Moralité indian porn

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Morality Laws

Morality Laws By Julie O Chapter 1 So, where to begin? My life totally changed on the first day back from winter break the senior year of high school. At the time I was an average high school student; average grades, average size, average build, and average family. I also wasn't sure what I would be doing after graduation. I had been accepted at the local community college, but...

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A Tale Of ImmoralityChapter 4 A Glimpse Of Adultery

You want me to get caught, don't you? Be honest. You ache for me to be discovered and punished. The dirty whore must have what's due her. She can't be a cheating slut and enjoy it, too. And get away with it. It would be a crying shame. Look at poor George, you say. Poor? I bet he is richer than you. He loves his little wife with innocent trust. He is proud of how bubbly and sexy she is. He is happy. He never even asks himself why Christmas is so early each year. And so often. His...

3 years ago
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Changing at the Beach A Morality Tale

Changing at the Beach, A Morality Tale "Hey Kevin," said Andy, "get a load of this." He gestured to a prominent yellow sign mounted next to the entrance of the cluttered little shop we had followed his brother into. My eyes grew wide as I read, WARNING Theft is a crime, this isn't a game. Steal from us and you won't be the same. If your life is pleasant, then pay with haste, or return the item so you don't get erased. Without swift restoration, you should know the winds of...

2 years ago
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A Walk at the Beach A Morality Tale with a Tail

A Walk at the Beach, A Morality Tale with a Tail "Thirty bucks for this piece of shit? What a joke!" The man was clearly used to speaking his mind and getting his way. He loomed over the tired looking woman next to him. "Oh Larry," said the tired looking woman, "you don't have to buy me anything." She said it in the resigned voice of someone who knew that it made no difference. He turned toward the far end of the cluttered little shop where a frizzy- haired woman in a tie-dyed...

4 years ago
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Vacation at the Beach Another Morality Tale

Vacation at the Beach, Another Morality Tale There's a moment, as the afternoon fades toward evening and the beachgoers thin out; when the shadows start getting long and the light becomes perfect. You don't need sunglasses then. Anything seems possible. A man can dream. I wasn't interested in dreaming. I was about reality and how to shape it to my will. I knew the day was coming when I would be one of the most powerful men alive and no one would be able to stop me from doing what I...

3 years ago
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Hunting at the Beach A Morality Tale of Dark Design

Hunting at the Beach, A Morality Tale of Dark Design Randall Wayne Mudge believed in patience. In this need-everything- instantly era when the lack of it had fatally sunk the ambitions of countless talented fools, Randy was no fool. He knew that if you learned to handle the boredom, the patient hunter would always be rewarded. He leaned against a cinderblock wall which shaded his pale skin from the bright summer sun. From this vantage, he could watch passersby as they enjoyed a...

3 years ago
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Bonding at the Beach A Morality Tale in Triplicate

Bonding at the Beach, A Morality Tale in Triplicate WARNING Theft is a crime, this isn't a game. Steal from us and you won't be the same. If you hate your life, then take without paying, and risk alteration that won't be delaying. Return what was taken in a timely way or the winds of change will not delay. I stared at the bright yellow sign and didn't know whether to laugh or groan. Glancing around the cluttered little shop that Liam's mother had dragged us into, I saw...

3 years ago
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Gr ecirc ve de train

Aujourd'hui, voyager s'annonçait compliqué. Je m'arme de patience et de zen attitude. Mon quai de départ s'affiche et comme d'autres voyageurs je suis le mouvement.Devant moi se trouve une demoiselle en détresse avec une valise immense (et sûrement lourde) avec une poignée cassée. Je lui propose mon aide avec un grand sourire, elle accepté volontiers et je la monte (la valise !!! Pas la demoiselle ;p ).Une fois sur le quai on bavarde un peu, je la mate discrètement : belle petite brunette avec...

4 years ago
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Effet Papillon Part 5

Effet Papillon. 5e partie. 9. L'introduction de petites culottes toutes plus f?minines les unes que les autres ne fit qu'intensifier notre vie sexuelle. Maintenant que je portais des strings de ? salope ?, qualificatif qui revenait de plus en plus souvent au cours de nos d?bats sexuels, Franck n'h?sitait plus ? me traiter comme telle. Tout se fit progressivement, un ?l?ment ? la fois. Mais aux caresses, sodomies et fellations de nos premi?res semaines, vinrent s'ajouter de nouvelles...

2 years ago
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Cousins une Histoire de Famille Part 1

Cousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 1 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Introduction - Samuel, Christopher et leurs Mamans Erica Porter et Susan Merrill ?taient deux s?urs tr?s proches, d'environ 40 ans, qui vivaient seules en faisant de leur mieux pour ?lever correctement leurs fils. Susan ?tait divorc?e de son mari, Richard Bennet, depu...

2 years ago
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Alice et sa maman

Alice et sa maman Par BMC (byBforbeMformyCforcunt)R?sum?. St?phanie est inqui?te, elle s'absente pour le week-end et a du confier sa petite fille ador?e, Alice, ? son voisin inqui?tant monsieur Pr?dat. Qui est vraiment monsieur Pr?dat, Thor de son pr?nom; qu'elle ne connait pas tr?s bien? Un type bien et incompris ou un pervers. Qui est vraiment St?phanie? Une maman aimante et attentionn?e ou une m?re indigne et une tra?n?e. Qui est Alice? une gentille fille ou de la graine de salope en train de germer pr?te ? entamer une desce...

3 years ago
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Stories of Patriarchy French

HISTOIRES DU PATRIARCAT INTRODUCTION : UN MONDE NOUVEAU Dans un univers parallèle au nôtre, ou, qui sait, dans le nôtredans quelques années, le Patriarcat a été rétabli.Du moins, c'est ce qui est dit officiellement. Mais en fait, jamais, au coursde l'histoire connue, les femmes n'ont été maintenues dans uneposition aussi inférieure : non seulement le droit de vote leura été très vite retiré, puis peu à peu tousleurs autres droits, mais elles sont considérées toute leur viecomme des mineures...

2 years ago
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MageChapter 24

We all used our mind-cloaks as we approached the entrance to the manoir; Jukar using the amulet version which she could switch on herself, though wasn’t yet in a position to actuate her own version. At the door Arch pulled the bell-pull and we awaited an answer, which came quickly. “The Comte is not receiving visitors at the moment,” came a very snooty reply from a senior manservant. “Oh, I think he’ll be receiving us,” Arch stated flashing a blank piece of paper in front of the man and...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 89

It was raining; the sort of fine mizzle that at first doesn’t seem so bad, but eventually soaks everything and chills you to the bone. ‘This is England, ‘ I mentally sighed. Only it wasn’t, this was the same island only called Kedyrn in Tír na nÓg though the weather remained the same. Fortunately I and my ladies didn’t have to worry about the weather, or indeed heating, for as Mages we could control the physical aspects of our surroundings quite easily. Tu’tar who was currently mine and...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 111

The war may have been over, though there was still some tidying up to do. There were still rogue units of Sidhe out there turning to banditry as well as what remained of the fanatical Nephilim, though most of those had perished with the destruction of the fortresses. The vast majority of the Sidhe units still in the field had come in to claim amnesty from Verenestra as she held court in Keldravan. In all cases it had been granted, though a large minority had had terms attached to monitor...

3 years ago
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MagicianChapter 113

“So Senone was razed to the ground?” Mage Sofya asked at a Council meeting to discuss the actions taken by us and our allies. “Mainly the military and commercial premises. The housing and residential areas suffered some damage, mostly because the Tuathans tried to use them as strongpoints,” Morgana replied. “Casualties?” “None on our side. The Murians suffered nearly 30% losses. Gorian casualties remain unknown but we suspect they were very high in their military and the haut-Magicien...

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Cuntanamo Bay

 CUNTANAMO BAY Part 1 of ?by SensoryOverlord, 2007 Time:? September 2012Place: What was once America.   Timeline-------- 2007-2008???? 110th Congress Jul 3, 2008?? 911 Truth Riots across USA. President Bush declares National Emergency, invokes????????????? special powers. Aug 10, 2008? President Bush????????????? Executive Order: Strengthening Federal Efforts to Defend the Security of America Nov 4, 2008?? Rudy Giuliani (GOP) wins presidency; in shock move offers VP to Hillary (DEM),...

5 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 419 So Many Options Introduction

Friday, July 25, 2008 and on The Universe is a truly AMAZING place. It offers countless sources of beauty, wonder and excitement. It has a depth of ... I'm sorry, but you'll never understand; your minds are WAY too small. But take it from me, you're living in an awesome creation. You'll have to take it from me because I'm not letting you follow me. I've already adjusted the laws of physics so the W-Dimension synchronization process is weaker. Partly because I want the dimensions to be...

3 years ago
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done and dusted

DONE!  AND ABOUT TO BE DUSTED.  Sunday, 27 Oct   according to Gulf News Central Bank, statistics show that of the 28.5 million cheques worth AED 1.2 trillion written in 2011 in the UAE.  1.6 million Cheques worth about AED 55 billion bounced.  200 expats are in jail, for up to 55 years.        Georgina sat staring out of the window, though an elegant modern style bow window, its style marred only by having big black ugly bars bolted across it.  Looking out at the vibrant city that glistened...

4 years ago
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More Sins of my Country Girl Sis Me

(More) Sins of my Country Girl Sis & Me (Part one) Morning Remembrances I raced downstairs carrying my high-topped clodhopper work boots ready to face an early fall day on our two-hundred acre cattle farm. I’m sure my thunderous descent alerted all that an energetic young man of nineteen years in age was making his presence known. Yesiree, I was bull-strong, hardheaded, and I had a single-minded goal in my head. Here it is in a quick, concise statement of fact; I wanted another...

3 years ago
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Derby Line Marriage Ch 27

Jovita and Hanna sat at a table with a book on Jewish law in front of each of them. Hanna was giving background for the text they were studying, but Jovita’s mind wasn’t focused on the lesson. Her eyes wandered to the stack of artwork in the corner of Hanna’s small apartment. Then they glanced out the window. The autumn weather was inviting, but Jovita was stuck inside learning with Hanna. Hanna touched the back of Jovita’s hand to emphasize a point. ‘So the 613 commandments were given by...

4 years ago
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13 months

Introduction: Captured 13 Months&hellip,it was thirteen months in captivity, now finally in the sanctity of my permanent home. We have lost one in our family, do not know if he is still alive&hellip,hope so. But we have also added three more to our family. Thirteen months ago, my husband, our two children, and myself were two months into what we perceived as a humanitarian mission. The mission precipitated by an unexpected windfall when we had won a portion of a large lottery the year before....

4 years ago
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Ovid s Other Metamorphoses part 5

Example of a Noble Wife "Where is that time -- unless you don't wish it recalled -- When, I remember, you loved to be, and be called, mine?" --Tristia 4.3 The return trip to Rome is a haze to me, so little of it do I recall. Cornelius had partaken of the nectar of the Fiasco, drinking the manhood once belonging to me and to Alexios. Some of that male essence, too, had been Julia's, for no woman save the nymphs of Parnassus is entirely female; and without any drop of male essence...

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Shantyboat Hijinks Messin with Mary

"Yachting woul' na' be so popular were it na' fa' the sheer imorality 'v it." That's an old quote I disremember from somewhere. I surely can't remember where it came from but it says that boats and immorality have been 'round for many a hundred years and in many a country. Down here in my part of the South it isn't even needed to have a yacht... a shantyboat does just fine. Oh, I guess that yachts would attract a more expensive type gal, but I like the ones I get just fine. You...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 332 Archangel Michael s Press Interview

Thursday, April 5, 2007 (Continued) I suggested, "Before we start the Question and Answer session, I have some advice for you. I would like you to behave sensibly and maturely. You're all adults, so I'll assume you're all aware of what I'm asking for. If you behave in ways that annoy me, I will sensibly and maturely toss you into the ocean. At the risk of annoying all the reporters, I'll take the first question from the only non-reporter smart enough not to remove himself from the...

4 years ago
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Born Again

For about the hundredth time of the trip, India was subjected to the doom and gloom computerized warnings about entering this sector of space during a time of war. The automated voice worked its legalese throughout the passenger cabins of the vessel in three different languages, each repetition less convincing than the last. Anyone who had come this far wasn't going to turn back now. India had been awake for hours, but remained silent while her Quebecois companion finished her sleep. Despite...

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Parisian Frolics 1921

Parisian FrolicsThis work consists of translations from the French and is possibly the work of Adolphe Belot who was a popular French writer of the 1880s.Parisian Frolics.Translated from the French by the Author of The Way of a Man with a Maid.London [Paris], printed for Private Circulation Only.1896. [c.1920-1924].  CHAPTER 1SOME MORE ABOUT MY LITTLE COUSINA lady, young, fresh, extremely pretty and stylishly though quietly dressed, tripped daintily along a street in the neighbourhood of the...

2 years ago
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The Boy DownbelowChapter 7

Cat was the first of the two to get past her shock. She flowed to my side in a flutter of rags, pointedly ignoring the other woman’ shivering form. She still flinched at the occasional scream, but it was obvious she was trying to prove something, perhaps that the murders didn’t bother her. Both women were afraid of whatever was happening outside. I, having the advantage of knowledge, felt no fear. Although I did feel an intense curiosity. I’d only killed three of the people outside, and my...

1 year ago
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World s Best Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a warm, spring day and I hurried home from school in great anticipation as today was my birthday. Every year my Mother would spend the day baking a birthday cake from scratch and shopping for my present. She never ceased to amaze me by her ability to find an incredible birthday present that always reflected her love for me. We had a very strong emotional bond having been on our own for the last 18 years and she had seen to it that I never wanted...

2 years ago
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Sharon s Luck 3 Patty

Sharon's Luck part 3, Pat(ty)'s Tale My given name is Patrick. I'm twenty-three, I'm into self-bondage, and I'm a cross-dresser. Not all the time, you understand; I have to work for a living, but cross-dressing is my fetish, and for lack of interest in almost anything else, my one hobby. I'm sure that I probably spend more time and money shopping for shoes & clothes than the average female, but it's what I like. I'm lucky that I have a body that lends itself to female attire; I'm...

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Beetlesmith s Ch 17

I would like to thank Bella Mariposa for her time in helping to edit this chapter. ________________________________________________ I’ve never been into the discipline/bondage genre of sex games. I was always under the impression that to be a good disciplinarian was just a matter of unleashing your ‘inner asshole.’ I never liked being an asshole, so I wasn’t into bondage/discipline—nothing much more to it than that. It’s not that I looked down on coerced or forced sexual control, it’s just...

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I’m usually an early riser, but I’m not accustomed to falling asleep after three in the morning. I was awakened around 9:30 by the ringing phone. Twisting away from Sheila I reached for the phone on the night table. It was Joanne telling me that Sheila’s car was in the lot, but she hadn’t come in to work and wasn’t answering her phone. “I drove her home last night and told her to stay in bed all day today. I’m pretty sure she’ll be in on Monday. Just work as best you can. If there are...

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Tricked to Serve ndash Part 5

Tricked to Serve – Part 5“Just one thing before I go and see what your Slut of a wife is up to...or probably more appropriately, who is up your wife (this amused everyone, as I heard perverted laughter all around me). I have a little gift for you BITCH, before my boys have their fun.”I was grabbed and moved, laid on my back and my ball-gag and blindfold removed. My eyes adjusted to the light and the first thing I saw were the three naked, hooded men with hard cocks getting me position. My...

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Generations By Gingerfred Man AUTHOR'S NOTE - There is no reasonable explanation, biological or otherwise, for the Freeloves' spectacularly unusual anatomy or their ability to procreate. So none is offered. I suggest you enjoy the story anyway. Chapter One - Meet the Freeloves The alarm clock woke Lisa Freelove at 6:30 a.m., as it did every Monday through Friday. She rubbed sleep from her eyes and anticipated yet another wonderful day. Every...

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The Master Race

The Master Race By Emma Finn This story is one of six new stories in the compilation, Talons of the Hawk by Emma Finn, a book of transformation and body swap stories available on Amazon, iBooks, Barnes & Noble and Smashwords. 1 The Nazi soldier grabbed Dania by the collar of her coat and pulled her back, almost off her feet. Her foot came down in the broad rain-splattered puddle beneath her, landing...

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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 9

Joan wandered around her house feeling lost and very nervous. By the time she'd seen Ken earlier in the week, she'd decided that under no circumstances would she see any of those people again. Ever. But every time she'd thought of Eric or Sally, and how she'd feel if she never saw them again, her eyes teared up. She had had to call them one last time, then had managed to let Eric talk her into letting him and Sally come over. Her hands shook as she laid out the last plate for...

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Mother s New BoarderChapter 6

Marleen's shrill yell of orgasmic release, as loud and tremulous as it was, blasted at Wendy's brain, sliced through her own climactic satiation, her first reaction being that she had been discovered in this lewd spectacle by strangers. She didn't know who or what had come along, only that somebody had and was screaming with terror or indignation or revulsion, and she raised herself from the warming, loving arms of David Preston, nearly fainting with fear, shaking the last comatose...

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Aunt LilithChapter 6

“Well, this is it, our last encounter for the week, and the last until we meet again, alas. Ursula, I trust that I’m leaving my sweet nephew, Maurice, here, in your very capable, if spectral, hands. Don’t worry, I’ll be back to check up and touch ... shall we say, base? You’ll take good care of my beloved Maurice, won’t you, Ursy?” Lilith urged the French ghost Ursula Daucourt to look out for the best interests of her favorite angel, Maurice Koenig, the one that El Belial had handpicked to...

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The Three Signs Book 4 LisaChapter 36 A Breath of Fresh Air

With all the activity of the election campaign behind us, not to mention Tom Domican’s actions against Lisa and myself (and his subsequent demise), it was time to start preparing for the upcoming sailing season. We had set aside Saturday, the 18th, for a training day, not only would it give us plenty of time to work on our sail handling, but I would be able to make a list of things to get checked with the boat before the start of the season. I had booked her in to get hauled out, the bottom...

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A Fathers Passion

I wave goodbye to her mother before leaning towards the passenger side door and popping the door open for my little princess. Oh how time flies, and day by day it feels so bittersweet. Megan slides into the seat next to me, carefully crossing her legs in the most lady-like manner I've ever seen. Good girl, I think to myself. I am so proud of the woman that she has become. I put the car into drive and begin driving away from her house. "Hi Megs!! How are you? What's new in your life?"...

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Behind the Green Veil Ch 03

Chapter 3 How will she deal with the guilt? ——— Jackson ——– I tried desperately not to fall asleep before she came back from the bathroom. I slapped my face a few times trying to stay awake but she was taking forever. I would have naturally wanted to fall into a deep sleep after sex like that which drained so much out of me. Combined with the fact that I had been up for over 24 hours and I wanted to fall into a good 14-hour coma. I looked over at the clock. It had been over 10 minutes and I...

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A New Domination

"Simon, if you're not doing anything too important, can you please give me a hand?" I heard my mother calling. As I didn't regard reading the paper as 'too important' I headed upstairs towards the sound of her voice. Mum was dressed in a tee shirt, jeans and sneakers, unusual for her, as she always sought to be well dressed."Time for a spring-clean, honey," she commented. "Will you help me to get all the junk out of this cupboard, please?"This being the location for all unwanted family debris,...

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Labelled by the medical/psychiatric profession as the ultimate state of confusion – whereby a person is not clear whether one is male or female – nowadays the notion of androgyny is ridiculed rather than clinically dismissed as deviant. Subsumed under the label of the hermaphrodite it tends to be perceived as an idiosyncratic adoption of maniacs or new-age freaks. Retrieving the positive – and more ancient – meaning is not an easy task. Keep in focus that this is the same society with very...

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Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only c***d, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the character that Ewa Aulin portrayed, she was named because my maternal grandparents thought her sweet.She is. Think of the nicest and happiest and most giving gal you...

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The Punishment Chapters 24 28

THE PUNISHMENT A man is unjustly accused of rape. His trial ends in a hung jury. To correct this "miscarriage of justice," a coven of witches punishes him by turning him into a girl and raping him multiple times, and then enacts spells forcing him to become a prostitute, while still remaining a man inside. But s/he manages to build a life with dignity and purpose, and eventually with love and happiness. Warning ... Contains limited descriptions of violence and rape. Table of...

2 years ago
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Justice For Bobby

JUSTICE FOR BOBBY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: To the credit of its author, one story on FM disturbed me to the conclusion that, in order to sleep better at night, I needed to write a moral counterpoint to it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely...

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In Between Chapters 23 26

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like...

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The Bible Tells Me So

{ or Things They Never Taught Me in Sunday School } Why Boaz Married Ruth I remember my mother telling me that Grandma Coit had once said that the Bible was the dirtiest book she had ever read. At the time, when I was in high school, I took that to mean that my maternal grandmother had been conservative in her choice of literature. But later, as I studied the Good Book professionally, I came to realize that anyone who reads a great deal of Scripture will run into some very human people. Which...

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Greta s Story 3 High School Senior Year a Naked in School Tale

Funny, after Sam and Brenda and I returned from Gramma Kramer's the summer quickly melted away into the new school year. Three new things separated junior year and senior year. First I had agreed to take the work-study job with the Program, which in addition to my gardening money and my nursing home hours was putting a tidy sum away for college. My medallion, which identified me as a full time Naked In School participant, had been taken from me on the first day of senior classes. Oddly, a...

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Teacher s DogChapter 3

Shortly before young Scott Phillips had confronted his chemistry teacher in her bedroom, he'd been walking back toward the high school. Scott was a bright lad, able to keep up with the older students in his grade quite easily, although he was keenly aware that his birthday in late May put him at a physical disadvantage. It was sort of like being the runt of the litter, always being left behind whenever possible, and always picked last when it was not. Scott was compact and wiry in build,...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 347 My Resurrection

Friday, June 1, 2007 (Continued) During the previous days I'd many times thanked everyone for permitting my plan's progress, so I just said, "Thanks very much YET again. Okay, I'll get changed and lie on the bed and we'll role-play it. Not that there's much to do." This was taking place in Mom and Dad's bedroom because it had a Faraday cage and it seemed like an appropriate place for their son to come back into the world. I changed into the shorts I'd planned to wear. Mom had...

5 years ago
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Lapse in Judgment

Chapter 1 The Lapse   The couple paused as they stood on the front porch of the huge house and glanced at one another.  Neither spoke and each took a deep breath before she reached out and pressed the doorbell.  Moments later, her actions were rewarded with the opening of the heavy door. "Hello, hello," smiled their host warmly.  "Do come in."  He stepped back to allow the couple to enter the spacious hallway inside.  "It's so good to see you both again," he continued.  "Go ahead and...

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WebcamChapter 10 Kate

I met Beth and her girlfriend Cheryl at the airport. Cheryl looked young. She was small all over ... she couldn’t have been more than five feet tall and probably weighed less than a hundred pounds. “Hi Michael,” Beth said as she gave me a hug. “This is my partner, my lover, and my sex slave, Cheryl.” Cheryl put her hand out for me to shake. That’s when I noticed a collar around her neck. “Hi, Cheryl - how are you?” “I’m good thank you, sir.” “You don’t have to call me sir, Michael would be...

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Loving Lisa s Pretty Pink Pussy Petals

Lisa, Bluest of Eyes, this is for you. … Loving Lisa’s Pretty Pink Pussy Petals (Part one) Tears Summer is a bitch when water is scarce. Hell, it hasn’t rained on our Western rangeland for months! If this drought doesn’t let up, I’m gonna have to start selling cattle. Damnit, this is a lot of responsibility for a guy of only twenty-one years in age! These are just some of the thoughts running through my mind as I was barreling down the long gravel road towards home. My...

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Never Too Old to Be in Love IChapter 27

The Same Night, Friday 11 June - [Janet - the Dean's wife] Jim stood up when the bell rang and went to let him in. We had been waiting for Robert to come after he had telephoned. I was nervous now that the moment had arrived. It had seemed so straightforward all those weeks ago when Elizabeth had come to see me. We had known each other for years and had often conspired together to manipulate our husbands as they rose through the college hierarchy to positions where their influence counted...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 06 Sinful Worship

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Six: Sinful Worship By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I settled down at the pew with Kyleigh at my side. My family all seemed to have found their own amusements instead of joining for service. Even now as Reverend Colin Fekete took to the podium to get service started they were all gone. My wife had vanished with one of her lovers, the Korean beauty Evaline; my son seemed to be...

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The Girls Who Shared a Bed

She didn’t respond. She lay motionless beneath the covers. She lay on her side facing me, and she cuddled a pillow. I could tell, though, by the street light outside that her eyes were closed. I slid my fingers under my panties and guided them through my pubic hair. Cautiously, I inserted two fingers inside of my pussy. The flesh was warm and moist around them. I wiggled them around slowly, fearing that I’d wake my sleeping sister if I moved too quickly. I closed my eyes and imagined the...

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Preacher s Sinful Daughter Chapter 5 Sinning with a Woman

Chapter Four: Sinning with a Woman By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “You take care of your father,” Mother said as she stood in the foyer of our house, the summer heat spilling in through the open, front door. “Of course I will,” I said, trying to keep the naughty smile off my lips. I would take care of him so well. A weekend without Mother. She was about to leave on her annual women's retreat. It was every July. I have been waiting for this weekend. Tomorrow night, Daddy promised me...

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Baby Blue

She'll call herself Baby Blue when they're desperate for a name to moan. Stole it from a billboard ad along highway 70. Thinks it was the name for a zoo's newborn seal; bit like that song... Baby Beluga? Blue Jean Baby? Can't say for sure. Doesn't really matter. All that does is the power it seems to hold over men, especially those graying at the temples. They'll whisper it with beer breath, hand on her thigh. Baby Blue. Desperate for the tight gash they no longer get at home.  It’s not really...

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The Society for the Suppression of Vice

London 13th January 1872 “I say, have you seen today’s copy of Leisure Hour?” “No. Not as yet, George. Anything good?” “There’s an appeal from the Society for the Suppression of Vice.” The movement of whiskers suggested that they were hiding an amused smile as the owner of the curling lips leant forward and poured another generous measure of whisky into his glass. “Another snifter?” Hazel eyes shifted away from the text of a newspaper and took a lingering look at the half empty bottle of...

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Ovid s Other Metamorphoses part 1

Ovid's Other Metamorphoses A Poem and a Mistake "Future generations, listen so that you may know of my fame, The playful poet of tender verses, whom you are reading." --Tristia 4.10 Before I was relegated to Tomis by the bitter mercies of Caesar Augustus, I was a Roman; before I was a Roman, I was a Sulmontini. Now I am half a Greek, delivered to a seaside city of barbarians far from my home and my wife, never to return to the Eternal City where my verses were widely...

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My story as a submissive asian woman

"The whole education of women ought to be relative to men. To please them, to be useful to them, to make themselves loved and honored by them, to educate them when young, to care for them when grown, to council them, to console them, and to make life agreeable and sweet to them?these are the duties of women at all times, and should be taught them from their infancy."Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Ever since I was a little girl, mommy taught me to be obedient toward father and male figures in the...

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Floor 1 Ravenwood Academy Ch 03

ROOM 102. RAVENWOOD LIBRARY.Mahogany shelves lined with thick hardbacks section the library into narrow aisles as high windows provide the only source of light. The room is tranquil and dimly lit by the setting sun, signaling the end of a school day.Sunset. This game seems to be processing time. Is it in real-time? How long have I been playing?Just then, an icy chill prickles my skin as a draft blows through. The zephyr lightly ruffles the skirt of my cheerleader uniform, sending a cold...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Wonder Woman s Most Fulfilling Adventure

The day began like many others had for our superheroine friend with the usual easy capture of common criminals and petty thieves. But it would end like no other, for on this day our sexy super heroine would begin an adventure like no other, one that would change her life completely. On edge of the steamy jungles of South America a volcano erupted with astounding ferocity, shooting ash and lava as far as the eye could see. The lava's roaring torrent ate away at the landscape as it rushed down...

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Editing Reality Book Three Naughty Fantasies UnleashedChapter 6 Sinful Worship

Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Steve Davies I settled down at the pew with Kyleigh at my side. My family all seemed to have found their own amusements instead of joining for service. Even now as Reverend Colin Fekete took to the podium to get service started they were all gone. My wife had vanished with one of her lovers, the Korean beauty Evaline; my son seemed to be enjoying the newest edits I gave to him and left the church with one of my students, a cutie named Rois;...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 5

“Dr. Goldman, why did you and Ms. Clarke enrol my son in the Naked In School program? Honestly, why? It’s against every principle and precept of our Christian family! My husband is an ordained Baptist minister and preacher of the Gospel. This is very much the opposite of what we believe!” Mom glared at Dr. Goldman, who simply shrugged before he spoke, while Becky blushed and squirmed for some reason, trying not to stare at me. “Because his name was drawn randomly out of the lottery system...

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Alex Is 18 Naked in School Alex and Beth Chapter 5 Thursday

Alex — Second Period I was pretty hung over through most of my Lit class but Mr. Wilson took pity on me and let me vegetate through the rest of Measure for Measure. Alcohol = bad; lesson learned. My hang over had faded to a mild headache by the time I got to Home Economics. It was not my idea to take Home Ec. But my Dom hated cooking, so he told me to take it and that I'd damn well better pass with flying colors. Actually, truth be known, I was a pretty damn good cook. Especially with...

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Preacher s Sinful DaughterChapter 5 Sinning with a Woman

“You take care of your father,” Mother said as she stood in the foyer of our house, the summer heat spilling in through the open, front door. “Of course I will,” I said, trying to keep the naughty smile off my lips. I would take care of him so well. A weekend without Mother. She was about to leave on her annual women’s retreat. It was every July. I have been waiting for this weekend. Tomorrow night, Daddy promised me a treat. Finally, he had found the woman who would have a threesome with...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 200 The End of Chloe

Monday, May 9, 2005 (Continued) At the base of the stairs I called loudly for Julia, who answered from the kitchen, which was only a few steps away. I jogged into the kitchen. Julia was in the kitchen with Robert and a couple of the bug sweeper guys, who were doing their thing with an impressive looking bunch of equipment being wheeled around on a trolley. Despite my being dressed in only a towel, I'd been hoping that Julia wasn't alone, figuring that Chloe would behave herself better in...

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Editing Reailty Book 2 Chapter 2 Midnight Surprise

Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Five: Midnight Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Steve Davies My wife quivered beside me as the app had its three charges back. I had things to take care of. After enjoying Yumiko Itou with my wife in the nurse's office, I had vowed to help the pregnant girl. Her parents would not be thrilled that their daughter was pregnant. They were a conservative family, like many who sent their children to Rainier Christian College. The world...

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A Tribe for Tethys Part 2 Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Hera Today, and Tomorrow My life is getting more complicated lately. It’s eleven o’clock-ish, it’s hot, it’s humid, it’s Texas, it’s Austin, and it’s early August. It’s Thursday, and I’m running late. I usually take a half-hour run about mid-day, in the summer heat that’s about all I can take before I’m so overheated that I can barely gasp for breath. Heat exhaustion is a real possibility, and a wiser woman would do this in the early morning. I’ve never been a wiser woman. I...

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Editing Reality Book Two Sultry Fantasies UnleashedChapter 5 Midnight Surprise

Steve Davies My wife quivered beside me as the app had its three charges back. I had things to take care of. After enjoying Yumiko Itou with my wife in the nurse’s office, I had vowed to help the pregnant girl. Her parents would not be thrilled that their daughter was pregnant. They were a conservative family, like many who sent their children to Rainier Christian High. The world froze. My daughter and her three friends, sprawled across the living room naked and smeared in pussy juices and...

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Life s Choices

Every choice has a consequence, every consequence effects your "morality", for good or evil. One choice may say something like: +1 good, another may say: +1 evil. Here are the four characters, and a little about them: Henry- The second son of a minor land owning nobleman. His father owns a small castle, and a small farming town. He has an older brother, and a younger sister. He's born in 1172. Morality starts at 0. Louis- A poor peasant farmer. Born in 1165. Will he get married and work hard,...

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AftermathChapter 5

"Right here is perfect," Brett told Paul as they stood atop of the hill. "I could not have placed this high ground in a better place. Just look at the view!" "It is very impressive," Paul agreed, looking out towards town. The hill was on the northeast side of the town, about a half mile from the corner of the concrete wall and about a quarter mile from the eastbound lanes of Interstate 80 to the north. The summit of the rocky, sparsely vegetated rise stood approximately 400 feet above...

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Maragana GirlChapter 31

Notes on the Grand Duchy of Upper Danubia as a society (the stuff that didn't make it into the novel) Readers have commented and asked me questions about my imaginary country, the Grand Duchy of Upper Danubia. Here are some details to give you an idea of what this imaginary society is like, of what I envisioned when I created it. I want to emphasize that Upper Danubia is not my personal vision of "Utopia". Instead, my fictional country is a literary effort to create a society that is...

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The SisterhoodChapter 28

The General did not give up. "I'm sorry sir. I was not able to make entrance into the temple. I broke a hard tool-steel pry bar on that door. The women never touched a key hole. They'd just walk up and walk in. I'd run up after them and the door would be locked tight. Wouldn't budge." said the agent. "Damn peculiar things going on there. I believe you about the door. I tried it myself. There were no visible locks, but it sure as hell locked solid when it closed." the General...

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Red Goblin Saves The World

(author’s note: I wrote this at 18 years old, and even then it was meant only as a humorous satire.) My name is The Red Goblin. I travel the world battling capitalism. The media calls me a super-villain but I consider that to be capitalist propaganda. One day, about a year ago, I glided into Hollywood on my red broomstick-glider. I passed a baby in a stroller sucking on a lolly-pop. I thought about turning back to steal the lolly-pop but I had more important things to do. I always enjoy...

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Editing Reailty Book 3 Chapter 08

Book Three: Naughty Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Eight: Testing the Changes By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies The menu for Rainier, Washington opened. City of Rainier, King County, State of Washington, The United States of America • Population • Physical Quality • Spiritual Quality I trembled. My angels moved around me. My gaze flicked across the room to my family. The jizz leaking out of my eldest daughter froze as it...

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The Prophecy Ch 3

This is the continuation of the previous chapter, please read to fill in any blanks. I appreciate the feedback and apologize for previous and any future grammatical errors. This story contains fantasy/magic within it and is the start of more interesting magical twists to come. If you’re not interested in the realm of seduction, fantasy, action, and adventure then you found the wrong story. “Well today just turned from really interesting to really boring, and possibly annoying in 2.5...

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Pirates of Porn Part Two

Dick suddenly pulled his shaft from Cheyenne’s pussy and pushed it into my hungry mouth. When I tasted her sloppy juice on my husband’s cock, I knew that I was hooked on sex forever. I laid beneath Cheyenne on the soft grass next to the waterfall, while Dick fucked her doggy style, squatting with his leg next to hers. Her tits were squashed against my belly as her face was stuck to my pussy; her hands snaked beneath my legs to open my cuntlips wide for the camera. It was as if the essence of my...

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Hardonis Academy P 12

Chapter 12, Third Day The three new friends met at breakfast the next day, they were all smiling. Even though they had not had sex with each other, they seemed sure of forming a tight bond. The Academy was centered on the Hall building, which included the dining area, library, club rooms, student council and newspaper offices, and the theater. To the East were the two dorm buildings. To the West was the sports complex, which included the medical office. To the north was the administration...

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asian slave seeking new owner

Yellow CockmeatNicknames: slut, bitch, whore, cum dumpMy Motto: I am your oriental sex slave and I enjoy been sexually torturedObjective: actively seeking a new ownerGender: FemaleDate of Birth: 12/11/1986Place of Birth: Shanghai, ChinaPhysical Appearance:Height:1.55mWeight:110 lbbra size: B+Waist size: BPublic hair: waxedTattoos: nonePiercings: 4 earrings through her cunt lips with locks attached (has since been removed)I especially enjoys:Ass to mouth, forced posture (such as kneeling,...

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Deja Vu For a Drow

D?j? vu for a DrowChapter 1So far everything had gone to plan for Liavondra. Despite being unwilling to leave her free and unplanned life, she had agreed to her friend Alcala’s request for help. As a Drow she was not trusted by many, as her kin were notorious for their treacherous, violent ways. Lia was different though, and had striven to be different from all other Drow for centuries. Thus, when an infiltrator was needed for the Drow, she was the first and only choice. The mission had been s...

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The Life of Riley

The Life of Riley  By Susan Riley Former Area Manager  Part One: How my life changed My name is Susan Riley. At least, it used to be. Now they just call me Riley,or cunt, or bitch, or slut, or bimbo, or other equally charming insults. Onceupon a time I was what they used to call a liberated woman. I earned good moneyas an area manager for a large company, in charge of a dozen stores. I wasmaking around fifty thousand a year, drove a top of the range BMW, and owneda large five-bedroom house...

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The Telephone

The Telephone. “Doctor, the frog settled in my ass. Please take her out. " "It's impossible!" “Doctor, nevertheless it is. Please, look inside!" “Well, I told you that you are wrong, I do not see any frog. There is only a brick. " "Doctor, frog lives under the brick." I love to walk along Green Street. These luxurious mansions always attracted me, because I wanted to be the same way as their inhabitants. And passing along this street I always imagine of myself as being one of those people...

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The Lone ArrangerChapter 5

I was surprised to find that, over time, the world managed to confront an amazing number of new problems that neither I nor anyone else, probably, had anticipated. The world economy had been suffering at the time I started my New Morality campaign, and it continued to suffer now. Nothing I had done had attempted directly to address this issue. I didn’t really feel competent to do so. However, the much-increased level of public morality was helpful. Also something of a boon was the drop in...

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Why Me FChapter 4 Stages

{date:2020-05-18a} “You’re looking well,” Eric said Sunday when she got in the car. It was probably an empty compliment. She was wearing her usual winter coat, and it covered her dress. Even though he was wearing his parka, she knew he had on a suit and tie. He always did. “Thanks. You always look nice. I feel like I’m underdressed when I’m with you. Do you own anything but suits?” “Yeah. I even own a couple of pairs of jeans, which isn’t to say that I could fit in them. But think for a...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 385 D Cup s Initial Orders

Monday, July 2, 2007 (Continued) I carried Nevaeh out to the spa pool beside our swimming pool. It was landscaped and shielded for privacy, but Nevaeh showed no hint of modesty about being outside, not even in proximity. Julia, Ava and I were also naked, as would Carol be when she arrived after getting the drinks, but Nevaeh's acceptance was still impressive. The Nevaeh of twelve hours ago would've fought tooth and nail to avoid it. I complimented her, "We're outside and you're naked,...

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My Second ChanceChapter 31 Is a Man Evil Just Because He Is Your Enemy

When I get home, I begin working on my university courses. I’m reminded of a time when I was a young Ordinary Seaman (OS) in the navy. I was tasked with downloading all the Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHMIS) data sheets and making sure each room in the navy’s engineering school had a book with sheets for every hazardous material in that room. I was a spectacle. Every instructor in the school came by the computer lab to watch me work for a bit. I rearranged the computers...

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The First Noel

Angela sat on her empty bed and did her ritual of missing her husband, who had died a year ago, before bed as she did almost every night since. Everybody said it would be better in time, that time would heal, she’d soon find the will to move on, but it seemed that the only thing time did was make it worse. She found herself missing her husband more every passing week. Dating again was only a thought she flirted with. And for a woman of forty, with signs of how she’d look when she was sixty...

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True Lies Redux Ch 02

Still very little graphic sex in this chapter. The plot thickens, I hope. This is ALL FICTION though I mention a few well known famous historical names and places. ******************* Rachel – Grayson showed up just a little after midnight after his meeting with Senator Reyburn, but he didn’t come home alone. He brought another woman home with him. Well, I DID say I was ready for ANYTHING when he got home, but I was kind of hoping more of a real romantic bonding relationship might be...

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Camilla Ch 067

Monday was Labor Day, Camilla’s last day of summer vacation before beginning university. That morning around 11 AM, she and Candice woke up with a blanket over them to cover up their nakedness, obviously Agape, who was in the kitchen, had woken up earlier, gone down into the living room, and seen the naked girls sleeping there on the floor, he then put a blanket over them. ‘I’ll bet your dad was more than surprised to see us like this,’ Candice said as she reached for her dress. ‘I’ll bet...

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Blood of the Clans Ch 48

The arrows left their bow strings, the whistling only lasting a second or two, before more screams echoed off the hills around them. Two more men stood without their manhood, while the third was pierced in his abdomen. The two men stood back and watched, as Glendon’s last archer, Callum McInnis took aim once more. All the men watched in suspense, Callum’s shot deciding a winner or not. The arrow streaked the distance in a blur and missed its mark, hitting the man on his left thigh. Gleason’s...

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The Vampire Kiss Chapter Ten Sinful Holes

Chapter 10: Sinful Holes by mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 The ecstasy of the feminine ghost's embrace fled Father Hyrum Augustine. He shuddered and blinked as realty leaped back around him. He had moved. He stood by Faust the vampire. The pair were before the large windows that looked out on Chicago. The eastern horizon lightened. The vampire Faust, a wineglass in hand, eyed the priest. Faust sipped from his chalice. It held wine instead of blood. Everything had made sense while the...

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In The Sun chapter 2 Day 4

Jane regretted falling asleep straight after making love, as soon as she woke up. She unpeeled herself from John and jumped into the shower. He joined her as she was done, so it was with a kiss and a finger to his lips, that she stopped any plans he may have had.“If we’re going out today, we need to get moving,” she told him.Jane looked out of the window and saw the other couples sitting by the pool. The men were in shorts and polo-shirts, so she got out a similar outfit for John and put on a...

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Sex Drugs Old Shanghai Part 1

Shanghai in the 1930s, known as The Wicked Old City of the Orient's Babylon. Where villains ruled, and exhibitionists danced. A perfect place for a wounded heart like Slade Garrison, PI. Opium was the rage and the boozed flowed freely.So how did a guy like me end up here? I was a Whiffenpoof (a male a cappella singer) at one time and graduated to misdemeanors before I became a cop. Eventually, I found myself in China after a doomed marriage. Then, after a string of really bad decisions, I...

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3 Evil Sisters Part 3

The only problem was that she played me like a used video game. That’s why I felt so shitty. I fell for her little ploy, hook line and sinker and that made me all the more mad. So here I was, Sunday around noon, still lying in bed with barely an hour or two of sleep under my belt, and still confused as fuck as to what I was going to do next. The door to my room slowly swung open and I lifted my head up just enough to see Izzy leaning against the doorway. “No,” I rested my head back...

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