Finders KeepersChapter 10 free porn video

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Sandeep felt the slight buck of the ID tractor as the plow bit into something more dense than the soil. Using the sonic imager, he backed up and found the two pieces of the boulder that the blade had split asunder, and delicately re-shaped the energy blade of the plow to coax them to the surface. Once they were out, he moved the tractor forward, then stabilized it before jumping down to retrieve the pieces of rock.

Many of the farmers on Bait used air-conditioning in the cabins of their tractors, but Sandeep, like his father before him, figured that all that would do was make the heat even more unbearable when you had to go out in it, as any competent farmer did often. Of course, most of his peers would have left the rock in the field and not worried about the effect on the crop yield, but Dad had always taught him that if your were going to do a job, you might as well do it right.

The big piece was bit of a struggle - probably more than fifty kilos, but Sandeep managed to get it over the battered edge of the tractor's cargo bed to join the others already there. They would join the growing pile at the edge of the field before he went in for dinner.

As he climbed back into the tractor's cabin, its MI spoke. A general assembly has been called in Bateston. It is to start two hours from now.

"Crap!" Sandeep cursed. The field wasn't going to plow itself, but general assemblies on Bait were attended by everyone not engaged in an essential task at the time, so Sandeep turned off the plow and headed for the house.

He splashed water on his face while his mother fretted over the time, and Sangeeta jabbered excitedly about the UEN ships that had been in orbit since this morning.

"It must be him," she gushed. "I heard he was with the fleet, and I'll bet he's called this meeting."

"'Him' who, dear?" their mother asked, checking the clock on the wall again.

"Him the Commodore," Sangeeta replied disgustedly, as if her mother were the stupidest person in the Galaxy for not knowing. "Oh I hope it is him! If he looks anything like his pictures..."

"Sangeeta!" Vaishnavi exclaimed, "You're talking about the commander of the entire Earth Union space force! The man is old enough to be your grandfather!"

"He doesn't look it on the vid," Sangeeta gushed, "Is it true that he married you and Dad?"

"Yes," Vaishnavi smiled sadly, "We had intended to get married before boarding the ship that brought us here to Bates' World, but there was just so much to do to get ready for the trip that we didn't have time. The Commodore happened to pass us and I don't know what came over me, but I asked him to perform the ceremony. He was very gracious about it."

"Did he come all the way to Bait with you?"

"I do wish you would use the planet's proper name, Sangeeta," Vaishnavi admonished.

"Everyone calls it that," her daughter shrugged with all the self assurance of the precocious thirteen-year-old that she was. "It fits, and it's easier to say than 'Bates World'. Besides, it's far void. 'Bates World' is so atmospheric."

Vaishnavi gazed at her daughter, exasperated by her attitude and the slang she used. That was something she got off the vid, for certain. Most of the kids on Bates' World had not yet picked up on the current Earth slang. She knew the futility of saying anything about it to her daughter, and turned her frustration on her son, instead, even though he didn't deserve it.

"Sandeep! Come on! We're going to be late!"

"Do you want me to go dressed as an oilseed field, mother?" Sandeep replied through the fabric of the clean shirt he was putting on. "I'm just getting cleaned up and changed. I'll be right out!"

Vaishnavi felt guilty about picking on her son. He certainly hadn't given her any cause. After his father died, Sandeep had stepped in and filled his shoes, growing up almost overnight. At seventeen, he should still have had some childhood left, but life on the frontier worlds didn't always allow for such luxuries. God, how she missed Lars! He had always been able to calm even the roughest waters in the middle of a tempest. She was beginning to see that in Sandeep, but he still had some of his youthful impetuousness.

"Okay, let's go!" Sandeep announced, emerging at last with his hair slicked back.

They piled into the family sedan. There had never been any roads on Bates' World, since all of the vehicles used Inertial Drive technology, but lanes were kept cleared along certain routes to make it easier to navigate, since most of their vehicles could not rise above a few feet. As he steered up their private lane, Sandeep realized that he was going to have to mow it again pretty soon. One never ran out of work on a farm.

The parking field at the Grange Hall was slightly less than half full as Sandeep stabilized the sedan in his chosen spot - as near to the entrance as he could get. When they entered the hall, they despaired of getting a decent seat, until Josie Cabot, who had a serious crush on Sandeep, called them over to the seats she had saved for them with her family.

Sandeep didn't mind. Josie was a nice enough girl and would make some farmer a fine wife. He just wasn't sure he was ready to get serious about anyone yet.

"Why, thank you, Josie!" his mother said as she took the middle of the three empty seats. Since Sandeep was obligated to sit next to Josie, this would force Sangeeta to sit in the farthest chair, and hopefully keep her from teasing her brother during the meeting.

"Hi, Mrs. Olsen, 'Geeta," the young lady greeted perfunctorily, then her voice changed. "Hi, Sandeep. I saved these seats for you and your family."

"Um, okay, um, ouch!:" he glared at his mother who had just elbowed him sharply. It took him a moment to realize that her mouth was pantomiming 'Thank you.'

"Oh, um, yeah, thanks, um Josie," he told the young lady as she slipped her arm through his and hugged his biceps between her breasts.

"You're welcome anytime, Sandeep," she replied in a low voice, resting her lustrous auburn haired head on his muscular shoulder. "I wonder what this meeting is about."

If that was intended to get the young man talking, it didn't work. Sandeep had been gregarious enough in school, but since taking over the operation of the farm, he had, of necessity, been spending more and more time alone. It was becoming increasingly hard for him to know how to make small talk. He was saved from having to think of something to say when the Governor of the colony approached the podium.

"I think that's most of us," he said solemnly into the microphone. "It's my understanding that this will be recorded and sent out on vid, too."

What in the world?! Vaishnavi thought to herself. These things are never recorded. There are dozens of more important colonies out there. Whatever on a backwater like Bates' World could be so important that they would want to record it and send it out on vid?

"I know all of you have a lot of questions, and those of you from the farms are anxious to get back to work, but we've got some serious business before us today, so just be patient a little longer. Now, I'm going the let Commodore McClintock have the podium. He'll answer any questions you have. Commodore?"

From twenty feet away, the Commodore, dressed in everyday grays instead of his dress blues, was not an imposing figure. From ten feet away, where Sangeeta and her family sat, he looked better than he did on the vids.

"Oooh!" the young girl couldn't help exclaiming under her breath. "He's stellar!"

"Shush!" Vaishnavi warned.

Instead of standing behind the podium, the Commodore took a position in front and to one side. His eyes seemed to make contact with those of each person in the audience.

"As you are aware," he said in a sepulchral voice, "two weeks ago, local time, a young man under my command attempted to physically consummate his love for one of your own, despite our orders against cohabitation with civilians. Tragically, he underestimated the power of his enhanced muscles, and overestimated his self control. As a result of his lapse in judgment, the young lady was rushed to the hospital where, despite the best efforts of modern medicine, she succumbed to her injuries and died. The young man was taken into military custody and tried under the provisions of the Joint Uniform Code of Military Justice. Since the injuries, though accidental, were caused by his disregard for standing orders, he was found guilty of murder of a civilian, the penalty for which is death."

This brought a gasp from the audience, which transformed into a a groundswell of murmurs as a young man was brought forward in cuffs by two Yuees in full armor, their reflective faceplates keeping them anonymous to the civilians.

"I have asked you here today for three reasons: First, the young man has asked to speak publicly to the young lady's family. Second, you are to witness the execution so that you will understand how seriously we take our obligation to protect you. Third, to prevent further such incidents I have approved certain policy changes that will affect you and other civilians. I will outline those later."

The Commodore stepped to one side and the young man was brought to the front of the stage. He stood for a long moment with his head down, before searching the audience for the faces of the grieving family.

"Mr. and Mrs. Trevor," his voice trembled as he spoke. "You know how much I loved Carolyn. I would never intentionally ... I just thought I could, you know, control myself. I can't ask you to forgive me, because I can never forgive myself. I just want you to know that I am so sorry!"

With that, he broke down sobbing, as did the girl's mother. Mr. Trevor sat, stone faced, only the glistening of moisture in the corners of his eyes betraying how he felt.

When no more was forthcoming from the young man, his guards turned him to face the Commodore.

"In accordance with the provisions of the Joint Uniform Code of Military Justice, you have been found guilty of the murder of a civilian," Colin intoned. "Do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out?"

The young man stiffened and stood at attention before replying. "No sir!"

"Have you made peace with your God?"

"Sir, I can never have peace, but I have made what apologies I can to God and man," the young man's voice almost broke, but his resolve stiffened.

"Then may all of the Gods have mercy upon our souls," Colin said solemnly.

Suddenly, the Commodore's sidearm was in his hand, and before the young man could even think about reacting, the sonobolt had homogenized the gray matter in his brain, killing him instantly. Cries of shock and horror echoed through the hall as Colin holstered his weapon.

Vaishnavi shrieked in horror and gathered her children close. Sangeeta's eyes and mouth were wide with shock, while Sandeep's expression reminded her of Mr. Trevor's from moments before. How could he do this in front of everyone? she thought.

Colin made only a brief apology before continuing on.

"I apologize for bringing such violence into your community," he told the audience, "but I felt it necessary that everyone in the Earth Union understand our commitment to the protection of the civilians in the Union. The loss of this young man was both tragic and avoidable, as was the young lady's death. Human nature being what it is, there will be other incidents of this kind if nothing is done to prevent them. To that end I have made some changes to standing orders that I wish to share with you today. This is particularly important to Bates' World because of the large fleet presence here, which will only grow as the starship factory in orbit around your planet increases its productivity."

"We cannot keep a large enough military police force on any planet to prevent such occurrences, nor would you want us to," Colin continued. "Neither can we police the private lives of either military or civilians, even if we had the manpower. Again, you would not want that, even if it were possible. To that end, we will henceforth make available to civilians who desire to engage in physical relations with military personnel, certain medical procedures to make injury from such relations less likely. These procedures will be made available to anyone above the local age of consent, or that dictated by military law, whichever is older. They will also be held in strictest confidence. The MIs implanted in each member of the military will be able to inform those who wish to engage in relations with a civilian if their prospective partners have had the procedure performed."

Colin waited for the murmurs to subside before continuing. "I will answer questions in a moment. Please let me finish what I have to say, first. In light of this new order, the orders pertaining to cohabitation with civilians are amended to allow relations with civilians who have undergone the aforementioned procedure. This is not a license for military personnel to do as they please. If they attempt intercourse with civilians who have not had these procedures, they will be prosecuted as severely as if the new orders had not been issued. It is our fervent hope that these changes will prevent further tragedies of this sort. I will now take your questions."

"What if I don't want my daughter to have this done?" one of the farmers across the room asked. "Shouldn't you ask my permission first?"

"If your daughter is not above the local age of consent and the military age of consent, she will not be allowed to have the procedure," Colin replied, "but if she is old enough, her privacy will be protected. That is simply respecting the age of consent laws. At least this way she won't meet the fate suffered by Miss Trevor."

"But aren't you just giving the local girls license to practice prostitution?" someone else asked.

"This ruling is not intended to abet or prevent prostitution," the Commodore replied. "That is up to your local legal system. I would think twice about prohibiting prostitution if I were your community, however. Whatever you think of the moral character of women who make their living sleeping with fleet personnel, historically they have served as a kind of buffer between military personnel and the rest of the civilian community. Personnel who can readily find what they need close to base are less likely to look for it in your homes and families."

"Isn't this going to produce a bunch of super-women?"

"First, it is being offered to men as well as women, and no, it will not create stronger men or women," Colin smiled the barest of smiles. "It will only make them more, ahem, durable."

"Can this procedure be reversed?"


There were questions, protests, and general discussion for the next half hour. In the end, Colin put a stop to it by saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot afford the loss of any more lives over such basic human failings as this. I have heard and understand your concerns, but all of you know what our ultimate goal here is. I am willing to listen to suggestions and even advice, but the decision and the burden is mine alone. That is why I performed the execution myself. I do not wish to perform another."

With that, he turned on his heel and marched from the room.

Sandeep, Vaishnavi and Sangeeta were deep in solemn discussion about the proceedings as they headed across the parking field to their sedan. Suddenly, a figure materialized next to them in full armor.

"Mrs. Olsen," Colin said as his faceplate cleared. "Please allow me to extend my belated condolences on the loss of your husband. I wanted to attend the memorial, but my duties kept me away."

"Commodore!" Vaishnavi gasped in shock as her daughter tugged at her arm with excitement, "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

"I apologize for that," Colin said. "My job being what it is these days, I find myself using this stealth armor to avoid my friends more than my enemies, but it does have its drawbacks."

"It's all right," Vaishnavi said, hand over her heaving chest, "It was unexpectedly thoughtful of you to send an actual card when Lars died. Most only sent electronic cards. I was surprised that you even knew."

"I confess that I have asked the MIs to keep me informed of important events in your lives," Colin said, "Since I was the one who married you, I suppose I felt a bit of avuncular attachment to you and Lars and your family."

Sangeeta was tugging at her mother's arm trying to get her attention.

"Whatever do you want, Sangeeta?" Vaishnavi finally asked, slightly irritated. "Can't you see I'm having a conversation?"

"Invite him to dinner, Mother!" Sangeeta whispered excitedly, having apparently forgotten the violence from before.

"The Commodore doesn't have time to waste on us, Sangeeta," her mother whispered back, not at all sure she wanted the man who could so coldly execute someone in her home.

"Ahem," Colin cleared his throat. "I should, perhaps, warn you that my hearing has been enhanced, along with the rest of me, and if you can set a place for one more, I would be delighted to have dinner with you this evening."

"Oh!" Vaishnavi gasped, "Of course. I'm so sorry. It's just that my daughter thinks you're 'stellar', I believe is how she put it. We did not mean to be rude."

"If I'm any student of current slang," Colin grinned, "I'm flattered. I didn't think you rude. I simply didn't want to eavesdrop on a private conversation without your knowledge. Nor do I wish to impose upon you. If dinner is too much trouble..."

"Oh, no! Of course you're invited!" Vaishnavi answered, flustered and feeling a little trapped. "It will be simple fare, I'm afraid. As you know, we don't have livestock here on Bates' World."

"I can have a gourmet meal at almost any restaurant in the Union, almost any time I choose," Colin told her, "It is almost impossible for me to get a home-cooked meal, however, and I would love to sample your cooking."

"My cooking!" Sangeeta said proudly. "I will be doing the cooking tonight."

"Well, there you have it," Vaishnavi laughed nervously, "Sangeeta is an excellent cook, but it takes an event of biblical proportions, or some serious arm-twisting to get her to do it!"

"So this lovely young lady is your daughter, Sangeeta? Then this must be Sandeep." Colin said, turning his attention on the young man. "I can see a lot of your father in you, son."

"You knew my father?" Sandeep asked.

"Only for a brief time," Colin replied, "and he was not much older than you then, but he impressed me as a solid young man with a good head on his shoulders. I see some of the same in you."

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Dost Ki Girlfriend Ko Tript Kiya

Hello readers, Mai ankit apko apne jivan ki ek sacchi ghatna batane ja raha hu. Ye mera pahela sex experience tha… Mai bangalore mai raheta hu.. College student hu….. Ye meri paheli kahani hai issiliye agar koi galti ho to maaf kar dena. Ye ghatna hai 3 saal pahele ki yahi oct. 2011. Jab mai 2nd year mai tha to mera best friend hospital mai admit tha… Usse dekhne mai roj hospital jata tha… Saath mai uski girlfriend jo ki meri bhi friend thi usse bhi le jata tha…. Friend ye ghatna mere aur mere...

4 years ago
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Fucking My Friends Pregnant Wife

I wanted to post this incident which happened over the last week. We live in an apartment gated community. Me and my friend had bought these apartments together so we share adjacent flats in the 4th floor. My friend being in software has to travel often to US and his wife is alone during these time frames. My friends wife Gayathri is a house wife and she mostly comes to our home for having a chat with me and my wife as we are neighbors and friends.They got recently married in October and she is...

4 years ago
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Delhi MILF Paradise

This is a real incident which happened couple of weeks back with a beautiful MILF(s) who send me an email after reading my last story. Please excuse my speed of flow, I am super excited while I am writing this sex story. The names are changed for privacy. Two weeks back I got a message in my inbox appreciating about my previous story. We exchanged numbers and met for a dinner and movie in Saket. Frankly I didn’t know how the movie was as Anna’s hand were all over me especially in between my...

1 year ago
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Our First Great Threesome

This is the very first time I've attempted to write anything to be submitted for others to read. If you're offended by a man wanting to share his wife, please discontinue reading now. If the thought of this turns you on, it certainly does us as well. This is a true story that took place 3 days ago. First I'll give a little background on my wife and I. We're a very happily married couple of seven years. From the very beginning of our relationship we've been very open discussing our fantasies and...

2 years ago
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Dark Secrets 2

Chapter Eight – Naomi (this is not a standalone story. You should read the previous episode before going any further.)I helped Naomi prepare for her first meeting with Marcus. Even though she had recently shaved her pussy, I suggested she remove any stubble from her nether region. Once her skin was completely smooth and free from hair, I rubbed her skin with lightly scented coconut oils. While she was loving the attention she was getting from it, I was secretly teasing her and working her into...

4 years ago
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Hollow Strapon for her pleasure

As we explore our developing sex-life (not bad to be able to say that after nearly 12 years together) I asked K to tell me something she'd like that she'd never tried. The answer came back "a strap-on". Now I'm the "more than a mouthful's a waste" size and she's tight and beautiful - and so the idea of a hollow strap-on grew. Not too large. But something we could enjoy.I had a look on the internet - but we decided to go through Soho and see what we could find. We tried Anne Summers, very...

2 years ago
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would you mind if i ask you a question

This is the first time writingThe last night of the theatre show i worked on the cast and crew had a cast party. Being involved with theatre i am around people flirting with each other all the time. I am pretty oblivious/desensitize to all of it. When a friend said he was going home I told him I would walk to our cars down the campus together. Walking past a greek open theater being built we decided to jump the fence and look at the concrete stage and outer shell of the building thats been...

4 years ago
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SHE Seduced ME

Hi all iss readers………..hello every body i am from BELGAUM KARNATAK….. Mera nam rahul hai know my age is 21… A 6 mahine pehali ki kahani hai jab me mere vacations ke time me apne uncle aunty ke ghar gaya hua tha aunty ki koi olad nahi thi isliye wo mujhe bahut pyar karti thi jab me wahan rehne jata to wo muje ache khana khilati.. Our mera har khayal rakha ti thi isleye mujhe wo pasand thi.. Sorry may aunty ke bare me bolna hi bhool gaya wo ek sexy lady thi yaniki wo mujhe aise lagti thi wo ghar...

2 years ago
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Effect of alcohol to shy wife

My wife was shy person and she seldom engage in any form of socialization, we've been married for 10 years and she develops some fats but she is still sexy with her curves and she was gifted with huge tits with pink nipples. We have known each other since high school and my group of friends are so close to her, me and my friends, Dict, Bert and Jerry were like brothers. I sometimes slept over to one of their places if it is late and so as them, they sleep over in our house for several times...

1 year ago
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Say CheeseChapter 2

We went upstairs. He went to his room. I went to mine. I stood in front of my mirror while I undressed again and imagined watching myself through his eyes. I tried to think like a boy seeing a naked girl for the first time. My mind kept spinning around in circles. It was dizzying. I’m so excited I can hardly breathe. But it isn’t because I’m seeing myself through his eyes. It’s because I can’t stop thinking about being undressed ... naked, being naked in front of a boy for the first time...

1 year ago
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A story about a 60 year old hooking up again with his sexy 30 something ex-employee. Shortly after the naughty fun with my younger work colleague Suzy (see my story ‘Let The Sunshine In’) I retired and took on part time consultancy work. A few months later I bumped into her at the hardware store. I had just gone through the checkout and when I stepped outside she was waiting for me. ‘Hi Bill’. ‘Oh hi Suzy nice to see you’. We instinctively gave each other a friendly hug. ‘Hi Bill I saw you at...

2 years ago
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In bed that night she rubbed her pussy while thinking of the stallion's big cock, but aroused, as she became nearer her orgasm the thought of me feeling my cock overtook the stallion and rode her to her orgasm. In her sexual fantasy she is kneeling like the mare and I'm mounting and covering her with my big dripping cock. Funnily enough she didn't feel guilty about dreaming of fucking me, it has been a long time since her last fucking. She just went to sleep with a smile on her face and a...

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Ajay My Student 8216Filled8217 My Home

Hi all I am Ritika, I am a 36-year-old married lady working as a lecturer at a prominent college. I give you a brief introduction of myself and my family before writing up the incident. I am married to a handsome and good-hearted man named Akshay for 13 years. Even though ours is an arranged marriage, we soon bonded well with each other that we live happily even though we are not blessed with kids for my husband’s biological problem. Knowing the fact about my husband’s biological problem, we...

3 years ago
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Meri Chudai Ki Dastaan 8211 Part 8211 XXIII 8211 Lund Apna Aur Chut Parai

Mere pyare doston, Main aap ki julee, phir se haazir hun apni chudai ki dastaan ka agla bhaag le kar, Lund Apna Aur Chut Parai. Mera hamesha maan na hai ki chudai ka poora anand lena aur dena har insaan ka farz bhi hai aur haq bhi. Chudai me apne sathi ko aakhiri manzil par le jaana bahut jaroori hai. Meri samajh se isme jyada jimmedari mard ki hai ki wo apni sathi ko jhadne tak le jaaye. Par ye dekha gaya hai ki mard to aurat ko chod kar apne laude se paani nikaal kar satisfy ho jaata hai...

2 years ago
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My obsession with adult movie theaters

It all started when I was a sophomore in high school and moved to Little Rock. I had been there a while when I discovered to Main Theater on Main Street in the downtown area. The sign said adults only but I soon found that they didn't check ID's so I soon gave my dollar and got my ticket. The theater was not too large but was sparsely populated with men sitting well separated. I sat and was enthralled with the movie, my first time seeing a naked adult woman, this was in the early 60's and only...

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Lucian Ch 2

Lucian, Chapter Two. Why do we think in absolutes so often, like good and bad, fire and water? Why, for instance, do we insist that there only should be men and women, and call that the natural order? Isn't that just a lack of imagination? Lucian sat on a bench in the shadow of a big tree with a crown of flaming leaves - a sycamore, maybe? He loved the word, but he knew nothing about trees. It wasn't an oak, surely - there were no acorns lying around. He looked across the vast...

2 years ago
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My Unwanted TransitionChapter 11

(Skylar) My plans to see Jenny soon were foiled by increased workloads at my job. A sudden spike in cases put most of us into working overtime. When I did manage to grab a free moment, I spoke with her on the phone. She told me about her visit to see some others that were going through the same thing she had. I could tell she was happy about the visit. My workload broke a couple of weeks later, and I asked Jenny out on a date, but instead, she invited me to her place. I hurried home and...

4 years ago
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The Roommate

"The Roommate" I'd been living with Ted Donaldson for almost two years, renting the basement apartment of his modest sized ranch house. I'd known him for a while before I'd moved in. I met him at the electronics store I worked at one Saturday morning. He liked stereos, big screens and electronic gadgets and being an engineer had plenty of disposable income for his hobby. As I got to know him I found we had a lot in common. He soon became my best customer and I noticed the raise...

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THE FETISHIST AND THE SPINSTER "I could just beat him! I'd like to beat him within an inch of his life!" the big woman said. Bedelia, the lady bartender, listened with interest to this plight of her patron for she, like the men of her profession, was proficient at doling out sympathy and advice along with glasses of good cheer. This was a new customer, obviously not a regular habitue of bars. A tallish, largish woman, plain looking but with every potential for fixing herself up into an...

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Strong Again 1

----------------------------------------------------------- This is a continuation of my Revenge of the Strong story --------------------------------------------------------------- John Strongburg grunted in frustration as he went through the empty town. The shiny star pinned to his chest, gleaming in the light. It had taken almost a year to return to this place, a place eviler than most he'd been in. An evil that clawed at him and justice as he tried to destroy it. He had the name of...

3 years ago
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A Thousand BucksChapter 2

Our exercise business was really picking up. Bill and I spent most of the days showing the young people how to use the equipment. Most of our members were students in high school and college. Since the business was growing we decided to build on a new wing. It would include an inside track since we had a lot of adults wanting a place to walk and jog. Even though I had the money we borrowed over half the money needed. To keep things equal Bill made the long-term payments from his profits....

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 102

Saturday was more of the same just plain busy. If anything more busy. There were always lines for the tanning booths even starting at 7am. The Marathoners were in use as soon as the doors opened. They were booked most of the day for two weeks out. There were even more demands for the gift packages. The office was getting calls from Delaware Pennsylvania and Virginia inquiring and booking the marathoners. The out of state calls were sent to us from the manufactures web site. One group of 8...

2 years ago
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I was leaving my kids' school in the morning after dropping my son off when I saw Laure, our neighbor who was very French in every way. I waved to her and she came over to walk with me. We only lived a few blocks away, so we usually could talk for a few minutes about kids and events in the school. She was very nice and very sexy. She had long dark hair that draped over her shoulders in a perfect way. Her DD breasts were perfectly formed and had nipples that always looked erect through her...

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Seducing the Shrink Ch 07

Good Girl Session 5 The wool on Helena’s vest started to inch around her neck. She pulled it down over her shoulder and started picking at the parts of it that had pilled. It was thread bare by the time she was self-aware enough to stop. She stood up and felt the anger bubble in her chest. Ava was late, by twenty minutes to be exact. She hadn’t cancelled her session, and she hadn’t called. The part that bothered her more than anything else wasn’t watching each tick of the clock and feeling...

3 years ago
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Jyoti Ki Garam Choot

Mrs Jyoti Seth, CEO of the trading Corp. Stretched back to relax her neck. She had been working for more than 3 hours on this Saturday morning as she planned her marketing strategy for the coming year and was a little tired. She had decided to work on Saturday as that was the only day she could work undisturbed. Except for her assistant Vinod, the office was deserted. It was very hot outside, and through her office window she could see the sun beating down outside; although she was comfortable...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Jessa Rhodes First Class Anal

Luscious-lipped blonde bombshell Jessa Rhodes pouts and masturbates in lacy red lingerie. Stud Jessy Jones eats her wet pussy and rims her asshole as she moans in orgasmic delight. She gags through a blowjob and gasps as he slides his throbbing dick into her twat. Jessy switches holes, stuffing his prick up Jessa’s winking sphincter. He buttfucks her passionately while she fingers her pink clit. Jessa squeals as she cums multiple times on Jessy’s thick cock! Jessa gets off on...

2 years ago
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In Hand

The air brushed over her overheated skin, lifting a long line of goosebumps from her shoulder to knee. Swallowing hard, she tried to relax into the position he’d left her in, bent over the couch, hands flat on the cushions, standing on tip toe with her ass high in the air. Her dark hair spilled over on to the cushion on either side of her face, leaving her back bare. She was a ball of trembling need before he’d finished adjusting her legs wide enough apart that the air caressed damp lips. He’d...

1 year ago
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Private Ariana Van X A Private Reconciliation

The stunning Ariana Van X has come to Private Specials, Break Ups and Makeups Sex looking to make up for lost time with her ex Alberto Blanco and of course there’s no better way to reconcile than with a good hard fuck! Watch this beautiful brunette in action on where she gets taste of that big cock that she’s missed so much, warming up with a nice blowjob before going on to enjoy an incredible fuck that has her moaning and screaming all the way to mouthful a cum, Private at its...

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Abbys Erotic Assignment

She had actually spent her elementary years in Canada and the education she received was outstanding. Although the situation I am about to describe . . . took place when she was 14, I had the pleasure of having her for three years as a student. During this time, a trust was built not only towards me, but her parents encouraged me to continue to work with her on the side on special projects. Perhaps because her body was changing, she began to take a physical...

2 years ago
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A Hard Lesson Chapter 1

It was 2.50pm on a Friday afternoon. I had spent the last fifty minutes bored out of my mind, listening to my maths teacher Mr Carlo drone on about something I knew I would never understand. Yet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Whilst he had to be at least in his forties, it was clear that under his tight shirt Sir was big and strong. At over 6ft, you could see his shirt tighten as muscles flexed when he walked around the room. Just listening to his powerful voice made my nipples stir...

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Faire Trade

Once upon a time, Jack had been a normal guy, like you or me. Well. Maybe a little more perverse than most. There was always so many beautiful ladies around, and he just wanted to touch them. One day, he woke up different, changed. There was no magic fairy, no voice of god, just the knowledge in his head that he could do as he wished, to anyone he wished. It was there firm in his head, as he got dressed in a simple black sleeveless shirt, with a v-neck and ties, a red vest, and a plain black...

Mind Control
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Massage wala

Hello ISS readers. I am a regular reader of desi stories these all is beautiful stories now i am going to share my true story with u all first i describe u my self i m a 6 feet tall and strong body and working in a multinational company in karachi and massage in part time because i am a professional massage wala. Let me start without wasting time this happened when i newly start chatting and i found a girl her name is nabiha she is 5 feet and fat and big busted i like big breast very much. We...

4 years ago
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Sex With A Hot Maid Christmas Gift

Hi everyone hope all is well .As all old readers know me, for new readers I’m romil from ahmedabad gujarat. Last story me kafi mail aye girls k b jinme se kai logo ko satisfaction de chuka hu aur sex chat b kar raha hu I’m with good physics average looks and most important having a tool which is capable to satisfy any girl or aunty . Koi b ladki aunty bhabhi ya koi çouple jo intended ho muje mail kare privacy and satisfaction guaranteed so coming to the story which happened before a week,...

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