ShawnChapter 2 free porn video

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Dad was at his office in the city, administering to the white population. His ability, bedside manner, and charm had gotten him to be one of the top surgeons in all of Africa. Rich people came from all around and paid him well.

The girls were having lunch when I decided to look out into the world. I didn't announce myself. It was time to find out about psychokinesis. I looked out mom's eyes as I tried to move a spoon. No matter how many grunts and groans I mentally made the spoon kept its place. Even reaching out as I did for a person did not help. Next I tried the turned up corner of a paper napkin, still nothing. The smaller things would come and go from mom's view. I tried Lusa's nerves in her small nipples. If I only concentrated on the nipple she might do something to indicate my success. After five minutes of intense concentration her hand came up and scratched the minor irritation. Was this success or coincidence? I was too tired to try again and retreated back into my brain.

The landscape was different. The brightest spot was brighter than before. A very small spot was glowing slightly greater than it had when I last looked. I investigated the small glow and found a very small rose coloured beam almost completely missing the hole. I prepared myself for pain and focussed half the beam into the hole. Nothing happened, no pain at all. Since there was no pain I focussed all the beam into the hole, and waited, -- nothing.

I returned to the kitchen and this time I looked out Lusa's eyes, not a good choice; her view changed rapidly as she looked about. When mom talked she looked long enough for me to succeed in moving a lock of mother's hair. Her hand came up and put the errant strands back in place thinking nothing of the incident.

The experiment proved to me that the glowing in my head increased with use and the glowing shapes themselves represented a particular latent ability. Was it better to turn everything on now, or wait and see. A concern I had was that a baby was growing rapidly in its mother and the growth slowed after birth. Would the glows remain fixed or even go out? Would my abilities be fixed at birth? I didn't know.

Returning to Lusa I said, "Hello Lusa." This startled the girl and a portion of the bowl of cold soup fell into her lap.

Japera jumped up to see if her daughter was hurt. "What happened?"

"I jumped and it fell. I am sorry mommy, momma."

I could kiss her she took all the blame herself. I whispered to each of the women that I had startled her and she had protected me by not mentioning my part. The silent conversation brought a smile to each of the women.

"That's all right Lusa. You better soak the dress and take a bath. Do you need help darling?" Mother asked.

"No, I can do it. I am a big girl now."

As the girl rinsed out the dress in the sink I said, "Thank you for trying to protect me. It wasn't necessary to do that you know."

"I know but you are supposed to be my boyfriend. I have to watch out for you."

I had not said boy or girl friend but apparently Lusa wanted it otherwise.

She wrung out the dress and dropped it into the empty sink. I was about to chastise her for the act when I found I did not know what to do with it myself. I didn't have the information. The older I got the more things I found out that I didn't know.

She ran the bath and got the towel and two plastic toys were brought close. "Don't look, I am going to take off my clothes."

"Lusa I can't see you, besides boyfriends and girlfriends see one another naked sometimes. You saw my mother and father naked last night."

"Ok, you can see me naked if you want but what caused momma to scream? It scared mommy and me," she said as she settled into the warm bath water.

"Did you have a little tingle between your legs when you washed them?"

She shook her head no and said the same.

"Lusa, I am your boyfriend. Don't tell fibs to me."

After a moment of silence on both our parts she said, "Yes a little."

"Thank you for trusting me Lusa. Well mom and dad rubbed themselves between the legs to feel that tingle until it felt so good that they both screamed."

"No they didn't."

"Lusa, I am not lying to you. I was going to wait a few weeks before giving you the tingling feeling but I can do it now. Do you want me to do that for you? It is what boyfriends and girlfriends do for each other."

"Will it hurt?"

"No sweetheart," she smiled and hung her head at the term. "It will feel a lot better than last night and it will last longer. Do you still want to do it? We can do it another time or not at all if you don't want to."

"No, I want it, ah I mean yes, I want to."

The water was getting deep so I told her to turn it off and lie back on the incline at the end of the tub and spread her legs.

"I have just gotten a magic finger. I am going to touch you between the legs very carefully. If you want me to stop just say so and I will. Ok?"

She got into position and had to slide up the tub to keep her head above water. I concentrated on the little lips so as not to shock her. She jumped a little and settled down with a sigh. I gazed into her mind while I stroked her, finding the good places to touch and how hard to do it.

The finger traced around and around varying the path as I found the places and the touch that brought the best response. The tiny clit got a particularly good work out.

I made the mental appendage very small and blunt at the end and inserted it into her vagina. She was startled but settled down again. This time spreading her legs as far as possible to give me the most room. I went as far as her maidenhead but not pushing further. The probe went back and forth in short strokes changing angle and frequency. Her breathing was getting ragged and her hands gripped the edge of the tub. Now her knees came up to her chest offering me everything.

The appendage was thinned at the end so it could travel through the small hole in the barrier without rupturing it or even disturbing it. The end was thickened again so only a thin portion slid through her small opening. I used just enough force to let her feel the digit work within her. There was absolutely no discomfort, in fact she was building up to having her first orgasm. This time I used physical force alone to stimulate a female. With mother I just added to the currents going to that special place in her brain.

This was better for me. I was strongly feeling the same things as she felt.

I sensed that she could take a larger size, so gradually increased the diameter till she felt full but in no discomfort. My stroking speeded up when I felt she needed it. Grunts and groans of pleasure issued from her lips. Her head thrashed back and forth in the unaccustomed pleasure. A final groan and a clamping onto the digit signalled her orgasm. I was so meshed with her that I thrashed around myself. I sensed panic. Lusa was under water. I released the finger and quickly pulled her up so she could breath. She snorted out water from her nose a took deep breathes to bring air back to her system.

"I am sorry honey for letting you get water up your nose. I wouldn't hurt you for the world. Are you all right?" I felt a great deal of remorse at not being there when she needed me.

"Yes, what happened to me?"

"I just gave you that good feeling. It would have lasted longer but you let go of the sides of the tub and went under the water. Next time we can do it in your bed where you will be safer." I was in her mind and knew the answer but had to ask. "Did you like it?"

"Ya it was wonderful. Can we do it again?"

"Yes we can but we will have to do it later"

Lusa looked around with her eyes opened and squirmed frantically. It was difficult to follow her thoughts. My appendage had wrapped around her so there was no way she could fall.

She was four feet off the floor and over the tub. She did not know how she was supported and felt that she would fall at any moment.

The surprise wasn't hers alone. I had no idea that I was supporting a fifty pound girl so effortlessly.

"Relax honey. You are safe. I would never let anything happen to my girl. Do you want me to lower you into the water again? I pulled you up so you would be safe. May I put you down now?" My words calmed the girl.

The fear was rapidly leaving as I lowered her down and into the water. She sat up to a safer position with her hands grasping the sides.

"Since I have a magic hand let me wash your back," I said to get her mind off her fright. "Are you going to be frightened by the soap or cloth moving by themselves? I will be more careful."

"Ok, just no water up my nose."

Picking up a bar of soap that had gotten wet was a challenge. I formed a helix that surrounded the bar, leaving a hole in the bottom. The bar fell into the tub splashing the wide eyed little girl. The invisible finger split into three and I carefully wrapped it around the bar. It slipped around and I tightened. The bar flew from the water, going up four feet and fell with a plop and a big splash back into the tub. Lusa laughed as she used her hands and arms to protect her face for the flying water.

My next design worked better. The trouble was that the bar moved at the least excuse. It travelled all over the bottom of the tub before I trapped it against Lusa's thigh. The digit split into a dozen little tentacles that wrapped around the bar. They were locked into position, and retracted so they only came a little more than half way around the bar.

I talked while I did this explaining some of my problems. Lusa was very calm about all of this because she knew what was happening this time. Her laughter at my antics pleased me somehow.

"See what a mighty hunter I am. The bar gave a good fight but I won in the end." I raised the soap displaying the trophy to my girl.

I stopped for a second. I had thought 'my girl' before but now the term had a different meaning. I wanted Lusa in a lot of ways. Instinct and my father's opinions affected me greatly. Lusa would be my child, my sculpture, assistant, friend, and mate. I was happy.

I moved the soap around the tub making noises and pretending to make it a submarine. Her laughter brought her mother into the room. "Are you all right dear? Do you need any help?"

"No, I am just playing."

Her mother left satisfied. She spotted the wet dress on the way out and took it to the laundry to complete the cleaning before any stain set.

After a few minutes I started to wash her back with the soap. I put the bar into the dish and formed long flexible fingers. I entered her mind and found how much I could push, hard enough to clean but not light enough to tickle. The girl luxuriated in my touch. I felt like dad did last night when he thought he was satisfying his woman. The hand travelled around to the sides and eventually the front. I played with her little nipples getting her to squirm and this stimulated her little pussy. Heightened concern for her safety prevented me from arousing her again.

A squirt of shampoo was applied but when I rubbed her head with my pseudo fingers she moved all over. After a second or two I tried making another appendage with fingers of it's own. It was not any harder to manage because the human brain had handled two arms for millions of years. I wondered if I could handle more; perhaps I would try later.

My 'hands' worked the shampoo into the thick long black hair. She groaned again as my fingers travelled up the back of her neck and covering the entire scalp to the forehead. They scratched and worked any dirt and oil loose. I was almost sure that if I continued and with minimal stimulation to her nipples or clit she would orgasm.

She was indignant when I stopped. "Why did you stop? I liked it."

"I know you did but I do not have all of you cleaned. May I pick you up a little to clean the rest?"

"Ok, but don't let me fall."

"I am going to make a big chair and slide it under you. If you lean back you can rest like you are in the reclining chair in the library. Lean back now."

I picked up the girl with out any effort at all. I even supported her feet and legs. The knees were level with her chest and her feet forwards. The other hand cupped water and dropped it on her at different times and places. The girl tried to keep the water from hitting her directly. The game continued for another few minutes. The soap travelled over all the areas I hadn't cleaned yet. When I got to her sex I felt it safe to stimulate her a little because she could not fall. I eventually pulled the plug and ran the girl under the warm water from the shower head.

If my hand wrapped around her completely the girl could be rotated to any position. "Lusa honey. I am going to turn you over. You will not fall or get hurt." She was so pliable now that I slowly turned her over without incident. Her butt was up and her legs tight to her chest in the foetal position. She was rinsed with the shower and the water then turned off.

My free hand stroked her back and buttocks like my father's memory of his cat. Like a cat she started to purr. A finger traced her lower lips and her legs spread to accommodate my intentions. The finger went into the hole again and as last time I left a very thin section through the barrier. I pumped in and out while whispering how I felt about her into her mind. I saw a decision in her mind being made. In moments I knew that she was mine now, to do with as I liked.

An extra finger traced her anus as I remembered the amount of connections to the pleasure centre it had. The extremely slim digit slipped in easily. I expanded it a little and stroked this in counter point to the other finger pleasing her vagina. The back orifice relaxed with the gratifying treatment both fingers enlarged slightly bringing much more stimulation. Lusa gave voice to many sounds. I felt like a musician or perhaps a conductor leading a symphony orchestra. Her peak was coming rapidly so I pulled my mind back from hers and held her firmly so she would feel safe and sped up my fingers. The girl bucked like a horse trying to throw its rider. Her convulsions so intense that she remained quiet; all her mind working on the intense sensations. It was difficult to support her, allow her to flex her muscles in orgasm and keep her safe all at the same time. It was a good thing I had pulled my mind almost out or I would not have been able to accomplish this task.

I rocked the girl for many minutes until she came back to this world.

"Did you like that my love?"

The girl was still groggy, but nodded her head. She loved the experience and the term of endearment I used. She felt cheated somehow, she could not hold me during or even after her experience.

"Hold still for a minute, my love, as I wash you a little more."

I turned the water back on and rinsed her little mons and anus. She still managed to squirm as I did this.

With her now back in the foetal position, I got a fluffy towel and dried her back. "I am going to slowly turn you over again, love." I rotated and stretched out her body. I continued drying her. She parted her legs inviting me to dry her there too. I laughed in a soft tone and she tucked her head to her chest and turned to the wall in embarrassment. "Do not be shy with me. I know that you like my attention and I very much enjoy giving it to a girl I love."

Lusa really wanted to hold me now.

I rotated her again, this time from the horizontal to the vertical. She got the idea and stood on her own feet. I used two 'hands' and the towel on her hair shaking her and making her giggle at the same time. The towel was wrapped around her and she started to leave for her room. "Not so fast. Take these." I scooped up her other clothes and shoes. She reached out to the garments hanging in mid air taking them as if commonplace.

"It is about time you got out of there. You must look like a prune," her mother commented from the kitchen.

The dirty clothes and the towel were deposited in the laundry room. Lusa walked to her room wearing only her shoes and they were in her hand. Agatha and Japera had been looking in the direction of the noise and saw the naked light brown girl walk unconcernedly down the hall to her room and shut the door.

The mother and the mother-to-be wondered at this unusual behaviour.

"Sweetheart," I said to Lusa, "sit in the chair and face the mirror. I think that you are very beautiful, just like your mother. I want to brush your hair and see you at the same time."

Lusa was very pleased by the comment. She sat in the padded chair and faced the mirror. I brought the brush over and found it would hit the open back of the chair when taking the long strokes.

"Lusa, will you get up and turn the chair around so I can brush your hair without hitting anything?"

"Yes Shawn," came from her mind.

The girl had to spread her legs wide around the back of the chair. This opened her sex to my view through the back. Actually it properly was our view since I could only see what she looked at. She saw the small hole and remembered the enjoyable time in the bath.

I used the brush carefully getting the tangles out in the same way that dad did for mom. I made long sensuous strokes to her long straight hair. Apparently the white genes in both of her parents' background had been dominant and her facial features and hair followed that line of her ancestors. Her strong physique came from her African ancestry.

She put her hands on the back of the chair and rested her chin on them watching the phantom brush run through her hair. She luxuriated in the feel and closed her eyes to concentrate more on it.

I saw the beautiful child for only seconds when she opened her eyes to see her image in the full length mirror. Her feet did not reach the floor for she was two inches shy of four feet in height. She was a little chubby at fifty pounds. Her frame said that it should loose about seven pounds.

I laid the brush aside and ran my hands with many fingers through her lustrous locks. Each of my 'fingers' ended in a small sphere so my girl would not be hurt by an inadvertent movement. She groaned in contentment as I continued to work her scalp and release some of her natural oils. The hair was completely dry now and the girl was off in a world of feeling.

Mom liked to get a message from her husband after the brushing. He enjoyed giving it as much as she enjoyed getting it.

"Lay down on the bed on your stomach lazy bones."

She did not even bother to question my motives in her mind never mind her voice. She climbed onto the bed and lay down on her pillow.

My new hands changed into hands like my father. They didn't even startle her as they travelled over her shoulders and started working her muscles. Even insubstantial hands pulled on the skin. I considered getting some oil when I noticed my girl had fallen asleep. I peeked and saw her dreaming of herself and an older more mature young man that were walking and talking. Both obviously in love. The young man was how she saw me.

I pulled the comforter that was folded on the foot of the bed and covered her sleeping body. She was not far from the truth I thought.

I found mom taking a nap again and Japera cleaning up the kitchen. The supper was already mostly prepared, and only had to be cooked for the six o'clock meal, four hours off. I called to Japera trying to mimic the sound as if it were coming from outside so as to not frighten her.

"Japera, what's for supper?"

She looked out the window in front of her as I said in the usual way for me, "It's me Shawn. I didn't want to frighten you when I started talking. I imagine it is disconcerting talking to a person you can't see yet."

She was only a little shaken and easily overcame it. "It is. It is even more difficult to believe when the baby speaking. Sounds like your father."

"I had not noticed that. Do you want me to try to change?"

"No, just a little odd."

"I hate to add to your troubles but the situation is getting odder still."

She looked around trying to find the voice and speak to the source of it.

"Well you know that I am fairly intelligent and can speak to you through our minds. I have been trying to find out more of my abilities and I have developed another."

"What is it Shawn?" She had given up her quest and was looking out the window again.

"Have you ever heard of psychokinesis?"

"Never heard the word before."

"Well it means I can move things with my mind. Just like I had long arms and fingers to do the moving. Kind of handy when you come to think about it. I could peel potatoes, husk corn, open bottles and open the refrigerator to see what there is to eat." I used common terms and activities so she would not get upset. The fact that I could not eat this way was a different matter.

"One of the reasons I am telling you is because you might think there is a spirit, phantom, ghost, or demon, and forget that I am living in my mother who is asleep in her bedroom now. What would you think if you dropped the dishcloth and I picked it up for you? Nothing much if it had a hand and a body attached to the hand."

"I don't think it's natural." She gave her honest answer.

"You are wrong there. When mom and dad made me, something awoke that normally sleeps. If I look in your mind I see the same things as mine, except the parts that make me what I am are asleep in yours. You could have been born with some of those parts working and you might be talking to others the way I speak to you."

"I am glad I was born the way I was."

"I am glad I was formed the way I was too. One reason is because Mrs. Maska has worms growing in her and I might be able to get them out. None of the doctors can do that. I want to become a doctor like dad, if I do, then I may find cures for many diseases and save many lives. If I can think of this now, what would I be able to do when I reach your age?"

"I see your point. It is just uncomfortable talking to someone in another room that isn't even born yet."

"That is true but after my birth you will see me and I will still be able to talk to you this way. I will need a lot of help from you then."

"What help?"

"I want to go to the zoo, see the airport and train station, swim in the pool, eat ice cream, see your village, go camping and make as many people happy as I can. Is that too much for a start?"

"That is a lot of things to do."

"Yes it is, but the next day I want to do other things too."

She caught the joke and laughed and she heard the boy laugh with her.

"All right, I will try harder to get over the little thing like you talking in my head. You get out of here now I have work to do."

"Yes momma. I will go but first turn around close your eyes tight and keep them closed."

She humoured me and did as I asked.

"Will you keep them closed?"

"Yes, but hurry up. I have a lot of work to do."

I formed hands like dad's and tried something else. I gently held her face in my hands. Her eyes opened as my mental lips met hers. I kissed just like dad did. When in her mind I started the flow that would eventually lead to her orgasm but stopped after a few seconds. It would not be a good idea to do this now. I slowly withdrew my lips then the hands. She staggered a bit.

"Bye Japera." I left hoping she would not be too upset.

I entered my own brain again to find the area governing psychokinesis glowing brightly. None of the others seemed to have changed any. The one next to it was as good as any to check out. The faint bluish green beam did not even hit the hole. I steeled myself and corrected the aim.

Immediately I found myself above mother looking down. I quested through my other senses and could detect nobody present that could be doing the looking. I moved my head and found the vision moved the same amount. I experimented and found the vision moved the exact way I moved. I used the vision to look into the mirror and found nothing unusual looking back. When I willed the vision to reverse it did right through the wall and out side above the front door.

This was an eye of sorts. I went over to the kennel and saw the dogs then the pool. I traced the wall circling our property before coming back to the house. The view was a lot different than mother or father had in their mind. They never saw it from thirty feet up.

There was lots to see. It would be much more fun with a friend. I left the bedroom and entered Lusa's. Lusa was still asleep. I shook her shoulder with a hand more in size to hers. "Wake up sweetheart. I have got some things to show you."

The girl threw back the comforter revealing her naked body.

"I have to show you something new that I can do. Lay on your back." I waited till she complied, "Close your eyes and don't open them. I am going to kiss you."

The closed eyes opened at this.

"How do you do this?"

"Just close your eyes and believe that I am here. Hold onto the pillow above your hands and don't let go." She had more than enough faith in me to comply.

I kissed her lips lightly then with more feeling, always monitoring her thoughts and sensations. I found an extra feature that would set me apart from the rest of humanity. I could kiss and talk clearly or at least think my thoughts to her at the same time I moved my phantom lips across hers.

My lips moved over her cheek to her nose and kissed her closed eyes. She squirmed in contentment at my labours. I kissed her ears, which brought goose bumps all over her body and a gasp to her breathing. Before finishing I kissed all over her neck stirring her sexual response.

"What do you think of your boyfriend now sweetheart?"

Her eyes came open hoping to see me. I could understand her disappointment.

"I love you."

"I know you do, and I love you too." After a pause, "Let's go outside. I have something more to show you."

She hurried her dressing. I insisted she wear a jacket. The day was cool but the jacket was not normally needed. She told her mother she was going out to play.

"Not too long. I want you to help me with supper."

"Yes mom."

I led her over to the side of the house that nobody could see into and Japera could not see from the kitchen window.

"I am going to make my hands into a chair again. Lean back so I can hold you." I used the 'eye', and the 'hand' to propel her around the property. She gasped at the movement even though I was going slower than she could run. After ten minutes I asked, "Do you want to go higher? You are safe and won't fall." The girl was still too excited to answer verbally. The nod of the head brought us up to ten feet or so. "Higher?" I went up to only fifteen feet. I felt her shiver because she was going with her feet first and her legs were not adequately protected.

We landed where we started. She stood on her two unsteady legs. "Do you want to do some more."

"Oh ya. That is the most fun I have ever had."

"Lay down on the grass on your stomach. I will pick you up and you will fly face first this time."

This time she was more comfortable. She was not flying level. Her feet were a little lower to keep her neck as comfortable as possible.

"Stretch out your arms. The way you point your arms is the way you will go. I can't go where people will see us, so if we go differently than the place you want, that is why."

This was very exciting for her. She dodged trees and buildings getting a feeling for flying. We had to stop because the dogs started to bark when they saw us, or rather Lusa, flying. We landed as close to the kennel as I could go.

The dogs wagged their tails and clamoured on the fence as they saw Lusa approaching.

I found it easy to enter the first dog's mind. It was a lot simpler than humans. I studied for a few minutes before introducing myself to them. This was almost as difficult as with humans. There was no sight and especially no scent to go with the greeting.

Lusa was getting impatient as she knew nothing of what I was doing. I made a child's hand to grasp hers and walked back with her swinging the hand and talking as we went.

It was much better with my own eye to do the flying or even walking for that matter.

"Did you enjoy your playing?" Her mom asked.

"Yes. Shawn and I went all over. The dogs find it hard to understand him."

Japera was a little upset finding me away with her daughter but figured that children should play together. "That's good. You take care of him."

"He doesn't do a thing I say. I am going to have to treat him the way momma does dada."

I laughed, this time. Both females heard me.

Japera ignored me and said, "I decided to make a pie for Aunt Agatha. You clean and peel some apples while I make the crust."

"Make a good pie because you will be feeding me when I get big." I told my girl.

She smiled and looked down to hide her face. This she would happily do for me and for the rest of her life if I would let her.

I went back to the glowing structures trying to reason out a pattern and try to place the individual structures on a chart of the human mind. This proved to be difficult. The features I saw were an interpretation of their actual usage. There were no beams of various coloured light in my brain, only the way my mind realized their existence.

Same as Shawn
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That morning, I couldn’t stand to be in that lonely, empty, bed anymore. With hubby gone, I had no reason to stay in bed, if you know what I mean. I consider myself a very sexual person, and I’m always horny. However, I did not feel like playing alone this time. I got up, didn’t bother to change, went into the den, and logged onto my computer. I decided to answer a few emails, to let my friends and family know I was handling things okay, one day at a time. One email perked my interest; it was...

2 years ago
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Before The Night Was Through Part II

April‘s tongue instantly and obediently lapped, cat-like, at her puddle of cum there on the kitchen table. John kept his grip on her hair, holding her in position and watching his pet obey his command. His fingers toyed along his wife’s still quivering labia. He pinched each lip between his fingers, spreading her and running his fingertips around her wet entrance. April moaned into the wooden top and wiggled her hips happily. She smacked her lips when the table was clean and looked up at John...

3 years ago
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Caught In The Act 4

When we got off the elevator and walked down the hall, I couldn’t keep my eyes off her sexy ass. As soon as we entered the room, the bags hit the floor and Jill was in my arms. She started kissing me while taking off my shirt. In just a matter of a minute, she had my clothes off and started on hers. I watched as she removed each piece, exposing her sexy body. Then she walked back to me. She said, “It's time, I have to have your cock. I want it right fucking now.” Jill took my hand and led me...

2 years ago
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Im getting some Oh Im getting some

Introduction: Hey guys. This is my first story so I would appreciate any feed back or thoughts about it. Please comment. Thank you! Prelude I am sick and tired of this, I cant take it anymore. Im going damn near insane. How could this have happened? And to me of all people. Well its not like I am super special or that Im better than everyone else. But shit! This is just pathetic and something has to be done. What sickens me the most is that I have actually become complacent with the situation....

1 year ago
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My Nieces Talent

My Niece's Talent By Jerrie526 Author's note: The majority of this story is fiction but the first parts of it are true. My niece Ashley was a joy to me in those innocent days before puberty and the teen years. I love her highly. She gave me permission to write her into this story because it was the only way that this plotline would work. The parts that happen before her puberty are real and autobiographical to me. I did go through these things with her and truth is sometimes harder...

2 years ago
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CuttyChapter 8 Lunch

Donna found herself sitting in the food court amid loud chattering families, eating a meager salad, while Ms. Brendan had Chinese noodles with chicken. A real meal. She never expected Ms. Brendan to eat in such an ‘average’ place. After the expensive dinner, the hotel, the life style of her, this was completely against her nature. “So tell me, how do you like our weekend so far?” Ms. Brendan asked. Donna looked around and knew she could not speak freely about the sex and all, nor did she...

1 year ago
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sexy secretary friend

black stockings/tights,high heels,greying hair & immaculate make-up,"come in,you must be David, Susans told me all about you" "all good i hope" i replied,"oh yes ,she says your very good" i felt myself blushing at this as she lead us into the lounge & poured us some wine,"could you do me a favour?"Glenda asked"the dog has gone out into the garden & won't come in & as you can see i'm not really dressed for traipsing around out there,would you go & get it in for me please?" o.k. i...

4 years ago
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Episodes From My Nudist Life 03 The Live Model

When I was a student in Jerusalem in the mid seventies, I was sharing an apartment with Etty. She was studying ceramic arts and I was going through my life science studies. She had to take complementary courses, one of which was photography. I also liked taking photos. It was my most serious hobby. It was different then. No digital cameras were existing. SLR was the norm, with mostly black and white films. It was expensive to shoot a lot of photos, so each one shot, had to be planned carefully,...

2 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 4

Jessie woke up in the afternoon the next day. Ahhhh, Saturday school, got to love it. He rolled out of bed and stretched a bit. The fabric of his "borrowed" delicate, soft top felt much nicer on his sore chest than his rough, course t-shirts. "Man, Jason really did a number on me," he thought. With that, Jessie groggily went into his bathroom, sat down and peed. It struck him a bit odd that he was sitting to pee. After all, he couldn't ever remember sitting down before to...

4 years ago
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The Machine Part 2

Terry came down about a half-hour later looking more like herself. Thigh-highs. That’s all.“Well, that was different. I can’t believe I got that carried away.”“Ah, you think that Bubba had anything to do with it?”“Good point. Yeah, I’ve only used him one other time, when you were on the road for a week. I had some time for my pussy to return to normal.”“No problem. I’ll just use your ass for a while.”“Ow. Only if you open me gently first. That dry entry you did today was brutal.”“Oh, I'd like...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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Liz Erd 3

“Yes…this is a fine day” Liz Erd thought to herself. Liz Erd adjusted her black petite seamless medium padded and lined cup push up stretch lace bra with lace trim, back wings and ½ inch adjustable straps which she wore regularly during the treatment for the vaginal infection she had just recovered from. Liz Erd had finally sought professional medical assistance for her affliction when her curdish cunt discharge had the appearance, consistency, and...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 09 Jenny Submits

Sarah called Jenny that night about the extra babysitting gig, letting her know it would only be for a couple of hours. Jenny agreed happily to join again. They talked for ten minutes about what to wear. Jenny laughed at how much fun she had teasing the old perv. Sarah agreed but knew her friend would feel differently one day soon. She idly wondered if Mr. Michaels would make Jenny walk to his home naked at some point. Just the thought of the previous night sent shivered down her spine...

4 years ago
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Night Out Ch 4 Plans

Evy looked around the bathroom that held noticeable signs of a man's domain. The toilet seat was up and the sink had traces of remnant beard hair that she found herself wiping away. Yet again, she wiggled herself into a peculiar situation and took a seat on the porcelain throne lid to process her thoughts.Visiting June was becoming an obsessive thought and dream, yet here she was in his bathroom while he was left hanging by a thread. She wondered if her brash decision was too much; his look of...

4 years ago
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The Teenagers 8211 Part 2

It took another one hour for saba to reach home. It was already 8:15 and her mom was home. Sultan had left. Saba and shifa shared a single room while firoz has his own room and one room was for their parents. Saba straightaway headed inside her room. Shifa was there studying. She has changed again in a normal salwar suit. Seeing that firoz sensed something strange about shifa. Saba freshened herself and changed to salwar suit. “Saba..” her mom shouted from kitchen..she went to attend her. “Give...

4 years ago
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Underwear fun part 2

I closed the door after Jim, still reeling from what had just happened, almost having to pinch myself to check it was real and that I hadn't been dreaming. I felt weird; embarrassed, guilty, ashamed but also elated, thrilled, and excited and wanting more. These competing sensations did battle in my head leaving me feeling quite agitated. I also felt agitated because I had the practical matter of trying to clean up the stockings that Jim had spunked his load onto, as well as the suspender belt...

3 years ago
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Valentines Day Forever

On Valentine's Day he brought me two dozen roses, one for each year of my life, a bottle of Cabernet, the same 2001 Beringer that he had brought when I fixed him dinner the first time, a box of hand made chocolates that he had driven to Gatlinburg to buy from from the candy store where we had brought chocolates on our first weekend away together, and a beautiful leather paddle with a pink heart emblazoned on the front. The paddle was the most significant gift because it signified that he was...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Baba ka ashirwad se huyee man ki murad

Pyare readers, pahale mai aap logo ko mere aur mere parivar ka parichay karata hun. Mera name raghu hai aur mai 23 saal ka kasrati badan wala hun. Mere pariwar me hum 2 log hai, meri maa 42 saal ki hai. Mere pitaji ka dehant jab mai 15 saal ka tha tab bimari ki wajah se ho gaya tha. Hamri kheti badi thi jis se hum log maje se ghar gujara kar rahe the. Meri maa sudol aur sanwali rang ki hai uske boobs aur chutad kafi bade bade hai. Wo aksar salwar aur kamiz pahanti hai. Wo bra or panty use nahin...

2 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 23

"They're good, Langer," Bax shouted over the crowd. "Really good." Brody nodded and watched his musician up on stage. She looked fantastic and the band sounded great. He wondered once more if she knew how happy she looked when she was performing. The first song ended and Lara thanked the crowd before they moved on to the next one. Ryan moved over to the keyboards, keeping her guitar on but sliding it around to her back, and Nate switched his bass for a guitar. A moment later Ryan started...

Love Stories
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Neighborhood weirdo

This is totally fictional, but some elements are true. You figure out how much is true however nothing i*****l ever occurred. When i was younger, i lived in a mobile home park with my parents. I only had one friend, paul. We got high together, had the same taste in music, looked at the same hot girls, blah blah blah. We were constantly on the prowl for weed and pussy without much luck either way. It was such a bitch having money in my pocket, and not being able to find weed. At one point we...

3 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere Hilary Duff

“How’s your assignment going baby, you look super stressed.” Hayden Panettiere asked her boyfriend Ryan who was sitting at the old desk scribbling notes furiously. The desk was like most of the other things in their rundown apartment, old, dirty, broken or found in the garbage. “It’s taking forever, what type of asshole instructor makes an assignment due a day before the midterm. Fuck!” Ryan McVeigh screamed as he slammed his pencil against his expensive textbook. His facial expression...

4 years ago
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My Roommate fucks my girlfriend

The sunlight flooding the room woke me up before the alarm did. I turned over to see Sarah still sleeping beside me. I loved how sexy she looked even when she wasn’t trying. The light painted her skin a golden color. I brushed back her long, light brown hair to give her a kiss on the cheek. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at me. “Good morning, sweetheart,” I whispered to her. I loved waking up to her in the morning. I hugged her petite body and gently kissed the back of her neck. I love...

4 years ago
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Cum little Lauren pt 2

Introduction: For a friend, you know who you are Grampa woke very early, as he always had, and felt Laurens body pushed up against his chest, and his semi-rigid cock pressing into her buttocks. It had been years since he had awakened with someone in his arms, and he lay there enjoying the feeling for several minutes before he gently untangled himself from her, leaving her sleeping soundly, as he got up and went to the bathroom. It was just after four in the morning, and he knew he would have to...

2 years ago
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Author's note: I apologize for any grammatical error. Inevitably the chapters will come out first in Portuguese. Thank you for reading this story. I was still watching my father's coffin went down in the cemitery. Beside me my mother and little sister wept inconsolably the last "moments" with this special family being. I could still hear the words he told me when I last visited him in the chemotherapy ward of the hospital: "Take care of your mother and sister, promise me that." I promised him...

1 year ago
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Welcome Home8

You walk into your bedroom and see me on the bed with a brunette with double d's. I'm kissing her lips then down her neck and chest to slowly suck on her nipples.. We notice you in the room, rip your towel off and tie you to a chair.. We get back onto the bed and I continue sucking and biting her tits but now you have a great view of my pussy which she's rubbing and it's starting to get real wet.. Your cocks rock hard but we ignore you and focus on each other. I'm wanting to taste her...

4 years ago
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Soya Flat White Take Me Like Your Coffee 8

“Are you fucking serious?” Alex kept on staring at a massive PC tower located underneath one of the tables in the coffee shop she worked in. The machine had blinking blue lights and an enormous monitor which her friend Zoe was now plugging in, her shapely arse sticking out from underneath the table.  “I am fucking serious,” Zoe said without a hint of sarcasm in her voice, still fumbling with cables. “I tried writing at home but I just… I just can’t concentrate.”  Zoe and her writing, Alex...

3 years ago
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Morning LightChapter 32

Shelly had an exhausting day with her cousin and her two kids. They were three and five and full of energy. She had planned to stay the night but by the end of the day, she wanted to go home and relax. Her cousin was disappointed but understood. When Shelly pulled up to her house, there were two cars in the driveway. She recognized one as belonging to Ralph Jenkins, a biology teacher at school. He had been over on a number of occasions to visit with her mom and dad. However, Shelly wasn't...

3 years ago
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All Girls Camp

Well I got a job. Oddly enough at a richy-rich all-girls Christian camp. Ive heard they last between 3 weeks to 3 months. Ive been hired as a camp counselor and jack of trades, I guess a man is not totally replaceable. I am going tomorrow for my meeting with the camp leader.

2 years ago
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My Little Sisters GirlfriendChapter 21

I look back in retrospect now and realize that I was lucky my Aunt Willie and her nympho daughter left for an extended trip to Europe. It allowed me to recuperate my precious bodily fluids and re-invigorated my libido with devious thoughts about my delectable sisters all in their nubile glory searching for suitable husbands. My only true sisterly love was my sister Princess and she had made it perfectly clear that I was just a matter of convenience when she was unable to lasso a tall, dark...

1 year ago
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Summer School

It all started my senior year in high school I was 18 and loved to party so much that it cost me from graduating. the shame on my fathers face when I told him was enough to make me swear that I would not let him down and I would make an A in summer school, not like the class was hard, Health, how the fuck did I fail it the 1st time, me and the teacher were friends and I did most of the work but on the last day before grades came out she told me I will see you ever day this first day...

2 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 19

Betsy walked down to the beach intending to have a nice relaxing swim. It was the weekend and the house was a little crowded. She was still bothered by Chuck’s abduction, but at least something good came of it. He was now living at her house, where he could be adequately protected. There were other benefits of having him around so much, too. At the moment, though, she just wanted a little time of her own. She desired a chance to just get her thoughts in order. It seemed to her that things...

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My Latest Experience

I just got a new job offer and I moved into a new house in a new city. Anyway on my fith day there in the morning I was drinking some coffee and went to look out the window. I saw my wonderful good looking neighbor sitting on her back deck. I knew she was single because I knew pretty much everyone on the street by now. So I got dressed in some clothes and went over there. I greeted her and started a conversation. After talking for a while she invited me in for a drink while she changed. I had...

2 years ago
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my first master

Hello Darling, I'm Jessica.""Hi, Nice to meet you, I'm Bobbie.""Can I offer you a drink?" asked Jessica, noticing he was pretty nervous."Sure, that would be great," I responded as I watched her cute ass sway into the kitchen. We made small talk for a while than her congenial tone changed."Well, let's get to it. You ready to become my little slut bitch?" she asked."Yeah, I guess so," I replied. Before I could even finish she had slapped me in face."Is that the proper way to address me bitch?"...

1 year ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 15

I am awakened to the alarm. It was a restless night of sleeping. I feel like a truck ran over me. I look over and the cat is sitting on the bed next to my head. "What?" I ask. She just looks at me with a smirk. That cat smirk like the know something. She jumps off the bed when I start to move. I make my way to the shower. The hot water feels so good on my body. I shampoo and shave. I take extra care shaving today remembering the note. I want my body to be clean. I walk out of the bathroom...

2 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 42 Three conversations One topic

After all six celebrating Tim’s promotion, they all gather together again a couple of days later.  It is the first Thursday suppers at Tim and Abbie’s home.  Dinner fixed by Tim is delicious, and they were having a wonderful time enjoying the food and conversation.During dinner, Tim turns to Abbie and says, “Honey, Microga is having a reception and then dinner tomorrow night to formally acknowledge my new position.  We will have time to come home and change before it.”Abbie says nothing in...

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A Korean Beauty

During the good old 1960’s, in my college days as staff photographer for the school paper, I had the fortune of having many opportunities to cover beauty contests. On one occasion, I was taking candids of the contestants and also scouting for possible models in private shoots off campus. A freshman from Korea, Mimi, was petite--about 5'1", 95 lbs., with short, but slender legs. Her parents were well off, working for the local embassy. After the campus event ended, I caught Mimi as she was...

1 year ago
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Two is Comapny

We had been best friends since we met at the beginning of high school, and last summer our friendship progressed to a new, higher level. It was a saturday in August, Jason had come round as there was little else to do while there were workmen tearing up the leisure center. We spent the afternoon playing on the Xbox, then later went out cycling round town for a bit. We came back all hot and sweaty, so I went for a shower. Jason said he was fine, and went into my room. I came out of the...

3 years ago
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Off The Deep EndChapter 8

"So there that is," she said. "Finally." "Um ... yeah," I mumbled. "What -- 'Finally'?" "Took you long enough." "Huh?" I was confused. "How long?" "Eh?" I was still confused. And monosyllabic. "How. Long. Have. You. Liked. Me?" "Oh, uh ... Since the first time I saw you, I think," I mumbled, regaining some of the capacity of speech. "What? I can't hear you. Speak up." I sighed. Might as well go all in, since this was probably the last time she'd speak to me....

4 years ago
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Accidental LoversChapter 10

Tommy had heard bits pieces of his sister and teacher in the bathroom. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the sounds and he surely wasn't expecting what he saw when the door opened. His sister Lori walked out first, that she was naked didn't surprise him as she had not been wearing any clothes when she had fled to the room after being caught atop him by Miss Cooper. But he was not prepared to see the nude form of Miss Cooper walking out as well with her hands resting lightly on his...

2 years ago
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Having Nicole Pt 2

This is still for you……. Please read, Having Nicole Pt 1 so will be able to follow this story! After eating my best friends pussy, I stood up off the floor and decided that I’d had enough fun for one night. I already felt bad, like I had taken advantage of her in some way. I told her that we would have a lot more fun this weekend, we always shared a bottle of wine on Friday nights and knew we would both be more relaxed. Nicole protested slightly but agreed, she knew we both needed to get up...

3 years ago
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Modern Age

Modern Age Man, I just love living in the Modern Age. Technology is such a wonderful thing - and so sexy too! Here I am, all frillied up for my lady, kneeling before her with her collar around my throat, with her hand on the back of my head pressing my face into her beautiful, beautiful pussy, and with my tongue working all over that gorgeous clit of hers as I try to coax it into becoming a cock. Yes, it is true that if you lick it hard enough and lick a clit well enough it can...

1 year ago
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One In Three part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Part 2 Sofa cushions and an oversized pillow were arranged on the floor in a make-shift bed, and the four women stood around it nervously milling among each other naked and giggling, drinking wine and playing slap & tickle, feeling each other up and comparably remarking on their body parts – their breasts & nipples, their legs & butts, the girls admiring of Maggie’s big tits and sumptuous ass, and Maggie nostalgic for a time when she was as youth-lean...

3 years ago
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Mike Elliots Sex Adventures Kim

I lost my virginity on Memorial Day in 1990. It happened on a camping trip in Michigan with my friend Brent. I went on the trip with him and his mom over the Memorial Day weekend. The girl's name was Kim. I met Kim on the first day of the trip. She and another girl practiced volleyball while Brent and I swam in the lake. I felt instant attraction to her. She was nearly as tall as me, I was six feet tall with an athletic build. She also had a toned muscular figure with big tits. She wore a light...

2 years ago
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Fucking my girlfriends guy

Nicole is a 5'6", 34c, one hundred twenty-pound stunning blonde. At twenty-three years old, she has been with her current boyfriend Alex for three years. She is sexy, beautiful, but a little prudish when it comes to sex. Her idea of sex is behind closed doors and traditional. Alex is her boyfriend, 6 foot tall, chiseled like an Egyptian god who works out daily to look hot. He is twenty-six years old and works in the construction business. Being outside also gives him a great tan. Nicole will...

Group Sex
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Wanted Dead or AliveChapter 5 Grizzly

On the fourth day out of Silverton, the snow continued coming down with blizzard-like force. Hoyt had given up on making the hundred mile trip in four and a half days. He was now hoping for six, yet he knew they weren’t making more than twelve to fifteen miles a day in this snowstorm, if that much. Even if the snow stopped – which some days he thought it would, when he’d see a brief break in the skies – it will now take them at least six days if not more – with up to three foot of snow, and...

3 years ago
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Popping Poppy

I watched as Poppy did another set of pirouettes, her small frame twirling again and again, legs, back and neck as straight as an arrow as she listened to her coach bark, “Again!” for the hundredth time in an hour. I, Ash Darkwood was a judge for the regionals and had stopped in to see some of the performers practice before hand. Poppy was incredible, but not just in ballet. Her coach had her minimally dressed in order to not distract from the intricate moves she was pulling off, but I ...

2 years ago
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Personal Ad Rick

I’ve had some interest in cock since my days of teenage experimentation. I really never had the opportunity to find another guy to explore with until the internet made it very easy to meet like minded people without cruising bars, etcetera. I always fantasized what it would be like to jack another guy off again, or more. While checking out the adult personals, I ran across a post that caught my eye. It was a 50-something guy looking for someone in my age range who didn’t have much experience....

3 years ago
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Macmanrsquos adventures ndash 1

It started out as a long jacket, and highlights from those days were the go-go pubs, and a bosomy barmaid who wore tight tops and occasionally low-cut tops. The jacket stayed done up and meant I could stand there gawping with a bulge in my trousers, that after a few minutes turned to a wet patch.Not long after that, I moved up to a proper ‘dirty’ rainmac, and I’ve worn one – in all weathers – ever since. It’s my uniform, making me look a perv and dirty old man, as well as allowing me to get my...

4 years ago
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A Problem With PiracyChapter 5 Taking the War Ashore

September 10, 1990 The boat full of pirates turned and ran upon seeing the monster battleship appear from behind the cargo ship. They were willing to take on a simple patrol boat, but not a battleship. Four days earlier, two boats sent out from a nearby town had mysteriously disappeared after failing to take over a cargo ship. Now the mystery had been cleared up. Thoughts of pirates conjures up images of three masted ships armed with cannon sailing up to some similarly armed ship, engaging...

1 year ago
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Coffee Girl

The heat. The heat felt oppressive as I followed the hotel driver from the airport terminal to the hotel’s car for VIP guests. I looked around the city of Jakarta wondering if I would survive the heat or how long it would take to get used to it. Traveling all the way from the west coast of the US and changing planes once took a toll on me, as did the past year following my messy divorce. I work for a socially conscious, small but growing coffee company. We decided to place a buyer, me, close...

2 years ago
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First Time

My wife Jean and her best friend Sue took a short cruise to Amsterdam recently. They are both older ladies, but still good looking and of slim builds. Whilst they have occasionally spent a night together in a hotel, this was a different experience. Jean was keen to get dressing gowns in their room, but Sue wasn’t interested, for good reason.When they got to their cabin they unpacked and went to explore the ship. They quickly found a bar and ordered prosecco. During their first day, they had a...


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