Mixing Up Is Hard To Do Part 3 free porn video

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Mixing Up Is Hard To Do (Part 3) Arriving at the Thomas house, Dave parked Dr. Thomas' car and shut off the engine. Unbuckling the seatbelt, finally taking some of the pressure and sensations off his new chest area, he slipped the heels back on his nylon encased feet and swung those lovely legs out the car door, taking a quick moment to straighten up his clothing. Looking at Kate Thomas' features peering back at him from the vanity mirror, he marveled at how smooth those legs felt and how soft those clothes were against this female form. He tried to get his face to reflect a natural look that Kate would normally have, then proceeded to walk to the door. By this time, as long as he concentrated, he found he was able to walk alright in the heels, even though with every step, the strange feelings he received from his hips and chest, reminded him he was no longer himself, but in the mother of his girlfriend's mother. Taking a deep breath, ('boy, that really makes these breasts feel strange' he thought) he grabbed the doorknob. 'Okay, I hope this works,' he thought to himself, 'I am Dr. Kate Thomas, research scientist and mother (OH GOD?MOTHER) of my darling Lori.' Opening the door, he took tentative steps into the entryway, taking in the home that, for the moment, was now his. The lights were on, soft music playing from what he remembered as from the direction of the Thomas' kitchen area. Listening, he thought he heard someone putting some utensils away. There also seemed to be a sound of water running from the upper floors. As he set the purse on the end table and started to take off the lab jacket, he heard steps approach from the kitchen. Was it Lori? There before Dave was not his girlfriend, but the Thomas's live-in housekeeper, Maria. "Oh, Senora Thomas, you're finally home. Let me put away your coat. Lori's young man explained about the incident at the lab, when we saw the police car drop him and Senorita Sandra off at his home. Poor thing must have been real shook up. Wouldn't say a word, just strange moaning sounds, clutching onto Senor Dave, glancing all around. Hopefully, he was able to settle her fine at his house. I told him I'd be glad to take her in myself." The Thomas' had hired Maria back when Lori was born to help around the house, while they worked. After the accident that took the life of Lori's father, five years ago, Kate Thomas made the offer to Maria to move in. The 48 year old Spanish-American, although starting to show her age, she could still make the eyes turn her way. She made Dave think of the Mexican beauties in the westerns on TV. Dave thought to himself, 'If you only knew, that inside the lovely body of Sandra Hewitt, there resided the mind not of a woman, but of a monkey, you wouldn't be so quick to offer?that the best person to do that is Sandra, now trapped in my body.' "I'm sure Dave will be fine, Maria. I've told him to contact me if there is something that he can't handle. I'll check with him in the morning. Is Lori home?" he asked. "Si, she's upstairs, preparing for her shower, before retiring for tonight. She did say she'd wait up for you, though. Meanwhile, I've got a plate ready for your dinner. Spaghetti, bread sticks and your favorite wine. Now sit." Dave sat, being careful to keep those legs together, as Maria set the plate of food before him. Normally, Italian wasn't Dave's favorite, and wine didn't agree, but to keep the impression that he was Kate, he dug in. Strangely to him, the tastes were pleasurable, and not realizing how hungry his borrowed body was, he finished the plate in a snap. 'The taste buds in this body must be more attuned to this cuisine than my old body,' Dave thought. 'It's funny how that little plateful seemed to fill my stomach, though.' "Seconds, Miss Kate?" asked Maria. "No thank you, it was delicious as always. I think I'll head upstairs to my room for awhile." "Very well. You seem a little out of sorts tonight. Once Lori is finished, I'll prepare a relaxing bath for you. I know how you prefer them over showers. Hopefully, that will take away the tension from today's excitement. I do hope that that nice guard, Senor Frank was it, will pull through." Inside his thoughts, Dave agreed. Dr. Kate Thomas, whose body he now was in, was now trapped in Frank, the security guard, injured critically in the incident which caused the lab accident. If she didn't, and he returned to his body, that would leave Lori without her mother. If he couldn't switch back, could he keep making believe that he was Lori's mother? "I'm sure he'll be fine, Maria. And thank you, the bath sounds great." Heading up the stairs, leaving Maria to the dishes, a thought came to Dave. 'BATH---How do I handle this? I'm going to have to undress this body! Now I've seen pictures of naked women in Dad's Playboy's when Mom didn't know I looked, but I never thought I'd have to be one.' Suddenly, just as he got to the top step, the door to the upstairs bathroom swung open. Lori, clad only in a towel, peeking her head out, and upon seeing who she thought was her mother, rushed at Dave, giving him a big hug. "I'm glad you're home, Mom. Are you alright? From what Dave explained, I was so worried." While Dave usually enjoyed hugging Lori, this time it was awkward, as now Lori's breasts were pushing against the breasts on Dave's chest, which before tonight, Dave did not have. Seeing his girlfriend, clad only in a skimpy towel, also through Dave for a loop. "I-I'm fine, honey. Don't worry. For awhile, I'll continue my research, as much as I can, here at home." "Do you want me to cancel tomorrow's pool party? I can still call the gang and let them know that we'll postpone." Dave had forgotten about the party that Lori had put together. Dave and Lori, Pete and Rachel, and T J always picked this weekend of the year to get together in Lori's backyard for a pool party barbecue. "No?that won't be necessary. I'm sure Maria's set up all the food." Going to have to miss the usual fun with his friends, Dave reminded himself to let Sandra know in the morning that she'd be expected to come as Dave. What they would do with Doris the chimp as Sandra, Dave didn't know. "Would you mind rubbing some lotion on my back, Mom? It's in a place I can't reach and since you're here..." "Okay." Taking the bottle of body lotion and standing behind Lori, Dave started to massage the lotion on Lori's shoulders. 'If I only was in my own body.' Dave thought. Then he got a surprise as Lori dropped the towel, leaving her in her birthday suit. "A little lower, right in the middle of my back, please." Dave tried not to stare at his girlfriend's body, applying a dab of lotion to the backside of Lori. 'The first time I've seen her completely naked,' he thought, 'and I've got to pretend that as her mother, I've seen this my whole life.' "Hey Mom, easy with the nails." Lori said, flinching. Distracted, and still not used to having long fingernails, Dave had accidentally scratched Lori's back with the nail on one slender finger. Grabbing her nightie, she slipped into it, then through on a nightgown. "Sorry, honey. Guess my mind's somewhere else tonight." 'Actually my body is.' he added to himself. "Night, Mom." she said, giving Dave a quick kiss and hug. "Love you." he replied, giving her a hug back, then watched as she went into, then closed the door to her room. Suddenly tearful, wishing that he could tell her the truth, he proceeded towards a part of the house he'd never entered ? Kate's, now his, room. Inside was an elegantly attired bedroom set ? queen-size bed, full size closet, etc. He kicked off the shoes, then picking them up, walked over to the closet to put them away. Inside, he was amazed at the number of shoes and outfits. 'How does she chose? As a guy, all I did was grab a shirt, some pants, and chose from sneaks or oxfords. She has to have a different pair for each day of the month.' "Senora, your bath is ready." Maria said around the corner, inside the master bathroom. "Let me help you undress, and then I'll retire for the evening." Secretly thankful, but apprehensive to be stripping in front of a woman, Dave let her help unfasten the clothing. Trying not to stare at himself as he took off the skirt and blouse, he sat down and let Maria roll off the nylons off each leg. Stepping out of the panties and undoing his bra, he finally felt the full weight of his new bosom. Stepping into the tub, filled with aromatic bubbles, he let his new body sink in. After picking up Dave's clothes, Maria bid him good-night, leaving him alone. Not really a bath person, he was surprised - just as with the food - how nice it felt in this body. Surprised at the buoyancy of the breasts and how pleasant the aroma of the soap suds, he proceeded to feel them, no longer encased in a bra. He ran his now slender hands all over, under the soap suds, getting waves of pleasure when touching his nipples. While the water and suds also gave him a strange pleasurable sensation from below, he restrained himself from overly touching himself there, not wanting to take liberties with someone else's body. Gingerly stepping out, he grabbed the towel Maria had laid out and dried himself off. Looking for bedclothes, he was surprised to only find night robes. 'Dr. Thomas must sleep in the nude.' Dave slipped into the bed, surprised to find satin sheets and how nice they felt against his bare skin, giving him another pleasure wave as they touched the bare nipples of his breasts. Exhausted, Dave fell quickly to sleep. Dave roused from his slumber with a sensation of something brushing against his face and a strange sound accompanying it ? was that purring? Disoriented, hoping that yesterday was just a dream, he opened his eyes to see a cat rubbing against him. Moving onto his side, Dave immediately felt that, no indeed, he hadn't imagined it, as the movement and weight of breasts and the long locks of hair falling in front of his face, brought him back to the realization that he was still trapped in Kate's body. "Tiger, you know better than that. Get down. Good morning." Maria greeted Dave, as she spotted the cat as she walked by the doorway. "Did you sleep well? What choice of apparel for today?" "Morning, Maria." Dave replied, pulling the sheets over his breasts. "Something casual, but practical. How about the white top there with some pants? I'll be doing some work in my study this morning, before Lori's party this afternoon. You can bring me some coffee and toast there. Is she up yet?" "No, not yet. Shall we rouse her?" "No, let her sleep. Tell her that I'll be checking in on Dave this morning so she can concentrate on helping you with the party." Taking the bra and panties laid out by Maria on the bed, he went into the bathroom. After relieving himself (a strange adventure on it's own, making sure to wipe his private area), he stepped into the panties, then proceeded with the bra. After some fumbling, trying to latch it from behind, he finally remembered hearing about a trick some girls did, latching it from the front, then twisting it around. Doing this, he was able to finally get those breasts into the cups of the bra, then bringing the straps over his shoulders; he felt some relief from the weight. Splashing some cold water onto his smooth face, he stared into the mirror, looking at the face of Kate Thomas looking back at him. After a quick brush of his teeth, (my, she still had great, white teeth), he stepped back into the bedroom. Maria handed him a pair of white linen pants and a white cotton V-neck top. He then finished with a pair of ladies white open toed sandals. "Here, let me help fix your hair." Maria suggested, brushing, then helping Dave put it into a ponytail in back. "Thanks, Maria. I don't know what I'd do without you." To himself, Dave added 'And that's the truth. At least with her help, I'll still pass as Dr. Thomas without anyone suspecting too much.' After Maria left, Dave fastened on Kate's fashion watch, then decided to add a bracelet. Walking out into the hallway towards the stairway, he paused at Lori's doorway. Pushing it open a crack, he stared at her, sound asleep, cuddling up against her pillow, her youthful breasts pushing tight against the fabric of the nightie. 'Oh man, she's beautiful.' he thought to himself. 'How do I keep these feelings inside, when all I want to do is to hold her, and caress that lovely body.' Telling himself that these were not proper thoughts of a mother, reminding him that he was now acting as Lori's mother, he slowly closed the door and proceeded downstairs into Kate's workroom/study. Finding a notebook containing Kate's password, Dave logged into the computer. Opening up some program files, skimming through the contents, many of which were over his head, he finally came up on a file describing the memory experiment. Scanning through the notes, he came upon Kate's mentioning of the portable machine, and that if yesterday's results turned out, she'd begin the test of the smaller machine. Looking around the room, he spotted a locked compartment. Retrieving Kate's key ring, he started trying keys. With a sigh of relief, on the next to last key, he finally got the lock to turn. Opening the compartment, among other gadgets, he pulled out the smaller version of the machine from yesterday. Plugging it in to charge up, Dave skimmed through the rest of the notes on the testing. Looking like a large radar gun with a satellite dish attachment, it finished its charge up as Maria brought in Dave's coffee and toast. Thanking her, he downloaded the file onto Kate's laptop, then told Kate that he would be going to check on Dave and Sandra. He threw on a pair of sunglasses and walked out the door. His house was just a few blocks away and as he stepped into the driveway, he was met by TJ, who lived next door. "Hey Mrs. T, how's it going? I was just about to check in with Dave myself. He had a lot of noise over there last night. Boy, that assistant of yours is pretty, but strange. Kept yelling out, nonsense like, until I heard Dave put on some soft music." Knowing that Kate preferred to address him by his full first name, Dave said, "Oh Theodore, I bet they're fine. Now why don't you get ready for our party today, while I check on things?" "Okay, but give a call if you need a hand. See you later." Taking out the house key that his parents had given Kate, Dave opened the door and stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. Seeing his living room in shambles, couch cushions and pillows strewn around, he announced himself. "Sandy or you awake? It's me, Dave." Not getting a response, but hearing music from a stereo, he approached his room. "Sandy?" he inquired pushing his door open. No one was there. Wait, the music seemed to be coming from his parents' room. Opening the door Dave was shocked at the sight of seeing himself, in bed with the body of Sandra, snuggling closely, both bodies in various states of undress. "What's going on Sandy?" Dave inquired, rousing the two bodies. "D-D-Dave? Oh my God, I-I couldn't help myself. Watching Doris cavort around in my body, I- I guess I wasn't prepared for the effect of your teenage male hormones on my mind in your body. I just had to start caressing my old body. That, plus the music, also seemed to calm Doris down and before I knew it we were kissing and all over each other. But I did not go as far as having sex, I swear!" Doris climbed out, sauntering over to Dave, moving much more feminine, less like the ape she actually was. 'My lord,' Dave thought, watching Sandra's scantily clad body approach, 'boy, is she sexy. If I wasn't female myself at the moment, I don't know if I could control myself.' Giving Dave a hug, then playing with a lock of Sandra's hair, Doris then plopped down into a recliner. "I S-san-dee." Pointing at her body, Doris surprised Dave by speaking, then, pointing at Dave, she uttered, "K-kate fur-ennd?" "Yes, Kate is your friend. Sandra, how?" As she put on some of Dave's clothes, she explained that with Doris' mind now in a human brain, she was able to teach her a few words and that Doris caught on quickly. Touching her body, Doris said, "San-dee f-feel good. Like Dav. Dav Fur- end." She pointed towards the real Sandy in Dave's body. Finding some fruit for Doris and herself, Sandra sat at the kitchen table across from Dave. "I called the hospital earlier. It seems that 'Frank' hasn't regained consciousness yet, but has been heard mumbling, so it's not a coma and they say 'he' should pull through" Dave mulled the news over. "That's great. Oh, I think I found the portable device. I brought over the file on the laptop. Take a look. Will it help?" Pondering over the data, Sandra replied, "It just might work. If I can get it to reproduce last night's effect. Being a smaller device, the effects might be harder to achieve. We'll test it on the three of us. If it works, we can then hopefully get the others back as well." "Come on over to the Thomas' home." Dave explained to Sandra about the pool party with his, now her friends. "You can probably find some of my Mom's clothes that should fit Doris. Once you get her looking like you should, drop on in. I'll take her into Kate's study until we get a chance to try the device. Make sure you bring my trunks, second drawer down. I should get back, to help with the preparations." Leaving his old familiar surroundings, Dave walked back towards his new home, thinking that it had to work. It just had to! Later, near noon, Rachel arrived. As she went upstairs with Lori to change, Dave helped Maria set the food out. As Maria started up the grill, Dave took the machine from the study, setting it on the kitchen counter, examining the controls. Just then Sandra arrived, in trunks and T-shirt, escorting Doris in. "Is it safe?" she asked. Dave gave her a nod, then taking Doris' hand, led her into the study. Turning on the TV, Sandra found a cartoon which Doris seemed to like. "Stay here, okay. Here's some snacks." "O K San-Dee Goood Gurl." Doris replied. "She learns fast." Dave remarked, as they left the room to look at the machine. "Now let's see. Let me just make a few adjustments. There, now reattach the power cord to the supply, and then let's put a full charge in." Then, spying the two girls coming down the stairs dressed in bikinis, at the same time as Pete and TJ pulled in, she added, "Just leave it plugged in for now. Looks like I'm on." Going over towards the teenagers, Sandra embraced Lori and pecked her with a quick kiss on the cheek. "Wow baby, do you look good." Pete came up behind Rachel, grabbing her in a giant bear hug. "Yeah, Lor. And you're not so bad, either Rache!!" he joked with his girl. Looking at who she thought was Dave, Lori asked Sandra, "Are you sure you're alright, babe?" Nuzzling her head against Sandra's male chest, Lori added, "I was so worried about how you were doing all night." "I'm fine, baby. No need for worrying that cute little face." As Maria came back in for the refrigerated food, Dave moved to help. "Hey, Mrs. T, what's this crazy gadget do?" TJ asked, coming over and looking at the machine. "Some new satellite TV receptor or something?" Dave looked at his friend by the machine then quickly remarked, "Don't touch that. It's an important experiment that I'm working on with Dave." "Hey Dave, where's Sandy? I saw you head over here with her, and since I'm without a date, how about introducing me?" TJ asked. Sandra replied, "She's resting. I'm sure Sandy will be around soon." Hearing her new name from the other room, Doris leapt out of the chair and opened the door. She had been playing with the cat, Tiger, when thinking that 'Dave' was calling her, she came out holding the cat. Putting the cat down, she looked at the others, a quizzical expression on her face, then looked at 'Dave'. "Fur-ennds?" she asked. "San-dee good girl?" With everyone staring at 'Sandy', TJ, looking at the stunning figure, remarked, "You bet, Sandy." Taking her hand, he added, "We can be good friends." "San-dee like. Make San-dee Feel Goood." Lori looked at the scene before her, then inquired, "Dave, Mom, is she okay? Sandy doesn't seem to be her normal self. Actually, since last night, none of you have been acting just right." Dave looked toward Sandra, who gave him a slight nod. With a big gulp, he started explaining what happened last night. He got to the part of the flash, then paused. Sandra resumed. "Lori, guys, the accident last night caused everyone's memories to be displaced, then deposited back, unfortunately not into the correct bodies. This is hard to believe but I'm not Dave, I'm Sandra." Mouth agape, Lori stammered, "Th-th-then that means you're not my mother. How can this be? You know so much about her, move like her, act like her!" Pointing at him, she demanded, "WHO ARE YOU IF YOU'RE NOT HER. I DON'T BELIEVE IT?" Dave placed a hand on Lori's shoulder. Lori flinched at the touch. "We didn't think that anyone could, so to spare you until we could find a way back to our own bodies, we pretended to be who we appeared to be. Lori, I'm not your Mom. It's me, Dave. Please understand this has been extremely awkward for me too. Sandy and I hope to use the machine on the shelf to recreate the accident to get our bodies back." Just then Maria saw Tiger on the shelf, trying to get some leftover tuna from the open cans. "Get down from there, you dustmop." Startled, Tiger ran along the shelf, brushing against the plugged in machine. "Get away from there!" Before anyone could react, the machine plunged to the floor, hitting switches. Starting to make a hum, Dave and Sandra remarked almost together, "Everyone outside, now!" Not in time though. By the time anyone could reach the door, the machine let out a final flash that filled the room, knocking everyone to the floor. Once the flash subsided, Dave opened his eyes. Maybe because he'd been through it before, he seemed to not experience any sensory overload this time. Glancing around, he spotted only one other body stirring, that of TJ. Everyone else had blacked out instantly. Surmising who this might be, he queried, "Sandy? Is that you?" Glancing toward Dave, The person in TJ's body answered, "Yeah, I'm afraid so. Looks like the fall damaged the machine. I'm assuming that is you, Dave?" Dave nodded, feeling long hair moving around. Feeling a chill, he looked down to still see female breasts, but they were now only covered in a bikini top. He glanced at the smooth bare legs and noticed the matching bottom that barely covered his rear. 'OH NO!! I went from being my girlfriend's mother to becoming my own girlfriend.' When the others woke, there was going to be a lot of confusion. "Do you think they'll believe our story now?" Sandra remarked To Be Continued?

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Mixing Pleasure with Business pt 1 by 2 WayStory codes : m+/f; latex ;  toys; breathplay; wrap; deep throat; weird insertions; bladder play; forced feed; scat; bound;  X                                             Silver Catsuit        Tim and Jill are wealthy, happy and loving couple. Tim is a very successful businessman. Jill is a beautiful Chinese with 5’ 7? pretty Asian face, lovely slender neck, white smooth skin, hourglass body shape, big boops, slim waistline, flat tummy, long...

2 years ago
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Mixing Business With Pleasure

Preface: A year and a bit ago I decided that what I was getting back from posting erotic stories didn't justify the time spent so I quit doing it. I decided to share this recent event in my life just for fun expecting no recognition of the effort that went into writing it. I hope you enjoy it. Jackie Mixing Business With Pleasure I could have cried; as if I wasn't already feeling blue enough. My hairdresser and occasional lover of ten years informed me at our last appointment that she...

3 years ago
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Threesome Fun Richards Story

The final chapter of this Threesome Fun story line - If you're new to this story, please read Kelly's story first then Martin's story. We rested for a while. I slipped out of Kelly’s sexy underwear and placed it on the dressing table chair. I was reluctant to remove the stockings so I kept them on. Both Richard and I were sated after the last session that we had and it was Kelly that started to spice things up. Kelly reached for the paper on the dressing table. I didn’t even know she brought...

Group Sex
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Shard of DestinyChapter 3

Deland, Massachusetts June 8-9, 2003 Ben That, young man, is a very long story. Ben’s mind reeled, bordering on full blown panic. He was asleep, but also awake, and there was someone in his mind speaking to him. Was this demonic possession? Was this schizophrenia he was experiencing? He thought the latter was more likely, never being able to rationalize the possibility of angels or demons in his engineers mind. Ben also remembered reading an article that said people of high intelligence...

2 years ago
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Harding HouseChapter 7 Locked in Sleepover

Billy's story I looked at the foot of the bed, there was a brass plaque screwed onto it. Elizabeth Harding A Beauty in repose I pointed this out to Kate, she nodded. "So the only person in the family grave is Josiah himself! I hope he's lonely there." Her voice showed how angry she was, I told her what Darcy had said about there being no spirit in this part of the room she nodded absentmindedly, she seemed to be thinking to herself, and then she looked up. "Billy?" She started, "I...

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My dad had a stepbrother named Hardy. Hardy was actually his surname and his first name was Harold, but he hated his first name and always insisted on being referred to as Hardy.My dad, Arnie, and Hardy became stepbrothers when they were sixteen-years-old. With both their parents being divorcees, Hardy’s mother married my grandfather. The two boys had been born three months apart and had not only become stepbrothers after the marriage of their parents, but also best friends.Two years later,...

Gay Male
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A Very Extreme Hardy Reunion

This story is written by both Dice Casden and Kristi as part of the D&K Universe. ****** Inside Team Extreme’s locker room, after their reunion match on the November 21, 2006 edition of ECW on SCI-FI, Matt and Jeff Hardy are relaxing after defeating the Full Blooded Italians in a hard fought exciting match that wowed fans in the arena and all over the world. Matt, dressed in his old-school Hardy Boyz-era pants, smirks at Jeff, ‘Damn Jeff… it was great out there just like out times…’ Matt...

2 years ago
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Janice returns to Mr Hardy

“Anyone home?” It was Sam (Samantha) calling out. She had just come home from work. I looked over in the bed at Mr. Hardy. Mr. Hardy was Sam’s dad. Maybe I should explain. Earlier today I had come over to hang out with my BFF Sam. It was finally summer. We were both single. Both just turned 19. (I was exactly a week older than Sam. Our Birthdays were about a month ago). Anyway, when I got here, I found out Sam had been called into work. She worked at the mall. I had planned on leaving, but...

3 years ago
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Playboy Hardboy Hardcore

“What’s your name?” “It’s Jina, who are you?” “I’m Calvin. Why are you rubbing me, not that I mind.” “I thought you were sexy and I had to start rubbing you, I’m sorry it was instinct.” “Alright, keep on doing it.” Jina kept massaging Calvin but then suddenly, she started making out with Calvin’s neck. “Come down in the water if you want to make out”, Calvin said. Jina slipped into the water and took her top off. They started making out passionately and Calvin was massaging her...

1 year ago
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Hardcore Sex With Hardbody

Hello, Indian sex story readers. I was recently at a friend’s birthday party and was having a very average evening, my friend being a Jain had no nonveg or alcohol at the party. Why would she even call it a party? Vidhisha was my college friend but was working with an advertising firm. Her office colleagues were there too. Some of us hung out after the party and went to a local pub to have some drinks. We all had really hit it off and calling a night was tough. I hitched a Uber with Sneha,...

2 years ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 21

The Doctor walked over to a cart filled with several pieces of equipment, picking up a large enema syringe that looked like a giant hypodermic needle, filled with a whitish material; he walked around, showed it to Tonya, and continued on to the back of the test bench. He nodded to Nancy, who took a dollop of lubricating jelly on her finger and placed it on the helpless girl's exposed anus. Nancy's finger slowly circled around Tonya's tightly clenched orifice as the Doctor spoke. "What...

1 year ago
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Richards Tales More Fun With the Coach

She entered the shower, feeling a little bit of Richard's cum still seeping out of her. She quickly showered up, making sure to get her freshly fucked pussy clean of the cum. After she finished in the shower, she toweled off and walked back into the office. Richard was awake, still naked and sitting on the edge of the desk, when she entered and he grinned at her, "that was the most incredible sex I have ever had." She laughed lightly, "glad I could be of assistance," speaking almost...

3 years ago
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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

Love Stories
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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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Orchard Ch 2

Tricia didn’t even look to the left as so passed the orchard, driving exactly at the speed limit but gripping the car’s steering wheel is if it were the life preserver being tossed to a possible drowning victim. Again, the day was hot, as it was just last week when she first passed this way and had stopped. And again, she left her job with the same frustration and anger she experienced seven days earlier simmering just beneath the carefully crafted veneer of her facial expression. She’d be...

1 year ago
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Principal Hardy

J. D. Hardy was sitting behind his desk doing the dreaded paperwork that came with the job of principal of Hall High School. He had held that position for three years now and enjoyed the work. He also liked the power that came with the title. No one called him J. D., at least not to his face. It was Principal Hardy to everyone, students and teachers alike. Even his wife Sally addressed him as Principal once or twice a month when they played their little game. He was Principal Hardy and Sally...

2 years ago
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The Orchard of Infinite Delight

I was introduced to Evelyn when I joined the Philharmonic Chorus for the first time. The nervous wait to learn that I had successfully passed a series of auditions was over, but I had much to learn. Evelyn, a mezzo like myself, was asked to guide me through the early stages. In time she would lead me through other experiences that had nothing to do with singing. At first I was totally involved in the new world I had joined. We sang with all the country’s leading orchestras and under conductors...

4 years ago
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The Orchard of Infinite Delight

I was introduced to Evelyn when I joined the Philharmonic Chorus for the first time. The nervous wait to learn that I had successfully passed a series of auditions was over, but I had much to learn. Evelyn, a mezzo like myself, was asked to guide me through the early stages. In time she would lead me through other experiences that had nothing to do with singing. At first I was totally involved in the new world I had joined. We sang with all the country’s leading orchestras and under conductors...

3 years ago
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Fucking a True Athlete Getting It on with Tonya Harding

Chapter 1 I knew who Tonya was before all the "Nancy Kerrigan" and Jeff Gillooly hoo-rah! I love watching competitive ice skating for the athleticism artistry that the skaters' men and women' demonstrate. But' like many of you I'm sure' the sudden public notoriety that Tonya was thrust into by the stupid attack on Nancy put her centermost in my thoughts. I'll admit right now that I have always found Tonya very attractive' sexy and desirable. She may not be every man's "ideal...

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Tonya Harding Spanked While In Woburn Mass

In late 2008, former figure skater Tonya Harding was traveling around the USA making public appearances in hopes of regaining the support of her fans by putting on public skating shows. As Tonya was driving though little did she realize that the gas tank on her mini van was getting low. About an hour later she runs out of gas in the small town of Stoneham, Massachusettes. The birth place and home town of her once rival Nancy Kerrigan. Tonya being totally oblivious to this fact steps out of...

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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 16

After Tonya calmed down, Nancy pulled her boot back on, then put her arm around the still-shaking ex-skater, guiding her out into the hall. They walked, Tonya's legs wobbly from her ordeal, to a room with a bed in it. Nancy motioned to it. "Sit." Tonya sat; the bed was nice and soft, and she waited quietly for Nancy to explain what would happen next... "I told you I'd stop the pain if you gave me pleasure, Tonya; now, you get to do it. Undress me, so that you can worship my...

1 year ago
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Shard of DestinyChapter 4

Deland, Massachusetts June 9, 2003 Peter I’ve been dead for too long, Peter thought as he watched Ben making goofy faces in the bathroom mirror while he willed his hair to change color over and over. Red, green, purple, black, pink and on he we went while trying not to laugh too loudly. Peter felt a momentary pang of jealousy at the boy’s carefree explorations of his new power. It had not been like that for him in the beginning. Even after all these years and the death of his own body,...

4 years ago
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Harding HouseChapter 4 Return to the House

Billy's story I quickly ate my dinner, I was in a hurry to get back the Harding House, not only to see Cassandra, although I did wonder what she had planned, I'd enjoyed the attention she was giving me, as well as the pleasure. The thought that she was dead didn't really bother me at this time. As I approached the house I could see Kate's bike was already lying by the front door, I knew she would be heading for the broken window so I quickly dismounted and ran to the side of the...

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Richards Tales Scoring the Coach

He was starting to get the itch to fuck a girl again, but he didn't want it to be the same one again, he wanted a girl with a tighter pussy this time. As the school day ended he went to the gym to watch the girls practice basketball. As he was watching his dick began to rise as he watched their young firm tits jiggle as they ran. When he saw the first girl he had fucked running, he cringed in disgust. He paid particular attention to the coach though. He had never realized how...

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Tricia was not having one of her best days. Neighbors had made enough noise to wake the dead last night and it had been difficult to fall asleep. And, once asleep, the old dream came back. It had been years since ‘the incident’ but the old nightmares rear their ugly heads from time to time and this one had been a monster: trying to stay awake so that you’ll hear if he comes down the hall only works for so long and then you fall asleep. In the sleep of dreams, you hear all the things that should...

1 year ago
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Wife Fucked in Orchard

Now we get to the main point, behind our large house, on our land there was a small apple orchard, we organised to go up there and make a video of her being fucked up against the apple tree, she was fully dressed in a cotton Indian style skirt and black sheer blouse, black stockings and black boots, I set up two cameras, easy outdoors with bright light, one on tripod, she stood leaning back against the tree and he soon had her skirt up at the back with his hand down the back of her panties, I...

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The day started off like any other, except I was headed over to Mr. Brown's orchard. Mr. Brown has the best apples this side of the county. In fact, I'd say Mr. Brown grew the best apples I've ever had the pleasure of tasting.He never minded me coming over and picking a few unlike the rest of his customers. I guess it was because I insisted on wearing this cute little miniskirt with no panties and shirt that showed off, well just about everything I had to offer, but still leaving enough to the...

2 years ago
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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 11

"What's going on?" asked Jill, a little breathlessly, after her mother and Zack were gone. "I have no clue," I said. "Oh Bob, I screwed things up so much," she moaned. "Your heart was in the right place," I said. "But he really IS a great guy, and I just KNOW she'd love being around him if she got to know him." "Maybe that's what she's doing," I said. "Getting to know him, I mean." "Do you think so?" she asked hopefully. "Let's just say for the sake of having...

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The Radio the Rocker and Miss Richards

Sometime the most memorable celebrity encounters are the ones from when we were young. Dell Springer took a snapshot of her five year old son David as he sat in the little rocker. He was intently listening to the big brown combination record player and radio in their living room. His favorite afternoon show was on, Miss Richards' "Radio Playtime for Children". Second only to "The Lone Ranger", which was on later in the evening, Miss Richard's program was an important part of David's...

4 years ago
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The Orchard of Infinite Delight Conclusion

From THE ORCHARD OF INFINITE DELIGHT – PART ONE The orgasm was huge, overpowering. I collapsed on to my stomach, my hand clasping my groin to prolong the sensation. After a while I was aware of Evelyn’s voice, softly beside my ear. “Thank you for being so trusting. I wanted it to be special for you.” “Special doesn’t do it justice,” I said. “But what about you? Do you want me to … do that. With my tongue.” “Yes, but not this time. You have come a long way. I am already on such a high I...

3 years ago
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The Orchard of Infinite Delight Conclusion

From THE ORCHARD OF INFINITE DELIGHT - PART ONE The orgasm was huge, overpowering. I collapsed on to my stomach, my hand clasping my groin to prolong the sensation. After a while I was aware of Evelyn’s voice, softly beside my ear. “Thank you for being so trusting. I wanted it to be special for you.” “Special doesn’t do it justice,” I said. “But what about you? Do you want me to ... do that. With my tongue.” “Yes, but not this time. You have come a long way. I am already on such a high...

Group Sex
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Orchard Flower Version AlphaChapter 3

I admit that the first time I shot at a coyote I got off my horse to do it. Jill had made me practice shooting on horseback, and on the tractor too. I had carried the rifle on my back so often that it no longer seemed odd to do it. But when I saw the brown flash of movement off in the distance, I just wasn't willing to explore it from up on the horse. After I got down and spent five fruitless minutes trying to spot the critter again, I almost gave up. Then he trotted out from behind a bush...

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Orchard Flower Version BravoChapter 3

There is something just plain incongruous about a woman who buys a rifle and ammunition to shoot furry dog-like things and then, on the way home, flashes bare legs at the old man driving the truck as, with a foot pressed to the dashboard, she paints her toenails bright, playful red. Not for the first time did I realize there was a woman hiding in that teenaged body, and that Jill Simmons was a complicated female of the species. She hummed with the radio as she painted, making me wish I were...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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Hardware Aunty ki Hard Chudai Part 2

Hi friends it’s sameer back with one more story of my sexual encounter. This is the continuation of my last story “hardware aunty ki hard chudai “.Thank you very much for your great response, I was really surprised that you guys liked it so much! So after I helped that aunty to get inside the shop, I was just standing right across the shop and the rain wasn’t getting any lighter. But after what I had seen, those sexy cleavage, wet waist , my mind was all in her boobs and my dick was getting so...

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Morning Harding Didi Kay Saath 8211 Part II

Dosto morning harding part 2 hai plz read first part 1 phir aap ko samj aye ge .ita soft story agar jalde hai muth marany ki to koi or read kar lay ,qukay mare stories ayse he hoti slow slow. Sorry friend didi nay lund pay kiss or thora sa mu main laynay kay bad didi to chali gaye bedroom say but mara to bura haal kar gaye mujay itna sakoon or itna maza a raha tha jab unho nay apni piyaray red color kay lips main mara lund liya tha or un kay mu he heat maray lund ko or be pagal kar gaye thi...

3 years ago
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Hardware Aunty Ki Hard Chudai

Hi, my name is sameer and I am 24 years old. I am average built neither fat nor slim and Caucasian colour, I am currently living in a small family where my elder brother is working and my parents are retired government service. I am in my final year of engineering. So that is a brief summary of myself, now let’s go to the story. In this story, I am going to narrate how I met a hot aunty in a hardware shop and how my lust compelled me to have sex with her in a totally awkward situation. It was...

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