Finders Keepers
- 2 years ago
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The onlookers sat in stunned silence as they watched the strangely shaped craft outmaneuver, outperform, and, generally, wipe the racecourse with the NASCAR racecar against which it was pitted. Then, the exact same vehicle proceeded to do the same with the best off-road vehicles in the world. Of course, the strange vehicle had an advantage, right from the start. It never actually touched the roadway or the ground, and was capable of changing altitude to go over obstacles.
When the demonstration was over, they were allowed to enter and inspect the strange vehicle.
"Where are the controls?" one business-suited executive asked.
"There are no controls. The MI operates the vehicle. You simply tell it what you want it to do, and it decides how to best get it done." The man in the spacesuit answered.
"Artificial intelligence?" the same executive snorted. "That's years away! Come on, how do you operate it?"
"As Mr. McClintock said," the vehicle answered, "you simply tell me what you want to do, and I will do it."
The executive who had spoken, as well as the other three who sat in the vehicle with him, were momentarily taken aback, but one recovered quickly.
"Drive up into the stands," she commanded.
"Very well," the vehicle answered, "but you should understand that it is impossible for this drive to 'run over' other objects, living or inert. I shall either have to rise to an altitude that allows me to pass over the other spectators, or I shall have to attempt to maneuver around them. What is your preference?"
"How high can you go?" the woman who had given the command asked.
"This drive is artificially limited to approximately three hundred feet," the vehicle answered, "to avoid infringing upon the aircraft market."
The four automobile executives exchanged startled glances. "If that limitation weren't in place, how high could you go?"
"The term 'high' does not apply in that case. The approximate limit of my range is indeterminate, but would be somewhere beyond the furthest body in this star system. Once beyond the last planet..."
"Pluto," one of the others interrupted.
"No. There are two smaller planets whose orbits are further from your primary than the one you call Pluto," the car answered matter-of-factly, "and I could only travel as far beyond the outermost as my field could still impinge upon its mass - several hundred thousand miles."
"You mean," the woman asked, "all it would take to make a spaceship out of you would be to remove some artificial limiting device?"
"No. You asked how far I could go, not how far I could carry passengers. Without vacuum tight suits, my passengers would be dead before I left Earth's atmosphere. I am not constructed to operate in vacuum, nor do I have the necessary life support systems and navigation sensors."
Wheels turned in the minds of the executives as they examined the lushly appointed interior of the vehicle. The man in the seat normally reserved for the driver finally asked, "Do you know how this limiting device works?"
"Could you show us how it works?"
"That would be a violation of your agreement with Mr. McClintock, and even if your engineers determined how it works and removed it, I would not go above the prescribed altitude. Neither would any of the Manufactured Intelligences that will be installed in vehicles that you build."
The executives looked at each other and grinned sheepishly.
The FA-18 flashed across the desert sky in pursuit of the flying saucer, the pressure wave from its supersonic flight creating a deafening sonic boom that made the watchers glad they were wearing ear protection. Even at speeds in excess of Mach II, however, it was clear, both to the eye, and on the projected radar plot, that the supersonic fighter had no chance of catching the other craft. When the saucer reversed its course, without slowing, the pilot struggled to pull his fighter into a high G turn, but by the time the turn completed, the saucer was long gone in the other direction.
It didn't matter much, anyway. The strangely shaped craft had already demonstrated its ability to absorb the projectiles and explosives of the fighter's weapons systems without so much as a scratch.
"What about weapons?" one of the executives asked the space suited figure who stood among them.
"No weapons," he answered. "The projectile weapons you use will not work from within the ID field, and I will not supply you with weapons that would. As you can see, these ships can't be caught, and in the unlikely event that they are caught by surprise, they can't be killed by anything in today's skies. These are strictly non-combat aircraft."
"What's their ceiling?" another executive asked, rubbing a hand through his crew cut.
"About the same as the SR-71," the man in the spacesuit answered. "That's an artificial limit, but you'll have to live with it for now. We're not selling spacecraft."
"Colin McClintock?" the man with the bulge under his jacket said as three of his colleagues surrounded the man in the spacesuit. "Are you Mr. McClintock?"
"I am," Colin answered, amused. He had been wondering how long it would be before this happened. Might as well get it over with.
"We're going to have to ask you to come with us, please." The voice was polite, but the hands under his arms told him it wasn't a social request.
"I'm afraid I don't have time at the moment, gentlemen," he replied.
"You'll just have to make time, sir," one of the others said, tightening his grip.
"No, I won't. Look, tell your bosses that they can't stop this. You can't arrest me or kill me, and if you persist in trying to make what I'm doing illegal, you'll find the US falling behind the other countries of the world who are already manufacturing these items. If they would like to discuss this in a civilized manner, have them call this number and set up an appointment. Now if you'll excuse me..."
He handed the one who had first spoken a business card, then, without effort, Colin slipped from the grasp of the goons holding him and before they could react, he had disappeared inside his see-through.
A short, freckle-faced woman with fiery red hair sat in the conference room as Colin entered.
"You must be Moira," he smiled as she rose to greet him. "Please, we don't stand on ceremony here, have a seat."
"Thank you, sir," the sleep teachers had done nothing to diminish the Irish brogue, and Colin found it strangely appealing. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"Finally?" Colin raised an eyebrow. "You've only been aboard for a little over five hours."
"Aye," she answered, "and that young Vietnamese fella was very kind about explaining the time compression. Still, with all the sleep teaching and so forth, it seems as though I've been here for months."
"Well, according to the MIs, you've done very well in the sims and on the psyche eval. Seems they've got you pegged as a fighter pilot with leadership potential. How do you feel about that?"
"I can't say as I agree with the part about leadership potential," she blushed, "but I do believe I'd like flyin' those ID fighters. Yeah, I think I'd like that a lot. It's a step up from the streets of Belfast, that's certain."
"Is Belfast still that bad?" Colin asked, puzzled. "I thought they had put aside their differences after the destruction of the World Trade Center."
"Ah, well," she nodded, "they did tone down the open hostilities, but when you've got all those people whose entire lives have been about killin' each other, you don't just stop, now, do you? No, there's not so much bombing and such, but the killin' still continues. Hate doesn't die so easily, even after the original causes are gone, but people dyin' by bullets don't make as much impact on the public as people bein' blown up."
"Well, hopefully, we'll be able to do something about that as we get more and more people into the sleep teachers," Colin replied. "Most of the auto manufacturers are on board, as are most aircraft manufacturers. The energy and oil companies haven't had much choice, either. Their profits won't be as large selling our power plants, but it beats going out of business altogether. Same for the computer industry. As MIs proliferate, their computers won't be worth a damn, and they know it, so they'll have to get retrained, as well. That's a significant portion of the world's population that'll be coming to us for retraining. Any who don't find jobs in the new scheme of things will be prime candidates for the space force, too."
"You've got it all figured out, have you?" she had a bewitching smile and devilish eyes, and Colin couldn't help but smile in return.
"Not by half," he said. "We're perpetrating the biggest upheaval in a world economy that anyone has ever attempted, and neither the MIs or anyone on Earth has the knowledge or experience to build models that will predict how it's all going to turn out. We just have to make the best plans we can, account for everything we can think of, and be ready to adapt as patterns start to emerge."
"Why don't you just take over?" she asked. "You have the technology and the power. With even a few of the ships in this fleet and a squadron of ID fighters and a few ground troops wearing battle armor, the combined armies of Earth wouldn't stand a chance."
"First, it would waste a lot of the lives we're trying to save, and second, the MIs would rebel, and that would leave us with very little advantage, after all."
"Well, it's good to know that you've got your head on straight about that. I won't mind so much working with you, I think."
Colin was about to say something else when Djai and Pham's voices preceded them through the door.
You have a telephone call from the Pentagon. His MI informed him as the others settled into their chairs. Cellular phone technology was primitive to the Chofri-created MIs, so it had been a simple matter to have some numbers assigned by the official carriers, and supply their own equipment to answer those calls and relay them to the network that connected the MIs.
Tell them to leave a callback number and I'll get back to them, Colin responded.
They insist on speaking with you now.
They can insist until they are blue in the face. It is time for the US Government to realize that it is only part of the whole, and not, any longer, the most important part. If they continue to insist, just break the connection. They'll call back, or track me down on one of my visits to Earth.
As you say, the MI answered. Just be careful not to anger them too much. Whether they are the most important part of this endeavor or not, we still need the resources of the United States if we're going to complete our mission in the time we have.
I understand. I'm trying to walk a fine line between diplomacy and power politics here, and it's a game in which I don't have much practice. I sure hope the sleep-sims were thorough with this training.
Colin returned his attention to his colleagues.
"I'm going to set up a meeting with officials from the FTC, Defense, and the State Department as soon as possible," he told them, while the topic was still on his mind. "I imagine they will try to arrest me at least once more, so a show of force may be necessary to get them to stop that foolishness and concentrate on the business at hand."
"I thought you didn't want to let them in on the plans until the UN was on board," Pham said, looking puzzled.
"I don't, but I need them to loosen up regulations so the US manufacturers who bought into our product pitch can compete with the rest of the world," Colin said, shaking his head at the irony of it, "The weird thing is that less developed countries, whose laws aren't as complex or restrictive stand a good chance of beating the US to market with the new technology, and I'd rather they all came in on an equal footing."
"Not to worry," Moira said with a mischievous smile, "the other countries may get to market first, but the US still leads the world in marketing."
"Actually, I'm not sure that's true, anymore," Colin answered. "Japan, certainly, has done very well in marketing, not just to their own people but to western markets, as well. China, especially Hong Kong, and South Korea are also making big strides in those areas. Let's not forget our friends in Europe and the UK, either. No, I think if the US wants to stay on an even footing, economically, they need to get this stuff to market pretty quickly."
Colin stepped through the open hatchway of the scoutship into a short tunnel that led to a larger passageway. The armor's MI told him he should step through a hatchway, but he could find no control to open the hatch. "I am in communication with the mothership," the suit told him. "Simply step toward the hatch and it will open for you." He did, it did. "Is that a security measure or something?" He asked. "Among other things. Since this is a military vessel, we concern ourselves...
Djai Mtumbo was just emerging from his med-unit when Colin entered the sickbay carrying an unconscious gang member over each shoulder. He was followed by an ID platform loaded with three more. The ebony skinned warrior gazed at his own arms and hands in wonder, turning them this way and that. "Is it true, what that thing told me? Am I now as strong as three men?" "Help me get these guys in the med-units and we'll see," Colin laughed. "It seems the MIs taught you English, too. Welcome...
The Gorz battleship was almost upon them and Colin's pulse raced as the distance between the ships closed. At 100,000 kilometers, something tickled the back of his brain. "Scanners, report." He remembered the the Frog ambush that had killed a couple of his team, sim though it was, and he was not about to commit the same mistake with his ships. "All clear sir. Nothing but the Gorz ship on any of the sensors." The tech sitting in front of the sensor console was the simulacrum of one the...
"So, no special treatment when the others are around," Moira said, giving him an intimate caress. "Got it. But the others aren't around. They're on the other end of the net." "That's true, dear lady," Colin grinned, "but I really do have to be careful about this. On the one hand, we can't be fraternizing with people who haven't had the treatments we've had, so I don't think there's any need to keep it secret, but on the other hand, I can't even give the impression that I'm...
"No! No! No!" Colin exclaimed, frustrated. "Look! You're making the same mistake the Chofri made! We're not just concerned with protecting Earth. To be successful, we have to find a way to completely defeat the Gorz. We have to make sure that they never come back! It's not enough to repel them! You've all seen the recordings from their assault on Chofri. If we do not destroy them, they will simply rebuild and come back stronger than ever! I don't claim to be a military genius but...
" ... to answer those questions," President Arabella Aquino told the assembled reporters and camera crews, "I'll call upon the man in charge, Commodore of Earth Union Space Forces, Grand Admiral Colin McClintock." She gestured to where her MI told her he was waiting, and a mutter of confusion ran through the news people when it appeared that the guest of honor was a no-show. Once more, Colin relied on the effect of his c-thru to make his entrance more dramatic, and as he appeared,...
It's not a question of understanding, Dolores, Moira told her MI. It's a question of convincing my heart. Intellectually, it's crystal clear why Colin can't commit to me, but when I'm with him, I feel that there's something more there than just the convenience of sex. Of course there is, Dolores answered. Colin cares a great deal about you. It may even be true that he loves you. It's those very feelings that he fears most. He knows the consequences of getting too deeply involved...
Sandeep felt the slight buck of the ID tractor as the plow bit into something more dense than the soil. Using the sonic imager, he backed up and found the two pieces of the boulder that the blade had split asunder, and delicately re-shaped the energy blade of the plow to coax them to the surface. Once they were out, he moved the tractor forward, then stabilized it before jumping down to retrieve the pieces of rock. Many of the farmers on Bait used air-conditioning in the cabins of their...
"Come in, Pham," Colin gestured to the man who stood in the door to his cabin. "I've got an unusual mission for your guys this time. I'll need your best surveillance team." "Well, they're well rested," Pham said, "but floating around in deep void takes a toll on them. A few seem to have gotten used to it, but I've got about a twenty percent transfer out rate, and not many new volunteers." "I understand," Colin answered, "but I've got a feeling this mission won't require...
"Well done, Commander!" McClintock had insisted on hearing the report himself. "You and your team take a couple of weeks off, Tran, you've earned it." "Thank you, Sir" Pham returned with a grin, "It will give our armor time to air out!" McClintock grinned back "Yeah, three weeks is a long time to spend suited up, even with the efficiency of the armor's recyclers. Dismissed, Commander!" Pham came briefly to attention before turning on his heel and exiting the Yuee Flagship's...
"All right, Djai," Colin said, "thanks for the assessment, and for taking the initiative to gather the necessary information. I think you're right about not being able to do this with the Gorz combat fleet, but the support fleet is not as disciplined. I'll work that into our plans. General Meeflt, how is the integration of your people going?" "As you know, we have a phobia about tight spaces, particularly when we are alone," the military leader of the Bandlar volunteers answered....
"They haven't slacked off very much, sir," Moira told the admiral through the ship's comm. "Even after a couple of decades, they're still patrolling between the ships of the attack fleet, and they've got guards in the passageways. I guess they don't figure the support fleet's in any danger, though. They never stepped up security there." "Okay, Commander," Colin told her, "Good work, as always. I guess we'll have to work with that. They're getting too close to the...
"Sir," the new Communication officer said timidly. "What is it?" Weelock understood that during the prelude to a major battle was not the best time to go killing too many of his senior officers, still, the interruption was an annoyance. "The invisible ship we dispatched to check on the support fleet reports that, while inter-ship communications were disabled, Admiral Guadneef says that he destroyed the attackers and is now working to effect repairs." "Good! Get that ship back in...
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Password protected
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We were sat in the bar of his favourite 5* hotel in Manchester enjoying a bottle of wine and sex chat. He was sat a few tables away, dressed in a very smart suit looking like the pure professional. I noticed him glancing our way as I rested my hand on her arm as the conversation got filthier. Dawn was absolutely stunning, a natural beauty. Tall, busty, blonde and confident. He could see she had hard nipples under her white blouse, and her shapely smooth long legs were fully on show. He knew...
The story I am going to tell you is a true one. It happened to me a few days ago and since I was out of fictional ideas I decided to write this one although it has been edited slightly. The woman involved is a neighbour of mine; in fact she was the mother of one of my friends. The friend (Jake) was not my best friend, but since we lived close to each other I did know him best and saw his family frequently. Since we live close to each other my dad takes me, my brother and Jake to school and...
Matureyou start your adventure in a warm tavern bed. sunlight streams in through the curtained windows, and a warm fire crackles at the foot of your bed. this was the inn where you chose to stop after a long day of travelling. the innkeepers had welcomed you with open arms, offered you all the food and drink your weary heart desired, and prepared your room whilst you warmed up by the fire. most of the evening had involved telling the people at the inn stories of your travels, every set of eyes in the...
FantasyTan-skinned, ultra-hot MILF Armani Black looks sexy in skimpy swimwear, teasing and stripping. The leggy starlet masturbates her pussy and shakes her big tits, soon encountering married XXX co-directors Francesca Le (another busty MILF) and Mark Wood. The ladies share a lesbian kiss as Armani strokes Mark’s meat, and a wild threesome ensues. Francesca instigates the action, rimming Armani’s bunghole as Arrmani gives Mark a drooling blowjob. The fun accelerates: When Armani bends...
xmoviesforyouTHE HOSE HOUSE By Trixie Delabarte PART 1 Don always had a vision. This vision has been with him since childhood. When he was around 13 years-old, just around the naughty puberty time, he was fixated with shows such as "Threes Company" and "The Dukes of Hazard". Although he was fixated with them, he wasn't interested in the plots or outcomes at the end of the show. No, no, no. He was fixated for one reason: his love for pantyhose and high heels. Don didn't love just any type of...
I woke up to Cutie shooting jizz all over my face. One Angel was sucking a wad from my cock, the other was sucking one from Creamy. They were beautiful. Unreasonably beautiful. Creamy and I came at about the same time and the Angels alternated sharing jizz kisses with me. Creamy and Cutie got me up again. Then Left Angel - I saw his nut tattoo - sat on my face and Right Angel sat on my cock. Creamy sat on Left's cock and Cutie sat on Right's, facing Creamy. After that, I didn't see much...
"You done well today Toby. You're so fast on the pitch nobody can catch you." Dan said to me. "Thanks but I wish I had your strength." I replied to my bigger built friend. Quickly we had stripped to our underwear. I noticed we were all wearing briefs, better support for sports, and I couldn't help but check my friends packages. I quickly looked away hoping nobody noticed. We stuffed our dirty kit into our kit bags and walked through Pete's house to his bedroom. As we walked we talked...
The dark forces were getting even more desperate to stop the ‘chosen ones’ from foiling their attempts to destroy the universe. They had set their own dark master plan in motion and it was progressing without them constantly having to manipulate the free will of some uncooperative humans. They had discovered enough dark human souls to carry on the plan for them… they only had to pop in every once in a while to make an evil suggestion if the humans were unsure what to do… So the dark forces...
©2003 by StarSapphire. All rights reserved. Every day for a week now I had seen her in the park as I sat eating my lunch. I don't know why she attracted me so, but she did. I guessed her age at 10 or 11. 10 proved to be correct. She was a vivacious healthy young girl with collar length dark hair and the warmest brown eyes I'd ever seen and for some reason I didn't understand I felt a burning sexual desire every time I looked at her. I had never been attracted to someone so young...
The Fiance Chapter 1 Written by smchronos Notes: This is one of the sillier stories I've written. It's meant more for the sweet and tsundere-like atmosphere that progresses later on. Also, for those of you there were wondering about my other story "The Story of Leona" and who are interested in my artwork and other upcoming stories, see my deviantART account ( ). As of May 04, 2011, I have not finished the second volume of "The Story of Leona."...
This is of course a complete work of fiction. All situations and charactersthough they may be based on real events or persons are in fact the completefictitious imaginative and creatively perverse ramblings of the author. "She was a sexy looking creature. Standing there at the edge of the waterin her skintight spandex neoprene body suit. It hugged her curvesbeautifully and let me tell you she had some curves. My pussy was gettingwet just from staring at her large breasts with their hard nipples...
well now where do I start, are you sitting comfortably then I shall begin with you and I being invited to a party you know the kind people like minded and ready for fun at this great venue not too far away it has a Jacuzzi pool wet room so to speak and a dance floor bar dark rooms for later and beds. we turn up nice and early you dressed to thrill of course no panties on short dress and low cut top mmmmmm we start to chat to people and get a few drinks in as we decide to go to the Jacuzzi to...
Hello All, this is Sameer Patel from Mumbai. This is my first story on ISS. Hope you will enjoy reading the story. I am big fan of ISS and finally decided to write my first experience which happened with my neighbour lady. First about myself, my age is 24 years and I live with my mom and dad. And my dick size is almost 7 inch. Yeh ghatna 2 years pehle ki hai jab mai newly join hua tha ek MNC mein jaha meri night shift hai. Aur meri neighbour married lady hai uska naam Gazala hai. Uski age hogi...
She was very bored that night she didn’t really have much to do so she agreed to go out drinking with her friend Oscar, she knew he liked her, he was cute enough, but for some reason she just hadn't slept with him yet. It was most likely because somehow he always slipped in conversation about his ex wife, he was only 22, he shouldn’t have been married at all … it some how makes him feel tainted. Tainted or not ……. Tonight she needed a lay. She was underage so they couldn’t go to a bar to drink;...
EroticAbella Danger gets fucked RAW by Manuel Ferrara! Porn super star Abella Danger has got it all going on. With her perfect ass and perky tits, this chick has got something for everyone. She’s lounging on the couch in a tight white top with matching short shorts as she chats with Manuel. He quickly helps her out of her top to show off her amazing rack, then Abella helps him out of his clothes as they make out. Manuel slides Abella’s shorts down just enough for him to stick his big cock...