Anniversary Waltz #5: Until Death Do Us PartChapter 3 free porn video

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Of course, Steve thought, picking himself up off the minister's carpet. Of course, he thought, wincing at the tender spot on his shoulder that he'd managed to land on yet again.

Of course he would trip over the coffee table leg just as he tried to make a graceful exit. Of course. He'd been stumbling for weeks, ever since Paula discovered him in bed with their nanny, naked and fucking up a storm.

She had been furious, as she had every right to be. It didn't matter that he'd never strayed before -- well, not really, not on purpose, not nearly so, ah, flagrantly. Nothing mattered except that his wife had walked in just in time to see another woman coming while she rode his rigid cock.

Steve had stuttered through an apology, even as he'd scrambled into some clothes, getting all the buttons wrong and painfully catching his dick in a zipper. Paula hadn't reacted at all, not even when the pain made him flinch and he got tangled in his pant legs, tumbling to the floor.

She had stayed quite calm as she threw him out of the house, barely giving him enough time to grab socks and underwear. She hadn't even let him stay around to tell the kids, and when he called them later, from the motel, he wasn't sure what Paula had told them, or what he should, so he just mouthed some platitudes and hung up. For a week afterward, Rick had barely talked to him and Suzy wouldn't even come to the phone.

Then Paula told him he could come back home, and he arrived with flowers and perfume. But she was gone, with a note saying that since he was the cheater, he should be the one to do the laundry and make the dinners and deal with the kids. She was moving into a hotel. A much nicer one than the place he'd been staying, to judge by the first month's credit card bill.

Far from welcoming him back, she'd followed up with notice that she was filing for divorce. He'd tried to call her, even staked out her hotel, but all that got him was a temporary restraining order.

It had been an armed truce in the house. Suzy timed her arrivals and departures to avoid him. If it weren't for the dirty dishes in the sink and the towels on the floor of her bathroom, he wouldn't even be sure she was alive. Rick was taking it better -- at least he was still obeying his curfews, so Steve saw him around the house. But polite Rick had turned truculent and developed a taste for raunchy rap played at ear-splitting volume.

And Steve could not keep up with his job and the housework on his own. The kids weren't going to help. So, though he knew it was risky, he had Zosia come in twice a week. Always when the house was empty. But he needed the help, and she probably needed the money. Paula had booted the nanny out just after Steve, and she was living with some friends but not having any success finding a job.

His life had fallen to pieces so suddenly, Steve spent most of his days in a haze at work -- Mr. Kiefer had chewed him out twice already for forgetting meetings. His nights were beer and TV and feeling sorry for himself. Weekends he reserved for worrying about how he was going to pay the lawyer's bills on top of everything else.

It was the financial squeeze that had him clutching at straws. Paula was putting on a lot of pressure for him to agree to the divorce and end their marriage quickly. He wanted to fight for time, but he couldn't afford it. Finally he made his offer: If she would go to counseling with him, he would agree to sign the papers if it didn't work out.

Problem was, he couldn't afford a certified counselor. They had to settle for Rev. Michaels. He was a white-haired smoothie who often forgot to get around to God in his sermons, but at least he was free.

But then Steve had missed the first session -- Mr. Kiefer wouldn't let him go without finishing the Zercom report.

He made the second, but it didn't go well. Paula had evidently spent the first session filling Rev. Michaels in on Steve's shortcomings. The minister spent the second grilling Steve, gently but firmly.

At the third, just ended, Steve had started with an abject apology and a heartfelt expression of love. Even the minister looked moved.

Somehow, though, it wasn't enough. Paula insisted she didn't trust him, could never trust him again. And he wasn't supportive enough. And he was never home. And the list went on and on.

The only thing Steve had on his side was their deal. Only when the minister agreed that counseling was going nowhere would Steve have to sign the divorce papers. Rev. Michaels clearly wasn't ready to do that. He'd even asked Paula to stay after. To take her to task for being so hard-hearted, Steve hoped.

That's when he had gotten to his feet and promptly fallen over. He slunk out, holding his aching shoulder.

Of course, Paula thought, as Steve tumbled to the floor. Of course, she thought, as he slowly got to his feet.

Of course he would find some way to delay his exit. Of course. He'd been finding ways to dawdle and delay from the moment she'd found him in bed with Nanny, fucking each other's brains out, what little they had.

At first Paula had been merely furious. But, as Steve had stalled, mumbling apologies and pretending to have trouble getting dressed, she'd realized something.

She didn't have to forgive and forget. Not anymore. She didn't need his paltry salary. She was rich.

Or she would be, once she got Daddy's money. And she'd be richer if she didn't have to share it with Steve.

So she threw him out and went to work. A quick call to Jeff confirmed her suspicion: If she wanted to keep Daddy's money for herself, she'd have to get divorced first. Jeff was very helpful, giving her the name of a sharp divorce lawyer, even managing to "misplace" a few documents to delay the reading of the will and such. She finagled a few extra weeks herself by suggesting her mother go off on vacation before getting down to paperwork, much to the disgust of Ephraim Carruthers Esq.

But Steve was still refusing to budge on the divorce. She'd agreed to the sham counseling sessions, but then he skips out on the very first one, and takes up the entire second yakking with the minister. Would they never get it over with?

Her soon-to-be-ex-husband finally dragged his sorry carcass from the room. Paula turned to the minister expectantly. Surely he would agree that the marriage was dead and she could get her piece of paper.

Rev. Michaels leaned back in his office chair, lacing his fingers over his ample stomach. "Do you know," he asked, "why I wanted you to stay tonight?"

"I'm pretty sure," Paula said. "You wanted to say our marriage --"

"Yes. I wanted to say your marriage can be saved, Paula. I appreciate the effort you're making to work through your differences, and I'm confident they will bear fruit."

Paula couldn't keep her eyebrows from shooting up.

"I can see you're surprised," he said. "Don't be. I often find that even the most seriously damaged relationships can be healed, if only both partners are committed to it."

"But, Reverend -- Steve and I -- Well, you heard it tonight."

"Indeed I did. It was so refreshing to hear someone so determined to save a marriage that she would lay it all out in the open like that. You truly impressed me tonight, Paula. But then, you've impressed me all along. Going ahead with our first session even though Steve couldn't make it -- another wife, one less eager to save her marriage, would have just walked out."

Paula could hardly see straight. This overinflated gasbag actually believed the feel-good nonsense he spouted. At this rate -- she had to ask. "So you think we should keep meeting?"

"Oh, my, yes. We've made progress, but we're not out of the woods yet. Slow but steady, that's the way."

Paula was getting hypnotized watching his short white whiskers as his jaw flapped. This couldn't be happening. "Slow? How slow -- I mean, how much longer?"

"Oh. Well. Months, certainly. Possibly years. There's a lot to work on, you made that clear tonight, and we won't have a clear view of the outcome until we've tackled every issue, one by one. Yes, months, at least."

"Then -- then you have no intention of declaring an impasse? Of saying we've tried and failed?"

"Heavens, no. Don't worry about that, Paula. I give you my solemn word, I will not give up. Not a chance."

He was leaning forward by then, pounding his fist onto the desk for emphasis. "Not. A. Chance."

Paula leapt to her feet and leaned over the desk herself, her face inches from his. "You've got it all wrong," she cried. "I'm not trying to save my marriage. I'm trying to kill it. And you're screwing it up. Screwing it up, do you hear me? You and your happy talk and your 'we can work it out' crap. I've had it! This marriage is dead. Dead! So why not just sign a damn paper saying so and let us bury it?"

The minister's face grew red, but his voice remained low and he was calm. Maddeningly calm, as far as Paula was concerned.

"Now, now, Paula. Please sit down. Take a deep breath."

She ignored his words and stayed where she was. The minister sat back and said nothing for a full minute, just looking at her. Paula grew uncomfortable under his gaze, and she felt silly just standing there. She gave up and sat down.

"That's better," he said. "Now. Let me see if I have this straight. You do not wish to save your marriage, is that right? You merely wished to 'punch your ticket, ' so to speak, with these counseling sessions? So you could get your husband's consent?"

She pursed her lips. "Yes."

"I see. So all of these meetings, all of it, it was a sham, was it? You just want to use me to get what you wanted?" His voice was still smooth as glass, soft as a summer morning.

Paula stood up. "Fine. Don't sign it. I'll find someone else." She knew there wasn't time, but she couldn't stand his sanctimony.

"Sit down." His voice grew harder. She sat down, warily.

"I didn't say I wouldn't sign your paper. I was just making sure we understood how things stand."

"But why --"

He cut her off. "You aren't the first wife in a hurry to divorce, you know. What is it in your case? Lover on the side you don't want him to find? Got your next husband already lined up?

"It doesn't matter. I've seen them all. Whatever the reason, they want their divorces on the fast track, so they cut some kind of deal. 'Let's try counseling, ' they say, 'and if it doesn't work out, well... '

"Quite a bargain, eh? Only what does Rev. Michaels get out of it? A lot of wasted time and effort?"

Paula squirmed. She would have bolted except for the hint that he'd sign after all. If she could just be patient, it might still work out.

"Yes," he said, "I've been down this road before. And you're far from the first wife in that chair. So what shall e do about it?"

He leaned far back.

"I'll tell you this." The minister looked up at the ceiling. "The other women in your position, they truly wanted me to -- well, to bless their divorce. And I know they did, because they were willing to do anything to convince me."

He pulled his eyes down and stared straight into hers. "What about you, Paula? Just how much do you want this divorce? What will you do to get it?"

She looked into the minister's deep blue eyes and saw her own staring back. Paula smiled. "I think," she said, crossing her legs, "I think we can do business."

Rev. Michaels's lips twitched. "When?"

"No time like the present."

"I was hoping you'd say that." He got to his feet. "If you would... come this way?"

Paula stayed where she was. "I want to be clear," she said. "Clear about the deal. It's one for one, right? One time, one signature."

"Of course, Paula. One for one."

"So sign. Now. And let me have it."

He had been walking toward the door. He stopped. "Paula. Surely you can trust me. After all, I'm a man of God."

She didn't budge from the chair. "I trust the god," she said. "It's the man I'm not so sure about. Put it this way. I may not think the dealer's cheating, but I still want to cut the cards."

He walked slowly back to his desk, pulled out a sheet of paper and scratched out a few lines. He handed it to her. "Satisfactory?"

She glanced at it and put it in her purse. "That will do nicely. Now. Shall we?"

The minister led the way to his bedroom. With its dark wallpaper and brown rug, it was a dim cave even when he switched on the lone, small table lamp. She was grateful for the dark when he took off his clothes. She didn't want a clearer view of his wrinkles and his gut. Nor did she need to see his leer when she stripped.

He invited her onto his small bed. She gave him a hard look. "You first," she said.

When he obeyed, she produced a thin smile. That, she thought, was more like it.

The minister got on his back, his stubby cock pointing straight up. Paula straddled his legs, letting the tip of his dick ride along her slit. She considered having him suck her, but he didn't look like much of an expert. And the sooner it was over, the better.

When she was sufficiently lubricated, she put his cock to her cunt and sat down on it. Rev. Michaels grunted as she began to assault him, bouncing wildly.

He grabbed her waist. "Slow down," he begged. "Slower! You're driving me crazy!"

She closed her eyes, threw her head back and kept pounding. He didn't have the strength to stop her.

Give him credit, she thought: He did have stamina. For all her pounding, he was staying with her. His fists thumped into the mattress and his head rolled from side to side as he moaned, but his cock stayed hard.

In fact, with her eyes closed, she could forget his looks, and it wasn't half bad. With the right jiggling of her hips, she could generate enough friction even from his dick to get off -- which she did, her body convulsing in a heat of passion.

As the flush wore off, she congratulated herself. But the hands groping at her tits reminded her that self-gratification was not the mission.

He was clumsy and none too stimulating, but she put aside her own desires and concentrated on his cock. With a fair amount of effort she could flex her pussy muscles just enough to give him an extra thrill. She rarely made the effort, but the minister was a tough nut to crack.

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A Life Accidentally Changed Ch 8 The Bridal Waltz

A Life Accidentally Planned Chap. 8 The Bridal Waltz I stood there with the fingers of both hands covering my wide open mouth. Andy knelt in anticipation in front of me. The room was perfectly quiet. Al I heard was the rustle of my petticoat as I slowly knelt to meet his level. My hands moved in unison from my mouth to the sides of Andy's head. I slowly bent forward and pulled his face toward me. I whispered "Yes," Just before I closed my eyes, turn my head and kissed him. He...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Gift

4:58 p.m., My mind is buzzing with thoughts of what lay ahead, heat pools in my stomach and radiates from the "v" that is my core. I pressed my legs together tightly as I snap back to reality and straighten my desk. The hell with those last two minutes I think to myself as I grab my purse and hit the light switch on the wall near the door. I'm fumbling through my purse for my keys as I bee-line for the elevator, absent of those around me, consumed by my own raunchy thoughts. The drive...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gift

She sat at the table a little restless with her legs crossed. She wore a little black dress, as that was an essential item of clothing every woman should have in her closet. Her foot bounced up and down as she looked at her watch every few minutes. She’d been waiting almost twenty minutes, already on her second glass of Chardonnay. Suddenly she saw a familiar face coming toward her and she felt the familiar pitter-patter of her heart inside her chest. She smiled at her husband as he leaned...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gifts

Our anniversary was coming soon, and once again we followed the tradition we had started 7 years ago. We each wrote down our favorite fantasy and handed it to each other. It had all started rather innocently when on our first anniversary my wife had written me a note which said she wanted to have me lick her someday on the beach. A few weeks later we went to Malibu and as we were walking along the beach at night I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to her.Hand in hand we walked to a...

4 years ago
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Anniversary Gift Turns Into Erotic Threesome

Hello Friends. I am Arnav, a 23-year-old handsome guy from Pune. This story is an adventure of mine which turned into a memorable erotic experience. So let’s begin with the story. I was casually surfing the internet and came across a site where you can place some ads in the personals section. As I have some experience with massage, I thought to give it a try. Honestly speaking I never expected a reply. Because on this site most of the people are just glancing through the ads and never reply....

3 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

Summer holidays! Usually the time around which I wake up is 12 in the noon but I woke up to an alarm I’ve set the last night at 7 am. I almost forgot why would I set up an alarm at 7 am in the morning where I was supposes to be snoring to glory and all of a sudden I remembered, the days are special indeed very special. It was the day a year back which changed the whole moment of my life and before I say, let me introduce myself and my family. I am Royden 20 years, an engineering first year...

2 years ago
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Anniversary With Mommy

By : Hardcore_69 Mom and I are in a sexual relationship over the past one year. Last summer holidays, when I spent most of the time at home, I convinced mom to become my lover and girlfriend. We are physically related for a year and today we are secretly planning to celebrate our first anniversary. It’s exactly one year since we first made love. Mom is 42 and me 20. She has a perfect young body, and still lives with sophisticated clothing and makeups. She looks extremely hot and very sexually...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Gifts

Our anniversary was coming soon, and once again we followed the tradition we had started 7 years ago. We each wrote down our favorite fantasy and handed it to each other. It had all started rather innocently when on our first anniversary my wife had written me a note which said she wanted to have me lick her someday on the beach. A few weeks later we went to Malibu and as we were walking along the beach at night I pulled the note out of my pocket and handed it to her.Hand in hand we walked to a...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend

It was our anniversary weekend and we were going away to a favorite hotel of ours. We have been married for over thirty years and my wife is still a looker. She has a luscious, curvy body, sexy red hair, and the prettiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. She is also a big flirt which draws men towards her.Earlier in our marriage, she had given into my desire for her to be a hot wife. She had a number of hook-ups, but often these guys would fall for her, and that was not what she wanted. We are happily...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Present

It had been a long, difficult period of time for April and her husband Jack. They had endured some tumultuous situations that had nearly ended their marriage. Now, with their anniversary only a week away, things were finally beginning to look up. Jack had recently received a substantial pay increase, which had alleviated some of their financial concerns. But it hadn't really been their finances that had caused them most of their problems; it had been their overall relationship. April still...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Ch 02

You might like to read Anniversary before this. Thanks for the comments they give as incentive to continue. . Aurora couldn’t help thinking back two weeks to the weekend of their anniversary celebration wondering if it had gone right or wrong, only time would tell. Her intended naughty surprise for Bob had turned out to be his scandalous surprise for her. That evening she had thought her game had run out of control, especially when she had been given to a complete stranger while hypnotised...

2 years ago
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Anniversary celebration turns into 1st time cuckol

Chris couldn’t wait for him and his wife Jamie’s hot date tonight. They had planned it all week for their fifth wedding anniversary. They were going to a club dancing and having a few drinks, but most of all he couldn’t wait to take her back and fuck the shit out of her. They had always had a very active sex life, his wife was a slut in bed. Every time they made love it was like the first time. She was his trophy wife. She loved sex, she was experimental, she had the tightest pussy he had ever...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise

“I have a surprise for you today on our anniversary. I have booked a romantic weekend in this wonderful hotel where we can explore some of our sexual desires.” “Oh, my I think I mad you hard by just the thought of that.” “As you can see, I have even spent to time to decorate the room for our adventurous romantic interlude. “ “I see this really turns you on because you are rubbing your hard cock through your pants.” “I can tell you are excited by your hard on but are you ready for this sexual...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Trip ch4 Paulas Bi Interlude

Author's Note: In Paula's Turn - Part III of Tenth Anniversary Series, my wife flashed an stranger during a Las Vegas Show. One thing led to another, and, without my knowledge, she ended up spending the night with two men. I was frantic until I finally received a call from Paula. At the end of the call, one of the men told me that Paula would be spending the night with them and I should retain the services of a hooker if I needed sex.------------------------------------------------------It was...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Trip ch1 Our Tenth Wedding Annivers

Our Tenth Wedding AnniversaryPaula and I have already submitted two stories describing some of our more erotic adventures after my wife began to have sex with other men. We have enjoyed writing these stories so much that we decided to write a few more. After some discussion, we decided that we would write about the most erotic two weeks we ever had. This occurred during a vacation to Las Vegas that we took over our tenth wedding anniversary. In order to keep the narrative to a reasonable...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Date

Please be kind, I am not a writer. This is a true story and kind of tame compared to most on here. It was very exciting for my husband and I. It is rather long. I have posted pictures on WL for quite some time, mostly on the request board so you may know what I look like. I am 5’ 2” about 125 lbs, blonde hair. My husband is 5’10” 175lbs, dark brown hair.A few years ago my husband took me to dinner and dancing for our anniversary. The restaurant was located in a great hotel that also had a...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise

Anniversary Surprise "Can they really work? Elaine, it would be cool and crazy if they did. But it's impossible. Just impossible." Bob was referring to the anniversary present Elaine had just given him. Purchased at an antique store, the transformation rings were hundreds of years old. Bob felt embarrassed that all he had gotten her was a dozen red roses and a bottle of Champaign, which he had not yet given to her. "Let's give it a try, Bob. Each so-called magic ring has a...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Issue

Anniversary Issue The young female reporter looked seriously into the camera, and started speaking. "As practically everyone on the planet knows, today is the 5th anniversary of the momentous day when superhumans began appearing. "S" day, as it came to be called, was the biggest moment in the history of the planet, and so today we are pleased to present this anniversary edition, interviewing some of those who were among the first transformed ..... Roll tape." The Nevada desert...

3 years ago
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It was their five years anniversary and he had planned a special surprise for her. The room was full of candles and so was they're bathroom, both rooms filled with the sweet scent of roses. The bath filled with hot water and soap and the bed made with new satin sheets. On the bed were laid out a few items he had chosen for her. When she came home he met her at the door and lifted her in his strong arms. "Happy anniversary", she chirped. "Happy anniversary darling", he whispered in her ear. He...

Love Stories
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Anniversary Assignment Riding The Horse

Riding The HorseBy: Breanne Erikson and Michael AlexanderPart One02/24/11You know, taking off my chastity belt is not exactly the most pleasant thing to do, especially if I've been wearing it for almost twenty four hours straight.  Worse, doing it in an apartment parking lot at seven fifty in the morning is not something either easy, or that much fun.  With people driving by every few minutes while you're in the process of taking off your jeans, unbuckling everything, and then slowly extracting...

1 year ago
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Anniversary gift part 2

We found out that my friend’s k**s would be away from the house for 2.5 hours on the day after their anniversary. We quickly dropped off ours at my in laws and headed over to give them their anniversary gift. In the car on the way over, I had removed my button top so that when we knocked on the door I was only in my purple nightie and jeans. They welcomed us inside and we quickly drank a couple glasses of wine. Since our timeframe was limited, my husband asked them if they both liked my new...

4 years ago
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Anniversary gift part 2

We found out that my friend’s k**s would be away from the house for 2.5 hours on the day after their anniversary. We quickly dropped off ours at my in laws and headed over to give them their anniversary gift. In the car on the way over, I had removed my button top so that when we knocked on the door I was only in my purple nightie and jeans. They welcomed us inside and we quickly drank a couple glasses of wine. Since our timeframe was limited, my husband asked them if they both liked my new...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Surprise Chapter 2Their Vegas Weekend Getaway Continues

1Waking UpDan slowly came awake the next morning lying in bed to a warm sensation around his groin. Looking down, he saw his wife Pam slowly sucking his morning wood.“Good morning gorgeous!” he greeted her.Pam grunted in reply and continued with her task, getting Dan off before their first cup of coffee.Dan loved it when Pam surprised him by waking him in this fashion. It didn’t happen that often, but when it did, it often was a precursor to a day full of sexy surprises for them both. Noticing...

3 years ago
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Anniversary Party

It was our seventh anniversary, and we wanted to celebrate it in style, so we went to an upscale restaurant in one of the city's plush resort hotels. I wore an evening gown type dress, and my husband wore a suit and tie, so we felt quite elegant. We agreed not to wear underwear, so we would feel sexy. My husband loves the feeling of his penis and testicles moving around freely under his pants, and I enjoy fondling him when I have the opportunity. My dress was revealing enough to give a...

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It was their five years anniversary and he had planned a special surprise for her. The room was full of candles and so was they’re bathroom, both rooms filled with the sweet scent of roses. The bath filled with hot water and soap and the bed made with new satin sheets. On the bed were laid out a few items he had chosen for her. When she came home he met her at the door and lifted her in his strong arms. ‘Happy anniversary’, she chirped. ‘Happy anniversary darling’, he whispered in her ear. ...

2 years ago
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I heard a knock on the front door, and I rushed to answer it. Of course, I already knew who it was. Her black hair spilled out over her black hoodie covered shoulders, her pale skin darkened under her green eyes. My mouth stretched into a smile as I opened the door, my cheeks automatically flushing. Her grandparents had already drove away, leaving us completely alone. She stepped inside, taking in the scene in the living room. I’d lit all the candles in the house, which were about fifteen. I...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort

Anniversary Weekend At A Nude Resort My husband and I were on our way to Palm Springs to celebrate our anniversary. I couldn’t believe he had talked me into staying at a nude resort. I was nervous and excited at the same time. A few weeks earlier, my husband had asked me if I would be interested in staying at a nude resort. I had never thought about it, but decided that it might be kind of fun. After extensive internet research, my husband booked us two nights at an “anything goes” resort in...

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