Miss Emma Rose free porn video

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I scrunched my nose at the heavy textbook I pulled from the cheap plastic bag. “Jesus Emma,” My roommate Katie snorted as she caught a glimpse of the thickly bound book. “I told you that you should have just taken a history course instead.”

We both had the same Arts major, but instead of having the same elective as her, I chose to go with something a little more challenging, German. After flipping through the textbook I was starting to think I might have taken on a bit more than I could handle.

Katie’s annoying little jab was rattling the last of my nerves. We both had our electives in an hour and I was still panicking about the content. It seemed the professor was trying to cover a huge amount for the small semester that we had. I had picked up a bit of the language from my fluent and friendly neighbor, but that was years ago.

I shoved the textbook into my backpack and went to inspect myself in the mirror before we left. I fiddled with my hair for a moment, it was a bit past my shoulders all chestnut and curls and at that moment it was a bit wild looking. I tuned sideways to inspect my outfit, a plain pair of jeans and a nice red blouse. I readjusted my bra to make my B breasts appear a bit more full .I had just noticed that my blouse had a bit of lint sticking to it. I picked a bit of it off before I heard Katie kick the door. “We don’t have time for all that!”
“All of what?” I impatiently hollered through the door as I continued picking off bits of lint on the hem of my shirt.

“Your freak out session, you are going to be fine Emma, I am just giving you a hard time.” She said, her voice softening a bit. “You are a top student, you know that.”

I sighed as I gazed at my own reflection; a pair of nervous brown eyes peered back. “Alright,” I said, defeated. “Let’s go then.”

Glengall building, where my class was being held, was only a short walk away from residence commons so Katie and I quickly parted. It was a part of the old side of campus where most of the buildings were originally built when the university was first established. I weaved in and out of the first day of class buzz as I navigated my way to my classroom. I was only five minutes early but there was no sign of the professor. Unfortunately the class was relatively full so I was stuck sitting in the front row along with a couple of other stragglers.

As I took my seat a man in his early forties rolled a covered trolley in. He had a shag of graying dirty blond hair that came down to his ears and a full beard that had silver whiskers along with his natural color. He would have easily towered over my 5’6 height and he was wearing brown trousers with a corduroy blazer over a white dress shirt. He had an impressive body for a man his age, he was toned, but not to muscular. I had a suspicion that if he took off his shirt there would be a hard stomach underneath. With a little kick the door closed behind him and he straightened his burgundy tie as he flashed a brilliant smile while surveying his class.

He wrote ‘Dr. Nikolas Kirsch’ in chalk across the blackboard and German 101 beneath it. “Do you know what I wish for you to take with you when you leave here at the end of this semester?” His accent was subtle; I wondered how long ago he had learned English because he was very good at speaking it. No one in the class said anything, there were twenty-some students and we all suspected it to be a rhetorical question. Well, it wasn’t.

His eyebrows arched as he eyes his class, his inquisitive blue eyes settled on me. “Why don’t you give it a shot Miss…”

“Rose,” His deepening look cause my name to sound like a squeak, I cleared my throat. “Emma Rose.”
“Well Miss Emma Rose, what are your thoughts?” He playfully questioned.

“I-I suppose you want us to have a grasp on beginners German,” I tentatively answered, it seemed he wanted more though. “And perhaps an understanding of the German culture?”

His playful smile grew and to my dismay my cheeks flushed. “You are absolutely correct Miss Emma Rose! I want this class to not just speak the language, live it with me! Which is why a portion of this class will consist of test, quizzes and such on the language and a portion will be on our adventures. I have a calendar posted on the bulletin board outside of our class which shows you of our scheduled outings, some of which will happen outside of class.”

I heard some of my classmates shift uncomfortably in their seats, and even someone make a groan. If Dr. Kirsch heard, he didn’t let it show. “Now I know that most of you also have evening jobs so I only require you to come to five of the eight outside activities, but for that I require a bit of extra homework on your part. I am wishing to submerge you in the German culture and what better place to start than with the music.” He tore the cover off of the trolley to reveal it full of CD’s. “It’s all here, from Rammstein to Mozart. And because of Emma’s daring to be the first to answer one of my questions, I will let her have first pick of the lot before I turn it over to the rest of you at the end of class.”

He gave me an eager smile, “Come on, don’t be shy.”

But I was. Something about him made me feel like a blithering mess. It could have been his expressive eyes or maybe the gesture of him running his hand through his hair as I hesitantly walked up to the trolley. I haven’t heard of most of the musicians on there and I quickly surveyed the trolley for anything I recognized. Where was the Mozart he talked about? After realizing I had been up there for a moment too long I quickly picked up my next safest choice, a classical album titled ‘Bach: Partitas and Sonatas for Violin’ and rushed back to my seat.

“Hmm, that is quite an interesting choice Miss Emma Rose.” Dr. Kirsch commented.

“I play Violin.” I managed to squeak out as my cheeks grew hot under his gaze.

“Ah, a musician, wonderbar!” He gave me a wink and I practically melted. “Now if you all can open your textbooks to chapter one.”


After the long first lesson, which proved that focusing on my work and not on Dr. Kirsch would be more difficult then I though, I escaped to look at the events calendar for the semester. I managed to beat the rush to the bulletin board to see that the first ‘adventure’ we were going on was on the first night of the Fall Festival party that residence held every year. I sighed heavily, I had been looking forward to it, but apparently I would be going to a formal dinner at the German club instead. I contemplated skipping out of it since I didn’t need to go on all of them, but I thought that it wouldn’t show very good initiative if I skipped out on the first one.

The next couple weeks went smoothly enough, as much as it could have with me growing hotter with every wink and grin that Dr. Kirsch threw the class. I was starting to grow use to his playful nature and my face stopped growing crimson with every glace he passed my way. I actually managed to give my speech informing the class about my musical choice without squeaking out words, Dr. Kirsch actually seemed impressed. By the time the German Club Dinner rolled around I was actually beginning to feel that I didn’t make the wrong choice in picking my class. That is until I showed up to the dinner.

Since it was formal I picked out a soft pink knee length dress with quarter sleeves made of lace, but to be honest, I picked it because it lifted the girls out in a pleasing way. I had tall white heels and a small white clutch with me, when I walked into the club I almost dropped it. A rather large table was set aside for us, but it seemed I was the first to arrive. The hostess smiled politely as she seated me but I could tell she was thinking the same thing I had been, the reservations were for six, which was five minutes away, and I was the only one who showed. I managed to get stood up by my entire class.

I threw a sigh as I took my seat, maybe everyone else would be fashionably late.

I surveyed the glittering restaurant. There were couples scattered about the room, all in ties and dresses. The walls had German artwork hanging on them, few I recognized. Behind me was a shelf full of beer steins. I twisted in my seat to get a better look at all the colors and shapes.

His voice made me jump. “They are all handmade in Germany.” When I turned Dr. Kirsch laughed under his breath, “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“No harm done,” I quietly said as he sat opposite me. “It looks like we are the first ones here.”
“It would appear that way, I hope that the others come, it seems I schedule our little dinner on the night of the Fall Festival,” He flicked the cloth napkin on his lap and gave me a little shake of his head. “Silly me.”
I noticed that he was dressed more formally than he normally would have been; he had a sleek black coat on that contrasted his eyes beautifully. I tried not to stare as he ordered wine for the table. “I think a bottle of red would be good to start, “He said to the waitress, “We don’t know if we will be the only ones in our party quite yet.”

A flush rose to the cheeks of the waitress as she nodded, I felt a sudden ping of jealously rush through me. I shouldn’t have been jealous. She was pretty though, and closer to his age than my 22 years were. But he was my professor, and I shouldn’t have been having those thoughts about him.

“So,” He said as the waitress rushed off to retrieve the wine. “How are your other studies, Miss Emma Rose?”

The way my name rolled of his tongue bothered me in a way that no man had been able to accomplish before. I managed to give him a slight smile, “Well Dr. Kirsch—“

“Please, call me Nikolas.”

“Nikolas—I am doing my Bachelor of Arts, and the rest of my classes seem to be going pretty well.”

Nikolas grinned. “For some reason I always suspected you would be an Arts student, you have that wide-eyed romantic quality that they all seem to share.”

The wine came fairly quickly and I took an eager gulp to dissolve my nerves. “I didn’t realize that we were so easily placed.”

He shrugged. “I am often times wrong with these things, but even more so right.”

A restaurant employee, who was dressed too sharply to be a waiter came to our table and addressed us in German. The conversation was very short and he left when Nikolas nodded.

“It seems that they are having quite the busy night,” Nikolas relayed the information to me. “Since I believe most of our party isn’t coming, I’ve agreed to be seated at a smaller table. He stood with his glass in hand. “You don’t mind do you?”

“No, of course not. “ I picked up my clutch along with my wine glass and we followed the waitress to a cozy booth that sat about four on each side of the table. Once again Nikolas sat across from me.


Even though no one else from the class showed up I think we drank enough for four of us. Even after we had our meals my head was still swimming. I was caught up in everything he had to offer, the sound of his laugh, the color of his eyes, the taste of his country’s food and most of all their wine. The conversation he offered was never dull but I suspected that was a reflection of him.

We knew we were cut off when our waitress asked us if she wanted her to call a cab. “What do you say, “Nikolas playfully questioned. “Do you want to split a taxi?”

“Of course,” I said as I rested my hands on my hot cheeks. “But I think I need some air first.”

He threw down some money on the table before I could reach for my clutch. “Let’s go stand outside then.”

“Oh, let me pay for half.” I said as I stared at the large sum on the table.

“Nonsense, Emma.”

“I insist.”

He passed me a sly smile as he shoved on his coat. “How about you pay for the taxi.”

I grinned as his little drunken wobble. “Sounds like a deal.”

It was cooler outside than I remembered, but my face was hot from the wine so it was refreshing. The club had their music playing outside as well, except it was easier to hear out there. I recognized the song they were playing. “That song is from the album you gave me on the first day.” I told him. “I am trying to learn it but I haven’t gotten it quite right yet.”

“Do you play any other instruments?”

“Piano, cello and the clarinet,” I smiled broadly at his raised brow. “My mother was a music teacher; she always said that music was the key to a person’s soul.”

His deep blue eyes softened at this and he stole a moment to glance me over. If he hadn’t had been drinking then it might have been more subtle, but it was plain to see that he was taking in every curve of my body. Yet my only response was a flirtatious “What?”

He shook his head as our taxi pulled up. “You are a very old soul Miss Emma Rose.”

There is was again, that alluring way he said my full name. It made me weak at the knees. He opened the car door and flashed me a brilliant smile. “After you?”

The cab was small and smelled faintly of cigarettes and air freshener. When Nikolas got in he continued with our conversation. “I have quite the wide classical collection, would you care to come see it?”
For a moment I was caught off guard, but I quickly regained my composure. “Sure.”

We continued speaking about music but I could hardly keep my thoughts on the conversation. I don’t know why I was so flustered though, he was taking me to his house and showing me his collection as his student, it would be foolish to think otherwise. I was far too immature for a man with his broadened mind.
His house was located in the old part of the city. It was the kind you would dream to live in, but I heard the maintenance on them was tedious. That being said it was cozy, and elegant. I paid the taxi driver and turned to follow a smiling Nikolas up the drive. “I bought this house when I moved from Germany four years ago. I had my mind set on a modern apartment but when the old charm of this place caught my eye, I just couldn’t say no.”

We stepped into a small foyer where I he hung up his coat. It led into a quaint living room that had a small fireplace opposite shelves of books. Nikolas gently touched my shoulder and a shiver ran through me as he passed. “If you will follow me to my office.”

His office was of modest size, but it was extraordinary in showmanship. Opposite from the door was a big mahogany desk with a leather office chair behind it and two leather back chairs in front. On either side of the desk there were tall bookcases full of records and CD’s covering every inch of space. A stand with a record player and stereo sat within easy reach behind his desk.

Nikolas flicked on the lamp on his desk and suddenly all of the lights in the house flickered off. “That would be the old breaker in this house, give me a moment.”

My eyes lingered on him walking down the hall. I made a mental note to watch him walk away more often as I turned back to his collection of music. He had stuff from rock and roll to classic and everything in-between. While I was inspecting his extensive collection the lamp beside his desk flickered on. A lot of his music was in German and most of it I didn’t recognize, but I was more than impressed. I picked up a familiar record from the shelf and blew the bit of dust off it.

A shiver ran up my spine and I turned to see Nikolas watching me from the doorway. He had his arms crossed but there was a smile playing at his lips. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t mean to be so nosy” I said as I put the record back.

He waved off my apology as he joined me at my side. “No need for that, I invited you here to see my collection.”

A slight pang of disappointment washed over me. Even though I knew it was stupid to think so, I had hoped he had invited me over for something more. Maybe it was the wine or maybe I felt it all along, but I didn’t want him to be my professor. I wanted something more, now whether that something was having him devour me between the sheets or something else, I didn’t know.

My nerves and the bottle of wine gave me a sudden need to keep talking. “My Mom had that record,” I casually rested my arm on the shelf and turned towards him, he did the same. “She used to play it on Sundays after a visit to the park.”

Nikolas regarded me with such deep thought that I couldn’t help but ask that stereotypical question that young women in want of affection usually asked. “What are you thinking about? You look like I just told you one of my deepest secrets.”

“I was thinking about how I want you to drop my class,” His eyes swam over me as I held back my shock. Drop his class? I was one of his top students! Where did I go wrong tonight? “So I could kiss you I mean. You are a good student, a great student, don’t get me wrong. I would just rather kiss you…” He trailed off his ramble lamely. It was the first time I had ever seen him look so unsure of himself. “Listen to me, I’m sorry if—“

His apology was cut short as I leaned in and planted a soft kiss to silence him. I did it before I could stop to think about what I was doing and at first when he hesitated my mind screamed “EMMA YOU IDIOT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

But when he kissed me back, any hesitant thought left my mind. It started out soft and gentle but when my tongue flicked his lips and he opened them for me, things became more passionate. My hands raked trough his shaggy hair as I pressed myself against his chest. He explored my body with one hand as his other intertwined with my curls.

Nikolas kissed me almost hungrily as he pressed me up against the bookshelf. I could feel my panties starting to get wet as he grinded against me. It was easy to feel through his pants that he was getting excited. I stripped him of his jacked and began to fumble with the buttons as he kissed my neck. A gasp filled the room as he lightly bit my earlobe. As he unzipped my dress I got the last of his buttons undone and tore off his shirt. In one swift motion he slipped my dress from my shoulders and it fell to the floor. I kicked off my heels as I stepped out of it. Suddenly found myself standing in front of my professor in only a pair of lacy panties.

A hooked finger shed me of my last article of clothing as I loosened his pants off his hips. He broke a kiss when my panties hit the floor and his dramatic blue eyes slid over my body in a ravenous way, he reached up and tweaked one of my small nipples, a smile played on his lips as I bit my lip. All of a sudden his mouth was trailing over one of my nipples. I laced my hands in his hair as I silently begged him not to stop. His beard hair tickled as he sucked my nipple into his mouth, I let out a small giggle.
Nikolas’s eyes found mine and he gave me a questioning, almost hurt, look. “You’re beard tickles,” I said as I traced his lips with my thumb, “I like it.”

Nikolas chuckled a bit as he took my other nipple in his mouth. He playfully flicked my nipple with his tongue as he massaged my other breast. Shudders wracked my body every time he lightly bit my sensitive nipple. I was soaking wet, all I wanted was for him to fuck me. But instead I pulled him up and gave him a quick kiss as I roughly turned him around so he was pressed against the bookshelves. I knelt in front of him and ran a hand down the trail of hair leading to his boxers. His eyes were wide as he looked down on me as if he didn’t know if he should believe what he was seeing. I gave him a sly smile as I stroked his cock through his boxers. A sharp intake of breath was heard as I pulled his boxers around his ankles. He kicked them off without a second thought.

For a moment I marveled at the sight of his erect cock. It was standing proud at what I guessed was eight inches. It was the kind of dick that just begged to be in someone’s mouth. I looked up into his eyes as I circled his head with my tongue. The anticipation was making him quietly whimper. When I took as much of his cock in my mouth as I could he threw his head back and moaned loudly. Nikolas held my hair out of his was as he watched me continue to work his throbbing member. I lapped at his pre-cum as I cupped his balls. Nikolas was making tiny moans above me as I swirled the head of his cock in my mouth.

“Oh god,” He moaned loudly, “Emma, please don’t stop.”

I don’t think I would have been able to stop if he wanted me to. I sucked his throbbing dick like a starving sex slave, and I loved every minute of it.

His blue yes peered down at me from heavy lids and in the moment of extreme pleasure he went back to his native tongue “Bitte stoppen Sie nicht.” He chanted it like a mantra.

“Oh, Emma, stop, I’m going to cum.” He whined as the grip on my hair tightened. But like I said, I couldn’t stop, I wanted it too badly.

I paused sucking him off for a moment. “I want you to cum in my mouth?”

It was asked like a question but any reply was cut short as I continued on with his cock and he groaned loudly.

I worked his shaft with one hand as I flicked my tongue over his head. The grip on my hair tightened a bit more. His knees shook slightly and he moaned loudly as he fired out hot globs of cum in my mouth. I managed to swallow most of it, the rest I hungrily licked up.

He leaned back on the bookcase for a moment to catch his breath as I cleaned the cum off his cock. He looked down at me just as I was licking the last of his jizz off my lips. Without a word he lifted me up into his arms so my legs were wrapped around his midsection and kissed me. His hands ran up and down my back as I eagerly matched his dominant kisses. Nikolas moved me to the desk and after knocking a few stuff to the ground he set me on top of it. Our kiss was broken as his tongue trailed down my chest and across my belly, he stopped at my pussy. “Clean shaven, I like that,” He said as he gazed up into my eyes, I suspected he was teasing me. “It makes it easier to tickle you with my beard.”

The laugh I had turned into a gasp as he licked up my slit. “Mmm, you are so wet Miss Emma Rose.”
I moaned as my named rolled off his tongue, he smiled back up at me. “Do you like it when I tease you?”
I bit my lip and gave him a little nod. “But please, I need you to touch me.”

With a smile he spread my lips apart and sucked my clit in his mouth. I nearly came right there and then. My legs shook as his expert tongue brushed along my clit and he lapped the juices from my hot cunt. I was moaning constantly, I have never had someone eat my pussy as feverishly as he was and I loved every minute of it. I grinded my hips back against his mouth as I panted. When he flicked my engorged clit I squirmed on his desk. I felt my orgasm in my stomach as my legs shook more.

“Oh my god,” I pleaded as I arched off the desk. “More, more, please, I’m going to cum!”

He took this as an invitation to pump two fingers in and out of my hot cunt as he sucked my clit, but that was the breaking point for me. With a cry I exploded and bucked up against his fingers and greedy tongue. He stood up as I took a few shuddering breaths. I could see that his cock was standing tall again. “I need you inside of me,” I told him as I sat up. “Now.”

A mischievous grin spread across his face as he picked me up. Nikolas walked a couple steps before placing me on the carpeted floor. “If that’s what you want.”

He angled his cock against my pussy lips but instead of entering me, he played up the anticipation by sliding his cock up and down my slit. I impatiently moaned at his teasing. Nikolas bit his lip as he slowly entered me, I could not help but utter a soft groan. He took his hand off his cock and placed it by my head as he slipped inside me inch by inch. My body opened up to his large throbbing member but I still winced slightly at the sudden intrusion. He took this as a sign to slow down a bit.

His hand cupped my face and he drew himself down to plant heavenly kisses. My hands ran down the toned muscles on his back as his tongue explored my mouth. Soon I was pressing myself towards him, my body begging for more of his cock. He obliged by burying it all in me. I stifled a scream of ecstasy into his collarbone as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth, creating a rhythm. I matched his long thrusts so his pelvic bone grinded against my clit. Hot breath crept over my neck as Nikolas buried his face in my hair, with every other thrust a small whimper would escape him. I had my hands twined in his hair as I arched towards him. My legs began to shake as a familiar feeling unfolded in the pit of my stomach. This time, however, I didn’t have a chance to warn him. Nails dug into his skin as my uneven breath became more frenzied. I grabbed his ass cheeks as I matched his thrusts, ensuring that he was as deep as he could get. My pussy tightened on his cock as I shook.

“Oh sheisse,” He panted. “You get so tight when you cum.”

A shuddered gasp was my reply as he picked up his pace. I never thought that I would be able to cum again but after his pelvic bone began its frantic grind against my clit, I found myself near the brink once more. He buried me to the hilt with every thrust. My breasts bounced with each slap of skin and I moaned loudly. Nikolas was turning me wild as he unknowingly held me at the edge. Without warning I bit my lip hard and stifled a scream as my pussy tightened and I came again. This time Nikolas last two thrusts after my pussy gripped his cock and he groaned loudly as he shuddered. Hot cum shot into my wanting pussy. He whimpered as he collapsed in my arms. Unsteady breath played against my chest.
When Nikolas rolled off of me I cuddled up to his chest and rested my head on his arms. “I hope this doesn’t affect my grade.”

“Miss Emma Rose,” He said in-between pants. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”


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Emma Roberts is a 20-year-old girl with long brown hair that is down to her shoulder blades, and she has lovely brown eyes. She was not looking forward to going to the doctor for her gynecology exam, but Aunt Julia insisted that it was time. Emma put on her red dress with blue panties, no bra, for her tits were just beginning to form. She had on white knee high nylon stockings with black Mary-Jane shoes on as she walked into the doctor's office. The nurse behind the desk looked up and saw her...

1 year ago
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Emma Stein

Chapitre II  S?verine et Marion  Emma songeait ? ses  12 ans. Elle ?tait alors une curieuse petite beaut? blonde au regard transper?ant,?mince comme un jeune chat, le vice la rendait affolante et tout ceux qui la rencontraient ?taient fascin?s quelque soit leur ?ge ou leur sexe. Emma avait tr?s peu quitt? le manoir familial.  Gouvernantes et pr?ceptrices veillaient sur elle depuis sa naissance tandis que son p?re et sa m?re,  loin d’elle, menaient une vie dont elle entrevoyait de temps ? autre le mouvement et le luxe. S’?tai...

3 years ago
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Emma Chapter 5

Emma just watched a man pay her master for the privilege of using her body for his own gratification. She also learned that she will be attending a BDSM group party soon and be passed around like a cheap party favor. We catch up with Emma in this chapter a week later just before it is time to leave for the party. Preparations Emma has earned hot showers after servicing her master well, and a few guests throughout the week. She is very thankful for this, as she lets the hot steaming water...

3 years ago
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Emma 6

Several days passed after the gang bang party Ed took Emma to, to be used and abused by the many dominant patrons. Though extremely sore, Emma begged Ed to fuck her every day. Ed, knowing Emma's body needed time to heal and recover, denied her every time but allowed her to sink to her knees several times a day to service his horny hard cock and drink his cum. Each time Ed would reinforce that he was very proud of Emma's performance at the party, and promised new pleasures to be taught soon....

4 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Horror Movie

Emma had been reading the latest movie script, and was quite interested. It involved a young woman who was making a movie where she was being terrorized by a man with a lot of hair! It would be a classic movie inside a movie project. It would also involve her first film with nudity!“So! I’m to drop my kit for everyone to see! Best that I do it now while my body is so beautiful, than later when it will not be so perfect!” Emma thought.Emma called her agent and told him she would do the movie for...

2 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos African Adventure

Emma loved the feeling of the African sun pouring down on her topless body as she suntanned on the back of their fifty foot yacht! There were only a few men on board: Jack, her guide, the yacht Captain, and two ship hands. Emma was pretty sure they were either sleeping or busy taking care of the yacht.Emma was being careful to not sunburn her titties! So she had put a liberal amount of SPF 30 sun block on her white tits! She wasn’t out to get them tanned, she just loved the heat of the sun on...

2 years ago
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Note from the author Please do not read this if you are under the age of 21. This story contains some sex scenes and is not suitable for under age reading. All characters are fictional and bear no resemblance to real life people. This was my first ever story and I had a lot of fun writing this. My talents do not lie in Story writing but I thought I would have a go. Therefore I ask my readers to please be patient and if they can suggest ways to improve my writing abilities please...

3 years ago
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Emma Watsons After Party

Emma was at the final party for the Harry Potter movies. It was as boring as usual. At least Dan didn’t have a lampshade on his head! Everyone was there. Hence the boring tone.“Heh Emma! I’m the one chosen to invite you to the After Party. It’s very exclusive but really need to have you there! We can’t have the party without you. Your attendance is absolutely essential!” said Tom (Felton).“Where will it be held?” Emma asked.“Because of the number of people expected, we’ve rented an entire floor...

4 years ago
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Big events for freshman Emma

This is the second and probably last sequel to the story of Emma Smith- Abrams, a young transgendered girl {actually CAIS) from the book 'XX/XY'(originally titled 'Emma') and her adventures and experiences in her small Texas town that I will write. While there isn't much in the way of TG in this story line, none of this could have occurred if she was not. Again, credit for the original story belongs to Felicia Gabriel, who publishes her e-works exclusively for Amazon, to the best of my...

2 years ago
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Emma 7 A new Awakening

For weeks now James has been becoming more aggressive with Emma around the house and in bed. His demands more forceful, his lovemaking that used to be so sweet and caring now becoming rough. On a few occasions James has tied Emma up in several different positions using her pussy and ass as he pleased. Emma has wondered about this change in her husband, but to herself admits that she feels so much more fulfilled when he dominates her and uses her like the slave, cum slut she used to be. Emma...

3 years ago
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E064 Preparing Emma at the Salon

After a wonderful night sleeping together, Friday morning as they awoke, Donald told her to go tan again.  This is interesting to Emma as he had cut back on how much she did lay in the bed, but it seems he wants her now tanner and tanner.She follows his directions, and after, a short massage today from Julie who talks to Emma about her day as a dog, and how she liked doing it.  From each of Emma’s responses about it, she sighs deeply.  When finished, Emma moves off the bed, she now does not...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Emma Becomes a Slutwife

Chapter 1Our marriage of just over 4 years has been thrown totally upside down over the past few weeks. Changedbeyond all recognition. I've now been well and truly cuckolded by Emma, who has astonished me! First byher blatant unfaithfulness, and then by transforming herself into an extremely slutty 'hotwife'! I didn't see itcoming. But, to be honest, I'm not at all unhappy at the outcome.About a month ago Emma announced she was going on a 'girls night out' on Friday evening. Although it'snot...

3 years ago
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Emma Chapter 4

Emma has just witnessed the breaking and initial training of her bitch mother into a submissive pain slut. She enjoyed the experience oh so very much, watching her mother subjected to cruel and painful torture until the fire left her eyes, and lust replaced it. Emma could not feel more wanted and loved. Not only did her master use her fat body for his pleasure, but allowed her father to fill his very willing daughter full of his cum. Emma's mind continues to bend, and not only allow herself...

4 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part One

Filming of the first Deathly Hallows movie had just ended, and Emma had decided to take a beach vacation in the Canary Islands. She, with two of her ex school girlfriends and just one of their boyfriends: Daniel. Emma was a bit leery of taking Daniel along, because her girl friends had told a few stories about him. But as long as he stayed away from her, she would be OK.As part of their preparation for lounging on the beach, and walking about in the perfect warm climate, each of the girls...

3 years ago
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Emma is punished

Emma was a very shy girl. She had a strict upbringing and consequently had a hang up about having sex. She was also very shy of her body as she had very small breasts on her petite frame and thought she looked childish, so nobody had seen her naked since she was a small child. She was however a very sexual being, easily aroused and very horny. She masturbated regularly. At 24 she was a bit old to still be a virgin. Emma was also a very attractive young lady and got a lot of attention from the...

3 years ago
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Emma Disciplines Her Chummy Mummy

Emma was furious to see forty-one-year-old Linda, her mum’s girlfriend, come into the living room, and demanded, “So it wasn’t just me you were discussing when you went to see Miss Johnson at college?”As Linda blushed and was speechless at being caught out, Emma was more positive and incentivised by her authoritative position over Miss Johnson, and said with a sharp tone, “So you are cheating on mum, then.” It was said as a statement and not as a question. Linda knew that wasn’t totally true....

1 year ago
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Emma Watsons Graduation Night

Although Brown was an Ivy League school, it didn't mean the crème de la crème couldn't party hard. At least I assumed that's what they were doing on campus tonight - despite having a graduation ceremony tomorrow. I was being a bit more...constructive in my last night as an official student. Maybe some of them were too by now, but not like this. They weren't in Emma Watson's dorm room right now. They couldn't say they'd been in here, like this, at least once a year the last four years. If one of...

4 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Japan Trip

Emma was finally on her way to Japan! She had been invited by a very rich Japanese business man to a fete in her honor. There would be dancing, dinner, and an award show. She already knew she would be the winner of the very prestigious Emperor’s Cup for best actress of the last twenty years. She first starred in films at the age of ten and she had just turned thirty.Turning thirty had been traumatic for her. She had yet to show her beautiful body nude in any movie, and she knew gravity and the...

3 years ago
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Emma Watson

I was awoken again by the sound of laughter, doors shutting and a heavy trolleys being carted down the hallway. It was becoming intolerable. There were a multitude of guests moving in and out of the room next door. Gales of laughter and chatter signalled their arrival and departure. In hindsight, all the paparazzi and security downstairs should've tipped me off that something was going on in the hotel. Suddenly I heard a female voice call out rather loudly from just outside my door, "Are we...

3 years ago
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Emma Disciplines the Headmistress

Emma Kemp was eighteen-years-old and at sixth form college, but hated it, and so sent a message to the college saying she was ill. However, far from being ill, she went to the seaside and intended spending the day on the beach.Miss June Johnson was the fifty-three-year-old headmistress at the sixth form college. She also wanted to get away from the college for a few days and spend some time by the beach, so she told them that she had badly damaged her ankle and had to convalesce. She...

2 years ago
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Emma Chapter 2

Introduction... Emma has her bags packed and ready to go in the morning, she strips down and slides into her childhood bed for the very last time. She grins as she snuggles in, remembering the events of the day, excited that her life is finally beginning outside this miserable house. Emma's ass and pussy throb from the abuse they received today, making her pussy wet and excited. She slowly rubs her swelling clit as she drifts off to a deep happy sleep. Departure The alarm sounds and...

1 year ago
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Emma Chapter 1

Emma sits at her computer, completely depressed munching a bag of chips and slurping her soda. She is watching text scroll by on her screen on her favorite chat site. Look at all these happy people with lives, she thinks to herself. I wish I could be as forward as some of these ladies on here. Wow look at that one.. The lady just posted a picture to the room showing her topless, she has nice c cup tits with dark hard nipples. I wish I could bring myself to put myself out there like that, Emma...

2 years ago
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Emma Disciplines Her Chummy StepSister

Emma had known Lucy for a while. Lucy was her dad’s ex-girlfriend’s daughter and was twenty-four-years-old, so six years older than Emma. However, they had struck up a friendship, first as step-sisters to be, but then something more, and when Lucy needed a plus one to go to her friend Jackie’s party, she happily asked Emma.It was autumn and so both wore dresses with hems down to their knees but with short sleeves. It wasn’t so cold so both had bare legs. When they got to the party most of the...

3 years ago
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Nina Submits to Emma

This is the fourth story in the Nina series:   I came downstairs, still sore from my spanking yesterday. I smiled at Mum who smiled at me, we were friends again, I was a 38 year old adult again, no longer the naughty teenager. She paused then asked “you know dear I haven’t asked you for a while but if ever you want to stop being disciplined like a teenager we can do it. You know you can be an adult at home as well.” “I have thought about it Mum. Really I have, but you know I love it...

3 years ago
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Mastering Emma Part 3

I knew that one day, I would have to meet Emma and congratulate her on being a wonderful, yet virtual, submissive. I pondered that very thought. I smiled at myself by knowing that I had one, very major advantage. If we ever did meet, Emma would probably not recognise me unless I wore a silly red rose, or something equally banal. Still, the logistics of that meeting were far, far away, and probably firmly entrenched in the land of nod. It never stopped me from making up naughty and sexual tasks...

1 year ago
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Mastering Emma Part 2

After that fateful event that made me Master, over Emma, we have done some pretty strange things together. Over the months, we joined a fetish website and forum. Emma was inherently kinky and she loved the domination side, being a true submissive at heart. We never pretended to be a couple, but we frequented the site together. It was not in our nature to mislead people that we were together, or a couple, or available. After all, we can’t even make the time to meet each other because of our...

4 years ago
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Emma Watson in Actress of the Month Club

Emma was exhausted from playing the lead part in “The Fallen Nun.” She would leave the sexy parts to her body double. Emma had stayed to watch part of the filming where her body double gets to have all the fun stuff filmed. All it did was make Emma randy! Emma had been reading about how her fans were hoping she would finally do some nude scenes in this movie. As usual though, Emma would disappoint them again! Emma was getting tired of disappointing her fans. She was determined to show her all...

3 years ago
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Trucker Peter and Emma

It was another typical day at the Happyville high school. After a long day of classes, Emma and Emily had the cheerleading practice, and now they were heading home. They hit the highway, and just before the exit to the rural roads to their farms, they heard a clunking noise from Emily's hand-me-down old Volvo sedan she got from her mom, and they pulled over. With their nice cheerleader uniforms still on, they get out of the car. There was some smoke coming out of the trunk. Emily opened it...

2 years ago
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Emmas First Time with a Black Dick

Emma had been married to her husband for almost 5 years and had always been a dutiful wife. She often got compliments for her good looks especially about her ass which was round but firm, very unusual for a white woman. Her best friend Naomi had been living with them the past year. Naomi was a free spirit artist type who wandered from job to job and was very outgoing for someone of a Japanese heritage.Naomi had suggested a girl’s get away at a cabin she had been to before, but Emma did not know...

1 year ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Fantasy

Emma and her boyfriend Greg were traveling a bit north for a quiet weekend together. Greg was driving a very nice sports car. There was barely enough room for luggage.“Emma! How long have we been together?” He asked.“Six months and three days. But who’s counting!” Emma answered with a big smile.“Are you enjoying our nights together? Is the sex good?” Greg asked.“Yes and Yes! After a few tries, you’ve made me enjoy sex more than I ever had. Why all the questions?” she said.“I have a two part...

2 years ago
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Emma Watson Pays Her Boyfriendrsquos Debt Part One

Emma had just started seeing her new man friend, and thing’s were going hot and heavy! She thought this really might be the man of her life! He was handsome and polished and great in bed. He wasn’t as rich as she was, but he had a nice job and appeared to be on the way up! Then in one night everything changed. He came over to her flat late one night in a really bad way.“What’s the matter Ray? Did you have a bad day at the office?” Emma asked.“No, work is fine, but some guys discovered I was...

1 year ago
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Emma and Prof Peterson Chapters 3 4

The College rented us a car for the three hour or so drive to Boston. A travel day, I was wearing jeans and a polo shirt, total Dad look. Emma had on a sun dress with a plunging back that plunged almost to her ass crack. When the wind blew the dress up tight against her skin, I could see she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Another day, another boner for me. We made some small talk about the event, but I was totally distracted because Emma was messing with me. She smiled sweetly at me each...

2 years ago
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Emma Watson Best Friend Best Actress

It's hard to think about how much time has passed. I remember, I was about 6 years old in Oxfordshire and a divorced family moved next to me. Their oldest daughter Emma and I bonded instantly and we were practically inseparable despite going to different schools. A few years later we were still really close, we would always be exchanging books and playing hockey. Naturally, being around 10 I got really into Harry Potter, thinking the character was just like me. I remember I was trying to...

3 years ago
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Emmas Crush

Emma was a "good girl". At eighteen, she had been around people her age who messed around, but had never felt the urge to participate in that kind of behavior.She was more into observing and reading about life than actually living it. As a result, she began to have fantasies. The main fantasy she had was about Bryan, who happened to be her best friend, Jana's, father. She had known Bryan for four years now and had always thought he was nice looking...for her best friend's father.When she turned...

2 years ago
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Emma Ch 12

XII ‘Are you staying with Mum again tonight?’ Maisie asked Emma while they watched two of the cast of St. Denis Road making love. Maisie had become rather accustomed to seeing such sex scenes and Emma didn’t really feel at all embarrassed to be with her as the couple carried on in their enthusiastic way. But she did get a little embarrassed by Maisie’s question. ‘Why yes, of course,’ she answered. ‘Why do you ask?’ ‘Oh, no reason!’ Maisie replied. ‘Oh look at Melissa! You can see she’s...

3 years ago
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Emma and Laras Trek

Emma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...

3 years ago
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Emma and Laras Trek

Emma was smiling as she stood on the side of the hill with her map in her hand as she surveyed the final few yards of her trek to the cabin. She felt warm in her winter coat, long woolly blue-green and yellow scarf, and her green woollen bobble hat. She loved the feel of the fresh air as it blew lightly into her face, but was thankful that there was a blue sky and only a light wind. In fact,, for Emma, it was the perfect winters day.It had taken seventeen-year-old Emma an hour to get there. She...

4 years ago
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Emma Watson vs Camren Bicondova

Emma was meeting her new friend Camren in a few minutes at a local bar. They had met at a fashion show, and got along fabulously from the start. Cam was younger than Emma, and a lot less experienced with men. They talked about men a lot, as most women do when they’re alone and at a bar. They had graded various body parts of the men who walked by. They were somewhat hidden in a dark corner.“Wow, Emma! Look at that guy’s ass! I’ve never seen better!” Cam said.“Very nice! That would be a firm...

2 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos FFFM Night

Emma had just finished a hard day of rehearsals for her movie that co-stared Emilia Clark and Sophie Turner. She was getting along quite well with the younger and gorgeous Sophie! Emma was less sure of the slightly older Emilia Clark!All three had decided to meet at a bar for a few drinks and get to know each other more. They found a small table in a dark corner where they all ordered drinks. They had a total of three bodyguards at a nearby table drinking non-alcoholic drinks. Emma had whiskey,...

1 year ago
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Mark and Emma

Mark and Emma MARK MAGIC WAVE I was a single man of thirty years, standing tall at six feet and one inch. My calm demeanor, decisive nature, and unwavering moral principles were a few of the many qualities that defined me. I lived in a cozy two- room apartment with my beloved companion, Emma, a two-year-old red cocker spaniel, who was the most affectionate and devoted dog I had ever met. One evening, as I settled into my armchair with a book, a strange wave of magic swept...

4 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Vacation Part Seven

The next morning, exhausted and satiated, Emma’ guests gone, she fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed of having more sex. But then, it seemed like most of her dreams these days were sexual! When she awoke around noon, she couldn’t remember the details of her dream.“God! I can’t sleep away the whole day! Time to get showered and get down to the beach.” She thought to herself.After her shower and makeup, Emma put on her white bikini. She had been planning this night for a long time. She was going...

3 years ago
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Pleasing Emma

"So, Mark, read the brief?" Vickers is looking keenly at me. He's one of the senior managers and I'm sat in his office. I nod. "Sounds interesting," I say. "But hopefully not TOO interesting, eh?" says Vickers, joshing me. I shoot him a grin - I've passed my exams and qualified (a lawyer now!) and this is the first time I'm to be let loose with 'in charge' responsibility away from the office. A fraud investigation and me and a couple of juniors are going in to do some prep before...

3 years ago
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Emmas Gift

Tony sat a little nervously in the car awaiting the group of guys he had arranged to meet. He had been arranging this day, this meeting, this gangbang for quite some time. Emma was waiting patiently at home for him. He imagined her in the bath getting herself ready for the fun that perhaps lay ahead. Ever since Tony had mentioned to Emma that he wanted for her to have her fantasy gangbang, she had been like the cat that had got the cream! He sat their wondering what sort of sexy clothes she...

1 year ago
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emma watson

The strangest and most wonderful things can happen when you least expect them. Due to a financial shortfall I had had to take a second, part-time job as a night clerk at a local hotel. It was only two nights a week, but the extra money was helpful. There was a bit of excitement around the town at the time as there was a film crew making a movie nearby. It meant that there were a few road closures around the town every so often, impacting on my main job, but other than that I didn't really...

3 years ago
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Emma Watson meets the fanboys

The portly, balding main in the ill fitting suit ran as fast as his stubby legs would carry him up the hall. “Emma! Emma!” he gasped as the beautiful young star turned around and stared at him with a confused look on her face. “I’ve been trying to catch up with you all day,” he huffed as he reached the actress. “I don’t think these London streets were designed for cars,” he panted, bent over with his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.“They’re not. Do I know you?” Emma Watson,...

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