Brand New Tennessee Waltz free porn video

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The auditorium was resplendent in green and red streamers and silver bells and papier-maché ornaments of every color, and the student volunteers were all in great spirits as they made the final preparations for dress rehearsal the next day. As Patti surveyed her charges and their lovely work for the Christmas pageant, she was almost happy. The melancholy that had been her constant companion since June was at low-ebb at last, and she could almost sense her victory over it at hand — if only she could forget the empty apartment she’d be going home to in another hour or so, or the near-certainty that she would be reminded repeatedly of the reason why.

As confident as she’d always been in the bedroom, Patti never had been half so upfront when it came to taking the first steps toward all that. Not even before last June, never mind afterward! So as she watched the kids and listened to their cheerful prattle, she wasn’t surprised to find her resolve to finally ask Tom the librarian out slipping a bit once again.

Toby, from her senior English class, was among the last of the students to finish, and he looked unusually glum as he packed up the leftover garlands. ‘I guess we take these back to the supply room?’ he asked her.

‘Yes, please,’ Patti said. ‘Great job, by the way. The theater looks great!’

‘Thanks.’ Toby sounded as sad as he looked as he said it.

‘Toby? That’s not very Christmasy, is it?’ Patti commented.

‘I guess it isn’t,’ Toby said. ‘Just seems like an awful letdown now that it’s almost over, you know?’

‘It always does, Toby,’ Patti agreed. ‘But that’s why special occasions like this are so special, don’t you think?’

‘I guess so,’ Toby said. ‘It’s just, we’ve been working on it all these weeks and doing practically nothing else, and — I mean besides our homework of course! And…’

Patti laughed. ‘Nice save there, Toby,’ she said. ‘But really, I know just what you mean about being sad when something is over that you’ve been so involved in. And yes, it is hard.’

Toby, who had been looking adorable in the colorful sweater Patti suspected his mother had knitted herself, suddenly looked horrified. ‘Oh my God!’ he exclaimed to Patti in a minor panic. ‘I didn’t mean…I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking of…’

‘Toby! I know you weren’t!’ Patti was relieved to realize her smile was genuine as she tried in vain to calm down her beloved pupil, who looked near tears. She wanted with all her heart to take him in her arms and stroke him like a puppy, and gave serious consideration to violating her own rule about no contact with the students — it was Christmas, after all. Cooler heads prevailed, and she settled for an affectionate touch on his hand. ‘Toby, it’s perfectly all right,’ she said. ‘I’ve worked at a lot of these events, since I was your age and younger, and I’ve felt what you’re feeling nearly every time. That’s all I meant.’

‘Th…thank you,’ Toby stammered. ‘I hope you’ve been, you know, okay. Everyone knows we’re not supposed to talk about it, all my friends say so.’

‘So do mine,’ Patti said with a laugh that was only partially forced. ‘And I have been fine. Time heals all wounds, and I do love my job. That helps a lot.’

Toby was rescued from any further comment when his fellow pageant committee member, Sally Jean, appeared with another bag of supplies they didn’t need on the stage. ‘He’s not getting all mushy on you again, is he?’ She said it with a grin whose meaning Patti had known for weeks, and which Toby once again failed to notice.

‘Oh, I think mushy is okay at Christmas, Sally Jean, don’t you?’ Patti asked.

‘I certainly do,’ Tom chimed in.

‘Maybe a little,’ Sally Jean conceded. ‘It’s just, all week, it’s been ‘aren’t you sad it’s over?’ and I’m like, ‘no, it’s Christmas!’ But I guess he doesn’t see it that way. I mean, yeah, it’s almost over, but then you have the holiday at home with your family for nine days off school! Who’d miss that?’

‘Not everyone enjoys that time with their family, Sally Jean,’ Patti reminded her gently. She realized as soon as she’d said it that she’d have been better off saying nearly anything else.

That was still a moment too late, for Sally Jean had the same reaction Toby had had a moment before. ‘Ohmigod, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean!’

‘She knows you didn’t,’ Toby interrupted. ‘Is there anything else to clean up in the auditorium?’

‘No, it’s all set for dress rehearsal,’ Sally Jean said. ‘But, listen, I promise, I –‘

‘No apology necessary if you drop the subject now, Sally Jean,’ Patti said firmly. ‘Toby’s right, I know you didn’t mean anything by it.’

‘Oh…okay,’ Sally Jean said. ‘Good. I mean, thanks.’

Once again Patti could have smothered Toby in affection, for he put a stop to the awkwardness and put an end to weeks of obliviousness in one fell swoop. ‘Say, Sally Jean, want to go get a cocoa at Sammy’s?’

Sally Jean’s delight was palpable. ‘Yes! Thank you! I mean,’ she paused and looked at Patti, ‘If you don’t need us…’

‘I don’t, and I think cocoa is a wonderful idea for the both of you!’ Patti reassured her. ‘I’ll see you both tomorrow for dress rehearsal?’

‘Great!’ Sally Jean said, collecting her coat from the pile in the last row of seats where all the kids had left theirs.

‘Thanks,’ Toby added, and he held the theater door open for Sally Jean.

Patti gave Sally Jean a conspiratorial wink and a smile just before the door shut behind them, and the smile only grew as she enjoyed the relief of no more awkward comments for the moment. Once again she felt awash in the frustration and humiliation that had been her near constant companion since June — even the kids pitying her, for heaven’s sake! — and she very nearly made up her mind to forget about asking Tom out. Nearly…but hadn’t she suffered long enough over George and Jolene?

Patti would remember getting dressed that bright summer morning with George, the usual endearing way he admired her as she fastened her bra, the way he once again feigned needing help with his tie so he could smell her perfume as she stood up close in her underwear and helped him with it — joking one last time about how she’d rather tie him up and him looking more than willing — and how she let him zip her into her bridesmaid’s dress even though she was perfectly capable of fastening it herself. A bit pedestrian after three years together and him having done just about everything she’d wanted to try at least once, but safe and secure and still with the muscles she’d fallen in love with while cheering at his football games back at Emory.

She would remember walking with him to the church, hand in hand and ever so proud to be so resplendent on a summer’s day in her hometown, to which she hadn’t wanted to return but now she was glad George’s job had brought them there. She would remember Lucy’s wedding, and being able only to wave to Jolene in the pews with her anonymous date from work because she’d refused to wear the royal blue bridesmaid’s dress, and thinking it just wasn’t right that the three of them weren’t all together for this one last adventure as single gals, and wondering if now George would finally propose to her, and wondering what sort of 21st century woman she was if she still felt the need to let him take the lead, and once again giving in to the hopeless romantic that had fallen for the sensitive linebacker in the first place.

Of course she would remember the waltz at the reception, joyful and secure in George’s arms as they glided across the floor, and the moment when Jolene happened to float by with her date. It would have been so easy to simply finish the dance, but no…

‘Jolene! Here he is! So glad I can finally introduce you!’

‘Hello, Patti. This is…erm…Adam! This is Adam. Hello, George, so lovely to finally meet you!’

‘Enchanté, Jolene,’ and a kiss on the hand. ‘Would you care to finish th
e dance with me?’

‘Would I ever!’

Patti couldn’t help but remember the awkward silence in the car when they finally drove home that night, and the many questions about Jolene, and the flimsy excuse of a business meeting he had the next afternoon — on a Sunday — that he’d forgotten to tell her about, and the little voice in her head that had persuaded her to get in her car and drive downtown and find his car parked outside Michelangelo’s, and the sorry look on the bartender’s face when he saw Patti at the door and nodded to the booth all the way in the back, where she caught them.

She remembered all that, but the long days and weeks that followed were a merciful blur to her by the time school started again in September.

Jolene had had her hair and nails done that morning back in Nashville, and had managed to keep everything pristine through the long drive. Looking resplendent (if not particularly Christmasy, but who gave a damn about that over the age of twelve?) in her tailored blue-gray pantsuit, she harbored no doubt that she would knock George’s socks off — and everything else for good measure! As she gunned the Mercedes Benz coupe her father had bought her down the exit ramp into the snowy streets of her hometown, her imagination ran wild with what was to come. Ultimately she had to force herself not to think too much about George just yet, for she could feel her panties getting moist and she didn’t want to stain her clothes before he had the opportunity to tear them off her.

George was damn lucky he was so irresistible, Jolene groused to herself for perhaps the twentieth time since leaving Nashville, for he knew perfectly well how much she hated coming back here. They both knew Jolene was persona non grata among her old friends and neighbors, ever since Lucy’s wedding — even Lucy hadn’t spoken to her since then — and likely would be for years to come. But George had driven out to Nashville without complaint every other weekend since June, and he’d been patient as could be in explaining to her that this one time he had business in town that he just couldn’t get away from, and after all, were they planning to leave the house at all through the holiday week anyway?

That thought once again opened the floodgates between Jolene’s thighs, and she gave up on trying to hold it back. It was about time George tried getting a little messy anyway, after all. For six months she had been fairly vanilla with him to help wean him of the plain-jane sex she was sure Patti had stuck him with for all that time, but enough was enough. Really, it was a wonder he’d stayed with Patti all that time when she was so very straight-laced and demure. Why would any man settle for that?

Poor Patti — Jolene did feel sorry for her old friend. Of course, Patti had been a damn fool to come back after college and an even bigger fool to think a prize like George would ever marry her, did she really think it was all going to have a storybook ending? It undoubtedly had been hard on her, but Jolene knew she’d done her mousy, retiring ex best friend a favor. She’d only set Patti free to find a man more her class and her speed. Anyone could see that.

Anyone could, but Jolene knew that wasn’t how small towns worked. They hated her. But there was nothing to be done about it now, and after all, she had been smart enough to stay the hell away once she was out. With any luck, George would propose to her this week and she would finally persuade him to get a transfer to some bigger branch of the bank, and then she’d never have to come back at all.

Anathema or not, Jolene was confidence itself as she parked the coupe outside George’s house and stepped outside into the frosty mountain air, wrapping her mink coat tightly around her as her heels clicked on the pavement up to his door. Mildly relieved to find no one out and about, she stretched and collected her overnight bag and the bouquet of carnations from the passenger seat, and beat a hasty retreat to the one house in town (other than her mother’s) where she knew she was still welcome.

Patti’s mood lightened a bit as she noticed that the kids had tied the red and green balloons into bundles using the knots she had taught them. Once again she wondered what they would think if they knew just how their unassuming and ladylike English teacher had learned to tie those knots! She worried a bit that some parents would guess that particular secret, but there was no way any of them would reveal their own knowledge of such things. And then there were the many of them who had tried much too hard to offer their condolences since Lucy’s wedding — perhaps they would prefer to imagine just what Patti would do if she could get near George with her ropes now!

That idea made Patti laugh out loud. Thank heavens the kids were all too far away and making too much noise to notice! Deep down, of course, Patti really didn’t want to know just what she might be capable of doing to George at this point. He had, of course enjoyed it more than he would ever dare admit — even to her — on the few occasions when he had let her tie him up.

‘What’s tickling you, Patti?’ came a male voice behind her.

‘Oh, nothing, Mr. McCollister,’ she said, thinking how appropriate it was that the subject of her wildest teenage fantasies should be the one to ask. Back in tenth grade she had spent every day in world history class imagining everything from holding his dick while it peed to tying him to his bed to have her way with him. A decade later he was still gorgeous — but still happily married, too. That had not stopped Patti from revisiting some of her old favorite fantasies since her desires had finally started perking up again lately.

‘For heaven’s sake, darling, call me Jim!’ he told her yet again. ‘I’m your colleague now, not your teacher.’

‘Aw, sorry, Mr…I mean Jim,’ Patti said with the innocent grin that, she had long since learned, did the trick to ensure no one in their conservative little town ever had the foggiest idea how kinky she was. ‘I’m sure you can appreciate it takes some getting used to, being in this place as a grown-up. To the extent I even am!’

‘Oh, Patti, you certainly are,’ Jim said. ‘The way you’ve carried yourself since June…listen, it’s none of my business, but I just want you to know I’m really impressed.’ After an awkward pause, he added, ‘And nice earrings.’

Now Patti’s gentle laughter required no explanation. ‘Thank you!’ she said. Reaching up to touch the green ornament hanging from her right ear that matched her sweater — the one on the left was red, to match her skirt — she confessed, ‘I’ve been hoping Tom would notice, you know?’

‘Oh, he has, Patti. The man worships you. But he’s afraid to reach out to you just yet.’

‘Really?’ Patti didn’t know Jim was even friends with Tom, the school librarian, but she couldn’t help but trust a guy she had once wanted so to give her virginity to in a series of different filthy ways.

‘Since I’ve been working with you on the pageant, he’s been asking me how you’re doing, and hinting at it about as strongly as a guy can. He doesn’t want to bother you if you’re not ready yet, that’s all.’

Patti’s heart leapt. ‘Thanks! You know, Jim…the truth is, I’d have probably been ready months ago if people didn’t keep reminding me. I keep waiting for the day when no one feels the need to ask me how I’m doing as if they expect me to say ‘Gee, I only tried to slit my wrists twice last week’ or something.’ She shook her head. ‘George and Jolene broke my heart, but they’re not worth moping over forever!’

‘Well, Patti, listen,’ Jim said. ‘If you want my advice…’

‘Go ahead, Jim.’

‘If you show people you’re over it, I think most of them will get the hint. But Tom won’t, he’s just too darned shy. I’ll tell you what, though, shy guys are the best. I know, I was one!’

‘I don’t believe that!’ Patti recalled his gregarious personality all too well from when she was his student, and h
ad been barely able to pay attention to his lectures because she was lusting after him so much.

‘You only knew me after I’d been a teacher for years. You have to learn to play the part if you’re not outgoing by nature like you are, Patti. Give Tom a try, you’ll see.’ He picked up the box of extra lights that the student volunteers had left in the seats. ‘Well, I have to go pick up Sally at ballet. Merry Christmas, Patti!’

‘Wait.’ After all these years, Patti just had to touch him this once — he had, after all, quite possibly just saved her from spending the holiday alone. She surprised him with a hug and a chaste kiss on the cheek. ‘Thank you, Jim, and Merry Christmas.’

Patti had made up her mind long ago — back when she was a student right there in that very same school, terrified that word might somehow get out about the crazy fantasies she had not yet acted on back then — not to be just another demure Southern belle. Time to stop wallowing and start taking the bull by the horns. Patti turned on her heel and headed for the exit, but her mobile phone rang just before she got to the door. She checked the caller ID: Lucy. Probably calling with another invitation to dinner out of pity, Patti mused, stuffing the phone back in her purse. Even if it wasn’t that, her dear friend could wait and would certainly understand, and probably applaud, her newfound-at-last resolve.

George’s house was dark and showed no sign of what time of year it was, except that it was chilly inside. Jolene was annoyed, but not surprised. He’d made it clear enough on the phone that he wasn’t even going to bother putting up a wreath. ‘I’m never there anyway, am I? Besides, are you really planning to spend our holiday looking at the Christmas tree?’

‘Well, it’d be nice to have one to admire when we snuggle on the couch and watch TV, wouldn’t it?’

‘I’d rather you be watching me than a dead tree, Jolene.’

That had mollified her enough to drop the subject — but not to give up her fight to inject some holiday cheer into the house. And so as soon as she had the door locked safely behind her and the heat turned on, Jolene set about doing all she could to spruce the place up. The moron hadn’t even cleaned up the living room, but that could wait. First priority was the bedroom.

Jolene was annoyed, but not surprised, to see it was a mess as well. The bed was unmade and the sheets smelled as though they hadn’t been washed in a month, and his dirty clothes were strewn all over the room. Wanting to keep her pantsuit crisp and clean for his arrival — due in under an hour, she confirmed with a glance at her watch — she stripped down to her underwear and hung the suit carefully in the closet, to be retrieved once she was done cleaning.

It took just a few minutes to gather up the dirty clothes and wrap them in the dirty sheets, and she even deigned to throw them in the washing machine, though she didn’t bother to sort them first. Finding clean sheets took a bit longer, and getting them on the bed was a bit of a chore, but the improvement was worth it. Somewhere in the midst of her work, Jolene caught a look at herself in the mirror in her turquoise lingerie and began to consider not putting her suit back on. As hot as she looked in the suit, she felt absolutely smoking without it, and of course George would agree. Maybe he would even be persuaded to be a bit more aggressive for a change. Six months after he parted ways with sweet and innocent Patti, it was about time, after all.

Once Jolene had the bed made, turned down, and strewn with carnation petals (she hadn’t been willing to pay for roses only to rip them apart), there was still plenty of time to clean up the living room before their agreed-upon time for him to beg off work and come home. She remembered a moment too late that she hadn’t drawn the curtains, but on arriving in the living room in her underwear, she decided she didn’t care who might see her from the street. They might hate her, but George loved her, and now this was her home too, nearly, after all. In any event, she soon had the living room just as tidy as the bedroom, and there was no sign that anyone had seen her.

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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 8 Tennessee

In another few months, all hell would break loose in the Arkansas wildlife refuge I camped at overnight: the various hunting seasons would begin. Rabbits, squirrel, ducks, geese, deer, and even chipmunks beware! The hunters are coming! The hunters are coming! In absolute stillness, I stood with a small empty envelope in my hand, alone on the banks of the White River in Arkansas, as I watched my late wife's ashes drift slowly away from me on the surface of the water carried by hidden eddies....

4 years ago
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Brand new slut and the nerd

“What the fuck, Kelly?” Jack jumped in his seat as Kelly’s hand slid up his inner thigh to the bulge in his jeans.“Shhh,” she told him from her big, pouty lips as she unbuttoned and then unzipped him.Jack looked around the dark cinema—no one sat behind them in the last three rows.“Lift,” she purred in his ear before moving the large popcorn they shared onto the floor.Jack planted the soles of his old once white Nike onto the floor below his seat; popcorn crunched under the transfer of weight....

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Brand New Girlfriend

SAY WHAT? "She said, "I need some time to find myself, I need a little space to think." Candy, my girlfriend of the last two years, had just put a twist in my world I neither wanted nor needed. I looked down at my glass of bourbon — looking for answers. Maybe it worked like tea leaves: I stirred the ice with my finger watching the swirls with rapt fascination, looking for answers. Hell, I thought, as I walked over to the bar wondering if more whiskey would give better swirls, even one...

4 years ago
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Game of LifeChapter 6 The Last Waltz

Then came the day Hilary called me at work and told me that Vivian had tried to kill herself. Well, she'd emptied the medicine cabinet of just about every pill in there; not that I think there was enough of anything to be fatal. But in combination, who knows? Anyway Vivian's stomach had been pumped — an experience she later informed me, that she'd prefer not to be repeated — before I arrived at the hospital. "I'm sorry Jim, it was a really stupid and thoughtless thing to do. Haven't I...

1 year ago
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A Different Kind of Waltz

The advert in the Erotic Times seemed innocent enough: ‘VWE chinese Dragon seeks English Rose for passionate and adventurous times. Genuine offers only. Reply to Box No 9987. Photo’s welcome…’ English Rose? That was me summed up in two words. Emily Feaver, thirty-three, tall, willowy and strawberry blonde. What more could any man want? I could add about my skin being pale as winter and my eyes the colour of a pale blue sky. But I don’t believe in all that poetic nonsense. Nope. Just give it to...

3 years ago
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Brandt keeps fucking me

Some days ago I had let Brandt, my good neighbor Shelley nice Lab dog, fuck me in a very hard way as I accidentally bent over close to him.He had fuck me so good, better than my own hubby or my nasty toys…My poor cunt was sore for a couple days after Brandt used me at his will. But a horny pussy like mine needs to be filled and it was not long until I felt better and worked up enough nerve to take his huge dog cock once again. Since the first night he had fuck me, I had left him outside my...

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Branded Heroes

The universe is a vast yet violent place. Surprisingly, it is crowded and full of violence and bloodshed-different races and intergalactic empires and factions fighting for control. Humanity didn’t know this for many years. Even when they looked at the greater universes, the shifting and earring energies of the universe, and the various technologies particularly in cloaking and light manipulation, resulted in humanity missing these other races. But at the turn of the 22nd century, two major...

2 years ago
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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 2

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "Beauty comes from pain, Louisa. A proper young woman does not present herself unless she is properly coiffed, properly made-up, properly attired and wearing the proper accoutrements. That, Louisa, is what 'proper' means." Of course, I tried to argue. That is, after all, what an adolescent is supposed to do, but my mother would just purse her lips, shake her head in disgust and repeat that one sentence that she spoke most frequently...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 6

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport' ~ "The day of Miranda's wedding was cloudy and overcast, so perhaps Aunt Ada had been correct. Perhaps God would not waste a beautiful day on a wedding that would lead to a loveless marriage. Instead of using the vast tents that had been erected on the lawns at Golden Bluffs, everything was moved into our grand ballroom, which was large, but could not accommodate everyone who'd been invited. So, tables were also...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The week prior to Miranda's wedding was a hectic and crowded one at Golden Bluffs. All of our relations came to Newport for the event and many of them stayed with us. Unfortunately, we also had many friends and business associates staying as well, which did lead to some difficult choices. Father was a self-made man who had family he wanted in attendance, but they were from a lower rung of society. So, since the rooms were assigned to...

2 years ago
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Brandys Ranch Ch 01

Copyright by ProfessorR © by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) ***** RANCH HANDS – part one Dean turned slightly, as his rising penis was blocking the view of Keira’s anxious face. Her apprehension showed, perhaps not just because she was the newest girl in Brandy’s Ranch, but also because of things she had said to him not too long ago. ‘Ironic, isn’t it?’ he mused as he readied a condom on the nightstand. ‘She’s wondering if I’m angry and I’m wondering if I’m...

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Brandys Ranch Ch 02

Copyright by ProfessorR © by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) ***** RANCH HANDS – part two TUESDAY MORNING: Brunch continued As Dean and Joe chatted with each other, Dean gradually began to realize that the retired Mexican-American businessman was planning on spending the night with Jennifer. Dean could see that it made sense, but he was already planning to test the MILF hand of Brandy’s Ranch himself. Unknown to her conscious mind, he had begun to prepare her...

2 years ago
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Brand New Life

November 15 Well, I did it! After thinking about it for a while, I decided to take the plunge - I quit my boring job, bought a nice starter home, and began work on the Great American Novel. I figured with my master's degree in English, I need to do more with my life than just crunch numbers in some cubicle. And I figured I should keep a journal. Not only will it keep my writing skills sharp, it should also be fun to look back on when I become rich and famous. Maybe I can show my...

3 years ago
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Brand Gets Her Trip To Africa 6

Brand Gets Her Trip To Africa. #6 We finally got everything packed and we were on our way for our eleven day trip to Tanzania. We had a direct five hour flight from SFO to Atlanta. Brandi sat next to the window, I sat in the middle, and an older lady sat in the aisle seat. We were really tired and we slept all the way to Atlanta, there was an hour lay over in Atlanta. We were very lucky to get tickets on a British air bus A 380, which was taking a trial run from Atlanta to Tanzania. We...

4 years ago
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Brand New Me

I wake up, and I don’t know where I am or what time it is. The sun is streaming through the window, a rich, warm sunlight like nothing we ever get back in London, but it feels like the middle of the night. I’ve never felt this completely disoriented in my entire life. I look around, taking in a small room dominated by a half dozen cheap mattresses lying on the floor. There’s a hookah next to where I’m lying, and it definitely brings back a few memories-someone told me that a ball of hash...

4 years ago
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Brand New You

"Time to get back to work!" Angie declared as she pushed away her lunch tray littered with empty fast food wrappers. She flipped some of her long chestnut curls as she waited for her two friends sitting at the table to join her exit of the mall food court. The redhead dressed in black, Jan, still nibbling her way through a vegetarian pita, nodded. "Yeah, can't afford to lose a job in this economy. Even if it sucks." The young woman in short black emo hairstyle, Cam, grunted, "Don't...

4 years ago
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Brandys Ride Home

It was a Saturday night and Brandy was striding angrily down the side of the illuminated street, her fists still clenched from her anger. She had had enough of that jerk Chad to last a lifetime. And when she had stormed out of his car a few blocks back, screaming for him to stay the fuck away from her, she was pretty sure he finally got the message. She was pretty much into her own thoughts as the headlights from the large rig behind her caught her in their bright light. Glancing back for a...

3 years ago
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Brand New Flame

Tracy was incredibly lucky. Escaping the fire from the sixth story of her apartment building would have been enough. A combination of careful planning, fortunate necessity, and simple good luck left her better off following the disaster than she’d ever hoped to dream of, prior to the fire. It was a coincidental meeting with a stranger at the storage building that had proved the greatest boon. While pulling out an old computer to tide her over, someone had stopped with a wide-eyed stare, and...

2 years ago
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Brandis new trick

I can't believe my wife left me after 22 years of marriage. She said she felt trapped and needed her freedom. We have 3 c***dren, 2 of which still live at home. Julie just turned 18, but is still in her final year of high school, and her younger sister Brandi. We really didn't think what to make of my wife's decision to walk out on us, but the three of us were probably better off. I should've known that something was up when our sex life was almost non existent. Now she's split leaving me to...

1 year ago
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Brandy The new neighbor

Lima and Gina were the popular women in the neighborhood. They were housewives who stayed at home all day planning town meeteings and making sure that they stayed busy in everone else's business. They were known for their yearly halloween parties. IT was the only time of year when they could dress like sluts and the neighborhood didn't seem to mind. One week before the halloween party,Brandy, a new housewife moved to the neighborhood.Gina spotted Brandy and her husband mooving and walked over...

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Brandons Fuckslut Family Ch 09

by BrettJ © 2013 I just want to take the time to thank all of you who have enjoyed this story and been so patient while waiting for this final chapter. I grew to really enjoy these characters and wanted to finish the story in a way that did them justice. I hope you readers feel that I have succeeded. ~~ BrettJ Victoria Williams was normally a very sound sleeper. Her girls had often told their mommy that she could probably sleep through a hurricane. So the fact that she was restless and on the...

2 years ago
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Brand New Life with Karen

It happened on our first wedding anniversary, I wanted to stay with my wife the whole day but she had an important business meeting in Los Angeles and wouldn’t have been back before the evening. She left the day before, I was really upset because I had already taken a day off at work and she was flying to LA instead of staying with me. That morning I went to the airport, kissed her goodbye, and drove to my office trying to forget about the whole thing, but I couldn’t. I worked hard all the day,...

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Brand new World

(This is my first story on this site, please leave feedback so I know what you like and dislike) A throbbing headache, this was the first thing the people in the town square felt after waking up, quickly followed by confusion as they opened their eyes to look around and realize that they are no longer where they last remembered they were. It took a few minutes before one of them looked up at the sky to see a figure floating up there, but no matter how hard he looked all they could see was a...

3 years ago
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Brandi Enjoys Young And Old 1

Brandi Enjoys Young And Old. #1 I met Brandi when I was going to college in California. She was born and raised in Alabama and was very conservative. We both were raised with a silver spoon in our mouth. The first time I saw Brandi, I got that instant bulge in my pants. She was five foot six, one hundred and twenty pounds, blonde hair, and blue eyes that melted you with a simple glance. She had a tucked ass and large boobs that looked like they were straining to get out. My name is Alan. I was...

2 years ago
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Brandis Bedroom aion

*Dear xhamster admins, this story does not involve ****. It is merely written as one woman's fantasy/dream. There is nothing herein that violates xhamster's terms of service for posting. The character is, also, of legal, consensual age.As Brandi walked out of the grocery store, nearing her car, a man jumped out of an old blue van next to it and grabbed Brandi, placing his hand over her mouth and his other arm around her stomach, dragging her into the van. Brandi tried time and again to bite...

4 years ago
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Brandi Gets A Lot More Than Counseling 3

Brandi Gets A Lot More Than Counseling. #3 Brandi was really getting caught up in our sexual activities. She wanted sex all the time. We watched all the movies that we had made. We talked about Dave and what they did at the movie constantly. After about two months, I noticed a change in Brandi. Brandi was spending a lot of time with her friend Ellen. Now at this point is where I have to explain how Ellen and Brandi became friends. Brandi and Ellen had met in college. I had met Ellen once...

1 year ago
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Brandi Gets A Lot More Than Counseling Chapter 3

Brandi was really getting caught up in our sexual activities. She wanted sex all the time. We watched all the movies that we had made. We talked about Dave and what they did at the movie constantly. After about two months, I noticed a change in Brandi. Brandi was spending a lot of time with her friend Ellen. Now at this point is where I have to explain how Ellen and Brandi became friends. Brandi and Ellen had met in college. I had met Ellen once while Brandi and I where together during that...

4 years ago
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Brandi and Jessica Halloween final

She is one of the most gorgeous women that i have ever seen. She isn't too tall, about 5'6". Her eyes are so blue you'd think they would glow in the dark. She has perfect teeth, whiter than snow. On a fat day she weights 125. Her long brown hair can cover her c-cup breasts. She has a wonderful personality. She will make you smile on the worst days, without having to suck your dick. Everywhere we go we have a blast, it doesn't matter where we go. She knows exactly what i...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 74 NEWPORT

We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...

1 year ago
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Brandi Is Turning Into A Slut

I met Brandi when I was going to college in California. She was born and raised in Alabama and was very conservative. We both were raised with a silver spoon in our mouth. The first time I saw Brandi, I got that instant bulge in my pants. She was five foot six, one hundred and twenty pounds, blonde hair, and blue eyes that melted you with a simple glance. She had a tucked ass and large boobs that looked like they were straining to get out. My name is John. I was twenty-four and Brandi was...

Cheating Wifes
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Brandi Fails At Being A Mother 8

Brandi Fails At Being A Mother. #8 In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, sixteen years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had Happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle,...

4 years ago
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Brandi Gets Her Hair Done And A Little Bit More

Brandi Gets Her Hair Done And A Little Bit More. #5 I had promised Brandi a two week vacation for everything we had been through. Brandi came to me and asked if we could postpone it for a few months. She said that she just didn’t feel like going anywhere right now. I told her that there would be know problem with that. In fact, I think we should wait about six months. When Brandi was in school her major was biology. The branch of biology that she got her degree in was zoology. Brandi was...

1 year ago
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Brandi Gets More Than Her Hair Done Chapter 4

I had promised Brandi a two week vacation for everything we had been through. Brandi came to me and asked if we could postpone it for a few months. She said that she just didn't feel like going anywhere right now. I told her that there would be know problem with that. In fact, I think we should wait about six months. When Brandi was in school her major was biology. The branch of biology that she got her degree in was zoology. Brandi was working for a travel agency and we could get decent rates...

Cheating Wifes
3 years ago
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Brandi Gets a Lot More Than Counsling

Brandi was really getting caught up in our sexual activities. She wanted sex all the time. We watched all the movies that we had made. We talked about Dave and what they did at the movie constantly. After about two months, I noticed a change in Brandi. Brandi was spending a lot of time with her friend Ellen. Now at this point is where I have to explain how Ellen and Brandi became friends. Brandi and Ellen had met in college. I had met Ellen once while Brandi and I where together during that...

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Brandi Gets The Surprise Of Her Life7

Brandi Gets The Surprise Of Her Life.#7 In my last story we arrived at the Hyatt Regency at seven o’clock Wednesday morning, we did our thing and fell asl**p. We slept most of the day, we were both Exhausted. We did wake up once, around twelve and ordered a small lunch, then fell right back to sl**p. It was about five that evening when the telephone rang and I answered it. It was Ammon’s son, he said, ‘My name is Abioye (we found out later it meant the son of royalty), I would like to take...

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Brandi Turns Into A Slut 2

Brandi Turns Into A Slut. #2 After Brandi had decided to go back to work, she got a job with her old company. It was one of the largest companies in travel agency business. She had been back to work for four months. One Friday afternoon Brandi’s company had to shut down, to have their computers serviced. They let everybody go home at twelve noon. Brandi hadn’t planned to be off so she decided to do a little shopping. She went into Macy’s and started looking at the tops. She had on a short...

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