Blackmailed fiancee
- 4 years ago
- 27
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“Jennifer Saunders, will you marry me?” The question was easy when he wasn’t panicked over the answer.
“David Blake, I will.”
He put the ring on her finger, and they were officially engaged. They each took a box with the other’s wedding ring in it. Back in the car, the engaged couple had no appointments.
“What do you want to do with the rest of the evening?” he asked her. “I’ll admit that this was my priority. I’ll drive you back, if you want. Still, I’d rather have a date with you. I haven’t had a date with my fiancée, yet. Would you rather go out to eat? Would you rather take out something and eat at my place.”
“I’m not really dressed for a fancy restaurant,” she said, “and we did eat lunch late.”
“Want to go back to my place? I’m a little nervous walking around with the band in my pocket. We can plan the rest of the evening there.” And they could spend the rest of the evening there. Indeed, the afternoon wasn’t dead yet.
They were in no rush, he reminded himself. they got out of their coats and he hung them up before they had their first kiss. That went on and on, her hands were on his bottom as his were on hers. When they broke, he invited her into the kitchen while he prepared the coffee. While it was brewing, he renewed the kiss. Then he held her breasts in his hands while his leg was pressed against her bottom.
“You liked those better without the bra?” she asked.
“Yes,” he admitted. “I liked them even better without the dress. Still, this is nice, too. I even like the way you look with your hair cut.”
“But better with it long. I had it long enough to sit on in college. You’d have loved that.” He would have loved that.
“Sweeping the ground when you walk.” As long as they were talking dreams.
“Gee, thanks! It was hard enough to care for when it was half that length.” She was no longer talking dreams. “I can imagine combing dirt and twigs out of it every night.”
“Well, I said I like how you look now. I wasn’t talking about practicalities. I was talking about looks. I like the way you’re dressed now; I liked the way you were dressed Monday better; and I liked the way you were dressed Monday in the bedroom best of all. Still, I wouldn’t suggest you go out in this weather without a coat.”
“I’ll forgive you.” And, the forgiveness must entitle him to a kiss. He kissed one ear and then the other. The coffee was ready before they could get more serious. That was all right; they had time for both coffee and seriousness. When he poured the coffee, he thought of other resources.
“There still is ice cream in the freezer. Don’t want you to spoil your dinner, but you could have a bowl.”
“‘Spoil your dinner.’ You sound like my mother.”
“At the risk of being repetitive, do you want me to get a pizza?” That was the cheapest take-out. They really should celebrate their engagement. On the other hand, she’d expressed more pleasure over the pizza than over the fancier meals.
“Pizza? Did the man say pizza? I might propose.” He’d guessed right.
“Can’t. You’re wearing an engagement ring. What sort of topping?” He consulted the take-out menu. “Green peppers?”
“Mmm,” she said, “mushrooms.”
“Are you going to read me the whole list?”
“Why not?”
“Pepperoni. That should be enough.”
“And cheese?” he asked.
“And cheese,” she agreed. “Isn’t a pizza without cheese.”
“Cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, green peppers. Sounds like a heartburn special.”
“Now you do sound like my mother. A heartburn special would have to include hot peppers and onions.”
“Want them?”
“Heavens no,” she said. She was eating the ice cream. They had lots of time, and he had an idea for the sherbet she hadn’t cared for. But he wasn’t finished with the pizza order.
“Deep dish?”
“Is there another kind?”
“There is on the menu.” That handled the dinner, but maybe they could manage to entertain themselves before dinner time. “If I wanted to really sound like your mother, I’d send you to bed without your supper.”
“I’m willing,” she said when she’d decoded the invitation.
He held out a hand to her. She took it, and he helped her to her feet. They had a delightful kiss before he led her into the bedroom and another there. That might be a lesser pleasure, but it was one he’d denied himself far too long. Then she sat while he removed shoes and socks. If she were ready for bed, the bed was not ready for her. He took care of that before gesturing for her to rise for another kiss.
This one was equally sweet, but he had to bend too far. Jen was shorter without shoes. During the kiss, he explored her dress. It had a zipper that he pulled down to her sweet bottom and a hook at the neck he hadn’t expected. Well, one of the things marriage would teach him was how Jen’s clothes fastened, or -- at least -- unfastened. He knew more about bras. When he had opened both, he stepped back for her to remove them properly. She handed them to him, and he placed them on the chair on the other side of the bed. He had to bend even more to kiss her breasts, but the experience was worth it.
“Lovely.” he said. “See, you look even better this way.”
“They aren’t too small?” Jen could find so many deficiencies where he only saw perfection.
He tried to get one in his mouth. It wouldn’t fit. He tried the other, just in case -- not at all because he liked the sensation. It didn’t fit, either. “They’re too big to fit. What more do you want?”
“I want you to do that again.” Well, he was duty-bound to please his fiancée. He kissed them again, quite thoroughly. The nipples were so responsive when he licked them!
Kneeling before her, he removed her panties. Then he started her pantyhose down. That revealed her pubic hair in its naked glory. He kissed it.
“See,” he pointed out, “your hair doesn’t have to be long for me to love it.” Then, practicalities intervened. “I think, though, that this would work better if you were sitting down.” It did. And, when the pantyhose was gone, there was a whole new section of Jen to kiss. He kissed a line up her leg until she blocked him by closing her thighs. “I think you were sent to bed,” he said. She got into bed. She was wearing only her watch and the engagement ring. Suddenly, he thought this was too much.
“Do you want to remove your watch?” When she did, there was only Jen and his claim on her. He almost came in his pants at the sight. He kissed that hand. He lay his glasses on the nightstand before joining her in bed. There, they had another kiss; her tongue tasted delightfully sweet. He kissed a line down to one breast, across to the other, and then back to her mouth again.
He held her sweet breast while he caught his breath. Then he kissed and licked another line down her throat. She writhed at that. What he could see of that writhe looked delightful, but he regretted removing his glasses. His sight of her loins was fuzzy. When his kisses got to her breast, he smoothed his hand down over her belly to her pubic hair. He played with that as long as he could resist going further. When he did, she was moist for him. She interrupted his enjoyment of this moisture by gripping his shoulders. He stopped his motions but removed neither hand nor mouth.
“You’re still dressed,” she said.
“Ihm hihm.” It was early days, yet. He’d love to bury himself in her and flood her with his release. On the other hand, he could only do that once a night. He wasn’t 16 anymore. Oh, well. He could afford an engagement ring at 36. He couldn’t have even afforded an apartment at 16. And Jen would have been what back then? Grade school, maybe even kindergarten. They’d definitely met in the right decade, even if he had less sexual stamina now. for that matter, he now had some skills to make up for his lost stamina. So, he tried to use his skills.
As he stroked between her labia, he switched breasts. Jen relaxed to accept his ministrations. She was going to get pizza tonight; he was entitled to his dining choice, as well. He moved between her legs to access it. When he began kissing one thigh a little above the knee, Jen spread her legs and bent them. Delightful girl! She was so open in her acceptance of his attentions. He teased himself, maybe both of them, with a slow approach that occasionally switched legs.
When he got to her labia, the taste was as sweet as he’d expected. When she pulled his head against her, he stroked up her torso to her breasts. He played with her nipples. He licked her open and lapped up the sweetness. He licked to his left; he licked to his right; he licked up the groove between. Every time his tongue crossed her clitoris, she pulled harder on his hair. When she did that, he rubbed her outer labia with his chin. But he needed a rest, and she’d enjoy it more if the build-up lasted a minute longer. He turned his head to kiss her thigh. He cupped each breast with a hand. The lady seemed to grow impatient if her assault on his head was any indication. Damn! It was great to feel wanted.
“Sweet Jen,” he said. “Sweet, sweet, Jennifer and her special sweetness.” The taste was only part of that sweetness; her willingness to express desire for him was another. And, in response to the second sweetness, he resumed tasting the first. He played with her breasts again, feeling the stiffness of the nipples as he drew his fingers lightly over them. But he was also conscious of the tautness of her belly under his arms and how the rise there demonstrated slighter and more frequent breaths. When he thought she was nearly there, he kissed her clitoral area and sucked.
He’d been right! The tension under his arms was of a radically new form. She shuddered beneath his mouth. He kept licking her and stroking her nipples as the shudders turned to rhythmic contractions. He remembered the first time in his apartment, when she’d slept forever. So, when she arched up into his face, he broke contact.
Soon, she relaxed. She was going to sleep again. He covered her carefully. She looked so sweet in his bed.
“Guten abend, gute nacht, mit rosen bedacht...” He sang the lullaby through twice. By that time, she was asleep. He visited the bathroom to use the facilities and to wash hands and face. It was a shame to remove Jen’s sweet odor, but he was going out. He didn’t want another man smelling her private scent. That would be his monopoly, his as long as they both shall live.
He called the pizza place to give his order. He left a note for Jen on the kitchen table: “Love you. Gone for pizza. Love you.”
She hadn’t stirred when he got back. He set the table, dished the pizza, poured the wine. She looked so sweet sleeping: too sweet to wake, but much too sweet to deprive of her pizza. He washed his hands again, not that Jen was likely to object to pizza on hands which touched her. He got out the robe and slippers. Then he shook her gently, then not so gently.
“Jen! Jen, wake up! It’s dinner time. Pizza’s here!” She woke slowly. Poor girl probably needed her sleep. He was sure she hadn’t cut back any pastoral work to make time for dates, which meant she probably cut back on her sleep. “I have something for you. Look.” He was held out the robe. “And slippers. I figured that you needed to keep your feet warm.” They looked nicer when she was in them. He told her so when she got back from the bathroom.
“You look delightful. Want to eat dressed like that?”
“I have to go with you to get the pizza.” Jen had no idea of how long she’d been asleep.
“It’s in the kitchen.” She went with him to the kitchen to see. She looked around but didn’t sit down.
“How long did I sleep?”
“Little more than an hour. Hungry?”
“Yes. Should I dress? Did you get the wine on the same trip?”
“I already had the wine. Not opened in case you’d want to eat something else. You are dressed, darling.”
“Did you buy the robe and slippers especially for me?”
“Yep. Hope the slippers fit.”
“Actually, they’re a little small.”
“Good!” She seemed to like all his sexual advances, but knowing that she was willing to say that something was wrong made that more believable. “You have a petite build, but the slippers looked awfully tiny when I compared them to my feet. Can you wear them tonight?”
“Sure. Slippers aren’t that size-dependent.”
They sang “Be present at our table, Lord...” and sat down.
“Delicious,” she said after her first bite of pizza.
“So you are, but it’s not modest to say so.” Then he got serious. “You need to plan how you’re going to tell your congregation. Merely wearing a ring and waiting for people to notice might work for some women, but it’s probably not what you want.”
“And how are you going to handle your end?”
“I’m not. Oh, I’ll tell my family. Basically, though, I plan to let this year’s supply of students depart thinking I’ll always be an old bachelor, and next year’s supply come to class to see a man who looks like he’s been married forever. Not that many students check you out to see whether you’re wearing a ring. Especially men teachers.”
“A long engagement?” she asked.
“You’re in charge of schedule -- within reason. It should be obvious, though, that if you want a decent honeymoon you’ll have to wait ‘til the end of school. Of course, we could marry earlier and just take a vacation when we can both get off. Honeymoons are a tradition; they aren’t an essential part of marriage.
“Look, there is what David wants, and what Jen wants, and what David’s situation requires, and what Jen’s situation requires. My bottom line was satisfied when you said you’d marry me. I might have preferences besides, but I don’t have other requirements. You are going to find that your situation lays a lot more demands. I’m just looking ahead at some of them. Your congregation is going to expect that their church is the scene of the wedding. Your parents might well expect otherwise. I’m not being demanding; I’m exercising forethought. I’ve had more time to look at what this will mean, after all.”
“How long have you known you would propose?”
“Known? Not long. We couldn’t get married without knowing we were sexually compatible, could we?” Not really the reason he’d dithered, but -- even now -- he didn’t want to lay out the reasons she shouldn’t marry him. “Been considering it? Not as long as I should have. I’ll swear that I wasn’t thinking about marriage when I first looked up what church you’d been assigned to. It was nowhere in my mind those first lunches. Now, looking back, it should have been. I couldn’t let this girl go out of my life; I had to see her again -- and again and again. So how else could I keep her in my life? When you think of it, I was an idiot for not seeing that.
“On the other hand, dreaming of kissing you was frustrating enough. If I had been thinking of marriage back then, I’d have driven myself crazy. There were too many obstacles.”
“So, all of this was a plot?”
“Well, no. That’s what I just said. Or, and in one manner it was, it was horribly done. I just wanted to see you again. Then I wanted to take you out. Then -- well really not then -- I wanted to kiss you. I’d wanted to kiss you much earlier, but I never thought I’d be able. And asking your pastor out for lunch is easy enough; dozens of families in your church do it. Kissing a woman you’ve taken to lunch is easy enough; she might not like it, but she likes you enough to go on a lunch date. It isn’t as if it’s a great step. Kissing a woman you’ve taken to lunch because she’s your pastor is impossible.”
Greg sat in the foyah of Derby uni, eating a full English Breakfast, the fried food helping him regain his senses from the night of heavy drinking the night before. Still with getting drunk he was one of the first from the history course to arrive at Uni at seven in the morning. His mind wandered between the disappointment he felt with the Freshers Fortnight and thoughts of the attractive women on his course.Freshers fortnight he thought would be a baccanalian orgy, filled with debauchery. So...
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Chapter XVIII "Time to wake up, sleepyhead." Tom opened one eye to see Jen standing over him wearing a towel. She had already showered and now it was Tom's turn. He groaned and looked at the clock. It was already ten in the morning. Yesterday had tired him out more than he'd thought. He pulled the covers off and was once again self-conscious. The nightgown he was wearing reminded him that Jen was in charge; as she had so aptly proven yesterday. More girlish training was in store...
Another unpublished 2008 story updated and uploaded following a request from a reader who likes my earlier work better!Jen, A Pony-Girl Story"She certainly is a beauty Jack" Phil Reilly agreed.Jack Newbold gazed lovingly at her long swan neck so supremely elegant in the dazzling white backless ball gown she wore as his partner at the Pony-club Ball."Yes Phil she is," Jack agreed.Phil turned and spoke seriously to him, "But not a winner" Phil had an eye for these things, Phyllis Reilly,...
"Jen would really like to go on this cruise with us."Brian looked up at his wife with an expression of surprise."Jen?" he asked."Yeah. She's never been anywhere, you know. Paula and Ben can't afford a trip like this," Brooke said."Then how could an eighteen year old girl afford it?"Brooke smiled and inched closer to her husband on the couch. "I've been thinking about ways to make this work."Brian's look acted as approval for her to go on."Either way, we'll pay for her trip," Brooke said. "It's...
Chapter XIII Tom wasn't happy. Under the girl's direction he was putting the laundry away. Jen's underwear went into her dresser, neatly folded. Tom's underwear went on the bed where any of his remaining boy underpants quickly disappeared. Jen was serious about having him wear panties. "Let's take a break for lunch," Jen suggested. The nightstand clock read one fifteen. No wonder they were hungry. The girls started for the doorway. "Hey...Can't I put something on over this?" Tom...
Chapter X Usually on Saturdays, Tom ran errands in the morning while Jen did the weekly laundry and vacuumed. But not this Saturday. While they were having breakfast, the phone rang. It was Jen's sister, Karen. Tom listened as they chatted. Something about a big sale at a local department store. Then Jen was shuffling through the morning paper. "I found it," she exclaimed into the phone. Tom looked over and saw she had the paper opened to a big, two page spread advertising a...
Jen Teases her Husband into Panties Chapter I Tom gazed down at the bras in the open drawer of his bureau feeling his penis twitch as it began to stiffen. He was ashamed at what he was about to do but, as usual he couldn't stop himself. The pink bra he selected matched the panties he'd been wearing to work all day. Off came his pants and shirt and on went the bra. By the time he had it hooked, his penis was fully erect and poking stiffly out of the panties. Jen nodded...
Jen Teases her Husband into Panties - II Chapter VIII By Friday Tom wasn't quite so angry with Jen. In fact, whenever his thoughts turned to her, he was aware of a stirring in his crotch. He also thought about that morning when he had again found the panties and bra on the top of his underwear. With a twinge of embarrassment, he noticed he was getting the same stirrings. By lunchtime he'd had several erections and by the time he left work, he'd had...
Chapter XVI Half an hour later, Tom was beside himself. Luckily the girls finally began to tire of spanking him. His backside was bright red while his poor balls ached from being smacked and squeezed. The girls had taken turns, each one trying to outdo the other. He wasn't going to be able to sit down for a week! "Poor Tom," Karen said. "I've never seen anything quite as red as his ass." Jen grinned and nodded. "Maybe we should put some cr?me on it." Were they done? Tom prayed they w...
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Jen and the GloryholeMy wife and I are the types of people willing to try new things. We are each other’s first time, and since then, we have been willing to experiment with new things. I spent the first year of marriage in Iraq, where on a whim, she would buy porn DVDs and mags and send them to me. What really threw me off was that the movies were almost always opened. When I asked her about it, she said she had to make sure there wasn’t anything too freaky, and then tell me which scene I...
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She was already nude, except for her panties, which she kept until the last moment. There was something about men that reacted to the scent she collected down there and she had done this enough during regular sex to know that it worked. She could feel them moist already, could actually feel her labia move against each other as the moistness seeped past them into the material. She involuntarily squeezed her legs together a bit and then continued with her business. She had removed his shirt...
Jen was a bit annoyed with Roger as she sat with her second cup of coffee. At least she told herself she was annoyed. The thing that sort of irked her most was that she felt she should be irked, but when she looked inside she could find no reason to be. She had always been taught that a man should be able to expect fidelity from his wife, and that expectation should be enough to keep a girl on the straight and narrow. His bantering remarks at breakfast had at first confused her, bad enough...
Jen was a bit annoyed with Roger as she sat with her second cup of coffee. At least she told herself she was annoyed. The thing that sort of irked her most was that she felt she should be irked, but when she looked inside she could find no reason to be. She had always been taught that a man should be able to expect fidelity from his wife, and that expectation should be enough to keep a girl on the straight and narrow. His bantering remarks at breakfast had at first confused her, bad enough...
SwingerJen Goody a 28yrs mother getting for her first time at preparing thanksgiving dinner for her family (mom, dad, his parents son, and daughter) going to the store for last min. things taking the back roads to stay out of the holiday rush when her car died. Sitting about two miles from town on a county road she lost it crying her eyes out till she seen a truck coming towards her. The truck stopped and two big tall black men got out. Jen had never meet a black person at all, the men looked her up...
After handing him a service to lead on something like five minutes warning, Englehard would be hard-pressed to ever complain about how David behaved. Jen, on the other hand, might get justifiably angry over a phone call dragging her out of a sickbed to ask about her sickness. He did, however, read the lectionary for the next week. Remembering what Jen had said about the danger of Independence never hearing anything but the gospels, he considered the passage from Thessalonians. He held off...
As soon as the tail lights of Sharon’s car disappeared, I’d gone around to Jen’s. This was the first Tuesday that we had got together. She opened the door whilst standing behind it, the reason being she was naked. As soon as the door closed she threw herself at me, her arms around my shoulders, and her tongue in my mouth. I cupped her buttocks and pulled her close, as we kissed passionately. We stumbled into her lounge and fell onto the sofa. She quickly had my jeans undone, her hand slipping...
It was a Saturday morning and I was at work. I just stood there thinking about what happened the previous day. I cheated on my wife of twenty years with a girl I don't even know, not even her name. And I did it at work, in the men's room. "I fucked the cleaning girl," I said under my breath. I said it again to myself, "I really fucked the cleaning girl." I thought, "Damn! Where did that come from?" And the bad thing, or good thing, whichever it may be, is that I am still horny as hell this...
She was in love with him and he was all she could think about. The youngmen at her school no longer held any interest for her, there was onlyone man she wanted and needed. She would sit there and stare at him whenshe could do it and not be obvious.His voice was as smooth as silk and she hung on his every word. When hewould smile as her it sent shivers up her spine. She longed to caresshis face and run her slender fingers through his jet back hair. Just thescent of his cologne alone was enough...
I was in the military and took an assignment overseas and I was somewhat pleased to leave my wife, Jen, and her daughter back in the states. My wife was a domestic terror who kept me under control by using my fear of her anger. My step-daughter was as pleasant as she could be and I missed her company. We probably bonded over our subservience to her mother and our efforts at family life were very much directed at keeping the peace. Jen was in the military also and requested an assignment to my...
TUCUMCARI, NM The morning was still dark at four o'clock as I finally got out of Glenrio, Texas at 1,159 miles past Go. I was mulling over my pre-trip notes in my mind and contemplating the three-hundred and seventy-five some odd miles of Route 66 stretching through New Mexico. I was barely able to read the signs as I flashed by, even on high beams. I guess that was because the speedometer registered 130 mph at that point. Yeah, 130 mph and Miss Swifty wasn't even up to top speed yet. I...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Jennifer Ellison was sitting in the front room of her spacious Liverpool home. Tired after two weeks on a cooking show called Hell’s Kitchen in which she had been tortured and put through the grinder by Britain’s most famous swearing chef Gordon Ramsay. She was thinking back on all the experiences that she had during the show. Her legs curled up underneath her on her brand new Lazy Boy she bought with the winnings from Hell’s Kitchen. She spotted...
IncestHi! My name is Jennifer, but no one ever calls me that. I am known simply as Jen. The story I'm going to tell you took place more than forty years ago in the summer of 1963. I remember what happened, although some specifics have dimmed with time, but I still have my detailed diaries for that decade to which I can refer for most of those specifics. My diaries started at age five. I still keep one daily. I had just turned twenty-three in February of that year and I bought the car in the last...
Amarillo, Tx To say I was used up would be an understatement. After the frat house party back in Tulsa, I was more than done in. I just barely managed to get myself and Miss Swifty back to the motel without injury. Once there, I did a hot shower soak and clean up, then hit the bed for the next twenty hours straight. When I finally did get up again, I spent a session enjoying the in-room jacuzzi before going out for food. That entire second day I alternated between long sleeping periods and...
Sitting at my desk in a busy office in Manhattan just after lunch time, I fixed a lose end of my white buttoned down shirt that was coming out of the back of my grey pencil skirt. My feet couldn’t wait to be out of my heels, and it was almost the weekend. Jen, an old friend of mine from college, was flying in to visit me from Florida and I don’t think I was ready for the wild weekend I was sure she had planned for us. She texted me as I was leaving my office and headed home to my apartment...
LesbianI soon had Miss Swifty up to speed back on the four lane, Illinois Route 66. I didn't even get my wake up cup of coffee! But I knew about a place a half hour down the road where I wanted to get something to eat. But first, after studying my pre-trip planning notes, I just had to stop at a little place just a few miles out of Bloomington. That place was Funk's Grove. Funk's Grove has a fascinating history, dating back to its founding in 1824 as a farm amidst a natural maple grove by a...
TULSA, OK Only thirteen and a fraction miles of Route 66 used to pass through the "Sunflower State". I say used to because, in 1960, Old Kansas Route 66 was decommissioned and the entire mileage abandoned when the new Interstate system by-passed Kansas altogether. From the start of my trip in Chicago, I'd been skipping back and forth between the newer four lane Route 66 and the older versions. Since the Kansan abandonment was only three years old, I had no trouble finding and driving on...
Wife meets her boyfriend at his house My wife was going on another date with Steve the plumber who ass fucked her the last date. Steve had told her to come to his place in a short dress and no panties. Jennifer was wet already as she dressed up getting ready to go. She had a spaghetti top on with a Victoria Secret bra that showed her 40DD cleavage. As she left I made her promise to call me and I’d pick her up as I wanted to cum inside her creamy pussy. Jennifer got Steve’s place and...
Cheating WifeIntroduction: First story ever hope you enjoy plot: Jen was going to spend the whole week watching porn but now she is stuck babysitting-horny boys Jens first babysitting job part 1 Jen was surprised when she answered her cell and was offered a baby sitting job from the martins,her neighbours across the street asking her if she would baby sit there two sons Brady and Braden she seemed very desperate so Jen said yes she moaned she was really looking forward to spend a night looking at porn and...
“Fuck off that was a penalty Shaun, they won, and they won fair and square” said Ryan, slurring over his words thanks to the free-flowing booze of the night. “well I think that ref was a blind prick but it’s getting late and if Jen finds you pissed on our couch again she’s going to fuckin kill me mate” replied Shaun. Signalling that it was time for his friend to leave before his girlfriend Jen got back from her girl’s night out. Though the slam of the taxi door and the click, click of heals...
After 5 months of living apart I finally convinced my wife to move back home. One of her conditions was that she could go on 2 dates a week with other guys if she wanted. One of mine was she could only fuck them at a little cottage on our property so that I could watch. After a week a home she told me she was going out for dinner on Friday nite. She was dressed up in short black stretchy dress and black stockings. A Victoria Secret black and pink push up bra to hold up her 40dd saggy breasts....
Cheating WifesIt is said that opposites attract. I guess the story of Jen and me is a case in point. God, I will never be able to forget Jen, my first lesbian lover. I met her for the first time when I stepped into my room at the uni. She was going to be my roomie. I used to be shyer in those days. I sported nerdy glasses, had a few friends and basically minded my own business. It wasn’t like I was a virgin or something. Before college, I had my share of frogs to kiss — well much more than kiss, actually....
I came up behind her while she stood next to my dresser, checking her phone with nothing on, and reached around to cup one of her breasts in my hand and to massage her warm, wet pussy with the other. She threw her head back onto my shoulder, and I kissed her neck and whispered in her ear how good her pussy felt on my fingers. She placed her hand over mine, motioning me to squeeze her breast harder - arousing me further. I forcefully grabbed both of her hips and turned her toward the dresser,...
LesbianOn the road again and Miss Swifty fairly glowed as she purred down the Mother Road as we cruised toward East St. Louis. The road was straight for a change with traffic very light, and it was a cloudless, sunny day. I'd put my foot down hard on the gas pedal some time back and was doing well over a hundred miles an hour when I flashed by a crossroad and some big, roadside billboards that got my hackles up. Sure enough, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the flashing red gum ball machine...
To Jen this seemed like any other Saturday. The weekend was here and she was already thinking about how she was going to spend her night. She need not have bothered as I already had her whole night planned. For as long as I can remember I have had the fantasy of seeing Jen with another man, tonight I was going to find out how she felt about it. I rang her at about 12 midday and told her to be ready to go at 4pm as I had a surprise planned. I had already packed her bag with her sexiest...
Introduction: Im sorry it took me so long to finish this but i have been extremely busy but anyways this story has young boy/girl and boy/boy so dont complain about it Braden lay restlessly at Jakes house they had a great time playing video games and playing outside and just doing normal twelve year old boy stuff. Jake was the same age as Braden but a couple moths younger. Jake had long blonde hair down to his eyes he was a little bit smaller than Braden. Jake was breathing peacefully while...
They were hanging pregnant women now and who's to say why? Not me certainly, I didn't make the laws. I merely enforced them and while I admired such women for their courage, my husband simply berated them for being foolish and weak. They were unable to control their animal desires to reproduce, he said, or unwilling. Not that it mattered to him or the state, there was little difference to be had there and the supreme court had ruled that biological imperative was not a legal defense they...
The four lane version of 66 was much better for Miss Swifty. The two lane version was much more suited to the cars of the 20s through the 50s or 60s what with its narrow, nine foot lanes and other impediments to high speed. I breezed on down through Braidwood to Dwight at seventy-seven miles past Go. For one ten mile stretch, Miss Swifty was running at well over one hundred miles an hour. YaHoo! Go Swifty, go! It was a good thing I didn't see any state patrols during that little run. At...
Suddenly, nothing else had mattered but ramming my hard cock into that teasing flesh. She had become just a woman, a woman that I had to have right now at any cost, before she married my good friend. There was a sudden knock on my door, I yelled," Wait a minute." I quickly went to the bathroom grabbing a towel wrapping it around me.Then I went to the door opening it, Gina was standing there. I invited her in and closed the door. Gina said, " her car would not start." There was no verbal...
We always had great sex and i could please her at most things. I was out of work and found myself with plenty of time on my hands so began watching alot of porn on the internet.I found interracial to be my favourite style and realy turned on watching how those big muscular black men would destroy white girls.I had always heard heard of black men being huge in the troauser department and it certainly seemed true in these clips. I began realy enjoying it and when my girlfriend(not engaged at...
The thing is, you wouldn’t believe that she’s 50, and I’m 55. I’m always telling her that she looks like, and has the libido of, a thirty-five year old. She insists that I can’t be 55, especially after I bring her to orgasm by either orally or manually ravaging her, or by fucking her silly. We’re always up for it. On a normal day, we’re always kissing, and I don’t mean just pecks on the cheek. I’m always grabbing her ass. I can’t keep my hands off this beautiful and sexy woman, and I love...
Fantasy and kinky exploration of our sex life quickly escalated from light anal play to Megan having me suck her strap on before she bent me over and would fuck me. During one of our heated and lustful fuck sessions Megan coaxed me into admitting I wanted to try sucking and fucking a real cock. She was behind me as my body was bent over the bed and her strap on dildo was fully buried inside me. My admission of my curiousness only fueled her lust and desire. I moaned in approval as Megan told me...
Tom and Steph got in the cab as the driver loaded their bags into the trunk. It was snowing hard, so far an inch was on the ground. The weather service was predicting total accumulation of ten to twelve inches. Theirs had been one of the last flights to land before the runways were shut down."I'm so glad that we got to land," Steph said as she shook the snow from her long, dark hair. "If we had taken the later flight we never would have gotten here."Tom pulled off his gloves. "I'm just worried...
TabooFantasy and kinky exploration of our sex life quickly escalated from light anal play to Megan having me suck her strap on before she bent me over and would fuck me. During one of our heated and lustful fuck sessions Megan coaxed me into admitting I wanted to try sucking and fucking a real cock. She was behind me as my body was bent over the bed and her strap on dildo was fully buried inside me. My admission of my curiousness only fueled her lust and desire. I moaned in approval as Megan told me...