Cheerleader free porn video

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Cheerleader What kind of students attend "Harvard on the Hill"? That's what we call it sarcastically - it's really just a two-year community college. Mostly for people who work by day and go to school at night. The full time students like me are people that for one reason or another couldn't get into a four-year school. Not that I'm not smart. I probably know more about computers than the teachers here. I can program them in six different languages, and I can take them apart and put them back together again. And I'm also pretty good in math. Unfortunately what I'm not good at is just about every other subject. My English and History grades were not good enough to get me into a decent college. So here I am. About the only computer course they offer here that I might learn something is a course on the Internet. Not that I haven't spent countless hours surfing the Net in search of pictures of naked women to download. But the teacher is a woman, who probably hasn't spent half the hours on the Net that I have, and she is making us design our own personal Web page. And while I mastered the dinky HTML language in a couple of hours, I can't seem to constuct the kind of interesting, colorful, graphics-rich Web page that the teacher is looking for. Meanwhile I keep teasing most of the other students who think this HTML language is brain surgery. I guess I don't have too many friends in class among either the boys or the girls. There aren't too many school activities at a school like this, and not many people take advantage of them anyway. The part-timers really don't have the time. And the people that do take part in the activities are pretty bad. Especially the basketball team. So I go to the basketball games at night. There aren't very many fans, and my nasal voice carries pretty well anyway. So I guess it's no secret when I yell at our players for not hustling. I do get the most pissed looks from the players and even from the cheerleaders. Well, OK, I guess I yell at the cheerleaders when they miss a flip or something. Can't they take a little constructive critcism? It was about the sixth basketball game of the season, and the Harvard on the Hill players were into their pre-game warmups. Now of course these basketball players are guys who were not good enough to get basketball scholarships from a four-year school, although in truth they are not half bad. But they don't practice every day like they probably do in a real college, and the guys were a little rusty, missing easy layups. And I was letting them have it, screaming at them, calling them a bunch of girls. Suddenly our head cheerleader got up and said something to our basket- ball coach. Then our coach walked over to the visitors' coach and said something to him. Then both coaches walked over to the announcer and chatted with him. Then the announcer spoke into the public address system. "Ladies and gentlemen. We are going to try something new tonight. Major league baseball has its designated player. Tonight we are going to have a designated fan. Each team will pick one fan from the audience, and this fan will suit up and play with the team. This will give the fans some idea how hard it is to play college basketball." (Author's note: Jim Bouton suggested this in his book "Ball Four" many years ago, for baseball.) The opposing team's coach went into the stands, pulled one of their fans out, and brought him into the locker room to change. While I was watching this I didn't notice that our team's whole cheerleader squad had climbed into our part of the stands. Suddenly, they surrounded me and began dragging me out of my seat and onto the basketball floor. "Won't you be our designated fan,?" they cooed at me. "You're always yelling at the players - you can probably do much better, right Paul?" they teased me. Although I had no desire to do this, there were too many of them to resist, and before I knew it I was in the middle of the gym floor. "Someone toss me a basketball uniform, please?" yelled one of the cheerleaders. A basketball shirt, followed by a pair of basketball shorts, came flying out. "No sense in making you walk all the way to the locker room to change, right Paul?" one of the cheerleaders asked. And with that the girls descended on me, removing my shirt and pants right in the middle of the gym floor, in full view of everybody! I was down to my undershorts pretty quickly when one of the girls said, "You know, sometimes this game gets a little rough. Maybe he ought to have a jock strap." So someone tossed one my way, and sure enough the girls yanked down my shorts! There I was, stark naked! But to add insult to injury, as the girls grabbed my cock to put it on me, one of them said, "Oh, I think he needs a smaller size - his equipment just isn't big enough to fit in this!" At this point the entire gym was howling in laughter at my predicament. But the team didn't have any smaller jock straps. "This will never do," said one of the cheerleaders. "We can't have him injuring his jewels, can we? And he obviously can't fit into one of these jock straps." And with that one of the cheerleaders said to wait, and she ran into the women's locker room. She came back a few minutes later - waving a pink panty girdle! "Will this do?" she asked. The girls ceremoniously folded my cock between my legs, and squeezed me into their excrutiatingly tight panty girdle. Then they put the basket- ball shirt and shorts on me, with my own socks and sneakers. The crowd applauded wildly. I tried to run back up the steps to the seats, but everywhere I turned there was a big basketball player blocking my way. I was stuck. So reluctantly I returned to the center of the gym. The team resumed doing its layup drill. I got in line, waited for my turn, and when someone passed me the ball I dribbled in for my shot. Unfortunately I had forgotten about the panty girdle I was wearing. It was terribly confining, if you know what I mean. Before I was close enough to the basket to take my shot, I just had to let go of the ball and adjust the girdle and my cock to a more comfortable position. The cheerleaders were hysterical with laughter as they saw immediately what I was doing. The game began, and thankfully the coach did not make me start. It was a pretty uneventful game, but the cheerleaders were getting restless and wanted to see me get in and make a fool of myself. They huddled together and then started yelling, "We want girdle boy." Eventually they got the crowd to yell it too. We were down by fifteen points in the second half and looked like we were going to get blown out anyway, as usual, so the coach relented and put me in. The other team's coach put in their designated fan too, and we were supposed to guard each other. Now I know the basics of basketball from a fan's point of view, but of course that's a different thing from the player's point of view. The first time someone passed the ball to me I wasn't expecting it and it whizzed past my ear. The next time I did catch the pass, but as I dribbled it a couple of times I didn't use my body right and an opposing player stole it from me. Another time I thought I could dribble towards the basket, but I ran right into an opponent and they called me for charging. Meanwhile on defense people were running right into me and knocking me down, but I never had position and never got a foul called. Eventually the coach took pity on me and took me out. I did get a standing ovation, but it was in laughter more than anything else. After the game I noticed the cheerleaders huddled together as if they were taking a vote. In fact that is what they were doing. They voted on who from our team should be named the game's most valuable player. I did get one vote out of sarcasm, but of course someone else won. After the team had taken its showers and dressed, the cheerleaders announced who had won. The guy who won seemed really excited - I didn't understand what the big deal was. He went over to the group of cheerleaders, reached out his hand for one of them, and the two of them walked away hand in hand. She must have been his girlfriend, I guessed. The cheerleaders surrounded me. "Wash that girdle and bring it with you at the next game, Paul," one of them said to me. "Or else." I was glad to leave and end this awful experience. I had no intention of ever showing up at another basketball game again. I figured I'd never even run into the cheerleaders or the basketball players again -we certainly travel in different social circles. But a couple of the cheerleaders were in my Internet computer class. They started hanging around me in class, giving me pointers on designing my Web page. "You need to use colors," one of them explained, and she showed me how to get a pink background. "You can insert little graphics files too," another cheerleader explained, as she showed me how to add a graphic of a rose. These were little touches I had never considered in designing a Web page. The night of the next basketball game came. I decided I had better be as far away from the gym as I could. So I found a computer terminal in one of the far off buildings, and thought I'd spend a few hours surfing the Net. All of a sudden a message flashed across my screen - "You have ten minutes to get to the game!" First of all it was about two hours before the game was to start. And second, I know the college computers are networked, and it is just a simple network command to send a message to any user like that. So I ignored it. There are thousands of computers on campus - no one could ever find me unless they knew where to look. Five minutes later came another message - "Leave for the game immediately, or you'll be doing some new cheers for the team." I thought that was a pretty odd thing to say, but I still figured I was safe, so I ignored it. Then five minutes later came still another message. "Time to get ready for the game!" And with that the entire cheerleader squad surrounded me and pulled me off my chair. As they held my arms, one of them sat down at the terminal and started typing. "Wait a minute," I complained. "I'm still logged on." The cheerleader who was typing smiled sweetly at me but continued at her task. We all watched her at the terminal. She was sending out a message to the whole school. It read: "The cheerleaders are having a fundraiser for charity at the basketball game tonight. There will be a booth set up at the main entrance of the gym, and we have brought in a new cheerleader for tonight named Paula. Paula will be running a kissing booth for charity. One dollar per kiss, and when you see Paula and watch her kiss, you know you will be getting your money's worth! So even if you're not a big basketball fan, come on down to he gym to meet Paula." The cheerleaders were howling with laughter as they read this message. I didn't see what was so funny about it until one of them started pulling me out the door, saying, "Time to get you ready for the game -Paula." Oh, no - they couldn't mean that - could they? The cheerleaders dragged me out, across a few campus buildings, into one of the women's dorms. They took me into one of the dorm rooms, and then into the bathroom. At this point I still thought they were just teasing me, until suddenly many hands started removing my shirt, my pants, and in fact all of my clothes! They tied my hands to the shower rod above my head, leaving me exposed and naked. But before I could even worry about modesty, soft hands were rubbing a cream into my chest, onto my legs, around my nipples, even around my ass. Then on my thighs, and higher, higher, gently in my crotch, oh, oh. And then one of the girls was sensously rubbing cream up and down my penis, and it was heavenly. I was getting so aroused, but she rubbed me slowly, teasingly. I felt my orgasm building, building, and then ... And then she let go of my penis before I could cum, and asked the other girls if it was time to rinse the cream off of me. Then someone started spraying me with the shower hose, wetting me down, washing off the cream from my body - and with it all my hair! They had used a hair remover on me! They patted me dry with a towel, leaving me still tied to the shower rod, and then rubbed a sweet smelling cream all over me. A moisturizer, someone said. This time they left my penis alone, ignoring my begging them to stroke it as they did before. The girls left me alone in the bathroom for a few moments, hands still tied to the shower rod. Then they returned carrying all sorts of stuff. "Let's work fast," one of them said. "We need to be at the game soon." And with that two of the girls wrapped a pink corset around me, told me to take a breath, and started tightening it in the back. This was much more confining that the girdle they squeezed me in last time. This one went to just below my nipples and ended at my crotch. In fact, with a tug they were about to snap it closed between my legs, when one of the girls said, "Wait a minute. Before you hide away his cock, let's take a picture so we can remember how much he's enjoying this." One of the girls came back with a camera. "Smile, honey," she said to me. I wouldn't smile. She wouldn't take the picture. She said to her friends, "Can't we make him look like he's enjoying this?" Another girl came over with her makeup kit. "I have an idea," she said. She fiddled in her bag and emerged with a long soft brush. She dipped it in the powder, and started stroking it on my cheeks! "I don't think he's embarrassed enough. I think he needs a nice blush." She merrily worked away on my cheeks, stroking on the pink powder. I felt ridiculous. The girl with the camera said, "Well he does look sweet with that blush, but that doesn't make him look like he's enjoying this any more." "Just wait," replied the girl with the makeup brush. She dipped the brush in the powder again and made believe she was going to put some more on my cheeks. But then she did a surprising thing. She started stroking it on my nipples instead! I tried to resist, but I was tied. She was grinning as she gently teased my nipples with her soft brush. I could see them getting pink. Was it from the powder? Or was it from the touch of the brush? The brush felt so soft, so sensuous. It felt wonderful. I felt almost dizzy, it felt so good. Then all of a sudden - FLASH. Someone took a picture. Everyone was giggling. They were staring at my cock. I looked down. My cock had grown - the nipple teasing had really turned me on. Now they had a picture of me in a corset, wearing pink blush on my cheeks and my nipples, and with my cock erect like I was loving it. The girls were hysterical. But the one with the brush was not done. "Gee, if the brush on his nipples turns him on, I wonder what would happen if I ..." And she left her sentence unfinshed. The other girls were cheering her on. "Oh, come on, go for it, girl." So she dipped her brush in the powder again, and looked me straight in the eye with an awful mischievous grin. And we looked each other eye to eye, until I felt her - stroking my cock with her brush! Oh no. She was painting my cock pink with makeup. But I loved it. It was humiliating. But it felt so good. Every now and then she'd stop, and there'd be a flash from the camera. Then I'd look at her with a look of longing in mu eye that said, "Please don't stop." And she'd continue. And stop. And continue. And stop. It was heavenly. But it was driving me crazy. "Please, please let me cum," I begged her. The girls were hysterical, knowing how much control they had over me at that moment. They huddled together. "Should we? Or shouldn't we?" Finally one of them said, "Well, PAULA." She emphasized the Paula. "We did promise that there would be a hot Paula at a kissing booth before the game tonight. Will you do it? Huh? Pretty please?" And with that someone gave my penis another stroke with the makeup brush. My mind wanted to say "No", but I was delirious at the point. I was so close to cumming. but tied as I was I couldn't do this myself. So without thinking I said "Yes." And with that she went back to stroking my cock with the brush. Up and down, the full length. Then just my balls. Then the head. Then underneath where it is so sensitive. I couldn't hold back. I was at that point of no return. I was just about to cum when someone yelled out, "Smile, honey!" And without thinking, I smiled. Then I came. And while I was cumming - FLASH. They caught me on film. The girls were hysterical with laughter, having humiliated me in front of them. They had me in a corset, with blusher on my cheeks, and my nipples, and my cock, in the act of cumming. Nobody had to explain my predicament to me. They had me in an embarrassing photo, and I had to go through with my promise. To be Paula. At a kissing booth. The girls worked quickly. They cleaned me up. They waited until my erection subsided and then they snapped the corset closed at the crotch. They slipped a pair of pink panties on me, and then white socks. Someone was untying my hands, and then while I was still getting the blood circulating in them they put my arms through the straps of a pink bra. They used something to stuff the cups, and I had enormous tits. Meanwhile I was stepping into a skirt. Where is the rest of it? The skirt ended halfway up my thigh. Now I understood -it was a cheerleader's skirt. They were dressing me as a cheerleader. How humiliating. A cheerleader's school t-shirt followed, not hiding the size of my huge tits. White socks and sneakers. And I was all dressed. Well, not quite. They sat me down on the toilet seat. Two girls started working on my fingernails. They attached false nails, then painted them in a dark red nail polish. Another girl plugged in some sort of curling iron and was running it through strands of my hair. I wished I hadn't let my hair get so long. Meanwhile one of the girls was applying makeup to my face, as all the others were giving her suggestions on shades. I was watching my facial transformation in a mirror, and it was fascinating. Someone took a little white triangular sponge and started applying a cool cream all over my face. "This is the Revlon Colorstay foundation that is supposed to last for hours, and not rub off," one of the girls explained. "Well, Paula will give it a good test tonight, won't she?" someone else giggled. And another girl repeated a line from the television commercial, "A woman should always make her mark - but not with her makeup." The cheerleaders were hysterical with laughter. One of the girls produced a pair of tweezers, and they all had to hold me down as I felt my eyebrow hairs being yanked off. Then they produced a tray with what must have been a couple of dozen eyeshadow shades. There was a lively debate on what shades and how many to apply to me. I felt one shade going all over my eye area, a second only on my eyelid, and a third in the corners of my eye. I couldn't wait to see what this looked like on me, but there were too many girls blocking the mirror. Then I was told to look down and then to look up as someone stoked black mascara on my eyelashes. My lashes felt funny as the wet liquid gave them extra weight and thickness. Warning me to stay extra still, one of the girls pulled my eyelid slightly, came in very close to me, and started drawing a fine black line on my upper and lower eyelids. The girls then admired the eye makeup job on me, telling me I now had beautiful, deep-set eyes. And when they let me look in a mirror - they were absolutely right. I had dark, dramatic eyes. The girl who had teased me mercilessly with the blusher brush appeared with it again. "And we know what this is for, right Paula?" she asked flirtatiously. I could feel my nipples and my penis, all of which were quite confined, twitch as I thought about how nice they had felt by the touch of that brush before. The girls giggled as they saw me squirm. But the girl with the brush calmly stroked the vibrant blushing powder on my cheek, making wider and wider circles as she blended the color around. The girls gasped as they saw how erotic this made me look. "Just because I wear lipstick doesn't mean he has to too," someone giggled, another line from a Revlon television commercial. This girl lifted my chin softly with one hand, giving me a moment to gaze into her beautifully made up eyes. She slowly outlined my lips with a red pencil, going a little further than my lip line, I thought. Then the girls examined a number of lipstick shades, putting a small dot of one on my lips, discussing its merits, wiping it off, and starting again with another shade. Finally they agreed on a shade most of them liked. With firm, deliberate, slow strokes, the girl in charge of the lipsticks stroked the color on me. She did a small section of my lips at a time. As she paused to examine her work, she would stick the tip of her tongue out at the corner of her very pretty mouth. She continued stroking my lips. When she was done, she gave me a tissue and commanded me to blot my lips. I did, and then she showed me the lip print on the tissue. It was a bold, red lip print, and it was very humiliating to realize that it was mine! The girls stood me up, made me turn around, and pronounced me ready. "Ready? Ready for what?" I wondered to myself. And with that the girls whisked me out of the dorm room and outside of the building. The group started walking toward the gym. Guys were staring, of course, but were they staring at me and how ridiculous I must have looked, or were they staring at all the other cheerleaders. Finally we got to the gym. "OK, last time I was the make believe basketball player, this time I am the make believe cheereleader," I thought. 'Well, it will be embarrassing, but I'll live,' I thought to myself. The girls shoved me into a little wooden booth and made me sit down. "Oh no - I had forgotten about this - the kissing booth!" "Now Paula, I'm sure you understand what to do," one of the girls began. "It's one dollar per kiss, and it's a fund raiser for charity. It's for a good cause," she explained, as if that was supposed to make me feel better. "Oh look - she's blushing," one of the girls explained. I must have blushed a redder color than the powder they had applied to my cheeks. The girls giggled hysterically at my plight. But then one of them grabbed my face in her hands and said to me in great seriousness: "These horny guys who are going to pay a dollar for a kiss are expecting a real female to kiss them. So don't you disappoint them. If any one of them figures out that you are not a real girl, then we will give you a punishment far worse than you think this one is." I didn't want to think about what worse they could do to me, but I knew they were capable of great cruelty, and I believed them. I nodded agreement. There was an announcement over the public address system about the kissing booth, and the guys started to line up. One of the girls produced a little compact and told me to check my makeup before I started. I opened the compact, and there was this face that looked vaguely like mine, but with long dark eyelashes, elaborate eye shadow, shapely but too thin eyebrows, far too much blush, and large sexy red lips! It was kind of an erotic image. The compact also had a little blusher brush and some blusher powder. That brush! The girls had used it on me before. On my nipples and on my cock. I remembered the lovely feeling on my nipples and cock from that brush. I started to squirm in the chair as my cock started to get erect. My eyes began to get a glazed look. The girls immediately knew what was going through my mind - and elsewhere - and they giggled over my discomfort as my cock strained against its confinement in the corset. Meanwhile one of the girls took the opportunity of my discomfort and disorientation, signaled to the first guy in line to come forward, took his dollar, and motioned for him to get his money's worth. He held my face in his hands as he kissed me, but I was in a far away world, imagining the beautiful cheerleaders as they stroked my nipples and cock with their blusher blush. In my mind I was not kissing some guy, but kissing one of the cheerleaders. He broke the kiss off, and while I was still in a daze the next one came up. The next guy gave me a long, thorough tongue kiss. I was still imagining that I was being kissed by one of the girls, and I was getting more and more aroused. I was enjoying this kiss. But the girls thought this guy was taking too long and getting much more than a one dollar kiss! They had to pry him off of me. The act of physically pulling him off of me really broke the spell. All of a sudden I realized what I was doing - and who I was kissing! The next guy stepped forward, and now there was no way I could imagine I was doing anything other than what I was doing. Kissing a bunch of horny guys, because the cheerleaders had made me do this. My cheeks blushed with embarrassment - which the girls interpreted as showing how much I enjoyed it! I kissed and kissed. The line kept coming. Sometimes they would tongue kiss me, sometimes they would cop a feel of what they didn't realize were my artificial breasts, sometimes they would kiss me so hard I thought I would go through the booth. Sometimes the girls would take a picture. No matter what, it was humiliating. The girls let me take a little break to check my lipstick. I opened the compact again, but this time the blusher brush did not have any effect on me. But my lipstick was really a mess. It was smeared all over me. One of the girls handed me a tissue and a lipstick tube and told me to fix myself. "So much for Colorfast lasting for hours," someone remarked. Obviously it wasn't true. I cleaned myself up and applied some fresh lipstick. I tried to stall, hoping something would happen to save me from this line of horny guys. But it was not to be. The girls took the mirror and the lipstick away from me and motioned the next guy in line to step forward. I was absolutely stuck. I simplyhad to go through with this. I was sure the punishment for doing anything less would be worse. Finally it was getting close to the time when the cheerleaders were supposed to be on the gym floor, doing their routines. "Five more minutes until the kissing booth closes," someone announced. The line of guys to kiss didn't seem to end. I thought my lips and were tongue were getting numb. How many guys had I kissed - a couple of hundred? I was totally and absolutely humiliated! Finally they closed the booth and let me out. I got a tremendous round of applause from all the guys - and the cheerleaders too, for being such a good sport. And they had raised a lot of money for charity. I figured they would let me go now. But I was wrong. "Time to start our cheers," someone said. And they grabbed me by the hand and let me down to the gym floor. Oh no - they expected me to be one of the cheerleaders for the game! Well, I was dressed for it, in the tiny cheerleader skirt and all. Before I knew it I was on the gym floor, in with the cheerleaders, a pom pom in my hand, trying to imitate what they were doing. They did a couple of very simple cheers that I was able to follow, and when they did the more complicated stuff they let me sit down since I'd never follow them. These girls were really good gymnasts and dancers. I couldn't imagine how I had been so stupid to criticize them in the past. Of course, that's part of what had gotten me in this mess! The game started, and the girls clued me in on what cheers I should join in on and when, and what cheers to just stay seated. It became sort of fun. I got into the spirit of it, wiggled and jiggled myself just like they did, and the crowd loved it. When the girls freshened their lipstick to get ready for the next routine, so did I. It was kind of fun, pretending to be a cheerleader, the most popular and prettiest girls on campus. Finally the game was coming to a close. The cheerleaders huddled together and took a vote on the game's most valuable player. It was a unanimous vote, by everyone except me. Maybe these girls really don't understand basketball, I wondered. I'm sure the person they voted for was not the one who had the best game. He would sure be surprised, I thought. The game finally ended. We had lost, as usual. The basketball players took their shower. When they were done and dressed in their street clothes, they came over to the cheerleaders to find out who we had voted for. When we told them, no one was surprised at who we had chosen. This was awfully strange. Certainly the team knew who should have been picked that night, but they were not at all surprised. The guy who was picked smiled a big grin, and held out his hand. Towards me. I didn't understand. Someone produced that Revlon lipstick and quickly applied another coat to my lips. I didn't get it. What was happening now? The girls laughed at my confusion. Someone explained, "Don't you remember at the last game when the guy who was picked as the most valuable player took the hand of one of the cheerleaders and the two of them went away together? We have a little tradition with the team. We pick the MVP. Then he picks one of us. This time it looks like he picked you." I was beginning to feel a setup here. The guys at the kissing booth didn't know that I was a guy dressed as a cheerleader, but certainly the team knew. Why was this guy so happy, and why did he pick me? "Picked me for what?" I asked innocently. The cheerleaders and the basketball team were all hysterical with laughter. "Don't you know?" one of the cheerleaders asked me. "It's your job to give him a blow job. Do a nice one, and your day will be over. If we hear you were any trouble at all, well it will be worse than one blow job, that's for sure." The basketball player took my hand, and we slowly walked back to the locker room.

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Dawn Hunt checked her appearance in the mirror, looked at her watch for the third time in half an hour, and laughed at herself for being so nervous. “Well,” she thought, “I have a lot to be nervous about. After all, I’m planning on seducing one of my students, and I could go to jail for that. I hope it’s worth it. I’ve just got this feeling about Jim Olsen. He’s not like the other students – particularly not like the ones his age.” She wore a light cotton summer dress – periwinkle flower...

3 years ago
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Me and my sisters friends

It was a Friday night and I had nothing to do. My nickname is Sparky and I was sixteen at the time this happened. Rebecca my older sister was eighteen and had a friend over and she was also eighteen and they were in her room. I sat in my room playing video games when my sisters friend Brittany walked into my room wearing nothing but her bra and thong and sat in my chair and wanted to join in the game playing because my sister fell asleep early that night. So i gave her a controller and...

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NewSensations Kylie Rocket Teen Cheerleader Kylie Spells It Out

Super cute and super driven teen Kylie must continue to perfect her cheers, hoping her man Van would help encourage her for her upcoming tryouts. Well now that Van has cheered along with Kylie, she knows that now he deserves a great blowjob and sucks down all his hard cock balls deep. Kylie slips off her soaked white panties keeping her uniform on and hops on top of Van, sliding his freshly hard sucked on cock into her tight hot wet teen pussy for a great fuck, pounding her little pink hole for...

4 years ago
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The Boys from Brazil

I considered myself bi-sexual. I still liked girls, but also was turned on by big dicked men! I was a 37 year old white guy. It happened that I met Raphael at a gay nightclub. He was tall 6’4” and muscular Brazilian guy who became a naturalized citizen and served 8 years in prison for beating a man to death in a bar! He was covered in tattoos and had to wear an ankle bracelet. He was supposed to not be able to drink or do d**gs, but there he was drinking at the nightclub.I had gone with two gay...

2 years ago
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HaremChapter 3

While at Bangalore, my life almost changed in 24 hours and I felt like a mature man after coming back the normal life began and I was observing sister keenly. I felt there is some change in her she looked more lively than previous and sometimes I overheard some sound as their room was beside mine. May be they were making love. Jiju was also happy but he never mentioned about his night activities but I could guess. After a week's time he looked bit tensed and he asked me company I could...

2 years ago
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The ultimate dream come thru part 1

This time my job had brought me to Miami, and, as anticipated, it had been a tough couple of days. So, I was glad my boss had allowed me a really nice hotel, and a late flight back. The hot weather during these days, as well as the challenges I dealt with had left me charged, a restless feeling altogether. No doubt a decent amount of it concentrated in my loins. But, rather than a quick jerk off in the shower, or calling one of the many hookers for a probably unsatisfying small hour, costing me...

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The CatalystChapter 46 Jonah Rocks the Boat

[I’ve got a blindfold on and I think I’m on a boat somewhere. Can you hear me?...”] “Yes Sarah! I hear you. Are you alright?” “Yes, I’m scared! What do they want with me?” “I don’t know, sweetie, Dad is on the phone with the State Police. You remember Major Gregory, right?” “Yes. Is he going to help me?” “If he can, if not, he knows who CAN help. Listen, Sarah, I’m two hours from home, but we’re headed there as fast as we can. YOU’VE gotta stay calm, okay? Try and get them to take your...

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Big Fat Bertha Lou Part 1

Big Fat Bertha Lou Part 1 By Cheryl Lynn This is a severe humiliation story and contains some unwanted sexual scenes. It is not for the sweet/sentimental reader. All the usual disclaimers apply and for personal use only. Any other use is strictly prohibited unless approved by the author. Thanks go to Throne for giving me the idea for the main character in this story. Comments are welcome at [email protected]. Big Fat Bertha Lou Bertha Lou had been obese since...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! My mom and dad divorced when I was real young. I lived with my Mom, Kathy, from the time of the divorce, and Dad moved a few states away. I grew up with my friends constantly commenting on my Mom’s beauty. My best friend always did everything with us. When we were 13, he confessed to me that from the attic window of our house a person could look directly down into our outside shower. He told me he watched my girlfriend showering after swimming in the...

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Andy 12

Mom war am Ausbessern von Kleidern, Kn?pfe ann?hen und solche Dinge. Ich setzte mich zu ihr. "Mom, kann ich dich etwas fragen?" "Sicher." "Ich habe noch nie von deinem Bruder etwas geh?rt?" Sie legte die Bluse weg uns seufzte. "Irgendwann musste dieses Gespr?ch ja kommen. Ich h?tte mir nur gew?nscht, es w?rde sp?ter sein." "Warum?" "Ganz einfach, du bist zu jung, um einiges zu verstehen." "Zu jung? Ich bin f?nfzehn!" "Und das ist f?r manches zu jung. Zum Beispiel bei Filmen, da...

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PornWorld Kiara Lord Busty Redhead Kiara Lord DPd by Landscapers with BBCs

Kiara Lord, a busty redhead, is enjoying a lazy day by the pool when she decides to start pleasuring herself in broad daylight. Being the oblivious chick that she is, she doesn’t realize that her two landscapers are cutting the grass and tending to her pool. When she finally realizes, she accuses the two men of being creeps in a not-so-subtle bid to have them come over. Since she’s naked, when the two men come over, it doesn’t take long for them to pull their BBCs out and begin plowing her.

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Stud Life

Ever since you got a room at the infamous Apartment 18, it's been difficult for you to get much sleep. Yet here you are, waking up in the morning completely rested. The sun is shining in through the curtains, the birds are singing, the wind is blowing gently through the slightly opened window. It's a lovely morning, made even better by the feeling of someones wet lips licking, slurping and teasing your huge 14 inch cock from under your covers. This is your favourite way to wake up, and ever...

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High School Days

Jerry was spending a few days with his old high school buddy, Bill, and his sister, Barbara. Jerry hadn't seen Bill in years, and when he found that he would be in his town on business, he had called to say hello. Bill had insisted that he stay with them, instead of at a motel. That evening, after a good dinner, the three of them were sitting in the den sipping wine and talking."By the way, Barbara, how did your class go today?" Bill asked his sister."Great," she grinned. "Wait until you see...

4 years ago
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White Stuff

I went to an old country school, a one room school, where the teacher taught all grades from kindergarten too the eighth grade. This story begins around 1947 and I was in the second grade. anyway we were taking our afternoon recess, and I had a crush on this girl Barbara. We always walked to school together. Barbara loved to kiss and we slipped into the old wood shed to do some kissing...Barbara liked to talk about adult things even though neither one of us knew much about such things. She...

2 years ago
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My Sister And I

“No, you can’t go out and that’s the end of it, do you hear me, Anna!”“Argh, you are such an asshole, Dad!”With those words, my older sister stomped out of the kitchen leaving my father my mother and myself alone at the breakfast table. There was a short silence and then my mother sighed. “You are too hard on her, Phil.”“No, there is a pandemic out there and I want her and us to be safe, that’s all. Once it’s all safe she can go out as much as she wants to.”I picked up a piece of bacon and...

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ZebraGirls Luna Corazon Shona River 10172018

In yet another installment of Dogfart’s Invasion of Europe, Prince Yashua has learned of a studio he may be able to rent. Dogfart needs more content! And it’s true: Luna Corazon, the beautiful Ebony Babe, manages one of the finest studios in Budapest. After checking it out, Prince leaves to get this camera gear. But he has a problem: Prince’s model for Zebra Girls’ sister site, Black Meat White Feet, has fallen ill. So he’ll need a model. Luna offers up her...

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Sneaky Panty Smeller pt 3

Leaving off in part two, coming home with the small package, the panties and a video inside from Becky to me. She had busted me, but after I made her orgasm so fucking good eating her pussy and ass, she just wanted more. Now that I was home, I got a chance to look over the video and smell the soaking wet panties that she had gifted me. Nicely folded and messy like I have never seen before. The note she put in the package was wet enough from her panties, that the pen ink had run on the paper...

3 years ago
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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 26 A Pact of Pax

A white flag meeting made safe for us by Julie's boyfriend--a man of means and unscrupulous power--revealed the situation in the alley behind the Concertgebouw. His bodyguards towered above us as they escorted us through the doorway guarded by men gleaming with threat. When a gauntlet threatened to tighten and restrain us the three Dutch towers had blades against throats within an eye blink. An unheeded threat by one of the Angels ended with a flash of fist and a descent to the ground. The...

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ThisGirlSucks Carmen Rae She Loves Sucking Balls

Long-haired lover Carmen Rae can’t wait to throat some cock, and we can’t wait to watch! She rubs her pussy through her pink panties, letting it drench her fingers while she teases her clit. When our stud shows up, she opens wide for his massive johnson, slipping it between her lips and thrusting her head down to the root of his dick. She grabs hold and lets spit stream from her chin as she gags incessantly. And Carmen doesn’t neglect the balls! She gargles them and pops them out of her hungry...

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Me my Daddy and my front lawn

So before i moved to florida i lived in a small town in new jersey and found an older guy when i was about 18-19 and we kept coming back to each other no matter how long it was in between meetups. Eventually we made it a regular thing and he became my Daddy and i was his boy. This was really hot to me for a few reasons....i was always into dad n son role play. He was old enough to be my dad and loved the scenario too. And he was also the girls soccer coach at my highschool (a yr after i...

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Spizoo Kiara Edwards Up Close And Personal

Kiara Edwards is visiting from the Down Under and ready to get down and dirty!! This Australian babe is as sexy as can be with her natural busty breasts, brunette hair, round ass, and sexy accent. A proud slut she is excited for the world to watch her have hot, passionate sex with Chad White. It is their first time together and she is ready to get her wet pussy filled with cum. After a short interview where she tells us about your sexual desires and projects, she invites Chad yo to have hard...

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Lilith Adams Wife

She really didn't think much about it. It wasn't on her To-Do list or her Bucket List. It was just something you do like eating and sleeping. The "it" was sex.Lily had too many other things to think about like social engagements, working out at the club, luncheons with the girls, and volunteer work.Lily is a pretty socialite in an unspectacular way, but not ordinary. She has an exotic beauty with an engaging smile that is as radiant as a college cheerleader's. Her brunette hair is cut...

4 years ago
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Out Of Africa Chapter 46

Out of AfrikaA Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi******Chapter 46- The Clinic's first customer******​Our story thus far:Rhino, the black-owned electronics and media conglomerate together with the teachings of the Church of the Black Staff, had bought joy and prosperity to the previously depressed town of Hawksville. This had been mainly achieved by the insidious effects of the mind-controlling software embedded in all Rhino's products that...

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In For A Penny 2

It was nearly 6:00 when I woke up, still in Paul's arms. My feeling of contentment was quickly replaced with confusion, concern, and eventually panic. I was expected in the office in just over two hours to finish work on an ad campaign. I looked up at Paul's sleeping face and realized what a mess this was going to become. Quietly I slipped from his embrace and made my way to the bathroom. While I was naked and, from that, obviously male, my toussled hair and faded makeup was...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 20

When I woke up early the next morning, I was lying on my side, facing my brother. Eddie was still sound asleep, the covers kicked off his body. I raised my head, propped it on my hand and gazed at his nakedness. Eddie's mouth was open slightly and I could hear his every breath. I looked down his body at his chest and watched it rise and fall. My brother's penis was erect, lying against his stomach and I took a deep breath as I stared at it. I thought about the previous night's activities...

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My Wifes unexpected BBC Gangbang

My wife Dianne and I went away for a weekend this past July to just relax and get away from the daily grind. For those of you who do not know us we are a couple in our early forties. Swingers for about 20 years and she has been shared multiple times. Dianne is 5'3" tall and 130 pounds with 36DD natural tits. So to continue now that you have an image. We checked into our hotel midday and decided to go to the pool for a relaxing afternoon. We set our towels at two open lounge chairs and...

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Rough Landing

All persons depicted in this story are eighteen or older. This was all wrong! I could just barely see through the slits that had become my eyes. My chest ached, I was sure my arms were broken. I couldn’t move my legs. Damn! What the hell had happened? I heard the tinkling voice of a female talking in Hmong. As an Air Asia pilot I had considered it prudent to learn that language as well as Vietnamese. The girl said, ‘He is in bad shape. We cannot move him. We were lucky he didn’t die in the...

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Mike and MalokChapter 9 The Taint

"Wake up!" cried the familiar, but seemingly agitated voice in my head. It was earlier than usual, as the rooster was yet to call reveille. "What?" I mumbled, my eyes barely awake. "I've been a fool!" "An idiot, maybe, but a fool..." I thought, as I yawned. "No ... I'm serious. I let myself get distracted..." Now that I was awake, I was getting really worried. "Just tell me, Malok!" "I looked into the issue about the experiment in Africa and you were right! The guy from...

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Naina True Milf

It happened when i was 18 years old in at Mumbai. Sunil used to be my classmate and used to stay only 10 mins walking distance from me. Sunil was the only c***d his parents had and they were gujrati. Well, this is how the story goes: Sunil’s father used to be in small construction business doing this he used to be working at the construction site day and night when the need arose.The first time i visited Sunil’s house he opened the door and welcomed me in and offered some water and asked if i...

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Playboyhyd Recent Experience With BiSexual Couple From Hyderabad

Hi everybody, thanks for iss. After long gap I was writing all my new experience which I had in couple of months this experience was with bisexual couple and had good fun with them meeting them was good wish for me. Any female or couple like to meet me or contact me means mail me on Thanks for feedback mail me and talk freely. Coming to experience I meet this couple on online they are bisexual couple .We introduced each and continued to chat about our likes in sex our age and other things....

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Pimping Emily Part Two

When Phil woke up, Emily was asleep beside him. She looked beautiful and peaceful in her flower print nightie. He looked at her for a moment before everything flooded back from the day before. He realized he was naked and lying in a dried patch of his own cum. How could he have masturbated and had an orgasm thinking about her and that guy Bob? Imagining a scene he hadn’t witnessed? As he lay there thinking this, and looking at her, he felt his cock stiffen once again. Why was he so excited?...

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A Hurricane in Mexico

I am a construction superintendent for an international construction company headquartered in the Houston area, and we had just won the bid for a large housing and hotel project in Veracruz, Mexico, which is on the Gulf of Mexico. My name is Ed, and at forty-two years old I was usually the go-to guy to start new international projects. It was sometimes difficult for my wife when I was gone for months at a time. I was traveling to Veracruz with my boss, Ted Ferguson, who was forty-five years old...

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My Sexy Sister 8211 Part II

By : Tanay4321 Hey guys this is Tanay & I’m Back with the second part of this story. It really took a long time to write this part because the events happened after such a long time. Now let’s begin with the story. I and my sister had done things which felt very nice for me and her. (Later I found out that she was awake at the time when i was massaging her boobs.) She had to back to her city Mumbai next day so she told me that lets continue this afterwards. I agreed to it and let her sleep...

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A Girls journey to womanhood by Frida

Your parents splitting up can be a traumatic experience for some c***dren and I place the emphasis on the word some, because for me, it was an enlightening experience, you see, I was just f******n and on the cusp of womanhood.I was at the crossroads where my brain was at odds with my physical being, my brain being disciplined with the rules and the laws of men, and my body, maturing into the pleasurable edifice of men, that thin sliver of ages, that induce the most sexual pleasure most men...

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Unbelievable Summer Ch 09

After breakfast the following Saturday morning, Bobby got in his jeep, backed out of the driveway, and headed for the Fargo home. His folks were away for the weekend, visiting friends at the seashore. He stayed home because Mrs. Fargo called and asked him to come over today. As he drove down the street, his heart was pounding and his chest felt tight. If things were as wild this time as they were been the last time…Bobby felt his cock begin to stiffen as he enjoyed memories of his last wild,...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 209 T amp

I gave the girl a kiss on the lips before heading out to find Dee and Tee. I didn’t have to look very far. Purely by chance I found that AL and Sue also had a suite in this same building as the girl I just left. Both were waiting on the elevator in the lobby with Bambi and Bart. Al wore shorts and a light-weight button down shirt. Sue sported a light-weight skirt and a bikini that gave her breasts some support, but they did nothing to cover her nipples. I was surprised to find Bart wearing...

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10 Book2Chapter 3

The journey north was delayed a week while I transported some of the Cherokee to the location near the coal and the iron ore deposit. Overburden was removed from both deposits. A small coking operation had to be constructed. I had spent my life cleaning up after improper operations but now I was doing the fouling. My justification was that it was going to be small and when we enlarged the operation, we would make it cleaner each time. Once the dangers of the coke gas and fumes was mentioned,...

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From India With Love

Sometimes on the way to work I stop by a convenience for a bottle of Diet Pepsi. I know – sodas are bad for you, including sodas sweetened with artificial sweeteners. You know what? Everything is bad for you to some extent. I happen to like the sharp taste of cola in the morning – unless the weather is cold, in which case coffee is my beverage of choice. When the mood strikes I don’t deprive myself of a soda fix. Sue me. There’s a store just around the corner from my house. It was closed for...

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A Telephone Call or Ursulas Story

Warning. This story contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature and deals with transgenderism and crossdressing. If these subjects offend you then read no further. However, if you like this stuff then read on and enjoy. BG. (The first sentence of this story is borrowed from The Book of Common Prayer.) A Telephone Call Or Ursula's Story By Belle Gordon. "Forasmuch...

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CelesteChapter 5

“He that dies pays all debts.” - Stephano, “The Tempest” William Shakespeare One warm afternoon we spent naked, sitting on my bed, telling each other our life stories. We gently frigged each other, not so much to arouse the other, just some friendly touching. My hands were filled with her breasts as she told me about her parents (both dead now) and her sister (aforementioned Spokane problem) and the boys she dated and slept with. Before, when she told me of the men she’d taken to her bed,...

2 years ago
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The Beginning Of Wonderfulness

Chapter-1 I was shivering. I couldn’t make out if it was shame or fear or anything else. I went to the bathroom and stood under the strong shower hoping that it would wash away my current feelings. I was even afraid to take off my clothes. It was all the more strange to be under the hot shower after drenched by the cold rain. Unable to bear much more of this, I came out of the shower, dried, and opted for the unusual habit of sleeping doses with a glass of milk. I could only remember placing...

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A cock for Vikki 6

Will did not know where he was going, but he knew he just had to get out of the house. The air con in the car was starting to dry the t-shirt and shorts he had thrown on when almost running from his hot tub. His cock was still hard though, straining at his shorts. The thoughts and feelings of his daughter, Vikki, giving him a topless lap dance in his hot tub never leaving his mind. Not only that, but the good feelings of when he had cum over and in Vikki did nothing to stop his raging hard...

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Office Visit

It has been so long since we have been able to sneak some time together. He has kept you occupied and she has been very attentive to everything I do. Finally, she arranged to go with her friends to dinner and a movie. You have an early evening meeting so we arrange to meet in your office after dark. I can tell in your voice that you are as anxious as I am. It’s been entirely too long for us to share some quality time together, cyber sex is OK, but there is nothing like the real thing. As I...

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The Rivers Bounty

His line tightened, he jerked his pole up and felt his hook clasp onto something. Excitement whirled within him for a moment but quickly fell to disappointment as he began reeling the line in. He knew as soon as his line tightened that he hadn’t caught what he was looking for. A large bonefish broke the calmness of the water. He was right. Antonio reeled it in. Once on the shore, he pulled the hook out of the fish’s jaws and took a picture of him posing with it. Something to show his parents...

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My Desert Angel

The drive between Monahans and Pecos, Texas is a desolate one with ne’er a stop, except an old 1950’s style motel with a blinking “no vacancy” sign hanging out in front of it on a pole. Motels in these parts fill up quick with road weary travelers once dusk sets in.I passed a car on the side of the road, an older model Oldsmobile, with the hood up. Instinctively, I had slowed down a bit as I approached, to see if I saw anyone in need of assistance. Not seeing anyone, I kept on going. I looked...

Straight Sex
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Christmas Alone

I would like to say two things before you read this little story. First, I’d like to thank my editor, Erik Thread, for going beyond what is expected of an editor. He guided me and helped me to make this story better. Second, because a number of readers have commented upon it, I’d like to warn you about the second paragraph. It is a vivid but true description of a death from a type of skin cancer caused by the sun. When I was little, I lost a beloved uncle to Melanoma. I’m afraid I’ve become...

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Note to the reader: this story contains romance, but not sex. Hope you enjoy. * Sara adored fall. There was something about the changing of the season that spoke to her. As the days grew shorter, and the chill crept into the breeze of fine, sunny days, the colours of her New England world would change slowly into the burnished golds, straw and rich browns accented with fiery reds. It was as if nature was determined not to go quietly. The last flush of energy before the long sleep of winter...

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Zeus and Io Books 1 and 2Chapter 1

It was hot by day and cold by night. That's the way it always seemed to be in Afghanistan. I was in a tent, sort-of-sleeping all the time. I'd sweat through the daytime, sweating so much I couldn't seem to get any rest. Then the sun would go down and I'd be so cold, I didn't get much rest then either. I lost my ability to tell time. The only time I knew was a 'while.' 'A few whiles' was longer than just one 'while.' It seemed to make sense to me anyway. Every few whiles, I'd...

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My kinky wife likes to watch

It didn’t start out his way, at least not in my mind.I knew my wife had a kinky side, so when she started to ask to watch some different kinds of porn, it was not a huge surprise. What was a surprise thought, was her fasinaction with Gay porn. She loved to watch two or more guys engaged in various forms of gay sex. She seemed to get off on it, but who was I to judge. “To each his own” right? Besides all that, I wanted her to be happy and if that is what she wanted or needed to spice up our sex...

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parking garage tryst

So. I'm walking through the airport parking lot on my way to my car and I spot a woman with a rear that is maddeningly familiar. She's about 30 feet ahead of me and walking in the same direction. She's wearing a short summer shift just snug enough to hug every curve. With every step her hips sway (I think the high-heels helped) and I'm even more sure I've seen that ass before. Fascinated, I keep following her, even as we pass my truck. Her short platinum blonde hair, her muscled calves and,...

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