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Chapter 1

I had just turned the ripe age of 18 when it all started. My father always busy because of his job, he was an advocate, his cases mostly with men or women who were antagonist. With my father gone I had no one who I could turn to for guidance. My mother was a painter and she spent most of her time in her studio.

She had bought me some aquatic colors for my birthday because I, myself loved to paint. But sadly, my brother had gotten into the paint and ruined them by mixing them together.

The thought of my family filled me with anger, I peddled my bicycle with more force as tears burned my eyes but the thought my brother who was half a year younger then I was still remained. Oh how I despised him! Despised all he’d done to me touched me in unspeakable places in unspeakable ways no one believed me though no on cared.

As I rode on I turned my thoughts to his greatest fears SPIDERS an evil grin spread across my angelic face. He hated spiders with a passion. Once I’d found a spider, put it into a jar and showed him, he ran to mom screaming and crying. Honestly I’d thought it was funny to be scared of something so small, later that day my mom had brought me aside and explained to me that he had a fear of spiders called arachnophobia.

Of course as normal I’d get into trouble, while he came out top prize as though he were really their son. He was the innocent, the untouchable, the one who never got blamed for anything, a priceless position to be exact.

The first time he’d done anything to me I’d gone crying to my mother and she looked at me in discussed, for me to even think he would do such a thing and sent me away, forever looking at me like a slut, a whore… a disgrace.

I’d stopped my bike at the top of a hill. A zephyr lifted the strands of hair that had escaped my pony tail around my face. The skirt I was wearing fluttered against my thighs. I dropped hard to the ground with a thud, I took my backpack and placed it in front of me. I was secluded in the waist high grass.

An unexpected flash blinded me. There in front of me, my camera sat facing up, it had fallen out of my backpack. ‘Damn,’ I whispered to my self. ‘Another picture ruined!’

I was the only one who’d travel to this particular spot, during the beginning of spring. My shoulders slumped and I fell back in frustration. Frustrated with my father for never being there, frustrated with my mother for never caring and frustrated with my brother because he wasn’t even my biological brother.

He was my aunt’s child, but he didn’t know. I myself wasn’t supposed to know but when I was younger I’d heard my mother and father bickering about my brother. They didn’t know I knew nor would they ever.

The crisp breeze grew stronger but the tall grasses protected me from the chill. Closing my eyes against the sun, I thought to myself what it would it be like to be an only child, my brother ruined everything. I couldn’t take some of my friends with me on vacation, because of him. He wouldn’t listen, I’d known he had ADD or ADHD because of his actions but my mother wouldn’t get him tested. She was very sure he was fine but no matter what she did she couldn’t control him. My eyes opened and I sat up as I let my hair down.

My slightly curly hair wavered in the breeze. Oddly enough I hadn’t found as much comfort in the area as I once had, nothing in my life seemed to be going right. I stood up my things packed in my small backpack, a few extra clothing articles, a hair brush and a teddy cat my ex-boyfriend had given me.

I looked down at it as my eyes filled with tears it had only been a few months since we’d broken up and I was still holding on to him with everything. He’d already found some one new. I’d tried but could never get past the first date because none of them measured up to him.

‘I shouldn’t bring this,’ I wiped my eyes and hesitantly put the teddy on the ground. ‘Just bad memories…’

I’d got on my bike and looked back at the teddy, biting my lower lip I got off my bike and hugged it once more and stuck it in the deep grass. I was as upset with myself as I gathered my belongings. I’d looked at my camera once more, wind wrapped around me like a strong confuting blanket the rustling sound of the sea before me, the tall grass around my body calmed my worries.

‘Sarah…’ The water called in a rushing whisper as the wind swiftly surrounded me. ‘Sarah…’ it called again. Before I knew it my now bare feet touched the icy cold water, a shiver went up my spine as I continued to the depths of the salty water.

Standing it no longer I plunged into the water, it refreshed my body and my mind. My grandfather always said I would have been happier as a fish than as a human, maybe he was right. My head and shoulders hit the surface of the grayish blue water, my clothes stuck to me like they were apart of my own flesh, slowly I made my way to shore riding on the powerful waves.

Looking up as I rose out of the water I saw a glow around my bike standing there like a safe haven. I climbed the dune and mounted my bike thinking all the while of what was to come…a fresh start…a new life…

Chapter 2

Terrified I ran up the stairs, ‘Sarah!’ My brother yelled sounding much older then just 14. I shuttered and ran to my room climbed inside of my closet and hid deep within the furthest corner in a ball.

‘Sarah show yourself! You know you can’t hide from me,’ His voice bellowed loudly.

He was right, he’d always found me, I had the cuts, scares and memories to prove it. In fact I had a bruise that was now a yellowish green color on my stomach from the last time we’d had stayed home alone together.


I jumped at the sound of his voice, closer now. My heart leapt to my throat, he was on the stairs by now by how loud his voice was. I ran to the window and opened it, staring down at the ground from the second story window, I was scared of falling, but anything was better then touched by him again.

The door rushed open just as I saw a car driving up the long driveway. His eyes were hungry for me, I could tell, because it was the same look he’d gotten every time he’d tried to force himself on me. I was finally ready to jump as my brother came not even 2 inches from grabbing me. He caught my foot and tugged me back to him.

I saw my mom getting out of the car, eyes wide staring at her only daughter about to jump, out of her window. Feeling the heat of my brother close behind me I vowed that I wouldn’t let him touch me this time…not this time…I flung out the window head first, as my mother started to run towards the house.

‘DON’T SARAH!’ her screams filled the air…

Chapter 3

My mother’s voice echoed in my head as I woke up from the nightmare, well it wasn’t really all nightmare it was the truth, I’d only gathered a broken arm from the fall, It healed quickly, my family were all convinced my falling was childish stupidity .

I shivered from the cold my cloths were still damp from the swim from yesterday and I was getting wetter by the second. Getting on my bike I’d headed into Baltimore where I’d been getting a bus to go to Philly.

After an hour of traffic and horns and smoke and exoste fumes I’d finally reached the bus station and as I walked in a bus from New York pulled up. I went to the bathroom locked the door and slowly undressed it’d been a few days now since I’d had a shower so I washed my body best I could.

Walking out of the bathroom I felt more refreshed I held my head high and with weak legs started walking slowly towards the desk I was just about to the desk when I’d walked into a tall man, I had mumbled that I was sorry and I kept walking managing only a few inches when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder.

‘Sarah?’ I panicked when I heard my name on the unfamiliar mans tongue but instead of fleeing I slowly turned to face my fears…

I look
ed up into piercing blue eyes studying him, his mischievous grin startled me. I knew that grin though it had been months since I’d seen it. ‘Carron…’ The name drifted off my tongue my voice in a shaky whisper. ‘What…who…how,’ so many questions fluttered into my mind to where he’d gone, he’d up and left me with out a word I never knew what had happened to him and till now I hadn’t wanted too.

‘Shh my love,’ he placed his index finger lightly to my lips. ‘I’ve missed you.’ He brought me to him in a swift pull, kissing my lips longer then he should have.

My heart beat fast as though a humming bird was locked in my chest trying to get free from its cage. He whispered as my gaze lifted ‘We are what we repeatedly do so excellence my darling is nothing more then a habit.’ His English tone soothed me to nothing. ‘Hmm?’ I questioned.

‘Aristotle, you must know him by now,’ he looked at me mockingly.

‘You are an evil think carron!’ I pushed him away lightly.

‘So what are you doing here?’ His curious tone startled me in a way never before.

‘Ah my dear curiosity killed the cat, but I should be the one to ask that very question should I not?’ He’d lived here for about a year so far but his accent still showed in his voice as though he arrived from England yesterday.

‘So are you going to answer me?’ I questioned.

‘Are you going to answer me?’ He poked my nose playfully and then in a whisper. ‘Ok, I give I was going to go to New York, I’m going back to London.’

‘And you weren’t going to tell me?’ My lower lip popped out and started to tremble as her eyes started to water.

‘No id sent you an offline a time or two.’

‘Take me with you!’ I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to me. ‘Please that’s why I’m here…to run,’ I could tell he was thinking he always got that look on his face when he was thinking hard, I wasn’t sure if it would work but god I just needed to get out so he’d decided to take her along.

It hadn’t taken long for the bus to New York to come but it had taken about an hour to get another ticket to go to New York. As I waited to getting on the bus my mind flew to what if’s.

People started to board the bus and I stopped before the opened doors, carron urged me forward onto the bus but I didn’t budge. Frowning I turned to him, he had a huge grin on his face but I couldn’t help but frown.

‘I can’t go,’ was all I could say if he’d said anything I hadn’t heard it, I ran back into the depot and up to the information desk.

‘Would I be able to return this ticket?’ My voice was urgent and the woman behind the desk knew it. It had taken 5 minutes to change the ticket from New York to Memphis, Tennessee.

I waited the long, pitifully slow hour till the bus arrived. Finally I got onto the bus walked to the back sat down on the window seat and placed my bag of things on the seat beside me, I comfortable as I possibly could on the lightly cushioned seats. I tried to rest my head against the seat.

A woman a little older then I probably in her early 20’s walked to the back seat and asked with a Boston accent. ‘Hey doll can I sit here everything else is taken up?’

I looked at the woman her looks defiantly didn’t fit her accent she looked like a girl from the mountains. Short shorts, a tan along her legs, arms, stomach and chest, her plaid button up shirt only buttoned in two spots. Her breasts practically falling out of her tight shirt with the bottom tied together.

‘Sure no problem,’ I moved my bag to the floor and with a half smile turned away looking out the window again.

‘Hey suga what’s wrong with you? Cat got your tongue?’

‘Nah I just don’t wanna talk bout it,’ I shrugged and kept my eyes on the window.

‘That’s aight honey I’m not much for talking either but I do know that I’ve been in your shoes a time or two wither you admit it or not.’ She looked at me with a kind smile and I could not help but smile back half way then frowning, again I look out the window, ‘You don’t know the half of it.’

‘Alright Hun if you say so.’ she reached down into her own worn bag and pulled out a magazine crossed her legs and started skimming over the pages, ‘so you gonna spill or not?’

I debated on telling her about it I mean why should I tell a complete stranger my life story?

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Breaking Virginity With Ammu

Hi, guys, this is Krish. It is my first sex story, I am a big fan of Indian Sex Stories dot net. I was reading the stories from PUC. I am 23 old, 5.10″ in height with the gym body and 7.5-inch monster. Coming to the angel, her name is Ammu, she is an awesome sex bomb with the figure of 36-28-34. The sexiest part of her body was her boobs, So huge and juicy. She was living next to our house. This incident happened during my 1st year of BE. I was in the hostel during my BE and my home was changed...

2 years ago
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Weekend Getaway

A WEEKEND GETAWAY Caroline Kingsley It was anything but another dull, boring, routine Tuesday at work. The phones were ringing off the hook but that was to be expected in a company of this size. I was usually in charge of filing, routing phone calls, general correspondence and mail. However this week I was working as a personal assistant to Robert, the head CEO of the company. His regular assistant was off for the week and somehow I was lucky enough to be asked to fill in. Well I’m not sure if...

4 years ago
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Imperfect Ch 09

How and when had Kale managed to hijack my social life? Or was it only myself I had to blame. My mother used to say, ‘No one can do anything to you if you don’t let them.’ Great, nothing like mom to add a little guilt when I’m already feeling bad about myself. What was worse, I hadn’t painted in ages. And I found that when I did get time alone, the inspiration just wasn’t there. I’d splash my paint across the canvas to rid myself of the dreaded blank page syndrome and still- nothing. Sometime...

1 year ago
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True Story Lateshay gaped and 36 F tits sucked

I made the next vid below because you wantto see me strip out of my red mini skirt. I wore this outfit with no panties to a private party that I attended with my camera man. He got me drunk and took me in a room with 3 other men watching all of my vids....waiting for me. They didn't have on any pants and they were all stroking their cocks and getting harder as they stared at my nipples poking through me skirt. I was helpless as they all took turns fucking and sucking me while my vids played...

3 years ago
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Rudely I Came

Looking up at my wife and her sister I slowly realized that they had been watching me sleep. "Wonder what he was dreaming about," My sister-in-law, Jennifer, said flatly. As I fully woke I realized, to my horror, that my hand was in my shorts holding my limp cock. "I hope he was dreaming about you, s*s, because I think he made a mess in his pants." My wife giggled when I pulled my cum covered hand out."Don't encourage him," Jennifer said coming over to me. She bent down and wiped my hand off...

3 years ago
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The Hot Tub Blues

Jodie wondered how things had ended up like they had. She was at once surprised, horrified, elated and ... yes ... horny. She had just taken a shower and was sitting on the john drying her hair, wondering what to do next. She stared between her legs. Yes, there was definitely sperm oozing out of her pussy. She knew it was there, of course, and hadn't washed it out in the shower. But now, she wondered whether she should have done so. She thought back to the beginning of the night - the most...

4 years ago
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JoeChapter 5

When I left off I mentioned that Marge and I would try dating again. The problem was I was still in love with her but I held my ground. I never stepped foot back in her house. When we got together we always made love at my place. She never complained because it was one of the rules we set. I would pick her up at her house and she would come out and get in the car. Needless to say our daughters were ecstatic that we were back together again. I did tell Marge that I wasn't ever going to...

3 years ago
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The Masters Project 7 Randy And KathyChapter 4

Randy's comment about their close relationship, and the inference that that was what caused the miscarriage, made me curious. I didn't know that much about incestuous relationships, but I knew from my Sociology studies that incest wasn't nearly as rare as most people thought it was. I also knew that there had been a lot of babies born from such joinings over thousands of years. So I did a little research. There isn't that much information out there about incest. Not only is it taboo in...

1 year ago
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Passage to IndiaChapter 3

The blonde teenaged triplets, Faith, Hope and Charity, were very popular with the many distinguished visitor's to the Rajah's court. As favored members of the palace harem, the girls were often called upon to bestow their female favors on the most influential of the Rajah's guests. Only Hope was excused from vaginal intercourse because she had already had the seal of "seed receiver" and comingling of other male seeds was prohibited by harem etiquette. This was almost comical since it...

3 years ago
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Upon Reflection Ch 01 Through the Looking Glass

"Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with Darren, and when she had opened the door to his room and caught him with his tongue in Amber's mouth, and his hand exploring underneath her tight tank top, Maddie had been absolutely devastated. Darren and Amber had both jumped up when she walked in, and Amber...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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A day of Dares

Please excuse the text-speak. I typically hate it's use in stories, but so much of this story is communicated through text that I had no choice but to include it.I was home alone with my wife at work for the day and I was horny as hell when I decided to text a good female friend of mine and ask her for a dare. There was absolutely nothing more than friendship to our relationship but from time to time we would exchange sexy e-mails or texts but the dares were a recent addition to our innocent...

4 years ago
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LimitsChapter 10

Session B22: “What did you dream about last night?” “You fucking me.” “When did you last masturbate?” “This morning.” “What did you think about when you did?” “You fucking me.” “Do you find the idea of me fucking you sexy?” “Yup.” My sister’s best friend. My favorite test subject; if I wasn’t sure if something would work on Lucy, I came to Marcie first, and tested it out. She was sexually open in every way except actual intercourse, and my next goal was simple—I...

4 years ago
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My Cousin Deepika

Hello guys, this Kishore. This is my first story so please excuse me if there are any mistakes. So let’s begin. I will start by introducing myself. I am Kishore, good-looking guy. I have a 6 inches long tool that can satisfy anyone on the earth. A brief description of myself. I am 180cm tall with a good body. I go to the gym and play professional cricket. I tend to attract girls due to my good looks and my down to earth character. Girls like me because I give them respect and treat them fairly....

1 year ago
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Murphy Carol The Party

Carol bit her lip as she felt her body sway in the car seat. She wore big, dark sunglasses, but they were only to hide the 'x's of electrical tape that sealed her eyes shut. In darkness, she became sensitive to her own body, feeling it push and swing against the seatbelt as Murphy drove her to their special night out. "Almost there. You nervous?" Murphy asked. She felt his wide, strong hand rest gently on her shoulder. With a smile, she nodded. "I'm excited, though. You've been planning this a...

4 years ago
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It had been a routine day at work, I was coming home in a pretty good mood, feeling I had accomplished a lot and that it had been a pleasant day. Even the ride home had been easy going and enjoyable, something that seems harder and harder to come by with people’s impatience on the road and the road rage phenomena, but even that had gone nicely. Funny how some people have terrible days and then come home and either ruin everyone else’s day too or do just the opposite and make coming home their...

1 year ago
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Hide and seek

Now lets get this straight “hehe” no pun intended I’m about 6’2 and a well muscled 200 pounds. I have chocolate brown skin and hazel eyes. It was a high school reunion grade and one of my friends’ brothers and me were outside playing. A carload of Guys pulled up and we decided to play hide and seek for old times sake. I went to hide in the bathtub and wait. As I sat there contemplating how long it would take for me to be found I decided to jack off, I was 25 and well aware that I was gay. That...

2 years ago
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To her parents, of all people. Sandy didn't lie about most things when it came to talking with her mother and father. She told her parents when she missed curfew because of a late night party where the k**s were evacuating the scene smelling of booze and pot. Sandy's parents forgave her. Sandy told her parents when she ran the family car into a tree by the pure accidental happening of receiving a text message while driving, replying to said text message, and doing her make-up when she was...

2 years ago
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Love Cum Sex Story 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. This is devil from Bangalore studying in one of the most reputed colleges in Bangalore. I am gym freak. I am 20 yrs old now story is about me and a friend from my college. Please forgive me for mistakes as this is my first story. This is not just a sex story it includes how my life took a turn, how my aimless life changed. Feed backs are always welcomed at I was very lean when I joined degree. Many of them used to even make fun of me saying that I look like a first pu student...

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Jesss Story

This is going to be an adventure. I hope you are seated comfortably, wearing soft pants, and alone. We are going to take a journey into the thoughts of a young girl who is dealing with her biologically-exceptional body and the consequences that come with it. Some scenes may startle you. Myself and the contributing storytellers will be adhering to a code of, "Tell the truth, no matter how personal, sensitive, or eye-ball-widening." This means that Jess's confused thoughts and the carnal thoughts...

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My Mother In Law Jayalaxmi

My mother inlaw jayalaxmi, age 45 years is very cruel lady amedi chala gayyali mentality. Ame mukku, pirralu, sallu baga peddavi. Ame daughter Ramanidi kaipu ekkinche podavati mukku. chala podugu, lavati mukku bokkalu. Chuste parama kojja vadiki kuda modda lechi nilabaduthundi. Pelli chupulaku vacchinappudu Jayalaxmi nannu select cheyyabotundaga Ramani “mundu veedi moodanu chusi decide cheddam mummy” annadi. Jayalaxmi navvuthu, “Ma ammaiki podavati moddalu chala istam. Naku kuda anthe 10...

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Shelter 9

In the late 21th first century a nuclear war had made the entire world a barren and lifeless wasteland. There were pockets of survivors here and there and as the centuries passed they formed their own tribes to survive in this new world. The terrain of American was an ugly dark brown with dried up rivers and lakes everywhere. There were some ponds and lakes that carried water, which was utterly contaminated with germs and radiation. Rabbits, rats, squirrels and other small creatures could...

3 years ago
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A Little Surprise For Neeta

I had been living with that woman only shortly but long enough she was very liberated. Should I go with another girl, that was alright as long as I used a condom. She also told me she had been with other women and that things couldn't get wet enough as far as she was considered. So one night I 'm in this neighborhoodbar in the centre of Amsterdam when a girl sat herself next to me. Long brown hair, black rimmed glasses. The girl nextdoor, but that special girl nextdoor.Miniskirt in Scottish...

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That Summer

"I went to work for her that summer, teen-aged kid so far from home. She was a lovely widow woman, hell bent to make it on her own. We were a thousand miles from nowhere; wheat fields as far as I could see. Both needing something from each other, not knowing yet what that might be." Garth Brooks Chapter 1 It seemed to 16 year old Billy Mayfair that he had been on this bus forever already, yet he was not even half way there. It was a long trip from Fresno, California to South Dakota,...

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