The Last Police ChiefChapter 15 free porn video

I awoke Sunday morning with Alison pushing her butt against me. It took me a moment or two, but I did respond. We hadn’t done that the night before, but she appeared to be willing, so I rubbed her clit for a long time. Then I rubbed both of our lubricants into her tight flesh. It was difficult but we did it slowly. I made sure she had plenty of time to adjust to it.
She made whimpering, and even wailing noises, but she didn’t pull away. It was the first time that she actually participated in the act fully. We were both involved to the very end. We lay in place for a few minutes after I finished, then we left the bed for a warm shower.
“The shower was the most painful thing about it this time. I’m not up for the walk this morning though,” she admitted.
“Then I’ll stay here with you,” I said.
“No don’t, I have plenty to do at home. It won’t take me as long to get past it this time,” she said.
We were both fresh out of the shower when I stood in front of her while she sat on the bed. I put my hand into her hair, for just a moment, then dressed and went outside to begin my walk.
During that walk I decided I needed to call Jonah Goldman in Chapel Hill, just to see if I could convince him to talk to me. If I could get him to give me the unofficial cause of death, I would be at least a step or two ahead of the local news media. That in and of itself meant nothing.
An hour and a half later when I returned home, Alison was gone, but the note on my table read simply ‘call me’. I called her before I even fixed a bowl of cereal. By the time I got around to the cereal I knew that I would be starved.
“You need to keep working on the Caroline Murder. I’ve decided, the more facts that we have, the better the story will be. Why don’t you and The Judge go down and try to find out more about Caroline and something about this vampire person,” Alison suggested.
“Are you sure that you aren’t just trying to get rid of kinky old me?” I asked.
“No way. I don’t understand it all yet, but I do like it,” she said. “But like you said before, we need to work together.”
“Okay, but we need to wait a few days until my business cards arrive,” I said.
“Of course there is no hurry,” she said. “Caroline isn’t going anywhere, and I have till late summer to get the outline to the producer. He wants to see, if the first season goes well before deciding what to do next season.”
“Good, we don’t need that pressure as well as all the others,” I said.
“I know,” she agreed.
It was hard not to jump into things the next day. I managed to occupy myself making more walking sticks. I did that because, while out walking, I had been asked about the one I used. I didn’t take orders for them, but I did try to remember who wanted one. There were a lot of pieces involved in making one of the walking sticks. There was also a number of cuts and fittings to do in order to make it correctly.
I bought the materials to make two sticks, and worked on them both at the same time for a couple of hours. It took my mind off my new dual relationship with Alison. Removing one Alison from the other was going to require some doing. It was however necessary if we were going to make this thing work.
It was Wednesday when the small box of business cards arrived. It was also the day when Alison returned to the trail. I gave her one of the new sticks. Hers was more than my simple black color. I had painted it with splotches of red and white. Those were left over colors from earlier projects around the shop. Better to use them for walking sticks, than to let them go to waste, I decided.
The business cards looked very good. They were eye catching, but said virtually nothing. They hinted that I was making a survey, or researching someone’s background. That check could be for a criminal or civil action without having to be for either. The business of Roger’s Research was extremely vague, and necessarily so. I liked it a lot.
After my bowl of cereal I phoned The Judge. “Good morning,” I said over the phone to the man who answered.
“My God Ed, do you know what time it is?” he asked.
“Of course, It’s 9AM. I’ve already walked three miles, had a shower and breakfast,” I explained.
“Well good for you. What is so important that you have to wake me in the middle of the morning,” he complained.
“I could use your help today. Can you get dressed and be at the Car Wash by 11AM. I need to hire you and your car for the day,” I suggested.
“Oh alright,” he said. “Give me an hour, then you can fill me in over breakfast. You are paying by the way.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I agreed.
Believe it or not we made it to Chapel Hill by 1PM. We stopped first at at the fairly new police station. That time the Desk Sergeant was a woman. She was also much easier to deal with. The Judge just used a liberal amount of charm and bullshit. It was enough to get us to the detective. He give us ten minutes. After my explanation, he was a little less happy to help. I felt like he gave me the cause of Caroline’s death, more to get rid of us, than to be helpful. Still I hadn’t been able to find out anything without his help. He also advised me that they had a pretty good idea how the murder itself had gone down. The theory was based on the State’s forensic reenactment, It was base on crime scene evidence.
“You can read their report, but you can not take it with you,” he said.
To make a long story short, the state investigators believe that the killer entered the residence of Professor Moorehouse and Caroline Moore in the early hours of Saturday Morning and slashed her throat with a serrated kitchen knife. He then moved her to the cemetery behind the largest church in the downtown. According to the postmortem lividity, she was likely transported in the trunk of a car. I made the decision not to press our luck. The other things I wanted to know, I could get from other people. I thanked the detective and then we left the police station. We drove downtown where parking was impossible, so the Judge dropped me at the entrance to the alley leading to the Shady Lady gift shop.

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