PreacherChapter 2 free porn video

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Jack helped Donna get her battered body into his car. "I hope this is going to be OK with your wife. I don't want anything to cause you trouble." She said with concern in her voice. She'd only just met him but knew he was someone special.

"It'll be fine." Jack said with a big grin. "It's a long drive home, you make yourself comfortable as you can." He started the car and headed towards home with a young, beaten girl at his side. A girl that should have been in college dating a guy her age, not out making money for a low life pimp.

He watched her sleep, as they got closer to home. Emily had found a very sheer blouse that allowed him to see the outline of her small, perky breasts. A short skirt that crept up the young girls' slender thighs covered her lower body. Jack watched as she slept, curled into a ball on the plush leather seat of his car.

He reached to push the hair from her face. Her pretty blue eyes opened and looked to his face. "Hi! How long have I been out?" she asked, stretching her little body out, making the short skirt go even higher on her thighs. Giving Jack a great view of the purple panties under her skirt.

"OOPS!" Donna giggled when she realized she had exposed her new friend. "Sorry about that, that skirt is just so short." She said trying with little effort to pull it down. It turned her on knowing he looked at her in such a way.

Jack looked back to the road. "Why don't you want to go home?" he asked Donna giving her great legs another quick look.

"I have a step father that has been... um... um... how do I put this?" she searched her young mind for the right words. "He's been using me, raping me since I was 13." Little tears formed in her eyes as the words came from her mouth. "If I didn't give into him, he would beat me. Then when I did give in, he hurt me in my um... private spots."

She went on with her story. "When I ran away I met, Slick. At first he was so nice to me." She wiped her eyes. "He talked me into doing it with a friend of his." More tears ran down her face. "After that is when he made me... start... um... doing it for money." The tears flowed down her face like a waterfall. "When I didn't... he'd hurt me so bad." She covered her face and started to cry like a baby.

Jack pulled over to the side of the road and pulled her into his arms. He wiped a tear from her cheek. "Don't worry, no one will hurt you again as long as you're with me."

"He'd tie me up..." she cried harder. "He... he... put these clips on my um... nipples and my... other spot." She hugged Jack tightly; her tears ran down his shirt. "It hurt me so bad."

He rocked the young girls' sobbing body in his arms. Caressing her back and giving her the love she needed so bad. "Come on... you're safe now. Nobody will ever hurt you again. If they do; they'll answer to me!"

She sobbed more; returning the hug that Jack was giving her. She felt something she had never known before, a loving hug from a man. It made her so warm inside feeling his big, strong arms around her body. This was the first time she had ever been held without a man trying to get inside her tender body. This was a true hug of love; not just lust.

Jack reached to the glove compartment of the car pulling out his cell phone. He dialed the number to his house and waited for Hillary to answer.

The two lovers were wrapped together like two snakes, arms around each other, hands feeling and caressing every sensitive spot. They're soft, creamy white thighs pushing on each other. The orgasm was close for each of them. Soft moans of the approaching orgasm filled the room.

"Oh yes!" the young girl moaned as Hillary's' fingers moved between her legs and entered her tender body. "I love you! Make me cum! Please!" the young girl moaned as Hillary moved her fingers inside her delicate flesh.

Hillary sat up and said. "Let's turn around." She smiled and moved her face between her young lovers' legs, smelling the sweet scent of arousal. Her eyes saw the wetness flowing from her youthful sex, knowing it was from all the kissing and touching they shared. Her soft tongue traced the wetness to its starting place. Making sure she licked every up every drop of the wonderful fluid.

The young girl moaned out with delight. "OH GOD! YES! YES!" Spreading her young legs, giving Hillary, her lover, complete access to all of her hidden fruits.

Hillary moved to the source of her lovers' fire. Hillary tenderly sucked on her lovers' tiny nub, sending waves of pleasure through her already excited body. She sucked, licked and nibbled every inch of her lovers' velvety sex.

"Oh, I love you! I love you!" the young girl cried out as her orgasm neared. "Eat me! Lick me!" her hips thrashed into Hillary's' face as she tried to complete her task.

'RING... RING... RING!' the phone sang out.

Hillary went on pleasuring her young lover; her tongue entered the little wet opening between the girls' legs. She lapped at her insides, tasting everything the girl had to offer. The young girl pulled her legs to her breasts and spread as wide as possible. Hillary pushed her face into the girl as hard as she could, sucking her harder.

"Hillary! Oh my God!" she yelled out with pleasure.

'RING... RING... RING!' the phone sang out again.

"FUCK!" Hillary yelled reaching for the phone. "Hello." She listened to the voice on the phone. "Hi Baby! How was your trip?" she asked her husband Jack.

"It was great! I can't thank you enough." He replied. "What you been up to? Anything fun?"

Hillary almost giggled at his question. "Well, after you left, I called Becky and had her come over and spend the night with me." She gave the sexy black haired girl a wink and slid her fingers between her legs.

"That's nice. Hey! On the way up there, I saw a bad wreck on the highway." He took a deep breath in and looked to his new friend. "I stopped to help, of course. There was a young girl, she is hurt real bad and doesn't have any place to stay and her car was totaled out."

Hillary was a kind-hearted person. "Oh no! Is she OK?" she sat up in bed and waited for Jack to reply.

"Yes, I hope this is OK. I'm bringing her home with me. We'll be there in just a second." Jack waited for her to yell out but there was just silence. "Hello?" he said into the small phone.

"I'm here." She motioned for Becky to start getting dressed. "That's fine, but I'm going on the Ladies Retreat from church Sunday night. Did you forget?" she knew he did, his mind was mush when it came to helping someone. Everything else left his mind.

Jack had forgotten. "Yes, you know me. Well, we'll figure it out when I get there. See ya in about one minute. Bye!" he said turning off the phone.

"What's wrong?" Donna asked giving Jack a concerned look. She didn't want to back to the city and she didn't want Jack doing so much driving in one day.

Jack gave her a smile and patted her bare thigh. "It's nothing, I forgot my wife is going on a trip Sunday night. You'll have to put up with me all week." He said looking down to her soft thigh; it sent a rush of blood between his legs.

"I think that will be nice. We'll get a chance to know each better." She said looking to his face. "I'll get a chance to find out why Emily was so crazy about you." She gave him a sexy wink.

"HURRY! He'll be here any second." Hillary said jumping from the bed. She ran to the closet and jerked down a blouse and her tightest pair of blue jeans. "He's bringing home some girl that was in a wreck." Hillary wiggled her firm bottom into the jeans, pulling up on the jeans with each sexy wiggle.

Becky stopped to watch the wonderful sight of Hillary's' tiny bottom as it wiggled into the jeans. Her breasts bounced up and down with each sexy wiggle. "Oh, that turns me on so much!" she said looking to Hillary's' behind as it strained to get into the small garment. She had been with her every possible way two women could have been with each other and this drove her wild.

"You are such a 'horn dog' girl!" She walked to Becky, jerked her face to hers and drove her tongue down Becky's' throat. "Hurry up!" she yelled, slapping the young girls' butt and ran from the bedroom and out to the front porch of the house just as Jack pulled into the driveway.

She ran to the passenger side of the car and opened the door. "Hi, I'm Hillary, Jack's wife." She saw Donnas' battered face and reached caress her hair. "Oh, you poor thing!" Hillary gasped with sadness for the girl. "Does it hurt much?" Hillary asked her looking down to see the very short skirt that covered her body.

"Hi, I'm Donna." She replied in her soft voice. "The hospital gave me these things. Jack wanted to stop and buy me something better, but I wasn't up to it at all." He hadn't but Donna had to help out her new savior any way she could. She had seen the look from his wife when she had seen the clothes Emily gave her.

Hillary helped Donna from the car. "Well, it won't matter. It looks like we are just about the same size. I have lots of things I can give you." She helped Donna walk towards the house until Donnas' knees started to buckle. "Jack! Hurry, she's falling!" Hillary yelled as she held up Donna.

Jack ran to the women, he swooped Donna in his arms with little effort and held her tight. "That was a long drive. You just relax and we'll take care of you." He whispered in her tiny ear.

About that time Becky came from the house. "Hi Jack." She said in her usual sexy tone of voice. She had wanted Jack since she first turned into a woman, but she ended up making it with his wife instead.

"Hi Becky." He gave her a wink and saw she was also wearing a skintight pair of jeans. "Can you get my bag from on the hood of the car? It has her pain pills in it." He looked at her firm breasts, seeing her nipples were hard as little pebbles. After his Friday night of sinning, he thought how nice it would be to suck them and slid his thick penis into her young body.

Becky saw her face. "You poor thing!" she to reached to caress the girls' hair. "You look so handsome today, Jack." She whispered as she pushed her hips into his side and went for the bag on the car.

Jack walked in the house and went straight to their lavish guestroom and sat Donna on the king-size bed. "You get her comfortable, I'll get a glass of water and an ice pack." He said pulling Hillary to his side, making sure the front of her tight jeans pushed against him. "You look great today." He slid his big, strong hand down to her firm bottom and gave it a good squeeze.

Hillary jerked away from him. "Stop it, Buster. Go get some water. She needs her pills, the poor thing is in pain." She stretched up and gave Jack a big kiss and pushed him from the room.

"Donna. I'm going to take off your blouse and that skirt. It's got to be a pain wearing them." Hillary said as she moved next to the bed. The girl was so beautiful, even with her battered face. Her body reminded Hillary of what she looked like 15 years ago. Age had crept up on her making her breasts sag a little and her bottom had begun to spread more than she liked.

Donna tried to sit up. "Oh God it hurts so bad." She needed help but was afraid her new friends would see her abused body. Not the injuries they could see but the ones under her clothes. The ones her mean pimp had done to her with his leather belt and his fist.

Hillary helped her sit forward. "Here, let me do everything. You just relax, OK?" Hillary told the Donna and she began to take off her blouse, exposing her beaten breasts. Large bruises covered her tiny mounds and there was a cut that looked like it was done with some kind of clamp. "Oh baby! Who did this to you?" tears filled Hillary's' eyes when she saw the girls' body.

"My... my... um... I'm a hooker. Jack didn't get me from a car wreck. He is hiding me from my pimp." She bursts into tears as she told Hillary the story. "He saved my life. I had a nicked artery in my nose. He held it so I wouldn't bleed to death and rushed me to the hospital. Please, don't be mad at him for lying to you, he is only protecting me." She sobbed on Hillary's' shoulder.

Hillary held Donnas' sobbing body in her arms, gently rocking her. "It's all right. He should have told me the truth but I don't care. We'll help you all we can." Jack walked into the room, her saw Hillary giving him a firm look. "Won't we, Jack?"

"So, you know the truth. I had to get her out of there. He'd try to kill her again." Jack said walking to Donna. He handed her the glass of water that's when he saw her abused body. "OH LORD!" he gasped when he saw her tortured breasts. He fell on his knees beside the bed; his hands moved to her abused flesh, he gently caressed her as he silently said a prayer for her.

Hillary watched with a bit of jealousy and excitement when she saw his big hands on Donnas' bare breasts. She knew he was only trying to comfort her. "Jack, help me finish undressing her."

"Where's Becky? She should be doing this, not me. I don't want to embarrass Donna." He looked down to Donnas' sweet face. She managed a little smile for him.

Hillary touched Donna. "Is it all right if he helps me? Becky went home. I'll need help." She smiled at them both. She knew Jack wound never, get out of line with another woman, he was too faithful for that!

"I think that'll be all right." She looked to Hillary and leaned forward to finish dressing. "I'm really sorry for all the trouble I'm putting you through."

Hillary put the soft blouse over Donnas' arms and replied. "It's no trouble sweetie. I'm just glad Jack brought you home with him. You'll be safe here." She leaned to give Donna a little kiss on her cheek. "Why did that man do this to you?" she asked as she finished pulling the blouse on Donna.

"He didn't think I made enough money or I was hiding it from him. Either way he was going to make sure it didn't happen again.' Donna replied to Jack and Hillary seeing the concern on their faces.

Jack patted her on the arm. "Well, it won't ever happen again as long as I know you." He stood up. "I've got some things to do, are you ladies OK now?"

"I think we'll be fine." Hillary said giving him a sexy look. Jack knew he'd be getting some of her wonderful ass tonight. They'd been together so long they knew when each other needed a good roll in bed.

Jack went to the basement of their home and made his way to the large gun cabinet that sat under the stairs. He wasn't going to take any chances, if some low life 'pimp' had the nerve to come looking for Donna, he would going home in a body bag.

Jack pulled out a few of his favorite guns out of the cabinet and began to give then a good cleaning and oiling. He had been working for about 30 minutes when he heard Hillary call his name.

"Jack?" she called down the stairs.

"Down here, baby." He replied laying one of the pistols on his workbench and picked up the pump shotgun.

Hillary's' eyes opened wide when she saw what he was doing. "Do you think that guy will come here?" she asked with fear in her voice. She'd seen Jack go wild a few times but he'd never pulled his guns out like this before.

Jack pulled her to him, making sure his hardness pushed against her tight blue jeans. "Well, if he does, he's got one heck of a surprise coming to him." His oil covered hands moved to her fine ass, giving it a good firm squeeze.

"Mmmm, you nasty, boy. Trying to get me horny." She said pushing into his hardness. She needed to be pleased really bad. Her lovemaking had been interrupted with Becky and she was on fire inside.

He pulled her tiny blouse over her head and tossed it on the floor. "I need you sexy woman." He unzipped his jeans and pulled them off, exposing his full hardness to Hillary. "See, he's so lonely for you." He pulled her back into his arms, driving his tongue into her mouth. His hands roamed every inch of her body; he made sure to give her hard nipples a little extra care.

"Oh, yes!" Hillary moaned when his strong fingers toyed with her hard nipples. He had always been able to bring her to her knees whenever he wanted to by teasing them. "You're bad, doing this to me." She leaned against his workbench and enjoyed all of his wonderful touches.

Jack laughed at her words. "You think this is bad, watch this." He pulled down her tight jeans and sat her tiny bottom on his bench. He saw that her panties were soaked and she was very swollen. "Looks like you're kinda excited. Any ideas on how to fix this?" he asked her as he moved his fingers to her swollen sex.

"Jack!" she moaned as his big fingers teased her sex. He was a master with them, so gentle and so pleasing. "I'm sure we could find something big and hard to put in it." Her hands reached to his stiff hardness; pulling it between her legs. "Think this will fit?"

Jack leaned to her; his hardness pushed into her drenched panties. "It might just fit, want to try?" he asked his he began to place tiny kisses on her neck. His hands covered her breasts and he pushed inside his sexy woman. "Oh, yes! It fits real good!" he moaned when her inner muscles welcomed him in her wet body.

"Yes! Oh, Jack!" she cried out as he started to use her burning sex. Her little hips moved with him and her legs wrapped around his back; pulling him even deeper in her inflamed body.

Jack pushed in her as deep as he could. "You're wonderful!" he said thinking of Emily back in the city. She was so much tighter than Hillary was and a lot wetter. He used Hillary as his mind drifted to the beautiful young girl.

"JACK! OH, YES!" Hillary screamed when she felt her orgasm building deep in her body. Her nails dug into his strong back. Her hips moved faster as did his stiff penis inside her burning body. She squeezed her muscles around his throbbing shaft; she knew this always turned him on.

As Hillary squeezed around him, he thought of Emily even more. Her body squeezed him like this. He thought of being inside the young girl. He used Hillary faster, deeper. Thrusting in her as far and deep as he could. He needed to release; he needed to be in the girl that had rocked his life last night. Emily!

"OH, MOTHER FUCK!" Jack yelled, looking into Hillary's' pretty eyes. But, all he saw was Emily her pretty, smiling face, and her big, full breasts filled his mind. How they swayed back and forth while they made love. He used Hillary as hard as he could, thrusting deep into her body. His workbench squeaked with each thrust into Hillary.

He sprayed his seeds deep into her, giving her final tease she needed. "OH, MY GOD!" she screamed as her body released around his pumping shaft. Her body shook with delight as the massive orgasm rushed through her. She thought of her young lover the night before, just like Jack had done. She thought of her tender touches and the soft rubber dildo that had made her orgasm.

Her head flew back and screams of pleasure came from her mouth. Jack used her as hard as he could, filling her sex full with his stiff penis. Their lovemaking went on for an hour before they stopped, each of them thought of their lovers from last night.

"We need to do it down here more often!" Hillary giggled as Jack pulled from her body. She knew her thoughts of Becky were why she orgasmed so well. She loved Jack but she also loved Becky with all of her heart. She couldn't wait to share their room during the ladies retreat.

The next morning, Jack went off to church by himself. He told everyone in church that Hillary was sick, he couldn't tell them she was home taking care of a beautiful hooker he had brought home.

"Well, I guess I'm all ready." Hillary said as she and Jack stood by her car. "I'll call you when we get to the lake." She leaned against his, letting her tongue slide into his mouth. She watched as he gently began suck it. He knew this was a big turn on for her, it sent rushes of heat between her legs.

His hands moved under her sort, silk skirt finding her panty covered bottom. "I'm going to miss you and this." He said as he moved his hand to her damp sex. "I should have jumped you this morning."

"It will be good when I get back. You'll be horny and I'll be on fire. We might kill each other!" she said with a big grin.

Jack moved his finger up her moist folds of tender flesh. "I'm going to be counting the minutes until you come back." He replied teasing her tiny sex nub.

"Let me go before we end up doing it on the hood of the car." She giggled pulling from him. "Oh, remember to help Donna with her skin lotion."

Jack gave her a soft kiss and said. "I will. You be careful."

Hillary got in her car. "Well, you have a good week. I'll see you Friday night." She blew him a kiss and drove away.

Jack walked back into the house and to Donnas' room. "Well, it's just you and me. Hillary is gone." Jack said. "She told me to be sure and help you put on the skin lotion."

"Mmmm, I get a rub down from you?" she asked looking at his face. "Do I get to take my clothes of for you?" she teased him, but in fact she wanted to show him every inch of her body.

"Sure! How do you want to do this?" he looked as she began slip off her shirt. "I guess I should start on your back." He said looking at her pretty body.

Donna gave him a sexy look and turned on her stomach. "This is going to be so nice having your big, strong hands on me!" she purred waiting for his hands.

"I used to rub down Hillary with this. It makes her skin so soft and silky." He said moving next to her. He poured some lotion on his hands and rubbed them together. "Here goes." And he began to gently rub her neck and shoulders.

Donnas' body was in heaven having his big hands on her body. "Oh WOW!" she moaned at his touch. He started by her shoulders, moving slowly down her back just above her tiny bottom. Her soft moans of pleasure filled the room. "Mmmm, you're killing me, but it feels SO good." She had never been touched like this in her life, only a few squeezes of her nipples being pulled by some horny low-life.

His big hands moved down her hips and to her tiny bottom. His hands slid under her panties to the soft flesh. Slowly he worked his way around her, making sure his fingers caressed every inch of her. He also made sure to rub up and down the small crack of her bottom. He gently caressed the lotion into tops of her silky legs, making sure he gave her soft thighs a good teasing. As his hands moved around her legs, he would let a few of his big fingers slid between her young legs. "Well, I guess you can turn over now."

She slowly turned over, giving Jack a little grin. "This should be so much fun!" Donna said with a little girl tone in her voice. She was ready to explode. His big, strong hands drove her wild rubbing her back; she was sure to orgasm before he was finished rubbing her front.

"You think so?" Jack replied rubbing more lotion into his hands. "I sure could get used to touching you like this." He looked to her tiny, bruised breasts and down her flat stomach and finally to the hips that turned him on so much. "Where shall I start?" he gently touched one of her hard nipples. "Here? Or... maybe down here?" he caressed her tummy. "Or... here." He said rubbing his hands around the top of her heated sex mound.

"Oh yes! That's a great place to start." She moaned thrusting her hips up to meet his hands. "Oh Jack!" she cried out as his hands moved across her wet sex, sending waves of excitement through her inflamed body.

He moved his hands between her legs to her creamy thighs, as he caressed them, his thumbs gently rubbed the sides of her excited sex mound. As his hands moved up her thighs, his thumbs caressed the delicate mound of flesh. Each caress down, his thumbs gently opened her soft folds of flesh.

Her little body pushed into his hands, she needed him to please her body. "Make me cum! Please!" she begged looking up to Jack's face. Her eyes were filled with want and desire.

Jack looked to her wet mound of sex; he gently pulled the drenched panties from her hips. "Anything for you." And he slipped two fingers deep into her young body.

"OH MY GOD!" Donna screamed as his fingers sent her body into a massive orgasm like she had ever known in her young life. "YES! YES!" she screamed more when he began pumping his long fingers in and out of her tender folds of flesh.

He looked to her sex as his fingers used her, he could see her wonderful juices had covered him. "Go baby! You have fun. Cum on me!" he said leaning to her bruised lips; he kissed her while his fingers never missed a beat.

"Jack!" she panted as she returned his kiss. "Take me! Please!" her tiny hand found his hard penis. She began moving up and down his long shaft. She needed him and it in her so bad she hurt.

Jack pushed away her hand and said. "No, when you're better. You'll like it even more then." He lay beside her holding her in his arms until nightfall.

Their playing and massaging went on the rest of the week until Saturday morning. "I'm need something good to eat." Jack said sliding his fingers deep inside Donnas' body.

"Well, you know where to get something good, if you ever want it." she replied with a little smile on her face. "Can I wear one of your shirts and I'll make us some lunch?" Donna asked sliding from her bed only wearing a small shirt and a pair of pink panties that just did cover her small hips and bottom.

"Ummm, yes." He stuttered looking at her great body and climbed from the bed. She had nice perky 34c breasts. She had very, very trim waist. And she had a tight little ass that a person could look at for hours.

She walked towards Jack, making sure she had a more wiggle in her hips. "So, let's pick me out a shirt." She took his hand and led him to his and Hillary's' room. "What shall I wear?" she asked as she looked through Jack's shirts. "This looks nice!" she said pulling out one of his summer shirts. It was a white silk shirt that he hadn't worn in two years. "Hold it for a second." And she pulled off her shirt, exposing her breasts and her tiny waist.

"You are a very pretty young girl." He said looking up and down her body. "I should take my shirt and let you run around like this all day." He would love looking at her sexy body, even her bruised breasts.

She smiled and replied. "And, what would your wife say?" she moved in front of Jack making sure her tiny hips pushed against him. She could feel his hardness forming against her trim stomach.

"I won't tell if you don't!" he laughed moving his big hands to her small hips. "You are so beautiful." He gently began to caress her, making sure he felt her wonderful, tight bottom. His big hands covered her little bottom with ease and he gently caressed her.

She rested her head on his strong chest. "You better stop before something good and nasty happens." She purred as his hands moved around her young body. He was turning her on more than any time in her young life. She was on fire!

Jack could feel her body trembling with every one of his touches. "You, OK?" he asked as he traced the seam of her panties down between her little legs, where he could feel her wetness and heat.

"Yes!" she moaned pressing into him. Her body was about to explode. "You are turning me on so much, I'll be lucky if I can walk!" she pulled from him and slid the shirt on. "Want to help me button it? She smiled at him as sexy as a woman could.

Jack's big hands moved to the shirt and he made sure he brushed against her tiny breasts. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to touch you there." He gave her a big hug sending a rush of excitement deep into her flat tummy.

Her knees were weak as his touches sent waves of excitement through her like she had never known before. Every inch of her body was tingling. "No wonder why Emily is so crazy about you!" she would love to know what he could do to a woman in bed.

"Let's go make lunch, I'm starving!" he gave her tiny bottom one more good squeeze and they went to the kitchen.

All during the time Donna cooked they're lunch she made sure to give Jack little peeks of her tiny bottom. She would reach an inch or so more than she needed to; making sure the shirt exposed her bottom.

"Girl, you show that sexy ass of yours one more time, I might just take you to your room and do things to you." Jack said looking at her silky legs. He was hard as a rock from all of her wonderful teasing. Plus, he was horny from his thinking of Emily.

She bent down to put away a pan. "Oh really! So, I shouldn't do something like this?" she teased him making sure he got a great view of her bottom. By this time her panties were soaking wet.

"Looks like you might have a problem." He said looking between her legs seeing how wet she was. He had been giving the poor girl massages all week; it was taking its toll on her, he needed to give her what she really wanted.

She walked towards him and moved right against him. "I need to find a nice big, handsome man to help me fix it." Her wet sex pushed against Jack's right hand. She needed him to love her not just 'use' her like all the other nasty men she had been with the last few years.

He began to caress her wet sex, sending waves of pleasure through her tiny body. "I guess it's time I fixed this nice thing for you." He said leaning to kiss her pink lips.

Same as Preacher
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TeenPies April Aniston Clandestine Creampies

April Aniston is making excuses as to why she can’t hang out with her boyfriend this weekend. She says it is because her parents are in town, but really it is because she is inviting our stud over to her place so that he can fuck her silly. When he shows up, she reminds him of the rules. If he wants to fuck her tight teen twat, he is going to have to cum inside of her. Of course, he agrees, and proceeds to slam this sexy blonde bombshell from every angle he can think of. She throats his cock,...

2 years ago
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Melissa Shoe Store Owner

Melissa: Shoe Store Owner I've been stuck in my boy clothes all week, working long hours. But I have also been planning my weekend excursion. I have found out about a shoe store in a mall across town that carries large sizes. I have been looking forward all week to Saturday to turn Melissa loose. I had to work Saturday as well, but I made my escape by 3. Home, shower and shave my legs and face. Already I felt like a new woman. First I painted my toenails a bright red. Then I pulled...

3 years ago
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Dildo delights

Our sexual tension is huge, every nerve tingling with desire. We are away at last; a few days of indulgent pleasure awaits us, a chance to fulfil our desire to please each other while tempting and teasing. We have a fucking good plan. Well, good fucking - that’s the plan! We’d booked these few days break months ago and finally we’re off. We’d had an early night in preparation for things to come, but held back on orgasm, allowing the desire and frustration build. I haven’t cum at all in the week...

3 years ago
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I Love You Ch 07

Ludvine decided to step her game up a notch, it was obvious that Jake was going to believe that lying little cunt bag he had chained to the floor in a well hidden room upstairs. She would have to show him in some way that Jezebel could not be trusted. She needed him to doubt Jezebel and the paternity of that unborn baby. Ludvine knew deep in her heart that it was the only thing keeping Jake attached to Jezebel. Would he still want anything to do with her if he believed the baby wasn’t his?...

3 years ago
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Horny Beauty Fucking A Fitness Trainer

Hi. This is Rocky from Delhi. I stay in Vasant Kunj. I am a 29-year-old, fitness trainer and do group classes for women. I wanted to share my experience that I had with a beautiful housewife that comes to my group classes. I am 5’11”, muscular, and charming guy. I am sharing my experience for those of you who are craving for fun and happiness. I work 6 days a week. My early mornings are quite busy with working women and between 10 and 12, jam packed with housewives attending my group classes...

4 years ago
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Transformations Nice Guys ClubChapter 8

Ryan was on his way from the timeclock to see the first of his 'special' patients. He chuckled to himself that he still thought of it as a 'timeclock, ' even though the terminal that scanned his ID badge and requested his PIN was a long way from what he clocked in and out of at the factory during his summer job. There were only three special patients tonight, one having checked out that day. The three women were special because they had the least visitor activity, and because their...

1 year ago
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Janas sweet dish

"Sweet Dish?" Jana asked as the two collegues finished a late dinner at a fairly nice restaurant in the town where they chilling.I replied, "I say we just get out of here. I'm going to have to have you."That was exactly the answer she wanted to hear. They quickly settled the bill and were on their way to hotel room. I glanced over at Jana in the car and appreciated her beautiful body. She is about 5'3" with dark brown hair, firm tits that were probably a large B cup, and an ass that would blow...

2 years ago
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Savoring Goan Pussy

Let your views flood in at (all names have been changed :p) It was another boring day in my life staring aimlessly across the ocean from my balcony. This view had kept me engrossed for long, the view of setting sun into the sea was mesmerizing, to say the least. Then my daily routine was disturbed by a call. It was my local friend Vikas. ‘what’s going on ?’, he asked in a dull voice. “Nothing just passing time”, I replied in a much duller voice. ‘going to agenda today need some company, I...

2 years ago
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First time watching Mum being used

This is the 3rd chapter about Mum being used as a slut that follows on from the previous story where I had bought some sexy nylons and underwear as a surprise for Mum.So after we had finished dinner on Saturday Mum said 'so show me son what you have bought today.'  I fetched the carrier bag from the hallway and passed it to Mum.  'There you go' I said 'I've bought you some presents'.  'Oh son, that's very kind of you, that's lovely' before she had looked in the bag. The expression on her face...

3 years ago
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Corporate RapistChapter 2

I woke in the morning with my morning hardon pressing against Tara’s firm ass cheeks. I laid there without moving, thinking that she was still asleep. My free hand was resting on her flat tummy just below her firm breasts. I wiggled about a little to get more comfortable, rubbing my cock against her ass. “Good morning Ben” I heard in a muffled voice. I replied with “Good morning Tara”. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her naked breast, using her hand to direct mine. Soon I was cupping...

4 years ago
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Adventures at an Artists Colony Ch3

ADVENTURES AT AN ARTISTS’ COLONY Ch. 3 Sisyphus After a wild night with the farmer’s daughter fantasy, we cuddled then fell asleep. I got up early and, after a light kiss on the cheek, went back to my cabin to start my day of writing. I was intrigued when she said her fantasy would make me see what a devil she is, even though her name is Angel. That night, she knocked on my screen door, “Professor Thom, can I come in?” “Yes, the door is open,” I replied from my desk. She entered wearing a...

1 year ago
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A Hard Lesson Chapter 1

It was 2.50pm on a Friday afternoon. I had spent the last fifty minutes bored out of my mind, listening to my maths teacher Mr Carlo drone on about something I knew I would never understand. Yet, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. Whilst he had to be at least in his forties, it was clear that under his tight shirt Sir was big and strong. At over 6ft, you could see his shirt tighten as muscles flexed when he walked around the room. Just listening to his powerful voice made my nipples stir...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy Fulfilled part 1

A Fantasy Fulfilled Hi, my name is Nicole and this is the Story of how i fulfilled one of my husband greatest fantasies. Let me go ahead and give you some details so you can have a better mental image through the whole story. I’m Nicole I am 25 years old, I am in great shape ( 5’3 about 115 lbs ), i have brown hair and hazel eyes. My husband’s name is Gabe he is 28 , he has a really nice body ( 6’2 and around 213 lbs solid muscle ), he has short brown hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes in...

4 years ago
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The Peeping TomGirl

I am a peeping tom(girl). I mean, aren't we all at some point? Why should the latter half of my teenage years be any different? When walking around at night time, you see windows with lights on, and the curtains or blinds closed, but occasionally you see a window with no restrictions, a clear view inside. Who knows what is going on in that house? Nobody knows until you take a peek. At one point, we lived in a little townhouse, with a back patio and privacy walls on the sides,...

2 years ago
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Senior Week Part 2

If you haven't read part 1, it is suggested you do so now. As the guys laid back and recovered from their recent feast, the votes were displayed and counted. The results were a stunning upset (from the boys' perspective). Yes, the girls had won 3-1 and were now more than ready to exact their pound of flesh! All of the guys were a bit stunned by this turn of events. It turns out that the score should have been 4-0 as the one lone wrong answer had actually put down the correct number and then...

Group Sex
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43 Years in HidingChapter 3

My therapist has been seeing me for over a year. I first met with her on March 18, 2011. She started out her little greeting with a disclaimer. If I was suicidal or involved in a pedophilic relationship, she did not have the intense training to help me out. I remember thinking, and saying, that "No, I am not inclined in any way towards young people, male nor female, and yes, I had contemplated suicide at different stages of my life, but that the latest episode was thwarted by my family...

4 years ago
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Rab ne bana dee Jodi

Hi.. This is a true story.. Im susheel of age 33yrs unmarried.. Hail from small town of rajasthan.. & worked as it professional in mumbai.. Meri family mail 3 log hain mom & widow sister, main apne gaon koi 4 saal baad aaya tha kyonki main teen saal usa main raha tha for it sis radhika hum use pyar se munia kahate the , jaisa kee gaon main hota hai ladkiyon kee shaadi juldi ho jaati hai.. She was married at a age of 18 yrs. When she was in 12th stnd. & after 2 yrs wo vidhwa ho...

3 years ago
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Teenage Boys Part 2

The next morning Jackson woke up with a huge hard on. It was no mystery why because he had dreamed of Owen for almost the entire night. He just couldn’t get the hot blonde boy’s picture out of his head. He then decided to go for a shower. He began thinking of Owen again, so he began to jack off. His dick was long and hard and he was jerking so fast that his whole body was moving. ‘Oh yeah, fuck I’m hard,’ he moaned as he continued his masturbation session. Soon he felt his entire body tensing...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend Britney Light 23871

Bam just got home from a three-year prison term, and when he bumps into his sister’s friend Brittney Light in the morning, she tells him she spent to night to help prepare for his welcome home party. Gruff and hardened from the pen, Bam isn’t looking forward to having to be social with people, but he is looking forward to getting laid, as he wasn’t even able to jerk off much during his time. Brittney’s down for a fuck, especially when she sees how big his dick is! Brittney somehow manages to...

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family FUCK

It was 1 A.M. and I was about to go to sleep but first I decided I was going to jack-off. I was home from college for summer break and it seemed in the only time I had to myself was in the middle of the night. My 19 year old sister and my parents seemed to constantly be knocking on my door asking various things. I pulled off my pants and boxers and sat at my computer. I turned on some porn and started stroking my cock as it stiffened to its 8 inch length. Normally, I close and lock my door...

4 years ago
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An Easy Mistake

AN EASY MISTAKE Greg Walker was glad to get home. He had been round the world, literally. He was being primed to take over the running of his wife's family business, supplying printers to many customers in diverse countries. These weren't your little printer/copiers that people have in there homes, these were the sort that were used for printing newspapers and magazines. Seeing the way the wind was blowing, they were also getting into commercial 3-D printers in a big way and that...

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The Slave with the BBW

I think on here that BBW stands for Big Black Woman or Big Beautiful Woman and in the particular case I must relate it was neither. Unless perhaps it was to be Big Brawny Woman.My Mistress had summoned me one afternoon. This was how it worked with her. I had to check in with her every morning and afternoon by SMS to tell her what I was doing. She didn't always answer but it was her way of checking up on me to make sure that I wasn't being stolen by any other Mistress. Any other woman that she...

1 year ago
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Canvas of Hidden DesireChapter 3

Julie was into the third session of Nickolai's portrait on her back when she realized that his needle was becoming to become part of her new attitude. Instead of cringing at the sound of the nasty whirring noise that used to grate on her nerves, she welcomed it to her senses like a familiar stranger with a promise of soothing pain. Of course, he continued to shamelessly use her much abused pucker as a ready disposal for his pent-up frustrations and she took his pounding as just retribution...

1 year ago
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Lost Tribe of the Tanganyika

Anna Maria Menendez could hardly contain herself. As a Social Anthropologist, this is the moment in her life she had been waiting for. She had put off her life for so many others until now. In college, she had taken a light load so she could spend more time practicing in order to be more competitive. She had taken the minimum hours and still maintain her status of eligibility each year. She had not made the cut for the Olympics as a high school senior. She was injured during her senior year...

3 years ago
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The Quarterbacks Little sister

This story is going to be long, but I think you guys will like it.They were at it again.Brad and his girlfriend were always very careful when their parents were around, but if it was just his little sister Emily left in the house they didn't have a care in the world. It was funny too, because Emily and her brother never had the 'you won't tell mom and did, will you?' conversation. She could have easily just hinted to her parents what was going on after they left the house.But ultimately, Emily...

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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 25

“5th of May, V-Day’s just around the corner. 1945, the Fuhrer’s reign’s at its end. Jenny at the gates as the SS open fire. There’s no time to waste; the final battle’s begun. After the downfall, a castle besieged. Facing the Nazis, awaiting relief. Gangl and Lee and their men set the prisoners free.” -Sabaton, “The Last Battle“ Contessa Helena de San Finzione looked at a map of the warehouse that Detective Inspector Luc Allaine brought up on his tablet. He was now learning what his...

2 years ago
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Playing the GameChapter 19 The Game of Life

The next few weeks went by in kind of a blur. There were tests and quizzes to study for, and there was soccer practice every day after school. Our games were every Friday after school, and my weekends were taken up with watching Davey and Kip play soccer on Saturday mornings, doing my chores around the house in the afternoon, then meeting up with some of my friends Saturday night. Sometimes Molly and I would hook up with Tessa, Kristina, Jen, and Sam and we would go to a movie, or sometimes...

3 years ago
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Simply Screwed

Simply Screwed by Debra Harry stood helplessly staring at the doorknob waiting fearfully for it to turn. Actually, stood is something of an understatement. Teetered about would be a better description. Only by constantly shifting his weight could he even remain upright in the painful shoes he wore. Seven inches high with needle thin spike heels, lots of straps and patent leather toes that pinched his feet unmercifully. His thoughts flew back momentarily to what his...

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Jax VS Luciantmon

Comissioned by Keaton the Black Jackal, she asked more of a sex than plot based. So don’t expect anything, expect an excuse for a sex. I hope, nay, I pray she likes this. Part 0: The fight to determine the future. Jax descended quickly from the skies, landing softly on the icy ground below him. He looked ahead and scanned the frozen plains around him, with his eyes, while listening closely for any signs of Luciantmon. He still could not believe how the cocky dragon, had threatened to...

4 years ago
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Girl Friends Share A Dark Secret

Girl Friends Share a Dark SecretSo I'm kind of having my midlife crisis. I'm hornier than I can remember any time in my life and my husband is away at war. I am an attractive woman 5'8" tall with blonde hair, and stay in good shape 36-29-36. I am so hot and horny after 7 months without getting fucked by a man. I love my husband but what's a girl to do? Recently I made a new friend with a woman named Kelly.A few weeks back, Kelly called me out of the blue and asked if we could meet at the local...

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The Pastors WifeChapter 9

Lying back in the warm tub Aggie lavished in a soothing bubble bath, her fingers toying with her always active clitoris. “I’m so shameless,” she uttered. The day started by awakening her son Malcolm which developed into an involved conversation. The afternoon was spent playing bridge with her friends. In the tub the memory of the morning caused her fingers to tighten the pressure and jiggle her sensitized node. For the past few days after Phillip left for work, she had gone into Malo’s room,...

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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Part IV New York

We were standing at the airline counter, redeeming our tickets to New York. The clerk was going through his list of canned questions, looking up only to snatch glimpses of the Grand Canyon--the 16 inches of Millie's creamy-white cleavage (I measured it while she giggled). She was wearing a shockingly short microskirt and an incredibly low-cut T-shirt top, with a stretchy sling bra that offered very little support for her swaying, wobbling football tits. Actually, they're bigger than footballs....

1 year ago
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Bait and Switch First Anal

We met in the afternoon when Deb had asked me to help her spread some sunscreen on her back which of course I accepted. The feel of her soft young skin was amazing and we had started chatting. She was very easy to talk with and our conversation rambled all over the place. I don’t how it got there but somehow we got on the topic of sex. For me it was literally a “stimulating” discussion and my efforts at hiding the bulge in my speedo were failing especially when anal sex came up. “Would you...

3 years ago
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Principal Price Chapter 2

My name is Darren Price and I am 50 years old. I am the principal of a private boarding school. It is also an all girl school. I love my job and I will never ever want to be doing anything else. It is a pretty prestigious school where I have students from all over the world trying to be a part of this magnificent legacy. We produced students who will be the cream of society and we are proud of it. And being the principal of this school has given me numerous benefits. I have my own mansion in...

2 years ago
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Azure and Crimson Magical Girls of Light Season 1Episode 5 Naughty Puppy

Life, Kristen mused, was all about cycles. There were stressful times, and there were relaxed times. After the past few run-ins with the forces of evil, Kristen was glad to have a little downtime. She could just be a normal college student, even better, one having a fun time of it. Even though she didn’t get on the cheerleading squad, she still hung out with Lucy plenty. While there was that awkward phase with Caleb after the octopus incident, he’d been cool about it, and they’d gone to being...

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Behan Ko Patni Banaya 8211 Part II

Apni behan Neerja ko maine uss raat teen bar choda. Dono thak chukey thay. Mera lund bhi dard karne lag chuka tha, Subhah main Neerja ko ghodi bana kar chod raha tha jabgali se akhbar wale ki awaz sunayi padi. Hum bhai behan chudayi mein itna vyast thay ki raat kab beet gayi pata hin na chala. Agla din Ravi vaar tha iss liye koi problem nahin thee. Hum dopahar tak sote rahe. 2 baje jab meri ankh khuli to Neerja naha kar gusalkhane se nikal rahi thee aur ussne jism par towel lapeta hua tha. Jab...

2 years ago
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The New Guy

A new black guy starts working at your job. All the women are attracted to him, but he has eyes for you. Well, all the guys have eyes for you. With the way you dress, most of the women are jealous, but the male bosses don’t seem to mind. Skirts, stockings and tops that show enough cleavage to keep the guys interested, but not too much to get you fired. This new man is completely smitten with you and he makes sure that you notice him. Which he had no reason to do so since you are very attracted...

1 year ago
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The Molestor

Hi I’m 19 year old Pranab, My only interest is- “Sex with Veda, Sex with Veda, Sex with Veda….” Veda was always my dream fuck, although she was my little sister, my feelings for her weren’t exactly big brotherly, I wanted to fuck her, because I knew she would be a good lay, Because it was forbidden, It was taboo, Because it would be fucking awesome! I’d already fucked my cousins, so now I wanted to go up the food chain, Veda would be a whore, my whore, and I would add her to my collection as my...

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My New girlfriend

I awoke with a smile and looked beside me on the bed. She was still there. Her naked body was something to behold. She had the cutest baby face I had ever come across. She had full soft breasts and a flat, toned belly. Her crotch was completely bald and she had a thick nine-inch cock. My ass was still sore.-----It was a lovely day and I spent it in the park. My friends and I had played football and joked with one another. The topic under discussion was the new club that had opened in town. It...

3 years ago
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Daughter of Friend

Daughter of FriendNudity has never been a big deal in our household, it’s just the way we are. We live in a hot tropical country and at home – we prefer to be clothing minimal or sometimes clothing optional. I designed our house to be a private enclave where we didn’t need to feel confined by other people’s cultural habits. The house is three pavilions arranged around a central swimming pool, it’s very private. At the top, facing onto the street, we have a 2 storey pavilion with garage, entry,...

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Chapter Two Revised Edition A Day at work at the DriveIn from Memory From Years ago

A Day at work at the Drive-In from Memory From Years ago (c) Copyrighted No copying without my permission Thank You I started walking away from their car going back to work at the concession stand . thinking of what I just witnessed I started I was mumbling to myself I wished I had her alone for myself . I sure would have loved fucked her good and hard . I arrived back at the concession stand and began getting ready for business that evening . A little while Later the rest of...

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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 14 Real friends

Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 14 Real Friends. That evening as Ronnie's mother was making dinner, she had also been in deep thought about what Ronnie had told her. She was sitting at the kitchen table when her husband walked in from work, saw the look on her face, and had asked, "Maryann. Is something wrong?" "Ronnie told me something today," Maryann replied. "Is anything wrong?" "No. But, it's...

1 year ago
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A stranger in the couch

That Friday afternoon I left my office early and went directly to the gym.After a nice two hour session of hard work out, I took a warm shower, dressed up in my office clothes and came back home by walking.It was a very fine warm day and I was walking as I checked my phone. I did not realize I was being followed. I got up to the front door and opened it; when suddenly someone from behind pushed me inside.I fell forward on the floor and when I turned around a man had entered and closed the door...

2 years ago
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BitchChapter 3

It always takes me a while to wake up. So it took a bit for me to notice that something was wrong. There was a smell in the air, that I hadn’t had in the room since Rex was a little puppy. The events of the day before slowly came back to me, and I realized that Rex was not the source of said smell. I went to bitch an, sure enough, she lay in a puddle of not only her own piss but also her own shit. Well, that answered the question of the previous day. It also actually made me happy. This...

2 years ago
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Intro to Femdom

Intro to Femdom The Beginning It was normal day on the road. I was working out of the Los Angles office for couple weeks and I decided I needed to get away from the local staff. There was a local Mexican restaurant in the neighborhood which was nothing fancy but the food was good, it was one of those places you order at the counter and wait for your food. I headed there for lunch planning on getting a couple of enchiladas with all of the fixings and then taking it back to the office and eating...

3 years ago
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HootChapter 5

It was Saturday, no snow, sunshine, mild in the upper 40's, and Jamie had received permission to go hunting again but squirrels were not all he was hunting. Jamie hoped that Sherry would be there as they had agreed to try to meet again today to go hunting. Jamie thought, For no longer then they got to talk, Sherry seemed like a very nice young lady, and Jamie definitely wanted to get to know her better. Jamie was not exactly running but he was not exactly dragging his feet either, and he...

4 years ago
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The cable guys fix everything

That early morning I heard Victor singing in the shower and I hated him; just because in that very moment I was dreaming about a huge black man trying to fuck me in the ass with a huge black cock…I kept my eyes closed and hated my beloved hubby for going to his office so early; but then I loved him when he came back before leaving; he kissed my neck very softly and told me to get ready for the night.Then he whispered in my ear that the internet server was not working properly; but he had...

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IBE The Days Of WanderingTulsa

I don’t know how long I cried. I blacked out to it. Blacking out doesn’t necessarily mean that you are out for the count as it were. Sometimes it just means that the events that took place while you were blacked out are gone from your memory. The memory of the one time Rachel and I actually had sex was one of the hardest I have. I mentioned earlier that having sex with Rachel was the most meaningful. It was. It was also stupid. It was meaningful because the main effect of drunkenness is to...

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A Walk on the BeachChapter 6

Fridays could not come fast enough. I was masturbating almost every night to visions of Adam making love to me in the dunes. A couple of weeks had gone by and everyone wanted to go into the dunes as a group. After what I did in our last group session I was not in the least resistant to the idea. The chance to watch the other having sex was too tempting to miss. I was snuggled up with Adam after a very satisfying session of 69. Olivia and Tom walked over to us and sat down. Tom was sporting a...

2 years ago
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I’m waiting here, every nerve on fire in anticipation of the moment you come through the door and fuck me. I run my hands over the fishnets on my legs, feeling the contrast of their pattern on my skin. Black suspenders match my black stiletto boots, a black choker at my neck and nothing else. This ritual of dressing for you, displaying myself for you, turns me on so much. As I lie there I replay all of the times you’ve fucked me before, my memory reel of the other times you’ve walked naked...

1 year ago
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Truth Or Dare No Mercy

“Piper, I’m telling you, they’ll be down for it. They've even agreed that they’ll play by the rules.” My friend is on the other end of the phone line. She’s trying to convince me that the slumber party I’m having tonight should be a small get together. That she knows a few guys who’ll come. She promises it’ll stay small, and that we should play games, maybe drink if anyone can get any alcohol, and just have fun. My parents out of town for the weekend, and I’m left alone, after promising not...


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