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As I watched my fourteen year old great granddaughter lounging in the sun I couldn’t help but think back to that day I found her grandmother, my daughter, messing around with a man in my bedroom. I was supposed to be at work but had decided it was too nice a day to be at work. So I told John my assistant manager that as company boss I deemed it my responsibility to get as much sunshine as possible to keep me healthy.

“Yes sir Mr Thomas,“ He smiled.

It’s not like I hadn’t done this before. The business was running well and I really didn’t need to be there all the time anymore. It had taken the death of my beloved wife two years ago to bring that home to me. It had also given me a fourteen year old daughter to bring up.

As I entered the house I could hear sounds upstairs so crept up to see who it might be. The sound was coming from my bedroom and the door was open so I looked through the crack of the door to see my daughter Mary cavorting about on my bed with a man, not a boy but a man. I don’t know how long they had been up here but she was down to her underwear and he was working hard to get those off of her.

“What the hell is going on?” I shouted, as I stepped into the room. “Who the fuck are you?”

Totally shocked the man stood up and stepped back while Mary grabbed hold of her top to cover herself. I pointed at her, “You stay right there.” I turned on the man, “And you, if you are still here in ten seconds I am going to rip off your head and shove it up your arse. Get out!”

As I heard the front door slam shut I turned on Mary. “You little slut. Who is he? How many other men have you had up here you little tart.”

The look on her face was a mixture of fear and stubbornness but her voice told it’s own story. “Daddy…He…Nobody else daddy, nobody.”

She had pulled the top almost up to her chin by now which did nothing to hide the triangle between her legs. I reached out and grabbed the top pulling it from her grasp. ”Look at you. Naked. Another minute and he would have been fucking you. Is that what you wanted, to be fucked you little whore?”

Mary had one serious problem. She was just too much like me. When her stubborn streak took over nothing would make her back down. She also had my temper. “Yes!” She screamed, “I wanted to be fucked like a whore. By a man not a stupid boy but by a man” She glared at me, red faced. Her breasts rising and falling rapidly as she thrust her chin out at me.

I just lost it, I swung my arm and hit her across the face. She fell back stunned. I reached out for her wildly latching on to her panties and yanking them off. As she came round I was kneeling between her legs with a throbbing erection poised at the entrance to her cunt. She looked up at me but said nothing as I glared into her eyes wildly. I thrust into her, she screamed as I felt her hymen break. The shock of taking her virginity brought me back to some kind of reality but I was still thrusting into her, slowly now until I felt her relax a little, then the lust of years without sex and the anger in me just took over. I fucked my daughter and I fucked her hard. To my surprise she orgasmed and as she did she threw her arms around my neck pulling me to her.

“Ohh daddy I love you daddy.” she cried.

Moments later I shot my seed into her. It had been so long that it was painful as it exploded from my cock into her hot virgin pussy. She felt it hit her insides and pulled me even closer to her. I could feel my come running out of her and onto the bed. The very bed she had been born in.

I pulled away from her, unable to look at her face and went downstairs for a strong drink. I should have felt disgusted with myself but I didn’t. I should have felt sorry for what I had done but I didn’t. I was confused. Very confused. I knew it was wrong, so very wrong but….not.

Sometime later I heard the shower running and an image of the water running over that youthful body shot into my head, my cock began to stir. “Fuck!” I said. I got out of the chair and busied myself preparing dinner but try as I may the image remained. When Mary appeared dressed in a long t shirt and so obviously nothing underneath I couldn’t look her in the face, and to look at her body was just too much. I put her dinner on the table and took mine out onto the patio.

“Daddy….” she said softly as I walked away.

She wasn’t going to let me go though and followed me, sitting opposite me on a sun chair, her t shirt riding up high enough for me to see she wore no panties. “I’m sorry.” I said sharply. Then softly added, “I really am sorry.”

To my surprise she smiled, “Don’t be. Yes it was a shock and yes you hurt me, but I always knew the first time would hurt. That’s why I wanted an experienced man and I am so glad it was you, I really am.”

“How can you say that. I am your father and I raped you.”

“Well sort of. You also gave me my first orgasm and it was awesome. And lets face it you didn’t exactly hear me say ‘no’ or ‘stop’ did you?”

“That is not the point. I’m your father.”

“Is that why you have a hard on? Because you’re my father?” she laughed.

I had been trying to hide it with my plate of food but the bulge just kept making the plate slide to one side. I looked at her properly for the first time since she had come down and saw a broad smile on her face, her head tilted slightly to one side cheekily. I couldn’t say anything and I couldn’t help but smile at that cheeky look either.

“Do you love me daddy?” she asked.

I was shocked at the question. “Of course I do. What a silly….”

“And you will always love me wont you?” She interrupted.

“Yes of course. I may not like you sometimes but I will always love you.”

“Do you believe that any other man will love me the way you do and for as long as you will no matter what I may do?”

“I doubt it.” I said before I realised the trap she had set for me.

“Then you should be glad that the man who took my virginity will love me forever no matter what. Don’t you think?”

“But we cant do this. You’re my daughter not my wife.”

She laughed, “Oh daddy. I don’t want to be your wife. When I do start to look for a husband I want to be able to please him. I want to be the wife, the slut the temptress that all men want in a wife. You can teach me that. I want to do everything with you. I want you to teach me everything about sex, everything that men love about a woman physically and sexually. In a nutshell I want you to make me the perfect fuck. Then I will go and find a husband and know that if it doesn’t last it wasn’t because of my lack of, shall we say education about men.”

“You can’t be serious.” I said quietly

“I have never been more serious. And judging by your erection what makes you think you really have a choice. Even if you say no what makes you think that you can keep your hands off me now that your body knows I want to fuck it. My body is yours to do with as you please whenever you please until the day I get married.”

“I….I….need time to think.” I said.

“Ok.” she said chirpily settling into her chair.

“Well go and do something. I can’t think straight with you showi…sitting there like that.”

“Ok daddy. I have some homework to do. I will be in my room.”

The word ‘homework’ brought a picture of Mary in her school uniform to my mind and my cock got even harder. I paced up and down the kitchen, I walked through the garden I did everything I could to convince myself that it was wrong and that I would be able to resist my daughters young body, her eagerness to learn ‘everything’ as she put it. In the end I gave up. I knew that whatever happened now I would never be able to resist her. But I couldn’t let her have it all her own way.

When she reappeared again I was sitting on the patio watching the sun go down. “Sit down.” I said. She sat opposite me again, still dressed in her t shirt. “What you are saying to me is that you want me to teach you how to be the perfect wife. Is that correct.” I said, quite sternly.

“Yes daddy. I want to know everything I want to know how to be a perfect wife.”

“Well there is more to being a ’perfect’ wife than just fucking a mans brains out ten times a day. While that is good you also need to be able to cook and clean. Do the washing, tidy the home and, bring up children. Not that I have done very well in that department if you consider the reasons for this discussion. And we have to have complete honesty. No secrets. Everything must be open for discussion. Everything.”

“Agreed.” She said smiling.

I was slightly shocked at the speed of her reply. She hated cleaning and never done any washing, leaving it to me to pick her laundry off her bedroom floor. As for cooking I couldn’t remember the last time she had cooked anything. “Good.” I said, at a loss as to what else to say. After all it isn’t every day you agree to fuck your own daughter.

“What was sex like with mummy?”

Talk about going in the deep end. “What?”

“Well did you have great sex together?” She said quietly, smiling.

I knew she was testing me ‘Everything must be up for discussion’ policy so decided to be honest. “We had a good sex life. Varied shall we say.”

“Did she suck you off?”

I tried to not show my shock, or my embarrassment. I decided to tell her everything. “Yes she did.” I said, and proceeded to tell her how her mother loved sucking cock but hated anal. How she enjoyed teasing me to the point where I couldn’t resist her and how she loved it when I would just take her on the floor, or in the kitchen or even in the garden. I told her everything.

“Wow. I would love to have been a fly on the wall.” she said. “I would love to try anal and I have dreams about sucking cock and I want to know what it taste like. What’s deep throat like?”

We spent ages talking about all aspects of sex until I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. “Well I am off to bed. You can think things over and if you feel the same in the morning then we will make a fresh start.”

“Ohh daddy. I want to taste your come.”

“Baby once we start this it will be very difficult to stop. You have to be absolutely certain. Then and only then will we go down this crazy road.” I kissed her on the forehead and went to bed. Hot, horny as fuck, and so uncertain of what the future would bring.

I woke the following morning with a soft very young body close to mine and a hand gently playing with my morning erection. I rolled onto my back and gazed into my daughters beautiful eyes. She smiled at me as she continued to play. She moved her face to mine and slowly kissed me. Not a daughter kiss but a woman’s kiss. She kissed all the way down my body and slowly, very slowly took my erection into her mouth. I shuddered. I have to say it was probably the best my cock had ever felt as it entered a moist mouth and with a bit of advise and encouragement Mary had me ready to fill her mouth. I went to pull away but she stopped me.

“I want to do this daddy. I want to taste you.” She said softly

I relaxed and gave myself over to her ever increasing expertise. The feeling as my seed erupted into her mouth was something I cannot and have never been able to describe, it was just so totally out of this world. She gagged slightly at the first spurt and pulled her head back but quickly returned to her ministrations. Sucking me dry and swallowing as much as she could keep in her mouth.

As I started to soften she put her head on my shoulder and I wrapped her in my arms. We lay there for a few minutes just enjoying the feeling of togetherness.

Lifting her head she said, “Well I have had my breakfast so get up, have a shower and I will cook you bacon and eggs for yours. Your going to need all your strength for the coming days.” We both laughed. The ‘coming’ days indeed I thought.

Fifteen minutes later I sat at the kitchen bar in shorts and t shirt with a surprisingly well cooked plate of bacon and eggs. “I am impressed.” I said, as I dug into the much needed meal.

“I could always cook daddy. I just never had the need before.”

“And is that how your going to dress every day?” I asked. She was dressed in one of my shirts with only the middle button done up. I had to admit she had a perfect body. Glorious tits rounded thighs and everything just perfect for turning a mans head.

“Well I want to be available for you whenever you want to use me.”

“Use you?” I said questioningly.

“Well I don’t just want to ‘make love’ daddy.” She said with a smile, “I want to be used as well. I told you I want to know everything about it. You did say that mummy loved it when you just used to bend her over and fuck her from behind. It sounds awesome to me.”

“Ok. Well I’m not complaining. Any man would love to have you walking around their house looking that sexy.”

“Really. Do you really think I look sexy?”

I didn’t answer I just stood up so she could see my erection fighting to get out of my shorts. Her breathing changed noticeably. The very sight of my erection had turned her on and that in turn had got me even harder. I dropped my shorts and pulled her into the lounge. “I think today is going to be a day of firsts.” I said, “Your first butt fuck, followed by your first deep throat and we will think of a few other firsts to see us through the day.”

I sat her on the arm of the armchair and pushed her slowly back. With her laying like this I could fuck her pussy and her arse and for the very first time I look into her eyes as I did it. I pulled her legs up put them either side of her head. Then I went down on her. Using my tongue on her already sodden pussy hole, sliding down to her puckered little bum hole and back to her pussy. I drove her so mad, the minute I rammed my cock into her pussy she squirmed in orgasm. Seeing her face in the throws of orgasm really made me feel like a dirty horny old man and I loved it.

As I fucked her I slid a finger into her cunt and down to her tight bum hole, sliding the finger in and then out. I repeated this movement several times obviously driving her even more insane. Then I took my cock out of her pussy and brushed it lightly on her bum crack. Her eyes opened and I felt her bum tense up slightly. “Relax.” I said softly.

She took a deep breath and relaxed. Slowly I pushed into her tight arse. The moment it popped in I stopped. I waited for her to open her eyes and she smiled at me I slid the rest of my throbbing cock into her. The deeper I got the more she smiled and the more she relaxed. As I slowly started to thrust into her she moaned.

“Oh god I never imagined it would feel this good.” She said.

I reached down and took her hand, guiding it to her clitoris. She went red with embarrassment but slowly started to masturbate herself. The faster I thrust into her the faster her fingers went. “Oh daddy your….I….we’re going to make me come. Daddy my bum is going to aaarrrrggggghhhhhh fuck me daddy fuck me hard ohh daddy do it yeeeeeess.” her fingers were going as fast as my hips and she was just completely lost in orgasm.

“Oh baby I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come.” I cried.

“Yes daddy fill me up daddy fill your baby girls bum with your juice daddy fill me ohhhhhhh” And that’s what I did. I pumped so much come into her that even at the angle she was at it flooded out of her hot cock filled bum hole.

As my orgasm subsided I pulled out of her hole and moved to her head on the opposite arm of the chair. Her hand still fucking her cunt I slipped my cock straight from her arse into her mouth. Using her hand and her mouth she cleaned me off completely. Finally her other hand stopped its work on her pussy and my cock flopped from her mouth. I sat on the floor in front of the chair.

“That was absolutely wonderful.” I said. “The best ever.”

“Really” Mary said questioningly.

“Really.” I replied facing her, “I told you. Your mother didn’t like anal and she would never have dreamt of putting my cock in her mouth afterwards.”

“Oh daddy I loved it.” Mary said throwing her arms round my neck. “The look on your face as you came was just….so wonderful.”

“Well I have to admit your face was a picture. Coming in both holes is a wondrous thing I am told. I am proud of you. Just remember if you meet a guy and do these things with him on the first night he will not be around for long. Always let them lead you in the direction you want to go.”

For the next eighteen months we did everything. I taught her, not only everything I knew, but things that we would read or hear about. We fucked everywhere. In the house in the garden in the local woods and in the middle of a cornfield on more than one occasion. We slept in the same room and she did all the cooking and cleaning as she had promised.

On occasion she would bring a guy home and take him up to her room. Once he had gone she would tell me everything that happened with great pride in her achievements.

Then one day she came home and said, “Daddy, don’t be angry. I have found the man I am going to marry.”

“Why would I be angry baby?” I asked.

“Well, we did say that we would have to stop once I married. Please don’t be angry with me.”

“How could I be angry? Do I know him? Do you love him?”

“His name is Harry and he works for you.”

“What, Harry Palmer do you mean?”

“Yes. He is a nice guy and we have been dating for a little and….well he has asked me to marry him.”

“Hmmmm. ‘A nice guy’. Are you sure this is what you want?”

“I wont say I love him because I don’t think I do. I may do one day but Harry can make me as happy as any man who isn’t you and I know he loves me. He isn’t the most exciting of men and he isn’t exactly varied sexually but that’s ok. I can cope with it.”

“If your absolutely sure it’s what you want baby then how can I say no. I hope you will be really happy together.”

We continued fucking, making love and having sex right up until the morning of her marriage. And then she was married, and it all stopped. About nine months later she gave birth to Maisy, my granddaughter.

Once she married I moved to my current home on the coast overlooking the sea where she would bring her family on their annual holiday and we would celebrate Maisy’s birthday. But we never had sex again. Maisy was the spitting image of her mother and grandmother with exactly the same temperament, and the same stubborn streak.

“Are you sure you don’t mind daddy?” Mary asked, “We will be there but not on her birthday. It will probably be a couple of weeks after depending on how the visit goes in America.”

“No of course I don’t mind. But will Maisy be happy spending her fifteenth birthday with granddad?”

“Yes she said she is looking forward to it. You know how much she loves seeing you.”

“Well if your sure then that’s fine I will meet her at the station.”

“Okay. Bye. Love you.” And she was gone.

I couldn’t complain really. Harry had done really well. Both for himself and for the company since I made him a partner. Then after I decided to go part time retired he took over the everyday running of the business. He had upgraded everything really. Gone computerised and streamlined production. And the visit to America I knew was in the hope of getting a really lucrative contract so I was happy to take care of Maisy. And they would join us a couple of weeks later.

“Hi gramps.” Maisy said throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me like she hadn’t seen me for years.

“Hi Maisy girl. You seem very excited. Was it a good trip?”

“Oh nothing out of the usual. I’m just happy to see you.” I picked up her case and she looped her arm through mine as we walked to the car.

As we travelled I asked how she was doing at school and all the usual questions about her mum and dad then we were at my place. She grabbed her case and ran upstairs to get changed. “Do you want something to eat?” I shouted after her.

“Tea and a sandwich by the pool would be nice gramps.” She replied.

I heard the splash as she dived into the heated pool so I took the supplies out. I sat and watched her swimming and couldn’t help but admire her figure. She was as beautiful as her mother with the same shape though, I could see that her boobs were already nearly as big as her mothers had been at her age. When she got out of the pool I took a deep breath. Her wet bikini was almost transparent.

“So what would you like to do for your birthday tomorrow?” I asked

“Oh nothing gramps.” She said with a strange smile, “I have everything I could ever want right here.” She bent down and put her hand on mine. The movement of her breasts caught my eye and try as I may I couldn’t help but look. “Why don’t you put some trunks on and have a swim with me?”

I wasn’t too sure that was a good idea, but it would have seemed strange if I had said no. So I returned five minutes later with the thickest pair of trunks I could find in the hope that if my cock did decide to misbehave the thick material would restrain it.

As I jumped straight in Maisy was standing at the side of the pool. “Do you ever go skinny dipping gramps?” She asked as I surfaced.

I was a bit shocked. “Well, when I am on my own sometimes.”

“Oh great.” she replied and promptly removed her bikini and dived naked into the pool.

“Maisy!” I said even more shocked

As she dived over my head I marvelled at the beauty of her body. Youthful firm breasts with more growing to do and her pubic triangle just a thin covering of fine hair. A little puppy fat to her hips just made her even more beautiful. I was instantly tortured by the huge erection pressing against the rough cloth of my trunks. I moved to the side of the pool with my back to her in the hope that she wouldn’t see my arousal.

When she surfaced she was laughing. “Come on gramps get them off. They don’t hide it anyway.” She swam up behind me and rubbed her body against me.

“Maisy! What do you think your doing?” I said in my sternest voice.

“I’m teasing my favouretest man in the whole wide world. The man who is going to take my virginity on my fifteenth birthday.” With that she swam backwards.

I was too shocked to say anything. To do anything. This couldn’t be happening again. Had Mary told her anything or was this some sick joke while her mother was away.

She swam up beside me. “I’m sorry gramps I didn’t mean it to come out quite like that. I was just going to seduce you while you slept but….well you know what a big mouth I have.”

“What on earth do you mean? Seduce me. I‘m your grandfather for gods sake.”

“Yes I know you are and I can’t think of any man who I would rather give my virginity to than a man who I know loves me completely like you do.”

“Does your mother know about this?” I said angrily

“No! Why should she?”

“Because….because….Oh I don’t know just because it’s the silliest thing I have ever heard of.”

“So you don’t love me then?” She said, I could tell by her tone she was teasing me.

“You know I do. But you’re my granddaughter. Your mother would kill me.”

“I doubt that.” she said, as she pulled herself out of the pool. Gorgeous buttocks I thought. “When mum put me on the pill she told me if I truly wanted to know and enjoy everything about sex to find an older man to show me. She said I would learn more about sexual pleasure in a week than a silly boy could teach me in a lifetime. So when she said that I would be coming here while she was in the States I made my decision. That older man is going to be you. Like it or not.”

“And what, young lady makes you think that I will go along with it?”

“That stiff cock your pushing against the wall gramps.” She said laughing loudly.

Try as I may not to join in I couldn’t hold it off. “Oh fuck it.” I said and jumped out of the pool. My arousal was very plain to see. Not just a hard on but a throbbing hard on. Twitching this way and that as blood pumped through it. My embarrassment covered by my laughter.

“Oh gramps I am sorry.” She said and went off into another fit of giggles. “Can I see it. Go on gramps let me see it.”

I stood looking at her with my hands on my hips. She moved over to me and pulled the lace undone then slipped her fingers inside and pushed my trunks down till they dropped to the floor. All the time looking me straight in the face smiling. Once my trunks hit the floor she slowly moved her gaze downwards.

“Oh fuck me gramps. Its….wow it’s….so….fucking huge.”

“Wait.” I said. “Just give me a moment.” I said brushing past her and heading for the house. I grabbed my mobile phone and called Mary.

“Hi Dad.” She said, “Everything ok?”

“Well you tell me.” I said, “Your daughter has just told me that she wants me to take her virginity on her birthday”

“Oh great.” Mary said, “I was hoping she would.”

“What do you mean.” I gasped

“She needs a good teacher and I can’t think of anyone better than you. She is on the pill so go for it.”

“You mean it. You really want me to do it.” I gasped.

“Of course.” She said, “Have fun and enjoy it. Bye.” And she was gone.

So I went for it. It was like a total repeat of her mother and, like with her mother, it continued till she got married.

Now here I am twenty years later looking at my great granddaughter having had the same conversation with her mother. Life has just been so good to me. I am truly blessed.


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Victoria June’s curves will give you whiplash while watching this scene from Victoria June captivates in the “sexual matrix” garb that she’s adorned in. The clean black latex look with killer gradient footwear and shades suit the curvy femme-bunny perfectly. We are treated to a nice outdoor tease sequence that runs indoors. It culminates in a boob unleashing that makes you want to reach through the screen and squeeze. Damn it! Bewitching brown-eyed Victoria June and Jules...

3 years ago
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I can feel sweat trickling down my back between my shoulderblades. It can't be more than 80 degrees, but from looking at me you'd think it was over a hundred. More sweat is stinging my eyes as the blindfold you tied on me is becoming saturated. My blouse is sticking to my chest as well, and I know it must be almost translucent from the persperation. My arms are becoming somewhat cramped from being tied up for so long. At least you left my legs undone when you left. How long ago was that? It...

3 years ago
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family sex 4

bodies next to his. He heaved a sigh. It had been quite a day. Except for eating, they had spent the whole day in bed. He rolled over and looked at the clock. "Your Uncle Harry will be here soon," he said. Crissy lifted her head and smiled. She rubbed her hand down over her father's hard frame and found his cock. "He'd shit a brick if he found us all in bed like this." She stroked her father's prick. Douglas moaned. His kids were sex-crazy and he wondered how long he...

1 year ago
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Swingers Diary 2

100% fiction 2010 May 16 – Today evening was incredible… We have come for a vacation to Goa. Asu’s sister Ria and her husband Vikas are along. We arrived at our hotel in the morning. The rooms here are fantastic. We left from Pune while it was early in the morning. I could guess Vikas’s growing lust for me while we were waiting at the airport for our flight to depart. He even went to the pains of getting me cornered in a screened off lobby while I was off to bring in some coffee for all. There...

2 years ago
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House Call

"Jesus Christ, this rain is gonna drive me insane," Officer Frank Matthews muttered to the steering wheel. "I tell you, Johnny, if the weatherman says we're going to have a sunny day one more time, and it keeps on rainin like it has been, I'm gonna go down there to the TV station and personally shove an umbrella up his ass." "You do that," Dr. John McClendon said absently from the passenger seat. He was rummaging through his medical bag, trying to find something. Matthews didn't...

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Slumber Sex Toy Party

Jennifer did not know what to expect when she arrived at Mandy's house for the Slumber party. It took her 1 hour to decide what to wear to a sex novelty house party gathering. She decided on a black silk skirt with a tight fitting tee and red painted toe nails and hands. She was ready to enjoy herself and let her inner desires roam free tonight, with the help of tequila of course.She arrived at Mandy's house just as the tenth person came in behind her. They all seemed to have dressed sexy for...

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Noor Arora A Sexual Journey Part 8211 2

Hi Guys and Girls, This is Romy bringing you the second part of Noor’s journey. At the onset, I would like to apologize for the typos in the first story. Hopefully, as I keep writing, I will keep getting better. Thanks for all the great feed back, I am passing it on to Noor. Also, sorry, but Noor has settled down now, so the chances of a meeting with her are low. Anyways, I will shift to her perspective and continue the story. It is highly advisable to read the Part 1 Noor Arora: A Sexual...

1 year ago
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Married Cousin Ko Chudaii Ka Asal Maza Diya 8211 Part II

Hello dosto mai apni second kahani k sath ap ki khidmat mai hazir hon. umeed hai aap ko meri pehli kahani “Married Cousin ko Chudai ka asal maza diya” pasand aayii ho gi. aaj mai usi kahani ka second part aap logon ki khidmat mai le ker aaya hon. jin doston ne meri pehli kahani nahi parhi un k liye mera thora sa introduction Mai pakistan se hon or Shadi shuda hon, meri ye kahani meri aik married cousin k barey mai hai jo k mere ghar se thora sa hi door rehti hai or us ka husband chudaii mai...

1 year ago
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Amber is Mine

sister's brains out. She's gorgeous. At 5'4", she looks like a pixie, sweet and delicate. Petite features that look like they would break under my hands. Creamy, white skin with pink rose petal accents. She has slight breasts, firm and perky B cups. A tiny waist with hipbones gently rounded. Long legs that end in perfect feet and delicate toes. Her eyes are round and innocent looking and they're blue like the color of the sky. She has white blond hair that looks silver...

2 years ago
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Benefits of Teaching Chapter 2

After his long day of visiting area junior high schools, Jeff Stephens returned to the high school and sat down to catch up on work in his office. He'd been at his desk for about 15 minutes when he received an IM alert. He answered and saw immediately who was calling. One of the girls from the Junior Highs he had visited earlier in the day was at home and obviously in her bedroom (her webcam was on, and from the pink bedspread to the boy band posters, he knew she couldn't be anywhere...

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King Frederick IChapter 4

King Frederick of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2 January, 1832 I could not help fancying that the cheers of the people as we departed London sounded rather more heartfelt than they had upon my arrival 19 months previously. Nevertheless, I had determined to spend as little time in the capital as possible, and intended to return to Brighton at the conclusion of this tour. As soon as we had traveled far enough outside the capital to be assured that there were no...

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Marline Becomes A SlutChapter 3

I drove to the only park I knew of and kept trying to think of ways and of things to get rid of this fucking burning desire I had. I parked the van and thought a walk may help me get this off my mind. As I started to step out of the van I looked down and saw the big flashlight I kept sitting along my seat for emergencies. We kept it there in case I might break down at night. I picked it up and said to myself, "I have an emergency right now for you baby," and I put it in my bag. I saw the...

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PornstarPlatinum Mistress Scarlet Mindi Mink Scarlet Is My Master

Mindi come here please, let me see you, very good, I love the way this sexy outfit looks on you. You’re are dressed up nice just like I asked. I knew this would look good on you when I picked it out. Now it’s time for this to come off. Look at your body Mindi, so soft, so beautiful. Scarlet I’ll do whatever you ask, get down on my knees? Yes mistress, I’m here to serve you. I’m ready to do whatever you say, play with your tits, eat you out, whatever you want. If...

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Carlas Fantasy Fulfilled

Richard knocked on the door and my wife answered the door and gave him a big hug and told him "don't hesitate to ask if you ever needed anything." I offered him a drink which he eagerly took. We talked for a while about what had happened and had many drinks when my wife asked Richard if he would like to watch a movie? Before my anyone could make a suggestion I yelled out lets watch Burlesque! Carla said that was one of her favorite movies and she was sure Richard would really like it....

3 years ago
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A New Moon the Happy Couple Settles In

Craig's reflections... I think the first time it really hit me that I was now a married man was the night Julie and I returned from our Honeymoon. Slipping into bed that night, I had such a pleasant, contented feeling—as I felt Julie's warm naked body melting softly against my own in the comforting darkness. There are no words to describe how I felt—just knowing she was now mine—that she belonged to me. Julie was the Sweet Someone I had always yearned for—the sweet gentle girl of my...

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Lunchtime Shenanigans

I used to work in customer service, as a counter clerk at a very busy establishment. As a fun and friendly gal, I quickly became popular with the customers. As the only shameless yet still professional flirt in the place, I came to acquire my own clientele, of sorts. So, although it was a shit job, I usually had lots of fun. For a time, I had to work a split shift, and I usually had a two or three hour (unpaid, of course) lunch. It wasn't so bad, because I lived in town, so I could go home if I...

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The Gods Themselves

The Gods Themselves Synopsis When the Gods conspire against you the only thing you can hope for is they will soon weary of their games and leave you alone. They did grow bored, those Gods, but not before it was too late, and all Josh could do was smile sheepishly as Julie's mouth opened and closed. He didn't need to ask what had caught her attention and thank the stars He fought against the impulse to curtsey. All he could do was shrugh: A little sun, a tad bit of arthritis, and...

1 year ago
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Life of Sachu with mom

100% fiction! 18yo Sachu woke up that morning in a happy mood as his vacation is on and he is going to mom. He do not forget what john had said about his vacation. He said he is going to impregnate his mom this vacation. Sachu also wants to do the same with his mom too. His mom is a lady at 42 with huge melons in front and back. Sachu when thought about his mom's grey black lips and red tongue got an erection. Here is the bus had given a sudden break to wake him from his dream. Sachu got off at...

2 years ago
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The first encounter

I remember my first relationship with another man. Sixteen, still in high school in a small town and ready to go to anywhere but where i was. John was 30 and a high school teacher. We met at a summer camp. A group of us became friends and would meet on week-ends to party and generally hang out. The first time that John and I were alone came that first fall; following the end of summer camp with both of us back to school. John called me and asked if I wanted to get together with some...

4 years ago
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New Balls Please

It’s a hot day and I’m wearing only my boxers. Warm thoughts fill my mind as my cock head chaffs lightly on the cotton material. There’s tennis on the TV and I watch extremely fit young women sweat, yelp and groan whilst arching their fit bodies. Occasionally the camera lingers a little too long and a teasing glimpse of lycra clad arse or, better yet, pussy mound flashes onto the screen before an overly precious producer changes camera. I feel my cock thickening and I know what will have to...

4 years ago
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Life Of A Rich Boy

Hey ISS readers, How are u all doing? I’m a big fan of this site and now almost 6 years I’m reading all stories. I always like long cont. stories and I love lot of them. My name is Ajith and I’m 23 years old. I have good muscle body due to my daily attend to gym. Now I’m living Russia and originally from India. Money is never issue for my self that my family own good wealth. From the small age I’m so addict to sex and I had my sexual intercourse when I was age 12 with my sister in law, who is...

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The Pleasure of Giving

Such a simple and well known phrase. But how can anyone derive pleasure by giving something? - it defies all logic. The excitement of receiving something new, indulging in the joy of a gift, a compliment or whatever it may be that has been received. That's surely got to be where the real pleasure lies. Not by sitting back and watching someone else enjoy that experience, thinking all the while that it's really you that wanted to receive something. It just makes no sense. Sure it's a nice feeling...

First Time
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Melissa brings a friend

Carrie arrived at Melissa’s house, carrying several different dresses on hangers. ‘I just couldn’t decide WHAT to wear,’ she laughed as she tossed the choices onto Melissa’s bed. Standing in only her short, black silk robe, Melissa grinned at her best friend. They loved getting dressed up and going out together. Carrie’s cool blond looks perfectly complimented Melissa’s olive skin and dark hair. Together, they drew lots of attention as two beautiful, petite women, one brunette and one blond....

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Into The Souls Of Regina And Shika

Hi everyone , This is my first story , Reading ISS for 7 years. I just waited to write my story , I would have written story earlier but I wanted to do real sex in my life & write it. About myself , I’m tony rudhip from Kanyakumari , Half tamizh & Half malayali , My mom is from Kerala & Dad is from Tamizhnadu. I’m not fair , Athletic ; I’m Dark / Chubby , 5.11 ,82 kg. Doing my Final year architecture in thiruvanathapuram , Kerala. This story is about Myself , My schoolmate Shika & Her Cousin...

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The Golden Shower Virgin Part 2 Anyas Bottom

By RayneDor When I Anya discovered she enjoyed peeing on me as much I enjoyed being peed on it didn’t exactly mean that the flood-gates were open for me (so to speak). In fact, Anya took pleasure in doling out that particular favor only at odd, seemingly random times. As with the rest of our sex-life, she is always the one who decides when, where and how we will play, and making me wait for something is clearly part of the excitement for her. When Anya wants sex she will frequently announce the...

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My Friends Dad Bummer Vacation

“So what do you think?” Simon dropped the brochure in front of me. The words Tropical Paradise stood out straight away as I picked it up.“Looks good,” I said. The palm trees and secluded beaches piqued my interest. Simons strong hands rested on my shoulders as his lips pressed against my ears.“I thought it might give me a chance to have you all to myself for a week.” His hands slid down my body and delved into the front of my shorts.“Mmmm, I’m sure we’ll both have our hands full.” A smile crept...

Gay Male
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La deuxime vie de Alice Parker

La deuxi?me vie de Alice Parker Jamais je n'aurais cru pouvoir tomber ? nouveau amoureuse, ? mon ?ge, j'ai 75 ans c'est rare de ressentir des sentiments aussi fort envers une personne. Il y a quelques ann?es jai rencontr? un jeune homme qui s'appelle Dan, il avait alors 18 ans ? cette ?poque et c'?tait un magnifique jeune homme, mais le temps ? pass? et il est devenu encore plus beau, moi qui suis une femme, m?re et grand m?re je ne pouvait pas me permettre de faire des avances ? si beau jeune homme, je sais ...

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E103 The Longest Night

Christmas is at hand, and Dorothy and Maude are coming to celebrate with them.  Neither have ever been south to Donald’s home and the warm invitation, which they know is mainly Emma’s influence now, is so pleasing to them.They at first plan to fly down, but then, realizing they no longer have any need to rush around to get somewhere, decide to take the train.  It will be a day and a half trip, but they book a sleeper car and giggle together about the fun they will have while they roll along the...

Love Stories
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Moms TreatChapter 3

After my lunchtime encounter with mom, I was just exhausted. It was only the afternoon, but after that incredible sex, I was just worn out. Heck, it must have been good for a 13 year old to be sleepy afterwards! Mom left me her bikini bottoms so I could "think of her" while she was gone, and I sure did - I fell asleep with them at my face. I must have slept about an hour, and when I woke up I saw that mom should be back from her bake sale in another couple of hours. So I went in and got a...

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The Cup Of Milk On First Night

Hi, this is Krish from Chennai again. This story is my cousin’s, his first night story. His name is Sandeep and his newly wed wife is Gokila. It was an arranged marriage and the marriage had happened within a month from their first meeting, that they had rarely talked to each and had no clue what to expect out of that relationship. So, when they sent her in a red Saree with a cup of milk inside their first night room, he was all in anxiety. Describing Gokila, she was of a wheatish complexion,...

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The Confident Young Man

Cheryl Bancroft was an attractive fifty-year-old woman who ran a seaside gift shop that she owned in conjunction with her husband Dennis. It was just about at the end of the very busy summer season, although the weather was still warm, and the shop plus the town itself was becoming considerably less busy.Cheryl, who was wearing quite tight trousers which accentuated what was a rather large backside, was pottering about in the otherwise empty shop when a young and rather good looking male came...

3 years ago
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Seducing my Bosss Daughter Part 1

When Jim, my boss asked me to keep an eye on his daughter for a weekend, I thought ‘me a baby sitter?’ Then he said she was 18! Introducing Ashlie  Jim brought his daughter to work on Friday with the idea that she’d come home with me, while he had a nice weekend in France with his new girlfriend. What can I say? Ashlie was hot. She was a real cutie, with the best brown eyes and a turned up nose. She had the tightest body I’ve seen in a long time. She turned up in spray on jeans and a white...

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Unexpected Sex With School Friend

Hi this is Rohi, I am gonna share with you a story of me and my School friend I use to live in a rented house in Mumbai alone. My daily chores include of morning office evening making dinner and day I was bored of going office so decided to skip by giving reason of not well. It was raining heavily outside suddenly I called my school friend Priyanka who was working in nearby area and told her to visit at my place as I was alone and bored . She came within an hour fully drenched in...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 14

It was our twenty-fifth anniversary. We went back to the cheap motel we’d had our honeymoon in just for kicks. It had been a mom and pop place then but was part of a chain now. A low-end place still, but recognizable. I didn’t know why Courtney was so insistent about these particular details. Anyway she made all the arrangements, keeping me in the dark as a surprise, she said. She had asked for a specific room in our reservation, it turned out. When we got there a lot of old memories came...

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My Hot Radhika Mami

Hi, my name is vijay singh I am from gorakhpur city utter perdesh. My age is 21 year and my height 5fit 6ich and my cock size is 7inch long and 4inch thick and my body type is well muscles. Today I am writing my story about an incident between me and my hot mami. Meri mami ka name radikha hai un ki age 34 hai un ke 2 bache hai chote chote baat last year ki hai mai apne nani ke ghar gya tha june me to mera mam aur nani alag ghar me rahte hai to un dono ke beech bant nahi hai to mai raat ko apne...

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The CatalystChapter 28 Meet the Parents

[Sam said, “Wow! I see the gang’s all here! Gang, this is Linda’s parents, Iris and Ray Larsen and Linda’s sister, Jessica,”] Mrs. Larsen’s eyes were locked on Bob. She appeared to be deep in thought, as she walked over to Linda’s side. Bob started moving away, but Linda grabbed his hand, “Mom, this is Bob, my soulmate and soon to be lover. Please don’t try and make him leave.” Iris shook her head, “No dear, I would never do that. He just reminds me of someone I knew and loved a long time...

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The Tom Tom Club Chapter 1

Ketsana pulled up to the curb one house before her cousin's, wanting the surprise to be perfect. Despite the cool May morning, her spirit burned as hot as the sultry heat she had just left in Thailand. For the past six months she had lived in a glamorized tent in a rural mountain region, with weekend jaunts to Bangkok her only reprieve. Now back in the States, her sacrifice was over, an entire month of paid leave, a fat bonus check for a job well done, and here at last approaching a home she'd...

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Patriccio Parese, von allen nur Paco genannt, schaute in die Runde. Er war neu in der Großstadt und musste sich erst an die neue Umgebung gewöhnen. Mit der Landessprache hatte er zwar keine Probleme, aber es war vieles neu für ihn. Sein Onkel hatte ihn aus Italien nach Deutschland geschickt, um hier einen neuen Fernsehkanal aufzubauen. Geld stand ihm unbegrenzt zur Verfügung. ?Jetzt zeigt mir endlich, wenn welche Moderatorinnen für uns in Frage kommen.? Manuele zeigte ihm die Bilder der...

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The Consul and Her House Help

Irene shook the can and pressed the nuzzle. She covered my abs with whipped cream as Khadija put chocolate on my ass with a knife. “Let’s switch positions,” Irene said as she stood up from the ground. Khadija came to the front and started licking the whipped cream as she courses down my body. Irene licked my left cheek and when I turned I saw her smiling with chocolate on her teeth. “You’re tasty. Isn’t he”? She asked Khadija who had travelled her way through my stomach and now had my dick in...

1 year ago
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Maid in Oaxaca Mexico 3

MAID IN OAXACA - MEXICO - 3 By Monica Graz CHAPTER 8 I had an uneasy sleep during my first night at the new apartment. I felt quite lonely lying on my small single bed at the tiny maid's room. I was terribly missing Pat; I would have loved to share the bed with her in the master bedroom but she had decided differently and at the moment she was the boss. I was of course dead tired and my body was aching from the manual labor but my mind was busy trying to absorb the novelty of...

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War For A Rose 1455

The man was bleeding heavily from his thigh. The arrow had seared and torn through the chainmail that was wrapped around his leg. Blood had begun to seep through the inter-linked chainmails and into the grass as the man fought with all his strength, dragging the injured limb along as he made his way into the nearby forestry. ‘Just a bit further, before I get caught by these Yorkist dogs!’ The man shouted in a final effort to motivate himself. If he was caught he would be tortured until he told...

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A Stranger in the Night

It had been a long stressful day at work. I grabbed a quick bite and a bottle of bourbon on the way to the hotel room. I was out of town on a work assignment which proved to be more stressful than I anticipated. I ate and had a nice tall glass of bourbon. I turned on the tv and found nothing to watch. So I decided to soak in a nice hot bath to try to relax. I noticed that the hotel had provided some nice floral bath oil and decided to give it a try. I soaked until my bourbon glass...

2 years ago
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Rekindling an Old Flame

© 2002 - 2003 As it sometimes happens after a death, my sister and I closed her big house and Barbara moved in with me. I am positive that I didn't have any thoughts of intimacy with my middle aged sister and if Barbara's had any thoughts, Barbara didn't give me any hint. Perhaps we should have considered the possibility, because the both of us had, had many years of good active sex with our now cold partners, but there was no indication that the old flames still flickered. Nothing...

1 year ago
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My New Doctor

A yearly trip to the gynecologist was never fun. Until the day I met Dr. Ike Okafor. I was on the exam table in the little paper gown when he walked in. My mouth fell open. He stood there, all 6 feet and 3 inches of him. He had black hair, shaggy but neat. His eyes seemed almost silver they were so grey. He was GORGEOUS. He was probably 28 at the most. I realized my mouth was gaping open and I shut it quickly."Ngozi, how are you? I'm Dr. Okafor."I gulped. "I'm okay, it's nice to meet you." My...

2 years ago
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IODEX Massage

Hi readers of iss and gals and aunties here I am narrating is not a fantasy but real story happened to me when I was at school.oke let me tell about me I am a businessman from bangalore.this happened a long time back when I was in school studying my 10 standard. I was living in a family of businessman which was middle class. At that time we had a maid by name sitara who was working and staying with us in our home she was 40 yrs when she worked with us she used to look after all the house work...

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The Party Bus A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

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