Headcheerleader II
- 5 years ago
- 22
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The wagons were making good time.
James grabbed on to something, its exact function unknown in the dim wagon interior, as the wheels went in and out of a rut in the road. Speed had been unknown in his time on this world before now. The convoy of refugees had traveled as slow as the slowest beast of burden, luckily not much faster than a tired human could walk. Now, freed from that restraint, the wagon practically flew down the road. The extra two horses added to the teams pulling them, and the decision to spread the load over three wagons, helped. They had passed the head of the column an hour ago, other wagons falling in with them. They would stop soon, camping for the night, before getting an early start in the morning. Until then...
"My butt hurts."
Shanna's complaint did not bring any sympathy from those around them. Everyone else in the wagon, the kids, Ewa, Ola, Anelie, had spent the entire exodus either walking or in wagons like this. That her delicate ass preferred to be on a horse was not their problem.
James kept silent, thus, he figured, elevating him in their eyes.
His gaze went out the back of the wagon. Riders surrounded them, winged and un-winged. Piotr and his men had been joined by fifty Hussars, fanning out on the non-river side of the road. Once they broke away from it, heading cross country to avoid towns and cities, both sides would have to be patrolled. Having a barrier like the river was incredibly comforting. He'd be sorry to part company with the waterway.
He saw Shanna looking at Ola in a way that indicated conversation was in the offing. With Anelie being surprisingly silent, talk had been minimal. Well, it was boring now, with no sleep possible until camp was set up. She leaned forward, one hand holding the wooden support strut behind her.
"Ola ... you didn't have to leave your friend behind, you know. He could have come."
Even in the dark, James could see the war on the man's face. Shanna must have seen it, too. She smiled understandingly.
"It's OK. You can talk about it. Where James and I come from, it's accepted. Normal."
"What?" He leaned forward as well, eyes wide. She chuckled.
"Well, somewhat normal. It depends on where you are, naturally, but many are open about it. I had a girlfriend who swung that way." Her face clouded, James wincing. Reminding themselves of friends they'd never see again was not good. Anelie, sitting next to Ola, looked between him and Shanna, confused.
"What are you talking about?"
Ola looked at her for a long moment. He glanced at James, who nodded. With a sigh, he placed his hand on Anelie's knee, meeting her eyes.
"I, my child ... love men."
There was a gasp from the two children. James looked at them.
"You are not to spread gossip about this. That goes for anything else you hear. Understood?"
"Yes, Your Grace!" They both responded instantly. Ola seemed to relax at that.
"Thank you, Your Grace."
"Thank you, Ola. There can be no secrets, nothing that can be used to gain influence over you by others. As Shanna said, your preferences in lovers is not an issue with us, so long as the individual can be trusted."
"But!" Anelie swung her head between Ola and the older teens. "You can't love men! That's not allowed!"
"Says who?" James asked, amused.
"If God doesn't like it," Shanna said, "he shouldn't have made men who prefer men, and women who prefer women."
"Women..." the teen's eyes widened, dropping quickly into her lap. James focused his attention on Ola.
"I assume those like you are in no way accepted in this world."
"Not by Poles, no," he said, dryly. "Among the Elves, it is said to be the norm for both sexes to be free with each other, but that may just be slanderous rumor. I quite like the idea, though."
"There was a rumor," Ewa said, breaking her silence, "that King Lawenza was having an affair with the Elven King."
"Right," Ola scoffed. "The King had no interest in men. Trust me."
"You knew him well?" James asked. Shanna shot him a glance, which he ignored.
"I did not venture into the Royal Chambers, but I saw enough of His Grace to know his lust was for the curved sex." He shrugged, smiling. "I can tell these things."
"You heard the rumors, though?"
"I heard MANY rumors. All nonsense, naturally. The King was many things, but he was not fornicating with animals, or Elves."
This time James did let his eyes meet Shanna's. She nodded.
"I think," She said, "there's a book you should read once we're in camp, Ola..."
"My God..."
The thirty year old bureaucrat looked up from the small diary, eyes wide, horrified. James nodded.
"Exactly. There's a lot this doesn't tell us, but..."
"It was true! Oh, God, and I had poor Lechoslaw flogged for spreading that rumor! How could His Grace DO this?"
"What exactly was he doing?" Shanna asked. "Who was the woman?"
"I don't know! Does it matter?"
"Of course it matters!" James did not so much slam his palm on the desk where Ola sat as place it forcefully. The man jumped in his seat regardless. "We need to know what happened! Who killed the royal family? Who started the war? Were the two related? It's important, man!"
Ola looked back down at the book, thin body trembling.
"I..." He licked his lips. "I don't know. There were so MANY rumors! You have to understand! If that one was true, what else was? Was he performing magic? Was he betraying his people to the Elves? Was he bewitched?"
"Maybe all three," Shanna mused. She moved to the desk, turning to face Ola as she jumped up and back, sitting on the wooden top. "Who COULD the woman be?"
The man let out a long sigh, flipping back through the pages. His finger traced a couple lines.
"I think ... well, rumor says only the Elven Queen, or the Elven Royal Family, can cast spells like this. Travel magically. One reason they didn't just send their army right into the city, they literally can only use it on themselves. So, that narrows it down. The Queen, or a Princess, if there are any."
"Queen would make sense, if she was planning on uniting the Poles and Elves through marriage."
"Impossible!" Ola slammed the book shut, naked hatred on his face. "The Polish would NEVER allow such a union! Never!"
"Now, yes," James said, dryly. "That option is off the table."
"No, even before!" Ola closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He let it out. "Sorry, Your Grace. It's ... it's just, you know. How we are. What we are taught to accept." His eyes opened, humor entering his voice. "You'd think I'd know better."
"We are who we are, Ola." James put his hand on the man's shoulder. "Think back, try and remember anything you may have seen or heard. If you come up with anything, let us know."
"Yes, Your Grace." He stood. "You should get some sleep. It's late."
"Agreed. I'll see you two in the morning." James picked up the diary as Shanna pushed herself off the desk. Her bow was not quite as respectful as Ola's, but that was OK. As they exited, he moved to restore the book to its hiding place.
"Are you ready for bed, Your Grace?"
Ewa's voice came as James was removing his shirt, his back to the tent flap. Turning, he smiled.
"Now that you're here, yes."
Letting the flap fall closed behind her, the teen curtsied, little Marik held firmly in one arm. Eyes scanning the tent in the lamp light, she frowned.
"Typical." Moving with determined purpose, she made her way to the bed, placing Marik on its thick blanket. James watched with amusement as she went to the crib on the ground near the foot of the bed, grabbed the headboard and pulled it towards its usual location near the head. Once it was in place, and her nursing chair placed next to it, she picked the baby back up. She kissed his nose, the kid cooing happily. James went over, standing behind her, pressing against her back.
"Good help is hard to find, isn't it?"
"Yes. You'd think they'd know by now."
He laughed. She had so taken over the domestic part of his life, in here at least, they might as well be married. Reaching around, he let Marik grab his fingers.
"Once he has teeth, he's going to have to find another toy."
"Shanna suggested I make him a stuffed toy to play with, like a bear."
"I think he'd like that. I had one."
"You did?" She turned to him, eyes wide. He nodded, taking the opportunity to give her a quick kiss. Then another. He felt himself harden against her, free arm pulling her closer. She helped.
"Yup. A brown bear called 'Teddy'."
"Teddy ... why Teddy?" Spinning away from him, she bent, placing Marik in his crib. James admired her form.
"Stuffed bears were called Teddy Bears, after an old leader of our country who, while hunting, saved a bear cub whose mother had died."
"Did he shoot her?"
"You know, I honestly don't remember."
She rose, turning. The love in her eyes, directed mere moments ago at the babe, did not change as they met his. She stepped into his arms.
"What other toys did you have?"
"Hmm ... let's see..." James ran his hands down her back, cupping her ass. Her own hands found his bare chest. "I had a stuffed blue dog with a bell in one ear, called Bluebell, a stuffed rabbit called Rabbit..."
Cheerleaders' Rape and Torture This is the story of 5 high school Cheerleaders' who get lost and have theircar breakdown, only to have a friendly garage owner "help" them out and turnthem into slaves. Thanks for reading…Semiater ([email protected]) Cheerleaders' Rape and Torture Chapter One It was a crappy night out, raining, cold, all and all miserable. The funnything is, I wasn't even supposed to be at the shop. It's my garage, but I havea guy that runs the place for me, and I usually sit...
by Semiater Chapter Thirty-Three -------------------------------------------------------- This is a Non-Consensual, rough story, and if that’s not what you’re interested in, don’t bother reading. This is a fictional work, it’s a creative enterprise, so don’t bother to read if you’re not looking for NC writing. I do enjoy getting comments from people, who like my stories, especially women, it’s always very encouraging. My contact info is up with the previous chapters on...
Kelecy and me have been bestfriends from highschool, even went to the same college. She lived in a apartment a few miles from my dorm room so we could hang out if we had time. One night I got a call from her asking me to come over and help her set up the new radio she got at about 5:30 after class. I got my class work done early so, I went to her apartment about an hour early. When I got there the door was locked, thinking she was at cheerleading pratice over by the football field. I used the...
VoyeurAuthor's note: this is actually an older story that I wrote almost 15 years ago. A gentleman who has been encouraging me to write these sissy stories suggested that I post some of my older work online here, so that all of my stories would be available to read in one place. It gets a little dark, and I can see how my tastes have changes since 2003, but I still enjoy the story. I hope that you will as well. Enjoy; Sissy Michelle Cheerleader's Panty Boy Steve began...
This story is part of a series. Although it could be read as a stand alone, I highley recommend that all previous parts be read first. *TAT* *TAT* *DIDDLE-TAT* The snare beats as I lead the band out of the stadium to our buses. The mood is tense and everyone can tell I am not pleased. Our football team was crushed by their opponents and the other band played circles around us. As we reach our convoy of buses and a trailer, I calmly address my fellow band members. ‘At ease.’ I say, pausing a...
This story is part of a series. Although it could be read as a stand alone, I highley recommend that all previous parts be read first.TAT *TAT* DIDDLE-TAT The snare beats as I lead the band out of the stadium to our buses. The mood is tense and everyone can tell I am not pleased. Our football team was crushed by their opponents and the other band played circles around us. As we reach our convoy of buses and a trailer, I calmly address my fellow band members. "At ease." I say, pausing a moment...
Quickie Sex"You just got rejected! Rejected! Rejected!" the cheerleaders cheered with their pink pom-poms . The jock hung his head down as one of the most popular girls, and hottest, walked away. You'd have to be living under a rock to not know who Cindy Traynor was. That blond-haired, blue-eyed, pink-faced girl was in every man's dream, even mine. All of the popular girls were in my dreams, and most of them were on the cheerleader squad. "What are you looking at, dork?" Jenna Marble, one of the...
Love StoriesAt that moment, I wanted my stepbrother to go down on me right there. I wanted him to rip apart my cheerleader bloomers and feast on my moist pussy. Then I wanted him to stick that cock in me, fuck me hard, and fill my pussy up with his warm white cum. I opened my eyes as I awoke. Sunlight poured in through my bedroom window. I smiled. It was Saturday, my favorite day of the week. I was able to sleep in, I didn’t have to go to any classes, and I was free to go out and have some...
Cheerleader Slaves By Heather2837 Chapter 7 - The Cheerleading Squad "Welcome girls. Christy told me you would be the most beautiful cheerleaders that I have ever seen. She did not exaggerate. You are all going to be the most exquisite and beautiful harem of slaves that anyone can imagine. Welcome to your new life. You may all call me Master Bob!" The look on the five girls was priceless. This had to be one of the prettiest and sexiest cheerleading teams Bob had ever seen. Every...
The following was originally a story written back in 2008 to help a friend raise money for her Roleplay site (lockedinlace.com)... for her promised 'The Island' game which is still in development... For a long time I only had it there. Recently those forums crashed, and I thought the story was gone forever. The way back machine luckily had recorded it once. Once was enough, so I copied it, pasted it, and here it is. I had fun writing it, hope you enjoy reading it. Disclaimer: This...
Cheerleader Slaves By Heather2837 Chapter 9 - Holly's Descent It was going to be fun taking these cheerleaders and molding them into his personal slaves. As the girls continued to play with each other, Bob began to make his final plans for them. Holly was to be the first. Given her homophobic attitudes, Master Bob had created a special scenario for breaking her down. Each of the girls was going to be given an alternative slave life to what he was offering them. Although he could...
Judy watched on and smiles as the new cheerleaders where lined up in the middle of the gym, completely naked on their knees. They had their hands up like little doggies and were barking for the other cheerleaders. The spot light held by one of the other girls made sure they had no way to hide their nakedness and no way to stop all the other girls in the room from seeing all of their bodies. Earlier they had licked all the girls pussies and done a few naked crawling races, a couple of girls...
Cheerleader Slaves By Heather2837 Chapter 3 - Capturing Chad Christy looked at her new Master with adoring eyes. Just hours before, she was strolling through the mall. Now, she was permanently bonded to her new Master. She could not imagine a more important thing in her life to do. Christy was cleaning her Master's cock off with her tongue. She simply could not get enough of his taste and she could not believe how delicious his cum was. She could not wait to get another load of...
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My sister and I were typical teenagers. I was a senor in high school and my sister was a freshmen. I was on the Varsity football team and my sister just made the cheerleader squad two days ago. The workouts for the both of us were long and hard but the pay offs were well worth it. After the practices, I would walk my sister home. We would talk about what was going on in school and who was kissing whom. My sister was sixteen and I was eighteen. My sister was short only about 5’1” and very...
IncestThis is not my story,found it online and thought to share it with everyone!Enjoy!Cheerleaders' **** and Torture Chapter One It was a crappy night out, raining, cold, all and all miserable. The funny thing is, I wasn't even supposed to be at the shop. It's my garage, but I have a guy that runs the place for me, and I usually sit at home "managing" from a far. It's a good life, I can't complain. I was sitting at the counter watching some of the Monday night football game. I was in the shop trying...
Lisa and Kylee were friends, best friends. Shared secrets and gossip, a long history of sleepover and makeovers, made them inseparable. But one perhaps wouldn't know it, as the two high school seniors found themselves falling again and again into the same argument... "Sorry, Kylee, but it's just not the case. I mean, I know you and everyone on your squad practices a lot, but you're not athletes, not the way I am." Lisa had the big, dominant personality that cemented her role as captain...
© 2003 "What these kids need is more tofu and less murdered animals." "Stacy," asked Shannon in a bored voice, "like, how many times has she said that so far this evening?" Stacy rolled her eyes up and stuck out her tongue as she counted on her fingers. "About sixteen." Stacy and Shannon fidgeted in their seats as Mrs. VanHoolan continued her tirade against the unnutritious, meat-filled lunches that the school system fed the student body. It had been a long night, with the last...
Cheerleader Slaves Chapter 1 - Ensnaring Christy Bob sat on the bench at the center of the mall - watching the crowd of shoppers milling about. It was a Saturday and the mall was jammed. Everyone seemed to be there since the weather was too cold to do much outside. Bob was doing what young men have done for ages - he was girl watching. Saturday was prime time for this. It seemed that every teenage girl in Columbia was at the mall that day. Bob looked across the center court area...
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"Monica, this is Mr Albright," her father said after Monica had cheered her final high school game. "He is from the university and he wants to talk to you about a cheer scholarship honey.""Hello, I'm pleased to meet you," the eighteen year old blonde said shaking his hand. "Are you serious? You mean you think I am good enough to cheer at the university. This is awesome!""It's a possibility," Mr Albright said. "You are certaintly pretty and I am real interested."As her excited parents talked to...
The red Miata sped down the line of parked cars until it reached the handicapped spot at the end of the row. The driver turned the car into the spot to park. She looked around real quick to see if any cops were around, then she hung the handicapped tag from her mirror and jumped out. She dashed across the street into the mall entrance before anyone spotted her.Tati smiled to herself. She had been pulling this little parking trick for about a month, ever since she had swiped a handicapped tag...
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Author’s Note: This is the first of a series of short stories about cheerleaders. Each story will be unrelated to the other and it will deal with both high school and college students. All characters will always be at least 18 years of age. The characters will either be cheerleaders or students hoping to make the squad. In some stories, mothers will go all out to assure that their daughter makes the squad. STORY # 1 – CARRIE WILLIAMS INTRODUCTION Carrie Williams wanted desperately to make...
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Marci couldn't remember when she had not wanted to be a cheerleader. Her mom was a cheerleader and her two older sisters were cheerleaders. Even her genderless stepbrother Mark was "Spirit" coordinator. This was her senior year and her last chance to make the cheerleading team. She had the routines down pat and she had been on a stringent diet the past six month losing almost fifteen pounds of baby fat. She had made a goal of losing eighteen pounds, one for each year of her short and...
‘You just got rejected! Rejected! Rejected!’ the cheerleaders cheered with their pink pom-poms . The jock hung his head down as one of the most popular girls, and hottest, walked away. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know who Cindy Traynor was. That blond-haired, blue-eyed, pink-faced girl was in every man’s dream, even mine. All of the popular girls were in my dreams, and most of them were on the cheerleader squad. ‘What are you looking at, dork?’ Jenna Marble, one of the...
Your name is John and work for Dallas Cowboy work in the IT department. You were stuck installing security upgrades for the corporate office that would lock everything out on the executive floor and you were suppose to be by yourself all day. You have had much luck with the ladies, being the most unattractive person, as were bit of a nerd. Most weekends you would the building would empty except for security guards. But this this weekend one of the top executives and couple of the team's...
Hey every one rah here….naam tho suna hi hoga.nyways there r goin 2 be a lot of storie s 4m my part so in case u wanna know any story in advance or any next episode of the existing stories dont hesitate 2 mail me on (preferrably gals) Jamie was exhausted as the cheerleading coach dismissed them from practice for the day. Since transferring to city high a month ago, her life had certainly changed. She had found herself making friends easily and had won a position on the cheerleading squad after...
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Cheerleaders & Linebackers By Sabrina G. Langton Part 2 It was toward the end of December and we were having coffee on the couch. "Since you are off work the rest of the year Ava has a surprise for you. I'm a little skeptical, well I'm alot skeptical, but she says it will be good for you," Lydia warned me on Sunday morning. "She wants you dressed and ready to go by three PM. I will meet you at Ross’s apartment later." I really didn't like being with Ava, and I had never been...
It was Carla's idea, I swear it. "Let's go by the Pentagon and see what's going on." "Why, for God's sake?" That was Monica, always the practical one. "Because I'm horny, that's why." I knew what she meant, even though I didn't want to admit it. We were always horny after a game. Somebody once said that exercise is foreplay, and she was right. I say "she," because it was probably a cheerleader who said that. You've read those stories about football studs screwing the...
Cheerleader MomBy JanMary approached me after school and confronted me. "Donetta, your fucking my mother, aren't you?"That took me aback, I wasn't sure how I should answer her question. I was having sex with her mother, but her mother was the one that had seduced me. It wasn't as if I jumped her mother's bones and fucked her.I had just been a member of our high school cheerleading squad for a year. Mary was a senior and the captain of the squad. The squad consisted of six girls picked on the...
Cheerleader Slaves By Heather2837 Chapter 12 - Chad's Options Chad did as he was instructed. He picked up his undies and began to walk out of the room. His ass could not help but sway seductively as his high heels made him swing his ass like a hooker. He was so embarrassed by the show that he was giving everyone. He so looked forward to going to this new club with Lance. He had no way of knowing how awful his evening was going to be. As Chad got into Lance's car, he struggled...
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Cheerleading (what else?) Hey Em, it's your very-best-friend-in-the-world, but I guess you knew that when you saw the "from" line, right? Duh, my blond is showing again. Anyway, how are you holding up in godawful Cleveland... I still CANNOT believe that your parents could just up and move from beautiful SoCal to the midwest for gods sake... and break up the dynamic duo of Smithfield High cheereleading... but anyway, I still...
"Coach is fucking your sister!" hissed Jennifer to Chad, as he lunged forward and rammed his adolescent penis deep in his girlfriend's teenaged pussy. She already knew that her boyfriend had a thing for his little sister. She'd figured it out by accident one night in the back of his car as she sucked his dick. It had been last summer, and during a bad time to fuck. She was Catholic, and wouldn't let him use a condom. So they only fucked when she was sure it was safe. Other times she...
Sandy was the instructor for the cheerleading squad. She was twenty-nine, with shoulder-length black hair. Her shadowy amber eyes were always shifting from one senior cheerleader to the next, seeking. The instructor was five-five, with muscular--but feminine--legs that were the color of rolling fields of wheat. Her tits were B-cups, and they filled out the light sweater she was wearing now as she watched her girls doing high leg kicks. She's been with plenty of men, but always wanted a juicy...
LesbianYou've recently graduated High School. You're 18, and finally ready to face the world. However, your parents have signed you up for Leadership Camp, or some shit... and now you have to spend your summer with an island full of other 18 year old boys. You hardly think this is going to be much fun.
GayMary Beth was eighteen, just out of high school, pretty as a picture, perky little tits, rosy red lips, hardly black at all considering her dad was black as O’Barma, and she was just so thrilled when I asked her out and suggested she was cheer leader material. She wasn’t exactly girlfriend material, no great shakes in the brains department, no style, no sense of humour really, so her best chance of going to uni was a scholorship. I suggested she try out for the cheer leader squad and she...
Author’s Note: This is the second of a series of short stories about cheerleaders. Each story will be unrelated to the other and it will deal with both high school and college students. All characters will always be at least 18 years of age. The characters will either be cheerleaders or students hoping to make the squad. In some stories, mothers will go all out to assure that their daughter makes the squad. In this story it is strictly mothers and daughters involved in lesbian sex. STORY # 2 —...
Das Spiel Es waren 5 Minuten im letzten Viertel des Superpokals übrig. Ihr Team lag 5 zurück, war aber am Zug. Eine Berührung würde das Spiel drehen. Mit dem Ball wurde geschnippt, der Quarterback fiel zurück und ging vorbei. Abgefangen! Und das andere Team lief den Ball ganz für ein Aufsetzen zurück. Verdammt! Ja, das rundet das Spiel nach oben ab", dachte Elaine," 11 Punkte zurück mit 3 Minuten Restzeit, auf der Uhr. In früheren Zeiten, würde dies den Schluss bedeuten, würden die Leute zum...
Group SexBegleitet von lautstarkem Johlen und Pfeifen besteigt Jessica in ihrer blauroten Cheerleaderuniform den Bus des gegnerischen Basketballteams. Der schwarze Busfahrer kratzt sich am Kinn und starrt begehrlich auf das junge Mädchen. Sie trägt ein kurzes Miniröckchen, unter dem schöne, knackige Schenkel hervorlugen. Das bauchfreie Top, das sie dazu anhat, umspannt ein paar volle Brüste, um die sie jede erwachsene Frau beneiden würde. Jessica´s Pferdeschwanzfrisur, naturblond, mit niedlichem Pony,...
My high school sweetheart, Linda, was such a slut. At the tender age of 16, she had already fucked around with several guys before me, a couple of them much older than her. She was desired by many, and I enjoyed hearing about her past sexual escapades. I also enjoyed her wild libido and impressively high stamina. As bored, horny teenagers, it was not uncommon for us to fuck for hours at a time.We continued to date through college, where she affirmed her reputation as a super slut, but I would...
Cheerleader Coven By Trisha Max and Stuart watched them from the top bleachers, pretending to talk to each other, but in reality totally transfixed at the spectacle below. Stuart was particularly anxious, but Max wasn't far behind him in excitement. They were in the gymnasium. Down below, on the basketball floor, the cheerleaders were practicing their routine, jumping up and own, thrusting pom-poms out from their chests, and forming elaborate human pyramids. There were six of them,...
The Cheerleader Ponygirl The Cheerleader PonygirlBy Sarah Sarah was just a cute little High school cheerleader when she stumbled onto Sir Jeff?s website about ponygirls.? She was from a small farming town in the south, and being the curious girl, she started searching for more information. She spent many nights combing the internet for information, stories, pictures, and other useful information.? She found out all about the training and stable lives of ponygirls, and as she learned...
Mary Beth was eighteen, just out of high school, pretty as a picture, perky little tits, rosy red lips, hardly black at all considering her dad was black as O’Barma, and she was just so thrilled when I asked her out and suggested she was cheer leader material. She wasn’t exactly girlfriend material, no great shakes in the brains department, no style, no sense of humour really, so her best chance of going to uni was a scholorship. I suggested she try out for the cheer leader squad and she...
First thing you need to know is, I come from a small town. Not a farm town specifically but small enough to be straitjacketed in many ways. But we enjoyed life. High school was fun. In a mildly risque sort of way. My body was in great shape. When I was young I started in gymnastics and really got into it. I loved the thrill of flying, bouncing and stretching. I found that I liked being an extrovert. The more attention I got the more I liked it. The tight uniforms, the postures. All got me...
Michelle awakened to the feel of masculine lips on hers and a burning sensation in her throat. Suddenly she coughed into the man’s mouth and dense white gobs of mucilaginous fluid bubbled up from her windpipe to pour from her nostrils and out over the pink softness of her lips. Pushing the man away, she inhaled deeply. The intake of air caused her to cough repeatedly, forcing more and more of the thick, salty flavored cum out through her mouth and nasal passages, creating heavy streams of...
HardcoreIt was the end of Tara McNeill's first day in her new high school and she had made no friends. Her family had moved two thousand miles across the country from the small town she had called home for her whole life to the big intimidating city. She was surprised how many black people lived in the neighborhood and it seemed like every boy in her school and every male teacher were of African descent (the girl were more diverse). Tara felt a little apprehensive as to how well she'd fit in, as she...
InterracialMichelle Shin was feeling irritable. For most of the morning she had been the only one at the school gym working to set things up for the reunion festivities that were scheduled to take place that evening, and she didn’t like that her sister cheerleaders had taken advantage of her punctual nature to have her work while they took time to enjoy themselves elsewhere. Well, the seniors had. The freshmen, sophomores, and juniors were attending their classes. Only the senior Felines had been excused...
InterracialCHEERLEADER’S MISTAKE- A Dirty Girl learns how a bad decision can be held against you.Barbara (Babs, to her friends) took a deep breath, then opened the front door. The delivery guy looked up sharply and said, ?Mrs. Snow? I’ve got two packages for...? He never finished the sentence as his eyes widened.Inside, Babs cringed. Outwardly, she tried not to show any emotion, as if it was normal for a woman in this tony neighborhood to answer her door wearing a cheerleading outfit. Especially an...
Candy never thought she would ever be able to actually make it onto the varsity cheerleading squad. She looked into the full-length mirror critically at her almost perfect figure and felt certain her legs were not long enough, her pony-tail was not high enough and she was able to detect a slight sag in her twenty-something buttocks that was probably the cheesecake her mother insisted on feeding her even though she wanted a graham cracker instead. Slowly, she donned the official uniform with...
God, he thought, i’ve just sucked my sister’s pussy. What have i done? As he sat there in shock, jamie reached down and stroked her own pussy, rubbing her clit fiercely as she sat up. “god, that was wonderful, james,” she said, her eyes glistening. “thank you so much.” “jamie, this isn’t right,” james protested, overcome with guilt at what they had done. “we shouldn’t be doing this.” “i know, but we’re not doing anything really wrong. I mean, nothing can happen from this, can it?” “no, but –”...
IncestI put on my blue-and-white pleated cheerleader skirt and my white fuzzy sweater and admired myself in the mirror. Though I had just turned 18 last week and knew I was still blossoming, I had already filled out nicely. My 35c-23-34 figure looked awesome in my cheerleader outfit, and my long blonde hair and blue eyes finished the picture off very nicely, I thought. I smiled as I looked at myself and then smoothed my clothes again and ran downstairs. Just before I got to the front door, my mom...