Death And Damnation: Book 2 Of Poacher's ProgressChapter 9: Annette Blanchard free porn video

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A warm beam of sunlight played on my face, and under its benign caress I swam slowly up from a deep sleep. For a moment I could not recall where I was, but then realised I was lying in the four-poster bed in Annette’s boudoir. It was the most comfortable bed I could ever recall being in.
The thick luxurious mattress, stuffed with eider down, was both supportive to my body and yet comforting.
I sat up. The pillow next to mine was rumpled, and on pulling back the sheet saw the unmistakable signs that a body had been lying alongside me. I also realised I was naked.
The door opened, and Annette entered carrying a tray, from which came the appetizing aroma of freshly cooked bacon. My stomach rumbled, I actually salivated at the thought of having food, for the first time in three days.
She set down the tray on a table and then came and sat on the bed. As she leaned over me her breasts, lightly encased by her black dress, pillowed my cheek, and then she kissed me, slowly and deeply.

“I feared the worst when you had not arrived by mid-day yesterday. I can hardly express how overjoyed I am to have you safe with me. I do not have to ask how you slept, as you did not stir the entire night.”
Annette pulled a chair over to the table.
“Come and eat, Jacques, you must be...” She stopped in mid-sentence. “Mon Dieu! I forgot, you are not wearing any night attire.”
She went to the wardrobe, and rummaged about before withdrawing holding a thick, dark blue robe.

“This was my husband’s robe de chambre; you are near enough to his stature and build. Please, put it on, then come and eat.”

The robe was a fair fit, and smelled of tobacco and mothballs. I sat at the table and gorged on bacon and omelettes. Annette regarded me with the same indulgent look she had employed whilst watching me eat lunch after I had been ploughing. She talked as I ate.

“When I brought the food last night you were sound asleep in the armchair. I could not rouse you, and had the girls come and help me undress you and get you into the bed.”

I shot her a look of horror. The knowledge the girls had seen me naked filled me with embarrassment. Annette laughed.

“We only undressed you down to your nether garments, so your dignity was maintained.” She gave me a bold and saucy look. “I removed those myself, —when I joined you in bed.”

The thought of being naked in bed alongside Annette Blanchard caused Mr Thomas to twitch. Annette tone became more serious.

“When it became obvious Pierre was not going to return from Waterloo, a Requiem Mass was held for him last year. Today there will be only a short ceremony for the committal of his body, which will be held in the château’s chapel. The service will start just after eleven. I know you are not of the True Faith, but I would be delighted if you would attend.”

I would have paid my respects, even if her son had been a Mohammedan, and accepted.

“It would be an honour, Annette.”

She gave me a warm kiss of gratitude, and continued.
“A jug of hot water will be sent up for your ablutions.” She paused. “I have to apologise for the sparseness of your room, it is quite unsuitable as a guest room. I have taken the liberty of having your valise and portmanteau brought into my bedroom, and I see no reason why you should not spend the rest of your stay at the château sharing this room.”
She left before I could reply, but in any case I was speechless with shock. I had been invited to share her bedroom, and I took that to include her bed.

Just before eleven. I heard the steady, stately, approaching sound of Hercules and Atlas’s hoof beats I had shaved carefully, and was wearing my best jacket, and the very fashionable buckskin breeches I had bought from Mister Montague Burton of Saville Row shortly before my departure for France.
I had some difficulty tying my cravat, but looking in the large dressing table mirror of Annette’s boudoir outside I thought I looked as elegant as any Pall Mall fop.

I joined the funeral procession, which was preceded by the Curé’s cross bearer. Next followed the coffin, borne on the shoulders of the six apprentices of Monsieur Hulot, with the Curé of St Ursula’s church walking behind, reading from the Bible.
Annette walked behind him, flanked by the three girls; all wore black, and a more becoming quartet of females would be hard to find. There followed behind them some notable dignitaries from Valenciennes—the Blanchards were an old and respected family of the area—then came a motley crowd of villagers from Wallers.
Finally at the rear, where I had joined the procession, were those workers on the estate who I had seen about the place but not in the château.
These included the peg legged fellow who acted as stable man, although I think prior to the loss of part of his leg he had been the cowman. I saw Monsieur Hulot in this assembly, and on his arm a young woman who at first sight could have been Amy Fairfax. She had the same seductive sway of her hips as she walked, and the same mass of golden curls. However, when I got closer to her I saw she had brown eyes, not the cornflower blue of Amy’s, and she was considerably younger than Amy.
I took her to be Hercule’s daughter, so you can imagine my surprise when I learned, from Françoise Truffaut, the peg legged stableman, she was Madame Brigitte Hulot, Hercule’s wife.

“Hercule Hulot was married to his sour faced wife for twenty years. He had a terrible life with her, and wore the gloomy and doleful expression of the most miserable of undertakers. She died last May, and young Brigitte arrived as a maid. Within three months she was his wife, and Hercule has been like a young man ever since.”
This explained his cheerful and jovial spirit, so far removed from the usual demeanour of an undertaker. It also explained why he would be in his bed at eight of an evening.

The service was indeed short, and conducted mainly in Latin, but I remembered enough from the school room to understand. Then the coffin, accompanied by the Curé, Annette and the girls, was taken down to the Blanchard family tomb in the crypt. A short time later they reappeared, and the service was over.
A cold collation was served in the dining room, but I decided to harness Hercules and Atlas and do some ploughing—proving to myself I had not returned to Château Blanchard just to bed Annette, although I doubted it would have convinced Woody. As I made my way towards the stairs I saw Annette and the girls giving admiring and approving looks at my modish attire. That is except for Mimi, who continued to look at me as if I was something she had stepped in.

Monsieur Hulot was as good as his word. Pierre’s uniform had been cleaned, and was placed on a stand in the hall. Everyone entering could admire the blue, tail-coated jacket, with white, plastron type lapels, and gleaming gold buttons. Epaulettes of green and gold, red cuffs on the sleeves, and red turn backs, embellished with small gold bugles, completed the impressive garment. I have to admit that the uniforms of the French were splendid and martial, and those of the Imperial Guard the most magnificent.
I went up to Annette’s room, changed into garments more suitable for work, and then made my way out, down the back stairs, to the stables. François was busy cleaning tack as I harnessed the Percherons.

“I did not think an English milord would be able to plough a field as well as you do.”He said.
I explained I was a farmer’s son and had learned to plough at eight years old.
He nodded. “Aye, you have to start young. Matilde’s father, Abel Gance, was our ploughman, and he was a good one. He and I, and Mimi and Chloe’s father, Jean Renoir, were conscripted together. Abel was killed at our first battle—Austerlitz.”

“What about Jean, I understand he died in Spain?”

“Aye, he did. He distinguished himself at the battle of Freidland, and was promoted to the Tirailleurs of the Imperial Guard. Napoleon took them to Spain, where he threw out some English general and his army. Jean had his throat cut by Spanish guerrillas, or so I heard. The fool should have stayed with the regiment. We were garrisoned in Warsaw for a year, and had the time of our lives with all those Polish girls.” He sighed, wistfully, at the memories.
Well at least I could put Woody’s mind at rest that he had not been involved in the death of Mimi’s father.

“Where did you...” I said, glancing at his wooden leg.

“Wagram, —but it spared me going to Russia. None of my regiment survived.”

“And you at least came back home safe to your wife.”

He spat. “The bitch ran off with a Westphalian hussar when she found I had lost part of my right leg. Not that she was much of a wife—I expect the hussar traded her in for a plug of tobacco — after he had finished plugging her.”
He laughed. “I do all right with the ladies. There are many widows hereabouts, and although I may be missing part of my right leg my middle leg is in excellent order. There is a red headed widow, Marie, who I keep happy several nights in the week. If I ever get enough money together I will marry her, and keep her happy every night of the week!”

I knew Annette intended sowing potatoes in a small field left fallow for a year. I set to and soon had ploughed at least half of the field by two o’clock that afternoon. The soil was lighter than the first field I had ploughed, so each furrow was ploughed that much quicker. There was also the fact I was better practised, and more familiar with the little foibles of the ploughing horses, able to anticipate some of their moves. The lesson of this experience, as applied to galloping, was not lost on me.
As I was resting the team I saw a figure making its way towards me from the château I thought it might be Annette, but as the figure drew closer I saw it was Matilde. Although all three girls were equally attractive and desirable, I preferred her above the other two. She had a saucy, impudent, air about her, which reminded me of Amy Fairfax, although Matilde was dark haired, with larger breasts than Amy.

“Where is that handsome English Milord who graced our presence this morning?” She gave an impish grin, and placed the basket of food she carried on the ground as she spoke. A provocative look, so reminiscent of Amy, crossed her face.
“We were all very much taken by him—even Mimi.”

“He was but fleeting presence–what you see before you is my normal persona.”

She laughed, and said quietly, but loud enough for me to hear.
“He will do well enough for me.”
I started on the bread and cheese she had brought with her, and drank from a flagon of beer. Even after the large breakfast I had consumed earlier in the day I was ready for more victuals.

“Tell me, M’sieu Jacques, why did you send Woody back to England and return here by yourself? Were you fearful Woody might bed Madame Annette before you did?”
I choked on my food, and had to take a draught of beer before replying.

“Nothing of the sort! Due to the exigencies of the service Woody had to return to England. I had promised to plough Madame’s fields, and returned so to do—which, as you see, I am now carrying out.”
She looked doubtful at my explanation, although I expect it was the English word ‘exigencies’ which had confused her, as it does not translate well into French.

“Well, Mimi says that you were jealous of the interest Madame Annette showed in Woody, and you sent him away so you would have uninterrupted access to her. Your lust and jealousy has deprived Mimi, Chloe, and me, of being further—entertained—by him.”
She gave me a guileless look. “However, both Chloe and I would forgive you if you found the time to entertain us!”
I was amazed at her audacity, but I had to make some reply that would both make it plain that I was not a galloper of young girls, and in a way not hurt her feelings.

“Matilde, you are a sweet girl, and any young man would cut off his arm to—err—entertain you. However I am at least ten years your senior, and it would not be seemly for such an ‘old’ man as I to attempt to entertain two such young, vivacious, and energetic girls as you and Chloe.”

“Madame Annette is nearly twenty years older than you, but I know it is in both your minds that entertaining shall take place between you both. Hercule Hulot is over twice the age of Brigitte, his wife, but he entertains her nightly, and also at frequent times during the day, or so she tells me. Anyway you are no older than Woody, and he managed well enough. Besides, I am no young girl but a woman of nearly eighteen years.”

“Well, more power to Monsieur Hulot’s—uhh—elbow. I know I could not keep pace with a young girl, although I might keep pace with an older woman.”

“If you are not capable of entertaining us then Chloe and I will have to wait until someone comes along who can. Although I think you say this to spare my feelings, and could, if you had a mind to, entertain Chloe, Mimi, me, and Madame—all at the same time—and in the same bed.”

She got up from the ground and came over and kissed me, her tongue sliding into my mouth like a flickering adder. I was taken aback, but returned the favour. How long that kiss might have continued, and if it might have developed into something more than just a kiss, we shall never know because the horses began fidgeting and stamping their hoofs. We reluctantly disengaged our lips, and she turned to go.

“If you change your mind, M’sieu Jacques, then let me know.” With a cheeky smile, and a wave of her hand, she made her way back towards the château.

It was then that an outrageous thought entered my mind. Why should I not stay at Château Blanchar? Resign my commission—put some of my capital into the running of the estate—and this was the real substance of my wild idea—take Annette, and the three girls, as my mistresses? All thoughts of Caroline Ashford, of the Bureau, of my friends and family in England vanished, as the vision of being the Master of Blanchard, and of its women, flooded into my mind, and it must be admitted, my plunger. Just as quickly as that mad thought had possessed me it went, leaving only a faint echo, which I pushed into the furthest recesses of my mind. Who did I think I was—Louis Quinze?
By the time I had finished the ploughing and returned Hercules and Atlas to the stable it was dark. François offered to see to the horses, so I bid him a good night and made my way into the château. Annette was in her sewing room, and she called out as I entered the hall.

“Jacques, I shall have hot water sent up directly. I will see you at dinner; I have much sewing to catch up on.”
I told her of the progress in the ploughing and she smiled and thanked me.
“The potatoes will not need to be sown until the beginning of next month, but it will do the field good to have the nourishment of the clover inducted into the soil.”
I said I would take her advice as to which field to plough the next day, and she said she would think on it and talk later at dinner.

Matilde served at dinner. She caught my eye several times and winked. I tried to ignore her, but as she served the dessert she breathed in my ear.

“Have you changed your mind yet?”
Annette’s head came up as she caught some part of the conversation.

Same as Death and Damnation: Book 2 of Poacher's Progress
Chapter 9: Annette Blanchard Videos

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AnnetteChapter 12

Harry arrived at eleven the next day and Annette led him in. Deborah was at the hospital and Richard was beavering in his study. "Coffee?" she asked. "Sounds good." He followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "I'm very honoured," he said. "The dogs don't even woof me these days." "They're bored with you," said Annette with a grin. "Nonsense! OK, Tilly and Midge have gone off again but Teal hasn't left me alone." "Man's man or something." She put the...

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AnnetteChapter 20

At six o'clock Louise knocked on Annette's door. "Time to get up, you two," she called. "Peter will be here in an hour." "OK," called Annette. "Golly, darling, we've been asleep for the best part of three hours. I'd better get my skates on and go and help Lou with the supper." She pulled on her dressing gown and went off to have a quick shower. Harry stayed where he was waiting for her return, which was worth it. She had lost all her inhibitions about nudity in front of him,...

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AnnetteChapter 27

Their welcome was, to say the least, ecstatic. Deborah hugged Annette to her as though they had not seen each other for years. Mary behaved similarly with Harry. Richard held Annette firmly but gently kissing the top of her head. She was having none of that and pulled his head down to give him a loving kiss on the lips. Mary enfolded her, as did Ned who also kissed her. "I've been waiting a long time to do that," he murmured and was rewarded with a radiant smile. Deborah also hugged and...

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AnnetteChapter 16

The following Spring Harry came to stay for a non-bird-watching weekend. The hockey season was over and both he and Annette wanted to take exercise. They discussed it with Michael on the Friday evening and he suggested that they walk on Cadair Idris. "You could take the car up to Minffordd and take the path to Llyn Cau. There's a bird sanctuary there and from the north side of the lake there's a path up onto the ridge between Penygadair and Craig Lewyd. If you turn left there there's...

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AnnetteChapter 18

Harry drove home in euphoria. He had been in that state all day. He chuckled at the look on Annette's face when he left. Louise was being such a mother hen that Annette was unable to do more than give him a farewell peck. Her face and eyes had shown frustration and regret but above all love. More than the love they had acknowledged three years earlier. Her love now was barely contained. It was possessive and yet completely yielding. Harry mused on the last three years. It had been a major...

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AnnetteChapter 21

When they woke the next morning they had somehow reverted to their spooning position without waking each other. They lay there contentedly, both aware that the other was awake. Finally, Harry spoke. "I must go to the loo," he said, "but I don't want to let go of you." "Off you go then because if I feel that thing of yours jabbing into my bum much longer I'm going to forget about the pill having not taken effect yet." Harry chuckled and then nuzzled her neck. "Life can only get...

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AnnetteChapter 22

Harry did manage to get away the following weekend. They did not do anything of note, merely basking in each other's company. "Only a week to go," said Annette gleefully. "Are you clear on Friday?" "Yes, Wednesday actually. Are you going to come early?" "I wish I could but I'll try to get here by about half past five on Friday. I've booked us a room at the Grand Hotel at Llandudno for Friday and Saturday." Annette's eyes widened in surprise and then she kissed him hard. "Oh,...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E05 Annette Bogle 44 from Truro with Jenna

We start this week’s show with establishing shots of a touristy little street of terraced stone buildings. Shopfronts with apartments above – restaurants, gift-shops, etc. There are two lanes of traffic – one parked, the other moving smoothly - all facing/moving in the same direction. Walking up the street toward us, a blonde sex-bomb – her fantastic body wrapped in the tightest red mini-dress ... She’s big tits and blonde hair, white teeth and a strong jaw, it’s our hostess, the...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 8 The return to Waterloo

I came down to breakfast somewhat apprehensive as to how Annette would welcome me after the comedy of errors in the bedroom. However, she greeted me brightly and cheerfully. “Good morning Jacques. I trust you slept well?” There seemed to be no irony or sarcasm in the question. “I slept well, Annette, and I hope you did the same?” She nodded, smiling, and then poured me a cup of coffee. Woody, who was already seated at the table, first looked at me and then at her, and a slow grin spread...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 22 New beginnings

As the carriage rumbled along the road to Lille I saw that Matilde was still silently weeping. I pulled her to me and kissed her. She snuggled into me, glad to have a comforting arm around her, and gradually her tears stopped. "I'm sorry to be such a melancholy travelling companion, Jacques, but I am already missing Blanchards, and Mimi and Chloe." "As do I, but we must look to the future. I know you will be welcomed in London, and in no time at all you will be making new friends." I...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 6 The Artefacts

Zinnia soon repaid my confidence in her abilities. She had discovered a document that presented Colonel Slade with the reason for having the appeal of habeas corpus refused. St Olave's is probably the oldest church within the walls of the City of London and over the centuries had been granted many privileges. In this particular case a Charter, from the time of Richard the Second -- or it may have been Richard the Third, I always confuse those two, allowed for 'miscreants and heretics' to...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 19 Amaranthus Caudatus

The Dover mail coach was almost empty, allowing Krish and I to have seats inside with the only other passenger, a rather corpulent cleric, who must have dined rather well as he slept the entire journey. As the coach pulled away from the Red Lion tavern I reflected on the day's events. I had scarcely got out of the mail coach from Portsmouth when I had heard the terrible news concerning Woody. Two hours later, after collecting a change of clothing from the house, I had boarded the Dover...

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AnnetteChapter 11

Deborah rang Paul Martins, the senior paediatrician, as soon as she reached her office. He teased her for a moment but then gave her a slot at eleven. "My coffee break," he grumbled good-naturedly. Deborah saw him in his office. She told him how Annette had come to her and told her what her father had done to her, of the divorce, of her protecting Annette, of Richard persuading her to give Annette more freedom and how she had blossomed. Paul interrupted her. "Do the police know about...

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AnnetteChapter 23

Not a word was said as they wolfed their breakfast. Annette moved to sit on Harry's knee while they finished their coffee. That caused an almost instant erection and Annette wriggled delightedly on it. "Oh, Excalibur," she exclaimed. "You really are high grade steel. I think you need to be oiled before we put you away for the morning." She put her coffee cup down and relieved Harry of his. She opened up his dressing gown to reveal Excalibur in all his glory. She twitched aside her own...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 The Unhappy Return

I arrived at the prison to collect Eloise de La Zouche early the next morning. Captain Ramsey wanted her aboard, and her dunnage stowed, by 8 am, although we were not due to sail until the afternoon. The prison governor greeted me with the news that she had escaped. He took me to her cell; the door hung open, and on the floor lay the body of the bearded turnkey, his trousers around his ankles and his throat cut. "He was discovered when the morning shift came on duty at five. The surgeon...

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AnnetteChapter 9

Harry was silent and preoccupied all the way home. He had been attracted initially to Annette at the Tomlinson party by her beauty. He had realised that she was much Charlie's age but was delighted at her maturity. Much as he loved his younger sister and had always thought of her being mature, Annette was in a different league. By the end of the evening and the distressing incident with Ronny he was very much taken with her. So much so that when the Slimbridge trip came up he determined to...

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AnnetteChapter 13

They did indeed have a party although quite a small one: the Tomlinsons and the Ironsides. Annette and Louise were the waitresses. The wedding was quiet too: Neil's brother and his wife, Louise and the Hoddinots. Sharon had no one she wished to invite to the reception. Neil had half a dozen friends. His parents were both dead. The Tomlinsons and the Ironsides were also at the reception. Deborah, because Sharon was family, insisted that Richard's parents, Liz and Rod, and the Jays were...

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AnnetteChapter 19

They lay spooned together, both naked with Harry's hand cradling her breast. Harry fell asleep almost immediately but Annette could not. Emotionally and physically drained, her brain was still whirling. She was clean. The thought went round and round in her head. She had known she was. Her mother had told her so. Sharon had very forcefully told her so and she acknowledged that they were right but she still had not quite believed it. But Harry had proved it. He had kissed her 'down there'....

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AnnetteChapter 30

Peter did indeed tell Sharon the next morning about 'du gwraig'. Her eyes shone with excitement and happiness. "I thought you might have a gift when I first looked into your eyes," she said and then laughed. "Between us we might manage to keep that husband of mine out of harm's way" Peter was very moved by a drive over Salisbury Plain seeing all the tumuli and tree clumps. "I can almost hear it speaking to me," he said wonderingly to Louise. Stonehenge had a remarkable effect on...

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Annette First one

After 21 years of nearly non existent sex life ( maybe 4-5 times a year) with my wife ... I decided i needed to explore and finally enjoy sex as much as I love 1999, i decided to check out the singles, sex to meet sites. I created a profile and posted on a couple and one was -here- AdultFriendFinder. After I say about 2-3 months I got a response and we began to talk back and forth on AdultFriendFinder chat and then by emails. In our conversation - I could tell she wanted sex and that sex...

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Annette sat watching the sun go down in the Andes. It was distinctly chilly at that height and she was wrapped in a sheepskin coat with a hood. She was in her element. She had emerged from Aberystwyth University with a first in Zoology and was at present part of a team from the British Ornithologists Union studying the condor in South America. She smiled as she thought of what had sparked her interest in these birds and in ornithology in general. She had met Richard Hoddinot by contrived...

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AnnetteChapter 26

Unused to sleeping together, they both woke during the night but not at the same time. Each savoured the closeness and warmth of the other. Both basked in their mutual love. Annette was the first to wake in the morning to feel Harry's morning erection pressing against her. "Ooh, Excalibur, you're an early riser," she thought and then shook with silent laughter at her unintended pun. That woke Harry. "What's so funny?" he murmured sleepily. Annette told him and he chuckled, gently...

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AnnetteChapter 31

On their return Peter and Louise went straight to the Gower where they had found a small cottage. Peter started his sailing business immediately but they needed ready money so Louise found an administrative job in Swansea. Their plan was for her to join Peter and run the office once the sailing became a decent business. With Autumn almost upon him, Peter had plenty of time to prepare his yard and organise the advertising for an April launch. He broke even in the Summer but they had to rely on...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 15 The Chase

Actually the trip was not as unpleasant as I had feared. Our orders, giving us carte blanche to use all and any force to stop the sailing of Western Star, were delivered ten minutes before we climbed aboard the Bristol mail coach. Unfortunately Jane and I had to sit atop of the coach, as our booking had been too late to secure an inside berth. As it was two other passengers were ejected to make room for us, much to their displeasure. We were well wrapped up against the cold night air as the...

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Annette my best friend

I first meet my best friend ,about 13 years ago. I moved in with a good friend of mine Missy,she had a friend of her's already living with her,Annette!I remolded the basement, and made it into a nice bachelor pad! I had a hot tub, new video and audio systems, and a new computer with a high resolution monitor. Missy and Annette hung with me almost all the time in my pad, and anybody that stopped in would come down to my room!I'm a little on the kinky side , and everybody new it , but were ok...

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AnnetteChapter 4

Annette was given little chance for further thought. She came home from school on Monday bubbling with excitement. "We're playing the celebration hockey match against Marlborough on Saturday week," she announced. "We'll be playing on an all weather pitch so we're going up this next Saturday morning to practice on it. We have to be at school at eight-thirty for the bus." "Great!" exclaimed Richard. "We'll certainly be there for the match. Are they going to provide a map or...

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AnnetteChapter 10

As Harry drove home to East Whisty that evening there was no doubt in his mind that Tig fulfilled every one of the conditions he had outlined to her. She was beautiful, even now in his eyes, but he realised she would become more so as she matured. He suspected she would be a replica of Deborah although she would have her own gorgeous blond hair. As far as the mental, emotional and ethical side of things went they dovetailed with his. To top it off she did things that made his heart lurch such...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 10 Consummations

It was as Woodrow Allen had suggested. I ploughed Annette Blanchard's fields by day, then ploughed her madge by night. After the ploughing it was the sowing; during the day I cast seed upon the field and at night I cast my seed upon her furrow. It did not seem as if this would be the outcome when we first climbed the stairs to her bedroom. The lady had requested me to be gentle, slow, and not thrust wildly into her portal, nor practise cunnilingus upon her madge, and I obeyed all these...

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Death and Damnation Book 2 of Poachers ProgressChapter 17 The Western Star

If I had dropped my breeches and exposed my buttocks it would not have exceeded the astonishment my statement caused on the quarterdeck. Mouths dropped open in amazement, and I dare say also in ignorance as to where Pondicherry was located. Captain Ramsey was the first to react. “Mister Stiles, a heading for Cape Town, if you please.” The sailing master gave a quick ‘aye, aye, Sir’, and went to the binnacle and his charts. “Mister Moore, all hands to wear ship. We will take a southerly...

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