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Appearances Belladonna Don Legnani eyes turned towards his secretary as his wife entered the ladies room. His secretary knew he was watching her. Carmen Hightower was always aware that her boss's eyes were fixed upon her whenever he had the opportunity to steal a glance. Carmen crossed her right leg over her left. She smiled as she let heel of her shoe slid off her foot. Don's eyes were transfixed on the metallic gray, 5 inch heeled pump dangling from Carmen's toes. Don heard the bathroom door open, and he turned towards his wife, Laurencia. Carmen smirked to herself as he walked past her. Carmen knew how much Don was enamored with her from her first day at the office. At first, she was concerned by it, but he never tried to seduce her. She eventually came to conclude that Don was not interested in her sexually. When that first dawned on her, Carmen began to realize that their might be a different reason for his leers. She realized he gave them to the rest of the secretarial staff as well. Initially, Carmen thought that her boss was just another perverted man who looked but did not touch because of his marriage, but she eventually realized his interest was deeper than that. Carmen would watch Don as he looked at the girls. He gave longer leers to the girls in skirts. Carmen thought this was mere attraction at first. In order to get ahead, she started to wear only skirts to the office after this realization. She was not surprised to find that Don gave her more attention when she dressed in a skirt suit than when she formerly dressed in pants. Carmen wondered what else her boss liked. She started to act more outwardly feminine around him and studied the secretaries on Mad Men whenever she got the time. She got down their walk and the way they treated their bosses. She emulated their behavior in the office and found herself rewarded by Don. At that time, Carmen began to believe that Don was just a perverted man with a misogynistic side. However, she realized there was something else to it as the years progressed. Carmen came to realize that Don was obsessed with the secretarial position. She originally believed that Don fantasized about being with one of them. This was confirmed when Don hired his wife to help the secretaries out two days a week. As Carmen got to know Laurencia, her certainty about Don's fetish waned. She was shocked to find out that Laurencia's employment was Laurencia's idea. Laurencia explained to her that she had been a stay at home wife after she married Don. She really did not want to do it, but Don was adamant that he did not want his wife working as a masseuse anymore. Carmen understood Don's reasoning. He had met Laurencia Beriosova at her job while he was home from college and was afraid another man would snatch her away from him. She also understood Laurencia's capitulation to her husband's demand. Laurencia came from a working class background similar to Carmen's. Neither had the money to afford to go to a four year university. Each had attended community college, but that was as far as either of them ever went in school. Carmen knew that Laurencia needed Don for financial security. Don was born a rich man's son. His father owned businesses and real estate all over the region. Don lacked his father's business expertise and instincts unlike his brother who was groomed to take over the old man's empire. By the time Don entered college, he knew that he had no future in his father's company. When Don's brother was named Vice President of the Company, Don was given a trust fund that would be able to provide for him for the rest of his life. Don took that as a vote of no confidence by his father. His father had been adamant that each of his children had to make their own living. Don's brother was doing it within the family company, but Don was not given that opportunity. When he got his first payment from the trust fund, Don felt that his father did not believe that he could make his own way in the world. Don walked into his first day at Harvard with a chip on his shoulder and a desire to prove his father wrong. Don walked the halls of the institution determined to show that his father made a mistake. He began contemplating the business he would create upon his graduation as he racked up the gentleman's C's his father's legacy and donations to the University entitled him to. Don's father spotted him several million dollars to start the business that Don envisioned upon attaining his MBA from Harvard Business School. His father did not believe in the business, but he felt that it would keep his son busy. To his father's surprise, Don's company became successful and grew into a regional powerhouse. It did not rival his father's company, but Don had proven to everyone that he was a capable businessman. Don took pleasure in disproving his father and feeling the pride that the old man had in him for doing so. The feeling was short lived however. Don watched from afar as his father's company collapsed as the real estate and stock markets crashed. The company was overleveraged based largely on his brother's acquisitions of other companies. As the scrum to save the company was ongoing, Don's brother took his own life to escape the shame that he felt. His father never recovered from that, and his health faded. Before long, he was gone too. Don buried himself in his work as Laurencia tried her best to console him in those dark days. As his mother had died some years earlier, Laurencia was all the family he had. It was at that time that she asked for a part-time job at his company to keep on eye on him. Don was happy to have her around, so he hired her to help out his secretarial staff. Laurencia was thrilled by the arrangement too. She wanted nothing more than to break up the monotony of her home life and do something productive with her time. After getting to know Laurencia, Carmen better understood her boss. Once she learned that Don freely gave his opinion about his wife's fashion choices, Carmen understood the real nature of the leers he gave to his secretaries. He did not have a fetish about having sex with his secretaries; he had a desire to be one. Carmen kept it to herself and figured it was just something she could exploit to move up. She thought that if she behaved the way he wanted to, she would get special treatment. Carmen was happy to discover that she was right. Carmen behaved like the submissive secretary she was sure Don wanted to be. Don rewarded her for it as she expected. She got hire pay and eventually became his private secretary, which meant less work her. Carmen played off of Don's fantasy and freely shopped online for clothes and shoes in front of him. Don never scolded her like he did the others for misusing the internet on company time. Carmen was satisfied with the life she had secured for herself by using her boss's secret fetish for her own ends. As long as she was comfortable, she was happy to let Don live out his fantasies vicariously through her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Carmen brought Don his lunch shortly after 1 like she always did. He took it from her with the familiar smile he gave her when she came towards him carrying his lunch and dressed like the secretary he fantasized about being. Don did not know why, but he decided to push it further than ever that day. He needed to know more about her position than he could see or coax out of Laurencia. Don asked Carmen if she could join him for lunch in his office. Carmen gave Don an odd look. He had never offered her the opportunity to eat with him. She took him up on it purely because of her own curiosity. She went and grabbed her food off her desk. She placed it upon his desk and asked, "So to what do I owe this honor?" Don smiled and said, "I just wanted to see how you are doing?" "Why? Am I acting differently?" Carmen asked. "No. There's nothing unusual about you." Carmen smiled as she retorted, "There's nothing unusual about me? You're not looking hard enough, Mr. Legnani." Don propped up his head with his hand and asked, "So how are you enjoying things around here?" "Are you firing me?" Carmen asked with a slight alarm in her voice. "No, absolutely not. I'm sorry about the misunderstanding," Don replied in haste. Carmen relaxed and asked, "So you're asking how I enjoy being your secretary?" "Yes." Carmen leaned towards him and said, "It's fine. I can't really say anything else can I, Mr. Legnani." "I won't penalize candor," Don answered. Carmen realized what Don was doing. She smirked and said, "Why would you want to know how it feels to be a secretary?" "I'm just curious, dear." Carmen leaned back in her seat, crossed her legs and dangled her shoe from her toes. When she was satisfied that Don was in one of his seemingly hypnotized states looking at the shoe, she answered, "I'm sure they're must be more to it. I bet you want to be just like me." "Yes," Don mumbled before he froze. Don looked down at the floor as the humiliating realization about what he had just admitted became clear to him. "Well, if you want to be a secretary, I can teach you," Carmen replied, puncturing the silence. "Teach me?" Don said with a smile. "Yes, I'll play the boss, and you can play the secretary." "I don't think my wife would go for that," Don answered. "Oh, really. Let's find out. Laurencia?" "Wait, no. You can't tell her," Don answered with a grimace. "Why not?" Carmen responded. "Can't tell me what?" Laurencia asked as she came to the door. "Don wants to play my secretary for a bit. It's kind of his fantasy." Don stared at his wife agape as he awaited her response. She looked at him curiously for a moment before she said, "Don't let me stop you." "What?" Don shouted. Carmen and Laurencia began to stare at him. Don realized he needed to explain himself as Carmen closed his office door. He looked his wife in they eyes for a second before he said, "I can't go out there and pretend to be a secretary. What will the employees think?" "What do you care what they think, you're the boss," Laurencia retorted. "True, but I can't let them see me being bossed around by Carmen. They might think they can walk right over me too." "Would you rather that I boss you around, because I'm up for that," Laurencia said with a smile. "No. It's not like that. I can't be a secretary around my staff. I would lose their respect." "Then do it in secret," Carmen responded. "You mean just do it in my office." Carmen smiled and said, "Not exactly. I could boss you around in your office, and you could play the part in here and do a few little things out there. They're a couple of tasks you can do without anyone raising an eye." "Well, what exactly are you talking about?" Don asked. "Mr. Legnani, I do 32 small tasks for you. Not all of them have to be done in front of anyone else besides the two of us." "Like what?" Don asked. "Well, I keep your workspace clean. You could start by cleaning off your desk and putting the stuff on it in order." "I could do that. What else you got?" "You could fill out some forms, sort the mail, provide me with brief reviews of the contents of the letters you get, and maybe even take some dictation for response letters. That's four more of my tasks right there." Don smiled at Carmen and said, "Let's do it." Carmen clapped her hands and said, "Wonderful. Now, if we're going to do this right. I've got to call you Don and you've got to call me Miss. Hightower. Are we clear?" "Yes, Miss Hightower," Don answered with a grin as Laurencia started to smirk at him. "Good, girl. Now, there are some forms on my desk that needed to be filled out. I'm sure you can do it. Laurencia, could you go get them for him." "Of course, Carmen," Laurencia answered before she walked towards the office door. She came back in a few seconds later with the forms. Laurencia handed them to Don before she started talking with Carmen. When Don finished, he went up to them and said, "Excuse me, Miss Hightower. The forms are ready." "Oh, you can just leave them on the executive's desk." Don smiled as she did not reference the desk as his own nor thank him for the job he had done. Don turned away from them and went to work sorting the mail. When he finished he opened up the important letters and read them to himself. He wrote down short reviews of their contents and brought them to Carmen. Carmen read over the reviews and smiled before she said, "Thank you, Don. Get on the computer, I need you take down my response." "Your response?" Don said, not sure she would know how to reply. "Yes," Carmen answered. Don opened the word processing program before he waited for what he believed would be poor responses. He was surprised by how astute Carmen's responses were. He was surprised to see that she understood his business very well and was not just the eye candy he thought her to be. Don printed up the words he typed and made out the envelopes for the response letters. Don was enjoying himself, but he felt something was lacking as he went to work clearing off his desk. As he sorted the documents and letters, he noted to Carmen that he did not feel right. Carmen answered, "That's because of the way you're dressed." "What's wrong with this suit?" "Nothing, Don. It's just not what a secretary would wear, is it?" "No, but I can't wear what you wear!" "Why not? A woman can wear pants." "That's different. It's not acceptable..." "It's not acceptable for a boss to dress however he damn well feels like?" Laurencia walked into the executive's office and asked, "What's going on?" "Don needs to dress like a woman to really feel like he's a secretary," Carmen calmly responded. Don gave Carmen a peeved look before he responded, "I don't need to. I can't actually." "Don't be silly, darling. Go for it," Laurencia replied. "You can't be serious," Don retorted. "Why not? You're the boss anyway. No one will say anything about it. It's not like anyone has to know the reason you're dressing that way. You could still be the boss around here, just dressed as a girl you know. Only Carmen and us have to really know that you're playing a secretary. You could do a few of her tasks out there and just brush it off as helping her out as you get in touch with your other side." "I can't..." Don managed with a stutter. "Sure you can. I'll help you," Laurencia replied with a smile. "It's settled then. Laurencia, you get him all dressed up and ready to be the new female boss around here, and I'll get ready to train him to do the job he so desperately wants to do." "Right," Laurencia said as she took Don by the hand and led him out of the executive's office. Don followed behind dumbfounded by the speed at which everything around him seemed to be moving. One of the company's salesmen looked towards Carmen as he saw Don leaving and asked, "What's going on with Mr. Legnani?" "He clocked out early. His wife's taking him out." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As Laurencia was finishing getting ready for her second day at the office during the week, Don was staring at the woman his wife had made of him. She stared back at him with a vacant gaze that accompanied his arousal and fear. He felt that he looked like a woman. He did not see a man in the mirror. He was sure others could not see one either. Despite being so sure of his appearance, Don was consumed by worry about what his employees would think. He knew they would keep their negative views to themselves around him, but he wondered if they could ever respect their male boss who was parading around the office in a dress. Don clutched at the extensions that Laurencia had managed to arrange for him on such short notice. The long crimson locks did not remind him of the short light brown hair that had been on his head the morning before. He cursed himself for not putting a stop to it when he had the chance. Don knew he could have objected. He could have walked right out of the beauty parlor, but he sat there like he was chained to the seat as a new hairstyle appeared on his head, his brows were plucked into arches and acrylic red nails were placed on his fingers. Nothing Don saw reminded him of himself beyond the simple shape of his facial features. They even seemed more feminine with his soft rounded chin looking more appropriate on the woman he saw staring back at him then the man he was the day before. His blue eyes were more striking because of the black eye shadow that Laurencia had painted onto his face. His lashes seemed to go on for days after Laurencia put on his mascara. Don's lips too stood out more than ever because of the striking red lipstick that his wife had decorated his face with. Don's manicured fingertips rested over the breast forms that his wife had procured for him. He was not sure where she had gotten them from or how long she had them. Their presence beneath the bra he borrowed from his wife worried him. He wondered if Laurencia had been aware of his fetish and waiting for a chance to get him in skirts. Even if that was true, Don was not sure what he should think about it. Don's fingers felt the soft feeling of the cap sleeved burgundy colored dress he found himself wearing. His fingers moved down his body and helped straightened out the black belt that rested over his waist. Don was amazed by how it felt to be dressed like the secretary he fantasized about being, but he knew that he should not be feeling the way he did. Don's eyes darted away from the woman in mirror who was turning him on. His gaze dropped to the floor. He looked down at the hem of the tulip skirt of his dress that rested well above his knee. When Laurencia picked it out the day before, Don felt that it was inappropriate for him to wear even though he had never criticized a female employee for dressing that way. He felt the dress was far too short for a supervisor to wear, but he failed to register a protest with his wife. Don's feeling of exposure was mitigated slightly by the opaque black tights resting on his legs and helping to further secure his tucked away member. Don was a little turned on by the shapeliness of the legs he had long hidden in pants in public because of his shame over their effeminate appearance. Don's eyes fixated on the black, suede, 4 inch heeled sling back pumps his feet rested in as he took hold of his black pocketbook. The shoes were picked out by his wife as well. While Don was attracted to what his wife picked out, the shear volume of what she selected gave him pause. She had bought him two dozen outfits for the office and over 30 pairs of shoes. Don felt exhausted after shopping with her, but Laurencia remained a sparkplug the rest of the night. After she forced him to try on clothes and shoes in the store to his silent embarrassment, she brought him home and made him practice walking, talking and sitting like a lady. Don was on the verge of collapsing when she finally let him go to bed the night before. "Are you ready yet," Laurencia called out to her husband. Don put his head down and walked towards his wife. Laurencia smiled and said, "Hurry up, girl. You don't want to be late for your big day." Don nodded slightly, despondent about his lack of resistance to what his wife had done to him as he walked towards the unfamiliar passenger side seat of his car. The whole drive towards the office, Don cursed his lack of a spine. He felt queasy as he saw the building coming up. He wanted to run away from what awaited him, but he knew that even if he fled and redressed as a man he could never hide the feminine arches that served as the last remnants of his formerly prominent eyebrows. The car came to a stop. Don went to exit, but Laurencia clutched his arm, "Remember, rotate your legs out of the car. Keep them together. You don't want to flash anybody, now." Don nodded sullenly and got out of the car. Laurencia came over to him and put her arm around his and strolled up to the door with him. Don sensed the approaching humiliation as his stomach started to turn. They walked in together and a few heads turned to see the incoming people. Don noticed one of the secretaries coming over to say hello to Laurencia and introduce herself to Laurencia's apparent guest. Alicia Markova smiled as she walked up to them before she came to a sudden halt as she observed the unknown woman's face. She fought the urge to laugh as she saw her bosses' boss dressed in clothing that resembled a high-end version her own. Laurencia smirked and said hello to Alicia before she said, "This is my husband Don. I believe you've met." Alicia started to laugh which drew attention. A group of employees started walking towards them when Laurencia called for everyone to come out for an announcement. The company's 12 salespeople and five secretaries came out to see what was going on as Carmen and Laurencia stood next to Don. Don stared at the faces that were alternately befuddled, amused and curious as to why he was standing before them in a dress and heels. Carmen broke the silence and took the lead. She announced, "This is Mr. Legnani. Well, was anyway. She now prefers to go by the name Giselle." Don's head jerked towards Carmen. He had not chosen a female name for himself, but Laurencia nodded along with Carmen's statement as if a name had been decided on. Don thought about complaining, but he had no say in his birth name so he was not particularly upset by not picking his new name. Carmen continued, "Giselle has decided to live as a woman for a little while. It's just a trial, but she will be coming to work regularly as Giselle. Isn't that right, Giselle?" "Yes," Don replied in a soft, low voice as his eyes darted to the floor. He peered up long enough to see the shocked look on his employees' faces before his eyes returned to staring blankly at the carpeting. Carmen noticed his embarrassment and placed her arm around his shoulder. She then said, "No one here is to treat Giselle any different than they treated her when she was Mr. Legnani. Giselle is my boss and yours. You'll be doing just what you used to do for her when she was Mr. Legnani. I trust that we can all be professional about this change. If you are, then you won't have a problem around here. If you treat her poorly, I'm sure she'll hold it against you, and you may be out a job. Are there any questions?" Don peered up expecting some, but his employees' decided to keep the questions he knew they had to themselves. Don was relieved by that because it showed him that they were smart enough to know that they should not make a big deal about his cross-dressing. Carmen then shooed the crowd of employees back to work before Don walked towards his executive's office door. Don felt relieved when he went into his office and closed the door behind him. His worries started to disappear as he looked down at his body. He smiled as he realized that he was dressed like a secretary in his own office. He felt a little thrill about that. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. He tried to dangle his shoe off his toes like he had seen Carmen do. Carmen walked into his office at that moment without a knock. She closed the door behind him and smiled at what he was doing. "Getting into the act early, I see," she said. Don just nodded in response. Carmen looked at Don and said, "Giselle, please get out of the executive's chair. You're trying to get a feel for being a secretary. Do you remember that?" Don smiled and stood up. He walked to the other side of the desk while Carmen took a seat in the executive chair. She pulled herself closer to the desk and leaned onto it. She smiled and asked, "How are you feeling right now?" "Okay, I thought the reaction would be worse. I'm sort of comfortable." "You looked it when I came in here." "Well, I was just trying to act like...a secretary for a minute." "You can act like it a whole lot more now. There are some secretarial tasks I do that you can perform without really raising any eyebrows. Are you ready for them?" Don smiled and said, "I'm ready, Miss Hightower." Carmen smirked at her boss for using her last name as instructed before she said, "You've already done 5 of my tasks, there's another 10 you can do while still being the boss. Let's start by having you file some of the documents on the executive's desk, okay?" "Yes, Miss Hightower," Don responded as he went about collecting, sorting and filing the documents on the desk while Carmen watched his every step carefully. Don paused as he went to file the last one. He looked at Carmen and said, "This needs to be faxed with a coversheet over to Petipa Financial." Carmen looked at him and said, "Well, then, Giselle, get to it. I've got some reports to look over here." "You want me to do it?" "Well, it's one of the 32 tasks I do for you." "But I have to go into the common area to make a fax." "And your point is?" "People will see me making my own fax." "So?" "That's your job. They'll know." "They won't know about our little arrangement. No one will ask you about it. If they do, just say that you've got me working on something important and want to help me out. Hell, you won't even be lying, and they'll never guess the truth." Don nodded. He went towards his desk, but Carmen stopped him. She put her hand up and asked, "What are you doing?" "I'm going to type up a cover sheet for the fax." "Here?" "Where else?" "There's one on my computer. Go get it off there." "Carmen, I..." "Giselle, you're testing my patience, girl. You wanted to feel what being a secretary is like? Well, it involves doing stuff you don't want to because you're asked. Now, do it." Don was shocked by her tone and a little turned on. He knew he should scold her for speaking to him like that, but he was too conflicted to do so. Don walked out of his office and towards Carmen's desk. A few heads turned for a second when they saw him take a seat at it as he searched for the cover sheet. As Don printed it, he saw Laurencia staring at him with a smile on her face. Don blushed before he took hold of the sheet and carried it with the document over to the fax machine. Don stared at the machine as he wondered how it worked. He looked for instructions and lifted the cover and anything else that would open on it. After a few aborted tries, Laurencia came over and said, "Need help, dear?" Don nodded and said, "Yes, I'm not familiar with this." Laurencia smiled and said, "You're such a ditzy girl. I can't believe you can't work your own fax machine. Don't worry. You'll get it. Just watch me." Don watched Laurencia send the fax and thanked her. Laurencia answered, "You're welcome. Any time, dear." As Don picked up the fax confirmation, he turned and saw his office door opening. Carmen looked over at him and said, "Giselle, could you be a doll and make five copies of these documents?" Don replied, "Sure thing, Miss...Carmen." Don cringed as he realized he caught the showing of his natural submissiveness to late and ended up saying Carmen's name in a way that was more humiliating then calling his secretary by her last name. Carmen did not respond and receded back into his office, closing the door behind her. Laurencia gave Don a half smile before she said, "Go get a jump on it." Don nodded and walked away from her feeling her hand smack his rear slightly. Don paused and looked back as she gave him a wink. Don went and got the documents that Carmen had left on her secretaries' desk. He carried them over to the copier. Laurencia walked up right beside him before he hit any buttons and asked, "Do you need help again?" Don shook his head as he was familiar with the copier. He made the copies Carmen had requested before he carried them back to her. Carmen took them with a smile and said, "That's another task completed." "What?" "You brought your boss documents that she required. That brings you up to 9 of my tasks you've done. You've got six more you can do if you're up to it, Giselle." "Not, now, Miss Hightower. I got to go back to being the boss." Carmen huffed and said, "As you wish, Mr. Legnani." Don smiled and said, "Carmen, you can just call me Giselle." Carmen smirked and said, "Of course, the whole mister thing doesn't sound right now I guess." Don nodded and sat down at his desk. He tried to do his work, but he kept getting distracted by thoughts about how he would dress the next day. His wife had bought him so many outfits, he wondered what he would wear the next day. He resolved to wear a skirt suit, but he was not sure which one. He started pairing heels and blouses with the skirt suits his wife got him. Don spent the rest of the morning planning out in his head what he would wear the next day. Carmen came in to get his lunch order and saw the file on his desk. "You're still on that page. That was the page I was on when I left." "Oh, I guess, I lost track of time. Do you think you can give me a hand with this after work." "Giselle, you've got to get your mind on your work. We can't have you falling behind. It's not fair for me to be doing your work and mine." "I know I'm sorry. It won't happen again." "Try to see that it won't," Carmen replied before she took Don's order and conveyed it to the secretary going out to pick up lunches for the entire staff. After lunch, Carmen and Don went to work trying to catch him up on his work. When the workday ended, they were a little behind, but not by a great amount. Don thanked Carmen and went home with his wife eagerly awaiting his next day at work. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Don dressed in nude pantyhose and a black, silk taffeta skirt with ruched side panels whose hem hit several inches above his knee. After smiling at the hem line, he walked back over to his closet. Don took hold of his long sleeved White blouse and fumbled with the buttons which he still felt were on the wrong side. He then put on the skirt's matching blazer before he checked the outfits appearance in his wife's full length. Satisfied, Don completed his outfit with a pair of black, patent leather, platform pumps with a woven vamp. Don then brushed out his long hair. He did his own makeup for the first time as he followed Laurencia's oral instructions as she watched him apply it. Since Laurencia was not going to work that day, Don had to drive himself to work. He was careful to obey all the rules of the road because he did not want to be stopped by a cop en femme because he figured it would be embarrassing to be outed as a cross-dresser to a stranger. Don got to work early on his work, and Carmen joined him shortly before 9. By 10, he was all caught up, and Carmen recommended that he do a few more secretarial tasks. Don was eager to get started. Carmen pulled up Don's emails and dictated the responses while Don typed them for her. She then asked him to schedule his own meetings, which Don pulled off easily. She then said, "I want you to schedule some of my personal affairs like I do for you." Don nodded and was happy to make the calls. He set up her hair and nail appointments as well as an appointment with her dentist while Carmen did his work. Don wanted to do more, but Carmen hesitated, "The other stuff I thought you could do, I don't think it would be a good idea if you actually did." "Why?" "It involves a little more face time as a secretary around the others than I thought." Don nodded. He was reluctant to do anything that would give him away. He said, "I guess it's time to switch roles again." "Afraid so," Carmen said. Carmen walked out of Don's office as he went and read a report that Carmen had not reached yet on his desk. Again he found his mind wandering as he felt the female clothing that covered his body below his neck. He played with his hair as he tried to read the documents, but he was barely skimming them. When Carmen came in to take Don's lunch order, she noticed that he had done nothing without her again. "Giselle, this has to stop. I can't do this. If you want to be the boss, be the boss. If you can't handle it given your new looks, stop dressing like that or switch jobs with me. I can carry your weight as the boss, but I can't do it as your secretary." Don nodded and apologized for his behavior. He figured that he would never get to dress up in skirts and dresses again around the office. The thought was too much for him. He said, "Carmen, I think I'm going to make you the boss. Just for a little bit." "How long are we talking about?" "A few days." "That's it?" "Well, just to start." Carmen shook her head and said, "I can't do that. It's too indefinite, and I can't be geared up to be the boss around here and then have to act like a secretary because you changed your mind. We need a little formality. I think it will do you some good." "How so?" "You want to be a secretary. You want to feel like one, well then give up your power to be anything other than one around here for a few weeks or so." Don shook his head and said, "I'm not sure. I'd have to talk with Laurencia." "Of course, Giselle. Go right ahead. Get back to me when you can." While Carmen went to pick up the office's lunch order with another secretary, Don called up his wife and told her what Carmen proposed. When pressed, he admitted that he found the idea of being an actual secretary to hard to pass up. He wanted to live that role as close he could. Laurencia told him she understood, but she also told him that she would come to the office to see him and that he should not sign anything before she arrived. Don complied with his wife's request. Laurencia arrived shortly after Don finished eating. She called Carmen into the office and the three started to discuss her plan. Carmen made her proposal. She said that she wanted 12 percent of the company which she would get as a bonus for taking over as CEO and director of the company. Don was a little hesitant about giving up part of his company, but it was only a minority share so he was receptive to her demand. Don said he would retain the right to fire her, but Laurencia cut in. She proposed instead that Don give her a power of attorney to make all decisions regarding the company. The document would be in force until he revoked it Don was hesitant to give her a power of attorney, but relented because he figured it would look odd for him to maintain actual control over the company while he worked there as a secretary. He decided it would be best to keep himself out of the company's decision making processes. Carmen then demanded that she be given at least six months to run the company. She wanted to remain there without a possibility of discharge during those six months unless the company became less profitable than it currently was. She proposed a million dollar payout if she was fired while the company was making at least as much money as it was then during those six months. Don felt the terms would constrain him and trap him for those months, but he decided to go with it because he figured secretaries are given no say in their bosses. Don called up his attorney and had the proposal and power of attorney drafted. Carmen went and picked them up and signed the contract. Don and Laurencia signature's followed on the contract and the power of attorney. With the documents in force, Laurencia announced to Carmen and Don that she would call a shareholder meeting and elect Carmen to the board in Don's place and keep herself as the other board member and corporate secretary. Don had no objections. Carmen then said that it was time to announce their deal to the office. Don nodded and walked out into the common area while Carmen made the announcement. Don was embarrassed about what he had agreed to, so he was not eager to see his employees' responses. Don looked at the stunned faces and realized that he had really done something out of the ordinary. He realized that none of them figured out what he was really up to or at least did not think he would take it as far as he did. Carmen then sat Don at her secretaries' desk, and he started his first day as a real secretary. He looked forwarded to doing the 20 other tasks that Carmen said the secretarial job he was working entailed. Laurencia left and Carmen ordered Don to take inventory of the supplies and order more if necessary. The whole staff watched as Don walked around his office in high heels counting the packs of paper they had, the boxes of paperclips, staples and ink. Don noticed that there were some amused faces as he worked as a secretary for the first time in front of them. The workday came to an end, and Don was giddy on the drive home. He told Laurencia all about his day almost immediately upon his arrival. She nodded and said that she was happy that he was enjoying himself. Don responded, "Thank you. Thank you for putting up with this too. I know it can't be easy, but I just feel right. You know. I feel I was born to be a secretary. I can't believe I just said that. You know, I'm living like a secretary, and I love it. Laurencia paused and looked at him strangely. She then retorted, "You're not living like a secretary." Don turned his face towards hers and asked, "Why not?" "Well, for one thing, you've got your old bank and credit cards so you're not constrained the way girls in your position are. Trust me, I was kind of there before I met you. You don't have a clue what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. That's what secretaries have to put up with. So you're not living like one." "Well, I don't want to give up that stuff." "That's fine, dear. You're used to privilege. I understand, but don't say you're living like a secretary." Don paused and remained silent. A grimace came to his face as he thought about getting rid of his easy access to his wealth. He looked over at Laurencia and asked, "Well, what would happen if I gave up my cards." "Not much. You don't need them, honey. I pay for the house and the cars anyway, now, through your trust fund. The company profits I'm sharing with Carmen from you are still gravy for us. You only use your pay to buy stuff for yourself anyway, so you really don't need your cards. I think it'll be good experience for you to start living on your salary." Don smiled and batted his eyes before he reached into his pocketbooks and removed his bank card and three credit cards. He handed them over to Laurencia. Laurencia smiled and took them before she parked the car. She walked into the house and straight into the kitchen. Don watched with a little unease as he saw Laurencia take a scissor to them. He felt it was unnecessary to do that, but he recognized that Laurencia was afraid he might give into temptation and use them if he found them. When she finished, Laurencia said, "You know you might want to make some modifications to fit in better with the girls you're going to be working alongside." "What do you mean?" "Well, I've worked with your office's secretaries for years now. I've come to know them. They won't be comfortable with their boss on the floor working among them. You've got to do something to separate Mr. Legnani from Giselle." "Like what?" "Well, I'm going to make a suggestion and just hear me out. I'm not saying that you have to go along with it. I'm just saying it might help." "Spit it out, woman," Don replied, growing impatient. Giselle gave him a peeved look and said, "I'm going to recommend implants and a voice modulator." "Voice modulator?" "Yes, it's an implant that changes your voice. Like the boobs, you can take it out when you're ready." "Are you sure about that?" "Of course, I've read all about these procedures." Don nodded and then said, "Wait, why have you read about them?" Laurencia paused before she answered, "Once you started to dress in, you know, girl's stuff to live out your fantasy. I thought that it was a matter of time before you decided to take it a little further. If you were willing to take it this far, I guessed that you might be willing to go a little further." "That's not a little further. It's surgery." "That's true, but it's all reversible. It's not like a sex change," Laurencia responded before she paused before she added, "You don't want one do you?" Don noticed the trepidation in her voice and said, "No. I'm not interested in one. I like being a guy, I only want to dress and live like a girl. I don't want to be a real one." Laurencia smiled and said, "If you want to live like a girl, you're going to have to talk more." Don nodded and said, "I suppose the voice change wouldn't be that big a deal. I'm not sure about the boobs though. I mean, if you were my employee and you know I once had boobs hanging over my penis, could you respect me?" "Well, I've been your employee for years, and I could still respect you. Anyway, it doesn't matter. If they become insubordinate when you get back, you can fire them." "Yes, you're right about that." "Of course I am. When you go back to being the boss, they'll be hesitant to disobey or show disdain to King or Queen Legnani." "Are you the Queen?" Don asked. "I'm not sure you're going to want to go back to being Don. I think you'll want to be the boss, but I think you'll prefer to stay on in a skirt." "Yes, but I couldn't act right when I dressed like this. That's why I am the secretary." "I doubt that. I think you're the secretary because that's what you wanted to be. Once you get that out of your system, I think you'll function all right." Don smiled at his wife's reassurance and acceptance of his cross- dressing. He figured it might be worth it to take it a little further. He asked, "Well, how big would my boobs be?" Laurencia answered, "As big as you'd like. I'd keep it to a C-cup and under. You don't want the back problems that come with the bigger ones." Don nodded and said, "What about my voice? How would I sound?" "Well, you can choose that. You can go a little higher or a lot higher." "I think I'd like a high voice. It probably would better fit my new appearance." "I think so too, but it's all your call. Either way you want to go with the surgeries, I'll stand by you. I told you why you should get them, but if you're not comfortable with them, don't. You got to make the choice." Don decided that his wife's recommendation was right. He decided then to have the surgeries. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Weeks went by as Don became Carmen's full time secretary. Don spent his days filing out her forms, making her coffee from time to time and bringing it to her. The first time he made it was humbling for him. The whole staff seemed to watch as the boss they once feared was standing in heels over the coffee machine measuring out scoops of coffee. Don did not like being gawked at, but he figured it was the price he had to pay for living the way he wanted to. Don worked on his voice before his scheduled surgery. He tried to make it sound higher, but he was not comfortable talking on the phone. Carmen permitted Don to have one of the other secretaries handle her calls. Don tried to hide his voice in other ways as he awaited surgery. When he had to pick up Carmen's laundry, he would feign being deaf. He would simply hand over the ticket and the money the ticket said was due. He heard the staff talk about him a bit when no else was in the laundromat, but he successfully hid the fact that he could hear them. The lunch orders were always too large for one girl to get, so Don was happy that one of the other secretaries always did the talking when it was ordered and picked up. On the drive to one restaurant, the other secretary in the car got up the courage to ask, "Why would you want to be a secretary?" Don looked at the short, brown haired girl and said, "It's hard to explain, Alicia." "Can you at least try? I mean I've worked in the office for years, and I never knew about this side of you. I didn't know anybody in your position would want to be in mine. It's just a little weird is all. No offense meant, Elle." Don smiled at her. Alicia was the secretary who was the most accepting of him at first. She had no problem working beside him and accepting his help when Carmen told him to help the other secretaries. Don always liked that. He enjoyed working as someone other than Carmen's secretary for a short period. None of his other bosses tried to exploit him. They all figured that it was only a matter of time until Don came back. Thus, they believed it was best not to get on his bad side. Don licked his lips and answered Alicia, "I'm not offended. I understand. What I did is a little strange, to say the least. I've wanted to be a secretary since I entered a workplace. I could never do it because of who my father was. I couldn't bring shame on the family, but my brother ended that worry." "So you want to be a woman?" Alicia asked. Don responded, "No, it's not like that. I like being a man, but I want to wear a skirt and be a secretary." Alicia smiled and said, "I think you're out of your mind, but if it makes you happy, I'm happy for you." Don smiled back at her and continued to the restaurant. They went and picked up the lunches and brought them back to the office. Don then performed his customary task of carrying Carmen's lunch into his former office. Carmen told him to leave it on her desk before he went and sat at his secretary's desk and ate lunch with his wife. Laurencia was at the office a lot more after Carmen took over. She took on a full time role much to Don's displeasure. He liked having her at home taking care of his house most of the time, but Carmen liked having her at the office. Her increased office work resulted in more work for Don. He found himself badgered into sharing the household chores with his wife. At first it seemed like an equal split, but Don felt more and more that he was shouldering the entire burden. He thought about complaining, but kept his mouth shut because of all the years Laurencia had done it. He did not want her to think that he was not up to the task of doing what she had done. Don was happy to see that he could master most of Carmen's task. It took him some time, but he figured out how to deal with employees requesting to speak with Carmen. After a few tries he figured out how to mollify them. Carmen also had him making her travel arrangements for company trips, making notes for her meetings, checking for discrepancies in account forms handed to him by his former underlings and making sure that company policies were clearly disseminated as well as followed. The last task was not easy for Don. He found it easy to watch people, but he felt that he was a rat for telling Carmen about their wastes of company time. However, Carmen's habit of raining accolades down upon him for doing so made it seem less objectionable to Don. Finally, the day of the surgeries came. Don took two weeks off from work to recuperate. Laurencia was there the whole time and helped him heal as quickly as he could. Don found Laurencia very mothering as she made all decisions for him while he healed and would not let herself take no for answer no matter how much Don protested. He figured it was just her way of caring for him. After the dinner after his first day back at work, Don began to rethink his views on his wife's behavior. After their day at work, Don made Laurencia her favorite meal. Laurencia did not say a word of thanks like she had when he made it before. Don felt a little slighted, but he let it go. They ate in relative peace until they started talking about work. Don asked about a large account that Laurencia was assisting Carmen with. Laurencia said a few thing about it before she abruptly finished by telling him, "You wouldn't understand, Giselle. It's above your pay grade." Don felt slighted again. He shouted in his girlish voice, "I used to do the job. I'd understand fine." Laurencia smirked and said, "You're so cute when you're angry." Don seethed as he glared at his wife. The glare made Laurencia laugh before she said, "I don't mean to be so curt, dear. There's just a little pressure at work, and I don't want you to burden you with it." Don felt a little better about Laurencia's conduct as he replied, "It's not burden. Please share it with me. I can help you." Laurencia smiled at her husband's plea for more communication. She responded, "Don't worry your pretty little head about it. I've got it covered. Don slunk back in his chair and felt that she was patronizing him as he stood up and started clearing the table. Laurencia noticed his displeasure at being treated the way he had treated her since they met and smiled. She walked into the living room and turned on the television as Don started to wash the pots and pans he used to make dinner for her. The next day at work, Don began to feel underappreciated and underutilized at his position. After fielding his first phone calls with his new voice that his coworkers described as pixieish and taking down the messages for Carmen, Don was ordered to make coffee. It was the second day in a row he was told to do it despite the fact that the responsibility to do it usually rotated among the secretaries. Don groused a bit about having to make coffee again to himself. He figured that it was one of the other girls' turns. Laurencia noticed his displeasure and asked him what was wrong. Don shook his head and replied, "I just can't believe I'm the only one here who's made coffee in the last two days." "That's it? You're complaining about that. Do you think you're better than the other girls?" "No, that's not..." "Did you not learn how to make a pot of coffee up at Harvard?" "I made it yesterday, you're misunderstanding..." "I'm misunderstanding you? You're complaining about making coffee two days in a row. You're Carmen's personal secretary. You do the least around here. You should be happy to help out the other girls." "I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking," Don said. "You weren't. Now, get back to work," Laurencia said with a smile as she patted Don on his rear. Don hopped an inch forward as he felt his wife's swat. He was a little turned on by it, but he was more bothered by her condescending words. Carmen then came over to him and said, "Well, Giselle. You're about to do the final five tasks." "What are they?" Don said, hoping to be turned on by what he was about to do. "I've got some important clients coming in for a meeting. So I need you to clean up the conference room. You know, give the table a good wipe. Do it now because I want you to greet them as they come in. Then you're going to come in and tell me they've arrived. I'm going to have you take the minutes of the meeting after that, so clear your afternoon schedule. Okay?" "Yes, Miss Hightower," Don answered. Don went to the storage closet and pulled out the cleaner and a rag and headed into the conference room. Don felt lowly as he started to clean it. Don remembered the first time he cleaned his own house after Laurencia started working full time at the company. He thought about how emasculated he felt. He had the same feeling now, but it was more intense because it was so public. His employees could see the man who signed their paychecks wiping down a table in an above the knee wrap dress. Don finished cleaning and headed back to his desk. He pulled at the hem of his dress as he situated himself in his seat. A little more than an hour later, three people he did not recognize came through the door. There were two women and a man. One woman was older than the other and seemed to be in charge of the group as they approached. She peered down at Don and said, "Anna Plisetskaya, here to see Carmen Hightower." Don stood up and smiled and said, "Nice to meet you, Miss Plissetskahandra. I'll tell Miss Hightower you're here." Don looked at Anna's disapproving gaze and realized that his mispronunciation of her name bothered her to an unusual degree. Don knocked upon Carmen's office door. Carmen allowed Don to enter the office that had long been his own. He looked over at Carmen and said, "Your guests have arrived." Carmen shook her head and replied, "You can't pronounce her name can you?" "No," Don admitted. "Okay, then shut up around her and let me do the talking." Carmen walked out of her office and said, "Miss Plisetskaya, good to see you." Carmen then said hello to Anna's business associates. Carmen led them into the conference room. Don took a seat at the end of the table and took down the minutes of what was said before Anna reached a deal with Carmen. Don was admittedly impressed by how shrewd she was. He figured that when he returned to being the boss in his office, he would have to find a job where she could make use of her talents. Don went home that night feeling a little less enthused about being a secretary than he had been when the day started. After dinner, he headed up to bed for a good nights sleep. About an hour later, he heard the door open. He saw Laurencia strolling towards the bed. She disrobed and climbed in beside him. Don figured she was just getting ready to sleep, but he suddenly found her crawling over him. Don could not figure out what she was doing. She clutched his penis and put it into her vagina. He tried to resist her overtures, but his body failed to comply. Don felt physical pleasure from the feeling, but his mind told him to resist her, if only for appearances. Conflicting senses of lust and shame overcame him as he lay motionless beneath his wife. Several times she brought him to the brink of climax only to pull off him before it occurred. Finally, Don sensed the feeling of Laurencia's orgasm. Laurencia pulled herself off him and rolled onto her side of the bed denying him reciprocity. She drifted off to sleep while Don stared vacantly at the ceiling of the darkened room. Don thought that he could never feel like less of a man than he did at that moment. Don went to sleep regretting for the first time his decision to become a real secretary. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The next couple weeks were the same monotony for Don. He grew increasingly bothered with performing the same mindless tasks. Every request for a cup of coffee by Carmen caused a feeling of loathing to rise up within him. Meanwhile, Carmen was succeeding at his job. The company had become more profitable, and her success seemed to be making her smugger in Don's opinion. Don was used to being respected. He had born into a family that felt privilege was a birthright. Carmen had always given him her respect, but the longer he served as her secretary, the more it seemed that Carmen was considering herself above him. Don felt that she was becoming too enwrapped with the role she was playing. Don felt that it had been fun to get away from the deference that he had become accustomed to at first, but Carmen's continued condescension towards him was becoming grating. Don thought that his fellow coworkers were no better. They all treated him either like an equal or as beneath them. They no longer seemed to care that he owned the company. They all treated him according to his position. None of them even bothered to make reference to his ownership of the company. Don noticed that they treated him as nothing more than a secretary. Although, Don wanted that in the beginning, he had become bored by it and was tired of not being afforded the respect he believed he deserved. Don thought that Laurencia seemed to have changed too. She became increasingly assertive after taking the lead in bed. When Don would raise a concern, she would simply brush him off. The initial arousal Don felt about being submissive to her while she was dismissive of him was waning. He became increasingly aware that his fantasy did not correspond with reality. Finally, Don had enough. He decided that he could no longer live as a female secretary. He called his surgeon and scheduled an appointment. He got one quickly because of a cancellation. He walked into the office and told Doctor Ferri that he wanted to reverse his operations. Doctor Ferri looked at him strangely before he responded, "Don't you remember what I said." "Yes." "I asked you if you read the brochure and understood all the possible ramifications." "Of course." "And what did you say?" Doctor Ferri asked. "I said I did." "So you know." "Know what?" Doctor Ferri shook his head and answered, "We can remove the breast implants. No problem there, but your voice. That's a problem." "What about my voice," Don said as he clasped his throat with his right hand, feeling the tips of his long fingernails. "Well, it's permanent." "You can't remove the modulator?" Don shrieked. "The what?" Doctor Ferri responded, not understanding what Don was talking about. "The vocal modulator." "There's no vocal modulator to remove. We can't implant one of those on your vocal chords." "Then what did you do to my voice." "What you consented to in writing. Your vocal chords were shaved. You can't unshave them. The deepest voice you can muster, is the manliest voice you got. I don't think that's much to be honest with you. You requested a really high voice." Don shook his head and put his left hand over his mouth. Doctor Ferri put his hand on Don's shoulder and said, "I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help." Don thanked him and collected his things feeling that he was on the verge of tears. As he walked towards his car, Don's despondency began to turn into anger. Don pulled out of the doctor's lot feeling ready to explode. He felt that he was only getting angrier as he drove back towards his home at well above the speed limit. He came to a jerking stop in his driveway before he hurried to his door. Don let himself in and looked about for his wife before he saw her in the kitchen. Don stormed up to his wife and said, "I just went to the surgeon!" "Why?" Laurencia said with a raised eyebrow. "You know why. I wanted to get all this. All what you made of me reversed. I want to be..." "What a minute, girl! All I made of you? You're the one who told me that you wanted to be a secretary. I went along with it. I didn't tell you to do it." Don paused as he realized that she was right, but he was determined to address her falsities. He shouted, "That may be true, but you lied about my voice!" "How so?" "There's no such thing as voice modulator implant. They shaved my vocal chords. My voice is stuck like this." "That's true." "Then why did you let me go through with this?" "You said you wanted it." "This is a conspiracy," Don shouted. "Don't be ridiculous, Giselle." "My name is Don. I'm Don." "Now, who's being ridiculous," Laurencia said with a laugh. Don realized the futility of his conversation. He took a few deep breaths and told Laurencia that he was turning in for the night. Laurencia waved her hand at him and walked away from him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Laurencia saw that her husband was running late as he got ready for work. She finished up her morning routine and heard Don fumbling about the house. "Aren't you coming yet, Giselle," Laurencia asked. "I'll take my own car. I've got a few little things to do around here. You go on ahead," Don answered. Laurencia replied, "Suit yourself," before she headed out of their home. Don watched her leave as he gritted his teeth. He was certain that today was the day he would reassert his dominance. He changed out of his skirt and into a pair of woman's pants. He thought about wearing men's clothing, but he knew he would look too ridiculous in it to be taken seriously. He paired his pants with a pair of plain black flats before he headed out the door. Don drove down to his office and stared at the door for a moment before he walked towards the building. Don walked into his office and shrieked in his high voice, "Attention! Attention, everyone. I have an announcement. I am back in charge here." "The hell you are," Laurencia responded. "And who are you to say what goes around here?" Don shouted as he put his hands on his hips. "I'm the one with the power to decide what goes on around here. My husband formally gave me that power." Don shook his head and said, "It's revoked. Does everyone hear that? The power of attorney I gave my wife is revoked." "Your wife?" Carmen responded. Don noticed the deliberate lack of clarity Carmen used when referring to his relationship with Laurencia. Laurencia looked at Carmen and shrugged her shoulders. Don started to shake his head slowly as he realized what was going on. "This is absurd! I'm your husband. I'm Don Legnani. Everyone here knows it so stop this fucking charade." "I don't what you're talking about, Giselle. You're rambling like a mental patient. If you don't stop soon, we might have to let you go. We can't have a secretary disrupting the office this way," Carmen countered as Laurencia shrugged off his words. Don face grew flush. He felt ready to explode. He screamed at Carmen, "That's fucking it! You're done. You're fired." "A boss can't be fired by a secretary, you silly girl," Laurencia responded. "I'm the boss. Not her, not you. Everyone here knows it. This is Don's domain." "Maybe, but you're not Don," Carmen retorted. "I am Don damn it!" Carmen shook her head and shouted to her gawking employees, "Does anyone here think that Giselle is Mr. Legnani?" Don stared off at the silent faces that greeted Carmen's question. Don suppressed his rage as he figured he would have his revenge on all of them soon enough. Don stormed through the office and got into his car. He drove down to his family lawyer's office and parked his car a short distance before the door. He stared at the door unsure of whether or not he should enter. He knew he would be embarrassed if the counsel he was so familiar saw what had become of him, but he was sure that it was the only way back to being Don Legnani owner of Legnani Enterprises. Don put his knees together and swung his legs out of the car in the feminine manner that had become second nature to him. He then took a deep breath before he headed for the door. Don drew the door open and was greeted by a young woman dressed in a skirt suit. Don had never met her and assumed she was a paralegal and said, "My name is Don Legnani. I'm here to see George Bussell." The woman smiled and said, "Did you say you're name is Don?" Don blushed at the pretty girl's question as he nodded. The girl shrugged and said, "You've got creative parents." Don nodded hoping to end the line of inquiry. The girl walked away from him and into George's office. The girl came back and said, "Are you sure you're Don Legnani because you don't look the way Mr. Bussell described you?" "Yes. I've had some work done." The girl fought off a grin and said, "Right this way, miss." Don caught the smile on her face that showed her amusement about his current state. Don entered George's office and looked down at the man behind the desk. George looked up and leaned back in his chair as he tried to reconcile the face with the claimed identity. The shape of Don's face made George realize that the woman standing before him was really Don Legnani. George stood up and shook Don's hand and said, "Pleasure to see you again, Don. You look different." Don smiled at the understatement uttered by George. George asked what happened. Don explained how he was feminized and working as a secretary while George managed to keep a straight face despite his internal amusement. Don asked George how he could get his company back. George leaned back and said, "This won't

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The Chamber Maid By: the Abbe I welcome any feed back you might want to share at: [email protected] Chapter 1Maggie was a naughty girl. That is why she found herself chained to the wall of the dungeon hidden beneath the main floor of the Estate of the Count and Countess De la Fountaine. She was still wearing her mistress’ black corset with pink lace and silk stockings. She felt the biting cold of the stone against her back even through the corset. Her nipples were hard and aching from the...

2 years ago
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Lord and Master Ch 01

Friday, June 29 1861 Southampton, Hampshire, England The stranger sitting in the corner of her parlor wouldn’t stop looking at her. Broad shouldered, well dressed, chin length brown hair, his blue eyes tore over her in an assessing way. ‘Let us begin, sir.’ Elizabeth, her mother and sister, the stranger and his lawyer were gathered in the parlor of her home. She knew that the meeting couldn’t come of good things. They had had meetings like this one before, Gentlemen and their lawyers would...

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Sarkari Officer Aunty Chi Pucchi Chatun Chatun Thokli

Namskar mitrano aani mast panavalelya rasrashit pucchi choot walino mi yogu age 25 ahe desayla sexy handsome ahe. Mi atach maze engineeringche shikshan purn kelay. Ani job karat ahe. Jar kon aunty bhabhi vahini ladies na mazya 6.2+ inch lavadyach sukh boghaych asel tyani bindast mala mail kara. Maza email ahe ani ani mala google hangout var pan msg karu shakta aapn mazyasobat sex chat pan karun enjoy karu shakata. Tar chala aata mi mazya storyla suruvat karto. Tar mitrano hi stori ahe mazi...

4 years ago
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A Common Man From Bangalore 8211 Part 12

Hi, Pramod from Bangalore again. Well for those who are reading my story for the first time a small introduction. I am Pramod, a freelance oil massager for females. As well as oil massager in a spa for gents. My number will be shared through email . I was working in a company while I had an awesome time with Bindu. She never took my dick in her mouth, but always wanted me to lick her clit. She would have 5-6 orgasms while I licked her clitoris. She wanted to get licked more than getting...

2 years ago
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The MasterPC Harem Chapter 1

When I got home, I plugged the flash drive into my laptop. It had one file in it. "Master_PC.launcher" I dragged it onto my desktop, and opened the program. It downloaded. I decided to kill time by doing homework. Within a few minutes, it successfully downloaded. I opened up the program, and was met with a "Select User" interface. It was empty, except for a button reading "Search Database". I clicked on it, and was met with search parameters. Name, City, State, Country, etc. I searched up...

2 years ago
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Reclamation part II

Staring into her deep cobalt orbs, I mentioned, “What I sense is that you’re not wearing jeans, and we need to beat feet – to Josh’s apartment complex.” With another rough squeeze of her hand upon my cock, Sandra chastised, “That was fast, did you fly over here or what, you’re forty minutes early!” “I knew I better get here ASAP, or you’d be masturbating and we’d never get this done.” Dipping her forehead to my shoulder, she shuddered, “Perhaps I should have, worn jeans…it’s chilly out…but...

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Whatever Your Heart Desires Part 1

Whatever Your Heart Desires By Cherysse St. Claire© I had never had a problem with men before I met my husband. I never allowed men to become a problem. Throughout high school, college, then after, men flocked to me. Tall or short, muscular or slender, boisterous or introverted ? I attracted them all. I made them crazy with desire for me ? and still do. I am not a saint. I am not ashamed to use my looks, sensual sapphire eyes, long, shapely legs and killer body to get what...

2 years ago
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Remembering Tracey Part Two

I pulled into the apartment complex, got out, and walked around to open Tracey’s door. Please don’t get all gushy on me, because I wasn’t doing it to be a gentleman. I was doing it so I could get a great shot at her legs in that short skirt as she slides out of my truck. The view of course, was outstanding. Her skirt magically slid up her thighs as she scooted across the seat. If only I could have slid my hand across that smooth skin. She’s got a fine body and I love every inch of it. I should,...

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Vanished Ch 09

Hi my name is Suzie, and this is the story of my new life. I was striped of my former last name, now I am known just as Suzie, my Master’s slave. I actually prefer being called slave to slut, as he does when others are around or in the heat of the moment. I have a reasonably good life but it is so very different from the life that I had before…. before that fateful day twenty-one months ago. I cannot complain I am well looked after and I know Master loves me in his special way. Strangely I...

2 years ago
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Mother Daughter Feast 12 of 12

Anna is shocked, because she knows that Sara isn't riding the spit, but gives her head a slight nod in acceptance. She keeps Sara on edge for several minutes and just when Sara is sure that she will flood Anna's mouth with more cum, Anna starts biting down on Sara's clit. Sara is shocked, but she gives Anna encouragement to keep going. "Yes! Bite my clit off slowly while I am right on the verge of filling your mouth with cum. It appears that none of us will ever have another orgasm."...

4 years ago
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Wife fucks black and white men in the woods Gangb

Some weeks after she had fucked Kenny and his two black friends Jane was walking through the town centre close to where we live. She was wearing a loose dress as it was a warm sunny day. As she browsed the shops she was met by Adam, the 16 year old lad she had originally met at the house where she fucked him and six of his housemates. They chatted or a while and he told her about how he was getting on at catering college. Of course, the subject soon turned to sex. “He’s such a good looking...

3 years ago
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Summer of a Lifetime

You are Sam West, an 18 year old, fresh out of high school and on your way to Harvard. You never went to a high school party for as long as you were there, but on the last day, you thought to yourself “Fuck it. Why not?” and grew the balls to go out to the hottest girl in school’s party. After all, she did say everyone was invited. When you turn the corner onto her street, you hear the loud pulsing of techno music playing. The closer you get the louder it becomes until you finally reach the...

4 years ago
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ExHusband and ExWife

Jennifer was a fighter though. Her feet were violently trying to kick at me as she squirmed her shoulders and arms around in an attempt to free herself. There were a few times that I had almost lost my grip, but I finally shoved her down onto the floor of the garage, forcing her face on to the cold concrete , helping to muffle her still screaming voice. I had fallen on top of her, and the hand that I had wrapped around her waist was now stuck beneath her, still restricting her arms from...

1 year ago
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indian mom ass fucking for cheating other guy

After that day I saw them a lot of time fucking each other in different positions.The water goes over the head when I saw them fucking when my mom is at terrace, bend forward to take support of terrace wall to enjoy the view of playground just situated in front of our house. I was playing there with other c***dren. JD comes from behind; lift mommy’s sari n entered from back in doggy position. What the fuck were they doing in front of everyone? Don’t they afraid of any mess or they get blind due...

2 years ago
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My First Night with You

The cold wind was blowing outside your front door and across your lawn as you settled in for the night with a warm blanket on your bed. You are wearing your favorite little nightie, the one that covers your breasts, but still has a deep plunger in the neckline. The bottom of your nightie has just enough material to cover your nice curvy ass, but while you lay in bed curled up, your favorite hipster panties are slightly uncovered under the sheets. You lay with your laptop on the bed, and are...

3 years ago
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Capitol BeatChapter 4

Zoe’s Halloween Past Actually I was spanked once, but it didn’t come at the hands of my parents. I guess you could say I’ve always been a little full of myself. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that even at eighteen I was a lil hellion. Besides Halloween is a time for tricks and pranks and acts of whimsy. I was having a great time dressed up in my Lois Lane inspired reporter little black dress. I instigated a prank toilet papering the trees in one of my former teacher’s yard. Then I moved...

3 years ago
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My best friend and I in the shower

If you don't remember, my name is Carol. I'm a brunette, and have B-cup tits. Although, now I'm 23, and my friends, Holly and Jessica, are one year older too. Jessica and Holly, kept dating, ever since that day in the shower. They never did get fake married though. I guess they knew that they loved each other, in ways most mothers and daughters don't. Although, about a month after that day, Holly actually moved all of her stuff into her mom's room. So now they sleep together every night. Over...

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Snow Whites Story Part 1

She laid there, still, almost as stiff as the hard thick cock she imagined sliding in and out of her mouth. She was trying so hard to resist it. Even though her mind was trying her body obviously wasn't. Her legs were spread open and her breath was so heavy and quick that she could barely breath. Her large breast propped on top of her body moved with every breath. She clenched her fist tightly to her side. "Don't do it" She told herself out loud. But she couldn't resist. She slid her hand up...

3 years ago
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Batman Arkham City ChroniclesChapter 10

Saturday, January 14, 2012 Batcave, Wayne Manor, Gotham City Bruce is again at the Batcomputer reviewing his notes as he sees the message from Wonder Woman, aka Diana Prince with the Subject, ‘Big Barda.’ Curious Bruce clicks the message and see... Wednesday, January 4, 2012 Free’s Residence, Calvin City, Connecticut It had been a couple hours since Wonder Woman talked with Batman and then left to visit with Barda again. It had been only a day since Wonder Woman told Barda that her...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 8 NIKAChapter 16 Double Standard

September 27, 1994, Munich, Germany I shook my head and followed Elena into my room. She went straight to the phone and made a call. “«Eine Flasche Champagner für Zimmer 603 bitte, und einige Früchte ... Ja, das wird gut.»” She hung up the phone and walked over and sat on the couch. “Don’t stand there like a fool,” she laughed. “Sit down!” I went over to the couch and sat down, though not too close to Elena. “Elena...” I began to protest, but she interrupted me. “You asked me to...

1 year ago
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The BookCase 4

Memo: status- private. To: Dr. D. Roberts Fr: Dr. J. Williams Re: Mary Benson, case MB0004 Dt: April 21, 1980 Dave, I thought the following would be of interest. This is the summary of debriefing from the field agents combined with the thiopental sessions from the subject. This one didn't have the usual coven. Detailed reports from the agents and transcripts of the subject's and coven's questioning are only available here on site. Security will not allow removal of material from this...

3 years ago
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A Shot in the DarkChapter 2 Whats Next

"I did too! Swear to God, I did." David Fahey was telling his two best friends, Peter and John, about their eight-grade teacher, Mrs. Jenkins. "After you guys left the other day I shot photos of her and Mr. Todd and my mom fucking in Mr. Todd's' office and the next day when I showed them to her she went white. She was so scared that she would have done anything I asked. So when I told her that I would show them all over school she kind of fell apart. Then I made her take off her clothes...

2 years ago
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Naa Sex Anubhavaalu

Hi friends naa peru surya nenu already meeku telusu.Naa age 24 height 5.4 and my tool 6 inches.Inthaku mundhu nenu maa inti mundhu unde deepa tho naa 1st sex experience meetho share chesukunnanu.Mundhugaa naa previous storylo meeru icchina support ki thank you.Indhulo deepatho naa 1st experience tharvatha naa sex life meetho share chesthanu.Inka storyloki velthe deepa marriage ayipoyina tharvatha thanatho phonelo matladudham ante thana sim vaalla nannaki icchi velli poyindhi.Tharvatha okasari...

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Eddie and Cindy and Me

“No NO! Not like that!” Eddie scolded. I was sitting on the floor facing his sister. As I had been told, I leaned in and gave her kisses, well, actually just little pecks. She giggled after each peck as I blushed and sweated profusely. I had never kissed a girl. Well, ok, I kissed my older sister, but only after mom told me to make up with her after hitting her. That was on the cheek and didn’t count. I was kissing Cindy right on the lips! This was the late 1960’s; time of hippies, drugs,...

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TRINARY Sometime in the near future... Janine Travis sat in the cafe fuming. She couldn't believe those bubble-headed, moronic,... so and so's! Couldn't they see the advantage of the new computer she had designed? Janine was a computer designer who, at the age of 26, had more computer design related degrees than any man twice her age, with a few theoretical physics degrees thrown in for good measure. She had discovered a way of detecting and stabilizing the individual subatomic...

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I was a bit drunk at that party. That is really my only excuse. As if I really had an excuse when my wife, Sara, caught me outside with Judy, a woman with one thing on her mind that night. And I admit that if Sara hadn't caught us, I can't say how far things would have gone. To say that Sara was upset would be and understatement. She was gone immediately, and I rushed home to find her packing. I knew I'd been stupid and didn't want her to leave, so I begged her to give me another chance. She...

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Jam and toast

I awoke this morning at my usual 4:00 AM feeling all warm and cuddly from sleep. I reluctantly got hubby off to work and as it was still too early to wake the kids, I decided to throw in some wash loads of laundry and pass away the time having fun with the guys I talk to via my web cam, until that is, the kids got up and I had to get busy with the day.  I logged onto Yahoo and went to one of my favorite adult chat rooms – “hard nipples”. I thought that this was an apropos room for me to enter...

4 years ago
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My first fat on fat experience

I have always been fat and I have always been attracted to other fat boys like myself. My motto has always been: "the fatter the better. I had this friend who was 6'4 and 500 pounds while at the time I was 5'10" and 330. He was 25 and I was 18. We were like brothers. I constantly would check out his massive belly and the bulge in his pants. I would constantly jack off while fantasizing about him. Like me he was a horny guy as well. So one day I worked up the courage to seduce him. When my Mom...

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Sweet Nothings Part I

It was the end of my junior year and summer was rolling in like a dark cloud. Don’t get me wrong, nothing felt better than wearing short shorts and a skimpy top, but I was starting to feel bummed. A lot of my friends were going away for the summer and I hadn’t a clue as to what I was going to do. On a particular Wednesday afternoon I slipped on a see through white tube top that hugged my breast tightly. I called it my “womanly” shirt because it showed every womanly feature about me, including...

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Emilys bad habits

The mirror was in the changing room of a high end designer clothes store in a shopping center on the rich side of town. I hadn't really paid attention to what the stores name was only the expensive looking dress I saw in the window the tag on it read $960. This was the newest in a long series of stores I had visited to steal from, a habit I had picked up as a young teenager and never quite grown out of, if anything I had grown into it. The thrill and the adrenaline of it is what I live for,...

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A guy housesitting for a friend takes advantage of his friend8217s dog

It all started one Friday when my friend, Kip, who I met a short time ago, asked me to take care of his animals as he was going to be out of town for over a week during Christmas break. Kip left me the key to his house so I could get in and said for me to make myself at home. Well Friday came, so I got all bundled up and went over to make sure everything was in order. There were two dogs, Furface and Nugget, and some tropical fish and a few gerbils. Now when I arrived, Furface started jumping...

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BrutalSessions Victoria Voxxx Fucked in Tight Bondage

Drooling on the floor from a ball-gag in her mouth, Victoria Voxxx stands naked, bound in rope. A spreader-bar is attached at both keeping her legs apart. Her arms are trapped behind her back, bound with rope which also wraps tightly around her tits, neck, and hair. She waits for Codey Steele, to use her as his own sexual play toy. Dressed in all black, Codey creeps up from behind her and rubs her clit. He slaps her tits and slaps her pussy, warming her up for his leather crop. She moans as he...

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Terror in TenerifeChapter 3

I could tell that we were expected as soon as we walked in. The man behind the counter nodded at Harold and looked Jenny over quickly. He came out from behind the counter. He walked around us, examining Jenny closely as he did. He closed and locked the door and put up a closed sign. We followed him into a back room that had several small sets prepared. The one that was already lit up and ready to go was a replica of a small bedroom. Why wasn't I surprised?! Harold took Jenny onto the set....

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My daughters tutor III

Amber and I had kept seeing each other, all under Sofie’s nose. We had been together for six weeks by then, and it was hotter than ever. When they had their sessions, Amber would frequently have to take a bathroom break or take a call. As she did, we would go into the bathroom, or my bedroom and fool around a bit. I invited her over a few times to hang out and have sex on a couple weekends when Sofie was at her dad’s. On one Thursday afternoon, Sofie and Amber were in the dining room studying...

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Daughter in Law Madison Seduction The Beginning

My son was away working overseas for an extended period of time and his beautiful 21 year old blond hot wife was staying with my wife and I while going to college and saving their apartment money.She is a real hottie, 21 as I said, 5'5" with long sexy soft blond hair, big beautiful blue eyes, slim waist, perfect ass and nice big tits with hard perky nipples. Very hard to keep my eyes off her and ask "fatherly" as a father in law should. At the marriage I couldn't help but think how hot she...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Tiffany Rousso Anniversary Threesome

Sexy blonde MILF, Tiffany Russo, chills on the couch while reading a book when her husband, Thomas Stone, comes into the room. Today is their anniversary, and the well-dressed gentleman wants to make it memorable for his lovely wife. Without wasting any more time, Thomas starts worshiping Tiffany’s sexy feet. He teasingly kisses every inch of her arch and soles before sucking her long toes. He can’t help but admire the bright nail polish that adorns the blonde MILF’s toes....

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Slave 37

Slave 37As I gained consciousness, the first thing I noticed was a splitting headache and mildnausea. My mind was racing trying desperately to gain some knowledge of anythingbefore this moment. As I became more awake my senses began to return one byone. First, I blinked several times only to realize I could not see. This obviouslycreated confusion and sent alarm bells ringing in my head. This definitely was notanother morning after a late night of single malt scotch and cigars. Next, I felt a...

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Pippas Story

A Story Of Feminisation: Pippa's Story. By: Philip Hudd. I was just entering my prearranged destination. It was 11 pm and just before I paid the admittance fee, I stopped to look at myself in the mirrored walls. Reflected before me was a sexy, if a little sluttish looking woman in her thirties. The only discrepancy being that I was actually a 37-year-old man, happily married and, here at the precise instruction of the woman I loved and was married to. She had returned home a day...

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Confessions of a profile

***** I knew it was wrong, but like a drug I couldn’t stop watching dog porn, I knew that this addiction would have consequences and this is my confession. I found it one day by accident and ever since that day when I stumbled across the first picture of a woman being mounted by a large black dog not a day went past where I didn't fantasise about being fucked by a dog. Over the months I pulled together a huge collection of pictures, stories and videos, all in secret without my husband...

4 years ago
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The Preachers WifeChapter 8

"I'm going to fuck the cook tonight," Steve announced. "What?" I said, astonished. "Yeah. It's time. I do it now and then. She's old and lonely and I'm the only man who takes her to bed." We called the cook "Lassie." Her Thai name was Rasri. She was about 50 years old, short and stout and unmarried. She adored Steve – and she was jealous. He gave her weekends off and bought her bus tickets to her parent's house in the country because he didn't want her around when he brought...

3 years ago
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New Fantasy 13

Robert was walking home from school when he was in the town's grade school. A group of nine and ten year old boys were playing kick ball in the school yard after everyone else had gone home. With a sneer on his face, he waited for the ball to be tossed. As it rolled across the blacktop, Robert ran up and kicked it high and far. It soared across the yard and over the school fence into a neighbor's yard. A look of horror and a strong silence filled the kids faces. "You...

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His Hunger

When he cooked, the entire kitchen was galvanized by the strength he put into it; the dishes, pans, knives, everything bore the brunt of his strength, and everything was challenged, forced to cook, to boil. He was a beast of a man, unrefined. His fingers thick and dented from the way he conquered the vegetables with his sharp knife. His arm marked by red streaks from boiling water that raised up like hot lava as he tossed concoctions into the pot. His tiny kitchen window dripped from the steam...

Love Stories
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Return to EdenChapter 42

"Well, that was pretty clear," said Plantz as the humans at the pavilion began sadly packing up their belongings. "Get your act together, and until you do go away and don't come back." Meiersdottir nodded abstractedly. She'd been in a fog since they emerged from the nest to find not a single one of the aliens waiting, neither Joe nor Akakha nor anyone else. When they'd returned to the pavilion it was Igwanda who'd had to retrieve Meier from Zo and his wife, prepare the baby's lunch,...

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Abroad Encounters With Anamika 8211 Sweet Sweat Session

Hi everyone, I am back, Vijay with another hot encounter with Anamika. For the readers who does not know, i am 34 years old, Chennai boy now working in Nepal. Athletic built, with a tool of 7″ which is good enough to satisfy the partner. Very genuine and have never touched any one without their full consent and respects the partners feelings. Always maintains confidentiality, secrecy if any girl, divorcee, widow and unsatisfiable soul if required pleasure, sheer pleasure. Will ensure that the...

1 year ago
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A dream cum true II

My wife Ella is a very determined lady, our daughter is a little over a year old now and Ella wants her to have a baby brother soon, a little sooner than I am ready for. I have been trying to get her to wait another year but I think she is trying to get me to impregnate her now. Ella has very regular cycles and knows her body very well. After the birth of our daughter we used condoms all the time until her cycle became regular and then we would go bareback during her safe time and condoms on...

2 years ago
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Mamas Little Family

I struggled under the weight of the grocery bags as I made my way to the front door. Dammit girl, I thought to myself, take two trips next time! Shaking my head at my own stubbornness I shoved the key in the back door to the house and let myself in. The lights were on in the kitchen thankfully so it was easy for me to navigate to the kitchen table, someone was home it seemed. Luckily none of Bowser’s toys were littered on the floor to trip me up, he must be out with one of the kids....

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TheRealWorkout Harley Dean Fitness Blogger Goes Viral With Sex Stream

Harley Dean is a sexy and stacked black fitness blogger. She has her own web series and gains hundreds of followers on a daily basis due to her intense workout tutorials and tight ass. As she was wrapping up her latest video, she noticed a weird guy in the reflection of her camera lense. It was some pervy creep peeping on her! This was not good. She immediately threatened to call the cops. The guy was remorseful but still totally out of line. Harley kind of felt for him and decided maybe he...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Eight Vulnerability 1 At breakfast, Ann felt a strange aloofness to the proceedings as though she were watching the scene on a moving picture. Richard had arrived to join her and Grandmamma on his way to the office and he sat reading the newspaper while the ladies spread marmalade on their toast. It was lovely out on the balcony overlooking the park: warm but with a delightfully fresh breeze. No one was talking. They were each absorbed in their own...

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A night of teasing

We'd had a great Friday evening, me and my husband. After a long working week, it was really nice to dress up, go to a restaurant and just enjoy each others company. With irregular work hours, it felt like we had barely gotten the time to talk to each other for the whole week. We were in our thirties and had been together for a good ten years or so, but we were still very much in love with each other. And that night was date night and I was longing for him and his sexy body! Normally I don’t...

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The Hen Do The Saloon Girl and The Businessman Chapter One

As he sat in the bar with his drink he thought about the long day he had just finished. After his promotion within his government department, David had been working a lot more and extreme amounts of traveling took him away from his partner. His latest trip had taken him to Bristol and, as it was Friday, he had decided to stay another night to see the town.David was six feet tall and of an athletic build. He didn't smoke or drink all that much and he was healthy. He was dressed smartly in his...

Oral Sex
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Bromfields Temptations Ch 01

Author’s note: I wrote this novel out of sexual frustration during the months I spent working on an A.I.D. project in Oman, an extremely conservative Islamic state (no bars, movies, or extra women). It is copyrighted and is intended only for the private use of the readers. I would enjoy hearing from you. Chapter 1 – Bromfield’s Temptations Louise’s bra had disappeared while she was in the kitchen freshening our drinks. Her swollen, shapely bosom had come alive, jiggling and swaying under an...

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