CollegeChapter 8: Shirley free porn video

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Shirley didn't join the group for breakfast on Monday but she wasn't the only one that failed to show up. It was finals week and I guess we were all nervous. Eating and sleeping were neglected in order to have more time for last minute cramming. But not me; I made every meal, especially breakfast because I didn't want to miss seeing Shirley if she did come.

"It looks like we can get by with one table today," Freddy said on Thursday morning. There were only three of us, her, Millie and me.

We talked about which subjects our exams were on that day and how good it was going to be to have some time off. Like most of the other members of the group, they were staying at school over the break, so I didn't elaborate about Ned's wedding or the 'times' with Karen that I was looking forward to.

I only had one test scheduled for Friday and if it hadn't been for Shirley showing up for breakfast, I would have been able to leave by mid-morning. I had my car loaded with the few things I was taking.

"Have you heard from Olli?" she asked as she took her seat next to me.

"I saw him yesterday. They're not getting much sleep but the baby is fine and they are happy," I said. Olli had come to my room the day before, wanting to know why he hadn't heard from us. I tried to explain that it was finals week but I don't think he believed me. "I promised to stop by and see the baby when I get back from break."

She didn't comment, not that I expected her to say she would like to go with me to see the baby or that she would make arrangements to go alone.

"What's your schedule like today?" she asked.

"I've got a ten o'clock exam and then I'm free."

The way she took a bite of her cereal and chewed it thoughtfully told me she had something on her mind. I waited, knowing her well enough by now to know she would tell me what it was eventually.

"You're probably leaving as soon as you finish?"

Now it was my turn to be thoughtful. I was planning to be on the road before noon and be home before it got dark. She had to have a reason for asking that question. What was it? "I'm not sure," I said.

"I have two exams today, one is this morning and one is at one," she volunteered.

I nodded like it was interesting news to me, acknowledging that I understood her, wondering why she was telling me her exam schedule. What was I supposed to say?

"I was wondering..." she hesitated..."if you would mind if I use your computer while you're away?"

"Of course you can use it," I responded.

"Are you sure it won't be too much trouble?"

It occurred to me what she meant by too much trouble. She wanted to use my computer in her room, not mine. "It won't be any trouble. When do you want me to deliver it?"

A pained look appeared on her face and I saw the wrinkle come to her brow, like she hated what she was going to say. "About three?"

"I'll meet you at your dorm at three," I agreed.

"Are you sure it isn't too much trouble? I can help," she offered.

I assured her that I could break down the computer and load it into my car in a few minutes. The stand would be cumbersome to handle but it was not heavy. I told her I'd be at her dorm at three p.m.

'Shit! This was going to make me arrive at home four hours later than I'd intended. Why did I let her sweet-talk me into delaying my starting time? Could it be something I hoped to get to know between her legs? Why am I having that thought? I've changed, haven't I? Shit!'

Charlie was surprised to see me when I sat down to have lunch with him and Angie. She had a one o'clock exam so they couldn't leave until three p.m. either.

I told them about Shirley asking to borrow my computer and I believe that Charlie understood what a breakthrough this was for me, but Angie seemed mystified that I wasn't already on the road, heading for home.

Charlie also understood why I copied my journal onto diskettes and deleted it from the hard drive. He helped me pack the computer and load it and the stand into my car. I was waiting at her dorm door when Shirley got back from her exams.

It took us about fifteen minutes to lug the components upstairs to her room and for her to decide where she wanted the stand to be placed. I thought my desk was cluttered until I saw hers. There were stacks and stacks of books, labeled with project names and 'don't touch' stickers. Her bed was made neatly. The thing that struck me was the contrast between the two ends of the room. Her roommate was an obvious slob.

We got everything connected and Shirley took a seat in front of the screen to familiarize her self with my software.

And then she looked up at me. "I can't thank you enough, Sammy."

The look on her face was all the thanks I needed. Her eyes alone made up for the time I had lost. Her lips were not quite closed and there was a faint line across her forehead. What did she expect me to say? "Do you have any questions?"

She looked back at the screen, at the printer and clicked the mouse a couple of times. "I think I've got it under control."

I was backing toward the door when she stood up looking like she had something more to say. I stopped. Her eyes held mine, totally freezing my whole body. If the fire alarm had sounded right then I would have waited for her eyes to release me before I moved.

"When are you coming back?" she finally spoke.

"Uh, Sunday, the day before school starts."

"Oh." Was that disappointment I heard?


"I was thinking..." Her lips were still parted. For a second I thought she was going to stick her tongue out at me. She ran it over her lower lip, her eyes unwavering.

"I could come back the day before if..."

"Could you?" It sounded like a question but we both knew it was a request I couldn't refuse. I was aware of movement but it didn't register that she was running toward me.

"Would you like to..."

Her arms were suddenly around my neck and her cheek was pressed to mine. I wrapped my arms around her and we swayed, silently holding each other. I wanted the feeling to last forever but she had other ideas. Our first kiss was no more than a peck but the next one was longer and the next one longer still.

"Robbing the cradle, are we Shirl?"

The voice behind me was filled with merriment but it reverberated around the room like a referee's whistle announcing the play is dead.

"This must be the freshman you're always talking about," the voice continued. The referee was separating the players from the pile. Shirley pulled away from me, her cheeks blushing and her brow furrowed again.

"Sammy, this is Tammy, my obnoxious roommate. Tammy, this is Sammy, the freshman I'm always talking about."

I turned and looked at the girl. Her wide grin told me that she was clearly enjoying herself, reveling in the angst her untimely intrusion had caused. I forced myself to smile at Tammy but I didn't say anything about being glad to meet her.

Shirley walked downstairs with me, holding my hand all the way to where my car was parked. We kissed again and again, until I noticed that she wasn't wearing a coat.

"I'll see you next Saturday," I said.

"Will you miss me?" she asked as she backed away.

"You know I will."

"Will you call me?"

"Every day."

Her face lit up as she reached for the door. I watched her go inside and look through the glass. She stood there staring at me, her face solemn. I watched her, not moving, not wanting the moment to end. She must have known the reason for my reluctance to leave. Suddenly, she grinned, her tongue came out, and she was gone.

I must have driven an hour before my mind stopped replaying those last few minutes with Shirley, the way her eyes held mine, her running jump into my arms, the feel of her cheek next to mine, our first kiss, followed by our second and third, the annoying interruption, meeting Tammy, seeing Shirley blush, holding her again, kissing her, hearing her ask if I would miss her and sticking her tongue out at me to signal that it was time for me to leave.

Shirley was still very much on my mind when I stopped for coffee at the half-way point of my trip. Tammy's interruption had been a major annoyance but it had also been enlightening. If she hadn't said that Shirley always talked about me, I might never have known that Shirley felt anything toward me. Her teasing Shirley had spoken volumes.

"Where's your girlfriend?" the waitress asked.

I gave her a blank stare. Did I know her?

"The cute brunette that was with you last time, isn't she your girlfriend?"

Ah, she was talking about Wanda. A funny thought crossed my mind. I wondered if Wanda had trimmed her pubic hair yet.

"I can see by the way your smiling that I'm right. She IS your girlfriend, isn't she?"

"Yes, I guess she is," I said, not wanting to explain my relationship with Wanda. "She wouldn't know what to do without me. She depends on me," I said to the waitress.

"Why isn't she with you? Did you leave her in the car?"

I laughed. "She's in graduate school. They don't get a break until the end of the month."

"And you're not in graduate school?"

The waitress looked to be in her mid-thirties, a little overweight, with a name tag that read 'Clara, ' probably a wife and mother, trying to pick up tidbits about customers to be shared with her husband later that night in bed.

"I'm a freshman," I informed her.

"You're a freshman and your girlfriend is ... older? Aren't you afraid someone will steal her while you're away?"

"No, I gave her something to do while I'm gone."

Clara looked at me strangely before I saw the corner of her mouth curl up. "Okay, I'll bite. What kind of job did you give her to do?"

"I told her to trim her pubic hair real short so I can give her a shave when I get back. That should keep her busy for a week at least."

Clara reddened before she turned and walked away. I saw her talking to the other waitress. I got up and walked to the cash register to pay my check and Clara came over to ring it up. "You are a fresh man, aren't you?" she laughed.

There were two strange cars parked next to the garage and two more parked on the street in front of the cottages when I got home. I walked in the back door and heard laughter coming from the dining room.

"We were getting worried about you, Sammy. I thought you were going to be here hours ago," Suzanne said when she saw me at the door.

"I'm sorry, I should have called to tell you I got hung up," I said, looking around the room at the ten visitors, only two of whom I recognized.

"Sammy! Look at you. John said you had grown and I see that he was right."

I glanced at Mr. Oldham and saw that he was smiling, proudly as I shook hands with Judge Clausen. "It's nice to see you again, sir," I said.

"Look at him, Mary. Would you have recognized him if you saw him on the street?" the judge asked his wife, "Do you remember when he visited us at the house? He was growing then but that was what, over three years ago?"

The judge released my hand and Ned took over the introductions. There were four couples, all about his age. I didn't even try to remember their names but somehow I knew the men had attended C.M.A. when Ned was there.

Suzanne made a space for me and I sat down to eat, answering questions about Pontiac College and my years at C.M.A. Many of the C. M. A. questions were about Colonel Travis and the football program. Ned's friends spoke with fondness about C.M.A., as if they had graduated with my class, not fifteen years ago.

"Does the bell still gong at midnight?" the judge directed his question to me. I didn't know what he was talking about.

"The bell tower's gone, Harold," Mr. Oldham spoke up. "Sam and I drove over to the school the summer before last to look around. They used the old bricks to build a walk around a flowerbed."

"That's a shame," the judge said. "I always knew it was time to put the books away when I heard the gong."

It dawned on me that the judge and Mr. Oldham had attended Pontiac College, probably at the same time. Was that where they met? Had they been roommates?

"You always were the study fanatic. If I heard the gong I knew I was out too late," Mr. Oldham quipped.

Penelope got my attention. "Sammy, are you bringing someone to the wedding?"

"Yes, my mixed doubles partner said she would be my date."

"Oh, that's good. Tonya's coming tomorrow. I thought you could ... wait a minute, does your doubles partner have something to do with one of your dominoes?"

Everyone looked at her, questioningly and Ned spoke up.

"Don't let them get started about dominoes. I promise you'll be sorry," he said, laughing.

This served to fuel everyone's curiosity and Penelope was happy to tell about my strange ability to forecast future events. This was quite a surprise to Mr. Oldham and Suzanne as I had never said anything about the dominoes to them.

Penelope gave two examples of the forecasts I had made based on dominoes I had seen, my advising Alice to come home rather than get married and my advising Trisha that she and Greg would see other people before they got back together. While this explanation satisfied the Judge and Ned's friends for the time being I knew there would be more questions about the dominoes from Mr. Oldham and Suzanne, especially Suzanne, later.

Everyone spread out after dinner, Ned's friends going to the cottages, Mr. Oldham and the Judge to the sunroom, and Mary, the Judge's wife, helping Suzanne and Betsy clear the table.

I was a little surprised when Penelope followed me up the stairs. "I'm in the room across from yours," she said. "It's going to be strange sharing the bathroom with the Judge."

"Who has the room next to mine? You could have had it," I said.

"Suzanne thought your lady-friend might be sleeping over. She held the room in case your friend ... well, she didn't know about your arrangements."

I laughed and winked at Penelope, letting her assume that Suzanne needn't have concerned herself with Karen's and my sleeping arrangements. "I don't know if she'll want to stay or if she'll want to go home. What's the schedule, anyway?"

"Tonight Ned and his friends will be drinking and talking over old times. Tomorrow night there's going to be a dinner party in the tent and Sunday we'll be married at ten a.m., also in the tent."

"Tent?" I asked, and Penelope pushed me toward my room.

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Come for Me Kaitie

Introduction: My first story. Please dont write anything rude or mean, thanks! Plot: Kaitie is staying with her mothers old friend, Charlie. When Kaitie needs help with a science project of hers, Charlie accidentally buys too much rope. What could possibly happen? This story is fictional and doesnt portray any realise people I own this story. Katie closed the door and walks into the living room, letting her school bag fall to the floor. Im home? She walked over to the fridge and searched for...

2 years ago
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If Only in My dreams

If Only In My Dreams  by  Patricia51 Second Lieutenant Dan Miller paused for a moment as the distant rumble of gunfire caught his ear. After nearly a year spent patrolling the streets of Baghdad, he recognized it as a mixture of M16 and AK fire. Some other patrol was engaged this Christmas Eve. Not his concern, he reminded himself. Not that he didn’t hope the distant firefight wouldn’t  turn out to be a win for the good guys, but his attention needed to be focused right here on the two...

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The Best Week of My Life Chapter 2 The First Weekend

THE BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE CHAPTER 2 - THE FIRST WEEKEND Bobbie was sound asleep at 8:00am the next morning when her mother came in to wake her. "Come along sleepyhead," Mrs. Harris admonished. "It is 8 o'clock and if you are not careful your girly Saturday will slip away from you!" Bobbie leapt out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. Mrs Harris called out after her, "Your friend Stan has rung already. He was wondering if your brother, Rob, could lend him a few clothes for the week....

1 year ago
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Billionaire Valley Its Bitches Part 3

Then Betty added how do you like the game? Did I play my part well? As she walk into the living room sat on the sofa. Open her legs wide, and ask do you want this funky pussy? Do you wanna get funky with me. He look at her stroking her wet pussy with her fingers. He said I love the game, and you played your roll better than anyone I've ever met. Then he unzip his pants. Took off his shirt and under clothes. Walk over to the sofa, sat beside her. Look into her eyes and said yes. I want that...

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English Speaking Classes

For any comments contact to Hello friends, My name is Preeti, I’m 28 years old, I have one kid age 7 and hubby of age 30. My family consist of me, my hubby and my son. My height is not much it’s about 5’2 and my figure is 36,28,36. Coming to the story , it was parents-teacher meeting and every time my husband use to go with my son,but this time due to some problem he was unable to attend meeting, so he said me to attend. That time i was bit scared because my son goes to reputed english...

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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 34 Karin Part I

June/July 1980, Stockholm, Sweden Karin and I hugged tightly for a couple of minutes, then I released her and picked up my bag. “We’ll take the subway,” she said. “It should be running now.” “How did you get here if it wasn’t running?” “I took the bus.” We walked to the subway station and got on the correct line to take us to the Anderssons’ apartment. We walked the short distance from the subway station to the building, then took the elevator up to the sixth floor and walked into the...

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The first time i realised i was going to be troubl

Pondering where to begin, I thought a suitable point was to go back to the first time that my increasing libido landed me in trouble! Growing up my life was cliché after cliché. Educationally over achieving, not exactly a teacher’s pet but definitely in a very close relationship with the library! At the same time I was trying desperately to fit in with my peers – a tough balancing act. Anyway, while a few of my friends were starting to get giggly over the tall, handsome P.E teacher or the...

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Vacation At Goa

I’m Rahul, 29 years and my wife is Nisha, 26 years. We are a marred Indian couple, staying in India. We have been married for five years now and in those years sex has been mind blowing. Nisha loved to fuck, anytime and anywhere and she was never ever shy in admitting it. But, I was my desire to expose her in revealing clothes to other guys and also see her getting fucked. One day, I spoke this with her and after bit of hesitation, she agreed. But, she had a few conditions. One of her...

4 years ago
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The Butler Did It

The Butler Did It By Geoffrey Kidd A rich couple was going out for the evening. The lady of the house decided to give the butler, Throckmorton, the night off. She said they would be home very late and he should just enjoy his evening. As it turned out, the wife didn't have a good time at the party, so she came home early. She walked into the house and eyed Throckmorton sitting alone in the dining room. She called for him to follow her. She led him to the master bedroom. She closed...

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Bank Holiday Break pt2 The swimming pool

An hour had passed after what I shall call ‘my initiation into swinger naturism’ with four very experienced people. Ken & Kathy rose to their feet and kissed Helen, Dave, and I, goodbye saying they would see us later. I also got up and said, "I need to go shower." Helen hugged me cupped my balls, kissed me on the lips. “See you later,” she said. I shook Dave’s hand and went to my caravan. I put my kettle on to boil while I took my shower, as I needed coffee to try and sober up a little from...

Group Sex
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Horny Indian Housewife Seduce A Boy

My name is Kaveri and am 38 years housewife with a husband and a son. At this age , I am not as beautiful as I was in my twenties however my friends say that I’m in great shape. A bit of voluptuous too.As my husband will on travel most of the days I feel bored at home, so I decided to take up a teaching profession to put my time into useful things. I got permission from my husband and I gave interviews. After about 2 months I got the job at my native place of Chennai itself. However for...

1 year ago
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“Your actions show extreme irresponsibility,” said my boss as she was scolding me. I’ve been in her office for over an hour and we still cannot find a reasonable solution to the problem I had created. I stayed quiet. I’m at a lost for words. I sit there totally embarrassed. “I have never been so disappointed. You represent this company. I gave you your position so that you will give it a good image, not ruin it!” my boss said. “I have to figure out how to fix this. I’ll have to call in a board...

Erotic Fiction
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This was a Role -Play fantasy that she wanted to try.She would often dress up for me as a Hooker and offer me her services as part of our bedroom fun and gamesWe chatted one night about her living her fantasy out for real..well real in the fact that it will be a role-play meet with no actual money changing hands ..We place an advert on a swinging site and outlined what we were looking for and how it would go.We said it's a role-play meet as her playing the part of a working girl and you book...

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Mistis Adventures Part 196

Zane and Falina were soon as ecstatically happy as the other four were. Zane didn't have to worry about going to work, because it was MUCH too cold to get anything done. He had anticipated spending the day with his beloved wife, and, MAYBE having the Sullivan's drop by. Mimi was scheduled for two of her final exams, this week, and was planning to take it easy until the Fall semesters began, with her as a teacher. She had already had some offers. She had sent resume's out to several schools,...

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Transgender Outdoor SelfBondage

Another day of work had finished and I flew out the door just after 4:30pm on a mild March afternoon. I had still not transitioned professionally, so presented as male in the office. After work, though, I was my true self. A transwoman who was already taking hormones. I got into the car and turned out onto the main road, traffic was not too bad and I made the journey across town in under 15 minutes.Pulling up at the side of the road, the last glimmer of daylight was fading, but the streetlamps...

1 year ago
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Chennai Girlfriend In Goa Losing Virginity

Hi friends this is Varun from chennai age 24 posting my best experience with my girlfriend. This happened recently when I visited goa with my girlfriend. Your comments please at Hi let’s start the story as me and my girlfriend (Abhirami) age 23 where into relationship for more than 3 years. Our first incident happened when we both planned for tour to Goa it happened an two months back it was an star hotel as we entered the hotel room we both stared kissing so deep we where enjoying it and...

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One day i told mom about my friends and there girl friends.How they go to see movie and for date.Mom asked me that i had any gf.i answered no.She then told me that this sunday we will go for the date.Iwas too exited.The sunday has come.that morning we only brushed and took our clothes for taking bath at that spot.We went there at 10a.m.No one was there only two boys was taking bath.We dont take interest and we sat on the rock as our foot was under water.It was hot day so mom was wearing t shirt...

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The Beijing Streakers

"These games have been testimony to the fact that the world has rested its trust in China. They have been a grand celebration of sport, peace, and friendship." - Liu Qi, Chief of the 2008 Beijing Olympics Organization Committee. "The reality is that the Chinese government's hosting of the Games has been a catalyst for abuse, leading to massive forced evictions; a surge in the arrest, detention and harassment of critics; repeated violations of media freedom; and increased political...

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The Mentalist

What is a Mentalist? According to Wikipedia, Mentalism is a performing art in which its practitioners, known as mentalists, appear to demonstrate highly developed mental or intuitive abilities. Performances may appear to include telepathy, clairvoyance, divination, precognition, psychokinesis, mediumship, mind control, memory feats and rapid mathematics. Hypnosis may also be used as a stage tool. Mentalists are sometimes referred to as psychic entertainers. Many believe in some of these...

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Night Games 2

Introduction: A story from my life. This actually happened. Some things might be added, but its true as well as I can remember. In the summer after I turned 12, my family moved to the town my Aunt Jane and her son Jason lived. Not knowing anyone else, I hung out with Jason pretty much every day that summer. He was a couple months younger, and in the grade below me. We did everything together. We played basketball, hunted small animals like snakes, frogs, birds, rode bikes all over town, and...

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Becoming Anthea

My name is Anthony and I am twenty-two years old. I have extra-long dark hair and darker eyes. I tie my hair into a ponytail and have a close trimmed beard. I look handsome and enjoy keeping myself in shape. I am a lucky guy as I have a very sexy girlfriend who is two years older than me. Zoe and I met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off right away. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her small beautiful mouth sits beneath a cute button nose. All in all, Zoe is a goddess and I love...

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One of the Girls The Original

This story is about young girl domination.  It is entirely a work of fiction.  If such material offends you, please do not read further.One of the Girls – The OriginalBy Ambuja2Chapter 1-- The Girls and Their New Teacher     Julia ran her fingers through her blonde hair.  The 13 year old girl was dressed in her summer clothes -- tight jean shorts, pink t-shirt with the word ?Princess? on the front, and sandals.  She was 5’6? and weighed 120 pounds – a bit large for her age.  Her self-confidence...

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Kendras First True Submission Part 2

As I laid in bed, my mind raced quite a bit thinking about how I dominated Kendra last night. It was an interesting evening as I really used her ass more than ever before and how she was never a big fan of anal play. I played the scene over and over in my head thinking about how she took it, how wet she got and most importantly, how she never complained other than one little time. The more I thought about it, the harder I got and couldn’t fall back asleep. As I looked at the clock saying it was...

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My Neighbor Mark

My Neighbor Mark.I was sitting on the floor, looking at the computer and playing with myself. I didn’t expect to see anyone here and I was dressed in my favorite all black outfit: from my 3 inch heels on my feet, black stockings held up by my black garter belt, my black bra, chemise and my cock was covered up by my small black bikini panties.I was reading some of my sucking and fucking stories and thinking how nice it would be to get my lips around a nice hard cock and I was thinking I’d jerk...

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Speed of the Sound of Loneliness Ch 02

Ch: 02 Who said it doesn’t get any better than this? The Second of Three Chapters. I wasn’t going to be late for my meeting with Molly. If I had to sit in the parking lot until 7:29, I wanted to make an entrance that she wouldn’t forget. She threw me out like yesterday’s newspaper and I wanted her to see what she had created. I secretly hoped she would be jealous, if not worried that I had pulled one over on her. I was determined that I was going to give her nothing in the way of information...

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The ParkersChapter 55 Much better this time

Jack Parker was a shy boy. Very, very shy. It wasn't until recently, thanks to Matt, that he had started having sex. He was too shy to talk to girls, and every time he tried, he failed. In these last days, Jack had been lucky. A number of boys and girls have been available. They were easy. Boys, especially, didn't scare him that much. So Jack started to think that he was probably predominantly homosexual. He liked girls, he liked the sight of girls, he liked sex with them, but... They...

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This story is made up of three posts I had posted on another site. I will post them as one on here.... Ok, so my lady's mom is a single, horny, chubby lady. She probably has her fair share of dick, but not by a young in shape guy, like myself. When she is around I always wear really thin running shorts that make the outline of my dick very easy to see. If we are sitting around where I can lay on the couch I will wear loose gym short with no underwear and give her a clear shot up my shorts. I...


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