Jen and Roger Stu and Shirley and the Others
- 2 years ago
- 24
- 0
Jen was a bit annoyed with Roger as she sat with her second cup of coffee. At least she told herself she was annoyed. The thing that sort of irked her most was that she felt she should be irked, but when she looked inside she could find no reason to be. She had always been taught that a man should be able to expect fidelity from his wife, and that expectation should be enough to keep a girl on the straight and narrow. His bantering remarks at breakfast had at first confused her, bad enough before the first coffee, then upset her. There was quite a lot to life that she had to find out, she was aware of that, and in the half year of wedlock she had adapted, she thought, quite well. She no longer objected to an impromptu romp somewhere other than bed, and at other times than bedtime. She had learned to quite enjoy some of the better porn that Roger had introduced her to. But that she should have an affair, that was a bit much to digest quickly.
Jen knew the characters in the porn flicks were meant to suggest any number of deviant relationships, and that was all right. Its only fiction, right? It doesn’t happen in real life except in deranged imaginations. So when Roger had plugged the DVD in and a new porn film came on, it was OK that Carl and Ivy were there. Nothing could happen between two married couples, could it? The film was not XXX. More like XX, really. The only niggling little problem with that was, it actually had a plot of sorts, and worse, the plot was plausible. The scenes unfolding could with a bit of imagination happen in a normal life. That thought alone made Jen a bit tense as the film worked its effects its audience. That was troubling to her as well. AS far as she could see, she was the only one whose mind it had crossed that the plot could spill over onto her couch. She had evened determined to fight off Carl with her last shred of virtue should anything off-colour be suggested. When it didn’t happen, she had to admit to herself her mind, if not outright dirty, was at least a bit off-white.
“That was a fun flick, last night”, Roger had remarked , as he put her coffee in front of her. That as the first adjustment she had had to make, letting her man do some of the domestic chores. Making breakfast was a natural. She didn’t wake up well, and he insisted on it, but it rubbed against her training.
“Can you imagine people actually living like that, though? “
”Maybe not quite as liberal as that, but you might be surprised to know that
people actually do live like that. In this town. Probably on this block. It has
probably happened in this house, even, and might well happen again”
She searched his face for clues to what if anything he might be getting at. He
teased a lot, and her inexperience made her an easy mark. But he had learned
when to ease up and not push her over the edge. They both knew he had a lot more
life experience than his young bride, and she accepted that she would have to
take a bit of coaching to adapt to living without mother around. Hadn’t they
fucked on the couch right after Carl and Ivy had left last night? His face lost
its teasing look and he laid the bomb on her.
“I want you to clear your mind of everything you have been taught about right
and wrong,” Roger said gently, in the voice she had learned to trust as sincere,
“ Imagine yourself in the missionary position, all excited and wet. Just like
last night. Really hot and juicy. Imagine a cock pushed against your pussy. What
would it do?’
She squirmed. She might be a nice girl, but she had an imagination. “It would go
“It would go in,” he agreed, “And if by chance ti turned out to be not my cock,
but Carl’s, it would still go in. Simple physics.”
She had flushed dark, “But that’s silly. You wouldn’t let Carl do that, and
neither would I”, A pregnant pause as Roger watched the emotions play across her
face. And then a gasp and start as something nudged her memory. “That’s not what
Carl had in mind when he grabbed my knee when the slutty one was getting it on
with the metre reader, was it? He wasn’t coming on to me?”
“Just being friendly, I expect. Can’t guarantee it, mind you. Here’s something
for you to think about , though. This isn’t a suggestion, or an order, or
anything like that. I just bet you that sometime inside the next say five years
you will feel somebody else’s cock in you. It will be with your OK, and it will
be good sex, and you will do it more than once.” Roger studied her incredulous
face.”A few months ago you thought sex was something you had to do to make
babies. Now you know all the tricks how not to have babies, and you like nooky
more than any woman I have known. When you think about it, you’re hornier than
any of the bimbo’s in that movie. There is no need to rush this, but I just bet
that eventually you will be in the situation of thinking you should say no, but
not wanting to, and you won’t say no. And afterwards, you will still be my
little angel. Your little pussy will still feel just as nice to me. Maybe
better, because he might teach you a new trick or two I haven’t even dreamed
So now Jen added more sugar to her coffee and stewed. She had hotly contested the whole idea, of course, but what made it worse, she could feel that she was ‘protesting too loudly’. Roger had cuddled her and calmed her, and left for work, and she was left to sift through the rubble of her mind and sensibilities. She found herself one minute thinking what nonsense it was, then, in the next blink, wondering who it might be. What really bothered her was that she was sure that Roger wasn’t having her on, that he believed what he was telling her, and, so far at least, all he had told her in that tone had come to be. So while she had no desire to fuck the delivery man or anyone else, she was beginning to have doubts that she wouldn’t.
After the dishwasher was loaded and the bed was made, Jen’s mind was a bit calmer. As she cast around for something useful to do next, she decided on a whim to watch the movie of the night before again. This time as it unfolded, she put herself in the place of the actress. What was impressed on her reluctant mind was that the attitudes that some of the cast espoused at least were not that different from her own. The acting was a bit thin, but basically it was,”No, I’m a nice girl, put that thing away. OK, lets fuck”. She thought of Carl’s touch and wondered if he was trying his luck, and wondered if Ivy had noticed..
Her thoughts were short-circuited by the door bell. Jen quickly hit the pause
button and went to the front door before it clicked that it was the back door
that had chimed. At the back door was a neighbour two doors down with the
oversize zuchini every neighbour of a gardener is familiar with. Still, it was a
nice gesture, and he was a nice old man who had already won her over with dozens
of witty old tales. So he shared the last of the coffee pot with her. She let
her mind get away from the recent turmoil, and he basked in the glow of a pretty
young lady. It wasn’t till after he left that she thought to shut down the TV
and DVD. There still on the screen was the still image of the slutty one being
bent over the kitchen table so that the metre reader could enter her from
behind. In a panic, Jen checked the sight-lines to where the old gardener had
sat. He would have had to crane his neck, but she could not be sure he hadn’t
seen the TV.
AS she pondered the possibility, she felt herself getting warm with dread of
being caught. Shit!!! Why did this old guy have to be the one that rang the
bell? Couldn’t it have been a young, clean cut, grocer boy like in the flicks?
Wait a minute, it’s a good thing it was the old man, he’s harmless. Whoa, girl,
are you saying if it was the young grocery boy you would have fucked him? Jesus,
Roger is right. I’m as slutty as anyone else, maybe more. I probably will fuck
some strange guy, maybe lots. Did Roger mean one guy lots or lots of guys once?
I think I better go for a run...
The day passed, as days will. It was a month later that the spark was rekindled.
The news filtered home that a workmate had found out that his wife had been
having an affair. He hadn’t caught her. A nosy neighbour had noticed a man
calling in during the day and had stationed himself close enough to the house to
detect noises that could only be sexual in nature when they forgot to close the
windows. He had tailed Tom until he was able to get him alone, and then gave him
a blow by blow of that and other encounters.
Tom had tried to laugh him off, but the busybody was adamant that the right thing be done, and the wife had gone off to visit family. As far as the busybody was concerned, a scarlet lady had got her just rewards and his neighbour owed him a debt of gratitude. Roger was one of the few who got the real story. Tom and his wife had experimented with swapping with another couple. Because the other guy worked shifts, he could only see Laurie in the day. Tom just as often visited Ruth in the evening, often with Laurie in tow. Now tom was taking a sideways promotion to another branch, and Laurie was already living in their new house where he would join her soon. Lesson in discretion.
Days home alone Jen thought of the affair. First in line was the thought that here was a woman who she knew only slightly, but was definitely in her near circle who had fucked at least one man, and that a great many times. Moreover, her marriage had survived. Indeed, it hadn’t even had a back-ward step. The forced move was no more than a caveat to be careful, not a warning to walk the straight path. In idle moments, Jen wondered if the strange man missed Laurie, or if she missed him. She wondered if the couple might make an odd trek to visit the other for a wild weekend. At times like these, Jen would grow quite hot with ..well, she wasn’t sure what she was hot with, but she knew she was hot, and , dammit, she hoped they did get together and have a wonderful time. Often she would remember Roger’s prophesy, and in whimsy at least wonder when her Lothario would charge in.
Carl and Ivy about that time got pregnant. Their new focus on life meant they
seldom had time for Roger and Jen, and their place was taken by Stu and Shirley.
Stu had been Tom’s replacement, and as such was Rogers immediate superior, but
not so as to call him a boss. Just slightly senior on the same job. Stu was
almost forty, double Jen’s age, and more than ten years older than Roger, but he
had a young man’s fancy, and a young wife of twenty two. She had been his
executive secretary, but he soon decided he would rather have her in a love nest
than making coffee for his meetings. The arrangement suited her. Stu was a bit
of a dog, and she didn’t mind if people called her a bitch. So she said, anyway.
Jen was drawn to them because shirl was so worldly wise and relaxed about the
feelings and experiences she had. Shirl was the lady who had lived the day
dreams Jen had been having for past few months. As Jen saw how well shirl had
survived, she felt less fear and more excitement in her own fantasies.
Stu made her back up a bit. He was a handsome devil, sharp dresser, had courtly
manners, and knew all of the above. He gave the impression that a moment’s
inattention would leave her helpless against his intentions. Any time they were
together she would wonder if this was the time he would press his advantage and
fuck her. The fact that the weeks went by without it happening did nothing to
ease her mind. By this time, she knew herself well enough to see that she wanted
to be fucked, and Stu was the obvious culprit. He seemed more her age every day,
and sexier with every complement he paid her. But aside from pats and looks to
acknowledge he was aware of how sexy she was making herself, he took no
initiative in her seduction. As she fucked Roger after these evenings, she often
wondered if Stu knew the seduction had already happened.
Then one night while they were making love, and the juices were just below boiling, and Roger was pumping his love into her, she called him Stu. She didn’t know it at the time, she was too tied up in her own orgasm. She had been studying a book of tantric sex and was finding ways of getting obscenely high of late, and this was the best yet. So when Roger looked down fondly on her after a long afterglow period and asked her how long she had been fucking Stu, she was confused and stunned.
“Stu hasn’t fucked me. He hasn’t even come on to me. Why do you think we did
“Wishful thinking, I guess. Being called Stu does sort of tell me you having
been thinking of it. You could do worse, you know. I can’t see a girl like Shirl
sticking with a guy who isn’t pretty good.”
“Did I really do that?” Jen’s brain cast about for a reasonable excuse for
calling out for Stu, admitted to herself she had been fantasizing and was
probably guilty as charged, and found not even a straw to grasp at.
Numbly, she heard Roger chuckle into her hair,”There is nothing wrong with
wanting to fuck Stu. Just ask Stu, I’m sure he’ll agree. He thinks every sane
woman wants him. Maybe he’s right. You’re one of the sanest women I know.”
“I’ve been waiting for him to fuck me. I dress and act sexy, but it just doesn’t
happen. .
One minute I’‘m relieved it didn’t happen, the next I wonder what’s the matter
with me. Are you sure what you said about me having an affair/”
“So Stu has a trigger you haven’t found yet. You will. Remember this is a five
year plan. You have lots of time, they won’t be going away any time soon. Now I
think You’d better go to sleep and dream naughty dreams.”
There were no dreams, but the next morning found Jen restless and excited. She managed to get Roger off to work without his commenting, but her tummy was so tight with recklessness she couldn’t even drink her coffee without effort. She tried to keep busy around the house, but spent more time and effort daydreaming than anything else. She was dusting around the living room when she realized she was nude, having dropped her robe somewhere in the last room. She was aware there was only glass between her skin and anyone passing by, and regretted that the room was too dark for them to see in anyway. She walked straight up to the big window to dare physics to expose her, but was not even rewarded.
Later that night, Jill and I gave Steve and Stu a call. We told them to meet us on our side of town. We found out that they actually lived pretty close to us. That could be a good thing. We decided that we would meet them at this steak house across town. Jill and I got there early and found a table in the back corner. Not a lot of peopole would sit back there only because, it was close to the kitchen.I know I always liked it, cuz the lighting wasn't real bright and made to be perfect, if...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestArmand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Things had been going well in the three weeks since Gaby Harrington, Mandy Batchelor and Steve Prentice had had their first threesome. They had had one more threesome but there had also been a lot of one-to-one sex with Steve fucking both of the mature women on separate occasions and the two women, again, having lesbian sex.Mandy was a barmaid in a local hotel and when she did evenings, she normally worked with Shirley Morrison. The women were of similar age with Shirley being fifty-five to...
MatureDing Dong Shirley stopped reading her morning paper and grabbed her coffee before heading to the front door wondering who was outside. "Ummm hi maam... I'm with Bill's Stables and am here to help you out with some landscaping work I believe? Shirley smiled at the young pimpled teen, so polite yet obviously a little bit unprepared and uncomfortable at the revealing silk kimono she was wearing. "Yes thats right, nice to meet you," said Shirley as she softly shook the young man's hand....
Hello readers, this is Steve.. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 11th part of the story series ”SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”…First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I am providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself will make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild...
Incest© June 1996 Shirley was a true blonde, and tiny -- 4' 11", maybe. At 19, almost 20, her skin was tight, smooth and flawless. She liked to keep a light tan because she knew I liked the tan lines. I told her the tan lines pleased me, which was enough for Shirley. Well, not all the time dammit, but it sounds good. With five years of college plus three years in the Army, I was twenty-six when I started dating the young woman. In addition to working for the railroad, I owned a bar that a...
My wife and I were discussing some of the things that we did when we were younger. I told her she usually lost control when she was drunk or tipsy. She said that she didn’t do anything she didn’t want to drunk or sober. This got me to thinking back to when we were living in the apartment. Let me described what Shirley looks like. She was 29; 5′ 2″ and very petite. Her tits were very small but were firm and perky with no snag. Her measurements were 34A-22-34. She had very...
Back in 1998 wife Sarah and I hadn,t had a real holiday for a few years so Daughter Christina helped arrange one for us staying with friends near Taunton in Somerset. Of course we couldn,t miss the chance to sample the local pub grub and tastey “scrumpy” rough cider. The problem with scrumpy is I love cider, but scrumpy can sneak up on you and you,re drunk before you realise it. On our very first evening of our week,s break we met local veterinarian Roger Cramp, a few years younger than us, but...
Hello readers, this is Steve.. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 10 th part of the story series ”SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”… First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. and I am very sorry that I had been busy and not able to post the story since a long time..for the new readers starting with this part, I am providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.....
IncestMy wife and I live in a quiet neighborhood in the suburbs. It was one of those small neighborhoods where everyone knew each other. We lived across the street from a nice old man named Arthur who had recently passed away leaving the house to his son Andy. Shirley and I had met Andy a couple of years ago when we moved into the neighborhood ourselves. He had been renting an apartment near by and we would see Andy every now and then when he came around to visit his dad. After Arthur passed away...
Hi guys , this is Steve back again reporting here with the last part of my current series.. It has been almost 8 months since I published the first part of “Shirley- My Lovely Sister “ series. Ever since I started the series it has been one among the favorites of readers who have been patting my back for my efforts and encouraging me to bring more of fun and entertainment.. A lot of e-mails have also told me how people have got connected to the story as such or even the smallest elements in my...
IncestMy wife and I were discussing some of the things that we did when we were younger. I told her she usually lost control when she was drunk or tipsy. She said that she didn't do anything she didn't want to drunk or sober. This got me to thinking back to when we were living in the apartment. Let me described what Shirley looks like. She was 29; 5' 2" and very petite. Her tits were very small but were firm and perky with no snag. Her measurements were 34A-22-35. She had very long dark,...
This is a story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. It is also the tale of two horny teenage girls, who take advantage of the situation. Shirley Talking: John and I had had another frustrating night. I really don't know why we continue having sex. Let me explain John has a sexual problem that has only...
This is a story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. It is also the tale of two horny teenage girls, who take advantage of the situation. Shirley Talking: John and I had had another frustrating night. I really don't know why we continue having sex. Let me explain John has a sexual problem that has only...
Hello readers, this is Steve.. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 9th part of the story series ”SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”…First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself will make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild...
IncestThe path was narrow and covered with eggshells. They were everywhere I tried to walk. I couldn't take a step without hearing the crunching sound beneath my feet. They were getting deeper and the noise was becoming louder. I tried everything, jumping, running and finally stopping to look at the sea of eggshells all around me. I was standing still, not moving at all, but the crunching sound was deafening. "Sammy?" The crunching sound was talking to me. "Sammy?" "Go away. I'm not...
We slept late on Tuesday morning and went downstairs to discover a note from Suzanne saying she had ridden to work with John because they were going to pick up their new cars after work. We were to drive her car. Ned must have heard the garage door open. He came downstairs and filled us in on what was really happening with the cars. My car was being traded in. "John decided to let them have the limo too. We seldom use it any more; besides, it's seen better days." While I was sorry to...
Hello readers, I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 7th part of the story series SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/ or a normal...
IncestHello readers, I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 6th part of the story series SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/ or a normal...
IncestThey took an eastward road from Elmenhørn, marching at a moderate pace. Joerg was happy with that; his legs hurt from last night's march. He tried to get to know his companions. There were twenty-two of them, once they picked up another dozen men at a different inn. They marched until late afternoon. There was no village on the way where they could spend the night, and they asked for quarter at a large farm. The farmer and his armed knechte made them leave, however. They ended up sleeping in...
The Duke of Sternfels was a gracious host. The remaining four hundred and forty Free Saxons found winter quarters in a number of empty storage houses in the town of Sternfels, under the Duke's castle. The men had plenty of coins and valuables, and the tavern-owners and innkeepers of the town were overjoyed over the strong increase of business. Of course, some friction could not be avoided. The soldiers were idle and wine was plenty. Thus, quarrels broke out frequently. In one instance, a...
The year following Shirley and I getting married, our last year of high school, our friends teased us mercilessly. Shirley was continuously besieged by her girl friends to answer sex questions. They would always get one of Shirley's straightforward answers too. When we would get home and be doing chores she would tell me what was asked and what she told. This usually got me going a bit. Just thinking of the individual girl and what they would ask made me fantasize a bit of what it would be...
Shirley didn't join the group for breakfast on Monday but she wasn't the only one that failed to show up. It was finals week and I guess we were all nervous. Eating and sleeping were neglected in order to have more time for last minute cramming. But not me; I made every meal, especially breakfast because I didn't want to miss seeing Shirley if she did come. "It looks like we can get by with one table today," Freddy said on Thursday morning. There were only three of us, her, Millie and...
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Last Sunday I arrived home from work at around 8:30am and soon afterwards I received a text from my landlord Shirley 'hay stud your rent is due today' I texted back 'i'll be over at 1 to pay in full' 'would you like some snicker doodles young man? and very quickly our texts get nasty 'oh yes mrs Shirley, thank you, you sure are a sweet landlord with some big tits' she texted back 'you sure like fucking and sucking my big tits' 'oh yes mam, I do' 'k**, you're a sex god, you fuck my brains out...
This is the continuing story of a married couple where the husband sacrifices his masculinity and dignity to allow his wife to get sexually satisfied by other men. Something, because of a medical problem, he could no longer do, based on a true story. . Chapter Two .... Matt took charge Matt: Both of you girls get on the other bed. You are not to talk or say anything. You are here to watch and learn. Shirley: What am I doing? This whole thing was intended to have me sexually satisfied;...
Hi this is Steve back again with the 12Th part of my story series.. First of all I would like to apologize to my readers about the delay that has happened in posting my current part. The reason for this I have described at the end of my part..In fact I couldn’t find time to pen down even this part but due to increasing pressure from my readers,i have managed to chalk up a limited part purely for the sake of my beloved readers.. Though it might not be as long as my usual stories, I hope that it...
IncestShirley fell asleep only minutes after the small plane left the ground. I closed the book I had started to read and watched her sleep, recalling the night before. She looked sweet and innocent, wearing jeans, sneakers, and a T-shirt with a sweater over it. The sweater was thin and tight fitting, outlining the same breasts she had pushed together to hold my cock. Her lips, the same lips that had sucked my cock were devoid of the dark lip gloss she had worn the night before. The blowjob had...
Escort services are vast in nowadays everywhere, but our services are the best. We have an exclusive collection of females that you like in your first sight. We have a large collection of delightful beauties in our agency. Those who seek for a love and delightful moments can come to enjoy here and can make their moments memorable. They all open-minded girl and know their job well. Our first and foremost task is to gather the customer needs and work according to them. Then an escort will be...
At this point in my life I was pretty naive, actual sexual encounters had been limited to 'fumbles' with girls in not very conducive situations.Frustratingly I always knew that I was up for anything, from viewing porn that was available and just by instinct.During our time together Shirley showed me that she enjoyed every fuck pleasure AND enabled me to experience them.She was an attentive lover and was always understanding of what I needed at any given time.The first thing I learned from her...
Hello, how are you today ma’am,?I am Officer Baxter and this is my partner, Officer Sullivan. We are with the Metro Police Department. We are looking for Shirley.Oh, you’re Shirley?Shirley is a nice looking lady for being 65. She is about 5’4” tall and weighs about 125 lbs. She has short gray hair, and her tits are huge and she has a nice plump ass.We are going to have to take you down to the precinct for questioning.It is procedure that we handcuff you for our protection, so please turn...
Some years ago, when I was in my 30's, I worked as a travelling salesman for a European food importer. I used to visit different supermarkets and restaurants in a territory which extended to about 150 miles from home. One time. I was calling on a regular client in a smaller town about a half hour from home base. I had concluded my business and was leaving the store when I noticed a 'demo lady' set up in the store, giving out samples of snack items. I wandered over to have a taste and chatted up...
Granddad's Experimental Erotic Educator Pedagogical Psychiatrist & Socio-Sexual AnthropologistGranddaughter Cute Chrissy Comes to see him Seeking Sexual Schooling Enlightenment & Advise================================================================================Great Grnddad Openly Offers Girly Granddod His Hot Horny Hairy Big Bend Banana As Breakfast:================================================================================# 1: - S H E - G O E S - A L L - T H E - W A Y...
Hello readers, this is steve. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 5th part of the story series ”shirley-my lovely sister”…first of all i would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. For the new readers starting with this part, i m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. Any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild sex/...
IncestChapter XVIII "Time to wake up, sleepyhead." Tom opened one eye to see Jen standing over him wearing a towel. She had already showered and now it was Tom's turn. He groaned and looked at the clock. It was already ten in the morning. Yesterday had tired him out more than he'd thought. He pulled the covers off and was once again self-conscious. The nightgown he was wearing reminded him that Jen was in charge; as she had so aptly proven yesterday. More girlish training was in store...
Chapter XIII Tom wasn't happy. Under the girl's direction he was putting the laundry away. Jen's underwear went into her dresser, neatly folded. Tom's underwear went on the bed where any of his remaining boy underpants quickly disappeared. Jen was serious about having him wear panties. "Let's take a break for lunch," Jen suggested. The nightstand clock read one fifteen. No wonder they were hungry. The girls started for the doorway. "Hey...Can't I put something on over this?" Tom...
Jen Teases her Husband into Panties Chapter I Tom gazed down at the bras in the open drawer of his bureau feeling his penis twitch as it began to stiffen. He was ashamed at what he was about to do but, as usual he couldn't stop himself. The pink bra he selected matched the panties he'd been wearing to work all day. Off came his pants and shirt and on went the bra. By the time he had it hooked, his penis was fully erect and poking stiffly out of the panties. Jen nodded...
Hello readers, this is steve. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 4 th part of the story series”SHIRLEY- MY LOVELY SISTER”.. First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story..for the new readers starting with this part, I m providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.. any ladies/ divorced/widowed women who would like to have secret sex chat/ fantasy sex/ wild...
IncestHello readers.. this is steve here back again with the third part of the series “SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”.. I would suggest to the new readers of my series to read the first two episodes of this series from the below links to get into the plot and enjoy the story to full extent.. Also i would like to thank all the visitors and my previous readers for their comments and suggestions ..Please keep it coming because it ll encourage me to write more stories for your enjoyment.. Now coming back to...
IncestChapter X Usually on Saturdays, Tom ran errands in the morning while Jen did the weekly laundry and vacuumed. But not this Saturday. While they were having breakfast, the phone rang. It was Jen's sister, Karen. Tom listened as they chatted. Something about a big sale at a local department store. Then Jen was shuffling through the morning paper. "I found it," she exclaimed into the phone. Tom looked over and saw she had the paper opened to a big, two page spread advertising a...
Jen Teases her Husband into Panties - II Chapter VIII By Friday Tom wasn't quite so angry with Jen. In fact, whenever his thoughts turned to her, he was aware of a stirring in his crotch. He also thought about that morning when he had again found the panties and bra on the top of his underwear. With a twinge of embarrassment, he noticed he was getting the same stirrings. By lunchtime he'd had several erections and by the time he left work, he'd had...
Chapter XVI Half an hour later, Tom was beside himself. Luckily the girls finally began to tire of spanking him. His backside was bright red while his poor balls ached from being smacked and squeezed. The girls had taken turns, each one trying to outdo the other. He wasn't going to be able to sit down for a week! "Poor Tom," Karen said. "I've never seen anything quite as red as his ass." Jen grinned and nodded. "Maybe we should put some cr?me on it." Were they done? Tom prayed they w...
Three days later, the Isebrands, with some fifty men, travelled thirty leagues to the south, and to Lauheim. The small town, or extended village, spread at the foot of a small hill. On top of that hill, a small castle had been built, surrounded by a twelve-foot wall and a dry moat. They crossed the drawbridge into the courtyard of the castle and found the main building to be two storeys high, with a slate covered roof. Ivy covered most of the walls, and the shutters were closed. The castle...
“Angie, are you wet? I mean are you really wet, like dripping??” “MM yes, Coco. Girl, you do know that you drive me wild, right?” “Are you going to cum for me sweetie?” “No Coco, you cannot make me cum right now. I have to go to work.” “Hah, are you telling me that I cannot make you cum or are you saying that you don’t want to cum because you need to leave for work?” “Both!” “Say what? Girl, my voice alone can bring you to your knees, make your pussy sweat, drip, even ache with desire,...
SwingersGREAT-GRANDDAUGHTER GALIA GETS ''GYMNASIUM": TEN TIMES 'TEN'S (= 'TRIPLE-AAA')GALIA gets a university study -'stipendium' for four further formative yummy Gaia yearned for For four years - funded from E.U.'s 'ERASMUS' enumerations of five-hundred Euri each month Every university in the EU is now open for her: she solicits forms from Göttingen & GroningenDecision is not simply taken so she trusts her intelligently informed intuïtion: - Go North & seeCandidate 1 Lovely looking historical...
"Hildburg, are those shirts washed yet?" Hildburg Lauritz sighed inwardly. Her uncle had been dripping sauce on his shirts, ever since his stroke, and to clean them was not easy. "In a moment, Aunt Helga," she called back. "Well, don't dawdle, girl! There's butter to be churned when you're done with those shirts!" Hildburg's groan was open now. Churning butter was hard work, as was laundering sauce-splattered shirts. There was no way around this, though. Her uncle could not...
It took almost two weeks, but in the end, the ransom was delivered and the Merseburg soldiers left Theilheim with their spoils. Joerg rode at the Count's left side now, as befit the Feldweibel of the bodyguard. He was rich now, rich beyond his imagination. One hundred guldengroschen were now added to his earlier winnings from Warnesund and his saved pay and bonus rewards. With almost two hundred guldengroschen, he was set for life, if he did not take to gambling and drinking - a laughable...
Over the next three years, Joerg Isebrand became a fixture around the Count Reinhardt. Wherever the nobleman went or rode, he insisted on Joerg accompanying him. Joerg was in no way connected to anybody in Merseburg, and certainly not to the Countess Irmgard. After two years, the Feldweibel Bodo raised Joerg to Corporal. The Captain Grumm was all for it, too, as he had come to appreciate the loyalty and the sense of duty the young man displayed. Joerg was never late for duty, was never...
They reached Lueneburg after ten days. It became obvious that the wagon was slowing them down, and they found a buyer for the wagon and the heavy horses. With the money, they purchased mounts for the women, and three pack horses. Using some of Joerg's silver, they also bought better weapons for the men and women. Katherine in particular yearned for a crossbow, and Joerg bought a well-crafted one for his older sister. Nele wanted a lighter sword. The two-handed longswords were just too heavy...
With gold and silver in his pocket, Joerg could afford to rent a room for Ilka and himself. It was temporary, and he had to ask Bodo for permission to sleep outside the castle, but it was money well spent. The Golden Cask was a small inn, with only two tables in the common room. The three bedchambers on the second floor were furnished sparsely, but at least the beds had comfortable straw-filled mattresses. On that first evening, Joerg and Ilka ate a supper in the common room, talking in low...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Andranak wälzte sich im Halbschlaf in seinem Bett herum. Seine suchende Hand glitt über die dicke Leinendecke die das Bett aus Stroh zusammenhielt fand aber niemand. Das machte ihn wirklich wach. Nicht das es ihn wirklich überraschte. Die Hure mit der er sich in sein Zimmer zurückgezogen hatte, benahm sich eben wie alle anderen. Wenn ihr Kunde seien Spass gehabt hatte und eingeschlafen war, verdrückten sie sich eben, bevor er wieder wach wurde und sie für ihren Lohn noch eine Stösschen mehr...
My husband was always a good guy, a bread winner who always came through for his family. He was very smart and seemed destined for more than a standard nine-to-five. Thus, it was no surprise when he invented something that he was able to sell and say bye-bye to the grind. The only surprise lay in how comfortable we truly were. It was like a whirlwind, buying a large, posh new home, new vehicles and a family vacation. We went from cold Ohio to the tropics for ten days. On the last night, our...
Wife LoversDadaji bole, “Beti, Dev ki shadi ek toh inti jaldi hui. Usse humne dhang se pucha nahi tha ki tum usse pasand ho ya nahi. Isliye woh thoda gussa hai. Par tumse nahi, balki hum logon se.” Fir meri taraf aas se dekhte hue woh bole, “Tum usse thoda time do. Sab theek ho jayega.” Maine dadaji ki baat mante hue Dev ko kuch aur samay dene ka nishchay kar liya. Dadaji ko iss baat ka dilasa bhi diya ki main poori tarah se koshish karungi Dev ka pyar jitne ki. Kuch din baad dadaji 5-6 mahine ke liye kam...