Jen: A Girl, A Car, A Road-getting Her Kicks On Route 66Chapter 4 free porn video

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I soon had Miss Swifty up to speed back on the four lane, Illinois Route 66. I didn't even get my wake up cup of coffee! But I knew about a place a half hour down the road where I wanted to get something to eat. But first, after studying my pre-trip planning notes, I just had to stop at a little place just a few miles out of Bloomington. That place was Funk's Grove.

Funk's Grove has a fascinating history, dating back to its founding in 1824 as a farm amidst a natural maple grove by a pioneer farmer named Isaac Funk. It just might be the oldest family business along the old mainstreet of America.

Maple sirup is spelled according to Webster's original spelling of the word and is the preference of the Funk family since the early 1920's. Its production was strictly for personal family use until Funks went commercial in 1891 and sold the sirup for one dollar per gallon.

There's both the Funk's Grove sirup farm and a tiny community of Funk's Grove. The two form a quiet, pleasant place amidst a hectic world. In the stillness of the grove it's hard to believe that a modern highway with its frenzied traffic is just a few miles away.

But the Funks held enough historic and economic sway that they would, in the early seventies, get the new interstate that would replace Route 66, rerouted around the grove instead of its originally planned route directly through the grove. I had a very pleasant sojourn there in the woods, the village, and the sugarhouse. Yes, I did buy a gallon of sirup, though I don't know what I'll do with it.

I'd managed to get a cup of coffee in the village, but had missed breakfast. I was starved. So, it was back to the pavement and on down to the place where I'd planned to get me a late brunch.

That place was McLean, one-hundred-forty-four miles past Go. There, I found the Dixie Trucker's Home truck stop, founded in 1928 by one of the first men in Illinois who began catering, in a big way, to the fuel and food needs of truckers and of the four wheel driver/travelers who had similar needs.

The man was J.P. Walters and his son-in-law, John Geske, who together, introduced round-the-clock service to accommodate their customer's irregular hours. But they started small. They rented a quarter of a mechanic's garage to sell sandwiches to truckers and passing motorists. They had a counter and six stools.

During the thirties, Walters and Geske expanded to become a full fledged restaurant. Expansion and modernization became the name of the game. Since then, four generations of the Geske family have been involved in running the Dixie.

I walked in and over to a booth, drawing many male and a few female stares in the process. I was leading with my prominent chest and trailing a fair amount of bare butt cheek.

The plain, young waitress had a look of disdain on her face as she took my order, her nose almost out of joint. I quietly said to her, Honey, if you got it, flaunt it; and, sweetie, I both got it and do it!

She took my order and huffed off to the kitchen window.

My order came quickly: a three egg Denver omelet, hash browns, wheat toast without butter, orange juice, and coffee, lots of coffee. I ate with a hungry gusto, watched by a couple of horny truck drivers. One of them was young and kinda cute.

I slowly sashayed my way to the cash register. My bill settled, I swished my ass back to the hall that led to the restroom area. I went inside and did my thing. On my way out, I paused before the mirrors and checked myself over as I washed my hands.

When I stepped out, the cute truck driver was waiting for me.

Hi, my name's Jim. Would you care to join me in looking over the Route 66 museum they got here? It's just off that hall to the left here.

My name's Jen. Yes, I'd like to see the museum. I'm running that road all the way to L.A.

Great, he said as he offered me his arm.

He led me around the long hall of exhibits, carefully explaining details about many of them. It was the Dixie Trucker's version of the many Route 66 museums to be found in every state along the fabled route. Sometimes every other little hamlet along the way seems to have one. Although a nice one, I didn't think the one there at Dixie anything to overly brag about.

Now that you've seen this one, could I interest you in some more Route 66 memorabilia that I've got stashed in my truck?

Are you trying to seduce me, Jim?

Weeell, yes, damn it, I am.

Ok, I guess I'll go for it.

Jim offered me his arm once again and led me back outside. He walked me back to the truck parking area and a small group of trucks off to the back of the lot. He led me up to a bright yellow Peterbuilt Tow and recovery truck. It looked like it stretched out for a city block, it was so long. I also noticed the slogan on the huge bug shield that stretched across the hood on top of the radiator. It read: The Happy Hooker.

Jim saw where I was looking. Yeah, I know some real hookers here and there and thought the name sounded neat.

He unlocked and opened the door. I awkwardly climbed up to the cab with a lot of assistance on my ass from Jim. His hands were on and partly under my short shorts as he held onto me and helped push me up. He certainly copped a feel or two. He appeared to be losing his gentlemanly manners rather quickly.

Step between the seats and into the sleeper. I'll follow you.

The so called sleeper was a lot more than just a sleeper. It was a double wide and held a large, over and under bunk bed set up against the back wall. It also had an easy chair recliner and a small fridge. It was primitive by today's standards, but fairly luxurious for its day.

Jim let me look for just a moment before he was all over me. With drool from his mouth and lust in his eyes, he made quick work of stripping me out of the few clothes I wore. He shed his clothes almost as quickly.

I could see, when his cock broke free, that he wasn't as well hung as I'd hoped he'd be. Pretty damned average set of cock and balls. Maybe he knew how to use it really well. Turns out, he didn't.

That one quick look at his bobbing and pulsing rigid pole was all I got. As I reached out my hand to grab hold of it, he roughly pushed me back onto the lower bunk on my back. I was lucky not to bang my head on the bottom of the top bunk.

Jim quickly pinned my arms above my head and used his knees to roughly shove my legs far apart. He advanced his cock into position and I felt its helmeted head part my folds and pop into my pussy canal. It was a damned good thing I was already soaked with my own nectar in anticipation of things.

He paused only a moment before plunging his cock all the way in to his balls in one hard thrust. If it hadn't been for my own copious lubrication, I'd of been hurt pretty bad. What a rough, crude son of a bitch. I'd lost control from the start and that wasn't like me. Boy, could I pick em or couldn't I?

There was no thought for me or my pleasure. He just pounded away at my pussy, bruising my pubic bone and who knows what else he was so rough. He released my arms and grabbed on to both my boobs and really squeezed hard. So hard it really hurt like hell.

There go some more bad bruises, was my flitting thought.

Very quickly, hardly two minutes later, Jim gave a sharp grunt, arched his back, thrust the hardest and deepest yet, and unloaded his wad. I was nowhere close to cumming. I hurt too damned bad anyway, the bastard. This guy was definitely NOT the gentleman he purported to be while still inside the truck stop.

No sooner had he dumped his load than the son of a bitch withdrew his cock, wiped it on my belly and, then said, Lick it clean, bitch.

Well, you Wham Bam, Thank You Ma'am' fucking bastard, clean up your own stinking cock, you mother fucker.

Fine, but you've had your fun, bitch. Get dressed and get out of my truck before I kick you out bare ass naked and I keep your clothes with me.

You asshole son of a bitch.

So you've said. I've got a schedule to keep. Get the hell out and be quick about it.

I'd little choice in the matter. Quickly donning my top, shorts, and sandals, I nearly fell out of the truck as I tried to climb down with my crotch burning from the punishment he just gave it. That's not even mentioning my boobs that hurt like hell as well.

Not all truckers are like that one. Back when I was living at home yet after high school and needed some release via a one night stand, I'd met some really nice drivers at one or another of the Peoria area truck stops and had a really fucking good time, literally. But this guy was one for the books.

I stumbled my way back into the truckstop rest room and did a patch up job of cleaning myself up until I could get to a shower somewhere. I needed a long soak in some hot water. It'd be a while before I'd be able to manage that.

I walked back out to Miss Swifty and fired her up. I was so mad and upset that I took my anger out on her. I burned rubber all the way on the long asphalt frontage road to the feeder ramp that would put me back on Route 66. That was unlike me and I apologized to Miss Swifty after I settled down on the open road in the direction of Springfield.

Twelve miles past McLean, I drove around Lincoln on the bypass. There are many historical sites in Lincoln, one-hundred fifty-six miles past Go, but I didn't want to stop. With my hurts and memory of the last two hours, I wasn't in any frame of mind to go sight seeing.

Besides, to stop at every single town on the route, I never would get to California. But I did have time to reflect about the town on the long bypass ride, courtesy once again of my pre-trip planning notes.

Lincoln was originally called Postville until Abe Lincoln rechristened it, supposedly with watermelon juice, in 1853 before he was a nationally known figure. There are twelve specific sites related to Abe Lincoln activity in the town that, in the 1960 census, had a population of 16,890. Anyway, I was going to get my fill of Lincoln sites at my next major stop--Springfield.

Another seven miles and I drove through Broadwell, site of the Pig Hip restaurant. This is another near charter member of the Route 66 Mother Road, founded by Ernie Edwards in 1937. The restaurant would remain in business for fifty-four years, until 1991.

The place got its name after a local and hungry farmer entered the year old Harbor Inn, spotted a steaming pork roast, and blurted out that he wanted a sandwich off that pig hip. The rest, as they say, is history. The Pig Hip was famous for its burgers and other sandwiches.

At one-hundred-sixty-seven miles past Go, I came to Elkhart, population some four hundred plus souls and known far and wide for nearby Elkhart Hill and a large grain elevator/storage complex by the tracks in town. This hill rises starkly out of the flat, Illinois prairie like a huge, low mountain meatloaf.

The Hill is actually a ridge formed by the glacier that once covered the area. The Hill is two miles long, a half mile wide, and rises to between one-hundred-seventy to two-hundred feet in height. Sited on and around the top is the home and burial site of former three term Illinois governor, Richard J. Oglesby (1829-1899), a cemetery, and a few other home sites.

The Oglesby home, Oglehurst, was built in 1891, and is a thirty room, victorian mansion. The Mausoleum in the cemetery contains remains of the former governor and other family members. It's a gloomy, rather spooky looking place.

There were no other visitors on the hill that day, or so I thought, anyway. There were no historical or visitors information signs back along the four lane in town, so I don't think the hill gets too many visitors. But the place does have a kind of magical quality about it.

The house was locked and shuttered tight. It was not open to inspection or tours. My watch said three thirty, and it was a bright, shiny afternoon.

I guessed I had time to poke around a little.

While wandering around the family cemetery, I thought I heard a soft voice, kind of whimpering or something. I walked around a large stone monument and found a young man, kneeling over a grave--the grave of a young woman. The tombstone dates indicated she died at twenty. The young man did not hear me at first. But then I saw him stiffen slightly.

He turned his head and gasped. Joanna! he cried. How can this be? We buried you, right here. Oh, how I've missed you.

He rose and rushed over to me, arms outstretched as if to hug me. I felt something on my skin, but nothing really solid. As I involuntarily tried to hug him in response, My arms grabbed--nothing! I felt a tear drop on my chest and the young man suddenly vanished!

Was he really ever there? What touched me--he or the wind? Was the tear his or mine? Was there really another voice?

I looked down--the grave stone was real, as was the name on it that he had called me. The young woman had lived from 1830 to 1855. There was a man, her husband, buried beside her. He had died thirty-five years later.

What, exactly, did I see--or not see?

I don't know, but I was thoroughly shaken. It was so very real. I could only shake my head and wonder. Well, I can at least say I now number among those who have been on the Elkhart Hill, something apparently highly esteemed in some circles.

And not only that, but I'd also joined the elite ranks as one of those who now had a personal ghost story about the hill. Enough! Back onto the four lane and on to Williamsville and Sherman to the Illinois state capital--Springfield at one-hundred-ninety-four miles past Go.

Long ago, in my senior high school English class, I wrote the required and dreaded, Senior Term Paper with the title, Abraham Lincoln, The New Salem Years. I spent some two hundred clock hours on that friggin' paper, counting from the start of my research, through note taking, to the writing of three draft revisions, to achieve the final product.

I got my A'--and, surprisingly, a lifelong interest in the life and times of Abraham Lincoln. Although I'd seen some of the Lincoln sites around Springfield in my high school days, I'd not seen all of them. So, I planned to stay in the state capital for several days to take in the Lincoln sites around town and nearby.

Since the day was fast growing late, I decided to get a motel, get my much needed clean up, and then some supper. The motel I chose, the Lincoln Motel and Dining Room, was another landmark site along Illinois Route 66 in Springfield. I fled from the front desk to my room to find the shower.

The room was cozy, the shower/tub absolutely divine. I spent a very long time soaking in the hot water and then standing in the hot shower after that. Glorious and cleansing of mind as well as body. Most of my pain and soreness was soaked away.

I didn't want to eat in for supper, so the kitchen graciously packed me a more than generous picnic basket at my request. My thought was to drive out to Lake Springfield for a lazy, late afternoon or early evening of relaxation and then start the Lincoln sites touring on the morrow.

The afternoon was mildly hot, so I had the windows down. I listened to Swifty's throaty gurgle out her pipes with immense satisfaction on the drive to the lake. It wasn't only males who could appreciate that sound or the machinery that produced it. I don't know where that appreciation came from as no one in my immediate family was a car freak, but I certainly wasn't complaining.

I'd been out and about the Lake as a high school senior when I visited my grandmother for most of a summer, and knew of a secluded, out of the way little spot to take my picnic. Although not a legal beach, the water stayed shallow for a short distance so that swimming was possible, if illegal.

I laid out a blanket from my motel room on a warm, grassy little slope and set up my lunch. In that lovely sun, it wasn't long before I shed my loose halter top, freeing my more than generous boobs, my swinging 38's, to the bright light of day. I just couldn't pass up the chance to improve my tan without strap marks.

Hell, not much later, I decided to throw caution to the wind in my secluded spot and chucked the short shorts and sandals as well. Glorious. I loved to be naked inside but even more outside when chances permitted.

The tickle of the warm, gentle breeze had my boobs tingling and my nipples erect in short order. My pussy grew moist as the tickling breeze brought out my natural nectar. It wasn't long before I found one hand in my crotch and the other play across my boobs. I sure seemed to be doing a lot of that on this trip. The bottle of wine I brought along was enhancing the mood as well.

My truck driver bruises were still much in evidence, but the motel soak had pretty much eased the pain to a barely noticeable level. But I was in a dreamy mood and all of my hand actions were light and gentle as my mind drifted with the mood in a wafting daydream of self-pleasure.

My climax, when it came, was also gentle. I just sort of drifted over the top and eased into a gentle shiver of sexual release that for all its gentleness, was still highly intense in the feelings released. I was just as wet with my natural nectar as any other climax--maybe more so.

With my climax winding down, I lazily smeared my front side with sun tan oil. Then I laid back, facing the sun with my shades on and smiled. I must've drifted off to sleep for a while. I woke from the effects of the hot sun, I guess, and slowly sat up, trying to fight off the grogginess of sleep.

Hi, gorgeous, and you truly are gorgeous. My name's Rex.

Enjoying your afternoon stint of voyeurism are you, Rex?

As a matter of fact, yes, I am. Not to change your mind, but you certainly don't seem to be in any particular hurry to cover up.

Why should I be? You've apparently already spent some time ogling the goods. And speaking of that, just how long have you been sitting there beside me?

Oh, about an hour, I suppose. You look like you've been run over by a Mack truck. Do you just like rough sex or did somebody beat you up?

Something like that.

Ok, I won't press you any further on that.

Why don't you make yourself useful, Rex. Put some of this lotion on my back. I think my boobs and such are well enough done for now. What brings you out here to this spot? By the way, my name's Jen.

Rex took the oil and started on my neck and worked his way down from there with the oil as we talked.

Oh, I found this spot quite some time ago on my regular hikes. I come here when I want to be alone and meditate.

And what do you meditate upon, Rex?

Anything that's on my mind at the time. Life, troubles, girls, whatever. When school resumes this fall, I'll be a senior at the University of Illinois. I've been doing a lot of thinking about what direction my life is going after graduation.

Sounds normal, Rex.

Yeah, but things just got a lot more complicated, Jen.

How's that, Rex?

My girl just told me she's pregnant.


There's more.

That's not enough?

According to her due date, at the time she got pregnant, we were at a frat party where she got drunk.

And somebody else fucked her, right?

Ah, yeah, three other guys, to be exact. I fucked her first, but I passed out. She must've kept going.

So now you don't know which one of you is the father. How'd you find out about the other three?

Two of them bragged the hell all about nailing her that night and mentioned the third guy. But, yeah, that's the problem. We were a couple, but I don't love her to the extent I want to marry her. If the kid's mine, I'd do what's right by her, even though it would end my university career. But that's not the basis for a solid marriage. Besides, the kid may not be mine anyway.

I noticed Rex got a good grope of the sides of both my boobs as he applied the oil on the side of my rib cage. By the time he reached my sitting ass, he was copping a real feel of that portion of my exposed cheeks he could reach. Yep, he was correct; he wasn't ready to settle down yet.

Maybe I could give him something else to think about for a while. Kinda take his mind off his problem for now. Besides, that damned trucker had all the pleasure. I never got off and was horny as hell yet, despite the manhandling he'd given me.

I leaned forward and lay prone with my legs spread wide.

Put some oil down my ass and on my pussy, Rex, I wouldn't like to get a sunburn there. Just be gentle, ok?

He was very gentle. He made a show of dabbing a little oil on his fingers as I watched, but most of what he spread around on my quim was my own natural honey. Lying naked in front of him and his caresses with the oil in my ass cheeks and elsewhere, definitely had its effect on me. I was really wet by the time his fingers first touched my nether lips.

His gentle caress of my labia had me going, mmmmm continuously almost immediately. He definitely knew how to stroke a pussy.

Don't forget the backs of my legs and my thighs with that oil.

I had two orgasms while he worked. When he pushed his middle finger into my gate of heaven and then his thumb into my rosette, I crashed into a really good third climax.

Same as Jen: a Girl, a Car, a Road-getting Her Kicks on Route 66
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Jen and Roger and Stu and Shirley and others

Jen was a bit annoyed with Roger as she sat with her second cup of coffee. At least she told herself she was annoyed. The thing that sort of irked her most was that she felt she should be irked, but when she looked inside she could find no reason to be. She had always been taught that a man should be able to expect fidelity from his wife, and that expectation should be enough to keep a girl on the straight and narrow. His bantering remarks at breakfast had at first confused her, bad enough...

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Jen and I

I am NOT the simply sharingJen and Dontholien are best friends and get even closer on a tropical island.Jen and I [Dontholien] became best of friends when we started working at the same company about a year ago. We have much in common, including both being in our early 20s, loving the same type of music, reading the same types of books, on the same social network, addicted to dancing, and being almost always horny and having active sex lives [we both really love morning sex]. We look...

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Jen Cheating Wife

Introduction: Jen meets her lover at motel. Jen put on her skin-tight, black workout-leggings over a thin thong. A sports bra and tight sports top followed as she examined herself in the full length mirror hanging from the back of her bedroom door. As she adjusted her hair with flicks of her fingers, she noticed how the stretchy legging material just barely silhouetted the mounds of her labia, as she turned sideways to verify that no panty lines disrupted the smooth round curve of her hips and...

1 year ago
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Jen at DFW fantasies come true

As her strap-on cock pulled slowly out of my ass, I felt a slight burn as I anticipated the larger cock head stretching my ass and popping out. The pleasure was overwhelming me as she pulled the last inch of her rubber cock out of me. I collapsed on the bed feeling nothing but he sudden emptiness in my ass. After a few moments Jen was pushing at me to get me to roll over and expose my semen coated cock to her hungry lips. As I rolled over she captured my well lubed cock with her mouth and began...

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Jen Me the Wife Gets Involved

That first weekend had been fantastic, and the sex was raw and uninhibited, but where did it go from there? We had said all along we were just doing this as friends, but there's something about screwing your sister-in-law five times in a period of less than 24 hours that changes the relationship a bit.After the scene with Marisa it was clear that we were crossing some kind of boundary, and were more than just friends. I must say however that Dr. Barton is a genius, and once the swelling and...

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Jen Me Descent into Narcissism

It's true. Jen has converted me into a total gym rat.It's been four months since my original conquest of my hot little sister-in-law. Through various bets and incentives, we've made love five more times. She is really playful in bed, and we have a great time. After ten years, I'm finally getting to know her. It's only since she lost the bike race that we've really talked a lot.On the other hand, we're spending less and less gym time together. I'm really working at building up some mass. I've...

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Jenrsquos Painful Lessons

Susan called me and asked me to stop by her house after work. Susan was a real pain. She was the widow of my dead ex-partner and, as far as I was concerned, a real nut burger, to put it mildly. Jim, my old partner had been a good friend. I owed him (and his family) I guess.While Susan was ditzy, she was also very beautiful and so was her young daughter, Jennifer. Jennifer, “Jen” to her friends, had been a marriage surprise. Susan thought she was putting on a few pounds when her doctor...

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Jenrsquos Birthday Surprise

Jen and Jim were happily married. They had a unique relationship in that they truly did enjoy each other. They were more than just lovers and husband and wife. They were friends. They liked so many things together and that included an extremely active and imaginative sex life. They had discovered early in their relationship the importance of keeping sex fresh and new. This included exploring sexually fantasies to see where they would take them. Over the years they had lived many of those...

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Jen and Lisa

The anxiety is about to kill me. It is 12:30 am and no Jen yet. The evening has been pretty low key. Dressed to kill, Jen swept out the door about 7. But fair is fair, I have forced her to wait so many times. How many times have I teased her, making her wait for her pleasure, knowing the anxiety only adds to the magnitude of her release? Jen is off and to where I do not know. This is part of the game. Maybe to our swinger's club as the highly desirable single woman, maybe to a bar full of...

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Jen and the Gloryhole

Introduction: Jen and her husband checkout the pot store in their new town. Jen and the Gloryhole My wife and I are the types of people willing to try new things. We are each others first time, and since then, we have been willing to experiment with new things. I spent the first year of marriage in Iraq, where on a whim, she would buy porn DVDs and mags and send them to me. What really threw me off was that the movies were almost always opened. When I asked her about it, she said she had to...

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Jen MChapter 3 Lover

When he lay down beside her and kissed her, she hugged him. After that, he kissed her all over, her face, her throat. All of her was adorable, but most adorable were her breasts. When he got to one, he kissed it while holding the other. Then he kissed over her belly. He’d like to kiss lower, but that would require some doing. So, he started to complete her undressing. First her shoes and socks. Which revealed some quite kissable toes covered only by pantyhose. He took only a short detour to...

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Jen and the Gloryhole

Jen and the GloryholeMy wife and I are the types of people willing to try new things. We are each other’s first time, and since then, we have been willing to experiment with new things. I spent the first year of marriage in Iraq, where on a whim, she would buy porn DVDs and mags and send them to me. What really threw me off was that the movies were almost always opened. When I asked her about it, she said she had to make sure there wasn’t anything too freaky, and then tell me which scene I...

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Jens Desire The Conclusion

School finally ended signaling the official start of Summer. Jen madeher parents happy by bringing home a final report card with straight A'son it. Now she could enjoy her Summer break without hearing themconstantly harp about her grades for the next three months.Jen's normal Summer vacation revolved around her working part time atthe ice cream stand and hanging out with her friends at the communitypool, but that was before Flint stole into her room and she gave him hercherry. Now those plans...

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Jen Wife in the glory hole part two

That first night Jen worked the glory hole, she swallowed five loads of cum. She loved it so much that she is on the rotation a couple nights a week. I looked forward to her coming home and telling me about how many dicks she sucked, if she fucked any of them, and where she took each load. Even if she had fucked three or four guys, I would be so horny that I would bend her over the end of the bed and give her one last fuck and blow my load deep in her used cunt. There was even a couple times at...

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Jen Takes Again

She was already nude, except for her panties, which she kept until the last moment. There was something about men that reacted to the scent she collected down there and she had done this enough during regular sex to know that it worked. She could feel them moist already, could actually feel her labia move against each other as the moistness seeped past them into the material. She involuntarily squeezed her legs together a bit and then continued with her business. She had removed his shirt...

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Jen MChapter 4 Fiancee

“Jennifer Saunders, will you marry me?” The question was easy when he wasn’t panicked over the answer. “David Blake, I will.” He put the ring on her finger, and they were officially engaged. They each took a box with the other’s wedding ring in it. Back in the car, the engaged couple had no appointments. “What do you want to do with the rest of the evening?” he asked her. “I’ll admit that this was my priority. I’ll drive you back, if you want. Still, I’d rather have a date with you. I...

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Jens Big Thanksgiving

Jen Goody a 28yrs mother getting for her first time at preparing thanksgiving dinner for her family (mom, dad, his parents son, and daughter) going to the store for last min. things taking the back roads to stay out of the holiday rush when her car died. Sitting about two miles from town on a county road she lost it crying her eyes out till she seen a truck coming towards her. The truck stopped and two big tall black men got out. Jen had never meet a black person at all, the men looked her up...

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Jens Holiday Sex Plan

As soon as the tail lights of Sharon’s car disappeared, I’d gone around to Jen’s. This was the first Tuesday that we had got together. She opened the door whilst standing behind it, the reason being she was naked. As soon as the door closed she threw herself at me, her arms around my shoulders, and her tongue in my mouth. I cupped her buttocks and pulled her close, as we kissed passionately. We stumbled into her lounge and fell onto the sofa. She quickly had my jeans undone, her hand slipping...

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Jens Short Skirt

It was a Saturday morning and I was at work. I just stood there thinking about what happened the previous day. I cheated on my wife of twenty years with a girl I don't even know, not even her name. And I did it at work, in the men's room. "I fucked the cleaning girl," I said under my breath. I said it again to myself, "I really fucked the cleaning girl." I thought, "Damn! Where did that come from?" And the bad thing, or good thing, whichever it may be, is that I am still horny as hell this...

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Jens Desire

She was in love with him and he was all she could think about. The youngmen at her school no longer held any interest for her, there was onlyone man she wanted and needed. She would sit there and stare at him whenshe could do it and not be obvious.His voice was as smooth as silk and she hung on his every word. When hewould smile as her it sent shivers up her spine. She longed to caresshis face and run her slender fingers through his jet back hair. Just thescent of his cologne alone was enough...

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Jen Mikey and me

I was in the military and took an assignment overseas and I was somewhat pleased to leave my wife, Jen, and her daughter back in the states. My wife was a domestic terror who kept me under control by using my fear of her anger. My step-daughter was as pleasant as she could be and I missed her company. We probably bonded over our subservience to her mother and our efforts at family life were very much directed at keeping the peace. Jen was in the military also and requested an assignment to my...

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Caroles Story 10 Carole Visits the Farm

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

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Katherine Cartridge

I met Tony Bennadetto on my seventeenth birthday. He and my brother introduced me to their gang as related in an earlier chapter. The next year I was a senior with a work-study job in the principal’s office. Halfway through the semester we hired a temporary substitute teacher for English and homeroom. Her name was Katherine Cartridge. She came with a good resume from a couple of high schools in Nevada. She was an immediate hit with the students. Besides being a fair and talented teacher,...

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The Hermit of Scarecrow ValleyChapter 2

Jennifer kept saying it wasn’t that bad. But the people who came out and looked at her in the truck acted like she was about to die or something. They brought a gurney, and when she got out, six people grabbed her and lifted her, yelling at each other not to jostle her or let her bend her back. They laid her ever so gently on her stomach on the gurney. She looked for The Hermit, and saw him standing to one side, talking to someone who was taking notes. For the first time she realized that his...

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The Sheriff of Spiny Cactus CountyEpisode 3 SCARECROW

The rattle of the engine caught the girl’s attention. When the power steering squealed, and brakes screeched, Cathy Lyman peeked through the blinds. She saw the Sheriff’s clunker pickup sitting in their circle drive. Her daddy got out of the passenger door, walking with a quick ginger step, when on his left foot. Earl Lyman leaned against the Sheriff for support. His left leg didn’t appear to enjoy supporting his body. Cathy took a deep breath, ‘Is Daddy hurt?‘ she ran to the door, flung it...

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Caroles Story 03 Caroles Training

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

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Sarah Carerra 246 On the Road Again

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By Megan Campbell (Released: July 25, 2011) Chapter 46 - On the Road Again I pushed thoughts of school out of my mind Saturday morning. It was still two and a half weeks until school started, and I had much more important things to worry about. Tomorrow, we would be...

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Carly a Caravan and me

I had been going out with her Mum for about 6 months, when Carly, her younger sister, her Mum and me went for a short break to a caravan park on the coast. Carly was just 16 and in her final year at school. She was a very attractive girl and had had a string of boyfriends over the few months I had known her. Although I am a normally red-blooded male, I had never looked at her in 'that way' before - she was too close to my own k**s ages for that! And, in any case, her Mum was an a****l in bed,...

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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 5 Peru Teachers teach Teachers

(Fm, romance) (edited) Six months had gone by in a flash for 17-year-old Jennie, her 34-year-old husband Mike, and her mom Karen as they worked in the village school in Peru that Sandy, Randy, and her parents had built and taught at. Each day, Mike, Jennie, and Sandy would teach at the school. Mike taught math and sports with the kids while Jennie and Sandy taught English, History and social courses, with marriage and relationship courses, mixed with sex education for the older girls. Mike...

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Preachers Daughter Chapter 13 and Preacher Sucks

My wife, Charlotte, thought it was very nice and thoughtful for Jaimie, the 23 year old preachers daughter now moving with us, and unknown to my Mrs, Jaimie was carrying my baby, "Jaimie, thank you for all you did around the house today, but you know, you are not our slave, are our guest!" If my wife only knew, that Jaimie was "my slave" and number #1 cum slut.Charlotte was always wild in bed when alone or away in a hotel or when our k_ds were not home, date night always got me plenty of hot...

1 year ago
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Jeni Loves Her Stepfather

100% fiction! Jeni watched her mother flirt shamelessly with the waitress at the Olive Garden where they had gone to celebrate her step-father’s birthday. She was sure her mother would attempt to make a pass at the woman if her step-father hadn’t been there. It disgusted her, not the whole lesbian thing, she totally got that, but the fact that she could treat her sexy daddy as though he weren’t even there. Jeni smiled across the table at him, “Happy birthday, Daddy.” She said, “I left your...

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Carla Episode 1 Carlas Helping Hand

Carla and George, both live in an upper class, suburban neighborhood.  George is forty-nine-years-old, a very intelligent, and well-respected cardiovascular doctor who is committed to his practice, and his success is proof of it.  He has been divorced from his wife for the past five years, and his sex life has been non-existent.  His only excitement recently has been looking at Carla from the window, in her school uniform skirt.  The sight of Carla always gives him a massive erection.Carla is...

First Time
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Carmen and Carole

I had left Joe and headed down to Carole's house for a visit and upon reaching there, I was greeted by Carole warmly. I had told her what had been going on with my black lover Jerry and she invited me down to help me out. As we kissed at the front door I whispered to Carole as we broke off, "I need a black cock" Carole said she would have her husband pick up the c***dren and keep them out leaving us the whole day to ourselves. We moved into the living room and sat down on the sofa. "I'm...

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The Hermit of Scarecrow ValleyChapter 6

Terror gripped Jennifer. She tried to struggle, but he was too strong. His arms around her felt like steel bands. A voice spoke in her ear, and she felt the breath of the speaker. “Don’t struggle. It’s just me.” When she realized it was Bobby, her emotions flared. Profound relief washed through her, but there were other emotions as well. There was a measure of righteous indignation about what her schoolmates had done to his property, and the urge to tell him about that. But there was also...

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ICarly Carly has a new Idea

This story is OBVOUSLY fiction. Names and characters borrowed from nickelodeon studios purely for the sake of an interesting back story. Sam didn’t know what to do. Seemingly stiff, or almost frozen. Aside from Carly’s menstruations she didn’t even blink. Carly peeled Sam’s hair up and in into a tie. And she used a pink ribbon, which seemed to appear from thin air. She tied a bow at the top pinning Sam's locks. She then breathed hotly on her neck slowly. And in a low whisper she...

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Caroles Story 04 Carole in Porno

I, on the other hand, am a tall, thin, average looking guy, but I always keep myself in good shape. My best attribute was my cock. I am over nine inches long and am very thick, all the way to the bulbous mushroom-like head. What my wife, and other women, always appreciates the most is that it never really goes soft. It stays around seven inches, even when `flaccid', and hard enough to penetrate all but the tightest holes. This story is true, with some alterations like names and dates. I...

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Sitting at my desk in a busy office in Manhattan just after lunch time, I fixed a lose end of my white buttoned down shirt that was coming out of the back of my grey pencil skirt. My feet couldn’t wait to be out of my heels, and it was almost the weekend. Jen, an old friend of mine from college, was flying in to visit me from Florida and I don’t think I was ready for the wild weekend I was sure she had planned for us. She texted me as I was leaving my office and headed home to my apartment...

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Carla and Carrie III

After we dried ourselves, we lied down on the bed and fell asleep. It was wonderful to be next to Carla. She was a beautiful and sexy woman. And my cock was always hard as I spooned with her. I alarm went off after an hour. The was a knock on the door. It was the motel cleaning crew, twin young ladies from the Philippines, Ester and Ruth. Carla told them to come right in. Ester said, “Yes boss.” Carla giggled and asked her to call her Carla and then she introduced me. “Hi Mike,” came from both...

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Jens lets her boyfriends mate join the fun

“Fuck off that was a penalty Shaun, they won, and they won fair and square” said Ryan, slurring over his words thanks to the free-flowing booze of the night. “well I think that ref was a blind prick but it’s getting late and if Jen finds you pissed on our couch again she’s going to fuckin kill me mate” replied Shaun. Signalling that it was time for his friend to leave before his girlfriend Jen got back from her girl’s night out. Though the slam of the taxi door and the click, click of heals...

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