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Cheerleader Mom

By Jan

Mary approached me after school and confronted me. "Donetta, your fucking my mother, aren't you?"

That took me aback, I wasn't sure how I should answer her question. I was having sex with her mother, but her mother was the one that had seduced me. It wasn't as if I jumped her mother's bones and fucked her.

I had just been a member of our high school cheerleading squad for a year. Mary was a senior and the captain of the squad. The squad consisted of six girls picked on the basis of our looks, popularity and physical ability to perform simple dance steps.

Rarely were sophomores picked for the squad, but they had made an exception in my case. At the time, I have to admit that I wasn't sexually innocent. About the time, I was entering junior high school my girlfriends and I explored our sexuality with each other. We kissed and masturbated each other, but we soon learned that such activity would stigmatize us, so we quit that and pursued the company of boys. I never let boys touch me on dates, because my mother admonished me that if girls are too easy with their virtue boys wouldn't respect them. So, I was relatively innocent when I went to high school.

I was surprised when I was selected for the cheerleading squad, I had tried out on a dare. I was aware that a lot of our classmates consider cheerleaders a bunch of sexual tramps. It is assumed that they fuck the star athletes. But, in truth several of them turned out to be confirmed lesbians.

Our physical education teacher, Ms. Conny Ferguson, serves as our coach. She is a very good- looking woman in her mid-thirties, and a closeted lesbian. She pretended to be a heterosexual for professional reasons, but I found out by accident that she is a muff-diver.

Our mothers were very involved in supporting us. They paid for out outfits and cheerleading camp.

Cheerleaders camp was held during summer vacation at the campus of a university. It was run by a professional organization. We were housed in a girl's dormitory for a week while we were taught the skills needed to perform. It was a shock for me to see the immodesty displayed by the girls attending the camp. They thought nothing about walking round the halls naked, and the crud language they used. By the end of camp, I was just one of the girls parading around in the nude like all of the girls from as many as 15 different schools.

When we returned home we practiced on the girl's athletic field close enough to hear the marching band practicing on the secondary football field. During our practice sessions, we preferred to wear sports bras to prevent our breasts from flopping around and short T-shirts that left our waists exposed, with short-shorts, crew socks and leather cross trainer shoes, because they were comfortable. After practice, we would hang out at the of homes of the captain of the squad.

Mary's mother was very active in the support and administration of the squad, and hosted many social activities at her home, that included social parties and sleeepovers. She had been a cheerleader at the high school and at the college she had graduated from, so she was very vested in the running of the team. She was still a very attractive 41-year-old that kept fit and could still do a credible cheerleading routine ending, I jump-splits.

I don't know if it was because I was the newest and youngest member of the squad, but she seemed to take a special interest in me. She insisted that I should call her Sarah. She also gave me additional private lessons after the other girls were excused. During her instruction, she would place her hands on my body to demonstrate where my arms and legs should be. After the lessons, we would sit and talk while I cooled off. She wanted to know what movies and music I like. The more comfortable I felt with her the more personal the questions became.

She asked me about boys, and I told her that I had little to do with boys because they are so grabby and most of them have bad breath. Additional questions were about if I had ever make out with girls. I confessed that between the ages 10 and 13 my girlfriends and I used to kiss and each other, but about the age of 13 we learned that if anyone found out about what we were doing we would be labelled with names like lesbians and such, so we stopped doing it. She persuaded the subject until I admitted that we had masturbated each other, but denied ever going down on each other.

The more time we spent together the more her hands touched me on inappropriate areas, but I didn't associate her actions as anything other than a desire to help teach me to be a better cheerleader, until the day she commented that it was shame that I had to wear the sports bra. Every girl should be proud of their breasts. She was standing behind me, and she slipped her hand under my T-shirt and f0rced her hand under my tight sports bra. She squeezed my left tit with strong fingers. It startled me but it felt good. When I let out a sigh she slipped her other hand down the front of my tight shorts. I was wearing very thin pair of hip hugger panties.

When her fingers slipped into my panties she felt my soft pubic hairs, and she commented, "Honey, I would recommend that you either shave your pubic hair into a bikini cut or remove all of your hair, because when you kick your legs up you wouldn't want any stray hairs peeking out of your underwear. If you would like I would be happy shave it for you!"

I was embarrassed by her action and suggestion, so I was at and at a loss for a response.

She insisted, "Let me shave it for you?"

I couldn't bring myself to say yes, but I nodded my approval.

She had me sit there on her white plastic patio chair, and she went into the house to get the supplies she needed to do the job. When she returned, she was carrying a towel over her arm and had a pan of warm water, a can of shaving cream and a Lady's safety razor and a pair of scissors in hand. She asked me to remove my shorts and panties had me sit on a bench with my legs spread.

She picked up the scissors and proceeded to cut my pubic hair as short as she could before she moistened my crotch with a wet hand cloth before applying the shaving cream, and then taking up the razor, and proceeded to shave my crotch completely. When she finished shaving me she washed and wiped my crotch, then ran her hand over my vulva. When she was satisfied that she had not missed a hair she applied a lotion that was a skin moisturizer to my pussy, but she didn't just do that, she started masturbating me.

She placed her hands on my thighs spreading them, and placed her face in my crotch and started licking my pussy. I sat there too stunned to respond, and I was overwhelmed by the pleasure she was inducing in me. I had to cling to her head to keep from falling over backwards. I experienced an orgasm that got me so worked up I wanted to do the same for her.

Sarah sat her shaving supplies aside and pulled me to my feet and led me to a chase lounge and quickly removed her own shorts and halter top. I was impressed with the size of her breasts. I thought they were beautiful the way her nipples pointed straight out horizontal to her body. When she removed her panties, I saw that her vulva was shaved clean too. The puffy vulva was so smooth, and poking out of her vagina was a stiff ridge ending in a swollen bulb of a clitoris. She lifted her right breasts and pulled my head towards it, and I opened my mouth and took her nipple into my mouth and sucked on it like a baby. She encouraged me to suck on both of her tits for several minutes, before she placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed me downwards towards her crotch.

I offered no resistance, because I wondered what it would taste like. As my face got closer I could smell the pungent odour of her cunt and feel the heat of her body. In some ways, it reminded me of the smell of my friend's juices on my fingers back in junior high. There was a distinctive taste of salt on her flesh. I was fascinated by the way her clitoris protruded from her pussy. It reminded me of a little penis. I sucked it into my mouth like I had done to her nipples and sucked on it vigorously.

Sarah was making all kinds of noises that were obviously from pleasure, and she was using all kinds a dirty-words to tell me what she wanted me to do and how much she was enjoying the way I was eating her pussy. She virtually screamed when she had an orgasm.

She pulled me up, and sat me on the chase lounge and we hugged and kissed me, while sucking on my tongue.

We eventually gathered up or clothes and got dressed. While we were getting dressed she assured me that we shouldn't tell the other girls, because Mary would get jealous.

Later that evening I mulled over her words.

While lying in bed I figured out that if her daughter would get jealous she must be having sex with her daughter, and probably other girls on the team. It was all so erotic I masturbated half of the night.

The next day after school we practiced at the school, but afterwards Mary invited all of us to her house for a swimming party. Because I was too young to drive Mary invited me to ride with her and a couple of other members. The rest of them piled into another car. When we arrived at her home, Mary announced to her mother that we were going swimming, and we charged into the backyard. All of them started peeling off their shorts and tops. They didn't hesitate removing their bras and panties. They were joking around, poking each other's tits and butts before jumping into the water. They were not shy about standing in the pool kissing and feeling each other up. It took me a little while before I joined in the fun and games.

At one point my bladder alerted me that I needed to pee and I told them that I needed to use the bathroom, and got out of the pool. I grabbed a large towel and dried my hair and body as I made my way to the house. I practically ran down the hall to the guest bathroom. I barely got my butt seated before I let go and a strong stream of urine splashed in the bowel. I was still pissing when the bathroom door opened and Sarah Walked in. As she closed the door behind her she lifted the front of her dress, showing me her pussy.

She approached and straddled my legs as she shoved her pussy against my mouth. I ate her pussy and while I was licking her clit and sucking on it, she was extoling me on. When she had an orgasm, she pulled me to my feet and kissed me on the mouth. She licked her own pussy juice from my face. While she was kissing me, she shoved two fingers up my cunt, and jilled me until I had an orgasm.

I felt embarrassed as I returned to the pool. I wondered if they could tell I had been fucking Sarah. It was strange that I was concerned at all the five of them were engrossed in sucking each other's pussy.

One day I had an appointment to see the fam!ly doctor, and the team was going to a competition, so Sarah offered to drive me to the school after my doctor's visit.

I had lost my virginity long before Sarah brought me out, but I wondered if my doctor could tell I was having sex. She was very professional as she used a gloved finger to probe my vagina. She simply announced that I was in fine condition.

Sarah was waiting at the curb and simply leaned over and kissed me before driving me to the high school that was hosting the competition. We did well, and won a second-place trophy. We were in good spirits. Everyone was in a party mood. Two of us rode home with Mary and her mother. Mary wanted to go home with the other girl, so Sarah dropped the two of them off at the girl's home. As far as Mary knew her mother was going to take me home, but as soon as the girls were out of the car Sarah took me straight to her home.

I was out of my cheerleaders' uniform in a flash and helped Sarah out of her dress. When I got her out of her dress I discovered she was not wearing panties. I jokingly asked don't you ever wear panties, and she assured me that she rarely ever wears panties.

We went to bed and she got on top of me and we sucked pussies at the same time. Sarah even curled me up in a ball and licked my asshole. It drove me crazy. I just had to try and tongue her asshole too. When we had, both had a couple of orgasms we got dressed and she took me home before Mary would get home.

The next Monday at school it went as normal. We practiced after school under the shade of the trees in front of the girl's gym. Mary was giving me the evil eye all during practice. I wondered why she was mad at me.

After practice, the coach couldn't get away fast enough. The rest of us were gathering up our book bags and stuffing our school clothes in the bags before parting ways.

That was when Mary confronted me with the accusation, "Donetta, your fucking my mother, aren't you?"

I stood there too stunned to respond. Mary slapped me across the left side of my face. I started bawling like a baby. I confessed to having sex with her mother.

She grabbed me arm and dragged me to the parking lot and told me to get in her car after tossing our bags into the back seat. I was too scared to even ask where she was taking me. She soon turned to the left, and I knew she was not taking me to her home or my own home. She drove to a neighbouring town to a rural farm house on a section corner at least a quarter mile from the nearest other residents. She parked her car on the gravel path leading to the old weathered wooden porch.

The sound of the tires crunching the gravel must have alerted the residence. The screen door opened and our coach came out onto the porch to find out who was driving up her driveway. She obviously recognized Mary car.

She was still dressed in the white tennis outfit she always wore at school to teach a bunch of girls that had no desire to exercise at all. I learned that day that she only coached the cheerleaders, girl basketball team because it was required by her contract with the school board, but it also gave her access to girls to party with. She seemed to recognize Mary's car as she stood there with her legs spread and hands resting on her hips.

Mary's side of the car was facing the porch, so Conny smiled at Mary, but didn't notice me until I exited my side of the car. Conny's face darkened when she saw me. I took it that she didn't appreciate my presence. I was about to get back in the car, until Mary insisted that I join her. We walked up the steps to face Conny.

Conny placed her arms around Mary's shoulders and kissed her on the cheek. She invited us in for visit.

When we entered the house, I fascinated to see what our coaches home looked like. At first glance, it looked like any home in the area. The furniture was contemporary, and the house was clean and tidy. There was nothing in the living room to tell you about Conny's personal life. There were no fam!ly pictures or anything that bespoke of her hobbies. It could have been a room in a hotel.

Conny Asked Mary, "To what do I owe the honour of this visit?"

Mary responded, "Donetta has been fucking my mother, and I figured that if she is going to fuck my mother she should at least learn how to do it properly."

Conny quickly whipped out her right hand and slapped Mary across the face. "You presume too much!"

Mary rubbed the side of her face, "I figured you would be pleased to show our young cheerleader how to please a woman. You must have been attracted to her to select a sophomore for the squad."

Conny looked at me. I felt like she was undressing me with her eyes. It made me feel uncomfortable. She must have made a decision because she took us both by the hand and led us through the house to the master bedroom in the back of the house.

For the first time, I actually saw something that reflected Conny's personality. There had been rumours among the other cheerleaders that she was a lesbian but I hadn't paid much attention. My opinion changed, seeing the adornments in this room.

There were photographs on the wall and on her dresser of several women. There were some with faces that had haircuts more like a man's and their faces were without makeup and looked more like men than women. The only problem was they had big breasts. The other type of women on the walls were delicate flowers with long flowing hair. They had sweet looing mouths and their bodies were showing supple breasts and very womanly pussies. It was obvious that she worshiped the womanly form of types of women. The decorations were very delicately feminine.

Conny gave Mary and I a lasciviously look. "Since you saw fit to drag an uninitiated girl to my home without permission, you deserved to be punished. As for you Donette, if you're Mary's mother you can watch!"

"That is not quite true, she has been fucking me for a few weeks."

Mary was furious with me for blaming her mother for seducing me. She wanted to strike me, but she just stood there with clinched fists.

Conny stepped between us and said, "Now girls let's not get hostel. Mary, you and I both know that your mother has a sweet tooth for fresh young gash."

Mary un-clinched fists, as Conny told her to assume the proper position for her punishment. Mary dropped her shorts and panties as she drayped herself across the side of the bed. Conny started spanking her butt with her bare hand.

With each smack Mary's butt cheeks started taking on a red glow. She was starting to beg Conny to take pity on her and stop whipping her. The crying was not fake at all.

I was feeling uncomfortable watching Conny whipping Mary like that.

Conny turned her attention towards me. "Mary violated my rule of not bringing girls to my house that are not committed to keeping my secret, after all I could lose my job if it became publicly known that I am a lesbian. Do you understand why I don't want anyone casually going around bringing around girls without my permission?"

"I understand your concerns, but should you be punishing Mary so harshly?"

"I want to make an impression on Mary that she will never forget! Before this goes any further do you promise to never discuss what you now know about me?"

I thought about her question, and understood her request. "I promise that what I know about you will never cross my lips!"

Conny smiled, and she reached for my arm and pulled me close kissed me on the mouth.

I surrendered to her embrace as she started removing my school clothes. When I was totally naked she sat me on the bed next to Mary. The colour was returning to Mary's butt, and she turned over and the two of us watched as Conny removed her clothes.

I was even more impressed with her physique. She has a body to die for. I thought she had a better body than any of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit models I have seen. I had seen most of her body at school, but I had never seen her completely naked before. Her breasts couldn't have been more perfect even with implants. As for her ass, breasts and pussy there was not so much as a scar or bodily imperfection on them.

Mary pulled her top off to join us in our naked glory. We looked at each other as Conny joined us on the bed.

That was the start of many afternoons of sexual parties at her home. Conny was a truly experienced lover. She directed our every move and introduced us to a number of ways to please women that we would have never thought of on our own.

The first thing she taught us was masturbation interruptus. She would masturbate us right to the edge of an orgasm, then stop for a period of time. It would drive us to the brink of madness and f0rce us to beg her to make us cum. By the time she relented and diddled us to orgasm we would often lose control of our bladders and we would piss all over ourselves.

She also introduced us to face sitting. She would sit on our faces and smother us with her crotch. While being deprived of oxygen we were instructed to lick her cunt and asshole. It became exciting to actually, experience an orgasm while bringing her to an orgasm. My nose would be filed with the aroma of her cunt and I could smell her odour after I went home and enjoy the smell while masturbating myself to sleep.

Mary's mother Sarah became a beneficiary of my education at the hands of Conny. It thrilled her when I would allow her to sit on my face. Our masturbation sessions became delightful torture. We would do it until there was no way of stopping the orgasm. We would often black out for a short time after an orgasm.

I continued to visit Sarah for many years. We lost contact with each other after I moved to another state following a job opportunity.


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Mary Beth was eighteen, just out of high school, pretty as a picture, perky little tits, rosy red lips, hardly black at all considering her dad was black as O’Barma, and she was just so thrilled when I asked her out and suggested she was cheer leader material. She wasn’t exactly girlfriend material, no great shakes in the brains department, no style, no sense of humour really, so her best chance of going to uni was a scholorship. I suggested she try out for the cheer leader squad and she...

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Cheerleader Making the Team

First thing you need to know is, I come from a small town. Not a farm town specifically but small enough to be straitjacketed in many ways. But we enjoyed life. High school was fun. In a mildly risque sort of way. My body was in great shape. When I was young I started in gymnastics and really got into it. I loved the thrill of flying, bouncing and stretching. I found that I liked being an extrovert. The more attention I got the more I liked it. The tight uniforms, the postures. All got me...

2 years ago
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Das Spiel Es waren 5 Minuten im letzten Viertel des Superpokals übrig. Ihr Team lag 5 zurück, war aber am Zug. Eine Berührung würde das Spiel drehen. Mit dem Ball wurde geschnippt, der Quarterback fiel zurück und ging vorbei. Abgefangen! Und das andere Team lief den Ball ganz für ein Aufsetzen zurück. Verdammt! Ja, das rundet das Spiel nach oben ab", dachte Elaine," 11 Punkte zurück mit 3 Minuten Restzeit, auf der Uhr. In früheren Zeiten, würde dies den Schluss bedeuten, würden die Leute zum...

Group Sex
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Cheerleader Gangbang

Begleitet von lautstarkem Johlen und Pfeifen besteigt Jessica in ihrer blauroten Cheerleaderuniform den Bus des gegnerischen Basketballteams. Der schwarze Busfahrer kratzt sich am Kinn und starrt begehrlich auf das junge Mädchen. Sie trägt ein kurzes Miniröckchen, unter dem schöne, knackige Schenkel hervorlugen. Das bauchfreie Top, das sie dazu anhat, umspannt ein paar volle Brüste, um die sie jede erwachsene Frau beneiden würde. Jessica´s Pferdeschwanzfrisur, naturblond, mit niedlichem Pony,...

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Cheerleader Panties 1

Cheerleader Panties – 1This is a made up story based on several suggestions for more panty boy stories. If you don’t like stories about men wearing women’s panties you may want to search elsewhere. None of this happened, or did it? I seem to know a lot about this subject. I will never tell!“Amber Lynn, Stephanie, this is my son Larry,” my mother said when the commotion over the two girls getting off a school bus from a town across the state ended. “I guess we hadn’t told you Larry that these...

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Cheerleader Sale

Cheerleader Sale By King Leopold [email protected] Short synopsis for the story: A Cheerleader is kidnapped and prepared tobe sold into slavery Story codes: M+/f, Teen, BDSM, Slavery, NC, Heavy Fourteen year old Mandy found herself being dragged by her hair into theroom built to resemble a large medieval torture chamber. She struggled andfought, but the more powerful man forced her down on onto the top of a leathercovered table and sat down on top of her. He straddled her to keep her...

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Cheerleader Flash

Don't you just love it when fate takes a crap on someone, then turns around and cleans it up nicely? You be the judge! Jo Ann was your typical wannabe in high school: Not quite head cheerleader type but willing to do whatever it took to fit in with the crowd. She put up with the incessant insults about her Italian "mustache", and despite that being somewhat true, she owned a perfectly rounded face, a sweet smile, slightly meaty but creamy rich thighs, dark thick hair, a wonderful olive...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 18 My Girls Get a new friend

Every thing in our little family was going quite well. The girls and I were in school all day and I was able to do some of my design work evenings and weekends. There was plenty of 'girl talk' going on between the girls which I tried to ignore as much as I could. I figured they needed their privacy so I did not want to intrude. We did though have a lot of family time playing cards, board games and movies or just talking. By the way don't challenge those girls to a game of trivial pursuit...

1 year ago
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Cheerleader Sluts

My name is Jade; I am a 23-yr. Old white female. I have shoulder length black hair and light green eyes. I must admit that I am a very pretty girl, A bit more sexy than sweet. I have the body of a whore and the face of an angel. I use both to my advantage. Let us just say that I am an experimental type. I have a 38D chest, with large light pink areola’s and slightly darker sensitive nipples. I can cum from just having my nipples played with. Hmmm, sorry drifted off there in fantasy a moment. I...

Group Sex
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Cheerleader Not Niece

I've had my eye on my not niece Briana for quite some time. She was an early developer and while I would never tell anyone I would sneak as many peeks at her over the years as I could and her bright and pretty smile as well as banging body always gave me an erection. She's a senior now in high school and 18 years old...when I see her these days I am less circumspect about looking at her and often she has caught me looking at her sweet ass. Briana is on the cheerleading squad at the high school...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader Change

Cheerleader Change By Jackie22 It was a normal day at Lakewood High School for Brad Trenton. He got up, had breakfast, did his chores, etc. He caught the bus at 7:10, his normal pick-up time. He went to all of his classes, still getting straight B's. But then something weird after school happened. He was walking home when this girl caught up to her. But not just any girl. This was the cheerleader Ashley from Math class that always likes to wear her uniform to school and sit...

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Cheerleader CoachChapter 9 Accidents Happen

Right when the pyramid was complete the top girl unfurled a Texas flag. The wind came up blowing the flag out straight which was impressive but also caused the top girl to fall taking the whole group down in a pile. As a result the top girl sprained her ankle and had to be carried off the field. I rushed over to her to see how bad it was. She was in quite a bit of pain so we had the paramedics take a look at her. They pronounced there was no fracture and she should stay off that leg for a few...

4 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 16 Expanding Horizons

That morning I got a very intriguing phone call from the marketing director for a school uniform manufacturer. He said that he would like to commission the squad to model some of their products for their fall catalog. I thought this sounded like something that needed checking into. I told him that we were having a practice session that afternoon and he was welcome to come to my house to make his presentation and discuss his offer with the girls and their parents. After that call I had Kim...

1 year ago
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cheerleader lovers chpt1

The sun was starting to go down over the field and I was trying to dry my eyes from the tears that had flooded them only moments before. The girls of my cheerleading squad can be so mean, especially Cori Andrews. She was such a bitch and would have the sophomore girls gang up on me and pick on me just because I was the only freshman on the entire squad. It’s so frustrating that I made the team and these four girls led by Cori have to pick on me because I am new to the squad. I had been sitting...

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cheerleader lovers chpt1

The sun was starting to go down over the field and I was trying to dry myeyes from the tears that had flooded them only moments before. The girls ofmy cheerleading squad can be so mean, especially Cori Andrews. She was sucha bitch and would have the sophomore girls gang up on me and pick on mejust because I was the only freshman on the entire squad. It's sofrustrating that I made the team and these four girls led by Cori have topick on me because I am new to the squad.I had been sitting for...

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Cheerleader Tryouts

I put on my blue-and-white pleated cheerleader skirt and my white fuzzy sweater and admired myself in the mirror. Though I had just turned 18 last week and knew I was still blossoming, I had already filled out nicely. My 35c-23-34 figure looked awesome in my cheerleader outfit, and my long blonde hair and blue eyes finished the picture off very nicely, I thought. I smiled as I looked at myself and then smoothed my clothes again and ran downstairs. Just before I got to the front door, my mom...

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Cheerleader Sister and Friends

Choose a boy's name as first name Choose a girl's name as last name Your name is John and you are 30. You are a graduate of Rice University and make very good money. You're 5'10", weigh 175 pounds and have an athletically muscular build with green eyes and dark blond hair. Your younger sister recently moved in with you. Your parents moved to another state because your dad was given a promotion that required him to move . Doe didn't want to move because she was in her senior year of high...

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Cheerleader fuck Fiction

I'm a part time student in collage. I love going to the basketball games, not only to watch the games but also the cheerleaders. They are so sexy in there short skirts and sexy legs. When they are held up in the air my the male cheerleaders and raise there leg up, I get so turned on looking at there crotch, know it that just under those tights is a warm sweet pussy. Having said that, this is my fantasy:After he game I hung out near the lockroom giving high five to the payers along with a small...

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cheerleader kristy

Krissy went to a public school in a small town outside of Dallas. She had long blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Along with those qualities, she had a near-perfect complexion that the boys couldn’t resist. She was also a cheerleader and one of the hottest girls in her middle school. She was walking to cheerleading practice one Saturday morning. HEY KRISSY! Someone yelled from behind her. Krissy turned around and saw it was her friend Jackie, who is also on the cheerleading squad. Jackie had brown...

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cheerleader kristy

Krissy went to a public school in a small town outside of Dallas.She had long blonde hair and icy blue eyes. Along with those qualities, shehad a near-perfect complexion that the boys couldn't resist. She was also acheerleader and one of the hottest girls in her middle school. She waswalking to cheerleading practice one Saturday morning. HEY KRISSY! Someoneyelled from behind her. Krissy turned around and saw it was her friendJackie, who is also on the cheerleading squad. Jackie had brown hair...

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Cheerleader Sleepover The Judge and Jury EditionChapter 2

While her husband was getting the boys to think about sex, and getting them over to the house, Linda was going over all sorts of subjects with her girls, both new and old. First on the list was the question "Are all of you taking the vitamins I issued to you?" The "vitamins" she was referring to were birth control pills she got from Phil Jenson, the pharmacist who worked at the local drug store. Phil traded her the pills for sex, pure and simple. He liked anal sex, and his wife did not....

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Cheerleader Leah and the tigers 8211 JUST BESTIALITY

Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, “You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?” “No,” Leah answered. “You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later.” “Okay, see ya then,” yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away. Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped...

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Cheerleader and the beast

Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, “You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?” “No,” Leah answered. “You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later.” “Okay, see ya then,” yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away. Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped...

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Cheerleader Leah

Introduction: ***WARNING***** this story contains beastiality!!!!!!! if you do not aggree with this niche, do not continue ***WARNING***** this story contains beastiality!!!!!!! if you do not aggree with this niche, do not continue ***WARNING***** this story contains beastiality!!!!!!! if you do not aggree with this niche, do not continue Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandys car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, You...

2 years ago
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cheerleader mistake

Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, "You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?""No," Leah answered. "You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later.""Okay, see ya then," yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away.Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped out of the lot, then shut and locked the door. She really did want to...

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Cheerleader Slut

Cheerleader slut My name is Suzie, I go to Reagan Middle School and I'm captain of the cheerleadingsquad. This story is about a new girl on the team. You could tell Kim to doanything no matter how humiliating, and she'd do it happily. It was the first day of cheerleading practice. I was talking to my friends,when a new girl walked up to me. "Excuse me, is this where the cheerleaders practice." She said to the groupof us, with a timed demeanor. I'm the bossy type, so I decided to have some...

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Cheerleader CoachChapter 10 Texas State Cheerleading Competition

We all piled into the bus along with some parents and we were off. There was a lot of singing and laughing on the bus. Even the parents joined in on the levity. After a five hour trip with a stop for lunch we arrived at the stadium. When we got off the bus we noticed a banner above the stadium entrance which read: The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Are Proud to Host The 2012 Texas Cheerleader Championship Competition I hollered to our group "Hey girls, looks like we've finally hit the big...

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The Princes Momo

If anyone has read ‘The Little Prince’ by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry then they might understand this story better. I wondered what happened after/if the little prince went back to his planet and this is just my little experiment that I went with. I wrote it all in one breath, and I hope it makes sense. I’m posting it on here to see what people think of it, and if you guys like it, I’ll continue it. Any and all comments are very much welcome. I hope you like it! ———————————————– She was born...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader Lovers

I really want to be a part of the cheerleading squad going into my senior year. I know getting on the squad is going to be very hard since there is one spot available and 6 girls going for the spot. I will do anything to get on the squad. I am lesbian, and don’t know if anyone else knows. I don't want them to know until I'm on the squad. I arrive to try outs in a skimpy red skirt and blue tank top and my blonde hair in a ponytail. “Alright girls stretch out and lets get ready!” Virginia the...

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Cheerleader Slaves Chapter 11

Cheerleader Slaves By Heather2837 Chapter 11 ? Chad's Date Chad put on some pretty perfume and was combing his hair again when he heard the doorbell ring. He quickly freshened his lipstick. His mother called up that Lance was here to pick him up for their date. Chad flew down the stairs and fell into Lance's arms. He tilted his head back and let Lance kiss him deeply. "Oh Lance. I missed you so much today and I love you so much." Chad hated himself for saying these things....

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Cheerleader CoachChapter 3 Gregs Surprise

Hearing the bad news Kim decided to do something about it. Unbeknownst to me she got busy on the phone calling the principal of the school and asking if the squad coach had to be female and would a male volunteer work. She was informed that there was no rule in that area and that if she or the other girls could come up with someone the school would work with them so that the squad would live again. She also called the other members of the squad to talk it over with them and their parents. She...

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Cheerleader CoachChapter 4 The New Cheerleader Coach

The next morning I awoke to the smell of coffee brewing and the sound of eggs frying. I sleepily made my way to the kitchen to find that Kim had gotten up early and was making me breakfast. She greeted me with a kiss and said "I thought I would surprise you with a thank you breakfast." I told her that kiss alone was thanks enough. I sat down to a meal of eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. After cleaning up the kitchen Kim and I went to the school to meet with the principal to discuss how...

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Cheerleader CampChapter 8 School Starts Back Up

Fall had arrived and the girls moved to the school for their practice sessions three times a week. Kim had gone into her sophomore year and I was working full time for the school as the technology teacher. I was fortunate to have three of my girls taking the course as an elective. This meant that on days that they didn't have practice; at least one of them would be at my house for some individual tutoring. Sometimes one or the other of them would complain of tightness in their muscles and...

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Cheerleader Lovers

I really want to be a part of the cheerleading squad going into my senior year. I know getting on the squad is going to be very hard since there is one spot available and 6 girls going for the spot. I will do anything to get on the squad. I am lesbian, and don’t know if anyone else knows. I don’t want them to know until I’m on the squad. I arrive to try outs in a skimpy red skirt and blue tank top and my blonde hair in a ponytail. “Alright girls stretch out and lets get ready!” Virginia the...

2 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 17 Tragedy Strikes Again

Going to bed that night both Kim and I looked foreword to a restful sleep snuggled up in bed. After a few kisses good night we drifted off to dreamland. Around three in the morning we were awakened by the sound of sirens getting closer and eventually stopping it seemed right in front of our house. I got out of bed and looked out the front window at an array of flashing red lights. Thinking to my self, "My God what is going on?" I dashed back to the bedroom and grabbed some clothes so I...

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