Mc Allister's RedemptionChapter 17 free porn video

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"I don't suppose you need to rest," McAllister murmured as he poured some of the god's oats into the Jade's feedbag. "That must have been a race to remember."

The Jade snorted, and bumped McAllister's arm with his long face.

"Well, we have about forty miles to go, tonight, then. We should make it by morning if we keep the cantering down. I don't want to arrive in the middle of the night."

The stallion nodded, careful not to spray any of the oats anywhere. McAllister was not sure if the oats possessed any special property, but he was sure that he would not find any to replace them in this country.

Half rain forest and half swamp, seemingly the only difference between the two was the angle of the land one stood upon. The road certainly wasn't level, even in the swamps. McAllister was rethinking his request of Bronze to drop them off some miles northwest of the city.

Still, it was good policy to reconnoiter the land as one approached, and McAllister kept the approach slow and deliberate, asking at every village for news. Though he dressed strangely and rode a horse, the local population didn't react badly to his presence or his questions, natural as the questions were. McAllister learned the nation shared its name with the capital city, and that the language was Bhangdi.

The clothing the natives wore seemed as strange to him as his was to theirs, he knew. Bright colors, dark colors with golden trim, many different loose styles were worn in the hot jungle and swamps. Monkeys and strange birds were in the tops of the heavily-canopied trees, and strange mosses and vines grew in the tops of the wetland giants.

The clothing of the natives appeared to distinguish them somehow, and some strange recognition system of whom to defer to seemed to be in place. After he spoke in the local language to an old fellow with brown skin and white hair wearing simple brown robes McAllister had the sense that a whole class of finer-dressed residents refused to acknowledge his existence.

In the next village, McAllister addressed the most richly-clothed man he could find to test this observation. The fortunate individual walked, albeit slowly, between what seemed to be a rich house and a roofless temple filled with statuary.

Dismounting, he led the Jade to the middle-aged man. As he neared, McAllister studied the other, noting the smooth, beardless face, and the light of agelong wisdom in the man's eye. "Whither goest, Wise Man?"

Laughter suffused the other's face. "To my study, Kashatriy. Would you come and talk with me while I putter about?"

McAllister fell into step with the man, the Jade shuffling sideways for a moment, then following the lead. After a moment, he asked the other, "You used a word I do not know, naming me."

"Mmm," the other said, "I see. You understand much of what is spoken, but in this case, I mean many things, and the aid you were given is unable to render the meaning fittingly for your ears." He led the way into the small walled courtyard with its odd roof and stonework. "Please, make yourself comfortable," the older man said, "but try not to move any of my markers."

McAllister looked around at the collection of oddly-shaped stone obelisks and sundials, each on a massive plinth, heavy enough to give even Sable pause. Shrugging, he chose one with a broad base, and sat on its base, his back to the obelisk, and squinted for a moment at the mostly-cloudy sky. The roof offered cover from occasional rain, but the heavens could be seen from the wide apron of the courtyard.

"You are an astronomer?" McAllister asked. "You make study of the heavens? I, alas, only know of a few stars, useful for navigation."

"You named me Philosopher and Priest," the other answered, "and Astronomer is not so far from all of that. I named you Ruler and Leader, Doer of Great Things. You are from far away, and perhaps do not quite understand the fullness of the varna, but it is plain to see though you carry a thing of the gods," he gestured at the brooch, "you are not of them. Though you may use the arts of the Philosopher and mage, I do not think you make great study of the subjects. Neither are you of the sort to work with hands or make music, or to labor in trade or agriculture, though you consort with all. So, I place you securely in the Kashatriy. The stars themselves notice you, and they have told me you were near, though I do not know your name."

McAllister returned the older man's searching look with a level gaze. "I am here with a purpose," he said, "and I have no desire to make ripples as I pass. That you could see this, foretell I am near, is disturbing to me. Do you know of a way I could mask that?"

The astronomer nodded calmly. "You could ask the stars to make no notice of you," he said in utter seriousness. "The histories say it has been done, but no one I know of knows how the thing is accomplished."

McAllister had nothing to say to that. Shaking his head to change the subject, he tried, "In your catalogue of skills, do you number Architecture amongst them?"

The suddenness of the increase in intensity of the other's gaze caught McAllister by surprise. "I do. You carry a number of great burdens, and I have seen similar weights before. Why do you ask of Architecture?"

"I should mislike having to fight my way into it, but in the center — I would guess it is in the center — of the Palace of Architecture, there is said to be an object of power, an object used in binding and obduracy."

The other closed his eyes for a moment. "I was very much afraid you would say that. Attempting to take that artifact should put us at odds, and if you survived fighting your way in, you should then expect to fight your way out of the whole city, and then the whole nation."

McAllister held up the brooch he wore, though the cloak was packed in the Jade's saddlebags for the duration of McAllister's time here near the equator, he wore it still on his gray blouse. "You say you recognize this?"

"It is an object which generates a feeling, a sensation of divinity," the older man slowly made his answer. After a moment, he continued, "I am not a priest. I have not seen one before."

"The one who brought the object I seek was a military man, with a military retinue, I believe, and may have worn an object similar to this. His name was Carus, and if I deem it necessary, I may restore him to the world, and you may hear from his lips that I have a prior claim to the artifact." McAllister paused. "Though, it may not be needful for me to remove the artifact, if I can control it."

The other nodded. "The poets say Carus came at Raphael's behest, though Raphael was a figure in no religion of ours. Raphael asked us to keep this object safe. He allowed us to make use of it so long as it did not conflict with his interests." The philosopher-astronomer regarded McAllister for a moment more, and shook his head. "It is the nature of kings and priests to forget that which they do not wish to remember. I do not think you will win permission to take the artifact from its location."

McAllister frowned then, troubled, and the other saw. "Perhaps you should see the artifact before making further plans," the philosopher offered. "If you are not in a hurry to reach Bhangda today, then perhaps you and I could journey there together. If your animal will stay nearby tonight, you may stay here while I work, and tomorrow I shall find a horse and we shall depart for the city."

McAllister agreed, then, unsaddling the Jade and rubbing the horse down while the astronomer returned to his home to prepare for a journey the next morning. "Stay nearby," he asked the horse, receiving a soft whicker in response.

To McAllister it seemed the night started well enough, when the astronomer returned. Charts and dividers, compasses and telescopes were objects he knew, and he settled against the same plinth he used earlier in the day. McAllister soon fell into a half-doze, watching the astronomer, while reflecting on the strange events that had happened to him in this second life.

That he had a second life at all was a constant source of amazement to McAllister, and that the deities he met hadn't immediately acted to end his second life was beyond comprehension. The Agents of Hell certainly tried, and he was aware rescuing Sable would certainly expose him to direct conflict with those Agents once again.

McAllister was prepared to die, to face eternal damnation again, for Sable, of that there was no doubt. Yet, if the terms of the damnation were negotiable, might a citizen of Hell visit one of Hell's prisoners? Might such a prisoner eventually come to be counted as citizen? Such were the thoughts pressing on McAllister, as he watched the astronomer align his lenses and annotate his charts.

Was this the way of despair? McAllister could not believe it was so. Fancifully, he imagined the heavens the astronomer could see, pictured the stars as more than mere luminous bodies, conceived them as entities with a will, caught in a profound dance, required to report their observations through their movements. Yet they had a will and a life of their own, though he knew the world to be round and agreed it revolved about the Sun, he understood what the ancients somehow intuited, that during the day at a time and in a way Men could not watch, the occupants of the Heavens went about their own affairs.

It was those affairs the Astronomer hoped to observe, and McAllister felt a sudden kinship for the man, watching the actions of nobles far above his reach. Though he interacted with a few of the gods of this plane, McAllister felt base and uncouth in the presence of the stars.

It seemed to him the stars indeed danced about him, and were even anxious to show him what they reflected of events that had occurred in the far past, in the immediate past, and in the near future. McAllister felt no shame then, for having watched and spied on them from afar, instead finding welcome and understanding from them.

Strangely moved, McAllister let the fantasy wash over him, the Mother's language-gift somehow seeming to work with the intent of the Denizens of Heaven to show him the meaning behind their movements. Dimly, McAllister understood the astronomer to be transported, pulled along behind him, though lost in the wake of turbulent understanding, falling ever further behind while McAllister swept effortlessly ahead.

A gathering of the gods the stars showed him, each star taking the place of one of the gods, the identities of some McAllister knew coming through the dance, though others he did not know. A great debate was happening in a place McAllister did not recognize, though he knew it to be on the Plane of Divinity for this world. "I saw it in the stars," was a thing he could someday say to his grandchildren, and he took sudden great hope in that knowledge.

Thus it was that with boundless optimism McAllister watched the dance of the stars play out the debate of the gods before him. Through the agency of the star portraying the god, McAllister watched Bronze greet Stilbe, the Goddess of the Western Plains, and their greeting was formal. Together, they approached the Child, the Mother, and the Crone, his patron deity's three-aspected nature somehow clearly shone through the star who represented her. McAllister wondered at that, but there was no time for the puzzle as he observed the three-aspected goddess treat with Bronze and Stilbe. There was no sound, but the gestures and motions were plain, and McAllister found himself moved to near-tears as hand-in-hand, Bronze and Stilbe made a courtesy to his patron goddess.

Arianne, exuding pure allure and desire, left the wings of the chamber to join the three, standing before the large quorum of the gods of this world that McAllister and Sable had taken refuge in. Each of the three embraced Arianne in turn.

The child-Empress of Han appeared then, dim to McAllister's perception, the luminary that portrayed her in the dance of the stars above somehow conveying the fact the child-Empress was not there in body. That the child-Goddess was truly barred from this world McAllister then realized, though the Child, the Mother, and the Crone greeted her worldly representative warmly, with a kiss. Stilbe and Arianne both greeted the child-Empress with a formal embrace. Bronze knelt and gravely shook the child-Empress' hand.

A thing happened then that McAllister understood, though dimly. The Child, the Mother, and the Crone split her aspects, and each stood beside one of her companions. The child stood with the child-Empress of Han, the Mother with Arianne, and the Crone, though not particularly crone-like, McAllister judged, with Stilbe. Bronze again dipped his chin in apology, and the Crone lifted it again with her forefinger. Stilbe and the other females watched, and seemed to approve.

"Sometimes, the gods form alliances," McAllister remembered Madelle saying, or near enough, and the words rang out, soundlessly, across the vignette. None seemed to react to the observation, and he realized again this was but a shadow cast by events, mimicked by the stars. Though he was still greatly hopeful for the future, McAllister was saddened he was not there, participating in the scene.

Whatever subject the congress of gods gathered to debate upon was not revealed to McAllister, as the clouds began to steal across the face of the heavens. He soon drifted into deep slumber. Still McAllister was preternaturally aware of the astronomer's courtyard and the plinths, the small table, and the astronomer himself, awestruck and motionless.

Dawn arrived, as eventually she must, and the elemental night ended.

McAllister woke to the feeling of being watched. Before him, sitting cross-legged on the stone floor of the observatory was the astronomer.

"Who are you?" the astronomer asked. "I have never been a part of such magic. Never have I seen so clearly, though you must have seen more clearly yet. What did the stars show you? They were eager to show you! This is a thing I have never seen happen, never heard of happening, even to the great Brahmagupta or his predecessors." The man nearly quivered with eagerness, but held himself to a slow, measured cadence of words.

McAllister shrugged. "I am what you said I was yesterday, a leader of men, and, I would guess, a doer of things that need to be done. How great those things are ... I could not say."

"The heavens show you great respect. If it is not for something you have done, it must be for something you have yet to do ... I am known as Aryabra, and all my doubts about your purpose here are removed. Will you share with me your name so I can record it in my almanac and history?"

That Aryabra was restrained in the manner of his request sat well with McAllister. "I am McAllister, Aryabra, and, though I am not overfond of telling of my past, I have done that often of late. Let us ride to Bhangda, I will answer your questions in return for your aid in the Palace of Architecture."

The city was large, and crowded. Down on the street, the press of the populace was a force that could not be ignored. Beggars importuned McAllister and Aryabra, fingering the astronomer's clothing. McAllister rode with his saber bare, after finding the third would-be thief's hand on his pannier. The Jade helped discourage thievery also, with frequent strong lashes of his tail and careful placement of his hooves on bare feet.

"How many in this city?" McAllister wondered aloud.

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The Gathering Part 3

Candice's ass cheeks shook in her tight blue underwear, as she waddled her way down the stairs. Trish stared upon the way Candice's ass wobbled side to side, while pulling gently on Lacey's hand who followed closely behind. All three were heading beneath the mansion they were at, approaching Alladin's secret cave below.Before the doors opened, Lacey heard the noises. Voices, all female, and the sounds of splashing water. As the doors finally opened, Lacey stepped inside along with Candice and...

3 years ago
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Orderly Tales

I took a deep breath. The first week of the job was always the most stressful. But it was something, at least. All I had to do was process people. Nothing more, nothing less. I tie them up and lock them way in a cell. Easy work, right? Well other than the occasional brute, it was. Other than that, the crazies were usually the same.Grabbing a white drawstring bag from the table, I headed down the narrow halls of the institution. The scent of old haunting air filled my nostrils. It was going to...

3 years ago
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One long black cock attached to one good man I ca

Changed up everything over the past month. Offline as well. Ken and Roger are history. Divorced and not looking for anything more. Osei is living his dream life. Living with and serving/being served by two rather good looking white girls. While many powerful men here have a euro girl to go out with, Osei has two. Arrangement is two adult bedrooms and 5 smaller bedrooms for the youngsters. The home had to have walls knocked down and re-built to accomplish this. Kristen and I do not...

3 years ago
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ForeplayBySebastian LugoShe felt ashamed. She hadn’t felt ashamed for probably a decade or more and it kind of excited the hell out of her. Shame, embarrassment, being naïve, getting shy, even giggling uncontrollably sometimes; goddamn him for making her feel like this. She just loved it. And, of course, it made her wet. He could do that in the most surprising ways. She wondered if he had tilted her upside down and shaken all the hidden bits back into view. ALL of them. Goddamn him anyway.He...

4 years ago
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It had begun as a simple ride to the mall - both had had some errands to run, and he'd offered to drive when she'd mentioned it. He was more eager to spend the time with her than he was to go shopping, but was willing to make the trip. For her part, she could have postponed the shopping, but had an idea that she'd been wanting to try on for a while.They bantered and laughed on the drive over, both finding it less awkward than they'd guessed. He managed to drive and talk despite the...

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Our bedroom game of roleplay

Somewhat often, My man and I roleplay out a random, hot, sexy and always wet scenario. It begins near the beginning of our love making session and runs throughout until we both enjoy the most explosive orgasm. I'm going to share our last session. We share an evening of watching some porn, reading stories, enjoying drinks, and holding our bladders. All along, teasing one another until Our bodies are both highly aroused. Both of us feeling the pressure of our full bladders building and greatly...

3 years ago
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African Slave Queen enslaved media babe

The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter The theatrically over decorated general gripped his podium tighter and tighter. His orchestrated news conference was turning sour. It had supposed to have been his moment on the world stage to impress to show everyone what a great and generous leader he was; but now this. All the cameras continued to focus on his glistening black forehead. ?I?ll repeat my question,?came the annoying voice of the young...

1 year ago
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Who is the boss now

It all started innocently enough I was a secretary at this big corporation, and my boss was very mean spirited and really did a number on my self-confidence. I searched around trying to find ways to build my self esteem and each time my boss would do something to push me back down this hurt my feelings a lot, my boss was a very attractive man that I had desired but he always made me feel like dirt. I was a very good looking woman but around him I always felt like the ugly stepsister. Anyway I...

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The Last Police ChiefChapter 15

I awoke Sunday morning with Alison pushing her butt against me. It took me a moment or two, but I did respond. We hadn’t done that the night before, but she appeared to be willing, so I rubbed her clit for a long time. Then I rubbed both of our lubricants into her tight flesh. It was difficult but we did it slowly. I made sure she had plenty of time to adjust to it. She made whimpering, and even wailing noises, but she didn’t pull away. It was the first time that she actually participated in...

3 years ago
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It's a new year, 2158 has now become a note of the past. 2169 now brings to the present. Wife, two daughters, one son, dog and cat. A mortgage, two car payments, the regular 9 to 5. Life hasn't changed much. The same old grind. The Government has allowed me three wonderful c***dren and a wonderful wife. The dog and cat both have learned the proper tab on the floor to step on that allows them into the backyard. A similar tab near the door on the outside acts the same way to allow them back in....

2 years ago
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Working the Night Shift

I had been working in the Adult Book/Video Store for about 2 years. One night a guy comes in and I go through my usual greetings and chit chat. It is a small family run business, and usually we only had 1 or 2 customers at a time, so personalized service was the norm. We had racks of adult books from mild to wild, along with toys and videos. So this guy was browsing the store and eventually ended up by the magazine racks. He picked up a few and started flipping through them. I didn’t really pay...

Gay Male
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Anna and Ramone

I’d like to thank michchick98 for her help in editing my story. Any grammatical errors found in the story are purely mine. Present day Anna and Ramone were eating ice cream in her apartment whilst reminiscing of their time together. They’d been friends for 20 years now and although life had pushed them into different directions, they remained the best of friends. It was November and they were discussing their plans for Christmas. They’d both turned 30 in the course of the year and were...

4 years ago
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The Arrangement

My father’s former business partner sat behind his large desk as if he was still a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force. His graying hair made him look very distinguished, and at 49 he was still quite an attractive man. In fact, he looked even handsomer than I remembered him when I was younger. I hadn’t seen him in nearly a year, but when my boyfriend left me and I became desperate to see a familiar man. I just had to go and see this man. ‘Well, Valerie, how are you doing?’ he asked me. ‘You...

2 years ago
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My girlfriend dances with another

My girlfriend Cristy had enjoyed becoming a tease to other men and I allowed her to because I found it extremely erotic. I encouraged her to show off and work up other men to an erection. She got off on this and it usually lead to a kinky sex session. Cristy is 5'2" with cherry blonde hair and brown eyes. She may be short but she has a sexy body with 34Ds and a bubbly perky butt. We are both 22 years old and very horny all the time. This particular night, Cristy and I were drinking at a local...

Wife Lovers
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Arlene and JeffChapter 662

The Retreat In the giant living room, Diana had asked the women at the Retreat for a short meeting as she explained to them about Selina’s parents. There were several cross conversations in progress as Diana finished, as well as the big TV going only a few feet behind where Jeff was standing. Not wanting to get bogged down answering questions that Diana had probably answered already, he motioned to his wife. She nodded back, said something to Evie and hurried over to him. “I didn’t mean to...

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TSINF 95 Recollections pt 5

Jack kicked up the leg support on the lazy boy, and then reclined back to where he was comfortable. Steph remained up right, until Jack was comfortable enough to where she could lay back. Steph noticed that Jack had finally gotten comfortable when she laid down. She laid down sideways so that the most of her body was on his right side forcing Jack to scoot over in the chair to give her room. Not like she needed much on her side. Jack kept his right arm around her shoulders and neck so all she...

5 years ago
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Couple with stranger man

"I don't know, sweetheart. All it says is be ready at 5 and pack a weekend bag!""Ready for what?""I don't know!""Well what does the invitation say?" You shout down the stairs at me. "I just told you. That's all it said!""You are remarkably unhelpful" you complain and retreat back into the bedroom. Pondering what to pack for a weekend we don't know where, attending an event that is a complete mystery. My bag was easy to pack, a few pairs of pants and button down shirts. Easy as pie. There's a...

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Meri Sunder Biwi Aur Habshi Jaisa Buddha Coolie 8211 Part 2

Hello dosto, kaise hai aap sab? Pichle part mein aap sab ne padha tha, ki kaise main aur meri biwi ek coolie ke room mein ruk gaye the. Fir maine us coolie ko apni biwi ke sath ek kambal mein lita diya. Uske baad us coolie ne meri biwi ke jism ke sath apna lund ragad kar apna paani nikala. Fir maine usko range hath pakad liya, aur wo darr gaya. Mere saamne uska lund bhi sikud gaya tha. Ab aage chalte hai Maine usko bola- Main: Arre ye kya kar rahe ho tum? Saale harami! tujhe abhi batata hu...

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Xmas Vacation 2015

I always take an extra couple days off during the Holiday season,In 2015 my girl friend decides to go to Florida to visit her parents,as I just wanted to stay home which gives me the chance to walk around my house in one of my tiny women's panties. Its always a thrill for me to just put on something sexy while she is gone for a week or so. On this particular Holiday I was watching some movies in my semi sheer panty and getting more and more Hot. I get a phone call from an old friend from Texas...

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Caregiver in Love continuing the Caregiver Saga

Caregiver in Love (the continuing saga of the Caregiver) Part 1 Caregiver Saga Part II: Caregiver in Love. Shawn's older sister continues to dominate him. Shawn rejects and resists her efforts to feminize him. Meanwhile, he is thrilled by a budding romance with his beautiful cooking teacher, Jacqueline. He only hopes that his smooth legs, and his complete lack of any experience with sports or other manly attributes do not turn her off. He hopes that she can forget his shameful...

2 years ago
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Dragon ClansChapter 24

Tera could see her own reflection in the jagged shard of the mirror Elise clutched in her hand. She noted for a moment how hard her face looked. There was an intensity there that surprised her, a harshness that she never would have suspected. It provided an interesting perspective on how others perceived her in such moments. "Let it go," Tera said in a calm but hard tone, as she shifted her gaze to Elise's eyes. She found a wild feral energy within those blue depths that surprised her....

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Hotel Room Doctors House Call

Hotel Room Doctor’s House CallMale Patient, Male DoctorPart 1So there I was, just checked into the conference and my hotel room and with a bad stomach ache.  Knowing that I got 3 days ahead of me for classes, I figured I better call the front desk to see if they had a doctor on call or something.  The lady that answered the phone had said that there was a doctor on call and she would page them.  About 10 minutes later I got a call back saying the doctor would be up within the next half hour or...

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TouchdownChapter 14 Ostankino

Moscow, Thursday 8 days after Vyera's departure. The Northern suburbs of Moscow are dominated with the soaring, graceful, heroic, Ostankino TV Tower. The Russian Government has long understood the usefulness of 'statement' architecture and the Tower was opened in 1967 to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the October Revolution. It stands just over 540 metres tall. It's the tallest free-standing structure in Europe. (1) The Moscow Television Centre, a near neighbour, stands on...

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My Pussy Owned by BBC PT3

After they finished off that night, they gave me the Video titled Betty the married whore for black cocks. They didn't let me take a shower or clean up. I had to order a cab. They told me that I am the property of these black men and I must obey them. They forced me to show the video to Scott and told him how much I enjoyed being fucked and treated like a dirty whore. Also, from now on, they can decide who I get to fuck and obviously black men only, in which I don't have anything to complain.I...

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The Wasps

??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? ??????????? The Wasps Page 1. ??????????? Sometimes, a spectacular approach to torturing a woman just presents itself. All of a sudden the possibilities are there and it's all too enticing and fascinating to pass up.??????????? So it was with the wasps. Some call them hornets or yellow jackets. All I knew was, get them mad and they would sting like Hell.??????????? It didn't take long with the Internet to determine their behavior. Only...

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My Birthday

TODAY was my birthday. As usual I get anything I want from or to my wife. I put on a wide cockring and waited. She then sucked and whipped my cock and it grew to long and big proportions. I asked if she was ready (no foreplay) and she said ‘does it matter’. So then I drove it into her surpriseingly wet slit to the bottom and she yelled how much it hurt and felt good. This turned me on and I gave her the jackhammer treatment to make it hurt worse. Then she climaxed and said I needed a dildo...

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Technocratic Episode 2 Diving into Madness

Technocratic: Episode 2 - Diving into Madness By Robyn You don't know how great being normal is until you're not. Oh you strive for individuality, to set yourself apart from the crowd, but deep down there is always a need, a desire, to be normal. To be differentiated, but not different. It was a pleasant May day when Tom's normal life shattered into abnormality. Before he had held no secrets, now he had one big secret. It had all happened so fast too. One moment he was staging...

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Speech Class

Nothing really noteworthy happened whilst riding down the street. I did nearly get hit by a black Buick, but then again, people suck at driving in my town, so it happens at least once a week. I arrived at the last crosswalk/ stoplight and saw a girl from my Speech class. She looked over her shoulder and gave me a warm greeting. “Hey Andrew! How’s it goin’?” I couldn’t hear her on account of my headphones blasting Metallica into head. I put my song on pause and took a headphone out of my ear....

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John calls and we have a Quickie

If you have read my other posts, I always post only things have happened. 100% true accounts of my Bi life. Here is a account of a quick meeting at my office.It had been quite awhile since John and I had met up for some man to man time. I was really getting a bad case of sexual overload and was wondering how I could take care of that itch that was burning between my legs.I was working on a Saturday morning at the shop, when my cel phone chimed and let me know I had a text message. I looked at...

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