Geile Hausfrau
- 3 years ago
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Alles begann damit, dass sich Sabine, die Mutter meiner Freundin, beim ausruhen in der Sonne immer mehr entblösste. Als sie nur mehr in Spitzenunterwäsche vor mir saß, wurde ich auf ihre kleinen aber festen Brüste aufmerksam und ihre gute Figur machte mich tierisch an.
In der Folgzeit schlich ich mich mehrmals in ihr Zimmer, entwendete einige Slips von ihr und wichste hinein. Dann legte ich sie zurück in ihren Schrank. In der Hoffnung, dass sie es merkt (und sie musste es merken) und mich zur Rede stellt. Dies war aber nicth der FAll und so wagte ich einen weiteren Versuch. Nachdem wir beide alleine zu Hause waren, fand ich es für den richtigen Moment sie zu begrabschen. Ich trat von hinten an sie ran und umfasste ihre geilen Brüste. Erschrocken sprang sie einen Schritt zurück und sah mich mit großen Augen an. Ich war ins Fettnäpfchen getreten. Ausser davon zulaufen und ins Zimmer zu gehen fiel mir nichts ein. Nur kurze Zeit später ging die Zimmer tür auf.
Clärchen war überrascht und erfreut zugleich, wie stürmisch Horsti sie begrüßt hatte und wie schön, dass er immer noch nicht in ihrer Nähe seine Hände bei sich behalten konnte. Sie gingen immer sogleich bei ihr auf Entdeckungsreise, was natürlich daran lag, dass es an ihr immer wieder geiles zu entdecken gab! Und deshalb hatte sie auch zu ihrer Freundin Grete in ihren Wäsche- und Miedersalon gewechselt! Denn dorthin kamen gerade die reiferen Damen, um sich unter ihrer Oberbekleidung so...
Wir sind Kim und Katrin (genannt Kati). Wir kennen uns aus dem Sandkasten. Damals lebten wir beide mit unseren Eltern in der Nähe von Münster. Und wir sind immer beste Freundinnen. Nach der Grundschule haben sich die Eltern von Kati leider getrennt und Kati ist mit Ihrer Mutter nach Bayern gezogen, weil diese dort einen neuen Arbeitgeber gefunden hat. Insofern gab es unsere Freundschaft auf Distanz, die aber dennoch gehalten hat. Viel ging natürlich über Anrufe, später das Videochats, aber auch...
TeenDie Geschichte ist wahr und wurde von mir wirklich so erlebt! Schaue immer Mal auf Dating Seiten für Sex. Dort gibt es auch Foren und Chats. Als ich vor einigen Jahren in solch einem Chat war, schrieb auf einmal einer, dass in meiner Nähe auf einem Pendlerparkplatz dahinter eine geile Frau nackt liegt und es sich selbst macht. Allem Anschein nach wartete Sie nur darauf beobachtet und wohl auch gefickt zu werden. Im ersten Moment dachte ich jaja, alles klar irgendein Spinner, der andere...
ok hier meine erste Story, hoffe sie gefällt euchDiana und ich kannten uns schon viele Jahre, sie ist anfang 30 ca 170 groß schlank schulterlange dunkel blonde haare und hat ein schönes C Körbchen.Wir trafen uns mehrfach die Woche bei ihr zum Kaffetrinken und quatschen. Da ich sie schon länger geil fand freute ich mich umsomehr auf unsere treffen besonders im Sommer, da saßen wir immer bei ihr auf der Terrasse. Sie trug öfter Röcke oder Shirts mit ausschnitt so konne ich den ein oder anderen...
Warum ich schon immer auf alte geile Kerle stehe…. Es ist jetzt über dreißig Jahre her, aber den Abend vergesse ich nie, an dem ich das erste Mal mit dem alten Ewald rumgemacht habe….. Ewald war mein Onkel, er war früher mit der Schwester meines Vaters verheiratet gewesen und schon seit ein paar Jahren Witwer, bei dem ich jedes Jahr die Sommerferien auf seinem Bauernhof bei Osnabrück verbrachte. Damals war ich so sechzehn, hatte schon ganz früh gemerkt, dass mich Kerle und alle Art von...
GayGeiler Heels-Spaziergang mit MariaCiao, da bin ich wieder..der Ficker der geilen Nachbarin Maria.Ein wenig Zeit ist vergangen, wir haben oft gefickt, uns gegenseitig verwöhnt, an allen Körberteilen in allen Löchern hab ich sie ficken dürfen. Viele Positionen ausprobiert alle Körberteile bespritzt. Und natürlich ich in ihre Heels gespritzt. Ich hatte die Ehre mit ihr ab dem ersten Date Schuhe kaufen zu gehen, ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen für mich. Aber oft hat sie mich auch überrascht mit ganz...
Bitte an die Boardregeln halten. In "Schwanzgeile Flittchen" sollen Gays, Shemales und Transen die Hauptpersonen sein. Die Startstory sollte in der Egoperspektive ( Thomas Sicht ) und in Vergangeheitsform weitergeführt werden. Es kann jederzeit eine neue ( passende ) Sequenz mit frischen Protagonisten und anderen Erzählformen von euch geöffnet werden. Schwanzgeile Flittchen ( Gay / Shemale Storys ) Thomas Träume werden wahr Ich muss gestehen, schon lange bevor ich zum ersten Mal mit Daddy im...
TranssexualIch konnte es mir nicht verkneifen nachdem ich das hier gelesen habe es selbst zu probieren. Ich bin Gestern später am Abend zu den Flüchtlingen gegangen. Ich sehe mit meinen 21 Jahren etwas jünger aus und habe mir schwarze Strapse angezogen ohne Slip, einen sehr kurzen Minirock und ein Bauchfreies Top und nur noch einen langen Mantel angezogen. Draußen vor der Tür standen auch schon ein paar Männer verschiedenen Alters und guckten schon leicht verdutzt zu mir. Ich ging direkt weiter zu Ihnen...
Gay date Chatten doen ik graag, heel erg graag en ofschoon ik bi ben vindt ik het best wel es opwindend om op een gay chat te komen en daar een beetje homo te geilen. In combinatie met een webcam wordt het nog spannender. Ik had contact met iemand en het werd al snel een opwindend gesprek, hij heette Jan. “Zeg es Jan, heb je een cam?….” “Ja hoor…. zullen we samen een beetje op de cam geilen, maar dan gewoon de cam gericht op onze pikken okee?….” “Dat is goed..” zei ik en richtte de cam op mijn...
Bei uns in der Nähe gibt es leider kein passendes Lokal wo man Pissspiele machen kann oder gleichgesinnte zu treffen.Aber jeden letzten Freitag im Monat findet in Mannheim im Jails ja die Pissparty statt. Und ab und zu wenn es mein Arbeitsplan erlaubt fahr ich gern dort hin um ein bisschen Spaß zu haben.Ein Freund von mir ist ne Mega-Pisssau die nie genug bekommen kann. So hole ich ihn immer ab und wir fahren rüber nach Mannheim für ein bisschen Spaß. Bei so einer Gelegenheit , es war ein...
Es war Samstag Vormittag , ich war gerade dabei die Garage auf zu räumen , da überkam mich die Geilheit . Ich hatte die ganze Woche über viel gearbeitet .Immer spät nach Hause gekommen und meine Freundin kaum gesehen . Also auch die ganze Woche keinen Sex gehabt . Sie musste heute noch arbeiten . - Pflegedienst Frühschicht - .Ich schrieb ihr eine WhatsApp , sie möge bitte viel Mineralwasser auf der Arbeit trinken . Ihr müsst wissen , wir sind NS-Liebhaber . . " Mach ich " schrieb sie zurück ....
The night following my epic cum-quest I was alone again. I stayed up late watching some silly programme about hunting for gold but my thoughts were magnetically drawn back to my mad adventures the previous day. In some strange way I was amazed that it was me leading this secret cocksucking life. As far as any of my friends knew I was 100% straight. Yet there I was kneeling on a dirty garage floor gobbling off a handful of strangers and apart from a croaky voice I felt pretty damn good. I didn’t...
Hello friends mera naam rinku ek gora nata umar 22 sal mene apana 12th dene ke bad me apane papa ki sabase choti didi (min)suman buaa ke gar chuttiyo me jaa raha tha.suman buaa ek 35 sal ki gori thodi fat.morden tipe ki fashionabal buaa thi.buaa aur fufa ki shadi ko 10sal ho chuke they lekin unako ko koi bachaa nahi tha.fufa ralway offecer they aur buaa shadi me dulhan ko make up karne ka contrac karati thi……me 14 may ko garmi ki chuttiyo pe surat se puna meri buaa ke gar pahuch gaya.buaa...
Met a girl, we were both in our early 20′s and we hit it off sexually right away. Within a week I let her move in, We were having sex 3-4 times a day. Wake and fuck, fuck before I went to work, fuck when I got home from work then wake up in the middle of the night and fuck. Went on for about a month, and it seemed like we were just going through the motions of fucking. It was getting boring…Seems like blasphemy to say something like that, but it was. One Saturday night after sex, she told me,...
“Wanna play strip poker?”He caught me off guard. We’d been playing cards all evening, the last of the guests had just left. I smiled, got up from the table and walked to the liquor cabinet. I’d been gently seducing him all day, this meant I’d been successful and it called for the good stuff. I brought the Bookers and two heavy shot glasses back to the table, sat down beside him and filled them both. I raised mine to toast, and when he brought his to meet it I put my hand on his thigh. No...
It was, dear reader, a most trying time in the life of this lady. The least of our worries was that it was raining. While the droplets rolled off of Oluth, and Valsivale somehow kept dry with an invisible barrier, Saela and I were becoming soaked to the core. My decorative parasol was no match for the weather, and in time the dye of my dress was fading, revealing the frigid, supple skin beneath, my nipples pointing the way for us as my teeth chattered. Saela’s inferior little bust was also...
It was a miserable July night. The temperature hovered around eighty-five, and I’d sweated through my shirt. The badge pinned to that shirt said, “County Sheriff.” I’d been one for almost twenty years. I usually don’t get called out at 3 AM. But tempers fray when the weather gets hot. And occasionally, one of our fine citizens gets it in his head to drink too much and touch up the wife. Two of my guys responded to the call. When they got there, the moron chose to add an extra ten years to...
I got up out of bed again, and headed off to the bathroom to get myself a shower and to take a leak. I looked anxiously in the mirror to see myself. I wasn't as good looking as I'd remembered thinking I was. For one thing, my hair was too long, and the grease I was using to keep it in place had left it all oily and dirty looking. My skin was broken out a little bit too, probably from all that grease in my hair getting into my pores. My skin color had an unhealthy pallor as well. I was...
Feb 12, 2011 10:24 Am You were supposed to have checked out of the hotel by 11 am. The bags were packed but you had needs that must be tended to before leaving. A long flight awaited you at the airport and knowing you couldn't stand to be this horny all the way home you decided to take matters into your own hands one more time before leaving. I had been given the key to your room from the hotel manger. This was a room that was scheduled for remodeling and my contracting firm was putting in a...
That is a follow-up to the first story: Second day, 18th March Temperature in that day At 6 a.m -18 9 a.m. -12 Noon -7 3 p.m -6 6 p.m -8 8 p.m -11 Marlene was sleeping and had a dream, that she is in Antarctic observation station and her task is to check temperatures in all weather stations. There were six weather stations approximately 10 kilometres around...
Marica Chanelle a sexy business woman with huge tits is trying to close a lucrative deal with her counterpart Darrell Deeps, who will not budge on his 25 percent. Fortunately for Marica, however, shes got a secret weapon that she only utilizes during the direst of situations. To utilize it though she must meet with Darrell in person. So, she rushes over to his house where they restart negotiations. Almost immediately, Marica deploys her secret weapon, and Darrel being the horny guy that he is...
xmoviesforyouMy mother moved out of state when I was s*******n years old but I decided to live with my father for a lot reasons. It was my last year of high school and who wants to change schools that late in the game, my friends and this is where I grew up. Not wanting to change schools this late is what convinced my mother to let me stay with my dad but one day I woke up and decided I was done with school and never went back. The school would call every day to inform my dad of my absence and I had an...
Branded Cain replied to the LORD, "My punishment is too great for me to bear! You have banished me from the land and from your presence; you have made me a homeless wanderer. Anyone who finds me will kill me!" Brand: I went inside the flying building and seem them both. And I can't help but stare. Vantier. A legend from my ancestor's time, reborn. Then she was known as a warrior, a leader. Today? She's become a healer, and teacher. And Faith. A girl who is just beginning to...
This past weekend my wife and I were attempting to explore one of my sexual fantasies of feeding/feederism. However, it ended up being kind of awkward and not as exciting as it could have been because she said it made her feel like a fatass and I didn’t really know how to explore knowing she wasn’t enjoying it. Let me pause to state that my wife is a BBW, but is not confident in her weight even though she knows I am a BBW and SSBBW lover. I loooooove fat women, hence my interest in feeding. She...
April Martin’s overnight popularity was due to her newly enlarged feminine assets. This popularity thing was new to her, it was addicting and as if she never existed before. She loved that the guys were ogling her, stopping her and asking for her number. Women seemed to be more accepting of her, as if they had found a kindred spirit, she thought. That was a little strange, but she was enjoying all the new attention. Her mother didn’t notice her new assets, due to the long hours she worked and...
I have a friend who has a tendency to lie and cheat on his girlfriends. And i am always put in the middle of his lies to save his ass. His latest girlfriend Danielle is in her early thirties, dark italian skin, big tits and an absolutely amazing ass and smoking body. And from what he said she was a great fuck. I never would have done this to my friend but,he took it too far one day. He didn't tell me his lie ahead of time and i went to his house to meet him. I arrived early and she was inside....
EroticThat night I dragged my bruised and well butt fucked body home. Those images of the previous night kept playing through my head. Discovering Ohanna's cock, of being tied up, sucking her cock, being fucked with no mercy by that she male girl…Worst of all, that bitch had recorded every minute of her naughty performance. If she blackmailed me, I could do nothing at all…Once I home, I stripped and examined my body in the shower. And once again, the thoughts of the previous night came back to me and...
Susy Gala is one fine piece of ass and a dick devouring goddess. She and her man Emilio Ardana have just checked into a creepily kinky hotel and the first thing on her agenda for this naughty weekend getaway is giving her man some fantastic fellatio. She rocks all of our worlds as we watch the curvy assed big tittied Spanish babe work her magic with her mouth on her man’s thick cock. This Only Blow Job premium porn video is a must. Susy’s athletic body is covered in tattoos, and...
xmoviesforyou“Foster Chevrolet. How may I help you?” Annette’s sweet voice answered. “You can bend over and let me fuck you with my naked cock again.” “JOSEY! How are you? Are you coming by to see me again?” “Not right away, but soon. I need another pickup, and I need it delivered to Sheriff Mona Glass’ Ranch. If you have one that’s got a radio and kinda sleek and sporty, I’d like to have that one. Tell your daddy I’ll be by and pay cash for it.” “I’ll take care of that for you, Josey. Please come by...
Hello Everyone, this is second part of my sex story where in last part we saw mom coming home early than expected. I opened the door and my brothers too quickly came out of bed room after getting them dressed up. I inquired mom on why she came back so early? Mom said that dad’s partner got medical emergency and thus to stay with him they dropped the plan to go to the marriage. From the mid way dad diverted his root to hospital and mom took a cab and came back to home. Me, mom and brothers were...
As she walked down the street, she reflected on the last few years development. She had always been sceptical about politician, but if there was one thing she was certain about, it was that the ?New Front? could not be all bad. Since they had landed on earth, and explained, in such a plausible manner, their striking resemblance with humans, they had managed to create world peace, get rid of all pollution, reverse the glass house effect, and divide earth's resources equally, and in a way that...
Unexpected Resurrection Once, I was a man. I lived, loved, laughed, and died. I had no complaints with my life; there were more good years than bad. And I honestly wasn't sure whether that white tunnel was taking me to heaven or hell. I was surprised when I woke up surrounded by large-headed slender gray beings. A voice in my head assured me that I wasn't going on to the afterlife just yet. I protested my resurrection; the cancerous mass in my chest was well beyond treatment, and I'd spent...
This story is all about how I got a chance to have sex with my sexy house owner aunty. [email protected] Please don’t forget to provide feedback on my story. Hope you all enjoyed it. See you soon in part 2. Thank you all for reading.
IncestOk. So this is something that happened.I have a teacher, I’ll just call her Ms. D. She teaches English. I’m in her fourth period class. She’s in her early 50s, I think. But she’s really pretty. She has this yellow dress and she wore it today. This dress, shows so much cleavage it’s not even funny. So, she’s talking to the class and I kinda start drifting off in my head. She comes over to my desk and leans over, and says, “Brat (that’s me), I can tell you’re not paying attention.” I know some...
Loren stepped into the kitchen. "I started the grill," he said. "Can you help Nicole with her homework while it catches?" "Yes. Who ever heard of homework in the second grade?" "I had homework in the second grade." "In France?" he asked. "No. Here -- in private school." "Well, I didn't, and I went to public school." "The teacher said, don't spend more than fifteen minutes on it." "The grill should be ready by then," he replied. "Explain to me again why we invited...
Hi am varun desai. My email id is am from thane mumbai. Am normal look nd nrmal age is 25 yrs.mai thane me rhta stori mri aur 1 aunty ki hai. Phle bta dun k mai iss ka bht bada fan hun is pe ane wali koi stori aisi nhi hai jise maine nhi pada bahot si fak stories bhi hai jo ghanta 2 ghanta chodne ki bat karte hai aur 10. 12 inch ka land lga lete hai.chutiya banate hai srf sale. Mai aunty k bare me btata hun Unki age 42 hai aur wo thoda moti hai unka naam shilpa(changed 4...
Cassandra and Adam got home from the mayor's house and the charity ball. It was after midnight, but neither of them were ready for sleep. Adam was thinking about the events of the past few weeks - his new relationship with his mother that now included frequent fucking, the expanded relationship with his art teacher, Jennifer, that now included periodic fucking, and tonight, screwing Elizabeth in front of her husband, the mayor. And yet, his mother had not had sex with anyone but him, other than...
title: Urgah the Magnificent - Season Premiere - Talia's Rescue Selected scenes from the Talia's Rescue episodes: An improbable trio rode into town: a large man in a bearskin cloak and a tall man in a black cape. A woman with a plain metal ring around her neck - a slave's collar - rode behind the large man. She wore a sleeveless shirt tucked into knee-length trousers that were held up with a chain. They stopped in front of a blacksmith's shop and the woman dismounted. She looked up and...
Hi, I am Alex and this is a story I wrote a long time ago. It was originally posted under a different title and pseudonym, but I have been unable to find it (forgot title and name I used back then). I have made some changes (mainly the ending due to some critiques (thank you)) and did some other updates and additions to the story since originally posting it. I have also changed my writing pseudonym and wanted to put this story under my new name and email. The story is a complete work...
A touch of skin, soft and slippery,With a hint of sweat,Eyes meeting briefly, begging for a chance,To abandon our uncertainties. You began your work on my lips,Probing gently, as if drawing sex,Then heated tongues met in the midst,Of quickening and hottening breath. Our clothes found resting place on the floor.Piece by piece,Until there were no hiding places,For our glistening bodies. Then skin meshed with skin,And the floor became the stage.As a gasp broke the...
Straight SexElizabeth Carson sat in the car. She was far from comfortable she had to be acknowledge to herself. The 36-year- old was suffering the effects of the 24 fierce red lines across her bottom given courtesy of Mrs Denver’s senior cane. She got herself as comfortable as possible before driving off. She drove carefully as the stinging distracted her but thankfully got home without incident. As she drove she reminded herself she suffered the humiliation of being spanked and caned to prevent her...
SpankingJessica strained and struggled against the bonds that held her upright, but they held without budging. She could just see the bright red ball gag that filled her mouth, causing a steady stream of drool to leak out before dripping onto her breasts. She loved the sensation of being helpless and the thought of what was coming made her wetter than she had ever been before. Scarcely more than an 24 hours ago she had been sitting at her computer idly surfing the internet when a popup had caught her...
BDSMSeptember drifted on into October in the community of Bluefields. Soon, it would be the hurricane season and already the humidity was becoming unbearable. Passion Creek had become a mere runnel and the pools were barely deep enough to cover a person's knees. Porta-fans hummed continuously in the houses of the Arks and the freezers dispensed endless supplies of ice cream. Tempers frayed easily and the elders of the community were hard put to adjudicate disputes. The girl, Faith, had all but...
When I was in my late teens I had an accident and broke both my arms. This meant that I had a cast on both arms from my hands up to my shoulder. I could not move then at all. I could not wipe my ass, go pee, shower or jerk off. I had to have constant help. Lucky for me my mother and grand mother did not work and were able to be with me twenty four seven to lend me a hand. I was into sports and good with the girls, that part I missed. As a matter of fact it would become a problem as I had a high...
My wife died about a year ago. I have been trying to go out with some different women, but do not want anything serious, I just want to get laid. I headed to the gulf coast for a week of sun and fun. I was sitting in this bar on the beach having a drink when this young woman approaches and sits down next to me. And when I say young she must have been right around fifty and not too bad looking. But I can not help but notice the huge wedding ring on her finger. She starts flirting her ass off and...
Lord Duric climbed to the top of the ridge, surrounded by the soldiers of his guard contingent as the sun rose over the morning mists. They looked warily at him as he approached the edge, their gaze darting about warily seeking any possible threats. One of his regiment commanders came to his side. The commander shaded his eyes and extended an arm. "There, my Lord." Duric turned his head and nodded. Past forest and plains, the spires of the Imperial Palace rose in the distance, just on the...
My father was getting remarried after being a widower for nearly 15 years. Both my brother and I were very happy for him as he had finally found someone to spend his time with. We had always been worried about him both of us being married and busy with our own families and all as we could not spend as much time with him as we would have liked. Anyway, we wanted to make his marriage an exciting affair for him and decided to throw a bachelor’s party for him and his five close friends. Of...
Tom inherited the Fisherman’s Point cottage from Polly, his great aunt. At the time, Tom and Karen were living in a small garden flat in Shepherd’s Bush. Karen was working as a marketing executive for a package holiday company. Tom was working as a freelance journalist, although what he really wanted to do was try his hand at writing a novel. The cottage was not large. It had probably started life as a fisherman’s cottage sometime in the early part of the 18th century. Polly had given it a new...
FYI, Mariska is over the age of consent.Later…to this day I do not know if it was a dream or if it really happened, but it is still vivid in my mind. I roused to some state of consciousness not yet awake, feeling a tiny hand gently caressing the length of my already excited manhood and kisses on my stomach, moving slowly down, caressing the tip with breaths of hot air and tiny, gentle touches of a warm tongue. I was exhausted and could not bring myself to wake, so I just enjoyed the dream…it...
Love StoriesI had no idea what I was doing in my kitchen because I was thinkingabout what happened last night between me and my son. How could he fuck me? And more importantly how could I let him fuck me? I was definitely going to talk to my son about all this. It was wrong. It was not the way to apologize to my son for leaving him and his dad when he was just two years old. I got out of my thoughts when a pair of hands grabbed my boobs from behind. I got shocked, and before I could ask my son to get off...
IncestOne thing I was absolutely NOT intending to do was fall asleep on Mel. The night was still young, and I’d promised to do her doggie. And hopefully more than once. We’d gotten to know one another pretty well before becoming intimate; I very much liked what I’d seen of her character, and it seemed she hadn’t been too badly repulsed by mine. Our first bout seemed to have made her happy, and I was intending to repeat that lesson. Mel got a truly wicked grin on her face when she put her hand...
I woke up in the morning to an empty bed. Jonathan must have left in the middle of the night. I was sorry that he had left, as my morning wood would have enjoyed another session with him. We had celebrated the loss of my virginity by indulging ourselves in an orgy of sexual acts through the early hours of the evening and into the night. I remembered how absolutely mind blowing it was when I fucked his hot, tight asshole. That is the point when we both fell asleep in each other’s embrace. My...
TabooThis story is meant for free fan distribution to TG fiction sites throughout the web. Please enjoy the story and be free with your comments or critiques! ============================================================ Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II By Dee Eon Kicking heels high after my slippers' metal taps clicked and rapped the parquet floor like a machine gun below my long legs and flouncing embroidered clover green velvet skirt, my passionate solo jig to the...
The day my Math instructor found herself in hot water. I will never that spring day I fell in love with my math instructor in school. The year was almost over. My first class of the day was my math session. However, I was excited today for our grade level would be going on a field trip to a near by swimming pool for an end of the year party. I already had my swim trunks on when I walked into class. All the other male student was wearing the same. It was the late nineties; my swim trunks were...
"I've got some news," she said. I just looked at her, trying to interpret her expression. There was happiness there, but also apprehension. "How was the date?" she asked. "It was good," I said, "less difficult than I expected, but bitter-sweet, as I'm sure you know. You are avoiding something here. News?" She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." Her statement brought me up short. Of all the possibilities I had considered, this one came no-where. Had I thought about it at all,...
Mornings were nicer without Catherine slamming my bedroom door open. I still got up before the family to prepare for my day. The alarm went off. Show time! My door was wide-open. I stuffed my books away and moved the chair back from the desk, making the direction of my focus unmistakable. It wouldn't do to have a star believe I was anything less than an attentive audience. "Do you ever sleep?" Ahmo asked, framed in the doorway. How did she shrink her towels? They barely came over her...
The day in our Mayan village started normally. The abundant colors moving about and doing the tasks given to them. Many tried to remain calm, knowing that it was a mere eight days until the deciding day of the 21st.I tugged at my huipil, the traditional clothing us girls had still worn in this modern day, my nerves were getting the best of me.The next few mornings had passed with great calm, that is until it was the 20th. I had woken early, too nervous to sleep, when I heard a scream in the...
Group SexIn that cold winter, Anita dragged me into some quick vacation at Barbados. My sweet wife told me there she could find and fuck some black cocks, since I had been stressed and not so cooperative with her at our marital bed.On the second day there, we walked down the beach and found a volleyball game going on. There were about eight young black guys with some guests from our hotel and they invited us to join them.Anita loved playing volleyball, so she pushed me inside the game.After winning the...