Jen Teases Her Husband Into Panties Part IV free porn video

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Chapter XIII Tom wasn't happy. Under the girl's direction he was putting the laundry away. Jen's underwear went into her dresser, neatly folded. Tom's underwear went on the bed where any of his remaining boy underpants quickly disappeared. Jen was serious about having him wear panties. "Let's take a break for lunch," Jen suggested. The nightstand clock read one fifteen. No wonder they were hungry. The girls started for the doorway. "Hey...Can't I put something on over this?" Tom asked. He didn't like parading around the house in just his bra and panties. Not only was it embarrassing, but what if someone stopped by? "What?" Jen asked, turning back. "You lost your chance to wear boy clothes. Next time you ought to cooperate when I say it's dress up time." Then she hesitated for a moment. "Unless of course you'd like to put on a dress," she added, smiling sweetly at her husband. "No," Tom replied quickly. No dresses thank you. Resigned he followed the girls down the stairs. "Well maybe I can come up with something for you to put on." An idea had popped into Jen's head and she went over to the kitchen closet. "How would you like to wear this?" She held up an apron. Tom groaned. Damn her! It was almost like a dress but at least it would offer some cover to standing around in just girl underwear. "Ok," he muttered. The girls smiled gleefully and helped Tom into the apron. Jen draped it over his head while Karen pulled the ties behind his back. Then she yanked tightly.. "Hey," he cried reaching back. No simple bow was to be found. Instead he felt a tight knot. Damn her! The girls giggled as Tom realized he was now stuck wearing this. Just then the phone rang. Jen picked it up and, after a second, handed it to Karen. "It's Mike." "Hi hon," Karen spoke into the phone. "What's up?" She listened for a moment. "Now?" she asked. "But we're right in the middle of something. Can't it wait?" Pointing to the phone, she mouthed, "Mike wants the car." "Ok," she said into the phone. "But you've got to drop me back here." "He wants to run to the store for some stupid tools," Karen said as she hung up the phone. "I'll be back as soon as I drop the car off." After saying goodbyes she headed out and Jen turned back to her husband. "Well," Jen said. "Shall we have lunch?" "Sure," Tom replied. "What are you going to make?" "Huh?" "What are you going to make us for lunch?" Jen repeated. If Tom thought she was making lunch, he was in for a surprise. "There's turkey and roast beef in the fridge." Just to make things perfectly clear, she continued. "I'd like turkey with mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato on rye." Tom was about to respond when he glanced down. There he was in an apron, wearing a bra and panties. Not exactly a manly image. Reluctantly he turned and walked over to the refrigerator. Jen smiled to herself and sat down at the table. This was perfect. Her husband fixed two sandwiches, put them on plates and brought them to the table. "Thanks," she said sweetly. Then just before Tom sat down, she added. "I'd like a coke too. In a glass." Tom gave her a look but went back to the refrigerator and got a coke. He got one for himself too. He was about to pour it into a glass when Jen called out. "With ice, please." Back to the refrigerator where he filled her glass with cubes. He brought both glasses to the table. "Thank you," Jen smiled. They proceeded to eat lunch in silence. When she finished, Jen pushed her plate away and picked up her coke. She stood up. "Be a doll and clean this up, would you Tom?" Then she turned and left the room. Tom was just about done himself. He sat there for another minute stewing about the predicament he was in; dressed up in girl's underwear by his wife and her sister. Talk about humiliating! He reached back to the knot Karen had tied. It was tight and he couldn't see to untie it. No wonder his fingers didn't make any progress. He was stuck in this damn apron until they allowed him out. Jen had the upper hand now, even with Karen gone. She had found his Achilles heel when she grasped his balls earlier. No guy could withstand being squeezed down there and he had no choice but to put on his new bra and panties. Now Jen expected him to clean up. He could argue and refuse to do it but somehow wearing what he was put him at a distinct disadvantage. He was afraid she might even grab for his sensitive balls again. Then what would he do? And Karen was due back any minute. The two girls had already demonstrated who was in charge. First, tickling him into submission until he agreed to go shopping and again when Jen forced him back into a bra and panties by squeezing his poor balls. Reluctantly Tom took the dishes to the sink. Chapter XIV "Don't forget my glass," Jen said from the doorway. Tom was rinsing off the plates and turned when he heard his wife's voice. "It's in the living room." "Thanks," he muttered. Couldn't she at least bring it in? Jen was quite pleased as she watched Tom go off to fetch her glass. Those web sites had been right. A bra and panties made for a very compliant husband. Actually she was surprised at how quickly they had been able to get Tom back into his girl underwear once he had cum. Getting the idea to grab his testicles had been a stroke of genius. She'd read that the pain would make any man surrender but she was surprised at how easy it had been. She'd barely had to apply any pressure. She smiled to herself. Tom would definitely think twice now before objecting to wearing his bra and panties. She planned to make him very aware of what would happen. And she was in for a second surprise when Tom returned. It had been barely an hour since his unexpected orgasm and she thought she could detect a little rise in the front of the apron. Was he getting hard already? Time to find out. "Let's go sit down," Jen suggested when Tom was done putting her glass in the dishwasher. In the living room they both took a seat on the couch. Jen peeked down at Tom's lap and smiled. There was definitely a little tent pole poking up under the apron. "Oh, Tom," Jen began sweetly. "Thank you for making lunch. And for cleaning up." Tom nodded. At least she was appreciative. "And thank you for getting back into your girl underwear." She smiled and slipped her hand under the apron. "I'm sorry we had to hide your underpants but I really want you to wear panties." Her hand inched along his thigh. "No more boy underpants, ok?" Her hand crept higher and higher. The combination of where her hand was going and being told he was going to be wearing panties from now on caused his erection to grow. Jen smiled to herself when her hand reached his crotch. There was now a prominent bulge in Tom's panties. "Oh Tom," she exclaimed with a giggle. "Are you ready again?" She made a point of looking at her watch. "It hasn't even been an hour." She smiled widely. "Definitely no more boy underpants for you!" Tom blushed. She was right. He was hard again. Christ. He had never recovered this quickly before. Jen flipped up the apron exposing the panties and Tom's little tent pole sticking straight up. Her hand went between his open legs. Tom's breathing quickened and he parted his legs further to give her access. Jen smiled to herself at the sexual power she held over her husband. It was so easy to get him to open his legs to her. She had a little surprise in store for him now to reinforce just who was going to be in charge from now on. "Baby like?" she whispered as she cupped his crotch. "Yes," Tom whispered enjoying Jen's touch as she slid her hand underneath his balls. "Good," Jen murmured as she grasped his balls gently through the panties. "That's it.... Spread your legs." Tom eagerly complied and Jen's grip became firmer. "Ooh... not like that," Tom whispered. What she was doing was beginning to hurt. Jen just smiled and increased the pressure. "Owww... Jen stop!" Tom cried. Damn her! She had him by the balls again! Jen relaxed her grip slightly. She didn't plan to hurt him now. It was just to show him how easily she could gain the ultimate power over him. "I thought baby liked what I was doing?" "I... I did.... But don't squeeze. That hurts." "Then you probably don't want to get me angry." She smiled and gave Tom's balls another squeeze. "Owww... Damn it Jen! That hurts." "I know," she answered with a grin. "So... about wearing panties. All your boy underpants are gone. I want you to wear panties from now on. And I don't want any argument about it. Is that clear?" To emphasize the last, she squeezed threateningly. "Owww... Yes Jen. It's clear." Tom responded quickly. Oh God! Yes Jen! I'll do anything just don't squeeze me anymore. God that hurts! "I mean it," she continued. "You're to wear panties all the time." "Yes Jen," Tom agreed hurriedly before she could squeeze again. "I will." "Good," she said. "And I don't want any argument when I tell you to put on a bra either. Do you understand?" "Owww! Yes Jen. I understand. No arguments about wearing a bra." "That's a good boy," she said smiling. "So do we have an understanding?" "Yes," Tom replied; again quickly. Jen's grip had tightened as she spoke. "When I say it's time to put on a bra, all I want to hear is 'Which one?' Do you understand?" "Yes... Owwww... Yes Jen. I understand." "Good. Just remember that the next time you argue, when you get horny again and want me to play with your little pee pee, these little fellows are just inches away. You'll end up being very, very sorry." "Oww...Yes Jen... Don't ... Please," Tom whimpered as his wife squeezed again to emphasize her point. "Ok," she said relaxing her grip. But she wasn't done with Tom yet. "All this hair you've got growing under your arms and on your legs isn't very girlish. What say we go upstairs and I'll show you how girls remove all that yucky hair?" Tom groaned inwardly. Jen's hand though still cupped his poor testicles. Arguing, as she had just pointed out, wouldn't exactly be in his best interest. Tom nodded. Just then the doorbell rang. Chapter XV The sound of the doorbell jolted them. Immediately Tom panicked. Who could it be? Would they see him like this? When Jen let go of him he quickly ran into the kitchen to hide as Jen went to the door. It was only Karen. "Hi," Jen greeted her sister. "Where have you been?" "Oh Mike wanted a little something besides the car....." She smiled self- consciously. Jen questioningly arched her eyebrows. "He was feeling a bit horny.... So we had know..." "You got laid, huh sis?" "Yup," Karen answered with a grin. She enjoyed sex with her husband. An ex-football player, he was big enough to satisfy her. Who were people trying to kid? Size did matter, at least to her. "Tom," Jen called. "It's just Karen. You can come out now." Sheepishly Tom emerged from the kitchen and joined the two sisters. Karen couldn't help but notice the little tent pole Tom was making under the apron. Good going sister. "We were just going upstairs. Tom wants to get rid of all that yucky hair on his legs and under his arms. I'm going to show him how to apply hair remover. Care to join us?" "I'd love to," Karen replied grinning. Jen nodded to Tom and he headed for the stairs. The girls followed as Jen brought her sister up to speed. "Did you know boys have the most sensitive balls?" Jen asked her sister. "Tom's learned a little lesson while you were gone. He won't be arguing with us. Isn't that right Tom?" "Yes Jen," Tom replied somewhat dejectedly. Jen grinned and winked at her sister. "Tom learned what will happen if he argues. Actually I was squeezing his poor little balls at the time so he got the idea pretty quickly." Oh God, Tom groaned to himself as Jen explained to her sister how easy it was to get to his sensitive privates. Unfortunately she was right. She usually had no trouble getting him horny and once her hands were between his legs, it would be all over for him. Upstairs the girls led him to the bathroom where Jen found the hair remover. She explained it was fast acting and only needed to be left on a few minutes. Then into the shower and Tom would be hair free; just like a girl should be. Of course Tom would need to be naked so Karen went to work on the apron knot. She had done a good job and it took her several minutes to undo it. But then it was untied and off came the apron. Tom stood before the two girls clad only in his bra and panties. "Ok Tom," Jen said with a smile. "Show Karen how you've learned to take off a bra; just like a girl." Red-faced, Tom reached behind his back as Jen continued explaining to her sister. "At first he tried to twist it around in font so he could undo it." She laughed. "But you can see he's learned the proper way." Tom had managed to unhook it and was holding the bra in his hands. "I'll take that," Jen said retrieving the bra from Tom. "Now the panties." Tom blushed as he pushed the panties down over his still very erect penis. God this was humiliating! However, remembering the pain Jen could cause him, he stepped out of the panties. He stood back up covering his exposed erection with his hands as best he could. Then while Tom stood there, the girls lathered the hair remover over his legs, each girl taking a separate leg. When they approached his crotch he hoped they would stop but no such luck. When Jen began lathering his penis, any thoughts of resistance disappeared. Oh God did it feel good. His penis stiffened as she stroked him. Karen meanwhile lathered the rest of his crotch and balls. Tom was going to be as hairless as a prepubescent boy. Then the girls had him raise his arms over his head while they each lathered an armpit. It tickled and Tom couldn't help but squirm and giggle. "Hold still," Jen commanded and Tom did his best while they finished their job, dabbing some cr?me on his chest to remove what little hair was there. "Ok... Stay like this for five minutes and then into the shower you go." Tom nodded as Karen timed him on her watch. The five minutes went by quickly and then Tom was in the shower watching his hair go down the drain. Jen handed him a towel and he dried himself noting his deflated penis in his hairless crotch. The girls noticed it too. "Oh Tom... What happened to little Tommy? He shrank... Doesn't he like us anymore?" Tom blushed and tried to cover himself with the towel but Karen grabbed it and soon they were having a tug of war. "Let go," Tom cried. "Uh uhh," Karen replied pulling harder. "We want to see how you look with no hair." "No." Tom yanked the towel, almost pulling it away. "Tom!" Jen exclaimed. "Are you arguing with my sister?" Oh God! Jesus. Did that mean he was going to get his balls squeezed again? "No," he replied quickly. "I'm not arguing." "Then let go of the towel." Jen's voice was firm. "Now!" Tom gulped but did as he was told. Karen smirked as she took the towel. "Now put your bra and panties back on," Jen continued with a determined look on her face as she handed her husband his underwear. Tom quickly pulled on his panties not wanting to annoy his wife further. He noticed that his now hairless penis was beginning to grow again. Christ! Little Tommy was enjoying this humiliation. "Now the bra." Tom put his arms through the straps and let the bra slide down his raised arms. Then he reached behind like Jen had taught him and fiddled with the clasp. It took almost thirty seconds but then he managed to get it hooked. He then adjusted the straps and stood meekly before the girls. "Not bad," Karen acknowledged with a smile. "Just like a girl with her first training bra. He just needs a little more practice, that's all." "Oh he'll be getting that," Jen said with a grin. "In fact Tom, why don't you practice for us now?" Tom groaned inwardly. Jen was purposefully embarrassing him. "Let's see if you get down to ten seconds... We'll time you." Tom reached behind and fiddled with the clasp. Unhooking was easier and it wasn't long before he was holding the bra in his hands. "Ok Karen are you ready?" Karen nodded. "On your mark... get set.... Go!" Tom reached up and let the bra slide down his arms. He caught the bra as it fell against his chest and slid his fingers along until he found the clasp. Lining the hooks up was tricky and Tom missed on his first attempts. Finally one caught and he managed the second without too much trouble. He quickly adjusted the straps as Karen noted the time and smiled at him. "Not too bad... twenty three seconds." With a smile, Jen shook her head. "Let's try that again, Tom. I'm sure you can get it down to ten seconds." Tom grimaced but reached behind once again. He didn't want Jen to get angry. They made him practice taking it off and putting it on for the next fifteen minutes and admittedly he was getting better at it. However ten seconds still eluded him, his best was twelve. The damn hooks just refused to catch on the first try for him. "Tom, are you deliberately trying to go slow?" Jen asked after Tom's latest attempt fell back to fifteen seconds. "No Jen... I'm trying. I really am. The darn bra just won't cooperate." Tom was afraid Jen was getting angry at so many failed attempts. "I'll get it... Let me try again." Tom quickly undid his bra. He was getting good at that. When he was ready he nodded to Karen to begin timing. Up went his arms and the bra slid down. Quickly he grasped it and pulled it around his chest while sliding his fingers back along the strap. He could feel the hooks and tried desperately to line them up. Unfortunately he missed again and precious seconds were lost as he realigned them. This time they caught. Tom managed to catch the second hook and he quickly brought his hands around to straighten the cups and adjust the straps. "Eleven seconds." Karen exclaimed. "Almost." "Ok Tom. One more try," Jen directed. "If you don't get it in ten this time, you're going to be punished." Punished? Christ! Couldn't the girls see he was trying his best? "C'mon Jen... I'm trying," Tom said beseechingly. "I... I just have to practice some more. It's not easy to get it hooked." "Well we're tired of waiting. You have ten seconds to get your bra on otherwise you're going to regret it. Two against one hasn't worked out particularly well for you today." Christ! Tom gulped at the thought of trying to fend off the two girls. Jen was right. It hadn't worked out particularly well for him. He'd ended up on that damn shopping trip after the two had tickled him into submission. And Jen had shown no mercy to his balls when they had forced him back into his bra and panties earlier. This was not going to end well. Then, to Tom's consternation, his penis stiffened some more and poked up like a little tent pole in the panties. Damn! Although he didn't like what was going on, little Tommy sure did. The little traitor was looking forward to what the two girls would do when he failed again. Glumly Tom reached behind and unsnapped the bra. When Karen started timing, he quickly raised his arms letting the bra slide to his chest. He grabbed the strap and got his fingers to the hooks. Feeling about he lined them up. This time, he managed to hook it on the first try. Yes! He quickly felt around for the other hook and only then realized he had hooked the wrong clasp. Damn! Precious seconds were lost as he quickly undid it and realigned the hooks. This time he managed to get the right ones together and he quickly adjusted the cups against his chest. "Ohhhh... Too bad," Karen exclaimed. "Thirteen seconds this time. Not even close." "That's it Tom," Jen said. "It's obvious you're not trying very hard." "No Jen... I am. I really am trying." "Well Karen and I are going to make sure you give it your best effort next time." "What... What do you mean?" "Remember I said you'd be punished? Well that's what's going to happen now. Karen and I are going to make you wish you'd tried harder." "C'mon Jen... No," Tom protested. "Let me try it one more time. I promise I'll do my best." "Uh uhh," Jen replied smiling sweetly. "You had more than enough chances. Now you have to pay the piper." Grinning, the two girls approached Tom who backed away out the bathroom door and into the bedroom. "What do you think, sis?" Jen asked. "Maybe a spanking for Mr. Panty." "Oooh," Karen replied, her smile growing. "A spanking... I like that." Tom gulped. They had to be kidding, didn't they? Spanked by his wife and her sister? Christ! He couldn't let that happen. "Uh uhh" Tom said, shaking his head. "Nobody's spanking me." He continued to back away as the girls stalked him. "We'll see about that." Jen caught her sister's eye. Tom didn't realize it yet but he was about to back into the bed. Karen nodded. She was ready. "Ok Karen. Now! Grab him!" "Hey! No!" he cried. Christ! The damn bed had caught him by surprise and he momentarily lost his balance. That was all they needed. They were upon him in an instant and toppled him onto the bed. Tom at first grappled with Karen as she pushed him onto his back. But Jen grabbed for his legs and Tom realized what she was after. Christ! He quickly clamped his knees together and covered his crotch with both hands. Karen's hands were now free to attack him. "Stop it!" Tom cried. He was at a distinct disadvantage. Trying to protect himself from Jen, he couldn't stop Karen as she managed to work her fingers beneath his elbows and tickle his ribs. "Ha Ha Ha! Stop it!" In the meantime Jen was busy. Karen's tickling had Tom squirming about so she was able to work one hand between his legs and begin inching it upward toward his crotch. "No! Don't!" He cried between laughs when he realized how close Jen was getting. "Oh God! Ha ha ha... Hee hee hee!... Stop it!" Karen, seeing what Jen was up to, grabbed for Tom's hands to keep him from stopping her sister. Using her two free hands, she grabbed one of Tom's arms and managed to pull it away from his crotch. While he was busy with Karen, Jen forced a knee between his legs and suddenly there was the opening she needed. "OWWWWWWWWW!!!" Jen's hand firmly cupped Tom's crotch as she squeezed him again. "OWWWWWWW!!!" Tom cried as the pain shot through him. "That hurts! Stop! OWWWWWWW! Please Jen! Stop!" Jen grinned triumphantly relaxing her grip somewhat. "Thank you," Tom whispered a look of relief on his face. "That hurt." "I'm sure it did," Jen replied the wide grin still on her face. "Now open your legs so I can get a better grip." Huh? A better grip. Christ! Tom's hesitation wasn't lost on Jen. "OWWWWWW" "I said open your legs." "Yes Jen," Tom whimpered and quickly parted his thighs to allow Jen access. "Pull your panties down." Tom did as he was told, pushing the panties down over his erect penis. His poor balls were totally exposed to Jen who quickly gripped them. "Owwwww!... Jen please don't!" It hurt. Not as much as before but her squeezing still hurt. "Turn over," Jen commanded. "Chest on the bed and feet on the floor." Turning to her sister she added. "Karen... grab some pantyhose from the drawer. Then tie his ankles to the legs of the bed." Tom gulped. The girls were going to tie him down! And Jen, holding him tightly, had all the power she needed. Tom had no choice but to comply and a few minutes later he was face down on the bed. His rear was on the edge and his legs spread-eagled, each tied to the leg at the foot of the bed. It was the perfect position for a spanking. The girls had made that quite clear while positioning him over the bed. Jen kept her grip on his poor little balls while Karen tied each ankle. A few squeezes were all it took go get him to stretch his legs wide to accommodate the queen- sized bed. He'd never felt more vulnerable in his life. "We'll take turns," Jen said to her sister when she stood up after tying the last knot. "First you spank him and then I will. How does that sound?" "I like it.... Can I go again when you're done?" Oh God! Tom thought to himself. They were going to take turns spanking him and there was nothing he could do. Oh why hadn't he tried harder to get the bra on? He'd almost had it that time with eleven seconds. If he'd only managed another second he wouldn't be in this humiliating position. "Oh," Jen exclaimed. "I hadn't thought of that. This is going to be fun." "Are you ready Tom?" Karen asked. Not waiting for an answer she hopped onto the bed and positioned herself so she was sitting on Tom's back facing his rear. Smack! "Owwww!" Smack! Smack! Smack! Karen's hand came down hard on Tom's exposed bottom. It hurt. "Owwww! Owwww!" For the next several minutes Karen smacked Tom's bottom ignoring his pleas for her to stop. When she finally finished there was no mistaking the bright red imprints her hand had left. Tom was definitely going to be sore. "OWWWWwwww!" Tom cried out when Karen gave him a final swat. He'd never been spanked like this and it hurt! Each smack had stung and now his bottom was burning. "No no. Don't get up sis," Jen said as Karen was about to get off Tom's back. "You've made his backside nice and red. I'm going to spank something else." "Oh?" Karen said sitting back down. "What did you have in mind?" "Well I couldn't help notice how his little balls bounced around when you spanked him. Now they're just hanging down between his legs with nothing in the way to protect them." She grinned at her sister. "Nothing," she added as she reached forward and grasped Tom's most sensitive area. "Owwwww," came Tom's immediate response. Oh God! What was going to happen now? With his legs spread as wide as they were his poor balls were totally unprotected and Jen had just grabbed them. Christ! He was in trouble now. Tom's fears were justified. Jen cupped his balls in one hand and pulled them toward her. Tied as he was, Tom could do nothing to resist as Jen began to spank his balls with her other hand. "OWWWWWW!!!! OWWWWWWW!!! OWWWWWWWW!!" Jen smiled as she lightly smacked her husband's captive balls. He was learning just who was going to be wearing the pants from now on. And it wasn't going to be him. "OWWWWW!!! OWWWWWW!! Jen! Please stop! OWWWWWWW!!! Please!" Jen though had a point to make. Tom had to understand that she was in charge. And that she could and would punish him if he misbehaved. A severe spanking now would make everyone's life easier in the future. Tom continued to cry out in pain each time Jen's hand smacked his tender balls. Oh God did it hurt! He'd never been in this much pain before. His wife however ignored his pleas. Tom was being taught a lesson. One he'd never forget. After several minutes of this torture, Tom was frantic. Between cries of pain, he pleaded with Jen to stop. Each smack to his balls brought tears to his eyes and soon he was bawling like a baby. Jen was satisfied. Releasing his very sore testicles, she scooted around the bed to where she could see Tom's tear covered face. "Tom," she began and waited for him to look at her. "What?" he finally replied, sniffling. "Tom. Do you know why you're being spanked?" "Sure... Cause I didn't put the bra on quickly enough." "Well that's one reason." She smiled sweetly. "But there's another one... Who's in charge right now? You or me?" "Y.... you," Tom replied. "That's right. I'm in charge and you're being spanked so you don't forget that." Tom gulped. "I won't." "Oh I know you won't," Jen said with a laugh. "No husband could ever forget being spanked by his wife." She grinned. "And besides," she continued. "We're not done yet." "Karen..." Jen turned to her sister. "Are you ready to take your second turn?"

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Jen and Roger and Stu and Shirley and others

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Jen and I

I am NOT the simply sharingJen and Dontholien are best friends and get even closer on a tropical island.Jen and I [Dontholien] became best of friends when we started working at the same company about a year ago. We have much in common, including both being in our early 20s, loving the same type of music, reading the same types of books, on the same social network, addicted to dancing, and being almost always horny and having active sex lives [we both really love morning sex]. We look...

1 year ago
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Jen Cheating Wife

Introduction: Jen meets her lover at motel. Jen put on her skin-tight, black workout-leggings over a thin thong. A sports bra and tight sports top followed as she examined herself in the full length mirror hanging from the back of her bedroom door. As she adjusted her hair with flicks of her fingers, she noticed how the stretchy legging material just barely silhouetted the mounds of her labia, as she turned sideways to verify that no panty lines disrupted the smooth round curve of her hips and...

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Jen at DFW fantasies come true

As her strap-on cock pulled slowly out of my ass, I felt a slight burn as I anticipated the larger cock head stretching my ass and popping out. The pleasure was overwhelming me as she pulled the last inch of her rubber cock out of me. I collapsed on the bed feeling nothing but he sudden emptiness in my ass. After a few moments Jen was pushing at me to get me to roll over and expose my semen coated cock to her hungry lips. As I rolled over she captured my well lubed cock with her mouth and began...

1 year ago
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Jenrsquos Painful Lessons

Susan called me and asked me to stop by her house after work. Susan was a real pain. She was the widow of my dead ex-partner and, as far as I was concerned, a real nut burger, to put it mildly. Jim, my old partner had been a good friend. I owed him (and his family) I guess.While Susan was ditzy, she was also very beautiful and so was her young daughter, Jennifer. Jennifer, “Jen” to her friends, had been a marriage surprise. Susan thought she was putting on a few pounds when her doctor...

4 years ago
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Jenrsquos Birthday Surprise

Jen and Jim were happily married. They had a unique relationship in that they truly did enjoy each other. They were more than just lovers and husband and wife. They were friends. They liked so many things together and that included an extremely active and imaginative sex life. They had discovered early in their relationship the importance of keeping sex fresh and new. This included exploring sexually fantasies to see where they would take them. Over the years they had lived many of those...

4 years ago
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Jen and Lisa

The anxiety is about to kill me. It is 12:30 am and no Jen yet. The evening has been pretty low key. Dressed to kill, Jen swept out the door about 7. But fair is fair, I have forced her to wait so many times. How many times have I teased her, making her wait for her pleasure, knowing the anxiety only adds to the magnitude of her release? Jen is off and to where I do not know. This is part of the game. Maybe to our swinger's club as the highly desirable single woman, maybe to a bar full of...

3 years ago
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Jen Me the Wife Gets Involved

That first weekend had been fantastic, and the sex was raw and uninhibited, but where did it go from there? We had said all along we were just doing this as friends, but there's something about screwing your sister-in-law five times in a period of less than 24 hours that changes the relationship a bit.After the scene with Marisa it was clear that we were crossing some kind of boundary, and were more than just friends. I must say however that Dr. Barton is a genius, and once the swelling and...

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Jen and the Gloryhole

Introduction: Jen and her husband checkout the pot store in their new town. Jen and the Gloryhole My wife and I are the types of people willing to try new things. We are each others first time, and since then, we have been willing to experiment with new things. I spent the first year of marriage in Iraq, where on a whim, she would buy porn DVDs and mags and send them to me. What really threw me off was that the movies were almost always opened. When I asked her about it, she said she had to...

2 years ago
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Jen MChapter 3 Lover

When he lay down beside her and kissed her, she hugged him. After that, he kissed her all over, her face, her throat. All of her was adorable, but most adorable were her breasts. When he got to one, he kissed it while holding the other. Then he kissed over her belly. He’d like to kiss lower, but that would require some doing. So, he started to complete her undressing. First her shoes and socks. Which revealed some quite kissable toes covered only by pantyhose. He took only a short detour to...

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Jen and the Gloryhole

Jen and the GloryholeMy wife and I are the types of people willing to try new things. We are each other’s first time, and since then, we have been willing to experiment with new things. I spent the first year of marriage in Iraq, where on a whim, she would buy porn DVDs and mags and send them to me. What really threw me off was that the movies were almost always opened. When I asked her about it, she said she had to make sure there wasn’t anything too freaky, and then tell me which scene I...

4 years ago
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Jens Desire The Conclusion

School finally ended signaling the official start of Summer. Jen madeher parents happy by bringing home a final report card with straight A'son it. Now she could enjoy her Summer break without hearing themconstantly harp about her grades for the next three months.Jen's normal Summer vacation revolved around her working part time atthe ice cream stand and hanging out with her friends at the communitypool, but that was before Flint stole into her room and she gave him hercherry. Now those plans...

2 years ago
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Jen Wife in the glory hole part two

That first night Jen worked the glory hole, she swallowed five loads of cum. She loved it so much that she is on the rotation a couple nights a week. I looked forward to her coming home and telling me about how many dicks she sucked, if she fucked any of them, and where she took each load. Even if she had fucked three or four guys, I would be so horny that I would bend her over the end of the bed and give her one last fuck and blow my load deep in her used cunt. There was even a couple times at...

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Jen Takes Again

She was already nude, except for her panties, which she kept until the last moment. There was something about men that reacted to the scent she collected down there and she had done this enough during regular sex to know that it worked. She could feel them moist already, could actually feel her labia move against each other as the moistness seeped past them into the material. She involuntarily squeezed her legs together a bit and then continued with her business. She had removed his shirt...

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Jen MChapter 4 Fiancee

“Jennifer Saunders, will you marry me?” The question was easy when he wasn’t panicked over the answer. “David Blake, I will.” He put the ring on her finger, and they were officially engaged. They each took a box with the other’s wedding ring in it. Back in the car, the engaged couple had no appointments. “What do you want to do with the rest of the evening?” he asked her. “I’ll admit that this was my priority. I’ll drive you back, if you want. Still, I’d rather have a date with you. I...

3 years ago
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Jen a Girl a Car a Roadgetting Her Kicks on Route 66Chapter 8

TUCUMCARI, NM The morning was still dark at four o'clock as I finally got out of Glenrio, Texas at 1,159 miles past Go. I was mulling over my pre-trip notes in my mind and contemplating the three-hundred and seventy-five some odd miles of Route 66 stretching through New Mexico. I was barely able to read the signs as I flashed by, even on high beams. I guess that was because the speedometer registered 130 mph at that point. Yeah, 130 mph and Miss Swifty wasn't even up to top speed yet. I...

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Jens Big Thanksgiving

Jen Goody a 28yrs mother getting for her first time at preparing thanksgiving dinner for her family (mom, dad, his parents son, and daughter) going to the store for last min. things taking the back roads to stay out of the holiday rush when her car died. Sitting about two miles from town on a county road she lost it crying her eyes out till she seen a truck coming towards her. The truck stopped and two big tall black men got out. Jen had never meet a black person at all, the men looked her up...

2 years ago
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Jen MChapter 2 Girlfriend

After handing him a service to lead on something like five minutes warning, Englehard would be hard-pressed to ever complain about how David behaved. Jen, on the other hand, might get justifiably angry over a phone call dragging her out of a sickbed to ask about her sickness. He did, however, read the lectionary for the next week. Remembering what Jen had said about the danger of Independence never hearing anything but the gospels, he considered the passage from Thessalonians. He held off...

1 year ago
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Jens Holiday Sex Plan

As soon as the tail lights of Sharon’s car disappeared, I’d gone around to Jen’s. This was the first Tuesday that we had got together. She opened the door whilst standing behind it, the reason being she was naked. As soon as the door closed she threw herself at me, her arms around my shoulders, and her tongue in my mouth. I cupped her buttocks and pulled her close, as we kissed passionately. We stumbled into her lounge and fell onto the sofa. She quickly had my jeans undone, her hand slipping...

2 years ago
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Jens Short Skirt

It was a Saturday morning and I was at work. I just stood there thinking about what happened the previous day. I cheated on my wife of twenty years with a girl I don't even know, not even her name. And I did it at work, in the men's room. "I fucked the cleaning girl," I said under my breath. I said it again to myself, "I really fucked the cleaning girl." I thought, "Damn! Where did that come from?" And the bad thing, or good thing, whichever it may be, is that I am still horny as hell this...

3 years ago
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Jens Desire

She was in love with him and he was all she could think about. The youngmen at her school no longer held any interest for her, there was onlyone man she wanted and needed. She would sit there and stare at him whenshe could do it and not be obvious.His voice was as smooth as silk and she hung on his every word. When hewould smile as her it sent shivers up her spine. She longed to caresshis face and run her slender fingers through his jet back hair. Just thescent of his cologne alone was enough...

1 year ago
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Jen Mikey and me

I was in the military and took an assignment overseas and I was somewhat pleased to leave my wife, Jen, and her daughter back in the states. My wife was a domestic terror who kept me under control by using my fear of her anger. My step-daughter was as pleasant as she could be and I missed her company. We probably bonded over our subservience to her mother and our efforts at family life were very much directed at keeping the peace. Jen was in the military also and requested an assignment to my...

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Jen a Girl a Car a Roadgetting Her Kicks on Route 66Chapter 2

Hi! My name is Jennifer, but no one ever calls me that. I am known simply as Jen. The story I'm going to tell you took place more than forty years ago in the summer of 1963. I remember what happened, although some specifics have dimmed with time, but I still have my detailed diaries for that decade to which I can refer for most of those specifics. My diaries started at age five. I still keep one daily. I had just turned twenty-three in February of that year and I bought the car in the last...

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Jen a Girl a Car a Roadgetting Her Kicks on Route 66Chapter 7

Amarillo, Tx To say I was used up would be an understatement. After the frat house party back in Tulsa, I was more than done in. I just barely managed to get myself and Miss Swifty back to the motel without injury. Once there, I did a hot shower soak and clean up, then hit the bed for the next twenty hours straight. When I finally did get up again, I spent a session enjoying the in-room jacuzzi before going out for food. That entire second day I alternated between long sleeping periods and...

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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 5 Peru Teachers teach Teachers

(Fm, romance) (edited) Six months had gone by in a flash for 17-year-old Jennie, her 34-year-old husband Mike, and her mom Karen as they worked in the village school in Peru that Sandy, Randy, and her parents had built and taught at. Each day, Mike, Jennie, and Sandy would teach at the school. Mike taught math and sports with the kids while Jennie and Sandy taught English, History and social courses, with marriage and relationship courses, mixed with sex education for the older girls. Mike...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

1 year ago
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Jeni Loves Her Stepfather

100% fiction! Jeni watched her mother flirt shamelessly with the waitress at the Olive Garden where they had gone to celebrate her step-father’s birthday. She was sure her mother would attempt to make a pass at the woman if her step-father hadn’t been there. It disgusted her, not the whole lesbian thing, she totally got that, but the fact that she could treat her sexy daddy as though he weren’t even there. Jeni smiled across the table at him, “Happy birthday, Daddy.” She said, “I left your...

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Jen a Girl a Car a Roadgetting Her Kicks on Route 66Chapter 4

I soon had Miss Swifty up to speed back on the four lane, Illinois Route 66. I didn't even get my wake up cup of coffee! But I knew about a place a half hour down the road where I wanted to get something to eat. But first, after studying my pre-trip planning notes, I just had to stop at a little place just a few miles out of Bloomington. That place was Funk's Grove. Funk's Grove has a fascinating history, dating back to its founding in 1824 as a farm amidst a natural maple grove by a...

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Jen a Girl a Car a Roadgetting Her Kicks on Route 66Chapter 6

TULSA, OK Only thirteen and a fraction miles of Route 66 used to pass through the "Sunflower State". I say used to because, in 1960, Old Kansas Route 66 was decommissioned and the entire mileage abandoned when the new Interstate system by-passed Kansas altogether. From the start of my trip in Chicago, I'd been skipping back and forth between the newer four lane Route 66 and the older versions. Since the Kansan abandonment was only three years old, I had no trouble finding and driving on...

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Cheris Husband Experiments

I've known Harvey since grade school and we used to hang before the two of us got married. We are pretty close, close enough to discuss personal problems, and one day we were having a beer after work and I commented on how beat he always seemed to be. "Yeah," he said, "I've got a bad case of "fuckitus." "What's that?" I asked. He grinned and said, "It's where your wife spends all her time trying to fuck you to death and from my appearance, it looks like she is succeeding." "That...

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Sitting at my desk in a busy office in Manhattan just after lunch time, I fixed a lose end of my white buttoned down shirt that was coming out of the back of my grey pencil skirt. My feet couldn’t wait to be out of my heels, and it was almost the weekend. Jen, an old friend of mine from college, was flying in to visit me from Florida and I don’t think I was ready for the wild weekend I was sure she had planned for us. She texted me as I was leaving my office and headed home to my apartment...

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Jens lets her boyfriends mate join the fun

“Fuck off that was a penalty Shaun, they won, and they won fair and square” said Ryan, slurring over his words thanks to the free-flowing booze of the night. “well I think that ref was a blind prick but it’s getting late and if Jen finds you pissed on our couch again she’s going to fuckin kill me mate” replied Shaun. Signalling that it was time for his friend to leave before his girlfriend Jen got back from her girl’s night out. Though the slam of the taxi door and the click, click of heals...

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Mrs Fletcher Chapter One Brothers Motherinlaw

I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. I was eighteen and almost nineteen years old, and my eldest brother was getting married. My parents gave birth to me many years later. In addition to my eldest brother, I have three older brothers. People say that my birth was purely accidental. My...

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My wife cousin Sheryl part3

(True Story!)After seeing Sheryl and having sex we had taken a shower got dressed talked about our lives and family. I had taken Sheryl out to dinner. We had opened up about sexual likes and dislike. Had been honest told her sex between me and the wife had changed due to medical problem for the wife. We would have sex maybe if I was lucky 3-4 times a year. I told her that I was Bi but preferred women. She said she was also Bi but preferred men. That couple years back she worked as a Dominatrix...

1 year ago
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Jens Next Date

Wife meets her boyfriend at his house My wife was going on another date with Steve the plumber who ass fucked her the last date. Steve had told her to come to his place in a short dress and no panties. Jennifer was wet already as she dressed up getting ready to go. She had a spaghetti top on with a Victoria Secret bra that showed her 40DD cleavage. As she left I made her promise to call me and I’d pick her up as I wanted to cum inside her creamy pussy. Jennifer got Steve’s place and...

Cheating Wife
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Jens first babysitting job

Introduction: First story ever hope you enjoy plot: Jen was going to spend the whole week watching porn but now she is stuck babysitting-horny boys Jens first babysitting job part 1 Jen was surprised when she answered her cell and was offered a baby sitting job from the martins,her neighbours across the street asking her if she would baby sit there two sons Brady and Braden she seemed very desperate so Jen said yes she moaned she was really looking forward to spend a night looking at porn and...

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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

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Jen a Girl a Car a Roadgetting Her Kicks on Route 66Chapter 5

On the road again and Miss Swifty fairly glowed as she purred down the Mother Road as we cruised toward East St. Louis. The road was straight for a change with traffic very light, and it was a cloudless, sunny day. I'd put my foot down hard on the gas pedal some time back and was doing well over a hundred miles an hour when I flashed by a crossroad and some big, roadside billboards that got my hackles up. Sure enough, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the flashing red gum ball machine...

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Preacher Slut Dresses from Preachers Daughter Seri

If you have followed the stories, I first black mailed and fucked the preachers 23 year old hot daughter, Jaimie, she is now carrying my baby. See preachers daughter chapter 13 and preacher sucks for lead in to this story:Over two months ago I sucked my first cock and fucked my first man pussy, unbelievable, it was our preachers, so wrong but made me so fucking hard!He sucked and cum hard and recovered quick, he said he would be my sex slave cum slut #3. Well, I had been letting him wait as I...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach

Well the plan as outlined and stage was set as mentioned in previous story, "Preachers Daughter Chapter 18, Preacher and Preacher.The following occurred yesterday as follows for Jaimie's birthday on her 24th birthday:I arrived and Jaimie looked hot and ready. I kissed her and told her we would play and get very naughty for the next 3 or 4 hours. I had her dressed in stockings, garter belt, heels, makeup perfect, her six month old pregnant little belly showing, I tied her, blind folded her...

1 year ago
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Jens Young Date

After 5 months of living apart I finally convinced my wife to move back home. One of her conditions was that she could go on 2 dates a week with other guys if she wanted. One of mine was she could only fuck them at a little cottage on our property so that I could watch. After a week a home she told me she was going out for dinner on Friday nite. She was dressed up in short black stretchy dress and black stockings. A Victoria Secret black and pink push up bra to hold up her 40dd saggy breasts....

Cheating Wifes
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Gallaghers IslandChapter 4 Gallagher Meets the Female HeadHunters

After they had the huts finished, the water supply taken care of and even finding they had plenty of food with the coconuts and the bananas, the fishing was good and Mr. Candleford even managed to trap a wild pig in a pit trap that worked perfectly. The only hard part was to get the carcass out and get it prepared for eating and then to smoke and keep the remaining meat safe for future use. In a sense, it was good that they were there on the island because the things would have started to...

2 years ago
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Jen My first love

It is said that opposites attract. I guess the story of Jen and me is a case in point. God, I will never be able to forget Jen, my first lesbian lover. I met her for the first time when I stepped into my room at the uni. She was going to be my roomie. I used to be shyer in those days. I sported nerdy glasses, had a few friends and basically minded my own business. It wasn’t like I was a virgin or something. Before college, I had my share of frogs to kiss — well much more than kiss, actually....

4 years ago
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Jen Part 2

I came up behind her while she stood next to my dresser, checking her phone with nothing on, and reached around to cup one of her breasts in my hand and to massage her warm, wet pussy with the other. She threw her head back onto my shoulder, and I kissed her neck and whispered in her ear how good her pussy felt on my fingers. She placed her hand over mine, motioning me to squeeze her breast harder - arousing me further. I forcefully grabbed both of her hips and turned her toward the dresser,...

2 years ago
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Jens First Time

To Jen this seemed like any other Saturday. The weekend was here and she was already thinking about how she was going to spend her night. She need not have bothered as I already had her whole night planned. For as long as I can remember I have had the fantasy of seeing Jen with another man, tonight I was going to find out how she felt about it. I rang her at about 12 midday and told her to be ready to go at 4pm as I had a surprise planned. I had already packed her bag with her sexiest...

1 year ago
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Jeni and Her Stepfather Part 3

100% fiction! Caleb woke to the feel of Jeni’s lips sliding down the length of his cock. He knew it was her because Teresa had left on a business trip several hours earlier. He sat up on his elbows and looked down at her as she tried to take his whole shaft into her mouth; he was surprised again when she took all of him without gagging. “That’s Daddy’s girl,” He said, “Take that dick like a pro.” He groaned as she slid back to the head then slowly worked her way down again, deep throating him....

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Herman to Hermione

Herman to Hermione -------------------- My name is Herman and this is my story. I am a 28 year old living in Dubai with my wife. Its been 4 years since we have been married and Julia and we both have a very good sex life. I met her one night while I was bar-hopping with a couple of mates and the same night we were all over each other like a couple of jack-rabbits. As I said sex has never been dull for the both of us and Julia likes to think up of new ways to keep the magic alive....

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The Gigolo Chronicles V Cherrie

Nearly twenty-seven years ago, a baby girl was born with a full head of flaming red hair. Her parents took one look at the color of that hair and decided the baby's name would be Cherrie. Originally her parents planned on calling her Amy since up to then, they had no idea she would be a redhead. Her mother was blonde and her father had dark hair. But her maternal grandmother was a redhead as was Cherrie's aunt. I met Cherrie about ten years ago and right from the very start, I found she had a...

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Cherri was a sixteen year-old school girl. The loveliest and hottest looking young girl in school. Since she reached puberty folks have been saying that she was a very beautiful girl. Recently they have described her as being exceptionally gorgeous and voluptuously sexy. She had a baby face with sparkling eyes and rosy cheeks and luscious lips. Her blond hair cascaded in lovely curls down to her shoulders. Her face alone, together with its captivating smile, could arouse even an impotent man,...

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