In Control free porn video

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Blake used to finish his twice-weekly racquetball game at the athletic club and hurry right back home. But today was different. Oh, he’d enjoyed the game all right. It helped him get out some of the agressions that built up during the week in his high-pressure executive job. But he was dawdling. He’d taken a couple of extra showers… combed his hair four or five different ways… what was he avoiding?

He knew.

He didn’t want to go home.

Blake used to think that after he and his girlfriend Bonnie moved in together, his life would be complete. But now he wasn’t so sure. Bonnie had changed. Maybe it was because now that they lived together, she felt she didn’t need to snag her man, but she behaved differently. She talked incessantly about her career. Why did she even need a career? Blake made more than enough money for the both of them. And she made demands — demands that were worded in such a way that Blake didn’t feel there was any room for negotiation. She said things like, ‘If you can’t write down your withdrawals in the check register, you’re not going to be allowed to have an ATM card.’ Where it was assumed that what she says, goes. And she’d lost most of her interest in sex.

It wasn’t the kind of thing Blake was in a hurry to get back to.

A guy on the other side of the locker room noticed Blake. ‘What’s the matter?’ he wanted to know as he packed up his gym bag. ‘Get on home!’

‘Ahhh,’ Blake muttered. ‘Don’t feel like it.’

‘Let me guess,’ ventured the stranger. ‘Your woman takes you for granted. Talks about her friends, her business…’

‘Yeah, that’s it!’ said Blake, pointing. ‘How did you know?’

‘Seen it a million times,’ said the man. ‘You need Doctor Bimbo.’

‘Doctor Who?’

The stranger pulled out a pad of paper and a pen. ‘They call him Dr Bimbo. His real name’s Dr Barbeau. But he earned that nickname.’ He offered the name and number to Blake. ‘He has developed a medicinal treatment that takes today’s woman and makes her into a ‘fifties caricature of a sex kitten. Right down to the Jayne Mansfield squeal.’

‘He can make her want to fuck all the time?’ asked Blake, suddenly interested. ‘With me?’

‘Morning, noon, and night,’ chuckled the stranger. ‘And no more talk about career. Her ‘career’ will be pleasing you. And she won’t even be smart enough for those topics any more.’

‘Wow!’ said Blake, wiping his brow. ‘Can I call him right now?’

‘I’d give him an hour or so,’ suggested the man. ‘And let me tell you one more thing. You didn’t ask, but I know you’d like to know. The doc calls this a ‘side effect’.’

‘What?’ whispered Blake.

‘The treatment gives them giant tits,’ smiled the stranger.

‘You mean like — D-cups?’ Blake asked.

The stranger smiled. ‘At least.’

‘Oh, my God,’ Blake nearly whooped. He pumped the man’s hand furiously. ‘Thank you. Thank you. You may have saved my life!’ Blake ran out of the locker room, leaving the stranger chuckling among the mildew and wet towels. ‘He’ll call,’ said the stranger, half to himself.

‘Honey, I’m home!’ Blake called to Bonnie when he entered the house. She was sitting on the couch, going over the mail. Blake looked at her. It’s not that she was unattractive. She had light brown hair in a stylish short cut. The jacket of her two-piece business suit covered up what she was lacking in the bustline department, but cleverly featured a daring short skirt that showed off her legs nicely. She was starting to look pretty good to Blake. Then she spoke.

‘Glad you’re here,’ said his girlfriend, in a tone of voice that didn’t indicate she was glad at all. ‘I need you to explain some of these charges on your Visa.’

Blake beat a hasty retreat. ‘Not right now,’ he said, dropping his gym bag in the bedroom. ‘I have a call to make.’ He closed the bedroom door behind him.

‘Blake, this is important! — ‘ Bonnie’s voice dissappeared behind the door. Blake dialed the number. A low, well-modulated voice answered. ‘Dr Barbeau speaking.’

‘Is this ‘Dr Bimbo’?’ asked Blake.

There was a silence. ‘Yes, it is,’ said the voice. ‘What can I do for you?’

‘Oh, I think you know,’ said Blake.

‘Yes, I do,’ said the doctor. ‘I will send a car in half an hour. Send a large but unspecified amount of money along with her in a suitcase — in twenties and fifties.’

‘What?’ sputtered Blake.

‘Blake, this isn’t the sort of thing that’s covered by your HMO, you know,’ said the doctor.

‘Well — how much?’ asked Blake.

‘You know how the cereal boxes say ‘sold by weight — not by volume’?’ asked the mysterious voice.


‘Go by volume. Fill the suitcase up.’

‘Right, right,’ agreed Blake. ‘Okay, I got it. Her name’s Bonnie — ‘

‘For now,’ said the voice, mysteriously.

‘ — and the address is…’

‘No need,’ reassured Dr Bimbo. ‘I’ve got it.’

‘Oh, okay. You’ve got — hey! Wait a minute! How do you have my address? What the hell is going on here?’ Blake demanded to know.

There was a suspenseful silence.

‘Caller ID, smart guy!’ laughed the man with the deep voice. ‘Don’t be so paranoid.’

‘Oh, geez. Sorry. I must sound like a real moron,’ said Blake.

‘No more or less than most of them,’ said the doctor, agreeably.

‘One thing, doc — how will I convince her to go?’ asked Blake. ‘What will I tell her?’

‘You’ll think of something,’ said the doctor. ‘You may be surprised at her reaction. Talk to you in a few days.’ And the doctor hung up.

Blake opened the bedroom door. ‘Honey, you’ve really been stressed! I’m sending you for a relaxation cure. Pack a bag.’

‘A what? A relaxation cure? What are you talking about?’ asked Bonnie.

‘Trust me,’ said Blake, putting some clothes in an overnight bag for her.

‘Relaxtion? Hmm! Sounds nice!’ said Bonnie, a little too quickly.

‘You’re seeing a Dr Barbeau. He’s sending a car,’ said Blake.

‘How thoughtful of you, Blake!’

‘You’ll thank me, dear. Honest you will.’

The following day, the phone in Blake’s apartment rang. The impossibly low voice strongly urged Blake to send more money. Blake wanted to know why.

‘Bonnie is a strong-willed, independent, and intelligent woman,’ said the doctor. ‘I can’t undo that overnight.’

‘Okay, I’ll send the money. In cash,’ agreed Blake. ‘Will you send your car and driver again?’

‘Yes, that’s just what I’ll do,’ said the doctor. ‘You’ll see Boom Boom in a few days. You’ll be pleased.’

Blake paused. ‘Boom Boom?’

‘Very pleased,’ said the doctor as he hung up.

A few days later, Blake was poking about the apartment. He worried a little about the amount of money he was spending on this little whim. He was well off — but the doctor demanded a pretty tidy chunk of change. Oh, well — he’d said again and again how pleased Blake would be when Bonnie returned. Blake tried to focus his thoughts on that.

The doorbell rang. Blake run to answer it. He opened the door to reveal a cock-hardening sight. There stood a girl, teetering precariously on deep red spike heels. She wore a pair of what they used to call hot pants — several sizes too small. They not only revealed the enticing curves of her ass underneath, they also loudly proclaimed the shape and wetness of the girl’s pussy. Her midriff was bare. Blake’s eyes wandered up toward her chest. She wore a sort of half-t-shirt. It was molded to her bust like a second skin, and the lower hem stopped just below her nipples. But those nipples were so hard, the material extended beyond. Those huge and hard nipples were perfectly in proportion, too — which is to say this girl had two of the most gigantic breasts Blake had ever seen in his life! The shirt was emblazoned with the slogan GOOD AND GOOD FOR YOU — but it was so distorted by the breasts beneath that Blake had to ex
amine it carefully in order to deciper the message. He didn’t mind, though. Not one bit! Neither did the girl, it seemed. When she noticed how hard he was looking — and how hard he was getting — she bounced on her heels in pride, sending her firm floppers through space. Blake finally looked at her face. She had fire-engine-red lips and bleached, bleached blonde hair. Finally, she spoke in a girlish squeal.

‘Hiya, Blake.’

‘Oh, my God! It’s you!’ shouted Blake. ‘It’s Bonnie! Get your tits and ass in here!’ he bellowed.

‘You’ll have to grab them and pull them in,’ she teased.

Blake did just that, grabbing an enormous boob with his right hand and reaching behind her ass and between her legs with the left. She drew in a breath as she was dragged inside.

Blake slammed the door behind them. ‘I just came,’ she confessed, breathlessly. ‘Just from having me touch you?’ asked Blake. She smiled a dim kind of smile and just nodded her head. ‘My God, it worked!’ said Blake.

Bonnie giggled and twirled ’round on her sky-high heels, sending her expanded tits flying. ‘You like?’ she purred.

‘What’s not to like, Bonnie?’ he growled as he reached for the prizes waiting for him on her chest.

‘Oh! Only I don’t think you should call me Bonnie anymore,’ she suggested. ‘It doesn’t suit me,’ she said, crinkling her nose.

‘What would you like to be called?’ Blake asked between slobbers.

‘Well, the doctor named me Boom Boom,’ said Bonnie with pride and amusement. ‘But you can use any name you like. Like…Big Titties! Or Chesty… maybe Piece of Ass… or Snatch!’

Blake pulled back and looked her over. He grinned. ‘I kinda like Boom Boom,’ he said. ‘I like the idea of naming you after the ways those tits bounce. Boom…boom…boom…’

Bonnie giggled and began bouncing in rhythm to Blake’s chant, going faster and faster. Suddenly, she stopped. Blake whimpered in protest.

‘I can’t just show,’ said Boom Boom. ‘I gotta do. I’m too horny. Take hold of the material of my shirt by grabbing my nipples.’ Blake did. Boom Boom squealed, almost orgasmically. ‘Now twist. Yes! Now pull the material up and over my head.’ When the shirt was off, Boom Boom’s magnificent tits bounded into the open air. Blake was amazed and turned on. They were bigger than anything he’d ever seen — at least as big as her head. But they didn’t have that fake-looking stiffness that implants had. These H-cuppers looked real. They bounced real. And as Blake reached for them, he found they felt real. Boom Boom opened her mouth at his touch. A glob of her saliva tumbled from her full wet lips, and washed over her big boobs and Blake’s busy fingers. ‘Take off my shorts,’ whispered Boom Boom. ‘I know you just want my titties, and I want you to have them. But I want my snatch uncovered so I can drip juices all over the place, freely!’ Her frank talk made Blake rock-hard.

‘Okay,’ agreed Blake. ‘But the first thing those titties are going to do is love my dick to death! Tit-fuck my big pole,’ he ordered. Boom Boom just ‘mmmmmm’ed an excited agreement. She gathered her silky soft bombers and surrounded his cock.

Blake watched. Bonnie used to make wisecracks about the comparably modest size of Blake’s equipment. Would she now — after Dr Bimbo’s ‘treatment’?

‘I love it!’ giggled Boom Boom. ‘It fits perfectly.’ Then she slid her mouth, lips, and teeth over it to demonstrate her point. ‘You see?’ She eased Blake back onto the couch, with his feet dangling over the edge. She rubbed her boobs up and down, up and down — giving him a fantastic tit-fuck in which she did all the work.

Which was as it should be, Blake thought! That’s how a big-titter is supposed to take care of her man.

As he prepared to send the first of several loads over his newly refurbished girlfriend’s tits and face, he silently thanked Dr Barbeau — this ‘Dr Bimbo’ had saved his relationship.

The next morning, Blake left for work, leaving Boom Boom in the bedroom frantically playing with herself. ‘Make lots of loads of cum for me while you’re gone!’ she called. ‘I want it all when you get home. I’ll be waiting.’

Around lunchtime, Blake’s administrative assistant told him there was someone here to see him. ‘Is it Bonnie?’ Blake asked over the intercom. ‘I — I don’t think so,’ said the assistant as the door to his private office flew open.

Boom Boom’s bountiful breasts entered — followed by Boom Boom. She giggled as she worked to wobble them wildly as she walked. Blake gasped. She was dressed in a string bikini top that barely covered her tent-pole-like nipples, and left rich plump handfuls of tit above, below, to the left, and to the right, on lascivious display. She wore what looked like a skirt, but on closer examination, Blake realized that she’d pulled a tight fitting tube top over her hips. She glided into the room on six-inch fuck-me pumps like she was born wearing them.

‘Take Boom Boom to lunch?’ she tittered.

‘Yeah, but not until you suck my cock,’ Blake blustered. ‘Close the door, willya?’

‘Oh, no!’ laughed Boom Boom. ‘It’d do that titless secretary of yours some good to see how a real woman takes care of her man. Let me at it!’

Blake uncovered his package. ‘It’s just such a perfect fit!’ shrieked Boom Boom as she opened wide.

Blake loved the way every man — and every woman, too — stared at his Boom Boom when they went out to lunch. Yep, he thought to himself. And all that’s mine! When they sat down at the restaurant, Boom Boom’s big ones covered her place setting and her menu — and nearly knocked over her water glass! She giggled.

‘Baby, you’d better sit to the side,’ said Blake in a soothing tone. ‘Your breasts are in the way!’

Boom Boom narrowed her eyelids. ‘My what?’

‘Your breasts, sweetheart.’ Blake saw that she didn’t understand. ‘Move your tits.’

‘Oh!’ she said, with an exuberant bounce. ‘Okey-dokey. And don’t say ‘sweetheart’, please. Too mushy.’

‘Yeah?’ said Blake with a sparkle in his eye. ‘What would you prefer?’

‘I think ‘fuck-toy’ would be good,’ said Boom Boom, moving her tits out of the way and picking up her menu. ‘Can you smell my pussy?’ she asked. ‘I’m soaking this skirt.’

Blake stiffened at her announcement. ‘Not yet,’ he whispered. ‘What do you want to eat?’

‘You know what I want to eat,’ she answered, licking her lips. ‘But what do you want to order?’ asked Blake. ‘I can’t tell,’ Boom Boom said, throwing the menu aside. ‘I don’t know what this says.’

Blake looked at her in astonishment. ‘You mean you can’t read?’

‘I — I guess not,’ said Boom Boom. ‘You know best, anyway! Tell the girl with the tiny tits what to bring, okay?’

‘You mean the waitress? Okay,’ Blake agreed. This treatment was something, he thought.

‘Say, Blake, is that you?’ An old business acquaintance was approaching their table. ‘Yes! Hey, Ted, how have you been?’ Blake greeted his friend. ‘Fine, fine,’ said Ted, turning his attention to Boom Boom and her bust. ‘And who is this lovely creature?’

‘I’m Boom Boom!’ she giggled, looking Ted in the eye and fingering her nipples. ‘So why do they call you that?’ asked Ted. ‘Oh! Because of the way my tits bounce. Wanna see?’

‘Boom Boom, maybe another time,’ Blake broke in. ‘Good to see you again, Ted.’ Then a thought occurred to Blake. ‘Ted! Why don’t you come over tonight? For some cards! I’ll ask a bunch of the guys.’

Ted stole another glance over at Boom Boom, who was practicing bouncing her tits, despite her boyfriend’s initial discouragement. ‘I’d like that,’ he said, readily. ‘I’ll be over at eight.’ He melted back into the lunchtime crowd.

‘Are you thinking what I’m thinking?’ Blake asked his girlfriend. He smiled wickedly. ‘When the guys come over why don’t you —?’

‘Wear tiny cut-offs, half-open, and the world’s tightest t-shirt and serve beers and snacks?’ whooped Boom Boom.

‘For starte
rs,’ said Blake.

‘And let them all touch, then strip, and crawl under the card table and suck everyone off?’ giggled the blonde.

‘Now you’re thinking the way I want you to,’ smiled Blake.

‘Oh, goody!’ Boom Boom nearly shouted. Blake’s smile just got wider. This was turning out even better than he’d hoped.

Ted showed up that night. So did Jack and Richie, two more business acquaintances of Blake’s. ‘Since when do we play cards?’ asked Richie as Blake seated his friends around the table. ‘Ah, cards is just the excuse,’ laughed Blake, playing the hearty host. ‘I just wanted to get together!’

‘Okay by me,’ agreed Jack. ‘Me, too,’ said Ted, the only one of them with a hint as to what was coming.

There was an awkward silence. ‘So — where’s the cards?’ Richie wanted to know. Blake’s eyes were averted toward the kitchen door.

Boom Boom swept in, a vision in red spike heels. She wore a pair of unfastened denim cut-offs that probably came from the junior misses’ department, they fit so tightly over her fine and curvy ass. She carried a tray of snacks in one hand and a six-pack of beer in the other, holding them high over her head so as not to block anyone’s vision of the main attraction… Boom Boom’s tremendous tits. These tits bounced mightily with every step, their protruding nipples twirling patterns in the air as the wobbled and bobbled. ‘Hello, boys,’ she purred, bending way over to place the snacks and beers on the table, offering an unobstructed view of her undulating breast-tops through her tight, low-cut t-shirt. She walked sensuously around the table, allowing her clearly aroused nipples to nip at each of the boys’ necks as they sat. She pushed her pontoons through on the other side of the table and pulled one of the beer bottles from the six-pack, lewdly licking its long neck. The men stood transfixed as she shook it and twisted the cap, aiming at her big titties. When the bottle ejaculated a spritz of beer, it soaked her shirt, making the fabric seem to disappear — as if the gaze of the four men hadn’t already done that!

‘Help yourself,’ she cooed, as the men lept forward, reaching for her chest with their fingers, tongues, and hard-ons.

Blake sat back and orchestrated the proceedings — it turned him on like a house on fire to see his girl inspiring such raging horniness among his friends.

‘Richie and Jack — one on each nipple. Suck her senseless,’ he said with quiet authority. The men obeyed as Boom Boom cried with exaggerated sexual relief at the touch of their tongues on her tits. ‘Ted…what do you want to fuck — her tits or her face?’

‘Her tits,’ said Ted without hesitation.

‘You heard the man, Boom Boom,’ said Blake. ‘Call the other two off for a minute. Ted, lie on the couch. She’ll rub a dub dub her tits around your cock and you won’t have to move a muscle. Richie and Jack, you can jerk off on her face as she works.’

The participants got into place. Boom Boom’s smiling and lauging attitude toward the group scene turned them all on. Especially Blake. Blake noticed that all three men had cocks much larger than his own. Would Boom Boom end up preferring them? He was a little worried.

With guttural moans, Ted, Jack, and Richie all unloaded their respective loads onto Boom Boom. Ted’s come soaked her knockers and dripped down onto her creamy thighs. A fresh load each from Jack and Richie slid down Boom Boom’s gorgeously slutty face and globbed onto the shelf she called her tits.

‘Okay, guys — get back into your seats at the card table!’ said Blake. ‘Boom Boom — crawl underneath and suck off each one of us in turn.’

She nodded, her face a mass of sticky goo. ‘I’ll suck off every man from here to Timbuktu!’ she cried. The men chuckled appreciatively and gave her a round of applause. Blake stopped them. ‘I’m complimented by your reaction to my woman. But she’s only doing what’s expected of her! The applause is unnecessary.’

The men thanked Blake heartily when they finally took their leave in the wee hours of the morning. Blake shook all their hands and let each of them have one more feel of Boom Boom — whatever part they cared for — to send them on their way. Not coincidentally, Blake knew that he’d cemented three very profitable business relationships forever. He’d have to remember that — Boom Boom could come in very handy, professionally. He led Boom Boom to bed by grabbing her protruding scum-soaked nipples and pulling her into the room.

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You wake up. You can help but feel like something about you has changed. It's weird but you can figure out what the change is. You get up and walk into the hallway. You notice your sister is gone and your stepmother is sleeping on the couch. You wish she would make some breakfast for once. She wakes up and enters the kitchen. She sees you. " hi Adele" that's her name. "Hello master" you question her choice of words she has never been one to joke around with you much so you really wonder why she...

Mind Control
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       When you wake up bound to the bed frame and realize that this is the best you could’ve asked for, you know that you’re broken. The question is whether it bothers you or not. For me, waking up with my wrists and ankles encased in steel, warmed from my body heat over the course of the night, is a pleasant morning. Squirming, a slight moan works up my throat. Last night’s invader is still firmly in place, stretching me deliciously.        Many men claim that they can get ‘rock hard,’ but...

1 year ago
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It had been a couple of days since our first visit to the sex shop and myself and my wife Lynn had done little else but discuss how we had both found ourselves tied up and used by the gorgeous assistant whose name I discovered on the way out was Helen.We had agreed to return on Saturday night and we were both in a permanent state of excitement as we counted down the time to our visit until it was a matter of hours before we were due to set out."Right", said Lynn, "Let's make an effort before we...

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I’m a young guy, just starting out on his own. I live in an apartment with a few other guys. Friends of mine. I have a good job, I’m going to school, and a beautiful girlfriend. Things are going OK. But my sexuality is still in its exploratory phase. For the longest time, I’ve jacked off watching shemale and crossdresser porn, reading gay and transgender/transsexual stories, and looking at Yaoi hentai. I have a thing for feminine guys. Because I’m curious, and it’s taboo, I think. I love the...

1 year ago
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Phil loves sex. He has a long thick nine inch cock that loves to fuck. He mounted many girls in college and loved fucking them hard and deep. Then he met innocent virgin Molly. He really wanted her and did every thing to win her over. She had huge tits and a sweet round ass. She fell hard for the sweet and sexy Phil. On their first date he got her naked and ate her pussy for over an hour and tongue fucked her till she screamed. It was no time till he popped her cherry in the back of his car....

2 years ago
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You wake up in your bed at around 7:30 in the morning. Its a nice warm Saturday and you get up to do your morning routine of brushing your hair, teeth and getting dressed. It seems that you are home alone untill next Monday because your parents and older sister had gone on a vacation. They had asked you if you wanted to come with but ultimately decided to stay home for some alone time. You decided to dress a little more comfortably than when anyone else is home and opted for just a loose white...

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Prologue You had used spells to get several strands of hair from Alexis' bedroom, and now sat in the room you had decorated as a place to practice stronger and more potent spells such as the immortality one you casted two centuries ago. It kept you looking like a 23 year old. You had done it after the town murdered your lesbian lover for taking the fall for you. You promised to find her again and make sure nobody kills her again. You are positive that the raven haired girl was her. But what...

2 years ago
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Sam kept her in the play room naked. She was there for sex and fun. He was a freak and loved wild kinky sex. He had married her mom when she was just a c***d and sexually abused the mom till she ran away with another man. She left her daughter and now he abused her. Men paid to fuck her and use her body any way they wanted. They could also take videos and pictures with her. She had huge tits like her mom and a great bubble ass. He had pierced her nipples and pussy. The play room had was filled...

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Jack ruled his family and what he said was not questioned. He decided what they ate and what they wore and everything that went on in the house. He made the rule that no clothes were worn by the wife and his three daughters. He also fucked his wife any where and any time. The girls were used to dad bending mom over an fucking her right there in front of them. He also finger fucked the mom constantly. The girls were beginning to grow nice big tits like their mom. Dad had always been the one to...

1 year ago
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O god! Her hand was creeping up towards my groin and I couldn't do a thing about it! I mean our parents were there for gods sake, what did she think she was doing!? I stifled a groan as her fingers started tracing the outline of my cock. We are sitting (my girlfriend and I) at a table for six in one of the classiest restaurants in town. You see, it's my parents wedding anniversary and so both our parents and us are out having a meal to celebrate. Our mothers are at either end of the...

3 years ago
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A Black on a Blonde Part 2

"You two ....Kiss." I looked at her and she looked at me, i already kissed a couple girls before so this wasnt so bad. She came closer to me, my eyes still locked on hers, I met her halfway as our lips met. I was the first to open my mouth and slide my tounge in hers, she was the first to grab my hips. I grabbed hers too as we took part in a passionate liplock. Never in my life have i kissed a black girl but her mouth tasted just as sweet. We started moving our heads around getting more...

4 years ago
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Mixing Up Is Hard To Do Part 3

Mixing Up Is Hard To Do (Part 3) Arriving at the Thomas house, Dave parked Dr. Thomas' car and shut off the engine. Unbuckling the seatbelt, finally taking some of the pressure and sensations off his new chest area, he slipped the heels back on his nylon encased feet and swung those lovely legs out the car door, taking a quick moment to straighten up his clothing. Looking at Kate Thomas' features peering back at him from the vanity mirror, he marveled at how smooth those legs felt and...

2 years ago
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A Virgin Pussy Turned Into A Threesome Fuck In Chennai

Hey guyzz this is kavin who is working in an advertising agency in Chennai. To talk about me I am a 24 years old guy and love to hang out with friends and have some sexual encounters in pubs or one night stands. I have an athletic body with 5ft 9 inches tall height. Readers can contact me through which is my e-mail id and for the information I am only straight fucker and also couples can approach me. Coming to the story, which is a real encounter, which happened in my college in chennai, and...

1 year ago
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Be careful what you wish for chapter 2

Be careful what you wish for Chapter 2 I was trapped as a very amply proportioned black girl; certainly I was light skinned but still identifiably a black female. I did not sleep, then I was woken by a whatsapp from Elaine. "Morning Liana, welcome to the first day of the rest of your life'. You will find that the only clothes that fit you are the jogger pants, they will very stretched and that old sweat you used to wear for gardening. The first thing you need to do is set up a...

3 years ago
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Part 4 of probably one of the best weekends of se

By now I had an idea about what time she would be waking up in the morning so I made sure that I would be up right around then, when I woke up I went and use the bathroom, of course, when I came back in I could tell that she was starting to wake up so I got on top of her and started kissing on her chest and her tits before making my way down to her belly and kissing on her pussy a little bit, I climbed on top of her and started fucking her nice and slow while Burying my face and her neck...

1 year ago
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a beautiful boy

I’d been in Singapore for a couple of weeks when another chap was put into my bunk room.  He was just 18, the same as me, slim, blonde, and bloody beautiful, with long hair he’d have looked like a girl. I sugested that we went into town that evening for a few drinks.  We went into a bar I knew, and as soon as we sat down 2 bar girls sat next to us.  We bought them a drink, coloured water of course, whilst we drank scotch.  As soon as their drinks were on the table, they undid our flies and...

4 years ago
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My Stepmother Dream Pt2

Florence and I lay in her bed for about the next half hour just holding each other and kissing and petting. My mind kept racing about the events that had unfolded that evening. Here I was in bed with my stepmother, the woman that I had a secret crush on for the last few years. Waves of guilt and excitement flowed through me. She was almost 25 years my senior but to me she was better than a teenage prom queen.I pulled her close to me and I could feel her body heat and her smell that had...

3 years ago
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Bhalobasher chodon

Roj ratre ghumer bori kheye ghumate hoi. Na khele, kichutei ghum ase na. Ar chok-ta ektu lege elei, emon sob swopno dekhte suru kori je bhoi ar atonke ghumer ghore buuuu..buuuu…awaz korte thaki. Tokhon goutam, amar swami, deke dei amake. Aj-o tai holo. Goutam amake deke tule dile, ami dhok dhok kore ek glass jol kheye, drawing room-e ese sofa-te boslam. Ghorite dekhlam rat 12-30 baje. Goutam-o uthe elo, ese amar pase boslo, bollo, ‘eber ek jon doctor dekhano dorkar, ebhabe beshi din cholle,...

3 years ago
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Silver Lining 4

End of Part 3: Seeing her delicate features in such pleasure was too much for me. Coupled with the pleasure she was giving me, I came deep inside her. I rolled off of her, pulling her close, cuddling with her. I kissed her head softly and turned to look at the clock. 12:03. As I turned back, I saw a figure in the window in my peripheral vision. And though I was praying it wasn’t true, I swore I saw the figure holding a camera. I put the thought to the back of my mind. Right now, I had a...

2 years ago
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45 Saal Ki Naukrani Ki Chudai

Hello, Dosto main vishal bauth din ke baad aaya fir se ek saachi ghatna le kar dost ke ghar dost ki naukarani ko choda.Mail me Tho chalo aab story suno mera dost hamare ghar se half hr ki duri par rehta hain. Wo airforce mein job karta hain wo kuch dino ki chhuti mein apne ghar aaya ghumne.Mujhe phn kiya kaha vishal ghar aha main aaya hu main khus hua aur uske ghar nikla dost ka naam dipak hain. Uske ghar mein uski mumi aur ek naukarani rehti hain uske papa 1 year pehele expire kar gaye dost...

3 years ago
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Down the Road to Glory

Introduction: Chapter 14 another chapter in my life this one leads me to a gloryhole I last left you with Kim having made me cry. I had just spent the day with her after we skipped school. We had not been together for a while and I was looking forward to some fun with her. We did have a little bit of fun however, it was a day filled with her making smart remarks. It all boiled down to her still wanting John. I was very upset as I drove to work mainly due to questions I had running around in my...

2 years ago
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Teen in a Towel Part III

With that, she leaned forward and kissed me ever so softly on the lips. I didn't lean in, but didn't pull back, either. After the kiss, I said "Angelica, I'm really flattered by your attention. A couple of things, though: 1) you are not obligated to me - I just helped a damsel in distress, and 2) I'm almost 3X your age!" She simple said, "So what?" She then leaned forward even more, causing her tits to spill from her white, unbuttoned frock. Now, I had soft, warm lips on mine - her tongue in my...

3 years ago
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Sons Revenge 3

Son's revenge 3 A year had passed since Rik had returned to Woodchip. He returned to rebuild his relationship with his mother Jodi. He began a sexual relationship with Jodi and her adopted daughter Ashley. Little did he know that he had walked into her nightmare. Jodi was raped and abused by her boyfriend Ron and Rik's old enemy Jack. Rik killed Jack and put Ron in jail. Shortly after, he started his own private company helping people closer to home rather than overseas. Happy ending!...

2 years ago
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A Sensuous Escapade With Kaveri

Hi there, I’m sharing an experience of mine that changed the course of life and made me more sensitive and loving as a person. This incident happened a few years back when I was working with an MNC and used to travel extensively. I was in marketing, so it involved meeting a lot of new and interesting people. Pardon me for this long story but the incident involves a lot of passion. So read it when you are at peace, to enjoy it to the fullest. A little about me, I’m from Mumbai, 38 yrs, 5’10”,...

4 years ago
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Two Gurls and a Guy

I know you had a long day but do you mind if I invite a girlfriend over tonight, Celeste asked? Of course not babe I am just going to chill upstairs with a book tonight. Who is coming over? Just a new friend Carmine I met at work. Cool I replied as I finished dinner and headed upstairs. Kicking back on the bed half asleep and deep into a novel I heard the doorbell ring, some chatting a wine cork and the back door slider. At some point I must have dozed off and awoke startled with Celeste in a...

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A new start in Australia

Your mother is telling you to wake up, but you are so comfortable. You try to roll over and go back to sleep but you feel something poking into your side. Confused, you open your eyes wondering what is going on. You're in the plane flying to Australia. "The pilot just announced that we're about to land." your mother says. "What time is it?" you ask. "Yesterday" she replies with a grin. You look back confused for a few seconds before you remember the international date line. "Funny" you reply "I...

3 years ago
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She wanted to go to the gloryhole

With that, this story takes place around 20 years ago. At the time I was a young hard working project manager of a construction company and our office was in the heart of that wonderful neighborhood. Her name was Heidi. There she was waiting for me outside my job. I was more confused than anything because I was leaving early and I believed I didn’t tell anyone. Seeing her was the last thing I wanted. I had plans later that evening, and some errands I had to take care of before going...

3 years ago
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Caitlin and James

Caitlin and James By Cherie Petersson He was wearing pigtails and large hoop earrings when I first saw him. He's absolutely adorable. Maybe I should introduce myself first. My name is Caitlin, a few months ago I split up with my latest boyfriend - another in a long list of bossy macho males who saw me as a potential trophy wife and wanted me to put them first and me second. Well my ambition isn't to be a trophy wife, I love my job, I'm excellent at it, so why should I sacrifice...

4 years ago
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Just Let it Happen Harry

THE SETTING is New Zealand, errors and grammar are copyright to the author. * CHAPTER 1 Bored stiff and facing another weekend home alone and not being asked to parties because it was known she was currently without a guy, Chelsea Rhodes was passing the reception desk late Friday when a tall guy in a blue shirt and yellow jeans for goodness sake was being turned away. ‘As I said sir we don’t hire executives here. Our agency is Executive Search International and here is their card.’ Chelsea...

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Megans Mothers Milk

Megan opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling of her sunlit room. She stretched her arms out as she yawned, contemplating if she should go back to sleep. She got her answer from her growling stomach and rolled out of bed. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was 1:34 PM. She tried to think of a good excuse for why she slept in so late as she got dressed and headed downstairs to get herself a bowl of Crazy Sugar Explosion-O's™. "Hey Meg," Megan's mother Kathryn said. "Did you just wake...

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I was born at the tail end of the boomer generation. My family consisted of my parents and two older brothers and an older sister. Then there was me. The closest in age to me was my sister and she had four years on me. Because of the difference in ages between me and my siblings I spent a lot of time alone -- especially after my sister hit puberty and started dating. One summer day when my parents and brothers were at work, my sister was out in the back yard 'suntanning' with a couple of...

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Mother Fucks Son In The Absence Of Dad

This is 48th story penned under the name of Sultana Sinha (name changed). I am 36 yrs old male from Patna. The story was forwarded by with a request to get it published on ISS. If you like, the story please say, so on my mail or I am Latha. I am telling my sex story with my son. This happened when my husband was working in gulf. We had a big debt because of business failure and husband had to sign a bond to work abroad for 5 years. He left last year and I was alone without sex for almost 1...

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Dated My Intern And Getting Physical

Hi I am Abhishek 24 years old currently working in an MNC(delhi). I am 5’9″ in height with Athletic body and fair in colour. I am from one of the most prestigious college in India. i am a huge fan of ISS read its all stories. Finally I thought of submitting mine and make other enjoy it too. This is my first story on ISS and many more will be coming. This is a real story. This incidence happened 1 year earlier when I was working in Ahmadabad for a MNC. Let me tell you Ahmadabad girls are smoking...

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Wife has fun after years of begging

+Introduction:Wife has fun after years of beggingThis is what happened one night at a party. Wendy my wife is 35 weighs about 135 pounds and is 5’11” her tits are a D cup. We have been married for 15 years and have two k**s but from the way here body looks it is hard to tell. She has always been very conservative about her dress and showing off her body.I had always wanted her to show off more and had even tried to get her to talk about it while we were having sex but she would always say she...

1 year ago
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At The Park

It’s 10AM and my alarm is singing its awful wake up call. Luckily it’s Friday and I don’t have any class today, but I figured that I would be productive today since the semester is drawing near an end and time is running short. I roll out of bed like usual, grab some shorts and a t-shirt to throw on so I can make my way to the bathroom; after all, my roommate is up and about by now and I don’t need her to catch me walking around in my birthday suit. Once I make it back to my room, I sort...

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A Summers Day part 2

Tucker couldn’t believe that he had just witnessed. Tess, screaming his name as she came. Hearing that made him hard again. His dream, masturbating, thinking of him. Tucker looked at her now, still sprawled on the table, hand still buried in her pussy, smiling at him. “Fuck, “ he thought, “I’m gonna, I just have to.” Tucker opened the screen door and went in. Tess’ eyes locked with his, then traveled down to his still open jeans. Tuckers cock twitched in his hand as he walked towards her. Her...

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Anthony / Antonia I stood at the half open door to the room and gazed at the amazing sight that met my disbelieving eyes. The room was my own bedroom and my own son was indulging in what was, to any other eyes but mine, a terribly, unnatural, if not perverted. game. To others it would certainly seem so but I found it thoroughly fascinating and definitely exciting. He was dressing in my own clothes and very definitely getting an enornous sexual kick from the experience as his jutting...

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