Geile Hausfrau
- 3 years ago
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Alles begann damit, dass sich Sabine, die Mutter meiner Freundin, beim ausruhen in der Sonne immer mehr entblösste. Als sie nur mehr in Spitzenunterwäsche vor mir saß, wurde ich auf ihre kleinen aber festen Brüste aufmerksam und ihre gute Figur machte mich tierisch an.
In der Folgzeit schlich ich mich mehrmals in ihr Zimmer, entwendete einige Slips von ihr und wichste hinein. Dann legte ich sie zurück in ihren Schrank. In der Hoffnung, dass sie es merkt (und sie musste es merken) und mich zur Rede stellt. Dies war aber nicth der FAll und so wagte ich einen weiteren Versuch. Nachdem wir beide alleine zu Hause waren, fand ich es für den richtigen Moment sie zu begrabschen. Ich trat von hinten an sie ran und umfasste ihre geilen Brüste. Erschrocken sprang sie einen Schritt zurück und sah mich mit großen Augen an. Ich war ins Fettnäpfchen getreten. Ausser davon zulaufen und ins Zimmer zu gehen fiel mir nichts ein. Nur kurze Zeit später ging die Zimmer tür auf.
Clärchen war überrascht und erfreut zugleich, wie stürmisch Horsti sie begrüßt hatte und wie schön, dass er immer noch nicht in ihrer Nähe seine Hände bei sich behalten konnte. Sie gingen immer sogleich bei ihr auf Entdeckungsreise, was natürlich daran lag, dass es an ihr immer wieder geiles zu entdecken gab! Und deshalb hatte sie auch zu ihrer Freundin Grete in ihren Wäsche- und Miedersalon gewechselt! Denn dorthin kamen gerade die reiferen Damen, um sich unter ihrer Oberbekleidung so...
Wir sind Kim und Katrin (genannt Kati). Wir kennen uns aus dem Sandkasten. Damals lebten wir beide mit unseren Eltern in der Nähe von Münster. Und wir sind immer beste Freundinnen. Nach der Grundschule haben sich die Eltern von Kati leider getrennt und Kati ist mit Ihrer Mutter nach Bayern gezogen, weil diese dort einen neuen Arbeitgeber gefunden hat. Insofern gab es unsere Freundschaft auf Distanz, die aber dennoch gehalten hat. Viel ging natürlich über Anrufe, später das Videochats, aber auch...
TeenDie Geschichte ist wahr und wurde von mir wirklich so erlebt! Schaue immer Mal auf Dating Seiten für Sex. Dort gibt es auch Foren und Chats. Als ich vor einigen Jahren in solch einem Chat war, schrieb auf einmal einer, dass in meiner Nähe auf einem Pendlerparkplatz dahinter eine geile Frau nackt liegt und es sich selbst macht. Allem Anschein nach wartete Sie nur darauf beobachtet und wohl auch gefickt zu werden. Im ersten Moment dachte ich jaja, alles klar irgendein Spinner, der andere...
ok hier meine erste Story, hoffe sie gefällt euchDiana und ich kannten uns schon viele Jahre, sie ist anfang 30 ca 170 groß schlank schulterlange dunkel blonde haare und hat ein schönes C Körbchen.Wir trafen uns mehrfach die Woche bei ihr zum Kaffetrinken und quatschen. Da ich sie schon länger geil fand freute ich mich umsomehr auf unsere treffen besonders im Sommer, da saßen wir immer bei ihr auf der Terrasse. Sie trug öfter Röcke oder Shirts mit ausschnitt so konne ich den ein oder anderen...
Warum ich schon immer auf alte geile Kerle stehe…. Es ist jetzt über dreißig Jahre her, aber den Abend vergesse ich nie, an dem ich das erste Mal mit dem alten Ewald rumgemacht habe….. Ewald war mein Onkel, er war früher mit der Schwester meines Vaters verheiratet gewesen und schon seit ein paar Jahren Witwer, bei dem ich jedes Jahr die Sommerferien auf seinem Bauernhof bei Osnabrück verbrachte. Damals war ich so sechzehn, hatte schon ganz früh gemerkt, dass mich Kerle und alle Art von...
GayGeiler Heels-Spaziergang mit MariaCiao, da bin ich wieder..der Ficker der geilen Nachbarin Maria.Ein wenig Zeit ist vergangen, wir haben oft gefickt, uns gegenseitig verwöhnt, an allen Körberteilen in allen Löchern hab ich sie ficken dürfen. Viele Positionen ausprobiert alle Körberteile bespritzt. Und natürlich ich in ihre Heels gespritzt. Ich hatte die Ehre mit ihr ab dem ersten Date Schuhe kaufen zu gehen, ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen für mich. Aber oft hat sie mich auch überrascht mit ganz...
Bitte an die Boardregeln halten. In "Schwanzgeile Flittchen" sollen Gays, Shemales und Transen die Hauptpersonen sein. Die Startstory sollte in der Egoperspektive ( Thomas Sicht ) und in Vergangeheitsform weitergeführt werden. Es kann jederzeit eine neue ( passende ) Sequenz mit frischen Protagonisten und anderen Erzählformen von euch geöffnet werden. Schwanzgeile Flittchen ( Gay / Shemale Storys ) Thomas Träume werden wahr Ich muss gestehen, schon lange bevor ich zum ersten Mal mit Daddy im...
TranssexualIch konnte es mir nicht verkneifen nachdem ich das hier gelesen habe es selbst zu probieren. Ich bin Gestern später am Abend zu den Flüchtlingen gegangen. Ich sehe mit meinen 21 Jahren etwas jünger aus und habe mir schwarze Strapse angezogen ohne Slip, einen sehr kurzen Minirock und ein Bauchfreies Top und nur noch einen langen Mantel angezogen. Draußen vor der Tür standen auch schon ein paar Männer verschiedenen Alters und guckten schon leicht verdutzt zu mir. Ich ging direkt weiter zu Ihnen...
Gay date Chatten doen ik graag, heel erg graag en ofschoon ik bi ben vindt ik het best wel es opwindend om op een gay chat te komen en daar een beetje homo te geilen. In combinatie met een webcam wordt het nog spannender. Ik had contact met iemand en het werd al snel een opwindend gesprek, hij heette Jan. “Zeg es Jan, heb je een cam?….” “Ja hoor…. zullen we samen een beetje op de cam geilen, maar dan gewoon de cam gericht op onze pikken okee?….” “Dat is goed..” zei ik en richtte de cam op mijn...
Bei uns in der Nähe gibt es leider kein passendes Lokal wo man Pissspiele machen kann oder gleichgesinnte zu treffen.Aber jeden letzten Freitag im Monat findet in Mannheim im Jails ja die Pissparty statt. Und ab und zu wenn es mein Arbeitsplan erlaubt fahr ich gern dort hin um ein bisschen Spaß zu haben.Ein Freund von mir ist ne Mega-Pisssau die nie genug bekommen kann. So hole ich ihn immer ab und wir fahren rüber nach Mannheim für ein bisschen Spaß. Bei so einer Gelegenheit , es war ein...
Es war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....
January 1st. That’s the day admittance to Wintermoor is permitted. In every mage guild in every city across the earthly Plane is host to a gate to Wintermoor, it’s one of the few institutions that teach magic after all, they kinda have to. The fee for entry is steep, the cost of staying is even higher, and not entirely monetarily either. You’ve heard stories of those who come back claiming, to stay they had to give up a part of their soul, literally. Either that or go so far into debt that even...
FantasySean was headed for the bedroom, Lucy following behind - her hands resolutely held behind her back. When they arrived, Sean turned around and told Lucy to take off the bedspread and turn down the sheets. Then he said, "Now come here, Lucy, and put your hands on your head. Let me just take you in." She came over to him and laced her fingers together behind her head. He circled her once as she stood nervously. As he circled around her a second time, he stopped when he was behind her and stood...
BDSMThis is a story told tome by a van driver whom I met on a trip from trichy to Madurai. The family consists of two sons one 24 and another 22 and their parents were around mother 39 and father 52 the father’s sister who was a divorcee aged around 40 was also living with them. This was told to me by the elder son when we were discussing about incest. He was kind enough to take me home and gift me his father’s sister for the night and they were running a small Kirana shop on the outskirts of...
IncestStevie had always wanted to have a weekend away with a load of like minded people, i.e. trannies and admirers. He decided to find a place where he could do this and be the real Stevie, or his girly name, Lucy Lou. He searched the net and found a place about two hours drive away. He booked it and counted down the days to be there.He had bought some new stuff and had practised his makeup. Then the time arrived. He decided not to stimulate himself for the whole week before so he would be feeling...
CrossdressingWe walked out of the residence house into a late August morning. It was already hot and humid. I still felt a little lightheaded. We walked silently toward the dining hall. I had to hold the workout pants up. They were too big and wouldn’t stay up. As we walked into the Dining hall, everyone turned and looked. I felt a little self-conscious. It didn’t seem to bother the other guys. Asa said, “I’ll join you in a minute, Jon and I are going to talk to the Dean.” Doug, Brian and I went to the...
Chapter Seven One More Man Than Wanted 1 My husband was at the door. And I was a man. "Shit," I murmured. "Oh shit." I made a little jerk forward as though I might actually answer the door but caught myself so abruptly I almost lost balance and rocked forward. I couldn't answer the door - not like this. What the hell would he think? What would I say? And where had the cocky self-assuredness I normally had as Geoff gone? Every other time the easy masculinity and...
I stayed and chatted with Claire for a while, pleasantly passing the time, enjoying her company. It was cold out and nearly closing time, so I offered her a lift home after work, instead of her having to catch the train. She seemed surprised, but obviously did not fancy hanging around at the station, so accepted. We had a sandwich and a cup of Tea at work after closing and then left. We talked further on the 40 minute drive back to hers, mainly about the state of the country, how crap the...
Time to move on. The flight to Barcelona took longer than expected due to bad weather and air traffic delays. We still made it to the hotel in time to get lunch and change into lighter-weight clothes than we had in Belgium. “Can we go see a bullfight,” one of the kids asked. In Basque, one of the staff came over to say, “I’m sorry, but Barcelona banned bullfighting back in twenty-ten. Even when the ruling was overturned, we didn’t resume the practice. There is a lot more to see in Spain...
The quarter ended to the school year, that meant I was no longer in gym class. The last day of gym I made sure I fucked my gym teacher very well because I knew I wouldn’t be able to see him much more. But that was okay because without him knowing I was admiring my math teacher. I was switched into that class about a week ago. He’s about 32 years old, has a shaved head, clean cut beard, brown eyes, and beautiful smile. When he smiled it was like the world lit up. I always loved math, but this...
Kelli – Married Tom didn't even wait to get Kelli alone in the bridal suite he'd reserved for them to spend the night in. Kelli had far exceeded Tom's wildest imaginings of what she might pick out in the way of lingerie and wardrobe to get his attention. He knew he'd given Kelli the challenge of dressing as hotly as she could; regardless, he knew he wouldn't be surprised. Kelli was a totally hot and very sexual young woman. He loved how sexy and beautiful Kelli looked and Tom wanted...
"Delightful, Mandy..." Prinz said and glanced at his watch. The girl's voice droned incessantly and Prinz smiled as her childlike excitement came to him over the phone. "And we were wondering, Doctor... would you like to join us this weekend?" Prinz felt a rush of excitement, but he suppressed it as he reminded himself that business and pleasure should only be conducted in one's offices--in private. "I... I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible, dear," he told her in an apologetic...
Chapter 8: ...Not a Destination 9/11 changed everything - especially for Henry and Alethea. Technically speaking since they were in London, you would normally call the 11th of September 2001 as eleven-nine two thousand one. But, there was nothing normal about this day when the planes hit the towers and brought them down. The couple noticed the hubbub brewing about 14:30 as they were having a late lunch. They were aghast. They tried calling Sofia and wanted to talk with the kids...
THE VIDEO HOODSperrington Lochmuir knelt in tired resignation. A new hood? Could there be a more onerous burden than the heavy old hood, heavy leather completely covering Sperry’s head and shoulders?Whenever Sperry’s wife Cyrilla had her big parties, she’d bind Sperry naked in the middle of the room, while everyone was still clothed and socializing. This was humiliating enough, as people wore their most formal evening clothes—designer gowns and tuxedoes –and enjoyed martinis and champagne in...
Chloe Temple is waiting on the couch when her stepbrother Ricky Spanish walks in. She quizzes him about whether he just got home, to which he replies that of course he did. Once Ricky sits down beside Chloe on the couch, she rubs at her bare pussy that’s dripping beneath her miniskirt and squirms like crazy until Ricky asks if she’s okay. Of course Chloe claims to be okay, whereupon she gets up to fetch some ice cream while dripping all over the floor. When Chloe returns to the...
xmoviesforyouI am Ash. I am pursuing literature from Delhi University. My stats are 34C-28-35. I am 21years old. The guy that I am going to talk about is my school friend Asad. I was head over heals in love with his looks from the very first day in school. He was the most good looking guy in my batch and we ended up being beat friends. Unfortunately we had separate boyfriend/girlfriend and then he had to leave the school to move to another city. But he came back a year later for the summer holidays and we...
How many of you horny fuckers want a hard copy of the porn you love? I can see you raising your hand, you dumb fuck! Answer the question in your mind, not to ThePornDude!And if you especially want to download POV videos and keep them for yourself, head on over to Get a look at all of the POV torrents that you can download and save favorite on your device. Jerk off to full-length POV content wherever you are. Even at your family reunion!Protect thine assBefore you start...
POV Porn Sites"Oh, that's nice!" Marco smiled at me from behind his camera as Gary, the wardrobe guy, slipped the bathrobe off my shoulders. Gary was a serious fag too, like a stereotype, and older the others. He was the only one there who wasn't interested in me, because I was mostly a girl and he only liked boys. He seemed to like my dad a lot, even though I told him Daddy wasn't queer. All the guys ignored him since they were pretty much only into girls, so Gary pouted a lot and sat in a corner...
I was unable to sleep, the whole night thinking about the unexpected, but the fantastic experience with velu for the first time. Next morning, while taking bath, my fingers moved over my chest and nipples involuntarily and were quite surprised to get the same erotic feeling. I knew now I was eager to know and have more from him, I was feeling restless and miserable too! After a couple of days of silence, I asked the members of my group if they had doubts in the second term lessons. During the...
Gay MaleЗдравейте. Аз съм Екатерина на 46 години и искам да ви разкажа за това ,което ми се случва напоследък. Виждам, че не съм единствената, която споделя подобни неща тук, за това и аз ще споделя с вас. Първо исках да отбележа, че дълго търсих в интернет отговори на някои въпроси, които изникват в главата ми, но не намирам такива подходящи. За това, когато попаднах на този сайт и се зачетох, се почувствах някак си по-свободна, като че камък ми падна от душата. Сигурна съм, че много от вас няма да ме...
I have another mans cum on my underpants and some cum in my pubic hair. I was on my way home and i fancied some cock. I w@nk£d his thick c0ck off. At times I wanked both our cocks off, sandwiched together in my hand. That mutual pleasure seemed to take him by surprise.He seemed to like it. It was only then he would look down at our cocks together. And only then would he meet my eye. Otherwise he would look around as if aloof from another man wanking him off. It was in contrast to him, minutes...
I saw this on someone else page and they're always interesting so I figured what the hell...What’s your favorite place to be kissed?Lips, but I enjoy being kissed all over...What’s your favorite color lingerie?Personally, I don't wear it, however, black or red, if it's on a lady...What color panties are you wearing?Blue Boxers, not into ladies underwear, unless it'#s on a’s your favorite sexual position?Woman on top...Do you prefer strawberries with whipped cream or...
The Restaurant’s Glass Tables My mother fixed me up with a weekend job. It was to keep me off the streets as much as it was to provide me with spending money. That way I wasn’t bumming money off my mother constantly. I only worked on Saturday and Sunday but that was more than enough. The best part about that restaurant was that the tabletops were made of very thick clear glass and highly transparent. I often overheard guys asking their dates to spread their legs so that the guy...
Introduction: To best understand this story you will need to read them in order. The Abduction Part two I must have dozed, because I didnt hear anyone enter the room, but I know I am not alone. In the dark, I have lost all sense of time, I dont know if I have been here for hours, or days. As I turn my head trying to listen for sounds, something brushes against my inner thigh, and I exhale a breathe I hadnt known I was holding. With all my pubic hair gone, I am more sensitive, so the first...
((I know this doesn’t have any smut in it, but I have more plans for Connor and Jude than simple lovey-dovey cute stuff and I wanted to start off with a little glimpse of their relationship. I’d love to hear any comments or criticisms since I plan on making these two my main focus ^_^ )) Senior year was rife with loss and suffering. Ju and I argued a lot, but never over anything important. At the time every small problem blew up into a huge explosion. My Senior year was the year Justice,...
As soon as Juanita collapsed Junior swept Sarah into his arms. He carried her farther down the hall and through the door she indicated with a flung out hand. Her lips sought his as he dropped her on the bed, her arms around his neck dragging him down to land on top of her. She pushed him away long enough to spin around and kneel on the edge of the bed. "Fuck me!" she growled as he jumped to his feet behind her. The words were barely out of her mouth before he buried himself in her wet...
The Paressii Empire was well known throughout the Triangulum Galaxy for two things: Paressiian wine and the libertine nature of its subjects. The king of this realm of thirty-eight star systems was Zemanshãh. In the capital city of Balasmar on the capital planet of Baxium, King Zemanshãh was well known for his tirades of lust. Like their galactic neighbors of the Lücrezian Empire and the twin star system of Himfeltalt, the humanoids of the Paressii Empire were believers of the word of the early...
Fantasy & Sci-FiChapter 5 – Surprise Visit Feeling a little tired after tonight’s event, as I opened the door to my hotel room I got the shock of my life. ‘Surprise!’ Said my wife. She was lying on the bed in a very nice bra and pantie set that I’d bought her on another trip recently. She looked pretty glammed up as well, possibly she’d been to a stylist earlier that day, because I’d not seen her looking that gorgeous since our wedding day. ‘Err.. yeah… What a nice surprise this is!’ I managed to choke...
I knew that my discovery would bring a lot of fun to my life. Several times over the next few days I was able to see my daughter and her friends as they changed or showered. I saw several tight young pussies and just developing breasts. I also saw Jane for the first time. Her dark pussy hair had re-grown and it somehow made her look even sexier. Two weeks later I was working in my office when one of the TV sets came to life. My 12 year-old son Ed entered one of the rooms with two of his...
Mae and me were laying in bed cuddling when our Mothers walk in and informed us we had a doctor appointment Mae and I exchanged looks and went into the shower Willa came in the Bathroom and told us to shave each other's body.We finished as told and dressed each other in our best prissy outfit and walked down stairs we quickly left, jumped into Moms Caddilac we drove for about a half hour then pulled up to a Medical Building. Me and Mae waited in a room while our Moms Talked to a doctor, 90...
Alan directed Rachel to the big ensuite bathroom while he took a shower in the other bathroom. He’d handed her some clean towels and left out a variety of items he said might be suitable for her to wear to bed. He’d explained that he often had women stay over, a number of who had left various garments at his place. He told her to take her time, and then to join him in the bedroom when she was done. Peeling off the wet singlet, Rachel lavished in the unexpected pleasure of using his huge...
Chapter 10: A Night To Remember - Ebony Duz ClydaEbony knew that she was ready to find another mate, and fuck someone senseless, and now Clyda was next on the list. Clyda reached out her arms, and eagerly embraced Ebony, as they began to explore each other's bodies. "Hello, Ebony," said Clyda. "I haven't had you in the longest time. After seeing what you just did to Dee Dee, I hope there's enough energy left in your cock for me." "Don't you worry about me, Clyda," replied Ebony. "Me and my...
Looking down at my body, cum covered lingerie that fit me so well, my painted and shaped nails, the feeling of fullness from my scarlet sheened plumped lips with the weight of false lashes on my eyelids and my skin so smooth and hairless. How had I gone so far? and why wasn’t I more bothered about it. I didn’t need to do any of this, I could have just stayed as I was. I summoned the strength to get up to go to the shower and was instantly reminded of the powerful orgasm I’d had not long ago,...
Julie crawled slowly and seductively around to get between my spread legs. She wiggled her ass as she crawled and kept her eyes on me the whole time, acting just like a stripper or pornstar! When she was in position, she licked her lips and took hold of the base of my eager cock.She ran a fingertip around the rim and over the head of my cock, feeling the soft velvety texture and scooping up the drop of precum that had formed at the tip. She rubbed it between her fingers for a second, feeling...
MatureSometimes, it starts as a simple trip to grab a video at the store. Believe it or not, some people still love the DVD format, and Elle Voneva is one of those people. And believe it or not, there’s still a mom-and-pop video store in Elle’s neighborhood, too! The store is set up so the front is full of Hollywood blockbusters, and the back of the store? Well…it’s a “sleazy” part of the store where the dirty movies are available to buy. You can preview the movies...
xmoviesforyouThe Dogging Diaries Diary Entry: July, 2009 "Guys, guys, guys! Settle down. Now listen. This girl will open her legs for the whole room, so you're all getting laid tonight. As long as you're treating her well and keeping her as the center of attention, she's all yours to do with as you please. Just make sure you don't treat her too well." The room laughed. "You can fuck her, cum on her, cum in her, slap her, spank her, she's fucking hot and she will go all night if you...
I threw a few cans of potted meat, sardines, and some crackers in my knapsack and told mom I would be home Sunday. She knew that a few of us guys would go hunting on the weekends, so she was o.k. with me leaving. The only thing was, she did not know that I was going to be hunting alone this weekend.Saturday I wandered into new territory trying to find some game without any luck. Later that evening, it started to rain and I began to look for shelter. Then the rain turned into a storm. I wandered...
Hello all you Indian Sex Stories readers. I am back with another part of my sex escapes. This is the second part of the story “A New Life With A New Person2” People who have not read my previous stories. I would request you to read them to know about me and how many sex escapes I had already. People who have read my stories and people who wrote to me, thank you all people. Your responses are the actual reason which inspires me to write about all the escapes of my life. As promised, I am back...
Cockatoo Part 35 Nikkie Silk I was getting seriously pissed off being everyone's punch bag, but he had me backed into a corner, and I knew I would have to go along with him. But, it gave me a glimmer of hope that I could get Jandaeng off my back. With my head in my hands I said, "I have no choice, I agree." He pushed my phone and wallet back across the table. They had been taken from me in the van on the way here. I was thankful I hadn't brought the new burner phone with me to the...
Lily Rader and Lily Adams are in the backyard playing catch. The girls have to test out the new girl, Athena Palomino, to see if she can make the cut for the softball team. When she finally arrives, the girls throw everything they got at her. They cringe as they watch her drop every ball that’s thrown at her. What was Athena thinking? She stinks! She can’t throw, she can’t catch and she can’t run. The girls have no idea what they’re going to do with her. When...
xmoviesforyouISS ke sabhi readers ko mera namaste..yahan pe bahut se log aise hain jo kahaniya banake likhta hain..par aap mano ya na mano meri kahani bilkul sach hai..main abhi college mein padhta hun DU mein..main apna naam nahi batana chahta…mujhe sex karma bahut acha lagta hai..yeh kahani dwarka ki hai…new delhi ki…meri society mein ek aunty rehti thunka naam sumitra tha..woh south Indian thi…mujhe who humesha ghoor ghoor ke dekhti thi aur smile paas karti thi..woh mujhse se meri gf ke bare mein bhi...
Note : This story is completely fictional! well it all started when i was a little younger, my sister had a friend that used to come round to our house nearly every day called jane , well jane used to play fight with me and try to get my trousers down all the time but she never did it and some times my sister mandy would try to help her but they never did it as i was too fast for them. when mandy used to go out drinking with her friends and got back home late at night she would always be drunk...
IncestHi,Raj here again. After my first story got published in ISS a few days back, I have got good response from the readers which encouraged me to write more about my affair with my mom.My mom is 42 years old. She is fair and she has hair upto her back. She was putting on some weight earlier. But now I have made it a habit to take her for a walk in the evening and she has become slim again. Also our night time fun is making her look more happy and fit.I have already written about the incidents that...
IncestMy name is Rishi. I’m married to a gorgeous girl named Disha. She has a model like a face and a body which I get to enjoy almost every night. At times when she doesn’t feel like, my mother-in-law Mandakini is more than willing to use her body to pleasure me. I’m a software engineer who works in a reputed company in a good post. I live in a big bungalow in the posh region of Mumbai city. All in all my life seems perfect. But it isn’t… A couple of months ago my parents were brutally murdered. My...
It was the day after Halloween. I had sex with my boss, Brent at our annual office party. We were about to cross the line even more when came over to my small house tonight at 6. I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into. I had always been what people would describe as a ‘good girl’. I paid all my bills on time, I didn’t drink much, and I didn’t even stay out late. I had only one boyfriend in all my 27 years of being alive. Now it was the time for me to change everything that I knew.
This is my fourth story. Comments are very much appreciated for this one as well as the other three. So I am standing there with my pants down around my ankles, my neighbor Lani is on her knees in front of me receiving a load of my cum on her chest, and my ex-girlfriends sister ,Lisa, has just busted into my house and is standing there shocked at the present actions. Lani looks up at her and immediately puts her blouse back on, stands up, and excuses herself as she leaves out the door....
I class pubs as exciting places to be, where you can experience everyday situations and the unexpected. The people you meet can be quirky or nice, good friends, acquaintances or someone new. Sometimes you end up meeting people you have met before in another life. This is one of those events. I was visiting some friends in Warwickshire and I had cause to stay at a local pub on my way home. It was a friendly eating place, which is what most pubs have now become. I had parked my luggage for the...
BisexualI own an island at the outskirts of Samoa for my Slave Sanctuary of wanton women of all over the worldI re-named it in English also as Slave Sanctuary, I warmly welcome women who want to serve as a slaveI am so far the only male inhabitant, as all mothers have given me more and more dear dirty daughtersI will introduce them bit by bit, in small groups of friends, working my way around all of the world!I make an exception for Tamara, as she is exceptional in expressing publicly her wish to be...