, rambling. She was usually so calm, always knowing what to do or say, and he found this new vulnerability charming. He walked over to her, curling his arm around her paunchy belly from behind as she rummaged through her refrigerator. He buried his face in the small of her back, her large, soft buttocks pressed against his chest. She paused, her tail swaying slowly as he held her, then he felt her fluffy palm close over his prosthetic. She was so warm, her body heat was incredible, inviting.
“I guess we could ... retire to the bedroom,” she breathed softly, “if that’s okay with you?”
He felt his burgeoning erection pressing against the fabric of his underwear, her fuzzy tail grazing the bulge as it flicked back and forth.
“That’s okay with me,” he replied. He delved his fingers into the soft coat that lined her belly, feeling the warm, supple flesh beneath. She shivered as he probed, shameless now that it was a done deal. Her dexterous tail coiled around one of his legs affectionately as she gasped, his fingers roaming upwards towards her ample chest.
He slid his fingers under her clothes and weighed one of her breasts in his hand, the heavy mammary deforming in his grasp and spilling around his hand like melting wax. He could feel her silken fur, the weight of it, the feverish heat that her impressive body emanated and the soft meat that her support struggled to contain. She clutched his wrist, guiding his hand, its robotic nature not seeming to deter her as he kneaded and squeezed.
“Kurtz ... did a good job,” she breathed, her voice low and soft. He found an engorged nipple nestled amongst her fur, pressing it gently between his rubberized fingertips. Her tail tightened around his good leg as a tremor passed through her body.
“Enough of that,” she said, turning suddenly and hooking her large hands under his arms, lifting him like a doll and draping him over her shoulder. Moralez was too surprised to struggle, and she carried him over to the bedroom, ducking under the doorframe so as not to knock him against it. She kicked the door shut behind her and dropped him unceremoniously onto her bed. He bounced on the mattress. It was huge, big enough for two or maybe even three Borealans to sleep side by side, covered in a rats nest of pillows and sheets.
The room was dimly lit. A small bedside lamp glowed a dull yellow, casting long shadows as Kaisha stood before him. She gazed down at him, her feline eyes reflecting the light, fixed upon him intently. He realized that his heart was fluttering and there were butterflies roiling in his stomach. He was a little afraid, hoping that the usually tame and considerate Polar would not somehow revert to Azi-like levels of selfish indulgence when the mood took her.
She raised a clawed finger to a zipper that ran down the front of her white garment, analogous to a doctor’s coat, and drew it down slowly. She teased him as her heavy, generous bosom burst forth, pushing aside her clothing and spilling free in an avalanche of quivering flesh. The uniform barely contained her voluptuous body at the best of times, and now her enormous breasts hung loose, bouncing gently as they settled.
Azi had been well-endowed, but this was a whole new dimension. Each breast was so voluminous that he could have fit his head inside it several times over, closer in size to a beanbag chair than anything resembling human anatomy, as large as his own torso. They sagged due to their enormous weight, yet they retained a wonderful roundness and fullness that almost seemed to defy the gravity that fought to wrest control of them. It wasn’t hard to imagine himself sinking deep into her boundless cleavage, the generous cushions of fat pressing together under their own heft.
She dragged the zipper past her belly to reveal her fluffy paunch, the tire of her stomach protruding subtly over the waistband of her black skirt, finally reaching the bottom. She shrugged off the coat and hooked her thumbs around her elastic waistband, struggling to tug the skirt past the wide flare of her hips, her every movement making her flesh shake enticingly. The fabric created a deep indent in her meaty thighs as she wriggled out of it, finally discarding it along with her panties to join her coat on the carpet.
Kaisha stepped out of the pile of clothing and started to walk towards Moralez, who was sat on the edge of the oversized bed, staring at her like a deer caught in the headlights. She reached out a hand and gave him a gentle push. He fell on his back and Kaisha clambered on top of him, the mattress sagging under her weight and the springs creaking ominously. She was heavy, heavier even than Azi had been. He began to panic a little as the weight of her huge body pressed down on his hips, images of Azi’s assault flashing in his mind.
Kaisha noticed that his hand was starting to twitch, and so she leaned in for a soothing kiss. Her long, textured tongue coiled into his mouth and roiled wetly, less restrained than her first kiss on the bench had been. He felt his erection rise to press against her groin, and his mind begin to blur as her thick, slimy organ explored the reaches of his throat. She held him for what felt like minutes, locked in a dizzying, placating kiss that left him squirming and panting when she broke away. Her puffy lips curled into a smirk as she drew back, peering down at him as he caught his breath.
“Relax,” she whispered, pressing her lips against his forehead with a smack. “I won’t hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
She pressed her groin down on his bulge, and Moralez felt her hot, sodden fur through the fabric of his pants. She was dripping, eager, her excitement matting the fur on her fluffy mound. She wanted this as much as he did.
She fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt, too small for her thick fingers. Moralez reached up a prosthetic hand to help her, but there wasn’t much that he could do with just one. Becoming frustrated, she simply tore it open, sending the buttons clattering around the room. She slid down his body, resting her knees on the floor so that her head was level with his torso, running her padded fingers over his innumerable scars. Her gaze was covetous, did she like them? Was that some Borealan thing? He gasped as he felt her tongue leave her mouth to drag across his exposed chest, hot and slippery, leaving a trail of her saliva as she tasted his skin. She mouthed and kissed, teasing, crawling her soft lips down towards his belly. He bucked, arching his back as the tip of her warm tongue slipped into his navel. She held his hips in her large hands, the downy, silken fur of her palms tickling him.
She was so gentle, her touch light and exploratory, nothing like Azi’s cruel and greedy clawing. Pulses of light addled his brain as the Borealan moved down to his pants, tugging the zipper loose and hooking her claws around the belt, pulling it down. She placed his holstered weapon to one side before discarding his pants on the floor, then squeezed his bulge through the thin cotton of his shorts. She seethed with barely contained arousal, holding his member in her lips through the fabric and breathing in his scent.
She grew more frantic as she tore his underwear loose, his erection resisting for a moment before bouncing free an inch from her nose. She eyed it hungrily as it jumped in time with his heartbeat, a droplet of his anticipation leaking from the tip.
She took him in her arms suddenly, raising him off the bed and into the air, one furry hand supporting his butt and the other on his back. Her biceps bulged as she held him aloft, effortless, his head skimming the Borealan-sized ceiling.
“Woa, Kaisha, what are you-”
“Relax, you’ll enjoy it...”
She walked him away from the bed and over to the wall, leaning his back against the cold surface, his legs draped over her shoulders. He was at least eight feet off the floor, Kaisha suspending him in the air as if he were a mere doll rather than an adult human of average weight. He could feel her hot breath on his glans, shivering as she took the shaft in her fluffy right hand, the left supporting his weight. Her firm grip sent a jolt of pleasure crawling up his spine, her fur akin to a luxurious loofah as it brushed against his sensitive skin.
He watched her, his fingers clawing at his burning face as her long, agile tongue snaked out of her mouth to coil around his erection. The slippery muscle coated his skin with a glaze of her saliva, warm and stick. She rubbed the rough surface against the sensitive underside of his glans, making him jump and writhe, the intensity of the sensation almost too much for him to stand. She pulled it closer to her mouth, slipping her smooth, puffy lips over the head and holding him there as her tongue painted it with her warm drool. She sucked him deeper, the silky inner lining of her cheeks closing around his shaft, drawing it to the back of her throat as her muscles contracted and massaged as though she was trying to swallow him.
He sank his fingers into her hair, gripping a handful, his prosthetic knuckle clenched as she tormented him. It had been months since he had been with a woman due to his extended combat deployment on Kruger, and weeks since he had been able to do anything about his mounting frustration due to his inconvenient lack of limbs. He was sensitive and swollen, every flick of her tongue and compression of her slimy muscles sending unbearable waves of pleasure creeping through his body. She released him from the grip of her furry fingers, pushing him deeper inside her, her rosy lips kissing the base of his cock. She held him in her twitching gullet for far longer than human lung capacity would have allowed, her sinuous tongue creeping free of her mouth to taste his balls.
Moralez loosed a pained groan, a sound that he had never heard himself make before. The sensation was compounded as Kaisha chuckled, the vibrations translating into his member.
“You like that?” she mumbled, her voice muffled as she tried to talk around his erection. He gasped, unable to form a coherent reply as she began to slide her mouth up and down his shaft, pausing to tease the glans before slamming down again and forcing him to the back of her throat. She was too good at this, there was no way that this was her first time with a human, not that she had ever claimed as much. She rested her downy hand on his inner thigh, caressing softly as she bobbed her head, her pace increasing as his legs dangled over her shoulders.
His mind was clouding, his hips going numb as bolts of electricity arced through his nervous system, his arm and leg shaking involuntarily. He began to see stars as he felt his orgasm rising, breathing harder and gripping one of her round ears for purchase. She seemed to notice, glancing up at him with a flash of blue irises. Her frantic pace suddenly slowed to a crawl, Kaisha backing off so as not to drive him over the edge. He grumbled and shot her a disappointed look, then lolled his head back as she squeezed his shaft in her hand, her fur matted with her bubbling saliva.
“Not so fast, I want to enjoy you...”
She turned her head sideways and nibbled his shaft, catching his foreskin between her lips and tugging it gently. She gave him just enough stimulation to keep him on edge and wanting, but never enough to fully satisfy him. When she was confident that he had calmed down, she took his glans in her mouth again, holding it between her warm cheeks and lapping at it with her tongue. The fleshy papillae that he had seen her use to clean her coat grated against his most sensitive zones, driving harsh pangs of raw pleasure to his core. It almost hurt, but it hit the spot, like taking sandpaper to a bug bite. He felt a strand of saliva escape the corner of his mouth as he sat in her arms, his back supported by the wall, his eyes unfocused as he stared at the ceiling while the exquisite spasms wracked his body. She was a machine, nobody had ever worked him over like this before.
She began to stroke his shaft with her free hand, the damp fur creating an odd, pleasant texture against his skin. She lowered her head, her waterfall of slate-grey hair tickling his thighs and creating an odd, not quite analogous sensation on his prosthetic femur as the long strands fell about it. He jerked as he felt her lips kiss his balls, mouthing and licking the tender skin as she moved her hand up and down his cock. He writhed against the stimulation, reflexively covering his mouth with his prosthetic hand to stifle a moan, its polymer surface smooth and unexpectedly cool.
She sucked a testicle into her mouth gently and played her tongue over the surface. Moralez’ knees went weak, the same sensation present both in his organic and prosthetic examples. There were so many new sensations, both from Kaisha’s alien attentions and the way that his robotic limbs responded to the stimulation. It was almost enough to drive him crazy.
She released him from the warmth of her mouth and crawled her way back up his shaft, making eye contact and batting her thick lashes as he looked down at her. The feline slits of her pupils had dilated into large, dark circles in the gloomy bedroom, only a sliver of her sapphire irises visible now. She kissed his glans affectionately, waiting for a moment, breathing warm air on his cock as it throbbed and ached. She watched him, enjoying his obvious dissatisfaction, then relented. She slid her lips down his shaft and took him into the depths of her gullet in one smooth motion, lubricated by her slick saliva. He grunted as he felt his glans impact the back of her throat. She resumed her bobbing again, sucking and slurping obscenely as she drove his member deep inside her warm mouth, her drool pooling around him and leaking down his shaft in blobs.
He was beside himself, unable to focus as he felt her lips scrape his cock, her rough tongue scouring his glans and lapping at the juice that leaked eagerly from the tip. He felt the slimy muscles in her throat struggling to accommodate his girth, kneading and rolling against him as she fought her body’s desire to eject the foreign organ. She gripped the base of his cock with her hand for leverage, her unforgiving pace driving him closer and closer to orgasm. He felt it welling inside him and delved his fingers into Kaisha’s hair, squirming as her free hand reached up to drag her claws across his belly, softly enough that it merely tickled rather than breaking the skin.
He expected her to release him and direct his member away from her delicate fur, but instead, she doubled down. Sensing his growing climax, she jammed his cock as deep as it would go, her throat muscles spasming and contracting around him like a fist clad in damp velvet. It pushed him over the edge, and she gripped his hips with her large hands, preventing him from bucking and chocking her as he came. It felt like someone had shot him with a taser. A wave of tingling, luxurious pleasure washed over him, igniting every nerve ending in his body. His mind blanked, a primal growl escaping his pursed lips as Kaisha drank, the swallowing motion of her gullet milking him of every drop that he could give her. He sprayed thick, gelatinous ropes of his emission directly into her waiting throat, Kaisha drinking greedily as her tongue wrapped around his length to goad more of it out. Over and over the spasms wracked his body, almost painful muscle contractions that forced his ejaculate from him with a desperate vigor.
Kaisha held it the whole way, not making so much as a peep, waiting patiently until the writhing human was spent. She turned with him, pulling him away from the wall and dropping him limply onto the bed, his chest heaving as afterglow drowned him in its bliss.
“Hey, you’d better not fall asleep,” she said as she prodded him experimentally with her claw. He opened his eyes and sat upright, still dizzy. “We’re not done yet, it’s my turn.”
She sat on the edge of the bed beside him, and Moralez got the picture, trying to compose himself as he slipped off the mattress and knelt on the carpeted floor in front of her. She splayed her legs, her thick thighs opening to reveal the damp fur between them. Her scent filled his nose as she crooned, gazing down at him as he drew closer to her loins. She smelled of flowery soaps and perfumes, and underneath it was a distinctly sexual musk that set his mouth watering. He placed his hand on her inner thigh, her coat thinner and softer here, like velvet. She reached a hand down to help him out, splaying her rosy lips to reveal the glistening, pink flesh within. A trickle of clear fluid escaped as her opening twitched in anticipation, hot and ready for him.
“Use your tongue,” she panted, her heavy breasts swaying as her chest rose and fell. He looked up at her blue eyes as she watched him eagerly, hesitating for a moment, then he drew closer to her and pressed his lips against hers. Her anatomy was similar to a human’s, at least on the outside, and he parted her labia to slide his tongue along her vulva. She shivered contentedly, biting a clawed finger between her teeth. She tasted sour and salty, but he was too aroused to care, her inviting scent and the view of her dripping sex an inch from his face lighting a fresh fire in his belly. He circled the opening with his tongue, wishing that he had an organic finger to insert. She probably wouldn’t appreciate cold metal and polymer.
He sought out the firm nub of her clitoris, sucking it between his lips and rolling his tongue over its shiny surface. She trembled, her thighs squeezing him almost painfully, the steely muscle beneath her pudgy fat layer pressing into his cheeks.
“You have such smooth tongues,” Kaisha whined, sinking her fingers into his hair and gripping it gently. “I love it...”
Did she mean humans in general? That would make sense. Borealan tongues were so rough, almost too intense to use for oral sex, maybe even intolerable when applied to a clitoris. He probed her tunnel with his organ, pushing it as deep as he could manage and licking her quivering walls. Her juices leaked around his mouth as her grip on his hair grew stronger, the alien rolling her hips reflexively, grinding against his face. He mouthed and kissed, playing his lips across the textured surface of her sex, tracing the folds and creases with the tip of his tongue. He rested his prosthetic hand on her mound, sinking his fingertips into the fluff. She seemed to enjoy that, shuddering happily as he ran his hand over her groin and belly. She was pleasantly fat, and he gripped a handful of her paunch, feeling her flesh spill between his fingers with the consistency of putty. It must have been blubber for insulation along with her signature snowy fur, because she was absurdly fit in all other respects. It filled out her figure, giving her wide hips and plump breasts, spreading out and settling in all of the places that would excite the senses of a male. He returned his attentions to her engorged clitoris, following the hourglass curve of her waist with his hand, over her hip and down to her ass. She jumped, chuckling as he slid under her butt and grasped a copious handful of her yielding cheek.

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