Graduation Doctors Visit
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Hotel Room Doctor’s House Call
Male Patient, Male Doctor
Part 1
So there I was, just checked into the conference and my hotel room and with a bad stomach ache. Knowing that I got 3 days ahead of me for classes, I figured I better call the front desk to see if they had a doctor on call or something. The lady that answered the phone had said that there was a doctor on call and she would page them. About 10 minutes later I got a call back saying the doctor would be up within the next half hour or so, and requested that I be showered before the doctor arrives.
I thought to myself, why the hell I would need a shower to see a doctor. I didn’t recall ever taking a shower before going to see a doctor, so I decided against the shower. About 20 minutes later came the knock at the door I was expecting?
I answered the door to find an attractive male in his mid 40’s wearing a white lab coat, blue smocks, and dragging a small black suit case behind him. He identified himself as student Doctor Ben. I thought, wow, here’s a first. He went on to say how the normal doctor was on vacation and that he was filling in for him. He also said that if I didn’t approve he could make a phone call, but it would be tomorrow at the earliest before a regular doctor could see me. I said that it was alright and that I needed to be feeling better by tomorrow morning. Doctor Ben then went on to ask what my issues were, and I had told him that it’s been 3 days since I had a bowel movement, head felt warm, and that my lower stomach ached pretty bad. He also went on to ask about my medical history and sexual history. Along with the questions, he had asked how often I masturbate, how often I have sex, if my partner or partners are male or female, if I’ve ever had anything in my butt before, when the last time was I masturbated or had sex. Finally he asked if I would be open to a non-conventional exam. Not knowing what he meant, I agreed to the exam. He then also asked if I’d be interested in participating in a research project of the male body that he was working on. Not really sure what he meant, I agreed. He also had me sign a waiver form saying I’d agreed to the research project.
Doctor Ben placed his bag on the folding suitcase holder. He looked at me and asked why I was still in my street clothes. He then asked if I had taken the requested shower. I said not since last night. He then looked at me and said that it was unacceptable and that I was to have a shower before the exam would continue. However, he wanted to take some profile pictures of me first before I showered. He said that pictures would be taken several times during the exam to help record his findings. With that, he reached in his bag and pulled out a digital camera. He also had a laptop with him that he had setup as soon as he came in with a small camera on a cord attached to the computer. He also said that the exam would be record so that if there were any questions in his research that he’d be able to watch the exam again to see what happened. He had me stand in the middle of the room with my hands at my side. The first picture was me facing the camera. Then he had me turn to the right for the next picture, then he had me turn the other direction, and then finally facing away from him. After those pictures, he told me to remove all clothes except my underwear or boxers if I was wearing any (which I was). He proceeded to do the same four pictures again. He then pointed to the bathroom and told me to go take my shower immediately and that he would be preparing for the exam while I was showering. He said that when I get out of the shower to just wrap myself in a tower as clothes weren’t needed for the exam. I went to take a shower, wondering to myself, what the hell I got myself into.
When I got out of the shower, I dried off, put my boxers back on and wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out. Doctor Ben was sitting on the chair at the desk waiting for me. I saw he had taken the papers and phone off of the desk and had put a cloth across the table. A quick guess, the table was about 5ft long by about 2 1/2ft wide, so just big enough to be used as an exam table.
Doctor Ben asked me to stand in the middle of the room again for another set of pictures. He asked me to remove my towel. Upon removing the towel, he saw I had put my boxers back on. He told me to remove those also. Then he grabbed his camera and proceed with the same four picture shots again. However this time, after the last one, instead of me turning around, he told me to bend over and reach for my ankles with my lefts spread about shoulder width. I could hear him snapping a couple more pictures. Then he had me turn sideways for the same type of picture from the side, then the other side.
He said that since I didn’t listen to the first orders, that I would be punished for not listening. He told me to walk over and stand next to him. He asked me if I’ve ever been spanked before. I said nothing. Next thing I knew, he had reached up and grabbed my arm and pulled me down over his lap. He said that since I didn’t listen, I was going to get spanked. I nervously asked him how many times, he said that he hadn’t determined, but since I asked, he was going to increase his number by 10.
Then the spankings came, one by one, each getting a little harder each time. Before I knew it, he must have given me 25 swats. And boy did they sting, but, at the same time, I didn’t realize how much of a turn on this was and I was rock hard with my dick pressing against his leg. I was hoping he hadn’t noticed, but he did. He asked me if I was enjoying this. I told him I didn’t think so, but obviously, I must have been.
Well, since you’re in this position, we’ll just take your temp like a little boy. See how you like that. He reached over to the table and grabbed the rectal thermometer that had been laid there, dipped it in the jar of Vaseline, and then put the end of it against my rear opening. Then in one quick push, he had the thermometer inserted. Now you get to lay here like this for a couple of minutes to see what it reads. I tried stay as calmly as I could, but my erection didn’t go away. While over his lap, he took the camera and got a picture of the thermometer sticking out of my ass. After a few minutes, he pulled the thermometer out and it read that I was 99.8. Just a little elevated. He then reached over to his bag and pulled out a suppository and asked if I ever had one? I said not since I’ve been a kid. He said ?Well, here is a reminder?? as he put one against my opening and stared to push it in. After a few seconds, it slipped right in.
Alright, off my lap, he said. I want you to stand straight up with your hands at your side. He noticed I was still fully erect? He grabbed the camera and said he was going to picture my erect penis and then measure it. He grabbed is white tape measure and measured the length of my penis from base to head, the girth of my penis, both at the base and at the head, he also measured the underside of my penis and the size of my testicles. We are now going to check every square inch of your skin from head to toe for any ticks or melanoma or rashes, or anything. He then spent the next few minutes looking closely over my body trying to find anything that could be questionable.
After he was done checking over my body, I told him I really had to go to the bathroom? He told me to go ahead and go use the toilet, and not to take too long. He also said for me to leave the door open cause he didn’t want me to try doing anything else. He set a timer for 5 minutes and said if I wasn’t back before the timer went off, he would add it to his punishment list. He said he was going to add 1 punishment for each minute I was late. I told him I’d try to hurry? But you can’t push yourself! I sat down on toilet and tried to relax my body? It didn’t seem like it took long, I never heard the buzzer go off, but when I got back in the room, he said that I was in there for 9 minutes. He said he was going to be nice and just count it as 2 punishments instead of 4 and that he’d administer the punishments later in the exam.
He had me walk over to the table and bend over with my feet spread at shoulder width, then reach back and pull my cheeks apart. In this position, he grabbed some baby wipes and wiped my rear end. He wanted to make sure I was wiped clean.
After he was done, he had me get onto the table and sit straight up with my feet off the edge. Once in position, he grabbed the camera for get a good picture of his patient. We’re going to do the usual vitals and check for anything else that may be affecting you. He then grabbed his stethoscope and had me start breathing deeply. He listened to both my chest and my back. He checked my eyes, mouth, ears, felt my chest and back. After listening to my chest he did some reflex tests with my hands and feet. Then he had me lay back onto my back, scoot back so my head was at the end of the table, so my knees would be bent up, legs spread with my heals at the corners of the table. When I went to lie down, I noticed I was still sporting a semi-erection. He noticed this too and said that we would be taking care of this in a bit. Before he started the next steps, he grabbed the camera again and took another picture of me on my back.
He then started to press around my stomach asking if anything hurt. After about 3 minutes of this, he said I needed a good cleaning job. He reached in his bag and pulled out an enema bag. He then went into the bathroom where I heard the water running. He came back with a full red enema bag. He said that I would have to take it all. Doctor Ben said that enemas always work better when the patient’s rear is in the air. He told me to roll over and get on my hands and knees, then lower my shoulders to the table. Apparently this was another picture moment, because he took my picture this way. With my rear in the air, he put the end of the enema nozzle in the jar of Vaseline and then in pressed it against my anus. After a few seconds, it easily slipped right into my anus. Before I knew it, he turned the valve and I could feel the warm water starting to fill my bowels. Before long, I was starting to cramp up, but the enema bag was far from being empty. I looked like it was about half empty. I told him I was cramping and asked if he could stop. He stopped the water for a minute until the cramping resided, took a picture of me with the enema nozzle sticking out of my ass, then he started it flowing again. A few minutes later I could feel the cramping building up again. I asked him to stop it, but he refused and said the bag was almost empty. Finally, after what felt like forever, the bag was empty. I asked if I could go to the bathroom to relieve myself, but he said no and that he was going to remove the nozzle and then insert a small butt plug. He said that if I leak or anything he would punish me. He also grabbed the camera and snapped a picture of the butt plug in my ass. He said I could roll over back onto my back like before. So I did, but when I rolled over, he saw I was fully erect again. He told me it was time to collect a semen sample. I was to get off of the table and stand with my dick over the edge of the table. He grabbed a petri dish out of his bag and told me to masturbate myself to orgasm. He took pictures of me masturbating, but also made sure the camera on the computer was recording it also. Within a minute I was cumming like I never came before. Squirt after squirt, I shot so much that I overshot the dish and shot part of my load all over the table. ?I told you to cum in the dish, not on the table!? he said. ?I also see you leaking from the enema, go to the bathroom and squat over the toilet so I can pull the plug out.? I walked into the bathroom as slowly as I could and turned around and squatted over the toilet. He then reached around me and slowly pulled the plug out. Then I sat down and relieved myself. ?Five minutes,? he said and then walked out.
I finished up and wiped myself and walked back into the room. He looked at me and asked me how long I had been in there. ?4 or 5 minutes I think? I said. ?Nope, 10 minutes? he said. ?So for that you get 5 more punishments, plus 3 for leaking, and 2 more for cumming on the table, for a total of 10 more on the list.? I looked over at the table and saw he had changed the sheets on the table. ?Get back on the table on your back again? he said. I crawled onto the table, put my head at the edge of the table and my heals at the opposite end at the corners. He started to palpate my stomach again. After a couple of minutes said that it was time for one final cleaning before proceeding. ?Wait here while I go get prepared in the bathroom? he said.
I saw him reach in his bag and pull out a hose of some sorts. Then he went into the bathroom. After a minute he called me into the bathroom. When I walked into the bathroom I saw he had attached a hose to the faucet in the bathtub. This wasn’t a shower hose or anything. It had two hoses meeting in the middle. At the middle was a medium sized butt plug. One hose was an inlet and the other was an outlet. The outlet was going down and into the drain. He had me climb into the tub and stand facing the away from him. He had me squat a little while he lubed the butt plug and then push it into my rectum. With a quick turn of the valve on the hose, I felt the water start filling my insides. After a few seconds I could see water flowing through the outlet hose. He would stop the inlet, let me drain out, then close the outlet and start the inlet flowing again. This must have happened for about 5 minutes. While this was happening he was sure to grab a few pictures for his records. After the thorough rinsing he said it was time to proceed with the rest of the exam. He pulled the plug out of me, grabbed the towel and dried my rear end. Told me to get out of the tub and go get on my hands and knees on the table.
End of Part 1
Part 2
I slowly walk back into the room and climb back onto the table into the hands/knees position as I was told. Behind me, I hear him snap on another pair of gloves. ?Before we start, let’s get some pictures of our subject matter!? he said. I look back over my shoulder and see him snapping a picture of my butt, and then a close up of my ass, and then a picture of my dick and balls from behind and also a close of them also. Then he moves over to the side to get a side shot. Then he also kneels down and gets a shot of my dick from below and front. ?OK, hope you are ready for the rest of your exam?? he says. ?I’m going to start by digitally and visually examining your anus. I’m going to be looking for tissue tears, abnormalities, and such. You will feel my fingers going in and out a few times.? I see him lubing his fingers. Then I feel 1 finger pushing against my anus? It slips in without much hesitation. I feel him moving it around, back and forth. Then he pulls it out, and then I feel 2 fingers pushing in and him doing the same, then 3 fingers. After that he removed his fingers and then removed the gloves.
?OK, time to see what your insides look like.? I heard him snap on a fresh pair of gloves and pick up the medium speculum. He put some lube on the speculum and told me try to relax as he slowly brought the pointed end up to my anus and start pushing in. I felt it slide in without any resistance. Then he said, ?Time to open up?? As I felt the fingers of the speculum spread. He grabbed his little flash light and started looking in? ?You look good and clean. Don’t see anything that would alarm me!? ?Good? I thought. Then he grabbed the camera for another picture. Then he pulled the speculum out. Wiped it off and then grabbed what he called the anal scope. Lubed that, and then started pushing it in. Once in, he pulled the plug out of the end and grabbed his light again. This definitely felt wider in my rear. After a minute of looking around, he took another picture and then withdrew the scope. Then I saw him put more lube on his fingers. ?Time to check the prostate? he said. I felt 2 fingers push into me and I felt them hit my prostate immediately. There was an immediate reaction as my erection came back to life. He rubbed my prostate for a few moments and then withdrew. ?Don’t want you to cum again yet?. Next he took off his gloves. He grabbed what appeared to be a dildo, but it was a long one, probably a good 15 inches or so long, but it was only about a half inch thick. ?We are going to find out the length of your rectum? he said, as he lubed up the whole rod. Then he pushed it against my anus, but since he already stretched me a few times, it just slid right on in. Slowly he pushed it in and twirling it as it went in. Finally it quit sliding in and he could tell he hit a road block. He looked at the road and showed that it went in 14 inches. But before he pulled it out, he took a picture of it sticking out of my ass, and then he zoomed in and pictured the markings on the rod to show how far it went in. Then he started pulling it back out. Once he had it out, he held the end at my opening and pictures the whole rod next to my ass. He then grabbed the wipes and cleaned it off. He let me stay in that position for a few minutes to relax. Then he said that it was time to check the extensibility of my anus. I asked him what he meant. He said that we were going to see how far he could stretch my sphincter muscle. He grabbed a small dildo and lubed it and pushed it in. Then he took a picture of it sticking out my ass. Then he slowly pulled it out and wiped it off. Then he grabbed the next bigger dildo and started pushing that one in. This one was about an inch wide. He lubed it and started pushing it in. Once the head of the dildo popped in, the rest slide easily. Of course he had to grab a picture of this one. Then he withdrew it and wiped it off. Next he grabbed one that was about an inch and half wide. He lubed it very well and put the head against my asshole. He held it with one hand and took a picture of it with the other hand. Then he started pushing, he said for me to try pushing against him, finally the head popped in, and I let out a scream, because it hurt. He didn’t pull it back out or anything, just let it sit there dangling out of my ass as my ass relaxed. Boy did it hurt. He took a picture of this, then he started pushing it slowly in. Finally he got the whole thing pushed in; I could feel my ass just burning. I told him it hurt, but he wasn’t too concerned. He took another picture of his workings. Then he started pulling it out, and it did hurt a lot. When it was just about to the end, right before the head popped out, it stretched me and hurt a lot. I screamed again, but Doctor Ben showed no mercy, instead he marked me down for 2 more punishments. After it was out, he let me relax for a minute? Then he picked up a vibrator that goes from half inch wide to over two inches and about a foot long. He lubed it up and then started to slide it in. Once he had it in so it showed that it was not quite an inch and half wide, he turned on the vibrator. Slowly this allowed for me to start relaxing and for him to push it in further. It hurt as it slid in, but before you knew it, he almost had the whole thing pushed in, having my ass stretched to almost 2 inches. It hurt like hell, but the vibrations on my prostate made me want to cum. As he noticed I was rock hard again, he turned off the vibrator and just let me stay still with it sticking out my ass. My erection started to subside, then he turned the vibrator on again and brought me close to the edge of coming, then he turned it off again. After he turned it off, he took another picture of the vibrator sticking out of my ass. After he took the pictures, I thought he was going to pull it out, but I was wrong? He turned it back on and tried pushing it in a little further. My erection got rock hard again, but this time there was no stopping. Before I knew it, I was cumming all over the table. Squirt after squirt. My arms collapsed under me and next thing I knew I was lying flat on my stomach with the vibrator sliding out of my ass. Doctor Ben reached over, turned off the vibrator and then pulled it out. He said that I had done a good job. He let me just lay there for a few minutes. Next thing I knew, I heard water running in the bathroom. Doctor Ben told me to get up and go sit in the bathtub to relax for a bit, while he got prepared for the experimental part of my exam. I can honestly say, my stomach ache did disappear. Either it was from all of the enemas, or just from the whole exam experience so far!
End of Part 2
Part 3
I must have drifted off to sleep in the tub, because I had woken to the knocking on the bathroom door. Doctor Ben said I had been in the tub for 30 minutes. I climbed out of the tub and dried off. Wrapping the towel around my waste, I walked out of the bathroom and back into the main room. I noticed he had cleared off the table and had taken the sheet off of the table. I also noticed he had taken off his white lab coat and just had on his blue top and bottom scrubs.
?We are going to conduct the experimental part of my research project now? he said. ?This part of the exam will help us determine if you have any gay and/or submissive tendencies and what activities you really enjoy.? ?If you find yourself uncomfortable at any time, just let me know. If you decide to refuse to any of the activities or tests, you may be punished or spanked.? ?Do you have any questions??
?No questions,? I said. ?Alright let’s get started? he said. ?Go ahead and remove the towel again and just stand there in the middle of the room.? I undid the towel and let it drop to the floor. Kicking it to the side. ?How do you feel about having to be naked in front of me? Give me a range between 1 and 5, 1 being completely disliked and 5 being absolutely enjoying it.? he said. I told him that it made me feel about neutral, so probably a 3. But, I could tell from his look at me he disagreed, because I was sporting a semi-erection. Then he stood up and removed his scrubs and stood there in just his underwear. ?How do you feel about me standing in front of you in just my underwear?? I told him it made me feel about the same, but my erection was growing some. Then he reached down and completely removed his underwear. ?How about now?? he asked. I told him I was somewhere between neutral and enjoying it, so somewhere between a 3 and 4. Yet, my erection was still getting bigger. Then he told me to drop to my knees. ?Do I have to?? I asked. ?Yes, get down now.? He said. As I dropped to my knees, he stepped closer to me, to the point where his dick was inches from my face. ?How do you feel about this?? he said. I told him I was really neutral on it, but my erection sticking straight out showed otherwise. Then he told me to reach up and touch his dick, then fondle it some, and then stroke it to a full erect penis. I hesitated at first, I put my hand up, and then pulled it back, then I put it up again, and then pulled back. I could see Doctor Ben was making notes. Then I reached up and just touched it. Then I pulled my hand back again and waited for a few moments. Then I reached up one last time and just held on to it, then I rubbing my thumb back and forth. As I did this, his penis began to grow. So, I took my hand off of it. ?Why did you take your hand off?? he asked. I told him that I wasn’t sure I could continue. He said that I was going to receive some more punishments for not continuing. I reluctantly gave in and reached back up and started to stroke his penis to a full erection. Then I took my hand off of it. He told me to get off of the floor and to lie on the bed on my back. As I did, he sat down on the bed next to me and reached for my penis. He asked me if I liked it when he touched my penis, then he started to stroke it. I told him that obviously I was enjoying it otherwise I wouldn’t have such a hard erection. Then he slid down the bed a little, and lowered his head to my dick. I asked him what he was going to do. He said it’s all part of the experimental phase. Then he grabbed my dick with one hand and then started kissing it. I tried to pull back a little, be he told me to hold still. Then he started licking it, and then before I knew it, his lips were wrapped around my dick. I thought I was going to cum right there, but he pulled away. He got off of the bed and then moved himself so his dick was just inches from my mouth. He told me to kiss his dick. I refused. Then he told me to lick it. Again, I refused. Then he told me to suck it. And again, I refused. He made notes accordingly on his notepad. ?I see you want nothing with doing anything oral to another guy? he said. I told him I was not interested in any of that.
He then walked over to his bag and grabbed a dildo out of it. Lubed it up, and told me he was going to simulate sexual intercourse with it to see what position I enjoyed the best. I noticed the dildo was about the same size as his cock, so it didn’t look like it would hurt too much. Since I was already lying on my back, he told me to raise my legs straight up as if they were resting on his shoulders? Then he took the dildo and slowly slid it in. Then he started pumping it in and out about a dozen times, then he pulled it out completely. Then he had me roll over onto my side and lay there as if someone was going to give me an enema in the sims position. Once I rolled over, with one hand he parted my ass cheeks, with the other, I felt the dildo slide in. Then he did the same thing, in and out about a dozen times or so. He asked me if I was enjoying this or not. I told him that it did feel good, but not that I was necessarily enjoying it. Then he had me get up onto my elbows and knees into doggy-style. Then he pushed it in again. This time he pumped it in and out quicker. Each time I could feel it riding against my prostate. After a minute or so, he pulled it out. While I was still on my knees, he told me to sit straight up with my butt barely off the bed. Then I felt the head of the dildo press against my asshole. He told me to lower myself down onto it. Then to ride it up and down as if I was riding cowboy style. After a minute of this, he had me get off of it, and then he sat the dildo on the edge of the chair and told me to do the same thing, this time with me feet planted firmly on the floor. He had me ride it for about a minute. Then he had me stand and bend over the edge of the table. He took the dildo and pushed it in again. I could really feel him pumping that dildo in and out. Thought I was going to cum. He pulled it out, and took and wiped it off and put it back with his things. He asked me if I was enjoying all of that. I told him that I really didn’t know how to feel.
He then asked me if I wanted to try real thing since I was still bending over the table. I told him ?no, not really.? He said that I either try the real thing or he’d begin my punishments. With that, I just put my head down on the table and said ?fine, let’s try, but put a condom on first.? With that, he grabbed the condom out of his bag, put it on, then grabbed the lube and lubed his cock. ?We are going to try all of the positions, if it’s too uncomfortable or hurts, we’ll move to the next one.?
Then he put one hand on my waist, and with the other guided his dick to my ass. Slowly he pushed in. At this time, I’ve never felt to humiliated, but yet I felt like I was enjoying it. Then he slowly started to pump my ass. After about 10 thrusts, he pulled out and sat down on the chair. He told me straddle his lap facing away, and then lower myself onto his cock. I slowly did. It did not hurt at all, actually it felt somewhat pleasurable. After a few seconds he told me to ride up and down his shaft a few times. Then he told me to get off of him. Then he stood up, laid down on the bed, and told me to mount him reverse cowgirl style. I did was I was asked. Then he had me get off of him and into doggie position. In this position, he pushed his cock in and started thrusting harder. He just kept thrusting, finally I said that I was going to cum. He pulled out of me, flipped me over onto my back, pulled my feet up to his shoulders and pushed his cock in. He started thrusting, then he said ?you can cum anytime now, as long as I get to see the look on your face when you cum.? Before I knew it, I was cumming, cumming like I never have in the past. Squirt after squirt shot out. I didn’t realize I had that much cum left in me after cumming twice earlier. Finally he was ready to cum. He just thrusted forward one last time and I could feel his cum filling the condom in my ass. Then he pulled out, and pulled the condom off. He moved over to the chair and told me to get off of the bed and to come lay across his lap, as he was going to administer my punishment spankings for not doing as I was told. I got up, weak in the knees and walked over to the chair. He pulled me down and I could feel his slimy dick pushing against my waist. Then came the smacks, one after another. They came hard and fast. Finally he pushed me off his lap, onto the floor. Then he grabbed my head and pushed his cock to my mouth and said that the remained of my punishment would be to lick his dick clean. And with that, I reluctantly opened my mouth and washed his dick with my tongue.
After that, he told me that he and I both need a quick shower and that we would go through and review the pictures taken from earlier. We both showered together quickly, and then got dressed. We connected the camera to the TV and reviewed the pictures. He said that the pictures would only be used in his research project and that my face would not be seen in any.
Needless to say, this total exam was over 3 hours long and I need to get my rest for tomorrow’s big day at the conference. Doctor Ben said that he wanted to schedule a follow-up exam for later in the week to check things over. I agreed that we’d have to see how the week played out.
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This story is based on an episode from Velamma comics which you can read . Another fine morning Velamma was riding Ramesh like a whore. She squatted on his cock, taking it as deep inside her as possible when Ramesh turned her around. He wanted to enter from behind. But Velamma never liked it when Ramesh did her from behind. He always thought he was giving Velamma the utmost possible pleasure she could ever get in bed. But it wasn’t like that for Velamma. Ramesh used all his...
My Wife's Doctors AppointmentMy wife and I, because of working late hours, we had not seen much of each other or had the time to have sex together in 3 weeks. One day this spring me and her began to clean out are garage. She begins tell me about her doctors appointment she had the day before.She is standing in front of him in her panties as the good doctor begins looking for varicose vains to treat. He stops and say's “Rachel you have a vain right here” he is pointing to her left lage just 2...
Ultimate Doctors and NursesbyEvelyn Carroll It was the boy next door who taught me how to touch myself.He was called Sean. I'd loved him since I was a little girl. He used to let me play with his toy soldiers when we were both younger. His mother let me have a photograph of him once. I have it here. His hair is very black in it. He looks sulky, like a pop star, with his wavy, slightly long hair. I am looking at it now, remembering him, remembering this young him and his older self.Of...
So this story happened a few years ago. I was 18 at the time at the doctors office for my yearly physical. I was sitting on the table naked all but the gown with no back coverage. The doctor was asking the routine questions and he asked, "are you sexually active"? All i can do was smirk trying not to smile when I replied "No". He continued asking me questions then had me get off the table for routine check ups. When he was done checking everything it came time for the spinal test. He told me to...
I don’t know what it’s like for other people but I always find hotel rooms a bit of a turn on. Recently I was sent by my company to do some training in the north of the country. The hotel they had booked me into was very plush, the reception was modern looking with a lot of mirrors, it was small but the mirrors gave it a much larger appearance. The girl at the desk was wearing her uniform tight, showing off very tasty curves. Her blouse was daringly unbuttoned giving a hint of cleavage. My...
I don’t know what it’s like for other people but I always find hotel rooms a bit of a turn on. Recently I was sent by my company to do some training in the north of the country. The hotel they had booked me into was very plush, the reception was modern looking with a lot of mirrors, it was small but the mirrors gave it a much larger appearance. The girl at the desk was wearing her uniform tight, showing off very tasty curves. Her blouse was daringly unbuttoned giving a hint of cleavage. My...
VoyeurI walked into the doctors office, the nurse took my weight and checked my blood pressure than took me to a room and said go ahead and take your clothes off, the doctor will be with you soon.I’m a petite woman at 5’2, small with perky breast (so I’ve been told) a nice little firm and bubbly butt and yes, I am a proud owner of one of the thickest pussy out there, my lips are so huge it can cover most of anyone’s face who likes to eat.Anyway, I disrobed and lied down on the chair, the room was a...
Note: This story was made up and it not true.I had to get a new doctor, my doctor retired. This new doctor I have his name is Dr. Jones. He is new, came out of school not to long ago. He is 25 years old, he has dark brown hair, he has glasses on.Dr. Jones been treating me for 3 months now. Linda’s doctor just passed away. She is looking for a new doctor. Just a reminder, Linda is 40 years old, her hair comes down to her shoulders, light brown, she wears glasses, she’s a BBW weigh about 200 lbs....
Doctor Who: The Doctors Pet’s Part 1 Rose Tyler M/F, Voyeur, MC. Story takes place immediately after The Christmas Invasion. Rose said goodbye once again to her mum. The World was safe again and the Doctor was not willing to stick around. They boarded the TARDIS and it faded away. “so were too” the Doctor asked, Rose just shrugged. “Before anything else I need a shower”. Rose left the main control room heading to the shower, as soon as she left the control room The Doctor went to the centre...
Mind ControlJeff waited at reception for the Doctor to call his name. It was already 20 minutes passed his appointment time and it was only 9am. Jeff read a magazine about tiny homes while time ticked away. "Jeff . Jeff Bellingham " he heard his name being called. He looked up and saw a petite woman in a blue dress with big red wavy hair, spectacles and high heels. His felt his cock stir. Doctor Ali looked up in to Jeff's eyes and smiled. "Come in to my office" Ali smiled. " The tests all came back normal"...
Many years ago, I was experiencing a burning sensation when I urinated. It would come and go. Sometimes it wasn't that bad and other times it was really irritating. because I am self employed and work a lot, I put my little issue to the back of my priorities list and hoped it would just get better. It didn't! Finally, I decided that I needed to see a doctor. The problem was that because I hadn't been to a doctor in years, I didn't know who to go to so iasked my wife who she saw. She...
A white-faced clock ticked as the black hands jerked with the moments, the seemingly gray waiting room containing only three fidgeting people: one woman behind the desk with her red spectacles resting on the edge of her nose as she stared at the screen of her computer, a man in the corner wearing a brown suit flecked with spots of black thread, and a woman clad in a yellow tank top and acid-washed denim jeans. The woman in yellow was slumped in her shoulders as her chin rested in her palm, the...
Housecalls by UmmmDonuts I have worked at a local department store for the last few years. It was a big store that housed a dental center and a hair salon. I used to love walking by the salon and getting a whiff of the perming solutions and hair sprays. All the girls that worked in the salon were nice. One in particular was very friendly with me. She was a middle aged woman who was well versed in all aspects of her profession. She was slender and would change her hair...
Hi this is Rahul. I am from Gujarat. This story is about my love story. I am a doctor. I will not bore u by describing me. Just would let my female readers know that my height is 6 feet 1 inch, moderate built, wheatish. Most imp part of my profile is that m a doctor. Lolz. I use to love a girl named Nishtha. She was my classmate in M.B.B.S. We were in immense love with each other but even after 6 months of relationship had not touched each other. We were having excessive desires which we used...
After the surprise in the doctor's office and the impending hunting tripI wasn't sure what to think when we walked to the parking lot. It dawned on me that I couldn't leave my car there. They agreed and told me to drive home where they would pick me up. I thought of the fact that they would both know where I live. I wasn'ttoo uncomfortable with that knowledge but I'm sure being doctors' they would find my modest apartment a dump in comparison to the homes they probably live in. I shrugged my...
Group SexI reached the hospital slightly early that night and was pleased to see there were still extra-small scrubs available in the ladies changing room. Medium would probably be the best fit for me, but I love how tight the trousers are on my ass, leaving no one in any doubt as to my choice of underwear. As I struggled to squeeze the tight top over my 34C chest, I reflected that may be my curvy ass wasn't the only reason the orderlies stared. With my long blonde hair whipped up in a neat pony tail I...
Group SexI was in my bedroom, all alone. In front of me was my mirror. I took some time to admire my body. The Malayali features were prominent in me. My eyes were big and smoky. My slender pink lips complemented my dusky skin complexion. I had my hair cut up to my breasts. As I had just taken a bath, a portion of my hair curled and sat on my left breast. I pushed it behind to bring my breasts into view. They were big and round. They looked like chocolate cakes topped up by a chocolate chip. My curves...
Earlier this summer I met up with some old friends, Sue and Anthony, staying at their holiday house. They brought their 18 year old son along, who I hadn't seen for a few summers. It shocked me. Suddenly Callum was a typical grumpy teenager, about to leave school and not sure what to do, talking about a gap year but not really sure. Sue asked me if I could have a chat with him and said that Callum had always looked up to me. I wasn't sure, I used to speak to Callum a lot when he was a young boy...
Newark Concert Saturday, November 5, 2016 Paul & Paula 21 performs in Newark, New Jersey as the opening act for Michiko Takahashi. This concert is recorded in another document. The Treehouse Tour Friday, November 14, 2016 PLUR-MAkKikM, just outside Honolulu, HI The cameras were in place, and the television crew was in a shady spot of lawn with a tire swing visible in the background. It looked as if only reporter Cynthia Benet and the two singing ten-year-olds, Paula Akron and Paul...
I have several fantasies, which I use regularly during masturbation. This first story is one of my favourites, which I hope you will enjoy. I am 17 years old (probably because… I have several fantasies, which I use regularly during masturbation. This first story is one of my favourites, which I hope you will enjoy. I am 17 years old (probably because this was my age when I first imagined this fantasy) and as usual feeling hot and horny. I am desperate for some naughty fun, and want to do...
TeenageShe was at her usual visit to the doctor’s office. However, this time, instead of seeing the older male physician, she met with a new female doctor. Amanda loved her although she didn’t “show” it, wearing that same forlorn look which almost always presented itself on her face. “You’re as healthy as they come, Amanda,” Dr. Rachel Peters said. “However, I get the sense something else is bothering you. Would you like to talk about it?” Amanda liked this doctor. She felt she liked her a lot too....
She was at her usual visit to the doctor’s office. However, this time, instead of seeing the older male physician, she met with a new female doctor. Amanda loved her although she didn’t “show” it, wearing that same forlorn look which almost always presented itself on her face. “You’re as healthy as they come, Amanda,” Dr. Rachel Peters said. “However, I get the sense something else is bothering you. Would you like to talk about it?” Amanda liked this doctor. She felt she liked her a lot too....
First Time1 A two part story of a man whose lucrative business evolves into a true vocation. As with most of my stories it develops slowly, and I hope readers will stick with it into the second part.Houseboy For Hire, Part One Rory retrieved the key from under the third flower pot and let himself in the back door. He had a similar working arrangement with most of his clients, so that they wouldn’t have to be bothered letting him in every time, or even have to be home when he was there. ...
Michelle was still reeling from the encounter she had just had with a perfect stranger named Stan. He was the fireman that had given her first aid for the blisters on her feet, followed by an intense sex session right in the firehouse living quarters! She had just lived out one of her fantasies, and several more were swimming through her head as she waited for her ride home. After a few minutes, the fire engine returned from a blaze somewhere in the city. She was waiting patiently in the...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Seventeen: Doctors and Realtors Mary was looking quite fetching in her black, short skirt and blue blouse as we walked out of the house, through the ruined front door. Fucking FBI. Bad enough they had to raid my house, did they have to smash down the door? Desiree was tracking down a contractor that could get the door replaced today while I ordered five of the sluts to go get their pussy's waxed at the Heavenly Creature's Salon. Violet, Fiona,...
Wally always wanted to be an engineer but his father, a rich banker, insisted he studied to be a doctor. He saw it as a worthy profession and it would sit well on their family tree.To go against his father’s wishes was to put his inheritance in danger and that added up to a considerable amount of money and property. Consequently he soldiered on, attended the best medical schools, and eventually ended up as a doctor at a large hospital.Because he was smart and hard working, Wally soon worked his...
Part 2:The doctor put the second injection away and looked down at his horny, bare-bottomed patient lying face-down on the examination table.Katie's pussy was swollen and wet again since the doctor had fingered her during her shots."So Katie, did you enjoy your injections?""Yes doctor.""It helps when I play with your hot pussy, doesn't it? You're such a horny little patient, getting so aroused during your spanking and rectal thermometer and cumming at my touch!"The doctor was thoroughly...
Hello all, I’m Akki from Mumbai. So aapne meri previous stories mein padha hoga ki kaise maine Shobha aur Pratibha aunty ke sath ek sath threesome kiya. Fir uske baad mera sex badh gaya and maine kai sari girls and ladies ko pata kar sex kiya. Toh ye incident hai mere ex job ka, jaha par mili mujhe office housekeeping lady Revati. She was really a gem. Height around 4.10- 5, fair thi, age hoga around 27-28 and nice assets. She was from country side of Maharashtra and was poor. Main jab...
Pete and Devin stood atop a temporary platform which allowed them to look down through the hollow. The men smiled as they saw water draining away. Pete’s cell phone rang. As Pete answered it, Devin got a knowing look on his face. “Hello?” Pete answered. “Yes, this is Pete Nelson. Yes, Nelson Treehouse and Supply. Your treehouse ... hurting the tree? The side of a cliff!? Uh, yeah, that’s not something I’ve come across before.” The head of NTAS glanced around the work-site. “Um, yeah, I’ll...
DOCTORS ORDERS (The Horny Chiropractor) By Katharine Sexkitten Growing up, I was only good at two things. Well, three, actually. Smoking weed, finding porn on the computer, and jerking off. I barely made it through high school, man. I was baked every single day I was there. I sat in the back of every class and participated in virtually nothing. I wrote the tests when I had to. I graduated. Barely. Maybe they just pushed me out, to get rid of me. My parents begged me to...
It took some time, but she accomplished what she wanted to do. She got dressed and all she had on her brain was "What can I do to get the doctor to let me suck his cock and get him to fuck me again?" She looked at the clock and went next door. Her heart was racing as she waited for him to open the door. Her pussy was tingling with excitement. She wondered if his cock was larger than Peter's or not. In the movies and video's she had watched she knew that men came in all different sizes...
Lee had been a medical student at The Medical College of Georgia for two years now. So it was no substantial surprise for the professor to give assignments pertaining to them being doctors within the medical field for their Christmas break. However, this time it was a little different than he had expected. Use a friend as a test subject? What in the world was this guy thinking!? Lee shook his head, deep in thought; his fingers trailed down the page reading the directions in all its entirety....
Straight SexI was getting my annual checkup and the doctor called his four colleagues in to consult when he did the prostate examination. I thought that was a little unusual until he moved his hand from my shoulder to my penis while he was fingering my anus. I of course started to get hard as he massaged my prostate and penis at the same time. He said, "I thought you might like to celebrate our retirement with us since you are our last patient." I said, "Okay, but you are going to have to do something with...
Group Sex(Inspired by a true story) Groomsman Kevin and Jessica had been dating for the last two years and had been engaged for the last six months. They were ready to get married, settle down, and have a family together. However, controversy soon arose as the wedding plans were being formulated. Upon given the list of groomsmen by Kevin, the always curious Jessica did a background check on them all. Nothing too serious, just an online program that looked through their criminal histories,...
I thought I'd get this off my chest, it hurts but strangely it excites me to confess this. I still wank about it every day.I have a really fantastic StepMom, in her forties now and has that MILF appeal. Like an attracive mature type you often see on the Web nowadays. A few years ago she had to attend a private clinic for certain treatment I won't go into, it's too personal but suffice to say part of it was of a gynecological nature. Mom never spoke of it much but I got a strange feeling it was...
My name is Lucy, and I own the Roadhouse. So, what's the Roadhouse? Basically, it's a bar, although we also have a not bad kitchen, so we do meals in the evening, and snacks all night until about an hour before closing. I'm ex-military, although you might not guess it to look at me. I was actually a Special Forces commando, in armies that allowed women into combat roles. I can certainly handle myself in a fight, as more than one man has found out at the wrong moment. While I do love a...
My jaw ached and it was worth it for the exhilaration I felt. I looked up at Xavier and caught the beads of sweat resting just below his hairline. He was panting, flustered perhaps in the manner to which I responded to his rushed announcement.At the point of climax, I was sure that Xavier’s knees weakened. Clasping his thighs, I felt his body tremble leading up to his release. His bucking hips stilled as I struggled to suck his swollen meat. Hot and with a tensile velvet, I eased it from my...
BisexualTwo weeks had past since I broke Krystal's anal virginity. She was back at school and I was back at varsity with my studies. Krystal and I exchanged a number of messages as we planned to see each other again. I was still coaching her brother cricket on weekends and the school took me on to help coach some rugby in the afternoons. So thankfully I still had some good money coming in and I could afford to book a hotel room for a Saturday night again. Krystal and I planned this Saturday carefully...
I had watched Misty from afar for as long as he could remember. We grew up next door to one another, but she was everything I wasn’t, cool, popular, and athletic. I sometimes thought I was invisible, I did well in school, but no one but the teachers knew I existed.Misty was a quandary though, she was so popular in school, but I never saw any friends at her house. In fact, I never saw her leave her house once home from school. I had a cool treehouse that overlooked both our back yards, and on...
MasturbationI suppose the thing about temp work is that you never know what you're going to do next. Well, once, not too long ago, I got a strange job at a hotel. They were going to go for some kind of accreditation and find out how many stars they could put on their sign, you know the kind of thing. Well, to get their stars the rooms needed to be up to a certain standard. With one hundred and fifty rooms, they needed help to go round the rooms and check that they were ready for the official inspection....
Group SexMailroom Slut By kimmie oh It was nearly half past noon. I glanced nervously at the clock. I always got butterflies before he came. I pushed my chair away from the desk, crossed my office, and quietly shut the door. The lock clicked. If I had only listened for that click a week ago I wouldn't be in this predicament. I reached under the desk and slid out the overnight bag I had brought from home. Then I quickly undressed. When I was completely naked, I pulled a tiny...
Deidre Simmons gets a lot of attention in the office. A lot of . . . inappropriate attention. It's not uncommon for her to find a pair of amorous eyes zoned in on her tits or ass, or have a superior whisper something in her ear that would have him out on his ass faster than he could blink. But it doesn't bother her, either. In fact, she welcomes it—revels in it, and will even get a little piqued when someone ignores her. Her friend, Samantha, chalked it up to the nasty divorce...
Straight SexSRU: The Roadhouse by Corvus corax (Raven) Comma and Asterix looked at each other and sighed. Both of the deliverymen were hot, sweaty and very, very tired. On days like today, when it was 100 degrees in the shade, with 90 % humidity, it didn't pay to be moving around large pieces of magical equipment. Asterix continued to gaze over from the passenger seat of the SRU van to Comma, who was behind the wheel. He slumped down a little further into his seat. "Man! I sure could use...
Helen and James had decided to go away to Bath for Valentines day and stop in a hotel for a few nights, while James had got his wife some sexy lingerie to celebrate the special day, Helen was unsure what to get for her husband. Helen enjoyed dressing up for James and he certainly liked to see his wife showing off her sexy body in a number of different outfits and costumes, with this in mind Helen plotted a surprise that would be perfect for their valentines holiday. The lovers awoke on...
The HouseboatThe small inflatable boat glided up to the big Gibson houseboat that was anchored out in the back country of the lower keys. The houseboat had been there for over a month now and a young couple lived on it full time. They had made ever effort to find a home in Key West, but no luck. There just never was anything available in the area that met their price range. The husband, Harry Adams, had equipped the boat with enough solar panels and a wind driven generator to furnish all...
It was a culture shock moving to Boise, Idaho to attend Boise State University, after being born and raised in a small town in Nebraska, but that’s where I wanted to go to pursue my education for a career in the high-tech industry. I was in the top of my class in high school and studied hard to handle my double majors in electrical engineering and computer engineering.My name is Matt, and I became good friends with Ken and Dave, two boys from small towns in Idaho, since we began college at the...
CuckoldI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFIntroduction: It is kind of a mix, there is a bit of true story and then, the rest is figment of my imagination. Hope u guys njoy just as much I njoyed writing. The article Doctors sexamination I was not feeling too well and so I informed my mother I was going to see the doctor. He was the same guy we had been going to since I was a baby. This is almost 20 or so odd years. I took a half day from work since I was not feeling too well and got on the tube and the bus, then I walked for another 5...
Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: January 10, 2011) Chapter 24 - Doctors and Pop Stars and Music Videos, Oh My! I awoke late Wednesday morning, but I was thankful for the extra sleep. Waking up early and getting home late yesterday had been enough to make me glad...
1) My Husband fucking my friend Rachel.I get the 'cuckoldry' thing as being a booster to a flagging relationship, even though it's something generally associated with men watching their wives interact with other men.In the urban dictionary I would officially be known as a 'cuckquean', because like those once smitten, I actually enjoy listening to women being pleasured by my husband, and of late, my son screw his girlfriends.I have always been honest about my sexuality, and masturbation a tool I...
I have a doctors apt today, I’m going to get a rash looked at that’s on my inner thigh and also I have an anal tear(its not what your thinking due to a recent surgery that I had I got super constipated and pushed to hard) that’s no healing right. I made the apt. with doctor Peria, she is rather attractive blond that works at my local clinic and I made the appointment with her for this very reason, I don’t think that anything will come of it but if someone is going to ber fondling my junk and...
FetishI continue the tale of how I got involved in the amazing sexual exploits of Lupe, my uncle’s second wife, when I stayed at their guesthouse.I had travelled to the Pacific Coast of Colombia, on my first paid photography assignment after graduating from university. I was staying in a fairly remote small town, as my uncle had moved from the UK many years ago, and bought a guesthouse there.My Uncle Gerry was almost sixty, and I was stunned on arrival at the guesthouse to meet his wife Lupe, who was...
MILFCallie by Mya Fantasy Story Description This is the story of a single mom named Diane who has a 15-year-old son named Calvin, who tells his mother that he believes he is actually a girl and all he wants to do is wear a French maid uniform. This is a fast-moving, G-rated story about a year in the life of a 15- year-old transgirl, the year she came out to her Mother, who fully supports her from the very beginning. This is an uplifting story, but with a few of my own...