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Colette Cardinelle entered the Bistro and looked around. She wasn’t even there for a minute when Jay entered behind her. She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek by way of a greeting. She wanted to offer him more, but she knew he might become flustered by her showing of affection. After all, Colette knew that Jay thought the two of them were merely just friends. Colette dearly wished that he understood just how much he meant to her. She could not have made it through the past eighteen months had it not been for him.
Jay Barris felt his heart flutter at Colette’s token show of affection. He had come to understand the depths of his feelings for her only a few short weeks ago. He had finally healed from the damage that had been done to him and Colette was responsible for most of that. He wished that he could be more vocal and tell her that. He dearly wished he possessed the capability to show Colette how special a person she was. Her beauty was evident, any person in the Bistro could see that. The beauty in her soul was something that few others were allowed to see. ‘Did I keep you waiting long?’ Jay asked her. She shook her head and smiled at him. That smile of hers could brighten a dark day and both of them had more than their share of those during these past number of tedious, unending months.
‘No, I’ve only been here a few minutes myself,’ Colette smiled, glancing at him quickly. Being punctual was one of his endearing qualities. He was such a charming man and so good looking. Wavy brown hair and a toned body that looked wonderful in the tan suit and pants he was wearing. What had Monique been thinking? How could she ever have given up a man as dear as Jay? She had tried to rationalize her decisions, but they fell on deaf ears. Colette had always believed her friend had made the perfect choice when marrying dear Jay.
Jay looked over at his companion and let her go first as the Maitre D’ led them to their table. He enjoyed so many things about Colette, including the fact that after 15 years living here, she still retained a large part of her French accent and her mannerisms. He found it charming. Also charming was the fact that she still looked like the girl he had met several years ago in their college days. She didn’t look much older than 21, although he knew her 35th birthday was looming. Part of that was attributable to her petite frame, but she could easily outshine most of the women her age and she knew it. Colette was never one the type of person to downplay her attributes. The dress she wore displayed just enough of her sexy little body to dazzle and she always wore heels. Jay knew that his friend was a clotheshorse, yet he allowed himself the small deception that she wore such sexy clothes and heels to impress him too. Gilbert had been a fool in letting Colette go. When a man had the heart of a woman as unique as Colette Cardinelle, you cherished it for as long as you lived.
At times, Jay found it difficult to believe that he and Colette had known each other for nearly 16 years. She and Jay, Monique and Gilbert, they had all met in college, Colette was his ex-wife’s best friend. He knew that she still talked to Monique and that stung a bit. Still, he had to admire her loyalty. He knew she was angry at Monique for betraying her marriage vows to Jay, yet she looked past that and was still gracious enough to wish for her friend’s happiness. Monique’s affair with a man several years her junior had done a lot of damage to Jay and Colette had helped him through it. When he discovered his wife’s betrayal, he didn’t know if he ever again would be able to trust a woman. The love of his life had done wrong by him. Colette had shown him that some women were worth the time and effort it took to be with them.
Despite her personal and emotional beauty, less than a month after Jay’s marriage was dashed to the rocks, Colette’s followed suit. Gilbert, her professor husband, had been caught up in a scandal at the university. He had been trading grades for sexual favors and some of his students had come forward. The university dismissed him and he had left in disgrace. Fortunately for him, the slick bastard had been able to convince one of his ‘girlfriends’ to stand by him. She came from a very prominent family and got her ‘boyfriend’ a good job in the private sector. The cheating rat-bastard had landed on his feet. Jay was angrier at him than Colette herself was. He wanted to castrate the cheating motherfucker in front of everyone.
After a few chance meetings and some phone calls, he and Colette had been having coffee every few days since their lives devolved into chaos. Coffee turned into lunches and lunches turned into dinners. Jay had always liked fine dining and despite her upbringing, Monique couldn’t boil water. Contrary to his wife’s culinary failings, Colette worked at a fancy Italian restaurant – go figure – as a chef. She appreciated not having to cook on her days off and Jay knew good places to dine. The Bistro was a favorite of them both.
‘I’m glad you picked this place,’ Colette smiled as he held her chair out for her. She adored the fact he had such excellent manners and was such a gentleman. ‘I always love coming here, the food is wonderful and it’s warm and cozy. I can’t believe we’ve been coming here for almost sixteen years.’
‘I like it, too,’ Jay agreed. Being here with Colette, it almost felt like a real date – almost. He wished that it was, so he allowed himself the illusion. ‘You look beautiful, I love that dress.’
Colette’s smiled widened. He had noticed, good, she hoped that he would! ‘This old thing, oh, I found it in the closet and thought I should wear it again,’ she told him. In reality, it was a piece of designer clothing and had cost her a pretty penny, half a week’s wages. She knew it would look dynamite on her and had hoped for just the reaction Jay had provided her.
Colette crossed her legs and Jay watched with interest. They were sleek and shapely, despite her diminutive stature. Jay knew that Colette took good care of her body and he had followed suit in the last year, adding to his own workout regimen. He didn’t want someone so lovely being embarrassed at being seen with a fat slob, not that he would ever have let himself get that out of shape.
‘Good week?’ Jay asked her, beginning to make conversation.
‘Very good, I got a nice raise, I could even pay for dinner if you’d accept my offer,’ Colette smiled.
‘No, that wouldn’t be right, I invited you,’ Jay said to her. ‘Besides, we’re celebrating a tiny bit. I started my new novel yesterday, the Writer’s Block seems to be lifting.’
‘Jay, that’s wonderful news,’ Colette trilled, placing her tiny hand on top of his. His heart raced and he wished it would stay there forever. ‘I tell you what, we will make it a celebration. You pay for the meal and you let me choose the wine and pay for that, plus dessert, if we can manage it.’
‘Don’t we always?’ He laughed. That was true, the Bistro had magnificent desserts and neither Colette nor Jay was the type of person to resist temptation. The owner was a pastry chef and longtime friend of Colette’s. ‘Okay beautiful, you’ve got a deal.’
‘I hate to bring a downer into the conversation …’ Colette said as she looked around for the sommelier ‘… but I talked to Monique yesterday. She’s moving back to France with Richard.’ She pronounced it ‘Ree-shard’, Monique’s new lover was from Lyons. Jay had detested the arty French fop on sight.
‘I can handle it, now,’ Jay answered, although gritting his teeth. ‘I don’t understand how you can still talk to … her.’ The venom that spurted from his voice would have made a mongoose wary.
‘I guess I’m a little more forgiving,’ Colette responded, although she knew she was being somewhat disingenuous. How could she ever stay mad at the person who had been her first lover? Neither of their husbands had known their closely-guarded secret, the girls had kept that as their own special memory all of these ye
ars later.
‘Yeah, you are,’ Richard sighed with a hint of annoyance. ‘When I found out what Gilbert had done to you, I wanted to castrate the bastard.’
‘My knight in shining armor to the rescue,’ Colette thought to herself. ‘You needn’t have bothered, it wouldn’t have made much of a difference, if you get my drift.’ The attractive little blonde almost got a fit of the giggles at her own comment.
‘Are you saying …?’
‘Let me answer you this way …’ Colette said as she tried to regain her composure. ‘I feel very sorry for his girlfriends … all ten of them.’
‘Ten?!’ Jay responded, feeling his anger welling up again. ‘My Go Colette, he must have talked a good game. Still, I don’t understand. If you knew about them, why didn’t you walk out before all of this happened?’
‘Gilbert is an old-world French man and it’s wired into their system, having disposable mistresses’ Colette sighed. She herself had asked that question several times. ‘I guess I always believed that once he got the philandering out of his system, we’d work things out.’
‘Okay, that’s enough,’ Jay said in a determined tone. ‘From this point forward, I’m putting out a moratorium for the rest of the evening – no more discussing our exes. This is a celebration.’
‘It’s hard not to talk about when you realized you failed in your marriage,’ Colette stated wistfully.
‘We didn’t fail, they did,’ Jay said with a dogged determination to make her smile again.
Jay succeeded in his goal. ‘You’re exactly right, that’s a very good point,’ Colette answered as she finally spotted the wine steward and summoned him to their table. ‘Let’s enjoy our evening and get a nice buzz going.’
‘I’m all for that,’ Jay chuckled. If he played his cards right, he might even have enough liquid courage to flirt with Colette. He would never take advantage of a drunk woman, but having a few laughs and some casual was clearly not taking advantage. Besides, it seemed as if his long-time friend was up for it tonight. She seemed to be a lot bolder than her normal persona, not that she was a wallflower in the first place.
It proved to be a great evening for the two friends. They ate well, drank well and laughed heartily. As a matter of fact, they closed the restaurant and shared their desserts. Had it been their first date, Jay would have proclaimed it the best first date in the history of first dates.
‘We should go,’ Colette half-sighed, half-giggled. ‘But I know that I’m too drunk to drive and it’s late.’
‘Neither of us lives far from here, we can leave our cars here tonight,’ Jay suggested. ‘I’ll walk you home first and if I’m tired after that, I can call for a cab.’
‘Deal, but at least stay and have some coffee,’ Colette suggested as they left the Bistro. ‘You know that I make wonderful coffee and it will sober the both of us up.’ Colette didn’t really want to get sober because she felt wonderful as it was. Jay had been wonderful company and she was feeling so alive again while in his company. She walked on slightly wobbly legs to her new condominium, happy that she was perfectly comfortable walking in the high stiletto heels she had chosen to wear tonight.
Jay walked behind Colette the short distance to her apartment, ostensibly to catch her if she fell, but he also enjoyed the view. Colette walked like a woman who was comfortable in heels and she had the cutest, sexiest walk. A lot of women fell short in comparison. She was so very feminine, almost girly and it was another of the qualities about her that Jay found endearing.
‘You have a lovely home,’ Jay commented as Colette busied herself making them coffee. ‘It’s a nice reflection on the owner.’
‘You’ve been here before,’ Colette said as she returned to the living room with coffee and other goodies. She sat down across from Jay and curled her legs under her. ‘You’ve never commented before.’
‘My bad, I certainly should have,’ he responded as he prepared his coffee. ‘Everything here is lovely and fits in. Of course, it isn’t as lovely as the owner.’
Colette set down her mug of coffee and fixed her gaze determinedly on Jay. ‘There you go again, making cute little comments,’ she sighed. ‘You’ve been acting like that all evening, flirting with me.’
‘I’m flirting, yes, but I’m totally, 100% sincere,’ Jay answered. ‘You know I think you’re lovely, I’ve told you that on several occasions.’
‘Then why haven’t you ever done anything about it?’ Colette said in complete and utter frustration. ‘There’s nothing stopping us! We’re both divorced and young, free to do whatever we want with our lives. All night, I’ve been practically throwing myself at you and you …’
Coffee was now the furthest thing from Jay’s mind. ‘Hold it, slow down Colette! What do you mean, you’ve been throwing yourself at me? You mean to tell me that those coy little passes you were making tonight were serious attempts at seduction?’
‘Of course they were, I’ve been trying to get your attention for weeks now,’ Colette answered.
‘But – why me?’
Now it was Colette’s turn to be startled. Did he honestly know about all his good qualities, those that made him so attractive to her? Was he that much of a dunce? ‘My God Jay, take stock of yourself. You’re smart, literate, funny and romantic and you’ve supported me every step of the way since my split from Gilbert. You’ve been my friend for years and you’ve become my best friend for the last eighteen months. Why wouldn’t I want someone like you in my bed?!’
‘I never knew.’
Jay smiled and chuckled softly. The two friends sat sitting across from each other for undeterminable minutes. Finally, Colette decided that enough was enough. Too much time had been wasted. She got up from her comfortable chair and went to where Jay was sitting and straddled his lap. She kissed him and she kissed him hard, forcing her agile tongue between his teeth. It was a kiss that had been built on months of pent-up desire and Jay felt it all the way down to his toes. Colette had him pegged, he had been a dope. No more of that.
Colette wiggled a bit on his lap, hoping to provoke a response. She soon got one. ‘Hey, are you wearing …?’ He asked before she grinned provocatively.
‘No,’ Colette teased him, moving along his leg. Her blue eyes danced with the merriment she was feeling. ‘I decided earlier today that if there was any chance of my bedding you, I didn’t want to waste any time taking them off.’
‘I can’t believe this is actually happening,’ Jay said to her, shaking his head in disbelief. ‘After all of this time …’
‘Nothing’s happened yet,’ Colette said as she rose to her feet. ‘That is going to change. Give me a few minutes and then, come upstairs. You’re not leaving this house until we’ve made love the way that we should have been making love these past few months.’ Jay went to say something but Colette pressed a finger to his lips to stop him. ‘No more arguments, no second guessing. This is long overdue.’
Colette was right, she was right about everything. Jay knew that now. He had been a fool, although Colette had been equally at fault. Neither had dared make that initial move, the jump into the deep end of the pool. They had been merely treading water. Colette and he needed each other, they fit like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. She was his inspiration, his motivation to keep on going when it felt like the world had gone against him. They had supported each other and shored each other up. Now it was time to make a bold and new move – so why did his feet feel like lead?
Jay forced himself to rise and started to go upstairs. Had he been a drinking man, he might well have poured himself a large tumbler of whiskey before going to his assignation with Colette. Any man who wasn’t nervous about making love to someone like her for the first time was a fool. Still, despite all the fears he felt, there was a confidence growing inside of him. The conflicting maelstrom
of emotions was dying down because he knew Colette wanted this. There was no doubt in his mind, she had told him straight out that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.
When he walked into Colette’s bedroom, Jay’s heart did a small two-step. Candles were lit and the flames were projecting a lovely tapestry on the walls. In bed was Colette, the covers drawn up to her shoulders. When she saw Jay, she flashed a coy smile and let them drop. Her body was in a sheer black peignoir – still with no panties underneath and bedroom slippers. She moved to rise and Jay shook his head ‘no’. He wanted to seal the vision of her in his mind and preserve the moment. Without saying a word, fearing a tremor would come into his voice, he began to undress.
Colette had enjoyed a few naughty fantasies about this particular moment, but they had not compared to the reality. Jay was all man, muscles and virility incarnate. She felt herself shake a tiny bit and knew that her life was about to change irrevocably. She welcomed that moment, she yearned for it.
Jay sat down on the edge of the bed and Colette came close to him. He could smell the sweetness of her perfume and see the little quiver in her lip. She was as nervous as he, which made him feel better. ‘Just hold me for a moment, please darling?’ She asked him. ‘I just want to take it in for a few minutes.’
Hearing Colette call him ‘darling’ and Jay would have granted her any request under the sun. He embraced her and let her petite form press against his own. She felt so tiny in his arms and yet, so perfect. He wanted to insure that nothing ever hurt her again. When she moved away from him, he really didn’t know when, she was smiling. The winsome little smile turned devilish as she pushed him back on the bed. Jay would never have believed that the miniscule little blonde possessed such strength. Her hands fluttered over his frame as she explored his frame. When Colette smiled again, it was only for an instant. She summoned his cock to her waiting lips and began to suck on him. The incongruity of that pure and perfect face performing such a lewd sexual act was a tremendous turn-on. Jay was glad that he had always had great sexual control because he didn’t think he had the mental faculties to explain just how good this felt to him. All that escaped his lips were guttural moans and the single word ‘more’.
Jay needn’t have fretted on that regard. Colette had always been a girl who loved oral, especially when it pleased her partner. With a merry laugh, she swung her diminutive frame about so that Jay could reciprocate. She was thrilled to discover that he knew what he was doing and that he did not rush through it, as some men did. It was all about mutual pleasure and cooperation in the bedroom for the pair.
Their climaxes were not earth-shattering, but they were almost simultaneous and quite satisfying. Jay and Colette held hands for a while and worked to regain their energies. Jay was more than satisfied to let Colette take the lead. So far, everything had gone just the way he himself would have liked. He was still on his back when Colette reached into the nightstand and got a condom. She rolled it on to his still-ready cock and once it was on, so was Colette. She rolled on top of her lover and licked her lips like a cat who is waiting for some cream. ‘Hold on darling …’ she said, using that word again ‘… I am going to convince you that having sex with me was the best decision you ever made.’
Jay had known that since entering the bedroom. Even if she hadn’t been the best lover he had ever known – and she was – the adoration he felt for her would have elevated it to a higher plane. To Colette, her reputation was at stake. As a French woman, she had to live up to her full potential as a lover. She moved all over Jay and did not leave a fraction of his body without a kiss or a caress. Her pussy contracted and milked his cock while her lips and hands played his body like a sonata. Jay was beginning to discover what things Colette liked. His own hands manipulated her delicate breasts while his lips sought out the tender buds of her nipples. In rhythm, the new lovers worked their way from love making to fucking. Each moment was infused with a desire the other had never known before. It seemed as if their lives had been leading up to this special night.

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