Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 298
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Part 1. The Analyst's story.
I sat slightly behind Mrs. White as she sat talking in my consulting room.The light from the windows was catching the small blonde hairs that didn'tquite make it into her tied hair. She was by far the most attractive of mypatients, in her late twenties, obviously well kept and always smartly dressedin conservative clothes which never the less allowed her beautiful body tobe elegantly displayed even though covered. She had been coming to me eachweek for months now. All her problems had apparently disappeared and yet shestill turned up week in week out. The money was useful though it defeated meas to her reasons. I watched the movement of her neck, the slight throbbingof a pulse below the skin, the lace bra that only just showed as the lightcaused some transparency in her blouse.
Eventually my curiosity overcame me.
"Mrs. White, why do you come here still each week?" I had interruptedher and she looked around at me before settling back.
"To ensure that I am a fully balanced person." Even her voicehad that sexy elegant quality to it. She was rather cool and patronising attimes but still a very sexy woman.
"I think there must be more to it than that."
"If there is I am unaware of it."
"Maybe we should explore that question."
"Perhaps. If you think it would help."
"Your response suggests that simply talking about it wont be useful."
"Oh, I didn't mean to suggest that."
"Can you remember when you first came here I used hypnosis to openup the problems initially and then we discussed them?" I stood and walkedin front of her, leaning back on my desk. Looking at her face I saw a slightflush and her eyes shone far more than normal.
"Yes. Yes I remember. Do you want to try that now?"
"I think so. Though you must be in complete agreement."
"Yes. Yes." A little too quickly. She continued, "I am happyfor you to do that."
I placed her under quickly. It was far easier this time as most of the suggestionswere in place from before. I looked at her sitting still yet lithe before me.A woman like her would make any man happy I thought to myself before restrainingmy thoughts and bringing them back to the job in hand.
"Mrs. White, is there a reason for you wishing to continue these sessionsthat I do not know about?"
"Will you tell me?"
"It's the hypnosis." I looked at her for a moment totally puzzled.
"Please expand on that as much as you can."
"It arouses me." My face dropped in astonishment. If she had beenaware of me I am sure she would have laughed. "It's the idea that youcould control me when I am hypnotised, make me do things, wicked things."
"Sexual things?"
"Oh yes. I fantasise how you could make me do all kind of things, humiliateme, have sex with me, dominate me."
"Do you ever act out these submissive fantasies of yours with yourhusband for example?"
"Oh no. At first he was very dominant, and that was OK but he neverreally pushed it as far as I would have wanted sexually. Now he seems to getall the dominance and such like he needs from his job. I rarely see much ofhim and when I do he just wants to be passive now. Unfortunately sexually Iam more dominant than him."
"And you would prefer it the other way around?"
"Oh yes."
"And you've not done anything with anyone else?"
"Oh no. It just wouldn't be socially acceptable would it?"
"So you keep it all under wraps so as not to cause any problems?"
"Yes of course. Doesn't everyone?" "
"How long have you felt as though you wanted to be submissive?"
"Oh for a long time. At school everyone saw me as a 'good' girl, nonsexual, beyond those sordid kind of things."
"But you wished otherwise."
"Yes. Boys scared me a bit ad my only defence was to be aloof. I couldn'tget out of that trap. I was never allowed to drop that 'face' and be even apartial slut like the other girls."
"But you fantasise about being made to do things under hypnosis?"
"It hadn't occurred to me prior to you putting me under. After it Ithought about all the things you could do. I've been hoping that you'd do itagain."
"You know that I haven't done anything of the kind?"
"Yes I do, but I don't when I'm not under hypnosis. When I am normalI still think it might happen, might already have happened."
"And is that what you would actually want to happen?"
"Oh yes. It would be marvellous. I wouldn't have any control over it.You could do as you wished and make me be a total slut for you."
I looked at her in shocked silence. I could never have imagined Mrs. Whiteeven saying the word 'slut' before let alone acting like one. From outsidecame the faint sound of traffic, other than that there was total silence withinthe room. Mrs. White sat as she normally would, one stocking covered leg overthe other, her hands in her lap, looking serene. I had an erection I realisedsuddenly. It was beginning to hurt in its intensity. I moved around the deskand sat behind it covering my arousal. I sat and thought a long while. Eventuallyafter telling her to forget all she had heard or said and to feel pleasantlyrelaxed, I woke her.
I had considered the situation considerably during the following week. FirstI veered one way then the other. It wasn't until Mrs. White's next visit thatI had fully made up my mind. By chance Jill, my secretary, and receptionisthad taken the day off ill so the session took place with only me and Mrs. White,no one would interrupt. Fate was playing her hand. She looked as prettily pristineas ever, her make-up and her dress sense as immaculate as usual. She sat downand immediately I told her that I wished to hypnotise her again. The flushand the sparkle of eyes again showing as I waited for her consent.
I began by checking her latent submissive desires. They were still there,still strong, still hidden away from the world though not from her own knowledge.It was easy to strengthen them, it was something she really wanted, there wasno difficulty in this. Strengthening her desire to be subservient to me wasalso surprisingly easy, it didn't appear to matter who it was, even the genderseemed irrelevant. I simply gave her the focus. That focus was me. We sat therefor about 30 minutes as I gradually had her build a structure of a relationshipwhere she could be the submissive to my dominant. For the most part I was usingher own suggestions though leading these and building what I wished for fromeach new brick she provided. Eventually I was satisfied sufficiently for meto pause and assess my work and her beauty as she sat before me still under.My cock was rigid.
"Mrs. White I would like you to undress for me." Physically now,as well as professionally, I was taking a big step. I wanted to check out whatshe was going to offer me.
"Yes." Whispered huskily.
She began, with a dancers grace, to remove her clothing. Undoing buttonsand slipping off her blouse, reaching behind her to unclip her bra thrustingher lace covered breasts forward. I watched fascinated by the firmness of herbreasts as she stood and unbuttoned her skirt, her breasts moving delightfullybefore my eyes. She slid the silk skirt down her legs and stood out of it.The hardness of her pink nipples obvious. Her fingers hooked over the waistof her panties and gradually eased them off her long legs. She wore no stockingsand simply stood in her shoes and jewellery. It was certainly a sight for soreeyes as the sunlight reflected off the desk and lit her pale skin. Her pubichair was sparse and there was evidence of moisture around the base of her blondesilken triangle. She was a dream. Her face now glowed and her tongue dampedher lips often. She turned this way and that for me so I could observe allher beauty, even bending at the hips so I could view the bulging of her lipsfrom behind. Finally I had her stand with her arms folded behind her back andher legs slightly apart. Her body was exquisite.
"Now Mrs. White, tell me the rules that you have just set yourself."
"Foremost I must be obedient to you in all matters sexual or that couldbe considered associated with sexuality. Secondly I am to aim to give you pleasure.I am not to do anything that would harm or upset you in any way. Thirdly thatany of my sexual activity or fulfilment will be at your command or with youragreement."
"And are you sure that is what you yourself really want deep down?"
"You will know these fully by the time I allow you your next orgasmMrs. White. Your mind will gradually take in and accept fully these self imposedrules. Do you understand?"
"When did you last have sex with your husband?"
"Two weeks ago."
"Is that normal?"
"Yes. These days I often go through a longish period without havingsex with him."
"Your arousal will increase as the week goes on and you will feel theneed to ask my permission if you wish to do anything about it. You will feelthat you need to seek my permission before you can release those feelings ofarousal and need."
"Mrs. White you know how a cat behaves around humans?"
"You are to get onto your hands and knees." She did so. "NowMrs. White you area cat. You will rub yourself against my legs as you movearound me." She arched her back and crawled over to me. I could feel herwarm flesh as she leant against my legs, rubbing the length of her body againstme as she slowly moved around. A purr came from her throat continually. Asshe moved I could see her hips thrusting high as though her tail was straightup. The sight her of her pink rosebud was quite clear as was the fleshinessof her lips between her thighs, her breasts moved invitingly.
It was all too much, my cock hurt. I had her stand and return to normalhuman behaviour. I got up and sat against the front of the desk, unzippingmyself and taking out my aching member. It would have been so nice and so easyto have her suck my cock. I could imagine it inside her hot wet mouth, butit wasn't what I wanted just yet. I wanted her to be fully aware, I wantedher to know exactly what she was doing and I wanted her to be desperate. Irubbed my length in front of her a while as I added a few other requirementsinto her mind before putting myself away again, with some difficulty. Thisincluded a phrase, "Chocolate Cucumber", that would put her intoa trance for me whenever she heard it.
I had her dress and watched again as her body moved and slowly hid itselffrom me. I took her panties, retaining them, and telling her that she wouldnot notice until on her way home. I held the expensive, damp piece of materialhidden in my hand as I brought her around.
"Well I am sorry but your appointment has come to an end Mrs. White.I will give you another appointment at ten on Saturday morning if that is alrightwith you."
"Oh. I wasn't aware you held a surgery on Saturdays."
"I don't usually but I will make an exception and open up just foryou. Is Saturday morning a problem?"
"No. No, that will be quite convenient actually."
I noticed her eyes drawn to what probably was an obvious bulge in my trousersas she rose to go and stood making small talk at the door.
On Thursday at noon my telephone on the outside line rang as I expected.
"Hello Mrs. White. Nice to hear from you. Is there a problem regardingyour appointment?"
"No. No its not that." She sounded flustered, very flustered.
"Well, what can I help you with then?"
"This is really silly. I don't know why I'm doing this really. It'sreally embarrassing."
"Does that matter?"
"No. Yes. No. I need to ask you something that's all."
"Fine. Go ahead."
"It's just that... Oh God. I'm sorry. I'm really aroused. It soundsreally silly. I'm sorry to disturb you. I wanted to tell you. I... I wantedto ask... I wanted to ask... if I could do something about it."
"Yes Mrs. White, what do you mean? What do you normally do when you'rein that state, can't your husband help?"
"No he can't. He's not here. He couldn't anyway... I need... you tohelp..."
"Me? Well what do you normally do?"
"I would normally masturbate." So softly I could hardly hear.
"Please repeat that."
"Look it doesn't matter. Oh God it does. I would masturbate. I haven'tdone it for days! I haven't done it since my appointment!"
"Do you normally call it that? Use the language that you use in yourown mind Mrs. White."
"I normally frig myself when I get this horny."
"Well why didn't you?"
"It seemed somehow appropriate to tell you... to ask if it was alrightif I did." Choked.
"You want me to give you permission to frig your pretty little pussy?Is that correct Mrs. White?"
"Yes. Please. I don't know why, but yes, please! Please!" Almostsobbing.
"What are you wearing Mrs. White?"
"What am I wearing now? Jeans. T-shirt. Underwear."
"Well at the moment I am busy." I lied, whilst a soft moan camefrom the other end of the line. "Where are you?"
"At the house, in the lounge."
"I will phone you back in a few minutes. I will consider giving youpermission. It might be appropriate, if you want to finger that pussy of yoursfor me, for you to remove all your clothes and wait for my call standing nakedby the phone, don't you think Mrs. White?"
"Naked? Stand naked? Yes. Yes. OK. I'll do that. Please don't be long." Plaintive.
I left her waiting for 15 minutes, then called.
"Hello Mrs. White."
"Oh God, please."
"Please what?"
"Please let me. Please let me orgasm!"
"That's not the word you would normally use is it?"
"No. Please let me cum! Oh God it's getting worse by the second!"
"Are you naked Mrs. White?"
"Yes. I'm standing naked for you. God I'm so wicked! I've never everdone this before! Please."
"Well I suppose so Mrs. White. You may finger yourself. But you arenot to cum until I give you permission is that clear?"
"Yes. Yes."
"Stand with your legs slightly apart. Bend your knees outward. Youmay begin but keep the phone by your face."
"Now? With you listening? Oh. Yes." I heard a deep sigh. "I'mso near. Oh God I'm so near! I could cum immediately!"
"No Mrs. White. I will control that wont I? That's what you want isn'tit?"
"Yes. Uhhhh. Yes."
I made her describe her actions to me, how wet she was, how humiliated shefelt. I made her stop at my direction. I made her start again. Eventually Icountered to 10 as I played with my desperate cock. I would allow her to cumon the count of 10. I teased her by dragging it out. Her cries were desperate,almost echoing my own desperate need.
On 10 she came loudly. A few seconds later I came, also pumping into mytissues. My own climax sweet and so necessary. My balls ached after I had finished,semen still oozing from me. The noises that came over the phone were bestial,grunts and whimpers and moans of ecstasy. I heard the wet squishy noises ofher fingers still desperately pumping her cunt. Eventually she could speak.
"Sir, may I say something?" She sounded as though she was sobbing,her breathing still laboured, soft moans still escaping her. Her use of thetitle 'Sir' apparently being used suddenly without her conscious thought.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes. Oh yes. Thank you Sir. Thank you so much."
"Is that what you wanted to say Mrs. White?"
"No. I just wanted you to know, Sir, that I will be really obedientfor you in future. I'll do anything for you Sir. I'll only do it when you letme Sir. I'll be really pleasing Sir. I will. I will. I'll be good Sir." Itall came out in a rush, frantic to tell me, desperate to offer herself.
"That is a pleasing offer Mrs. White. We will see about whether ornot I accept you at our next meeting. Mrs. White?"
"Yes Sir?"
"You mustn't cum until our meeting. You can touch yourself sexuallybut not cum. do you understand?"
"Yes Sir. If that's what you want Sir."
"Yes. I will see you on Saturday."
"Yes. Thank you Sir."
On Saturday morning I opened up the office. There was no Jill, there wasnobody there but me as we normally did not have a surgery at weekends. It waspleasantly cool inside and very warm out. I felt excited by the thought ofher visit. I couldn't settle and my erection was uncomfortable within my trousers.I sat in the reception area until her arrival.
There was a knock and the door opened to reveal her in a blouse and skirt.She looked embarrassed but glowing. She looked around where Jill would normallybe and seemed relieved before I waved her through into my room. When I walkedin she was sitting nervously on the edge of the seat.
"I really am sorry Sir about disturbing you on the phone. I reallyam. I don't know what came over me Sir." She was blushing profusely andI sat down opposite her turning on the tape recorder as normal.
"Its alright Mrs. White. Don't worry. I want to explain one or twothings." She looked a little more relieved though still sat right on theedge of the chair. "Now, you know that I hypnotised you last time?"
"Yes Sir, you said."
"Yes. You gave me rather a lot of information that you've kept hiddenbefore Mrs. White." Her eyes went wide and her mouth made a silent 'O'. "Mrs.White I have decided to give you a very new secret therapy. You must howeverpromise not to divulge this to anyone. Never tell anyone whatever passes betweenus in these sessions. It would make me most unhappy if you ever did Mrs. White.You will be good and do exactly as I say wont you."
"Of course Sir. I will never say anything."
"Good. You have certain desires and lusts that normally would not befully acceptable in polite society. Are you aware of that?"
"Well... Yes."
"We are going to act these out to ensure you are fully aware of themMrs. White. So you see its in your best interests to keep silent Mrs. White.We need to confront them so that you can fully accept them."
"Yes. Thank you Sir." Her eyes betrayed both anxiety and excitementas I looked at her for a few moments.
"Now I want to hypnotise you again is that acceptable?
"Oh yes, of course."
"Chocolate cucumber". I put her under. She had almost a look ofrelief as she sat there before me.
"Mrs. White did you enjoy the orgasm you had when you came on the phonefor me?"
"Oh God yes. It was the best that I can ever remember having. It leftme so amazed."
"Describe how you felt from the beginning please."
"My arousal had been unusually high last week. I wanted my husbandto have me but neither of us made a move. By the time I phoned I felt so horny.I needed to let you know and hoped you'd say it was OK and tell me to fingermyself."
"Hadn't you previously?"
"No. It hadn't seemed right somehow."
"It was so embarrassing phoning you. It made me hotter though and havingto stand naked for you at home was so humiliating and I loved it. Then whenyou let me play with myself it was as though you were playing with me as well,as though I was your puppet, your toy. You were in control. Making me bringmyself near and then wait was so frustrating yet so wonderful. It really forcedme to understand that you were in control. You had taken away my responsibilityand I could simply do as I was told and act as you wished."
"How did you feel about me controlling your release?"
"It was really arousing. More arousing than I thought possible."
"Did you want me to continue controlling what you do sexually at futuretimes?"
"Yes. More than anything."
"Did you imagine anything as you waited or when you were playing withyourself?"
"Yes. I thought of people seeing me standing naked. I thought of youwalking in and seeing me standing naked and so obviously needing to be fucked.Of you making me do things and fucking me."
"Now Mrs. White you are to undress for me after I bring you out. Youwill undress when I ask you to. You will be very aroused by exposing yourselfto me. When you are naked you will not attempt to cover yourself no matterhow embarrassed you are. You are to ensure that you are fully exposed to me.Exhibiting your body sexually will arouse you."
"Do you understand?"
You will understand that I am your Master in all things sexual and thatyou must obey me. Obeying me and being aware of your place will make you arousedthough the knowledge of your submission will embarrass you and that sexualembarrassment will cause your arousal to increase. You will always find sexualhumiliation deeply arousing. You will also be aware of your excitement andwhy it is so. When I bring you out you will not remember any of our conversation.Do you understand?"
I brought her out of the trance and she looked happy enough sitting therenormally again as though she hadn't even been aware that she had been under.
"Mrs. White there is something I want you to listen to. Please do notinterrupt until you have heard it." I had her attention. I rewound thetape and began playing it. As she listened her face became redder, her eyeswere wide at first and then her closed and her head dropped. She was squirmingaround more and more in the chair. When it had reached the point before I hadinstructed her to undress I stopped it. Her eyes remained shut and she wastrembling. Every now and then a quiet "Oh my God" would escape hermouth. I stopped it before the instructions, she heard only her descriptionof her actions.
"Mrs. White, look at me." Her head lifted and her eyes openedonto mine. "You see I know don't I? I know everything you think. I knowwhat you fantasise about and what you want. We have to confront these feelingsand see if they are real Mrs. White, don't we?"
"Yes Sir." Quiet words. The sir had returned again I noticed.
"Mrs. White I want you to undress again for me. Do you want to do thatfor me?"
"Yes." Husky voice. She continued to look at me wide eyed. Anothersilent nod was slow but without hesitation. "Again? You mean I've undressedfor you before? Oh you mean on the phone?"
"No Mrs. White. You did it last time we were here." I took outher panties from my pocket.
"Oh! Oh my God! I thought..."
"Yes Mrs. White. You took all your clothes off for me to look at. Yourealised that I needed to inspect what you were offering me."
"Oh God! Oh God." Quiet, whispered, her face blazing. "Didyou...? Did you...?"
"No Mrs. White I didn't. I could have though without any difficulty.I will, when I want to. You understand that don't you? Now you are to undressfor me, again. Will it be because you want to or because I have made you? That'san interesting question isn't it?"
She stood and did what she was told, though there looked to be just a littleinner struggle. I watched her slowly peeling off her clothing. The skirt thenthe blouse, her black lace underwear even slower. Her body was divine as shemoved. Her pert breasts were tight and capped by nipples that were obviouslyvery hard. Her entire chest was flushed. There were faint pink lines whereher underwear had been. When she was totally naked for me she stood tremblingbefore me, one foot in front of the other slightly crossing her thighs, herhands clasped beneath her throat for a moment, her arms hiding her breasts,before dropping them, allowing her full nakedness to be revealed.
"Now I think we will drop the Mrs. White, it is hardly appropriatein this new situation is it? I will call you by your first name Stephanie,or I may call you other names at times. What do you want me to do with youStephanie?"
"I want... Sir this is so humiliating... I want you to use me... sexuallySir." Her voice so husky now it was as if she had a bad throat.
"Well I think if you make it obvious that you are worth being usedsexually, if you make sure that you are going to be good for me then it wontbe a problem Stephanie. Do you think you can show me that you can be satisfying?""
"I will try Sir. Thank you Sir."
"I have taken charge of your sexual life Stephanie. You will go alongwith that Stephanie because I have hypnotised you. You don't have a choicenow."
"No Sir."
"I mean all your sexual activity. It means that any activity that youcould be sexual in the least way is under my control." I waited a momentto let it sink in. "It means that you will perform for me as and whenI make demands on you. It means that I will regulate your orgasms. At times,your clothing or lack of it. There may be all sorts of things." She continuedto stand trembling slightly her lips had parted and she was unable to stopherself licking them. Come here and kiss me. Kiss me and show me that you areworth it, then you can undress me."
She did. Her hands tentatively reached around my neck, her soft lips reachedup for and found mine, her soft body pressed then rubbed up against me. I couldnot have helped but be aroused by her as her mouth opened for me, as I felther breasts and thighs and mound against me. She was moaning softly into mymouth long before I pulled her away. Her fingers shook slightly as she undidthe buttons of my shirt. As she bent to unfasten my trousers her eyes fixedon the very obvious bulge throbbing there. I had to stop her touching my cockas it sprung clear of my underwear. I had to stop her kissing my sensitivethrobbing length. I was frightened of losing control over myself let aloneher. I had her sit on the edge of my desk, and then lay back. I watched asshe pulled up her legs and opened them as if an offering at my altar. Aftera while her face surrendered to her need for reassurance and she turned herhead to look at me.
I moved between those beautifully parted legs. Her pale skin was silhouettedagainst the dark wood of my desk. I looked down at her cunt. Her lips lookedfull, they were parted and the inner surfaces glowed pink and wet. Her pubichair was wet and pressed against her, only the higher regions looking a darkerblonde than her hair, wispy and shinning.
"Stephanie keep your eyes on mine all the time. Do you realise whatI can see?"
"Yes Sir." That totally arousing mixture of wild lust and humiliationobvious in her eyes.
"What can I see Stephanie?"
"My... my... my pussy Sir."
"No Stephanie, it is not your pussy, it is your cunt. That is whatit is. A slut's cunt. Because you must be such a slut offering this wet drippingcunt to me to fuck in my office, mustn't you?" My voice gentle even thoughmy vocabulary was coarse.
"But its so horrid a word Sir... Its my... cunt." Broken now,she continued. "And I'm such a slut Sir. I'm your slut Sir." Herbody trembled again as another wave of arousal hit her.
"Why is your cunt so wet and open for me slut?"
"I'm excited about you wanting me Sir, seeing me. That you are goingto use me, like the slut I am Sir."
My eyes travelled up her body, over her stomach, as it angled up ready forme to take her, over the step of her ribs, to her breasts. They were somewhatflattened now as she lay but still looking pert. The aureoles prominent aroundher up thrust nipples. She moved her hands beside her nervously. There weremarks from the perspiration from her palms on the cool wood were they had oncebeen.
I allowed my cock to touch her open cunt lips. A sigh escaped her and Icould see that she was attempting not to press against me, not wanting to annoyme with her impatience. I rubbed the length of my cock over the slick juicescoating her, over her parted inner lips. It must have touched her clit as shesuddenly arched off the table. Her wide eyes still on mine as they opened again.
"Do you want me to fuck you Stephanie slut?"
"Oh please Sir. Please. Please fuck me."
I held my juice covered cock and placed it at her opening, watching herface all the time. I thrust deep. Again she arched off the desk as she moanedand I slid into her up to the hilt. Her body pulsed against me, hot and wetand needy inside. I began slow but powerful thrusts into her receptive body,my hands holding her hips. My hands touching her for the first time. She wastight but wet. Her vagina sucking me. As I fucked her I reached over and felther breasts, felt the hard nipples. I fucked her, this sweet cunt that wasnow mine to have as I pleased. The control I managed over myself, stoppingmyself from cumming quickly, was very necessary.
"Is this what you want?"
"Oh yes. Yes Sir. Oh God!"
"But you are a married woman!"
"It doesn't matter. Oh. Please. It doesn't matter it's you I need Sir."
Her body was responding to me more and more. Her need was obvious on herface as she desperately kept her eyes on mine, though they were beginning toflutter. Those eyes that were swimming with humiliation and lust, knowing hersubmission.
"You may cum when I do, not before." The ache between my ballswas getting more and more difficult to control with each thrust into her, tight,hot, ridged body. The slapping of our bodies as I took her was loud in theroom. Soon I couldn't hold it any more. I exploded inside her. Seconds laterher body convulsed in front of me. The sight of her cumming and the contractionsof her around my shaft brought more from me as she cried out and jerked herhead from side to side.
I pulled from her after a while, semen dribbling from her as I did. I satin the chair again, my cock resting wetly against my stomach.
"Stephanie come here." I watched as she pulled herself stifflyfrom the desk and stood before me, her face red, her mouth hanging slightlyopen. "I'm going to put you under again."
"Chocolate cucumber." She was standing still, looking normalbut in her trance.
You may play with your body as we talk but you must always be aware andconcentrating on my voice. Do you understand?"
"Yes." Her fingers cupped her breast and gently caressed them,squeezing the nipples gently. Her other hand cupped her mound and pulled thecombined juices from inside her rubbing them over her lips and clit slowly.
"How do you feel about being fucked by me?"
"I feel lots of things. I feel humiliated that you watched me and mademe fuck you but I've never had such a good orgasm before, my body feels sosatisfied. I feel proud that I have performed for you and that you were excitedby me sufficiently to cum in me. I feel such a slut for having enjoyed it allso much."
"Do you want it to happen again?"
"Oh yes."
"Even though you feel such a slut and felt so humiliated?"
"Oh yes. Especially for those reasons."
"Have you ever sucked cock before Stephanie?"
"No. Never."
Never?! Not even with your husband?"
"I want you to kneel before me now and clean my cock of your juicesand my cum. You will enjoy sucking cock. You will always want to clean me withyour mouth after I have fucked you. Do you understand?"
"Begin now then." She did, kneeling between my legs. Her mouthsucked and licked and kissed my length and balls, she took me deeply insideher hot mouth, and she obviously enjoyed it. Eventually I pulled her away fromme and had her stand. Her fingers went back to playing with herself. She wasobviously fairly aroused again even though we had fucked only minutes earlier.
My cock was stirring but I decided to dress. She remained passive as I didso. Then I brought her out of the trance allowing her to remember all thatwas said and all that she had done. I told her to dress and watched voyeuristicallyas she did so. As she was at the outer door, leaving, I stopped her. I knewI wanted more. Simple impatience. Even though I would now have her at my disposalI was hungry to make use of her, now.
"Stephanie, I want you to expose your cunt to me."
She looked slightly shocked, amusing considering what had just passed betweenus, but she complied. She slowly lifted the front of her skirt to reveal herunderwear. She was biting her lip slightly, then her mouth opened a littlewider as her breathing changed rhythm. She held the hem high and with her otherhand tugged down her panties, a little on one side then a little on the other,until they were tight around her thighs. The thin damp patch of her pubes showedand, just, the used puffy lips of her cunt.
"Do you like exposing yourself like this to me, like a slut?"
"Yes." Her face red again, her eyes fixed on the floor.
"Before next week I would like you to shave your cunt lips. Not yourmound, I like your hair there, just the lips so that they show at the timeI want to see them. Snip it then use conditioner on it, it's easier than foam."
"Yes Sir." Soft quiet.
"Now get over Jill's desk. Bend over it. Stick out your butt and spread."
She hobbled over to the desk with the panties tight around her and leantover, still with her skirt up around her waist. Her buttocks looked ratherpleasing. I pulled her panties down her straight legs. Her legs moved furtherapart. I ran my hands over the globes. God it was too much. I undid my trousersand took my hardness out. I just fucked her. With cumming earlier and withthe lubrication of my spunk inside her still I lasted much longer this secondtime. There was something good about fucking her clothed, especially as I wasdoing. She was crying out against the desk as I came. Again I allowed her toorgasm as I did. She was good. Her animal like sexual nature came out veryquickly each time. How her husband could refrain from using her was a mysteryto me. When she had calmed I slid from her to find her moving without beingtold. She knelt between my legs again and used her mouth on me. She felt sogood as her mouth pleasured and cleaned me. I could not think of a better usefor her.
"Chocolate cucumber." She knelt before me. "Stephanie youare to return to me every Saturday morning and your purpose is to sexuallysatisfy my needs. I am going to satisfy myself in lots of different ways butyou must ensure that you do your best to sexually please me. Do you understandthat?"
"Yes I do."
"Remember that you are only to orgasm when given permission by me.You will also make sure that you are at my disposal if ever I tell you to meetme if I feel the need to use you at times other than Saturdays."
"You will crave to have my cock inside you. You will crave it evenwhen you are not with me. You will crave to feel me filling you, to have myspunk inside you and to taste my spunk. You will crave those feelings of humiliationthat you feel when I order you to do something sexual."
"Oh yes."
"Now Stephanie you may go and clean yourself in the toilet and youmay then go. I will see you next Saturday."
After I brought out of her trance I returned to my own office and left herto depart.
The following Saturday she returned. She looked very nice in a thin blousethat easily showed her bra and the length of thigh showing had my attention.However there was something else. She strode into the office; her body languagewas very assertive. I looked at her with some surprise and concern.
"I'm pleased that you have returned Stephanie."
"Well I didn't have much choice did I?" Something was very wrong.
"Chocolate cucumber." I could actually see her body relax in frontof me. "Why are you acting so assertively, so defensively?"
"I'm frightened." Her voice was completely different to only momentsbefore.
"What are you frightened of? Are you frightened of me, what I am doing?"
"What is it then?"
"It's me that I am frightened of."
"My lust and desire has suddenly overcome me lately. It's so strong.I can't think of much else. My desires are so strong that it frightens me.I need it so much and I am frightened that you will not want me. I have notlearnt to frightened men off, to be a bit withdrawn. But with you, you know.If I show how much I want you then you will get bored and go for someone else.I am frightened that you'll leave me just when I suddenly need more than Ican get from elsewhere."
"Do you think I am bored?"
"Well you fucked me last time, maybe that one time satisfied you andyou don't want me anymore. You didn't phone. You didn't show me that you did."
I looked at her for some time, surprised by what I had heard. EventuallyI spoke.
"Stephanie, this is an instruction. You will not be afraid of eitheryour rising desire or that I will only want you that once. You will realisethat it is nothing to worry about and not attempt to hide your arousal fromme. You will be embarrassed about having such strong sexual needs and desiresbut it will not frighten you. Your feelings of humiliation about it will stillarouse you further. Do you understand?
"Why did you come here today?"
"To please you. To be used by you."
"How did you hope that would happen?"
"I wanted to be stripped and fucked."
"When I bring you out of this you will feel much better and you willremember our conversation."
When she was released from her hypnosis she sat and looked at me for a while,then her eyes dropped and she looked at her hands in her lap. Eventually Itold her that she should undress and show me her body. There was quite an amountof voyeuristic enjoyment in watching her strip. Her embarrassment was obviouswhich added to the feeling of control that she brought out in me though I knewthat once any sexual activity began she would begin to loose al her inhibitions.I was proved correct.
When she stood naked before me I had her separate her thighs, I could seethat she had carried out her instructions with regard shaving. Her lips showedbeautifully below her wispy triangle of hair. The slit between them was obviousand the lips bulged and wetness showed. This time I made sure I took full opportunityto fondle her body with my hands. I felt her give herself as she offered meher mouth and my hands roamed freely over her tight heavy breasts and thendown between her thighs. Her cunt was already very well lubricated, her juicescovering my hand. Her cunt lips were so smooth under my ministrations and asI sunk two fingers slowly inside I felt her muscles grasping and spasming.After I had brought her to gasping heights I had her suck my fingers cleanas I watched the revulsion that was initially obvious on her face turn to somethingfar more animalistic.
I fucked her on the floor. She eagerly took up position on he hands andknees. As we rutted her gasps were interspersed by pleas to be allowed to climax.I fucked her holding her hips as my shaft speared deep up inside her body,pulling her harshly onto me time and time again. Her language became more basicand coarse as I made her describe what was happening, what she was, what shewanted. I allowed her to cum before me and though I held her steady with meinside her as she screamed out and her body shook her movements as she groundagainst me plus the squeezing of her vagina around me forced me to cum as well.After she begged to be allowed to suck me. She was good, she was a good slutand an eager one. My cock remained rigid as she sucked me clean and I tookher now sopping cunt yet again this time with her bent over the desk.
Our Saturday routine was set. Each week she would come and give herself.Each week her limits would expand and her knowledge of her sluttishness increase.She became an enthusiastic and devoted sex toy. During the week I allowed herto phone me with a request to be allowed to cum. Only once per week she hadto strip for at least half an hour and be aware of her nakedness as a purelysexual thing before asking permission to masturbate over the phone. I rubbedmyself happily on the other end of the phone, each time cumming myself.
There was one other aspect that began a few weeks later. She sat dressedbefore me after she had just arrived, deep in trance.
"Stephanie when I you awaken you will believe that there is anotherman here in the room with us. When you are awake you will do everything I tellyou even though this man is present. Do you understand?"
"I will tell him to fuck you. You will feel everything that you wouldwhen being fucked Stephanie and you will know that while I have given yourbody to him to use that I am watching you. I will tell you to fuck anotherman for me Stephanie. Will that be a problem having to be used by someone elsebecause I am ordering you to do it?"
"Not if you order me."
"Will it excite you to know that you are doing that for me and thatI am watching?"
"Yes, very much. It is something that I shouldn't do but I am beingmade to."
"Good. When it is happening you will feel exactly as if you are trulybeing fucked and you will be able to describe what you are doing and feeling.You will not realise that the man is not really there until I tell you thathe is not. Do you understand?"
"Chocolate cucumber" I brought her out.
Suddenly she went bright red and looked guiltily into her lap, occasionallylooking around surreptitiously.
"Stephanie I want you to undress for this man. I want you to let himsee your body."
"But I don't know him Sir!"
"I don't care Stephanie, he's just a man to me. I want you to displayyourself for this man. I want to be proud of you in your nakedness." Slowlyshe stood and began undressing for me, and for the fictitious man. Finallynaked she stood trembling but displayed herself more at my command. Her crinkledhard nipples rose and fell noticeably.
"Now kneel down on the floor and present yourself nicely so that hecan fuck you. I am going to give you to him to fuck."
"Oh please! Oh please!" Though she was begging me not to makeher she complied as though totally willing, finally kneeling on the carpetwith her back arched and her legs apart, exposing her wide-open cunt to theman she believed to be behind her.
"Stephanie, he has a big erection and he is going to stick it intoyou. He's been given my permission to use you and he is going to fuck you hardand fast. He is going to start when I count to 3. You may cum only when I giveyou permission."
"Yes. Thank you Sir." Her voice barely audible and her head hiddenbehind her hair as she looked toward me and away from her pretend lover.
"1, 2, 3." A groan came from her throat and her body arched asshe believed a cock was entering her.
"Oh God. Oh God. He's nearly as big as you Sir!"
"Yes. And remember I am watching. Remember that you are doing thisbecause I have control over you sexually. I have haven't I Stephanie?"
"Yes! Yes!" I caressed her swaying breasts as they shook withher movements and squeezed her pebble like nipples.
Her beautiful body continued to grind and push back onto the cock only sheknew was there. It was obvious that she really believed she was being fucked.Her face was full of concentration, strands of hair were beginning to stickto her damp face and whimpers and a soft mewling sound were coming from hermouth. It was strange yet arousing seeing watching the sight of someone beingfucked yet with no one else there.
I moved in front of her and took out my aching cock. Combing my fingersinto her hair I lifted her face onto me. She slid down my length and then beganto convulse as she attempted to restrain her orgasm.
"Yes Stephanie you have two cocks in you. Such a naughty slut. Youhave to take both of them don't you?"
A strangled noise came from her mouth and her head bobbed desperately.
"The other man will cum when I do. You can then cum yourself. Makesure you are really trying to pleasure both of us now Stephanie."
Again the bobbing movements and then the exciting hot movements of her mouthsucking rhythmically up and down me. It was heaven and I was not going to stopmyself spurting deep inside her mouth when the moment arrived. Her mouth presseddown in time with the perceived thrusting of the cock into her dripping hungrycunt. The ache at the base of my cock increased and then overtook me. I wasvaguely aware of hearing my own loud sigh of pleasure as my hips jerked andthen pulsed with my seed flowing into her mouth. She gagged a little but thencontrolled herself and her body seemed to tense as she was expecting spunkto fill her both ends. I watched as her body stiffened then relaxed into herown orgasm, the shaking and muscular spasms almost bringing her mouth fromme until I held her head down. Muffled screams came from my groin as her orgasmhit, gradually dying to soft moans.
"He's coming out now Stephanie. Hold still until he has dressed andleft." We both stayed as we were, her mouth still on me, the movementsless pronounced as she sucked me dry, her hips still raised and presented fullyafter her rutting.
"Chocolate cucumber".
"He's gone now. He's left the office. You can come up." Sheknelt silently before me.
"You will remember being fucked. You will remember your excitementat being offered to another man by me. You are happy that I think sufficientlyof you that I feel confident that you will be a good slut for me that I cantrust you to pleasure others."
"Yes." My sudden concern faded as I realised I had covered a possibleproblem.
"On Tuesday evening you will have sex with your husband. You have toregardless of whether he feels like it or not. If necessary you are to useevery device that she could even using your mouth on him if necessary. Yourhusband is to cum inside you as he fucks you but you would have to wait forrelease until you described what happened in detail and have been granted permission.Do you understand?"
"You are to realise that your husband means nothing to me. I am simplyinstructing you to have sex with another man than me?"
"All the time you are seducing him and being fucked you will be awarethat you are carrying out my instructions and doing it for me again. Havingsex because I require you to do it. It is happening only because I want youto do so and that you have been given to another by me even though he doesknow that himself. You will only have sex with him on the day and at the timeyou are instructed. Is all this clear to you?"
Each week I would instruct her to have sex at a particular time or refrainfrom having sex that week. Each time she was to understand that I was offeringher body to another. She became so aware of the fact that I could use her evenwhen I wasn't even present that she admitted her arousal and frustration whenbeing fucked at these times that it was like physical pain. She was far morehumiliated by this than even having to frig herself off for me over the phone.The first time she described seducing and fucking her husband she was sittingnaked for me. Her thighs began to squeeze together and she rocked on the surfaceof the chair as she described the events. Her need was obvious and building.I told her to lean back in the chair and as she did her thighs opened revealingher reddened lips covered in her wetness. I allowed her to touch herself asshe was talking and she did so without thinking to start with, by the timeshe realised it was too late for her, she was begging for release between gaspsof narrative. She came with my permission as she described how she felt withsomeone's cock inside her, someone that I had told her to fuck. When she stoodthe chair was stained with her considerable leakage's.
Eventually I decided to make use of her in the evenings. As she sat dressedand ready to leave one morning I put her under again. Her face, as she satthere, betrayed none of the animalistic sexual gymnastics that she had so recentlypartaken of moments earlier, other than a flush around her cheeks and throat.
"Stephanie I wish you to meet me on Tuesday evening in the multi-storeycar park near the office. Do you know where that is?"
"I want you to be on the first floor near the west side. You will notrealise beforehand that you are to meet me though you will have made an excuseto your husband previously.
John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25 th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day, he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all. The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent smile on her face. Norma talked...
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CLAIMED- THAT, all the incidences mentioned hereinafter are true and NOT FIGMENT OF IMAGINATION CLAIMED- THAT, all the incidences mentioned hereinafter are true and NOT FIGMENT OF IMAGINATION. They are reported as they have occurred in my life. In the same sequential order. Only the names and locations have been suitably changed and abbreviated to avoid SCANDAL. Training of an INDIAN Finance Analyst. BEGINING ?I had never imagined that a time would come when I will feel like writing...
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John Stefanovitch was helping Norma with the shopping, which, for the most part consisted in carrying the bags. There were some things that were bugging him, but he wasn’t sure if he should ask. Finally, he gave in to the urge. “Norma, Mrs. Tandy has been in some kind of accident, hasn’t she?” A wide smile split Norma’s face, and her head tilted to one side. “Does she look like someone who has not been in an accident?” She remained silent for a while, then said: “It was a car crash.” “Her...
John Stefanovitch was helping Norma with the shopping, which, for the most part consisted in carrying the bags. There were some things that were bugging him, but he wasn’t sure if he should ask. Finally, he gave in to the urge. “Norma, Mrs. Tandy has been in some kind of accident, hasn’t she?” A wide smile split Norma’s face, and her head tilted to one side. “Does she look like someone who has not been in an accident?” She remained silent for a while, then said: “It was a car crash.” “Her...
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This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
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Her hand felt soft and warm in his. She had found some comfort, and was reluctant to let him go. John could sense her pain and tension, her misery. He was kneeling before her, as if in prayer, desperately wanting to make her feel better. But there was nothing he could do for her. “You were so kind to me,” she said and smoothly withdrew her hand. For a moment, he felt useless and empty. Then, he realized how important she was to him. He reached out and gently touched her cheek. Reflexively,...
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I woke up with only one thought in my mind. I’d broken a rule, a big one, twice. I was a very bad girl and, if she found out, she’d punish me. I was the only one who knew… I turned myself in before I’d even eaten breakfast. She trusted me, though, so I came clean. I’d cum twice, even though the second time was while I was sleeping. Still, she needed to know. Her reply was immediate. Thank you for being honest with me, Miss Spencer. Your penance will be doled out on Saturday. Instructions to...
I woke up with only one thought in my mind. I’d broken a rule, a big one, twice. I was a very bad girl and, if she found out, she’d punish me. I was the only one who knew…I turned myself in before I’d even eaten breakfast. She trusted me so I came clean. I’d come twice, even though the second time was while I was sleeping. Still, she needed to know.Her reply was immediate.Thank you for being honest with me, Miss Spencer. Your penance will be doled out on Saturday. Instructions to follow. And...
BDSMThis is a story about a sexual FANTASY written for consenting adults. If you're not both of those, don't read it. Characters in a FANTASY don't get sick or die unless I want them to. In real life, people who don't use condoms and other safe-sex techniques do get sick and die. You don't live in a FANTASY so be safe. The fictional characters in my stories are trained and experienced in acts of FANTASY - don't try to do what they do - someone could get hurt. If you think you know somebody...
I woke up several times during the night, though not for long. Once to find my Mistress slipping back into the bed with me. I assumed she’d gotten up to go pee or maybe get a drink of water. I remember smiling sleepily and maybe mumbling something out loud, but that’s about it. The next time I’d felt something soft brushing my lips and awoke to a soft kiss. Hers and the, somewhat surprisingly, Mr. Vandermeer’s.“Hi?” I whispered, blinking sleepily in confusion. Glancing at the window I could...
BDSMDear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...
So there I was. Detention. As usual. Girls like me ended up there a lot. I'm your stereotypical punk rock fuck up, a troublemaker. And so at 3:38, as usually, I was in room 204, Detention. I sat there looking down at homework, pretending I was doing it. Just then, Heather Sanchez, the feisty Hispanic homecoming queen came waltzing through the door. She took a seat down next to me, and I gave her a shocked look. I mean, who'd imagine that the perfect teenage girl would end up next to me? There...
LesbianI am NOT the simply sharing orgasmdeShannon becomes infatuated with her employer and learns about her darker desires.“Do you trust me?” she asked, and I’d answered without thinking, my words followed with a soft kiss, my body tingling all over as she pulled me closer, her tongue slipping easily between my lips.“Of course I do. Why would you even ask?” I answered, breathlessly, feeling the welcome warmth of desire kissing the insides of my thighs. She gave my ass a quick squeeze and...
A day went by, then two. Two became three, which in turn became four, then five. Days filled with longing while my nights were filled with dreams, dreams from which I’d wake up to find my pussy drenched and my nipples as hard as rocks. I’d lay there, face buried in my pillow, hands clenching the edges, desperate to finish the job that my dreams had started as I replayed the memory of me, laying naked on the floor, Mrs. Vandermeer looming over me as I let go a stream of golden liquid…Lick it up,...
BDSM(MMF, wife sharing) At the time I write this story Andrea, (My wife) is 36 years old, and quite a knockout. She's always been into bodybuilding and has been a runner since she was a k**. With all of the attention that she has given herself, it really shows. At her age she still has a hard body, and a deep rich "California Girl" tan. Her chestnut hair is beautiful. And her dark brown eyes seem to see right through me sometimes. My Andrea is a beautiful "self made" woman that any man would be...
Nandhini Chechi fed me her excess breast milk and surrendered her pussy to my 8” cock.Dear friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on [email protected] The incident happened when I was 18...
Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Brandee series is intended for adults only. Additionally, no part of this story may be reproduced without the permission of the author. Becoming Brandee Chapter Fourteen: It was almost a year since I had been transformed from smart independent CD girl, Jenni, into sweet dumb and adorable bimbo, Brandee. It was also Halloween and the final evening performance of my promotional tour being staged back where it all started, the...
Andee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversAndee felt a little reluctant as she stared at the calendar hanging on her kitchen wall. Scribbled in among her children’s sports and music lessons were the pending dates of her fall travel schedule again. At one time, she loved the idea of jetting off for a few days every month to another distant location for business, easily slipping into her professional role as a career woman on the move; but this time around, she felt a little hesitant.Of course, a big part of her reluctance was a direct...
Wife LoversMrs. Andrews was the wife of a real obnoxious jerk that Kyle and I worked with. We'd met her different times at company functions and wondered how her and her husband ever ended up together. We were all getting into our 40's now, but he had really gone soft, while she still looked sexy even if she had a few more curves to her.Kyle and I were constantly talking about what we'd like to do to her but didn't know how she'd react if we tried to do something. One day, after her husband Bill had...
There weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversThere weren’t many people in Andee’s day-to-day life that knew about her naughty little secret. Even though she had been posing on an adult website for over twelve years, she had managed to keep it under wraps for the most part; and the people to whom she did disclose the information fell into two categories: intimate friends and persons of seductive interest.Her good friend Bella – a wild one in her own right – was someone Andee had entrusted with the knowledge. In fact, Bella had often played...
Wife LoversI’d been on pins and needles all day, anticipating the moment when Abby would allow me to have an orgasm at her whim. She’d promised, and I was fairly certain that, as long as I didn’t mess anything up too badly, she’d keep her promise. I was so focused on that potential moment that my mom actually asked if everything was alright with me. I think that my reaction, blushing and mumbling nonsensically, gave her the impression that I was hung up on some boy, a notion I did nothing to discourage...
BDSMAndee carefully removed the letter from the envelope. She had just come home from work to find it placed on her pillow, plainly marked "Just For You." She knew it was from her husband, as he had departed on his business trip earlier that day. And, as he often did, he had some scheme cooked up to add a little excitement to her life. This time the plan was for her to travel to meet him at the end of his trip in Las Vegas. He was attending a trade show and managed to get an extra flight. What she...
Wife LoversI had just finished my first year of college and my mom and dad insisted that I go with them on a quick summer trip to visit one of mom’s old college buddies in Austin, Texas. Normally, I don’t mind such gatherings, but for some reason or another, Austin just didn’t appeal to me. I had been there many years before and didn’t find the city attractive. When we arrived, there were the customary hugs and greetings- since our family is Hispanic. (You have to love a culture that embraces hugging!) I...
First TimeAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...
Andee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...
Wife LoversAndee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...
Wife LoversAndee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...
Wife LoversMrs. AndersonI spent the last year in High School at Andrew Jackson High in Jacksonville, Florida, as an exchange student. I arrived two weeks before school started, on the 30th of June, on my eighteenth birthday. I could see the blue sea, the beautiful beaches and the high rise buildings as the plane banked before the landing; the sun was shining and everything felt almost... magical. Ten hours before I had left a rainy Stockholm and now I was gonna spend the next year in this shiny paradise....
Ms Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...