When What To My Wondering Eyes Should Appear? free porn video

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You think Christmas is only for children? That's what old Jim Hadfield thought too and as he was to discover, it is simply a matter of never losing sight of what Christmas intrinsically means and what magic exists still, in those remote places holed-up between fantasy and reality, hope and disillusionment.

Jim dreamed - just like everyone else. He dreamed of bygone days when he would leap from his bed Christmas mornings, a flushed and excited eight-year-old, taking the stairs two at a time on his descent to the lounge-room. Pushing wide the door respectfully, a trait often exhibited by only children, you could have lit up a thousand cities from the glow on the youngster's face as he gazed in awe at the presents piled up around the tree.

Jim's parents had never been what you might call well-heeled, yet they had ensured that at whatever cost, their little boy would remember the happiest of childhoods, most especially during the Yuletide season. Their efforts had paid off handsomely.

Marrying in his mid-twenties "for better or for worse", it had proven most definitely the less desirable of those two options. Cathy fundamentally was a bitch. He remembered back, not long before his mother's death in fact, how she had more or less laid that particular fact out for him. His father had died years earlier and had been spared the worry of his son's great unhappiness.

All Jim had ever done was to love his wife unconditionally and in doing so, managed somehow to overlook her selfishness, emotional detachment, and cruel insensitivity. For thirty-four years Cathy drove, while he sat out life in the back-seat!

Bereft of meaning, the marriage had produced two daughters equally bereft of paternal interest and consideration. Perhaps genetically influenced, both girls from their teenage years onwards found a plethora of reasons not to be home, staying either with girlfriends or maternal relatives. Of little concern to Cathy, it simply afforded her more time to spend in front of the television.

The few times Jim tried to talk to either girl about their school-work, their futures, even the most mundane of topics...it was obvious, they had little need for his input into their lives...that having ended one might conclude, with Cathy's abrupt announcement of her subsequent pregnancies.

After a while, he left them to their own intractable devices. Both girls left home soon after completing school and their finding local employment. He saw them perhaps once a fortnight, usually when they came to visit their mother.

Jim would console himself some nights recalling the Christmases when they were yet children and the pleasure he had gotten in recreating for them what still stood-out so vividly from his own past. How had everything gone so wrong? he mused. All he had ever wanted was to love...and be loved!

Many years passed. Cathy had died of kidney disease, his daughters had married and moved away to the north of England. A postcard from Marion in the late eighties had put him on notice that he was now officially a grandfather. He had seen the lad but half a dozen times since, the last being when his daughter called in at the local hospital briefly following his triple-bypass.

He was in his seventy-fourth year now and living alone in a shabby semi in Portsmouth, the area's solitude matching his own bleak and wind-swept life. Still, he took pleasure in wrapping-up during the wintry months and spending hours on the seafront, looking out at the grey Atlantic, perhaps sensing in the uncompromising and harsh environment, a kinship somehow with his own unstinting tidal existence.

The one thing that adverse circumstance had failed miserably in trying to dull or nullify in Jim's life however, was December the 25th. Each year he would decorate the little tree using the same tinsel and colored balls he had so religiously protected and stored away following his parental loss. Within the limitations of his meager savings, he would even buy himself a few presents to be religiously wrapped and placed beneath the tree on Christmas Eve.

To the outside world that year, it was an elderly, and rather melancholy-looking gentleman, that took his time wandering around the stores, picking up and studying the latest toys, deriving tactile pleasure from simply holding the many items that represented those seasonal childhood yearnings. Occasionally he would smile as he held aloft a doll or a farm animal.

Mothers would glance at him warily and shepherd their youngsters into the adjoining aisle. They could not know that inside that tattered old coat and scarf, an eight-year-old child looked out at his beloved world of remembrances.

In Brackensfield's, one of the largest Department stores on the east-side, the newly installed Santa was entertaining a long line of expectant children as their mothers jostled for the dubious privilege of parting with six pounds 75p in exchange for an instant photo of their loved ones posed on the man in red's knee.

No-one noticed the lonely old figure standing alongside the racks of games nearby, watching the awe-struck children as they progressed excitedly along the queue. The moment they had to relinquish their mom's hand and take that last step up to that lofty perch. Then the encouragement to smile for the camera and finally those few words with Santa himself. Unseen also, the occasional yet involuntary tear trickling down the man's cheeks.

He stayed until the last child had scampered back to his mother and the helpers were hanging up the sign which read: "Santa has gone to feed his reindeer and will be back at 6 p.m."

For a moment, he was lost in his own thoughts.

"It means a lot to you doesn't it?"

The words jolted him upright. Kindly eyes considerably older than his own even, looked down at him.

"I was just remembering," he half-stammered and feeling not a little embarrassed.

The eyes smiled. "Ah, the memory of happier times perhaps?" Then after the briefest of pauses, "And what then would you wish for yourself on this cold Christmas Eve?" came the question from deep beneath the bushy beard.

"That's easy, " Jim responded. "I'd wish that for just a few hours even, I could spend time with a young lady who might love me for simply myself. Someone I wished I could have met when I was young and had a future."

The hand caressed the white moustache. "All of us have a future, my friend. It's just a matter of recognizing when it actually started! We must enjoy the opportunities that come along and for some of us," he looked at Jim almost sympathetically, "such times may be of regrettably brief duration."

Smiling now, he took Jim's hand. "Well now, a very merry Christmas to you, Sir. I must be going. Those reindeer of mine are eating me out of house and home."

Jim watched as the tall figure disappeared around the sporting aisle and decided to head home. Although not snowing, it was icy cold outside and he was looking forward to the familiarity of the snug confines of his little home. Perhaps he would indulge himself with a small bottle of brandy, after all, Christmas was but once a year.

Entering the small latched gate that opened upon the narrow crazy-paving pathway that led to his front door, he felt upon his forehead first one, then another touch of crystalized cold.

He looked up. The weather bureau had been right for once. For only the eleventh time since the turn of the previous century, a genuine white Christmas had been predicted for the south of England. He watched for a few moments, the sporadic flakes as they eddied silently downwards, not yet in a sufficient flurry to lay the groundwork for their heavier relatives.

The front door closed behind him, sealing off once more his own little eco-system from the withering elements. Everything was as he had left it. The tree over by the small French doors, those ancient but so well-loved glass balls reflecting the small lights as they winked on and off - tiny beacons of cheer in a room of such gentility and misplaced affection.

Beneath the lower branches upon the threadbare carpet, four neatly-wrapped presents lay clustered there. So sad their message of loneliness, yet so inspiring a tradition of hope and good-will. Jim knelt down and re-arranged them as he liked to do occasionally.

He had long since put out of his mind what they contained and was rather looking forward to the morning's discoveries. He allowed his fingers contact with some of the long strands of tinsel. It took no effort on his part to recall his mother kneeling there beside him, showing an eager son how to hang them properly. Closing his eyes, it was her fingertips he now felt, her breath that perceptibly disturbed the symmetry of those lower branches.

The plummeting outside temperature was more than enough reason to light the fire in the open hearth that he had earlier prepared. He knelt there watching as the embryonic flames consumed the kindling, giving them sustenance to take-on the challenges of the thicker wood above.

Within ten minutes the hearth was ablaze with pyrotechnic good cheer and Jim began to set strategically in place layers of coal that would keep the entire house warm during the night. There is something intrinsically magnetic about an open fire. A lifetime's thoughts and recollections can pass in an instant watching those glowing embers, the small pockets of gas igniting within the lumps of coal and the curious behavior of those tiny flame-creatures as they scurry along the base of the conflagrated logs.

Jim walked over to the small but serviceable kitchenette and cooked himself a couple of pork sausages with potatoes and mixed vegetables and with the small room at its optimum temperature now, he watched on television, as he had done every successive Christmas for as far back as he could remember - Miracle on 34th Street. Some years it was A Christmas Carol, but always one or the other.

The brandy saw admirably well, to his transition from well-fed comfort to yawning tiredness. The last thing he did was to lay out a final layer of coal before drawing the fireguard across in front of the hearth.

He was aware of the old clock in the lounge-room striking, having listened to its comforting message of hourly regularity since he was a small child. Subconsciously he realized it was midnight. It was the other sound however that had him struggling between wakefulness and confused unreality.

Its repetition brought him fully awake. Someone at the front door?...his front door? It was only the lightest of knocks.

It would have been hard to tell what shocked him more. The inbound blast of freezing air with not a few flurries of heavy snow, or the young girl standing on his doorstep shivering there, in just a thin dress.

"Could I come in for a few moments please, I'm lost," was all she was able to mutter.

The girl was in the last stages of hypothermia to judge by her color and aggravated shaking. Flakes of snow covered her shoulders and long brown hair. He did not fail to notice how pretty she was either and the likelihood that she was surely no more than eighteen or nineteen. He pulled her gently inside and closed the door.

"Good heavens, child," he said, propelling her gently towards the fireplace. "What on earth are you doing walking around the streets at this time of night...and with no warm clothes?"

"I...I don't remember," she said, crouching down near the hearth and holding her freezing arms out to the resuscitating warmth. "Something happened, and I had to leave...that's all I recall. I don't even know this place!"

Jim selected a few small logs from the pile nearby and tossed them on the fire ahead of some more coal to bring up the level of flame.

"Are you hungry, missy?" he asked. The girl looked up at him and nodded shyly.

"Well you just stay there, love - get yourself nice and warm and I'll fetch you something to eat," he said to her.

As he pottered about in his little kitchen alcove tossing some bacon and eggs into a frying pan, and a couple of pieces of bread into the toaster, he looked back at the girl. Obviously benefiting greatly from the warmth of the fire, she looked back at him once or twice, smiling and quite obviously at ease in his presence.

Looking at her delicately formed body hunched up there on the floor, he realized he wasn't yet too old to recognize the physical attraction of one so young, despite the obvious futility of such recognition.

"What about a mug of hot chocolate to be going on with, love?" he enquired, turning the eggs as he did so.

"Oh, yes please," she answered gratefully, hugging herself around the knees as she sat there, seemingly entranced by the flames. Little wispy clouds of steam were rising from the sleeves of her dress and he realized that besides being half-frozen to death she must have been soaked through from the melting snow-flakes. She sipped her hot chocolate delicately.

By the time he took out the tray of hot food to her, the color was back in her cheeks and she was altogether a healthier-looking proposition to the freezing and bedraggled young thing that he had first ushered across his minimally populated threshold.

He had wanted to ask her all sorts of questions but thought better of it, preferring to watch as she relished the simple but satisfying meal he had brought her.

"What's your name, miss?" he found the courage to ask her.

"Cassandra," she replied, "but most people call me Cass, or Cassie," she added, looking up at him between mouthfuls.

"Well, I like Cassandra," he told her, "If you don't mind I'll call you that - it's a lovely name...for a lovely young lady, if you don't mind me saying so?" He blushed at his own words and she caught the color rising in his cheeks.

"You're a little shy with girls aren't you?" she asked. "Oh, and you haven't told me your name either, have you?"

"Oh, sorry...no I forgot," he said to her. "I'm Jim...just old Jim!"

"You're not that old," she observed with a commendable degree of tact.

"Ah, but I am Cassandra," he smiled at her wistfully. "Way too old I'm afraid."

"You're a very kind person, I know that much," she smiled up at him. "A girl knows instinctively who she's safe with and who she can trust."

He was watching her now, noticing just how young she was, the beautiful unlined face, blemish-free skin, girlish figure that promised more than he dared remember. He wondered how he must look to her? Never realistically having been even "handsome" in his youth, his skin was old and sagging in places now - all the wrong places at that!

Beneath his eyes, his jowls, around his considerably expanded and flabby waistline, even the tops of his gnarled old hands were wrinkly, the veins standing out like speed-humps gone feral. Liver-spots were starting to make their presence known and to describe his hairline as receding, would not begin to recount the cranial carnage wreaked over the past twenty years. Reduced to a few white hairs, those currently on-site presented themselves as little more than a ruffled patchwork at the best of times.

As if subconsciously aware of his hirsute shortcomings, he ran his hand across his head suddenly, flattening a few rogue strands.

"Well, to me you're not old, Jim....just a really nice man," she smiled up at him sweetly as she finished her food, offering him up the tray.

Her words touched him and quite without any logical reason, he wanted to put his arms around her and hold her tight....the daughter he had never had...the wife he had never known...the lover he had so futilely longed for. Instead, however, he simply took the tray and trudged back to the kitchen, aware for the first time since he had let her in, how additionally grotty he must appear to her in those tatty old pajamas and dressing-gown he was wearing.

Seemingly reading his mind, she called out to him,

"Jim, come and sit beside me in front of the fire for a while."

Not even questioning why she would ask such a thing of him, he shuffled back to the fireplace and eased himself down beside her. For a while, they both stared into the dwindling flames. He noticed now the little silver chain around her neck and the tiny locket that she seemed to be holding for comfort as she sat there.

"That's a very pretty little treasure," he said to her.

Looking at it for just a few moments she smiled back at him. "Yes, it was given to me by a very dear person. It means everything to me."

Now her immediacy was affecting his judgment and he took her hand in his. "May I please?" he asked, looking at her delicately shaped hand resident now in his own palm, "Only for a moment, Cassandra...I just want to remember what it feels like...it's been such a long time."

Whatever response he had been expecting, he was not prepared for that which he received, as she leaned across and kissed him softly on the lips. It was not a long kiss but in the three or four seconds of contact, he was treated to a kaleidoscope of emotions. Shock, pleasure, embarrassment, disorientation, and not the least, arousal!

Pulling back, but still holding the girl's hand, which for some reason was recalling impossible memories, he was momentarily lost for words.

"You...you shouldn't be doing that," he stuttered.

"Why not?" she said, looking as cute as a button, "I wanted to! Didn't you like it?" she teased, then looking serious for a moment. "You have been very kind to me...I just wanted you to know I really appreciate it."

As she was speaking, he found himself studying her closely once more. The little wisps of brown hair curling around her earlobes, the almost unkempt locks that fell across her forehead and which jiggled as she emphasized her point. Her pretty and expressive little face without a trace of make-up, not that any could possibly improve on what nature had already set in place.

Despite her youth, something about her was bordering on the old-fashioned. Perhaps it was the dress. Although well-fitting - especially so he noted, in areas he hardly dared contemplate - the hemline was longer than girls her age tended to wear and certainly was without any mainstream appeal so far as he could judge. On her though, it looked perfect and he found himself wishing he could hold and caress something other than her hand.

A log suddenly crackled and the girl started in surprise. He took the opportunity to put his arm around her shoulders hoping against hope she would not react unfavorably. How he wished it was a young arm and not that of an old man that carried now the fully unrealistic hopes of its owner.

Far from rejecting the gesture though, Cassandra snuggled in to him.

"You make me feel safe and protected," she whispered, turning her head slightly. The movement caused her dress to gape slightly at the front and for a moment he saw the onset of the downward curve of her cleavage. She had fairly small breasts he had determined and again inexplicably, something of a hazy remembrance came to him. She was saying something to him. It surely couldn't be what his mind was hearing?

"Kiss me again, Jim...please,"

In that instant, he fell apart emotionally. With what would appear to any onlooker to be the sad, if not pathetic spectacle of an old man trying to resurrect his forgotten romantic habits, he pulled her back until she lay in his arms and lowered his mouth to hers. Soft, gentle and confidently pliant lips met their coarse, trembling, and long-since used partner's. As both the beauty and hideous reality of the interaction washed over him, he was unable to prevent the tears from building up.

"I'm so sorry, Cassandra," he cried...."I don't know what's come over me. I'm just a really lonely old man and...and well, you're just so pretty..." He was wracked in an agony of despair.

She smiled at him.

"You're not an old man, Jim...you never were. Look, see?" So saying, she held his hands up before him.

Unable to accept what his eyes would have him believe, he stared at the strong and well-shaped hands. No hint of a wrinkle. Wide wrists heralded the onset of muscular arms that disappeared up beneath the sleeves of his old pajamas. He had no need for a mirror, he knew his face was that of a young man. He could feel the weight of thick and luxuriant hair which even now curled almost to the nape of his neck.

He sought not to question this miracle, merely to address its purpose.

Carrying her to his bedroom where neither the crumpled bed linen, nor the faded and decrepit wallpaper held sway any longer, he laid Cassandra on the top sheet. Turning away from him she sat up and raised her arms. Gently he unzipped the dress and watched as she pulled it over her head. She wore nothing beneath.

“Make love to me," she barely whispered.

He found disrobing in front of her, an act easily effected without the slightest inhibition. He remembered then, how it was something neither he nor Cathy had ever been comfortable with. He couldn't recall ever actually seeing her fully naked - nor having the desire to!

Allowing him to spread her as far as he wished, she closed her eyes and wriggled her hips enticingly as he entered her. Making full use of his restored and youthful physique, Jim thrust hard into her - not with any semblance of distasteful force but rather, one of masculine dominance at a time a girl might understandably wish to be dominated.

After their frenetic early needs subsided, Jim lay down behind her, pulled her close to him, and pulled the bedclothes over them. Cassandra, with her back to him, pulled his arms tightly around her breasts and lay still, listening to their respiratory rates even out. She didn't want to think about having to leave or about what she knew had shortly to be.

All Jim was able to think about was by whatever miracle, an angel had been delivered to his door this night. He would worry about an explanation in the morning. God willing he should never lose her again, yet somewhere deep in the recesses of his mind he knew he had experienced these thoughts some time in the past.


An old man woke Christmas morning. His cries of anguish at his loss would have melted the heart of the least compassionate of men.

"How could a dream be so real?" "How could any God be so cruel?" were just two of the questions he suspected he was never likely to be receiving an answer to.

Determined however that nothing would ever undermine his love of the festive season, he decided he would first make himself a pot of tea, and entering the tiny kitchen, he had to grasp a hold of the door-frame to steady his nerves...if not his sanity. Sitting there on the bench was the tray, containing one dirty plate with traces still of bacon rind and a small yellowish stain.

Struggling to make sense of the non-sensical, the only rational explanation in his view was that whilst in a semi-delusional state, he had actually cooked that meal last night....and presumably eaten it. He made his pot of tea and whilst waiting for it to draw, went to the front door and opened it.

Snow must have been falling all night. The front path, grass, and flowerbeds were now but a uniform white blanket, the trees - icy sculptured sentinels. All around, picturesque serenity, a silent white matte-work.

Returning to the living room, he went across to the little tree - and stared! Five presents now sat in a cluster-pattern beneath those lower branches, one far smaller than the rest, slightly away to the right. The wrapping looked faded but again, somehow familiar. As he picked it up he felt a decided chill.

His hands trembled as the little heart-shaped box was exposed. It looked quite old. Removing the lid, he saw what was inside and his world spun away. Shaking fingers opened the tiny silver locket, and with tears of passion raking his cheeks, he read what he already knew was so minutely inscribed there.

                                           "To Cassandra from your loving husband Jim. Christmas 1862"

© Peter_Pan


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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 12

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley Settles in Whateley and deals with some of her inner demons NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide. So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one? He is saved from the death of his race and planet....to start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a...

1 year ago
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Survival A Whateley Universe FanFic

Whateley: "Survival" [A Whateley Universe FanFic] By Zapper Synopsis: Kate's parents are both mutants and she's grown up knowing that there is a good chance she might become a mutant someday. But now sixteen she's dealing with the normal teen problems, puberty, boys, and her band. Then everything changes when she's kidnapped. Kate's now trying to survive long enough to be reunited with her parents. Note: This is a Whateley FanFic and has a little more violence than most...

3 years ago
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A Bit of Bass a Whateley fanfiction part 1

This is a work if fan fiction set in the Whateley Universe. Knowledge of the universe may be helpful to fully appreciate the story but may not be necessary. The setting and any previously established characters belong to their respective creators. A Bit of Bass Chapter 1: Indy Punk Chase Price sat on the weight bench in his room, doing curls with a 40 pound dumb bell. His massive arms swelled on each raise and the veins pop up from the skin. He did 20 quick pulls then switched...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 3 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Currently there are 13 chapters written -...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 10 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

2 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 11 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 6 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 12 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 13 Whateley Fan Fiction

This work took a little bit longer hiatus than I planned due to the demands of real life, but not to worry I'm back at it again! There is a cue of three other completed chapters after this and I'm pretty sure if my energy holds up there will be another two or three done by next week. I hopefully will be able to post one a week for a while here. Right now I'm guessing there are right around 10-15 chapters remaining here. This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 16 Whateley Fan Fiction

This will be the last chapter before I have to take a break for a trip and then company coming in. Most likely my next post will be in the first or second week of the New Year. (It would probably be sooner if I have some comments :-) ) This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity,...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 19 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

1 year ago
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Vantier a Whateley Tale NYC summer

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. this is just a run into new line of seeing what she would do in the marvel universe at large just a side trip for Vantier, and this will not be 'canon' for her. Just me having fun! --none of this is my trademark for marvel characters Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or...

2 years ago
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Melvin a Whateley Tale

This story is a Fan-Fiction saddled in the Whateley Academy Universe created by Maggie Finson and other Authors. Please notice that English isn't my native language and I'm still working on my grammar. First of all I want to thank the Canon Authors for their incredible inspiring tales as well as my editors and collaborative Authors Nuuan & Shadowsblades check out their stories if you have time for it. Thanks also for reading this little introduction, I hope you have fun...

3 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 1 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. As I begin posting this I have about...

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Emerald Princess Chapter 2 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated. As such it is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please keep in mind this story is a work of...

4 years ago
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He shouldve seen this coming

So I was a slut in high school, and a complete fucking whore in college, and if I wasn’t getting fucked, I was being a total cock-tease. So when my husband was shocked to find me getting tag-teamed by a couple of black dudes, I thought he totally overreacted…but I’m getting ahead of myself…let’s start from the beginning… I always was successful at everything I tried. Fuck it. I don’t mind being conceited. I got great grades, hung out with the elitist social circles, and always had whatever...

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The shouldergasm

Its funny the things that you remember in life. First kiss, first love, etc. For me, the one thing I remember, will always remember is the shouldergasm, as I’ve come to call it. which came to me by my best friend Jenny’s father, ( Uncle TT as I have always affectionately called him) It was a hot summer day, and Jenny had invited me over for a swim and later on a barbecue. Jenny, her father and I where making a whirlpool , swimming round and round, the current getting stronger and stronger. I...

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whatyouwantcom Danny gets what he wants

what_you_want.com - Danny gets what he wants. Danny a 18 year old in the closet Crossdresser who live at home, visits a website and orders a necklace which, with a saying (Your mine now), can hipnotis a person or persons who you are looking at. Danny was aimlessly searching the internet, he had been on transgender website following link after link, untill coming accross a website, which sold a number of interesting items. One inperticular was a dimond neckless, which the site...

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Honesty Appearances

Honesty: Appearances Katie crawled lazily out of bed. Working on student engineering projects were fun, but she always got the feeling that it was better suited for undergraduates who weren't also doing research... and weren't in a relationship. She occasionally wondered if being Jacob bled a bit into the identity she was born with, as she reflexively scratched her chin, almost to feel for stubble growth after sleeping late. Then on again she was always a tomboy; young Katie was...

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Kellys Story A Whateley tale part 2

While aiding Branek with editing his own story, Melvin a Whateley Tale. We came up with the idea to join forces so to speak and collaborate with each other to create two stories that take place with some of the same characters during the same time lines. Here now is the second part of that story. Chapter 9 Kelly found himself standing in front of a desk, behind the desk an older man stood, his graying hair cut military short. Both Kelly and this man were dressed in the black...

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Kellys Story A Whateley Tale Part 3

While aiding Branek with editing his own story, Melvin a Whateley Tale. We came up with the idea to join forces so to speak and collaborate with each other to create two stories that take place with some of the same characters during the same time lines. We have added yet another to our little group of conspirators, so don't forget to go read Shadowsblade's story also. I would say that all our tales are works in progress and some of that progress does depend on how well or badly the...

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Now What2

Sandi was a 32-year-old wife with two young boys, the older was in 6th grade the younger was in 4th. Her husband Jim was a mid-level executive with a large International chemical company. He traveled at least one week a month and was always gone over the weekend. Sandi was 5’2” 125 lbs long red hair past her shoulders, a tight bubble butt and a generous set of 40D breasts with large nipples which when stimulated would stick out almost an inch. Sandi and Jim had a social group of six and...

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Now What0

Sandi was a 32-year-old wife with two young boys, the older was in 6th grade the younger was in 4th. Her husband Jim was a mid-level executive with a large International chemical company. He traveled at least one week a month and was always gone over the weekend. Sandi was 5’2” 125 lbs long red hair past her shoulders, a tight bubble butt and a generous set of 40D breasts with large nipples which when stimulated would stick out almost an inch. Sandi and Jim had a social group of six and when...

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Whata Week Day 7

When I woke up I knew about three things. One: It was morning, Two: I was beaten, Three: My dad raped me. I was sore all over and I felt five times as bad as I did last night. I burst into tears the second my eyes opened. After what happened last night- and if you haven't been reading, Robbie- my ex-boyfriend- let other boys fuck me. I wanted to kill myself and I would if I had the balls to do it. I got up slowly, my arms buckling under my weight and when I raise my head I...

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Whata Week Day 3 revamp

Sorry. Threw the key to my leash away, but I fount it. ;) I know this isn't my best work, but it's all apart of the story. You can probably skip if you want, but if you enjoy the story I guess you can read it *shrug* I was beaten last night and so was Zach and Micah for some unknown reason again, but their whoopin' was only about fifteen seconds, but as a result my body is more than sore. I wore long sleeves to school and Rob hated to see it on our way to school....

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Whata Week Day 3

And don't worry about the boys, I have something different in mind for them =) Whata Week-Locker Room I was beaten last night and so was Zach and Micah for some unknown reason again, but their whoopin' was only about fifteen seconds, but as a result my body is more than sore. I wore long sleeves to school and Rob hated to see it on our way to school. Everyone else was too focused on the ring on my finger to care about the long sleeves. Temporarily I'm lying saying that I...

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Whata Week Day 2

Micah and Zach came to sleep with me tonight, meaning I got their attention. But they were nervous and didn't try anything, but they did explore my body a little with their cute fingers when they thought I was asleep and their fingers were so soft, I got wet. I'm just glad they didn't explore my pussy and fount out. Sunday. Both Rob's and my family go to the same Church and so does half the neighborhood. Rob picks me up so I can go to church with his family and I take...

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Whata Week

Tell me, Am I boy or girl? =) My name is Alexandria, Alex for short. I'm a senior in high school and without much choice, abstinent. When I was about eight or nine, my parents- mostly my father, tricked me and my little brothers Micah and Zach into signing a contract to stay abstinent till married. When I figured what that meant and how it'll effect my social life I demanded changes, but they only changed one thing. Only when a good man, proposes to me and swears to marry...

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itiswhatitis Wedding 2

Angie is the sweetest teenage girl you can imagine. She has brown hair with blonde high lights, small in stature with heavy legs. Small breasted and she has a near Angelic personellity. One could not ask for a nicer girl. Near Sonia' age of sixteen I would think. I was about to say hello when I noticed she was upset ............. then I noticed way. Two black guys were bothering her. The nearer I got the more of the conversation I picked up. The short version is that they wanted to fuck...

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itiswhatitis Reflections 1

Memories! Huh! ..... the lady walking past the office reminds of a lady i new years ago. Edna, an older women, 65 too 70-ish if memory serves. I met Edna in a hospital room she shared with my mother in law. I remember Edna because of her back. My wife and i were visiting my mother in law and Edna was her roomy. The ladies were talking, i got bored and walked over to the window to look outside. When i turned i saw Edna's bare back, too the small of...

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Kellys Story A Whately Tale Part 1

While aiding Branek with editing his own story, Melvin a Whateley Tale. We came up with the idea to join forces so to speak and collaborate with each other to create two stories that take place with some of the same characters during the same time lines. So here is the first part of my side of the collaboration. Chapter 1 Jake and Mark accompanied Kelly down the sidewalk as they left the small pub. Kelly only lived a few blocks away so he always walked. Both Jake and Mark had begun...

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The World of Fucknowswhat

Hello! Welcome to the waiting room for the World of Fucknowswhat. Now, this is my very first story so I apologise for any inconsistences, (I will do my best to rectify as immediately as possible) spelling errors, (I'm an idiot mostly) and any other flaws within said story, that being said, I hope you can enjoy regardless! Now, onto the good stuff, I shall act as a narrator from now on, I won't be around all too often, I will just act as more of a recapping ethereal figure, now, the World of...

2 years ago
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Pride and whatsit Darcy meats Miss Bennet History Humour

=============================================================== Mr D'arsy How delightful!” Mrs Bennet simpered as her new neighbour arrived on horseback quite unannounced one spring morning. “Indeed Madam the pleasure is all mine!” Mr D’arcy replied airily, “Tis a pleasant enough little place you have here, quite like my lodging at Manderly but somewhat smaller I fear.” “Oh Mr D’arcy you are too kind,” Mrs Bennet smiled through gritted teeth, “Come you must meet my girls,” she added,...

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Dr Whatsin and the Evil Dr Phallus Episode 2

WARNING: This story is an act of fiction that contains graphic sexual descriptions and language. If you are a minor (under 21) or if you are offended by this kind of material then you should stop reading now. Any resemblance between this story and a real event is purely coincidental. The participants are imaginary; their actions have no negative consequences other than those portrayed in the story. The story is intended for entertainment only and should not be emulated in the real...

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Peter June and the Whatevers

There are times that you know, right from the start, that something's going on, and it ain't quite kosher! Like I did that night when I awoke at some unearthly hour and instantly became aware that standing beside the foot of my bed was an apparition ... To-whit, one patently beautiful and very naked female! In fact I could only just make out her form; but I could see enough to recognise that she was completely naked, and that her figure went in and out in all the right...

1 year ago
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What Boys Want! What else would boys want more than; to grab those tiny soft nipples they see everyday popping out of see-through tops and perhaps savour them inside their mouths, to probably see their crushes making out/ naked/ masturbating, or rather to slide under those tiny skirts mature pretty ladies wear to work among other fuckin' naughty fantasies that hardly ever see the light of day unless, of course, you check out whatboyswant.com. This sex bombshell is packed up with lots of...

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The Look in Her Eyes1

It was strange to have the entire office empty. But she also enjoyed the silence. She could get work done quicker without anyone to distract her. Sitting on her desk, next to her computer, was a book. Beautiful Bastard. She’d been reading it on the train, and sometimes at work when she wanted a break from looking at her computer. People would stare, when they knew the content of the book. She could see them looking. But it didn’t matter. She wanted to read the book more than worry about...

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Lost In Her Eyes0

Chapter 1 Hello. My name is slave. Sometimes slut. My false name was Jackie. Jackie Dallas. I am a cunt munching whore. It's my purpose in life. To eat pussy on demand, or suck cock. Mistress taught me that. I think back to my vanilla life and I can't believe I didn't realise it sooner. That I was born to kneel at My Mistress's feet. Thankyou Mistress I love you and I will do anything for you. My life is yours to shape however you want. Thankyou for showing me what I am. Thankyou for...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 2 Chapter 7 Fireeyes

Book Two: Magic's Clash Chapter Seven: Fireeyes By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fireeyes – Northeastern Shore, Lake Esh – The Magery of Thosi The crew of the Mermaid's Lover rowed the riverboat to a sandy shore. I stood on the prow, gazing at the peaceful countryside of Esh. The sun set behind us, painting the fields with crimson. When Angela's business in Esh-Esh was concluded, she would head north. Beyond the horizon lay the highway...

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MMF with my friends bakeyesmokems on Xhamster

My great friends on Xhamster Gob and Samantha have been doing threesomes with Me and making videos for many years now and all 3 of us are still great friends and still meet up to hang out and play around. We have experimented in - double oral, double vaginal, cum covered pussy, blowjobs, end to end sex, creampies, forward and reverse cowgirl, bondage, sex toys, sloppy seconds, deepthroats, blindfolds, her cum eating, doggystyle, double creampies, and much more!Our first time meeting and fucking...

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