Industry Analyst free porn video

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Industry Analyst Sawyer checked his watch as he moved through the streets of Manhattan toward his dinner meeting. He felt hurried and anxious for some reason even though he had plenty of time. Was it anxiety, he wondered? No, it was excitement, he reassured himself. He was actually excited for this meeting. "Well that's a first," he thought. He could never have been prepared for what was really going to happen tonight, however. It had been eight months ago when Sawyer, a Principal at the boutique financial firm, had approached the executives, his bosses, with the idea to add fashion and fashion retail to the sectors they analyzed for investors. He was dying of boredom having to research everything from mining operations to medical supplies. It seemed all the cool and interesting sectors were covered by the other analysts and he was tired of hearing stories of movie launch parties and industry events that he didn't get to go to. Sawyer needed to find an industry that was fun and attractive that he could lead. The idea had occurred to him one lazy Sunday as he and his wife Greta sat on their couch reading. He'd taken to reading her fashion magazines since they were always strewn across the apartment. At first, he'd just flip through the pictures. It was fun to see celebrities and models dressed up. But soon he'd become fascinated by the aspiration of it all and more than once found himself daydreaming about the world of high fashion. The partners had been hesitant at first since they were all men and primarily focused on large consumer and industrial sectors; ironic as this sector was bigger than almost all of the others. Fashion had never occurred to them, but Sawyer had shown them the size of the market, almost $2 trillion, and how investors would find it a nice diversification strategy. All they needed was an in depth look into the market so they could credibly advise clients. And so, after many months of back and forth, Sawyer was given the green light to deep dive into the business world of fashion. What better city to be in than New York to do just that? It wasn't a long walk from his offices off Madison Avenue and 43rd. He walked west into the Garment district to 7th Avenue and went down to 39th. He had on his finance uniform: lace up leather shoes, nice slacks with a flat front, buttoned down oxford and a "casual" vest to show they world they were no longer suit clad duds but rather hip and with the times. He tried not to hurry as he didn't want to sweat under his fleece vest. As he rounded the corner of the final block to his destination his phone buzzed in his pocket. He looked at his watch but could have guessed who was calling. Greta. "Hey, what's up?" he asked still moving up the block. "Hey, honey. I was just calling to tell you I was home now. You're heading to dinner, right?" asked Greta. "Yeah, almost there now. I don't think it will be too late since we're starting at 6:30." "Great. I have so much to tell you about that little snake Liz in my office. Guess what she did today? She actually went into the meeting and..." Greta continued on for several moments. Sawyer loved his wife of three years dearly, and normally actually enjoyed hearing the office gossip from her work. It beat having to explain his day to her, which he had no desire to do once he had gotten home each night. But tonight, he wasn't in the mood to hear more about how Liz had been passive aggressive to her coworkers. "Hey, hon, I'm at the restaurant so I'll need to get going. Finish the story when I get home?" he asked. "Oh. Yeah of course, honey. Who are you meeting with tonight?" He had been avoiding telling her all week because he knew Greta was a fan and devotee of the man with whom he was having dinner. Primarily, he just didn't want to have to field questions about it all week. He had planned to tell her tonight when he got home, but guessed now would be fine since he'd need to hang up and go into the restaurant. "Greyson Oliver," he said matter-of-factly. "Greyson Oliver...wait, like the Greyson Oliver!" she almost shouted into the phone, suddenly excited. "The designer, Greyson Oliver?! The one I'm looking at in Vogue right this very minute?" she gushed into the phone. He could picture her desperately rummaging through one of the half dozen fashion magazines she left by her favorite chair in their small apartment some thirty blocks north. Indeed, one of the recent issues had done an in-depth interview with him discussing, among other things, not only his genius with evening wear but also his uncanny ability to find and hire new modeling talent for his shows and photo shoots. A half dozen of the most highly sought-after models had all started by working for him, or so the article explained. "Yeah, that's the one," he said with a big smile on his face. He was excited too. "Holy shit, honey why didn't you tell me? Oh my god! What are you going to talk to him about?" "The firm is going to start covering the sector," Sawyer said calmly. "So, we needed to begin doing industry interviews. One of the partners knows someone who knows him and set it up. I'm sure it will be as boring as the rest of them, honey," he lied. "Oh my god, you have to tell me everything when you get home! Wait, can I come down there and meet him?" she asked hurriedly. "I won't make a scene I promise. Or I could just sit at the bar and watch. Please?" Sawyer imagined her poor parents dealing with their little girl who wanted a pony. "I think we should leave the stalking out for tonight, what you think?" he responded, chuckling. "You have to tell me everything when you get home. I mean everything do you understand. Not a detail left out." "Ok, honey." "I mean it! I will fucking kick your ass if you don't." "Ok! Geez baby. Relax. I'll tell you everything, okay? Now, I gotta go." "Everything!" she said, and the line went dead. At least she didn't drag it out he thought. ******* Sawyer pushed open the door, a full ten minutes early, and walked in, letting his eyes adjust to the darker atmosphere. The hostess inquired as to his reservation status and he produced the correct name for her to check off her list. "Party of two?" She asked unnecessarily. "uh, yes, two" he said as he scanned the room. "Your guest is already seated. Follow me," she said sweetly. Sawyer worriedly checked his watch again. "He's already here? He's crazy early," he thought to himself, growing embarrassed that he'd left a world renown designer sitting alone waiting for him. The restaurant had been Greyson's choice and was an upscale brassiere style with warm lighting and d?cor. It was a fun spot, not too big or crowded and focused on the food given the diminutive size of the bar he walked by. The Hostess walked him to the back to slightly more secluded table in the corner. A man sat alone, back to the rest of the room, reading from the soft glow of his cell phone. The Hostess motioned to the table, smiled and left. "Mr. Oliver?" Sawyer asked as he stepped to the far side of the table to face him. "Yes, are you Sawyer?" the man responded looking up from his phone. "Yes sir, I'm sorry to keep you waiting," he said offering his hand, a hint of his southern upbringing apparent for just a fleeting moment in what was an otherwise hidden accent. Greyson rose from his chair with surprising agility and took Sawyer hand in his. "No, no, I wasn't waiting at all. I escaped from my studio upstairs," he said gesturing to the ceiling, "to come down for a drink before our dinner." Sawyer saw a half-drunk glass of red wine on the table. "Please, sit. I'll have Dominic come get you a drink," he said and looked back over to the kitchen, open and exposed. A frenetic energy danced across the restaurant emanating from the kitchen as its staff prepared for the full dinner crowd. A man in a black shirt noticed Greyson and came over. The men took their seats opposite each other and Sawyer asked for a glass of the same red. As Dominic walked away Sawyer took in the man in front of him. He wore all black, but for now Sawyer could only see a black button-down shirt tastefully open at the neck and made of some sort of magical cotton fabric that was all at once soft, sturdy and chic. His hair was thick and dark and perfectly coifed as though he too could be a magazine model. Sawyer pictured him in a fragrance ad, rugged and aloof. "Thank you for taking some time tonight Mr. Oliver, I very much appreciate it." "It's no trouble. And please, call me Greyson." The conversation proved to be effortless and Sawyer was captivated by the man across the table. Sure, he was a celebrity of sorts, but more than that, he was worldly and interesting. He was even a bit mysterious. It wasn't Sawyer's job to interview him like the Vogue reporter had, he was meant to get background on the industry and to discuss its future with the people who would take it there. But he couldn't help being fascinated with the man across from him and how he connected his vision with the aspirations of women the world over. After all, he didn't design ready-to-wear that one found at the discount department stores Sawyer had grown up shopping down south. His was a world of high fashion and glamour. The stuff you saw on the red carpet at awards shows and in the movies, not on the rack at the general store on main street. They ate and talked for almost two hours, interrupted only by the half dozen texts Greta had sent him asking for, in effect, a play-by-play. Thank the lord he hadn't told her what restaurant, though by now she had used the 'find my phone' feature and triangulated his exact location. The check came, reasonable by New York standards, and Sawyer gave his credit card to Dominic who dutifully went off to run it. "But Sawyer, if you want to understand the industry you really need to see how we do what we do. If you have time, why don't we pop upstairs to the studio for a bit and I'll show you firsthand?" Greta was going to lose her shit when he got home tonight. "That would be incredible, Greyson. But, seriously, you don't have to take any more time. I'm sure you have better things to do than to show me around." "Don't be silly, it's only twenty floors up. Do you have time?" "Of course. I definitely have the time," Sawyer said as Dominic handed him back the receipt to sign. "Great, we can pop out the back door to the freight elevator. My secret way up." Greyson made a point to thank Dominic and waved to the owner chef in the kitchen before leaving out the back. Sawyer followed him and soon they were lurching upward in the large freight elevator, a remnant from when the building was heavily involved in manufacturing garments. The elevator opened up on to a large studio which took the entire top floor of the building. Greyson had store fronts around the world and likely a showroom somewhere as well, but this was the heart of the fashion house, where it all happened. They had kept the old hardwood floors, brick and exposed wood beams, but had basically updated the rest of the space to a modern operation. Greyson spent a half hour walking him around studio, now devoid of workers, showing him the various stations and specialties from the art department to where the seamstresses would assemble his vision. He had purposefully walked him around so that they ended in a section of the floor that had the finished pieces, gowns mostly, wanting him to understand start to finish how they got to hanging on a rack. It was incredible, Sawyer thought to himself. He would have guessed there was a lot of effort put into these pieces but to be walked through it, step by step was incredible. And there were so many. The entire back corner of the floor was rows and rows of dresses and accessories going back several seasons. Greyson had begun to discuss the system they used in arranging them all when his phone began to ring. "Excuse me, please. This will be a supplier in Asia. I'll need to take this," he said apologetically. He answered the phone and walked back to his office at the opposite wall, leaving Sawyer alone with the racks of beautiful gowns. He thought to text Greta but knew if he did it would open the flood gates. He'd text her when he got in the cab later. His eyes wandered down the row of gowns and he began to peruse through them. There was a lot to take in, the colors, the fabrics, the details. Lace, beading, buttons, zippers, he saw the same thing over and over down the row and none of them were the same. He ran his hands over fabrics and enjoyed the cool sensation on his skin. "How could you think of this many ways to make a dress?" he wondered. He came to the end of the racks and turned toward the long row of windows facing west. The sun had already crested the horizon but the faint glow of it still lingered in the sky. The lights of the city were already blazing. Against that wall, almost in the corner stood a lone rack of perhaps a half dozen gowns near an old fashion partition screen used for changing behind. Sawyer wandered over and was immediately taken by the gowns. There was something almost magnetic about them, like they called to him. Clearly, they were finer and more beautiful than the rest. He couldn't take his eyes off of them. As he stepped to the rack, he saw a tall mirror to his left he hadn't seen hiding behind the partition. He reached out and touched the first dress and was immediately rewarded with the exquisite feel and texture of the soft fabric. A sort of warmth flowed from it he felt in his chest and throughout his body. He pulled the first, a lavender creation, from the rack and held it up. What would it feel like to fit into this gown he wondered, absently holding it up to his body? He turned and examined himself in the mirror; images filled his head, dancing, laughing, flirting and the warmth feeling spread further through his body and into his mind. What would it be like to have the fabric against his warm skin? If he should have felt odd as a man holding up a dress and wondering what it would feel like to wear, Sawyer didn't notice. His attention and thoughts were only on the gown. But Lavender wasn't his color. He kicked his shoes off as he returned the lavender gown to the rack and tried the one next it, again holding it up and examining it against himself in the mirror. He did these three more times, each time becoming more animated with the gown and his reflection in the mirror, swaying and swishing waiting for it to speak to him, before rejecting it and picking the next. He removed his vest and then his shirt as he carefully took the next gown from the rack. He was blissfully unaware, now, of anything else around him, so enthralled was he by these beautiful long gowns and their fabrics. He held the red gown up, holding it close to him and spinning around watching himself in the mirror as though he were dancing at a fairytale ball. He imagined himself stepping lightly as his partner twirled him, the hem of the dress spinning out full and elegantly before falling again to its resting state. Sawyer was in a dream like state now, a trance really, unable to break away, not wanting to regardless. A soft voice, more pronounced now, seemed to whisper to him again that the red gown was not for him. He removed his pants and socks, now standing only in his boxer briefs and select one of the remaining two. As his hand brushed the fabric reaching for the hanger, he knew this was the gown for him. It spoke to him in quiet tones and dreamy visions. He picked it up and a euphoria washed over him, pure joy. He lifted the heavy, full gown up and off the rack and carefully held it to him studying the daring structure of the design in the mirror. He held it away from him, searching the back of the garment for the zipper. Slowly, carefully he pulled the zipper all the way down to the end, opening the back of the dress. He slipped off the hanger and returned it to the rack then lowered the dress, lining it up to step into. He brought his first foot through the opening and felt a wonderful sensation run up his leg. He stepped his next leg in, and the same sensation enveloped it. Slowly, he pulled the dress up his thighs, the delicious tickling sensation spreading upward as he did. He brought the fabric slowly past his hips and felt as his sex melted away and his hips reformed. He brought it up just a bit higher and his waist was brought in, soon to be a perfect fit to the gown's measurements. Now, smiling, delighting in reverie, he held the top of the dress and lined up the armholes. He slipped his right arm down into the long sleeve, slowly pulling it up the length of his arm as it morphed to fit the delicately thin sleeve. His now long, thin feminine fingers escaped the end, lengthy gorgeous nails at their tips. A delicate hand followed, emerging from the sleeve and opening like a blossom on a warm spring day. He tugged at the top of the sleeve, pulling the dress up over his shoulder which similarly transformed, now smaller and more delicate. He brought his right hand across to hold the dress at the top and slipped his left arm slowly, deliciously down the sleeve. His new feminine hand again emerging from the delicate lacey fabric of the long sleeve. Sawyer finished pulling the dress up to his neck in the front and felt his bosoms emerge into the soft sewn-in cups. He stood there, looking into the mirror, his boyishly good-looking face atop an impossibly feminine and beautiful body. The long sleeve black silk dress was adorned with ornate stitching that ran down the bodice and full floor length skirt. The sleeves were the most beautiful delicate lace and mesh and came to his thin wrists. A smart bow punctuated the front of the dress at his new waist. "I see you've found the Seven Enchantresses," a voice from behind him came. It was Greyson, returned from his call. Sawyer was still in a wonderful trance aware of Greyson but enthralled by his transformation. "These are very special dresses indeed. Made from fabric sent to me from an ancient order of monks," he explained as he walked up next to him. "Let me zip that up for you so we can see how you look." Greyson gently took the zipper of the dark gown between his fingers and slowly pulled it up until it stopped at the very top of his neck. As it did, Sawyer's face metamorphosed into that of a stunning woman, his hair flowing out and down his neck in a feminine style. Sawyer the man was gone. Sawyer the woman, a goddess among women really, stood before the mirror admiring her own reflection. "Yes, you are a beauty, aren't you?" Greyson said standing close behind her. "Simply gorgeous." Sawyer had at that moment a vision of the life he could lead as this woman, as a model for Couture House of Greyson Oliver. He smiled and leaned back against Greyson, the warm euphoric feeling again overtaking him, making him feel better than he ever had in his life. "It's wonderful," he said, now in a voice unfamiliar to him. A woman's voice. The sound of it seemed to pull him from the trance and back into consciousness. "What, what happened," Sawyer said, fully regaining his senses. "Not to worry dear Sawyer, all is well," said Greyson. "You've put on a rather special gown is all and it is giving you a glimpse of a new you, a different you, and perhaps a different life you could have, if you want it that is." Sawyer, now in a state of mild shock, walked close to the mirror. As he moved, the wonderful swishing sound of the gown's fabric moving against itself, hem sliding delicately across the floor, came to his ears. His hands went to his midsection and discovered his impossibly small waist. He leaned in and examined his flawless, gorgeous face, younger than his years, and soft brunette hair that fell in easygoing curls down his neck, now past his shoulders. He was a vision he decided. Or she was, whoever was in the mirror. "Now, you'll have many questions, my dear, I'm sure but let me just get you some proper shoes. Never make an important decision without the right shoes on!" he exclaimed and hurried over to the rows of accessories across the room. Sawyer was still lost in his own reflection, turning this way and that, admiring himself with a growing sense of affection. Greyson returned quickly with a pair of lovely black satin four-inch heels with little satin bows on the top. He bent town and easily guided Sawyers newly formed feet into them. "Now, before you say anything, let's just see you walk over there," he said gesturing back over to the racks across the room. Sawyer walked slowly, wary of the heels toward the racks of dresses. With the new height, the hem of the dress was now nicely suspended just above the floor eliminating the threat that he'd step on his own hemline and crash to the floor. He could feel his hips swaying and how the heels pushed his rear up accentuating the lovely curves now hidden by the full skirt. He could feel the soft giggle of his breasts and he felt like his hands were so delicate they might break if he wasn't careful. He walked until he ran out of space then put his hand on his hip and spun around striking a pose for Greyson as if he had been a real catwalk model. "Marvelous, my dear, and with such flare! How does that feel?" Sawyers smile faded as the reality and absurdity of the moment seemed to return to him. "What the ever-loving fuck is going on? I'm an actual woman, Greyson. And stunningly beautiful! This can't be real," a feminine, slightly southern accented voice exclaimed from his lips. "It is, though. Very real. Most people would never have the chance to experience this," Greyson explained walking to him. "The Enchantresses don't work on very many people and almost never on a man. I'm actually quite stunned that they called to you." He seemed to become lost in a momentary thought as the words left his mouth. Sawyer vaguely recalled hazy whispers that had seemed to come to him as he approached the gowns for the first time. They had called to him and he had felt their draw. Greyson seemed to come back around, out of his thoughts. "But the question really is how do you feel? Do you feel like you? Or do you feel like something foreign and strange?" Sawyer searched his feelings. The sense of joy really hadn't left him yet, which he supposed was why he wasn't freaking out. No, he felt good. He felt natural and normal. He liked the feeling of the dress hanging from him and walking around, posing for Greyson. This was his body, every inch and, if he was honest, he felt better than he did just minutes ago. "No, I feel good, like this is my body. Like this is the body I'm supposed to have," he said then immediately wondered why he had said it. Was that true? "Well, then, you are quite lucky to have found it. We don't all get to have the body we feel we're supposed to have, do we?" he said coming up to him and lightly putting his hands on Sawyers now delicate upper arms. My he is handsome, Sawyer thought looking into Greyson's face. How had he not seen how good-looking Greyson was earlier? "Come, let's get some more wine and let me explain some things. Come," he beckoned. He scooped up Sawyer's old clothes and took Sawyer's hand leading him back toward his office. Sawyer again felt the thrill of how the dress felt as he crossed the floor, the weight of the garment pulling on him, the swish of the fabric. Even the click of his new heels resonated with him and the warm joy he felt seemed to get stronger. Wearing the gown made Sawyer happy. When they had crossed the floor, Greyson pause in front of their photo area, a thought coming to him. "Would you mind, darling?" he asked motioning to where the models posed out in front of the camera. Sawyer, apprehensively at first, obliged and stood where he was asked. Greyson took a series of pictures of Sawyer who, at Greyson's urging and behest, did his best to pose for the camera, somehow happy to do it. They huddled around a small MacBook as the pictures were transferred from the camera to its hard drive. They were both stunned to see just how gorgeous the model in the photos was. She seemed happy, earnest and real, and lovely in an ethereal sort of way. In short, the woman in front of the camera belonged there in a way that only few did. "Amazing," said Greyson. "With just a little refinement on your poses you could easily be a cover model, top tier, no doubt." Sawyer almost blushed at the praise. He scrolled through the shots again, his slender fingers working the small laptop's touch pad. "This woman really could be a super model," he thought. They took the laptop with them as they continued on to Greyson's spacious office. A long couch took up one wall and Sawyer sat, tucking the skirt of the dress as he did, careful not to damage it. Greyson produced a bottle of wine and two glasses. He opened it and sat down close to Sawyer. Almost at once he could smell Greyson's wonderful cologne as it danced its way to his nose. He studied Greyson's features, wanting to touch his magnificent face with his new, delicate hands. He had such wonderful, beautiful eyes Sawyer thought and he stared deeply into them as Greyson spoke, almost transfixed. They sipped at the wine while Greyson explained the history of the gowns he called the Enchantresses. He spoke about the monks who had sent him the fabrics years ago when he was just starting out. Explained how he had made them and how they had turned a handful of friends and colleagues into impossibly beautiful women, many of whom were now world renown models. He explained that this too was Sawyer's option, to stay in this super-model like body or to return to his life as a financial analyst. "She" was more beautiful than any of the others who'd worn the gowns he assured him. "I can change back?" Sawyer asked, slightly relieved that he had options. "Of course, just take the dress off. Simple as that." "Ah. Well, I guess that makes sense. I suppose it is a relief..." They each sat there, thinking. Greyson began to smile, knowing what was about to come. "...And...if...if I don't want to? You know, if I don't want to change back? What then?" Sawyer said, taking another sip of his wine to buoy his apprehension for asking. Greyson grinned. And there it was. They always asked. "Well, we found that out quite by accident not long after I made the dresses. It seems that if you, ah..., take in the male seed, shall we say," Greyson explained, clearly choosing his words carefully, but looking down at his crotch so that there was no misunderstanding, "then the changes become permanent." Sawyer watched him as he spoke. His thick hair never seemed to move, and he imagined running his new thin fingers through it. That scent, too, Sawyer thought, was incredibly attractive. He felt the euphoria again course back through his body, giving him conviction and courage. He was incredibly attracted to Greyson, and it felt right. "Take in the "seed"? You mean...sexually? Like, you have to have sex?" he asked. He was mildly surprised he wasn't at all put off by the thought. Sawyer's pulse actually quickened as he pictured what that would entail. "Yes, that is what I'm saying," Greyson responded, putting his glass of wine on the side table. Sawyer slid even closer to Greyson, lascivious thoughts starting to crystalize in his mind. He'd never looked at a man and felt desire before, but that was exactly what his now female brain was thinking. He wasn't just attracted to Greyson; he desired him. Without thinking Sawyer leaned in and kissed him, tentatively at first and then deeply. The kiss was returned with enthusiasm. Sawyer slid closer still so that he was almost on top of Greyson's leg, kissing him and running his fingers through Greyson's wonderful hair. God this felt good, he thought. It felt true. His conviction grew still and solidified, and he knew now what he wanted. His right hand descended down and found Greyson's belt buckle. Soon he had unclasped it and gotten the loose end through the buckle. Greyson did not stop her. He knew she had made a choice and let her do what she felt she must. They always chose this. No one ever wanted to go back to what they were when they could be the embodiment of beauty perfected. The pants were opened and brought down his legs and the underwear soon followed until his fully-grown member stood erect and beckoning. She didn't hesitate. She didn't stop to consider the life altering choice she was making or the impact it would have on her life or those in her life. She did not stop to consider how to legally exist in society not as Sawyer the man, but as Sawyer the now woman. She did not consider any of the dozens of problems and issues the disappearance of the man would create. She had only want, not consideration. She instead took his phallus into her hand and stroked him, using her own saliva as lubricant. She found quickly that she relished having him in her mouth and felt only the electricity of desire flow through her as she sucked and rubbed him to climax. She had never wanted anything more in her life than to have him right there. Sawyer the woman savored every last drop of the salty seed as she took it in and swallowed Greyson down. Her own euphoria grew and crescendoed as she did, manifesting into a small but powerful orgasm, the result of which changed her forever, setting her new form. When she finished, she brought her head up and looked at him. "I accept," she said letting her southern belle accent loose, now fully, utterly and forever a woman. "Yes, love. You've made the right choice," said Greyson, pulling up his underwear and then pants before again kissing her gently and lovingly. He leaned forward to the laptop on the table in front of them and opened it. Soon he was posting a few Sawyer's best shots online with a caption that read: "The House of Oliver's next face" "And, just like that you have a new career. Now, let me help you out of that dress and why don't you go play amongst the clothes, find something you like?" "Mmm, yes please," Sawyer said in a wanton tone. They both stood and she let Greyson unzip her, delicately removing her arms from the beautiful sleeves, careful not to damage them as she did. Soon she had stepped out of the dress and was nude save for her shoes and some ill- fitting boxer briefs. "There's panties, bras, anything you need out there. Go have fun!" he said to her. She started to turn to head toward her shopping spree, a large smile punctuating her face. "Oh...but Greta," she said gravely, suddenly concerned. How could she possibly have forgotten about her wife? Greyson looked down at the black gown now hung over his arm and had an idea. "Not to worry. Unlock your phone for me?" Sawyer smiled. Yes, that would work. She rummaged through her old pants and produced the phone. With a swipe it was unlocked, and she handed it to Greyson. "Thanks so much," he said as he watched her retreat from his office. Greyson looked at the home screen of the phone and noticed 11 unread texts, all from Greta. Sawyer had mentioned her at dinner, and he smiled as he read the texts asking how the meeting was going. He tapped on the name and then tapped on the phone icon to call her. "Hello Greta!... No, this isn't Sawyer, I'm sorry. I borrowed his phone to call you. This is Greyson... Yes, 'the' Greyson Oliver...Yes, thank you... Well, I'm flattered, really... yes, thank you," he responded at the staccato pace of praise that was coming from the phone. He looked down again at the Enchantress gown laying across his arm and smiled again. "Listen Greta, I wonder if you wouldn't mind coming down and hanging out with us? Sawyer and I are looking at the new line and have delightful bottle of wine and thought you might like to join us. I have a lovely gown we think you might like to try on... You would? Oh, fabulous! I'll text you the address. Yes, yes...goodbye." He looked again at Greta's profile picture and decided perhaps the lavender gown...

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Stella shuffled her papers into a neat rectangle and slid them into a leather portfolio. Around the table, the other members of her team were doing the same. They were all locals, but Stella had flown in from headquarters on the East Coast for the meeting. Now she was ready to be gone. Nobody really knew what to expect ahead of a kick-off aquisition meeting like this but, from Stella’s point of view, it had not gone well. Ero-Tech’s technologies were certainly interesting, but they had...

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EvolutionistChapter 10

Stars and Stripes: Despite new incentives, including a sign-up bonus for new enlistees, the Pentagon announced that the armed services would not reach their recruiting goals for the year. The National Guard is reporting a similar shortfall. The White House had no comment. The next day Brendan awoke wondering if he had done something unforgivably stupid. The fat, jiggly clown could probably identify his face, which would not be a good thing for a man with a felony on his rap sheet. As he...

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The Young Prostitute

After I pulled over I saw her looking at the back of my car. She slowly made her way over to me and I pushed the button for the passenger window to roll down. Damn she looked hot in her mini-skirt and tight t-shirt, showing her firm, well-rounded breasts. She leaned over and looked into the passenger window. "Need a "ride"?" I grinned at her evilly and it took her a moment to figure out I was picking her up. But then she half-smiled and nodded. "Get in." She opened the...

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Graduation Day and Beyond Part 3

Graduation Day (and Beyond) - Part III By Janis Elizabeth First Date, First Kiss Janet looked through her closet searching for just the right outfit that would make the right first impression on Megan. Although they rode to school daily, and Megan helped her mom do Janet's and Elizabeth's hair, Janet still considered tonight her chance to make a good first impression. After looking at several skirt and blouse combinations, Janet looked at her dresses. She selected one in green...

1 year ago
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TouchMyWife Madison Lust My Wife8217s Nervous Payback

Payback is a bitch and so it my wife Madison Lust. I cheated on her awhile ago… blondes get me every time. When she calls me to tell me she’s in our bedroom with another man (Brickzilla), I’m a little worried. When she sends me a video of his huge black cock, I’m downright terrified. She films herself trying to suck his fat cock, she can barely get her jaw around it. She rubs her pussy lips all over this guys massive member before sliding it in to stretch herself out. It...

1 year ago
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Sharing the MILF List Ch 03

Airtight Training is over, Airtight MILF #1Driving away from the Honeywell residence, I reflected on the successful sharing I had just experienced. Sammy was at that very moment lying naked with his mother in her bed doing god knows what. I felt curiously content but still tense, wound as though waiting for something to happen, which of course I was. I glanced at my mother. "Are you ready for tomorrow?" I asked. Mom folded the seat divider up and moved over to lay her head on my shoulder....

2 years ago
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Cynthias Detention

Detention By RockbohunkCynthia's parents were tired of her promiscuous lifestyle and enrolled Cindy in an all girl school. She had been suspended from public school and arrested several times for misdemeanor offences. A change of scenery for Cindy and a separation from her friends were their last hope for their rebellious teenage daughter. Cindy found herself in more like a prison than a school. It was a K-12 institute where they all wore the same uniforms, a plaid knee high skirt and a...

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Die Sklavenregelung

"Wir müssen", sagte Frau Dornschröder und erhob sich vom Lehrerpult, "wir müssen den neuen Vorschriften Rechnung tragen. Deshalb habe ich Sie als Eltern der Schüler heute hergebeten und sie sind auch alle meiner Einladung gefolgt. Dafür herzlichen Dank". Ein leises, zustimmendes Murren ging durch den Raum. "Ihre Kinder, soweit sie in meiner Klasse sind, haben Sie auch mit gebracht. Damit können wir also anfangen".Sie trat jetzt vor den Pult und nahm einen Stapel Zettel in die Hand. "Ist eines...

2 years ago
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From Sam to Sarah A genrebending story of sexual and personal discovery Chapter 2

The anticipation was eating me alive. My girlfriend, Aubrey, a strikingly sexy, gorgeous, blonde, polyamorous, bombshell grad-student and I had been living together for about three months. She had taken my virginity and was the dominant one in the relationship. She had been fucking another guy, Scott, every other weekend for about two months, and I had finally asked if I could be there in the room next time he fucked her.She sat there, pensively deliberating. Her adorable eyebrows were...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Tommy King Pregnancy ScareTactics

A man, Micah (Seth Gamble), is visited by his stepsister, Abby (Tommy King), who is upset as she clutches onto him for a tight hug before being led inside. Once they’re comfortable, Abby reveals that she’s convinced her fiancé is going to leave her, which shocks Micah. Micah offers to help her in any way he can, though reminds her that sometimes relationships, such as their own parents’, don’t work out. Abby seems to brush this off as she insists that that’s why...

2 years ago
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TG Tales from the Panty Drawer 2

TG Tales from the Panty Drawer 2 - It'll scare your pants off! (Two more twisted tales of poetic justice) by Jennifer TALE ONE - "They Always Go In Pairs" "Hey guys!" Stephanie shouted over the sounds of the boisterous crowd. "Linda and I will be right back . . . we've got to use the Ladies Room." "Oh come on Stephanie . . . not now!" Mark pleaded with a slight tone of frustration in his voice. "It'll take forever! The concert's about to start any minute now." "Well...

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Any Friend of Yours

Sam was sprawled over the sofa watching snooker. He’d put a casserole in the oven, and he was drinking a beer. Cassie would be home any minute. It was Friday evening. The girls all went for a drink after the office closed, so Friday was the evening he cooked. His mind wandered to what they might do after dinner and he hoped that a full blow job might be part of the action, but such things depended on how well he satisfied Cassie first. Suddenly the front door opened and he began to rise to...

3 years ago
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Touching My Heart Part I

After my HMO refused to work up the pain that I had return after my coronary arterial bypass graft (CABG) surgery following a heart attack, I wasn’t daunted. Since I was in a city rich in teaching and research hospitals, I called around until I talked to the principal investigator in a cardiac research unit. His major project was gaining better understanding of atypical chest pain. While my particular issue didn’t quite meet the program recruiting goals, he told me that he needed volunteers, on...

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Stuart part 1

My name is Claire Olivia Milton. Or at least... It used to be. I was born on 2nd March 1990, the second daughter of three, to two loving parents. My father is a manager at a big investment firm, my mother- 15 years his junior- was his secretary until she fell in love with him, got married and had three kids. Growing up I wanted for nothing- I lived in a big house, was spoiled rotten, went to the best schools... And yet, from a very young age I knew something was wrong, not with my...

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Naughty Bad Girls First Time

Reading all the first time stories, really go me to thinking about mine.. It was with my then at the time boyfriend, Who I had met through my cousin, Sheena. I was seventeen and he was eighteen. His name was Patrick. He was not the usual type of guy I went for at the time. He was tall, built and a bad boy. He had blue eyes and brown hair. It was a cool day in september and I was visiting my cousin for a week or two. Patrick and I had been dating for about a month by then, up to that point it...

First Time
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I Woke Up The Beast In My Wife 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, this is your Harish with another story again. This is normal cuckold story where husband introduce a guy in his sex life for one night fun which turned their life upside down. This story is based on common plot which is used in so many stories posted before but I try to give it in interesting way also its little long story so I give in different parts. It’s totally a fiction story and I didn’t copy from any other post its my own writing, if anyone feels that this story is repeat...

3 years ago
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The Demons Harem Part Three Demons Powers

The leader of the demon guards, Cail, had successfully scared the girls into complete silence. He separated them into 6 cages by themselves, lining the now fully lit hallway they had seen the young unconscious blonde girl get carried down only moments ago. Six demons for the six remaining girls. They sat or stood quietly, awaiting the worst. Cail spoke to them like the slaves they were. You will not struggle. You will not fight. Not if you value the precious soft skin on your bones, you wont....

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The Condo SwappersChapter 13

Jenny Thomas sat on the living room couch with her legs drawn up beneath her and her head resting on Alan's chest. They sat there snuggled together, watching television. "Did you have fun last night at Sarah's?" asked Jenny. "Sure, I guess so," answered Alan. "Didn't you?" "I don't know," she said. "We've been going there every week for a month. At first, it was a lot of fun, but now it bores me. I get tired of the same people fucking me every week. I'd rather meet...

1 year ago
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2 twin horny girls

Dear friends, this is bobby here again with a very new refreshing experience with 2 ladies. For the people who don’t know me i am 36/m from india and have posted many stories here at iss. Coming to this experience, through my friend ranjana i met 2 twin sisters nearly a month back. They are ranjana neighbours. Their names are veena and priya. Ranjana introduced me to them and later they got in touch with me through phone. Veena called me once and wanted to meet me. I called her at my office as...

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Getting ByChapter 7

I was a bit surprised by the lack of ore cart rails in the mine shaft until I examined the timbers shoring up the tunnel a little more closely. They were roughly cut from the spindly local pinion trees, suggesting a one- or two-person operation. As such, instead of ore carts on steel rails, they probably used wooden-wheeled hand carts or mule drawn sledges. As I made my way into the tunnel, I watched carefully for branch shafts and dropshafts. To my relief, there were few of the former and...

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Sweet Melissa and Sour SarahChapter 26

Nearly a year later, mid-august, Sophie rang the doorbell of a small light blue house on the northern edge of Columbia, Missouri. She knocked as well when the wait seemed long. A taxi cab idled at the curb. Finally the screen door opened and then the outside door. A beatific grin greeted her. "Sophie!" yelled Melissa and embraced her. "It's so good to see you," she said quieter into the lean mulatto's ear. "What are you doing here?" "I'm looking for Sarah," Sophie said and began...

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Saturday With the Pervs

Saturday with The Pervs (Author’s note: The following story is a fantasy created by the author and nothing more. It is intended in NO WAY to condone or encourage incest as an action or lifestyle. As I wrote this I had a certain image of what the Perv women would look like and picture certain ladies in the adult film industry in their roles. You are of course welcome to imagine however you like. Now, without out further ado, enjoy J ) Saturday morning came bright and quiet to Perv house. Sam...

2 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 135

“The artist lives to have stories to tell and to learn to tell them well.” —Criss Jami, Killosophy “I KNOW IT’S SHORT NOTICE,” John said. Yeah, if it had been any shorter, he’d have caught us all naked. Fortunately, he called before interrupting our party. I still wasn’t sure how secure anyone’s clothing was. He’d arrived ten minutes after the call. “I’ve been filming through the whole start of semester. I’ve got tape of the posters in the hall on time-lapse. The school is going to...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS5e11 Hannah Smith

Series 5, Episode 11: Hannah Smith (21) – Newcastle We open with our beautiful shot of the United Kingdom – from space ... Pause for a moment – then our cartoon version of Charley, our top heavy host appears, floating with us for a second before she waves for us to follow her as she dives down toward the planet at hyper-sonic speed, dropping from a low-Earth orbit to sea level over the North Sea, off the north-east coast, in just a few seconds. From here we race toward the coast, a beach,...

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Calming Her On A Nervous Flight

I’m pretty sure she knew I checking her out. With tits like that how could I not? My cock was fucking rock hard from the moment she got on the plane and sat down beside me. Her big soft tits brushed up against me a couple of times as I tried to be considerate and give her room to sit down.I tried not to stare and oogle over her big breasts, but I just couldn’t help but look at them out of the corner of my eye. I’ve seen some impressive breasts before but never anything like this. Only in...

3 years ago
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Punishing Lily Part One

I walked into my lecture theatre, sitting heavily in the seat that my arse instantly recognised. I was early; a usual habit of mine on the first day. It doesn’t do to be late and the first day back is always the hardest. I was a bit too early, though, honestly. I found the idea of forty minutes waiting a little distasteful, but I was already committed. I stretched back in my seat, scratched myself and kicked my feet up on the table. I figured a bit of relaxation before another manic semester...

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Housewife Trapped

Hello to all readers…this is my first story on net so forgive me if any spelling mistakes are there.. this is really true will feel the reality in this story.. this story is about a housewife seduced and trapped by me and my friend Rohit helped me in doing this. My name is Sazy , im 25 year old doing job.this incident is about 4 years back. Rohit is one of my best online friend i had,we chatted for around 3 months before trying this.Rohit likes to chat about his wife Sunita.According...

1 year ago
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Improper Suggestion

Young Sam Barnet was a dreamy shy boy, yet he was extremely sexual; he stared at women, particularly large breasted women, and he fantasized about them. When he saw the new neighbours his eyes popped out for Mrs Braymore had enormous tits, they stood out like two pointed mountains and seemed to bounce as she moved. She watched young Sam on several occasions and noticed his eyes were often glued to her chest; he had a tormented look about him and she wondered what was going through his mind....

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WebYoung Jane Wilde Melody Marks Jazmin Luv Shared Hall Pass

Melody Marks and Jane Wilde, two teen girlfriends, are canoodling in bed when they start playfully questioning who they’d cheat with if they had a ‘hall pass’ – AKA a free pass to hook up with ONE other person. They both coyly say that there is SOMEONE they’re thinking of, but each girl won’t let the other one know WHO that is. Melody and Jane play a little guessing game, each trying to suss out the other’s choice. Eventually, they agree to both say...

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Six Times A DayPart 102 Shop Around

Alan felt bad. Horrible, actually. Physically, he was a wreck. First, he'd pretty much fucked the afternoon away, and that was only the culmination of a very busy sex-filled day. His body was exhausted. His penis was lifeless and sore. Not only that, but now he had to bicycle back home from Kim's house, and it was a long and hilly ride. But worse than all that, he felt bad mentally. He knew that he'd screwed up. The plan for the SA-Club had been to surprise Sean with the display of anal...

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The Island

The Island The small plane leaped into the air. Roger Kramer watched the dials nervously as his older brother Vince took them out low and fast. Behind him, Dashel Conroy chuckled, running his hands through the money. The armored car job had been perfect. Roger had come home from Iraq with ten kilos of C4 hidden in his bags. He had also spent four years learning how to blow things to hell, and a year disarming IEDs at about two bucks an hour. Vince, his older brother, had been in stir...

4 years ago
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fun motel meeting

Wayne first contacted us from another site, a man about our age looking for some fun. We hadn't played for a while so we agreed to meet him at a coffee shop to see if he was for real. He showed up right on time and we chatted for a while about working, k**s, and how hard it is to meet real people online. Lorraine (Mrs. Easy) agreed that we could meet Wayne for some fun. Wayne and I traded some emails agreeing on a date and I booked a room at a Guelph motel. We got there first and I...

2 years ago
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Amazing OnLine Hook Up

So this happened several years ago. My husband and I had just gotten married. For fun sometimes we used to talk with other couples or sometimes guys on dating sites to make things interesting. It was his idea. I’m not sure why he was into it other than it seemed kinda like a harmless obsession for him. He said he liked watching me chat with the guys. See what they would say about me and how I’d respond. It never really went beyond that but I always got this crazy mix of feelings when...

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Screwing Michelle

I had driven over to visit Michelle, my girlfriend, at her college over Labor Day weekend. She was a 19 year old virgin. She had fair skin, with dark hair and eyes. We had been dating for nearly a year and I really wanted to fuck her! Unfortunately, she was raised Catholic and did not believe in birth control. This made a real problem for me because I was not interested in getting married to her, which is what would have to happen if I knocked her up. Regardless, I still really wanted to just...

3 years ago
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Meri Family Jismai Mai Apni Sex Ki Bhook Kai Liya Use Kiya

Hi, dosto mai Sanjay Agarwal meri family mai ekbhen ek mom dad aur meri mast bibi hai.Teen aurtai itni sundar ki kissi ek ko chod lo tojanat mil jai. Sabsai phele to yai bata du ki sex stories ko jitna padnai mai maja ataa hai utna hi ja aap apnireal story likhnai baitho to usai kahi guna jayda maja ayaiga. Mai apni story pa atta hu, Surat karta hu jab mai matra 19 saal ka tha tab meri bhen 18 saal ki thi us samay mai sab sa phele usai gandi najar sai dekhnai laga aur jab mauka lagta usi ki...

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The Ministers DaughterChapter 2

The doctor hadn't been enough, but he had whetted her insatiable sexual appetite. He had also given her freedom with the pills. Freedom to fuck whenever and whomever she wanted. And fuck she did. Almost every boy in her class at school had her at least once. She was so intense in her needs and in her sexuality that few of them ever came back for more even if she had wanted them. Usually she didn't. They disappointed her. On any given night she could be with one boy or a dozen. One night...

1 year ago
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What to Do

Hank found himself wondering what he and Amanda should do. He was Amanda's father and for several months now, he and his 16-year old daughter had been intimate lovers. In fact, it was Hank who had actually taken Amanda's cherry pussy that Friday night several months earlier when he and her had found themselves alone at home and they let one thing lead to another until Hank had pulled Amanda's T-shirt up and then he unsnapped the front closure to her sexy demi-bra and before he knew it,...

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Mouthfull of cum

Well I've never considered myself straight as Ive always appreciated a nice big cock though I've never realy done anything other than being sucked off many time through gloryholes in mens toilets when I was as horny as hell.So I’m driving back south on the A34 from Oxford. And see someone thumbing. Its Christmas so I pull over. I say I’m going as far as the A303 and says OK and hops in. He’s a young lad and after a while tells me he’s been with his girlfriend but he’s annoyed as she wont let...

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MomDrips India Summer Frisky Business

India Summer is a hot blonde MILF who knows exactly what she wants. That is why she was able to rise on the corporate ladder so quickly. Now that she is the boss, she does not have time to put up with bullshit. So, when her assistant keeps fucking up simple tasks, she yells at her to get the hell out of her sight. She calls our stud in to chastise him for recommending her as an assistant just because she is his girlfriend. But he wants India to keep his girlfriend on the job, and he is willing...

2 years ago
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Lauras Dirty Diary Lunchtime Alley Sex

Laura’s boyfriend shares the meeting information with his two pervy classmates and invites them along. All three boys conspire against Laura to get her naked. They all see Laura as nothing more than a sexual plaything and a easy and willing target. Laura arrives at the alleyway shortly after twelve and walks to the end of the alley expecting to see her boyfriend alone. To Laura’s shock she see’s her boyfriend and his two mates. She is fully aware of their reputation and is dubious about...

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CousinChapter 15

The three headed upstairs. Dan didn't bother putting any clothing back on at all, but had the two girls leave on their wrist and ankle cuffs so they "could stay used to being captives." This brought a couple of giggles, but actually both of the young women found it exciting, knowing they could be restrained at any time. Lisa had spent almost all of the time she had been here before completely naked, but this was Diana's first experience of going without clothing for any length of time. To...

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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 6 Amy and Linda

Salt and Pepper. Sugar and Spice Chapter 6 Amy and Linda. With a big grin, Amy said, "No longer wishful thinking. Linda asked me to marry her. And, I said yes." "What! When were you going to tell me? Where's your ring? When?" Ronnie said. "Easy love. You're almost as excited as I was when you told me that you and Jason were getting married." Ronnie grabbed Amy, and hugged her, and kissed her on the cheek....

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BlacksOnBlondes Nina North 01232018

“It looks like you workout!” And with that understatement, Nina North makes not only her Dogfart Debut, but an incredibly sexy debut with her Bull, Davin King, and his massive, uncut piece of black meat. Nina’s a self-professed “Size Queen”, but the second she tried to wrap her beautiful, supple lips around Davin’s incredible girth, even Nina knew banging Davin was going to be a challenge. Thank goodness her cunt was soaked! It was wet from the very second...

4 years ago
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Purna My Mistress 8211 Part 1

Hai friends this is Shiva, 20 years old, from Delhi. We are a family of four members. My dad is in the ’60s, mom she was in the ’50s. Now coming to my sister, my love and my heart Purna Didi. She is 22 years old with very smooth skin and perfectly shaped body. She can make everyone starve for her with her looks itself. You can imagine her structure. After dad entered into 60 he stops working, mom is also a housewife. So she won’t go out. So the total responsibility of my family is on my lovely...

2 years ago
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Hinjwadi Se Bedroom Tak

Hello all ISS lovers and readers. I am a big fan of iss site and longtime reader. After reading good stories in iss, I want to describe my first experience with you people. Now let’s come to the story and please allow me to describe the story in our national language Hindi. Mera naam krishnkant (kk) h, mai pune ka rhne wala hu, meri age 26 h aur ek mnc me job krta hu. Mai thoda bold type ka ldka , baat 6 month phle ki h mai wakd me rhta hu aur roj hinjwadi office jata hu, apni byke se , ek din...

1 year ago
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A great fuck with mom

Hi tis is raj im now 29 yr old from tamilnadu.. Here i want to share my sex life with my mom… my mom now 38yr old with stunning figure.. Her breast is awesome..huge size.. Her nipples r very hard…she is very fair…i went to market often to buy vegetables… all of them look at my mom with sex in mind.. My mom talks freely with every one.. So all of them talks with my mom…. My mom and dad having sex regularly… wen i m studying in school me my mom and dad usually sleep in same room.. 2 cots r there...

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MomDrips Jeanie Marie Sullivan MILF Mouth To Mouth

When Jeanie Marie Sullivan meets her stepson, things do not exactly go to plan. The beautiful MILF does some cooking, but unfortunately the boy is allergic to her ingredients! The poor guy faints, and the only way to revive him is do some mouth to mouth. Jeanie gets on the floor and after a little tender love and care, she revives the nerdy guy. Then, she flashes her brilliant blue eyes as she sucks his big dick on the couch. The young MILF screams as her stepson licks her sensitive clit. Then,...

3 years ago
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The Gift Part 1 of 2

I was completely at ease as I jumped into the car. I was out from my hotel to a bar that my friend Jim had told me we could meet. Jim and I met years previous over the internet. A little site called xHamster had randomly allowed us to become friends. You see, Jim has a wife who he kept insisting wanted some black cock. He wanted to watch and of course could supply the black cock.For years we had chatted and planned and shared pictures and vids. I had pressed him time and time again to get his...

1 year ago
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Die Zeitreise

Die ZeitreiseIn einer anderen Welt:Anna hatte die Geschichte von einem guten Freund geh?rt und dar?ber gelacht. F?r wie naiv hielt der sie?Eine Zeitreise in das Mittelalter, das war nat?rlich v?llig unm?glich, der wollte sie veralbern.Sie hatte die Maschine gesehen und glaubte es nicht! Diese Plastikkapsel sollte jemanden in die Vergangenheit bringen? Unfug.Dann hatte dieser Typ, Hans nannte er sich, ihr einen Handel angeboten. Sie w?rde das Kost?m, dass er f?r sie aussuchte, anziehen und...

2 years ago
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Fantastic Sex With Married Bhabhi Without Condom 8211 Sex Teacher

We as youngsters always fantasies to have sex with a married women. So friends this is my true encounter of sexual relation with a married women of 36. My name is Ajay , I am 23 years old and the women name is Shalini. Shalini is 36 years old working women. She has 2 kids of age 11 and 8. Her husband is mostly out of station due to work. In a month her husband is out for almost 20 days minimum. The absence of her husband and sex led Shalini to get intimate with me. She looks good and has stats...


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