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Feminisation: I was the son of a man's man. My Dad had set up his own business, which had to be different from the business his father had set up. His father was also a proudly "self-made man". I didn't know it then but Dad was the sort of man people these days call a domineering father. I knew nothing else. I just called him Dad. At home my Dad commanded and the rest of us did what we were told. My home was very much a man's house as apart from my Dad I had two brothers. Dad, although nominally a socialist, sent the three of us away to a single sex boarding school which was hardly consistent with his professed desire for a utopian socialist state. You see school was very much an establishment and conservative school. My classmates came from moneyed backgrounds and had double-barrelled surnames. In sending us to this school Dad clearly wanted us to have friends who were the leaders of the society we were living in so that if we did not set up our own businesses like him we would, at the very least, not be failures because we had grown up with people who had succeeded. The only women we saw at school were the dinner ladies and the Matron. (A matron is a form of school nurse.) Despite the fact that my classmates were always saying things like "it's a man's world" and making remarks about Matron being "past her sell by date" and about the dinner ladies being "slags" I always thought there was something abnormal about my school environment. I hated it. I refused to believe that all women were either past their sell by dates or slags and dreamt of a life outside boarding school as I suspect a prisoner dreamt of life outside prison. I was very much a loner or outsider at school. Other boys hung round in groups, or so I thought. I thought of the groups I was outside as being "communities" who all shared the same views about subjects and who enjoyed being in each other's company. They would get dressed and undressed together and wouldn't be ashamed of their bodies around each other like I was. When I was in the changing room the idea was to get out of my uniform and into my sports kit as quickly as possible and without anyone noticing. I would try hard not to notice the other boys when we were getting changed in case they were naked and thought I was gay because I was looking at them. I was paranoid about being thought of as gay and therefore in the eyes of the community - less of a man or indeed of being thought less of a man simply because I simply was less well endowed. Being a man's man was the puerile goal of every boy in that changing room. Gradually I noticed however that actually none of the other boys were really that confident about their bodies either. In fact everyone had the same paranoia about the changing room and of how they compared with the other boys, even the gay boys. (In fact I found out afterwards that one of my closest friends, Raymond, was gay and I don't remember even seeing him get changed he was that anonymous in the changing room.) This changing room silence and fear was part of being male. You did not get dressed or undressed as part of a community (even though you were doing it at the same time as other individuals) and you entered, got changed and left the changing room as an individual. This was perhaps the most significant thing I learnt at school - that I craved community so much that I was determined to see it everywhere. I couldn't really see community anywhere at my boarding school because the closest we got to "community" was really as a "team" and that was no different to a "hunting pack". The sense of being a community broke up at the end of the activity or sport or even during it when we (there I go again trying to impose a communal term on the group of individuals our school teachers tried to pretend was a team) played as badly as we did. Then the recriminations flew and collective team failure turned into individual failure. Our teachers often spoke to us about "team spirit" not understanding that "community spirit" was what we really needed. By the time I left school I had not really worked out what my sexuality was. I had worked out that I was not "normal" but then again was there such a thing as normal anyway? After finishing at school I went to university where I shunned male company. Well, perhaps that's not quite true, I had a gay friend called Bruce. In fact Bruce was the first friend I made at university. Bruce was, like the boys in the changing room back at school, very secretive about his sexuality and it took about a year before he came out to me. Talking to Bruce I found myself asking was I homosexual? Was it ok to be homosexual? Did it make me less of a man if I was? Were you either homosexual or heterosexual? Or was it possible to be something other? I slept with Bruce once. I wanted to use sleeping with Bruce to decide whether I was homosexual or not. I think Bruce wanted to find out what sleeping with a boarding school boy was like. Although I was not Bruce's kind of man (and we mutually agreed we were not ideally suited to each other as sexual partners) sleeping with Bruce did not resolve my questions. I could not be sure that I was not homosexual. After sleeping with Bruce I remembered particularly being attracted to one of my class mates at school and wishing it was him and not Bruce inside me. Maybe it was ok to be homosexual after all? Bruce and I had so much in common. Gradually at university Bruce and I built up a circle of female friends. Looking back now I cannot recall exactly how it happened. What I can say is that we became a safe space for the women in our circle of friends as they sensed, quicker than I did, that Bruce was gay and they also sensed that I was too shy and too much of a gentleman to hit on them. They liked having a few non-threatening men in their group and Bruce and I enjoyed being part of a "community". As I had long suspected, contrary to my schooling, it was a "community" in which women were my equals. I came to realise an integral part of being part of a community was women. Women built community not men. Men might found communities but it was women who developed them. Why? Because individual failure became community failure just as individual success became community success. In my last year at university I found myself spending more and more time with Angela. We had planned to do things as a group but then no one else turned up. First was a pizza night. It was a bit awkward at first but as I chatted with Angela I realised that we had a lot more in common than I had at first thought. Angela seemed to be enjoying the conversation too. Before long we became a couple. Angela was a big fan of Madonna and she was playing at our local football stadium. I also liked Madonna and bought tickets for us to go but Angela was upset about this as she wanted to pay for her own ticket but didn't have the money. I knew she was a part time makeup artist and charged people for this service but the women in our circle of friends all knew how to do their own makeup. Then an idea hit me. There was a "Vicars and Tarts" evening at the student union. I would get Angela to make me up as a "Tart". It was something I had not tried before but it would mean I could employ Angela professionally and she could then afford her ticket for the Madonna concert. At first Angela was shocked at the idea. "Look Arthur, I know Bruce is gay but I thought you were simply a gentleman. Does this mean you are actually gay?" What a question! I was trying to help her out.... As I said before I did not really know if I was gay or not but what would I say to Angela? I thought quickly and then confided truthfully "Angela, this does not mean I am gay. I have never actually done this before. Yes, Bruce is gay but as far as I know he has never dressed as a woman yet half the university team are straight and they have come to student union discos dressed as women." "You haven't answered the question, Arthur. Are you gay?" Angela pressed me. "The truth Angela is that I don't know. I have had sex with Bruce but we both agreed it was a mistake and I have never slept with a woman before but I have also never had sex with another man. I think I am in love with you and I have never dressed as a woman before." "In that case, Angelina, you have yourself a deal but we are going to have to ensure you look far more convincing than the boys in the football team." "Why are you calling me 'Angelina'?" "It makes you sound like a kind of small version of me and believe me Angelina when we are done you will look like me! Even you won't want to be called Arthur!" Angela was good to her word. She had me shave off the hair on my face, my arms, my legs and my chest. She glued down my eyebrows, she stuck false eyelashes on my eyelids, she did the full works! By the time she was done we looked like sisters. She found me a pair of heels too and taught me to walk in them. When we were done we went and knocked on Bruce's door. "Angela, where's Arthur? Oh my god! Is that you Arthur? Angela you are amazing!" "It's Angelina tonight Brucey baby," I said. "Angelina! I thought you said it was a mistake," Angela said in a mock worried voice. "You told her Angelina? Look Angela it was a mistake for both of us!" Said Bruce. "It happened once and I hope you will believe me when I say I wish you two lesbians every happiness together and I will not stand in your way. But looking at Angelina I am starting to wonder about my own sexuality." Strangely Bruce's little speech reassured Angela about me, coming as it did without any possibility of collusion between us and my sexuality was never in question after that. So that the "Vicars and Tarts" night was my first night as a woman. I had half the football team try to chat me up until Angela led me to the centre of the dance floor and we danced a slow dance together. For the first night in my life I felt sexy and like I was an object of desire and I enjoyed it. It was nice to be desirable.. Did I crave male attention that much? When it came to the Madonna concert though Angela had a surprise in store for me and asked me to come to her room well before the concert began. "I wanted to go as flamenco Madonna but the fancy dress shop wound up giving me two outfits instead of one," She said coquettishly laying out both dresses on her bed. I raised my momentarily glue free eyebrows. "Ok you got me!" she said. "I didn't want to go alone as flamenco Madonna and thought Angelina might like to join me?" La Isla Bonita was one of my favourite Madonna videos and I had so enjoyed the Vicars and Tarts evening that it did not take Angela long to coax out my inner Angelina again. I had always wondered what it would be like to wear a traje de gitana like Madonna's. It was different to the mini skirt and corset she had me wear for the "Vicars and Tarts" evening. Angela had bought hair extensions to create a bun and as she pulled my hair back my eyes looked more feminine even before she added the false lashes. She then inserted a comb to held my hair back and the bun in place. I didn't have to shave my arms, chest and legs this time as my hair had not grown back since the "Vicars and Tarts" party. Angela had also bought me fishnets stockings and suspenders so where the slit in Madonna's dress simply revealed her pantyhose, the slit in the side of my dress revealed the top of my stockings and my suspender belt as I danced in front of the mirror. The bra Angela bought me this time was different too as while her dress had shoulders my flamenco dress was shoulderless, meaning I felt more vulnerable when we got to the concert. I was amazed the dress never fell off. We loved the concert and a lot of guys hit on us but when they saw us holding each other's hands they realised we were a couple and assumed we were lesbians and eventually gave up on us. After the concert we made love for the first time. Angela was turned on by Angelina and I was turned on by Angela and by being Angelina. After that Angelina became a regular part of our lives and we rarely make love without me wearing a minimum of a bra, stockings and suspenders and panties and often quite a lot more. My days as a woman were numbered though as over the course of the next few years we had two daughters, Jane and Anne. I felt, as their father, that I had to model masculinity and concentrated on my work. That was all a long time ago now. I still wear my bras, stockings and suspenders and panties to bed though. Angela washes them whilst the girls are at school to save awkward questions about how my lingerie is bigger than anyone else's in our household. Where am I now? There was one other man in the job but he has been dismissed. All my colleagues are women and the office has an unmistakably feminine feel about it. Every room has flowers in it. As a boy I hated flowers, but I have more flowers in my room than the rest of the office. This started when a young lady I did some work for came in to the office with an orchid for me. At the time I said to my colleagues that I thought it was a bit odd for a woman to offer a man flowers expecting my colleagues to agree with me but instead I was made to feel odd for thinking it odd. (This was despite the fact that I had just read "Monsieur Venus" by Rachilde, which should have set off alarm bells!) So after that I came to accept gifts of flowers as being quite normal. I remembered browsing my department store loyalty card page I noticed that this month I get 20% off corsets or skirts this month. Can't they work out that I am a man? Just because I use my card to by stuff for my wife and daughters does not make me a woman! I told Angela about this when we were out shopping with the girls and she flew into a rage and said in front of the girls "You enjoy crossdressing so much why don't you used the offers?" I went red and the girls burst into laughter. I felt betrayed. I had to try to hide this though. "I think you would look good in a corset, Daddy, it would hold in that fat belly of yours," Jane declared. "That's true, let me have your loyalty card,"Angela said. "Can we get Dad a skirt too?" Teased Anne. "We'll see," said Angela. "I haven't seen anything in his colour yet." "Very funny," I said. "You are not buying me a corset!" Angela glared at me. "Jane is right, a corset would help with your belly until you start Pilates." I dared not say anything further. There was no way I was doing Pilates, it was a ladies sport. This was the most embarrassing shopping trip of my life! I felt like the veil (or was it the skirt?) had been lifted from my masculinity to reveal Angelina to my daughters. Fortunately Angela, although I was fitted for a corset, said nothing further about crossdressing that day so it seemed the girls thought it was just a joke and my skirt or veil was put back. A few days later I was browsing facebook. For some reason I found myself drawn to lingerie and women's clothing pages. These women are beautiful. What would it feel like to look beautiful like that? Since that day the only adverts I get on Facebook or indeed on the internet are for women's clothing sites. Angela and I inevitably had a conversation about my browsing history, why I had been unhappy at work for several years and how being the man of the house was a strain on me. I needed to stop hiding the real me that she fell in love with.. I live with three other women. I work with five more. I am happy as I lie down on the Pilates mat in my sports bra and yoga pants, one of a class of 30 women... I am no longer living a lie.... I am now part of a community in which I am accepted.

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Mature Slut Wife Gets her Stud Cock

So if you have been reading about my slut wife Debra you know she took it in her ass from our swing/swap couple hubby Tom and so she gets to have her young stud fuck her again..... It took her about 3 days to recover from the incredible ass fucking Tom gave her but last Wednesday morning she was a ready, willing and very horny slutty Mature ready to be fucked by her stud..... She spent the entire day getting primped and ready, nails, toes, hair, made sure that hot little slut tight pussy was...

3 years ago
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DNA 2 Chapter 4

Paul wanted to just pummel the man's face in. Instead he just smiled and said, "Would you like fries with that?" The man smiled. "Yeah. Say, what are you doing when you finish work? Perhaps I could take you out for a drink?" Paul glared at him and the man visibly paled. "Or maybe not." He paid for his burger and fries and retreated to one of the bolted-down tables. "I hate that the most about working here. When the lowlifes try to pick you up. Why do they try?" Mandy asked...

1 year ago
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My dreams

This is my fantasy i hope to play out on day.Your arms are behind your back so your forearms are together and your hands are touching your opposite arms elbow. Your legs are tied cafe to thigh and there are two lines running down two each knot form your arms. You’re wearing a cheap pair of panties and a tight white t-shirt I can almost see through. Your lying on your back in the middle of the bed. The rope running form your arms your legs is forcing you to arch your back push breast out, Your...

2 years ago
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Double TimeChapter 76

“Memories tell me who I was, not who I’ll become. They don’t fix the present any more than they fix the past.” —Caroline George, The Vestige THERE WAS A BUNCH OF STUFF on my bed Saturday night. I’d had dinner with the family and no one said a thing. We just talked about the race and the results. I knew, of course, there were runners who are a lot faster than me. I mean, I placed tenth over all. But in this race, there were only three runners in my division, so placing first wasn’t such a...

1 year ago
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Kikis Eligible Daughters

If you want to get full enjoyment from the Studio Ghibli film "Kiki's Delivery Service" watch it before you read this Story, this is a sequel to that movie and spoilers are large and unmarked ahead... Still with us? Good! On with the show! What has come before... Imagine a world just like our own earth, but with several marked differences: 1: Magic is real, and some gifted people, mostly passed down through bloodlines of witches or mages, can use it to accomplish things that defy the laws of...

2 years ago
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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 8

Paul let me know that the Blackfeet Nation were looking for a wolf pack to patrol their border with Canada and help prevent drug smuggling, cattle rustling, and horse thieving on their three-thousand square mile reservation. For spring break, we drove north west, instead of south, and visited the Tribal Council. They showed us where they would help us build a homestead to serve as our base of operations. The elders pledged to help me learn to catch and train wild horses to use for our...

2 years ago
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forced bang but feels so sexy

it was a pleasant evening when i decided to meet up with my ex-bf for dinner. He fetch me from my office and we couldn't find a parking space when we arrive to the restaurant. So he suggested that we brought it back to his home for dinner. I was a little naive to agreed upon his request. When i arrive to his house, we spent our time in his home-office where he show some of his travel photo to me. Thing are working out fine for us, we chat, we laugh and we share some updates on our life after...

3 years ago
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Wife Used at Work

A mature, 40 something wife took her first job as a cashier at the local supermarket. One day, she screwed up a customers order. The customer threatened her. This middle aged sociopathic pervert customer said he would speak to the manager about fireing her. The wife tried to de-escalate the situation, but the customer perceived that she was a weak willed, easily bullied female. He told her that unless she bend over, drop her panties and let him enter her cunt, she would lose her job. The weak...

3 years ago
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A Second Opportunity Pt 2

The next few days went by quickly and Mary had gotten better. She was always laughing and making me laugh as well. I had taken her out to the movies after she insisted one day. Afterwards we had walked and she told me about her past and what she wanted for her future. She had been raised by loving parents when she was young but as she got older things had changed. Her parents seemed to argue all the time and the love they once had for each other quickly vanished. Mary had dreams of traveling...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Angel Naughty The Millennium Hotel Chapter One

An hour later I was at the Millennium Hotel downtown, on the edge of the king sized bed, cutting a pair of thick lines. Lisa had went home with Todd, to dump him and change into her angel outfit; while Loretta, Lisa's sister, her black designer hat slanted over her eye, her tight red dress wrapped like a cat suit over her luscious body, danced drudgingly slow and seductive to some moody acid jazz that played over the porno we had ordered on the TV. She had a bump earlier in the car, and her...

Group Sex
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HotMovies Horror

What’s up, you naughty little pervert!? Are you tired of jacking off porn videos with half-assed scripts and a single camera? After spending so long the world’s sluts slamming their slash for you in front of a £1000 camera, you’ve got to wonder… Is there more than this? There’s got to be content with some kind of depth, right?I mean, these girls are more than just bags of meat for you to beat your own meat to. Sometimes, you want to immerse yourself in a story! You want to experience the kind...

Premium Extreme Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My Dream Story

Vera, my wife of twenty-plus years, and I were having sex one night, which is always good. When we'd finished and were lying there, she asked, "Jim, do you still like having sex with me? What can we do to throw a little spice into it?"Being a kinky kind of guy and wanting to try new things, I thought about it and then said that I wanted her to have sex with another man."Jim, why do you want to do that?" Vera asked. "We've had a threesome before."About ten years ago, we brought one of our...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Red and VictorChapter 6

Just after midnight Jackie went outside with his cell phone and stayed out for about forty-five minutes. When he came back in he motioned for me to join him in the kitchen and I did. He also made a little hand signal to one of the twins, both of whom seemed to keep their eyes on him all the time now, and she came in without a word and started a pot of coffee. "Julia." Jackie said to her "How do you tell them apart Jackie?" I ask interrupting him. "I'm not really sure Bill, I just...

3 years ago
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my sexy father in law

Hi i am Rani This is my first story.I am 35 years old.I am married to a loving man who is 3 years older than me, as our life is going smoothly with one kid.But my husband got 5 inch dick and that was not enough to satisfy me and he cum soon after few strokes, so after that i used to masturbate myself night to reduce my heat. It all started when my father in law came to live with us.He is an ex army colonel and he got a good built body and still doing excercises every day, the first day...

3 years ago
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It enters

The tube in all its length and girth was 16 inches in length and a girth of 2 and 1/2 I inches at it widest point at the base . It was to deliver the contains of the “ bag” in record time through a 1/2 inch tube with flow gage .It ‘s click resounded off the walls of the cinder block chamber. She was stripped naked and attached to an X type cross beam . Her hands and legs at the wrists and ankles strapped to the rough wood but 2 inch wide strapes. Her ass was filled completely by it total length...

4 years ago
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The Magic of Genetics

The Magic of Genetics By Jane Steele The instructions for the spell that she had bought from gypsy woman were fairly simple. No real hocus-pocus like LeeAnne had expected. But then the price had been low for something that was supposed to have such dramatic effects on the subjects. LeeAnne was still surprised at herself for a number of reasons. First, she didn't normally have any faith in the occult or magic. But there had been something in the old woman's voice that seemed to...

2 years ago
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A Long Time Cumming

It's been a rough couple months. Between the kids and the jobs, there has hardly been any time for us. It feels like forever since I've been able to lick that sweet, wet pussy. Just thinking of it gets me so hard. It's time for my plan to get into motion. The kids are at their grandparents. The package arrives. Inside is a note detailing exactly what I want you to do. Accompanying that is a new set of classy lingerie. Nothing overboard, just a sexy bra and panty set. I make sure I'm out when it...

Straight Sex
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The Woody Agency for Modeling Ch05

When Janna got home, she took a quick shower and then sat on the couch, hoping that Mary would be with her soon. She had enjoyed the day today, but she looked forward to coming home to Mary all along. It must have been thirty minutes when the door opened and Mary walked in. The two women hugged each other and kissed letting each other know that they have missed each other. Janna told Mary about her day at work, the fight that had happened between Jennifer and Jeff and how Bill and she had...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Cherie DeVille Five Star Rating

MILF Cherie DeVille hasn’t had a date in three months, so when she hears about a delivery service that sends hot delivery boys on errands, she orders a banana, whip cream, strawberries and LUBE! When delivery boy Tyler Nixon arrives at the house with Cherie’s items, he drops the bag when she answers the door in sexy lingerie. She invites him inside and begins to dress herself up with the sweet creamy treats, feeding him a dollop of whip cream from her nipples. She tit fucks the banana...

4 years ago
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My First Experience With Desi Aunty

Hello sexiest indiansexstories readers. I am Shivaji from Hyderabad. This incident is from my real life and my first sex experience. I born and studied in Visakhapatnam. This incident was happen during my 2nd year b.Tech holidays. Without any delay let me start this. For my b.Tech 2nd year holidays I went to my grand fathers home. It was a remote village. There was no transport to near by town, no power during day time, also I didn’t had any friends in that village. So I felt very bore, until I...

3 years ago
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Sharing My Wife with my Boss part 2

What has happen in my boss hotel room was planned by me and my boss and the plan went on perfectly. It has been 2 weeks since that incident happen and she does not bring it up and I do not want to talk about it with her yet. We sort of pretended it didn’t happen. My Boss, Dan, he has been telling me that my wife did enjoy him fucking her and told me that as much as she was reluctant, she did CUM few times. Dan said that she can feel her body shake when he went deep in her and there are small...

2 years ago
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Switch Worlds Paradise 2

Switch World: Paradise 2 The sequel to my other Switch Worlds story, this one travels with our dear Robert while he tries to use the changes he experienced due to his injury. Also does a few extras and my thoughts on the world and how it works. So please enjoy. To be honest Robert always thought about what the Institute for Mental Hygiene was there for. He had no clue how his world had changed or been created. After all he now had the knowledge that there were other realities,...

2 years ago
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The Twosome Mystery And Its Turnover

hi i m Swapnil and back with a new story of fucking my friend’s sister in his presence. Let me tell you about myself . I m an average looking guy,wheatish and slim having a cock of 7 inches . Let Me come to the story . It happened when I went to Kanpur for some work and i was very happy to see my best friend Arun (name changed) , aur meri khushi kaa koi thikana nahi tha. Hum log bahut dino baad mile the to kaafi saalo ki baatein ikkhata ho gayi thi to station se car mein baith kw hum log ghar...

1 year ago
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Mick ruins my girl part 1

I was at a cousins birthday party with my girlfriend who i've been with for a couple of years.I'm quite an introvert so a party isn't really my idea of fun, in fact its quite the opposite.Me and my gf spent most of the time sitting at the bar, sometimes chatting to family members who I had not seen in quite some time.It was getting towards the end of the party when I felt a huge hand slam onto my shoulder from behind, I turned and saw Mick, a c***dhood friend who I used to play with when I was...

1 year ago
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One Night With Ann

Shane was a pretty average guy. He hadn't really been that lucky in love. He really only had one girl that he could call a girlfriend. But this girl had her fair share of issues and after a while she just began to drive him crazy until finally he couldn't take it anymore and ended it. It's a good thing too because if he held out any longer he had this fear he'd wind up married to her and then he'd really be fucked. Shane had been single for a few months when out of the blue he got a...

3 years ago
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Randikhaane Mein Rosy Aayi Paheli Baar

Mera naam Subbu hai. Ye meri pehli kahani hai. Aaiye kahani ki shuruwat karte hai. Ye kahani hai Rosy ki. Rosy ek 28 varsh ki ladki hai. Shaadi na hone ki wajah se uski shareer ki pyaas kabhi poori nahi hui. Usne socha ki kisi ladke ko free mein uska kamukta bhara badan dene se acha hai ki kuch paise hi kama liye jaaye. Usne kuch himmat jutai aur apne sheher ke red alert area mein gayi. 6 baje ka samay tha. Andhera na hone ki wajah se galli mein koi nikla nahi tha. Woh ek badi si kothi dekh...

3 years ago
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The SuiteChapter 4

Megan's eyes snapped open with the sound of the chime. The tingle and the wet in her pussy were stronger this morning than last. She'd broken up with her boyfriend about a month ago, that being the last time she'd had any sex. Masturbation wasn't quite the same thing, but it usually was good enough to take the edge off and she hadn't even done that since the experiment had begun. There wasn't time now, she knew... maybe when she took her shower? She was the first one into the common...

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