Six Times A DayPart 61: Sexual Healing free porn video

Alan could see he wasn't going to get any more grief from Heather for a while. He turned to Janice.
She sat in her chair with her fingers still in her crotch. She looked up at him with trepidation. "You're not going to be like that with me, are you?"
He laughed. Then he realized he must look like a wild-eyed, overexcited, arrogant, sex maniac. He was still riding erotic and egoistical highs, but he forced himself to calm down some and speak in kind tones. "Don't worry. Not unless you want that kind of treatment."
"No thanks!" She was so distraught by that idea that she stopped playing with herself.
"I thought not. I only fuck like that with Heather. It's kind of a special thing I've got going with her. I'll be as nice with you as you want me to be."
Janice muttered, "Thank God." She was beside herself with delight and relief, both to hear that and to know that she had a good fucking to look forward to. She was even happier to see Heather was still awake and slowly recovering. It would make the sex all the sweeter if her enemy was forced to watch her get what she'd been denied.
Alan remembered Suzanne's advice that one should never go from fucking an asshole to a pussy. He took his condom off and walked to the back of the stage where there was a sink. He used his hands to splash water all over his groin, and then he washed himself thoroughly with soap. When he was all cleaned up, he got a new condom from his discarded clothes and put it on.
He was too tired to talk while doing all this. Heather and Janice refrained from talking too.
Heather had recovered some more and was able to sit up. She was still completely silent though. She was trying to digest what had just happened. She instinctively knew that this was a pivotal event in her life, because she'd enjoyed the anal sex so much. She felt like someone who had just shot heroin for the first time and knew in that instant that they would be a heroin junkie for the rest of their life.
Anal sex felt so great that she knew it was something she absolutely had to have from that point forward. She also felt instinctively that she had to have it specifically from Alan. He knew exactly how to push all her buttons. Even if she could find some other guy willing to do it - a big if - she knew it would pale in comparison. She couldn't admit it consciously, but the name calling and being forced to beg and wait was a big part of why she had loved the experience so much.
But now she had a problem. She needed Alan like she needed food to eat, but she was determined not to let him know that. She couldn't stand not being in complete control. He already had a strangely powerful grip on her, and she didn't want that to get any worse. She thought, He's a NERD! I keep forgetting, but he's just a nerd! Phew, that's a reassuring thought. But ... damn! How could a mere nerd rock my world like that?!
Alan, meanwhile, was thinking about Heather as he admired her sweaty, disheveled, and exhausted naked body. She's a bitch in more ways than one. I just want to treat her like a bitch; like an animal. I want to slap her around and spank her. But that's not right! What am I saying?! Even Heather has a heart and has feelings. If I can train her and bring her to heel ... Damn! A dog metaphor again.
A malicious mood filled his head like a thick fog. He sat still for some long moments until the fog lifted a little bit. I have to get a hold of myself! But my point is, if I can fuck the evil out of her and correct her arrogant ways, there might be a nice person inside, waiting to come out. I'm gonna fuck Janice nicely now, and show Heather that she can be fucked nice and gentle when she deserves it.
Little did he realize, but the last way that Heather wanted to be fucked by him was nice and gentle.
He walked to the couch where Janice was sitting. "Finally. I'm all set now. Sorry to keep you waiting so long. But hopefully you found the show somewhat entertaining." He sat next to her and caressed her arms and cheek.
Janice relaxed further as she realized he really wasn't going to treat her like he'd treated Heather, even though his eyes still looked a little bit crazy. She replied as she ran her hands across his chest, "Definitely. It's funny, but I don't hate Heather so much anymore now that I see how she's so pathetically desperate for your cock."
Heather had been about to complain very vocally that Alan needed to finish what he started, but if she did that now it would only confirm what Janice had just said. Instead, she flailed around for a comeback. "Who's pathetically desperate? Looks like you are, Janice."
Janice laughed derisively. "Yeah. Right. Like I would EVER willingly call myself a 'cum dumpster.'" She mimicked Alan's voice, "'Who's nothing more than a pussy life support system, good for nothing but being fucked?'" Then she mimicked Heather's gaspingly horny reply in a mocking tone, "'I am!'"
Heather instantly blushed and was furious. She realized she had a massive problem on her hands. Her enemy Janice had heard her say the most humiliating things imaginable. She instinctively trusted that Alan wouldn't repeat them anywhere, even though they'd never discussed it. She knew he was prudent and smart, and that was the prudent and smart thing to do, if he wanted to fuck her again. But she knew just as certainly that Janice could have the entire school talking about Heather's shame within an hour. Of course some people might think Janice was just making it up, but there would be sincerity in Janice's tone and an unavoidable embarrassment in Heather's denials that would fan the gossip flames.
She rushed over to Janice and stared into Janice's eyes from inches away. "Listen to me and listen to me good. If you breathe ONE WORD about what happened in here to ANYONE, I will KILL YOU. KILL YOU! You're dead! Do you understand me?!"
Janice shrank backwards in terror. "Kill me?!"
"Not literally, you fool, but I will make you WISH you were dead. Not only that, but I can tell how lovey-dovey you are for Joy. You can deny it till you're blue in the face, but I can see how you look at her with googly eyes. Before I utterly crush your will to live, I'll first turn on Joy and ruin her. If I hear ONE WORD about the things Alan called me here today, Joy will be expelled and in prison within a week. And that's just for starters!"
Janice had quite pale skin to begin with, but she was completely white with fear now. "You wouldn't!" Notably, she didn't deny that she was in love with Joy.
"I would. And I can. Don't test me!"
Alan also blanched. For the first time, he began to realize just how powerful and vindictive Heather could be. He had no idea how Heather could frame Joy and put her in prison, but looking at the determination and hatred on her face, there was no way to deny that she could do it.
But he also realized that the one thing he had going with Heather was an impression of superiority and invulnerability. If she sensed any weakness from him, he was finished. Thinking, In for a penny, in for a pound, he started speaking without knowing what he was going to say. "Listen. Hey, you two, listen to me."
Heather and Janice turned in his direction. Heather still clutched Janice's hair and her face was twisted with hate, but Alan sat there practically in Janice's lap.
Alan continued, stalling for time, "Hey. No fighting. What am I - a bump on a log? I'm here too, you know. I'm not going to allow you to fight. Janice, don't worry, I won't allow Heather to do that to you or to Joy."
Heather now turned her anger at him. "Oh yeah? Says who? Don't even THINK-"
"HEY! Hey! Hey! Hey! HEY!" Alan shouted over Heather until she let him speak. "Listen! Heather, I won't allow your secrets out of this room. Don't worry! Like I said earlier, what happened here stays here. I certainly am not going to tell a soul. I don't kiss and tell. It's not my way."
That calmed Heather down a lot. It confirmed her instincts that he could be trusted. She turned her angry face back at Janice.
But Alan kept talking. "Janice, I'll try to stop Heather from doing anything crazy. It's pretty obvious that she loves anal sex. If she retaliates on you, she won't be getting any more sex from me. Period. But on the other hand, if I were you, I wouldn't even think about crossing her on this. She obviously has a lot of ways of getting even. It's better for all three of us if we just stay quiet about this. Janice, may I also remind you that if you go blabbing to everyone about Heather, then I can't trust you either. There's no way I'm going to have sex with you now or ever again if you can't be discreet."
Janice looked back and forth between Alan and Heather. Alan looked sincere and determined while Heather just looked plain evil. After a long pause, she said, "Fine. Who said I was going to say anything, anyway? I'm not."
Heather pointed right in Janice's face. "Not even to Joy!"
"Fine. Not even to her. But you and I aren't done, Heather. Now I know how you REALLY are. You're the most pathetic girl I've ever seen. I'll never be able to look at you in the same way again. You bring disgrace to the entire female gender. 'Oh! Alan! Please let me be your cum dumpster! Please?!'"
Alan immediately spoke up before Heather could go ballistic. "Listen! Janice, being quiet means not mentioning these kinds of comments in the future to me OR to Heather. Really, you shouldn't have been here. That was a mistake. But you were. The things Heather and I say to each other are just between her and me. If I say something sexual to you, then I expect the same discretion from Heather. I know you two hate each other, but I don't want to get caught in the middle of your little feud. If that's how it's going to be, I'm going to wash my hands of both of you, and good riddance."
Heather and Janice both shouted at once, "NO!"
Heather could hardly wait to get fucked by Alan again, especially in the ass. In fact, she was surprised to find her own hands wandering back to defensively clutch and massage her own ass cheeks, as if to soothe and reassure her rear end that Alan would soon be back for more.
Janice, meanwhile, had just seen that Heather had been overwhelmed by a revelatory sexual experience and she wanted something similar (though not in the ass). If what Heather had was the "consolation prize" then she could hardly imagine what the first prize would be like.
He said, "So, if either of you want to take part in more erotic adventures like this, the most basic thing is that nobody talks. Can both of you be mature and cool enough to do that?"
Both girls nodded, rather sheepishly.
Alan was pleased that he seemed to have some control of the situation. The truth was, if Janice did spread word of what had happened to the gossip networks, it would not only devastate Heather but also seriously complicate his own life. Calling Heather a "cum dumpster" would hardly endear him to anyone, especially the female half of the school. He could already imagine Christine hitting him with a barrage of withering insults, if not her open hand. Worse, his best friend Sean was so moony over Heather that Sean would hate him. In fact, if Sean merely found out that he'd had sex with Heather, Sean would probably be devastated.
He turned to Heather. "I think it's best if you go. NOW! Janice is NOT going to talk; I'll make sure of that. Calm down and take a chill pill. There's no problem here. One of these days I'll finish what I started with you here today, and cum in your ass."
Heather could see the wisdom of leaving. She realized that she was way too upset to think clearly and she didn't want to say anything in the heat of the moment that could ruin her chances with Alan. She got up and went to wash up and put her clothes back on.
But still she stewed. "'One of these days?' What does that mean? Alan, you can't leave me hanging like this! I really want you to cum in my ass. It somehow feels incomplete if you don't." She was going to plead some more, but then she remembered Janice's comment about being "pathetically desperate" and that shut her up.
"Heather, we'll talk later. Don't worry; everything's good. That was fun. I definitely want to cram your butt again - you have a really tight ass." He ran a hand over her nearest ass cheek. At first he just fondled her over her skirt, but then he slipped a hand inside her skirt and panties and gave her ass flesh a good squeeze.
Heather was somewhat mollified by his words. His promise was something she could work with and build on, as she hopefully molded him into her anal-sex boy toy. She was already scheming on how to find a way to get her newly-discovered anal-sex fix from him every day. She continued to clean up and dress while Alan and Janice waited silently for her to finish and leave.
Alan's penis had gone flaccid during Heather's big angry outburst. But halfway through her getting dressed, Janice knelt down in front of him and started bobbing on his erection, obviously trying to bring him back to full hardness.
Heather had already put her panties and skirt back on, but she pulled her panties right back off again while keeping the skirt (because she'd deduced correctly that Alan enjoyed the cheerleader look). Knowing that he was watching her, she slowly put her tennis shoes on, a process that provided a reason for her to do a lot of bending over with plenty of ass wiggling. Then she turned around to face him.
It was her intention to perform a semi-naked dance for him, but when it actually came time to deliver she realized that she just didn't have the energy. She was literally all fucked out. So she just did a mellow striptease of sorts, pulling her cheerleader skirt down in a sexy manner, before pulling it slightly back up again. Doing this gave her confidence. God, I have such a fucking hot body! I really am the most beautiful girl in this school, by far! Not even Christine looks THIS scorching! A total nobody like Alan should count his lucky stars that I deign to spend any time with him at all.
She pulled her skirt just below her pussy. Hey, stud, you want this? You wanna tap this sweet pussy? You wanna drill me with that big fuckin' cock of yours?
She pulled her skirt back up, but then turned around and pulled it just below her ass cheeks once again. Or do you wanna take me like this? Are you gonna make me bark like a dog when you take me doggy-style, you motherfuckin' beast? She smirked, smiling as she considered the possibilities.
Then, facing him again, she said, "Alan, don't worry. I'm definitely cool and mature enough to understand the need for total discretion. I know how to give you a good time, and you know how to give me a good time. Together we can have a very good time together."
When she was done, she turned yet again and bent over. She made sure her skirt rode up enough to expose all of her bare and very tanned ass cheeks.
Alan just nodded in agreement. Janice's busy lips and tongue had his dick fully hard again, so he was somewhat preoccupied.
Heather considered saying more but realized that doing so would just prolong Janice's blowjob and Alan's enjoyment of Janice, and that bugged her. So instead she just straightened up and nodded in return. But even then she wasn't quite done teasing, as she took her sexy time putting her panties and bra back on.
Finally, when she was fully dressed, she went to the door to let herself out. She ignored Janice, but didn't know what to say to Alan. She suddenly felt strange feelings of affection for him, even as her asshole throbbed with a dull burning soreness from his recent violation back there. To her complete amazement, she sincerely found herself wanting to say intimate things or blow him a kiss in a very girly way. But she didn't, primarily because Janice was there. In the end she just waved awkwardly and left.
She had a very funny gait as she walked away.
Chapter 2Heather was so weary and her ass was so sore that she went outside to a bench where she could be alone and sit down. She quickly realized though that her ass didn't like that, and she stood back up. As she thought about everything that had just happened, she felt a great anger welling up within her, and at first, she directed some of her hate at Alan.
I'm gonna get you for this, Alan Plummer! God dammit, I can't even sit down now, thanks to you. Just how am I supposed to get through my next class, not to mention cheerleading practice? "Sorry girls, someone else is going to have to lead the practice today 'cos Alan fucked my butt way too hard." As if! And Janice is going to be snickering to herself at every visible sign of my anal discomfort, even if she does miraculously keep her big mouth shut.
Oh God! Today's game day! What a nightmare! That's ten times worse. How on Earth am I going to be able to cheerlead in front of so many people when I can barely walk? Damn you, Alan! I'll bet you fucked my ass on game day on purpose, just to rub in your supposed superiority.
Who does he think he is, anyways? He's got some kind of gall. He thinks he's all Mr. Hot Stuff, calling me all those mean things and treating me like a piece of meat. Making me beg and say all those humiliating things. Ha! We'll see who's begging soon, nerd boy! I can't wait until the tables are turned and I'm slapping his butt and getting him to cry for mercy. Hell, I could fuck HIS ass with a strap-on! Wouldn't that be the best?! You're going to be sorry you ever crossed me. You and Janice. I'll get you both. That's gonna be sweet! I can taste victory already.
She paced in circles around the bench. The other students milling about were going inside because lunch was nearly over. She repeatedly rubbed her ass cheeks, trying to ease the burning sensation she felt between them. The problem was, that burning was slowly turning into an itchy hot feeling, one that she knew couldn't be scratched, except by Alan. Damn. I feel like I'm gonna be walking funny for weeks. Why does that fucker have to fucking fuck so damn fucking good?! It's annoying.
The problem is that Alan is seriously the only real man in this school. He's got what I want. The whole thing was humiliating, but shit, it's so fucking intense. I honestly loved it! I even loved all the names, though if Janice breathes ONE WORD...
Shit. Even I can't believe that I loved being called a "cum dumpster." He really has some balls, especially considering he's basically a nerd. He's completely fearless! The truth is, I have to admire how he played me like a fiddle, playing me against Janice and against my own lust. He thinks he's some kind of nice guy, but the truth is he's a Machiavellian manipulator just like I am. That's a man after my own heart. What's amazing is how he gets just what he wants and still keeps that nice guy nerdy image. Impressive. God, that just makes me want to fuck him even more!
I wonder if I could actually be falling in love. Finally, a real challenge, someone WORTHY of my attention! I'm going to get my revenge and prove that I'm at least his equal. Wait. What am I saying? I'm his superior in every way! He'll soon see that all the other girls he fucks are just pathetic wallflowers. Amy? Hah! Nice big butt, cute face, and decent mams, sure, but that's hardly reason enough to pick her for a girlfriend. What's she got that I don't have, and then some? It can't be her personality since she's a fucking airhead. What's the challenge in HER?
She pounded a fist into an open palm with determination. I'm going to make him see that I'm the only one in this school worthy of being his girlfriend. Anyone who stands between him and me is going to feel my wrath. Amy is too sweet and innocent to take on directly. There's no sport in it; it would be like taking candy from a baby. But I'll elbow her and the likes of Janice aside soon enough. And then he will be mine. All mine! She felt her asshole throb hotly, as if in endorsement of that idea.
Meanwhile, as Heather mulled over her options, Alan and Janice still had unfinished business back in the theater room.
As Alan heard Heather close the door, he was reminded to look up at the clock. Oh no. I've got to make this a fast fuck, because I'm going to be late to the psychologist's appointment if I don't hustle. I wonder what's going to happen there? This could be really pivotal.
He turned his attention back to Janice. He put his hands on her bobbing head, and said, "Um, I think you can stop now. I'm definitely as hard as I'll ever get."
She sat back up and wiped her chin and lips clean.
He asked her, "Are you okay?"
She stared off into space. "Thanks for asking. I'm still pissed off at that bitch. To think that she would do all kinds of dreadful things to Joy. I don't care about me, I can defend myself. But attacking Joy to get at me? That's hitting below the belt."
Alan decided that Janice needed a hug. He was right; she held on to him like a life preserver. They remained hugging like that for a couple of minutes. Finally, the bell rang, indicating that there was only one minute until the start of fifth period.
He pulled away. "Uh oh. Time's up. The bell's not a problem for me 'cos I'm actually not going back to class today. I have a doctor's appointment. But I imagine you're gonna be late. Sorry the time slipped away."
Janice asked, "What, you don't want to fuck? I'm still up for it. I'm hardly ever late, so I can be massively late just this once. The truth is, I'm so stressed out. Heather really upset me. Disturbed me. She talked about killing me, even if it was just a figure of speech. I found out with my old boyfriend that fucking can be a great stress reliever. I NEED this."
"Okay. That's cool. The truth is I need it for the same reason. Of course, the fact that you're in my arms and we're both naked and you're such a hottie and a cutie doesn't hurt."
Janice giggled, happy with his compliments.
He held her tighter and leaned in to her conspiratorially. "Here's another thing you should never tell anyone else. I act all tough around Heather, but the truth is I'm scared of her too. She's one scary bitch, that's for sure!"
Janice sighed with relief. "Really? I'm glad to hear that. I was beginning to think you were superhuman or something. I say that I can defend myself, but that's just a front. I'm soooo not going to talk! I may hate her guts, but I'm not stupid."
The two of them slowly transitioned from comforting each other to making out, and then to fucking. It was a relatively quick transition, spurred on by the awareness that she had to get back to class and he had to get to his appointment.
But Alan wasn't in such a hurry that he would overly rush a nice cheerleader fuck. So they had good, gentle sex, more like making love than simple fucking. He again made sure to use another condom for protection from STDs, even though he knew that Janice, like all the cheerleaders, was on the pill.
Alan found it a relief after what he did to Heather to make tender, caring love, with sweet words of affection instead of name-calling.
They both knew that this wasn't meant to be some kind of virtuoso, athletic sexual performance, but just a low key stress reliever. Still, it turned out to be very satisfying for both of them.
As Alan fucked, he again pondered the issue of aggressiveness. It seemed to him that with some females, such as Heather, he went too far, and with others, such as his mother, he didn't go far enough. He wondered how he was changing overall, and if he could strike the right balance with everyone.
Chapter 3Back on the Orange County street where the Pestridges lived, Suzanne sat alone in her car. She was about to drive off to do some shopping when she found herself overcome with worry. She was somewhat nervous about how things were going between Susan and Xania, but not too nervous. If there had been a major problem, Xania would have called her already. The issue that caused her to worry was imagining what Xania and Alan might do together.
Sweetie's sexually involved with a LOT of women these days, far too many for him to think of me enough. Xania is a damned good lover, and she's got an incredible, stacked body - just the kind he loves. By the time she's done with him, I'll probably be in the back of his mind: "Suzanne? Sure. I remember my Aunt Suzy. She's nice to have around for a good laugh and a blowjob. She's starting to understand her place in things. She does just what I say."
No! That's not how he's going to see me. He has to realize that I love him more than anyone else does and that I'm not just another good fuck. This is not just about sex for me; I LOVE him. I really do! He's my cute little Sweetie! He needs to realize that I love him just as much as Susan does! I don't want to take anything away from her, but in my mind he's my son as much or even more than Brad is. If he doesn't love me back the way I love him, I don't know what I'll do!
Suzanne started to feel the tears flow, but she steeled herself and cut off the urge the cry. She was too proud for that.
It was a mistake to allow Xania to fuck him as part of her reward for doing this. We had a bit of a rivalry back in our college days, always stealing boyfriends from each other. If she tries to steal him away from me, there's going to be hell to pay, that's for sure! I've risked everything to be with him. I could go to prison with my schemes, but I'd do it all over again and then some if we could become the lovers we are in my dreams. If it weren't for the fact that she lives in L.A., I'd rush up there and put a stop to things. But she obviously can't steal him away if she lives that far off, right?
Why did I set it up for them to fuck? What was I thinking?! It sounded good at the time - that getting the two of them together would help draw Xania back into my life so we could be close friends again. But God knows he's fucking enough other women already. Why do I want to compete with yet another incredibly sexy woman for his attention? Thank God she lives far off, at least.
It's too late to stop them from fucking now. But I have to reassert my control over this whole situation, just the same. It keeps slipping away. I've gone far too long without fucking him. Maybe that's my problem. I can't wait any longer. Once I fuck him, he'll realize that the others are just fun diversions, but I'm the real deal. I can prove my love with my sexual talents and desire. Not only that, but all schemes aside, I need some satisfaction, dammit! I NEED that deep satisfaction only a profoundly prolonged and filling fucking can provide. I know from the way he plowed my ass that he'll be able to deliver and then some. But this stupid weekend hiking trip of his is ruining everything. There's no way I can wait till Monday.
She pondered that problem for quite a few minutes, then came to a conclusion. Or, maybe ... should I say, this stupid hiking trip of his WAS ruining everything. I think I just figured out a way to get that trip canceled. And with Alan home all weekend, without anything on his schedule, there will be time for the kind of first-fuck extravaganza that I've been waiting for. Yes! God, I've been waiting for this SOOOO LONG!
As she began to plot out her plans, something suddenly occurred to Suzanne. Wait a second. The whole point of Susan's visit with Xania is to finally break down the last remaining barriers between mother and son. But what if the visit is TOO successful in that regard? What if they're ready to immediately fuck like bunnies? I'll be completely forgotten! I have to get him to fuck me first. Only after I've secured my place as his number one woman, only then should they fuck.
Suzanne sighed. What a web I've weaved. I've promised not to do any harm to anyone with my schemes, but if Susan is well and truly ready to fuck her son and I try to delay that, then I'm hurting her. And she's my best friend and places her complete trust in me - I can't betray that trust. I just have to hope to God that she leaves Xania with some lingering reservations so I have more time to play with.
Yes. I'm probably worrying too much. At the very least, Susan is going to ask me for my advice when she comes home, and if I suggest she should wait a few more days to get her head together, is that really so bad? Isn't that the kind of prudent advice I'd give her in any case?

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