Shattered Hero
- 2 years ago
- 16
- 0
The plan was simple. Hop the fence in the southwest corner of the property, move through the trees to the tall bushes along the side of the house, pick the lock on the side door just off the laundry room, and disable the alarm. Advance to the second door passed the kitchen, the safe is located in the wall behind a framed, signed, personal letter from John F. Kennedy, out the same way you came in less than ten minutes. Like taking candy…
It had been a year since I got the job in the law offices of Thomas Webb, a high profile attorney and political hopeful in the Arlington, Virginia/D.C. area. According to him, his great grandfather was one of the first English settlers at Jamestown.
A smirk would smear his face and you could almost smell his smug satisfaction as he would say to anyone who would listen, ‘Back then it was Webbe with an e! Granddad was one of the first to call Virginia home!’
He was married to a former Miss Georgia, who I must admit, seemed very nice, but who I was never sure about based solely on her taste in men. Tom Webb was the type of man who had never taken one sip of cheap liquor and never taken a bite without a silver aftertaste from his spoon. He was a man who wouldn’t understand, a man who couldn’t understand, what it meant to do what you’ve got to do. Unfortunately, I did.
‘$9.84.’ The gas station attendant held out his hand.
I gave the attendant a ten dollar bill and he dropped the pack of cigarettes, the Gatorade, and the Snickers bar into a cheap plastic bag. I dropped the change in the penny cup and walked out. A pack of Wrigley’s spearmint hidden in my pocket. I sometimes steal things like that, you know, for fun.
I turned the ignition and James Brown screamed into the night air…It’s a man’s world…
In a flash, I’m 12 years old again and my older brother, Lenny, and I are out on the front porch of our house on the South Side of Chicago, timing each other to see who’s faster at picking the lock on our front door. James Brown screams from the old stereo, drifts out through the front windows and into the street.
‘You’re never gonna beat me! I’ve gotta be the fastest lock pick this side of the Mississippi!’ Lenny teases and falls over himself laughing.
I snatch the pick and tension wrench out of his hands and yell, ‘Go!’
The lock is set in place in seconds and I tumble through the front door. I push myself up off the floor and dust myself off. I can see down the front hall into the kitchen. A late afternoon sun shines bright through the dirty windows, bathing the kitchen in an ethereal glow. My mother is in her cooking apron and laughing as my father spins her, dips her, and dances her off her feet to the sound of music. In my memory, the scene resembles a moving Norman Rockwell, a remnant from some perfect time and perfect place that may or may not have existed. It’s a sight I’ll never forget.
Dad died not long after that, killed by a drunk, off duty cop who was stumbling home from a bar. The cop spotted him coming out the back window of the local jewelry store. He claimed that my father pulled a gun, raised the weapon to fire, and only then reacted and pulled the trigger, putting two shots in Dad’s chest. The evidence was all there, a .45 caliber pistol in dad’s right hand, the diamonds in his left. Case closed.
I rolled down the window and the cool air hit my face as I exhaled a long trail of smoke.
Mom recovered as well as could be expected. She knew her husband’s trade and the risks involved. She didn’t have a break down or anything like that, she’s always been a strong woman, but to say she was the same would be a lie. She simply turned into another cynical, middle aged woman, with a mild drinking problem. Something she never would have become.
From the beginning, the investigation was a steaming pile. Everyone who ever knew Dad knew the cop’s story was a lie. Dad never carried a gun. Never. The jeweler was an old Jew who lived down the street from us and, at first, reported to the police that some of the diamonds were still missing. Then one day he showed up at the house with a broken arm.
‘Fuck you, Jerry! Fuck you!’ I peeked out from behind a corner as my mother screamed at him in the kitchen. The glow, gone.
Mr. Berkowitz spoke closer to a whisper, his voice full of regret, ‘I’m sorry, Ann. My family…’
‘What about mine, Jerry?! What about Michael’s?!’ Mr. Berkowitz had to avert his eyes as she stopped and glared, acerbic and malicious. A glare that could cut down the strongest of men and the weak jeweler was no match.
But she knew it was useless. ‘Just get out.’
‘Ann, I’m…’
‘Just get the fuck out of my house.’
As it turned out, Mr. Berkowitz had asked my father to steal the diamonds. The insurance company wouldn’t pay out unless it looked like a genuine burglary. So, Dad planned everything, the idea being they would split the insurance money and resale of the stolen goods down the middle. But you can’t plan bad luck.
We didn’t have the money to fight the City and, at that time in Chicago, the corruption went right up the chain of command. No career aspiring detective in his right mind would take on an officer of his department, and my father, being a career thief, wouldn’t get any sympathies from a jury. Besides, after all was said and all was done, nothing would bring Dad back.
When I was young and had a bad day, I remember my mother used to come into my bedroom at night and whisper a fragment of Longfellow.
~Be still, sad heart, and cease repining, ~Behind the clouds is the sun still shining, ~Thy fate is the common fate of all, ~Into each life some rain must fall, ~Some days must be dark and dreary.
That was the last night she ever did.
I turned into a dark neighborhood and parked. I lit another cigarette as I took a quick inventory of my tools and stepped out into the night. It was a little over a mile through a field and forest to the back of the Webb estate, and I needed to get moving.
Dad’s death hit Lenny hard but opposite of what you’d expect. Lenny went straight. Never drank and never did any drugs. Finished high school and immediately enrolled in the Police Academy. He became a cop to fix the system. As he says, ‘Fight the man from the inside. Like a fucking virus!’ His favorite song is that one by The Kinks and Ray Davies, I Am Your Man, and he still blasts it in his car on his way to the precinct every single day.
~Money and corruption are ruining the land ~crooked politicians betray the working man ~pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep ~and we’re tired of hearing promises that we know they’ll never keep.
He’s like a mod/punk Dirty Harry. Lenny’s a good cop and a good man, but no one is perfect. Everyone has a vice and his is gambling. He gambles on everything and not just a final. On a football game he’ll bet the coin flip, first downs, passing yards, quarter scores, and the amount of penalties. Anything you can think of, he’ll gamble the outcome. Once he tried to bet me twenty dollars on whether the car in front of us would turn right or left. To say he has a problem is an understatement.
A couple of days ago, my mother called.
‘Robbie?’ she said loudly into the phone as if I was standing yards from the receiver. ‘Robbie? You there?’
‘Yeah, Ma, yeah,’ I answered, pulling the earpiece back, ‘I’m here, but I’m at work and can’t talk long.’
‘Robbie you gotta speak up. You know my hearing is going.’ She said.
‘Sorry, Ma,’ I said, a little louder. ‘How are you?’
‘Well, you know I’d be much better if you called once in a while.’ I rolled my eyes. ‘Your brother showed me how to get the e-mail so you could send one of those. And you know, I can read and I can write and the Postal Service has been running as long as I can remember and despite all this technology, they say it’s still running, so you…’
I interrupted her
, ‘Ma…really, I’m at work…’
‘I’m just saying, Robbie. Anyway, have you talked to your brother?’ she asked.
‘No, it’s been a while.’
‘Well, Captain Murphy called and said this is the second day he hasn’t shown up and no one can get a hold of him.’
Instantly, I knew he was in trouble. Lenny had only three loves in his life. One was Mom, two was his work, and the third was his gambling, which Mom was unaware.
She continued, ‘Do you remember his friend, Detective…um…Mathis? I think? I’m not sure, but Captain Murphy said he sent Detective Mathis over to his house and his badge and gun were still there and all his clothes and things were still there.’
‘I’m sure he’s fine, Ma,’ I lied. ‘Maybe he met a girl.’
‘That’d be nice, but I’m worried, so if you hear from him…’
‘I’ll let you know. Talk to you soon, Mom. Love you.’
‘Ok, sweetie, I love you too. Oh, and you better be taking care of Sarah.’
‘She’s healthy. Bye Ma.’ I said quickly and hung up the phone.
Damn it Lenny.
My life as a professional thief ended the night I met her. I was walking home from a job when I came around a corner to see her held at knifepoint, being pulled into the park.
The next thing I remember, I was standing behind the thug. He hadn’t heard or seen me yet. I threw my bag down to his left as a distraction. He gasped and everything went silent except for the pounding drum in my chest. His right hand pulled the knife away from her neck just enough for me to make a move. I grabbed his wrist with my left and twisted near the point of breaking. He fell backwards and I stuck him in the jaw with my right, knocking him out cold.
I stood over him in the silence. Another gasp from behind me broke me from my trance. I snapped around.
The dim yellow light from a nearby street lamp lit her face through the trees. Tears were running down her face and her mouth was open but she didn’t make a sound. She was in shock…and she was beautiful.
I held out my hand, ‘Come on, I’ll walk you home.’
‘We should call the police,’ she said, breathlessly.
A pause as we looked at each other in the darkness. I thought about the score in my bag.
‘No,’ I said. She looked at me, frozen.
I sighed and pulled out my cell phone, dialed 911, and handed it to her. She didn’t take her eyes off me as she put the phone to her ear.
She closed her eyes and took a breath, regaining her composure quicker than I expected.
‘Hello? I’ve just been attacked by a man in the park. Yes. Near Clark and Fullerton.’
I went over and picked up my bag. I always carried a couple of zip ties and I fastened two together and fixed the rapist’s wrists.
‘My name is Sarah,’ she said into the phone, ‘Sarah Reeves. Ok, I’ll wait for them there.’ She hung up and looked at me.
‘I have to go,’ I said.
Without a word, she handed me the phone. I took it from her hand and there was another pause as we looked at each other. Silently, I nodded and turned away.
From behind me I heard, ‘Wait.’ I stopped but didn’t turn around. ‘I waitress Tuesday through Saturday nights at Sal’s.’ I smiled to myself and walked off into the trees.
The brush was thicker than I expected and it was slow going, but I was unconcerned. I had planned accordingly. The Webb’s neighbors’ lights were beginning to shine through the woods and the gentle rhythm of the wind through the trees was soothing and kept me calm.
Every night for the next week and a half, I stood across the street from Sal’s, chain smoking cigarettes and watching her through the windows. I could break into a warehouse with armed guards and a top notch security system without a sweat, but for the life of me, I couldn’t get the nerve to go talk to this woman.
Finally, on the twelfth night, the diner was slow. Fuck it, I said to myself. I stamped out my third cigarette and crossed the street. Sal’s was a 24 hour, Hollywood themed diner that served classic American food. They were particularly good with breakfast, as most all night diners are. As I opened the door, Sleepwalk by Santo and Johnny began to play on the jukebox. A bell rang as the door closed behind me and all the employees looked over. She looked up from the register and looked at me standing in the doorway. She stared back at me and I searched her face from across the room, looking for any sign to stay or flee. An older gentleman with a funny limp greeted me.
‘Evening, sir,’ said the old man, handing me a menu. ‘Feel free to have a seat anywhere. We have a special on waffles and the coffee’s always free.’ I looked back up to where she was and didn’t see her, the kitchen door swinging and creaking on its hinges.
‘Thank you,’ I responded after a pause, ‘I’ll just take a seat at the counter.’
A few minutes passed and the old man brought over a cup of coffee. A group of college kids were sitting in a corner booth, laughing. A truck driver sat a couple of seats down the counter from me. Another older gentleman and his wife sat at a four top table, drinking coffee and doing crossword puzzles. A biker sipped soup in another booth.
The kitchen door that leads to the back of the diner swung open. Time slowed down as she moved through the door towards me, like in some cheesy, 80’s teen movie, but with a better soundtrack. That walk could have lasted forever and I would have asked for just a little longer.
‘Hi.’ She said, softly. Again, silence washed over the Earth.
‘Hi.’ I answered, nervously.
We stared at each other for a long time. I sat motionless in my chair looking up at her. She was looking down at me from behind the counter. She bit her lip the way only young women know how to do, and I got lost in her and almost proposed marriage right then and there.
A glass shattered in the kitchen, snapping us back to reality from our daydream. It was enough to ease the tension. We turned back to each other and laughed. The college kids, the biker, the older couple and the driver looked over at us and, embarrassed, we awkwardly apologized.
And all it took to change my life was a shattered glass.
‘I’m glad you came in.’ She said, gently, almost as a release. ‘Every time that stupid bell on the door rang my palms got sweaty. In the last week, I’ve gnawed off all my fingernails and misplaced my keys more than I’ve ever done in my entire life.’
I said, ‘I’ve been standing outside for the last two weeks,’ and quickly realized how creepy it sounded and said sheepishly, ‘Wait. That’s not what I meant.’
She smiled and I melted.
‘I mean that I’ve been standing outside, trying to get the courage to come in and say hello.’ She shyly laughed, ‘You had plenty of courage last week…’
‘That was easy compared to this…’
She laughed again, ‘…like a walk in the park…’ The old man came over and interrupted, ‘Sarah, the older couple and that biker guy are ready for their checks.’
‘Ok, Sal,’ she answered and turned back to me, ‘Hold on a sec.’
She went over to the register to prepare the checks. Sal eyed me up and down on my stool.
‘I’ve never seen her crack.’ He said, as he turned his head to Sarah, ‘Not once. I’ve seen a thousand men try and a thousand men fail. But they all have a spot. It doesn’t matter how strong or stubborn they think they are, every last one of ’em has a spot where they break. If a man is persistent and patient enough…if he can find where she breaks…that perfect place where she feels like a little girl all over again…take her where fairy tales and dreams come true…’ Sal’s voice trailed off as he leaned down on the counter until he was close to my face, and He whispered, ‘If you hurt that little girl, I’ll cut your nuts off and feed ’em to ya in an omelet. You understand?’
I looked at him and couldn’t help but laugh a little bit. ‘Yes, sir,’ I said.
He winked and smiled as Sarah came back
‘Honey why don’t you take the rest of the night off? I can handle this crowd.’ Sal said to her and started towards the kitchen.
‘What? Sal, are you sure? I don’t mind.’ She answered.
I jumped in, ‘To tell you the truth, I was really hoping for some waffles.’
Sal turned back to me, ‘Oh, you’ll get your waffle if you want it.’ Then to Sarah, ‘You are officially off the clock. I’ll get you some coffee.’ And Sal limped back into the kitchen.
Sarah sat and talked with me while I ate my waffles, and we sat there in Sal’s Diner, talking and drinking coffee, long after I was finished. She liked her waffles with strawberries. She drank her coffee with cream and sugar. She liked romantic indie films and loved both The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. The town she grew up in had less than five stop lights. She had her first kiss with a guy named Cory on a Ferris wheel. Her mother was a nurse and her father was a writer. She sang in the shower. Her favorite sound was the wind running through the trees. She preferred a bagel with cream cheese but also liked a good donut with glaze.
When we finally left Sal’s, the early workforce of garbage men, delivery men, and bus drivers, etc., was starting to filter in. Neither of us wanted to go home, so Sarah and I walked down to the lake. We kept talking and eventually I told her about my profession and about my father’s death.
‘I don’t care about the past,’ she said. ‘But if you want to see me again, you have to stop.’
I thought for a moment, but it was easy.
We sat quiet for a long time after that. As the sun rose over the lake, we made a promise to each other to never lie, no matter how big or small. We’ve been together ever since.
Under the trees and cover of night, I stood looking up at Thomas Webb’s house. I reached into my bag and put on my gloves. I pulled out my old mask and fixed it to my face. The memories of old jobs and scores rushed through my mind as I peered up at the mansion through the plastic. I traced the invisible path I was going to take through the yard. I visualized the layout of the interior one last time and pulled myself over the fence.
‘Hello?’ I answered the private number on my cell phone a day after Mom called asking about Lenny.
I sighed.
After a pause, I asked, ‘Lenny? How much?’ He breathed heavy into the phone and said, ‘One fifty.’
‘Christ, Lenny!’
‘I know…I…I know…’ His voice trailed off.
‘When do you need it?’
‘By Monday morning.’
I rubbed my eyes with my free hand. Neither of us spoke for several moments.
I broke the silence, ‘Len, Sarah and I don’t have that kind of money, you know that…’
‘Yeah, I know…’ he said, apologetically. He continued, ‘You know I would never ask you to do anything unless I was in some deep shit, Robbie.’
I did know. My brother never asked me for help.
Sure, Lenny was a cop and he could ask some of the other guys on the force, but they can’t protect him from that type of debt, not from the type of people he owed. If Captain Murphy found out he was down that much he’d probably stick his boot square up his ass and push him out the door and say, ‘You’re on your own because you’re a fucking dumbass!’ And these people would make him just disappear.
‘I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t promise anything,’ I said regretfully into the phone. ‘I just don’t know, man, I just don’t know…’
‘It’s all right, I’ll check back with you on Sunday,’ he said.
‘Okay, Lenny. Be careful.’
‘Thanks little bro,’ he finished and hung up the phone.
I needed to think. I’ll take an early lunch. I got up from my desk and grabbed my coat. At that moment, Tom Webb came walking by, talking on his cell phone.
‘Sorry, Bill, I can’t this weekend. I’m heading to the shore with the missus.’
Amazed, I watched him walk away down the hall.
The lock set in place easier than I expected, especially considering my lengthy vacation. Still got it, I thought. Disable the alarm. I entered the code on the wall that I had stolen from my boss’s computer and was quickly on the move again. As I rounded a corner, I clipped a side table, knocking a glass vase over. I watched it roll off the other side and I lunged for it, but it fell just passed my fingertips, shattering into a hundred pieces on the floor. A dozen roses lay scattered like victims on the hardwood. I froze, still outstretched, listening for any sound, any sign that anyone heard anything. I waited.
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Twenty-one: The Glassners Visit my blog at “I shot him.” Silence filled the car. Mary's hand was holding mine, gently squeezing. Her hand was warm and comforting. My dad was dead. My mom shot him. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth, worked my jaw, but nothing came out. What could I say? What should I do? My dad was dead. The bastard was dead. A ragged sob came over the...
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"I shot him." Silence filled the car. Mary's hand was holding mine, gently squeezing. Her hand was warm and comforting. My dad was dead. My mom shot him. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. I opened my mouth, worked my jaw, but nothing came out. What could I say? What should I do? My dad was dead. The bastard was dead. A ragged sob came over the speakers of my Mustang, my phone synced up to the car stereo via bluetooth. "Mark, I don't know what to do," sobbed my mom...
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The sound of shattering glass made him stop dead in his tracks, and in one fluid motion, he turned around to face her. His fists were clenched to his sides and she could see bitter anger flash across his face. She looked down at her hand that just a moment ago had grabbed the fragile red vase, and thrown it against the brick wall behind him. Finally, she had his damn attention. "What the hell is your goddamn problem?" he spat out. "You don't get to fucking leave and end this discussion!"...
ReluctanceMe and my 39 year old wife decided to go away on holiday just the two of us but the holiday turned out to be anything but the two of us!Whenever me and my wife go on holiday we have a daily routine, the deal is that she always lets me empty my balls before breakfast then at siesta time she makes me sit in the chair and blows my cock and then at evening time I get to play with her again which usually involves something filthy such as deepthroating my cock, anal or pleasuring her big wet pussy,...
The rain fell in heavy beads from a concrete-colored sky. Melancholy, he trudged along, the rain piercing him with thousands of wet, tiny needles.All around him the world was an explosion of color. The grass had never looked greener, the flowers had never been so vibrant, yet inside he felt monochrome. Much like the sky above him, he felt gloomy and gray.He marched on in the rain, trying to fight back tears and several heavy sobs. It baffled him, and he was confused more than anything. How...
VoyeurHi there, my name is Larry and I have this aunt I think I may be in love with. Her name is Gertrude but likes to be called 'Gert' She is my moms sister and I have felt close to her for quite some time. I have fond memories of visiting my aunt when the last class of H.S. was over. Yup that was Mr. G Briggs electrical theorey and I really liked that class as anyone can work a screwdriver but to know what happens when one foolishly uses a ground wire as a neutral, yes you don't want to do...
Mom was so tired of the ordinary sex she had with dad, a long distance trucker who would be away for a week or two, come home for a few days, get laid and roll over and snore like a drunken sailor. I heard her talk to her friend Lois on the phone, saying "It's the same old thing, don't see him for a week or two and for a while I could not wait for him to get back home, but now it's we do it and he rolls over and snores like a drunken sailor for eight hours then it's another tank of diesel...
Claire gets glasses ? Claire was unsure how she felt about her new glasses. ? On one hand they were very cute, having been both the most expensive pair at the store. And they did look good on her- she was one of those people who looked good either with or without glasses- same went for hats, but these days who actually wears hats anymore. ? But on the other hand, it was a sign that she was getting older and they were a pain to always remember to have with her.? Not that she needed them always,...
The woman had always loved that old late night show. You know, the one where you’re not sure if it really happened and, if it did, what did it mean.? With all the horrible recent globe shattering calamities it was hard for her to remember a lot of things. She was quite sure it was hosted by a tall skinny man with glasses and definitely broadcast in black and white. Not that it mattered. Nothing was being broadcast now or would be for a very long time. If ever.Her favorite episode involved books...
Straight SexReddit Girls With Glasses, aka r/GirlsWithGlasses! There’s just something so hot about a girl wearing glasses - it may sound like a cliche to say that people who wear glasses are nerds, but I personally have never encountered a dumb girl wearing glasses. And let me tell you, these glasses-wearing girls can be a real handful in a positive sense. Nowadays, you have your fishnet-wearing, hair-dying e-thots running around everywhere ruining men’s lives and getting them hooked on drugs, and...
Reddit NSFW ListI’m so excited to write here! Like, a friend told me about this site and it’s so cool! I’ve read some of the stories and they are so hot, I was all flushed when I read them! And some of them, I simply had to touch myself down there, you know! You know, everybody is doing it, but to read about it.. and especially to write about it? WOW!!! I sure got hooked on the stories. I like best the “first” category, it’s so exciting hearing how other girls gained this...
This happened back in 1962. My Mom's favorite cousin came to visit my Grandparents then came to stay with Mom and me for a couple of months. She quickly turned into my favorite "Aunt" though she was actually my second cousin.Suzanne was ten years, ten weeks and ten days younger than my Mom. She had her hair done up in a perm which was not popular at the time, but looked really good on her.When I first met her I was polite and all, but then she had me come with her out to her car to help bring...
Alice plucked a daisy and idly plucked the petals, one by one with a sigh. She’d grown bored of sitting on the bank, her bare feet dangling in the cool waters of the brook, while her sister read.‘It’s not even an interesting book’, she thought to herself, having glanced once or twice over her shoulder. ‘Full of romantic notions and flowery verse. Much too polite for my tastes’. While the title had promised randy pirates, she was quite convinced that there was very little adventure, let alone...
BDSMOn the way back, she noticed something wasn't right. Her thought was confirmed in the next bolt of lightning. She looked at the door's window and saw the broken glass. The door had been locked when she went to bed, now it was unlocked. Someone had been in her house. Someone had not only been in her house, someone could still be in her house. Maci ran for the phone to call the police but when she picked up the phone, there was no dialtone. As she was on her way to her room to get her...
Introduction: A woman finds herself not alone during a stormy night. There was a flash of lightning and a loud burst of thunder shortly after. Maci turned on the news, it was nothing to be worried about, just a small thunderstorm. She got up and turned off the tv and headed back to bed. On the way back, she noticed something wasnt right. Her thought was confirmed in the next bolt of lightning. She looked at the doors window and saw the broken glass. The door had been locked when she went to...
Introduction: This story was written for the fourth calling all writer competition. Through the looking glass ALICES daddy didnt notice her sleeping in the back of the home theater room when he entered. Assuming that she had gone shopping with her mother that evening. He selected a porn DVD to watch. Plopping down on the couch and getting himself ready for a really goood wanking. Alice had fallen asleep watching cartoons after dinner. Her dreaming was interrupted by the sound of people in...
A step through the looking glass? This is a story about how a man came to terms with his female side and how through a chance encounter in a bar embarked on a new life. How many would wish for such an event to happen to us! ************************************************** ******************* I stepped through the door and into the bar, it was full, all those business men types you wouldn't usually want to mix with. But today was different. As I walked to the bar, I saw...
Broken Glass By Jenna Hitch and shalimar "Thank you Mr. Spielberg for coming here to listen to my story," I said to the famous producer. "I know you want to record stories of the Shoah by those of us who witnessed and played a part in the Holocaust. As I was not born Jewish, I hope my story is not wasting your time. The incident of the returned box of cigars occurred on November 9, 1938. Yes, Kristallnacht. I met Maure, my husband, on May 8, 1945, the day my country finally...
I was s*******n when my Mom's cousin Nancy came to stay with us for a few weeks. She was eleven years younger than my Mom and eleven years older than I. Mom and I had been living in this large house and ever since Dad left with some person that Mom refused to talk about. The house seemed empty and a bit gloomy with just the two of us.Nancy brightened things up. I enjoyed listening to Mom and Nancy remembering old times. I hadn't seen Mom laugh in so long. The two of them drank wine with...
Teresa set down the wooden spoon across the top of the pot, licking her lips while she smiled. The sauce was turning out even better than she had hoped. It had been a while since she made barbeque sauce from scratch. Since she would be hosting a party the following weekend for her new neighbors, she figured she would wow them with her mouthwatering family recipe. She grinned, imagining how the two men surely were meat lovers.Her thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. Looking down at her...
FetishIntroduction: Going to prom as a nerd, has never ended so wonderfully. So this is my first story. Please comment everything you feel necessary and vote fairly. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to post them. THANKS! ???? Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but its morning. I twist my head looking for some indication of what I did last night and I see a head. HOLY SHIT… who the fuck is in my room? I sat up, looking at the body...
Introduction: Going to prom as a nerd, has never ended so wonderfully. So this is my first story. Please comment everything you feel necessary and vote fairly. If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to post them. THANKS! ???? Behind Those Glasses Prologue I breathed deep. I could not remember how I got here.. but its morning. I twist my head looking for some indication of what I did last night and I see a head. HOLY SHIT… who the fuck is in my room? I sat up, looking at the body...
Upon Reflection by Fidget CHAPTER 1: Through the Looking-Glass "Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with Darren, and when she had opened the door to his room and caught him with his tongue in Amber's mouth, and his hand exploring underneath her tight tank top, Maddie had been absolutely...
ALICE’S daddy didn’t notice her sleeping in the back of the home theater room when he entered. Assuming that she had gone shopping with her mother that evening. He selected a porn DVD to watch. Plopping down on the couch and getting himself ready for a really goood wanking. Alice had fallen asleep watching cartoons after dinner. Her dreaming was interrupted by the sound of people in distress, a woman seemed to be screaming ‘Oh god, oh god, OH GOD! ’ Suddenly the sound...
Looking Glass By Radioactive Loner Copyright 2000 Everything is done very methodically. That's the key, and it also gives a sort of sense of ceremony to this. First, I go over to my files, and I pull out the file folder in which I place legal documents. I take my living will and my last will out of the folder, and then put it back. Each movement is slow. Conservative. No wasted effort, no trembling, just simple calm. The documents are placed on my...
Changing Channels: Through the Looking Glass by Zouscha Sam went out to XXXXstatic Video early Friday morning. All the guys were jealous; they'd heard that the porn stars there were unbelievable. Lou told him not to take too long, and gave him a stern look. Arriving there, the door was answered by a guy, much to Sam's disappointment. No one else was around. He unloaded the equipment out of the truck, then picked up the items being returned. Checking through the list, he saw that he had...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I am continuing to tell this story piecemeal, so I've, once again, skipped ahead in the plot to tell the section of the story that I want to tell next. When we last left off, Nick was trapped in a public restroom stall, and a security guard had just barged in to find the aftermath of Jason, Brian, and Jennifer's "encounter." Well, without getting into any spoilers: Nick escaped with his dignity intact and Jennifer sent him off all alone with some cash for a cab-ride...
When I got there Eric let me in, handed me a drink, and led me to a home office setup. Once we got comfortable, he started in. “I’ve talked to a couple of the people you served with in Afghanistan. One of the officers, when he heard that your wife had died, said that you actually had been in combat, but refused to admit it because you didn’t want your wife to know. He gave me some other names and I’ve gotten emails from a couple of them. You should have gotten a Purple Heart and at least a...
Hello there, Buck here. It is a different title, for sure. You must be wondering where is this going. Way back in the day when I was somewhat less than a teenager, my mouth got me in trouble quite often and since I and my brother and sister were babysat by Gran, well, she always made sure that Mom and Dad did know of the bad words I said at times. I knew I had to clean things up as I had that white bar of soap stuck in my face.I also knew that Gran would get her comeuppance for ratting me out...
IncestI can remember playing pretend games with my friends when an ordinary thing like a hollow tree was a ship going out to war and, less dramatically, pretending that pair of sunglasses had the magic power to see through clothes. Of course, those silly games I used to play were a lot of fun when I was young. My friends and I would put on those pretend magic glasses around my sister or one of her friends. It would cause them to instantly start covering themselves as if those magic glasses could see...
The title explains so much, but so little of my crazy thoughts, so please bare with me, as I do my best to explain my new found world of celebrity erotic fiction. Is there a after life there could be, or are we all reincarnated to live a new life after are death, let’s just say that we are reincarnated after each life we lived to live a new life, well that’s were things can get dicey, for do we look the same in are past life’s. In my theory of reincarnation we always look the same and usually...
"Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with Darren, and when she had opened the door to his room and caught him with his tongue in Amber's mouth, and his hand exploring underneath her tight tank top, Maddie had been absolutely devastated. Darren and Amber had both jumped up when she walked in, and Amber...
Mind ControlI finally moved into a place of my own at the ripe old age of twenty-nine. After three weeks of waiting for credit checks and approval of references for rental, I was able to shift all my things into my new home. Although just a semi-detached old-fashioned cottage with a small garden and minimal rooms, having lived in only one bedroom at my parent’s house for years, it felt like a mansion. I loved the wooden beams and bricks walls, the log burner and even the old floorboards that creaked with...
"Both hands on the wheel, Stan," I said as I looked over at my husband. "Relax," Stan said as he put down his phone. "It was just Maxwell telling me about the meeting tomorrow," he said with a smile. "Well, he can wait," I said looking at the icy road ahead. I was not too fond of this stretch of road. It had claimed many lives especially at this time of night. "You guys have your seatbelts on?" I asked our kids in the back seat. "Yes," they all chimed at once with slight annoyance. "I have...
Cheating"Both hands on the wheel, Stan," I said as I looked over at my husband. "Relax," Stan said as he put down his phone. "It was just Maxwell telling me about the meeting tomorrow," he said with a smile. "Well, he can wait," I said looking at the icy road ahead. I was not too fond of this stretch of road. It had claimed many lives especially at this time of night. "You guys have your seatbelts on?" I asked our kids in the back seat. "Yes," they all chimed at once with slight annoyance. "I have...
CheatingAs you stand on top of the Forth Hokage's head sculpture, who you found out was your father few years prior, you gaze at the village of Hidden Village in the Leaves. While a younger you would daydream of ways to become Hokage succeeding your great aunt Tsunade, the current you is more tempered. Probably due to the numerous hits you received on the head from that said great aunt. Or is she truly your grandmother thrice removed? Well, you don't really care as you would still call her...