Boundaries, Ch. 2 free porn video

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Kaylee and I hadn't spoken to each other about our interlude in the clothing boutique's dressing room, which suited me fine. Whatever was developing needed to proceed at her own pace. I didn't know if anything like it would happen again but I was sure that bringing it up would spook her. It was best for my headstrong girl to figure things out for herself.

The dressing room episode broke the ice, though. It worked a reversal of sorts. I became self-conscious of my own attitudes and desires, which caused me more reservation about undressing and walking around the house. My step-daughter wandered around in her underwear half the time. I did my motherly best not to gawk.

Two weeks later she appeared silently around the corner of the kitchen - in that naturally light-footed way she does - holding a new-found prize.

She smiled with glee, "Look what I found!"

I didn't glance up, busy cooking dinner. "That's great, hun."

She huffed at my dismissal.

"C'mon! Look!" she whined like a kid of twelve, instead of an adult of eighteen.

I should have known before I turned around. I assumed the money would be for dresses and tops but, in proper Kaylee fashion, it included a few fancier items. I squelched a sigh as she presented her new garment -- blue and white satin hiphuggers.

"That looks a little.. spendy." A mom tone came through despite my best efforts.

"Don't worry," Kaylee waved away my concern. "I bought some other less expensive things, too. I just couldn't resist these! Aren't they cute!"

"You know that I'm not always going to be giving you money," a lecture poured from my mouth. "With college and everything. I'm going to have a heck of a time just paying off school expenses."

It was a topic raised often, but it never seemed to make an impression. Maybe it was her just not having experience budgeting or her aunt and uncle lavishing her with gifts. If my otherwise levelheaded daughter had a weakness, it was with money.

"I know, mom," she rolled her eyes in the way teenage girls the world over do. "I totally have a savings account and everything. I can save."

True, she had a savings account. She opened it a few years ago, but it still had the original one-hundred dollars in it, plus a couple bucks interest. She hadn't deposited a cent since that first day at the bank.

I was about to launch the second stage of the money lecture when Kaylee tugged down her black knee-length skirt and dropped it to the floor.

She wore pantyhose beneath the outfit, yes, but beneath the embroidered hose she was clearly bare. I saw more than I should have but my eyes couldn't turn away. My lecture stopped immediately and a distinctly improper feeling unfurled in my belly and migrated down between my legs.

Lithely, she pulled on her new panties -- with perfect balance, as she lifted each foot and slid them on. As soon as she smoothed her new panties across her hips, she cocked a dancer's slender hip to me.

"Admit it. They're pretty," she demanded.

I looked at her, beaming, with her new underwear over the top of her hose.

"No seams, either," she continued. "so I can wear them when I'm dancing, too."

She ran her hand across the front for emphasis. I nodded, giddy while staring at my step-daughter in her underwear.

"Don't they look good on me?" she asked.

She twirled with her hands high then stuck her slender rump out at me and wiggled it. They formed perfectly to her fit dancer's body like she was an underwear model. I nodded numbly, unable to form words.

She looked back over her shoulder, still bent over. "You can check them if you want."

My mouth felt like a desert. My fingers twitched at the thought of feeling the satiny material next to her body. I seriously didn't know how to do it without feeling and acting like a lecher.

"How about later?" I begged, thinking quickly. "Dinner's done."

"Oh? Good. I'm hungry!" she chirped, not bothering to pick up her skirt and sat down at the kitchen table in her get-up.

She seemed so natural throughout dinner, including talking about college. It felt absurd having a serious conversation with her while she was dressed (or undressed?) like this.

"I had this idea to save money," she said, brow furrowed. "I thought about staying here with you during school. To save on living expenses."

I paid half attention to her as my eyes wandered down to her underwear and taut legs.

"Besides. If I lived on my own, I'd have to learn how to cook now. Wouldn't I?" she grinned and giggled as she forked food into her mouth.

I smiled weakly, distracted. A vivid and ridiculously lurid image popped into my head: Kaylee laying over me - driving into me with a strap-on, really giving it to me in that get-up, her thrusts powered by her strong legs and ass.

She was barely done eating before she put her leg on mine, spreading and exposing herself to me.

"Wanna touch them now?" she asked casually, as if she were showing me a new skirt.

"Touch?" I repeated, food almost falling out of my mouth.

I stared at her, wondering if she noticed my furtive glances throughout the entire meal.

"The satiny material. It's really nice," she continued smoothly.

I couldn't help myself this time. I hooked a finger and thumb underneath the edge and rubbed. It felt really silky.

"Yeah, it's nice," I agreed, entranced.

"What about the gusset?" she asked.

I looked into her eyes and she stared back at me steadily. I gulped and my eyes traveled slowly back down to my step-daughter's splayed legs, eyes directly on her intimate - mound.

I slipped my finger down to the gusset. My gaze flicked upwards and her eyes were following my fingers intently. The back of my fingers could feel the heat of her pussy through the nylon of her pantyhose. Her eyes rolled back, and her stomach quivered.

"You okay?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"O-oh, I'm fine."

She quaked and steadied herself, struggling for nonchalance. "Just when you did that... sensitive."

I drew my hands along her legs to her knees, feeling her muscles ripple and stretch beneath the sheer hose. The moment seemed to pass for her.

"I'm sorry about that," I apologized.

"No worries," she dismissed, her leg dangling and swinging off the end of the chair. "Just didn't realize, like last time. Thought the tights would blunt it."

I slid my hands back along her legs and to her hips, tested the underwear's waistband and flex.

"They seem snug and elastic enough. Good fit," I assessed. "In any case, I will be more careful next time. Sensitivity and all."

"Oh no." Kaylee shook her head and then moved. "It's funny saying this but it actually feels kinda... like electricity?"

My stomach lurched and I blinked. Did she really just say that?

"I guess. Don't worry about it though," Kaylee continued.

She seemed way too calm about this.

"D-do you want... any other... underwear checked?" I ventured.

"Ugh. That's alright," Kaylee giggled. "Thought you would like these since I know you like satiny things."

She lifted her slender leg off my lap and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

"So, good purchase?" she asked.

"Good, ..." I managed the first part, but not the 'purchase' part.

"Cool. I'm going to try on the rest of the stuff I picked up," Kaylee announced cheerily as she walked away. "Thanks for dinner!"


"Look, that's her!" Kaylee pointed to a girl leaning against the front of her dance studio. "See, I told you I would show you!"

I was picking up Kaylee after ballet one evening. My daughter was waiting at the curb. We were just starting to drive away after Kaylee climbed in when she pointed her out. I had teased Kaylee that I'd heard all about this mystery girl but she hadn't brought her over yet.

"That's Kristen," she continued.

The autumn wind stirred up and Kristen shivered and folded her arms. She wore a thin-looking green sweater. The red-haired, leggy dancer wore nothing else against the weather. The breeze rustled her ballet skirt.

"Should we drive her? It's getting chilly," I asked, concerned.

"Her dad will be there like any minute. She just called him," Kaylee explained, staring.

"Okay," I replied remorsefully and, with one last motherly glance at little Kristen, I eased the accelerator forward.

Trapped in the car with me for the ride home, I used it to my advantage, grilling Kaylee thoroughly about Kristen. She had never really talked enthusiastically about her boyfriends, even though she had dated a little bit and saw some of them for extended periods. She just never seemed enamored with anyone she met.

Kristen was a different matter. Kaylee seemed more animated about her. I surmised that it might be the case, since I had never heard any interest from Kaylee in girls. This would be her first, as far as I knew.

"No, she's not my girlfriend!" Kaylee groaned, embarrassed, as we walked in the door.

I eyed her as she threw her ballet bag on the couch and fell into the cushions, arms crossed. She wasn't mad, but it entertained me and the teasing I gave her was probably more over-zealous than I realized.

"Oh, honey. I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable. I just realized that what I said probably went too far. I'm just happy for you," I conceded.

This was probably her first serious girl-crush and I needed to take this more tactfully.

She looked up at me from the corner of her eyes, acknowledging my attempt at an apology.

"I just like her, mom. I don't know if she is my girlfriend," the words seemed to come out of her forcefully.

Kaylee could be sensitive sometimes.

I smiled and slowly walked over to her, sat beside her, and put my arm around her. She looked up tentatively and then cuddled into me, wrapping her legs around my lap.

"Sorry, honey. I'm just interested. I don't usually hear much about who you like. You've been talking about her a lot lately, is all. It's nice to see you excited." I patted her thigh.

I got a half-smile for that consolation.

"How did you know when you liked your first girl?" she asked me finally.

"Oh," I laughed. "Well, it just happened for me. I don't remember exactly how any more. It was a few years ago, you know."

It was an evasive answer but a necessary one, since my first "girlfriend" was not the typical kind.

"Oh," she said, disappointed.

"I can say this...," I perked up, realizing that this was one of those rare times my fiercely independent daughter was looking for some advice. "Honey, if things seem to be progressing, then it's probably best to say something to her."

Kaylee shifted uncomfortably.

"Well," she looked at the hem of her ballet skirt. "We did, kind of -- kiss."

She winced as the last word came dribbling out, not wanting to say it.

"Okay. Wow, I guess that's a start!"

Her eyebrows mashed together. "Wait. What?"

"It's good, it means she feels the same way."

"Oh!" She giggled, surprised. "That's not what I expected you to say at all!"

"What did you expect?"

"I dunno. I guess I thought you would be mad that I was, y'know, doing stuff with her."

I paused for a moment, reflecting on my own experiences with girls at Kaylee's age. I had thought about this before, knowing that if she showed an interest in girls, that they would come around too. I knew she liked boys well enough and had prepared my hetero-dating responses a long time ago. Girls were an entirely different thing.

How would I have wanted my mom to respond if I showed an interest in girls at Kaylee's age when I was still living at home? My first thought was that I'd want to be supported. I remembered being confused enough trying to navigate the world at that age without having to come to terms with my own bi-sexuality; a sexuality that much of society still scorned.

I gave her my wise-mom smile. "All I know is this. You are at an age when you can make your own decisions -- and should."

Kaylee beamed. "Ooh, at least there's one thing we agree on!"

She laughed her beautiful laugh.

I stroked her hair. "I'll be honest. I wish I had a mother that understood my confusions at your age. So, I'm trying to be that kind of mom," I confessed.

Kaylee's smile hitched up to one side. "Ummm... so just to be clear... kissing and stuff... is alright?"

I gulped, feeling an awkwardness that I was giving her far more latitude than the vast majority of parents would. But, it also felt freeing to give her a safe harbor, opportunity, and understanding that I hadn't dreamed of at her age.

I snorted, laughing, remembering our first birds and bees talk. "Well, if she can get you pregnant by it, you two can't do it!"

"Not funny." She feigned being mad.

"I honestly thought you'd go out with one of those girls that wanted to kiss you. Katie or... who's the other one?" I admitted.

"Lori. Katie and Lori."

"... and Lori."

"No, they are like totally lesbian for each other now. I see them at school and still talk to them." Kaylee shook her head and chewed her lip.

"They just want to kiss each other now."

"Well, if they're in a relationship, it's natural."

"I guess." Kaylee shrugged.

My daughter yawned and daintily lifted her legs off my lap.

"I should go to bed, any ways. I'm tired," she said from behind her hand, which she used to block the yawn.

"Good night, honey. Sleep well."

She stopped after a few steps and turned around.

"You know, you're actually a cool mom, by the way. Talking with me and trying to understand what I'm going through. Other moms would just try to make me do what they told me to," she thanked. "You're different. Better."

My heart warmed. That was one of the sweetest things I'd ever heard from here.

I loved Kaylee.


It was another week before I met Kristen and I masturbated furiously the whole time.

Behind my eye-lids late at night, as I writhed under my cotton sheets, danced a leggy red-headed ballerina. I stroked my wet pussy lips, gasps escaping my lips into my empty bedroom. Kristen laid next to me, embracing me, a sleek leg wrapped around my hip. Her fiery hair whipped and thrashed, her hips rolled into my fingers, as she whispered how she had never been touched like this.

Shuddering at that sexy thought - I came, unleashing a torrent onto my fingers. I felt her hair tickle my breasts as Kristen came with me. My orgasm lengthened, amplified at the thought. My body shook from the electricity coursing through it, gasping my lust through clenched teeth, until the incredible flood was over. I laid there, sweaty sheets clinging to my damp skin.

"Kristen's coming over tonight," Kaylee reminded me earlier one morning - later in the week.

Kaylee brushed her hair in my bathroom as I showered. I wasn't sure why Kaylee insisted in getting ready in my bathroom many times. She had one of her own.

"Great. I can finally meet your mystery girl-fr... friend," I corrected myself, poking my head out from behind the opaque sliding glass door of the shower.

Kaylee informed me on several occasions that they were just dating. I still wasn't used to it.

My daughter frowned a little. "Just don't embarrass me. Okay, mom?"

I nodded. I looked forward to finally meeting Kristen.

"Okay. So, I won't show her all the pictures then. Just the ones from grade school. Wouldn't she think those are cute?" I stuck my tongue out for extra emphasis.

"Mom!!" Kaylee whined, tossing a towel she found hanging on the towel rack.

I swung the shower door shut just in time and the towel smacked harmlessly against the glass. I laughed hysterically.

A nervous Kaylee prepped me the evening Kristen visited, informing me that this wasn't a big deal and that they were just going to hang out in her room. The big meeting was merely going to be an introduction and that was it.

I didn't hear them come in, preoccupied by putting some newly washed sheets in a closet and A Flock of Seagulls blaring in the background. I closed the door to the closet surprised to see both of them standing there, holding hands.

Mom, this is Kristen," Kaylee introduced. "Kristen, this is my mom, Jennifer."

I smiled. "I prefer Jen."

Kristen was more beautiful than I noticed on that dark night. My eyes couldn't help but be drawn to her legs. She was tall, about a head taller than Kaylee, and her blue eyes were alive with youthful curiosity. Her skirt, far shorter than any Kaylee wore, fell to about half-thigh. Her legs went on for miles.

"Nice to meet... Jen-... you," she said nervously, holding out her hand.

I took it, noticing it was really cold and clammy, her eyes downcast slightly, and we shook. When she pulled back and Kaylee grabbed her hand again, she fumbled a little bit, obviously embarrassed.

"It's alright, Kris. My mom understands."

I picked it up. "No worries, kiddo. I had a few girlfriends at Kaylee's age, too. I'm just glad to finally meet you."

I eyed Kaylee slightly at my use of "girlfriend", expecting some kind of response, but she didn't seem to notice.

"Please make yourself at home," I continued. "I'm going to make dinner in about an hour. If you are hungry, Kris, you can join us. I'll make extra."

"Thank you," Kristen smiled, seemingly more comfortable at the invitation. "Ms. Hart."

"Easy with the Ms. stuff," I sassed. "Jen is fine."

"Cool. Just let us know when it's done," Kaylee remarked, already tugging Kristen towards her room.

"Nice to meet you," Kristen called over her shoulder, waving slightly, giving me a long look before she was pulled into Kaylee's room.

Kaylee certainly made the introduction short like she said she would.

Kristen seemed like a nice enough girl. And even prettier up close. As I finished putting the sheets away and cooking dinner, I couldn't help but think about what they were doing in there. My kinky mind was hard at work and it wasn't long before my panties were wet with the thoughts of what Kristen and beautiful Kaylee might be up to behind that closed door.


Once Kaylee got over the initial discomfort of introducing me to someone she was dating, the three of us actually got along together well. I tried really hard, at the beginning, to just let them be. I didn't want to seem intrusive, which is something I wouldn't have wanted my mom to do with my girlfriend at that age. Kristen seemed to take a real liking to me very quickly and, consequently, Kaylee relaxed to the point where the three of us were hanging out together.

Kristen even liked spending time with me occasionally. She saw me in the evening, a couple times, coming over early and waiting for Kaylee while she was busy, away at a financial aid meeting. We bonded over clothes, some 80's and 90's music we both liked, and the occasional celebrity gossip.

"So, what movie will it be tonight?" I asked as I finished washing the last of the dishes.

Kaylee, Kristen, and I watched movies together occasionally. Kristen slept over with Kaylee a few times and during one of those evenings Kaylee suggested we also watch a movie. I suspect it started as just a way to be nice and inclusive but it turned into something that we continued.

"Kristen and I picked out a movie called Lenora," Kaylee replied.

"New to me. What's it about?" I asked.

"It's an older flick. From the 70's," came Kaylee's voice after a pause. "It's about a girl who meets a vampire."

"Interesting...." I shrugged. "I never thought you were into horror movies, Kaylee."

I liked a lot of movies from the 70's. There was something raw about them. They seemed more realistic, unlike the super-slick and stylized version of reality put onto screen nowadays. But then again, I also liked some black and whites because they were glamorous. Consistency has never been my strong point.

"I didn't pick it. Kristen did," Kaylee informed.

"Oh?" I replied.

"Yeah. I do like certain vampire flicks. The lezbion ones."

Kristen grinned as she mangled the word.

"I told her you'd like it, mom." Kaylee giggled and then turned towards Kristen. "Mom likes the pervy ones!"

"Kaylee Elizabeth Hart!" I chastised, feeling my cheeks warm.

Both girls doubled-over and laughed hysterically at my perturbed outburst. I shot my daughter a stern look but she was too absorbed in the giggle-fest to notice.

"It's... alright... Ms. Hart.. Jen," Kristen struggled to say between laughing fits. "It's kind of.. sweet actually."

They laughed more.

"Well, I hope it is," I cleared my throat.

"Mom, look around at us," Kaylee finally caught her breath. "Two girlfriends and her bi mom. Y'know?"

I eyed her, seeing the irony of my reaction, but was still miffed, "The only pervy ones around here are you two for choosing this thing."

Kristen stifled a laugh.

"Snap! Who's the pervy one now, Kay!" Kristen covered her mouth, suppressing her laughter.

"Oh, be quiet!" Kaylee giggled, and bopped Kristen playfully with a couch cushion.

I chuckled at the absurd spectacle.

"It's not pervy, mom," Kaylee said after they settled down. "Just a lesbian vampire in it."

I finished washing my dishes from dinner. I grew up in a household that always kept the dirty dishes in the sink for awhile and only cleaning them when the sink was full. It only disgusted me to see old bits of food caked onto plates and forks, so I got into the habit of cleaning immediately after meals. I heard Kristen and Kaylee chattering animatedly as I put away the pans and silverware.

"Who's got the lights?" I asked as I finished and walked into the living room.

"I do!" Kaylee volunteered and hopped up effortlessly, like one of those complicated ballet jumps she made look easy.

"I hope you don't mind," Kristen looked at me, mockingly, with a slighted frown as she slid in next to me on the couch.

"Absolutely," I teased as Kristen leaned against me.

She snaked one of her lithe legs onto my knee. My eyes reflexively trailed up her lean leg to the hem of her skirt. I stared at Kristen's uncrossed legs, a sliver of dress blocking my ability to see further up the inside of her thighs. I immediately looked away when I realized what I was doing.

Kristen leaned into me.

"I know we kidded you a little bit," Kristen confided. "But, to be honest, I kinda like the pervy ones too."

I looked at her and she stared back steadily. She smiled.

And then Kaylee dramatically jumped onto the couch beside us with a blanket in her hands.

"A blanket for our snuggling pleasure, miladies!"

Kaylee handed me an end and we spread it over us. After Kaylee dimmed the lights in the living room to a suitable movie-watching ambiance, they both neatly folded themselves onto the couch, legs intertwined. Kristen leaned into me and Kaylee cuddled into her.

Kristen slunk her arm under mine, "Ready!"

The movie was mixed, somewhere between a horror movie and lesbian erotica, but not really either. A young woman, probably eighteen or nineteen, leaves home, and encounters a string of villains attempting to seduce her. The eroticism was only implied but heavily.

The main character, Lenora, was an alluring young lady with a beautiful and trusting face, buried innocently behind long locks of golden hair. I felt my insides churn during scenes when the character tastefully shed her clothing -- the shots carefully selected so only a profile or her back were shown.

I glanced sidewards, to my daughter and Kristen. Equally adolescent faces stared eagerly back at the screen, engrossed.

A movement caught my eye. It was slow and rhythmic, the blanket continually rolling with movement. My breath caught in my throat as their hands caressed beneath. I tried not to draw attention to the movement, but it was difficult not to. I shifted fervidly. Images of my first attractions to girls flooded my mind - heady and intense. I felt light-headed. Kristen's leg felt electric on my lap and I wanted to rub against it.

My cheeks burned hot when the seductress of the movie, the lady vampire, enticed her young unwitting victim to undress.

Kaylee's leg lifted sightly and lowered as Kristen's shoulder and arm moved towards Kaylee. They didn't seem to notice me spy their subtle movements. As one rhythmic motion stopped, another one began. My skin tingled. I started to sweat.

The seductress brought the young lady over to her bed, smoothing her hair out and brushed it. The contrast of nubile, young, and blossoming beauty with the sultry, refined, and ripe beauty was doing something crazy for me! Oh, Kristen coming over to my bed as I caressed her, letting me touch her, nightie slipping off her milky-white shoulder...

I felt like there was a lake in my panties and the blanket felt like an oven. My eyes flicked to my darling daughter and her girlfriend nervously, amorously. My hand, that rested on Kristen's knee, felt like fire.

As the occasional flashes of light fell across my step-daughter's face in the darkened room, I noticed her mouth open slightly, eyes half-vacant, preoccupied, staring far away. My daughter's hips moved back-and-forth, imperceptibly, the only cue being the feeling of something slowly driving into the couch cushions and then pulling back. Horny teenagers having difficulty keeping their hormones in check and it was spilling over during this movie.

My stomach involuntarily shivered with white-hot lust. Kristen played with my daughter and Kaylee moved against those glorious sensations, very slowly, trying to be subtle. I anxiously averted my eyes. My hand slid off Kristen's knee because it was sweating so much. I didn't want her to notice.

Kristen's hand slunk underneath the blankets, across my lap, searching, retrieved my wayward hand, and slipped it back onto her knee. I glanced apprehensively at her and she winked, smiled. The nylon of her sheer grey pantyhose felt slick beneath my sweaty palms.

I wanted to touch myself when the movie ended, but didn't because I was afraid to and let them know my lecherous mind. Both girls untied themselves enthusiastically from themselves and stood in front of me, holding hands.

"Soooo?" Kaylee prompted me, awaiting a final answer.

"Soooo... w-what?" I gulped, overwhelmed with the desire to run into my bedroom to relieve myself.

"Can Kristin stay over?"

I forgot I hadn't given her a final answer.

My eyes were plastered to Kristen's thin skirt. The light from the television back-lit her, making her skirt ephemeral and see-through. The scrolling, red-lettered credits, and harsh contrasting light, made her pantyhose glimmer in the darkness. I saw the curves of her long, taut, dancer's legs, the swell of her hips, and every minute wrinkle and contour of her cotton underwear. I couldn't turn away from the area between her legs. Her nymph-like, gossamer appearance only accentuated her sexuality.

"Fine," I mouthed.

"Mumbler!" Kaylee teased.

"Oh...," I shook my head, my lips were numb. "It's fine. Honey. It's fine."

"You sure?" Kaylee giggled and teased. "You don't sound like it is!"

Kristin shifted her weight onto one leg, her legs sliding past one another with a faint swish of nylon. She stood slightly akimbo, one hand holding Kaylee's and the other on her hip.

"You could come to bed with us," Kristin suggested. "Watch another movie together."

"Yeah, mom. It's Saturday tomorrow," Kaylee agreed. "You don't have work."

I felt an encompassing warmth spread from between my legs to my belly.

"I.. I don't know," I stuttered.

The thought enticed me immensely. A dozen dirty scenarios flashed through my wretched mind.

The gossamer nymph moved closer to me, bending down, and laying her hand on my thigh. Her breath was hot against my face. I felt every hair on my body stand on end.

"We can lie down together," she volunteered smoothly. "I don't have any pajamas, so I will just be in my underwear... if you don't mind."

"Yeah," Kaylee added, enthusiastically. "Let's all snuggle together on my bed."

I gulped. My pussy was a sticky mess. I shifted.

"What do you think?" Kristen prompted me in a velvety tone.

Kristen reached one hand back to her thigh, as if supporting herself. She inched the hem of her dress further up her leg.

"You'll have to go back to your room after the movie's done, though, because... y'know?" Kaylee added cryptically.

My tongue was heavy. I could barely think.

"I know wh-what?"

"We'll be doing... things... together!"

"Oh..." I muttered.

I felt like she said something a million miles away and it took an eon to traverse that distance and filter through my brain.

"Wait. What things?" I asked, after realizing what she just said.

"Don't worry... we're not doing anything that can get us pregnant!" Kaylee giggled, reminding me of the rules I gave her when they started dating.

A dozen dirty things flooded my brain. I was floored by Kristen's flirts. Kaylee, however, seemed very unaware of the implication of Kristen's request. And, honestly, if Kristen was going to seduce me in front of Kaylee, I'd want my daughter to be comfortable with it. My wicked mind envisioned my daughter participating in the threesome, even if it were just as a voyeur.

"I s-should just go to sleep." My tongue struggled to form words. "Tired and all."

I faked a yawn. A nervous yawn.

"Hmph," Kristen withdrew.

"C'mon Kristen," Kaylee prompted, getting her to move towards her bedroom.

Kristen refused to move, at first, her arms across her chest. A slight smile crossed Kristen's face, a smile not unlike an amused cat playing with her prey.

"She's tired," Kaylee urged reasonably, tugging her girlfriend's arm around the corner.

Kristen stood pouting for a moment, her manicured fingernail between her teeth, begging me to change my mind.

"Okay, fine," Kristen gave in, exasperated, letting herself be pulled around the corner by Kaylee.

I toddled off to bed with a damp pussy that was wet like never before, stopping briefly in front of Kaylee's door to listen. Then, realizing what I was doing, I shook my head and continued onto my room.

I rubbed myself and I came in seconds. I heaved as I imagined my beautiful step-daughter and her attractive friend exploring each other's womanly charms. And when my shuddering stopped, I withdrew my fingers from my pussy and sucked on them, imagining Kristen's bittersweet taste.


I was awoken by a knock at my door. It was so faint and I didn't realize it wasn't part of my dream until I heard it a second time. A little perplexed, I threw on a shift and went to see what Kaylee wanted.

Kristen stood there, eyes downcast, hands together, much like the embarrassed girl she was the first time Kaylee introduced me. She was clad in only her underwear and a t-shirt. She wore Kaylee's over-sized Trailblazer shirt that Kaylee won in a raffle a few years back at a game.

"Honey, what's going on? It's late." I asked concerned.

There were several moments of silence as she wrung her hands.

"Can I come in for a sec?" Kristen finally asked, doe-eyed.

I smiled in a motherly manner, unsure whether she saw my sympathetic reaction in the low light.

"Of course, hun," I replied.

"I feel that I can actually talk to you about stuff," she confessed.

"I'm flattered that you think that way about me," I consoled. "Any friend of Kaylee is a friend of mine. Come on in."

I sat down on my bed and patted the mattress next to me. She floated over to me, walking on the toes of her feet like the dancer she was, and then settled on the bed next to me. Her leg touched mine.

"I'd love to hear what's on your mind," I soothed.

Kristen drew in a breath. "You will totally think I'm weird."

My eyes snapped up. I was staring at her shirt, without realizing it, admiring how her nipples poked through the Trailblazers symbol. I chastised myself forTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

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So Happy I Could Die

Introduction: My first short story. Please go easy on the judging. This story is really about a teen named Rachel and her boyfriend. Girls, I left him without a name so he could be wherever you want him to be. Thanks for reading! I was so glad when he had asked me out. I felt that my world had changed. An older guy. He was seventeen, I was fifteen. For a couple of months, everything was very easy-going. We held hands, we made out some and it was just the perfect teenage relationship. About...

2 years ago
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433 After the passing Pt4

After the passing Pt4 He knew she would keep her word… she had told him to, “come to her room at eight,” knowing that by then she would be ready and have had chance of a shower and dressing appropriately. He, she knew would be champing at the bit, but she wanted this to be special for the lad, truth to tell she was looking forward to it herself. She chose her underclothing carefully added stockings rather than the hold ups or tights she usually wore and then came a cream suit that she favoured,...

1 year ago
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Truth Is

Good morning, my beautiful. First thing I did was open up my messenger app. I know it’s the middle of the day for you, but here it’s just 6:00 a.m.So...I woke up extremely hard, thinking about you after seeing that last picture you sent me. The one of you after your shower, showing me your breasts. Imagining your beautiful naked body next to mine, I can’t believe how hot sexy you are. I can’t believe that more than thirty-five years since we last saw one another in person, we re-connected and...

1 year ago
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A midsummers eve walk

Does anyone else enjoy walking around naked outdoors?This is a true story and all the disclaimers apply.Let me start out by describing myself now: early 30's with short blondishhair, a 6 1/2 in cut cock that, when hard, has a downward curve. I weigharound 155 and am slim. I look, so I've been told, around 25. Ok, nowthat that's outta the way on with my recent adventures.Summer in the North East can be warm. I sat in my place wanting to jerkoff, looked through some porn sites and thought about...

1 year ago
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The Cougar and the Bookstore

Since a few years ago, I noticed a few things about me were changing. I didn't feel any older but gravity had certainly begun its betrayal of loyalty to me. I wasn't happy about that but what's a girl to do? The funny thing about hitting my 50's is that while everything seemed to be in a slow decline, my desire for sex was staging a rebellion. As a young woman, my cravings had a hair trigger on them and, more than a few times, the slightest stray thought of flesh or a glimpse of my own naked...

3 years ago
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Disparate HousewivesChapter 19 Beach amp

“Come on, lazy, it’s time to get up!” Frank groaned and rolled over, burying his head under the covers. Brenda laughed and repeated her demand, yanking the bedclothes from her husband’s naked body. Frank rolled over so that he was face down and pulled a pillow over his head; the hands holding the pillows showed extended middle digits. Brenda laughed some more. “Asshole!” She grabbed the pillow and tossed it aside as well. Frank looked at his wife with bleary eyes. “Are you actually looking...

4 years ago
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Turning Point

Charlie Winters stood outside the door of apartment 4R for what, at least to him, seemed like the longest period of his life. The nineteen-year-old knew that it had only been a few minutes since he had been buzzed in the front door, but even if he had taken the long way up the stairs instead of the elevator, the person he had come to see would soon be wondering what had happened to him. Staring at the nondescript dull green metal door, the dark haired teen mentally reviewed the sequence of...

3 years ago
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TouchChapter 14 Good Bye Barbies For Now

The date was set back until the 10th due to rain. In the months that followed, Emma aced her tests. Tim stocked the ship with all the goods needed for a round the world trip. The only thing he had forgot were tampons which Emma caught at the last minute. They were all ready to go and just had to await for the weather to clear. All of those beautiful December days went by but because Tim had set the 3rd of January as the launch date, it seemed like a portend of what might to come. Tim named...

2 years ago
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Slave Rules My first sex slave

hese are some rules a guy had to abide by from a former master he had. He gave them to me to use on him as he showed me the lifestyle. 1. slave is to be naked at all times in the house. When with Master or when in a gay bar or other appropriate places, for example a leather event, it must wear its metal butt plug, 2 pound ball weight and its heavy chain collar, unless Master orders otherwise. slave is never to wear underwear unless given permission. When slave is in chastity, it does not have...

3 years ago
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The Desk

Yet another trip to Home Depot, Paula had been in there so much lately she was about ready to get fitted for an orange apron. Back to the paint section, again, this time with a desk drawer in hand. Along the way, she picked up sandpaper and a hand sander. Holding the drawer up to the display with the stained wood samples, she searched in vain for the right color. ‘You’re in here almost as much as I am.’ She turned, it was him! They had seen each other many times at the store, but never...

3 years ago
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Mothers Day

Shelly was my best buddies mom. I have had a secret crush on from the day I met her. There was Something about her that made me just want to bust a nut deep inside her. I think we have all known someone like that. I never thought that I would ever get the chance to fuck Shelly. But I went over to see my buddy on Mothers Day forgetting that his whole family was going out to give mom some alone time. Shelly invited me in and told my buddy was gone for the day but she would really like for me to...

1 year ago
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Pyari Poonam Didi

Namshkar dosto main phli story likne ja rha hu dosto mera naan kunal h ar main varanasi ka rhne wala hu. Ab main seedhe khani pe aata hu mere pados ek khub surat didi rhti thi jinka naam poonam tha wo kafi sexi lgti thi apne figur ki vajah se main unko dil hi dil me khub pyar krta tha main unko dekhne ka mauka kabhi bhi nai chodta tha wo mujhpe kafi vishwas karti thi ar mere sath kabhi kabhi market bhi jaya krti thi jb wo bike pe mere piche baithti thi to mujhe lgta tha ki main apni biwi ko...

1 year ago
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PurgatoryX Haley Reed Kenzie Reeves Game Of Seduction Episode 2

Haley (Haley Reed) believes that what happened to Kenzie (Kenzie Reeves) could never happen to her. She’s willing to bet that her boyfriend, Codey (Codey Steele), would never cheat on her so Haley and Kenzie decide to test his loyalty. With Haley hidden close by and watching, Kenzie does her best to seduce the unsuspecting Codey. His resistance is nonexistent and a shocked Haley watches her boyfriend and bff lock lips. Haley emerges from hiding and confronts Codey but Kenzie soon reveals that...

1 year ago
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A Clueless Village Girl In The USA 8211 Part 2

“Excuse me, may I help you?” Asked Meghna. She was on her ‘walks’ across the hallway after her husband left for office. It was the time usually the entire apartment is empty as most of the houses have working men and women. She noticed a young African American man trying to open the door of Steve’s apartment but was unable to do so. He looked up at her startled. Then he managed a weak smile. “Hello, I’m Travis, I’m Steve’s son,” he said. He stood up and Meghna froze. He looked at least an inch...

2 years ago
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The Vets Assistant Part 3

Just look at You... What a slut.. hehe come now slut. My turn. I opened my eyes, I was standing, Sue holding my hands tightly at my side, she was slowly walking me backwards, I felt my back at the wall, her hungry mouth closed over mine before i could say anything. I felt her probing tongue part my lips and dart across my lips before forcing itself into my now eager mouth, darting in and out dancing with my own tongue, in and out in a fucking motion. I gasped as I felt her hand between my...

1 year ago
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Hannahs Desire Ch 01

Ch. 1: How it all started Hannah Johnson is just the average woman in her early 20’s settling in her first apartment with her best friend, Gina Adams. Both women were gorgeous, but Hannah and particular was the one who always had all the men swoon. With her dark curly hair, green eyes, perfect smile, and perfect body, she normally got everything she wanted from whoever she wanted. For the past week, Gina has been bugging Hannah, begging her to let her boyfriend, Ian Patterson move in with...

4 years ago
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Do tall men gravitate towards short women

My name is Adam, and being a 19 year old, 6-foot-2 second year Senior at the high school, I'm one of maybe six people who have relatively thick facial hair. By virtue of my genes I have wavy, off-black hair thats maybe a shade brown and reaches just passed my ears. A small mix of moose and gel will usually keep my hair behaved, combed back behind my ears but in no way flat to my head like my father! That man is the picturesque Italian Ginnie! He's ex-military and overweight but hides a lot of...

2 years ago
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South of Bikini 4 Chaos to Catch a Thief

From a technical and tactics briefing aboard Atlantis, Alex and company decide to randomize their approach to apprehend Clemson. Making another trip back to Colonial Philadelphia, Alex allows Jack to send the time thief an 'explosive' message. Will Clemson find an ally with clues to the Empress' weaknesses and whereabouts? What will happen when two rats get into the hen house? Episode 3 ?Chaos to Catch a Thief? Atlantis Expeditionary Ship, Standard Year 257:06:28 ?Alex?...

1 year ago
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Birthday Surprise

So it’s my birthday and I still haven’t decided what to do today. Sitting here on my couch, I realize that this is the first time that I hadn’t made any plans. At that realization I laugh to myself, apparently I have been working too much. Reaching over to grab my phone, I hear a loud knock at the door. Not sure who it would be I slowly get up and head to the door. After hearing another loud knock, I open the door. Standing there is my neighbor, Anna, from across the hall. “Happy...

4 years ago
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Coming Home For Love

I sat in the restaurant with my untouched appetizer and wine still feeling the effects of my afternoon pleasure. I thought I would be coming down and going home by now, but the stickiness of my thighs and the dampness of my panties suggested another scenario. Could I? Would he? I had to take the risk.I threw some cash on the table and got up, leaving the change for the sexy waiter. Maybe another time we could continue our chat and get to know each other better. I hope so. He looked as though he...

2 years ago
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When Curiosity Pays Off

I work in the fashion indstry so a lot of my mates are homosexual, I've been told by my homosexual friends guys do it better, deepthroat, hand jobs and general fucking. So me not being one to judge before hand, I started browsing Craigslist and found a candidate who's a bottom, after brief discussion, I went to his apartment, to which was as stated in his ad, the door wasn't closed only ajar, I walked in, a few meters from the computer was a blanket covered person with a hole for my dick to...

1 year ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 4

I step out of the shower and towel off. I walk over to my closet. I turn the light on and start to dig for the right outfit. I pull out several skirts and a few pairs of slacks. I throw aside the slacks. Not on your life. I want to tease him a bit. I look at a brown skirt. "No!" I say out loud. After throwing all of the skirts aside I look back in my closet. There hangs a jean mini-skirt. I look at it. I finally decide that I would at least try it on. I pull it on. I select a red silk...

2 years ago
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John And His Daily Routine

This story is a pigment of my imagination and does not resemble anyone. This sex story involves intimacy, Blowjobs, Handjobs, Spanks, Love, Masturbation, Rough, Deepthroat, BDSM, Slavery For feedback and queries contact me at This is a story of a rich man, John. He has one of the fittest body. He measures nearly a good 9 inches long and also, is real think. Let me introduce you to the three main characters. Three “maids” a.k.a Sex slaves namely Neha, Pooja and Ramya. They all have signed a...

3 years ago
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Truth or Dare with the Guys

Your name is Matt, and you just hit the lottery! Today, you just cashed the check - 450 MILLION dollars You immediately think of one guy to celebrate with - your friend, Brian. You have been friends with Brian ever since you moved to Las Vegas. You're both 21, and he's been Your best friend here. You've also known since you've met Brian that he's gay. At 6'1", 170 lbs with a babyface and light brown hair, he's almost looks feminine. However, you've never had those kinds of thoughts, as hot...

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Betty Spanked Again

Betty was walking along the promenade with her new friend, Heather. They had met the other day in a coffee bar and, after chatting happily, they agreed to team up for the granny and grandpa races organised on the adult-only section of the beach a few days later where everyone, from bathers to the lifeguards, had to be sixteen years of age or older.The races were an annual event run by the lifeguards. All of the lifeguards were girls aged between sixteen and twenty-years-old who were used to...

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Fallers Forest

After the divorce, I was unsure of what to do. I had my high-paying job, but without my family, and specifically without my daughter, I found no pleasure in the job. I had made my money already, and still had plenty left even after the divorce (thank goodness for prenuptial agreements), so I did not need to worry about having enough money to survive. Ever since I was a young child, I had loved auto racing. I would watch avidly, and I had spent plenty of time in the arcades of the 1980s and...

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Country Love Ch 02

* I’m aware my first chapter was a bit short, but this story has a lot of background leading up to the more hot part of this romance. Thank you for the positive feedback more will be along shortly.* * The alarm in Cora’s room went off at 6 the next morning. She rolled out of her bed and smiled as the brisk fresh air blew through her open window and refreshed her. The breeze blew the curtains which where white as the bright morning sunshine shone through them. This was a true country morning....

4 years ago
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Free SpiritedThe Beginning 1997 Moomba

I was almost 15 my breasts were small compared to other girls my age by now though I was still dressing in a way regarded as innocent. I was about to have my eyes opened that would affect me to the present day. A new student called Leanne joined my class; I was soon introduced to her 16 year older brother Jason. It was he who would take my virginity after the Moomba Festival during the Labor Day weekend. A group of us that attended were all Jason's friends; and for the first time in...

3 years ago
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How I Fucked My Angry Hot White Chachi In Gujarat

Hy friends, Ye meri pehli story hai.Mera nam rahul hai.I live in gujarat.Mera mail id hai .Me ek joint family me rehta hu. Mere ghare me mere mummy-papa , dada-dadi or mere chacha-chachi rehte hai.Meri age 19 hai. Ye us time ki baat hai jab me 10th me tha.Mere uncle USA me job karte hai.Unki ek choti beti bhi hai jo karib 2 saal ki hai.Aab me aapko aapni chachi le bare me batata hu.Meri chachi mast gori dikhati hai.Uski age karib 32 years hai.Uske boobs ki size 38D hai jo mene ek din chupke se...

2 years ago
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Paradise Boarding School 8211 Part 13

Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore. But I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout at . Let me continue from where I stopped last time. I should find Eve and see what she’s up to. There she is in the barn waiting for me near her truck. Me: That was a good lie you came up with. Eve: I know, but you’re still going to have to help me get the...

1 year ago
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Blind LuckChapter 05

Waking to the alarm I playfully slap Mel’s arse when I hop out of bed. Grabbing clean shorts I head for the shower. I no sooner have the water adjusted than Mel joins me while asking me to wash her, which I do. We both enjoy my washing her breasts three times. She hops out to be replaced by Jo for a similar wash, and then Candy. At one point Candy leans forward and Jo leans in to place my dick at Candy’s entrance while she says, “Fuck her good, she really needs it.” With a nod yes and smile...

2 years ago
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First Time Surprise Part Two

"Allen. Go was dishes. Now." I say to the 16-year-old horndog panting beside me. He starts towards the saloon style aluminum doors, but is brought up short by my curt instructions. I am normally a very sweet girl to work with, not soft...I just use 'please' and 'thank you' regularly. This brat isn't stupid....he know he's ticked me off, but he DOESN'T know what that means for him... The echo of my 'Now' is still hanging in the air, yet that dweeb, Allen, looks over his shoulder and winks at...

First Time
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The Making Of A Gigolo 15 Agatha RobertsChapter 33

Their somewhat hastily planned “stag party” had been intended to get Bobby excited, and to convince him that he and Connie loved each other. They did plan on having a little fun with him, as a last fling for both him and them, but no one anticipated how much fun Bobby would want to have. Based on their past relationships with him, that was the goofiest part of their plan. There had been some less than detailed talk about oral sex, and letting him suck nipples, and things like that. They...

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The Job Interview

I had such mixed feelings about the job interview I was going to attend.I so wanted the job - I researched the position, my potential new boss and the company as much as I could. It was my dream job! The company had a good reputation. The boss - well, there was something about him........he was also dynamic and was not one to suffer fools gladly. I had gleaned from a friend of a friend that he was into BDSM! Well, I did not understand much about this at all - I had only heard of the pain bit...

4 years ago
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The PensionChapter 7 The Plan

She woke up shortly before 8 a.m., took a warm bath in the bathtub, not caring if it was her turn or not. Half an hour later, she went downstairs to the dining room where she was greeted with a cheerful smile from Alesa. Her suitcase and bags were already packed, sitting in the reception area. She was waiting for her father to take her home. She and Alesa were having a lively conversation when the Russian woman came to serve them their breakfast. The woman turned pale like a ghost and was...

4 years ago
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My beautiful mother

If I make a list of the most courageous women I know, my mom will be right at the top of the list. Being a single mom who raised her son alone was enough for her to earn her place at the top. She was pregnant with me at the very young age of 18. By that time she had only graduated from the high school. So, I never knew my dad and I don't want to, because of the sufferings my mom had gone through. Her parents had suggested her for an abortion as mom was their only c***d. But mom needed some hope...

3 years ago
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Tonya Starts Work At The Club

Desperate timesTonya was a junior in college when she lost her scholarship foolishly. They didn’t kick her out altogether, but the steps they did take took away her ability to pay for school. The student disciplinary committee pulled her scholarships, withdrew all grant money, made getting a student loan impossible and to finish the final hit on her financially, made it impossible to be employed by any business associated with the school. She walked from the administration building in tears....

Oral Sex
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Break the Gilded Cage Ch 06

Well, folks, here is the conclusion of break the gilded cage, a story I started in 2005, wrote most of…then just got stuck. I doubt anyone is still waiting anxiously but still, it’s done. If you want to read it by itself, that’s fine, but it does better with the rest of the novella. Be aware that this is the only chapter that has sex in it. -Elenia Conclusion Julian and Alania had been traveling for three months together and even Alania was surprised at how well they got along. Considering...

4 years ago
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Jennas Story

Introduction: The story of parents that love their daughter a bit too much Most would say that I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I grew up in a gated community in the hills above Newport Beach California. I am a 57 girl, with a slim waist and long legs. My tits are small but perky with puffy nipples. I think Im cute, in a girl next door kind of way. Maybe I am a bit too much of a tom-boy for some, and while I may not win a beauty pageant, you wouldnt kick me out of bed. At least no...

2 years ago
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Rediscovery and Recovery Ch 06

Confessions and Giving in After the best part of eighteen years, I’ve been reunited with my childhood best friend, Emily, a school friend and swimming partner. It came about because after a failed marriage, I moved back to my home town, it came about also because my mother encouraged me to rediscover the swimming pool, a place where I’d been happy and comfortable as a growing child and teenager. Em was at the pool, and we swam together and raced again. Then, somehow, we were suddenly very...

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Going Openly Cuckold A Look Back

We were teenagers when we met and she oozed naughtiness even then. The truth is, at sixteen, she had already sampled over a dozen cocks, either wanking them after school or experimenting with sex when her parents were out. Perhaps, when it came to my turn to lose my virginity to her, I shouldn't have been so naive as to pretend that my cock measured seven inches (I concealed three inches of the tape measure in my hand). We had sex that evening. I rolled on, put it in, pumped a little and came....

1 year ago
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Lewd Gamer! Just like everyone has their own dirty tastes when it comes to pornography, I am the same, and honestly, sites like are not really up my league because I am not a fan of sex games. However, that does not mean that if the site is not good that I will just ignore it because I know that there are plenty of you lads out there who will surely enjoy the shit Lewd has to offer.Of course, no site is perfect, and I am a professional when it comes to everything...

Best Porn Games
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Cuckolding Princess Eating The Slops

10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. 7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth. 6. Had sloppy seconds with a woman at a party. > 5. Licked another guy's cum from girlfriend's pussy.

1 year ago
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Teenage urges

My name is Alex. I'm 18 and English. This is a story which isn't (yet!) true, and it's been a fantasy of mine for quite some time, I've just never got the courage to do it. My name is Alex. I'm 16 and I live in England. I'm 6”, about 60kg, well built, short dark hair, blue eyes, and a 6 inch cock. I have a pretty good life. I do well in school, have a girlfriend whom I love a lot, I am pretty confident generally and have no trouble with girls. Sex with my girlfriend is good. Not...

4 years ago
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Wife working back

As I work away my wife and I have an open arrangement as she love to tease and have sex with random guys when she is in the mood. The other week when I was away I received a phone call from her car as she was driving home from work. It was later than usual but she has been known to work late at work. On this occasion she was very excited as she admitted she had been late, as she was fooling around, as she put it, with a guy at work who was visiting from interstate. She told me they were...

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Rekindling Gerrys Story

Mary and I now live in one apartment. Actually, it was Mary who moved in because it’s my bachelor apartment and we chose to stay here since it’s much spacious than the place she used to occupy. It’s been almost a year and a half since the first time we met and a lot of changes have happened . Months ago, she gave birth to our twins, Jamie and Eli, and fortunately, as far as experience goes, she didn’t suffer from post partum depression. In addition to that, we both agreed to delay that legal...

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Its fun while youre travelling

This incident took place around 5 years ago, when I completed my 12th boards exam. I was travelling to my native place-near Shimla- in the 2nd class AC with my cousins who will be joining me after 3 days. I met this lady in the train. We were in the same compartment. I expected more two people to be joining us as there were two more berths empty. The journey began and after 20 mins the TC came for a round up when I asked him about the remaining two people in our compartment but he told us that...

3 years ago
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Husband Training CockSucker

Tonight is the night. All my training has led to this. I am about to suck my first cock – and my wife will be cheering me on. But let me tell you how it began...My wife Kate is a very sexy lady. She has great breasts, an ass to die for and legs that don't seem to quit. I am lucky to have her and I know it! So does she! What she likes about me is my willingness to do whatever she wants me to do sexually. We were married for only a short while when I realized that I was going to be dominated in...

1 year ago
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The Master DelegatesChapter 12

I was sitting on the edge of the dock, looking out at the lake. Although someone might have been watching over me, I didn’t see a single person. It was nice listening to the water lap on the shore behind me. Beth had talked with Ashley several times, and we were all confused, most of all Ashley. I don’t think Beth had figured it out yet, but I was pretty sure I had. Or at least I was convinced enough of my suspicions that I had switched over to trying to figure out what to do about it. It...

3 years ago
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Two Sons Two LoversChapter 7

We had been home for almost 5 weeks when it happened. It was more or less inevitable... end school until an hour later on Fridays, thus leaving us all by ourselves. We went up to the bathroom, like we oftenly did these days, and started caressing our bodies, playing tightly against eachother, letting the cool and soothing water run down our hot flesh. John whispered something in my ear while sliding his manhood between my naked thighs. I lovingly fulfilled his request when getting down on...

3 years ago
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My Web Sex Goddess

Whitney stood at the airport baggage claim waiting for Joe. They had been talking for a few months now online, and they had fallen for each other. Joe was a 35 year old single dad. Whitney was 18 and a popular online model. Joe was stunned by her, and even more stunned when she said she had feelings for him. This girl could have any man she wanted, and time anywhere, and she wanted him. He felt he was the luckiest guy in the world.As the plane landed they made the announcement, and Whitney...

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Moth Ch 012

Written by Nanna Marker, a citizen of Denmark, born in 1976. Submitted to by the author. * Lei woke. She had heard something. ‘Wehiloooo.’ Lei sat up straight barely believing her ears. ‘Wehiloooo.’ Her mouth watered as if she were a child carrying her first set of wings. ‘Wehiloa.’ For a larvae it would have been a far off sound, but for someone with wings it was not! Lei turned and scrambled through her belongings, till she found her collection of self-made arrowheads....

2 years ago
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Gold MountainChapter 14

Easement Dispute Jim Brightman almost never lost his temper. Vi rarely heard him speak a harsh or angry word. Today was an exception. Jim charged onto the back porch, flung the door open, slammed it behind him and jerked open the kitchen cupboard door. He grabbed a cup, splashed coffee into it, clattered the blue enamel percolator back onto Vi’s kitchen range, and yanked his chair from under the table. He sat with both hands surrounding the cup. It was shaking. His face was flush with...

1 year ago
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The Heat WaveChapter 1

It was the seventh of July and hotter than Hell -- which was news, and it wasn't. It WAS news, because it had BEEN that hot for over a week -- a serious heat wave -- and it wasn't news for the same reason -- it was just another murderous day in a long line of them. I sat out on my back deck, under the awning, watching the neighbor boy listlessly wander the yard, looking for some respite from the oppressive ninety-nine degree heat. He was one of those scrawny yet doughy-looking kids that the...

2 years ago
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Fucking Diary 8211 Fucked An Unknown Girl In Rishikesh Camp

Hello Indian Sex Stories readers. Myself Harsh Singha and I am currently living in Delhi NCR. If any girl or lady from Delhi wants to enjoy some sexy and sensual moment with me please mail me at and please don’t worry about your privacy, I will take care of it. That was the month of October, my birthday month. As I recently got a job and my b’day came in same month so my friends asked me to give a huge party. Instead of a party we decided to visit Rishikesh. A day before my birthday we hired 3...

2 years ago
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Tied on First

Sex. Sex. Sex. That's the three main things I thought about at age thirteen. Or, it could be: Pussy, Pussy, Pussy. Well, you get the idea. So, as it was my practice after I got home from school, I went to my room to change and when I got my shirt and pants off, well, why not take my briefs off, too, and have a little session. Oh, I dreamed about every girl I'd ever seen in a bikini, even my older sister, Carolyn. She's sixteen and has more of a figure than any of the girls my age....

2 years ago
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AfterHours Fun

I hadn’t been in a relationship for some time - years. I was in my late twenties and knew that now was the time to capitalize on my career so put in long hours at the office. It was paying off too. I was the youngest employee in my company to be fully in charge of an office and it was one of the most productive offices too. As any red-blooded man, I had my sexual urges. I didn’t have time for a girlfriend and I wasn’t very good at picking up girls in a bar setting so I would often go to the...

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