Finders Keepers
- 2 years ago
- 23
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The Gorz battleship was almost upon them and Colin's pulse raced as the distance between the ships closed. At 100,000 kilometers, something tickled the back of his brain.
"Scanners, report." He remembered the the Frog ambush that had killed a couple of his team, sim though it was, and he was not about to commit the same mistake with his ships.
"All clear sir. Nothing but the Gorz ship on any of the sensors." The tech sitting in front of the sensor console was the simulacrum of one the gang members he had kidnapped the night he returned to gather personal effects from his old apartment. Like Colin's, his real body lay nearly comatose in a sim chamber.
"Tell me something, " he asked, "we know our fighters are out there, hidden behind their c-thru's. Why don't they show up on my tactical plot?"
"The sensors can't detect them in their current configuration, sir," the tech answered, puzzled.
"Do you know of a configuration that can detect them?"
"Well, yes sir. It's primarily a matter of scanning for anomalous gravity patterns," the tech answered, gazing upward, as if seeing the necessary configuration in his mind.
"And why aren't we using that configuration?"
"Well, sir, it depends upon our gravity sensors, which are not normally used for that purpose, and uses a lot of MI capacity to compensate for our own ID drive."
"Does it diminish the sensitivity or functionality of the other sensors?"
"No, sir."
"In that case, reconfigure our sensors to detect stealthed objects, and make a log entry to the effect that this is now the default sensor configuration while in space."
"Aye, aye, sir."
Suddenly, the battle plot, which already contained the green blip representing his battlecruiser, and the red one for the enemy's battleship, lit up like a christmas tree. Close in, the green, tightly packed formations that represented the human fighters, ranged ahead and maneuvered in precise, well disciplined formations. Further out, but too close for comfort, a loose cloud of red dots moved around the Gorz ship.
"Relay this feed to the fighter squadrons this instant!" Colin ordered the tech tensely, then punched the button for his command frequency.
"Green Leader to Green Five, we're sending you a new sensor plot. These Gorz have stealthed fighters that intel didn't warn us about. You'll have to deal with them before you can attack the battleship!"
"Crap! When did they show up! My sensors still show nothing!" the tension in Moira's voice was apparent, but her squadrons were already maneuvering to counter the enemy fighters
"Use ours," he told her, "we haven't got time for a technical seminar. I'll make sure the new configuration is downloaded to you when your ships return for resupply."
"Roger that, Green Leader. The enemy fighters aren't reacting to us, so they may not be able to detect us until we start shooting at them."
As the two groups of fighters closed, it became obvious that the Gorz had not detected him or his fighters, and most of the Gorz fighters were destroyed in the first salvo. The bad news was that his carefully laid trap was completely blown. The Gorz battleship immediately began shooting into the space from which the destructive beams emerged to kill the Gorz fighters. His own fighters, trapped in their formations, could not maneuver freely and each time one of them fired, the battleship fired back, with deadly accuracy, it's beams often hitting others in the closely packed formations, as well...
"Green Squadron, this is Green Five," Moira's voice, this time, held a hint of panic, "Break up into pairs and forget the remaining fighters! Attack and evade! Concentrate fire on the Battleship's sensors and point defenses!"
Colin waited. His gut was tied in knots as he watched the carnage among his fighters, but he waited. If his smaller ship attacked now, it would be destroyed, and if it lit off its reaction engines to maneuver, even the Gorz sensors would detect it, with the same result. That result might be acceptable if he could take the enemy ship with him, but at the moment, his odds of doing so were very slim indeed. All he had right now was the ID drive, and with his hull's shape, that was inefficient as hell. So he waited.
With grim determination, pairs of fighters broke out of their formations and made their way individually toward the battleship, sweeping in close to its shields before firing their weapons at almost point-blank range. Then, taking advantage of the ID drive's ability to change direction without slowing, they would shoot off on a totally different path. It helped that their shipboard MIs kept the fighters in sync with each other.
As fast and maneuverable as the fighters were, however, the Gorz computers were good enough to swing weapons to bear within seconds of the time the human ships fire revealed their locations. Several more ID fighters were lost as the battleship's powerful weapons punched through their shields in spite of their pattern of firing, then changing course abruptly.
The battleship, now adorned with gaping holes from direct hits by the fighters, bore on, but the fighters had done their jobs. Their weapons were not powerful enough to deliver a crippling blow to the battleship, but they had taken out most of the external sensor arrays and hull mounted weapons. That would not prevent the monster from launching missiles or self-guided drones, but it did reduce its close-in fighting capabilities considerably, and that's what Colin was counting on.
As the behemoth lumbered past his position, Colin used the cruiser's ID drive to ease them into the drive shadow of the Gorz ship. Once inside the cone where the Gorz drive would mask any emission from his own drive, Colin lit off the cruiser's main reaction engines, not because he expected to need them in the battle, but to give him at least a fighting chance of reaching threshold velocity and escaping into hyper-space, should his attack fail.
"Engines nominal, sir," the Ensign at the engineering console told him.
"Acknowledged. Main battery, and all auxiliaries, target enemy reaction drive. Full salvos, on my mark..." Colin's voice sounded more calm than he felt.
"Sir," Djai Mtumbo said from the weapons console, "that will leave us vulnerable for five point eight seconds, and we won't be back to full defensive capability for nine point seven seconds..."
"I'm well aware of that, Commander," Colin replied, trying not to sound as if he was scolding. "Please carry out my order."
"Aye, aye, sir," Mtumbo's hands flew with practiced familiarity over the weapons console. In reality, the MIs had already relayed his orders, but he was not one to take anything for granted, so he checked the tell-tales on his console before returning an "All weapons targeted and ready to fire, Captain."
"Acknowledged. Helm, take us to and hold us at twenty-two kilometers astern of the enemy vessel, ahead one third on ID only," that would put them just outside the arming threshold for their own missiles while giving the enemy very little time to react to the incoming barrage.
"Aye, aye, sir."
The Battleship's reaction engines loomed large in the forward viewscreens, giving the cruiser's crew a desperate feeling of inadequacy as the cruiser slowly closed to the designated distance.
"Green Five to Green Leader, request permission to land my remaining ships and refuel and rearm, sir." Moira's voice came over the ship-to-ship channel.
"Denied, Green Five," Colin answered with an edge of exasperation in his voice, "some of your c-thrus are damaged, and will tell the enemy where we are if you come back aboard. Withdraw to rendevous Alpha six and await further orders. Green Leader out."
"Acknowledged, Green Leader," he could hear the frustration in her voice and grinned to himself. She wanted to stay in the fight, not be a spectator, but he couldn't take the chance of being discovered.
"On station and maintaining distance at twenty-two kilometers, sir," the helmsman reported.
"Very well, Gentlemen," Colin answered, "let's see if we can blow this bastard up. All batteries, fire!"
A veritable storm of missiles streaked away from the cruiser, headed right up the Gorz ship's tailpipe.
"Engines, all ahead full, forward shields to maximum power! Helm, take us to within five kilometers! All hands, brace for impact!"
The bridge of the cruiser was a flurry of activity, though the untrained eye would be hard-pressed to notice. Hands tapped rapid sequences on console controls while their owners sat at rigid attention, every muscle in their bodies taut. Everyone knew what was about to happen, but they did their jobs and with whatever mind capacity they had left over, prayed.
No sooner had the cruiser's missiles appeared from the shelter of her c-thru, than the battleship's defensive batteries opened up with an even bigger barrage, all aimed astern of the big vessel. Colin's quick maneuver to get closer to the enemy ship saved them from instant destruction. The enemy missiles never had time to arm themselves and most caromed harmlessly off the cruiser's shields. Many were not targeted at the ship but at her missiles. Even as non-explosive projectiles, some of the enemy missiles managed to destroy or damage some of the cruiser's missiles, but it was too little, too late. There was no point defense capability at the ship's stern, thanks to the fighter squadron, and at least ninety percent of Colin's missiles found their target.
The entire stern half of the enemy ship blew apart as reaction drives and their fuel exploded spectacularly. Since the reaction fuel provided it's own oxygen, unlike many explosions in space it was not extinguished until all of the fuel, and much of the enemy ship were consumed.
"All astern flank! Get us out of here, but keep her facing the explosion! Make sure those forward shields are full power!" Colin couldn't hide the urgency in his voice. He knew they couldn't outrun the explosion or its debris, but the further they were from the point of the blast by the time it reached them, the more dispersed the debris would be, which should minimize the number of hits they took, hopefully to something the shields could handle.
Alarms were blaring all over the ship as the ID drives and maneuvering thrusters strained against the gravity fields of the system's planets, clawing for distance from blast and it's debris. First to hit were small, high energy particles and radiation. The shields handled them with ease. Then came larger and larger pieces of the enemy ship until the shields threatened to overload. The MIs took over maneuvering as massive chunks of the Gorz ship's hull careened toward them at breakneck speeds. One clipped the bow, caving in the shield and about twenty yards of hull with it.
"Hull integrity compromised in sections Omega seven and eight," one of the MIs reported, "Autoseals in place and stabilizing. Loss of atmosphere limited to sixteen thousand two hundred cubic feet. Damage control MIs on site."
The last of the blasted hull fragments passed them by and Colin turned his attention back to the enemy ship. It was a mere shadow of its former self. The front half of the once imposing hulk, drifting and spinning out of control, but some of it's weapons were still firing. They were firing at the Cruiser.
"C-thru status?" he asked.
"C-thru was damaged by the collision, sir," a technician reported. "A portion of the forward hull is visible on all bandwidths, including the damaged sections."
"Turn us away from the Battleship and sideslip to avoid those missiles," Colin commanded, "Weapons, what's our status?"
"All green except the two forward, starboard auxiliary batteries, sir," Djai answered. "Point defense is nominal."
"Acknowledged. Helm keep our undamaged side to the enemy, engage enemy missiles as they come in range if any of them poses a threat. Main batteries, hit the enemy again. Green five, this is Green leader, bring your squadrons aboard for resupply and rearm, then get out there and finish that bast... uh, battleship!"
Colin stepped through the open hatchway of the scoutship into a short tunnel that led to a larger passageway. The armor's MI told him he should step through a hatchway, but he could find no control to open the hatch. "I am in communication with the mothership," the suit told him. "Simply step toward the hatch and it will open for you." He did, it did. "Is that a security measure or something?" He asked. "Among other things. Since this is a military vessel, we concern ourselves...
Djai Mtumbo was just emerging from his med-unit when Colin entered the sickbay carrying an unconscious gang member over each shoulder. He was followed by an ID platform loaded with three more. The ebony skinned warrior gazed at his own arms and hands in wonder, turning them this way and that. "Is it true, what that thing told me? Am I now as strong as three men?" "Help me get these guys in the med-units and we'll see," Colin laughed. "It seems the MIs taught you English, too. Welcome...
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"No! No! No!" Colin exclaimed, frustrated. "Look! You're making the same mistake the Chofri made! We're not just concerned with protecting Earth. To be successful, we have to find a way to completely defeat the Gorz. We have to make sure that they never come back! It's not enough to repel them! You've all seen the recordings from their assault on Chofri. If we do not destroy them, they will simply rebuild and come back stronger than ever! I don't claim to be a military genius but...
" ... to answer those questions," President Arabella Aquino told the assembled reporters and camera crews, "I'll call upon the man in charge, Commodore of Earth Union Space Forces, Grand Admiral Colin McClintock." She gestured to where her MI told her he was waiting, and a mutter of confusion ran through the news people when it appeared that the guest of honor was a no-show. Once more, Colin relied on the effect of his c-thru to make his entrance more dramatic, and as he appeared,...
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"Come in, Pham," Colin gestured to the man who stood in the door to his cabin. "I've got an unusual mission for your guys this time. I'll need your best surveillance team." "Well, they're well rested," Pham said, "but floating around in deep void takes a toll on them. A few seem to have gotten used to it, but I've got about a twenty percent transfer out rate, and not many new volunteers." "I understand," Colin answered, "but I've got a feeling this mission won't require...
"Well done, Commander!" McClintock had insisted on hearing the report himself. "You and your team take a couple of weeks off, Tran, you've earned it." "Thank you, Sir" Pham returned with a grin, "It will give our armor time to air out!" McClintock grinned back "Yeah, three weeks is a long time to spend suited up, even with the efficiency of the armor's recyclers. Dismissed, Commander!" Pham came briefly to attention before turning on his heel and exiting the Yuee Flagship's...
"All right, Djai," Colin said, "thanks for the assessment, and for taking the initiative to gather the necessary information. I think you're right about not being able to do this with the Gorz combat fleet, but the support fleet is not as disciplined. I'll work that into our plans. General Meeflt, how is the integration of your people going?" "As you know, we have a phobia about tight spaces, particularly when we are alone," the military leader of the Bandlar volunteers answered....
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EroticMid-August in central Virginia was sweltering and Sara was sweating as she squeezed her tall frame in her cherry red ’99 Toyota Corolla. “Red” as it was affectionately referred. After 218K miles, the A/C on Red, the hand-me-down from her ever-thrifty dad, barely worked so the windows were down as she turned onto I-95 for her 5 hour drive home. That’s 5 hours on a good day. On Friday afternoon at 3:15 that time could double if there were accidents. Sara smiled looking down as the wind blew the...
Welcome to Mantown, USA! That's what the sign reads as you pass by in your car. You've always heard of this place but never managed to go until now. It is the gay man's paradise: a city full of the horniest, hottest gay men. You reach your hotel, The Hightower. You stop your car in front of the doors and a hot, young valet in a white vest and tight white pants walks up and opens your door. You step out into the warm day, underneath a comfortable cool shade and take a closer look at him. His...
GayHi, mera naam anuj sharma hai.Mere bahut sare mama hai aur unki achchhi achchhi (wife – my mami )patni hai.Mein aur mera parents delhi mein rahte hai. Aur mere mama mami bhi vahin rahte hai.Mein anuj sharma 19 saal ka hu. Meine dasvi ke direct diploma kiya aur delhi mein rahta hu.Meri mami ki age 40 ki thi par wo 20 ki maal lagti thi unka figure kisi beauty queen se kam nahi tha. Mere ghar ke do ghar ke baad mere mama mami bhi apni family ke sath rahte hai. Mare mama ki wife bahut sundar hai...
DISCLAIMER: This story is rated X for strong sexual content. If you are under eighteen (18) years of age or in an area where this type of material is prohibited, DO NOT READ THIS STORY. If you are of legal age eighteen (18) or older and are located in areas where this is legal, and not offensive to you, please continue. The characters and locations in this story are fictional and any resemblance to any actual living person or place, either in person or name, is purely coincidental...
Bracing myself with a flinch, my cloth-bound fist punches out the small decorative pane of glass. There’s a deafening crash and a shower of tinkling glass across stone tiles. I freeze to the spot, listening for any movement inside. ‘Fucking noise…’ I think, knocking out the broken shards as quietly as possible. The oak door’s fixed with a large iron lock some would call ‘rustic’ or ‘traditional’. I find the whole thing a distasteful waste of money; another way of showing how superior and classy...
AnalMy friend Edd and I were lying on his bedroom floor, eyes glued to a screen as we played on his Xbox. We were playing Fifa12, one of Edd's favourite games, and since I wasn't that into it, he was absolutely kicking my ass. I swore loudly as he scored yet another goal against me, making the score 6-0. He laughed as the replay of his player heading the goal into the net in slow-mo, and I swore again. We were both enjoying the freedom of swearing at the top of our voices, since both Edd's...
The trip home from the Waites' house was the most agonizing fifteen minutes of my life. Laura talked incessantly about the rules of restraint, the game we had been looking forward to playing for over three weeks. "If you don't want me to hold your cock in my hand I won't do it. I can't understand why you're so touchy. All I'm going to do is wrap my small warm hand around your hard pulsating erection to make sure it gets tucked into my pussy to the correct depth. I won't hold onto it...
Roxanne raised her head. Her partner, eyes closed, moaned in response to Roxanne's talented tongue."Do you like that, dear?""Fuck yes," she replied. Her brown hair was tousled and damp. Makeup, once put on expertly, now was a smudged and streaked mess. Her thighs trembled, partly due to fatigue and partly to desire. She had not felt like this in years. Her husband, once her passionate lover, was now a familiar friend. She couldn't remember the last time she had sex. He probably asked for...
Straight SexHello dosto, mera naam Aanchal hai or Mai Allahabad Ki rahne waali Hu. Mai Allahabad me apne famili k saath rahti Hu. Ye story tab Ki hai jab Mai graduation Ki padaayi Kr rahi waqt meri age 19 saal rahi hogi. Mai aapko apne family k baare me btaana to bhul hi gayi mere family me total 4 members hai Mai,meri sis,mere mummy papa. Papa papa railway me t.c hai isliye Vo aksar ghar se baahar rahte hai. Meri mom housewife hai or meri sis 12th me padti hai. Mai ek gori or desi type ki ladki Hu...
Work is over and people by the thousand pour out onto the square; grains of sand flowing into the beating heart of Marrakech. They play mad music. A beat of drums, of wooden soles and friendly arguments. A chant of crooked bartering, of laughter and motorcycle exhausts.A million stars burn into your eyes. Blinking neons held in absurd contraptions, candles suspended in red glass, tall men spitting fire and the minaret of the Koutoubia mosque, wandering the sky like a lost sun. The smell of...
SupernaturalAs I was walking into the grocery store the other day I heard someone yell my name. After a few seconds of scanning the parking lot I saw an old friend and her daughter sitting in an SUV a few feet away. It had been a couple years since I had seen Allie and I took the opportunity to see how she had been doing.As we were chatting I was doing everything I could to not stare at her tits, but it I was failing miserably. Her tits are huge and she was wearing a button up shirt that was missing the...
I peered through the half opened door. She had her back to me. She was fully dressed from the waste down. She had on loose black sweatpants that had be size 4XL. Her back fat spilled over her pants causing a muffin top. No clothes were on above her waste. I was dying for her to turn around and show me those giant tits I had been dreaming of. Besides the muffin top, her back also had a crease on either side when she had her arms at her side. She began to turn around. I backed up a little bit...
So far this had been a day from hell. No scratch that, a week from hell. Hectic, badly planned, too stressful, badly timed and to top it all off, we were in London. The home of the beautiful, charismatic, intelligent Emma Watson. At least it was where she studied. I'm not sure if she was still able to call any place home really. But today really did take the cake. But perhaps I should clarify who I am. I'm Pete, Emma's personal bodyguard for close to four years now. Everybody calls me Pete, I...
After I graduated from college, I moved in a new apartment and shortly afterwards met my girlfriend Becky. I'm not a very attractive guy, so I was incredibly lucky to have managed to get her. At the time, Becky was twenty-five and a total knockout. She had a cute button nose, a killer smile, and long, dark brunette hair, which she usually put in a pony-tail. She worked out a lot, and her body showed it. She had a small, tight butt and a slim, defined torso. Her breasts were a large C cup, full...
There Can Be Only One Chapter 10I lay on the bed gently stroking my erect cock through the waistband of my shorts. I can’t believe the control I had got over mum…and so quickly. It had been less than 12 hours ago. I had switched on the computer, but with no intention of sending any e-mails. Even though I was enjoying my control over my mother, I had no intention of hurting her… she was my mother and I loved her as a son. The ten minutes seemed to last an eternity at the thought of what I would...