Schwiegermutter indian porn

4 years ago
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Gemeinsamer Besitz

Gemeinsamer Besitz I. Schon vor der Hochzeit gab es die Erkenntnis, dass sich hinter der strahlenden Fassade seiner Verlobten eine Frau mit starkem Willen verbarg, die auch entschlossen war, ihren Willen durchzusetzen. Johannes wollte Katy dennoch heiraten, denn er liebte sie abg?ttisch. Au?erdem musste er sich eingestehen, dass es so das Beste sein w?rde, wenn sie in der Ehe die Hosen anhatte und sie sich damit die endlosen Diskussionen ersparten, die er von fr?heren Beziehungen ...

2 years ago
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Reife Lust

"Hallo Jules, komm doch herein ...", hauchte Martina mit leicht nervöser Stimme, bevor sie ihm ihre zierlichen Arme zur Begrüßung entgegenstreckte. Jules wunderte sich über Martinas leise und zaghafte Art. Zwar umarmte er seine Schwiegermutter wie immer, doch dieses Mal fühlte es sich anders an. Ihr Körper war warm, glühte fast, während sie sich förmlich an ihn presste. Jules spürte ihre üppige Oberweite viel deutlicher als sonst und auch ihren Bauch hatte sie noch nie zuvor so deutlich an sein...

2 years ago
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Die Forschungsreise

Die Forschungsreise (Katrin *2013/ 2014) Teil 1 Einleitung Die Schule war vorbei und ich hatte mal wieder Semesterferien. Mein Studium besch?ftigte sich mit den Mythen und Sagen der verschollenen Mysterien, die sich um die Mayas rankten. Das hatte mich schon immer fasziniert und aus diesem Grunde, hatte ich an einem verregneten Sommertag einen Termin in der B?cherei unserer Hochschule. Die blonde Bibliothekarin kannte mich inzwischen als B?cherwurm und begr??te mich, wie immer, wenn ic...

3 years ago
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Das Spiel des Lebens

Das Spiel des Lebens (Ka-Do *2012) I Einleitung Schon so lange ich denken kann habe ich immer davon getr?umt ein M?dchen zu sein. Wie oft habe ich mir heimlich Kleider von meiner Mutter oder meiner Cousine angezogen und bin damit zu Hause herumgelaufen. Niemals w?re ich so weit gegangen mich als M?dchen auf die Stra?e zu wagen. Nat?rlich w?re ich lieber ein M?dchen gewesen, war es aber leider nicht. Durch das gro?e Internet fand ich die M?glichkeit mit anderen Transvestiten zu kommunizieren. Au...

4 years ago
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Tims Abenteuer

Hallo, mein Name ist Tim und ich möchte hier einige außergewöhnliche Ereignisse aus meiner Jugend berichten. Eigentlich hatte ich eine sehr normale und schöne Kindheit und Jugend, wie sie wahrscheinlich sehr viele andere auch hatten. Der einzige Punkt in dem ich mich wahrscheinlich von den allermeisten meiner Altersgenossen unterscheide ist mein Körperbau. Ich habe schon als Kind angefangen, recht intensiv Sport zu betreiben und im Laufe der Jahre habe ich wohl schon fast alle Sportarten...

3 years ago
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Geile Schwiegermutter

Alles begann damit, dass sich Sabine, die Mutter meiner Freundin, beim ausruhen in der Sonne immer mehr entblösste. Als sie nur mehr in Spitzenunterwäsche vor mir saß, wurde ich auf ihre kleinen aber festen Brüste aufmerksam und ihre gute Figur machte mich tierisch an. In der Folgzeit schlich ich mich mehrmals in ihr Zimmer, entwendete einige Slips von ihr und wichste hinein. Dann legte ich sie zurück in ihren Schrank. In der Hoffnung, dass sie es merkt (und sie musste es merken) und mich zur...

2 years ago
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Nylonsasha Fragebogen

Name: Nylonsasha Geschlecht: MannAlter: 34Augenfarbe: blauHaarfarbe: DunkelblondGröße: 187cmGewicht: 130kgPenis: 16x5Schuhgröße: 46Familienstand: halte meine Optionen offen Bundesland: Baden-Württemberg / HeilbronnStadt: UlmBist Du dominant: manchmal ja, manchmal neinBist Du sadistisch: JainBist Du devot: manchmal ja, manchmal neinBist Du masochistisch: leichte Schmerzen sind okWelche sexuelle Gesinnung hast Du: bisexuellWen würdest suchst...

3 years ago
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Christine Teil 4

Drei Tage später hatte ich zwei freie Tage, wovon ich den Mädels aber nichts erzählte. Kurz nachdem Chris aus dem Haus war, fuhr ich in den Baumarkt und besorgte dort so einiges an Material, das ich zu Hause direkt in der Garage verstaute.Ich begann direkt damit, eine Pritsche zu bauen, in der auf Höhe des Kopfes, der Titten und der Lenden entsprechende Löcher waren. Das Ganze wurde dann noch mit Kunstleder überzogen. An den Beinen schraubte ich noch Ösen ein, um dort später Stricke durchziehen...

3 years ago
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Armin und Lea Teil 7

Beide Familiengruppen genossen es, den anderen zuzuschauen und dabei untereinander selber Sex zuhaben.Armin fand es einfach nur supergeil, wie ihm die Mutter seiner Freundin seine Eier lutschte und an seinem Schwanz saugte, während er dabei zusah wie seine Freundin auf ihrem Opa einen wilden Ritt vollführte. Dann wurde sein Blick magisch von dem wilden Gestöhne der anderen Gruppe angezogen. Auf dem Bildschirm sah er, wie die Inge vom Bruder, der Schwägerin und dem eigenen Mann hart rangenommen...

4 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 11

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

2 years ago
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Der Flaschengeist Teil 14

Der unvermeidliche Disclaimer Diese folgende Geschichte ist geistiges Eigentum des Autors der in dieser Community das Pseudonym "Drachenwind" tr?gt und von ihm frei erfunden, ?hnlichkeiten mit real existierenden Personen und/oder Orten sind rein zuf?llig. Es ist ausdr?cklich verboten, diese Storie f?r kommerzielle Zwecke zu nutzen. Finanzielle Vorteile d?rfen mit dieser Storie nicht erwirtschaftet werden. Kurz gesagt, Ver?ffentlichungsverbot f?r alle kostenpflichtigen Foren oder Webs...

2 years ago
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Das Erbe Teil 4

Nach X-Jahren nur hier also die Fortsetzung: Bei Interesse geht weiter ... Die Verwandlung beginnt ******************** Am n?chsten Morgen wachten wir auf und wurden vom meiner Schwiegermutter von den Schellen befreit. Ich sah, dass Johannes auch sein Beutchen vollgemacht hat, aber wir redeten kein Wort dar?ber. Schnell verschwanden wir in der Dusch (nacheinander) und reinigten uns. Am Fr?hst?cktisch erkl?rte uns Isabel, dass sie mit der Schulleiterin gesprochen hatte und sie uns nur ...

3 years ago
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Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe

Der Seitensprung in eine Katastrophe (Ka-Do 2017) Teil 1 Einleitung Es war mal wieder einer der verregneten Tage. Ich surfte im Internet, auf einem sogenannten Dating Portal und bastelte an meinem Profil. Am Anfang ?berlegte ich noch, ob ich die Wahrheit schreibe oder nicht. In diesen Portalen wei? man ja nie so genau, was einen erwartet. Eine Weile brauchte ich schon f?r meine ?berlegungen und dabei half mir zwischendurch ein kleiner Schluck Rotwein. Nach dem vierten oder f...

4 years ago
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Mutter meiner Freundin

Die Mutter meiner FreundinIm  Herbst 1994 absolvierte ich ein Praktikum in Dresden in der Rechtsabteilung einer Bank. Einige Monate zuvor hatte ich Susi kennen gelernt und mich unsterblich in sie verliebt. Seitdem musste ich sehr um sie k?mpfen, weil ich als 20-j?hriger Jura-Student bei ihren Eltern nicht gerade wohl gelitten war. Sie war gerade 17 geworden und ihre Eltern machten ihr regelm??ig Vorw?rfe, warum sie ausgerechnet einen 20-j?hrigen Wessi-Schn?sel anschleppen musste. Umso mehr freute ich mi...

1 year ago
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Peggy wird zur Schlampe gemacht

Ron arbeitete in der Videothek für Erwachsene die seinem Bruder gehörtes. Es zahlte sich kaum aus für ihn, aber er dachte, die “Nebenverdienste” würden das Geld mehr als wettmachen. Er hatte den weißen Feiglingen dabei zugesehen, wie sie die Bücher über gemischtrassigen Sex lasen und sich die gleiche Art von Filmen ausliehen. Es musste sie vermutlich eifersüchtig machen, all diese großen, schwarzen Schwänze zu sehen, die diese kleinen weißen Fotzen dehnen. Er dachte, dass sie wahrscheinlich...

2 years ago
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The Gunny and LenoreChapter 52

Father Thomas O'Meara had been asked to officiate at this funeral. He'd asked for, and received the deceased's personnel jacket, and when he'd consulted with the next-of-kin, had been in for some very real surprises. The deceased was born and raised Catholic, but hadn't been inside a church in nearly seventy years, he was told. The redheaded Irish girl named his two awards of the Navy Cross, both in World War Two, and what they were given for. She went on to talk about the Gulf of...

3 years ago
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Relaxing Break

A few years back my wife and I went on holiday to Jamaica, it was an all-inclusive package deal and as soon as we arrived we kicked back and relaxed. On the second day we went to pool for a change from the sea and found just one other couple there a white woman with her black partner.We started to talk to them and it turned out they were American she was in her fifties and looked quite fit with blonde hair and a lovely figure topped off with huge boobs, Her partner didn’t say much and she...

3 years ago
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Appointment with a Dietitian

It all started in the bedroom of a bed and breakfast.. I arrived there planning for a much needed relaxation and had scheduled an appointment with a dietitian who I had heard wonders about. What I hadn't heard about was how she worked to help her clients shed those unwanted pounds, but I was about to find out. Her program started off with before pictures, to get a better representation she asked me to strip naked, I went into the bathroom and she followed hanging from the ceiling...

3 years ago
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Sexy Nights With My Cousin Sister

Hello ISS I am Rahul from Mumbai, India. I am regular reader of ISS and here I am sharing my own experience with my cousin sister. Let me tell about myself. I am Rahul 24 year guy from Mumbai. And I am only son of my mom and dad. I have cousin sister her name is Priyanka age is 23. She is very beautiful looking having great boobs and nice figure. We have been very close right from our childhood. As she is also single daughter in her family. We have been sharing everything from our childhood and...

2 years ago
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Sophie is dominated and feminised part 2

Sophie is Dominated and Feminised, Part 2 by: Miss Sophie Hardy © Part 2, Feminised We left Madam Helga's and headed for the car. I led the way with Sophie walking behind me. She had her head bowed, and she looked mortified at being outside in her sissy maid's dress. When we got to the car I fumbled about in my handbag and pretended I had left the car keys at Madam Helga's. I turned to my sissy and said, "Sophie, I seem to have lost my car keys. I want you to wait here...

3 years ago
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The Platinum Chef A Tale of Delacroix Part IV

Chapter 12 Friday night in Delacroix. Like most middle sized towns, there were pockets of inactivity. Large swaths of suburban living gone dark for a night out on the town. Then there were the parties. This one was like most others, loud and busy. Grrl Army was playing. Somewhere around the fourth song, "C'mon Eileen"(Heather felt more comfortable with the Save Ferris cover.) Bobbie lost track of Beth. Bobbie started looking around, and found her... Talking to a boy? "There you...

3 years ago
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My First Time

Welcome to my blog. I’ll be sharing my most memorable gay experiences with you and a little about me. I’ll try to keep things in chronological order, but there may be some jumping around. All sex with other men have come via hook-ups. I'm a black guy, but I LOVE white men A LOT! I'm still picky though. I guess the best place to start is at the beginning; my first gay experience. It was 1998, I was 23 years old, and he was around the same age. We met online and hit it off. Camera phones weren’t...

Gay Male
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Sex On Dark Nights

My Name is Alok. I am 22 years old. This is the story of my engineering days. I am from Delhi but I did my engineering from Bangalore. One of my uncles is living in Bangalore. So I did not take hostel or any accommodation in Bangalore, instead, I stayed at their place. I have one elder brother, Ankit and my parents in my family whereas in my Uncle’s family there is Uncle, Aunty and their 2 children Sanchit and Isha. Sanchit was doing his graduation from Delhi University, hence he was staying at...

3 years ago
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night in the park

Probably shouldn't share this but somehow I can't keep it in. It was about a year ago, very late one warm early autumn night, coming home from work. I got off the subway and was starting through the little park that was there when you came down from the station, when I saw on a bench away from the lights a woman, her legs spread wide and her loose dress pulled all the way up so her thighs were bare. It seemed like she didn't notice me until I got right in front of her, and then she laughed a...

3 years ago
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God of LoveChapter 42 DeepThroat 2 18

What to do when you are between a rock and a hard place, an extreme situation? Especially when everything happens too fast. In situations like this, your body releases adrenaline, a hormone capable of transforming the human body from a state of rest to a state of combat. Your body optimizes itself to react to extreme situations. Your vision is clearer, your thoughts faster, your body becomes tense, and your physiological functions are optimized. Your body is ready for battle in a matter of...

4 years ago
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My cousin

I was just thirteen when my mom and dad took my cousin in to live with us. He was older and quite good looking. I was just developing and starting to get nice tits. My mom had large tits and so it was normal for me to develop big tits like her and at a young age. I also had a big interest in sex. Two weeks after my cuz moved in I heard him come into my room one night. My room and my cuz were upstairs and mom and dad were downstairs. He walked to my bed and pulled the covers back. He was naked...

2 years ago
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Beautiful Daughter

It was about 9 o'clock in the morning. I was dragging the vacuum cleaner along the hallway upstairs. I always did the carpet in Chelsey's room then the carpet in the hallway. I opened the door and backed in with the vacuum and turned around. Chelsey was on her bed, on her stomach, and completely nude with a pillow between her legs under her hips and her butt in the air. The curtains were closed and her bedside light was on. I don't know why I noticed that.She said, "Dad! You're supposed to...

4 years ago
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Dipping My Toes In The Lesbian Pool

Looking back, I can see how this all happened. At the time, I didn't realize what was taking place. Not that I'm complaining right now. It's that I thought I was an observant person. I'd strained ligaments in my left ankle while running. I'd jumped off a curb, my foot landing on a small rock that blended in with the asphalt. I went down in the middle of the street, uttering words I usually don't use. I think I scared the kids playing a couple of doors down because they all stopped to gawk at...

3 years ago
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Day in the Life

You're a typical 18 year old boy. Nothing extraordinary about you, but you have a good life. You played quarterback in high school, got good grades, had several girls like you. The only problem was you couldn't settle your desires. You have tried masturbation, porn, and fantasies, but you are left needing more. You decide one day to take action. What's your options?

3 years ago
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The Subject

You browse through your emails, occasionally deleting what you can immediantly spot as Spam and other nasty emails when a weird one cane up. From ROB, Subject: unkown This could of been a prank but it was worth it if it wasnt so you clicked it and you slowly read the email. From ROB By clicking this email you agreed that you wouls become the test subject of ROB's for the more... Lewd ideas they have to spice up their champions worlds. As evidence a coke can will land on your head after you...

4 years ago
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Blackfeather10 Kissing a Girl

“RAMIE? RAMIE?” Kyle was standing right in front of me. I started out of my reverie. “What?” “You’re asleep on your feet. You didn’t even look up when I pulled in.” “Kyle, I was...” I couldn’t tell him. He claimed to not be time traveling, even though I’d seen him twice. Still, the last time I’d seen that corporal, Kyle certainly was not there. And how did I go off time-traveling if I wasn’t listening to him and Aubrey making love? I looked over and the raven had his head tucked under his...

3 years ago
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Snowed InChapter 6

With everyone feeling pretty good and somewhat revived, I along with my two sisters where actually quite anxious to continue playing mom's naughty little game. Even my cock had risen to some extent, though not fully taking on a "flag pole" appearance. But I knew that the moment things got going again, it wouldn't take much. "Ok, someone else want to draw one out?" she soon asked. "Before we do," dad began, I'd like to defer mine until tomorrow if that's ok with everyone. So ... if...

3 years ago
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Siru Vayathil Pazhagiya Paiyanudan Oothen

Vanakam makale en peyar buvana, enaku siru vayathil oru paiyan pazhagi vanthu irunthaan. Naangal antha vayathile kasa musa seithu vilaiyaaduvom, ippozhuthu enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan. Amma veetirku vanthu irukum pozhuthu eppadi munbu pazhagiya paiyanudan thodarbu eer pattu sex seithen enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Ippozhuthu en vayathu 25 aagugirathu, en ammavirku udambu sari illai enbathaal naan kanavanidam paiyanai...

4 years ago
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Some Work in the Garage

This is a real short recap of a cute little situation my husband and I had a few weeks ago. It was during the week and my husband had a vacation week so he was home and doing a lot of fixit up stuff around the house all week. I, on the other hand, have been working some really long hours as it’s been incredibly demanding at work. So occasionally I come home and go back to work in the evening after a few minutes with the family. This evening everyone was out of the house although I new my...

2 years ago
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Finding Family Chapter Six

We walked in to the garden setting, such a wondrous place with so many plants and such spectacular scents filling the air. Yet none so sweet as the scent of my granddaughter as we walked side by side down the first pathway. Even now I could smell her pussy, just barely aroused from the promise of being touched. I knew well already she would cum in a heart beat if I had the chance to push my fingers into her sheath past the narrow thong. We came to a bench as we strolled along the wondrous paths...

4 years ago
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FWD Hypnosis

I got this email the other day. It completely changed my life. It came from a friend of mine so I didn’t think twice about opening it. It was a forwarded email, so I figured it was just one of those long stupid observation, joke emails I always get and delete. Boy I was wrong. I was very engrossed whilst I read it. Totally got into it. I am sending it to you to read. I hope you will send it to a friend as well, after you are finished. Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose. Read the whole...

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How I got started dressing

I was a sophomore in high school and like any teenage boy I was extremely horny. I masturbated atleast once a day usually 2 or even 3 times because I had so much time on my hands. I started off watching plain straight porn but I watched so much of it daily that I started to get bored of it. I just used sites like google or yahoo to find videos by typing in whatever I was into that day. It started out with just words like "blonde getting fucked" or "girlfriend giving blowjob." Once I started to...

3 years ago
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My Boyfriend the Brother

My Boyfriend: The Brotherby dale10You can imagine the look on fifteen year old Joey's face when he walks into hi My Boyfriend: The Brother? by dale10??? You can imagine the look on fifteen year old Joey's face when hewalks into his house to see me sitting in his old man's leather chair buckass naked with his fourteen year old brother crouched? equally bare assedbetween my strong jock thighs..licking my fat sweaty balls. I mean the Highschool freshman fuckslop faggot was all already...

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The Move

I couldn't have been happier than I was when my best friend Amber and I decided to move in together. We had talked about moving into a place of our own for over a year, but until that day, neither of us did anything about it. Things began to move forward when Amber's brother, Larry and his friend Greg stopped and picked Kim and me up in Larry's van. We went to a band practice with the two of them. While they played, I couldn't keep my eyes off Larry. I'd fawned over him since I was...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Lecturers

Hi ISS readers and this is Sandy from Chennai and I am going to narrate a beautiful experience in my life. I am doing my B. Tech in computer engineering as you all know, computer department is full of girls but my class is full of beautiful girls. I am a boy of age 21 and well built and was attracted to girls always. I am from pondicherry and I live alone in Chennai to take my studies. I have fewer friends and always think how to seduce a girl and attain her sexually when the classes were...

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Finder s FeeChapter 2

Initially I planned to stop on the way home and let them shop for clothing and necessities. You bought a slave with nothing but the tunic on their backs and the little paper slippers they were given, but it was obvious to even an insensitive bastard like me that Tiernay was in no condition to go anywhere. All she did was cry, hold onto Dubois' arm and follow her like a dog on a leash when we moved. It was a decent tube ride back to my place so I herded them into the first unoccupied car at...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 14

Missing My Family! Another year had passed and my new job was taking me farther from Sue and the kids. Against all advice I had received from friends, I had accepted a job with a group of Japanese investors, the Yakima Investment Corporation. They were buying properties all over the United States, which kept me away from my family six days a week. They were paying me above average but after three months, I began wondering if it was worth it. However, I had a goal of owning my own plane one...

4 years ago
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Monkey WrenchChapter 17

We had laid our note in the kitchen cabinet. We all stood around for nearly eight minutes before anyone moved. Xiomara grabbed my hand. I squeezed her fingers. She let me pull her in front of me. I touched her cheek and leaned forward to kiss her softly. “Awww,” Renée reacted. Xiomara pulled away. She tried to apologize with her quavering smile. “I never thought I’d be kissing you,” She told me, “Yeah, Zoë once had this big idea that we’d get married.” “I remember,” I took up her second...

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Parota Kadai Akkavai Oothen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil parota kadai akkavai eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul pogalam, enathu peyar ravi vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku pengal endraal migavum pidikum athilum thirumanam aana pengal endraal rumba pidikum. Naan sila vibachaarigaludan sex seithu irukiren, ilamaiyaana pengalai oopathai vida thirumanam aagi athigam anubam irukum pengalai ookum pozhuthu thaan athil nala company kidaikum. Siru pengal valikirathu...

2 years ago
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Sexcapades with Sarah 1

Like any true story I will write, this one has the names changed... Sarah was a girl I had met just a week before. She had beautiful blonde hair and eyes that I could get lost in. As strange as it seems, we met at a Boy Scout camp where we both worked. And having to live nine weeks in the woods without very much contact with women takes a toll on a man, but luckily Sarah was happy to help. We had taken every chance we would risk to sleep together overnight in the tents at the staff area. This...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Tempted by brother Part 5 out of 8

This seemed like a completely ordinary day. I was trying to concentrate on my homework, my brother was on the phone with our mom. Apparently our parents would come home late tonight so they were calling to advise us now, there was some late celebration at the restaurant that they own. And they were offered some trip tickets for two, by possible franchise owners, they were in no position to refuse and they will be packing immediately, or more specifically they asked us to pack for them. Like I...

4 years ago
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Head Teacher

I had been chatting with a woman named Karen on an "adult" dating site for a few days. Total number of messages: about five each. Progress: coming along, I suppose you'd say. On such sites, I tend to take it fairly slowly, even if everyone knows what you're there for. You don't want to frighten anyone off, because if she's just a bit slower than you, and it's taken all her courage to actually put a profile on there, she might come round in a while.My profile stated quite clearly that I...

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My Sister Myself

MY SISTER MYSELF BY PAUL G JUTRAS Gabby Cruz was sixteen years old and loved her life more than anything. She was very fem as much of the time as she could. Her trouble and life changes happened one night when she was making out with her boyfriend George. She was dressed in a tan sweater and skirt that came just above the knees of her bare legs. George had on his sports jersey and brown slacks. When she heard some giggling, Gabby turned to see her 12 year old brother peering...

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The Peeping Tom Day Five

As I work away in the garden my thoughts keeping returning to the morning. What a show Trevor and Elaine had put on for me, fucking in the window like that, knowing the entire time I was watching and wanking over them. At the same time though I wondered of the repercussions, would they tell the other neighbours of my dirty secret. Would they tell my wife? How would I face them next time I see them in the pub or the street? Would they make cryptic remarks in front of people I knew? Then my train...

2 years ago
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The Producer

She was determined the family money would be hers, but how far would she would go to get it, and what it would cost her? THE PRODUCER by BobH (c) 2018. - 1 - The day that changes your life forever usually starts like any other. Mine certainly did. It began with me sitting at my vanity, doing my make-up. The final part of the process was always my...

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The Wedding Proposal chapter VIII

I was beginning to get used to this now. My heart had stopped racing when I ventured out the door. I did not examine every approaching face for signs of suspicion, or spend all my concentration on every little detail a women would do unconsciously. I walked onto the bus as a free and independent woman. Never questioning my right to be there. A text message arrived as I watched rows and rows of houses rush past the window. It was Tina. hi sis heard anything from tony yet? Sort of. Meeting...

4 years ago
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Foundations My wife and I fell madly in love with each other in High school where a case of raging hormones and a faulty condom made us parents at the age of 16. We weren’t ready for it, but our parents agreed that we would be held responsible for our promiscuity. We got our G.E.D.s, got married and got night jobs. Our parents helped us out by watching our son, Seth, while we worked and we lived with my parents until we could afford a place on our own. Shortly after we got our own place son...

2 years ago
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The Geography Fieldtrip Part Two

After four hours of traveling, the group of geography students had arrived at the coast. Ms McCarthy parked the minibus in a car park which sat delicately upon a limestone cliff. Small, hardy shrubs clung to the sandy cliff, eroded by the many years of sea spray and harsh winds. A flock of seagulls flew confidently in the breeze. Ian stepped out of the bus, stooping his head so that he didn’t bump it. His hair immediately shot backwards as a gust of wind blew through the sky. The other...

2 years ago
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“Ahhhh, Harry, we really shouldn’t be doing this here,” Hermione moaned quietly.The Great Hall was rapidly filling up with students who were hungry after a long day of classes. The four house tables were covered with platters of food, kept warm and ready to eat for all latecomers. The Gryffindor table was packed. Everyone was there, everyone but Harry and Hermione.For years now, Harry had been interested in the magic behind his invisibility cloak. Eventually, Harry decided to try to make one of...

3 years ago
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Ladys Choice

We all remember our first time. It’s an important, if sometimes cringe-worthy, milestone on the road to adulthood. Our minds replay the scenes again and again, as if from an old, favorite film. Here is my story. The busy luncheonette adjoining the main concourse didn’t look too toxic. I dropped my duffle bag and slid onto a stool at the counter without anyone so much as looking at me. I take that back. A waitress slapped down a mug and, unsolicited, filled it with steaming black coffee. “Back...

4 years ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 30

How to Cure Performance Anxiety – A Short Guide Could Aron tell he was nervous? His friend closed his hand over Carter’s, and all he could do was to think of the warmth he was feeling. It was not exactly like they were holding hands, and there was some room between them on the back seat, while the taxi driver seemed more preoccupied with watching the road ahead rather than spying on them. You’re getting a little paranoid, aren’t you? You saw what happened with Simon earlier! What if someone...

3 years ago
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My favorite black girl

My favorite black girl is an escort that I will call F. She's a single mum, late thrities and stunningly beautiful with a gorgeous size 6-8 body but tits that are a D cup. Ok, so they have been enhanced but they feel and look amazing. She may be an escort but we have met loads of times now and we are more friends than anything else. I still pay for my time with her but she lets me see her for half her normal rate and provided she doesn't have anything else on I get to stay for as long as we...

2 years ago
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BUTCH MITCH My holiday in Fiji

Butch MitchHi I am on holiday in Fiji and yesterday I had the privilege to take Mitch to the airport in Nadi.Mitch has short cropped dark hair, firm figure, medium height, some say Butch, more like a young man than a feminine girl. She has a firm round butt and muscular legs from lots of walking to local micro businesses. Her lips are full all the better for sucking and can she suck, she is used to sucking fanny/pussy. We stop the car up a bush track, quickly we undress and start slobbering on...

2 years ago
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BIRDS OF A FEATHERThere is something magical about summer in England. The usually impossibly cold, staid atmosphere gives way to a sunny, cheery ambience. The dead, leafless trees, give way to colourful ones with flowers in full-bloom. The long, gloomy faces that one always encounters on the streets are replaced by joyful, exuberant, smiley faces. Everyone seems cheerful and happy to be alive until the winter comes around once again and the people become depressed and the faces revert to their...

2 years ago
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Abused Stepdaughter Part one

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…DISCLAIMER: This story is a complete work of imagination, including all the incidents, characters, and places, it is intended for adults only; you must be 18 or over to read it. I am taking a break from my usual Family Love...

2 years ago
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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 45 Land of Confusion

“Ohh, Superman, where are you now? When everything’s gone wrong, somehow. The men of steel, the men of power, Are losing control by the hour.” (Note: Land of Confusion was written by Mike Rutherford of Genesis with the music credited to him, Tony Banks and Phil Collins. It was from Genesis’ 1986 album, Invisible Touch and reached number 4 on Billboards’ Hot 100 and number 8 on Canada’s RPM charts. The music video for this song did a wonderful parody of Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret...

3 years ago
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Suite Life Twincest III

"Guys, remember, your mom won't be back for another two hours," Maddie turned and said to the twins as she opened the door to their suite, "no misbehaving." "We won't," the two boys said together. "Alright, then," Maddie replied, "I'll see you tomorrow. Night!" Maddie closed the door. Zack went over and locked it. Then, he turned around with a devilish smile on. Cody smiled back. They both knew that they had a lot of talking to do. Especially, since they had just...

4 years ago
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We finally meet

We had arranged to meet halfway, the journey was from my home was trouble free yet inside me I could feel some nervousness and anticipation kicking in, the months of flirting and banter slowly changing to desire, wantand need, fulfilling ones fantasies to finally becoming as one. I walk through the plush lobby and make the necessary arrangements and go of to the room I had chosen to make my own preparations, Its still early once the scene has been set so head off to the bar to try and relax a...

4 years ago
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My Best Friend

“Come in Foxtrot, Whiskey, Echo Bravo, Whiskey dot Foxtrot Alpha Charlie Echo Bravo Oscar Kilo dot Charlie, Oscar Mike slash Sierra Tango Echo Papa Hotel Alpha November India Echo dot Mike dot Oscar November Golf. Do you read me?” Oooops! Oh, are you reading my story already? Haha! Oh, okay then I better get going. Hey, okay, so my name is Crissy. Well “Cristina” if you want to be formal. Actually social convention and I have never been properly introduced. We sorta smile and nod at each other...

First Time
2 years ago
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Protective Brother Ensures Sister Gets Good Care

It’s been a while since my sister Pushyami(19) was being harassed by a lunatic at college. Although I had, warned the guy to stop bothering my sis, he doesn’t seem to get the idea of staying away from my Sis. One day when I came home, Pushyami was crying sitting in between mom and dad talking about how she got scared when the guy had come along with his friends to give her a threat that if she didn’t accept him, he would rip off her face. When I heard it, I went to my sister and grabbed her...

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The Machine

Mike sat back as he pushed the financial report to the middle of the desk. He smiled as the profits were on a record pace and he looked at the screen. His club was almost full and he recognized his usual patrons as he moved from screen to screen. The warm mouths on his cock made him look down and his smile widened. The identical waitresses looked up at him as their pierced tongues rolled across the head of his lipstick covered cock as their lips brushed together enclosing the hard shaft....

3 years ago
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A Never Ending Friendship

Then I was in class 11. I Abhi was always good in studies. Always had a knack for literature, music and art. Although I took up Science but it was literature which always caught my attention in academics. I was then around 5”8 inches slim body with a kid like face. My friends used to often tell me “grow up yaar”. Aditya my best friend and till date he is my best friend. We were like inseparable. He was a complete opposite of Abhi. He was more into Science, outdoor sports, too talkative. We were...

Gay Male
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Jessica Part 2 Exploring Bondage

After spending an night and morning exploring the sexuality of my best friend’s wife, Jessica, she had expressed an interest in exploring bondage. I decided that I would put together some things to have with me, just in case I got a chance to spend another night with her while her husband was out of town. I was certain that a fair amount of rope would be necessary, several pieces of varying lengths were readily available, since my wife and I had sometimes explored some bondage scenarios. ...

3 years ago
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Good Vibes From a Big BrotherChapter 11

Now, I wondered about Lori, my wonderful and very sexy little sister. She really deserves a nice guy, but who? Who do I know? Mentally, I went through all the guy's I knew, discarding each one knowing the high standards my sister has and the even higher standards I have for any guy for my sister. At the end, there was Eric Jameson, the new guy from Ohio. We had several classes together including biology and were lab partners so we'd gotten to know each other fairly well in the three months...

1 year ago
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XVideos Teen

Ah, my favorite category of porn. Teen porn. Who doesn’t like seeing a tight teenage pussy get demolished in a porn video? I know I do. I love it when the tiniest of teens get bent over and destroyed like they’re someone’s property. Anyway, if you want to talk about an excellent place to find teen porn on, you can’t just gloss over the fact that has one of the biggest selections of porn in general, and it’s only one of those places that you go to no matter which genre of porn you’re...

Teen Porn Sites
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Hong Kong Part 1

Here as promised a few details of my time in hong kong..> > it may sound like fiction but i can assure you that every single word> is true and what actually happened> > I was just 16 when i went to hong kong with my parents. my father> was on a three year work contract out there with a banking corporation> > After finishing school i was pretty desparate for a job and applied> to work as a waitress in an english style pub which had opened up in the basement of the five...

3 years ago
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Auto main mili ek mast aunty ki chudai

Hi friends mujh ko bahut khusi huyi ye jaan kar ki aap logo ko meri likhi huyi kahni bahut pasand aa rahi hai aap logo ke views mujh ko mil rahe hai uske liye thanks aaj main aap ko abhi kuch din pahle ki kahani bata raha hoon abhi kuch din pahle mere car kharab ho gayi thi bike mera bhai kaam per le gaya tha so main service center per phone kar ke ye kah gaya ki meri car gher per aa kar thik kar de aur main auto se chala gaya auto aayi aur main usmain baith gaya kuch door chalne ki baad us...

3 years ago
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With The Hot Aunty

Hey, it’s anchit. I have completed my engineering and working in an MNC company. I am well built and have an athletic body, my tool size is about 7inch. To the women reading this story get ready to masturbate imagining my tool and men get ready to imagine about my aunty.This story is about me and my lady aged 35, size of 36 30 38(I guess so). She is my aunt in relation (My mother’s brother’s WIFE) and mother of two. I always had the urge to have sex with matured ladies. And my aunt was first on...

2 years ago
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Vithavai Pennai Matter Adithen

Vanakam nanbargale, en peyar Venkatarangan vayathu 45 aagugirathu. Naan adikadi kama kathaigal padipen, ippozhuthu en kathaiyaiye ungaludan pagiruvathil mika santhosham. Enaku iru pilaigal irukiraargal, iruvarukum thirumanam seithu vaithu ippozhuthu naanum en manaiviyum thaniyaaga thaan veetil irukirom. Naan en manaiviyai eppozhuthum vidave maten, oothu konde irupen. Intha vayathilum en kaama veri adangaamal thaan irukirathu, en manaiviyai vaarathirku mundru muraiyavathu aasai thera matter...

4 years ago
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Glamour Shots Chapter 16

She was heat and liquid inside, molten, a tight velvet haven for my straining hardness, and she groaned softly and stretched languorously as she pushed her ass back against me, taking me in. When she had taken all I had to offer, when I was all the way in, she paused and reached back to put her hand on my hip, holding me there. “You’re so hard! Were you dreaming something sexy?” Her voice was soft and sleepy. I hugged her to me, my hand finding her breast and holding it, enjoying the...

Wife Lovers
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Mall Me Dosti Kar Ke Choda

Hi Friends mera naam Vicky hai aur main 29 years ka bachlor hoon main Lucknow me rehta hoon. Yeh mera latest sex ka experience hai jo ki 3 mahine pehle hua tha.Main ek din ghar par baitha hua bor ho raha tha.Shaam ko main Hazratganj me Saharaganj Mall ghumne nikal pada.Waha bahut saari ladjiyan apne apne boyfriends ke saath ghoom rahi thi aur mujhe jalan ho rahi thi ki mere saath koi ladki nahi hai.Achanak maine waha ek 30-35 saal ki lady ko dekha jo shayad akele thi.Main kuch der uske...

2 years ago
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A lesson to be learned Part 1

My name is Sheldon and this is the day that I first had a sexual encounter with the man that I now call my husband. I was seventeen at the time and he was thirty eight. He was my teacher at a boarding school that my parents had sent me too. They were obsessed with god around here and the fact that I was a gay kid never set well with them. Guess I was not the only gay one around .... ******** I had not been in the mood to eat lately. I missed being home and I missed my friends and family. How...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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DistributionChapter 2 Coming around

I awoke to see Ms. Kindle sitting at the kitchen table, eating a cold slice of pizza and drinking water from one of the bottles I'd picked up the night before. Needing to take a leak, I put my sneakers on, and walked out to the rear of the barn where I emptied my bladder. When I got back inside, I found that my sleeping bag had been folded, and the set of pictures of my family had been placed on top of it, along with my flashlight. Ms. Kindle had disappeared. Cold pizza didn't appeal to...

2 years ago
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Breeding Beauty Chp3 Caught Outide looking in

Things were silent for almost 3 weeks and I thought maybe he had lost interest. Then one night. Ding! "have the bitch ready for me on Friday night!" I replied NO but he said he not only knew where we lived but not figured out where she worked and would not only tell her but tell people she worked with. I reluctantly agreed. I didn't sleep all that well all week and then friday came. She wanted to go to dinner to a BYOB... Nervous about what might happen I...

4 years ago
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My So Lovely i t family

Warning: This Story Is Of A i****t family So Whosoever Not Like It Kindly Read Other Stories.Hi My Sweet Friends,My Name Is Janet,I Am 38 Yrs Old,Blonde And Tall.I Have Perfect Sexy Body.This Story Started When I Was 20 Yrs Old,I Met A Young Man In A Training Course For Belly Dancing,His Name Is Stewart,He Was One Year Older Than Me.We Were Dating Each Other For Few Months,Then We Decided To Get Married.I Enjoyed Each Minute With Him,We Had A Free Sex Life,Tried All Type Of Sex,Oral Sex,Anal...

4 years ago
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The Halloween Fraternity Party

Before I could get the front door unlocked my cell phone rings. My arms are full of bags from my day of shopping. Rushing inside the house and setting things down I reach in my pocket for my cell phone and see that my girlfriend Julia is calling. I can’t believe it she wants me to go to a Halloween fraternity party with her and her daughter tomorrow night. Do I dare go? I can’t believe I am even entertaining the thought of going to a frat party with a bunch people in their 20’s. Could be fun...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Maeghan Wrist C11

----- 11 -- The rest of the week passed by relatively depressingly. As much as Ean, mom, and I put on a happy act and hung together for support, whether it was all in my head or what it was in reality, there was simply a dark aura between us. An unspoken sadness and pity that centered on me. And as much as I wished there wasn’t, I couldn’t deny that that aura told only the truth about what I fought so hard to suppress. The absolute hardest part after I declared that I would simply try...

4 years ago
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Daddy Urges

Fancy older men, check it/my profil and page At 18 years old Jessica had blossomed into a very attractive teenager with a ripe body that is a visual feast. Her ample breast size is more prominent on her five feet four inches slender frame, her small waist gives way to curvy hips that supports her magnificent firm ass cheeks. Jessica is a confident, funny, outgoing girl still having that aura of innocence. She is aware of sexuality and her beauty has not gone to her head. I...

2 years ago
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Educating Cathy Chapter 06

We got home and was barely in the front door when she grabbed me. She kissed me passionately. “You are so evil” she said “you showed me those videos to get me going didn’t you?” I decided now was the time to put my cards on the table. “Yes honey I did. But it wasn’t as if you hadn’t seen porn before”. “What do you mean?” she asked, feigning ignorance. “I know you look at videos when I am not here. I found them in the computer history” I said. She looked shocked. “Don’t worry darling. I look at...

2 years ago
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Who s Your Daddy Jennifer

"I hate to tell you this, Jennifer," Mom's voice was tentative, scarily so, across a thousand miles of telephone wire and microwave signal, "but Ricardo is your father." "WHAT!" I screamed it out. I understood her words instantly, could easily conjure up a fact pattern that made them true, but I wasn't ready to accept them. "Daddy died two years ago, Mom." I could hear the pleading, the strain in my own sounds. "Jennifer, you've known all of your life that I was already pregnant...

4 years ago
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A Model Boss Part Three of Three

A Model Boss - Part Three of Three Belladonna [Author's Note: Based on an idea by Parrie] The sun creeping through the windows into Lila's condominium unit greeted Allen as he forced his tired eyes open. "Where am I?" Allen wondered aloud while his head pounded. He found it difficult to force himself off Lila's couch. Allen did not recognize anything surrounding him as he tried to put together the pieces of the day before in his head while he got to his feet. Allen...

3 years ago
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Easter Bunnies

"Uncle Dave?" said a familiar young female voice on the other end over some loud music in the background. "Jessie? Why are you calling me at this hour?" I couldn't fathom why my best friend's daughter was calling me. I'd known her for her whole life, so she's always called me uncle, even though we aren't actually related. I knew she had my number for emergencies, so I sat up and started to worry. "Are you alright?" "Yea, but my boyfriend ditched me and some of my friends...

4 years ago
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TV Guide

TV Guide I recently got a DVR and could not figure out how to hook it up to the Internet. I bought and returned 2 wireless adapters and was really frustrated. Fortunately my neighbor Susan's told me her brother was in town for a visit and promised to send him over to help. He's a computer programmer in Manhattan. I had heard all about him and couldn't wait to finally meet him. Last night I got my chance. A well built, good looking young man arrived at my door and...

2 years ago
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Window ShoppingChapter 4

She blew in through the door like a gust of fresh air. She strode towards the back of the line and looked around as she walked. I looked down at the newspaper spread on my table and sipped at my coffee, hoping that she hadn't seen me staring. I glanced up, looking across the room so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. Seeing that she was standing side on to me and looking the other way, I relaxed and looked at her more closely. Today she was wearing a short denim skirt that...

2 years ago
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Freya and the Micro Part 6

Freya’s clothes lay strewn across the front room marking a trail leading to the master bedroom. Freya beckoned with an almost musical tone, “I feel much better. Could you help me with something?” “What’s the problem? It’s kind of late, can’t it wait till morning?” Ben played stupid. “I think you need to take a closer look,” Freya anxiously raised her voice. “Be there in a minute,” Ben borrowed the verbiage Freya had used many times to stall or dissuade him. The tactic usually caused him to give...

4 years ago
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Next Door

(Copyright held by the author, May 1996) I think I handled it pretty well, especially considering how it just sort of came at me out of the blue. Jan, my kid, thinks I overreacted. Jan is 12. Anyhow, it was the second Friday in May, the day the unexpected heat wave - mid 90s - engulfed much of the Northeast, and rolling brownouts swept much of New York City. The brownouts did something weird to the computer system in my office, so the boss just told us all to start the weekend early and not...

4 years ago
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Friend Ki Mom Ki Chudai

To mere ghar ke side ek larki rahati thi oska naam tha khushi vo or mai bohot aache dost the hum same school me hi parte the or jyada tar time ek sath hi spend krte the mere oske ghar pe roz aana jana laga rahata tha khushi ki mom ka naam tha rekha or kahane ko onki age oss time 46 thi aap bhi soch rhe hoge ki kya buddhi ki story suna rha hai par aap yakken nahi karoge ki vo 46 ke hone ke baad bhi aagar aap bhi dekho to aap kahoge ki iski age 32-33 se zyada nahi hogi vo bohot hi zyada sexy the...

2 years ago
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Alucard Mia and Her Unfortunate End 1

I opened the envelope and pulled out the paper that was folded inside. The letter was from a wealthy gentleman north of town named Mr. Ettington, I didn't know his first name. I began reading the letter. Dear Mr. Alucard, I hope this letter finds you well. I would like to request a special breed and I understand you are quite skilled in such matters. I would be delighted to have a female women bred with a horse that would produce a, not sure how to say it, horse woman. That is, the...

3 years ago
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On Holiday

The moon shone over the ocean, casting it's light over the small beach. A girl, walking slowly in the dim light, her face casting a beautiful picture. Lisa had been on the island for a few days, but was already feeling very at home with the gentle pace of life there. And now, strolling along in the moonlight she wondered if she could be happier than she was right at that moment. It hadn't been a good start to the holiday. Nothing like an airline to bring the excited mood of a holiday right...

3 years ago
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Don t Assume

Beware of Assumptions By JRD Sydney Devereaux woke up, his mouth a pasty mess. He opened his eyes and found himself on his butt inside some kind of clear Plexiglas tube. The tube ran from ceiling to floor and was centered in the middle of a metal cube almost thirty feet to a side. The tube came right out of the floor, and, judging by how solid it was when he pressed on it, he guessed it was firmly secured, both top and bottom. He thought to the night before, remembering the...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream part 5

Living the Dream: part 5 By: Malissa Madison "I think you handled that really well Malissa. Certainly better than your old self would have." Momma stated as a matter of fact. "Thank you Momma," I looked at my Sister's and my soon to be in-laws. "Bambi, you look like you want to say something." She ushered me into a nearby ladies room then looked in all the stalls to make sure we were alone. "Your Name used to be Donnie? Oh my god I don't fucking...

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