Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 80 Surprising Compromise
- 4 years ago
- 28
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by ruthie[Phil]
?Mishka, I think I'm going to die here ? nobody knows where I am.?
Mishka did not answer. Nadia hugged the rag doll to her cheek and wept inthe near-black gloom. The chain round her bare ankle scraped on the groundas she carefully hid her worn-out companion down the front of her dress. Mishkahad been with her since the Red Cross lady visited the Orphanage near Bucharestwhen Nadia was little. She had no idea how long ago or how old she was at thetime. Nadia guessed she was about sixteen or seventeen now. Mishka was heronly possession, her only friend. Nadia sobbed and chewed on a scrap of papershe had found in the corner of the room. Using her fingers, she had felt aroundevery inch of the bare walls and floor as far as the ankle chain allowed. Itwas padlocked around her leg and to a heavy ring, which was bolted to the wall.There was a bowl with water, a slop bucket, and a thin blanket. This had beenNadia's world for the past few...days? But how long had it really been ? withoutsunlight and no clocks it could have been much longer. There was hardly anysound, no light apart from the constant line under the big wooden door withno handle. When the man came to check on her and leave food, he was maskedand did not speak. Nadia had given up begging him to let her go. She just coweredin the painfully bright light while he was there and said nothing.
Nadia remembered the orphanage ? how the poor food, monstrously cruel staff,and even the merciless bullying from the other girls were luxury compared tothis! Oh why had she sneaked into the cab of the aid lorry? The driver laughedwhen he found her under his sleeping bag but had fed her chocolate and promisedto give her a new life in the West. He kept her hidden while they traveledfor hours through the night. She bitterly recalled the time they stopped inthe middle of nowhere in the early hours of the morning. She had watched himthrough the cab window taking money from another man. He had counted it carefullythen jerked his thumb towards the cab. Nadia shuddered as she remembered howthe two strangers dragged her out and tied her wrists and ankles with rope.She would never forget the sack being forced over her head and being liftedinto the back of their car. The sack did not come off until she was in thisbare room and her ankle had been chained to the ring.
She moved Mishka further up the front of her faded brown dress between hersmall breasts and wished she had more clothes. But this was the uniform atthe orphanage ? one dress and one pair of knickers each week. Her broken-downshoes had been pulled off when she was bundled into the car. Now the dressand her gray knickers were soiled and she knew she was beginning to smell.What was going to happen? Where were they keeping her and what for? Nadia hadrealized very quickly that she was in terrible trouble and was totally at theirmercy. She hadn't been raped or abused but she knew it was just a matter oftime...
When the heavy door was unlocked and thrown open, Nadia knew straight awaythat this was different. She blinked in the sudden glare and gasped. Two menwearing black masks over their eyes came in and stared down at her. They werespeaking to each other in what sounded like French but she only knew a fewwords and couldn't follow what they meant. They soon made things perfectlyclear when the taller man knelt in front of her, slapped her very hard acrossher face and took the front of her threadbare dress in both hands. Blood beganto trickle out of her nose and dripped on her chest. Nadia shrieked in painand fright as he tore the thin cotton apart down to her waist, exposing hersmall breasts. Mishka tumbled out and landed on her lap. The man looked down,laughed cruelly and threw the doll across the bare room. Nadia whimpered infear, watching him rip the dress right down through the bottom hem. Momentslater, the ragged remains had been yanked down her arms and she was left coweringsemi-naked against the wall. The other man punched her in the stomach thensavagely took hold of Nadia's hair and dragged her up to stand. She cried andbegged but every time she spoke or made any noise, she was slapped again. Barelyable to contain herself, Nadia moaned and wept softly while her hands wereforced together at her front. She felt hard things tightly gripping her wrists ? metalcuffs. She couldn't free her arms! Nadia stared down tearfully while the chainwas unlocked from her leg and more cuffs were snapped shut round her ankles.They were joined by heavy chain so she could still walk but only by takingshort steps. Her hair was yanked back, cruelly forcing her head up. Somethingscraped each side of her neck. There was a harsh click and Nadia realized ametal collar was now locked around her throat!
Nadia felt a chain being locked on the front of her collar then she was draggedalong like an animal! The tall man spoke in faltering Romanian. ?Carry dress,doll too! You walk quick!? He thrust the shredded brown dress and Mishka intoher cuffed hands and pulled her along by the collar chain. Nadia tried to shieldher eyes from the harsh lights of the corridor and shambled forwards in chains,clutching the precious Mishka wrapped up in rags. She was terribly frightenedand ashamed of being naked from the waist up. All she had left to wear werethe dirty gray knickers with their holed and frayed seams. They marched herdown the long corridor past several bolted doors. She could hear crying andsobbing ? more girls? At the end was a flight of steps. With great difficulty,Nadia managed to climb down to the bottom. There was a large furnace like ahuge bread oven with flames roaring from the fire beneath. She was pushed closerto the fire door until the heat began to hurt her bare legs. ?Dress, doll togo in fire! Do now!? The man pointed at her precious bundle then at the flames!
Nadia gasped. No! Mishka ? NO! She clutched the ball of rags tightly to hersmall breasts and shook her head. He jerked her hard by the collar and raisedhis fist ready to punch her hard. Fresh tears ran down Nadia's cheeks as shecradled the brown cotton with her cherished doll inside to her breasts. Therewas nothing she could do! Tenderly, gently, she parted the ripped cotton andstared down at her lifelong comforter. Choking back a sob, she softly kissedthe doll's face for the very last time and covered it in the cloth. In absoluteagony, she threw the ball of brown rags into the flames. Ohhh! Ohhhhh MISHKA!!!!The cloth caught immediately and curled away to reveal the doll's faded features.Nadia hid her face in her cuffed hands and stared in shock through her fingers.Her beloved Mishka seemed to stare back accusingly! The face began to smolder,blackened, and dissolved into glowing threads...
The man brutally forced her hands down. He was shouting at her, pointing ather knickers. ?Tear off...put in fire! Tear now!? Woodenly, Nadia took holdof the right side of her last garment and began to tug the knickers apart.Still shocked by what she had just been made to do, she ripped the seam openthen tugged on the other side. The gray cotton came apart easily, as it wasso threadbare and partly holed along both sides. Nadia drew the ruined knickersout from between her shaking legs and stared down at the tattered cloth. ?Now!!? The soiled gray cotton rags joined the rest of her only possessionsin the fire. Nadia stared at the flames licking the smoldering cloth. Ohhhmy poor Mishka!
She wanted to scream, to rage at the wanton destruction of her beloved Mishkabut she couldn't. All that came out of her mouth was a pathetic whimperingnoise. They hauled her along past the furnace to a large room with white tileson the walls and a stone floor. There were hoses and showers, and a metal barat waist height with rings bolted into the ground below. She was pushed againstthe bar so it was hard against her back above her buttocks. The men forcedher ankles apart until the hobble chain was taut then locked each cuff by moreshort chains to the floor so her legs were held open. When her arms were pulledup and over her head, Nadia whimpered in terror. She was being bent back overthe bar! A chain from the floor to her wrists kept her painfully arched withher head staring upside down at the wall. She could her them talking whilethey removed their clothes! There was a buzzing noise then something hard andcold touched her body just above her private parts. Nadia squirmed in shock.They were shaving her pussy! She was totally defenseless and when she triedsqueezing her thighs together they slapped her face hard. The men forced herlegs wider apart with more chains around each knee to the sides of the bar.The shaving seemed to take ages! She felt their fingers rubbing her newly baredskin - it was horrible!
Were they finished? One of the men had a hose with a rounded metal end. Whatwas he going...? She shrieked as the cold probe suddenly rammed up betweenher legs and into her privates, tearing past her soft folds to ruin her virginity!The icy water began to swirl inside her belly, making her cramp in dreadfulagony. The probe was pulled back out of her cunt but she could feel the endpressing up again... NOOOOO!!!!! This was too awful, too cruel! She wept andstruggled while the pipe was twisted up her ass! Cold water cascaded out betweenher buttocks, flushing away all the filth in her bottom. Nadia cried in pain-filledhorror but they responded by cruelly yanking her matted hair downwards. Theother man roughly brushed her teeth upside down with strong toothpaste. Shecoughed and spluttered as the toothpaste ran into her nose, stinging horribly!Nadia moaned in anguish, unable to stop them from degrading her like this!How could they treat her so badly!
The men finally took away the cruel pipe and freed her from the frame. Butshe was swiftly hauled across the room to stand unsteadily while they hosedher from head to foot with a high-pressure jet. As if to make the experienceeven worse, they used bristle brushes with disinfectant to scrub her clean.Nadia squealed in pain when her tangled hair was roughly washed and combedout under the cold spray. They took ages! By the time the men had finished,she was shaking and weeping but they had cleaned her thoroughly ? inside andout! And all the time she could not get the awful image of Mishka burning outof her mind. Her only precious friend in the entire world ? gone! When themen started to rub her body down with oil-soaked cloths, Nadia did not struggle.All possible resistance and protests had left her. She just stood in abjectsilence and let them move her body to whatever position they wished. The chainwent back between her ankle cuffs. Her wrist cuffs were locked together anddrawn up her back by a short chain to her collar. Nadia winced but did notmake a noise while her hair was yanked and twisted into a tight ponytail onthe top of her head.
Something hard was being pulled tightly around her waist. Nadia tried to lookdown and caught a glimpse of a curved metal strap. It squeezed shut with aharsh click and hurt her belly. When she felt a hard object being pushed betweenher knees, she began to struggle again. The men were pulling it up, scrapingit against the inside of her trembling thighs. Then she felt the pressure againsther anus and up between her privates! Her frantic screams were ignored ? Nadiawas almost lifted off her toes as the laughing men yanked the cruel deviceupwards. She wailed in agony as her bottom and privates were invaded by cold,hard things! The pain was so awful that she barely registered the harsh clickingof padlocks securing the ends of the band to the front and rear of the waiststrap.
She was forced to her knees. One of men was standing behind her holding acane just like Matron used to carry. The other man moved in front of her face.His thing was hard and sticking up. He gripped her ponytail with one hand andguided the throbbing tip towards her mouth - noooo! Nadia clamped her jawsbut yelped as the cane made contact with her bare buttocks. The man in frontpressed the end of his thing against her mouth. She tried to turn away. SWISH!The cane stung the backs of her thighs. AIIIIEEE!!! Again the tip of his thingpushed against her lips. This time she didn't twist her head away. It was awful- it was disgusting. Nadia forced herself to open her mouth. He pushed forward...
Nadia knelt, defeated and used. They had made her suck them both until theysquirted bitter-tasting stuff in her mouth. They had made her swallow it all.They had made her lick their limp things clean. She felt dirty and somehowolder, as if her childhood had been stripped away. Without warning, they hauledher up to her feet. She was soon marched back past the awful furnace and upthe steep stairs. This time she was pushed into a different cell, again inpitch darkness. Nadia stood listening as the heavy bolts were drawn shut andthe footsteps faded out of range.
Someone was in here with her! A low, desperate moaning noise somewhere toher left! Nadia got down on her knees and whispered very softly. ?Please, pleasedon't cry! Please ? I'm a prisoner too a-and I won't hurt you!? The cryingstopped. In the long silence that followed, Nadia heard the rustling of heavychain and made out the vague outline of a figure in the almost complete gloom.It was another girl!
A familiar voice stammered in the darkness. "N-nadia? I-is th-that you?"
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Sometimes there are porn stars that make such an effect on you that you remember the first time you jerked off to them for the rest of your life. Bitches that dig their digital claws so deep into your balls that there is a scar left for life. Bitches that make your cock so hard you spend the rest of your days chasing the dragon. One of these ladies is Little Caprice.Everything I WantLittle Caprice has everything I want in a porn star. I can throw her around the room like a rag doll. I can treat...
Twitter Porn AccountsAfter our first night together, Tracy and I had a lot of fun over the next few weeks. Even though neither of us told anybody at work about our fling (I didn’t want to my boss to find out and get pissed/jealous), everybody knew. I had two real good friends that were also pool boys and were hanging out the night at the marina. One of them, Mark, said ‘I knew you would get some by the way she was hanging all over you.’ Our flirting made it obvious to those who were in doubt. Since some of our...
Introduction: Part two of my second story of my first sexual experiences at an all boys school This is the second story of mine about my first sexual experiences taking place at boys schools. Part 2 of story 2…Freddie My fun in the evenings with Fred were far from normal…it seemed that he was sometimes excited in the evenings, yet sometimes embarrassed and so not wanting to see me even enter his room. In the daytime, he seemed to not want to talk to me as if not to remind himself of what had...
LadyCheeky? Who is this bitch? Well, what do you say to a distinguished female erotica writer when you stumble upon her blog site? A simple man would just enjoy the site cause it has sexy content. As for me though, first I point out what a fucking whale the writer is and then I enjoy the content. Such is the case with, which is a place that you can enjoy just find without being a complete dick towards the owner, but you know I can’t stop myself.Huge tits and a huge brain, is it...
Porn for Women SitesI'm house sitting for a couple of days for my step-daughter and her husband. I've been in bed sleeping for a couple of hours when I feel a warm slim body slide into bed with me. "Don't say a word - just fuck me now please" is the request from Dani. I've spashed a fair bit of cum fantasising about her in the past - brunette, perky B-cup tits and a great shaped ass. Dani is a friend of my step-daughter and a frequent house guest. She is laying on top of me - pressing her body to mine. I...
I'd always thought I possessed all the time in the world and the idea never occurred to me things might change. The thing is; I was so positive I would always be with Carol; I really thought we would be together forever. I was so positive time would wait for us; that it would wait for me to get all of my business' in order, and then we would have time for the rest of our lives. Had I known the big "C" was waiting around the corner, and was going to ravage that lovely body and then steal my...
Snowy and the Seven Petites by captv8td [email protected] 1She couldn’t tell if the woman was dead or merely unconscious.? Either way, it was clear that she was not a willing participant in the activities taking place in the glen.? She watched as the man’s massive cock slid out of the woman’s body, glistening with juices, only to be rammed deep back into the still body.? Hippy thought it was disgusting that the male would take advantage of the motionless body.Hippy pulled an arrow...
Hi guys, I am back with a new story. It is not the continuation of what I wrote earlier. I and my mom left my friend’s house and went to the village and came back. But while returning, the same friend whose family banged my mom came to drop us. Mom had hardcore sex with him on the terrace at night. So, after that banging mom for the whole night, he left us early in the morning. After that in the afternoon, I and mom slept in the bed for some rest. A few minutes later, mummy left the bed and...
IncestAfter the hand job of a lifetime from my Aunt April I felt considerably relaxed sitting in the hot tub. My cock was still pulsating as it slowly receded back to its normal semi flaccid state. Aunt April had yet to look at me and I wasn’t sure if that was turning me on even more. She casually lifted her ahh..mazing body slowly out of the water. Her ample breast stuck out in air displaying her large rock hard nipples from beneath her red bikini top. The water droplets were rolling off her tits...
Peggy stared at herself in the full mirror, trying to see if there was anything about her face, her body that would make her brothers do such horrible things to her. All she saw was an extremely pretty girl almost ready to graduate from high school. She saw beautiful honey-blonde hair and green eyes, a small, straight nose, and full, moist lips. She saw flawlessly shaped tits with sugary sweet pink nipples, with half-dollar-sized circles surrounding them. She saw a small waist and flat...
It had been a long trek to Delhi, but in this capital city of history and culture, there was more to this city than just a bit of History. Our documentary project was nearing completion and it was decided that we would go out to town and make a night of it. Dressed in a blue shirt and jeans, I was ready to hit the town, as our taxi drove though Delhi’s busy streets and historical sites. The smell of the fresh monsoon rain was still in the air. The taxi ground to a halt and we had reached our...
Kate has turned to Tina, the teenage daughter of a neighbour, to look after her two daughters for the evening. Tina is around 5 foot 6, slim with long slender legs and is in her second year at Uni. She arrives around ten to eight and looks really cute in a cropped T-shirt top that hangs from her pert 36c tits and a pair of skimpy denim shorts that show off her long slender legs. Tom and Kate set off to the party around 8pm for a journey that takes about 20 minutes. Part way through the...
I'd been babysitting for the Rikers since I was 17 and they both were really nice. Candice taught me so much about taking care of their babies and now little kids, Jeremy and Jessy. Matt was always polite and friendly and always inquired about my schoolwork and sports. I'd had a schoolgirl crush on him off and on, but of course I knew he was married, so I always put it out of my mind. I was just 18 and Candice had to go out of town to visit her mother, who I guess was needing to move to a more...
EroticSo I was there, on all fours onto a bed in a dark filthy room…Some salty tears of pain ran down my cheeks, as this sweet babe Stella drove her huge black cock into my ass. In my wildest dreams I had never expected myself to be in this situation, beaten, bound and having my tiny asshole fucked by a sexy well hung transsexual black girl…I had started to go alone to bars and pick up lonely ladies to just fuck them. My sex life with my sensual wife was going down, since she began to fuck black...
Her apartment surprised Shannon. It was small with a tiny kitchenette, livingroom-bedroom combination plus bath, inexpensively furnished but neat, girlish and cozy. He nosed around. Her ancient vanity supported the usual array of perfumes, cold creams, powders, nail-polishes and sundry articles. Her closet contained a sizable display of dresses, skirts, blouses, shoes, wraps and coats; her lingerie, silks, hose and negligees were plentiful and fairly expensive. He found a man's suit, shirts,...
Junior slowed to a stop on the crest of a hill. From where he sat he could see a long ways in either direction. Dark wasn't too far away, and he decided they would just camp here for the night. Looking for a motel was useless, and he wanted to be where he had a decent chance of seeing any trouble long before it arrived. The lack of movement and sudden silence began to waken Sarah and Shelley. Junior opened the door and motioned Cole up beside him. He explained to the other man how he wanted...
Bob went bounding off at full speed. Ned, too busy running to hear anything but his own pounding heart and slapping feet, was headed to the same spot. He saw a dark and quickly growing shadow and looked up just as Bob leapt, paws wide and tongue ready for a hello slobber. Before Ned could do anything, Bob knocked him onto the grassy yard of the house on the corner, and was licking Ned’s head, face, arms and neck, his tail wagging madly. Ned tried to wrestle Bob away but gave up as he started...