Darlington free porn video

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It’s supposed to be the case that every father would like at least one male heir to carry on his line and every mother would like at least one daughter, I suppose just to have an ally in the household. One of my parents, Miles and Elsa Siddons, struck out as far as that was concerned, as I, Richard Charles Siddons, only have two older brothers, Thomas and Edward. However, if it is any consolation for my poor, beleaguered mother (yeah, right!), at least she had a gap of almost three years between me and Eddie being born, unlike the seventeen months between my two other siblings; she has also subsequently gained two daughters-in-law which must have sugared the pill somewhat. She may yet gain a third, although I have no such plans in the near future.

As a family I would say that we are close, although we don’t live in each others pockets. I get on well with Rebecca and Lauren, Tom and Eddie’s respective wives, and there is a slightly smaller age difference between me and my two older sisters-in-law. Another thing about my brothers is that they chose to marry quite late, so I was twenty-one when Tom married Becky and then Eddie and Lauren only tied the knot just over a year ago; this being the case, Mum is still waiting for news of her eagerly awaited grandchildren. Now that you have some of the background details, this story can begin.

The basic scenario is that my brother Tom was promoted into a fairly important and much better paying job by his multi-national employers; the downside of which, however, was that the job was in Edinburgh and he, like the rest of our immediate family live in Hampshire, quite near to Southampton. My mother wasn’t best pleased by this news, as she saw it mainly in terms of the distance involved in relocating, which would affect her access to the aforementioned grandchild/children when it/they finally arrived. We managed to pour oil on these troubled waters somewhat, by pointing out that by shopping around on the internet she could fly from Southampton to Edinburgh in less time than it takes to drive to London, which is approximately a sixth of the distance, and for much less than a return train ticket would cost.

Anyway, with Tom and Becky’s acceptance of the move, the logistical planning could begin, a process which was greatly expedited by Tom’s employers’ wish to see him settled in as soon as possible. To this end they even arranged to buy Tom and Becky’s house and to offer them a very generous relocation package as well. Several family meetings were convened and the final plan was settled upon. Most of the larger items from the family home would go into storage as they would initially be renting furnished accommodation until they could find a new property to buy, but all of the smaller day-to-day household objects, the immediate necessities, would be taken up to Scotland by road in a suitable vehicle. This last condition was where I featured personally.

We worked out that a large van would be needed for the trip, but that rather than pay a haulage company to make the journey of about 450 miles, we could do it ourselves for much cheaper. All that was to be decided was exactly who the ‘we’ in question would be. Unfortunately it wouldn’t be brother Tom who had been a bit of a naughty boy and was currently banned from driving. Becky could chauffeur him around once they got to Scotland, but she didn’t fancy driving all that way in a vehicle she wasn’t used to. This became immaterial, however, when enquiries were made and it was discovered that none of the local or national hire companies would rent a large van to someone under thirty. That included my other brother, Eddie, who is about the same age as Becky. Of course, yours truly, little brother Ricky, was excluded for the same reason. Heads were duly scratched, as we grappled with this seemingly insuperable problem, until good old dad thought that he might have a possible solution. He ended the ensuing phone call enquiry with a big smile on his handsome face—yeah, you’d probably notice the resemblance if you saw us together!

“It’s sorted! I know a man who knows a man who’ll loan us his Mercedes Sprinter van, which should be ample. As long as we get some temporary insurance and put the fuel in it’s ours for a couple of days.”

“Seems ideal, Pa; are those the only conditions?” Eddie asked him.

“Not quite, Son; whoever does the outward journey has to pick up a load on the way back and deliver it to this guy. He reckons that saving the cost of paying someone to drive there and back makes it worth his while. So, who’s it to be?”

“Sorry, Pa, I can’t spare a couple of days at the moment with all the work that we’ve got on at the moment, so it looks like you, Ricky boy!” Eddie stated. I shrugged my shoulders: I knew that as far as the family were concerned it was already a done deal.

“You’d really be doing us a biggie, Rick, and of course I’ll be going up there with you; it’s not fair to ask you to go on your own,” Becky added.

“Yes, and I’ve already agreed to help Becks get settled in up there, so I’ll be going with you as well,” Lauren said.

“Seems like that’s settled, then!” my mother pronounced, closing the discussion.

I’m too young to remember how people organised things like this before they had smart phones and the Internet, but by going online it didn’t take me long to get together a workable itinerary. In the theoretical but unlikely event that I was able to stay awake and drive non-stop, I could do the whole trip in about eight and a half hours. However, being practical, I chose a route that would let me split the journey into three stages with breaks in between for food, fuel, rest and other necessities. The three of us would leave Southampton in the early hours and I would drive until we got to Leicester. If I was feeling okay we could take a short break and then push on for Darlington, which according to Google Maps would leave us about three hours and some hundred and sixty miles shy of our destination.

I picked the Mercedes van up the afternoon before we planned to leave and with the help of anyone who was available, we got it loaded and ready for an early start the next morning. Tom was already up in Edinburgh, so Becky said a quick farewell to her neighbours and then spent the night with Mum and Dad, which is where I left the van overnight.

It wasn’t that far from my compact one bedroom flat to my parents’ house, so instead of driving and leaving my car in front of their place, I got my pushbike out and pedalled through the quiet streets. Mum and dad have always been early risers and Becky was sitting with them at the kitchen table sipping tea when I arrived.

She is almost three years older than me and she is very attractive, in an adult way. Her long hair is currently mostly blonde, but the colour is not quite the right shade for it to look totally natural, although it is always well looked after. She is slim and leggy, and has fairly slender hips and a narrow waist. Her boobs aren’t the biggest, but are in proportion to the rest of her body. I’d say that she was more handsome than pretty-pretty, but on her it looks good. For the journey up she was wearing a pair of aerosols, as I call them: you know, jeans that look like they’re sprayed on; they do make her legs look even longer, though, especially when worn with high boots, and her pert bum even nicer.

“Are you ready for the off, Becks?”

“Mmm, just about! I’ll send Lauren a text to let her know we’re on our way.” She gave Mum and Dad a hug and a kiss. “We’ll ring you as soon as we get there, Ma. Cheer up, and don’t forget we’re only a plane ride away and as soon as Tom and me get settled we’ll be expecting you to visit.” She waved as we drove away.

About fifteen minutes later we were pulling up outside Eddie and Lauren’s home. Becky jumped out and went to the front door, but I stayed in the van, hoping that that would gee them up a bit. Lauren stood on the doorstep and kissed her husband like she was going off to war and then she and Becky climbed into the front next to me.

Lauren is quite different to Becky in some significant ways: she is, if anything, even slimmer than our other sister-in-law, but she has a much rounder and pronounced bum. Whereas Becky is handsome, Lauren is perhaps more cute, in a kind of tomboyish way. Not that she looks like a boy, with her mop of slightly unruly reddish-brown hair and a pair of boobs that are on the disproportionately large size for her more petite frame. She is one of those young women that doesn’t appear to be overly-fastidious about her appearance, but who will usually swap her everyday glasses for contact lenses whenever she goes out to socialise. It could be argued as well, that her personality is much more bubbly and excitable than Becky’s cool, calm and collected demeanour. She, too, was wearing a pair of tight fitting stretch jeans, except with training shoes instead of boots.

The journey to Leicester was uneventful and the only thing that I really took notice of was how much Lauren and Becky could talk about things that I had little or no interest in. Oh, they tried to include me in their conversation out of politeness, but after a while I found out I could zone them out most of the time.

“Either of you ladies need anything while we’re here?” I asked, as we drove into the services parking area.

“Well, maybe I could just get a coffee and stretch my legs,” Lauren replied. “I’ll join you, Love!” Becky added.

It was still only mid-morning by this time, but I’d already been up for some hours so a caffeine infusion seemed like a good idea. I also took the opportunity to evacuate my bladder again, and as I left the gents bathroom I spotted my sisters-in-law deep in thought evaluating the contents of the service station shops. The coffee and a walk around the car park cleared the cobwebs away, and we were soon ready to head north again.

The journey from the East Midlands to County Durham in North East England got us about another one hundred and fifty miles closer to our goal, but even with breaks I’d been on the road for over six hours and I was definitely feeling it.

“Ladies, we have a decision to make: to be honest, I’m getting to the point where all this driving is becoming a chore and I’m tired, and that is a downright dangerous combination! I need to sleep, and I don’t mean just close my eyes and rest, I mean real sleep. The problem is that we are still at least three hours away from Edinburgh, but even if I only sleep for two hours on top of that, we are talking about getting there about ten o’clock. Any suggestions?” Becky nodded in acknowledgement.

“We are all a bit travel weary, Ricky, so my vote would be to see if we can get accommodation somewhere and start out fresh tomorrow.”

“Well, if you both wanted to push on I’d go along with that,” Lauren offered, “but to be honest, if I was voting with my bum I’d say stay here; as long as we tell people what we are doing.” Becky nodded again.

“Ricky, I think we know how you’d vote. Let me just see if I can find a motel or something around here. If I can, you can have a nice rest, and if you feel up to it we can maybe go out and get a meal later.”

Another latte provided my flagging energy with the extra oomph it needed, while Becky used her phone to see what was available. I was still drinking my coffee when she got off the phone.

“There’s a Premier Inn not far from here and I’ve reserved a room there. There’s even a restaurant on the site so we won’t have to go far to eat.”

“A room, as in one?” Lauren questioned. Becky nodded.

“Yes, a room. It’s only for one night, Lauren, and it’s a twin room with a king-size bed and a sofa-bed. Come on, girl, we’re all family and I don’t suppose anyone’s got anything the others haven’t seen before!” Lauren smiled, albeit weakly: “Okay, Becky, if we can’t trust Ricky who can we trust!”

Lauren and Becky didn’t have overnight bags, as such, because they were both staying in Edinburgh, but I’d brought a couple of changes of clothes and my toiletries with me. A visit to an on-site shop near the motel secured a couple of tooth brushes and we could share my stuff, as needed. I wondered if the staff at the Premier Inn would query the fact that two young women and a man were checking in to one room, but they just smiled throughout the short process and debited Becky’s bank card without question. Once in the room I took off my shoes and stretched out on the sofa-bed and I was asleep in short order.

I awoke to the sound of a television with the volume turned low but still audible. My sisters-in-law were propped up on the bed watching whatever it was that was showing. I looked at my watch: it was just after eight o’clock.

“Feeling better for that, Ricky, Love?” Becky asked me.

“Mmm, tons, thanks! If you still want to eat I’ll just quickly freshen up?”

“You go right ahead. All my clothes are out in the van but they are packed away in boxes. The only other clothes I have available are what I wore yesterday, so I’m not going to bother to change out of what I’ve got on.”

A quick sluice and a squirt of deodorant and I was ready to face the world again—or at least the staff in the nearby Beefeater restaurant!

We were done eating by ten, which included a nice cold beer to wash it down with, and all of our spirits were once again generally high.

“Anyone mind if I take the first shower?” Becky asked when we got back to our room, “Even if I don’t have a change of clothes for the morning I can still wash my smalls out and they’ll dry overnight. Do you want me to do yours, Love?” Lauren looked at me coyly then nodded: “If you wouldn’t mind!” As soon as she started to unbutton and unzip her jeans and wiggle out of them I turned my back on the pair of them. Lauren giggled.

“it’s okay, Ricky, I’m decent—kind of!” she said after a couple of minutes. What she classed as decent was sitting cross-legged on the bed with her shirt pulled down as far as it would go at the front, so that it just about covered her embarrassment; although by so doing it was also stretched tautly over those breasts of hers which, believe me, left absolutely nothing to the imagination!

When Becky came out of the bathroom she was wearing just a towel around her body. Lauren got up off the bed and as she did so her meagre covering naturally rose up and I got my first proper look at her body, naked from the waist down—wow! That changed to a triple wow when she pulled her shirt over her head and I then got to see those glorious boobs, if only for a few moments. Becky grinned at me.

“They look great on her, but I’m not sure that I’d want any that big. Men don’t think about the disadvantages of having big tits, just what it would be like to play with them.”

“But yours are really nice, too, Becks!” I said without thinking. Becky chuckled and then cupped them over the towel and pushed them together, provocatively, which emphasised her cleavage.

“Thanks, Rick, your brother seems to agree with you on that one!”

“—Becks, now that we’re alone, what do you really think about Tom’s promotion and having to move up to Scotland?” She sighed.

“Mixed feelings, I suppose, Ricky: the promotion should be very good for us, and what with the extra money and all, it could be the right time to make your mum happy! We haven’t said anything to her, but we’ve already taken the first steps. As for actually moving north—well—” I nodded.

“Yeah, that’s one big upheaval in your lives, right enough!”

“Rick, big don’t even begin to describe it—it’s bloody massive!” she exclaimed, ‘To be honest, Love, I hope that we only have to stay there for maybe, say, five years, or perhaps a bit longer, then we can move south again. That’s not a criticism of Scotland, just the way that I feel at the moment, and I suppose that once I’ve been there for a while I might see things differently.” I nodded: “Maybe!” Becky sat on the edge of the bed and dried her hair with the hairdryer that was part of the room’s amenities.

I heard the shower being turned off in the bathroom and then Lauren’s voice saying: “It’s all yours, Ricky!” I looked towards the bathroom and just gaped at my other sister-in-law, who was standing in the doorway completely bare-arsed naked. It looked like she was blushing, but that could have just been because she’d just got out of a hot shower; but, anyway, she wasn’t even trying to cover up her nudity. I mouthed the word ‘wow’ and she just looked down at the floor and grinned: “No big deal, we’re family, right!” I nodded. I could her Becky chuckling, but I didn’t turn to look in her direction.

Of course, what was the first thing that I saw when I entered the compact bathroom: women’s wet underwear arranged on the heated drying rail. I couldn’t resist taking a peek at the label in Lauren’s bra: 32E. I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant, but having just seen her boobs with their large areolas up close, I knew that that was probably bigger than average. I also remembered what Becky had said about boobs and, yes, I wanted to touch them, and worse!

Since the shower had just been used twice, there was a lot of condensation on just about every surface, so I had to be careful about where I put my Hugo Boss kecks, which I intended to sleep in. The shower felt great, especially after the events of the day, and doubly so as I slowly soaped my cock and balls, bringing them to life with my slippery caress. Fortunately for me, the motel provided enough towels for all of our needs, so following the lead of Lauren and Becky I wrapped one around my waist and walked out of the bathroom, where another pleasant surprise awaited me: my two relatives by marriage were once again sitting up in bed watching TV, but this time their bottom halves were under the covers but their upper bodies were in plain view.

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So one day I was reading in the small park that our town has, I knew that he lived nearby but I don’t usually see him there. “Hey Zac, Emily here says that you’re the fastest person on the track team,” I turn to see who is talking to me. It’s Percy and his friend Emily who was on the track team with me when I beat the oldest school record. “I was wondering if you wanted to race sometime? I think I might be able to beat you.” “Uh, I’ll race you but Emily is right I am the fastest on the...

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The Counsellor

Dan was a doctor that dealt with young girls that had been sexually abused by their fathers at a young age. He listened to their stories and tried to make them feel much better about themselves. His first girl today was Sara. Her dad began abusing her before she was even a teen. Dan asked her "Want to tell me about how it all started when your dad started having sex with you?" Sara replied "Dad used to get me alone and pull his cock out and have me lick him. Then he taught me to suck him till...

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A boyrsquos curiousity A boyrsquos lust

These are the first nude pictures I ever saw. Very young, playing in my front yard, I noticed a “Playgirl” magazine on the front seat of my mother’s friend’s car. Even then, I knew that it was a magazine for women, a magazine with nude men in it. I knew, and wanted to see it.I nervously snuck into her car and took it out. Opening it up to the centerfold immediately, my eyes washed over the image of a tan, dark skinned man, hairy and with a beautiful, hard cock. (The picture at the top) He...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 342

The extra hours spent dealing with the wreck and an unusually long joint question and answer session put us a lot later returning home than I wanted. What I had hoped to be a 16 hour trip turned into a full day. It was Tuesday morning when we landed back at Morton Field. Luckily I had gotten some sleep on the return flight. We went into the airport restaurant for breakfast and one more quick meeting. My statement was simple, "You have the week off for rest and relaxation, and then it's...

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As stated before, all involved are 21 and over. Travis (me) 25, single 6’, 175 lbs Jackie, 3rd cousin 42, 5’4, 100 lbs, blond, C cup breasts Allison (Alli) 21, 5’5 150 lbs, blond, C cup breasts Nicole (Nikki, my mom) 43, 5’6, dirty blond, 130 lbs C cup breasts Julie (my sister) 21, 5’5 110 lbs, dirty blond, C cup breasts As stated in the before, I got out of the Navy after 6 years. I was a SeaBee (Construction Battalion). When I got out, I came back home to Oklahoma, where jobs...

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BecChapter 27 Late Friday Evening Part 2

We were only about five minutes from home when Dan’s phone started ringing. He pulled over to the side of the road and answered it. His side of the conversation made it really hard to figure out what was going on. After a bit, he turned and looked across Pearl at me. “It’s Mum. She says Tara hasn’t come home yet. She was supposed to be at the mall and it would’ve closed ages ago. Mum’s asking if you know where Tara would be. If you do, we’re to collect her and bring her home.” I bit my lip....

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TNWS01 The Girl With The Voice of an AngelChapter 123 The Waiting Game

When everyone had settled down in that little waiting room by the Surgical Operating Theatre and had been given a hot drink by one of the orderlies on hand the doctor came back in and explained to everyone what was going on. Carrie Pearson’s condition had been deteriorating rapidly over the last twenty four hours. She had had several violent seizures as a result of increased blood pressure around the brain due to the effects of the cancer and the various treatments Carrie had been getting....

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 105 Bowling

Sunday, April 24, 2005 (Continued) I drove Donna, Julia and Carol to the bowling alley, arriving about five minutes before noon. Robert followed us in his car, curious to see me play. There was a good turnout of pretty girls waiting for us at the alley: The three 10th grade Liaisons: Lily, Pat, and Laila (with her girlfriend Hannah, and sister Gabriella whom I hadn't met before). Katelin, Linda (Julia's good friend) and Savannah (the attractive Black girl who'd caught my attention...

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The Harem Pt6

It was obvious she absolutely wasn't able to wrap her thoughts around this situation and just didn't know what to do or say. Obviously, her sexual longing for me and her sound mind that considered things like marriage, job, social status and life plans were fighting a battle inside here. I brushed her face with the back of my hand, sending a shudder through her whole body. Then I let my hand slide down along her neck until I reached her perfect breasts. Her body was trembling by now and I...

4 years ago
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Joan the Best Motherinlaw Ever

The following story is mostly true and re-told to the best of my memory. Of course this did take place a few years ago so I have no doubt that I might have forgotten a few details, still I’ll try my best to re-tell it just as I experienced it. As a favor to you I’ll skip over the boring parts of this story. No one wants to know about how many times you sharpen a pencil during an exam or how many answers you erased and re-wrote. People just want to know what your final score was. So this is one...

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Valentines Day Remembered

Most people think that Valentine's Day is only for lovers or young children. I beg to differ with you. It's also a time of remembering the loved ones in your life. My name is Hank Adams and Valentine's day has been my favorite day of the year for as long as I can remember. I remember way back when I was just a kid, maybe kindergarten through the sixth grade. We would all take a tissue box or a large shoe box and in art class we would decorate it all up. All the kids in the class would give...

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The Job Pt 2

Just over 10 minutes ago Harvey was putting his dark seed inside of one the finest white female he'd ever encountered. As he got closer to his home on 747 Hover Drive his mind kept drifting to what had just happened. Annie was giddy. She just had some of the best sex ever, with her handsome black co-worker. Her pussy lips were swelling at the thought of having Harvey's dark shaft deep inside of her. Harvey was certain that his wife would find out. She had a 6th sense about these things. Some of...

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My Innocent Addiction Chapter Two

Lily ended up not being able to hold in her cries, so he duct taped her mouth, shutting off any sounds. Her eyes kept following her every mouth, frigtened and fearful. He slowly reached down and began pulling off her plaid skirt- just a beautiful school girl- revealing her light blue panties, slightly lacy and soft. He put his face to her vagina, inhaling the sweet smell of young, untouched pussy. She tried to move away, but it was impossible. He traced her clit through her panties, pleased...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 33 The Holiday Stories Paulrsquos Birthday

I fell asleep after Lynn used her mouth, ass, and pussy to give me a brainectomy. I woke to the sensation of three women giving me a breakfast blowjob, it felt like my brain was never going to go back to normal. When they knew I was awake, the three looked at me and sang Happy Birthday and then took turns trying to blow out my birthday erection. I responded by blowing my birthday sauce all over their faces. In the shower, Lynn and Erin both took my ass with their strap-ons, and then Blossom...

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The Overlords GambitChapter 12

The water surged against the large rocks below, sea mist rising from the breaking waves and making the foundations of Duric's palace glisten in the bright morning sunlight. High up from the water's edge, where the sound was muted to a gentle roar, Duric stood at the ornate metal railing that rimmed the wide patio. The patio traced a path around the curve that was the outer wall of his suite, where it lay near the back of his palace. Duric was a lover of the outdoors, and being sequestered...

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The Reluctant Couple

Chapter 1Standing at the kitchen sink in the small duplex she shared with her husband, Roger, Diane Slater stared gloomily out through the window at the cold, rolling fog which had come in over San Francisco's Richmond District from the ocean. Damn, but she hated the fog! It made everything so dark and cheerless, so lonely.She finished washing the last of the breakfast dishes and put them in the rack to drip dry. Then she emptied the dishpan and wiped her hands on a dishtowel. In the living...

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Hi,Pehle toh sabhi ISS reades ko meri taraf se deepawali ki haardik subhkaamnaye.Secondly i introduce myself. Myself SAM 4m Delhi n 27 in age.Waise toh main kaafi samay se ISS ka reader hu but pehli baar apni story aAp se share kar raha hu,Plz reply if u like it. Meri friend ka naam asha tha, Uss samay meri age 18 aur uski 17+ thi.Hum jab b milte bas kuch kisses hi ho pati thi bcoz hum open area mein milte the or zayada kuch na hone ka malaal hum donao ko rehta tha. Fir 1 baar mere b’day se...

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Daze in the ValleyChapter 23

Adam walked past Rachelle and Mary heading down the hill as he was walking up it. Mary appeared to be waddling a little bit but both were smiling brightly. They greeted him cheerfully and Rachelle gave him a firm hug and a kiss on the cheek. Mary just patted his arm and smiled. "Thank you," Adam said. "And good morning to you, too. May I assume everyone is awake and rowdy at the plantation?" "You may, dear sir," Rachelle said. Shelly's faux accent was Irish but Rachelle's was...

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Butt Fucking

My boyfriend and I both LOVE anal sex. And when I say we love it, I know that I can’t get enough of it and he’s an anal enthusiast to say the least. I’m not submissive, I just adore a big, juicy, hard dick in my asshole. If I had my way, I could take a dick in my ass every day, twice a day if I had the chance. Gregory, on the other hand, likes to keep a little variety in our sex lives so he has me on anal restriction. I can only get butt fucked twice a week, so I have to ration it out until I’m...

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Gifts of the Future Ch 01

Megan Richards was in the middle of a dream… at least she thought it was a dream. She was soaring through clouds like a bird, only she couldn’t feel the wind nor see the ground… nothing but clouds and blue, blue sky. Then a haunting guitar melody that she vaguely recognized began to play and she saw scenes from her life being reflected in the clouds. And as they flashed past her, she heard a male voice begin singing with the melody… I close my eyes… only for a moment and the moment’s gone. All...

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I Give Myself to You and Hold Nothing Back

Oh, the look on your face as you undressed me tonight, slipping my coverup off my shoulders as I straddled you on the couch in this outrageous seaside suit, the windows open, the sound of distant revelers, the waves. I untied the neck strap, letting the fabric fall as you pulled me into you, your unshaved chin and cheeks nuzzled between my breasts. You kissed me… Lord, how I love your gentle but insistent kisses on my skin. I held your head in my hands, resting my elbows on your shoulders...

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Pippi Langstrumpa

The supply pod docked, and the MULE (Multi-Use Labor Element) removed all the items from it and stored them away in the storage holds as I checked off each item. This was the 3rd supply mission of 4 scheduled for the year. Out here at Callisto the job was routine, but dull. Accept shipments of high grade silicon from the surface, package it into pods for the long trip to Earth, then send back the surface pods for reuse.Once that was done I started the MULE in transferring items from the supply...

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Bla Book 6b from Jurassic to DreamChapter 4

Cherrill felt herself pulled up into Michael's arms, then every cut and whip mark on her breasts felt like they were on fire as she was hugged against his marvelous chest. "Aaaaaahhh..." she whimpered, trying to press down with her feet so that she could stand upright and ease the wonderful but painful pressure against what she now realized was the front of her whole torso, as well as her shoulders and arms where her life-mate was squeezing her in his arms. "Oh my God! I'm sorry!"...

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Doggy Styles 7 Dukes Conquest

Summary - Claire's mother Darlene visits her friend Candice and brings along a friend. Previous Chapter Summary – Claire found out why Sultan kept forgetting his lessons and gave him a special treat. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have...

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A May Through December RomanceChapter 3

I was fed for only the second time by the amazing duo of Lena and Marta. Damn the luck, too. I’ve been missing out by courting their Mistress and taking her out to eat all the time. I should have been staying home at the estate and dancing in the parlor to the stereo after eating what these two urchins have been cooking up. It won’t be a problem traveling with them, and I let them know that in no uncertain terms. “I am offering to do the dishes. You two are excellent cooks, more so, probably...

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The Promise Part 2

"What the hell is this?" Charlie asked as he looked over the envelope sitting in the chest. He gingerly reached down into the chest and pulled out the aged envelope, treating it as if it were an infectious item. With shaking hands, he turned the envelope over and broke open the delicate wax seal. Flipping over the flap, his fingers found a pair of folded papers within, pulling it out slowly. The penmanship of the letter reminded him of something he had seen out a cursive handbook; its...

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The savage

The savage.When roleplaying go wrongThe mistress stepped into the basement cell where the slavegirl was held.She have been brought down there and chained by neck and legs after one weeklong ordeal of piercing and tattooing that have left her completely shocked and bewildered. Barely conscious and blindfolded she had been strapped into a chair and gagged. She had no idea where she had been or who had done this assault on her body.  The shock had not abated when she found herself in a chained in...

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JulesJordan Adriana Chechik Anal Reckoning

Adriana Chechik Tests Her Holes With Lex Steele’s HUGE Pole! Dressed from head to toe in black lace with gold chains hanging around her neck, Adriana shows off her tight body as she makes her way up the stairs. When she gets to the top Adriana crawls on the ground as she heads towards the bedroom, with her horny holes peeking out from beneath her lingerie. Adriana heads out to the balcony to find Lex waiting for her with his massive cock bulging out of his pants. She pulls that thick rod out of...

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Moms story

There was a period in my life when things did not go well. I was divorced and feeling very inadequate and lonely. My son Josh, who was in college at this time, was a great comfort to me and spent a lot of time with me. However, I still found myself feeling sad and lonely and would tear up easily whenever we talked about times past.Whenever I was blue, Josh would hold me and stoke my hair and assure me everything was going to be all right. During that time we became closer and more connected...

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Khunnas Mey Pataya Aur Choda 8211 Part II

Hello Dosto How r u, My name is Dinesh hai mey ahmedabad mey raheta hu, aap logo ki kahani Padhke mujhe bhi apni kahani likhne ka man hua, so yeah meri paheli story hai I hope you will like this. I traduce myself first mey ek multinational company mey job karta hu. Meri hight 5.8 ft hai rang gora body healthy and quite muscular. Now get beck to story, kahani hai do sal pahele ki hai. Ek din subaha mey office gaya to dekha hamari office ke receiption mey ek nayi ladki aayi thi use dekha to mey...

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An Alien AbroadChapter 26

It seemed my task was achieved. Not entirely in the original plan, but who cares? I had sired many a baby, we knew that; but it also seemed that there had been more male desire sublimated than had been realised. In various ways this had been released. It would take a long time, if ever, for the male lust to equal the female, which was rampant and ever up for it, so it seemed. But at least now increasing numbers of men were willing to partake of that most efficient method of procreation: full...

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My Kimmy

I wrote this as a blog entry for Kimmy, but after reading it, thought it made a good story so posting it here too:We met and the first thing that struck me about Kimmy was her big eyes.. and short blonde hair. We had talked about our fantasies and what we would do if we met, and decided that we would make our fantasies come true. She arrived at my place and we were polite and slightly nervous as we got over the first moments of meeting. I saw her pictures online, a young hot girl of 19, and now...

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