Honesty: Appearances free porn video

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Honesty: Appearances Katie crawled lazily out of bed. Working on student engineering projects were fun, but she always got the feeling that it was better suited for undergraduates who weren't also doing research... and weren't in a relationship. She occasionally wondered if being Jacob bled a bit into the identity she was born with, as she reflexively scratched her chin, almost to feel for stubble growth after sleeping late. Then on again she was always a tomboy; young Katie was more Pippi Longstocking than any Disney Princess. What could anyone expect? She didn't have a mother to teach her girl things. In many ways it was inevitable she'd be an engineer, just like her father. Still, it was one thing to be a tomboy... being a boy was something else entirely. Sure, Ashley and her had had their... fun, being Joan and Jacob, mother and son, but so far all of her public appearances as the strapping young Jacob Cruzon were... Playful? Was that the word? Just an way to play b-ball with the boys, without "girlfriend mode" being turned on. To be honest with her opinions even if they were only half formed, to drink as much as she wanted and burp as well. On some level she did this with the secure knowledge that it could all be construed as a prank. The moment things got too deep she could reach under her chin, rip off the mask, and laugh, be Katie again, instantly. "You've been totally beaten by a girl!" "You should see the look on your faces!" It was a psychological ejector seat. She wasn't really crossdressing, she didn't really want to be a boy... And she didn't! She liked being a girl, and liked boys. She... well, she owned makeup. And dresses. And had worn heels once or twice! She liked the Princess Bride, which is totally a girly movie right? There's a princess in it and everything! Really... it was Adam. Sure, she was dating a boy, but most of the time it was one in a pageboy wig and full bodysuit of someone named "Eve Tanaka". It didn't bother her that Adam was gay, and probably more attracted to the bodysuit than the actual brunette underneath. On some level it even turned her on, knowing that her new boyfriend would go to such lengths for "her"- that as Eve minced about in her endlessly peppy and outgoing way, somewhere Adam (and his manhood) were trapped under silicone rubber. It reminded her of the roleplay sessions she had with Ashley... Yet this wasn't just some weird sexual thing. They were going out. They had dates. In no way could Katie imagine her playing of Jacob Cruzon was just a prank now. Jacob may be of varying amounts of real, but the relationship "he" had with "Eve" was certainly so. She found herself ensuring her alter ego was on his best behaviour as he treated his new girlfriend like a lady, which always seemed to make her giggle. Suddenly she had to take all of this very seriously, as it was Eve's feelings her deception depended on. And underneath Eve was Adam, who Katie considered both handsome and a good friend. Losing Eve meant losing Adam on some level. So she plunged deeper into being Jacob, and that meant she felt less confident about how much of a girl she was. She wasn't in the closet... she wouldn't be afraid of being gay if that was what it was. But there were so many insecurities this relationship had bought up. Did Adam really love Katie, or just Jacob, and what would that even entail? She had "met" Adam, but had "Adam" met Katie? They only really met up costumed now... sometimes Jacob would play basketball with Adam but Katie and Adam had yet to spend any time together. And what if they took this further? Wordlessly they mutually decided to forget Eve's confused blowjob and start from square one. It was weird at first, pretending as if they hadn't known each other for over a year, but eventually they settled into a relationship, each learning things about the other they hadn't previously counted on. But then what? How would this work? Adam wanted Jacob but Katie... wanted Adam? Would they drop the act in the bedroom? On some level they had to go public eventually, with the people they really did care about. How would Katie show her dad, her real dad, her new "boyfriend"? Perhaps in truth Jacob and Katie were somewhat insecure about having a relationship at all. Neither had ever been serious, some dead end dates. One muddled sexual encounter with a saxophone player in senior year. It was so much easier to just focus on... engineering projects, and class. But midterms were a while off now and the arm module was complete, so... She was always the one to take charge. So she did. Tonight, she'd line up for rush tickets for Madame Butterfly. Eve had mentioned her love of opera, the scenery design and the music... Ashley had also teased her that it was high time they saw something of cultural merit. But... tickets to the opera were expensive... thus it was critical to get there early to get a good shot at student rush tickets. An hour early, at the very least. Still, that left two hours with her alone in the apartment- Ashley had some formal party to go to and meeting with Adam would spoil the surprise. What would Katie do.... She had an idea. *** Adam sat laxly at his desk. Bored, he began twirling a pen. Well, "bored" was not really the right term. He had things to do, even things he wanted to do. He was consciously, intentionally bored, actively avoiding doing something to focus on finding a thought to fill a gap in understanding- Pensive. He was pensive. He sighed, and turned around to reach inside the cardboard box that contained his new female alter ego. He had never expected to come out of the closet only to learn that the Individual he had longed for for over a year was in actuality a girl named Katie. He picked up the floppy headpiece of Eve. It wasn't as if he had a problem being in, what was technically a heterosexual relationship. But he had to wonder, as he brushed a hand across Eve's tanned false skin- Was this necessary? From what he understood Katie was straight, which meant that she found him, as Adam, physically attractive, not Eve. But neither Eve nor Adam found Katie physically attractive, not that she wasn't a beautiful girl in her own way its just... It was confusing keeping it all straight- though they certainly all were. Eve, Katie, and Jacob were straight, it was just him, Adam, who was gay. So he was Eve to satisfy Eve? Or was he Eve to satisfy Jacob? If he fell in love with Jacob, and Jacob was "real", did that mean Eve had to be as well? As the weeks had gone on the idea of him, Adam, just being with Jacob seemed... odd, out of place. Even if that satisfied Katie and him, Adam and Jacob were friends. Just... friends. Eve pursued Jacob, not him. He gave a sigh. Did it matter? The last couple of weeks had been... amazing. It felt great to have someone to hold and to talk about all kinds of random stuff, to rant about people and feelings, even if some of them were made up... Joan had also been really helpful in teaching him to be a more believable girl as well. A warm smile spread across his face. He picked up the mask, and began idly spreading it open, to feel Eve's warm rubber embrace his face again, and remind him of Jacob and last night at the- The sudden sound of footsteps shocked him back to attention, and he quickly stashed the mask back in the box. He really shouldn't have left the door ajar, someone could have just walked right in... He stood up. He heard a nasal feminine voice. Charlize was staying over in the suite again. "I'm coming, jeez." Someone was knocking. Curious, Adam, opened his door a crack, to see Charlize, in a tanktop, boyshorts and flipflops, hurrying over to answer the measured, but impatient beat from the other side. To his astonishment, it was Ashley. *** Katie posed in front of the mirror. It would never, in a million billion years, fit, what with its triple D cup size compared to her much more modest B cups. Yet, now that she was alone, she couldn't imagine a better way to get in touch with her lately ignored feminine side than by going through Joan's impressive collection of lingerie, hosiery, and dresses, both elegant and... not so elegant. Never mind of course that "Joan" was in reality a man, but.. there was no denying she, or he, could ooze La Femme Mystique if so desired. If only it would fit better... She could try on Joan's makeup to her heart's content but her clothes would just hang loosely on her considerably less ample curves. Her athletic body could never do them justice. But some of this stuff she had never seen Joan wear, either around the house or during their outings as... mother and son. This included a mod style dress straight out of the sixties, sized and cut to tightly show off Joan's mighty prow but still several sizes too large for her. A housewife flirting with the counter culture... it was delicious to think about. She had to see it in action. Looking in the mirror, she saw her solution, and gasped at herself for thinking about it. Could she really? No, that would be... oh he'd never know anyway... Boyish Katie was going to turn into this vision of mature, feminine lust. Pippi Longstocking wearing Jayne Mansfield or Gina Lollobrigida... She lay somewhat oddly on Ashley's Queen sized (Katie couldn't help but stifle a giggle) bed, propped up against the headboard, lensed eyes staring forward with her mouth agape. "Joan" was made of rather thick silicone and rubber, which allowed her to sit upright without flopping over. It was a rather strange sight, to see something, inanimate, that when filled with someone else, became a loving, if somewhat indecorous mother. Right now though, Joan looked for all the world like some high end sex doll, some fantasist's buxom dream woman, helplessly pliable. Just a sex toy, an object of lust. Katie gave a laugh. Well that wasn't ruled out quite yet. She slid off the ill fitting dress, undid her brassiere and gingerly pulled down her panties. Biting her lip, she approached Jacob's adoptive mother. "Joan" had one hell of a body. Curvaceous, buxom, voluptuous... all the words used to describe most women who had kind of sort of her build were deeply inadequate in describing her, who took being full figured to another level entirely. It wasn't just her bust size, which was certainly impressive, and indeed, looked all natural despite being as artificial as they come. It was the sum total of her perfectly proportioned figure... how the graceful curve of where her shoulders met her neck accentuated and framed her chest. Yet while outwardly Joan shared little in either appearance or personality with Ashley, who, aside from being male, had a dark complexion and perpetually smouldered with sarcastic intensity, she shared his mysterious versatility. She could be demure or sultry, catty or reserved.... And, as Jacob noticed as he played along in public masquerades, warm or shockingly frigid. Joan did not tolerate advances by boors or wolves. She could assert herself with vicious precision if it came to it, even if at home she loved to dote upon her darling "son." Sliding off the duvet that covered her, predictably naked body, Katie seized up the surprisingly weighty suit and laid her face down on the bed. A thin silicone flap covered up the zipper. In a moment of bizarre candidness, "Joan" once confessed she liked having a zipper- "I know there's more... discreet options these days, but when someone puts me on... I like hearing that zzzziiiippp... It means we're in for some fun!" Looking at the suit it slightly unnerved her. She suddenly didn't feel completely alone anymore. Lifting up the head to glance at Joan one last time as Katie, she felt a shiver run down her spine. "Oh please darling, put me on. It's so warm and... jiggly in here. No more being that bony Jacob boy. Take my breasts, take my face, take my hips... its my gift to you. Let your mother embrace you..." "Was that... in my head?" Katie dropped the mask in sudden shock, before steeling herself and carefully removing the wig of bright red hair, velcroed solidly to the rubber scalp. With her short nails she reached under the flap and found the bright brass zipper that stood between her and this... fertility goddess of a woman. After it was pulled all the way down, with that satisfying sound, she stood Joan up on the floor. "Its just like putting on Jacob", she thought. Sliding her naked legs into the cool interior of the suit, she couldn't help but shiver with anticipation. To her surprise as she pulled up Joan's heart shaped ass over her own, she felt a metallic... box? Some sort of irregular shaped object pressing against her rear... and, when she lifted up the front, there was also something below, beneath her legs. With some adjustment whatever the devices were sat reasonably comfortably and discretely, below her bottom and womanhood respectively. She had a suspicion they were related to how Ashley turned into a woman; he was rather adamant that nothing, absolutely nothing, showed of the man underneath when Joan came to life. At any rate she was halfway in, and in for a penny, in for a pound. Carefully, she slid her hands through the pale arms of the suit, letting her B cups rest surprisingly comfortably in the internal recesses of the breasts intended to contain Ashley's pectorals. She worried that her height would be an issue, seeing as she was taller than Ashley, but to her surprise things seemed to fit, albeit very tightly. Her movement would be somewhat restricted, but she remembered Ashley going on about how these new rubber compounds were very, very strong; how they could be blown up to ridiculous proportions and still retain their shape memory. She had little fear about breaking it, though prolonged wear might be uncomfortable. There was just one last step. She peered into the darkness of the mask. Light shined through the lenses, but there were no obvious holes for breathing or speaking... A part of her squirmed. This wasn't like Jacob at all. To become her alter ego, Katie merely stretched the mask over her own. It fit tightly, and with spirit gum, the rubber adhered tightly enough that her expressions showed on the mask. Eve worked the same way; she had quite the laugh at poor Adam's expense trying to teach him to not slather it so much... doing so would mean he'd be stuck as Eve longer than he'd anticipated. Still, there were some disadvantages to this simpler method. Aside from having the mask stuck to your face for some time, it muffled both voice and expression somewhat. With practice and the natural suspension of disbelief of strangers (most people were quicker to assume that it was a lisp rather than a completely different person in a mask) it wasn't a dealbreaker but... Ashley was always exacting. He liked things in order, in a certain way, and did not tolerate compromises if he didn't feel they were absolutely necessary. Joan would be as real as possible, even if that meant that the entire time, Ashley would be practically gagged by a mouthpiece, with tubes shoved into his nostrils to breathe, just to preserve Joan's delicately flawed nose. This was a bit extreme for Katie's tastes, but... was she really going to back down now? Taking Joan's face in her hands, Katie flared her nostrils and opened wide to accept the mouthpiece. Of course it was cleaned... Ashley was fastidious that way. Her tongue slid into Joan's, and her teeth filled out moulded rubber ones. It at first felt uncomfortable and stifling, but once the tubes were in, she breathed normally. Pulling back the mask to align all of the features, she then reached for the zip, and sealed herself in. She had to see herself, but first she took the wig and fastened it to her head. The velcro was arranged in such a fashion that as long as all the strips matched up, the hair would be in the right position, without adjustment. Ashley thought of everything. Then of course she had to get dressed. It wouldn't do to just stand here naked. To her barely suppressed glee, the previously ill fitting dress fit perfectly, ah, once her ample bosom was responsibly restrained by a bra, of course. Everything felt really, really tight, all over. But she managed, mincing over to the bathroom mirror. A muffled gasp. Sure, her age had given her crows feet around the eyes and her nose was curiously bent ever so slightly to the side, but if anything these imperfections only added to her sensuality. She was a woman with... experience. And now she was that woman. The idea tickled her, and she gave a muffled giggle. Sure, her Joan was a lot taller than Ashley's... or most women really, but Joan had curves to spare, and she still had that gorgeous hourglass body. If only the face worked. As it stood, Katie stared into the mirror at a placid, emotionless Joan, lips curled into a slight smile, eyes, unmoving. The way Ashley got the thick rubber mask to do more than just look like a pretty doll was via a complicated system of sensors and servomotors, activated... somehow. Perhaps from his computer? Nah, that would be taking it too far. Katie would just have to settle for looking like Joan, posing for a picture, rather than becoming her entirely. God she was gorgeous. She could still maybe dig out the tripod, take some quick photos in the mod dress. She could get used to wearing a tighter suit, feeling the silicone curves jiggle as she moved. Even the gag was starting to grow on her. It kept her from ruining the illusion with her voice, and added another level of encasement... she had given herself entirely to being Joan. Lost in reverie as she immodestly cupped her new breasts, she hardly noticed the computer monitor flicker on. What she did notice however, were two very long, and very cold, objects penetrating her simultaneously. She spun around in confusion, the impassive face of her mask deeply at odds with the shocked and violated feelings of the woman underneath. Smiling coldly and clutching a cigarette holder, on the screen was none other than Joan. "Hello, Darling." *** He was dressed in a dark suit, with a shawl lapel and no tie. Over his shoulder he dragged some sort of garment bag, and had just finished doing something with his phone as Charlize opened the door, mouth agape. Though it wasn't something Adam realized at the time, he had actually heard of Ashley before finding out about Katie... and Ashley's alter ego, Joan. After all, who on campus hadn't? The current editor of the Werner Quarterly, NU's prestigious biological research publication, he was a Neurology graduate student who had already published a number of papers and served as the PI in the Yang lab. Despite his age, he was also on the cusp of getting his PhD. He didn't participate much in social events or student government, but the University was so proud of him that his face was plastered on all sorts of promotional material. And he had a very distinctive face. The term seemed... deeply inadequate and even mildly offensive, especially to insufferably polite Adam, but Ashley looked... exotic. His complexion was dark, yet he had light brown hair and almost impossibly grey eyes. Prominent cheekbones and small, twinkling eyes (replete with long lashes) stood somewhat in contrast to his full lips. Guessing his ethnic origin was also complicated by his accent, which might be described as vaguely transatlantic. There was a distinctive lack of rhoticism but he generally avoided any sort of slang that might betray the place of his birth. He took unusual care in pronouncing names and terms in their native fashion as well. Indeed, overall he maintained an attitude of cool professionalism at all times. His facial expression ranged from bemused curiosity to distracted indifference to smouldering intensity. He never smiled, merely smirking and frowning. In short, he was of completely indeterminate nationality and origin, and his thoughts and feelings were impossible to read. He was... mysterious. And that made certain people, Charlize included, utterly weak at the knees. "Oh, Ashley! I, wow, omg-" "Oh em gee?" "Just, hi! Er, how are you doing? What brings you to.. this dorm?" Smiling desperately, she awkwardly attempted to put her hands on her lips and lean against the doorway. Unblinking, he glanced downwards. "Do you normally answer the door like that?" "No, its just I didn't know you were coming and-" "So the answer is yes, then." "Well not, no- I just" "Charlize, is it?" A measured smile and an outstretched hand. "Oh! You know my name!" "You know mine." "Well that's different, you-" "Work with Miriam from time to time in the spectroscopy lab. You were her first year roommate, yes?" "Omg, she talked to you about me?" "In no uncertain terms, yes..." "Well... what did she say?" She was twirling her hair on a finger. Even Adam knew this was trying too hard. He gave his polite, yet slightly unnerving smirk. "Just small talk, to pass the time while waiting for the results." "Oh that's so like Miriam, I'm not sure you should believe what she says." "Really... She was rather effusive about that trip to Europe you two took last summer... I understand you skipped over the Lourve?" "Well, it wasn't my idea of course, I love, um, Art, and stuff." "Yes. It was your boyfriend who stood opposed, I think she said." "Chris, hah, who told you he was my.. um, boyfriend?" "Miriam herself." "Oh well, she's such a gossip and I think she just thought that by-" "Such observations as you hanging around his Dorm?" That was Ashley's way, Adam had observed. Not Joan's way, but Ashley's way. He liked to see people trapped by their own words, their own deceptions and half formed thoughts. It was a bit cruel but very fun to watch. That not-quite-a-smile returned as Charlize tried to backtrack. She was pliable now. She could be swept aside. He stepped through the doorway and she unconsciously relented, finally letting him pass. "At any rate I'm not here to see Chris, though it was really quite a pleasure to meet you Charlize. Is Adam in?" "Adam? Why would you want to see him?" "The quarterly is in need of some new writers and his application stood out. It is somewhat irregular to have undergraduates but I find they have the time to actually proofread their articles. I'm thinking he might be interested in covering the medical research here at Northville... I have some abstracts I'd like him to look over, see how he can put them into... layman terms." He patted the breast pocket of his suit theatrically. "Well, I hope I won't bother you two as you-" "Lamentably you would. My apologies, but I do not like to discuss Quarterly business in front of non-staff." "Err, yes. I'll um... I think I'll get dressed." As if in a trance, Charlize returned to Chris's room and shut the door. Adam heard the distinct sound of a palm slapping against a face. "Adam? Are you in?" "Um, hey Ashley? What brings you here?" He looked around conspiratorially, checking that Charlize's door was solidly closed. In a soft voice he spoke. "I'm not generally in the habit of doing this, but may I trouble you for a favor?" "Oh yeah! Um, what can I do for you?" "I'm going to a celebratory tea this afternoon, in part intended as a send off to Professor Davi, who is retiring. I have little connection to the man personally but it would be rude not to at least sign the guestbook. I'd like it if Eve could join me." "Ah, well, um, I'm not sure if I can... err.. convince her to come to such a... public gathering... and she is seeing someone." "Yes, yes, with that Jacob fellow. No matter, it'll be quite brief and painless. She won't be my date per say; its simply protocol for professors and lab leads to bring in a promising undergraduate from their lab to meet the faculty." "But she isn't in your lab." "A minor technicality." "Why does it have to be Eve?" "Old men, old expectations. I'd love to take you Adam, I really would, but I'm afraid protocol is that a male bring a female. Ostensibly for diversity reasons, but I suspect more prurient intentions. Ah... not that anything would happen, just... Eve should expect some winking glances." "Why not Katie?" "She's... somewhat detained, at the moment." *** She appeared to be in Ashley's room, which implied this was a recording. Blue grey smoke billowed from her lips. A faint smile flashed and vanished. "Oh Katie dear... I knew it was only so much time before curiosity would get the better of you... but I must admit I am still so very disappointed." Katie stood stock still, facing the monitor. She had never taken it from behind before, and it was all so very cold... With a smirk, the Joan on the screen lifted up two frighteningly long steel dildos. "Tsk tsk tsk. I don't normally install these... the one who generally wears me lacks the equipment to really make use of them." She let the larger of the two enter into her mouth- when it re-emerged, it was dripping with saliva. "I do hope I remembered to lubricate them... oh well." Katie could do little but wince, though her new face showed none of her consternation. "At any rate I'm not upset that you chose to wear me. Like I said, it was only a matter of time, darling, before you'd want to have these... assets..." She lifted up her prominent bosom for effect, and smiled lasciviously. "Honesty I'm a bit surprised... even insulted you hadn't tried me on earlier. Ashley would certainly oblige of course, if you asked. Maybe even stage a competition... who could be me the longest without breaking down and breaking... character." A long drag on the cigarette. "No... I'm disappointed in you, Katie dear, because you've been an absolute slut these last couple of weeks." Katie reflexively attempted to protest, but the mouthpiece kept her argument limited to a mmgh. "In the old sense of the term, of course. You've been... lax, in your duties around the house. Leaving poor old Ashley, who has his own affairs to attend to, mind, to handle all the chores." It was true. Katie had gotten so caught up with the project that she had fallen into the messy habit of leaving dishes in the sink and not giving the bathroom its proper scrub. It wasn't fair but she really did intend on catching up this weekend- "Oh what am I to do with you? I know you've been busy dear but you have to stick to your promises... there's no excuse for shirking. And now, I have to punish you." The rods inside her began to vibrate. Katie fell to her knees in uncontrolled ecstasy, as she grabbed her mask in desperation. "Oh don't thrash like that. Its very unbecoming. And you're not the first person to be trapped in me, and I've only reinforced the locks since. You're not getting out until I decide to let you out." Fuck... If Katie didn't get out of this thing in time, she'd miss out on getting the tickets! Why couldn't Ashley just... tell her normally for once? "Oh... Don't be so pathetic. I'm not that kind of bitch. So I'll cut you a deal. If you want to be me, you're going to have to work for it. No matter who I let inside me, Joan is no dirty slut, do you understand?" Eyes watering, Katie looked up pleadingly at the computer. This had to be a recording but- "There are cameras... set up all around the flat, darling. From there, you will be watched as you do all the chores you've been ignoring over the last month or so. Starting with the dishes. Once you've completed a task, you will return here, and check it off on the computer. If your performance is satisfactory... nothing will happen, and you will be closer to freedom." Alright, she could do this, Katie thought. The dishes, the bathroom, the laundry, two hours should be enough time... "But. If you work is deemed unsatisfactory, or if you took too long, well. There will be consequences." Ashley was probably watching from somewhere. Katie nodded enthusiastically. Katie was naturally competitive... This could almost be fun- if her evening with Adam wasn't being endangered by her roommate's preference for elaborate revenge. "Now to start you off, I'm giving you full control of my body. You will have my smile, my lips, my voice, and of course my body. But with every mistake...." A jolt from the rods sent Katie reeling. *** "Sure, er, when is it?" "It has already started, but I think if we leave within thirty minutes or so we will merely be fashionably late." "Thirty minutes! But I, I mean, Eve doesn't even have a" Ashley handed Adam the garment bag. "I'm aware her wardrobe is rather limited at the moment, given her... recent arrival here. I believe this is her size." "Ashley I don't know if I can, she can, well really I just-" In a very different voice, Ashley reassured him. "Darling, you can be whoever you want to be, do whatever you want to do. I told you I'd teach you how, and this is part of teaching you how." "Um, okay. I'll get dres- er, I'll get her dressed- I mean she'll be dressed because I'll have ca- I'll be right back!" "You do that. I'll wait for Eve." Adam went into his room and shut the door. He groaned. Could he really pull this off? While Eve was technically an economics major, he really did belong to the Biology department. Professor Davi was supposed to be his Genetics professor for next year, at least according to his four year plan. If he screwed up, if they found out who he was... and if word got out... he'd have to transfer for sure. But if Ashley thought he could do it... He opened up the box that contained Eve Tanaka, his "sister"... somehow. He quickly discarded his clothes and began his transformation. Adam had learned a lot from Katie and Joan, the latter in particular, which is another reason he felt pressured to do this for Ashley. Such as the value of talcum powder to prevent his skin from chafing or sloughing under the rubber. Spirit gum too, he learned to apply properly, just a couple of strategic blobs on points where contact was necessary for expression. Though this time he wasn't sure whether to go light or heavy- If it was really going to be brief, he'd rather not trap himself in there for too long... but in front of all those people... could he really risk it being loose? "Adam? I would like to leave sooner rather than later... there is a limit to how late one can be..." "Uh, she's on the way!" Oh hell. He slathered it on again. He gave his manhood a tug for good luck before sliding his legs in the bodysuit and tucking it inside the gaffe. He was a lot quicker putting it on as well... Maybe he could slip out as Eve from time to time, even if his roommates were around. Just him, or well, her, out on the town... Nevermind that though, Eve had a party to go to. His arms in hers, firm tan breasts over his chest, he grabbed the headpiece and pulled it firmly over his face, sealing him into his female form. With a dark pageboy wig and some lipstick, Eve was reborn. She took the time to Eve unzipped the garment bag to find a white, chiffon dress. She lifted it up to the dorm room's harsh fluorescent light. It was beautiful. Floral accents were done in lace, yet it had a subdued, elegant style. There was just one issue. For whatever undoubtedly cruel reason, Ashley had provided Eve with a strapless dress. Under Joan's tutelage, "Eve Tanaka" had come to life. She was active in sports (though not basketball), eagerly took on every challenge (with a wager if possible) and loved, just loved theatre and performing arts. But, she was still technically a rubber bodysuit being worn by a rather shy boy named Adam. And she had... shoulder issues. Adam didn't have particularly broad or muscular shoulders but... he did have boy shoulders. And boy shoulders on a girl, well... He had to find some way to hide it... A scarf? No, not in this weather. A jacket? Same problem... An idea flashed in Eve's mind. The shawl! Tossed at the crowd during a premi?re performance of Turandot at Bomar, it was a personal treasure. Tickets were expensive, even with the student discount, but it was the first performance Adam had gone out and seen alone, and he treasured it as a souvenir of his growing independence. Well, now it would be a souvenir of Eve's debut into the world as well. Adam draped the white silk around Eve's tan, athletic shoulders. After donning a pair of stylish heels, Eve grabbed a handbag loaned from Katie and stepped out cautiously into the hall. Again, Ashley was doing something on his phone. Eve tapped her shoe on the floor expectantly, and gave her best smile as he looked her over. To her growing horror, he simply blinked. "Are you a Kashmiri bride, or are you simply dying from consumption?" "I.. just thought it would be fashionable..." "In the last century perhaps. And even then, only ironically. Take it off." "But-" "Off." Reluctantly, Eve slid the shawl off and folded it into her bag. She pouted at Ashley. "What is the matter? It really is unfashionable. You'd draw attention from the other girls, and at these sort of parties the variety of female is always catty." "...I was wearing it to hide my shoulders." "What, are shoulderless girls seen as attractive these days? First the thigh gap and now this..." "No, its just, I, well, Eve, is a bit... they're a bit-" "They make you nervous, do they not?" "Yes." "And how is that variety of nervousness any different than the sort found in a young undergraduate suddenly shoved amidst several world class lecturers and scientists?" "Well, it isn't, but the reason for it is-" "Eve plays Water Polo, yes?" "In high school, she did." "And thus she's athletic. And that also explains her tan. A lesson from your dear friend Ashley. The best way to fake it is to not fake it at all. Nervousness is nervousness. And people reflexively fear what cannot be explained- provide a fact to plug up the gap, let them fill in the edges themselves, and they are sated. Now is that all, or do you need to powder your nose as well?" *** "Joan" gasped as Katie found her tongue and teeth free to move within the mouthpiece. As she did so, the mask mimicked her exploratory movements. With the rods temporarily silenced, she walked into the bathroom to get a good look at herself in the mirror. This time, when she gasped, Joan did the same. She felt a bit giddy as the mask's long lashes fluttered and her lips opened up to reveal gleaming white teeth, bared in a girlish, bashful smile. "Ah ah ah! You've got work to do miss! Clock's ticking!" "Yes Ma'am!" God, she even had her voice too! Biting her lip, the new Joan practically skipped over to kitchen. It would do no good to get her Joan's mod dress dirty, so she quickly donned an apron (polka dot, really?) and some rubber gloves and got to scrubbing. Alright Ashley, if that's how you want to play this... She laughed. Maybe after this was all done, she'd pick up the tickets dressed to the nines, her new breasts tightly shoved in an elegant dress... Nah, she'd need to show her ID, and "Katie Kozera" did not look at all like she did now. But was some weedy freshman drama student really going to say no to Joan? Maybe he could be... convinced... God, Ashley was right. She was a slut. *** Ashley lead Eve outside to his car, a grey Austin Healey Sprite Mark III. Katie, or more accurately Jacob, who seemed to have an interest in anything stereotypically masculine, told him so. It suited Ashley immensely, who was otherwise not particularly interested in flashy or ostentatious items of vanity. The man certainly dressed well, but he avoided jewellery or ornamentation; as Eve observed when he held the door open for her, his cufflinks were simple polished brass, with no motif. Wordlessly they got in the car and the little Sprite purred northwards toward The Estates, where Professor Davi and some of the other, more senior and well heeled faculty took their residence. "So... what do you do in your lab?" "Science." "Well, yeah, but... do you always have to be so short with people?" "When people ask me something wanting an answer to a different question, I make a point of answering the first." "Why?" "I resent petty deception." "That's kind of... ironic, coming from you." "I said petty deceptions. What is it you really want to ask me?" "Well I really did want to know what you do, since... I'm in your lab and all, apparently." "Just mention something vaguely to do with genomics. Then wink. And besides, that's not what you really want to ask me." "Okay. Well..." Ashley turned and raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Do you think that... people would find Eve pretty?' "Jacob certainly does." "But... does he? I mean, he doesn't need to... Katie's straight so..." "So what?" "Its just... appearances. Look, is this all just some, weird sex thing?" "What, the party? I shudder at the thought." "No no no- I mean, I spent a lot of time on my own becoming Eve, and you've helped me loads as well, but if Katie wants Adam, then she can have Adam." "And I was under the impression Jacob had Eve." Eve sighed. "But, why all this effort? I mean, maybe it comes in handy for times like this but, its all just so elaborate." "Adam?" "Yes?" "Who is Eve?" "Well... she's a girl." "That I gathered." "I mean that's the thing, she likes the theatre, she apparently played Water Polo, she's an economics major... I mean I even read up on the Laffer curve just to fit the part..." "Do you like being Eve?" "That's the thing... I do." "So you want her to be a complete person. Like you. With dreams and goals." "I do." "Then she's as beautiful as you, Adam." After being buzzed through the Estates gate, they drove up to the Ivy covered mansion of Professor Davi. Walking up to the glass entryway, Ashley smiled warmly at a rather elegant looking woman carrying a bundle of envelopes. "Ashley! I'm surprised you found the time to make it to John's little retirement party." "I would never miss an opportunity to see you in a spring dress, Mrs. Davi." "Oh you're such a cad! How goes the research?" "Never enough funding but we'll manage. I think the team and I will submit by August." "Really? That soon?" "Time waits for no man." "Hah, yes, well... I hate to keep you. John certainly will want to... pontificate on his own theories about Prion propagation and other such, brain stuff to you, and you really ought to say hello... keeping appearances and all... but I imagine that's not the only reason you're here- why hello there!" Mrs. Davi waved enthusiastically to Eve. Gulping, Eve approached with a nervous smile. "I do hope this isn't your way of telling me you're seeing someone, Ashley. What's your name, dear?" "Err, I'm Eve... I work in Ashley's lab." "Oh? I haven't met you before..." Ashley quickly interjected. "Eve's an economics major. I hired her on to help with... the project. Going public and all." "Oh! Rather unusual, but-" "Its all about trust, you understand. And I trust Eve." "I see. Well! I would advise you to be a bit cautious around some of my husband's friends and... esteemed colleagues. Art in particular is a wolf. Best to hang around the graduate students, dear." With this, Mrs. Davi went back to thumbing through the envelopes, and Ashley put his arm around Eve and ushered her in. Eve guessed that the house was likely to be grand on the outside as well as the inside, but she couldn't help stifling a gasp at the expansive, wood panelled sitting room. She honestly had no idea how it fit inside the building; it was almost the size of a ballroom. Yet her astonishment was redirected with a serious glance from Ashley, who began describing the other guests. "Art is in the brown suit... he is a wolf, though still a professor of Geology... he'll make catcalls but a snap from Joan and he's as quiet as a lamb. The graduate students are over there, mingling around the punch bowl, which I'd advise you not to drink from- it does feature rum." Eve started to tune out as Ashley described the guests. So many distinguished people... even the graduate students were impressive... many of them came from places like MIT, Stanford, Oxford... Eve even recognized some of Adam's professors. A shiver went up her spine when Professor Ebihara glanced in her direction. The guilt of Adam's last midterm B- returned. It really didn't help that Eve wasn't... *really* Japanese. She looked away to see a tall young man amongst the Biology faculty looking at her. He had a closely shaven head, and a neatly groomed goatee. He smirked at Ashley. "Hmm. Theo." "You know him?" "He's a.. colleague. Works in the Farnese lab. He submitted his abstract, some independent research, to the Quarterly a month ago. On Myxosporea." "Oh? I don't remember anything about parasites." "It wasn't accepted. His abstract was too long and not properly formatted when he sent it in. A shame, but rules are rules. Hendricks was the one who informed him, but he thinks I had something to do with it. I've noticed some resentment with me since. Has made encountering him... somewhat unpleasant." "But you don't even work in the same field, really-" "Yes, but he's always suspected me as a rival, a threat, now confirmed within his conspiratorial mind with this rejection. Of course this is all petty and stupid, but there is no shortage of such people anywhere, even, perhaps especially, within Academia." "He's kind of cute." Ashley sniffed and took a glance at his phone before turning back to Eve. "At any rate I have some mingling to do. Enjoy the party." He walked off towards a group of people Eve didn't recognize as faculty, giving a cheek kiss to a raven haired woman before shaking hands with the rest of them. Now alone, Eve felt even more awkward and isolated. She contemplated playing with her phone but... this wasn't some freshman party. She was with adults. Mature adults. Proper ones. Who did not resort to pretending to be texting when feeling awkward. So, despite Ashley's suggestion, she walked over the punch bowl. Rum or no, it would buy her some time. Maybe, a minute. Which is still better than nothing. As she poured herself a glass with the ladel, she noticed an arm extend over her shoulder. She turned around to find herself face to face with Theo. "Hey... I haven't seen you before. What lab do you work in?" "Uh, well, I work with Ashley, but I'm not a scientist..." "Huh. What's a cutie like you doing hanging out with a stick in the mud like Ashley?" "Well, no, I'm an economics major named Eve and-" "No no no, he didn't ask that!", Eve thought. "Err... Ashley's a friend." "Just a friend? Huh. Typical." "What do you mean?" "Nothing. Just not surprising. Not that I got anything against queers, but..." "I don't like where this is going." "Yeah, me neither. Don't see any reason to talk about that guy... what's a pretty girl like you doing here?" Eve desperately wished Jacob was here. She glanced over to Ashley, who was holding court with some anecdote, and too distracted to notice her predicament. What to do? What did Ashley say about faking it... "Uh... I don't really know. He asked me if I could come and I went along with it." "Pfft. Why is it everybody always bends over backwards for that guy?" "Well... he's brilliant and..." "Lots of people are. Personally I find him stiff and cold. Outright rude sometimes. Other people are doing important research too." "Yeah but, he's nice when you get to know him." "So am I." Eve suddenly regretting finding him handsome earlier. He was pushy and insecure. He was interested in her because she was with Ashley, nothing more. "Maybe you need to show that more." "Yeah right. I'm always being nice to people, always helping out people with their research... I even put in extra TA hours. But what do they care? Its all about Ashley." "Its wrong to expect people to like you just because you helped them. Its the wrong way to look at things." "Maybe. But I was here as an undergrad, and still I only really know the people in my lab... and yet a guy like Ashley comes in from nowhere and the University plasters him everywhere." Her dislike quickly turned to pity. She took one last glance at Ashley before turning to Theo. "Hey. Do you want to talk?" "What do you mean?" "Is that a topiary garden? Come on!" She lead Theo by the arm outside. Ashley was right. Eve was a complete person. And so she'd act like one, even if other "real" people weren't. *** "Done!" Having put up the last dish on the drying rack, Katie-as-Joan walked briskly back to the computer. The suit was starting to feel very tight, but this would be a cakewalk! She'd be done, pick up the tickets, and finally get a chance to call that smug Ashley "Darling" for a chance. With a triumphant smile she clicked the "complete" button on the Dish Washing task. She waited a second to confirm and then- Powerful vibrations from the now warm rods inserted inside her brought her to her knees as Joan reappeared on the screen. "Tsk tsk tsk. It would appear that your work has been unsatisfactory. What do you have to say for yourself?" In Joan's own voice, Katie spoke pleadingly to the Joan on the computer. "I'm sorry! I really, gahh, tried my best, please, what did, arrgh, I do wrong?" "Oh Katie dear, I'm just a recording. But that is such a lovely voice... too lovely for a slut like yourself." The on-screen Joan reached for a remote, and with pressed a button. After a short delay, the false Joan, currently writhing on the floor in pained ecastasy, found her distressed face lock into a rictus smile. "mmmfgh!" "That's better. And its good to see you smiling! It doesn't do you any good to look so pathetic, even when you're explaining yourself. Anyway, off to your chores, darling. I hope the periodic... incentives will correct your slovenliness." Incentives? As Katie stood herself up, she was brought back down again by another round of stimulation. Panting heavily underneath the exuberant smile of the Joan mask, she remembered that she forgot to wipe down the counter. This... might not be so much of a cakewalk... *** "Its just... I wanted to make my folks proud, and I never really got to..." "Tell them?" "I really wish I believed, but I don't, and now, I don't know anyone knows or cares about what I do." "So you want people to..." "I've just worked so hard." Eve laid her hand on Theo's shoulder as he continued to look down. "Its okay. I'm sure if they're out there somewhere, they're proud of you. Its not easy doing research. I mean, I don't know if I could ever even get past orgo." "Hah, its not that hard really... once you learn the rules and how to draw structures... hey I could tutor you if you want." "I'm an econ major, Theo." "Oh right." They shared a laugh. As Eve smiled she noticed Ashley walk out of the house and look in their direction. He stopped fiddling with his phone and began to walk towards them. "There you are Eve. Ah, Theo. I see you've met Eve." "Ashley." "Did you submit an abstract to the Quarterly last month?" Theo sniffed and stood up, quickly regaining his composure and pathetic attempt at cool. "Yeah, but it was rejected." "Really? I remember it was a rather thin edition..." "I got an email from Hendricks. Something about it being misformatted." "Oh yes, she's quite a stickler about such things. You know, you could always just resubmit." "I thought you, err, the Quarterly didn't want to run my Myxosporea research..." "We're a bit heavy on the macrobiology these days... if Hendricks rejected it, it wasn't eliminated due to content or quality. Say, if you'd like help reformatting it, you could send it to me. I'll advise you on the edits necessary to make it past her. If you're still interested in being written about in the Quarterly." "You would? Um, well, sure, I guess." "Not a problem. Anyway, I'm terribly sorry to interrupt your conversation but I do have to speak to Eve, if that's alright. Some time sensitive matters." "Oh! Um, well, goodbye Eve! It was nice talking to you." Eve smiled and waved Theo goodbye as she went back indoors with Ashley. "He's not a bad guy really, once you get to know him." "Truly, I have to admit he's not a bad scientist. But he's prideful, and insecure. Anyway, I'm done here. Do you want to stay or..." "Eh, its not my scene. But why couldn't you just tell Theo that earlier?" "There are limitations to each identity. The issue with mine is... if I went up and tried to set Theo straight myself he'd suspect something was up. He'd think I pitied him, which would enrage him. Or perhaps it would merely stroke his ego, which I'd rather not do. But you softened him up. In a state of vulnerability, I could approach him. I thank you for your assistance in this regard. " "Still, it seems strange you'd just let him talk bad about you all this time." "Earnestly is... not something Ashley can do. I can't be sincere, or sentimental. People expect me to be cold, and calculating, so I am." "Is that why you become Joan?" For once, Ashley smiled. "Do you mind if we stopped by my apartment first, before I drop you off at your dorm? Its on the way, and I have to, ah, check in with Katie." "Sure! I'd love to say hi as well. They walked back to the Sprite, and drove southwards. *** "Mmfgh!" It definitely was not a cakewalk. As "Joan" writhed on the floor, internal rods stimulating her to the point of painful ecstasy, her face locked in an expression of manic joy and her new voluptuous rubber body locked unbearably tight against the very different woman underneath, Katie had to admit, she had been defeated. Small errors added up. She forgot to clean off the lint guard when drying the clothes. She didn't let the toilet bowl cleaner set for long enough. She left streaks on the windows while using the squeegee. It didn't help that she was orgasming every couple of minutes, till it was actually painful for her to walk. She felt her juices run down the inside of the suit, pooling inside Joan's delicately nailed feet. After this, Ashley would probably make her clean the suit as well. All this caused her to suspect Ashley had never intended for her to succeed. Somehow he knew she would cut corners, at some point, and he set it up so that it would get more difficult, and she'd fail, and learn her lesson. Fair enough, but the real shame was that it had been over two hours. She'd missed the opportunity to pick up the tickets, and that meant Eve had to suffer for her mistake. She knew she should probably feel more guilty, more disappointed in herself, and she knew she would be, several hours from now. But right now the vibration was sending waves of unrelenting titillation to her now long suffering body, and she was tired of fighting it. Squeezing her perpetually stiff nipples through the apron and sticking a rubber finger up her dress into her false vagina, she squealed underneath the mask as she rode the waves to another orgasm. Resigned to her punishment, "Joan" began to close her eyes beneath the open lenses when suddenly the door opened- "Joan?! But, Ashley-" Ashley merely smirked. "Katie!" Eve took hold of the shaking and moaning doll-like Joan as Ashley took out his phone. Right as she reached bliss, Katie felt her face free up. "OH MY GOD, ahh..." "Katie?!" "hah... Hey there Eve." "What's going on? Ashley?" Ashley shrugged, feigning ignorance. "I ah... made a mistake, and Ashley decided I needed to... make up for it." "What? But... what?" "I'm sorry Eve. Tonight I was planning on getting some tickets to Madame Butterfly, you know, so you and Jacob could see it, but... well, things got... complicated." "Oh, that's sweet but, I still don't-" "Rush tickets... but I should have left like 30 minutes ago. There's probably none left. I'm sorry. I..., well, Jacob really wanted to take you to the theatre, but I guess that'll just have to wait." Finally Ashley spoke. "Not necessarily." "What..?" "Really, it was a silly plan anyway. There was no guarantee, even if you did come early, that there would be tickets available. And you could do better than taking Eve out to some second rate production of Madame Butterfly. Rather mawkish, even for Puccini." "Well, it doesn't matter, we're not seeing it now." "You're right. You're not. But Jacob can take Eve out to the opera. I took the liberty of ordering a pair of tickets to the Bomar Theatre. A personal favourite of mine. The Magic Flute." Eve's face lit up. "With stage design by Giorgio?" "None other." "When?!" "Tonight. In fact, if you leave in say, thirty minutes, you should just about make it." "Omg! We have to go! Come on Katie!" As Eve went to fetch the Jacob suit, "Joan" gave an exasperated look to Ashley, who simply grinned. "Ashley..." "Yes?" "I just want to say..." "If only you had dried the counter at the start, I truly believe you could have-" "I just want to say, I'm sorry for leaving you to do all the chores and being such a terrible roommate, and... slut." "Truly, I understand that you get busy. But, when you commit to a task..." "It won't happen again, I promise." Ashley chuckled. "I'd rather we not have to do this again... After all, its not like I'm your mother, darling." 2014 Dieter Schaumer, All Rights Reserved.

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Love Stories
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Starting OverChapter 16 Court Appearance

Trisha stayed to herself for the next couple of weeks at work; even avoiding John as much as possible. She couldn't avoid going to him to request the time off for the court date, however. When she did, John offered to listen if she needed to talk about what was going on, but she declined. Trisha wanted Mark to feel like he had someone to go to; she didn't want to intrude in on his confidante or put John in the middle. Her concern about the court date paled in comparison to her concern for...

4 years ago
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SophomoreChapter 8 A New Domino Appears

We were awakened by Marcy's Saturday morning phone call. By the time Shirley, made her way to the front room, dressed only in the shirt I had worn to school the previous day, Tammy was playing 'who's this?' with Marcy. By the time I got to the front room, wearing only the pants I had worn to school the previous day, Shirley was sitting next to Tammy on the couch, whispering into the phone, between giggles. I went into the kitchen and started the coffeemaker. Tammy joined me, pouring a...

2 years ago
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Harvey Summers My Very First Visit

The following is pure fantasy and did not really happen, these words are my own.*There was an ad on craigslist in the M4M section: "Private backyard, free to use for sunbathing; clothing optional, any and all body types welcome."  The small balcony on my third-floor apartment offered a fair amount of privacy but was not situated to where I could achieve an all over even tan.  So I responded to the ad.Harvey was in his seventies, lived altwo-storytwo story home with a high privacy fence.  He...

Gay Male
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Massive Tits at Work

I landed myself a woman that most regular guys would run screaming from. Her name is Clarissa and she is one whopper of a big woman, just the way I like them! Fat and all that! Mmmm dayum! Yeah, most guys would call me a freak because I dig picking up chicks at the local bingo hall. But for a guy that’s looking for a huge hunk of lovin’, it’s just the place to find them! I run around the bingo hall, selling bingo cards to some of the heftiest gals around, scouting for massive tits as I make my...

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Pariwar Me Bache Ko Doodh Ki Jarurat

Ek bacha vikas naam hai uske pariwar me mummy do chachi do mami hai wo ek hi makan me rehte hai sab bache se bahut pyaar kerte hai ek din vikas ko ek bimari ho gayi usko docter ke pass legaye docter ne bataya ki baache ko bahut kamjori ho gayi hai usko maa ke doodh ki jarurat hai sab ghar per pareshan ho jate hai ki ab kya kare docter bolte hai ki ek injection hai usse aap logo ko doodh aana suru ho jayega sabko injection laga deta hai sab ghar per aa jate hai ab raat me chachi maa se bolti hai...

3 years ago
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Seatmate8217s Sis

It had been a few weeks since I had returned from the conference in Chicago. The events that had transpired had been mind blowing. I had met a short little black girl in her mid-20s named Mya. She had an apparent fantasy about finding a white boyfriend. She found that and me and in the span of 24 hours had went from a sweet virgin to absolutely sex-crazed. But once I had gotten back to California, I had been busy with family road trips, etc. I had also had been giving a few of my other...

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You slowly open your eyes, squinting against the bright light. You grunt as you try to move your limbs. How did you get here? Where is here? Who are you? With your head feeling like a bursting balloon you close your eyes again and instead focus on your other senses. You hear the beeping of medical equipment and heavy breathing. You also hear faint voices, very far away. You can't make out what they're saying. You smell the putrid smell of disinfectants and the smell of your own body. You also...

4 years ago
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danny and sophia

Danny and Sophia have always been good friends, right from the day they met, their first day at High School, they had a connection. Neither of the girls knew anyone at their new school so they automatically became best friends, sharing their secrets with each other. As the years went by they shared countless sl**povers, and grew closer and closer together, finding out more and more about one another, until one day, the day that Sophia told Danny her biggest secret, the day their relationship...

3 years ago
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A time of changes Part 1 A night to remember

A time of changes by Souffle Girl ----------------------------- This story deals with sexuality, discrimination, and contains gender changes and homosexual relationships. If you are disturbed by these things then don't read any further. A time of changes is set in the Twisted universe created by Morpheus and it has been written with his permission. I apologize in advance for any grammar mistake as English is not my native language, and thank you for...

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Before we left England we lived next door but one to a married couple that was probably five years our senior, they had three c***dren on was a half caste Debbie said it was a throw back and Andy tended to agree with her. I don't think Andy was that naive as they had a friend that was from Jamaica, but he never said anything. We used to go round to Debbie and Andy's occasionally for drinks and a couple of laughs occasionally we would play card games on a couple of occasions strip poker but it...

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Kasthuri A New Beginning 8211 Part 2 Ayan Her Boss

Chapter 2 – 18th May, 10 am. Kasthuri woke up with a start. She felt such a terrible headache that she could hardly bear the pain. She sat up. She was in a complete mess, trying to remember what had happened last night. She painfully opened her eyes and took on her surroundings. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the morning light. But she couldn’t recognize her surroundings. A headache was getting heavier, and then her eyes fell on the person beside her on the bed. She was shocked...

3 years ago
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Indian girl with cousin Mom and stepdad

Rajesh was studying his 12th std, he was athletic 18 year boy. He was staying with his dad’s younger sister Nalini’s house in Bangalore for his education. He was a well built boy of almost 6 feet and was a football player for his college team with a athletic body His Nalini Aunty had married Sharma after her first husband had died in a road accident. Priyanka aka Pinky was Nalini’s only daughter from her first husband and was 16 years old doing her 10 class, She. was a very slim girl around...

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Virgin Mary

Mary Crow wasn't really your average teenage high schooler. She didn't drink or smoke, as many of her friends and classmates did. She never really had a boyfriend. She was always top of her class. Never played sports. To tell the truth, she wasn't coordinated at all. So why was she destined for such a fate out of high school? Maybe it was because going into college took away the comfort zone and the barriers and restrictions her parents and herself had set. Maybe not. She had just celebrated...

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Head Above WaterChapter 24

There’s an old Cherokee tale about two wolves. It’s said that inside every person there is a dark wolf, representing every terrible characteristic, and then there is a light wolf, one who stands for humility and compassion and kindness, and everything good. The wolves are in a constant battle with each other. Want to know which one wins? The one you feed. I’d been feeding the dark wolf for most of my life, and because of that, I’d ended up with all those ugly feelings: loneliness, sadness,...

2 years ago
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A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch 9

Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus ----------------------------------- Norse Deities -------------- Odin - War god, main god of the Norse gods Freya - a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Frigg - Wife of Odin, promoter of marriage and fertility Loki - a mischievous god who can shape-shift and can take up animalistic forms. Thor - a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection...

2 years ago
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La femme du gouverneur

La femme du gouverneur Ch 1 Grand Prize – The Governor’s Wife! Coulybaca /Black Demon ? ? ? ? ? -???????? Quelle belle salope ! Grogna ? voix basse,  Cecil Benson, ? l'adresse de deux de ses hommes, connus en tant qu’agents de recouvrement charg?s de r?cup?rer le prix de ses services aupr?s de certains consommateurs qui r?clamaient sa protection. Ce commerce de la protection rapproch?e que dirigeait Cecil l'amenait ? fournir des gardes du corps arm?s pour les clients qui faisaient des affaires dans la banlieu...

2 years ago
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Deeper and Deeper

‘I want you to go on a journey with me–not with your body, but with your mind. I want you to come with me into the heart of the spiral. ‘Every spiral has a heart, of course. The line of the spiral always curves inwards, inexorably drawing the eye down to the center. Whether on the shell of a snail or the groove of a record, no matter where you start to follow the spiral, you always find its heart. ‘But we’re going to travel down a very special spiral. This spiral only exists in your mind’s...

1 year ago
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Southern Comfort 2

After letting her rub my feet a bit, I decided it was time to move on, so, pulling my feet from her hands, I stood. She was still down on her knees and as I stood her body straightened a bit, so that her face was right at my bulging crotch. I couldn’t resist taking the back of her head in my hands and gently pressing her face against the huge lump in my jeans. She didn’t resist or try to pull back at all and it only took a couple seconds before I could feel her hot breath seeping through my...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Violet Star Humilated And Punished

Violet Star wants to spend time with her Step Father but he is busy with his friends. The teen girl sneaks into his den while he is having guy time. She is quickly taught a lesson about why she shouldn’t do such things. In front of everyone, the all natural brunette is stripped naked. She is told to dance and be sexy. She tries but she is too young to really know what she is doing. Soon it doesn’t matter that she is his step daughter, she is going to be punished. In front of...

3 years ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 38

Jerry stared out the window of the restaurant watching the sky. The storm that had been threatening them all day had finally broken. It wasn’t as bad as he had predicted. Rather than a thunderstorm, this was the kind of storm that led to a solid soaking of the ground without creating damage. There wasn’t even any lightning. Their tensions over the trial had exaggerated their perception of its threat. Turning to face the kids, he said, “It’s started to rain.” His comment didn’t spark any...

2 years ago
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Warmer By The Lake Chapter 3

“About time. I’ve been knocking for five minutes.”Sarah pushed her way inside my apartment, shooting me a stern look before plopping on the couch.She looked around at the bare walls of my tiny one-bedroom. I felt vaguely ashamed. It was all I could afford after being nearly wiped out when the guy I assaulted sued.She said, “Pretty Spartan in here. Needs a woman’s touch. Still, no piles of pizza boxes, no underwear hanging from lampshades. Nice to see a guy who’s housebroken for a...

Group Sex
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Vidhwa Bhabhi Se Shadi Ka Riwaz 8211 Part 2

Pitchli baar bataya tha ki meinene 18 saal ki umar mein vidhwa bhabhi se riwaz ke mutabik sadi ki aur siliguri le jaa kar sex kiya. Bhabhi matlab abb meri biwi summy aur mein wapas laut aaye the. Wapas lautne ke baad mein usko summy hi bulata. Roz hum dono sex karte , 7-8 mahine baad pitaji ki khabar aayee ki abb bahu ko, yani meri new wife, gauna karwa ke ghar laana hai. Mein chutti le ke gaya aur 7 dino mein hi laut aaya , nayee biwi ke saath. Sarkari ghar tha ek hibed room tha aur dusre ko...

3 years ago
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my wife storymy life storysuhagraat

Meri wife story-meri life story(suhagraat) Hello dosto , mera naam sunny hai.me sadisuda hoon. Meri age 25 year hai.kariban 1 saal se net surfing kar raha hoon. Surfing karte2 mene kai sex stories padhi.mujhe unmese kuchh real lagi aor kuchh juthi. Well ,stories padhne ke bad mujhe bhi apni sex life likhne ki ichchha hui.aor me apni pahli story likh raha hoon. Haan ,to mene bataya ki me sadisuda hoon. Mere ghar me maa-babuji, bhaiya-bhabhi ke alava koi nahi hai. Meri biwi 23 saal ki hai . uska...

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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 12

Brody debated what they might do now that the gig was over. It was fall, so a lot of places closed early. On the other hand, the weather was still decent, so he suggested they go to Old Town Alexandria. Ryan agreed, and he waited while she changed, musing over what Mark, Hilary and even Bax had been saying for the last few days. True, he wouldn’t mind being more than friends with Ryan. However, she’d been up front about not wanting more, and he wasn’t one to push once a line was drawn. Then...

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Gallaghers IslandChapter 11

The Skipper, Scotty and Gallagher all took turns digging in the "grave" of the alleged "Juan Diaz" who had died on April 1, 2011 on the unnamed island used as a detention center for political opponents of the government dictatorship in Caracas. They were being exceedingly careful not to make any loud noise because they did not want to join the ranks of the forgotten souls huddling in the molding basement of the main prison. Gallagher had to sneeze real badly and he held his sleeve over...

3 years ago
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Impregnated Newly Wed Bengali Girl Rashmi

My Name is Vaatsayana(Name Changed). I am 35 years old now but this incident happened when I was in my first year of graduation. I am an average Telugu guy from Hyderabad having 5’10” height, 65 Kgs weight, perfect V shaped body and 6 inches long tool. This is my 3rd story on ISS. Hope you enjoyed my previous stories. One of my elder cousins Rajni (name changed) got married to an ONGC scientist Naveen (name changed). He used to live in the ONGC colony Ahmadabad. (If Rajni was younger to me; my...

1 year ago
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Chapter 5SurpriseHe opened his eyes as the sunlight started to fall across his face. The net curtains danced gently as the cool breeze wafted through the window. He was aware of the weight of her head on his chest, her hair tumbling across his skin. Her arm was across him, her hand resting on his shoulder. He listened to her breathing and found his own falling into the same rhythm. He stroked her back, loving the silky feel of her skin. He cast his mind back to the previous evening, finding...

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A Midnight Walk

A Midnight Walk“You’re k**ding me. You are fifty-six years old, and you’re telling me that you have never seen a man pleasure himself?” John chuckled. He knew that Donna had been married for several years, but she had married late, she was nearly thirty before taking the vows. But she had been divorced for close to ten, and he assumed that she had done some dating or just fooling around. The idea that in all those years, she had never even walked in on her husband or a boyfriend was almost...

2 years ago
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A Grand Slam

Introduction: A friendship suddenly turns into much more! Logan, are you ready to go? I call out from the parking lot. Yeah, one minute Ryan. Logan responds as he looks back at me in the car. As you can see, my name is Ryan. I am 16 years old. I am about 62 feet tall, and weigh about 170 pounds, all muscle. I have brown hair which is always kept fairly short and I have green eyes that have for a long time melted girls when the looked into them. Logan is 14 years old, although he looks and...

3 years ago
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Nenu Chikina First Modda

Hi na peru akhil from vijayawada.Nenu ms chestunna chemical engineering lona height 5.10 body size average male ga untanu.Na modda size 7 inches brownish red ga untadi 2.5 inches thick ga unadi ,naku modda chikadam anna chikinchukovadam anna chala istam.So idi nenu na first modda chikina sangatana gurinchi mitho share cheskovataniki rastunna article …. Nenu apudu 12th class chaduvtuna naku okeoka best friend undevadu vadiperu manohar . Vadante naku chala istam chudtaniki chala bauntadu .Memu...

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Taken by Jamel and friends

I am sitting here in my apartment writing this and remembering last night. Last week I was online and started chatting with a forty year old black man. We exchanged pictures and we both said that we were pleased with the other. He is a big man at six foot four, two hundred pounds, completely shaved, hard as rock muscles and yes, a very large cock. He said it was ten inches long and seven inches in circumference. I couldn’t wait to touch him all over. I am a small man at five foot seven, one...

1 year ago
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Avatar Establishment Book 2Chapter 32

Fionna felt amazingly good. She wasn't exactly sure if it was because she'd been ill so long that any improvement was extremely noticeable, or if she really was feeling better than she ever had before she fell ill. She drew her bow across the strings, the sound of the fiddle a comfort to her. Not that she needed much comfort at the moment. She always felt better after a healing session, and Ken had brought Sally along this time. He'd found that he could heal her faster if he didn't work...

3 years ago
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Paid VacationChapter 7

Elsa said, "Max and I will go see about the food. Anne, why not show our guests to the shower and let them clean up a little?" Anne agreed, and as Max and Elsa left in the direction of the house she began to move to a back corner of the building. Alison saw that an area she had first taken as just another piece of wall was actually a baffled entrance to a large tiled shower area with what looked like a small toilet room off to the side. The shower area was about eight feet square with...

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Kinky KiKi Avocado

She felt the warmth of his look down his spine. But she was totally and currently available for the men to take advantage of her. She was at her utmost alliance to learn everything about his sex game. It was turning into a new philosophy, surely, and she suppressed a shiver of sexual awareness coming on. I was always thinking but in a fruitful lip way. I was going to work I passed so many fruits stands My heels got squashed on someone's fruit dropped near my ankles the smells were so cumming at...

4 years ago
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Convention Adventures

My husband was scheduled for a conference in Memphis for the week. Before we left he said I should bring some ‘party’ clothes so we could go out dancing. Now we don’t go out dancing when we are in town so I didn’t know what he meant. We got to Memphis and registered into a great resort hotel. Mike had to get registered so I just lazed around the room until he got back. When he returned he asked if I wanted to help the convention organizers by being a bartender at the main reception that...

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