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The alarm went off in my head and another day was staring me down.  I just want to lie here for ever.  I hate this feeling.  It’s a mixture of dread and helplessness.  I don’t want to move, I don’t want to get up, and each second I lay here feels like it gets harder to move.  The ceiling fan is making circles over my head and putting me in a trance. I just can’t take this anymore, this daily life of sameness and drudgery.  It’s got nothing left in it for me. 

Posting#: [email protected]

Subject:  I can’t take it anymore.

Yes this is an odd request, but if you have any reservations about my seriousness or your resolve, please skip this posting before reading anymore.  I am completely bored with my life and want to make a radical change.  To be more specific, I am hoping I can find someone that would help me by ending my life for me.  As pathetic as that sounds, I can’t bring myself to do it, my religious beliefs would then condemn me to hell, and I hate to think what would happen if I tried and screwed up and was left in a worse condition.  I just want a quick ending with as little pain as possible.  I have been thinking about this for sometime, so please don’t send me sympathy emails or try to dissuade me.  I want this, and I need you to help me.


Deadman Walking

There, I finally did it, who knows if I will get any real responses, but at least I finally admitted it to myself.  Wow, what a weight off of my shoulders.  It’s like admitting that my life is used up and over is somehow liberating.  Knowing that this could be the beginning step of the final end has somehow put me at peace.  I made an egg-white omelet (don’t need the cholesterol do we?) and toast and watched the morning unfold from my kitchen window.  The sounds of the city were revving up and the heat began to rise off the streets and up into the sky.  Was this really what I wanted?  Yes, an ending, finally, I would be free of this daily hell.

-Later that day-

?I can’t help you kill yourself but maybe I can help you live your life better?  Have you turned to Jesus..?

FUCK!  I hate this, why did I make that posting on Craig’s list, All I am getting are religious nuts writing me.  How stupid do they think I am, I can tell one of them found my posting and they have relayed it around their office.  They all have the same email extension: [email protected]. Then Sally wrote me, then Margie, then Pastor Bob himself, what a bunch of freak-a-zoids.  Don’t they know this is the last thing I want?  Reading senseless drivel from them is somewhat amusing the first time, but they all sound like telemarketers for Christ.  I can’t take this anymore.

-5 days later-

The goddamn phone just won’t stop ringing, fuck!  I used to love my job, but this is Chinese water torture!  Finally a break, Jesus, I hate this life.  I hate this existence.  Nothing means anything to me.  I want to run out from this chair and run through the window and smash onto the ground 40 floors below but I can’t make myself do it.  That, I think, is the worst part, knowing I want to die but not having the courage or ability to do it myself.  Oh great, another email from my Craig’s list posting, I can only imagine what this one says:


Have you tried pills and alcohol?  Do you own a gun?  Hanging still works, but I understand your worry about suicide and religion.  Hell on earth is bad enough, why go to hell for eternity, right?

I can do what you ask, but you must give me one concession, which we will talk about in the next email.  If you are still interested, we can do this, but you must write me at this email address from a cyber caf? where there are no cameras and where you pay cash for your time:  [email protected]  You must also make up an anonymous email account when you write me.  Don’t use anything thing or make any names that can identify you in anyway. Write me tonight at 8:00pm and I will be online to reply to you.  We can work out the details then.  If I do not hear from you by 8:01 I will know you are not ready or have had a change of heart (which would be my loss, but I have a good feeling about you).  In any case, be smart enough to delete this message as soon as you takedown my email address.  Good day, and keep watching the clock? the movement of the second hand is the sand running out of your hourglass. 

Yours so very truly,


The hairs on my arm stood straight up and my neck felt tingly.  Pixie sounded serious.  She, if Pixie is a ?she?, was taking the right precautions, but maybe she’s just playing around like a few others.  But I had to take this chance.  The day crawled by, each time I looked up at the clock the second hand seemed to slow down, like a stick in molasses.  When trading closed at 4:30 I took a cab to the east village and steadied my nerves with a good stiff scotch.  The bar was a dump, but it was close to a cyber cafe I found on google local.  They only took cash and I knew from the neighborhood that there would be no cameras or surveillance of any type. 

After my fourth drink and untold insults from the local patrons, I made my way across the street to the caf?.  It was 10 minutes to 8pm and I was a little nervous. My hands shook as I paid for 1 hour of time and sat at one of the old, beat up computers in the caf?.  I logged on, went to yahoo and made a new email account.  [email protected] sounded like a good name, and sent a quick email to Pixie Poison, just to let her know I was online and was interested.  She wrote back right away:


Nice name, you are creative.  It’s too bad you won’t be around much longer for anyone else to enjoy it.  But we certainly will have fun before you go, wont we?

I will give you what you want, an end to your miserable life, but there is a small price.  I am not speaking about money or assets, oh no, that is not what I seek.  I am speaking of something else.  I will make sure your death is relatively painless, but I do not want it to be quick.  I get pleasure from taking the life of someone in my own way, but it’s not through torture.  I will take precautions to make sure you are comfortable and even happy when you are finally shown across the other side.  And you will make me happy too.  It is so fulfilling for me, and it is so rare to meet someone like you that willingly gives in and gives up. 

And do not worry, I am not speaking about an extended period of time to end your existence.  I just have a method and it takes time to complete.  From the moment we first meet, within 24 hours your life will be over.  I hope that allays any of your apprehensions you may have.  I will make it all better, I will be your savior, and you will go with a smile on your face, that I can promise.  If you want this, write me back immediately.

Hear from you soon?


I read it three times to make sure I understood what she was saying.  24 hours after meeting? Wow?  I guess I could handle that, it’s what I want anyway.  And non-painful, this was sounding too good to be true.  Would I really be smiling when it was over?  I never thought it could happen like that, but it sounds like she has a plan and that she’s experienced.  I wrote back.


Yes, I want this.  I need this.  All I am asking is that it be as painless as possible.  I can agree to your demand.  When and where can we meet?


All I received in reply was a phone number and ?pay phone? written next to it.  I wrote it down, deleted the email, deleted my account, logged off and paid the cashier for my 15 minute block of time.  Racing out of the shop I headed for the corner in the hopes of finding a payphone.  Somehow I had change in my pocket, it must be destiny.

?Hello? a sweet voice answered.  I was right, Pixie is a woman.  I took a breath?

?Hi, its me, I got your- ? she cut me off

?Write these instructions down or you will forget them.  It all has to be done perfectly or we will not proceed, understand?  Good.  Go home and sleep on this night, think about it and make sure you want it, because there will be no turning back.  Second, begin to plan your escape.  Tell your work you need time off for a family emergency.  Make something up, you are a creative boy.  Then, from your work computer, make plans for a local vacation for a two weeks.  Make hotel reservations in your name at a bed and breakfast somewhere in Vermont or New Hampshire and print out the itinerary.  The old people there can’t keep track of anyone, so if anyone goes looking, there will be no recollection if you were there or if they remembered a sweet creative young man from New York City.  After that, leave work early tomorrow, go home and pack a suitcase.  Change your voicemail to let people know you are taking some time off.  Take your suitcase and catch a cab to the meat packing district.  You will meet my friends at 8pm at Fressen, it’s at 421 West 13th street.  They will be wearing all white, you won’t miss them.  Give them the print out of your vacation itinerary so they know it is you.  Any questions??  I finished jotting down the notes on my arm.

?No, but, I was wondering if I could ask you about your method.  I am curious? I mean, I just would like to know how you plan on doing this.  It is my life, so I think I have that much of a right to know??  No answer.  ?I mean, can’t you at least explain to me why you do this?  I am not paying you and you even said you enjoyed it, what is it that you.. like??  ?Hello?? 

?If you’d like to make a call, please hang up, dial the number, and insert $0.35? If you’d like to make a call?? I put the receiver down on the payphone as the mindless recording played over and over.  She had hung up on me.  I would make a bet she didn’t even hear one word I had said.  Jesus.  What the hell was I getting myself into.  Who was this woman.  Here I was giving her my life and she wouldn’t even listen to a question I had?  I was beginning to rethink everything.  What if I meet her and she is completely out of her mind?  Who’s to say if she can be trusted?  But then again she had not lied to me, she is promising me something I can not find anywhere else.  Maybe she is just being cautious on the phone.  I feel so conflicted.  But I guess there is no harm in proceeding, I can always back out before it’s too late.

I did as she asked, but I had to have a few drinks first.  I slept soundly and got to work the next day feeling? relieved?  I was making the right decision.  I talked to my boss, he was understanding about my poor Aunt’s health.  I had to hide a smile as I told him I would relay his sentiments to her.  I made the reservations.  The Quail’s Nest in Danby, VT.  Sounds like a wonderful bed and breakfast.  Secluded in the Green Mountains, away from the rest of the world for two weeks.  It would be a nice get away.  I bet I could really relax up there.  Am I having second thoughts?  No.  I can’t think about that, I would just get up there and be bored after a few days anyway.  I printed the reservations out, grabbed my coat, and headed home.  The subway was empty and whisked me to my stop.  As I walked up the 3 flights to my apartment, I felt good, like I was accomplishing something.  It felt right.  This was the right decision.  I packed my suitcase with warm clothes and then headed out the door.  I looked back on my place and made a mental note, I would never see this place again.  I was leaving, for good.  The finality of it made me warm with desire.  I was turned on? god was I sick?  I hailed a cab. 

?West Village, 14th St. and 9th Ave please,? As I threw my bag into the back of the cab.

I needed a drink.  It was only 5pm, I had 3 hours until I was supposed to meet the ladies in white.  The Village Idiot was a friendly place to drink.  I paid the cabbie and gave him a generous tip.  I hauled my bag into the bar and sat down on a stool.  The bartenders were gorgeous.  They smiled as I threw a $100 bill on the bar and ordered shots for myself and all the bartenders.  It felt good, I was feeling alive.  We downed SoCo and I sipped a Natural Light chaser.

Why am I doing this?  Do I really hate my life this much or am I just looking for something different?  I was feeling good, the alcohol was coursing through my veins and warming me from the inside out.  The bar began to fill up with the usual suspects.  Wall St brokers, country music bums, bikers, local crowd.  I sat at the bar and ignored everyone.  The bartenders kept up with the shots and I was getting drunk.  They were so beautiful.  Their shirts barely covered their breasts and their skirts or shorts didn’t hide much either.  What I wouldn’t give for any of these women.  They were worth living for.  Did I just think that?  Did I really mean that?  It was 7:30.  Fressen was just down the street, I could feel the second hand on my watch, it felt like the sand she was talking about. The sand in my hour glass, slowly running out, through the bottom of my soul.  The bartenders were dancing on the bar, the bar was in full swing.  ?All My Ex’s Live in Texas? was blaring through the juke box, and I downed another Jim Beam.  God these bartenders were so beautiful.  But I felt strings pulling me.  I got up from the bar, grabbed my bag, left a $20 tip and waved goodbye to the gorgeous vixens smiling and dancing on the bar top. 

New York City nights can feel alive, like a living person, the way the people move on the sidewalk like blood cells through veins, the pumping music and lights of the city humming and flowing.  I was alive.  Why did I want this to end?  I walked down to 13th St and made a left across 9th Ave.  It was 5 minutes to 8:00 and outside Fressen was a line of people behind a red velvet rope.  They were just dying to get in, I laughed outloud to the joke in my head.

Then I saw them.  There were four of them  They were sitting and standing against a long white limousine.  I was still a block away.  I was starting to feel nervous, despite the volumes of alcohol I had consumed.  They had not seen me yet, but I was quite conspicuous with my bag in one hand and travel papers in the other.  I didn’t feel out of place, but walking down the middle of the brick street, I felt like maybe I was making the wrong decision.  My feet kept going, even stumbling a little bit, as I continued down 13th St.  The tall, Nordic-looking blonde noticed me first.  She got up off of the hood of the limo and stood in front of it, her arms across her chest.  Her hair was long and straight, platinum blonde, and her eyes were ice-blue.  She had to be at least 6’4 in those boots; she towered over all the other women in the group and easily towered over me as well.

?Well, the little lamb is on time, how nice!? She smiled and flashed her teeth.  The other girls turned around and faced me, alerted to my presence by the Blonde girl’s greeting.  I tried to keep calm as I looked at all of them.  God, they were gorgeous.  Tall, thin, curves, legs, shoes, low cut tops and dresses.  Short skirts and boots, tiaras, gloves, smoking, straight hair pulled back or curly and flowing, they were all different but they were all drop dead gorgeous.  I could not believe all of these women knew why I was here.  They all faced me and gathered at the front of the limo, in a semi circle.  I was still 10 yards away.  My mouth was dry.  My hands were clammy.  My heart was racing as I tried to drink all this beauty in.  I couldn’t.  It was as if I had won a contest and had been invited to tour New York City with the contestants from Miss Universe.  The tall blonde was clearly the leader, maybe she was the one I had been speaking with on email?  The other women in the pack deferred to her, however each of the girls were staring at me intently, it was hard to hold their gaze.  It was like they were on the inside of a joke that I just didn’t quite get yet.

?Come closer, little one, let us see you.  Its ok, were not going to bite?? the tallest one in the center spoke.  The girls surrounding her laughed and smiled at me.  They were enjoying my nervousness.  They could feel my apprehension.  They were like those gorgeous cheerleaders in high school who would cluster together and in small ways humiliate the geek boys like me in school.  I felt the same here, as though they already knew they had me and yet, something just wasn’t right.  I tried to speak but it came out as a panicky squeak and their laughs drowned out my response. 

?Awww, don’t be nervous, were here to make it all better.  You want what we have, and you have what we want? So come over here, now, and let’s put an end to all of this silly hesitation,? a thick Russian accent rolled off of her tongue.  She uncrossed her arms and pulled her hair back over her shoulders.  Her chest was impossibly perfect, and she pressed it our further, noticing my gaze, brining me almost to my knees with her beauty.  Her waist and hips were curves that melted my resistance; I could almost feel myself following them into the limo, already see myself riding away to god knows what hell was in store. The other ladies shifted and stared at me, using their will power and presence to break me down.  One walked to the back of the limo and opened the door, looked back at me, and beckoned me with a finger.  The limo started up, the driver hidden by the smoky windshield.  Suddenly I felt trapped and panic hit me.

Wake up!  Wake up!  I got cold all over, like ice water had hit my veins.  It was adrenaline pumping through me- I was not getting in that limo, I didn’t want this.  This was a trick, I could feel it, these girls were sent here to seduce me, once I got in with them, there would be no turning back.  They really did mean to kill me.  But things would go wrong and I would not like what happens.  I want to live, I don’t want to die, this is a bad idea, run, drop your bag and run. Do it NOW!

I dropped my leather suitcase and began to back up slowly.  The tall woman’s expression changed from a smile to a sneer.  The women next to her seemed not to care at all, one even tried to hide a smile with her gloved hand. 

?Oh, don’t have any second thoughts now, you realize it’s already too late, don’t you little one?  The die has already been cast, the net has been thrown, you are already ours, don’t struggle, because it will only make the worse.  Don’t you want to go quietly like a good boy or are we going to have to force you into this limo, drag you into it struggling, and then all sit on you until we have our way with you!? she intoned as I continued to back away from her.  It seemed as though she liked the second scenario better.  Even as I was backing away from her I could see the desire in her eyes and hear it in her voice.  Oh dear God what had I gotten myself into.

This was not going to happen to me.  What the hell was I thinking, life is not that bad.  The prospect of death to end my misery didn’t seem right now that I was facing it head on.  No, this was not for me.  But she was so beautiful, her tall body with all of its assets doing its best to reel me in.  Nothing doing, I was getting out of here.  I took one last look at her body.

I turned to run, my feet sliding on the brick.  I fell and turned behind me to see the women at the limo laughing.  Pointing and laughing at me on the ground.  They were not even making a move to stop me.  Maybe they thought I would not really run away?  Maybe they thought that-

I felt a sharp pain in my back and my body went numb for a second.  I could see a shadow on the ground next to my body, but I couldn’t turn around to see who was there.  All the girls at the limo were laughing harder, doubling over and cheering.  My body was cold, like ice and I felt a gentle hand grab me by the back of my collar and pick me up.  I still couldn’t turn around and see who it was or what had been injected into me, but I was  powerless to do anything.  Then I felt it, my legs, I could feel the ground.  As quickly as the coldness had descended upon me, it lifted, and I felt the wave of helplessness suddenly disappear.  I shook myself out of the grip on my shirt and sprinted past the cackling girls at the limo and down the street.  My strength was back, my legs were pumping up and down on the ground, I was alive!  I had gotten free!  I was too scared to turn around but I could hear the doors on the limo shutting and the tires squealing as it undoubtedly was turning, on the brick street, towards me.  I kept running and quickly darted down a narrow alleyway in the meat packing district.  I was in a panic but my body felt invincible, nothing was going to stop me now.  NOTHING!

The limo screeched to a stop at the alleyway and I turned around long enough to catch a glimpse of two tall women, staring down the alley at me, as I kept my pace.  They were holding something, a gun?  I didn’t wait to find out, I turned again as soon as the alley opened up into the street, crossed 9th avenue and darted down a subway.  I was safe, they hadn’t seen me and as I got on the next train, I knew I had made it.  I had made it.  Thank God I had made it!  My body was sweating.  I examined the area around my back where they had injected something into me.  Whatever it was, it wasn’t strong enough, they had not counted on my adrenaline!  I wasn’t bleeding and it didn’t hurt, I counted myself lucky and slumped into a bench on the train as it sped north, back towards my apartment.  They didn’t know where I lived, there was nothing in my bag but clothes, I still had my itinerary, all of my personal information was safe.  I was going to go have a drink and pass out.  This had been one hell of a night.  And now I had two weeks off to enjoy it, God what gets into me sometimes, I will never know.

As I got out of the subway I was cautious.  I didn’t see any women in white or any limos.  Although I knew I was safe, I was still a little shaken as I took a seat at the bar and ordered a much needed scotch.  Two or three later I began to think about what had happened.  Had I over-reacted?  She was right, she was only offering me what I had asked for? Whatever I felt tomorrow, I can’t think about emailing her.  I felt a little bad for running away, but still, it would be foolish to get in contact with her again, under any circumstances.  She probably wouldn’t write back anyway.

--The Next Morning—

I treated myself to a brunch at a nice midtown caf? and read the paper.  Nothing seemed interesting, it all seemed? rather boring.  The city was in neutral, it was 10am and most everyone was already at work.  I felt, I felt bored quite frankly  Not just bored, I was sort of depressed.  What had gotten into me last night?  She was the only person to write me back seriously and I had ditched her.  I had to write her, at least to apologize.  I got up and paid the tab, heading to an internet caf? down the street.  It was a huge place and while there were a few cameras, it was so huge I would be practically anonymous.  I checked my email.  I was right, she hadn’t even written me.  Of course she wouldn’t have.  I sent her an email, apologizing for my actions and asking if there was any way that we might be able to pursue this further.

I waited.  While I waited I looked around the internet ?space station? would be the best way to describe it.  There were people everywhere, mostly younger crowd playing videogames or updating their myspace accounts.  A gorgeous Asian girl sat down next to me, with her NYU books thudding on the tabletop.  God, she was a vision.  Her hair was jet black and straight down to her ass.  She wore an oversized sweater but her skirt was short and rode up so high on her thighs, my eyes almost melted out of my head.  Fuck, she had caught me gaping.  But her alabaster skin and dark hair with that body, good god.  I saw her give a pull on her skirt and flash me a disgusted ?old man? look.  She had to be 18 or 19, probably a freshman.  Her beauty reminded me of the women from last night.  Jesus, what had I done?  I could never get any girls like her, or even close to her, and yet last night I would have been surrounded by beauty. 

?Yea, but if you had gone with them last night, 12 hours from now you would be dead..? a voice in my head reminded me.  Jesus.  What a thought.

I refreshed my screen and there it was!  She had written back!  She had also changed the subject.  NEVER it said.  My heart sank but I opened the letter anyway. 

?I warned you before, you would only get one chance with our project.  You screwed it up badly, but at least it wasn’t a total loss.  Besides a new suitcase and some ratty clothes, I also learned that we need to up the dose of sodium-pentathol to be prepared for our next potential runner.  I heard you were a sight, running at full stretch.  Nikita said you looked like a gazelle running from the lions!  lmao!  Well you will never, ever get another email from me, so don’t even think of writing me back, I am closing this account.  Who ever you are, where ever you are, you had your chance and now you must sleep in the bed that you made.?

End of story.  Great.  NOW what the hell was I going to do.  I got up from the table, leaving my Asian college girl at her station and paid at the counter.  I went outside and it was raining.  Pouring was a better description.  Shit.  I tossed a vendor $10 and got a sturdy umbrella for the walk up to my apartment.  As I opened the umbrella, I noticed the Asian princess, the one next to me in the internet space station, was holding a book over her head outside of the shop, trying to stay dry.  Should I?  Why the hell not? 

I approached her and smiled, ?Hello, I sat next to you in the cyber shop, its my day off, if you like I can walk you to a cab or the subway under this monster umbrella??

Her look of frustration melted away and she smiled back at me, ?Hey, that’s so nice of you!  Actually I am going back to my apartment, its only a few blocks south of here, if you don’t mind walking me there??  Did I mind?  I would have given her $50 to do it! She was even more gorgeous than she looked sitting down.  The oversized sweater actually fit perfectly when she stood up, her body was an hourglass of trouble.  Her chest, Jesus, it was practically falling into my arms as I took her book-bag in one hand and held the umbrella over her with the other.

She giggled and pointed the way to her apartment.  I tried to play it cool as I walked with her, but she knew how hot she was.  But at least I didn’t feel like an accessory.  I felt like a gentleman, a man with a purpose and a beautiful girl literally on my arm.  She told me about her classes: psychology and chemistry major.  She wanted to go to grad school to find the link between chemical interaction in the brain and natural response drugs that could be developed through genetics, and not traditional drugs.  I didn’t understand it at all.  I told her about my trading job and she found it fascinating.  When we got to her apartment she offered me some tea upstairs.  I knew tea would only be tea, but I was hoping, just hoping, that maybe I could turn this into a date later in the week?  I had all week and next week free.  Why not at least give it the college try, eh? 

I consented to tea and helped her with her things up to her 2nd floor apartment.  It was nicely decorated, definitely girly, but not immature.  Tasteful and clean.  She came out of the kitchen with two steaming cups of tea, the rain outside really began to pour down.  We sat on the couch, she had no television, instead the radio was on, The BBC news was humming in the background.  I couldn’t help myself, and I stared at her from toes to head, she was outrageous.  She didn’t notice, she was busy texting a friend on her cell phone. 

?Let me get out of this wet sweater,? she said as she sipped her cup, put it on the table and walked to the back of the apartment.  She came back wearing a cami top, it hugged her flawlessly.  Her skirt matched, both white and light blue, and I was in heaven.  She was out of her shoes now and laughed at my expression.

?Older guys like you are funny,? she mused as I sipped my tea.  It was so nice and warm.  The rain outside beat down harder against the window.  ?A hot, young girl with tits, legs and an ass, and you all are like putty in our hands? she looked into my eyes smiling at me while she said it, knowing its not what I would have ever expected her to say.  I smiled back and began to laugh.  I felt odd, she had just called me out, but she wasn’t upset.  ?Let me refill your tea, or have you had enough?? she arched an eyebrow. 

?I think I am ok, it hit the spot really.? I smiled back as she went into the kitchen to get herself another cup.

She came back in the room, her legs shimmering from the rain, her feet so perfect and her toenails painted pink.  She sat down next to me this time.  I was getting in over my head, was this girl actually hitting on me?  She smiled and moved closer, our knees touched and I stammered a thank you for the tea.  She ignored me and placed her cup on the table.

?Come on, relax a little, let me help you,? she soothed as she moved to take off my sports jacket.  I didn’t really struggle as she pulled it off me and tossed it over the back of the couch.  She got on her knees in front of me, her chest brushing against my arms as she moved her delicate hands towards my tie.  ?This too, Mr. Businessman, you are way too uptight.  That’s a boy?? She let her hand unravel my double Windsor and slowly slide the tie around my neck and off.  She threw it behind her and draped her hands around my neck.  She unbuttoned the top two buttons and pressed her chest against mine as her arms encircled my neck. 

?So what am I going to tell my friends?  That I seduced a man almost twice my age?? her lips inches from my face, pink and glossy, shimmering, moist, full, almost pouty.  Her breath coming quickly and smelling of green tea, she put her nose to mine and looked deep into my eyes.  I moved forward and kissed her.  She gasped and moaned at the same time.  She kissed me back and climbed onto the couch straddling me. For a rainy day in New York, things could not have turned out better if I had planned it?

We made love on the couch and afterwards showered together.  She had an afternoon class and had to leave.  I made an excuse and told her I had to go as well.  I took her number and she told me to call her.

?Let’s do something tomorrow, all day, I don’t have any classes.  Maybe we can start with breakfast and end the night with dessert??  she flashed another smile.  She was perfect, almost too good to be true.  Maybe nice guys sometimes finished first?

I kissed her good bye at the door and bounded down the stairs.  I was on clouds as I jumped into a cab and sped to my apartment.  The turn of events in the past 24 hours was amazing.  There I was about to end it all and now I was falling for a college girl, one too beautiful for words. 

I had dinner by myself and thought about how life can be so strange.  After a bottle of wine, I was convinced that I had made the smartest decision of my life by answering the email.  If I hadn’t started that chain of events, I never would have met my Asian Princess.  I stumbled back to my apartment and passed out.

The next day we met for a late breakfast.  She was wearing a cute pair of pink Jimmy Choo’s and a long skirt which hid her exquisite legs.  Her top bared her midriff and hugged her chest like a glove.  Her jacket could only conceal so much and when we sat down to eat and she took it off, everyone in the caf? stopped to stare.  After breakfast walked through central park and toured the Whitney museum.  Dinner at a French bistro and dessert back at her apartment.  God I was in heaven.  She loved my jokes, she was so interesting too.  I couldn’t believe she was barely 19.  She was a miracle, the miracle of my life. 

We made love on the kitchen floor, she covered my naked body with honey and then licked every last bit off, saving my manhood for last.  I was shaking as she brought me closer.

?Don’t have a heart attack, old man, I don’t want to kill you just yet,? she giggled and took me fully into her mouth and down her throat.  I was close, so close, but she stopped and mounted me.  As she rode me, slowly and sweetly, she lowered her face to mine.  ?Do you know, if you had a heart attack now, it would be ok, there is an ancient belief that the sperm of a dying man produces immortals? do you want to try to make a Goddess??  She pulled back and laughed at the expression on my face.  I was right at the edge and she knew it, but talk like that after my close call had me a bit edgy.  She ground herself down on me, pulled up to the tip and slid back down, then leaned forward and kissed my mouth.  Laying on top of me with her face pressed against mine and her chest crushing me, holding me down she pumped her hips down and around me, bringing me to a shuddering climax.  I was sweating and she looked lovely, her body literally glowed.  She kissed my nose and I thanked her for not making a Goddess this time.  She giggled and hopped off of me.

?I wish you could stay over, but I have an early class tomorrow, can we meet up for dinner??  obviously I had no plans and agreed on the spot.  When I got down on my knees to kiss her feet goodbye she laughed and complemented me on knowing my place. She was a sharp one.

I walked home, it was a nice night out.  I had not checked my email for 2 days and decided to stop at a cyber caf?.  I had a few work related emails and one from a friend out in LA.  Oh wait, there was an email about my old posting on craigslist? What the hell, I thought, and opened it. 

?What a fascinating post!  While I can commiserate with your longing for peace, I don’t think I could be the one to do this to you.  However, before you go, I would love to max out one of your credit cards.  Would you like to take a French art student shopping before you die? Lol, just kidding of course.  About your death, not the shopping.  If you feel a spark, write me back.?

She had attached her picture.  Oh my God.  She was unbelievably gorgeous.  She looked like she was about 5’10, thin, busty, curly dark hair, in ringlets.  While she might have been French, she looked like a mix of European and North African.  God she was stunning.  I felt a twinge of guilt, but shopping was just shopping, nothing else, right?

I wrote back agreeing to her terms, but telling her I had a dinner meeting, so we would have to end at 5pm.  She replied almost before I could check the sports scores. 

?Tomorrow, 10am when the shops open.  I am a high-maintenance girl, so were starting in SoHo and working out way up, eventually to Madison Avenue.  We will be spending a lot, so bring your Platinum Amex, hahaha!  Meet me at the Apple Shop first, then were going to Prada.  I hope you have your walking shoes on and can carry all my bags!  See you tomorrow, and then you can rest in peace, hahahahaha.?

Wow.  She was a pistol.  I have always wanted to take a beautiful girl shopping, although I was somewhat shy, her personality would easily make up for mine.  This could be a lot of fun!  Just to be seen with her would be enough, who knows, maybe I could make this a regular thing?  Eh, in any case, it would be another experience I could chalk up, and heck, I was on my vacation, I deserved to try something new (even if it was expensive).

I was at the Apple store at 10am sharp.  I saw her getting out of the cab before she saw me.  Holy Toledo.  She was wearing heels.  She was easily over 6’ in them.  I felt like a hobbit next to her.  I walked over and helped her out of the cab.

?Ah, there you are, Mr. Creditcard.  Are you ready to melt down that plastic?  You know, I have to tell you, shopping makes me excited, like sexually excited, so if you are a good boy maybe we can end early and let me release some of my tension.?  She said it all without even looking at me.  She was looking over me at all the shops close by.  Her chest was level with my face, her legs, wow, they stretched forever and her feet were in heels that would kill most women.  God she was sexy.  Her light French accent just held me in a trance as she continued.

?Ok, first to Apple, I want the new Ipod and you are buying it for me.  Then across the street, they have great stockings.  I might even let you help me put them on??

It continued like this until lunch.  We stopped at Bar 6 on 6th ave.  I was carrying so many bags and she was talking non-stop, reminding me that the only reason she was with me was because I was paying for it.  Strangely enough this had me turned on, partly because I knew it was true.  At lunch, she took off her heels and put both feet in between my legs and settled them in my crotch. 

?Keep them warm for me, baby,? was all she said as she devoured her soup and sandwich.  She was using me, but I would have done anything to be near her.  She was demanding and curt, superior and gorgeous.  She was like a model, but I couldn’t help but think of my sweet Asian Princess.  I was really looking forward to dinner.

?I will be right back, watch my bags while I use the restroom.  I hope your credit card isn’t tired yet, were off to Madison to really shop once I get back!?  and she hopped to the back of the caf?.

I checked my cell phone, I had missed a call from my Princess.  I couldn’t get any reception so I tried to text her. 

?Hey old man!?

I looked up from my cell phone and there she was.  Oh God no!  There was my beautiful Asian college girl, with one of her friends, standing right in front of me.  They had their books and were smiling at me as they moved closer.

I smiled weakly as they closed in.

?Wow, are you doing some shopping for me?  Are those Wolford stockings? Hey, that’s a Prada bag!  How did you know I needed a new purse??  As she looked at all the bags the towering French model came back and stood over me as I sat in the chair, wishing I could just die.  This was not fair.  How could this be happening to me?  How stupid was I to be down in her neighborhood shopping with another woman?  And the worst part was, I really cared for my Princess, and now it looked like everything was going to blow up in my face.  Oh God please get me out of here, this is unfair.  This is unfair.  Why is this happening to me!  All my thoughts swirled in my head and stopped when the French giant spoke.

?Who are your little friends, wallet-boy?? She spat out.

I looked at her and then at my Asian Goddess.  She hadn’t even looked up, still transfixed by all the shopping bags surrounding my chair.  Her friend tugged on her arm and she looked over.  Her face was shocked as she realized what was going on. 

?What?  What’s going on here?  You are out with her?  With someone else?  I thought you cared about me!? The eyes of my Princess bored into my head.  I was sweating and my tongue would not move, disobeying every order from my brain to apologize and make up some crazy story.

?Yes he is with me, cant you see he’s taking me shopping, come on little man, get up and pay, were almost out of time before your meeting at 5pm!?

The look on my Princess’ face was shock, pain, and rage all in one.

?Is that all I am to you, a fucking MEETING! I swear to God, men-?

My brain was tuning it out, whatever it was that she was saying.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  This was not fair, I was an idiot, and now it was all coming down on me.  I had to get out of here.

Both women moved to closer to me, and as I tried to get up, each held my shoulder down and made it clear I was going no where.  Thank god the rest of the caf? was empty except for a few people seated behind me.  I could see them in the mirrors on the wall in front of me, they seemed to enjoy the spectacle.  They were two women, and one of them got up to come over.  God maybe she would talk some sense into these girls, or at least provide me a hasty exit.

As the two women continued to rain insults down on me, I heard it, from behind me.  A thick Russian accent.  The hair on the back of my neck stood up.  Oh Jesus no, how could she be here?  I tried to turn around but felt paralyzed with fear.  ?I told you before? it’s too late- but you tried to run, didn’t you, even when I warned you it would only make it worse.? Her heels clicking on the floor as she came closer, the reflection on the mirror showing her smile and displaying all of her deadly curves.  I could not turn away from her.  ?Oh little lamb, don’t you see, we have you now, and there’s no getting out of it this time!?  I saw a flash to my left, and noticed that my Asian Princess’ friend had taken a picture of me and my predicament.  At that moment my body jerked involuntarily  I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t do anything.  My legs were twitching in front of me.  I felt like a rag doll with my body parts flailing about with no motor control at all.  I was completely aware of what was happening but unable to control myself at all.  It felt like minutes but was likely only a few seconds, I sure as hell couldn’t tell, but my whole body was raw and I couldn’t move a muscle when the sensation stopped.

?Stun him again, Nikita, we need to drag him out back to the limo and I don’t want him moving a muscle.  The limo is waiting, right?? the French model opined, looking down at my shaking body, her hands at her hips, a smile playing across her lips.  I looked over to my Asian Princess hoping she would at least run and get help or possibly do something to save me.  Instead she was looking at me like I was an insect, her eyes wide, gazing at me with almost mild disinterest, her index finger at the corner of her mouth, sucking on the tip of it, her lips glossy and wet as Nikita hit me from behind again with the stun gun.  My entire body ached, my muscles were in spasms. My back arched in the chair.  I couldn’t feel it, but I saw the French model and my Asian Princess both walk over to me and grab my shoulders.  My tie fell forward into my soup as they picked me up and carried me, under each arm out the back of the restaurant.  A waiter was coming out of the back as we made our way across the restaurant. 

?Had a little too much to drink, has he?? He asked, clearly not seeing the drool spilling out of my mouth.  He was transfixed by their beauty.  I was completely aware of everything, but I couldn’t make a single muscle do what I wanted.  They kept dragging me as the waiter made way for the three of us to go by.

?Yea, this poor old man is in over his head, were going to go put him out of his misery,? my Asian princess giggled as she spoke, then put her mouth next to my ear and whispered in a serious tone ?out of your misery for good, you perverted old man!?  Her breath against my ear felt so good but her words made me shiver.  The girls continued to drag my legs across the floor, their arms under mine, like a fireman’s carry.

The waiter smiled as we made it passed him and pushed through the doors to the kitchen, the girls using my slumped head as the battering ram.  ?Well, make sure he gets a little rest, looks like the four of you have really worn him out.?

?Oh, trust me, our little lamb hasn’t seen anything yet,? Nikita’s Russian accented voice boomed behind me, and I was deathly scared.  Scared for my life, this was really happening to me and I couldn’t make it stop.  These women, how had they done this?  How was it possible they all knew each other?  It was impossible, there was no way they  could all be in this together, maybe they had paid my Princess off after they spotted us together, but what were the odds that they would have seen us together in this big city?  And why would she change her mind for money?  It was obvious, they were all in it together, the lunch meeting was a distraction and probably an amusing spectacle for Nikita before she used her stun-gun on me.  And now here I was, being pulled out of a Manhattan restaurant, against my will, through the back, and to god knows where, at which point these ladies are going to end my life!  Oh God, I had to move, I had to move!

I could hear Nikita and another girl, maybe the other ?school girl? behind me, carrying the shopping bags, talking as though I wasn’t even there, commenting on how much I had spent, with the French model’s voice sending a chill down my spine with her comment ?There is a sale on Friday at Barney’s, too bad you wont be around for it, little man!? Which made all the girls laugh, the two holding me laughing so hard they had to catch their breath as they pushed their way through the back of the kitchen doors and out of the restaurant into the alleyway.

There was the white limousine, and it might as well have been a horse drawn casket on wheels.  This was the end, this was the beginning of my death.  I tried to struggle as I felt my feet behind slide across the street to the waiting white limohearse. There was a young, blonde, beautiful woman at the passenger side door, just like before, dressed in a white corset and long, white thigh-high boots.  She quickly opened the door and stood behind it, as though she was holding it open for a head of state or some important wall street executive.  The two girls hauled me over to the open door and shoved me face first through the opening.  My hands regained some feeling and at the last second I grasped at the end of the door opening and held myself from falling all the way through the door and into the limo.  At first the women were not sure what had happened, my legs still were not moving, but my arms were getting stronger.  I held onto the door and tried to push myself backwards.  I could vaguely make out someone in front of me, she had red hair and alabaster skin, she was sipping on champagne and looked at me with delight and amusement in her eyes. She blew me a kiss and took another long swallow from her flute glass. 

?Oh look, he is trying to escape again, how cute, hasn’t he figured it out yet that we will find him just as easily??  It was the voice of my sweet princess, she was directly behind me, both of her porcelain hands slowly prying each finger of my right hand off of the frame of the door opening.  She giggled as she peeled the last two off and held them, holding me in the balance.  She let go of my ring finger and held my pinky finger tightly, my body was swaying, teetering, almost falling through the door frame into my destiny.  I was whimpering, I was struggling to keep my balance.

?What do you think, old man, quite a change of events in the past few days for you, hmmm?  Here I am holding your pinky, the last straw of your life, before I let you go and we push you in the car to take you to a grand finale that no one in their right mind would ever wish upon another human being.  I am your life line right now, and all I can think of is how lecherously you looked at me in the cyber caf?, how your old, disgusting eyes were devouring my young body when I sat next to you.  You could never have me, not on your luckiest day!  Oh no, old man, you are not going to get away any more.  You are a blight on this city and a scourge to beautiful women like me.  We are going to do to you exactly what you asked of us, and guess what, while I cant speak for everyone here, I am really, truly going to enjoy every bit of it!  In you go, old man,? she sang sweetly as she let go of my pinky and I fell forward, off balance, into the limousine.  My other hand had slipped off of the door as I fell in, and the girl inside put down her champagne glass and began to drag me forward to the front of the limo, pulling me by my hands.  My face was rubbing against the carpet on the floor and I could see my reflection in the bar mirror.  I tried to cry, but nothing came out.

?Here you are,? she spoke in an English accent, ?that’s it, right up to the front, not going to get out of here now, are we, hmmm?  You might have run before but there’s not a chance you are getting out of this limousine now!?  She laughed as she pulled my hands behind my back and clicked my wrists together with what had to be handcuffs. 

Oh God this was it, she was right, I couldn’t get out of here now, even if I got my full strength back, there were too many of them.  And they had a stun gun, and God knows what else.  Maybe another syringe of sodium pentathol.  Why was this happening to me?  How did they find me so easily?  I could hear the other women getting in the car as I lay face down on the carpet floor.  The women sat on the couch parallel to me and put their feet on top of my prone body, going through the shopping bags, dividing up the things I had purchased, acting like I was just a car mat.  I heard the door close and the limo lurch forward and begin to pick up speed.  We made a turn and then began hurtling down, deep into the depths of Manhattan.

The girls were enjoying the ride, I could tell, they were not even paying attention to me at all and I heard corks popping as more champagne was dispensed.  Some of it spilled on my ankles, I could feel the cold, but then I heard the clicking, it wasn’t champagne at all.  They had just cuffed my ankles together.  I was getting more feeling back, and let out a small yelp when my legs were pulled up and somehow attached to my wrists.  I was hogtied on the floor of a limo with at least six women now occupying the limo with me.  Oh dear God, they weren’t just partying, they were celebrating.  They were celebrating my capture, champagne glasses clinking together.

?Oh the look on his face when he saw me for the very first time when I had walked in with my school books and sat down next to him at the cyber caf?, it made me want to do this to him even more!  It took everything I had to sit there and wait for him to email us and then leave.  He was so pathetic, I knew right away he would fall for me.?  I felt her foot tapping down on my head, she was seated directly above me in front of my face.  She tapped her foot down on my head even harder now to accent every word, making my head bounce on the floor of the limo, ?Like Putty In My Hands!  Didn’t I say that to you the first day we met, huh, Loser!?  She pulled my face up by my hair and stared down into my eyes, she held them for a few seconds before she spoke. ?Didn’t I try and warn you?  Didn’t you know I was a dangerous girl, my beauty a lure to swallow you whole? Did you honestly think it was a chance meeting in the cyber cafe?  While the rain sure helped out, it was your own desire that led you to me, and I used you, every bit of my body used you to get you here.  Look me in the eyes!  Do you really think I would ever fall for a man like you?  When we were fucking, I wanted so badly to tie you up and call the girls so that we could bag you right then and there, but they had a much better plan.  Remember the text I sent when we had tea, it was to tell them you were in my apartment, that you were on the hook.  You are such a stupid, old fuck!  By the time we are all done with you, you are going to wish I had killed you the night we met, the night I told you about the death-sperm.?

I was stunned by her words, it had been a set-up from the moment I met her, but how?  How did they find me in the cyber caf?, it wasn’t even the same one I had used the day before?  She could not have followed me from my apartment, they didn’t know where I lived!  It made no sense?  I was staring into her eyes and saw no pity at all.  I heard what she had said, but I still couldn’t help but drink in her beauty, her cleavage open to my gaze, her perfect lips dripping with honey, she was a miracle.  ?That’s it, you weak-kneed, spineless ape, look into the face of beauty as it drains you of your will power and your very existence!  Go ahead, let me seep into your skin, get into your veins.  You don’t have long on this earth, so you might as well enjoy it.  But just so you know, I will make sure to repay you for every look, for every stare, I will be sure to take it out on you, pervert!  Don’t whimper!  You are ruled by your cock, and we are going to show you what happens to pathetic men like you.  Don’t you remember?  You begged for this and now you are going to get it!? my cruel Asian Princess shouted.

She let go of my hair and my head fell down with a thud on the carpeted floor.  The other girls cheered their approval, their feet stomping down on me with abandon. 

?Oh trust me, I know that look you are talking about, when I stepped out of the cab he was practically drooling like a dog.  I couldn’t even look at him, besides he’s so repulsive, how could I when I had shopping on my mind!?  they all laughed as the French art student continued, her slight accent wafting like smoke through the limo.  ?I hope you all like the items I bought for you, he was so transfixed by my magnificence that he didn’t even realize I was buying different sizes!  See little man, see what that hard cock of yours has gotten you into now?  Your dripping, hard cock got you into this mess.  Got you into the limo you swore to yourself you would never get in.  The very limo you ran from, the very girls you tried to trick and hide from.  It was your cock, wasn’t it, you weak masturbating fucker!  You are riding in a limo with half a dozen gorgeous beauties, and I bet you are hard as I speak, even though you already know what is going to happen to you, at all of our hands!  We are going to end your miserable, pathetic existence and do everyone on this planet a favor!?

Another round of champagne and clinking glasses led to cheers and jeers at my hogtied body on the floor.

?Ok, ok enough fun for now girls? Nikita’s voice calmed the gaggle of women.  ?Tear his clothes off and get him ready.  Don’t hurt him too much, but if he struggles one bit, I will give you my stun-gun and you can use it to keep him still.?  I heard a window roll up and realized then that she was riding in the passenger seat, up with the driver. 

Without so much as another word, the girls began ripping the clothes off of my body, literally tearing them off and tossing them out the window as we drove, both shoes tossed out as well.  I was completely naked in 5 minutes flat.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the red head pull out a tattoo gun from a leather bag.  Oh god, they were going to tattoo me!  My voice had returned and I decided I could at least beg for mercy.  Needles scared the hell out of me

?Please don’t tattoo me, please, I know it sounds ridiculous, knowing what you have planned for me, but I cant take needles, please don’t do that to me,? I begged, tears choked my mouth and nose as I tried not to show how terrified I was at the whole situation.  I felt like I was somewhat in a state of shock and just trying to deal with the events as they occur.

?Shut it!? I looked up and my Asian Princess took off her right heel and shoved her toes into my mouth, ?Suck on these or I will gag you with a rag doused in gasoline.?  I began to suck on them as the redhead unhooked my hogtie and then straddled my back as my legs and arms got a much needed break.  I felt her place the tattoo gun right at the base of my neck.  She flicked a switch and it began to whirr, but I didn’t feel anything stinging me, just sort of a pinching and almost sucking feeling.  Then I heard a plastic clinking and she turned the gun off.

?Got the GPS tracker, these babies are definitely worth their weight in gold.  I don’t know how we ever got our runners before these were invented!?  She got off my back and sat on the couch.

So that’s how they had done it!  I wasn’t jabbed with pentathol in a syringe, it was a GPS device they had stuck me with that first night!  Oh God!  They knew where I was at every moment, they let me think I was free!  Oh God, I was a puppet on a string, they could have gotten me at any time, but to make it worse, I fell right into their trap!  It was all too much and I began to cry.

?Awwwwww? The whole group of girls sympathized at once. 

The limo dividing window rolled down and Nikita, the stunning Russian Goddess, spoke through it.

?Yes, loser, you were on our radar screen from the second you ran off down that alley way in the meat packing district.  Why did you think we let you run?  Aren’t we so clever?  Letting you think that you had gotten away, letting your guard drop, then reeling you all the way back, like a fish, back into the same limo you ran from a few nights ago?  Isn’t it much better to be in the company of smart women like us, women who know deep down what you want.?  The girls in the limo flipped me over on my back and Nikita’s voice got louder as she stuck her head through the opening and looked down at me, the top of her perfect chest clearly visible through the window as she continued to speak.

?Yes, you inadequate, pitiable little lamb, you know what we are going to do to you, but look at you.  Surrounded by beauty of all types, from all corners of the globe, and your body can not help but surrender.  I should tie a white flag to that pole and show your surrender to everyone.?  I looked down and she was right, my cock was at attention.  Stiff and rigid, despite  knowing that each and every woman here was going to relish and delight in taking my life away, even if now it was against my will.  They wanted to murder me, and although I had asked for it before, it was clear now I didn’t want this.  They had to know but they seemed not to care.  I looked around at all the women and in the dim glow of the interior limousine light I could see them all.  They were smiling, winking at me, the blonde door-girl even licked her lips, I got cold all of a sudden and shivered again.  The hair was standing up all over my body but my cock was at attention.  How could it not be?  I was under 12 beautiful feet, all in heels or boots or some even barefoot.  Looking up at each woman I could see the most revealing angles of their legs and thighs, even a few glimpses under their skirts and dresses.  As they bent over to laugh at me or tease my tortured state, their tops revealed such beautiful cleavage and full breasts, flawless skin, amazing, creamy, and completely, forever, and without a doubt untouchable.  I could never have any one of these women in real life, on a date, even for just coffee, and I knew it.  They knew it too.  And yet here I was with half a dozen of them, all to myself.  Maybe this was the price I had to pay for such a privilege.  Maybe they were right, maybe it was the best thing, for these unbelievably beauties to take my life and put me out of my misery.  Maybe it was the best solution.

My eyes fell back onto my beautiful Asian Princess, she smiled down at me, almost as if she could read my thoughts.  She put her feet next to my head, holding my gaze and her hair fell forward over her shoulders as she looked down on my intently.  She lowered her hands and rubbed my temples.  ?That’s it, little one, accept your fate, it will be so much easier for you if you do, otherwise it will be torture, absolute suffering, and you don’t want that.  Don’t you want your last few moments on earth to be pleasurable?  It’s all up to us now, so just do what we say and you will go with a smile on your face??  The limo was quiet, I could feel everyone holding their breath, it was tense and it seemed like everything rested on me at this moment.  I looked into her eyes and shook my head Yes.  She smiled down at me, warm and wide, then broke my gaze and looked over the women in the limo.

?Didn’t I tell all of you he would do whatever I wanted?  What a fucking loser!  I swear, I have met some weak, spineless men in my time, but this lech is the worst!?  while she was emasculating me, She used her feet and toes, smothering me, then sticking them in my mouth, then slapping me with them.  If I wasn’t being led away to my death, I would have been in heaven.  My body still had no control and as I looked up, the redhead girl who drug me the length of the limo reached down and held the base of my cock while another girl at the very end of the limo tied a white handkerchief around it, completing Nikita’s wishes, and showing my total and ultimate surrender.

I was slapped back into reality by my Asian Princess, her dainty hand striking me back and forth, forehand then backhand, until she had my attention.  ?Say it!  Say it!  Your body is doing it so just fucking say it!?  Her face was flushed red, it was obvious she was getting off on my defeat.  I still didn’t know what she wanted so she began to slap me again as she continued ?Go on and say it to all of us, say you surrender, you pathetic little man, tell us who owns you, give in and say it, pervert!?

Her hand was small but it stung and my eyes were watering as I assented, ?I surrender, you win, you win, I surrender myself to all of you, please take me and do what you want with me, you have won and I am your prize, I surrender?? she stopped hitting me and then looked over her shoulder.  I could see Nikita nod to her.  Without another word all the women got off of the couch and held me down, arms legs, hands feet, and sat on me, I could go no where.  The Asian Goddess raised herself up off of the couch, turned around and sat down on my chest.  I could barely breath, but she put a finger to my lips as I struggled.

?Relax, and exhale all the way out for me, exhale all the way out little one? we are going to do some breathing exercises to help you relax and prepare for your ending, we are almost at our destination, and I want you ready? Her face was such a work of art, I couldn’t even think straight, but I did what she asked, I exhaled until I could push out no more.  She smiled and continued, ?Now be calm and trust me,? as she put her delicate hands around my neck.  She began to strangle me.  These were no breathing exercises!  She was trying to kill me right here in the limo!  Her ass pushed down harder on my chest and her knees tightened their grip, I could get no air in my lungs at all.  I tried to struggle, which brought a giggle from the girls sitting on me and holding me down, and even in my horrible situation, I still could not help but look up at her chest, the angle of her body over mine, and feel aroused.  My head was hurting, I couldn’t breath, my chest burned like fire and then all I could see was her face, staring down into my eyes, she was enjoying this.  She was like a schoolgirl, thrilling at breaking a new toy, her eyes were sparkling and shiny, as her grip around my throat increased.  I could see Nikita’s face behind her, looking down on me, her grin was priceless, it was obvious she loved this.

I was gasping, I was aware of what was around me but I couldn’t draw any breath at all.  My eyesight began to fade, I was blacking out, I couldn’t see anymore and right before darkness washed over me, I could hear the limo erupt with another round of gleeful cheers at my passing?

Oh God!  I awoke with a start!  I was covered in silk sheets, sweating, and was staring up at the ceiling fan, breathing hard and fast.  I could feel someone next to me and looked over, it was my Princess, sleeping soundly.  I was in her apartment.  Oh dear God, was it all really a dream?  I wasn’t in the limo, oh god, I began to sob, it had been so real.  The shopping, the girls, my capture, the limo ride, oh god, I was safe, I wasn’t going to die!  Oh thank god, oh what a terrible nightmare!  I touched her hair and she awoke, looking at me and wrapping her legs around my body.  Oh she felt so good, so warm and alive.  Warm, soft, all curves and hips, such beauty and youthful passion.  I was awash in energy and happiness.  I wanted this moment to last forever.

?Oh Princess, I had a terrible dream, I dreamt I was dying.  It was so horrible.?  I spoke to her and she looked at me with a sleepy-eyed, fuzzy head morning stare.  She was so cute.

?You dreamt you were dying?  What?  Oh baby that’s terrible,? she slurred her words to me, ?Come here, let me make you feel better,? She pushed her chest next to my mouth and I opened it, her nipple rested on my lips as I began to suck on it. 

?Its ok now, I am ok,? I kept repeating in my head as the heat from her body swept over me.  She stroked my hair as I looked up at the ceiling, a strange feeling in my stomach coming over me.  She got up on one elbow and looked down into my eyes.  I closed them and tried to relax, concentrating on her nipple in my mouth, as she kissed my forehead.

?Yes baby, it was just a dream, a nightmare really.  There aren’t a group of women hunting you down to kill you.  You aren’t trapped in a limo, riding off to your death, no you are safe here with me?? she pulled her breast out of my mouth.

I opened my eyes with a start.  I didn’t tell her my dream, how could she know-?  I looked up and saw Nikita’s face where my Princess had been.

?No, little lamb, you are safe and sound, you are going to be ok, keep repeating that to yourself.  Give in and give up to us, we know what to do with you, we know what you want, and you are going to get it, there can be no escape this time, no escape for the little lamb, you are trapped by the foxes now??  I screamed and screamed as she smiled.  She opened her blouse further and offered her right breast to my screaming mouth, filling it completely.  The ceiling fan grew tentacles and wrapped around me in the bed, pulling me spread eagle on the bed, while Nikita pinched my nose and kept telling me that I was going to be just fine, just fine.  I screamed and screamed and then----

I was awake.  I was back to reality, she had just made me pass out, she hadn’t really strangled me?  I was out of the limo.  It was bright as hell and it hurt my eyes.  My throat was sore.  I couldn’t move.  My head hurt like hell.  Where was I?  what the hell was all this equipment?  Was that a refrigerator and freezer?  Fuck.  Oh Fuck no.  It looked like.  Oh God NO!

NO! NOT LIKE THIS!  OH FUCK ME!! I WAS IN A KITCHEN!!!  OH GOD NO!!!  THEY WERE GOING TO COOK ME!!!  I screamed with horror, I was panicked, I struggled but I was going no where.  I tried to kick and pull my way out of here, even if it meant pulling my limbs off.  I was tied face down on a metal table?  I couldn’t tell, but my arms were pulled behind me and attached to some wedge that was under my hips.  My ass was in the air and my knees were tied, spread apart to the wedge, and I could feel thick heavy leather straps holding me down to the wedge and the table, across my back and hips.  My legs stretched the length of the metal top and my ankles felt tied to each corner.  I was spread wide and my ass was in the air.  I was face down on the cold metal, but I could feel something attached to my cock.  My heart was racing and from underneath me a humming sound began  It was the wedge I was bent over, it was some sort of machine.  It was slowly sucking on me.  I was aroused and I could feel something working in my ass.  Oh god this felt good.  I tried to forget about where I was and what was happening to me as the machine worked me into a state of bliss.  Maybe this is how an animal feels in the jaws of a lion, I mused, knowing I was going to die, but still trying to gain one last bit of pleasure from whatever time I had left.  I breathed heavy as the machine got me closer to orgasm, and then it slowed down.  I was right at the edge and the machine somehow... knew?  It backed off, and I was maddeningly frustrated as I was left gasping for release.  Slowly it worked me up again and I was near the edge, keeping me here I could feel my entire body pulsing with the rhythm of the suction device.

Without warning two metal doors to the kitchen flew open and swung back and forth on their hinges.  It was Nikita and my Princess and three other beauties.  They all wore the same outfits.  They looked stunning!  The lights behind them only further accentuated their dominance and power.  Each had on big black combat boots, laced up to their knees.  Each had on long white latex gloves and had their hair pulled back in severe ponytails.  They looked to be completely naked except for, oh god, they all were wearing white rubber butcher’s smocks!  Oh God!  They stood around me in a half circle, hands on hips, looking at my reaction, letting me see what they had in store for me just through their outfits.  They didn’t have to say a word, they knew that I knew what all this meant.  They were the cooks and I was the lamb.  Nikita’s chest was heaving with desire, her breath coming in quick gasps as she saw the fear in my eyes.  She loved my shocked expression, but she also knew the suction machine and prostrate massager were working their magic.  Keeping me full of desire without any release as they paraded around me, inspecting me, marveling at how hard I could be even though I knew they would be snuffing me out.  Nikita came closest and knelt down next to me.  I could see her chest, looking down her smock, oh god she was perfect.  Her breasts had to be 34D, and she was proud to use them to destroy me.  I could see the glee in her eyes, they were filled with a blood-lust.  She pushed her chest out further, eliciting a whimper from me as my cock throbbed to the rhythm of the sucking machine.  But I could feel the machine throttle back and not let me cum.  This machine was not going to let me orgasm until the women allowed it, I was caught between heaven and hell.

?Oh little lamb, you look so cute, trussed and ready for the bar-b-q? hmmm yes.. oh yes we are going to cook you and then eat you!  Mmmmhmmm oh don’t struggle, its all over now, but I will grant you one last wish.?  Her finger traced the outline of my lips and she stuck it into my mouth and I sucked on it without even thinking.  ?Little lamb, would you prefer to be bled here and now, in front of all of us, while we allow you one last final orgasm?? she let the option linger, taking her finger out of my mouth and sliding it under my neck in a cutting motion, looking straight into my eyes and seeing the fear in them, ?or would you rather be slow roasted over an open fire, in front of all of the women, slow roasted to seal in your juices, and kept alive while we eat your for dinner!  Alive to see me and your Princess carve you up and eat you!  Eat you alive!?  I could tell this excited her even more, her breasts straining against the rubber smock, opening her mouth and making biting noises with her teeth.  She giggled and put her finger under my chin, holding her gaze with my eyes, and whispered ?Let me cook you?? knowing that it would likely be a long, slow horrible death.  A suffering of unimaginable heat and pain.  I began to sob, I couldn’t think with this machine sucking me to the edge again. 

?Little one,? My Princess addressed me as she came closer, kneeling down next to Nikita.  ?Tell me you want to be cooked alive? That way, after we begin to eat you, I can milk the sperm from you as you die.  I want to have a Goddess, and I want your death sperm to produce it...  It wont be so bad, just a little heat, just a little fire?  I will be beside you to baste you, to make sure you cook nice and slow, nice and even.  We have a way of keeping your head out of the fire, nice and cool, while the rest of your body roasts!  It will probably take hours for you to cook properly,? my sobs grew louder and racked my whole body, how could she do such a thing to me?  Oh God she really wanted to cook me.  ?What’s wrong old man, don’t you want to spend more time with me?  You never did take me out to a proper dinner!  Come, lets do this, spend your dying hours with your one true Princess?  No baby, of course I don’t love you, but I would love to? to eat you alive, to taste your flesh while you watch me enjoy you.  Wouldn’t you love to look into my eyes as I feast on your body?  Say you will do it baby, or we will slice your throat open right here and now and gut you while you bleed your life away like a dumb animal!?  My eyes were in shock as she threatened me, I stopped crying and looked at her expression, her face was flushed and her pouty lips were glistening, shiny and full.  ?Well I am through playing around, we don’t have all day. Nikita get the knife, I am going to cut him wide from ear to ear right this instant!?

?Oh Goddess, ok, ok, cook me, cook me alive and eat me alive,? I sobbed.

Nikita stood over me with a butcher’s knife and pulled my hair up, exposing my vulnerable neck.

?Beg for it,? my princess sternly spoke to me, holding my chin and forcing me to look into her heartless eyes as Nikita placed a bucket under my head to catch the blood from my soon to be severed neck, ?Beg to be cooked and eaten alive by all of us or she will slice you open right now!  Beg for it, beg us to cook you alive, you disgusting pervert!? and she slapped me hard, my eyes tearing up.  I could see the blade coming down under my throat and squealed.


?Mmmmmmm? her and Nikita both purred their approval.  Nikita laid the knife on the table top and stroked my hair, ?Oh little lamb, I only have one question for you? how would you like to be cooked?  Well done, medium, or medium rare?  Meat tastes best medium rare, but the sight of you cooked to a nice golden brown makes my whole body ache with desire.? She smiled wickedly and kissed my lips, as I stared ahead in shock.

?Oh Nikita, you love to torture them so!?  She knelt next to me with Nikita and put her tongue in my ear, as the sucking machines worked on me more, bringing my state of arousal even higher. I was moaning with the frustration and She pulled away and whispered to me, ?Don’t worry, you will be cooked to our liking, and we have such a special grill to make sure you turn out just perfect?? and she stabbed her tongue in my ear again as the other women in the room closed in on me and began massaging my arms and legs, touching me and pinching me.  I was in heaven, they were all so beautiful.  My Princess pulled away and stood up, her perfect chest staring down at me as she lifted one boot over my neck and straddled my neck, holding my hair up and forcing me to look straight ahead.  She was behind my head, with her strong thighs holding my neck still.  Nikita massaged my temples and spoke aloud, looking into my eyes, I could see the anticipation in her face for what was to come. 

Ok girls? Stuff him!?

The three girls massaging my body walked over to the side and wheeled over a large metal tray.  I could see a hose about 3 feet long and stuffed with.. oh god with actual stuffing, attached to a machine with a funnel on it.  There was a large turkey baster sticking out of a pitcher.  The three girls were all looking at me, grinning, as one took the long, stuffing filled end of the tube and handed it to Nikita.  She sat on the ground, cross-legged, allowing my gaze to shift from her perfect Russian features down to her amazing cleavage.  Her chest, oh god, this sucking machine had me in a frenzy.  Knowing what was going through my head, Nikita took a small bottle of olive oil and poured the entire contents down between her breasts, and while looking at me square in the eyes, brought the tube down, pressed her chest together using her elbows, and rubbed it back and forth between her amazing 34Ds. 

?Mmmm, I bet you wish this was your cock between my chest, hmm lamb?  Well, just so you know, it would never, ever happen.  EVER!  You could never have a woman like me, the only reason you are here right now is so that we can cook you, and you know it!  Yes, you wish this was your cock, and not a stuffing tube.  The tube that we are going to slide down your throat and fill you until you can’t hold one more little bit.  The tube that represents another surrender to us, another indignity, another emasculation, we are taking it all away from you bit by bit!  And you know what happened after we stuff you, we light of the grill and cook you!!!?  I opened my mouth and began to moan and she stopped moving the tube and spit right into my mouth and laughed. 

The other two girls bent over from the hips as they approached me one holding the pitcher and another holding the turkey baster.  Without so much as a word, the blonde with long straight hair shoved the tapered end of the turkey baster in my nose and squirted some bitter horrible mixture down the back of my throat.  I gagged but before I could expel any of it, the girl with the pitcher set it on the ground and used both hands to shut my mouth.  I was wide eyed with fear as the blonde took the baster and drew another full amount from the pitcher and squirted it down through the other nostril.  I struggled but a sharp pull on my scalp from my Asian Princess ended my revolt.

?Baby, its ok, its just an acid suppressor.  We are going to squirt it all down your throat so that your stomach wont produce any acid when we stuff you.  It’s like eating an entire bottle of Prilosec in one day, your poor stomach wouldn’t be in action for at least a few days, not that it matters now since you will be on the grill soon, but we can’t take any chances.  We don’t want digested stuffing when we carve you open, we want it cooked and steaming hot!  Mmmm I can almost taste it right now, how about you girls?

?Mmmmhmmm? was the chorus of the women who were working on me, squirting the mix down my throat through my nose, treating me like an animal, I wasn’t even a human to these women anymore.  On and on and on it went until the pitcher was empty.  I was gagging and my stomach felt absolutely awful.

The two girls moved back to the table and grabbed a huge, clear glass bowl that I could see was full of stuffing.  They began to fill the funnel of the machine that was attached to the tube while Nikita played with the tube at the edge of my mouth.  My throat felt, felt almost numb, it was as if I was somewhere else as I heard her say ?Open? and without thinking I obeyed.  ?Good little lamb, I would have taken special pleasure in forcing this between your tightened lips, but seeing you surrender to me is just as exciting??  I felt the tube sliding down, past my throat, I was surprised that I didn’t gag.  I couldn’t really tell where it was, but saw Nikita feeding inch after inch of the tube into my mouth.  I could see the tube filled with bread, celery, seasoning and other bits of food.  The girls with the stuffing machine wheeled the tray closer as Nikita ran out of tubing.  At last she was finished and stood up over me.

My Asian Princess kept a firm grip on my head in between her thighs and used her fingers to trace the outside of my lips, touching the tube, holding it in place.  Nikita, standing by the machine, one hand on her hip, the other on a red button, looked over at me, then at her friends in the room.  ?Ready ladies?  One? Two? Three!?  when she flicked the switch I could see the machine vibrating as the stuffing in the tube slid down and down and down the clear tube into my stomach.  The girls working the machine were careful to keep the funnel full as the bits were broken and squeezed into the tube, and ultimately pumped slowly into my stomach. 

?Oh lamb, don’t worry, we have done this before, you will easily take the entire bowl of stuffing, and then some.  Yes, you will feel stretched out and it will be very painful, worse than an enema I am told, and but after a while your body will get used to it.  Used to it until we put you on our grill, that is!  Then the stuffing will begin to caramelize and the pain you will feel as it hardens will be excruciating!  Oh, don’t give me that look!  You deserve to suffer for running away from us!  I know we promised in that email that it would be painless, but do you honestly think you would have ever wanted to meet us if I had told you how painful this process would be?  But then again, you chose to be slow roasted, oh this is turning me on so much, little lamb, I can not wait to see you turning on our grill!  That’s what you get for trying to run from us.  I know, we did have fun chasing you down, hunting you in the city.  I would definitely do it all over again!?

?Speak for yourself Nikita, I had to sleep with this disgusting pervert!  Don’t think I forgot out about that, old man!?  She pulled on my ears, pulled them until I thought she would pull them off.  ?Do you know how horrible that was, to feel your thing inside me?  I don’t let losers like you even touch me, let alone enter my precious body.  You will pay dearly for the pleasure you had.  Yes I will get your death-sperm, and once I do, I am going to slice your cock and balls right off and stuff them in your mouth!?

This was all too much for me and I shut my eyes and tried to stop the tears from running down my face.  They were being so cruel to me, I never asked for any of this, why can’t I be back in the bed with her and sharing our days together? 

I felt a sharp pain in my eyes as one of the helpers took small clamps and used them to hold my eyelids open.  Oh god, there was no escape from this torture.  Nikita was now sitting on the wheeled tray, her long legs stretching out, using the bottoms of her boots to hold my chin up.  Looking at me, she just stared deeply into my eyes.

?I wonder what you are thinking right now?  Maybe I can guess? You are wishing you were somewhere else.  Anywhere but here, hmm?  Well, I can tell you, little lamb, it wouldn’t matter.  You would send us another email, begging to be given another chance.  Begging us to end your life.  How do I know?  Do you think you are the first to back out?  They all do, that’s why we had to get the GPS device.  Men like you inevitable ask to be killed again, and then again you will run, over and over, and it wastes our time.  You are a miserable person, you do not deserve to live and you know this.  Look at your empty life.  We gave you something you never had, a night with a beautiful college girl who made you feel alive, then shopping with a model through the streets of Manhattan.  And she is a real model by the way, came over from France to do some print work and was more than happy to help us fuck you over.  Hmmm.  Then we even staged a classic exposure, running your two worlds together, feeling your heart break as your model and your dream girl rained insults down on you.  For all we went through to stage this for you, don’t you think its only fair that you give us a nice meal?  Hmm?  A nice stuffed meal, cooked to perfection, and the best part is, you will be fully aware and conscious  when we put you on the dining table and cut you to pieces!?  She laughed out loud, fully aware how obscene her logic was.  How cruel her reasoning was.  I was so turned on and confused, but I was well aware that these women were completely evil.  Oh God I had to get out of here, but there was no where to go.  My body felt like I was going to explode.  My Asian Princess grabbed my tube and began to withdraw it a few inches as the machine continued to stuff me full. 

The girls at the metal tray ran out of stuffing and then poured a large bottle of.. what the fuck was that?  It looked like chocolate?  Ex-lax?  What the fuck were they doing pouring ex-lax down my throat?  Nikita examined my stomach and then addressed the girls, ?He isn’t even half way full yet, go and get anything you can find, we have to make sure his stomach is literally bulging out.  I don’t care what you put in there, he has got to look disgustingly stuffed.  Go and get the used cat litter and the garbage can from the ladies room.  Grab anything else you can find, were going to fill him so full he will want to explode!?

What?  Why do they want to fill me with disgusting things if they are going to cook and eat me?  What’s the Ex-lax for? Maybe they really aren’t going to cook me?  Why would they fill me with cat shit and god knows what else if they plan on eating me?  It wouldn’t happen!  They’re bluffing!  They just want to scare the fuck out of me! Maybe I can get out of this?  Maybe they don’t really mean to cook and eat me!  Oh god I had to hope!  Seriously who would kill and eat someone, this has got to be some sort of plan to scare the hell out of me.

I saw one of the helper girls, she was tall and looked so hot in her butcher smock.  Her gloved hands were holding a small trashcan, and she dumped it upside down right into the stuffing machine’s clear funnel.  I could make out q-tips, toilet paper, even tampons falling into the funnel.  After a few seconds, I could see the machine pumping it, mixed in with the stuffing, right down the tube into my stomach.  Oh God I was going to be sick.  The girls brought over a pan of used cat litter.  One of the girls began to laugh as she used tongs to pick up pieces of used cat litter and drop them into the funnel.

?Don’t you see, little lamb? Nikita’s Russian accent brought me back to reality, ?You are nothing to us.  You are a toy, an object, something women like us amuse themselves with.  You are not a man, fuck you are not even human.  You deserve to eat this, our garbage and our cat shit.  You are lucky I don’t squat over that machine and feed you right from my ass!  You pathetic excuse for a man, look at you, still hard, still drooling, still a fucking loser!  The lowest form of life, a worm. Maybe you need to be reminded of your place??

She got off the tray and spun around, facing me.  She smiled as she spat into the funnel, then blew her nose into it.  ?I swear to god if I had to, I would shit into this and laugh right in your face as each piece was pumped down your throat! God you are such a fucking waste of air!?  she laughed and held her sides.  All I wanted to do was get out of here.  This was turning out much worse than I could have ever imagined, and I still wasn’t sure if they were really going to do all of this.

My Asian Princess kept my head still between her magnificent pearl-while thighs.  My stomach continued to stretch, I thought I was going to split apart as the phlegm and tampons entered my stomach.  I looked up to the two girls laughing as they dumped an entire ashtray into the funnel and then pushed the ashes and cigarette butts down the funnel with a plunger.  I was being stuffed with the most vile, sickening things.  My Asian Princess kept watch on my stomach and then slowly pulled the tube further up to make sure I was all filled in.  As the tube came up my throat, I gagged.  I could see the glass bowl was empty and one of the girls turned off the stuffing machine as my Princess pulled the rest of the tube out of my mouth. 

All the girls gathered the various implements, put them on the tray, and wheeled it away as I lay on the metal table, stuffed to impossible proportions.  I was fucked and I knew it.  The women came back, talking amongst themselves, ignoring me.  I had had enough.  This was going to stop.

?Princess, look, the game is over.  I know I am not going to be cooked and I want you to untie me right now.  I have had enough of this game.  You had better untie me right now and let me out of here or there is going to be real trouble!?  I threatened, I was doing my best to get their attention.  They all stopped their chatter and looked at me on the table, my ass in the air and my belly distended as I lay tied down.  They all laughed harder than before, my perfect Princess bounced over, her chest almost falling out over the smock.  She got very serious as she approached me, her hands behind her back, bending over, her cleavage practically spilling out in front of me.  Oh God she was so beautiful.

?Oh baby, how did you know we were just playing around with you?  We wanted to scare you to death before we let you go, how did you know we wouldn’t really cook you?  I mean, look at you, you are all ready for the grill, just a little olive oil and seasoning, and you would be ready for firing!  Didn’t you believe us?  Please tell me, how did you figure it out, and I will let you go, ok?  Come over here girls, get the tube off of him and the massager out of his ass,? the girls walked over and I opened my mouth to tell her I didn’t think she could ever go through with it, ever really take my life.  As soon as my mouth was opened, she brought her hands from behind her back and shoved a huge apple into my mouth, using both of her delicate hands to force it further, using my own teeth to secure it as it filled my mouth. 

?There Piggie!  Now what do you have to say about not being cooked, huh?  Nothing!  Because were going to do it, right this moment, you are going to be cooked alive and there isn’t a fucking thing you can do about it!?  She clapped her hands together and laughed at my expression.  She pinched my cheeks and whispered to me so no one else could hear ?Oh little one, just be brave and don’t scream too much, after a while you wont feel the flames anymore.  Don’t be nervous, and don’t panic, if you do, it will produce endorphins which will spoil the meat.  Just relax and die for me baby, I am so hungry for you, don’t you want to be inside me again??  I was looking into her dark eyes, glancing down her open smock and despite the tube and vibrator being pulled out of my ass, I was still turned on.  God she was really going to do this to me. 

I felt the girls stretch my legs out further, laying me flat on the table, and tying them together.  My hands were pulled up over my head and tied to the front.  As my Asian Princess comforted me, I could see Nikita wheel over a huge metal contraption. It looked like the top of an oven, it was all metal, like a huge hood.  Her and the three girls lifted it off the tray and as my princess told me ?Shshhhh?  they lowered the huge metal hood over my body, so only my head and arms were sticking out.  I felt something in the hood close down on me and the table suddenly shifted and I felt the metal top slide away.  I was resting on metal bars and felt metal bars above me holding me down, squishing me.  I was sandwiched between what could only be two metal grills!

?Mmmm, there we go, my lamb.  Feel the grill below you?  Well it’s the same above you, you are on a huge George Forman-like grill and will be turned over and over the fire, like a rotisserie!  Oh yes, its over now, time to light the fire!?

My princess got up, produced a long lit wooden match and showed it to me, right in front of my face.  She was bending over in front of me and my eyes wandered down her smock. I was such a pathetic man, being used because I could not say no, because I had lost all control.  ?I wanted you to see me doing this, see me being the one to light the fire that’s going to roast you alive!  Bye bye now piggie, were going to let you cook while we go and get the rest of the food ready.  Too bad that big apple is in your mouth, or maybe you could blow the match out, hmmm??  She giggled and shoved the match into a hole in the oven hood and I heard the wooosh of the fire and felt the flames, they felt like they were all around me.  The pain washed over me like a waterfall of fire.  Oh God!  I was being cooked! I began to scream over and over and over.  She patted my head, kissed my nose, stood up, turned around and walked away. 

The pain was indescribable.  My entire body was literally being burned all at once.  The heat was everywhere, and I began to turn on the grill.  I was pressed together and couldn’t move, but the pain, oh dear god, I don’t think I can take this. As I was spun around I could see the hood they had attached to me.  I was completely encased in a metal oven, except for my shoulders and head.  When I was fully turned 180 degrees, a chime went off, and the hood suddenly opened up, with vents sliding open in the top, and for a good 20 seconds or so, flames shot up through the vents about 3 feet into the air.  Oh my god, they were searing me!  Once the hood closed, I felt a spray cover my whole body, and then the heat attacked me again.  I began to cry, my tears evaporating on my face as the heat from the grill turned my existence into a living hell.

I began to turn again, and I knew once I was on my stomach, the grill vents would open again and the flames would shoot out of the top as the machine slowly cooked me and seared me like a piece of meat.  Oh god, this has to stop!  I began screaming again, screaming and hoping that I would wake up somewhere else, anywhere but here, this was too much to take.

All the girls were now behind me, I could hear them preparing the food.  I was screaming as loud as I could, it hurt like hell.  I wasn’t going to stop screaming until I died, apple or no apple in my mouth, and I didn’t care who heard me.  I knew I was making a lot of noise, and hoped someone would hear me somewhere.  Suddenly loud music was blaring from the end of the kitchen behind me.  The women decided to drown out my screams with some jazz music.  Oh God.  They didn’t care one bit about my suffering.  I screamed even louder when the flames shot through the vents and my skin crackled.

After what felt like an eternity, Nikita and my Princess came over and knelt down next to me at the oven.  ?How’s the little lamb doing??  Nikita’s thick Russian accent still sent shivers down my spine, even though I was being roasted alive. ?Its time to put you out of your misery.  I know, we told you we were going to eat you while you were still alive, but really, baby, that impossible.  Oh, and just so you know, we aren’t even going to eat you??  My eyes registered confusion and both girls laughed with delight at my expression.

?Oh baby, did you really think we were cannibals?  Oh god, I wouldn’t want to eat you!  Besides, you are disgusting, why would anyone want to eat you, even if they were cannibals??  The both laughed and slapped my face as I continued to cook.  Every now and then I could feel something cool spray me and then the heat would return, I was moaning now, my screams no longer able to continue and keep pace with my pain.  I was slowly turning over and over in the fire.

?Oh lamb, you aren’t going to be eaten, no no no, you are going to be our exhibit, our art work, our masterpiece!  We are going to put you under glass in our museum.  Now, get a good look at us, drink our bodies in, get your fill, because we have go, its time to say goodbye.  The art show starts in a few hours and we have got to get dressed.  Like what you see??

The two women were perfect, and they modeled their butcher’s smocks like lingerie, spinning around for me and bending over for me, I was mesmerized by their bodies despite the state I was in.  I was in such pain but I wanted them both, and they knew it.  ?I bet if he wasn’t being cooked, he would be hard right now!?  Nikita said, and both girls laughed again. 

The three other girls turned off the grill, pulled the apple out of my mouth, and, holding thick heat resistors, lifted off the oven hood set it on the concrete floor.  I didn’t dare look down at my body as the girls lifted me off and put me on a glass tray.  The tray looked like a serving tray used in a hotel., except there was a hole in the center, right where my ass would be.  Soon I saw large buckets of vegetables and other side dishes being scooped out and placed around my cooked body on the glass.  I was in shock.  They didn’t cook me to eat me, they merely cooked me to be a design in some sicko museum?  What the fuck was going on?  As I lay there, facing straight up, they returned with a glass box top, which covered me completely except for my head.  There was a neck opening in it for my head to stick out, just like in the grill.  I looked like a cooked lamb under glass with a human head untouched and unmarred.

I noticed that the end of the glass cage that had my head in the notch had a metal frame around it, around the whole frame, and I watched in horror as the women used a ladder to attach what looked like a huge blade to the top of the frame.  From the frame, a long metal chain ran down to what looked like some sort of digital readout that was placed on the side of my tray, along with what looked like a plaque or exhibit nametag.  I couldn’t figure out what in Gods name the chain was doing attached to the computer readout device.

My Princess explained everything in elaborate detail.  I could see how pleased she was that everything was turning out just right.  ?Now little one, just so you know what’s going to happen to you.  You see this scale?  This digital readout scale?  Well we stuffed about 20 lbs of shit into you, most of it stove-top stuffing, but a few extra ingredients.?  I could hear the girls giggle and laugh.  ?Anyhow, after about 2 days of being on display, your stomach will begin to digest the food, as the Prilosec we pumped down your throat begins to wear off and your stomach again produces acid,? she was looking down on me while the other women continued to fiddle with the computer readout device.  Her hair was still pulled back in a tight pony tail but her breasts hung so low, I could almost put one of them into my mouth.  I wanted to desperately, to have one more time with her.  Oh god, she was so beautiful. 

?Slowly, little one, you will digest the food.  And we have added a little Ex-lax to the mixture.  Obviously, you will have to go to the bathroom, but you are in no condition to go anywhere!  So we have cut a whole in the glass and it goes right down into a bucket below the display case, so no one will see.  If you need to pee, just go ahead, it will only add to your display!   However, there is a downside to all of this? With every bowel movement you have, you will get lighter, and once you lose, oh Nikita what should we say, 10 pounds??

Nikita looked up from the device and corrected her ?I just set it for 3 pounds, fuck this loser, I want to see him die quickly once the exhibit is over, even if he won’t be able to see us!?

?Well there you heard it from the Russian Assassin herself, once you lose 3 pounds, the chain will be released by the electronic scale and this guillotine will come down swiftly and chop your head right off!!!?  She clasped her hands and rubbed them together, obviously relishing the cruel ending of my life.  ?But don’t you worry, you wont even see it coming.  We will take mercy on you.  But for our mercy, there will be pain.?  I didn’t understand since I was looking straight up at the blade.  How could I not see it coming?  Obviously I would see it coming, unless she planed on blind folding me. 

She continued, as the other girls bolted the glass top onto the glass bottom, while Nikita put the finished touches on the guillotine, tightening the rope so it hung at the ready, ?And the electronic scale has a wireless transmitter, so once you are a few ounces away from having your head chopped off, it will alert us all on our cell phones.  I will try my best to come for your epic send off, as I am sure most of the girls here, and in the limo, and even others you have not met will surround your exhibit for the grand finale.  But, if we cant be there, we will have cameras and videos taping it, and the transmitter will even send us pictures to our cell phones as the blade falls on you!  I might just out be shopping at the time, or being fucked by a real man, or laying in bed waiting and masturbating at the thought of your helpless head being severed from your body in one drop!  I will be so turned on knowing that you are struggling, knowing that you likely were trying to hold in your shit, to not lose those last few ounces that will send the blade hurtling towards your neck, doing everything you can to keep from losing weight!  And to tip the scales in our favor, we added an entire bottle of ex-lax, piggie, ex-lax to make sure you cant hold out forever!?  she laughed as I realized everything.  She stuck her gloved finger in my mouth and I began to suck on it as I contemplated the end.  They never did intend to eat me, this was all a set-up from the beginning, and now, to make maters worse, my last few moments I will be trying my best to keep all that disgusting shit they pumped into my stomach from coming out my ass, lest I lose my head!

Nikita and my Princess were on either side of me and without saying another word, each produced a long, steel, ring-ended stick pin.  Oh god, no, needles!  I hated needles!  I tried to move but couldn’t turn my head as they both pushed the four inch stick pins into my eyes, right into the center.  I couldn’t scream anymore and just took it, I was broken completely.  I was exhausted by their torture.  When they had the pins firmly in my eyes, the pressed a button and I felt the backs of the pins in my eyes anchoring themselves.

?This is our pain, but our mercy is coming??  Nikita spoke to me, her voice seeming to completely envelope my body.

The three other girls came closer and stood over me.  My eyes were filling with blood and my vision got blurry, but nothing could prepare me for what happened next.  ?Bye bye now Piggie, I hope this goes easy for you, but either way, were having these eyes of yours, so just take a deep breath and hold still?? Both girls pulled hard on the ring end of the stick pins and easy as you please, I felt my eyes being pulled right out of my head.  The other three girls howled with laughter as Nikita and my Princess took my eyes and turned them around.  Oh god I was looking at myself!.  My left eye was looking down at my face while the other was looking at my body, and I could see everything!  I was completely roasted brown and covered with vegetables.  Around my cock there was a small bundle of carrots, it looked like a bonfire. 

?Look how well you cooked, you look just like a real lamb!? Nikita was turned on, I could hear it in her voice.  They turned my eyes back to face them, and while each woman waved goodbye, the other girls came around and showed me two large pairs of scissors.

?Good bye piggie, first your eyes, then your voice!  You wont be able to see, you wont be able to talk, but you will hear the ?ooohhhs? and ?ahhhhs? of all the women viewing your body under glass.  Don’t worry, we wont cut off your ears, we want to make sure you don’t miss one giggle, not one!?  And then they cut the muscles holding my eyes and my vision went blank.  Again I began to scream.  I felt needles being stuck in my throat, and it was like someone shut off my volume.  I couldn’t make another sound.  O god I was being moved, onto a cart, I cold feel my self being wheeled away.  I would never see these beautiful women again.  Oh god, why, why did they do this to me!  I didn’t want this, I just wanted to die peacefully, not like an animal!  This was it!  This was the last time I would be with these women until the end, which was at the most 3 days and 3 pounds away!

?Don’t worry little pig,? my princess whispered as she walked along side me, rolling me along the floor, ?I haven’t forgot about your cock and balls, I will have someone cut them off right as the blade falls, and if you are a good piggie, they might even masturbate you one last time before your head leaves your body.  Yes, not only are you going to be the center piece exhibit, you are also going to be the proverbial champagne bottle we smash when the Museum of Female Supremacy and Male Suffering opens tonight!  I wish you could see the girls that will collect around you.  I wish you could see the beautiful Latina I have hand-picked, the one who will cut your cock off, dressed to the nines and wielding a straight razor!  She is a registered nurse and relishes slicing off the balls and cocks of her lovers who cheat on her, and of course castrating losers like you who have no right to manhood!  But just know, I will keep it forever.  Your cock and your head, I will have them stuffed and mounted on my wall!  Stuffed and mounted like an animal!  Aren’t we evil, little pig?  Maybe you should think twice before you make your wishes, buts it’s much too late for that, now, isn’t it.  Muah, piggie, see you tonight,? she giggle at her own joke as I was led away to be held for the rest of my short life under glass. 

The End.

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Lucky StiffChapter 41 Wild Weekend III

When the jazzman's signifyin', And the band is windin' low, It's the late night side of morning, In the darkness of his soul. He can fill a room with sadness, As he fills his horn with tears. He can cry like a fallen angel, When risin' time is near. --Jazzman (Carole King) After Kristen and I finished in the shower, I went upstairs to get dressed. When I came back downstairs, I heard music playing in the billiard room. I went to that room and saw Kristen was sitting on one of...

3 years ago
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working out

I was at the family home...just clearing,boxing up things.mom was moving home...and l was giving her an hand...ever since dad,left.that was 3 years ago...he traded mom in for a younger model.he thought mom was old,at 55...so left....l live quite away,from mom.so have not seen her for some time...my sister..Liz..lives just a few streets away.so has been helping with the move,...tonight,mom and sis.have gone out for a nice meal...and drink.so l said l would finish the boxing up.l went into the...

4 years ago
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Solar Woman Solar Whore

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????? SOLAR WOMAN ? SOLAR WHORE  By Sonya Esperanto?? [email protected] Synopsis: SOLAR WOMAN AND COMET GIRL are the property of Nightwing 316. This is a non-profit story, and not for anyone below 18. About two superheroines who end up as unemployed, both in...

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AngelicaChapter 12 Fond Hearts

Angel spent the weekend alone with Jordan and it seemed to her that for a short time at least, the outside world didn't exist and she and Jordan were the only two people on earth. It was a stark contrast compared to Monday morning when she accompanied Jordan to his office to resume her new job as his receptionist. Even though Angel had only known Jordan a matter of days, to her it seemed a lot longer. She was surprised he was able to accept her, despite her filthy past. Connie and Meredith...

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A Ride I Will Always Remember

This is a true account and unfortunately the only time in my life when anything like this ever happened. After a great night out my husband and I were making our way home, we had planned to jump in a taxi, but as it was the night of the royal wedding and we were aware of one couple who were left waiting over 2 hours for a taxi to pick them up we decided to jump on one of the few busses still running, we were both a little tipsy but far from drunk. The bus was packed, we knew we had quite a long...

4 years ago
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Carlo Loses His Virginity With His Aunt Part Two

Carlo was playing video games in the living room.  Aunt Jackie was shopping with Kelly, and Martin was reading a book.  Carlo wanted to share his good news with his brother."Martin, I became a man the other day.""Yea, sure.  With who?  You never leave the house.""If I tell you, you have to promise not to tell.""Okay, I promise.  Who did you have sex with?""Aunt Jackie and I had sex together.""Why would Aunt Jackie have sex with a dork like you?""I guess she wanted to have sex.  Man. You should...

3 years ago
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No More Blurred Lines

The black line sits there blinking at me as if willing me to finally put words to the rest of the chapter that has been plaguing me for days. My deadline has passed and still nothing comes to mind. Should I make the main female character give in to her beloved’s wishes or remain the precious trophy of his twin brother? This decision should be easy for me to make since the two main characters are completely in love with each other, but have to hide it from everyone. Yet, everyone knew from the...

5 years ago
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The Great Power Of The Mind

Josh Evans had just graduated from high school in the last few months, and was now going to the local community college. He hadn't really been taking many classes, but mostly would party. This night was like any other night, and just like any other night, he needed a ride home because he had a few too many beers. His oldest friend, Jamie, had agreed to drive him home. While on the way, Josh turned to her. "Thanks, Jamie." "No Problem, Josh." she replied. Josh really couldn't talk after that,...

Mind Control
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Three Js and an S Go Skiing Day 5 Part 1 NO SEX IN THIS SEGMENT

Four young college girls on a skiing vacation have to find other things to do when an excess of new snow traps them in their cabin. This is the sixth in this series and describes a day with life- changing events for Kevin and for Julie. There is basically NO SEX IN THIS SEGMENT. What was supposed to be a minor interlude setting up some character development got away from me and grew on its own to became a whole segment. I was going to hack it back down to size, but I like the story so I...

2 years ago
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Blondie in Wonderland

I felt like Alice might have, finding myself in a kind of wonderland. Growing up in Oakland, Ca, well, a girl had a limited world view. My world was small, centered around 40 th Ave. Sure, I knew there was a much bigger world out there. Hell, I grew up dreaming of it, escaping through the pages of National Geographic to places far and wide. I even had my gramma’s tales, the few times she’d share them, of growing up in Lyon. Yeah, in my head, I’d visited Tuscany, the Amazon, New York, Jamaica,...

2 years ago
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StepSiblingsCaught Elsa Jean Grade A Pussy

Elsa Jean is studying, but she’s not doing very well on her own. She turns to her stepbrother Tony for help. Tony is able to give her the assistance she needs, but he’s only willing to do so for a price. At first Elsa offers to be nice to Tony, but when that doesn’t work she agrees to do her studying topless. Tony tries to walk away again, but Elsa keeps begging. Eventually he decides he’ll only help her study if she takes off her miniskirt to become totally naked. Tony...

2 years ago
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Femdom Invasion

A society of aliens, ruled by females, is invading Earth. Here are the options: Amazines: Human in appearance, the Amazines are a barbaric people who are very strong and tall. They want to show all other races the superiority not only of Amazines, but females in general. Felinineceans: a cat-like society of hunters, the males of their species are not sentient. As a result of these two factors, they seek to hunt and dominate males of other species. LLirgs: a race of completely hairless...

3 years ago
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Fun And Games

After the incident in the woods, I pretty much resigned myself to having to service not only my best friend Ted but also his older brother Dan and their buddy Mitch. I thought about all the time we spent in touch with each other and since we all hung around with different groups I figured the only place that might be uncomfortable was on the bus to and from school. In the morning the bus ride wasn't too uncomfortable. I was conscious of smirks on their faces and some snickering between them but...

2 years ago
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MommysGirl Aften Opal Shay Sights Cunning Linguist

Shay Sights is sitting on her bed, looking a bit worried about something. Aften Opal, Shay’s stepdaughter, walks by her open bedroom door and Shay decides to call her inside. Aften’s always glad to help out her stepmom, so she comes to sit next to her, asking her what’s on her mind. It turns out that Shay is back on the dating scene, and has recently met a LOVELY woman. Thing is, that woman hasn’t been impressed with Shay’s dirty talk in the bedroom. Shay reveals...

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Riley Reyes Acceptance Massage

Soon to be Step-Siblings Riley Reyes and Alex Legend receive phone calls from their parents inviting both for supper. Both Alex and Riley have never met until Alex visits Riley at the Nuru Massage for a rub me down. Alex knows the routine and they both undress and head towards the shower. Alex explains why he’s stressed out in meeting his new sister and mother-in law. Riley remarks that she’s coincidentally in the same scenario. Riley rubs Alex’s athletic chest with soap and...

3 years ago
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Park Me Mili Mast Bhabhi Ke Sath Sex Enjoy

Hi friends mera name sumit hai, main 30 saal ka hoon indore me rehta hu meri height 5.10 ft and lund 7inch lamba hai main average body ka ladka hu, is story ko padkar ise enjoy kariye ???? And apna feedback dijiyega. Baat kuch mahine pehle ki hai, mai tab apne regularly job pe tha or kuch din ki meri chuttiya thi to me apne regularly rutin me tha park me evening walk par jana. Or badminton khelna. Ek din ek mast lady jinki umar 38 ke paas hogi (boobs 36 ubhre hue, kamar 30 and gaand 38) usne...

2 years ago
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A Knock At The DoorChapter 9

Sara Adams stepped from the shower and looked at her nude body in the full length mirror on her bathroom door. She saw a shapely 47 year old woman looking back at her. Her dishwater blonde hair was dripping wet and the ends hung on her shoulders. As she looked in the mirror she lifted a breast and caressed the nipple. It hardened between her finger and thumb. Her other hand trailed down her slightly puffy belly to her shaven pussy. Her men liked her pussy clean and smooth and there was not a...

4 years ago
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Katie PunishedChapter 19

"Can you see anything happening, Katie?," asked Angie looking up at her friend's bottom, still a little bruised from its day at the beach last Thursday ( Katie's lovely back was generally pretty unmarked, though. The friends had been face to face from start to finish and it was the fronts of their two bodies which had taken nearly all of the punishment). Katie was peeping cautiously over the top of a high dune supported by Angie who was clasping her around her legs. "Not a lot - one of...

4 years ago
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My Real Sister Laxmi

Helo friends I am laxman.meri family main ammi 40 abbu 48 choti behan 12 bari behan 19 laxmi aur main 18.Ye story meray aur meri sister laxmi ki ha.Meri sister bohat sexy ha us ka rang gora ha aur boobs aur gaand bohat badhae hain us ka figure 36 30 38 ha aur height 5.7 ha long hair brown black eyes.main be kafhi handsome hon bohat sari larkian meray peechay pari hoi hain.Mera lund 7.6 ka ha aur 2 mota ha.Mera aur meri sister ka aik normal relation tha lakin aik din jab main nay net par bahi...

2 years ago
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Mature lady sex guide

Mature lady sex guide Posted: This time, I am writing about a young man’s experience with a matured lady. These are all my fantasies and they are not related to any real life stories. So here we go. Enjoy! Sanjay was in last year of msc. Sanjay came from a modest middle class family. To add a cushion to the pocket money he received from his father, Sanjay took mathematics tuitions of young students. One of Sanjay’s students, Arpit was in fifth grade. Arpit was born in UK and had studied there...

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The Busy Milf

When summer happened, Grace Anderson gave her nanny time off. She cancelled all her usual appointments to keep herself pampered. She became a full-time mommy who cared for her kids. She arranged daily activities and took the tots to the beach for the weekends. She cooked and cleaned and did all the chores that her hired staff usually did. She played the role of mom for the summer. Her husband got a kick out of his wife, who was usually pampered hand and foot. She wanted her children to have...

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Krishna 8211 How I Enjoyed Her

Hi guys!! I am a resident of Kolkata aged around 45 years and a regular reader of Indian sex stories (ISS). This inspired me to narrate my sexual experience with my Bengali maid Krishna two years ago. I stay with my wife and daughter and my mother, who is bed ridden and Krishna was engaged as attendant to look after my mother, during day time. She was about 40 years old. She has two sons. The elder one is already married in the age of 20 years and has a baby daughter, while her younger son was...

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He made me do it

I grew up in an atmosphere of sexual negativity. My father, at five six and thin as a rail was anything but sexy. Mom wore the pants. She had the higher-paying job, was taller than Dad, wore heels every day of her life and reveled in making him look bad. They may have had sex just once in their lives.As you might imagine, I picked up a lot of bad habits from that environment. Indeed, I was proud of having Mom's forceful personality. As for my appearance, I had my father's thin genes and...

First Time

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