Enemy Ch. 05 free porn video

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In the mansion on the tip top of the hill, the Stone family dwelled in chaotic turmoil, every member in their own personal hell, overwhelmed with worry for Diago.

Dorian was over come with guilt, he knew all about loss, his very own brother had committed suicide after killing his wife and trying to kill his son. He had been consumed with guilt over his suicide, he regretted not doing something when he had finally realized just how depraved his brother had become. He was filled with 3 million ‘what ifs’ and he had never forgiven himself. That’s why he had devoted himself to his nephew, it was the only way he could think of to attempt to rectify the problem. Unfortunately it hadn’t worked very well, Jake was a bit of a monster no matter how bad Dorian chose to deny it. Jake was balancing on a very thin line between brutal madman and a ‘FUCK THE WORLD!’ mentality.

Now Dorian had made another crucial mistake, one that he would NEVER be able to forgive himself for, he had let this disastrous war and his family name come between him and his son. He was riddled with regret, wishing he had of done things differently. No matter how much he hated the Rose family, Diago was still his child and his wife and sons were his immediate concern and only priority.

Darleen was over whelmed with grief, as if it hadn’t been bad enough that her youngest son had run away and they had no idea where he was, her best friend in her entire life had been in a major car accident, killing her and her husband.

Darleen now had custody of the other love of her life, her god daughter, Tempest, who was in a deep coma from the accident. It was painful to watch her lying there so lifeless, she was so full of raw energy and such a ray of sunshine, it weighed heavy on Darleen’s heart. While her family spent their days with the police and private investigators, she refused to leave her side, she wanted her face to be the first thing tempest saw when she woke up, and she prayed to have the strength to tell her that her parents had not survived.

How could she do it? She couldn’t even think about her best friend dead, let alone explain it to her only child. Darleen’s heart was heavy and for the 1st time in her life, she had no idea what to do. So she just stayed by Tempest’s side, praying for her to wake up and praying that her son would just call and let them know he was alright.


In the trailer on the other side of town, right before the garbage dump, the Rose family was calm and peaceful, things seemed to be going a little better for them. Since Bianca had been sent away, there was extra food, extra soap, extra toilet paper, extra everything. There was even a little extra for a broke down car that they had to continually fix up.

Blake was in hog heaven and thrilled to death that he had finally won against his sister. He had his father all to himself, his own room and 2nd helpings at dinner. He was tickled pink, trading Bianca in for that car was the best thing he ever did.

Braxton wasn’t sure how he felt, half of him never wanted to see the girl again, the other half wanted her home. He had come to resent his daughter, it was her eyes, they were identical to her mothers, and everytime he looked into them his grief was rekindled. He had prayed it would eventually fade, and he would be able to look his daughter and see her, not the woman he loved. He had not handled his grief well at all, he wanted absolutely no reminders of her, he didn’t want to face the reality his loss. He had thrown away everything she had every touched or loved, especially her perfect baby daughter Bianca, the very reason they had grown apart before her death, the very reason for their serious argument before she left home on that fatal day.

*** He had spent 3 months in a sexual, drug induced funk. He found himself in Amsterdam’s red light district, on a personal mission to take sex to the lowest level of depravity he could accomplish. He hated sex now, but he needed it.

He had originally set out on this mission to completely abandon all thoughts of sex, women and love. He was determined to force his body to live with out sex, but by the fifth day he had lost his mind and his will. He had been like an addict, feigning for his drug of choice. His natural high sex drive was his downfall, so if he cold not cure himself with no sex, then he would cure himself by an over indulgence of sex. Diago would make those precious, beautiful moments that he had been inside Bianca disappear, it was fucking him up, he couldn’t even have sex with out thinking of her and bringing back all those vicious memories and that paralyzing feeling of loss.

So he would make sex so nasty, rotten and dirty for himself that he would eventually stop seeing her. He gave it his best shot, doing unholy things that he could never have imagined with beautiful women who would do anything for the right price, and he was spending money like it was water.

When he woke up in a bed with 4 different women, and remembered the horrible things he had done to them the night before, he knew it was too much, he had gone too far and it was still not working. He got up and got dressed, disgusted that the women had awoken, still eager for more of the money he was throwing around despite the hideous things he had done.

He had to get the hell out of here, if he had learned anything, he learned that he could not escape Bianca, he was cursed with her very spirit trapped inside his mind. Realistically he had have sex, and he found that he could not taint the image or the act, so he would just do it as one would perform the duties of their job, it was no more than filling up his gas tank when his car was empty. He would do it quick and get it the hell over with. Hopefully one day he would be able to feel normal about sex. He couldn’t escape it any more than he could escape his life, his family, his love, his hate or Bianca. He had never in his life felt like he did right now and refused to ever feel that way again.

Love was a big risk, something so powerful and destructive that it could blow ones heart up and leave them pathetically weak and vulnerable. He hated feeling vulnerable, he had never felt that before and he would NEVER feel that way again!

Fuck love and all that came with it!!! He didn’t need it, after 3 months of hell he realized his father had been right, success was all that truly mattered.

So after his short absence from reality, he was going home to restart his life.


Her father had sent her to live with her very old, very fugal aunt. The woman was a tyrant who lived by the bible, held a penny in the same light as a 100 dollar bill and barked out orders like a drill instructor. She also had a mini puff ball, pit bull disguised as a Pomeranian named Noah, who was a barking extension of her aunt’s hatred for her.

This woman held a deep contempt for her own brother, for reasons Bianca still did not understand. She treated Bianca like a slave, she noticed the same trait in her father, and she had spent her life in servitude to that man, trying to please him, now he had banished her to his sister who was a feminine version of him. Bianca spent her days cleaning, cooking, and taking care of yard work in-between waiting on her aunt hand and foot.

Her aunt believed having a phone was unnecessary spending when she had no one she wanted to talk to, so Bianca couldn’t even call her friends, the only 2 people in the world that she knew cared. She needed to here their familiar voices. She needed something, she had never felt so alone in her entire life.

It was becoming too much for Bianca to bear, her spirit had evaporated and her heart was dead, she wanted to give up. She spent her days slaving away and her nights crying herself to sleep, when she was fortunate enough to get her mind to slow down enough to sleep.

She had actually been at a point where she didn’t think she could survive, she hated herself for letti
ng Diago go and turning her back on him and she hated her family for forcing this war in her life. She was deeply in love still, regardless of it all, and she just came to the point where she didn’t want to live with out him, than it grew to her just not wanting to live.

She had gone into a deep depression, her mind was not hers and her thoughts had turned sour. She didn’t want death, but there really seemed no alternative, life was unbearable and over rated. The thought of death was becoming dreamy and she had delusional fantasies of dying. She knew in her heart that it was the only way they would be able to be together forever. She would embrace him in the afterlife since she was no longer allowed to embrace him in this life. Maybe with her death, he would be able to forgive her.

Yes, death WAS the only light in the thick black hole that had swallowed her whole and she was ready to welcome it with open arms…


Just when his family had reached their wit ends, searching for him, offering rewards for information, staying in daily contact with the police Diago just strolled through the front the door.

He came home a different man and his family noticed it immediately. He was cold, distant and silent. He refused to discuss or talk about anything. They were just so happy, it didn’t matter, Diago was finally home, and that was ALL that mattered.

His father was no dummy, he was angry about what his son had done, but he was truly, deeply scared when Diago had disappeared, it had been 3 months with no contact from him, his wife was frantic and ready to divorce him. He would take it at Diago’s pace and not push it.

He was however elated when Diago came and asked for a job. His joy soon turned to adoration and pride as he watched his son triple the company’s profit with in just another 3 months.

He had always been an aggressive over achiever, but now he was ruthless, uncaring and throwing every bit of himself into his work. It was all he had. Diago secretly despised his father, but understood where he came from. Dorian had been right after all, you can never put your trust, faith or blind love in your sworn enemy.

Darleen was getting more and more worried about him by the day. He was like an empty shell and it broke her heart. She wanted to hold him and force him to talk to her about what was going on inside that brain of his, but she managed to keep her mouth shut. Now was not the time to push him, when he was ready he would come and talk to her. So she tried to give him his space, it was actually easy since she spent most of her time at the hospital still, waiting for her god daughter to finally wake up. Her prayer for Diago had been answered and she had full faith and hope that it would be answered for Tempest. She WOULD wake up and Darleen would be there when she did!


Bianca looked at the glass vial of poison. It was some special concoction her aunt made to kill the rats and other animals on her property. Her aunt had an irrational paranoia that the rodents would come into the house and kill her precious little Pomeranian.

It was a lethal brew, just a drop on a piece of cheese was enough to kill any small animal that ate it. Bianca had a special place in her heart for all animals except for the crotchety little long haired, over stuffed rat her aunt called ‘Noah’. So she stopped laying the poison out for the rodents and started saving it for herself. She laughed like a mad woman thinking of her aunt’s house being over run by rats and bunnies.

Bianca kept a large vial under her pillow, filling it more each day. It seemed to bring her a morbidly perverse sense of hope when things got real bad. All she had to do was think about the vial and how quickly she could end her torment.

She held the vial in her hands, she was sure she was ready now. as if it wasn’t bad enough for her, now she was getting sick, she was constantly tired, she felt like she was starving, the scraps her aunt gave her wasn’t enough for her precious pooch to survive on. She was getting weaker by the day, her belly constantly aching and than the vomiting started.

It was real bad this morning, she could barley get up to make it to the toilet in time for another nasty session. She just couldn’t take anymore, she tried, she had used all of her inner strength and than some. She had reached her limit.


Brittany Tinsel was in heaven, things could not be better, she had managed to weasel her way back into Diago’s life. He obviously had no idea she was the one that had ratted him out, so she took full advantage of the situation. He was different now, but that also seemed to work to her advantage. He never spoke, he never called her, picked her up, she knew if she wanted to be with him, she had to make herself available, so she did just that and he didn’t even tell her to get lost.


There was just so much going on in her life, she had not been paying attention to her own body or the tell tale signs of what was really wrong with her. If she had been paying attention, she would have noticed that her breasts had increased a full cup size, or that she was getting a belly even though she was almost starving. She knew exactly what was wrong with now.

This changed everything, and even though she had no idea what she was going to do, she knew death was definitely NOT an option.


Diago was fucking any girl who made herself available to him, he didn’t care who it was. He had no love in his heart, no respect, nothing left to give to anyone. As much as he despised sex right now, he could not control his sex drive. He had to have it, so he took what ever was offered. Brittany had re-surfaced and was at his disposal, always there, always smiling and always had her legs spread, but she was just another faceless girl to him. He couldn’t tell any of them apart and it didn’t matter, he never saw their faces while he fucked them as hard as he could, he saw Bianca’s.


Bianca had tried to hide her condition from her domineering aunt, but by the 6th month, it was impossible. To be honest, at this point in her life she was sick of hiding, sick of lying and sick of denying herself.


She had more to think about than just herself, things were different now She could not stay here and continue the back breaking work her aunt had her doing all over the house.

She had trained herself over the years to be docile and just do the things her father had asked whether she wanted to or not and she found herself in the same exact situation with her aunt. Well no more, she had enough, she refused to be the family’s door mat any longer! She refused to continue to deny herself the pleasure of true love for a family that honestly did NOT give a fuck about her.

She wore her tank top, the only one of her shirts stretchy enough to fit and a baggy pair of low waisted black sweat pants. She threw on her large, thick black winter jacket than her aunt’s long heavy white cloak over top of it, completely hiding her condition. She put her other 2 pairs of baggy sweat pants into her pillow case with her tooth brush and a small pocket knife for protection and she headed for the front door.

‘Where are you going? You haven’t finished cleaning the debris off the roof.’ her aunt said standing up from her chair and walking towards Bianca. Bianca stopped than turned to her aunt.

‘I’m leaving.’

‘You can’t leave here!’

‘I can and I am.’ she said seriously.

‘You have work to do!’

‘No, I’m done being your little house slave.’ she frowned, feeling her pride and anger rising.

‘Slave? You little ingrate!’ she grabbed her arm, ‘I fed you, clothed you sheltered you and this is how you repay me?’

‘Fed me?’ she snatched her arm back, ‘You gave me the scraps from your plate, and only what your vicious little lap dog didn’t eat.’ As if on cue, the rickety old Pomeranian came into the room, his l
ong nails clinging with each step. Bianca looked down at him as he started his usual growl at her and she bent down and barked hard at him, smiling as the pocket sized bully of a dog ran crying in fear.

‘You little-‘ she raised her hand to smack Bianca but Bianca grabbed her hand.

‘I wouldn’t if I were you,’ she leaned into her, ‘I’m liable to smack you back.’ Her aunt gasped and Bianca let go of her hand, ‘I’m leaving, don’t get in my way and don’t try to stop me.’ she said with a look in her eye that made her aunt momentarily step back.

‘I am calling your father!’ she yelled as Bianca went through the door.

‘Call him, who cares.’ she shook her head than slammed the door on her way out. She was shaking, full of adrenalin and pride, she was free, she was finally free! She didn’t care anymore, from now on, she was thinking for herself, and she was going to do whatever the fuck she wanted to do. Her life as the Rose family kicking bag was over, as far as she was concerned she was nameless.

She knew hitch hiking was risky, and she was thankful she brought her pocket knife with her. She was truly a bit nervous, but felt as if she had no other alternative, she had to get home and home was far, far, far away from where she was.

The little old silver haired lady pulled over, her silver colored car shining like a big iron star in the pale moon light.

‘You need a ride sweetie?’ she asked with a sincere smile, Bianca looked at the chubby faced toddler in the back seat than smiled.

‘Yes.’ she answered getting in the car.


Diago woke up out of a deep dream, looking around his room. He had this strange feeling like Bianca was close, but he knew it was absurd, it was just those all too familiar dreams coming back.

He got up, went to work and did his every day routine, but no mater what, he could just not shake the thought of her.


She thanked Dolores, the wonderful woman who had given her the ride, it was just her luck that Delores only lived in the town next to her hometown.

Bianca stood on the side walk looking at the little town she had not seen in 6 months. Why did it seem so different? It didn’t seem as stifling and overwhelming as it had before, she didn’t fell trapped like she had the last time she had been here. In fact, it seemed almost magical, like the perfect puzzle box with the ultimate prize waiting for her at the end if she finished and played the game the way it was supposed to be played.

She took a deep breath, than took a step toward the direction that held her destination.

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She almost bounced upon the bed and began to pull me on top of her small frame work. Her smal hands eagerly undid my belt, loosened my jeans, and unzipped them in an easy fashion. "Please, let me do all the work, baby," she said as I gave into her desires. "My pussy is very small and very tight, even when it is wet," she said. I don't usually let too many men close to me because they have hurt me too often, but I really need to be fucked, and my girlfriend is in the joint still. We both...

3 years ago
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I Brought A Co Worker Home To Do My Wife

I had talked to Dave at work about seducing my wife. I had been wanting for the last few months to watch him fuck her. He was a stud at 25 years old and had a body that most men could never dream of. He also was a real sweet talker with the women and even had a few of the women at work. I had thought this out carefully over the last couple of months and decided to try to make it come true.My wife is 46 years old and we had been married over twenty years. I decided not to say anything to her...

Wife Lovers
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My Secret Life Vol01 Chapter 0I Part 01

VOLUME-1. CHAPTER 1, PART- 1 Earliest recollections • An erotic maid • Ladies abed • My cock • A frisky maid• Cousin Fred • Thoughts on pudenda • A female pedlar • Baudy pictures My earliest recollections of things, sexual are of what I think must have occurred sometime. I tell of them just as I recollect them, without an attempt to fill in what seems probable. She was I suppose my maid. I recollect that she sometimes held my prick when I piddled, was it needful to do so? I don't know....

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Pizza Wives

Pizza Wives Don Abdul ©2008Although she was warmly received into her new upscale neighborhood that she and her husband Rowland had worked so hard for, it soon became clear to her neighbors and new found friends that Leticia Griffith was no ordinary housewife.Her sex drive was way above average; she was a very hot freaky woman with an increasingly insatiable appetite for raw hard sex. Husband, Rowland was constantly on the road working damn hard to pay for their expensive home. Leticia who was a...

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Savita goes to a special tailor Comic Video

Savita needs to get new blouses stitched as she has a new set of sexy sarees. She is looking for a tailor when one of her friends recommends Shankar. She goes to the shop, and Shankar asks his assistant to take Savita’s measurements for a blouse. Shankar’s motto is  – Satisfaction Guaranteed. But Savita wonders whose satisfaction it is about. Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 32 – Savita’s Special Tailor.   Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video by going to...

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Lottery WinnerChapter 9

Inside, Beth told the hostess who we were and that we were to meet the Fairchilds. She brought us to their table. After shaking hands all around, we were seated. Mister Fairchild was not only Beth’s boss but was also the company’s CFO. His wife was an attractive woman about his age. They were in their fifties. Missus Fairchild started, “Mister Marigold, what do you do for a living?” “Please, call me, X. It’s short for Xavier. Everyone does.” She nodded. “As for work, I’m retired now. I made...

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Laundry Day

There she was, folding laundry like she did every Thursday. Her big tits bouncing back and forth in that loose silk robe she wore on laundry day. She knew I liked the view. She caught me staring, which wasn't difficult because I didn't bother hiding it anymore. "Oh! What are you doing there?" she asked with her flirtatious rhetorical tone. She knew the answer. She could see it when she glanced briefly at my crotch. A smile drew across her lips; she always loved how easily she could make me...

3 years ago
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Meine Schwaegerin geht fuer mich anschaffen

Mein Leben war eingefahren und eintönig geworden. Ich ( Frank 55) hatte nicht nur Probleme in meinen Job als Hausmeister, auch in meiner Ehe hing das Segel schief! Nicht das meine Frau ( Helga 33 ) mich nicht mehr geil machte, aber sie hatte kaum noch Lust auf Sex und ausser alle 14 Tage eine kurze Missionarsnummer, war bei ihr nicht drinnen. Am Anfang unserer Ehe hatten wir natürlich viel regelmässiger miteinander verkehrt, aber Helga verlor schnell das Intresse und die müden Ficknummern mit...

2 years ago
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Amber Chapter 2 Stopping For a Green Light

Author’s Warning: This is a link scene in a series rather than a story and as such it doesn’t contain anything of a sexual nature… I decided to write during my lunch at work and this is what I finished with: "So what do you think I should do, Disco?""I wouldn't do anything," Disco replied, after carefully considering the proposition while taking a sup of beer."I know you wouldn't do anything. I asked you what I should do." 'Disco' Dave wasn't the right man to be having this conversation with....

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HotMILFsFuck Rhea Radford 06222021

So for today’s MILF we have Rhea’s of sunshine and these rays are shining in abundance for all of you because this girl loves sex and her smile gives away just how nervous she is for her first sex on camera. So how much does our newbie love sex you ask? Well when asked how many guys she’s fucked she just giggles and declares “hundreds,” and she’s damn proud of it. I’m betting it’s a number closer to 999 than 100, but that’s just a hunch. She also claims in her post shot confessional that she’s...

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Listening and watching my parents Final part

was great, mom and I had just finished fucking each other after I watched her let grandpa do her first.God baby you're the best, mom told me rite after I came in her. You turn me on so much. Knowing that you are watching me and how much you love to watch me doing someone else. You know you are alot like your father. Sometimes he asks me if I would do one of his friend or go to an adult theater and see if we can find someone clean enough to fuck me rite there in the theater. The big difference...

1 year ago
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Ghost Hubby Haunting Ch 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! When Marla got back from the bathroom and bandaged the tears in Andrea’s ass, Alexander suddenly entered her. Picking up the vibrator again, he shoved it brutally up Cherry’s butt, making her squeal. While he did this, he stuck two fingers inside Michelle‘s cunt, as if it to say that she wasn’t off the hook yet. “Get out of me!” Marla demanded in her head to the ghost possessing her. “No thanks! I’m having FAR TOO MUCH FUN to do that!” Alexander...

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Jehovahs Witnesses at the door

I was bored one Thursday dinnertime, the wife was out with a friend, they'd gone to another town shopping, I was sat on the lap top looking at xhamster when there was a knock at the door. Fucking Hell I said it always seems to happen when I'm on xhamster feeling fruity. As I opened it there stood two Jehovah's Witnesses, as I was bored I said "You've got 5 minutes".As they came in and sat on the sofa they told me all about the bible and shit like that, I said "Are you on a time limit" and they...

4 years ago
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Shemale beauty cloths ripped off on stage

The venue had very talented c***dren performing and Spanky was the final act. Earlier in the day Spanky was furious with his overbearing mother, so he decide to throw the performance. Gathering 25 neighborhood 25 c***dren together, he orchestrated all his friend’s to be at the performance and give him “the works.” The plan was to have them loudly hurl insults and pelt him with rock hard peas. Sure he thought, I will fix her once and for all, I will not just fail but I be so embarrassing and...

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Massage of His Life

Patrick finished his long day of skiing. He was sore from all of the runs and headed to the spa club to soak in the hot tub. Just as he went to get into the tub, he noticed an amazing looking woman over by the club desk. They caught eyes and she smiled back at him. Patrick stepped gingerly into the steaming hot tub and began to soothe his tired muscles. The woman wandered over to where Patrick was in the hot tub knelt down besides a surprised Patrick. "Hi there. I'm Melissa." "I'm...

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werewolf was hungry as a bugahboo stinking

he himself was more, or less like that being of 'the-happy-camper' when that being of the weather temps could possibly become, or be more to his liking be it for that being of the spring, summer, or fall, or autumn season.& whereas he himself just hated that being of the winter, & especially whenever that being of the weather's temps of 'mother-nature' could possibly prove to become, or be highly, or greatly unfavorable however said with historically phenomenal dipping below that being...

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EDUCATRICES . Coulybaca (Texte personnel)   Chapitre 1 : Fran?oise   Ce jeudi vers 18 heures, Fran?oise, suivie de son groupe de jeunes filles p?n?trait dans le hall de la piscine de la ville voisine, la chaleur torride qui avait r?gn? toute la journ?e l'avait amen?e ? bousculer l'emploi du temps pr?vu .  Depuis midi, les filles l'avaient press?e de s'y rendre afin de profiter pleinement d'une si belle journ?e. Affal?s sur le ventre, autour du bassin d?couvert, les a?n?s, les gar?ons du groupe 6 semblaient les y attendre, to...

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Sex With Beautiful Girl From Village

Hi All. This is Vikas from Delhi. I am a regular visitor of ISS and I like may stories of it. Today I want to share my first real sex incident with a girl came from village to Delhi. This story is around 10 year old when I came to Delhi for higher studies after 10+2. I am 6 feet long and have semi muscular body with long 6 inch tool. Now I am narrating my story and If you like it then please share your comments on Jab maine 12th paas ki to mere father ne mujhe college ki padhai ke liye Delhi...

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Roseanne barr meets rosie of Donnel

It was a wild Hollywood party,,1989 everyone that was anyone was thier. A luxurious penthouse in the sky. The party thrown by roseanne was to be the most decedant,,orgy of sex and v******e ! Every sexy kink was to be explored, Roseanne sits atop a magnificent throne! Dressed like a 50s sex kitten,,her big boobs in a glorious red bra,,matching panties cover her ample hips and ass,,,black garters and nylons,,,full heavy make up,,and a 50s bouffant hair do.reigning over her subjects,,,,large...

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Aggybook 2Chapter 14

"Still no honours, Aggy?" asked the Second Space Lord with a broad smile which took any sting out of the question, shaking McCock's proffered hand. McCock looked somewhat sternly at him before replying, "'Sniffy' is now in the Grey Line Shipping Company." Turning to greet the PS, "Hello, Sally." and returned her salute. "Good morning, Commodore." And Sally returned the slight frown with a perfectly bland expression. McCock led the visitors to his quarters They settled into the...

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A Married Beauty Awaiting Me In Gurgaon

What’s up reader. Yes, it’s my first post. So a little description on me will do okay? I promise, it won’t let your mood go down. ;) Me, a 21 years old college undergraduate and martial artist, is here to share some of my interesting and strange experiences which i hope may turn you on and help to please yourself. I weigh 170 pounds, average built, active, with a 7 inch sausage and a romantic way to please women! Here’s the story, This happened to me 3 months back. I’ve got an app, wechat....

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Senior Year Part IChapter 27 Score

Thursday November 10 I woke up in a contemplative mood. The expressions on the Waterloo players’ faces as the clock ticked down must have gotten to me. I had at most three more games of high school football. It was hard to imagine that it might finally be over. Of course, I had a lot to look forward to. College and the rest of my life were yet to come. The Waterloo game made me understand that I wanted to play at higher levels of competition. What we’d created with this team was about as...

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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 7 The First Battle

Once again, his strength and agility amazed her. Jesse stood up on the wagon seat, crawled up the side of the stacked bales and held on with one hand while he jerked two hay bales down onto the bed of the wagon. Snow flew from the bales when they landed. He pulled himself over and grabbed one bale and dropped it in the wagon. Then she saw what he had done. He had begun to create a series of steps up the side of the hay in order to get to the top with the least amount of effort. It amazed her...

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Private Campground

My wife, Julie in her early thirties with long brown hair, brown eyes and the type of body and looks that makes eyes turns when she enters a room. She behaves very conservatively around our friends but when we are alone, usually anything goes. Sometimes our lovemaking will involve fantasies with her being taken by 3 or more “strangers”. I have become very adept at manipulating dildoes while I am also fucking her and she really gets off when I talk to her like a slut being ravaged mercilessly....

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Grandma does porn

I was at college when I heard my grandparents had money problems, they apparently had a mortgage still to pay, maintenance work that needed on her old house, and even though my Grandfather was still working he just couldn't make enough money to cover it all anymore.So, one Sunday I drove over to them, to see how they were doing, and as I sat watching my mature Grandmother, a tall thick woman, with shoulder length red hair and a large cleavage under her summer blouse, and a pair of nicely tanned...

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Always on GuardChapter 48

Bralan and Leyota once again joined Jorgarn in bed that night. Marnit had fallen asleep while nursing and barely stirred when Leyota had placed her in the crib. Jorgarn had stripped to his lower clothes, as he had done the night before. But Leyota got completely undressed before she came to bed. Jorgarn noticed faint marks across her abdomen in the dim light where the skin had not yet gone back to its previous tightness. But her bosom, already impressive before the pregnancy, was even...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 5 Epsilon Station to Nockatunga Waterhole

The next day I had breakfast at 6 with several hands and then read in the morning sun for a few hours. Then, in mid-morning, I asked the “girl” about laundry. “You gibbit me, I do good job.” “That’s not necessary. I can do it.” “Not job for nungungi.” “I’m not nungungi.” “Nungungi dad’s nungungi.” I had clearly lost the argument. I appealed to my hostess. “Not a chance,” she said. “Better give in graciously.” So I did. Underwear, shirts, pants, socks. It was a decent-sized...

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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 53

Arriving back at his home territory, John was apprehensive about what would be the result of his delay and coming back with another wife, a presumed future wife, and an eleven-year-old ward. The tribe’s duty guard was delighted to see John. He declared, “Hey! Great to see you back, sir. Who are these people with you?” “Hi, there. Toma, isn’t it? You have got yourself a job, I see.” “Yes, sir. Chief Numa reckoned I was trustworthy enough to guard the tribe.” “Well done, young man. My...

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Injustice IIChapter 10

We all met in the large parlor when dressed, even Angus was there and looking much better after a good night’s sleep. “There isn’t enough food here to make breakfast for all of us. There are two possible choices for what to do. The first is to go into town and buy food, bring it back, and then make breakfast,” Kaera stated. “The second possibility is for Max to transfer all of us to the farm, where I have plenty of food, and we have breakfast there. This would solve two problems: one, we...

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Watching my wife being fucked

The day I caught my wife fucking another man was in some ways the worst day of my life, and also the best. The mixed emotions of rage and erotic excitement were almost more than I could stand. I had come home early and found my wife of 3 years going at it on the couch in our family room with a young guy; he looked like the yard guy from what I could tell. My pretty 25 year old wife was bent over the couch and the young buck's hard cock was filling her tight cunt to the balls on every stroke....

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First Orgy

A reader wrote and asked me to write a story with an interesting twist. This short story is based purely on "what if". Hope some of you enjoy it. My first orgy and nothing had ever prepared me for this. Females, all much younger than me, ran around, their faces hidden behind funny masks, their tits in various states of bareness. I took a deep swallow of my third drink, wondering if any of the hot females were students in my history class. "Told you there's nothing like hot, college pussy...

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Rinse and Spit

You've undoubtedly heard about the occasional health care professional who abuses his privileges by forcing himself on a defenseless unconscious patient. I don't approve of these incidents because truly there are many victims who had no way to defend themselves from those who acted out their perverse fantasies. However recently my husband and I had an experience that made me question whether every single patient who cries abuse is telling the whole story. I love my husband Charles more...

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Private Light Fairy Teen Light Fairy Watches Porn and Enjoys Anal

Light Fairy returns as horny as ever in Private Specials, Young Beauties 2, and after her daily masturbation watching porn… she’s all fired up and ready for some fun! Light’s roommate Vincent Vega will be the lucky beneficiary today as she gets straight down to business with a gagging blowjob before offering up her beautiful pussy for a taste. Then watch this delightful teen on www.private.com as she goes on to enjoy a passionate fuck that will climax with some intense anal action and a facial...


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