Housecalls free porn video

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Housecalls by UmmmDonuts I have worked at a local department store for the last few years. It was a big store that housed a dental center and a hair salon. I used to love walking by the salon and getting a whiff of the perming solutions and hair sprays. All the girls that worked in the salon were nice. One in particular was very friendly with me. She was a middle aged woman who was well versed in all aspects of her profession. She was slender and would change her hair style often. She used perms and haircoloring for every change. As we got to know each other, we developed a closeness that only time can produce. We had a caring for each other and often joked about selling all that we owned and running away together to some small island in the middle of the ocean. When the word came down that the store was going out of business, my first thought was that I would miss the smell of the salon. A daily dose of the aroma was one of the highlights of my day. I found a new job and thought that our friendship would dwindle away from that point on. To my surprise, Cindy found were I was working and gave me her home phone number. She told me that if I needed a haircut, she would make a housecall and take care of it for me. She said that she was going to work from home now and not relocate. Yeah, right!! Well after a few weeks, I needed a haircut and gave her a call. The phone call: Ken: Hey Cindy, its Ken. How are you doing? Cindy: Ken, its good to hear from you. How have you been? Ken: I am doing fine, how is your retirement going? Cindy: I am bored out of my mind. Ken: Do you think that you could squeeze in a hair cut? Cindy: You bet, what's your schedule for the next few days? Ken: Well I work late Thursday, but I'll be home by six on Friday and off for the weekend. Cindy: O.K. How about Friday night? Ken: That would be good, How about I pick up a pizza for us? Cindy: That's fine with me, I'll bring over some wine. Ken: Sounds like fun, I'll see you at six then? Cindy: Count on it!!! Ken: Great, I'll see you then, bye. The night before, I set up a chair in the kitchen and had a few passing images of what I hoped Cindy might do to me if she only knew my other side. Then I got a great idea. I went to the hiding place where I kept all my female garb and took out some pictures. I selected my very best and narrowed it down to three. I carefully place the three pictures where someone would have to snoop a little to see them. I selected the medicine cabinet, in between some mail, and under the napkin holder. I figured that if she didn't like what she saw, she wouldn't say anything because she did see them where she shouldn't be looking in the first place. At the same time, if she was interested, she would be able to act out a fantasy or two with me. Now that the setting was right, I went to sleep hoping that the next day would hurry and arrive. Friday went by slowly as it always does when you are looking forward to a good weekend. I stopped and got the pizza on the way home. I got home just as she was pulling up. We went in together and I placed the pizza on the table. Ken: Do you mind if I slip out of my work clothes and into something a little more comfortable? Cindy: Not at all, I'll pour us some wine. When I returned, Cindy had found the plates and was sitting at the table with two glasses of wine for us. Cindy: So how was your day? I got us each a slice and replied Ken: Not bad for a Friday. It went slow knowing I would be seeing you tonight. But now that its here, I am O.K. Cindy smiled and looked at me like I have never seen her look at me before. She seemed to have a little twinkle in her eye. Cindy: Well now that its here, we can relax and enjoy it. I have something in mind for your hair cut tonight. Ken: Like what? Cindy: Have I ever given you a haircut that you don't like? Ken: No! Cindy: I won't start tonight, but I want it to be a surprise. O.K. Ken: Sure, I'll leave my head in your hands! Cindy: After we finished eating, I cleared the table. While I was taking the plates away, I noticed that the picture under the napkin holder, wasn't sticking out as far as it was last night. Maybe I bumped it, or maybe not. Cindy: I need to go to my car and get my stuff, I'll be back in a second. Ken: Do you need my help? Cindy: Actually, yes I do. We went out to her car and she started to hand me large case from the trunk. Ken: You sure have a lot of stuff for a haircut? Cindy looked at me with a sly smile. Cindy: We need all this for your new look. I am going to do something special for you. I am sure you will like it. The thought just hit me that this additional stuff might be because of the picture I left inside. Did she see it? If she did, is she going to make me into a woman? Oh my god!! My knees buckled and I was having a hard time standing. I had never thought that she would see them. It appeared that she has and is willing to make me over. This is to good to be true. What if I am wrong? I wasn't sure of much, except the next ten minutes would be the longest of my life. We went back into the house and she started to take out a bunch of smaller cases and set them on the counter. Cindy: Why don't you sit down and we can start. I sat in the chair and she continued to remove some other items that I couldn't see. Cindy: I want you to close your eyes. Now think of the perfect hairstyle you could wish for. I did as she asked. I saw a picture of her current hairstyle. She had light brown frosted hair. It was a few shades lighter that mine. She also had a very curly perm. I have to admit that I have never seen such small curls. Ken: O.K. I have a picture in mind(no pun intended) Cindy: Now I want you to relax and that is how I am going to style your hair. Oh boy! I sure hope she saw that picture. I would be in for a big let down if she didn't. Cindy started to cut my hair, but was only taking the ends off. she combed and cut for about ten minutes. Cindy then started to rub a liquid into my hair. I could smell the ammonia and knew that she was dying my hair. She was very thorough and I could feel her rubbing the solution deep into my roots. I was starting to get excited by what she was doing and 'It' was showing. I looked at her as she passed and she noticed my excitement. She looked at me and had a big smile on her face. Cindy: You know I used to work in a full service salon. She then lifted her skirt and sat directly on 'It' She then finished applying the dye to my hair. As she sat there waiting for it to set in, she trimmed the rest ;) Cindy: Now lets rinse and see what we have. She tilted my head back into the sink and rinsed my head. I really wish that this was a salon right now because there would be a few mirrors where I could see what was happening. Cindy had a big smile on her face as she gave it a once over. She then reached for a frosting kit and started to apply it to the tips of my hair. As that started to set, she grabbed my earlobes and placed what felt like a piece of cold metal against it. Before I knew it, I heard a snap and feel a pleasant pain in my ear for a few seconds. I realized that she must have brought her peircing kit with her. She then continued on the same side and peirced my ear three more times. She went over to the other side and I could see the earrings that she set on the counter. There was four hoops starting at about 3' and went down to about 1'. She peirced the other ear four times and stood back to take a look. Cindy: Now that looks better. I always knew that you would look good wearing earrings. Now lets see how your tips look. She then rinsed me one last time. She combed my hair to check to see that the frosting was where she wanted it. Cindy: Now we are ready to style your hair. Cindy then grabbed some clips and started to section off my hair. She the placed a box of the smallest perm rods I had ever seen in my lap. She combed a small section of hair and wrapped it with a paper. Then she grabbed a curler and rolled the hair onto it. I have experimented with setting my hair before, but I never knew that a curler could be set so tight. She wound down on the curler one after another and placed the elastic and plug into the other end without the curler slipping once. Cindy: How does that feel? Ken: Well if you look under the box of curlers, I think you'll have your answer. Cindy smiled and shook the box back and forth for a few seconds. Cindy: I guess the curlers aren't the only thing that is wound tight around here! Cindy then continued to set the rest of my hair. When she was finished, she applied a generous amount of perming solution to each curler. Cindy: Now lets see if we can't thin out and shape your eyebrows! I think you would look good with a high arch and a fairly narrow shape. She began to pluck my eyebrows. I think that she was really getting into it at this point because it felt as if she was pulling out two or three hairs at a time. While she was plucking, I could clearly see her smile. As she looked at me, she gave me a warm smile and a wink. Cindy: Now that is starting to look much better. You are going to make a beautiful woman! Ken: Well, I owe it all to you. Cindy: I wouldn't be so sure about that. You have done a good job on your own from what I can see in the picture I found. Hey, I have an idea. Lets take some pictures of you tonight while I finish transforming you into a woman. Ken: That sounds like a great idea! I'll get the camera. I got up to go to the bedroom drawer and realized that there was a mirror in there. I quickly stood in front of it and took my first look. My eyes opened so wide I thought my eyeballs would fall out. My hair was wrapped in so many curlers and I couldn't find one stray hair. My eyebrows were drastically different. They were thinned out and very narrow. They seemed to point up very quickly and then turned down towards my ears. My ears now had fours pairs of hoop earrings that had a cascading look to them. They 'flowed' very gracefully. I realized that I was running out of time, so I grabbed the camera and a few rolls of film and returned to the kitchen. When I entered, Cindy had set up a bunch of makeup and told me to sit down. She took the camera and took about ten pictures from all different angles. She then sat on 'IT' again and started to apply a foundation to my face. She used a wedge and applied an even coat. Then she took out a set of individual eyelashes and started to apply them. This took several minutes, but she was very quick and kept dipping the lashes and placing them in the right spots. She finished in about twenty minutes and then said that it was time to finish the perm. Cindy: Now lets see what we have. Oh, this is going to look great. Let me take out the rest of the curlers and style it for you so you can take a look. As she finished removing the curlers, I could feel the strain slowly leave my scalp. I truly think I was going to miss it. And with my hair now permed, I wouldn't need to have my hair in curlers for a while. Cindy finished removing the curlers and started to gently pick and shape my new hairdo. A final touch and she gave me a healthy coat of hairspray. She then took a few more pictures. Cindy: I want to finish your makeup before you look, alright? Ken: How could I refuse you? Cindy smiled and sat back on my lap and 'Locked' herself onto me. She then lined my upper and lower lids with a black eyeliner. Next she applied several coats of mascara to my lashes. She finished my eyes with some light silver eyeshadow just above my eyelids. She then lined my lips with a lip liner and brushed on a thick coat of red lipstick. Cindy then applied a face powder and blush. She now sat back and took a long look. She had a big smile on her face. Cindy: God, your gorgeous! You really do make a good looking woman. Let me take a few more pictures. She took her pictures and told me that we needed to do one more thing before we are finished. She told me to take off all of my clothes. As I did, she took out three bottles of nair and then cover every inch of my body from the neck down. I stood there for thirty minutes and then jumped in the shower. I was careful not to wet my hair or face. When I got most of the hair off of me, I couldn't believe how smooth my skin was. It seemed to make my whole body feel silky. Cindy then rubbed a scented body lotion all over me and then took me back into the kitchen. She had an outfit waiting for me. She told me to sit down. Cindy: We need to give you a pair of breasts. I am going to apply these silicone ones to you so you can appear to have natural looking breasts. Cindy then took them and applied a surgical adhesive to the back of one of them and pressed in against my chest. She held it in place for a few minutes and then let it hang freely. The sensation was incredible. For the first time in my life, I knew what it felt like to have breasts. She then applied the other one and let the adhesive dry. As I stood up for a minute, the sensation of my new breasts was overwhelming. I felt so feminine with the breast on me, I couldn't believe why any woman would ever complain about them. Cindy then started to dress me up. She told me the clothes that she had was for when she would go out after work. And since I was a little larger then her, they would be a little tight, but thought that they would look great on me. She put a pair of black stocking on me and then a miracle bra. The breast looked very perky in this. A dark blue silk top and a black leather mini skirt was next. Cindy: Do you have a pair of heels we can use for this outfit? Ken: Oh yes. I have many in the closet in the bedroom. Why don't you pick a pair. As I guessed, Cindy came out with the five inch spiked heels. When we finished putting on the heels, Cindy took a few more pictures. She had me pose for a couple of shots. Cindy: Hey listen. I have a nail appointment in thirty minutes. Since we haven't done your nails yet, why don't you come with me. Ken: I have never been out dressed up before. I don't know. Cindy: Come here and look in this mirror. Have you ever looked this passable before? Ken: No I guess not. Do you really think that I could get away with it? Cindy: Listen, we have been friends for a few years now. I wouldn't tell you you could pass if I didn't mean it. No one will be able to tell that you are a man. Trust me! Ken: O.K. if you say so. Lets go! Cindy: Great, Lets wrap up all this stuff and get out of here. With that, we left and had our nails done as two girlfriends. And she was right, no one ever figured out that I was a guy. Since that time we have gone out on many other dates and always had a fun time. (end)

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We went home and had the reception in our back yard. We all stood, as Jessica began to make her toast to the bride and groom.. I had something big to say, but I wanted to let Jessica make her toast first.“Well I know I'm the only one who can say anything besides the bride and groom, but I'll fulfill my duties as the best friend and the maid of honor. I've only known you two as a couple for a few months, and this guy had already popped the question before I thought of you that way. So obviously...

1 year ago
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My First Girly Cock

It was cold. I was running fast so that I could not get too wet by the falling rain. The streets were quiet, because everyone was inside. It was twenty minutes before midnight. I was nervous. It would be my first time I'd have sex with anyone other than a woman. I love women. I'm in love with them. I don't consider myself being gay, but I always had that ardent lust to be with a transsexual woman. I just couldn't get them out of my mind. This passion started a couple of years ago, while I was...

She Males
2 years ago
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CagedChapter 5 Eating Out

A flash of fear crossed her face. "Do you think I'm ready?" she asked. "What if I mess up, while out in public?" Thomas nodded. "As long as you do as I say, you can do no wrong." She was comforted by this. "I understand, Master. "Where are we going" "No place special. Just a diner." She was glad they were going no place special. "But I'll need to wear clothes." "In a way. You haven't really earned the right to wear clothing. But, I have something for you to wear, so you...

3 years ago
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A Candy Cane Adventure

M/FAna and I had formed a relationship by now, after being found out by her boyfriend. We decided to take a weekend retreat to a hotel room. It was December, Christmas time.The weather was cold and icy. We lay on a bed together, flipping channels, trying to decide when to start fucking. I had a surprise for her. I bought her a present, a foot long one inch diameter candy cane. Neither she, not I, expected us to take the turn we did.We made out, embracing each other's warmth in the cold weather....

1 year ago
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All about sharing Part 2

I have been married many years with my wonderful husband. A few months ago, I initiated him to the pleasures you can get from squatting down for a hard shit, in my presence. We have shared this pleasure together many times. I wondered if we could take our special ass games to a new level. One day, I purchased a strap-on dildo. It was quite large. When I got home, I undid the dildo to try it on myself. I laid on the couch and started to play with it, first in my cunt. It stretched me well. I had...

3 years ago
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My first SM Experience

It all started on vacation 2 years ago. I was 23 years old and my girlfriends convinced me to go on vacation for two weeks to the Island Ibiza. At that moment I was single cause my boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks before our plane took off to the sun. So, with no strings attached, me and 3 other girls went on vacation with only one mission : Have the time of our lives! On vacation our schedule for each day was always the same. Each day we got up around 10 am, we put on our bikini and went to...

2 years ago
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A Romantic Dating Fantasy 8211 Part 2

The way I said that “What” made both of us a bit uncomfortable, creating an awkward silence. Of course she couldn’t have called a guy at her home for a dinner when her parents were present. How stupid I was. This was not a matrimony effort. We are on a date. I quickly changed the mood by again appreciating her sense of dressing, style, smile, eyes, and all that classical stuff. She herself was nervous. Though she had a boyfriend previously, her relationship didn’t last longer than a few months....

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Aften Opal Katie Kush Watch Me Fuck Your Friend

Katie Kush puts on her bikini to go hang out by the pool. Her stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, joins her quietly so he can spend a few moments checking his hot stepsis out before she notices him. Nathan tells Katie that he’s going to fuck her friend, Aften Opal. They eventually make a bet that if Nathan does better than Katie on her test next week, he gets to fuck her friend. Katie agrees and adds on that for an easy bet like that she’ll even watch Nathan do Aften if she loses. The next...

2 years ago
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What in the Hell Was ThatChapter 68

We boarded our plane at 1:30 Sunday morning, and after they had loaded our luggage, we were on our way to New York City. When we landed at LaGuardia Airport, we were met by a group from Mr. Sullivan’s show. We finally made it to our rooms at the Delmonico Hotel at 4:45 on Sunday morning. I heard someone say later, that Ed Sullivan and his wife actually live at the Delmonico Hotel, and eat all their meals in the dining room. While some were unpacking and some were taking showers or baths, I...

3 years ago
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Caught in the MiddleChapter 6

I went into my living room motioning the three to follow me. I continued out the front door onto porch. There, I sat down. I said, "Sit." Frank and Joyce looked particularly unhappy but sat down. Their asses hurt from the flogger and the butt plugs being pushed further in their asses. Even Julie felt the plug push further up her body. I said, "I guess we ought to have some rules set up ahead of time. It will let you know what is expected of you. We've established that the plugs do not...

4 years ago
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Backyard Backdoor

I stood up and stretched. The sun was warming up the day. My grass had been freshly cut and the flowers I had recently planted look great. I had a six foot wooden fence around my yard which gave me some privacy from my neighbors. I had sunbathed in the nude out here plenty of times. I always wondered if any of them peeked over to see me. I decided that I wanted to feel the sun on my body. I shed my robe and stepped out into my yard completely nude. The sun felt great on my body. ...

3 years ago
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Craigslist Tranny First Time

With that said, I had started to look to the internet for possible no strings attached sex partners, and as I said earlier, it all started when I was searching for porn to watch and masturbating but I wanted more. Not heeding my own warning that it could have deadly consequences, I thought about maybe trying to hook up with someone off Craigslist and so I started searching through the casual encounters postings, I tried contacting a few girls, but nothing happened and even though I...

2 years ago
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Chucks DaughterChapter 1

Chuck and Susie chased the boy. "You bloody rascal," Susie had screamed as she had hit the boy on the head with a piece of wood. They had found the boy kissing their daughter with his hand under her skirt. "Please... let me explain," the boy had pleaded, not seeing who was hitting him. "How dare you molest Cindy... she's only 12." With his head bleeding profusely, the boy had fainted. Chuck shouted to his wife and daughter, "Get into the house." When the police arrived, Chuck...

4 years ago
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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 3

“You know, Alan,” his secretary says. “You ought to at least fuck them before I come in.” “Oh?” he asks, raising an eyebrow up at her. “And why is that?” “Besides the fact that I already can’t stop ever thinking about your dick, I can only imagine what it tastes like with another woman’s cream on it.” “You like that cream don’t you?” he asks. When she nods, he continues. “If only you weren’t a lesbian, you’d make the perfect wife.” “I can’t change what I feel,” she replies. “You did the...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 53

What are you congratulating me for?" he asked. "Remember what I told you on how I got my new mates? How I had to kill some men to free the women? Well you just did that here. I made sure I didn't kill anyone! When we get back you'll have to explain that to Maria and Lisa. Your family just grew by four. And you got one of each. The girls were stolen from another camp where the men insinuated themselves into the camp. Then in the night they ganged up on two of the families, killed the...

2 years ago
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Bus Travel Or Sex Travel

Dear ALL, My name is Sankar, age 27. I am working in MNC company, Bangalore. This is a real story which happened 3 years ago. Finally I managed to buy some time to put it here. Hope you will like it… Let’s jump to the story…. :) My native is Madurai and it was a normal weekend. I usually reserve the seats whenever I go to my native. This time also I reserved the seat but fortunately hardly few people were there. And they were also scattered here and there except two couples. My eyes were...

1 year ago
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Actions Trader

Welcome to ActiansTrader closed beta test! ActionsTrader is a revolutionary new app that lets users trade an action for another in a selected target's mind. Once a trade is successful, the target will perform the chosen new action whenever they would usually perform the original one. The target will always remain unaware of any change, having toward the new action the exact same mindset as toward the original one. This also means that the original action will now be perceived in the same way...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Never Experienced Rough Sex

Jade is 26 divorced, mother of one child, self employed living and working in Addison Tx. I bumped into Jade a half hour after we were first introduced. She is drinking Shirley Temples since she does not drink, but she is loosening up quickly. When she sees me, Jade put her arm around me and asked me if I was having a good time. I told her I was having a great time. I glanced down at her tits. Jade smiled at me and pushed her tits up against me. I see it in her eyes that she wanted more, so I...

4 years ago
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Behind the Story

As a young woman, many people feel that I should be having the time of my life, but that isn’t the case at all. Even people as young as I am have their struggles. My struggle is making my way through college. I am one of the oldest in my class, only younger than two people who are both in their late twenties and early thirties. People may ask, ‘Well, what’s the big deal?’ But they really don’t understand. I may be one of the oldest but I am certainly the most naive out of the girls. I have...

3 years ago
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Me With My Sexy Gf In My Room

Hi this is Jay, 25 years from Chennai, I work for MNC. I become fantasized a year reading ISS and whenever I feel mood out, will read the stories which make my tool to arose and gives good exercise. Now am gonna write my own story and feel proud to write, people give feedback me at I assure you that the incident is not a story its real. All the feelings are true and from bottom of my heart. I look forward to get replies from unsatisfied married women if any as I can satisfy their feelings with...

2 years ago
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An Unforgettable Brief Encounter

An Unforgettable Brief Encounter They were failures in gym class; Coach called Erik and Kay "girls" and that gave them an idea. By Katherine Day (Copyright 2006 by K-G Communications) I approached my first day of gym class in the 7th Grade with a trembling fear. When I was growing up in the day leading up to World War II, we stayed in grade school through the 6th Grade, and then we went to Junior High School. In our town, the Junior High School was attached to the Senior High...

3 years ago
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Felix becomes Felicity Chaopter 3

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 3 ..He bent forward and thrust his large hands up my skirt on my thighs with his thumbs resting on the root of my penis, and put his face close to mine, “You had better be a good girl for everyone’s sakes sweetness. I know you love your Mum and Sister!” He slowly moved his hands up to my breasts and squeezed them hard looking into my eyes. I was speechless. “Yes I have a soft spot for sexy little girls like you.” With that he pulled away and walked into the...

4 years ago
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ConradChapter 11

The following characters return from the previous Magic Ink stories: Brian Chief Druid, older man, tall, somewhat thin with a long white beard and hair Etain Sorcerers and priestess, older woman, tall, still with a nice shape, not too thin, long brown hair with silver highlights We transferred to the O’Connell Realm arriving there at noon on Thursday, the 9th of June. We had quite a lot of baggage with us. The Twins had their wedding dresses, and I had brought a conservative suit to be...

4 years ago
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Heather Part 6

Good morning! Heather texted, captioning a pic.CJ caught me being silly this morning. HahaGood morning, sweetie! Very cute pic! I sent, in reply.Are you working from home today? Heather asked.Yeah. You work today? I replied.No. Working out, then heading home, Heather texted.It's reasonable to say that I lived in an affluent neighborhood. However, I don't have a full-size gym in my house. CJ's parents are beyond wealthy. Their estate has a main house and several other quarters on the property....

3 years ago
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Arabian Plaything Chapter 5

Nadine's FateFollowing their initial training, the paths of Isabel and Nadine had diverged. It will be recalled that Vesta had bought the twenty-two-year-old redhead Jewess, with such a superb physique, because she was very much a match of another girl already at Quireme. She had realised at once the two would make an ideal Pony Girl team. Vesta was even more pleased when they were put alongside each other. Their height was the same - 5-ft. 10-ins. - and their body measurements - 40 - 26 - 39...

3 years ago
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The LA ConnectionChapter 9

That was the first time that I had slept in months, possibly in a year. The last time it happened was in a similar session with Jenny. Oh, well, I had nothing on my mind at the moment but satisfying Carmen and making sure that she got enough semen to catch whatever it was that had changed us. I must have moved too much because Carmen came awake and wanted a repeat of the spectacular orgasm that she had just experienced. "Carmen, there is no way that I can guarantee another experience like...

3 years ago
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Bubbly in mensis True Story

This is my second story although not my second extra marital encounter. I just randomly picked my banging of Bubbly (changed her name cause I am positive that her husband might read this story and recognize her). In the beginning of 2008 I increased my usage of Internet during office hours. I never believed that people could actually find sex through Internet but my thinking changed radically when I started to get responses from different women in my locality. As you all know that I am a Pathan...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Strange Events

The second week was turning out to be an even stranger week than the first. While not anything, in particular, just lots of things in general. It seemed that they have gremlins in the systems. First, they had lost all the cameras on level nine’s right-side cargo deck. On the Monday, just after 02:00 hours, Lee got a call to go check out why. Lee had been running some routine checks on level two’s air-conditioning control panel while the occupants slept. The occupants had been complaining...

4 years ago
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Life Is a Soap OperaChapter 4

"Hey, Sis!" April called. "You got something from your boyfriend!" "What are you babbling about?" Bailey walked through the kitchen door, fresh from feeding the family's animals. "There's a letter for each of us from Mr. MacKenzie." Bailey snatched the envelope out of her sister's hand, despite the other girl's attempt to pull it back. She tore into it, finding a sappy/inspirational congratulatory graduation card from Hallmark and a gift certificate to the local shopping...

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