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Generations By Gingerfred Man AUTHOR'S NOTE - There is no reasonable explanation, biological or otherwise, for the Freeloves' spectacularly unusual anatomy or their ability to procreate. So none is offered. I suggest you enjoy the story anyway. Chapter One - Meet the Freeloves The alarm clock woke Lisa Freelove at 6:30 a.m., as it did every Monday through Friday. She rubbed sleep from her eyes and anticipated yet another wonderful day. Every day of her life had been wonderful, so why should this be any different? Lisa felt her stiff cock firmly against her belly. Morning wood. And her balls were full of creamy goodness. It was a great feeling. True anticipation of good things imminent. The alarm had awakened her bedmate, Eddie, as well. Since it was a Thursday and both Lisa and Eddie were gainfully employed, neither wanted to waste time. Eddie lay on his left side and drew Lisa, who was lying on her right side, toward him. They kissed deeply, swapping tongues and plentiful saliva. Somehow, during the night, Lisa had lost her pretty, pink nightie. Their naked bodies pressed together - Lisa's big, perfect titties against Eddie's hairy chest - Lisa's big, hot, stiff cock rubbing against Eddie's equally big, hot, stiff cock. Goo mixing with goo. Lisa's bottom had been thoroughly lubricated by the activities of the previous evening, so only dilation was called for before they began the day properly. Eddie reached his right hand behind Lisa's wide hip, ran his palm across Lisa's exquisite, pink, butt cheek, found her hot, tight anus, and entered it with two loving fingers. Lisa gasped with pleasure as Eddie massaged her prostate with his skilled digits. If he didn't stop that, she would.... Ooops. First of the day, as smokers and drinkers say. Lisa spurted out that day's first, creamy load all over Eddie's delighted cock and balls. Eddie kissed Lisa harder and wetter as she was cumming and he mercilessly rubbed her prostate until the last aftershock had passed. Then he withdrew his fingers and watched, happily, as Lisa turned onto her left side, offering Eddie's prick access to where his fingers had just been. Eddie buried his stiffie into his favorite place and Lisa gasped with pleasure. He fucked her deliciously, adding to her pleasure by skinning her cockhead as he thrusted back and forth.. Twenty-five minutes later, Lisa, being the exceedingly "hot number" she had been all her life, spurted yet again. Lisa's anal contractions during her orgasm pushed Eddie off Cum Cliff and he filled her perfect bowels with his life-giving fluids. They lay there for quite a while, panting, as Eddie kissed Lisa's long, elegant neck and fondled her 36D titties, until Lisa said, "I have to get my family moving, then get to work, Eddie. Call me." As all Lisa's boyfriends did, Eddie thought of nothing but Lisa. He would call her, but knew he must wait his turn for another glorious night like the one he had just passed. Lisa got out of bed and slid on a silky, pink robe over her cum-drenched body and cum-drooling bottom. She put on her pink, four-inch-stiletto bedroom slippers and strode to her mirror to survey the night's damage. She looked like a beautiful, 36-year-old woman, young-looking for her age, who had just spent a night and morning being well-fucked. Good. That's who she was. No need to worry about her appearance yet. She would get ready for the day once she had things moving. Eddie was putting on his pants as Lisa blew him a kiss and left the room. Lisa walked to the room of Amber, her 18-year-old daughter. Lisa didn't bang on the door to wake Amber. She knew Amber had been awake for some time - probably since 6 a.m. It was 7:08. Lisa had to enforce the 7:15 rule. Lisa threw the door open and was greeted with the sight of a man's hairy ass moving toward, then away from where Lisa was standing. The ass belonged to Mr. Bunsen. Amber's chemistry teacher. It was moving because Mr. Bunsen was fucking Amber on her bed. Amber was on her back, grunting with pleasure as Mr. Bunsen fucked her exquisite bottom. Amber's legs, resplendent with black, seamed fully-fashioned, reinforced-heel-and-toe stockings attached to a pretty, black garter belt, were wrapped around Mr. Bunsen's hips. Amber's cock had already spurted twice during the sweet copulation, so she didn't argue with Mom about the 7:15 rule. "Amber," Lisa said, "it's 7:08. Finish Mr. Bunsen off and send him on his way. All men must be out of the house by 7:15." Mom was right, of course. As rules went, the 7:15 rule was a good one. No one could get ready in the morning, Amber for school or Lisa for the Bank, if there were men around looking to donate their sperm to the Freelove women. Even Roxy should observe the rule. Of course she didn't follow many rules. Mr. Bunsen had been fucking Amber every night for a week, so he didn't react with fear as he had the first time Amber's mother had thrown open the door and given him the bum's rush. Instead, he stepped up his efforts to cum and be gone. Amber helped him out. She thrust three manicured, painted fingers into Mr. Bunsen's bottom and rubbed his prostate as he slid his cock through Amber's tunnel of love. He lasted maybe 23 seconds before he was crying out (manfully, of course) and making a creamy deposit in the bank of love. It was 7:12 when Amber kissed Mr. Bunsen, stood up, and handed him his pants. "Tomorrow night at 8 all right with you, Mr. Bunsen?" the sweet teen asked. Bunsen thanked the gods of science for his good fortune. He was afraid Amber would tire of him long before this. Every night he fucked her was a night in paradise. After all, the Freeloves could choose from just about any man who suited their fancy. Bunsen threw on his pants, then his shoes, grabbed his shirt and ran out the bedroom door, barely avoiding a collision with Eddie, who was similarly garbed. They smiled a bit sheepishly at each other, then ran out the front door to their cars. There was a third, non-Freelove car there and it hadn't moved yet. It belonged to Roxy's lover du jour - that would be du soir, actually - a mid-late-30s, rich, manly fellow named Earl. Eddie and Bunsen thought to themselves that it paid to be Roxy's lover. She didn't follow Lisa's rules. And why should she? Roxy was Lisa's mother. Amber's grandmother, though it was punishable by death to use that word in Roxy's presence. Roxy was, quite simply the world's sexiest, 54-year-old babe. She looked sexy, with huge, firm boobs; a tight, plump ass; an hourglass figure that a teenager would envy; a truly beautiful, virtually unlined face; big, thick, lustrous, brunette, hair-model hair; and a stiff, seven-inch, uncircumcised cock with attendant large, low-hanging balls. She acted sexy, reeking sex as she cast a web for every man whose good fortune put him in Roxy's path. And she was sexy - probably the best fuck on the planet. A really enthusiastic fuck that made every man think that he was either Roxy's first or her best ever. Roxy and Earl had had a spectacular evening and the morning's waker- upper was starting the day off right for the beautiful shemale. The way Roxy's days had started pretty much every day since she was ...well, let's just say, younger. Earl had Roxy on all fours giving her a "canine special" and Roxy was enjoying herself as she always did. Earl was 20 years younger than Roxy, but she was at least his equal in stamina. And in production of both erections and sperm. Almost all of Roxy's lovers were younger than she. Mostly in their mid- thirties. Sometimes younger. Though certainly all of legal age. That was the one house rule that every Freelove woman followed, even Roxy. The "18-years-old" issue had been a sticky one for Amber, since she had just turned that lovely age four weeks earlier. So she had only been fucking actual grown men for a month. In the house. Openly. Just as her Mom and Grandmom had been doing as long as Amber could remember. That doesn't mean Amber was a virgin until her 18th birthday. Far from it. Lisa was not happy when, at Amber's 12th birthday party, Roxy gave Amber two dozen pairs of seamed, fully-fashioned, reinforced-heel-and-toe stockings. Eight each of black, brown and tan. Roxy also gave Amber a dozen pairs of four-inch-stiletto pumps and sandals. A half-dozen garter belts. Two dozen pairs of super-sexy panties. Lisa called it "contributing to the potential delinquency" of a 12-year- old. Roxy called it "common sense." "I gave you the same gift on your 12th birthday, Lisa," Roxy said. "And you turned out all right". Lisa blushed at that. She had forgotten. But remembering things a bit, Lisa recalled that she had been thrilled at the grown-up lingerie. And she never wore anything but for the rest of her life. Still, Lisa didn't want Amber turning into some little tart - which Lisa defined as consorting with any 18+ men until you were 18, boys under 18 when you were over 18, or with married men at any time. Amber, though, had solid values and a pretty good respect for rules. Thank goodness her mother and grandmother made rules that were sensible and could be followed by a girl with rampaging hormones. Which had been rampaging in Amber long before her 12th birthday. When Roxy gave Amber that wonderful present, she had already grown titties the size of a man's fist. Mostly nipple and very sensitive. She already had "feelings" for men. And it was clear that men had feelings for her. Amber also lived in an extremely sexually-charged household. When Amber was young, her Mom had the good sense to only bring her nightly male bedmates into the house after young Amber was asleep. Roxy had no such moral imperatives. She had men hanging all over her all day and night. And Amber got a pretty good education listening to the grunts, groans, gasps, pants, squeals and screams emanating from Roxy's bedroom. Not that Amber needed much of an education. She was a Freelove. She was "innocently" sitting on men's laps long before her 12th birthday. Teachers. Principals. Clergymen. Relatives. She loved to rub her pretty bottom into men's crotches and feel them grow stiff and needy. In those days, Amber wore little-girl dresses, frilly white socks and Mary Janes - never pants! No Freelove would ever wear pants!! Or flannel. Not even a flannel nightie. As Roxy always said, "If you're cold, ask a man to stick his cock into you. That'll warm you up." The day after her 12th birthday, over Lisa's mild objections, which were poo-pooed by Roxy, Amber wore her big-girl clothes to school for the first time. It almost caused a riot. Amber wore black, seamed, fully-fashioned, reinforced-heel-and-toe stockings; a black, satin garter belt; black fuck-me pumps with a four- inch heel; a clingy, pink top that showed off her budding boobies encased in a sexy, black bra; and a black, 13-inch mini that barely covered her stockings tops. It was one of the more conservative outfits she had worn in the past six years. Boys liked Amber. They liked her pre-stockings. They wanked themselves dry thinking about her post-stockings. Amber liked boys. She liked men too, though she knew messing around with men while she was still jail bait was a bad idea. Amber had lots of dates. Movie dates where she kissed the boys as they felt her up and made her cum into her pretty panties. Afternoon dates with latch-key boys who sneaked her into their houses and allowed her to learn the technique that helped her become a world-class fellatrix. Roxy kept trying to get Lisa to allow Amber to bring her dates into the house. Lisa kept saying no. Amber came home more than once with her cummy panties hidden in her purse. The showdown came when a nice, 17-year-old boy invited 12-year-old Amber to his senior prom. Lisa shot that down immediately! No sixth-grade daughter of hers was going to a high-school senior prom! Final. End. Finito. Until Roxy reminded Lisa that she had gone to her first senior prom when she was 12. And in 6th Grade. Oh. Lisa had forgotten that. The memory of that wonderful night flooded back. Lisa had lost her virginity that night. [Sigh] Could Lisa deny her daughter the joy Lisa had felt? Amber went to the prom. Had a great time. And lost her virginity. After that, Amber was allowed to bring her dates to the house. And take them to her room. With the door closed. As long as they were younger than 18 - Lisa checked thoroughly. And they had to be out of the house by 10. Strictly enforced. So Amber had only had all-night bedwarmers for four weeks. Now she would have them for the rest of her life. Eighteen-year-old Amber slid off her black stockings and tossed them into the growing pile of cum-stained nylon. She was going to wash them all out when she got home from school that afternoon - a resolution she would only break if a man followed her home for some afternoon delight. Oops, no. That wasn't possible that day. She had promised Mom that she would help her at the Bank after school. And she was good to her mother. Amber's mother was good to Amber. She was out there making a healthy breakfast - your most important meal. And she was getting out Amber's birth-control medicine. Lisa had put Amber on birth control the day she first went to school in stockings and heels. A wise precaution. Amber stripped her cummy sheets and put them in the laundry. She put fresh sheets on and for the millionth time in her life thought that the Freeloves probably washed more sheets than a mid-sized hotel. Naked, she put on a filmy, black robe and black, mule, stiletto slippers (no Freelove would walk around without high heels) and joined her mother in the kitchen. "Good morning, Honey," Lisa said to Amber. She kissed her daughter on the lips, then said, "Did you have a nice night with Mr. Bunsen?" "Oh, yes, Mom. He's a very nice man. He's giving me an "A" in chemistry and I don't even have to do the experiments or take the test." Lisa beamed with pride. That was a good use of one's sexuality, she thought. Amber had great values. "You should date Mr. Bunsen, Mom. Really," Amber said. "I think Roxy would like him too. He's very sexy and very grateful." Maybe I will, Lisa thought. Lisa and Amber sized up each other's looks. They were both beautiful, mussed, cum-drained, well-fucked women. Amber always felt better when she had cleaned up, dressed and put on her face. Looking mussed didn't seem to bother Lisa. Lisa dished out bacon, eggs, toast and a birth-control pill for Amber and the same for herself. They both ate eagerly. With all the calories fucking used up, they never worried about their weight. They finished eating and Lisa dismissed Amber. "I'll tidy the dishes, Honey," she said. "You get ready for school." Good idea. Amber showered, patted dry and powdered. She had shaved her arms and pits the day before, so she moved on. Amber sat naked on her vanity stool and checked herself out. She had great breasts. Freelove breasts. Like Mom and Roxy. Big, brown nipples and some real heft to each boob. No wonder men would trade a testicle to suck them. Her face was beyond pretty, well in the realm of beautiful. Sort of a young Catherine De Neuve. Her skill with cosmetics made her beauty nearly lethal. Amber's hair was naturally curly. She kept it long - the way men like it. When her hair and make-up were perfect, Amber put on a pair of brown, seamed, fully-fashioned, reinforced-heel-and-toe stockings. Though she had been wearing such stockings every waking moment for the past six years, Amber reveled in their embrace. She hooked the beautiful nylon stocking tops to a six-clip garter belt, then stood to admire her work so far in the mirror. Amber's cock, which was still breathing free air, was stiff and drippy. Where was a man when you needed one? Amber wasn't a wanker. She had plenty of people eager to participate in her orgasms. She encased her precious penis in panties, then harnessed her wild titties in an over- challenged bra. A bit of perfume in some strategic areas, hoop earrings and matching gold bracelet in place, Amber put on a cute, red, long-sleeved, miniskirted dress. It was February, after all. Red pumps completed the ensemble. Amber looked at herself in the mirror and pronounced herself edible. It was 8:25. Amber grabbed her school bag and left her room. She put on her coat and gloves, and met her Mom at the front door. Lisa looked great too in a black dress, stockings and pumps. Her Bank clothes. Were Lisa's titties bigger that Amber's? Or Roxy's? Maybe, but who cared? Just then, Roxy's door open and Earl emerged. He walked up to Amber and Lisa, said, "Good morning, ladies" and went out the door to his car. Roxy emerged from her room. She was "walking funny," befitting a woman who had been serially assfucked all night. But she was happy. "Have a good day, Amber," Roxy said. "I'll just throw myself together and meet you at the Bank, Lisa." Lisa and Amber knew that Roxy never "threw herself together." It would be at least two hours - maybe two and a half. Roxy kept banker's hours. Chapter Two - Banking As Lisa drove to work, `she thought about the day ahead at the Bank. Her assistant Heather had told her the previous afternoon that Lisa's schedule was full. And so was Roxy's. Not that it mattered much to Lisa's "adult delinquent" mother. Roxy was never very responsible and now that Amber was grown up, Roxy seemed to take that as license to sluff off even more. It was a good thing Lisa had Amber helping after school since her 18th birthday. And of course, Lisa's assistants Heather, Madison and Emily helped out when they could, as well. Lisa parked in the manager's reserved spot, then walked the short distance to the Bank. She felt the cold breeze under her short skirts and picked her high-heeled way carefully through the collected ice. The Freeloves and their assistants were the only women in town who wore anything but Eskimo attire in the winter. Men, of course, adored that about them. Heather had opened the Bank that morning and she greeted Lisa as she entered the building. As she did every day, Lisa paused a moment and took a deep breath. She inhaled the smell of what had marked her and her family's business success and personal pleasure. Sperm. Lisa and her family were the founders, managers and operators of the hugely successful Freelove Sperm Bank. And from the looks of the waiting room, today was going to be another "gusher." There were six men in the waiting room, all regular donors, and they lit up when Lisa entered the room. "Good morning, boys," Lisa said. She noted with an inner chuckle that the men were all hard and ready for their donations. "Good morning, Nurse Lisa," they said in unison. Lisa wasn't exactly a nurse, but she played one at the clinic. The men were all ready to make their donations, but Lisa said, "Now you know I have to get my cup of coffee and put my uniform on. So you'll just have to wait a few minutes. Nurse Heather, are Nurse Madison and Nurse Emily seeing patients already?" "Yes, Nurse Lisa," Heather said. "We're very busy today. When can we expect Nurse Roxy?" "My best guess is 11 a.m. Nurse Heather. But we'll get through somehow. Nurse Amber will be coming in after school, around 3." Lisa waved ta-ta at the men in the waiting room and went to her private office, an ample space with the interesting amenity of a queen-sized bed and its own full bath. Heather had prepared Lisa's coffee just right. What a good kid she was, Lisa thought. A real head for figures and she managed the office well. So did Emily and Madison. At least one of them was at the desk at all times. The others were usually seeing patients, especially when the Bank was busy. Lisa knew that the patients came to the clinic primarily to be seen by a Freelove, but it wasn't always possible. Heather, Madison and Emily were all "part-time" girls. They were one year out of high school and lived as boys with their parents. At the Bank, they dressed as sexy nurses' assistants and helped patients give sperm donations. Which was just about every sissyboy's dream. Lisa had had girls like them working at the Bank for as long as she could remember. About one-third of them ultimately decided to become big-titted, cock-and-balls-keeping shemales. Another third played at being a part-time girl for the rest of their lives - an unsatisfactory solution as far as Lisa was concerned. The last third went back to being men - usually under pressure from family and "friends." That was the least satisfactory of all. Lisa slid out of her black dress and into her pink-with-white-trim, "naughty nurse" outfit, complete with generous exposure of cleavage and black stocking tops and a sexy little nurse's cap. The "nurse's assistants" wore all-white nurse outfits. Without cleavage, of course. But with their stockings, heels, big hair, and excellent make-up on their pretty faces, each was a wet dream waiting to happen. Lisa wiggled out of her office in her five-inch-stiletto fuck-me pumps and walked up to Donation Room One. Lisa retrieved the "medical file" from the container on the door and read it. Mark Hardwood. She sighed. Mark was babe-a-licious, but he was married. Lisa saw married men at the clinic, but not socially. There was no "fucking" at the clinic. Well, some, but not of patients. Lisa would have loved to have Mark in her bed, but scruples were scruples. Mark had signed up and paid for a silver special number 4 "donation." And that was what he would get. A "digital sampling with aromatherapy," the catalog said. Digital in the "fingers" sense. Aroma as in, well... She opened the door and saw Mark sitting on a medical examining table in his t-shirt. Just his tshirt. House rules for donations. "Good morning, Mr. Hardwood," Lisa said. "It's wonderful to see you again. How have you been?" Mark smiled dazzlingly. His cock was big and straight. What kind of wife would drive a man like that to seek the comfort of the Freelove Sperm Bank? Thinking about things like that lowered Lisa's opinion of most women. "I'm fine, Nurse Lisa," he said. "I was on my way to work and saw the clinic. Called and told the office I would be a little late. Of course, if you just expanded your hours a bit...." Lisa's patients had been asking for that for years. They wanted the convenience of "donating" either on their way to work, on the way home, or on weekends. Lisa wouldn't allow it, because she believed it would disrupt the Freeloves' family life. Nine to five was it, you men. Deal with it. As part of the silver special number 4, Lisa removed her panties and let Mark sniff them as she applied baby oil to her right hand. The panty- sniffing was a more popular option than you might think. Mark could see Lisa's stiff cock, sticking up and lifting her skirts, but silver doesn't buy you touching it. And rules were rules. Lisa watched with amusement as Mark drew in Lisa's scent from her panties. She touched his burning cock with her oiled hand and said, "Oh, yes, Mr. Johnson is very excited today, isn't he? He's going to make a really big, hot, creamy sample for Nurse Lisa. Lisa raised Mark's tshirt to expose his belly. Mark whimpered as Lisa oiled his balls with her skilled fingers, then traced his shaft and concentrated on his cockhead. Lisa knew Mark wanted to kiss her, but he hadn't paid for that perk. Maybe he'll lighten his wallet the next time, she thought. Lisa talked dirty to Mark to get him to cum and allow her to relieve the next patient's suffering. "Oh, Mr. Hardwood, I think you're very excited. And you're an exciting man. A man a girl would want fucking her sweet pussy. Making her squeal and cum. Cum for me, Mr. Hardwood. Cum for Nurse Lisa." And he did. In thick strands. All over his exposed belly. Which made Lisa figure that Mark's wife hadn't been giving him any. It was sad. But if the Mrs. Hardwoods of the world were sexually generous, there would be no Freelove Sperm Bank. Lisa took her panties back from Mark, slid them back on, then collected some of the cum globs off Mark's stomach into a small sample vial. Lisa kissed Mark on the lips (every patient got a goodbye kiss). She left the room, put the sample vial in a case next to the door and moved on to Room Two. Just as she grabbed the chart for her next patient, Emily was emerging from Room Four. She smiled at Lisa through a nice, thick glob of cum on her face. Lisa hoped that the Room Four patient had paid for a platinum special or above. The Bank didn't give away free services. Emily sensed Lisa's concern and showed her the chart. A platinum number six! No wonder Emily had been in there that long. The platinum number six involved nipple adoration, lots of tongue kissing and a sample given by both the nurse and the patient. With both samples swallowed by their recipients. Good for Emily! She showed promise. And a lot of long, stockinged leg under that miniscule nurse's uniform. Emily went to the ladies' room to clean up and retouch her make-up. Then back to the grindstone. It was a tough business, but a necessary one. Chapter Three - School Amber Freelove said goodbye to her Mom that morning just as Walter Denton, her best boyfriend at school showed up in his late-model Beamer. Amber never rode a school bus in her life. When she was in elementary school she walked to school. In junior high and high school, a nice boy with a car would always go way out of his way to make sure she got to school on time and safely. Amber remembered that even when she was 12, there were always plenty of high school boys who would steal cars if they had to so they could drive her. Amber was such a sweet girl. And always so appreciative. She always expressed her appreciation in the most delightful ways. Walter Denton had been driving Miss Freelove to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for several years. He was ten days older than Amber, which was great for that 18+ rule. There was that messy matter of needing to be 16 to obtain a driver's license. And the matter of having a car as well as a license. Walter was undeterred. He drove Amber without a license for two years, then with a license for two years and a month. Less that silly ten-day lapse. Walter's father or mother never loaned him their cars. And Walter never owned a car. Yet, every Tuesday and Thursday morning he would show up in a different "borrowed" car from the "generous" people of their town. The cars were returned in good condition soon after school, so no harm done. Merely 208 potential counts of auto theft. The threat of "5 to 10 upstate" for grand theft auto wasn't nearly enough to deter a boy from "helping" Amber Freelove any way he could. Because being with Amber for that 15 minute drive four times each week was almost the highlight of Walter's life. The real highlight was all the "thank you" sex she gave him after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Now that Amber was working at the Bank, however, they hadn't had any "after-school tickles." But she knew how to make things right with a man. "Walter, Honey" Amber said as she settled herself into the rich, leather, heated seats. "Would you like to spend Saturday night with me? I mean the whole night? In my bed?" Walter had never had a car accident, but he nearly ran off the road. He recovered and said, "Yes, I would. Thank you, Amber. What time may I join you?" "Oh you can 'join' me all night if you want, Walter," Amber said. "I'll be all yours. Come by the house at eight. And eat your Wheaties that morning. You'll need your strength." Walter drove to school on a cloud of love. Amber felt good about being nice to a man who adored her. Plus, it was time to start dating men her own age again. Men who generated a big erection and a creamy load every half hour or so. They arrived at school and Walter dropped Amber off. She kissed him and squeezed his cock affectionately. "I'll swallow your cream on the way to my Mom's Bank this afternoon, Walter. Have a good day." Walter wondered why the other girls weren't like Amber. He took the car to a secluded spot away from nosy cops and their stolen car lists. Then he went to school. Amber strode to her locker and put away her coat and purse. She knew every boy in school was looking at her. Dreaming about sticking their cocks into her. By her own estimate, she had fulfilled more than half those dreams at one time or another. Only 18+ now, though, boys. Amber enjoyed her classes, especially since she had arranged her schedule so that she had all male teachers. She always sat near the front of the classroom and made sure the teachers saw plenty of stockinged leg and an occasional glimpse of bare thigh and [gasp] panty. Teasing the men had been her great pleasure for six years. Now she was pleasing them. She had already been fucked by all five of her major subject teachers in the month since she was 18. Three of the teachers were married, so she didn't tell Mom about them. She met them at a little motel lovenest and submitted to their every request. While wishing their requests had been much more imaginative. She hated sneaking around on Mom's rules, but it was difficult enough getting all male teachers, let alone single ones. And she certainly didn't want to study to get good grades. Amber's only real girlfriends were Nora and Ramona. And they weren't exactly girls. They were sort of "Amber wannabes." Since eighth grade, Nora and Ramona had actively transformed from boys to girls, with Amber as their role model. Though Amber told them a few bijillion times that she never really transitioned. She was always who she was. From birth. Nora and Ramona were very sweet girls, though, and quite pretty. Amber, Ramona and Nora were the only girls in the whole school, maybe the whole state, who took care with their makeup and always wore skirts or dresses, heels and real stockings. It paid off. Nora and Ramona were very popular with the boys at school. Not as popular as Amber. Amber had big boobs. And a well-known mother and grandmother. But Nora and Ramona had lots of handsome dates. And bottoms that were well-filled with cocks and sperm. They were also, like Amber, allowed to use the girl's room at school. This was important for transgender rights and liberty reasons, Amber supposed. But the practical advantage was that, as the urgent need for sexual relief struck them, Amber, Nora and Ramona could go into the girls room, find a stall, and suck each other's cocks to a heaving, spurting, creamy conclusion. The girls would have preferred the sexual company of boys during the school day, but they knew that if they sucked boys off at school, they would be caught frequently enough to embarrass themselves and their companions. And the girls didn't want to get a reputation as the "school sluts." So the sex with boys, and there was lots of it, took place off the school grounds. The three girls hung out together as often as possible, especially at lunch, usually surrounded by randy hordes of boys. They were always friends, never competitors. There were millions of men and only three of them. Lisa and Roxy adored Nora and Ramona and had already conscripted them to work at the family Bank right after their high school graduation. If not sooner. Who says high school is a bad time of one's life? Chapter Four - Roxy Roxy waved goodbye to her family and set about the tasks of the day. She loved her family and they loved her back. As a family, they were probably less dysfunctional than most. Roxy knew for a fact that the group she lived with was better than the group she grew up with. As she did every morning, a fairly content, well-fucked Roxy considered herself in the full-length mirror. Not bad. At age 54, Roxy's full, huge-nippled boobs had barely sagged and her belly was flat. Her gorgeous, classicly beautiful face was barely lined by age. Her legs were firm and shapely, with only a hint of vein showing. Her hair was shoulder-length and lustrously black. And her ass.... Oh my. Roxy's ass... Two perfectly shaped buttock cheeks. Charmingly plump. Full, warm pillows of love. Just the slightest, wispiest hint of a sag. Anus still tight and appetizing for any man with the tiniest bit of heterosexual desire. Which was awfully good, Roxy thought, after nearly 50,000 loads of men's cum had found their way to those lovely bowels. That's right. Do the math. An average of three hot, hard visitors per day, by Roxy's conservative estimate. For 44 years. Which means she had her first fuckings when she was - quite young. It was the 60s - 1964 to be exact. Things were different in the 60s. And Roxy was definitely the victim of some unenthusiastic parenting. While Roxy made fun of Lisa for all her rules, Roxy wished she had been raised with a few. Roxy was not as strict a Mom as Lisa was with Amber, but she did impart the values to Lisa that engendered those rules. Even good-old-fashioned amorality has its limits. But back to Roxy's physical wealth. Since as long as Roxy could remember, until Lisa was in her late teens, men preferred her to any other woman in the world. Lisa, though she thought of herself as frumpy, now and then, had become the fairest of them all. More attractive than Roxy. But not by much. Roxy would never admit that to Lisa or anyone else. But she knew her daughter was sexier than she was. And secretly, it made her proud. Unsecretly, she did all kinds of things to retain her world-championship of erection production and cum dispersion. Silly, but fun things like fucking Amber's six (thus far) senior prom dates on their 18th birthdays and for sometime after. And all seven of Lisa's prom dates almost 20 years earlier. Roxy knew she wouldn't be "Roxy" forever. And basically, she was OK with that. Maybe she would get married. White wedding gown. White picket fence. Tuna casserole every Friday. Maybe not. There were still plenty of men who wanted to share Roxy's bed. And there would be for years to come. She knew that for a fact. Roxy also knew that she would have to help her daughter Lisa get through the tough time when she realizes that the men would be looking at Lisa right after they looked at Amber. Amber was nearing the championship that Lisa took from Roxy. Good, Roxy thought. That was how it should be. Roxy would also have to deal with issues related to the next generation of Freeloves. She knew that would be imminent. She and Lisa had discussed it. Amber wasn't focused on it yet. But she would be. Very focused. Roxy was only able to do all this hard thinking because she had never succumbed to the temptation to be a blonde. Well, there was junior year in high school, but that was an aberration. Lisa and Amber also maintained their natural hair colors - brunette and brunette, respectively. Roxy took a slow, sensuous bath, cleansing herself of the impurities of the past 24 hours, in preparation for the impurities of the next 24 hours. She patted herself dry, shaved her legs and blew her hair dry. She spent a good 40 minutes on the application of powder, lotion, perfume and cosmetics. She was worth it. OK, the Bank was important too, but so was the Freelove reputation. No Freelove would appear in public looking less than her best. And Roxy's best seemed to take longer and longer to achieve. Roxy dressed next - a large, white, retro brassiere (severely challenged, of course); black, ruffled, garter belt; black, seamed, fully-fashioned, reinforced-heel-and-toe stockings; black, four-inch- stiletto pumps; a pretty, electric-blue dress, with a low-cut bodice; and black panties. Roxy was particular about everything she wore, but particularly particular about her panties. She couldn't imagine why the girls today wouldn't wear stockings and garter belts, but insisted on wearing those horrible thong things and called them panties. Thongs weren't panties. They showed the whole bottom. What was the point? Panty removal should be the last surrender to your man. The one that assures him you're "going all the way." The panty should cover something you can see when you remove it. Roxy preferred sheer, black, bikini panties that merely suggested the bottom cheeks. And that was what she wore that day. She looked at her watch - 10:45. It was time to go to work at the family business. Didn't want to miss the lunch crowd. Roxy locked the door, got into her car and drove to work. Chapter Five - "Hard" at work Roxy made her daily grand entrance to work at 11:05. "Nurse" Madison, in all her blonde pantyboy glory, was on desk duty as Nurses Heather, Emily and Lisa were collecting samples from delighted patients. There were five patients in the waiting room. Everyone looked up when Roxy strode in. The men sat up straight. Madison stood up and said, "Good morning, Nurse Roxy!" The men echoed that greeting. Roxy smiled luminously and said, "Good morning, everyone." Roxy feasted on adoration. She was always well fed. Roxy swept past them all to her office, which, like Lisa's, was well- appointed with a bed and private bathroom. She hung up her dress and wiggled into her work clothes. A sexy nurse outfit that showed even more cleavage and more stocking top than Lisa's outfit. She checked herself out in the mirror, pronounced herself babe-a-licious and went to work. Room Three had a "medical" record in the slot. Roxy took it out and examined it. Hmm, a new patient. Randy Cox. Forty-one-years old. Single. Librarian. He had paid for a platinum number five. The man has taste, Roxy thought. And he was lucky. Roxy would be his nurse for the treatment - five minutes of warm-up kissing, followed by a ball bath for the "nurse" and a creamy oral treat from the nurse down the patient's throat, followed by the nurse returning both favors for the patient. She opened the door and was delighted by the look of lustful shock and awe Mr. Cox gave Roxy. Roxy loved that look. "Good morning, Mr. Cox," she said. "I see you're a new patient. Thank you for choosing Freelove Sperm Bank for your necessary deposits." Poor Randy was still wide-eyed and speechless. He had heard about the Freelove Sperm Bank. Everyone in town had. And he had almost become a "patient" many times. His mother had advised against it and he always did as Mother said. But just yesterday, Mother had moved to Florida with her latest boyfriend. So what Mother didn't know couldn't hurt her, could it? Roxy saw Randy's fear, shame and lust and she approved. Just the right combination to maximize one's experience at the Bank, Roxy thought. "I know you're a busy man, Mr. Cox, so perhaps we should begin the treatment. I see you're in a very needy condition." Randy blushed. He was sitting on the examination table in only his tshirt. His fully exposed penis was stiff and drippy. And quite large. Roxy put the file down, lifted her skirts, then shimmied down her panties. When Randy saw the "eye" of Roxy's cock staring mostly at him, he nearly fainted. Roxy decided that she had better take charge of the situation or the Bank would be experiencing its first patient fatality. She sat on the exam table to Randy's left, lifted her skirts to fully expose her stiff cock, and said, "You can touch my thingee if you like. You can kiss me too." Wow. Randy was almost fatally aroused as he timidly laid his trembling hand on Roxy's big "thingee." It was very hot to the touch. And hard, yet delicately smooth and soft in its own way. Roxy gasped as Randy touched her cock. A startled Randy withdrew his hand. Thinking about it a moment, he realized that the gasp was a good thing. So he reapplied his hand. And ran it along the substantial length of Roxy's proud peeny. Roxy grunted softly to indicate her pleasure, then turned her head toward Randy's head in open-mouthed invitation for a kiss. Randy accepted. He laid his mouth on the mouth of everyman's dream girl. Tasting the sweet nectar of her lipstick and saliva. Darting his tongue against hers. Then...gasp...feeling Roxy's soft hand traversing the length of his own cock. Complain though she might to Lisa, Roxy loved her job. Randy had a very nice cock. Thick and hot, with a fat head and soft peelips. A nice, seven-and-a-half inches by Roxy's expert reckoning. And a substantial foreskin that Roxy was skinning much to the agonized delight of her patient. If Roxy kept that up, with all Randy's obvious excitement, Randy would... Ooops. It was all spurting out. Big creamy globs. Randy was whimpering softly through his French kiss as he shot out what looked like a lifetime supply of spunk. Was Randy a virgin? As it turned out, he wasn't. Though not by much. And he was certainly repressed by his mother. And now an older woman was relieving his sexual frustrations, What would Dr. Phil say about all that? Nurse Roxy, didn't psychoanalyze her patients. She just emptied their balls. Randy made quite a mess - all over Roxy's pretty hand, his tshirt and belly, and the floor. Randy followed his instincts and said, "Oh, Nurse Roxy, I'm so sorry I made a mess. Let me get something and clean it up." Roxy smiled and tut-tutted him appropriately. "Messes are what we do here, Honey," Roxy said. "But we have a problem. We can't use that sample, so we'll have to take another." Even the sweet, but moderately dim librarian got the meaning of that and smiled. Roxy continued. "Of course, we can't take a sample just yet, can we? Your nurse is very needy too. You got me all excited and it says on your chart that you're willing to take a nice 'oral sample' of my 'material' too. Are you?" Randy nodded eagerly. "Good," Roxy said. Then she walked across the room, retrieved a pillow from a closet and tossed it onto the floor. "Why don't you just kneel on that pillow, Baby, and I'll give you what you need more than anything right now?" Randy eagerly complied. Roxy wiggled over to where Randy was kneeling. In her big heels, her cock was perfectly positioned for Randy's oral attentions. She lifted her skirts with her left hand and fully skinned the pink head of her seven-inch jewel with her right. Randy began his long-awaited feast. He nuzzled her privates, taking in the sweet, feminine/masculine musk of her pink package. Roxy didn't expect that and she adored the unexpected. Then Randy set to work on a full bathing of Roxy's testicles. Tonguing. Licking. Very nice. Had Randy been planning and rehearsing this day for a long time? Apparently. By the time Randy took Roxy's fat cockhead into his warm, moist mouth, Roxy was very steamy and almost creamy. And rightly so. The poor lady hadn't emptied her aching balls in nearly four hours! Randy's loving attentions made Roxy's nostrils flare and her legs weak. Randy swirled his tongue around and around Roxy's sensitive "pinkie." When he gave a long , slow, wet lick along the "arrow point" on the underside of Roxy's little head, that did it. Roxy cried out and shot her considerable cream in thick glops all over Randy's face, hair and chest. Roxy was delighted. Randy was delighted. Heedless of his cummy condition, Randy stood, took a surprised Roxy into his arms and kissed her with elaborate tongue. Digging deeply for his "inner man," Randy placed his hands on Roxy's shoulders, then gently, but firmly "forced" her knees to the pillow he had just occupied. Roxy was enjoying herself tremendously. And, of course, it only got better when her mouth was stuffed with cock. A condition that will brighten almost any day for almost anyone. Randy's cock felt very nice in Roxy's mouth. She applied her considerable skills as a fellatrix to give Randy a memorable experience. The inevitable, yet intensely enjoyable happened. Roxy swallowed every sweet drop. The obligatory, post-faux-medical-procedure kiss followed, but it was not perfunctory. Randy was in love! Roxy got that a lot. She wasn't in love...maybe with the men of the world, but not Mr. Randy Cox specifically. But she liked him. And she showed it by saying, "Mr. Cox, it's February and I get so cold sleeping alone. Would you like to stay with me tonight? All night?" Randy actually gasped. Audibly. The only audible sound he was able to produce. His enthusiastic nods signaled his eager agreement. "Eight o'clock, Sweetie," Roxy said. "Here's the address." And she left the treatment room and a quivering Randy Cox. The professional day had started well for Roxy. She looked at the examination rooms to see who was next. There was a record in the holder of Room Four. Roxy reached for it. But just then, Nurse Emily turned the corner and said, "Oh, Nurse Roxy. There you are. Nurse Lisa asked me to find you. VIP Number Three is here for you." Number Three? Goodie, Roxy said. The day was getting better. Roxy strode happily to her office bed and her appointment with VIP Number Three. Meanwhile. Lisa, Madison and Emily were "working hard" to keep up with the building lunchtime crowd. The Bank's regular patients - those who visited twice a week or more - spent a great deal of their work time thinking about how they would rather be "banking." So when lunch time approached, many grabbed the rent money and headed over for a gold number two (ball bath followed by a slow, wet blow job) or a platinum number one ("nursing" on a nurse's boobies, followed by a prostate massage, while receiving a proper cock swallowing). It was intense work for the nurses, but the rewards were great. Especially for the Freeloves, who netted about $350,000 a year. The nurses' assistants didn't do badly either. They made $50,000 a year on the books and lots of tips off the books. And neither the Freeloves nor their assistants had much to spend their money on. Men seemed to always be giving the Freelove women things. And providing for them. The Freeloves' gratitude was legendary. Chapter Six - After-School Special When the last bell rang at school that day, Amber was in full anticipation of a great afternoon and evening. Not that every afternoon and evening weren't great. At first, she wasn't completely happy about "working" at the Bank every day after school. Her afternoons were already pretty good, what with the boy of her choice in her bed, giving her a full ration of stiff cock. But Amber found Bank work very much to her liking. She liked the "candy-striper" uniform she wore to arouse the patients. She liked the patients. They were so needy and so grateful for her easement of their pain. She liked the variety of patients. Lots of them, all wanting lots of different "treatments." She really liked that many of the men paid a "special-nurse" extra fee to reserve Amber as their nurse - in preference to her mother and grandmother. And she liked the money. Lots of it. Lisa gave her a small allowance for working at the Bank, but the patients' tips were making her rich. Walter met her as promised and she gave him a nice kiss. He held the door for her - he was such a gentleman - then got behind the wheel. Amber said, "I'd love to hear all about your day, Walter. Unzip your pants, pull out your stiffie and you can tell me as I suck you." Walter complied. Wouldn't you? Amber swallowed a very nice big load, just as they pulled into the Bank parking lot. It was full! And so was Amber's mouth with Walter's slippery cock. She let the "pink snake" slide between her lips, then gave the head several soft kisses before she sat up. She kissed Walter on the lips, then said, "See you Saturday at my house, Walter. Eight p.m. Don't forget." Even 12th-degree amnesia wouldn't allow him to forget that. Only 53 hours to go. Amber scooted into the clinic and got a nice greeting from Nurse Emily at the front desk. And the men in the waiting room, of course. It always interested Amber to note that the men in the waiting room didn't talk to each other. Kind of like they were in the men's room. Men were strange. But she loved them. And men loved Amber. She hustled to get into her candy-striper outfit, with skirts so short the men could see her entire stocking tops as well as a hint of creamy thigh. She didn't see her Mom, but she knew she was in one of the treatment rooms helping patients. She did see Heather emerging from room one, however and they gave each other a nice hug of greeting. "Busy day, Amber," Heather said. "Is there a full moon tonight or something? The patients just keep coming. And cumming. [giggle]. Anyway, would you like to take room five for now?" Not every nurse liked room five. It was too anonymous and impersonal for them. Room five wasn't Amber's first choice either, but she knew that 1) a lot of patients were very excited by it and 2) as a part-timer, Amber was the lowest on the Bank's totem pole. And Amber didn't really dislike the room five activities. "OK, Heather," Amber said. "How many are lined up in there?" "Three, no four now. Are you sure?" Amber smiled brightly. "I'm sure. Now you scoot back to work. You know how my dictator Mom feels about chit-chat on the job." Heather smiled, grabbed a "medical" record and went into room one. Amber entered the nurses' entrance for room five. It was a bare, small- but-clean room with a six-inch-diameter, cock-high hole on one side and a stack of pillows on the other. Amber took off her dress and hung it carefully. No sense in getting it messy. Then she grabbed a pillow and knelt in front of the hole. She flicked a switch that illuminated a small green light on the patient side of room five. A stiff cock and hanging balls appeared through the hole. Amber set to work, taking the cockhead into her wet mouth as she manually and lovingly caressed the pendant balls. All for the "glory" of the Freelove Sperm Bank. Meanwhile, Roxy was saying goodbye to VIP Number Three. Who also went by the name, Henry Hangem. Hangem was married - happily it appeared. Five kids. Two dogs. Pretty wife. Yet, Roxy, with Lisa's full consent, gave Hangem a two-hour trip to paradise every two weeks or so. Fucking. At the Bank. With a married man. For free. Why did the Freeloves allow so many rules violations with this so-called VIP? Simple. He was their town's only criminal-court judge. If someone were to get "stinky" about the Bank's perfectly normal activities and their possible legality, Judge Hangem was the Freeloves' "go-to guy." Pussy has always bought influence. It is a force far stronger than gravity and always has been. VIPs One and Four were their town's senior police offers. No sense missing any of the bases that need covering. Roxy took care of those influential fellows too, since Lisa had issues with fucking married men. Though she allowed her mother to do it in Roxy's Bank office. Morality is a slippery slope, isn't it? Roxy needed a bit of a wash-up after that very satisfying sexual bout. She was about to close her office door and recharge when she saw Lisa pass Roxy's office. She waved to Lisa. Lisa turned and entered Roxy's office and sat down. Messy sheets, Lisa thought. The cleaning crew would take care of that Messy Roxy. It was an hour until closing, which meant that Lisa wouldn't get much more from Roxy that day. Lisa sighed. She knew that sometimes she drove herself and her Bank staff too hard. But as the family's only real grown-up, she had to take care of things, didn't she? Lisa smiled at her mother. Roxy smiled back through a mask of cum. They truly loved each other no matter what. Satisfied with her situation in life - for the moment, at least - Lisa stood, kissed Roxy on a dry spot of her face and went back to work. By 4:30, Amber had taken care of all the shy men lined up in Room Five and was back in her candy-striper dress outside Room Three. My goodness, she thought. The record in the slot indicated that the patient wanted a titanium number two and had paid extra for Amber herself to "perform the procedure." Amber loved giving a titanium number two - though it would involve removing the dress she just put back on. Oh, well. She opened the door and went in. Oh, my! It was Mr. Spankbottom, Amber's junior high school principal! The man who for the past few years had gotten a stiffie every time Amber walked through his zip code. Amber had adored teasing him all through her 6th-, 7th- and 8th-grade years. Wiggling her sweet bottom extra nicely for him as she passed his leering gaze. Back then, teasing was all Amber could do for Mr. Spankbottom. She was jailbait and he was then and still was married. But that day was different. Amber opened the door and saw Mr. Spankbottom. He was wearing only his tshirt, his bare bottom on the examining table. He was sitting calmly, but expectedly. His cock was at full, drippy stand. Amber remembered him as a very handsome, distinguished man, and he still was. Though he was older than Amber remembered. When he saw Amber smile at him, he gasped. Apparently, Mr. Spankbottom had been dreaming of sexual activity with Amber Freelove for quite some time. On an educator's salary, a titanium number two was a significant investment. Amber decided she should give him full return on his investment. "Oh, Mr. Spankbottom," she said. "You don't know how many times I've dreamed about this moment." Actually, Amber hadn't thought much about Mr. Spankbottom for a long time. But theater is a nice "extra" in sex. Spankbottom's eyes got wide and moist. "You have?" he asked. "Oh yes. I'm so glad you're here. Would you unzip me, please?" Spankbottom complied eagerly. Amber was down to her bra, stockings, garter belt and heels, when she gave Spankbottom the first of what would be around 100 kisses. A titanium number two was one hour of anything the patient wanted, except for bottom-fucking. Anything. Except fucking. For a whole hour. Which would take the session beyond 5 p.m. closing time, but that was OK. What wasn't OK, in Amber's estimation, was the restriction against fucking in the Bank. Amber reasoned that 1) the way she had teased Mr. Spankbottom for all those years made her want him as much as he wanted her 2) Mr. Spankbottom may be married and everything, but wasn't all that other stuff he would be doing to and with Amber be against his vows too? And 3) Amber needed a fuck. Amber hadn't cum all day at school and her efforts in Room Five hadn't made her spurt. So, despite Lisa's rules, Amber was going beyond titanium. Amber and Spankbottom kissed ferociously, stroking each other's cocks. But that was just a warm-up. Spankbottom bent Amber over the examination table, got on his knees and stuck his tongue half a mile up her perfect bottom. Amber screamed. Sex screams didn't cause any more of a stir at the Bank than a bark did at the dog pound. Spankbottom then excavated deliciously, as Amber's squeals attested. He ate and ate and she squealed and grunted. Occasionally, he withdrew his tongue from her bottom, dove between her legs, and licked the underside of her balls. He was very good. And she was frightfully excited. Amber turned her head and growled, "Stop fucking around and fucking fuck me now!" Spankbottom got the idea. He stood up, lined his cock up with her sopping anus and pushed. Amber groaned as she felt Spankbottom's cock stroke her prostate. She felt the buildup in her testicles - first small - then insistent - then urgent. He pushed and pushed and groaned and groaned. She looked back, locked eyes with Spankbottom, then gasped and pumped her sweet cream in thick arcs. Spankbottom answered with a bum-drenching gusher of his own. Their lust went from red to "Amber" as their orgasmic aftershocks subsided. With 35 minutes of titaniumic fun left, Amber let Spankbottom's limpie drool out of her bottom, then knelt in front of him and set about oral resurrection of his peener. The mission was accomplished in 15 minutes - a fine stiff specimen for a fine round two. Amber stood, lay on her back on the examining table, lifted her knees and invited her man to fuck her titaniumically. He accepted. At 5:22, Amber spermed her belly. At 5:24, Spankbottom spermed her bottom. They kissed for three hot minutes, then at 5:30, Mr. Spankbottom walked out wearing his pants and a huge smile. Amber cleaned herself up as well as she could, inserting a tampon to hide her little indiscretion from her snoopy, though virtuous Mom. At 5:43, she was at the front door watching her Mom and Heather lock up. She kissed Heather goodbye and got into the car with Lisa. "How was your day, Honey," Lisa asked. "The usual, Mom," Amber said. "How about yours?" "The usual," Lisa said. And they both giggled. They arrived home shortly before six to discover that, much to their surprise, Roxy had set the table. Roxy wasn't often domestic. Lisa checked the crockpot meal she had created that morning and pronounced it ready. As they almost always did, unless someone had an "outside" date, Roxy, Lisa and Amber had dinner together. It was, as almost always, very pleasant. As they began cleaning up. Amber asked Lisa, "Mom, can Nora and Ramona come to work tomorrow? I think they would be great candy-stripers. And they're over 18 and everything, so they don't need permission from their parents." Lisa wasn't sold on the idea. "I don't know, Honey," she said, "They're still young and inexperienced. Not every girl can work at the Bank. It can be challenging." Roxy snorted. "What's so challenging? Those girls have been sucking cock for years. And swallowing, I'm sure. They're hot little tamales and men will love them. Plus, I could use a day off tomorrow to go to the salon." Lisa frowned. Amber said, "Mom, remember 'Bring-Your-Daughter-to-Work Day?" Lisa winced a bit. Since Amber was 13, Lisa had brought her to the Bank one day a year to shadow her around the business. It certainly opened Amber's eyes about the business world. And it certainly moved the workday along, since the men Lisa was "treating" lost their loads twice as quickly when a young Amber was watching Lisa's sperm-removal efforts. Amber pressed, "So I was young and inexperienced too, Mom, but I had to learn sometime, right? Oh, please, Mom, Nora and Ramona will be great! And they'll make us a lot of money. With seven nurses this summer, we could even expand the hours." Lisa had to admit that she saw dollar signs. And Nora and Ramona were sweet girls. "OK, Amber," Lisa said. "But have Heather show them the ropes first before they treat their first patients." Amber hugged Lisa, then ran off to phone Nora and Ramona with the good news.. As Lisa and Roxy finished cleaning up, Roxy asked, "Who's your date, tonight?" Lisa's face went pale. "Oh, Mom. I forgot to make a date. I was so busy at work." Roxy hugged Lisa and said, "It's OK, Lisa. You've been pushing yourself. It's only 7:15. There are a hundred men you could call and have them over here by 8." Lisa knew that. But she had to admit something to her mother. "Maybe I'm ready for a relationship." Roxy was mildly surprised. Freelove women's "relationships" were measured in days, not weeks, months or years. Amber had been fucking that nice Mr. Bunsen for a week, so Roxy was sure that was almost over. Lisa, though, had always been the "squarest" one of the clan. Maybe it was time for her to have a real relationship with a man. "Maybe, you're ready, Honey," Roxy said. "But that's something to worry about tomorrow. You don't want to sleep alone and unfucked tonight, do you?" Lisa recoiled. "Goodness no. You're right. Let me make some calls." One call was all it took. A delighted and eager, 30-something fellow named Jason, whom Lisa had known since high school. At 8 o'clock, in accordance with Freelove custom, Roxy, Lisa and Amber were in their beds, each entwined with her man of the evening. And so their days ended in the delightful way they always did. Chapter Seven - Breaks in the Routine Funny how so much can change in one day. The next morning, just as the previous morning, Lisa "emptied" her date, roused Amber to do the same and watched as the men departed. Lisa hummed to herself as she poured batter into the waffle maker, then set the table for Amber and herself. It was Friday, so Lisa was thinking about some of the things she had planned for the weekend. Definitely some time at the salon - probably some lingerie shopping. Amber's door opened and she staggered out. It wasn't the big cock that had recently occupied Amber's ass that made her stagger. That was routine for a Freelove. And it wasn't just a stagger. Her face looked ashen. With a tinge of green. Lisa took one look at her and diagnosed Amber's condition. Morning sickness! Amber looked at her mother, put her hand to her mouth, ran back to her bathroom, and barfed. Amber felt awful. She considered why. Amber, like her mother and grandmother, was almost never sick. Was it something she ate? Had Mr. Bunsen's sperm not agreed with her? She felt better after she puked, gathered herself a bit and joined her Mom for breakfast. Amber sat and considered her waffle. She looked up and her mother was looking at her. "What, Mom?" she asked. Lisa smiled. "I think my little girl is pregnant." Amber went cold inside. Denial comes first. "No way, Mom," Amber said. "I take the pills." "They don't always work, Honey," Lisa said. Especially when your Mom switches your birth-control pills with sugar pills, Lisa thought. Amber's eyes filled with tears. "But Mom, I don't want to be pregnant. I'm scared." Lisa got up, took Amber into her arms and comforted her. "We were all scared, Sweetie. It's what we women do. Freelove women especially. We all have our babies young. You're perfectly healthy and you'll have a healthy baby. And you'll be a wonderful mother. Just to be sure, I'll take you to the obstetrician after school today." Amber was processing what was happening to her. She began to come to grips with the beautiful, natural act that faced her. After a lot of crying and hugging, then waffle-eating, Lisa and Amber got themselves ready and left for work and school. Lisa reminded Amber to remind Nora and Ramona that they would be "working" at the bank after school, which was super important since Lisa and Amber would be at the obstetrician. Amber knew that her girlfriends needed no reminding. They had been ready for that day all their lives. Roxy and her big-cocked date missed the whole thing. Which was OK with Roxy, who wasn't exactly maternal and completely un-grandmaternal. When Roxy arrived at the Bank at 10:33, Lisa spoke with her at the first opportunity. "Mom," Lisa said, "I'm pretty sure Amber's pregnant. We're going to see Doctor Obgyn after work today." Roxy was delighted. She gave Lisa a big hug and they jumped up and down in their four-inch-stilettos. The beat goes on, Roxy thought. The Freelove beat goes on. Roxy was so happy she decided to be sort-of responsible that day. Instead of knocking off early, as she did most Fridays (and many other days), Roxy would stay at the Bank to make sure the new "temps" learned the ropes. The beat goes on. Thing

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Brought to Heel

Brought to Heel.Chloe liked shoes. No that doesn't even begin to do it justice. Chloe loved shoes. Court shoes, stilettos, strappy sandals, ankle boots, whatever. She loved them all so long as they had proper heels that allowed her to show her legs to their best.Chloe had perhaps 30 pairs, she had never really counted them, she wore them whenever she could, certainly every day she wore one pair or another.As soon as she came home from work, even while she was still in drab, her feet would be...

2 years ago
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His Tangled Web

He expected me in velvet. ‘I always see you in velvet’ he said, when I admitted velvet skirts were my favourite clothes for relaxation. A style left over from the swinging sixties. A time of love, peace and goodwill to all men. A time I wanted to be part of, but missed by several years, hating the torn t-shirts, safety pins and spiked hair of the punks who coloured my adolescence. I wanted to float, to dream, to spend time doing nothing except watch the sunrise and sunset and the glories...

2 years ago
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Fun at a pioneer camp

This freshman was slim, long-legged with wavy hair to her slender shoulders. Although the girl was a real knockout, she was very shy. When we were at the white-sand beach I usually had a raging hard-on just staring at her tight swimsuit and her protruding stand-up boobs. We came across each other whether we wanted or not. I always watched her – at a beach, at a canteen and soon. I noticed that she watched me too. With those brown eyes through her long velvet eyelids. We never talked...

4 years ago
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Wife Accidentally Shows Panties

I love summer days for a number of reasons, but one of the best things about it is everyone being able to dress in warm weather clothes. I am married to a beautiful woman named Lauren that is 5' 3" and about 112 lbs. She has blond hair and a fun loving personality. She has always been very shy about wearing attractive clothes that show off her figure. Just nice classy clothes not sexy clothes. Over the years of our marriage I have bought her a number of nice dress skirts and light cotton skirts...

4 years ago
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Justine The Maid

The next few days were bliss.  Justine rushed home from college each day to be transformed into Aunty Sophie’s niece as she tried on all the outfits they had chosen at the shops.  Justine, with a bit of makeup and the right clothes had become a beautiful young woman.  She learnt the power of a peeping lacy slip could make men weak at the knees.  Sophie also lent Justine some more lingerie until she was able to build up her own collection. Perhaps they would make another trip to M&S at the end...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Natasha Nice Thicc Sister Challenge

Natasha Nice and her stepbrother Brad Sterling are bored as they hang out on the couch. Eventually, Natasha asks if Brad has heard of the Sis Challenge that’s going around online. Brad hasn’t, so Natasha explains that they both get naked and if Brad pops a boner then he loses and is a freak. Brad is certain that he can control his impulses, so they get naked together. Indeed, his dick is soft even at the sight of his sister’s lush curves and massive titties. Natasha...

3 years ago
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Incest Slut Nisha

Hi ladies and girls and guys, I am one of the regular readers of this website. I am Yuvan age 25 working as a computer engineer in Chennai with height 5’11 weight 76 kg and 7 inches thick rod with looks of a smart navy officer(because that was my last job). This is about an encounter between myself and my cousin Nisha who is 20 doing arts in one of the three famous women’s college in Chennai. Let me describe her, Nisha has the cheeks of actress Samantha in vtv movie with a rosy lips that i ate...

3 years ago
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Making Esme a Woman

Over the next couple of weekends I became fascinated by her aloofness and watched her avidly. There was some fascination about her constant frown, her furrowed brow drawn down to her eyebrows, her full lips pursed in concentration, her chin jutting. There was fascination too about her general height and build. In the baggy suit it was difficult to get a good idea of her figure, but she appeared to be curved in all the right places in proportion to her height, although perhaps a bit flabby...

2 years ago
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Suddenly Woman 3

Suddenly Woman Chapter 3 Authors Note: this is a continuation of Chapter 2. I awoke naked, tangled in the bath towel, just as the answering machine clicked on. "Hi this is Jen. Leave a message." I know her voice now, my voice, but the simple message give little insight into her. BEEP. "How was your dream last night Jennifer?" The sound of that voice arrested my attention. I know him! "Or, should I say, how was your dream, William?" he laughed. I had had the deepest...

1 year ago
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strooder had a huge wanking session over me

strooderHey. Ive just had a huge wanking session over you. I was reading your post about the messages NYNASTYGUIDO sent you and it got me thinking how amazing you would look if you were pregnant. Just imagine how your tits would swell up and develop big milky pregnancy nipples. Your legs and ass would become bigger and your belly would become huge, and you would be so horny with all those hormones.Im just imagining you now, how sexy you would look with extra big curves, how you could sit on me...

2 years ago
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Maybe SomedayChapter 5

Over the next two weeks, my brother and I didn't do much as far as sex went. We kissed once in a while, but didn't repeat our session in the shower. Kevin started driver's training and was gone during the day. Sandy and I sunned topless and even went skinny dipping a few times. We talked about our brothers and the things we'd like to do with them. I asked her if she and Paul had gone all the way yet and she said they hadn't. She also told me I would be the first to know if they did. My...

3 years ago
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Hospital of Bangalore Chapter 10 The Missing Staff

Sushi issued the command to the WE in the centaurs in the hospital to bring back their native intelligence. We decided to bring back the hospital staff centaurs' intelligence next. In the group was Captain Fran Harris. The WE reported that the rebuilding their intelligence would take two to five days. There would be some memory loss. They would remember their lives before and after conversion. They would not remember the conversion. I had Wendy, Anu, Toni, and Shari drive half of the field...

2 years ago
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nans halloween party

Last night was a WOW, my grandmother had organised a Halloween party for family and friends.My parents had spent all day trying to decide what costume to wear, eventually dad decided that he was going as count Dracula and mum chose a morticia outfit from the Addams family. Dad still looked like dad which I found funny, but mum looked amazing in her long black wig, a long black, not to flowing, gown and heavily white powered face and bright red lips.“What are you wearing?” my mother asked as I...

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ComposerChapter 4

Mark's Garage Apartment "Saul, I know you're retired but I need you to modify a contract and tell me what's really going on. I faxed the contract pages. Please take a look for old times sake. There is also two pages of what I want in it and why. Please keep the why to yourself. I figured you could obscure the language better if you knew what I planned to do. You'll understand when you read them. I really like the idea of doing this and it may just launch my own career. I have a fax...

3 years ago
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Treat Turned Into An Affair

Hi folks! I’m Shan from Coimbatore and 29 years old, married as well. I prefer flirting with married women since that’s the safest way, if you are also married. Coming to the story and this incident happened 2 years back. I have a store which did not have a good manager. So called for an interview and had lots of candidates for the same. Out of which there was one beautiful woman called Geetha. She was 30 years old and a mother of one and her husband was in Malaysia and had good experience in...

3 years ago
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A Day at the Beach

The last month at work had been extremely stressful and Dawn was going to enjoy a much needed day off. It was a beautiful sunny day and she planned on taking full advantage of it at the beach working on her tan. She put on her favorite pale blue string bikini, packed a small cooler with some ice water, grabbed her beach towel and sunblock, and headed out the door to her brand new red convertible. The beach was only a couple of miles away but she was looking forward to enjoying the wind in her...

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Equal Opportunity

Equal Opportunity an original story by CutePatti Billy had been looking forward to playing baseball all winter and could hardly wait for summer to arrive. He had just turned 13 and was eligible to play in a brand new league called the intermediate league. It was going to be so cool to get out of little league and he had heard that a lot of the rules were going to be different in the new league. He just knew that the new rules were going to be so much better than all the ...

2 years ago
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Lifes Little Surprises

Jennifer and Mickey had a unique relationship their date nights were always spontaneous and never planned. It was early Friday evening and Jennifer called Mickey and said, "There is a quaint side of town we have never gone to." Mickey said, "Sure I am game so shall I come now?" She said, "Yes, that will be great." Mickey was well you can say slightly nerdy he was slight in build and stood just 5'6" not that he was really feminine he wasn't he-man if you know what I mean. He got...

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Daddys Hot Twins Chapter 1

They were a vision of passion-filled female beauty lying side by side on the bed. Their naked bodies glowed as the overhead strobe-light whirled, sending its myriad colors down to caress their tantalizingly perfect forms. Their breasts, their skin, even their dark pubic hair took on new vistas of sexual allure as they glowed amber, blue, red, a cream-white and then started slowly going through the whole color spectrum all over again. Les Jacobs stood at the foot of the bed, also naked, his...

3 years ago
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Sissy Puppy Fifi Finale

Consuela strutted towards me and I was mesmerised by her semi flaccid cock. Even soft it was bigger than mine! As she got closer I picked up the scent of Mistresses pussy and my heart beat faster. My cock throbbed painfully and I whimpered like the sissy bitch I was. Consuela removed my muzzle and allowed me to lick her cock. The taste was all Mistress with the slightly salty after taste of Consuela. Soon I was sucking the softy hot meat avidly into my mouth. This had the effect of...

4 years ago
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Morning Glory Part 2 of the Nearly Twins

I woke slowly, after all it had been a rather tiring evening and night. I could feel muscles that I hadn’t used as much for years slowly groaning as my consciousness grew. But the feelings was great, and lying there quietly I relived the last 12 hours, since coming back with Karen. Not surprisingly perhaps, but pleasingly for me, my cock also grew as I remembered the feelings those two women had given me. The light was clearly coming through the gaps in the curtains, and I could see the outline...

Group Sex
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Following Orders

I don’t consider myself to be an actual sex slave or a sub with a real master, but just a highly sexual woman who did as she was told by her lover. You’re thinking, ‘What’s the difference?’ Well, I can look my lover in the eyes, I don’t have to look at the floor all the time, I can say no, although I usually don’t, I don’t wear a dog collar, and I don’t crawl. Call it whatever you want, but I was happy being in this semi submissive relationship. Tonight I met my man at the door wearing...

1 year ago
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Thank u for being there

MEETIN MY LOVELY HALF............Tru Story.............. So My father was a Rollin Boulder!!! long story nice and short...... I was 18 wen I was introduced to 2 siblings that were from my dad I did not know about. Now years went by and my sister was now old enuff to come around and hang out with me at my house, So I am not sure how the topic was touched but I got to see her Nipples. As shocked, but excited as I was, I kept my cool and told her that her oatmeal pie nipples were a turn on. She...

4 years ago
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Joannas Diary

Joanna's Diary by Miss Joanna Nicholls Part One: Let me introduce myself. My name is Joanna. My mistress has ordered me to write this story. I am sitting at my computer wearing my best secretary's clothes; a long sleeved white blouse and a very short black skirt. The skirt is so short it keeps riding up and exposing the tops of my black stockings. My feet are buckled into 4-inch high stilettos. I am shackled to my desk by a chain which goes around the leg of...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 148 Photographs and Memories

Susan, Suzanne, Katherine, and Akami all put their clothes back on before gathering again downstairs in the living room. They were still buzzing with excitement, both from the Christine news and from the fun they'd just had with Alan. (Akami wasn't affected by the first, but she was greatly affected by the second, since she wasn't used to such powerful erotic experiences the way the others were.) However, Alan had asked them to calm down, so they tried their best to stay calm and keep...

1 year ago
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Prodigal SonChapter 14

Sun Hair motioned for Sergeant Jefferson’s attention. “Sergeant, we’ve got company.” and motioned over to the southwest. About 2 miles away on the top of a rise was a group of Indians. Their face paint stood out even at this distance. “Yeah, I spotted them about the same time. Think it’s a war party?” “They look like Paiute, Sergeant, probably a hunting party.” “What makes you say that Sun Hair?” “If they were a war party, they wouldn’t be making themselves obvious to us. They would be...

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A fantasy

Threesome fantasy.... this is how I picture it. My husband and I would be watching our favorite America football team on tv. His friend Jack would be there under the pretense of just watching the game. Jack is 6 ft 2 in tall and very muscular. We would be watching the game on the sofa, me in the middle. At halftime, I would lean over and tell my husband that it was time and I would be right back as I slip into something more comfortable. I went into my bedroom and put on a short white satin...

3 years ago
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Ann the Chinese ballet dancer

Recovering from my accident took a long time. It was frustrating because I’ve always made a point of keeping fit and here I was barely able to move. I spent many hours with the physiotherapist. She seemed to take an almost sadistic pleasure in making me find the re-use of my body. But eventually my sessions with her were over. She only had some parting advice to give me, namely that I should enroll in a dance or stretching class to continue to improve my flexibility. She gave me the...

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Shag The Veep Save The World An Earth Day AlGoreYChapter 3

"I still can't believe you talked Mother Marie-Elaine into letting us leave." Renee was marveling at the plush seats in first class as the plane made its way across the Atlantic toward the United States, sipping from the champagne glass that had been handed her as soon as she boarded and that had been refilled several times since. "Yeah, well, she took this whole Nostradamus prediction thing very seriously," Jen answered. Much too seriously, Jen thought. The abbess had reacted with...

2 years ago
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Helping Out My Friend Part 2

A month after my first (deliberately!) unsuccessful attempt at getting Sophie pregnant, Chloe and I went back to see Sophie and Lucy for round two. Just to set the scene up again, a quick description of the four of us.Me: just over six feet tall, dark hair, average build, seven-inch dick. Adventurous in the bedroom. Straight.Chloe: my girlfriend. Five feet nine inches, UK size twenty, busty, slightly overhanging belly, dark hair. Straight.Sophie: five feet ten inches, UK size fourteen, curvy...

1 year ago
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Innocents Pt 01

Doreen left the knife behind, the one she kept under her bed within easy reach. It was a small paring knife, dull from many uses and one her mother never missed. As she threw her belongings into a cardboard box, Doreen wavered in her decision not to take the weapon with her. She felt the knife’s pull, pictured it resting on the dingy carpet. But what if Luke saw it among her things and decided he didn’t want her living with him after all? Besides, she told herself, Luke probably had plenty...

1 year ago
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My husbands asleep He wont hear us

My husband could never really explain why it turns him on for me to be his slut wife, “It just does” he says. It doesn’t matter if I’m picking up a guy on the internet or a local bar and giving him the details later or if I’m simply being a party slut, doing a variety of different guys throughout the evening, sometimes sneaking off two or three times with guys and giving head or getting laid and sometimes all the guys knowing that I‘m giving turns, I‘ve had as many as seven men in the same...

2 years ago
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While visiting poor Matthew

A good friend of my wife, Matthew, had suffered a traffic accident and so Ana asked me to go for a visit to the hospital.A Doctor was busy with Matthew as we arrived; so, her sweet wife Rachel was outside at the corridor.She told us that Ana’s good old friend had been lucky after all.When the Doctor had finished doing his task, we could go in to see Matthew. After half an hour, I told Ana that I could go to the car for a cigarette. Rachel then said she would come with me for a walk…As we walked...

1 year ago
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Out and about part 3

I went back down to the living room and looked in the bag Audrey had given. There were two packages in it, both covered in gift wrap. One was a box shape, the other could be some sort of garment. I took hold of the box-shaped item and ripped off the wrapping paper. There was indeed a box inside. When I opened it I saw it contained a cock dildo. A more or less normal sized erect penis with a shiny pink knob end and balls. Rather like what I would have had if my own cock wasn't locked...

3 years ago
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EAGERTO My cock started to stir in my pants as soon as she opened the door. I wanted to have her the moment I saw her. Not that she was all that great to look at or anything — great enough though: mid to late thirties, a woman’s figure – not some skinny k**’s bod with no know-how, not fat either — ordinary I guess. But one look and I knew she had it, and knew howto use it She gave me a bit of a look too as she asked me in. And there was enough in the look to get me good an’ hard right there...

4 years ago
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Dusty Rose 4

Dusty Rose 4 CHAPTER 1 "I am so proud of all you girls," Margo's dad was saying to the band members, Allan Bennett, Willie, Mark and all the parents who had gathered for brunch in the lobby restaurant before the parents returned home after last night's soir?e. "And you, young man," he said to Chris who was wearing his hair the same as Terry was today, a high ponytail with a headband and a few wisps of hair hanging on either side of his face, "if I hadn't met you before all of this h...

1 year ago
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Roni Bs Clothing Optional Honeymoon

A Clothing Optional Honeymoon At 9:45 in the morning, the water taxi pushed away from the dock at New Providence Harbor. We shared the boat with two other couples and their five c***dren. On the short trip to the Island, the k**s were loud and obnoxious. I wanted to throw a few of them overboard.When we landed at the first dock, the two families stepped off the boat. I looked at my wife and shook my head. I didn’t want to be anywhere near a bunch of k**s on a beach. The boat captain took us to...

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Old Score Chronicle

All characters are well over 100 years of age LOL. I wanted them all to be safely in the ‘legal’ age of consent by well… ‘human’ standards of course. Anyways, I want lots of feedback… pros and cons all the way! Part 2 will be a bit darker and more gritty but tell me if you think it’d be a good idea to add an erotic scene or a more intimate scene or not. ***** Roka stood there, frustrated, exhausted and at his utmost wits end. The positron converter gave its last pulse, as the trapped...

2 years ago
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The Geezer Makes Out

Chapter 1 My name is Michael. People who know me call me usually call me Mike (no surprise there) or “G.” That’s because I’ve been saddled with one of those eastern European names with eleven consonants (two z’s) and only 4 vowels. I can’t shorten it; let’s face it, what can one do with “Grzb?” I am the first to recognize and admit that I am an old geezer. After all, I am in my late 60’s, grey hair except for the huge bald spot that runs from my forehead all the way to the back of my skull,...

First Time
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Three Tales

If you don’t like interracial porn stories where a white wife goes black etc etc, then you may want to choose another story, in another category perhaps. Also, the black men in this story aren’t thugs or “gangsta,” they simply have sex with white women only. There are good guys and bad guys in this. Some form of justice is served in the end. As always, the appearance of characters are based off real people. Lisa is based off Lisa Ann, and Denise is based off Denise Milani – both appear in...

1 year ago
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Hooters Girl Fantasy

You work as a waitress at a local Hooters. I’ve been coming in to visit you on your shifts because of the way your curves fill out your uniform. There’s been some innocent flirtation but nothing like what’s going to happen tonight. I’ve been sitting here watching you walking around the place with your perfect breasts pressing against the thin white fabric of your shirt and your nice round butt framed in those pantyhose and orange shorts. You come up behind me and press your breasts against...

3 years ago
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Lynn Humilated And Then Tamed By The Hairbrush

About eight or nine years ago Lynn and I were on the beach. It was a fairly secluded spot – we were the only ones there – and the time was about half five on a sunny August day. I was ready to go home but Lynn fancied a swim first – she wanted to make the most of what was left of the weekend. ‘I’ll nip off now and start preparing tea… by the time you get back it’ll be on the table.’ I suggested. ‘Fine.’ she responded. She stood up and slipped off her shorts – she was already topless. I studied...

3 years ago
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Blackmailed WifeChapter 16

Ann sat before the table for a long moment looking at the thin brown cigarettes and pondering Sidney's words. "The gentleman is a brutal pig... you may need the consolation," kept spinning through her confused mind until she reached slowly forward and picked up one from the small silver tray. She knew better than to stop and think about it--she would never be able to go through with it--she would suddenly give way to revulsion as she had done with Max last night and her last chance of...

4 years ago
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BusherChapter 7 Dave

We had Wilmington in Monday through Wednesday for night games, an off night on Thursday, and then the Friday night game with Lynchburg, followed by day games both weekend days. After that, we'd hit the road again, to Wilmington, Delaware for three in the Blue Rocks' park. I kind of wished I'd had the presence of mind to suggest that Emily come up Thursday, but she had said she'd consulted the team's schedule, so she must have noticed on her own that we had the off day. Probably, it just...

3 years ago
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Sex With Cousin Sister 8211 Part II

Hi friends Rinku once again with new story. This is my 18th story on this site. This is the incest story between one cousin brother and sister. This incident happened by chance due to deep burnt desire between them. Once again I want to inform you that this is not my story. This experience is sent to me and I am only a writer of this story. Let’s introduce characters first. The girl is married and her age is 23 years. The boy is unmarried and he is 4 years elder than that girl. He is maternal...

3 years ago
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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 5

Jared has committed... and submitted to having his cock replicated for an art project, while being teased, tormented and spanked along the way. Now his reward is in view - but he can't enjoy it before allowing himself to be restrained...“No. No way.” Jared and Cherry stood panting, each into the other’s face.“You wanna feel hot wet cunt sliding all the way to the base of your poor sore cock, you wear these.” She let the cuffs drip tauntingly from the end of one fingertip and he watched them...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Weekend Fun

Sometimes, I really don't know how it all started. It was the summer after I graduated, and my parents were gone for the weekend, which rarely happens. My boyfriend, of almost three years at the time had made plans to come over after work. My brother was staying at a friends, so we were going to have the house alone for once. We had alone time at his apartment whenever I could sneak over there, but it wasn't much. We never got to do much before I had to leave for work or to get home before my...

First Time
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My sister and I finally fuck

After talking for about 45 minutes char puts her head on my shoulder and says she wishes she was happy. I put my arm around her and give her a big hug and we get tight together. The way she’s sitting i can see right down her shirt it’s awesome. Char leans back and looks at me, i didn’t react fast enough and she catches me looking down her shirt. “Hey what were you looking at?” “Sorry, i didn’t mean to” “Yes you did, trust me i notice it” “Why don’t you say anything?” “Because i like...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Julie Kay Rides Her Stepfathers Giant Cock

Julie Kay is one horny chick. She scraped a dildo to her giant stuffed toy and decided to ride it. Her step-father, walked oil the house from work and over heard her moaning loudly. HE proceeded to follow the moaning, which lead him to her bedroom. Once he discovered that she was riding her stuffed toy. He surprised her with a real dick. His very own giant black cock. Julie Was delighted to have the real deal in front of her face, she shoved her step-dad’s cock far down her throat. From there,...

4 years ago
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Shaheen My Teacher

My name is rehan. I m 23 years old with a 5.9 height. I m from id is going to tell u how i fuck my accountancy tutor. When i was in my 1st year intermediate i joined tution for tutor .name is shaheen aged about 24 and she was unmarried at that time.she is the only daughter to her parents and her only brother was working in dubai. When my exams came nearer she asked me to come on sundays also. Sunday morning i went to her house & i found her alone there.she...

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BJ Jones the Story of My Life Book 2Chapter 52

We were up early eating the buffet breakfast, the wheels left the ground at 0700 for the seven hour flight to Rabat, Morocco. We were refueling there for the flight across the Atlantic. Time was spent with Andy, Axle, and Ellison Burr discussing things that needed to be done. We were discussed out after a couple hours. I turned the swivel seat, reclined and closed my eyes. Jet lag was starting to take effect on me. At 1400 we were on the ground at the general aviation terminal getting fuel...

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Gotham Sirens Poison Ivys Rapevine

The greenhouse was dark, but not completely quiet. Scratching sounds emanated from the door, cutting out a circle of glass. The glass fell free, and a gloved feminine hand with claws reached in and opened the door. Catwoman crept inside and quietly stepped through the greenhouse, looking around. "There it is," she thought. "It figures that she would swipe it from the Gotham Pet Products R&D lab before me, but I'm not about to let her keep that engineered hybrid super catnip...

3 years ago
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InLaw LoveChapter 2

I awoke to a warm wet feeling on my cock, Ruth was washing my prick with a wet towel getting me nice and clean. Once she had my cock washed and throbbing Ruth stuffed my cock deep into her mouth and throat as she settled her cunt over my face. We worked each other over for about 10 minutes during which Ruth climaxed on my face grinding her cunt into my lips and tongue. I pushed her down until she was straddling my cock and rammed my cock up her pussy while I pressed two fingers up her exposed...

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